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DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well that had to be one of the oddest seasons I have seen in a while.
France NMRd, but lost little.
Italy helped Russia sack Budapest, but allowed Austria to retake Vienna.
A Turkish Fleet sits idle while Italian forces plunge into Bulgaria.
The English dance around the Home Islands, while half the German forces observe Oktoberfest.

Budapest retreats to Galacia, as there is nowhere else he can go, but as Austria must disband something....

Winter orders:
Austria - Disband one
Germany, Italy, Russia - Build one each

Winter orders due Monday, June 9th

A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Vienna

F Clyde Hold
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)

A Brest, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris, no move received

A Belgium - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Holland - Belgium
F Livonia Hold
F Prussia Hold
A Silesia Hold

A Apulia - Venice
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Rumania - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)


Dc159 Fall 1905 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
EGS from the deposed [and drowned] Italian leader:

Tough game but all thanks for the props from Trout and Nick. I guess the tough thing about this game was that it essentially turned gunboat quickly. Once Nick and Trout linked up, there really wasn't a whole lot that could be done. There were too many inconsistencies in France, a few ill-timed NMRs elsewhere, etc. All that really could be done was sit back and watch the inevitable. I made the mistake early on of moving on Austria [hoping/thinking] that I had Turkish support. Once Austria was crippled that never really materialized and there wasn't really anything I could do. The nature of the flooding pretty much forced Turkey and Russia to continue to move forward and there was really nothing I could do to persuade them to fight one another [because they both needed each other to rush forward to replace sinking centers]. While the flooding was a neat aspect, it further turned the game gunboat style quickly in my opinion.

I appreciate Stephen leading us on this journey. I liked the variant but I honestly think it is one best suited for gunboat...just one man's opinion. That said, don't take it as sour grapes; all congrats to Trout and Nick [at least thus far] for running a masterful strategy and clearly being dominate. Seems a shame for one of them to lose but I put money on a Trout solo.


From: Stephen Lytton [mailto:stevelytton(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 12:12 AM
To: bobbarkerfan1ped(at)yahoo.com; holyyakker(at)gmail.com; ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; glennb89(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; jacob09481(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; dc159(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Bledsoe, Garry
Subject: Dc159 Fall 1905

Dc159 Fall 1905

Unfortunately I never heard back from our France - Jake. I am hoping this is a temporary setback by him and that he will be on board for the next deadline.

DIAS was voted down
Turkish-Russian draw was voted down.
(NB Players who are in NMR or CD, automatically vote yes for all proposals)

Nick - currently Trieste has coasts, is your fleet in the north or south coast? let me know asap.

F North Atlantic Ocean -> Mid Atlantic Ocean
F Yorkshire -> Wales
F North Sea -> English Channel (BOUNCE)
F Belgium -> Picardy (BOUNCE)
F Burgundy -> Marseilles (BOUNCE)
A Munich Support Tyrolia -> Switzerland
A Tyrolia -> Switzerland
A Bohemia -> Tyrolia
F Vienna Support Bohemia -> Tyrolia
F Galicia -> Bohemia
F Prussia -> Berlin

F Lyo - Pie
F Ven S F Lyo - Pie
A Ion disembark Tun
F Ion S A Ion disembark Tun
F Gre - Alb
F Aeg - Gre
A Ser S Tri

F Pie Holds (dislodged, retreats to Tuscanny)

all units hold

Winter 1905 is due next Wednesday 11th June at 5pm Australian EST

Russia 10 SC, 11 Units disband 1
France 1 SC, 4 Units, Disband 3
Italy 0 SC, 3 Units - Eliminated.
Turkey 6 SC, 8 Units 0 Disband 2

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

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DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results corre... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
As has been pointed out, I fat-fingered RP and tried to send the English Fleet from Liverpool to the NAO, instead to the Irish Sea as ordered.
That move was successful and that fleet is in the Irish sea, not in port.

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 1:57:42 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results

Well that had to be one of the oddest seasons I have seen in a while.
France NMRd, but lost little.
Italy helped Russia sack Budapest, but allowed Austria to retake Vienna.
A Turkish Fleet sits idle while Italian forces plunge into Bulgaria.
The English dance around the Home Islands, while half the German forces observe Oktoberfest.

Budapest retreats to Galacia, as there is nowhere else he can go, but as Austria must disband something....

Winter orders:
Austria - Disband one
Germany, Italy, Russia - Build one each

Winter orders due Monday, June 9th

A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Vienna

F Clyde Hold
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)

A Brest, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris, no move received

A Belgium - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Holland - Belgium
F Livonia Hold
F Prussia Hold
A Silesia Hold

A Apulia - Venice
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Rumania - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results corre... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
damn you jason...you've completely ruined austria's moves...i should resign and report you to the head of the site!!!!!....oh wait, actually this doesn't effect me and my puny two units atl...never mind...you're the greatest GM i've ever seen.......geez, i think i need my meds adjusted...

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

As has been pointed out, I fat-fingered RP and tried to send the English Fleet from Liverpool to the NAO, instead to the Irish Sea as ordered.
That move was successful and that fleet is in the Irish sea, not in port.

