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Wnter 1901 Adjustments - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
It's my party and I want to invite them all!

And with everyone playing nicely in the sandbox to date, we have a rather crowded board as we move into what should be a fun and fairly intense 1902. Thus, I have also decided to allow for an additional day of negotiations. Let's have our Spring 1902 orders due on Friday 26 Sep at 11:59pm GMT. If you get 'em in early, I'll of course adjudicate early...

Happy hunting!



Build A Vienna
Build F Trieste

Build F Edinburgh
Build F London

Build F Brest

Build F Berlin
Build A Kiel

Build F Naples

Build A St Petersburg
Build F Sevastopol

Build F Ankara

Ownership of Supply Centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.
Unowned: Spain



DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Fall 836 - Swedish Sol... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Please do CC me on all EOGs - and in your commentary on the variant (which is very welcome and appreciated, both positive and critical) - please - please - please - take a look at the new Dark Ages map (Trout has a copy, as do I - so please ask if you don't have it) and let us know if you think the changes made already address your concerns or if further work needs to be done.

Unlike most surveys Smile your opinions here really do count and will all be considered as I continue to develop Dark Ages.

Thanks to one and all for playing - I hope you all enjoyed it, and please consider giving the new revision a chance if you feel inclined to GM or play more in the future - it's much more balanced, particularly as it affects the Danes, Gaels, and Swedes.

- B., the variant designer

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 5:37 AM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Good morning. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but I'm afraid my walk has become rather sillier recently, and so it takes me rather longer to get to work.


The walking in DC-161 is complete now, the Swedes marching their way into a 19 center solo victory. A big congratulations go to Mikael, as well as to Bruce, Josh and Clark who hang on through the Swedish tidal wave to pick up survivals. All end-game proposals failed to reach united consensus, but Mikael took matters into his own hands.

Through blood and fire, the Dark Ages game now comes to conclusion. My thanks to all players for their efforts in this one - I think we can easily say that it was a resounding success. Your end-game statements are highly encouraged, along with any comments you might have as to the layout of the map and the playability of the positions.

This was truly a pleasure to GM folks. Thank you all for taking a part in it. Congrats once again to Mikael, and thanks for everyone for being such a wicked bunch of savages. =P

Cheers everyone!

Blood and Mutton-Chops Trout

Movement results for Fall of 836. (DC 161 836 EW)

Scots: F Arctic Ocean - Norwegian Sea (*Fails*).
Scots: F Bernicia - Firth of Forth.
Scots: F Cait - Scapa Flow (*Fails*).
Scots: A Circinn Supports A Deira - Strathclyde (*Void*).
Scots: F Firth of Forth - Rogaland Coast.
Scots: F Meath Hold (*Dislodged*).
Scots: F Moray Firth Supports F Firth of Forth - Rogaland Coast.
Scots: F North Channel - Dal Riada.

Britons: F Atlantic Ocean Hold.
Britons: A Connaught Supports F Leinster - Meath.
Britons: F Dyfed - Cardigan Bay.
Britons: A Gwynned Hold (*Dislodged*).
Britons: F Leinster - Meath.

Norse: F East Anglia Hold (*Dislodged*).
Norse: F Hebridean Sea - North Channel.
Norse: F Norwegian Sea Supports F Scapa Flow (*Cut*).
Norse: F Rogaland Coast - Moray Firth (*Dislodged*).
Norse: F Scapa Flow Supports F Rogaland Coast - Moray Firth (*Cut*).
Norse: A Sogn Hold.
Norse: F Ulster Supports F Hebridean Sea - North Channel.

Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania - Ribe(ec).
Swedes: A Deira Hold.
Swedes: A Hwicce - Hamptonshire.
Swedes: A Mercia - Gwynned.
Swedes: A Middle Anglia - Kent.
Swedes: F North Sea - Jelling.
Swedes: A Powys Supports A Mercia - Gwynned.
Swedes: A Skane - Alvheim.
Swedes: F Strait of Dover - Neustria.
Swedes: F The Wash - East Anglia.
Swedes: F West Frisian Coast Supports F The Wash - East Anglia.

Retreat orders for Fall of 836. (DC 161 836 EW)

Scots: F Meath - Irish Sea.

Britons: A Gwynned - Chester.

Norse: F East Anglia - Middle Anglia.
Norse: F Rogaland Coast - Hordaland.

Unit locations:

Scots: F Arctic Ocean, F Cait, A Circinn, F Dal Riada, F Firth of Forth, F
Irish Sea, F Moray Firth, F Rogaland Coast.
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, F Cardigan Bay, A Chester, A Connaught, F Meath.
Norse: F Hordaland, F Middle Anglia, F North Channel, F Norwegian Sea, F
Scapa Flow, A Sogn, F Ulster.
Swedes: A Alvheim, A Deira, F East Anglia, A Gwynned, A Hamptonshire, F
Jelling, A Kent, F Neustria, A Powys, F Ribe(ec), F West Frisian

Ownership of supply centers:

Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Strathclyde.
Britons: Brittany, Cornwall, Gwent, Leinster, Meath.
Norse: Agder, Hordaland, Ulster, Trondelag, Vestfold.
Swedes: Austrasia, Deira, East Anglia, Frisia, Gotar, Gwynned, Hamptonshire,
Jelling, Kent, Lappland, Mercia, Neustria, Pomerania, Powys,
Prussia, Ribe, Roskilde, Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 5 Supply centers, 8 Units: Removes 3 units.
Britons: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 5 Supply centers, 7 Units: Removes 2 units.
AngloSaxons: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 19 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 3 units.


Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


Briton/Breton EOG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Thanks once again to Trout for a really well managed game that was both fun and interesting throughout.

