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dc163 Fall 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
<dit-dah-dah-dah dit-dit-dah dit-dit-dit dah dit-dit dah-dit>
(just in...)

Germany partitioned - is this a surprise? Often first to go or last man
standing there is no middle ground for her. Their leader stood bravely
before her populace and admitted defeat.

"We fought bravely against steep odds..." was how the speech began but
quickly segued into stronger words, "... Germany, reunited. Germany,
stronger than before. Germany, armed to the teeth, not cut off at the

The leader of the Red Army was non-plussed, but words like this may yet
prove a thorn in the side of the partitioners as they could inspire a
resistance movement.

do keep me on the e-mail list.
thank you, everyone.


DC172 Midsummers - Spring 1603 Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

Should have got this out last night, apologies... Deadline for Spring 1603 orders is in about 10.5 hours - I only have a couple sets in hand so you can colour me anxious...




DC143 spring 1906 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The fight continues between Austria and a Germany/Russia alliance, with Austria and Russia trading control of Budapest and Rumania. Meanwhile in the west, France moves into position to finish off England.

Two units are dislodged, but each has only one valid retreat, so I will go ahead and order those retreats to keep the game moving. Nicklas and Shawn, if for some reason you would prefer to retreat OTB instead, please let me know.

Fall 1906 orders will be due Thursday 5/29 at 23:59 GMT. I may be a little slower than usual getting to the adjudications, as my work schedule will be very busy through the rest of the month.



Spring 1906 results:

A Ankara - Armenia (*Bounce*)
A Bohemia - Galicia
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Naples
A Rumania Supports A Trieste - Budapest (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia Supports A Trieste - Budapest
A Trieste - Budapest
A Tyrolia - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Venice Hold
A Vienna Supports A Bohemia - Galicia

A Edinburgh - Liverpool (*Fails*)
F Portugal - Spain (*Void, no coast specified*)

A Belgium Hold
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Liverpool Hold
A London - Yorkshire
A Marseilles Hold
F North Sea Supports A London - Yorkshire
A Spain - Portugal (*Fails*)
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean

A Holland Hold
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Bohemia
F Norway Hold
A Ruhr - Munich (*Bounce*)
A Silesia Supports A Munich - Bohemia

A Budapest - Rumania
A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) Hold
A Sweden Hold
A Ukraine Supports A Budapest - Rumania


Summer 1906 retreats:

A Rumania - Bulgaria

A Galicia - Warsaw


DC 134 - Game Over - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
So I have 3 votes for a 4-way draw with the Borderlands Surviving, and one vote for a Trolloc Solo.
I will process the game close on DC when I get back on Tuesday.

I just want to thank you all for playtesting this map.
Please send me your thoughts and ideas for improvements, and weather or not you would be interested in playing the next iteration of this variant.
(just so you know, some of the planned changes involve the removal of Dragonmount, the Eastlands as a nation, and adding a path through the Mtns of Mist between Katar and either Baerlon or the two rivers.)

Great game, everyone, Thank you!



PS s06 results! - The day of the Ionians... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
After five grueling years of being stuck in the corner, the Ionians, with gleaming fleets and fearless commanders, set sail for the high seas – in brilliant fashion, claiming both the Arg Sin and Mare Med in one turn… folks at home cheer from the docks as the last Attican fleet leaves port at Ionia. On other fronts, the Aetolians and Boeotians swap centers on the mainland, while the estranged Messenians get denied by the Elians in their run for the Italian hills… Could this fall net our first casualty of the war?

Tons of summer retreats are due: 5, from 5 players!

Aetolia: A lycaion – can only go to Pis, so I’ll default this
Boeotia: A locris – can only go to Dor, so I’ll default this
Attica: F epidaurus(sc) – can go to Iri or Arg
Laconia: F argulicus sinus – can go to lots of places
Messenia: F cypurissius sinus – can go to Kho or Zaz Sin or Pis

There are possible retreat clashes here – remember if 2 units retreat to the same space, they both disband! Technically, you are not supposed to discuss retreats like this, so let’s try to get retreats tonight, so I can get them out before I go away for the long weekend.