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email]); dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); domdip(at)stanford.edu ([email]domdip(at)stanford.edu[/email]); hospitalearth(at)gmail.com ([email]hospitalearth(at)gmail.com[/email]); Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ([email]samuel_buck(at)dalton.org[/email]); sonalimander(at)gmail.com ([email]sonalimander(at)gmail.com[/email]); themaos(at)earthlink.net ([email]themaos(at)earthlink.net[/email]); Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 1:57:42 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results

Well that had to be one of the oddest seasons I have seen in a while.
France NMRd, but lost little.
Italy helped Russia sack Budapest, but allowed Austria to retake Vienna.
A Turkish Fleet sits idle while Italian forces plunge into Bulgaria.
The English dance around the Home Islands, while half the German forces observe Oktoberfest.

Budapest retreats to Galacia, as there is nowhere else he can go, but as Austria must disband something....

Winter orders:
Austria - Disband one
Germany, Italy, Russia - Build one each

Winter orders due Monday, June 9th

A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Vienna

F Clyde Hold
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)

A Brest, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris, no move received

A Belgium - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Holland - Belgium
F Livonia Hold
F Prussia Hold
A Silesia Hold

A Apulia - Venice
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Rumania - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)


dc188 - Spring 1901 - Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Thanks for everyone submitting orders on time. No retreats so we proceed directly to fall.
Earlier deadline next week, for the Father's Day weekend.

Fall 1901 - Friday June 13, 2008 at 17:00GMT (1pm EDT).
Winter 1901 - Monday June 16, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT).

A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Budapest

F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Liverpool - Wales
F London - English Channel

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
A Paris - Burgundy (*Bounce*)

A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Burgundy (*Bounce*)

F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice - Piedmont (*Bounce*)

A Moscow - Sevastopol
F Sevastopol - Rumania
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Ukraine

F Ankara - Black Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople


GGS 1264 / DC110 - Fall 1873 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Folks of the Guns, Germs and Steel..

Deadline for Fall 1873 orders is in just over 24.5 hours. I'm still missing a couple sets, so please double-check and confirm that you have a confirmation from me.




DC136 Avenging Disco Godfathers - Early Winter 191... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
This is the only way that we should fly
This is the only way to go ...

A Scottish girl is definitely more than a woman... As the French find when they retreat to Edinburgh. Deadline for Winter 1912 Adjustments will be set for Monday, June 9th (11:59 PM GMT). However, I will adjudicate earlier if I receive Germany's order in and marked FINAL.



Retreat orders for Fall of 1912. (DC136 12 EW)

France: F North Sea - Edinburgh.

Unit locations:

France: A Albania, F Apulia, A Belgium, A Burgundy, F Edinburgh, A Gascony,
A Greece, F Gulf of Lyon, F Ionian Sea, F London, F Mid-Atlantic
Ocean, F Naples, F Norwegian Sea, A Serbia, A Trieste, F Venice.
Germany: A Armenia, A Budapest, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A Munich, F
North Sea, F Norway, A Piedmont, A Ruhr, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, F
Skagerrak, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople, F Eastern Mediterranean.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Greece, Liverpool, London, Marseilles,
Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Serbia, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Germany: Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Norway,
Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 16 Supply centers, 16 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 14 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Summer 2010 - Com... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Now is the time to make circles with mints, do not haste any longer ...

Yes, the fortune cookies get more and more inscrutable and mysterious... =P

Meanwhile, some mea-culpas from last adjudication. Obviously it wasn't the Cuban army convoying the Mexican fleets.. That would just be nuts.. =P The Mexicans blinded me with Tequila... Obviously I meant that Florida fleets convoyed Mexican armies. Really. *grin*

Also, I missed entering two of California's orders. The army in San Antonio supported Houston, and the army in Tennessee held in place. My apologies for the errors - however no map correction is needed.

Which brings us to Summer. California retreats to Milwaukee and I have nothing further that I can screw up. =)

Deadline for Fall 2010 orders will be set for Thursday, June 12th (11:59 PM GMT). Cheers folks!


Retreat orders for Spring of 2010. (DC138 10 SUM)

California: A Minneapolis - Milwaukee.

Unit locations:

BC: F Anchorage, F Baja California, A Idaho, F Massachusetts Bay, A
Manitoba, A Michigan, A Minneapolis, F New York City, F New York
State, A Ontario, F Oregon, F Quebec City, A Upper Peninsula.
California: A Chihuahua, A Dallas, A Durango, F Gulf of California, A Houston,
A Iowa, A Kentucky, A Milwaukee, F Mid Pacific Ocean, A Nevada, A
Ohio, A San Antonio, F San Francisco, A Tennessee, A Virginia, F
West Coast.
Florida: F Apalachee Bay, A Arkansas, F Deep South, F East Coast, A Georgia,
F Gulf of Campeche, A Havana, F Lesser Antilles, A North Carolina, F
Straits of Florida.
Heartland: A Washington DC.
NewYork: A Massachussets, A New Jersey, A Philadelphia, A West Pennsylvania.
Quebec: F Vermont.
Cuba: A Venezuela.
Mexico: A Bogota, A Coahuila, F Gulf of Mosquitos, F Gulf of Mexico, F
Guadalajara, F Guerrero, A Guatemala, A Nuevo Leon, F Panama, A
Potosi, F Veracruz.