Congratulations of course to Mikael! Well done.

You were the first to write me after the game launch and here's what you had to say on 2/19/08, a day after the start:

"Bruce, I must say, we seem to be the brothers of misfortune here - our nations are extremely vulnerable, compared to the others. A toast to our luck and fortune to survive! / Mikael"

Here's my toast to your victory in this one!

But as Mikael pointed out in his early email to me, Briton (not the Bretons from Brittany, right?!) is in a tough starting position. Essentially surrounded by the other three Western powers, you pretty much have to hope you can make friends with someone. My diplomacy unfortunately failed me utterly in this one as ultimately two of my neighbors stabbed me (I attacked the other), relegating me to second class power status for most of this game. I didn't get on a roll again until the Swedes invaded! The never-ending civil war-like situation in the West guaranteed a victory for either the Norse or Swedes by by the middle game. I tried to jump on the S/N bandwagon, and did I guess, but too little, too late I'm afraid.

No matter, a better player than me could maybe of done something more with the Britons. I can envision it starting out as a land-based force complementing one of the other Western powers' sea-based force in an effort to clean out the British Isles before confronting the East. The most geographically advantaged player on the board to start with in my opinion is the Anglo Saxon.

I look forward to seeing the new map and making a comparison.

Thanks again to all and best regards.


----- Original Message ----
From: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Cc: dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 4:31:16 PM
Subject: Re: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Fall 836 - Swedish Solo Victory - Ministry of Silly Walks

Please do CC me on all EOGs - and in your commentary on the variant (which is very welcome and appreciated, both positive and critical) - please - please - please - take a look at the new Dark Ages map (Trout has a copy, as do I - so please ask if you don't have it) and let us know if you think the changes made already address your concerns or if further work needs to be done.

Unlike most surveys Smile your opinions here really do count and will all be considered as I continue to develop Dark Ages.

Thanks to one and all for playing - I hope you all enjoyed it, and please consider giving the new revision a chance if you feel inclined to GM or play more in the future - it's much more balanced, particularly as it affects the Danes, Gaels, and Swedes.

- B., the variant designer

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 5:37 AM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Good morning. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but I'm afraid my walk has become rather sillier recently, and so it takes me rather longer to get to work.


The walking in DC-161 is complete now, the Swedes marching their way into a 19 center solo victory. A big congratulations go to Mikael, as well as to Bruce, Josh and Clark who hang on through the Swedish tidal wave to pick up survivals. All end-game proposals failed to reach united consensus, but Mikael took matters into his own hands.

Through blood and fire, the Dark Ages game now comes to conclusion. My thanks to all players for their efforts in this one - I think we can easily say that it was a resounding success. Your end-game statements are highly encouraged, along with any comments you might have as to the layout of the map and the playability of the positions.

This was truly a pleasure to GM folks. Thank you all for taking a part in it. Congrats once again to Mikael, and thanks for everyone for being such a wicked bunch of savages. =P

Cheers everyone!

Blood and Mutton-Chops Trout

Movement results for Fall of 836. (DC 161 836 EW)

Scots: F Arctic Ocean - Norwegian Sea (*Fails*).
Scots: F Bernicia - Firth of Forth.
Scots: F Cait - Scapa Flow (*Fails*).
Scots: A Circinn Supports A Deira - Strathclyde (*Void*).
Scots: F Firth of Forth - Rogaland Coast.
Scots: F Meath Hold (*Dislodged*).
Scots: F Moray Firth Supports F Firth of Forth - Rogaland Coast.
Scots: F North Channel - Dal Riada.

Britons: F Atlantic Ocean Hold.
Britons: A Connaught Supports F Leinster - Meath.
Britons: F Dyfed - Cardigan Bay.
Britons: A Gwynned Hold (*Dislodged*).
Britons: F Leinster - Meath.

Norse: F East Anglia Hold (*Dislodged*).
Norse: F Hebridean Sea - North Channel.
Norse: F Norwegian Sea Supports F Scapa Flow (*Cut*).
Norse: F Rogaland Coast - Moray Firth (*Dislodged*).
Norse: F Scapa Flow Supports F Rogaland Coast - Moray Firth (*Cut*).
Norse: A Sogn Hold.
Norse: F Ulster Supports F Hebridean Sea - North Channel.

Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania - Ribe(ec).
Swedes: A Deira Hold.
Swedes: A Hwicce - Hamptonshire.
Swedes: A Mercia - Gwynned.
Swedes: A Middle Anglia - Kent.
Swedes: F North Sea - Jelling.
Swedes: A Powys Supports A Mercia - Gwynned.
Swedes: A Skane - Alvheim.
Swedes: F Strait of Dover - Neustria.
Swedes: F The Wash - East Anglia.
Swedes: F West Frisian Coast Supports F The Wash - East Anglia.

Retreat orders for Fall of 836. (DC 161 836 EW)

Scots: F Meath - Irish Sea.

Britons: A Gwynned - Chester.

Norse: F East Anglia - Middle Anglia.
Norse: F Rogaland Coast - Hordaland.