A calydon Supports F phocis - locris
A dafni - elis
A lycaion - arcadia (*Dislodged*)
F phocis - locris
F pisatis - triphylia
F prian rhium Supports F phocis - locris
A protilae Supports A lycaion - arcadia (*Cut*)
A thermium - callium (*Fails*)

F athenae Supports F marmora sinus - mare mediterranea
A callium Supports A locris (*Cut*)
F delion Hold
A doris - anticyra
F helicon Supports F thebae - sinus corinthiucus
A locris Supports A callium (*Dislodged*)
A opus - phocis
F thebae - sinus corinthiucus

F epidaurus(sc) Supports F rhodius sinus - argulicus sinus
F ionia - rhodius sinus
F marmora sinus - mare mediterranea
F rhodius sinus - argulicus sinus
F saronieus sinus Supports F rhodius sinus - argulicus sinus

F corinth - epidaurus(nc)
A eleusis - megara
A mycenae Supports F corinth - epidaurus(nc)
A pellea - achaia

F argulicus sinus - saronieus sinus (*Dislodged*)
A ira Supports A megalopolis - lycaion
A maniana - protilae (*Bounce*)
A megalopolis - lycaion
F messeniacus sinus Supports F pylos - cypurissius sinus
A orchenenus - kaphyae
A prastos - cyn.
F pylos - cypurissius sinus
A thuria - megalopolis

F cypurissius sinus - italus sinus (*Dislodged*)

A arcadia - protilae (*Bounce*)
F mare adriaticum - italus sinus (*Bounce*)


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Winter 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
We are 17 hours past deadline and I only have 4 sets of orders.
I will extend through the holiday weekend until Monday Night.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 11:39:47 AM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Winter 1903 Results

Here are the build results.

Spring will continue on Thursday, May 22nd


DC-184 Running With the Pack: Spring 1901 Adjudica... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Thanks for getting all your orders in on time,
folks. Here's Spring.


Austria: Pontus Nilsson pontus(at)wallmanderco.se
England: Kevin Leblanc kevinleb94(at)hotmail.com
France: Scott Lapp pyrasea(at)yahoo.com
Germany: Roger Strand PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com
Italy: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com
Russia: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: Sean Walsh sean.ayearaway(at)gmail.com


Holland, Spain, and the Balkan nations have been
invaded this week by the major European powers. Many
other minor states brace for further incursions, amid
rumors of an all-out continental war that may spread
as far as Northern Africa and the Near East.

The Austrian Army regiment garrisoned in Vienna
discovered Italian forces in the Trieste countryside
this week. The Austrians managed to push the invaders
back to the Italian border, before being forced to
return home for resupply.


A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Trieste (*Bounce*)

F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Edinburgh
F London - North Sea

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Spain
A Paris - Burgundy

A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Ruhr

F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice - Trieste (*Bounce*)

A Moscow - St Petersburg
F Sevastopol - Rumania
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Ukraine

F Ankara - Constantinople
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna Hold

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (3/3)
Armies - Vie, Ser
Fleets - Alb

England: (3/3)
Armies - Edi
Fleets - Nwg, Nth

France: (3/3)
Armies - Bur, Spa
Fleets - MAO

Germany: (3/3)
Armies - Kie, Ruh
Fleets - Hol

Italy: (3/3)
Armies - Ven, Apu
Fleets - Ion

Russia: (4/4)
Armies - StP, Ukr
Fleets - Bot, Rum

Turkey: (3/3)
Armies - Bul, Smy
Fleets - Con


Fall 1901 will be set for Friday, 6 June at 2pm
CST (7pm GMT.) I'm very sorry to have to set such a
distant deadline for the second turn in a row, but one
of our number will be on vacation next week, and I'd
like to give everyone time to negotiate.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

If you happen to use RealPolitik, the file is attached
for your convenience. Due to problems with my
computer, I won't be using RealWorld (as previously
advertised.) Also, you'll have to view the map on the
DC site for the time being, or wait a few hours for me
to email it from my other computer, because of the
same set of problems.