Ownership of supply centers:

BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Greenland, Hawaii, Manitoba, Michigan, Montreal,
Ohio, Ontario, Quebec City, Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Arizona, Chihuahua, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Durango, Houston,
Kansas, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Missouri, Oregon, San
Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Tennessee.
Florida: Georgia, Havana, Holquin, Jacksonville, Kingston, Louisiana, Miami,
North Carolina, Tampa, Venezuela.
Heartland: Washington DC.
NewYork: Massachussets, New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia.
Quebec: Nova Scotia.
Cuba: Dominican Republic.
Mexico: Bogota, Cali, Guadalajara, Guatemala, Lima, Mexico City, Nicaragua,
Nuevo Leon, Panama, Veracruz, Yucatan.



OW - s06 all out! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Most out this morning, a few stragglers this evening that I couldn’t get to at work.
NEXT is fall, due next Friday 10am Pacific!


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results corre... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Of Course, That means Yorkshire makes it to Liverpool.

----- Original Message ----
From: themaos <themaos(at)earthlink.net>
To: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 5:49:26 PM
Subject: RE: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results correction

Jason, thank you for the quick response…I apologize again for any trouble…Can you also confirm that A Yorkshire has successfully moved to Liverpool ?

Thank you again – Eric Mao -- England

From: Jason K [mailto:githraine(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 1:57 PM
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton; Jack McHugh; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout
Subject: Re: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results correction

As has been pointed out, I fat-fingered RP and tried to send the English Fleet from Liverpool to the NAO, instead to the Irish Sea as ordered.
That move was successful and that fleet is in the Irish sea , not in port.

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 1:57:42 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results
Well that had to be one of the oddest seasons I have seen in a while.
France NMRd, but lost little.
Italy helped Russia sack Budapest , but allowed Austria to retake Vienna .
A Turkish Fleet sits idle while Italian forces plunge into Bulgaria .
The English dance around the Home Islands , while half the German forces observe Oktoberfest.

Budapest retreats to Galacia, as there is nowhere else he can go, but as Austria must disband something....

Winter orders:
Austria - Disband one
Germany , Italy , Russia - Build one each

Winter orders due Monday, June 9th

Austria :
A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Vienna

England :
F Clyde Hold
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg (nc) - Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)

France :
A Brest , no move received
A Marseilles , no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris , no move received

Germany :
A Belgium - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Holland - Belgium
F Livonia Hold
F Prussia Hold
A Silesia Hold

Italy :
A Apulia - Venice
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

Russia :
A Rumania - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold

Turkey :
F Aegean Sea Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)


DC173 OK Computer - Summer 04 - Fitter Happier - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

France sends their Picardy unit packing to Paris to take in the sights and sounds. With that out of the way, we move on to Fall 1904 orders. Please have them in to me by Thursday, June 12th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!


Retreat orders for Spring of 1904. (DC173 04 SUM)

France: A Picardy - Paris.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Budapest, A Galicia, F Greece, A Moscow, A Serbia, A Tyrolia, A
Ukraine, A Venice.
England: F Barents Sea, F English Channel, F North Sea, A Picardy, A St
France: A Gascony, F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A
Paris, F Tunis.
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Burgundy, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Helgoland
Bight, A Kiel, A Munich.
Italy: F Naples, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Turkey: F Bulgaria(sc), F Eastern Mediterranean, F Ionian Sea, F Rumania, A
Sevastopol, A Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Moscow, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, St Petersburg.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Sweden.
Italy: Naples, Rome.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.



DC-184, Running With the Pack! Fall 1901 Adjudicat... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Looks like a good, clean first year for everyone. Please keep up the good work of getting orders in on time, it really makes the game that much more enjoyable (even for the GM!)


Austria: Pontus Nilsson pontus(at)wallmanderco.se
England: Kevin Leblanc kevinleb94(at)hotmail.com
France: Scott Lapp pyrasea(at)yahoo.com
Germany: Roger Strand PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com
Italy: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com
Russia: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: Sean Walsh sean.ayearaway(at)gmail.com


As the warring nations of Europe fall further into the depths of madness, heavy industry across the continent is preparing for a major increase in output. All seven countries are expected to build new ships and tanks and raise new troops this winter, in expectation of more battles in the coming year. How the borders may be redrawn, or how long this terrible war will last, has yet to be seen. The future looks dark, indeed.

German and French forces collided in Belgium this week, causing panic among the populace. As French troops attempted to take the city, German army and naval forces worked in perfect unison to force their opponents back to wine territory. While not a major setback for the fast-growing French, this is certainly a boon to the German military, which expects to double its numbers before spring.