Unit locations:

Scots: F Arctic Ocean, F Cait, A Circinn, F Dal Riada, F Firth of Forth, F
Irish Sea, F Moray Firth, F Rogaland Coast.
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, F Cardigan Bay, A Chester, A Connaught, F Meath.
Norse: F Hordaland, F Middle Anglia, F North Channel, F Norwegian Sea, F
Scapa Flow, A Sogn, F Ulster.
Swedes: A Alvheim, A Deira, F East Anglia, A Gwynned, A Hamptonshire, F
Jelling, A Kent, F Neustria, A Powys, F Ribe(ec), F West Frisian

Ownership of supply centers:

Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Strathclyde.
Britons: Brittany, Cornwall, Gwent, Leinster, Meath.
Norse: Agder, Hordaland, Ulster, Trondelag, Vestfold.
Swedes: Austrasia, Deira, East Anglia, Frisia, Gotar, Gwynned, Hamptonshire,
Jelling, Kent, Lappland, Mercia, Neustria, Pomerania, Powys,
Prussia, Ribe, Roskilde, Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 5 Supply centers, 8 Units: Removes 3 units.
Britons: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 5 Supply centers, 7 Units: Removes 2 units.
AngloSaxons: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 19 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 3 units.


Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


Aegean - f08 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
apologies all. I am not dropping out, though i may NMR more often as things seem to turn out better that way!

----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc185(at)diplomaticcorp.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Garry.Bledsoe(at)alltel.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; howellpaul5(at)gmail.com; Jorge Saralegui <jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net>; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; psychosis(at)sky.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, 22 September, 2008 22:21:48
Subject: Aegean - f08 results!

We have an NMR by the Athenians, but all up, they didn’t do half bad!

NEXT: Winter 08, due Tuesday 10am Pacific!

Macedonia: Build 2
Thessalia: Remove 1


F Athens Hold
F Chalcis Hold
F Gulf of Corinthus Hold
A Locris Hold
A Naupactus Hold
F West Cyclades Hold

A Ambracia - Aetolia (*Fails*)
A Dodona - Ambracia (*Fails*)
A Hestiaeotis - Dolopia
A Phrygia Hold
A Pieria - Hestiaeotis
F Thermaic Gulf - Pieria
F Thracian Sea - Thermaic Gulf (*Fails*)

F Delos - West Cyclades (*Fails*)
F East Cyclades - South Sporades (*Fails*)
F Ionia - Samos (*Fails*)
F North Sporades Supports F East Cyclades - South Sporades (*Cut*)
A Sardes Supports F Ionia (*Ordered to Move*)
F West Aegean Sea - Delos (*Fails*)

A Achaia - Naupactus (*Fails*)
F Aegina Convoys A Corinthus - Athens
A Argos - Acte
A Caria Supports A Lycia
A Corinthus - Athens (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Argolis Supports F Aegina
F Gulf of Patrae, no move received
A Lamia Supports A Achaia - Naupactus (*Cut*)
A Lycia Supports A Caria
F Miletus - Ionia (*Fails*)
F North Cretan Sea - East Cyclades (*Fails*)
F Samos - North Sporades (*Bounce*)
F South Sporades - North Sporades (*Bounce*)

A Aetolia - Lamia (*Fails*)
A Larissa Hold
F Pagasaean Gulf - Thermaic Gulf
A Pharsalus Supports A Larissa
F Pherae Supports F Pagasaean Gulf - Thermaic Gulf


Dc189 Fall 858 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc189 Fall 858

The Draw Proposal with DCI scoring Failed.

There are 2 new draw proposals on the table. They needed to be voted for at the winter deadline.
NOTE - if I received all winter adjustments, I will adjudicate with or without votes.

Proposal 1 - DIAS
Proposal 2 - DIAS with DCI scoring.
The scoring for Proposal 2 would be

Angles, Britons, Welsh - 10 SC each would each score 6 points.
Norse - 8 SC would score 4 points.
Danes and Scots - 6 SC each would score 2.5 points each

GM correction on previous scores.
The irish and Picts would score 1 point each, not 1.5 as I previously stated.

F Borders Supports A Lothians
F Durham Supports F Wash
F Kent Supports F Thames
A London Hold
A Lothians Supports A Ayr - Argyll
A Mercia Hold
A Middlesex - Sussex
F Thames Supports F Hoek of Holland
F Wash Supports F Thames

F Baie de la Seine - Straits of Dover (*Bounce*)
F Bay of Biscay - Finisterre
F Celtic Sea - Galway Bay
F Clare Supports A Connacht
A Connacht Supports F Armagh - Donegal (*Void*)
A Flanders Supports A Holland
F Hoek of Holland Supports F Thames
A Holland Hold
F Kerry Supports F Celtic Sea - Galway Bay
F Wight - Straits of Dover (*Bounce*)

F Dogger Bank Supports F Firth of Forth
F Drenthe - Utrecht (*Bounce*)
F Firth of Forth Supports F Dogger Bank
F Frisian Isles - Utrecht (*Bounce*)
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Dogger Bank
A Jutland, no move received

A Aberdeen - Grampian
F German Ocean Supports F Firth of Forth
F Grampian - Moray Firth
F Hordaland Fylke Supports F Dogger Bank
A Ostfold Hold
F Pentland Firth Hold
F Perth Supports F Firth of Forth
F Zetland Supports F German Ocean

F Argyll Supports F Sea of the Hebrides - Clyde Firth (*Cut*)
F Donegal - Armagh (*Fails*)
F Highlands Supports F Argyll
F Inner Hebrides Supports F Argyll
F Rosemary Bank - Galway Bay (*Fails*)
F Sea of the Hebrides - Clyde Firth (*Fails*)
F Sutherland - Minch

F Armagh Supports F Clyde Firth (*Cut*)
A Ayr - Argyll (*Fails*)
F Bristol Channel Hold
F Cornwall Hold
F Clyde Firth Supports A Ayr - Argyll (*Cut*)
A Dublin Hold
F Gwynedd - East Irish Sea
A Louth Supports F Armagh
A Sussex - Wiltshire
F West Irish Sea Supports F Clyde Firth

Winter 858 is due Thursday 25th at 5pm, Australian EST.



let me know. In the meantime, forcing GAL seems like the next order of business, which in turn requires us to get our armies out of the way of our fleets!
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comSurprisedfficeSurprisedffice" />
Angles, we're set with our two auto-moves. If there's anything you want to switch as our foes force us to press north, let me know. At this point, your expansion is more important than mine.