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-184 Running With the Pack: Spring 1901 Map - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Here's that map I promised you.

The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC175 - 7 Pedigree Rats RESULTS SPRING 1905 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
FRIDAY 23rd MAY 2008


As interpreted - one misorders, no NMRs.

A Budapest Hold
A Galicia Supports A Warsaw
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*fails [1:2]*)
A Rome - Naples
F Trieste Hold
F Tuscany - Gulf of Lyon
A Venice - Rome
A Vienna Hold
A Warsaw Supports A Galicia

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports F St Petersburg(nc) (*cut*)
F London - North Sea
F Norwegian Sea Supports F London - North Sea
F Skagerrak - Denmark (*fails [1:2]*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold (*dislodged [1:2]* - see retreats below).
F Sweden Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal

F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Bothnia (*fails [1:1]*)
A Belgium - Ruhr
F Berlin Supports F Baltic Sea (*misorder* - supported unit ordered to move)
A Brest Hold
A Burgundy - Munich
F Denmark Supports F Holland - North Sea (*cut*)
F Holland - North Sea (*fails [1::2]*)
F Kiel Supports F Denmark
A Marseilles Supports A Spain (*cut*)
A Spain Supports A Marseilles

Italy: Eliminated Fall 1904.

Russia: Eliminated Fall 1903.

A Constantinople Hold
F Greece Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Livonia - St Petersburg
A Moscow Supports A Livonia - St Petersburg
F Tunis - North Africa
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tunis - North Africa


As interpreted - no misorders, one unit dislodged, retreat order submitted.

No retreats submitted; none required.

Retreat F St Petersburg(nc) – Norway, Barents Sea (*used* - retreated to Norway)
Retreat F Sweden - Norway, Denmark, Finland (*not required*)

No retreats submitted; none required.

No retreats submitted; none required.

No retreats submitted; none required.

Next Deadline:

Fall 1905: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Wednesday, 28th May 2008

Remember that if I receive 5 sets of orders marked 'ADJUDICATE NOW' or 'FINAL ORDERS' then I will attempt to adjudicate early.
If a turn is adjudicated early there may be a knock-on effect on future deadlines.

The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx

Future Deadlines:

Spring 1906: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Monday, 2nd June 2008
Fall 1906: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Saturday, 7th June 2008
Spring 1907: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Thursday, 12th June 2008
Fall 1907: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Tuesday, 17th June 2008
Spring 1908, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Sunday, 22nd June 2008

GM Comment:

These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC175 message board.
[u:06b93e5934]Preliminary orders are highly recommended.[/u:06b93e5934]
Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders AND potential adjustment orders with your usual orders for the next turn.
Please put the game number 'DC175', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders.
Information on 2-season Diplomacy and the way to order retreats and adjustments can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/.
DiplomaticCorp House Rules and the GM House Rules modifications to them can be found on the game's page.
The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf


Press is via player email or the DiplomaticCorp dc175 Message Board.


There are three maps (gif) for this turn:

DC175Sp05m: showing previous situation plus the latest moves.
DC175Sp05r: showing after moves plus the retreats.
DC175Sp05f: showing final positions (there were no disodgements).

A complete map history for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at: http://sforza.50webs.com/




DC140 "Never Ending Story" winter 1908 a... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry for the delay in adjudicating, I have hit a very busy time at work. I could not find build orders from the Tsar, so Russia banks his builds for another year. Is Rasputin to blame?

Spring 1909 orders will be due Thursday 5/29 at 3pm Central (US). Thanks!



