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DC138 WOOD - A Peace Too Soon - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well, my EGP stands, not writing that again - though if I end up getting killed I'll surely updateSmile

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 3:15 PM, Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Ok, which of you Dingleberries on a horney goat's ass voten no?

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: dc138 <DC138(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC138(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>
Cc: Andrew Clarke <a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com ([email]a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Bruce Ray <raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])>; Jason K <Githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]Githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email])>; Samuel Smith <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 6:08:51 PM
Subject: DC138 WOOD - A Peace Too Soon

Heya folks,

Well, I need to take my lumps here. The BC/Mex/Fla draw was never officially proposed by me as an alternative. With everyone including it in their votes, in my muddle of this last week I thought that it had been. Reviewing the records however, I see that it never was - and if it had been, I have been informed that at least one player would have voted against it.

So we play on! The Fall adjudication is below. We have four retreats, but they all have only one place to fall back to - I will auto-retreat these and publish the Early Winter adjudication later this evening. Winter 2012 adjustment deadline will be set for Sunday, August 3rd (11:59 PM GMT)..

Apologies about this mess, folks. I believe this is the best way to move forward. Cheers everyone,


Movement results for Fall of 2012. (DC138 12 FALL)

BC: F Arctic Ocean - Greenland.
BC: A Dakotas - Nebraska.
BC: F Gulf of Santa Catalina - West Coast.
BC: A Indiana - Chicago.
BC: A Iowa Supports A Tennessee - Missouri.
BC: F Lake Erie - West Pennsylvania.
BC: F Cape May Convoys A Miami - New Jersey.
BC: A Milwaukee Supports A Indiana - Chicago.
BC: A Nevada Supports A Baja California - Arizona.
BC: F North Pacific Ocean Supports F Mid Pacific Ocean - Hawaii.
BC: F New York City Supports A Miami - New Jersey.
BC: F New York State Hold.
BC: A Ohio - Kentucky (*Fails*).
BC: A Oregon - San Francisco.
BC: F San Diego Hold.
BC: F Straits of Juan de Fuca - Oregon.
BC: A Wyoming - Utah (*Fails*).

California: A Arizona - Chihuahua (*Dislodged*).
California: A Chihuahua - West Texas.
California: F Hawaii - Mid Pacific Ocean (*Dislodged*).
California: A Kentucky - Tennessee (*Fails*).
California: A Missouri - Arkansas (*Dislodged*).
California: A New Mexico Supports A Chihuahua - West Texas.
California: A Oklahoma Supports A Missouri - Arkansas (*Cut*).
California: F South Pacific Ocean Supports F Hawaii - Mid Pacific Ocean (*Cut*).
California: A Utah - Arizona (*Fails*).
California: A Virginia Supports A Kentucky - Tennessee (*Cut*).

Florida: F Arkansas Supports A Tennessee - Missouri.
Florida: A Dallas - Oklahoma (*Fails*).
Florida: F Deep South Supports A Georgia - Tennessee.
Florida: F East Coast Convoys A Miami - New Jersey.
Florida: A Florida Panhandle - Georgia.
Florida: A Georgia - Tennessee.
Florida: A Houston - Louisiana.
Florida: F Lesser Antilles Hold.
Florida: A Miami - New Jersey.
Florida: F North Carolina - Virginia (*Fails*).
Florida: A Tennessee - Missouri.
Florida: A Washington DC - Philadelphia (*Fails*).

NewYork: A New Jersey Supports A Philadelphia (*Disbanded*).
NewYork: A Philadelphia Supports A New Jersey (*Cut*).

Quebec: F Massachusetts Bay Supports F Cape May.

Cuba: A Venezuela Hold.

Mexico: A Baja California - Arizona.
Mexico: A Bogota Hold.
Mexico: A Coahuila Supports A Durango - Chihuahua.
Mexico: A Durango - Chihuahua.
Mexico: F Galapagos - South Pacific Ocean (*Fails*).
Mexico: F Gulf of California Supports F Culf of Fonseca - Coast of Mexico.
Mexico: F Gulf of Campeche Hold.
Mexico: F Culf of Fonseca - Coast of Mexico.
Mexico: F Gulf of Mexico - Yucatan.
Mexico: F Mid Pacific Ocean - Hawaii.
Mexico: A Tabasco Hold.
Mexico: A West Texas Supports A Durango - Chihuahua (*Dislodged*).

The following units were dislodged:

Californian A Arizona can retreat to Colorado.
Californian F Hawaii can retreat to Southwest Pacific Ocean.
Californian A Missouri can retreat to Kansas.
Mexican A West Texas can retreat to San Antonio.

Unit locations:

BC: A Chicago, F Greenland, A Iowa, F Cape May, A Milwaukee, A Nebraska,
A Nevada, F North Pacific Ocean, F New York City, F New York State,
A Ohio, F Oregon, F San Diego, A San Francisco, F West Coast, F West
Pennsylvania, A Wyoming.
California: A Arizona, F Hawaii, A Kentucky, A Missouri, A New Mexico, A
Oklahoma, F South Pacific Ocean, A Utah, A Virginia, A West Texas.
Florida: F Arkansas, A Dallas, F Deep South, F East Coast, A Georgia, F
Lesser Antilles, A Louisiana, A Missouri, F North Carolina, A New
Jersey, A Tennessee, A Washington DC.
NewYork: A New Jersey, A Philadelphia.
Quebec: F Massachusetts Bay.
Cuba: A Venezuela.
Mexico: A Arizona, A Bogota, A Chihuahua, A Coahuila, F Coast of Mexico, F
Galapagos, F Gulf of California, F Gulf of Campeche, F Hawaii, A
Tabasco, A West Texas, F Yucatan.