-<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comSurprisedffice:smarttags" />Wales
Britons speak,

To Welsh,

Good thing to see ST withdrawn....but I would like Cor to sit in Dev rather than in Cor. Bri is no issue I think. Let's grind the Scots to dust.

To Angles,

Good to see that we are still on par. I'm not sure if the Danes will try and hit you...I hope not. Another possible configuration would be for Danes to join you me and Welsh and push against the Norse and Scots. That would boost his score considerably.

To Danes,

What do you think about turning on Norse? I think it's very doable, and if you do withdraw Dre (if you need more forces vs Norse), then I would withdraw Hol to Fla and Fla to Bur or Pic. You would boost your score considerably and also clear the way for a 4-way draw. Do consider this.

All: Still Voting for all Draws.

Britons/Welsh: OK, shall we? You both are pressing the Scots already. I am keeping the Norse/Danes occupied in Fir/Lot. The only thing that remain is for the Britons to hit the Danes from the South and we start coordinating around Dog, no?

Wales: I took Sus as I am in need of another Fleet and you added Arm. Make sense? I am happy to give it back and delete an army in 859. I don't think I can order A Lot - Arg with Per and Fir occupied by 'The Others'. I will support A Ayr - Arg in the mean time.

- Angles

WAB vs DNS contains significant risks : if WA stay as close as now, 3 way could become 2 way. If A wishes he can snap up several W dots in a year. If WB commit heavily against DNS that becomes a serious possibility. Gains gainst DNS are unlikely to be even, again increasing the change of a single country becoming a clear leader.

Danes to Norse: I will defend and hope that if a draw is not agreed, stab(s) will occur betwen WAB.

Danes to Britons: I hope our good terms continue. I doubt that you can easily make progress against me, without exposing your Irish centres to the Welsh.

Norse press. Well I am voting yes, seems clear to me that the only person not voting yes for this would be someone who thought that they were going to be in with a shout at winning the whole show... that is not going to be one of the 3 smaller powers.
Norse to Scots. A to GRA will support ARG so you can free up a fleet elsewhere.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find out: SEEK Salary Centre Are you paid what you're worth?


Dc189 Corrected Press - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
GM - it seems I left one 'relevant' sentence off a piece of press. The full press would read as below- GM

Britons, I assume I have already relieved your worries regarding CEL, but if not, let me know. In the meantime, forcing GAL seems like the next order of business, which in turn requires us to get our armies out of the way of our fleets!
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comSurprisedfficeSurprisedffice" />
Angles, we're set with our two auto-moves. If there's anything you want to switch as our foes force us to press north, let me know. At this point, your expansion is more important than mine.

-<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comSurprisedffice:smarttags" />Wales

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Enter today! Win a Hotmail Go-Kart to race at Bathurst.


Dc181 Fall 1905 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc181 Fall 1905

I received no moves from Italy for Fall 1905 and Italy has already used his grace period. I cannot stress how important it is to send preliminary moves.

Now there are 2 new draw proposals on the table for Winter 1905.

Proposal 1 an AGI draw
Proposal 2 an AI draw

I will stress these points to you, as covered in the DC House Rules (i've cut out the relevant sections in red)

1) The deadline for voting will be the same as the next spring or fall orders.

Therefore votes for the proposal are due with the Spring 1906 moves.

2) If an ‘active’ player in control of 1 or more supply centers does not submit a vote, their vote will be considered a NO and result in the failure of the EGP. All ‘active’ players must vote YES for an end game proposal to pass.

Please note that all players are currently 'active' in this game. I have not had to place any player in CD (yet!)

3) If multiple proposals all pass unanimously in the same turn, preference will be given in the following order:
[list:70c5946496] [*:70c5946496]Draws including fewer players [/list:u:70c5946496]In this case the AI draw will take precedent over the AGI draw if both are successful.

F Adriatic Sea Convoys A Trieste - Apulia
A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria
A Prussia - Berlin
A Serbia - Trieste (*Bounce*)
A Silesia Supports A Prussia - Berlin
A Smyrna Supports A Constantinople
A St Petersburg Supports A Norway
A Trieste - Apulia
A Tyrolia - Trieste (*Bounce*)

F London Hold

F English Channel - London (*Bounce*)

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Belgium Hold
A Denmark - Sweden
F Edinburgh - Yorkshire
A Munich Hold
A Norway Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Ruhr Supports A Munich
F Wales - London (*Bounce*)

F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Brest, no move received
A Burgundy, no move received
A Gascony, no move received
F Greece, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Rome, no move received
A Venice, no move received

F Skagerrak Supports F Sweden - Denmark
F Sweden - Denmark (*Dislodged*)

Winter 1905 is due Thursday 25th at 5pm, Australian EST.
Thankyou Russia for playing. (Note Russia you cannot submit votes for the end of game proposals)




Remove F Skagerrak
Remove F Finland

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


Dc181 Fall 1905 (dc181) MattTheLesser Sep 23, 12:58 pm
Thanks all - not my best showing but I am now convinced that Russia is
at a distinct disadvantage in this variant. I hope one of my draw
proposals pass post-mortem.


Stephen Lytton wrote:

Dc181 Fall 1905

I received no moves from Italy for Fall 1905 and Italy has already
used his grace period. I cannot stress how important it is to send
preliminary moves.

Now there are 2 new draw proposals on the table for Winter 1905.