Winter 1908 adjustments:

Build A Paris
Build A Marseilles

Remove A Albania
Remove F Greece

Russia: (NBR)
Build waived
Build waived

Build A Ankara
Build F Smyrna


DC135 Fear & Loathing - Spring 1909 REDUX - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

So I haven't heard from a single one of you concerning my proposal to include France's Spring 09 orders. Therefore, I have re-adjudicated the Spring 09 turn with the inclusion of moves from Paris.

Only a minor change occurs in the results - although it may have major ramifications down the road... Instead of the French fleet in the Ionian - it is the Turkish fleet in Albania that is dislodged and made to retreat. As there was only a single option - the Adriatic - I took the liberty... Ian, if OTB is preferred please just let me know and I will adjust the adjudication.

Please note that up to this point, the only player who has checked in with me is Eric from France. I am still waiting to hear from the other remaining four powers. Andwer, Jeremiah, Clint and Steven - you folks now have until Monday, May 26th (11:59 PM GMT) to write to confirm your continued interest in the game. If I don't hear from you, I will assume that you have abandoned their positions - and I sincerely hope this isn't the case.

Assuming that no change is required in the player roster, Fall 1909 order deadline will be set for Thursday, May 29th (11:59 PM GMT). Please send me your orders with copies to Nick.

Cheers everyone. =)


Movement results for Spring of 1909. (DC135 09 SUM)

Austria: A Serbia Supports A Rumania.
Austria: A Rumania Hold.

England: A Edinburgh, no move received.
England: F Liverpool, no move received.
England: A London, no move received.
England: F North Sea, no move received.
England: F Helgoland Bight, no move received.
England: A Kiel, no move received.
England: F Berlin, no move received.
England: A Warsaw, no move received.
England: A Galicia, no move received.
England: A Ukraine, no move received.
England: A Vienna, no move received.
England: A Budapest, no move received.
England: A Moscow, no move received.

France: F Brest - English Channel.
France: F Marseilles - Spain(sc).
France: F Naples Supports F Ionian Sea.
France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea.
France: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Albania.
France: A Venice Supports A Trieste.
France: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste.
France: A Munich Hold.
France: A Ruhr Supports A Holland.
France: A Belgium Supports A Holland.
France: A Holland Hold.
France: A Trieste Supports A Apulia - Albania.
France: A Apulia - Albania.

Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Rumania.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: F Albania - Ionian Sea (*Dislodged*).
Turkey: F Greece Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania.
Turkey: A Armenia Supports F Sevastopol.

The following units were dislodged:

Turkish F Albania can retreat to Adriatic Sea.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Rumania, A Serbia.
England: F Berlin, A Budapest, A Edinburgh, A Galicia, F Helgoland Bight, A
Kiel, F Liverpool, A London, A Moscow, F North Sea, A Ukraine, A
Vienna, A Warsaw.
France: A Albania, A Belgium, F English Channel, A Holland, F Ionian Sea, A
Munich, F Naples, A Ruhr, F Spain(sc), A Trieste, A Tyrolia, F
Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
Russia: F Sevastopol.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, F Albania, A Armenia, A Bulgaria, F Greece.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Rumania, Serbia.
England: Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Kiel, Liverpool, London,
Moscow, Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
France: Belgium, Brest, Holland, Marseilles, Munich, Naples, Paris,
Portugal, Rome, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Sevastopol.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna.

Austria: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 13 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 13 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.



Imperial1841 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I'm considering a slight, but important border change in I41. Moving the border between CAS and BOB from where it is (dark blue line) to the location shown by the red line.

CAS can then access ARZ; LIS can access CAS. BOB will not have access to WME, CAD, or SAR.

I think this will give France and Spain more first turn options with their fleets NAN and LIS.

Any thoughts?

I'd like to incorporate this change for RE005.


Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I personally like that both BOB and CAS can both enter WME.