Ownership of supply centers:

BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Chicago, Greenland, Los Angeles, Manitoba,
Massachussets, Michigan, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Montreal, New York
City, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Quebec City, San Diego, San Francisco,
Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Colorado, Kansas.
Florida: Dallas, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Havana, Holquin, Houston,
Jacksonville, Kingston, Louisiana, Miami, Missouri, North Carolina,
Tampa, Tennessee, Washington DC.
NewYork: New Jersey, Philadelphia.
Quebec: Nova Scotia.
Cuba: Venezuela.
Mexico: Arizona, Bogota, Cali, Chihuahua, Durango, Guadalajara, Guatemala,
Hawaii, Lima, Mexico City, Nicaragua, Nuevo Leon, Panama, San
Antonio, Veracruz, Yucatan.

BC: 21 Supply centers, 17 Units: Builds 3 units.
California: 2 Supply centers, 10 Units: Removes 8 units.
Florida: 15 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 3 units.
Heartland: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
NewYork: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Quebec: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Peru: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Texas: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Cuba: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Mexico: 16 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 3 units.



DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Spring 1907 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Italy and Russia face pressure all across their combined front, even as they squeeze Turkey out of his homeland.

The only retreat required is from the Turkish army in Smyrna, which can only retreat to Syria or OTB.
I have ordered it to Syria, Sam, if your would prefer to OTB, please let me know.

Fall Moves are due Thursday, August 7th (at) 9PM EST

And remember, anyone can issue a draw proposal at any time.

F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
F North Africa - Western Mediterranean
F North Sea Hold
A Norway Supports A St Petersburg
A St Petersburg Supports A Kiel - Livonia (*Cut*)

F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Marseilles - Piedmont (*Fails*)
A Tunis Hold
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Kiel - Livonia
A Berlin - Prussia (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Kiel - Livonia
F Holland Hold
A Kiel - Livonia
A Munich - Silesia (*Fails*)
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)

A Bohemia Supports A Galicia - Silesia
A Bulgaria - Serbia
F Constantinople Supports A Armenia - Smyrna
F Greece - Aegean Sea
A Piedmont Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
A Venice - Rome

A Armenia - Smyrna
F Black Sea - Ankara (*Bounce*)
A Galicia - Silesia
A Livonia - Prussia (*Disbanded*)
A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Galicia - Silesia

F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Smyrna - Ankara (*Dislodged*) - Retreat to Syria


Dc-184 Correction/Apology - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I'd like to apologize for the harsh deadline reminder I sent yesterday. Turns out I misread my deadline matrix, and this game is set to adjudicate tomorrow.
We now have five sets of orders in, so only two of you are inside the 24 hour window. If you don't have a receipt from me, I don't have your orders.

The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Seismic f05 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Running this turn entirely on my phone from somewhere in Nebraska...

Germany and Italy are eliminated, a big thank you to Matt and Trout for sticking it out to the bitter death. Be sure to send me an EGS! This takes us down to 5 players just like that... My what a small world its become overnight.

NEXT - There is 1 retreat, Austrian A Tyr can go to Gal or Pie by Monday,, tho as soon as I get that order I'll knock out those Seismics and get y'all some new maps then.


A Ven-Rom
F Nap S Ven-Rom
A Trl-Ven (Bounce, Dislodged)

A Hol-Bel (Fails)
F Cly S Edi (Void)
F Edi S Cly (Void)
F NWG (Unordered)

A Spa S Tun
F Tun S Spa
A Lvp-Cly (Fails)
F NAO S Lvp-Cly
A Lon S Bel
A Bur-Kie (Fails)
A Bel S Bur-Kie (Cut)

Nothing to order

A Tus-Ven (Bounce)

A Kie S Hol-Bel (Cut)
A Mun-Bur (Fails)
A Ber-Pru
A Vie S Sil-Mun
A Sil-Mun (Fails)
A Ukr-Mos

A Sev S Bud
A Arm Hold
A Bud S Ser-Tyr
A Ser-Tyr
F BLA C Ser-Tyr
A Tri S Ser-Tyr
F ION-Apu/sc

And THAT, my friends, is the longest email ever typed on a phone. Look for new maps after the Austrian retreat.

Sent from my wireless handheld

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:20 AM Pacific Standard Time
To: dc182(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Former Trout (former.trout(at)gmail.com); James Clough (cluffy123(at)googlemail.com); mrh(at)panix.com; Nathan Deily; Rolf Loschek; Steve Caponigri; Steve Lytton (stevelytton(at)hotmail.com); susan Strebe
Subject: Seismic s02 results!

Some interesting Seismics this round... Channel Tube is no longer necessary, Dutch forces are stranded in Holland, and the walls seem to be closing in on Austria...

NEXT: Fall 02, due Tuesday 6/10, 10am Pacific!




F Nth C Nwy -> Hol
A Nwy -> Hol
F Edi -> Nwy
F ECH S Bel (*CUT*)

A Bel xxx
F Por- MAO
A Par-Bur
F Mar-GoL
A Spa-Mar

Kiel to Ruhr
Berlin to Kiel
Denmark to North Sea (*FAILS*)
Munich to Tyrolia

A Tyrolia -> Vienna
A Venice -> Tyrolia (*FAILS*)
F Ionian -> Adriatic
A Tunis -> Naples

A StP-Fin
F Swe-Bal
A Mos-Sev (*BOUNCE*)
A Sev-Bud
F Rum S A Sev-Bud
A Arm-Sev (*BOUNCE*)

A Bul S A Sev-Bud
A Con-Ank
A Smy S A Con-Ank



E: Split Swe/Ska, Join Den/Nwy (*OK*)
F: Split ENC/NTH, Join Bel/Lon (*OK*)
G: Split Ruh/HEL, Join Hol/Kie (*OK*)
I: Split Tri/Alb, Join Adr/Ser (*OK*)
R: Split Rum/Ukr, Join Sev/Gal (*OK*)


DC190 - Spring 2003 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well, it appears we have our first NMR of the game. I don't feel much impetus to find a replacement for this one, though, since I assume the current alliances regarding Europe are somewhat set in stone.