Proposal 1 an AGI draw
Proposal 2 an AI draw

I will stress these points to you, as covered in the DC House Rules
(i've cut out the relevant sections in red)

1) The deadline for voting will be the same as the next spring or fall

Therefore votes for the proposal are due with the Spring 1906 moves.

2) If an ‘active’ player in control of 1 or more supply centers does
not submit a vote, their vote will be considered a NO and result in
the failure of the EGP. All ‘active’ players must vote YES for an end
game proposal to pass.

Please note that all players are currently 'active' in this game. I
have not had to place any player in CD (yet!)

3) If multiple proposals all pass unanimously in the same turn,
preference will be given in the following order:

* Draws including fewer players

In this case the AI draw will take precedent over the AGI draw if both
are successful.

F Adriatic Sea Convoys A Trieste - Apulia
A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria
A Prussia - Berlin
A Serbia - Trieste (*Bounce*)
A Silesia Supports A Prussia - Berlin
A Smyrna Supports A Constantinople
A St Petersburg Supports A Norway
A Trieste - Apulia
A Tyrolia - Trieste (*Bounce*)

F London Hold

F English Channel - London (*Bounce*)

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Belgium Hold
A Denmark - Sweden
F Edinburgh - Yorkshire
A Munich Hold
A Norway Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Ruhr Supports A Munich
F Wales - London (*Bounce*)

F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Brest, no move received
A Burgundy, no move received
A Gascony, no move received
F Greece, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Rome, no move received
A Venice, no move received

F Skagerrak Supports F Sweden - Denmark
F Sweden - Denmark (*Dislodged*)

Winter 1905 is due Thursday 25th at 5pm, Australian EST.
Thankyou Russia for playing. (Note Russia you cannot submit votes for
the end of game proposals)




Remove F Skagerrak
Remove F Finland

Stephen Lytton
/aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)/
/at www.diplomaticcorp.com <http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/>/

Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


A Small Correction - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The Russian army BKH was ordered to AFG in a second version of his orders I overlooked. The result would have been a bounce, so there's nothing to change on the map - I'm fallible, go figure.

Jerry Todd

Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com


Dc181 Fall 1905 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi Steve, the English survived Russia too. Maybe I should consider Solo?

For Spring 06:
Although the Queen was in favor of a Solo, her Cabinet voted it down.
So England votes in favor of either Draw proposal.

Very prelim orders: F LON - YOR.


On 9/23/08, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Dc181 Fall 1905 I received no moves from Italy for Fall 1905 and Italy has
already used his grace period. I cannot stress how important it is to send
preliminary moves. Now there are 2 new draw proposals on the table for
Winter 1905. Proposal 1 an AGI drawProposal 2 an AI draw I will stress
these points to you, as covered in the DC House Rules (i've cut out the
relevant sections in red) 1) The deadline for voting will be the same as the
next spring or fall orders. Therefore votes for the proposal are due with
the Spring 1906 moves. 2) If an 'active' player in control of 1 or more
supply centers does not submit a vote, their vote will be considered a NO
and result in the failure of the EGP. All 'active' players must vote YES for
an end game proposal to pass.Please note that all players are currently
'active' in this game. I have not had to place any player in CD (yet!) 3) If
multiple proposals all pass unanimously in the same turn, preference will be
given in the following order:

Draws including fewer players In this case the AI draw will take precedent
over the AGI draw if both are successful. Austria: F Adriatic Sea Convoys A
Trieste - ApuliaA Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)A Bulgaria HoldA Constantinople
Supports A BulgariaA Prussia - BerlinA Serbia - Trieste (*Bounce*)A Silesia
Supports A Prussia - BerlinA Smyrna Supports A ConstantinopleA St Petersburg
Supports A NorwayA Trieste - ApuliaA Tyrolia - Trieste (*Bounce*) England: F
London Hold France: F English Channel - London (*Bounce*) Germany: F Baltic
Sea Supports A Denmark - SwedenA Belgium HoldA Denmark - SwedenF Edinburgh -
YorkshireA Munich HoldA Norway Supports A Denmark - SwedenA Ruhr Supports A
MunichF Wales - London (*Bounce*) Italy: F Aegean Sea, no move receivedF
Brest, no move receivedA Burgundy, no move receivedA Gascony, no move
receivedF Greece, no move receivedF Ionian Sea, no move receivedF
Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move receivedF North Atlantic Ocean, no move
receivedA Rome, no move receivedA Venice, no move received Russia: F
Skagerrak Supports F Sweden - DenmarkF Sweden - Denmark (*Dislodged*)Winter
1905 is due Thursday 25th at 5pm, Australian EST.Thankyou Russia for
playing. (Note Russia you cannot submit votes for the end of game proposals)
Austria: BuildBuildBuild Germany: Build Italy: Remove Russia: Remove F
SkagerrakRemove F Finland
Stephen Lyttonaka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Net yourself a bargain. Find great deals on eBay.

Sent from Gmail for mobile | mobile.google.com


Dc-184 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Please remember that the deadline for Spring 1905 is tomorrow afternoon. I'm still missing two sets of orders, so if you don't have a receipt from me, get them in!