Admitted, this gives the Spanish fleet in Lisbon 0 options for diverse openings - they will always open to BOB. This could be fixed by instead moving the vertical border between BOB/CAS and WME left about 3 mm, so that you still accomplish the option for Lis to then choose BOB or WME for the opening.

Note giving Spain the opening to WME makes them quite strong, for then they can convoy to Morocco in 01, which is killer.

Also as you've drawn it (the red line) you give them the option to open to CAS, which sets up the convoy to Mor. Giving Spain such an easy landing in Africa makes it unlikely that Austria or Ottoman will be able to colonize Africa first. Because of the 2 stuck Spanish armies in Spain, I think this would almost become the default opening for them.



DC166 (wb0821) - Winter 1909 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

Turkey regroups in North Africa, Austria builds a pair of armies and England disbands in Gascony. Into 1910 we plunge, with the deadline set for Monday, May 26th (11:59 PM GMT).



Retreat orders for Fall of 1909. (DC166 09 WIN)

Turkey: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1909. (DC166 09 WIN)

Austria: Build A Trieste.
Austria: Build A Budapest.

England: Remove F Gascony.

Russia: Defaults, removing A Ukraine.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Bohemia, A Budapest, A Marseilles, A Moscow, A Munich, A Rumania,
A Sevastopol, A Silesia, A Trieste, A Venice, A Warsaw.
England: F Berlin, A Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel, F Irish Sea, A
Kiel, F Livonia, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Atlantic Ocean, F
Portugal, F Prussia, A Ruhr, A St Petersburg, A Wales.
France: A Spain.
Turkey: A Constantinople, F Gulf of Lyon, F North Africa, A Smyrna, F Tunis,
F Tuscany, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Western Mediterranean.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Marseilles, Moscow, Munich, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol,
Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,
Liverpool, London, Norway, Paris, Portugal, St Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Spain.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Smyrna,

Austria: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 14 Supply centers, 14 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.



Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Bob needs to border Wme. The Med is just not accessible enough otherwise. Also it was annoying that I couldn't convoy to Mor the first turn, but maybe that was by design. However, if you're going to give Spain the ability to move to Mor the first year via CAS, then you might as well let Wme border Lis, because otherwise that mouth is just too crowded.



DC 183 Spring 1902 results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi Folks

Sorry for the delay in adjudicating - I was dragged out for a drink after work yesterday which turned into several drinks...

Anyway, we have our first NMR this turn, with no orders from Germany - Hizer, if you've got a confirmation from me, please shout, as I couldn't find anything this end. If Germany NMRs in Fall, I'm going to have to declare him in CD and consider recruiting a replacement.

Anyway - on to the moves....Austria feels the crunch again, with Italian and Russian invaders moving in for the kill. Some general maneveuring in the west, and Turkey gets backed up again in Serbia...

With no retreats needed, we move to Fall 1902 -deadline for this will be Thursday 29th May at 2000 GMT. Preliminaries encouraged!


The merry band of players:

Austria: Stuart - gadmiralthrawn(at)juno.com
England: Joao - jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com
France: Rachael - verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Germany: Hizer - hizerali(at)googlemail.com
Italy: Craig - cbconnell(at)gmail.com
Russia: Nick - zeclient(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: Francis - francisbanville12(at)hotmail.com ([email]francisbanville12(at)hotmail.com[/email])

Movement results for Spring of 1902

Austria: F Albania - Adriatic Sea.
Austria: A Serbia Supports A Trieste (*Cut*).
Austria: A Trieste Hold (*Disbanded*).

England: F English Channel Supports F London - North Sea.
England: F London - North Sea.
England: F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*).
England: A Wales - London.

France: A Brest Hold.
France: F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon.
France: A Munich Hold.
France: A Paris - Burgundy.
France: F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
France: A Spain - Gascony.

Germany: F Denmark, no move received.
Germany: A Kiel, no move received.
Germany: A Ruhr, no move received.