On with the adjudication, then... the Brazilian rebellion in Sydney has been squelched, but for how long? Europe continues to be overrun by the barbarian hordes and Canada is having a little difficulty establishing soveriegnty in the north. The Battle of the Atlantic heats up while the Indian Ocean finds itself teeming with action. Stay tuned for more developments as the game progresses.

We've only got the one retreat to see, so as soon as Andrew gets that to me we can continue on.

North America:
F Halifax Holds
A Boston - Virginia (*fails*)
A Ontario - Kansas (*fails*)
A Illinois Supports A Ontario - Kansas
A Winnipeg Supports A Ontario - Kansas

F Cuba - Bermuda Triangle
F Atlantic Ocean - Gulf of St. Lawrence
F Arizona - Pacific Ocean
F Auckland Supports F Tongan Sea - Tasman Sea (*unit ordered elsewhere*)
A Oregon - Supports A Kansas
A Texas Supports A Kansas
A Kansas Supports A Virginia (*cut*)
A Virginia Supports A Kansas (*cut*)

South America:
F Sydney - Melbourne (*dislodged*)
F Tongan Sea - Great Australian Bight
F Argentina - Falkland Sea
F Sandwich Sea - Skeleton Coast (*fails*)
F Cape Verde Sea - Gulf of Guinea (*fails*)
F Recife - Cape Verde Sea (*fails*)
F Galapagos Sea - Caribbean Sea
A Sao Paulo - Brasilia

Europe (NMR):
A Vienna stays in to listen to Mozart (*disbanded*)
F Arctic Ocean is stuck in an ice floe

A Ukraine - Vienna
A Berlin Supports A Ukraine - Vienna
A Moscow - Murmansk (*bounce*)
F Oslo - Murmansk (nc) (*bounce*)
F Baltic Sea - Poland
F North Sea - English Channel
A London Holds
A Kazakhstan - Xinjiang (*fails*)
London Permits F North Sea - English Channel

West Africa:
F Paris - Rome
F Iberia - Canary Sea
A Algeria - Niamey (*bounce*)
F Dakar Supports F Lagos - Ouagadougou
F Lagos - Ouagadougou
A Egypt - Libya
F Trinidad & Tobago - Cape Verde Sea (*fails*)
F Ionian Sea Supports A Galilee - Egypt

South Africa:
F Yaounde - Lagos
F Gulf of Guinea Supports F Yaounde - Lagos (*cut*)
A N'Djamena - Niamey (*bounce*)
A Khartoum - N'Djamena (*fails*)
A Zambezi - Congo
A Muscat Holds
F Skeleton Coast - Sandwich Sea (*fails*)

F Mumbai Supports A Pakistan
A Pakistan Supports A Calcutta - Delhi (*cut*)
A Tehran Supports A Pakistan
A Calcutta - Delhi (*fails*)
A Baghdad - Riyadh
A Galilee - Egypt
A Romania Supports A Ukraine - Vienna
F Zagreb Holds

A Xinjiang - Pakistan (*fails*)
A Hong Kong - Himalaya
A Tibet Supports A Hong Kong - Himalaya
F Bay of Bengal - Calcutta (*fails*)
F South China Sea - Indian Ocean
F Arafura Sea - South China Sea
F Alaska - Nunavut
F Beaufort Sea Supports F Alaska - Nunavut
F Vancouver Holds

A Delhi - Pakistan
F Indian Ocean - Arabian Sea
F Jakarta - Cocos Sea
F Siam - Jakarta
F Tasman Sea - Sydney
F Melbourne Supports F Tasman Sea - Sydney
Jakarta Permits F South China Sea - Indian Ocean

SAm: F Sydney may retreat to Coral Reef, Jayapura, Darwin, Arafura Sea or OTB

I'll be away from this computer for the weekend, so this deadline will be Tuesday, August 4, 2100GMT... that is unless I get it tomorrow. If I get that retreat tomorrow before 2100GMT I'll be able to redo the map and have everything good to go.


Dc189 Fall 854 - 23 hour reminder Danes/Irish/Pict... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc189 fall 854 is due Saturday 3rd August at 5pm, Australian EST.

This is a 23 hour reminder.

I have NO moves from :-

The Danes.
The Irish
The Picts

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Try ninemsn dating now! Meet singles near you.


dc186 Winter '73 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I could not find Disband orders from China.

Reference map:





Spring '74 is due Wednesday August 6th 8 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1300 GMT


Build F Manchuria
Build F Canton
Build F Shanghai
Build A Peking
Build A Sinkiang

Build F Borneo

Build F Odessa


Remove F Gulf of Siam

India: NDR
Defaults, removing F Ceylon
Defaults, removing F Timor Sea

Supply Center and Unit Count:

China: 15 / 14
France: 6 / 6
Holland: 8 / 8
India: 5 / 5
Japan: 2 / 2
Turkey: 8 / 8
Russia: 14 / 14

“Pleasure and pain, though directly opposite are contrived to be
constant companions.”


dc188 - Fall 1903 - Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry about the delay... long work days and I got to play a FTF game last night. Lots O fun!

When submitting orders, please put in the subject dc188 and not dc 188. There is no space between dc and 188. The space makes your email avoid my filters. Thanks.

Only one retreat with one place to retreat... so that is done. Adjustments are next, and everyone is in on the action.

Winter 1903 - Monday August 4, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT).
Spring 1904 - Friday August 8, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT).