After the failed Italian invasion of Trieste in the spring, the last thing Viennese forces expected to encounter this week was an Italian escort into the previously contested territory. That is exactly what happened, though, as troops from Venice helped to guarantee the safe passage of Austrian troops into what was expected by many to remain a war zone.


F Albania - Greece
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Vienna - Trieste

A Edinburgh - Liverpool
F North Sea Supports F Norwegian Sea - Norway
F Norwegian Sea - Norway

A Burgundy - Belgium (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
A Spain - Portugal

F Holland Supports A Ruhr - Belgium
A Kiel - Denmark
A Ruhr - Belgium

A Apulia - Tunis
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Tunis
A Venice Supports A Vienna - Trieste

F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
F Rumania - Black Sea
A St Petersburg - Finland
A Ukraine - Rumania

A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Smyrna - Constantinople

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (5/3) - Build 2
Armies - Tri, Ser
Fleets - Gre

England: (4/3) - Build 1
Armies - Lvp
Fleets - Nwy, Nth

France: (5/3) - Build 2
Armies - Bur, Por
Fleets - Spa (sc)

Germany: (6/3) - Build 3
Armies - Bel, Den
Fleets - Hol

Italy: (4/3) - Build 1
Armies - Ven, Tun
Fleets - Ion

Russia: (6/4) - Build 2
Armies - Fin, Rum
Fleets - Swe, Bla

Turkey: (4/3) - Build 1
Armies - Bul, Con
Fleets - Aeg

Winter 1901 is due Wednesday, 6 June at 2pm CST (7pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC141 - Late One Set of Orders - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

We're unfortunately one set of orders late for the current turn. I've notified the player in question, and will wait just a couple hours till morning. Hopefully the stray set will find its way in by then.

Cheers everyone,



DC172 - Replacement France, Player Vacation and On... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

Unfortunately, we're one set of orders short for Fall 1603 - which opens up a whole ugly mess of delay on us. But more on that in a minute...

Please welcome Thomas Fletcher to our party as the new leader of France. His email addy is listed below, in the player roster. Fletch has been good enough to step into the game and help us play on - at my request, he has submitted Fall orders already...

However, one of our good leaders is leaving tomorrow for a week and a half. It was my hopes to have the Fall turn complete before his departure - but it looks as though we may have to extend. I will wait a few hours for the missing set to filter in, and will be writing tomorrow with either the adjudication, or a rather long extension notification.

Thanks everyone. I'll still attempt to get the Fall turn out ASAP. Cheers!


Player list for dc172

ID : unitedfan1389
Ctry : Denmark 0
Name : Matt Kremer
Email : matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])
Location :

ID : sgttodd
Ctry : England 1
Name : Gerald Todd
Email : sgttodd(at)mainecav.org ([email]sgttodd(at)mainecav.org[/email])
Location :

ID : tfletch33
Ctry : France 1
Name : Thomas Fletcher
Email : tfletch33(at)yahoo.com ([email]tfletch33(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Location :

ID : DamienThryn
Ctry : Habsburg 0
Name : Andrew Tanner
Email : damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email])
Location :

ID : chknbrstl
Ctry : Ottoman 1
Name : Rob Bristol
Email : rbristol(at)cogeco.ca ([email]rbristol(at)cogeco.ca[/email])
Location :

ID : Tirerndil
Ctry : Poland 0
Name : Gregory Bim-Merle
Email : gbimmerle(at)gmail.com ([email]gbimmerle(at)gmail.com[/email])
Location :

ID : scaponig
Ctry : Russia 1
Name : Steve Caponigri
Email : scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Location :

ID : slikrik66
Ctry : Spain 0
Name : Jon Kudlick
Email : jkudlick(at)gmail.com ([email]jkudlick(at)gmail.com[/email])
Location :

ID : m_don_j
Ctry : Sweden 0
Name : Mikael Johansson
Email : m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Location :


DC178 - Fall 07 Extension - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi everyone,

Our ships need re-haulin, and this pleasure cruise will be delayed till Monday, June 9th (11:59 PM GMT). Enjoy the shore-leave!

Troutbeard the Groggy


DC178 Spongey - Shore-Leave Ahoy! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi everyone,

Our ships need re-haulin, and this pleasure cruise will be delayed till Monday, June 9th (11:59 PM GMT). Enjoy the shore-leave!

Troutbeard the Groggy


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sam is right, GM oversight.
Jack, you do have the option to retreat to serbia, which will change the builds for this turn.
Please let me know ASAP if you want to make that retreat.

----- Original Message ----
From: Samuel Buck <Samuel_Buck(at)dalton.org>
To: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 7, 2008 1:26:32 AM
Subject: Re: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results

It may just be my Diplomacy Program (i use Jdip. Works better on mac.), but It's telling me that austrian Budapest can retreat into Serbia. I checked the paper-and-ink rulebook and since the attack on Budapest didnt come from Serbia, It looks like that move is legal. Am I missing something?