The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-198 Summer Mayhem Winter 1909 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
All builds are in, as well as a spot of press. That's twice in one game! I feel so special. Wink


Austria: Daniel Sloane <eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net>
England: Andrew Cassese <landru428(at)aol.com>
France: Jon Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Drew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>
Italy: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
Russia: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
Turkey: Adam Kujawa <edisun_end(at)hotmail.com>
Observer: Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com>




Build F Brest

Remove A Vienna

Build F Smyrna

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: ELIMINATED 1903

England: (8/Cool
Armies - Den, Fin, Kie, StP
Fleets - Bal, Eng, NAO, Nwy

France: (8/Cool
Armies - Ber, Bur, Gas, Mun, Par
Fleets - Bre, Por, Spa(sc)

Germany: ELIMINATED 1904

Italy: (3/3)
Armies - Pie
Fleets - Lyo, NAf

Russia: (5/5)
Armies - Boh, Lvn, Mos, Sil, War

Turkey: (10/10)
Armies - Bul, Gal, Gre, Mar, Rum, Trl
Fleets - Ion, Smy, Tys, Wes

Spring 1910 is due Friday, 26 September at 7am EST (11am GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Aegean - f08 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Please review the orders acknowledged. Gop did support ach-nau. Sparta +1 and Athens -1



Subject: Aegean - f08 results!
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 14:21:48 -0700
From: mike(at)southwall.com
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc185(at)diplomaticcorp.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Garry.Bledsoe(at)alltel.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; howellpaul5(at)gmail.com; jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; psychosis(at)sky.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

.ExternalClass p.EC_MsoNormal, .ExternalClass li.EC_MsoNormal, .ExternalClass div.EC_MsoNormal {margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:'Times New Roman';} .ExternalClass a:link, .ExternalClass span.EC_MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;} .ExternalClass a:visited, .ExternalClass span.EC_MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;} .ExternalClass span.EC_EmailStyle17 {font-family:Arial;color:windowtext;} (at)page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in;} .ExternalClass div.EC_Section1 {page:Section1;}
We have an NMR by the Athenians, but all up, they didn’t do half bad!

NEXT: Winter 08, due Tuesday 10am Pacific!

Macedonia: Build 2
Thessalia: Remove 1


F Athens Hold
F Chalcis Hold
F Gulf of Corinthus Hold
A Locris Hold
A Naupactus Hold
F West Cyclades Hold

A Ambracia - Aetolia (*Fails*)
A Dodona - Ambracia (*Fails*)
A Hestiaeotis - Dolopia
A Phrygia Hold
A Pieria - Hestiaeotis
F Thermaic Gulf - Pieria
F Thracian Sea - Thermaic Gulf (*Fails*)

F Delos - West Cyclades (*Fails*)
F East Cyclades - South Sporades (*Fails*)
F Ionia - Samos (*Fails*)
F North Sporades Supports F East Cyclades - South Sporades (*Cut*)
A Sardes Supports F Ionia (*Ordered to Move*)
F West Aegean Sea - Delos (*Fails*)

A Achaia - Naupactus (*Fails*)
F Aegina Convoys A Corinthus - Athens
A Argos - Acte
A Caria Supports A Lycia
A Corinthus - Athens (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Argolis Supports F Aegina
F Gulf of Patrae, no move received
A Lamia Supports A Achaia - Naupactus (*Cut*)
A Lycia Supports A Caria
F Miletus - Ionia (*Fails*)
F North Cretan Sea - East Cyclades (*Fails*)
F Samos - North Sporades (*Bounce*)
F South Sporades - North Sporades (*Bounce*)

A Aetolia - Lamia (*Fails*)
A Larissa Hold
F Pagasaean Gulf - Thermaic Gulf
A Pharsalus Supports A Larissa
F Pherae Supports F Pagasaean Gulf - Thermaic Gulf

Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10 hidden secrets” from Jamie. Learn Now


DC200 Winter 1904 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hello all,

winter is upon us and that mean disbands and builds.

Remove F Tunis

Remove F Rumania

Build F Smyrna
Waives 2nd build

Next deadline is Sunday 28th at 10 pm GMT.

Your GM



Dc181 ITALY!!!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc181 Winter 1905 is due Thursday 25th at 5pm, Australian EST

I do not have Italy's disband.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find out: SEEK Salary Centre Are you paid what you're worth?


Dc189 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

We are now in an interesting scenario. I have all winter adjustments but at least 2 countres have not yet submitted any votes.

These countries have until the deadline tomorrow (27 hours) to submit votes.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Play now to win prizes for you and your friends! Are you a friend magnet?


Dc199 Everyone - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc199 Spring 1904 is due Thursday 25th September at 5pm, Australian EST

Come on People!

It is 27 hours to the deadline. This is your last warnign I can give.

I have moves from Austria and nobody else.

A couple of people have asked me why as a GM i name those who orders I dont have at the 24 hour mark. IT is this very situation. Prelims prelims prelims! I just dont feel comfortable saying oh I'm missing one set of moves and then hoping that person knows who they are.

27 hours. Get those moves in - including you Turkey!

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!


dc186 Winter '76 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
GM Note:

France has resigned, his remianing unit will be put into CD.

I will once again remind you that if you do not receive a receipt I probably didn't receive your email. I have a 2nd address you may use at all times to help ensure your emails are received. dawench2(at)lycos.com

The deadline has been extended to Tuesday by request.




Spring '77 is due Tuesday Sept 30th 8 AM CDST GMT -5 1300 GMT


Build A Borneo
Build F Java

Build F Angora
Build A Baghdad

Build A Omsk


Remove A North Siam

Defaults, removing F Andaman Sea
Defaults, removing A Cambodia

Supply Center and Unit Count::

China: 10 / 10
France: 1 / 1
Holland: 13 / 11
India: 5 / 5
Japan: 0 / 0
Turkey: 10 / 10
Russia: 19 / 19

“you're not a felon if you don't get caught.”


Aegean - short hiatus - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi all,
The game is tentatively on hold as a player has taken ill. Winter is now not due till Wed 10/1, tho I have all but 1 set in and will run the turn and resume the game whenever I get that last set.