F Aegean Sea Supports A Apulia - Smyrna
A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania
A Galicia - Ukraine (*Fails*)
A Serbia - Rumania
A Trieste - Vienna

F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Fails*)
A London - Yorkshire
A Wales - Liverpool (*Fails*)
A Brest - Gascony
A Burgundy - Marseilles
F English Channel Supports A Picardy - Belgium
F Irish Sea Supports A Yorkshire - Liverpool
A Picardy - Belgium
A Belgium - Ruhr
A Denmark - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Munich - Berlin
F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - Norway (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - Norway (*Fails*)
A Yorkshire - Liverpool
A Apulia - Smyrna
F Constantinople - Black Sea (*Fails*)
F Eastern Mediterranean Convoys A Apulia - Smyrna
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Smyrna
A Piedmont Hold
A Armenia - Ankara (*Fails*)
F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Ankara (*Cut*)
F Norway Supports F Sweden (*Cut*)
F Sweden Supports F Norway (*Cut*)
A Ukraine Hold
A Warsaw - Silesia
A Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Smyrna Supports A Ankara - Constantinople (*Dislodged*)


Austria: Build 1
England: Remove 1
France: Build 1
Italy: Build 1
Russia: Remove 1
Turkey: Remove 1


DC190 - Summer 2003 Retreat - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The retreat is in and we're ready to get started on the fall. Thanks to Andrew for responding quickly so I can get it in before the weekend.

South America:
Retreat F Sydney - Arafura Sea

It was also pointed out to me that in my adjudication I omitted the fact that Oceania's move from Delhi to Pakistan failed. The map reflects that outcome, so sorry if that caused any confusion.

Moving on then... next deadline, as usual, Thursday, August 7, 2100GMT. Back at it!


GGS 1265 / DC110 - Fall 1875 Extension - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Thanks to everyone who has gotten their orders in so far. Unfortunately, amid a flurry of summer work requirements and renewed negotiations, a weekend extension has been requested. Quite frankly, your humble GM could use the extension himself, so with all said and done - the new Fall 1875 deadline for Guns, Germs and Steel will be set for Monday August 4th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!



DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Summer Travel Bug - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

With apologies - it appears our friendly Scotsman is travelling over the course of the long weekend. I received an auto-reply from the Fall adjudication that I have only just now noticed buried in my email. Revised Winter 833 deadline will be set for Tuesday, August 5th (11:59 PM GMT). If all Winter adjustments are received before that time, however, I will adjudicate early.

Thanks for bearing with it everyone. Summer is always a tumultuous time for dip games.. =)




DC-184 Fall 1903 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Orders all came in on time, so we're ready to roll. Sorry again about causing that little panic night before last.


Austria: Pontus Nilsson pontus(at)wallmanderco.se
England: Mark Utterback mdemagogue(at)gmail.com
France: Scott Lapp pyrasea(at)yahoo.com
Germany: Roger Strand PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com
Italy: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com
Russia: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: Sean Walsh sean.ayearaway(at)gmail.com


A Galicia Supports A Rumania
F Greece, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Rumania, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Trieste Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Cut*)
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Fails*)
F Skagerrak Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Disbanded*)
A Wales - Yorkshire

A Burgundy - Belgium (*Dislodged*)
F English Channel Supports A Burgundy - Belgium
A Gascony - Burgundy (*Fails*)
F London Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy - Belgium

A Belgium Supports A Munich - Burgundy
F Denmark Supports F North Sea
F Holland Supports A Belgium
A Munich - Burgundy
F North Sea Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)
A Ruhr Supports A Belgium

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Fails*)
A Rome - Venice (*Fails*)
A Venice - Trieste (*Fails*)

F Ankara - Constantinople (*Disbanded*)
A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
F Norway Supports F Sweden - Skagerrak
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F Sweden - Skagerrak
A Ukraine - Sevastopol

F Aegean Sea Hold
F Black Sea - Ankara
A Constantinople Supports F Black Sea - Ankara
A Smyrna - Armenia (*Fails*)


Russian F Ankara has no retreats, disbanded.
French A Burgundy can retreat to Marseilles, Paris or OTB.
English F Skagerrak has no retreats, disbanded.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (5/5)
Armies - Gal, Rum, Tri, Trl
Fleets - Gre

England: (3/2)
Armies - Yor
Fleets - Edi

France: (5/5)
Armies - Gas, Pic, Bur (pending retreat)
Fleets - Eng, Lon

Germany: (6/6)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Ruh
Fleets - Den, Hol, Nth

Italy: (4/4)
Armies - Rom, Ven
Fleets - Adr, Ion

Russia: (7/6)
Armies - Arm, Mos, Sev
Fleets - Bla, Nwy, Ska

Turkey: (4/4)
Armies - Con, Smy
Fleets - Aeg, Ank

Fall 1903 Retreat is due Monday, 4 August at 2pm CST (7pm GMT.) Scott, if you get me your retreat sooner, I'll adjudicate sooner.
Our Russian will be gone until the middle of the month, so the Winter deadline will be some time after the 15th.
Also, I'll be heading to Georgia at about that time (I just found out today,) so we may experience quite a long delay. I'll keep everyone updated as I learn more about this situation.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC196 Heroes and Villains - Spring 1902 - Dinosaur... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
And so, may Evil beware and may Good dress warmly and eat plenty of fresh vegetables. ...

Heya folks,

Spring 1902 arrives at last, bringing with it bounces in Norway and Warsaw, and a blitzkrieg into eastern France. No retreats are forced so we can move right along into Fall 1902. Deadline for orders will be set for Thursday, August 7th (11:59 PM GMT).

Please review the adjudication and let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers everyone!


Movement results for Spring of 1902. (DC196 SPR 02)

Austria: A Galicia - Warsaw (*Bounce*).
Austria: F Greece Hold.
Austria: A Serbia Supports F Greece.
Austria: A Trieste - Tyrolia.
Austria: A Vienna - Bohemia.

England: F North Sea Supports F Norwegian Sea - Norway.
England: F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Bounce*).
England: A Wales - London.

France: A Burgundy - Marseilles.
France: F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
France: F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon.
France: A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles.

Germany: A Belgium - Picardy.
Germany: A Berlin - Kiel.
Germany: A Denmark Hold.
Germany: F Holland - Belgium.
Germany: F Kiel - Holland.
Germany: A Munich - Burgundy.

Italy: F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Italy: A Piedmont Hold.
Italy: F Tunis - Western Mediterranean.
Italy: A Venice Hold.