Live Long and Prosper [Vulcan Salute]
-Sam Buck


Dc159 Fall 1905 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Yeah I'd agree that Trout has a much better shot at solo, but this is a huge milestone for me in that I'm not first to go for a change! Smile

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 4:39 PM, <Garry.Bledsoe(at)alltel.com ([email]Garry.Bledsoe(at)alltel.com[/email])> wrote:

EGS from the deposed [and drowned] Italian leader:

Tough game but all thanks for the props from Trout and Nick. I guess the tough thing about this game was that it essentially turned gunboat quickly. Once Nick and Trout linked up, there really wasn't a whole lot that could be done. There were too many inconsistencies in France, a few ill-timed NMRs elsewhere, etc. All that really could be done was sit back and watch the inevitable. I made the mistake early on of moving on Austria [hoping/thinking] that I had Turkish support. Once Austria was crippled that never really materialized and there wasn't really anything I could do. The nature of the flooding pretty much forced Turkey and Russia to continue to move forward and there was really nothing I could do to persuade them to fight one another [because they both needed each other to rush forward to replace sinking centers]. While the flooding was a neat aspect, it further turned the game gunboat style quickly in my opinion.

I appreciate Stephen leading us on this journey. I liked the variant but I honestly think it is one best suited for gunboat...just one man's opinion. That said, don't take it as sour grapes; all congrats to Trout and Nick [at least thus far] for running a masterful strategy and clearly being dominate. Seems a shame for one of them to lose but I put money on a Trout solo.


From: Stephen Lytton [mailto:stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 12:12 AM
To: bobbarkerfan1ped(at)yahoo.com ([email]bobbarkerfan1ped(at)yahoo.com[/email]); holyyakker(at)gmail.com ([email]holyyakker(at)gmail.com[/email]); ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com ([email]ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com[/email]); glennb89(at)gmail.com ([email]glennb89(at)gmail.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); kielmarch(at)hotmail.com ([email]kielmarch(at)hotmail.com[/email]); jacob09481(at)yahoo.com ([email]jacob09481(at)yahoo.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); dc159(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc159(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); Bledsoe, Garry
Subject: Dc159 Fall 1905

Dc159 Fall 1905

Unfortunately I never heard back from our France - Jake. I am hoping this is a temporary setback by him and that he will be on board for the next deadline.

DIAS was voted down
Turkish-Russian draw was voted down.
(NB Players who are in NMR or CD, automatically vote yes for all proposals)

Nick - currently Trieste has coasts, is your fleet in the north or south coast? let me know asap.

F North Atlantic Ocean -> Mid Atlantic Ocean
F Yorkshire -> Wales
F North Sea -> English Channel (BOUNCE)
F Belgium -> Picardy (BOUNCE)
F Burgundy -> Marseilles (BOUNCE)
A Munich Support Tyrolia -> Switzerland
A Tyrolia -> Switzerland
A Bohemia -> Tyrolia
F Vienna Support Bohemia -> Tyrolia
F Galicia -> Bohemia
F Prussia -> Berlin

F Lyo - Pie
F Ven S F Lyo - Pie
A Ion disembark Tun
F Ion S A Ion disembark Tun
F Gre - Alb
F Aeg - Gre
A Ser S Tri

F Pie Holds (dislodged, retreats to Tuscanny)

all units hold

Winter 1905 is due next Wednesday 11th June at 5pm Australian EST

Russia 10 SC, 11 Units disband 1
France 1 SC, 4 Units, Disband 3
Italy 0 SC, 3 Units - Eliminated.
Turkey 6 SC, 8 Units 0 Disband 2

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

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DC177 Winter 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
No builds from Italy or Turkey. Extensions don't apply on non-move
seasons, and I can't wait because I'm leaving town. Unfortunate.

Spring 1904 due Tuesday, June 17, at 9 pm eastern. Remember there will
be no reminder email.



Remove A Wales

Build F Marseilles

Build A Berlin

Build waived

Build waived
Build waived


DC 156, Fall 1906 adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey guys,

Sorry for the brief delay.

No disband from Russia, so we go to defaults for him. We've got a player away for the next week or so, so the spring deadline will be Tuesday the 17th of June, 21:00 MDT.

Here are the orders: Note that Russia's disband is a default according to DC house rules.

Build F London

Remove A Bohemia

Build A Constantinople

New maps are attached. Send prelims now! Talk to you soon.



DC175 - 7 Pedigree Rats RESULTS FALL 1906 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


As interpreted – one misorder, two NMRs ( Austria and England ). Jake ( Austria ) by having a 2nd NMR penalty has abandoned the game. No replacement will be sought. Jake will [u:5bec1a54c2]not[/u:5bec1a54c2] share in any draw and will [u:5bec1a54c2]not[/u:5bec1a54c2] be recorded as having survived to game end. As per the House Rules, I shall write to the Peter ( England ) and ask him to confirm that he is continuing with the game. If he does not reply or submit orders for Spring 1907 then, as per the House Rules, England shall be placed in Civil Disorder for the remainder of the game and Peter will be recorded as having abandoned the game.