WWIV s05 retreats! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Retreats are in, a few players opt to take their summer retreats off the board…

NEXT: Fall 05 due Thursday Oct 2, 10am Pacific



F Guantanamo(gno) - Cienfuegos(cie)

A Uzbekistan(uzb) - Almaty(alm)

F Sargasso Sea(sar) - Puerto Rico(pr)
F New Orleans(no) - Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm)

F Chile Basin(chb) - Galapagos(glp)
A Santa Cruz(scz) - Beni(bni)

disband F Jakarta(jak)

A Uganda(uga) - Rwanda(rwa)

A Rumania(rum) - Moldova(mol)

A Chihuahua(chu) - Sonora(son)
A New Mexico(nmx) - West Texas(wtx)

disband F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna)


Mistake in the opening email - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
It has been brought to my attention that I did not give the correct email address for Patrick. I am so sorry about that here is the correct address.




DC-184 Spring 1905 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Quite a bit of action this season! Check it out.


Austria: Pontus Nilsson pontus(at)wallmanderco.se
England: Mark Utterback mdemagogue(at)gmail.com
France: Joe Hackett jhack16(at)gmail.com
Germany: Roger Strand PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com
Italy: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com
Russia: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: German Zorba germanzorba(at)gmail.com


A Budapest, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*) (*Disbanded*)
A Trieste, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*) (*Disbanded*)
A Vienna, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)

F North Sea - Holland (*Dislodged*)
A Yorkshire - Edinburgh

A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - Belgium
F English Channel Supports A Picardy - Belgium
F London Hold
A Marseilles Supports A Burgundy
A Paris - Picardy
A Picardy - Belgium

A Belgium - Ruhr
A Berlin Supports A Ruhr - Munich
F Denmark - Kiel
F Holland - North Sea
A Ruhr - Munich
F Sweden - Denmark

F Albania Supports A Venice - Trieste
F Greece Supports F Albania
A Piedmont - Tyrolia
A Rome - Venice
A Venice - Trieste

F Black Sea Supports A Rumania
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
F Norway Supports F Holland - North Sea
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Holland - North Sea
A Rumania Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Warsaw - Silesia

F Aegean Sea Convoys A Smyrna - Bulgaria
F Ankara Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Smyrna - Bulgaria


Austrian A Munich can retreat to Bohemia or OTB.
English F North Sea can retreat to Yorkshire, Skagerrak, Helgoland Bight or OTB.
Austrian A Serbia has no retreats, disbanded.
Austrian A Trieste has no retreats, disbanded.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (5/3)
Armies - Bud, Vie, Mun (pending retreat)

England: (2/2)
Armies - Edi
Fleets - Nth (pending retreat)

France: (6/6)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Mar, Pic
Fleets - Eng, Lon

Germany: (6/6)
Armies - Ber, Mun, Ruh
Fleets - Den, Kie, Nth

Italy: (5/5)
Armies - Tri, Trl, Ven
Fleets - Alb, Gre

Russia: (6/6)
Armies - Gal, Rum, Sil
Fleets - Bla, Nwg, Nwy

Turkey: (4/4)
Armies - Bul, Ser
Fleets - Aeg, Ank

Spring 1905 Retreats are due Friday, 26 September at 2pm EST (6pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Dc199 Everyone - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hmmm...I'll move A Con-Tun. If anyone wants to convoy me there, I would be very appreciative.



--- On Tue, 9/23/08, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Dc199 Everyone
To: "Kevin O'Kelly" <kevinokelly(at)gmail.com>, pokerthief(at)gmail.com, cdhopate(at)gmail.com, scaponig(at)yahoo.com, dc199(at)diplomaticcorp.com, mtschupp(at)kpkb.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com, briankingfox(at)hotmail.com, jhack16(at)gmail.com, sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com, rocketship.rocketship(at)gmail.com, former.trout(at)gmail.com
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 11:27 PM
Dc199 Spring 1904 is due Thursday 25th September at 5pm,
Australian EST
Come on People!

It is 27 hours to the deadline. This is your last warnign I
can give.

I have moves from Austria and nobody else.

A couple of people have asked me why as a GM i name those
who orders I dont have at the 24 hour mark. IT is this very
situation. Prelims prelims prelims! I just dont feel
comfortable saying oh I'm missing one set of moves and
then hoping that person knows who they are.

27 hours. Get those moves in - including you Turkey!

Stephen Lyttonaka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

It's simple! Sell your car for just $40 at


Acrimony / dc206 - Summer 1902 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Summer 1902 Retreats:
Turkey: F Black Sea - Constantinople