Russia: A Moscow Supports F Sevastopol.
Russia: F Sevastopol Hold.
Russia: A Silesia - Warsaw (*Bounce*).
Russia: A St Petersburg Supports F Sweden - Norway.
Russia: F Sweden - Norway (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Ankara - Armenia.
Turkey: F Black Sea Hold.
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania.
Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.
Turkey: A Rumania - Ukraine.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Bohemia, A Galicia, F Greece, A Serbia, A Tyrolia.
England: A London, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea.
France: F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Spain.
Germany: F Belgium, A Burgundy, A Denmark, F Holland, A Kiel, A Picardy.
Italy: A Piedmont, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice, F Western Mediterranean.
Russia: A Moscow, F Sevastopol, A Silesia, A St Petersburg, F Sweden.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, F Black Sea, A Rumania, A Ukraine.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Rumania, Smyrna.
Unowned: Norway, Portugal.



DC201 - S951 - Adjudication (retreat due in 24 hrs... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Spring 951 Headlines
- the French army unit in Paris has succumbed to the joint forces of Burgundy and Danmark.
- Tarsus has become the victim of a war between the Arab Caliphates and the Eastern Roman Empire, but it still holds.
- Smolensk is recovering from a brutal war between the Swedes and the armies of the Slavic Nations.
- the Norse in Skaalholt have used Spring to prepare for fierce battles later using their famous hotspring concept.

A Antakya - Tarsus (*Bounce*)
A Cordoba - Segovia
A Lisboa - Asturias
F Palermo Hold
F Palmyra - Cypriot Sea
F Sevilla - Cordoba
A Trebizond Hold
F Tunis - Strait of Sicily

A Avignon - Auvergne
A Genova - Savoie
A Groningen - Koln
A Koln - Frankfurt
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyons
A Pisa - Lombardy
F Roma - Ligurian Sea
A Verdun - Paris

F Dorestad - Bruges
F Hedeby - Dogger Bank
A Jomsborg - Mecklenburg
A Jorvik - Skegness
F Kalmar - Goteborg
F Reval - Memel
A Rouen Supports A Verdun - Paris
F Skegness - Essex

A Ankara - Trebizond (*Fails*)
F Athinai - Aegean Sea
A Miklagard - Charsiana
F Napoli - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Smyrna - Tarsus (*Bounce*)
A Spalato - Ragusa
F Syracuse Supports F Napoli - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Venezia - Ancona

A Frankfurt - Hessen
A Graz - Bavaria
A Hamburg - Brandenburg (*Fails*)
F Nantes - Bay of Biscay
A Paris Supports A Tours - Maine (*Dislodged*)
A St. Gallen - Zurich
A Toulouse - Burgos
A Tours - Maine

A Alexandria Supports A Jorsal
A Buda Supports A Pest
A Jorsal Supports A Alexandria
A London Hold
A Pest Supports A Buda

A Arkhangelsk - Muscovy
A Beograd Hold
A Breslau - Brandenburg
F Kaffa - North Black Sea
A Praha Supports A Breslau - Brandenburg
A Przemysl - Smolensk (*Bounce*)
A Vitebsk Supports F Reval - Memel
A Vladimir - Rostov (*Fails*)

F Dyvlin - Mid Atlantic Ocean
F Hafrsfjord - North Sea
A Katanes - Strathclyde
F Kirkby - Hibernian Sea
A Nidaros - Lapland
A Noirmoutier - Bretagne
A Skaalholt Hold
A Skiringssal - Ranrike

A Aldeigjuborg - Ingermannland
F Birka - Baltic Sea
F Gdansk Supports F Birka - Baltic Sea
F Holmgard - Aldeigjuborg
A Kjonugard - Smolensk (*Bounce*)
A Rostov - Vladimir (*Fails*)
A Uppsala - Birka
A Visby Hold

One retreat due: the French army unit in Paris can retreat to Champagne or Tours.
Deadline for the retreat is Saturday Aug 2, 23:00 GMT.

And for those that want to plan ahead: Deadline for Fall orders is Wed Aug 6, 23:00 GMT.



DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Early Winter 2012... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
And today the great Yertle, that Marvelous he,
Is King of the Mud. That is all he can see.
And the turtles, of course... all the turtles are free
As turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be.


San Antonio, Kansas, Colorado and the South-West Pacific all are retreated to. (Ray or Bruce, if OTB is preferred then please just let me know.) With that, we and the great Yertle move onwards into the Winter of 2012. Deadline remains as previously published - on Sunday, August 3rd (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!

Trout In The Hat

Retreat orders for Fall of 2012. (DC138 12 EW)

California: A Arizona - Colorado.
California: F Hawaii - Southwest Pacific Ocean.
California: A Missouri - Kansas.

Mexico: A West Texas - San Antonio.

Unit locations:

BC: A Chicago, F Greenland, A Iowa, F Cape May, A Milwaukee, A Nebraska,
A Nevada, F North Pacific Ocean, F New York City, F New York State,
A Ohio, F Oregon, F San Diego, A San Francisco, F West Coast, F West
Pennsylvania, A Wyoming.
California: A Colorado, A Kansas, A Kentucky, A New Mexico, A Oklahoma, F South
Pacific Ocean, F Southwest Pacific Ocean, A Utah, A Virginia, A West
Florida: F Arkansas, A Dallas, F Deep South, F East Coast, A Georgia, F
Lesser Antilles, A Louisiana, A Missouri, F North Carolina, A New
Jersey, A Tennessee, A Washington DC.
NewYork: A Philadelphia.
Quebec: F Massachusetts Bay.
Cuba: A Venezuela.
Mexico: A Arizona, A Bogota, A Chihuahua, A Coahuila, F Coast of Mexico, F
Galapagos, F Gulf of California, F Gulf of Campeche, F Hawaii, A San
Antonio, A Tabasco, F Yucatan.