Austria: NO MOVES RECEIVED – all units hold. Country ABANDONED
A Budapest , no move received
A Galicia , no move received
F Gulf of Lyon, no move received
A Naples , no move received
A Piedmont , no move received
A Rome , no move received
F Venice, no move received
A Vienna , no move received
A Warsaw , no move received

England: NO MOVES RECEIVED – all units hold.
F North Sea, no move received
F Norway, no move received
F Skagerrak, no move received
F Sweden, no move received (*dislodged [2:1]* - see retreats below)

F Portugal Hold

F Baltic Sea - Sweden
A Belgium Hold
A Brest Hold
A Burgundy Supports A Marseilles
F Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*misorder – supported to supporting unit’s own location*)
F Holland - North Sea (*fails [1:1]*)
F Kiel Supports F Denmark
A Marseilles Supports A Spain
A Spain Supports A Marseilles

Italy: Eliminated Fall 1904

Russia: Eliminated Fall 1903

F Aegean Sea Convoys A Greece - Liverpool
A Finland Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden
A Greece - Liverpool
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Liverpool
F Irish Sea Convoys A Greece - Liverpool
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Greece - Liverpool
A St Petersburg - Norway (*fails [1:1]*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Greece - Liverpool
F Western Mediterranean Sea Convoys A Greece – Liverpool


As interpreted - no misorders, one unit dislodged, no retreat order submitted.

No retreats submitted; none required

No retreats submitted; one required
F Sweden (*destroyed*)

No retreats submitted; none required

Retreat F Denmark – Helgoland Bight (*not used*)
Retreat A Marseilles – Gascony (*not used*)

No retreats submitted; none required


Budapest, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw .

Edinburgh, London, Norway.


Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Marseilles, Munich, Paris, Spain, Sweden.

Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Liverpool, Moscow, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Tunis.


9 SCs, 9 units, 0 builds possible, 0 disbandments required.

3 SCs, 3 units, 0 builds possible, 0 disbandments required.

1 SC, 1 unit, 0 builds possible, 0 disbandments required.

11 SCs, 9 units, 2 builds possible.

10 SC, 9 units, 1 build possible.

Adjustment Orders:

3 builds possible, 3 ordered, no misorders.
0 disbandments required, none ordered.
Orders as interpreted in order specified.

No adjustments submitted, none required.

No adjustments submitted, none required.

No adjustments submitted, none required

2 builds submitted, 2 builds possible.
Build F Berlin (*used*)
Build A Munich (*used*)

1 build submitted, 1 build possible.
Build A Constantinople (*used*)

Next Deadline:

Spring 1907: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Thursday, 12th June 2008

Remember that if I receive 4 sets of orders marked 'ADJUDICATE NOW' or 'FINAL ORDERS' then I will attempt to adjudicate early. If a turn is adjudicated early there may be a knock-on effect on future deadlines.

The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx

Future Deadlines:

Fall 1907: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Tuesday, 17th June 2008
Spring 1908, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Sunday, 22nd June 2008
Fall 1908, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Friday, 27th June 2008
Spring 1909, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Wednesday, 2nd July 2008
Fall 1909, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Monday, 7th July 2008

GM Comment:

These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC175 message board.
[u:5bec1a54c2]Preliminary orders are highly recommended. [/u:5bec1a54c2]
Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders with your usual orders for the next turn.
Please put the game number 'DC175', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders.
Information on 2-season Diplomacy and the way to order retreats and adjustments can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/.
DiplomaticCorp House Rules and the GM House Rules modifications to them can be found on the game's page.
The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf


Press is via player email or the DiplomaticCorp dc175 Message Board.


There are there maps (gif) for this turn:

DC175Fa06m: showing previous situation plus the latest moves.
DC175Fa06a: showing after moves and dislodgements plus the adjustments.
DC175Fa06f: showing final positions.

A complete map history for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at: http://sforza.50webs.com/




GGS 1264 / DC110 - Fall 1873 - Oh Maria - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Heya folks,

Definitely an up-in-the-air turn this time around. The fate of this game suddenly seems far less certain. The US and France continue to swap centers in South America, the cycle of destruction continues unabated in Europe, and Holland and everyone else in the Pacific continue to exchange blows.

Asides from some automatic disbands, though, we had only two retreats required before moving into the Winter adjustments. France owes a retreat from their fleet in Drake and Austria for their army in Vienna. Deadline for Early Winter 1873 retreats will be set for Monday, June 9th (11:59 PM GMT).

Please just let me know if you spot any errors guys. Cheers!


Movement results for Fall of 1873. (1873 FALL)

Austria: A Berlin (ber) - Kiel (kie).
Austria: F Black Sea (bla) Supports A Galicia (gal) - Sevastopol (sev).
Austria: A Bosnia (bos) - Croatia (cro).
Austria: F Constantinople (con) Supports F Black Sea (bla) (*Cut*).
Austria: A Galicia (gal) - Sevastopol (sev).
Austria: A Rumania (rum) Supports A Galicia (gal) - Sevastopol (sev).
Austria: A Serbia (ser) Supports A Bosnia (bos) - Croatia (cro).
Austria: A Vienna (vie) - Budapest (bud) (*Dislodged*).
Austria: A Wallacia (wlc) - Budapest (bud) (*Bounce*).