Italy: F Greece - Albania.
Italy: F Naples - Ionian Sea.
Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Venice - Trieste.
Italy: A Venice - Trieste.

Russia: A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna.
Russia: A Galicia - Vienna.
Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine.
Russia: F Rumania Hold.
Russia: A Sevastopol Hold.
Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) Hold.
Russia: F Sweden Hold.

Turkey: F Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Smyrna Hold.

Unit locations:
Austria: F Adriatic Sea, A Serbia.
England: F English Channel, A London, F North Sea, F Norway.
France: A Brest, A Burgundy, A Gascony, F Gulf of Lyon, F Mid-Atlantic
Ocean, A Munich.
Germany: F Denmark, A Kiel, A Ruhr.
Italy: F Albania, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia.
Russia: A Budapest, F Rumania, A Sevastopol, F St Petersburg(nc), F Sweden,
A Ukraine, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Ankara, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople, A Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Munich, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Kiel.
Italy: Greece, Naples, Rome, Venice.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.
Unowned: Belgium, Holland, Tunis.

The next phase of DC183 will be Movement for Fall of 1902.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.


DC141 Seven Sinners - Spring 1908 - Other People - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
We bid a fond farewell to our Italian Supremo this turn as France finally succeeds in moving into Tunis, disbanding the sole remaining Italian unit. My great thanks to Benjy for his untiring efforts in playing this one out to the very end. See you in the next game, bro. =)

In other news, a slight slip on England's part allows Russia into Sweden and Turkey guns their way into Tuscany. No retreats are required other than the Italian disband, so we move straight forward into Fall 1908. Deadline will be set for Thursday, May 29th (11:59 PM GMT).

Please let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers gang!


Movement results for Spring of 1908. (DC141 08 SPR)

England: F Barents Sea Supports F Finland - St Petersburg(sc).
England: F Denmark - Baltic Sea (*Fails*).
England: A Edinburgh Hold.
England: F Finland - St Petersburg(sc).
England: A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*).
England: F North Sea, no move received.
England: F Norway Supports F Finland - St Petersburg(sc).
England: F Skaggark - Sweden (*VOID - No Such Unit*)
England: A Sweden - Finland.

France: A Burgundy - Marseilles.
France: F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Fails*).
France: F North Africa - Tunis.
France: A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*).
France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Cut*).
France: F Western Mediterranean Supports F North Africa - Tunis.

Germany: A Berlin Supports A Kiel.
Germany: A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Cut*).
Germany: A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Cut*).

Italy: A Tunis - North Africa (*Disbanded*).

Russia: F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*).
Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden.
Russia: A Livonia Supports A Moscow - St Petersburg.
Russia: A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Fails*).
Russia: A Piedmont Supports A Rome - Tuscany.
Russia: A Silesia Supports A Munich.
Russia: A Tyrolia Supports A Munich.

Turkey: F Adriatic Sea Supports F Greece - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Ankara Hold.
Turkey: F Apulia Supports A Naples - Rome (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Greece - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Naples - Rome.
Turkey: A Rome - Tuscany.
Turkey: A Venice Supports A Rome - Tuscany.

Unit locations:

England: F Barents Sea, F Denmark, A Edinburgh, A Finland, A Holland, F North
Sea, F Norway, F St Petersburg(sc).
France: F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, A Ruhr, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F
Western Mediterranean.
Germany: A Berlin, A Kiel, A Munich.
Italy: A Tunis.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, A Livonia, A Moscow, A Piedmont, A Silesia, F Sweden,
A Tyrolia.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Ankara, F Apulia, F Greece, F Ionian
Sea, A Rome, A Tuscany, A Venice.

Ownership of supply centers:

England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London, Norway, St
Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Tunis.
Russia: Budapest, Constantinople, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, Vienna,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Greece, Naples, Rome, Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste,

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC161 Ni! - Fall 830 Order Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Knights Who Say Ni!