Ownership of supply centers:

BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Chicago, Greenland, Los Angeles, Manitoba,
Massachussets, Michigan, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Montreal, New York
City, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Quebec City, San Diego, San Francisco,
Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Colorado, Kansas.
Florida: Dallas, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Havana, Holquin, Houston,
Jacksonville, Kingston, Louisiana, Miami, Missouri, North Carolina,
New Jersey, Tampa, Tennessee, Washington DC.
NewYork: Philadelphia.
Quebec: Nova Scotia.
Cuba: Venezuela.
Mexico: Arizona, Bogota, Cali, Chihuahua, Durango, Guadalajara, Guatemala,
Hawaii, Lima, Mexico City, Nicaragua, Nuevo Leon, Panama, San
Antonio, Veracruz, Yucatan.

BC: 21 Supply centers, 17 Units: Builds 3 units.
California: 2 Supply centers, 10 Units: Removes 8 units.
Florida: 16 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 3 units.
Heartland: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
NewYork: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Quebec: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Peru: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Texas: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Cuba: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Mexico: 16 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 3 units.



DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Early Winter 2012... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Holy cow, I’ve never seen a…

Removes 8 units.


Propose a BC/Fl/Mx draw please. For winter if y’all want. Look nobody has any Centers! Aside from the 21-16-16, we all have 1 or 2. Can we call this and move on?

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 10:35 PM
To: dc138
Cc: Andrew Clarke; Andrew Tanner; Bruce Quinn; Bruce Ray; Jason K; Michael Sims; Nathan Deily; Rob Ackerley; Samuel Smith; Steve Lytton
Subject: DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Early Winter 2012 - Crazytrain

And today the great Yertle, that Marvelous he,
Is King of the Mud. That is all he can see.
And the turtles, of course... all the turtles are free
As turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be.


San Antonio, Kansas, Colorado and the South-West Pacific all are retreated to. (Ray or Bruce, if OTB is preferred then please just let me know.) With that, we and the great Yertle move onwards into the Winter of 2012. Deadline remains as previously published - on Sunday, August 3rd (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!

Trout In The Hat

Retreat orders for Fall of 2012. (DC138 12 EW)

California: A Arizona - Colorado.
California: F Hawaii - Southwest Pacific Ocean.
California: A Missouri - Kansas.

Mexico: A West Texas - San Antonio.

Unit locations:

BC: A Chicago, F Greenland, A Iowa, F Cape May, A Milwaukee, A Nebraska,
A Nevada, F North Pacific Ocean, F New York City, F New York State,
A Ohio, F Oregon, F San Diego, A San Francisco, F West Coast, F West
Pennsylvania, A Wyoming.
California: A Colorado, A Kansas, A Kentucky, A New Mexico, A Oklahoma, F South
Pacific Ocean, F Southwest Pacific Ocean, A Utah, A Virginia, A West
Florida: F Arkansas, A Dallas, F Deep South, F East Coast, A Georgia, F
Lesser Antilles, A Louisiana, A Missouri, F North Carolina, A New
Jersey, A Tennessee, A Washington DC.
NewYork: A Philadelphia.
Quebec: F Massachusetts Bay.
Cuba: A Venezuela.
Mexico: A Arizona, A Bogota, A Chihuahua, A Coahuila, F Coast of Mexico, F
Galapagos, F Gulf of California, F Gulf of Campeche, F Hawaii, A San
Antonio, A Tabasco, F Yucatan.

Ownership of supply centers:

BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Chicago, Greenland, Los Angeles, Manitoba,
Massachussets, Michigan, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Montreal, New York
City, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Quebec City, San Diego, San Francisco,
Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Colorado, Kansas.
Florida: Dallas, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Havana, Holquin, Houston,
Jacksonville, Kingston, Louisiana, Miami, Missouri, North Carolina,
New Jersey, Tampa, Tennessee, Washington DC.
NewYork: Philadelphia.
Quebec: Nova Scotia.
Cuba: Venezuela.
Mexico: Arizona, Bogota, Cali, Chihuahua, Durango, Guadalajara, Guatemala,
Hawaii, Lima, Mexico City, Nicaragua, Nuevo Leon, Panama, San
Antonio, Veracruz, Yucatan.

BC: 21 Supply centers, 17 Units: Builds 3 units.
California: 2 Supply centers, 10 Units: Removes 8 units.
Florida: 16 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 3 units.
Heartland: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
NewYork: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Quebec: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Peru: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Texas: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Cuba: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Mexico: 16 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 3 units.



DC172 Midsummers - EW 1605 Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Just sending out the rumpus that the retreats of Early Winter 1605 are due in roughly 20 hours. I believe I have three of four in hand so please double-check to ensure that you have your golden ticket confirmation from me.




dc182 Autumn 05 retreats & seismics! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Russia and Turkey are due one build each…

Austria retreats to Piedmont.

SEISMICS: (All 7 succeed!)

A: Split Pie/Trl, Join Swi/Ven
E: Split NAO/Cly, join Nwg/Lvp
F: Split NTH/Edi, Join Nwy/Cly
G: Split Bur/Mun, Join Swi/Kie
I: Split Apu/Nap, Join Ion/Rom
R: Split Lon/Bel, Join ENG/NTH
T: Split Tri/Tyr, Join Adr/BLA

BUILDS: Due Monday 12 noon Central US time

A: 3/3 even
E: 4/4 even
F: 9/9 even
R: 7/8 +1
T: 9/10 +1


WWIV Monday - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Friendly reminder moves are due Monday!

Attached is the .dpw file for those who use it. If you don’t already, consider it! You can download the realworld player in the downloads section of the website… then using this file, you can see everything that players ordered and scroll thru the turns in a nicely visual fashion.



DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I'm sad to say that our Sultan has defaulted on the deadline again. Of course, as per the rules of the game, all of his units will be ordered to hold, and we'll move on.