Britain: F Baltic Sea (bal) Supports A Berlin (ber) - Kiel (kie).
Britain: F Sweden (swe) Supports F Skagerrak (ska) - Denmark (den).
Britain: F Toledo (tld) - Gibraltar (gib) (*Disbanded*).

China: A Bokhara (bkh) Supports A Karachi (krc) - Afganistan (afg).
China: A Burma (brm) - Assam (asm) (*Bounce*).
China: A Canton (can) Supports A Yunnan (yun) - Tonkin (tnk).
China: F Fuchan (fuc) - Shanghai (sha) (*Bounce*).
China: F Hong Kong (hko) Supports A Canton (can).
China: A Inner Mongolia (img) Supports F Shanghai (sha) - Peking (pek).
China: A Karachi (krc) - Afganistan (afg).
China: A Kashmir (kas) - Delhi (del) (*Bounce*).
China: A Rajputana (raj) - Gujarat (guj).
China: F Shanghai (sha) - Peking (pek).
China: A Tibet (tib) - Assam (asm) (*Bounce*).
China: A Wuhan (wuh) Supports F Shanghai (sha) - Peking (pek).
China: A Yunnan (yun) - Tonkin (tnk) (*Fails*).

France: F Adriatic Sea (adr) Supports A Piedmont (pie) - Venice (ven).
France: F The Azores (azo) - North Atlantic (nat) (*Bounce*).
France: A Bavaria (bav) Supports A Venice (ven) - Vienna (vie).
France: F Bay of Biscay (bob) Supports F The Azores (azo) - North Atlantic
France: A Bordeaux (brd) Supports A Valencia (vlc) - Toledo (tld).
France: A Brasilia (bra) - La Paz (lpa).
France: F Brazil Current (bcu) Supports F Middle Atlantic (mat) - Recife (rec).
France: F Canary Seaway(cny) - Straits of Gibraltar (sog) (*Bounce*).
France: F Cape Verde Islands (vrd) - Sargasso (sar) (*Fails*).
France: F Coast of Argentina (cag) - Rio de Janeiro (rdj).
France: A Cochabamba (coh) Supports A Brasilia (bra) - La Paz (lpa).
France: A Crete (cre) Hold.
France: F Drake (dra) Hold (*Dislodged*).
France: F Gibraltar (gib) - Straits of Gibraltar (sog) (*Bounce*).
France: A Goyamas (goy) Supports A Brasilia (bra) - La Paz (lpa).
France: F Grain Coast (gcs) - Middle Atlantic (mat) (*Fails*).
France: F Greece (gre) - Bosnia (bos)(ec).
France: F Gulf of Guinea (gog) Supports F Grain Coast (gcs) - Middle Atlantic
(mat) (*Fails*).
France: F Helgoland Bight (hel) - North Sea (nth) (*Bounce*).
France: A Holland (hol) Supports F Kiel (kie)(wc) (*Cut*).
France: F Ionian Sea (ion) - Aegean Sea (aeg) (*Bounce*).
France: F Kiel (kie)(wc) Hold (*Disbanded*).
France: F Middle Atlantic (mat) - Recife (rec) (*Fails*).
France: A Morocco (mrc) Supports F Sierra Leone (sie) - Tiris (tir).
France: F Nantes (nan) Supports F The Azores (azo) - North Atlantic (nat).
France: A Oliveira (oli) Supports A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra).
France: A Piedmont (pie) - Venice (ven).
France: A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra).
France: A Rouen (rou) Supports F Nantes (nan).
France: F Sierra Leone (sie) - Tiris (tir).
France: A Stuttgart (stu) Supports A Bavaria (bav).
France: F Tunis (tun) - Ionian Sea (ion) (*Fails*).
France: F Uruguay (uru), no move received.
France: A Valencia (vlc) - Toledo (tld).
France: A Venice (ven) - Vienna (vie).