Deadline for Fall 830 is in just under 17 hours. I believe that I remain short a set or two.


Trout Who Says Ni!


DC172 MNS - Missing 3 Sets for Spring 03 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Perhaps fittingly, I'm missing 3 sets of orders for Spring 1603. The players have just been notified in yet another email, and hopefully the stray sets will find their way in shortly.

Thanks for the patience,



dc167 Winter '09 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Please check your math.
End game points should be

--- On Fri, 5/23/08, Christine <dawench2(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Christine <dawench2(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: dc167 Winter '09
To: "France" <jensends(at)yahoo.com>, "GMA2" <dawench2(at)lycos.com>, "jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com" <jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com>, "Mikael Johansson" <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>, "mickstagman(at)aol.com" <mickstagman(at)aol.com>, "psychosis(at)sky.com" <psychosis(at)sky.com>, "speedybunny(at)orange.fr" <speedybunny(at)orange.fr>, "t2" <briankingfox(at)hotmail.com>, "Turkey" <briankingfox(at)yahoo.com.hk>, "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "o" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)southwall.com>
Date: Friday, May 23, 2008, 9:30 AM
A 3-way E/ G / Tdraw has been proposed. Votes are due with
the Spring Deadline.

End game Points if a Draw Passes now:

England: 12.12
Germany: 12.8
Turkey: 12.14




Votes and Spring '10 are due Monday May 26th 8 AM CDST
(GMT -5) 1300 GMT


disband A Rome

disband A Venice


Build F Liverpool

Build A Munich

Build F Constantinople
Build F Smyrna

Supply Center and Unit Count:

Austria: 0 / 0
England: 12 / 12
France: 0 / 0
Germany: 8 / 8
Italy: 0 / 0
Russia: 0 / 0
Turkey: 14 / 14

Selective truth is a far better smoke screen than any lie.


DC141 Seven Sinners - DIAS Proposal Failure - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya guys,

Realized that I forgot to mention that the DIAS proposal was torpedoed off the table. We rage onwards!!




DC175 - 7 Pedigree Rats RESULTS SPRING 1905 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Got the adjudication...thanks!


-----Original Message-----

From: "dc175" <dc175(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Subj: DC175 - 7 Pedigree Rats RESULTS SPRING 1905
Date: Fri May 23, 2008 3:28 pm
Size: 8K
To: dc175(at)diplomaticcorp.com