Fall 1902
bud, gre, ser, tri, vie.
F aeg, A bud, A gre, A pie, A ser
edi, lvp, lon, nwy.
F eng, F nth, F nwy, A wal
bre, mar, par, por, spa.
A bre, A bur, A gas, F mao, A pic
bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun.
A bel, A boh, A den, F hel, F hol, A mun
nap, rom, tun, ven.
A apu, F eas, F ion, A tun
mos, rum, sev, stp, swe, war.
F bla, A fin, A rum, F sev, F swe, A ukr
ank, bul, con, smy.
A arm, A bul, F con, A smy
1 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: F tri - alb
Austria: A vie - tri
England: F edi - nth
England: A lvp - wal
England: F lon - eng
France: F bre - mao
France: A mar - spa
France: A par - gas
Germany: A ber - kie
Germany: F kie - hol
Germany: A mun - ruh
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A rom - nap
Italy: A ven - apu
Russia: A mos - sev (*Fails*)
Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*)
Russia: F stp(sc) - bot
Russia: A war - ukr
Turkey: F ank - bla (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A smy - con
3 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F alb - gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre
Austria: A tri - trl
England: F eng - bel (*Fails*)
England: F nth - nwy
England: A wal Hold
France: A gas - bre
France: F mao - por
France: A spa Hold
Germany: F hol Supports A ruh - bel
Germany: A kie - den
Germany: A ruh - bel
Italy: A apu Hold
Italy: F ion Convoys A nap - tun
Italy: A nap - tun
Russia: F bot - swe
Russia: A mos - stp
Russia: F sev - rum
Russia: A ukr Supports F sev - rum
Turkey: F ank - bla
Turkey: A bul - gre (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - bul (*Fails*)
5 1901
2 1 2 3 1 2 1
Austria: Build A tri
Austria: Build A bud
England: Build F lon
France: Build A par
France: Build A mar
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A mun
Germany: Build A ber
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F sev
Russia: Build A mos
Turkey: Build A ank
1 1902
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A ukr - rum
Austria: F gre - aeg
Austria: A ser - gre
Austria: A tri - ser
Austria: A trl - pie
England: F eng Convoys A wal - bel
England: F lon - nth
England: F nwy Supports F lon - nth
England: A wal - bel (*Fails*)
France: A bre Hold
France: A mar - bur
France: A par - pic
France: F por - mao
France: A spa - gas
Germany: A bel Hold
Germany: A ber - mun
Germany: A den Hold
Germany: F hol - nth (*Fails*)
Germany: F kie - hel
Germany: A mun - boh
Italy: A apu Hold
Italy: F ion - eas
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A tun Hold
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: F rum - bla
Russia: F sev Supports F rum - bla
Russia: A stp - fin
Russia: F swe Hold
Russia: A ukr - rum
Turkey: A ank - arm
Turkey: F bla Supports A bul - rum (*Dislodged*)
Turkey: A bul - rum (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - smy
2 1902
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Turkish F bla con ank
Turkey: F bla - con
Austria: F Aegean Sea, no move received
Austria: A Budapest, no move received
Austria: A Greece, no move received
Austria: A Piedmont, no move received
Austria: A Serbia, no move received
England: F English Channel, no move received
England: F North Sea, no move received
England: F Norway, no move received
England: A Wales, no move received
France: A Brest, no move received
France: A Burgundy, no move received
France: A Gascony, no move received
France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
France: A Picardy, no move received
Germany: A Belgium, no move received
Germany: A Bohemia, no move received
Germany: A Denmark, no move received
Germany: F Helgoland Bight, no move received
Germany: F Holland, no move received
Germany: A Munich, no move received
Italy: A Apulia, no move received
Italy: F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received
Italy: F Ionian Sea, no move received
Italy: A Tunis, no move received
Russia: F Black Sea, no move received
Russia: A Finland, no move received
Russia: A Rumania, no move received
Russia: F Sevastopol, no move received
Russia: F Sweden, no move received
Russia: A Ukraine, no move received
Turkey: A Armenia, no move received
Turkey: A Bulgaria, no move received
Turkey: F Constantinople, no move received
Turkey: A Smyrna, no move received


DC172 Midsummers - Fall 1908 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Paging all you 1600 players. That's right - you there, who's in DC-172... Deadline for Fall 1908 moves is in about 19 hours. Please put your seats into the upright position and ensure your orders are in. Cuz its getting to be quite the bumpy ride. =P

I don't have all the orders in yet, folks. Please double-check to ensure yours are secured.


Not-Your-Average-Air-Steward Trout


DC173 OK Computer - Fall 1909 - Rather Be - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Is that the winds of change I feel blowing on the board? England racks up a mighty 3 builds - Germany is loaded with 3 disbands. Deadline for the cold Winter of 09 will be set for Friday, September 26th (11:59 PM GMT).

Just let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers guys!


Movement results for Fall of 1909. (DC173 09 FALL)

Austria: A Apulia Supports A Venice.
Austria: A Budapest Supports A Vienna.
Austria: F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea.
Austria: A Rome Hold.
Austria: A Rumania Hold.
Austria: A Sevastopol Hold.
Austria: A Trieste Supports A Vienna.
Austria: A Venice Hold.
Austria: A Vienna Hold.

England: F English Channel - North Sea.
England: A Gascony - Paris.
England: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Tuscany - Piedmont.
England: A Livonia - Warsaw.
England: A Moscow Hold.
England: A Piedmont - Marseilles.
England: F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean.
England: F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea.
England: F Tuscany - Piedmont.
England: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis.

Germany: F Baltic Sea - Denmark.
Germany: A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia.
Germany: A Galicia Supports A Ukraine.
Germany: F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea.
Germany: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea.
Germany: A Munich Supports A Tyrolia.
Germany: A Silesia Supports A Galicia.
Germany: A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia.
Germany: A Ukraine Supports A Galicia.
Germany: A Warsaw - Prussia.

Turkey: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice.
Turkey: A Armenia Supports A Sevastopol.
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Hold.
Turkey: F Naples Supports A Rome.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Apulia, A Budapest, F Greece, A Rome, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, A
Trieste, A Venice, A Vienna.
England: F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, A Moscow, F North Sea, A Paris, F
Piedmont, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Warsaw, F Western
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Bohemia, F Denmark, A Galicia, F Irish Sea, A
Munich, A Prussia, A Silesia, A Tyrolia, A Ukraine.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, F Naples.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Trieste,
Venice, Vienna.
England: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Moscow, Norway,
Paris, Portugal, Spain, St Petersburg, Tunis, Warsaw.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Sweden.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 13 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 3 units.
France: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 7 Supply centers, 10 Units: Removes 3 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.



Page:  1 . . . 1015  1016  1017  1018  1019  1020  1021  1022  1023  1024  1025  1026  1027  1028  1029  1030  1031 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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