Austria: Daniel Sloane <eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net>
England: Andrew Cassese <landru428(at)aol.com>
France: Jon Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Drew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>
Italy: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
Russia: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
Turkey: Adam Kujawa <edisun_end(at)hotmail.com>
Observer: Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com>


F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
A Denmark - Kiel (*Bounce*)
A Finland Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden
F North Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

A Belgium - Holland (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Gascony - Marseilles
A Holland - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Paris - Burgundy
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)

A Silesia - Berlin (*Fails*)

F Apulia - Naples
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel (*Cut*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Munich - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Trieste Hold
A Venice - Tuscany

F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Galicia
A Livonia Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
A Moscow Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Bulgaria, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Constantinople, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Greece, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Serbia, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Smyrna, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: ELIMINATED 1903

England: (6/6)
Armies - Den, Fin
Fleets - Bar, Nth, Nwy, Swe

France: (7/7)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Hol, Mar, Ruh
Fleets - MAO, Spa(sc)

Germany: (1/1)
Armies - Sil

Italy: (7/7)
Armies - Ber, Mun, Tri, Tus
Fleets - Nap, Tun, Tys

Russia: (7/7)
Armies - Boh, Gal, Lvn, Mos
Fleets - Bal, Rum, StP(nc)

Turkey: (6/6)
Armies - Bul, Ser, Smy
Fleets - Con, Eas, Gre


Fall 1904 is due Monday, 4 August at 9pm CST (2am, 5 August GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Turkey has been actively playing up till this point. Given I just went
to the hospital and barely made moves myself, can I move that we at
least hold till we can possibly hear from him that he's alive? I wont
complain if Turkey's going to go CD I can race for the free centers but
I'd rather have a player.


-----Original Message-----
From: The White Wolf [mailto:cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 10:23 PM
To: Former Trout 1266; Andrew Cassese; Forum DC-198; Stephen Lytton
DC-Mod1; Joe Hackett; Andrew Jameson; Jon Kudlick; Adam Kujawa; Drew
Ott; Michael Sims; Daniel Sloane; Michael Thompson
Subject: DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication

I'm sad to say that our Sultan has defaulted on the deadline again. Of
course, as per the rules of the game, all of his units will be ordered
to hold, and we'll move on.


Austria: Daniel Sloane <eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net>
England: Andrew Cassese <landru428(at)aol.com>
France: Jon Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Drew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>
Italy: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
Russia: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
Turkey: Adam Kujawa <edisun_end(at)hotmail.com>
Observer: Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com>


F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
A Denmark - Kiel (*Bounce*)
A Finland Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden
F North Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

A Belgium - Holland (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Gascony - Marseilles
A Holland - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Paris - Burgundy
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)

A Silesia - Berlin (*Fails*)

F Apulia - Naples
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel (*Cut*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Munich - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Trieste Hold
A Venice - Tuscany

F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Galicia
A Livonia Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
A Moscow Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Bulgaria, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Constantinople, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Greece, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Serbia, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Smyrna, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: ELIMINATED 1903

England: (6/6)
Armies - Den, Fin
Fleets - Bar, Nth, Nwy, Swe

France: (7/7)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Hol, Mar, Ruh
Fleets - MAO, Spa(sc)

Germany: (1/1)
Armies - Sil

Italy: (7/7)
Armies - Ber, Mun, Tri, Tus
Fleets - Nap, Tun, Tys

Russia: (7/7)
Armies - Boh, Gal, Lvn, Mos
Fleets - Bal, Rum, StP(nc)

Turkey: (6/6)
Armies - Bul, Ser, Smy
Fleets - Con, Eas, Gre


Fall 1904 is due Monday, 4 August at 9pm CST (2am, 5 August GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-184 Fall 1903 Retreat Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Scott was *very* quick to respond, which is wonderful. We've got two builds and a quick deadline for them, so please pay close attention.


Austria: Pontus Nilsson pontus(at)wallmanderco.se
England: Mark Utterback mdemagogue(at)gmail.com
France: Scott Lapp pyrasea(at)yahoo.com
Germany: Roger Strand PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com
Italy: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com
Russia: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: Sean Walsh sean.ayearaway(at)gmail.com


A Burgundy - Paris

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (6/5) - Build 1
Armies - Gal, Rum, Tri, Trl
Fleets - Gre

England: (3/2)
Armies - Yor
Fleets - Edi

France: (6/5) - Build 1
Armies - Gas, Par, Pic
Fleets - Eng, Lon

Germany: (6/6)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Ruh
Fleets - Den, Hol, Nth

Italy: (4/4)
Armies - Rom, Ven
Fleets - Adr, Ion

Russia: (7/6)
Armies - Arm, Mos, Sev
Fleets - Bla, Nwy, Ska

Turkey: (4/4)
Armies - Con, Smy
Fleets - Aeg, Ank

As we only require builds from Austria and France, neither of who are affected by the absence, Winter 1903 is now due Monday, 4 August at 2pm CST (7pm GMT,) previously the *retreat* deadline.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Guys im really sorry about that, I got held up at the hospital myself but with my mother. I'm not going CD or anything just had really bad timing. Anyway i'm totally in on it now, and I appoligize for my prior misses of the deadline, like I said, it's just been rough. We understand that you were still able to play even though you were in the hospital mike but that's why your a DP game and i'm a lowly pawn. =)

Sorry again guys, now lets play!

Subject: RE: DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 20:48:38 -0700
From: mike(at)southwall.com
To: cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; landru428(at)aol.com; dc198(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; jkudlick(at)gmail.com; edisun_end(at)hotmail.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net; psychosis(at)sky.com

Turkey has been actively playing up till this point. Given I just went
to the hospital and barely made moves myself, can I move that we at
least hold till we can possibly hear from him that he's alive? I wont
complain if Turkey's going to go CD I can race for the free centers but
I'd rather have a player.