DC175 - 7 PEDIGREE RATS STANDARD GAME, STANDARD MAP, 2-SEASON GAME YEAR ADJUDICATION SPRING 1905 (TURN 9) FRIDAY 23rd MAY 2008 Orders: As interpreted - one misorders, no NMRs. Austria: A Budapest Hold A Galicia Supports A Warsaw A Piedmont - Marseilles (*fails [1:2]*) A Rome - Naples F Trieste Hold F Tuscany - Gulf of Lyon A Venice - Rome A Vienna Hold A Warsaw Supports A Galicia England: F Gulf of Bothnia Supports F St Petersburg(nc) (*cut*) F London - North Sea F Norwegian Sea Supports F London - North Sea F Skagerrak - Denmark (*fails [1:2]*) F St Petersburg(nc) Hold (*dislodged [1:2]* - see retreats below). F Sweden Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal Germany: F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Bothnia (*fails [1:1]*) A Belgium - Ruhr F Berlin Supports F Baltic Sea (*misorder* - supported unit ordered to move) A Brest Hold A Burgundy - Munich F Denmark Supports F Holland - North Sea (*cut*) F Holland - North Sea (*fails [1::2]*) F Kiel Supp
orts F Denmark A Marseilles Supports A Spain (*cut*) A Spain Supports A Marseilles Italy: Eliminated Fall 1904. Russia: Eliminated Fall 1903. Turkey: A Constantinople Hold F Greece Hold F Ionian Sea Hold A Livonia - St Petersburg A Moscow Supports A Livonia - St Petersburg F Tunis - North Africa F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tunis - North Africa Retreats: As interpreted - no misorders, one unit dislodged, retreat order submitted. Austria: No retreats submitted; none required. England: Retreat F St Petersburg(nc) – Norway, Barents Sea (*used* - retreated to Norway) Retreat F Sweden - Norway, Denmark, Finland (*not required*) France: No retreats submitted; none required. Germany: No retreats submitted; none required. Turkey: No retreats submitted; none required. Next Deadline: Fall 1905: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Wednesday, 28th May 2008 Remember that if I receive 5 sets of orders marked 'ADJUDICATE NOW' or 'FINAL ORDERS' then I will attempt to adjudicate
early. If a turn is adjudicated early there may be a knock-on effect on future deadlines. The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx Future Deadlines: Spring 1906: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Monday, 2nd June 2008 Fall 1906: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Saturday, 7th June 2008 Spring 1907: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Thursday, 12th June 2008 Fall 1907: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Tuesday, 17th June 2008 Spring 1908, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Sunday, 22nd June 2008 GM Comment: These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC175 message board. Preliminary orders are highly recommended. Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders AND potential adjustment orders with your usual orders for the next turn. Please put the game number 'DC175', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders. Information on 2-season Diplomacy and the way to order retreats and adjustments can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/. DiplomaticCorp House Rules and the GM House Rules modif
ications to them can be found on the game's page. The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS ADJUDICATION. Press: Press is via player email or the DiplomaticCorp dc175 Message Board. Maps: There are three maps (gif) for this turn: DC175Sp05m: showing previous situation plus the latest moves. DC175Sp05r: showing after moves plus the retreats. DC175Sp05f: showing final positions (there were no disodgements). A complete map history for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at: http://sforza.50webs.com/ Cheers, Paolo.
-------------------- m2f -------------------- Read this topic online here: http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?p=4684#4684 -------------------- m2f --------------------


dc155 ~ Killing Cousins - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Deadline for Spring 1910: May 30, 2359 gmt

Winter 1909:

Builds waived

Remove F Irish Sea

Build F Rome
Build waived

Unit locations:

Austria: F Albania, A Berlin, A Finland, A Kiel, A Moscow, A Munich, A
Norway, A Silesia, A Trieste, A Tyrolia.

England: F Clyde, F Wales.

Germany: F Baltic Sea, F Denmark, F English Channel.

Italy: A Belgium, A Constantinople, A Holland, F Liverpool, F
Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Atlantic Ocean, F North Africa, A Picardy, F
Rome, F Spain(sc), F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Kiel, Moscow, Munich,
Norway, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Trieste, Vienna, Warsaw.

England: Edinburgh, London.

Germany: Brest, Denmark, Sweden.

Italy: Ankara, Belgium, Constantinople, Holland, Liverpool,
Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Smyrna, Spain, Tunis, Venice.

Deadline for Spring 1910: May 30, 2359 gmt
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy/dc155


Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Spain starts with F LIS and A MAD
France has a F NAN which borders BOB and ECH
Holland has a F HOL that borders ECH and NTH
Britain has F LON which borders ECH and NTH

When I put I40 together I pondered over this area. MOR started as Spainish territory, and there was originally a land bridge between CAD and MOR, but it seemed Spain grew to fast right out of the gate with such easy access to N Africa - which is how it got where it is now.

Revisiting it, and reading the opinions so far - I don't think taking away WME connection to BOB and CAS is worth moving the border.


DC172 - A Trio of Theatre Critics - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

Unfortunately, with almost 24 hours past the deadline I still have not heard from England, France or the Ottomans for Spring 1603. I have extended our three players an additional 24 hours grace and will accept orders from them up until Sunday, May 25th (11:59 PM GMT). However, if no word is forthcoming by tomorrow night, I will be seeking replacements for these positions.

Apologies for the delay, everyone. Cheers!



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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