-----Original Message-----
From: The White Wolf [mailto:cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 10:23 PM
To: Former Trout 1266; Andrew Cassese; Forum DC-198; Stephen Lytton
DC-Mod1; Joe Hackett; Andrew Jameson; Jon Kudlick; Adam Kujawa; Drew
Ott; Michael Sims; Daniel Sloane; Michael Thompson
Subject: DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication

I'm sad to say that our Sultan has defaulted on the deadline again. Of
course, as per the rules of the game, all of his units will be ordered
to hold, and we'll move on.


Austria: Daniel Sloane <eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net>
England: Andrew Cassese <landru428(at)aol.com>
France: Jon Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Drew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>
Italy: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
Russia: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
Turkey: Adam Kujawa <edisun_end(at)hotmail.com>
Observer: Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com>


F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
A Denmark - Kiel (*Bounce*)
A Finland Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden
F North Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc)
F Skagerrak - Sweden

A Belgium - Holland (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Gascony - Marseilles
A Holland - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Paris - Burgundy
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)

A Silesia - Berlin (*Fails*)

F Apulia - Naples
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel (*Cut*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Munich - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Trieste Hold
A Venice - Tuscany

F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Galicia
A Livonia Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
A Moscow Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Bulgaria, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Constantinople, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Greece, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Serbia, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Smyrna, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: ELIMINATED 1903

England: (6/6)
Armies - Den, Fin
Fleets - Bar, Nth, Nwy, Swe

France: (7/7)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Hol, Mar, Ruh
Fleets - MAO, Spa(sc)

Germany: (1/1)
Armies - Sil

Italy: (7/7)
Armies - Ber, Mun, Tri, Tus
Fleets - Nap, Tun, Tys

Russia: (7/7)
Armies - Boh, Gal, Lvn, Mos
Fleets - Bal, Rum, StP(nc)

Turkey: (6/6)
Armies - Bul, Ser, Smy
Fleets - Con, Eas, Gre


Fall 1904 is due Monday, 4 August at 9pm CST (2am, 5 August GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

Time for vacation? WIN what you need. Enter Now!


DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
let him play is my vote

On Aug 2, 2008, at 12:29 AM, Adam Kujawa wrote:

Guys im really sorry about that, I got held up at the hospital myself but with my mother.  I'm not going CD or anything just had really bad timing.  Anyway i'm totally in on it now, and I appoligize for my prior misses of the deadline, like I said, it's just been rough.  We understand that you were still able to play even though you were in the hospital mike but that's why your a DP game and i'm a lowly pawn. =) 
Sorry again guys, now lets play!

[quote:75fdc090ae]Subject: RE: DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 20:48:38 -0700
From: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])
To: cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); landru428(at)aol.com ([email]landru428(at)aol.com[/email]); dc198(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc198(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); jhack16(at)gmail.com ([email]jhack16(at)gmail.com[/email]); jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email]); edisun_end(at)hotmail.com ([email]edisun_end(at)hotmail.com[/email]); drew3739o(at)yahoo.com ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email]); eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net ([email]eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net[/email]); psychosis(at)sky.com ([email]psychosis(at)sky.com[/email])
Turkey has been actively playing up till this point. Given I just went
to the hospital and barely made moves myself, can I move that we at
least hold till we can possibly hear from him that he's alive? I wont
complain if Turkey's going to go CD I can race for the free centers but
I'd rather have a player.
-----Original Message-----
From: The White Wolf [mailto:cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])] 
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 10:23 PM
To: Former Trout 1266; Andrew Cassese; Forum DC-198; Stephen Lytton
DC-Mod1; Joe Hackett; Andrew Jameson; Jon Kudlick; Adam Kujawa; Drew
Ott; Michael Sims; Daniel Sloane; Michael Thompson
Subject: DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1904 Adjudication
I'm sad to say that our Sultan has defaulted on the deadline again. Of
course, as per the rules of the game, all of his units will be ordered
to hold, and we'll move on.
Austria: Daniel Sloane <eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net ([email]eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net[/email])>
England: Andrew Cassese <landru428(at)aol.com ([email]landru428(at)aol.com[/email])>
France: Jon Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Germany: Drew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Italy: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com ([email]psychosis(at)sky.com[/email])>
Russia: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])>
Turkey: Adam Kujawa <edisun_end(at)hotmail.com ([email]edisun_end(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
Observer: Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com ([email]jhack16(at)gmail.com[/email])>
F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
A Denmark - Kiel (*Bounce*)
A Finland Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden
F North Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc)
F Skagerrak - Sweden
A Belgium - Holland (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Gascony - Marseilles
A Holland - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Paris - Burgundy
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
A Silesia - Berlin (*Fails*)
F Apulia - Naples
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel (*Cut*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Munich - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Trieste Hold
A Venice - Tuscany
F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Galicia
A Livonia Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
A Moscow Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Bulgaria, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Constantinople, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
F Greece, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Serbia, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
A Smyrna, no move received (*Ordered to Hold*)
Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)
Austria: ELIMINATED 1903
England: (6/6)
Armies - Den, Fin
Fleets - Bar, Nth, Nwy, Swe
France: (7/7)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Hol, Mar, Ruh
Fleets - MAO, Spa(sc)
Germany: (1/1)
Armies - Sil
Italy: (7/7)
Armies - Ber, Mun, Tri, Tus
Fleets - Nap, Tun, Tys
Russia: (7/7)
Armies - Boh, Gal, Lvn, Mos
Fleets - Bal, Rum, StP(nc)
Turkey: (6/6)
Armies - Bul, Ser, Smy
Fleets - Con, Eas, Gre
Fall 1904 is due Monday, 4 August at 9pm CST (2am, 5 August GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.
Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!
Thanks all,
The White Wolf
I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

Time for vacation? WIN what you need. Enter Now! =[/quote:75fdc090ae]


DC201 - Summer 951 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
France retreats to Tours.

Attached is the new GIF file and the DPY file for RealPolitik.
I will be sending out the DPY file before every Spring and Fall turn, unless you insist on having it also before Summer and Autumn.

Deadline for Fall 951 is Wednesday, Aug 6 at 23:00 GMT.



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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