Holland: F Andaman Sea (ase) Convoys A Sumatra (sum) - Bengal (ben).
Holland: A Angora (ang) - Constantinople (con) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Annam (ann) Supports A Siam (sia) - Tonkin (tnk).
Holland: F Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (aat) Supports F Antarctic Pacific
Ocean(apa) - Drake (dra).
Holland: F Antarctic Indian Ocean(ain) - Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa).
Holland: F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) - Drake (dra).
Holland: F Arabian Sea(ara) Supports A Gujarat (guj) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: A Armenia (arm) Supports A Syria (syr) - Angora (ang) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Aswan (asw) - Cairo (cai) (*Bounce*).
Holland: A Baku (bku) - Georgia (geo) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Bangalore (ban) Supports A Gujarat (guj) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: F Bay of Bengal (bbe) Convoys A Sumatra (sum) - Bengal (ben).
Holland: F Bismark Sea (bis) - Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Cyprus (cyp) - Eastern Mediterranean (eas) (*Fails*).
Holland: F East China Sea (ecs) - Shanghai (sha) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Eastern Mediterranean (eas) - Aegean Sea (aeg) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) - Hawaii (haw) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Fezz (fzz) - Tubruq (tbq) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Fiji (fij) Supports F Bismark Sea (bis) - Equatorial CounterCurrent
(eco) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Formosa (for) - East China Sea (ecs) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Goodhope (goo) Supports F South Atlantic (sat).
Holland: A Gujarat (guj) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: F Gulf of Manaar (gum) - East Indian (ein).
Holland: F Horn of Africa (hoa) - Malagasy Channel (mch).
Holland: A Hyderabad (hyd) Supports A Sumatra (sum) - Bengal (ben).
Holland: F Izu Trench (izu) - West Pacific (wpa) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Java Sea (jse) - Timor (tim).
Holland: A Kenya (ken) Hold.
Holland: A Khiva (khv) Supports A Bangalore (ban) - Afganistan (afg) (*Void*).
Holland: A Mandlah (mdh) - Delhi (del) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Marshal Islands (mhl) Supports F Izu Trench (izu) - West Pacific
(wpa) (*Fails*).
Holland: F New Zealand (nzl) - South West Pacific (swp) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Okinawa (oki) Supports F Formosa (for) - East China Sea (ecs)
Holland: F Peking (pek) Supports F East China Sea (ecs) - Shanghai (sha)
Holland: F Persian Gulf (pgu) Supports A Gujarat (guj) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: F Philippine (phi) Supports F Formosa (for) - East China Sea (ecs)
Holland: A Rangoon (rng) Supports A Tonkin (tnk) - Mandalay (mly).
Holland: F Red Sea (rse) - Cairo (cai)(ec) (*Bounce*).
Holland: A Siam (sia) - Tonkin (tnk).
Holland: F South Atlantic (sat) Supports F Grain Coast (gcs) - Middle Atlantic
Holland: F South China Sea (scs) Supports A Siam (sia) - Tonkin (tnk).
Holland: F South West Pacific (swp) - Kirbati Sea (kse) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Sumatra (sum) - Bengal (ben).
Holland: A Syria (syr) - Angora (ang) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Tasman (tas) Supports F Antarctic Indian Ocean(ain) - Antarctic
Pacific Ocean(apa).
Holland: A Tehran (teh) Supports A Khiva (khv).
Holland: A Tonkin (tnk) - Mandalay (mly).
Holland: F West Pacific (wpa) - Westerlies (wst) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Yuthia (yut) Supports A Tonkin (tnk) - Mandalay (mly).

Japan: F Kagoshima (kag) - Edo (edo) (*Bounce*).
Japan: F Kuril (kur) - Bering Sea (bse) (*Fails*).
Japan: F Manchuria (mac) Supports F Yellow Sea (yse).
Japan: F Okhotsk (okh) Supports A Vladivostok (vla) - Kamchatka (kam).
Japan: F Sakhurlin (sak) Supports F Kuril (kur) (*Fails*).
Japan: A Sapporo (sap) - Edo (edo) (*Bounce*).
Japan: A Vladivostok (vla) - Kamchatka (kam).
Japan: F Yellow Sea (yse) Supports F Shanghai (sha) - East China Sea (ecs)

Russia: A Croatia (cro) Hold (*Disbanded*).
Russia: A Kasala (ksl) - Orenburg (orn).
Russia: A Livonia (lvn) - Prussia (pru).
Russia: A Omsk (oms) Supports A Orenburg (orn) - Georgia (geo).
Russia: A Orenburg (orn) - Georgia (geo).
Russia: A Prussia (pru) - Berlin (ber).
Russia: F Sevastopol (sev) - Rumania (rum) (*Disbanded*).
Russia: A Silesia (sil) Supports A Prussia (pru) - Berlin (ber).
Russia: F Tubruq (tbq) Supports A Fezz (fzz) - Cairo (cai) (*Void*).
Russia: A Moscow (mos) - Warsaw (war).

USA: A Amazon (ama) - La Paz (lpa) (*Fails*).
USA: A Anchorage (anc) - Alaska (ala).
USA: A Barcelone (brc) - Amazon (ama) (*Fails*).
USA: F Bering Sea (bse) Supports F Westerlies (wst) (*Cut*).
USA: A Caledonia (cld) Supports A Barcelone (brc) - Amazon (ama) (*Fails*).
USA: F Cayenne (cyn) Hold.
USA: F Chesapeake Approaches (che) Supports F Nova Scotia (nsc) - North
Atlantic (nat).
USA: F Chilean Basin (cba) Hold.
USA: F Counter Current (ccu) Supports F Hawaii (haw).
USA: F Eastern Carribean (eca) Supports F Sargasso (sar).
USA: F Eastern Pacific (epa) Supports F Kirbati Sea (kse).
USA: F Eastern Seaboard (ese) Supports F Nova Scotia (nsc) - North Atlantic
USA: F Edinburgh (edi) - Norwegian Sea (nwg).
USA: F Hawaii (haw) Hold.
USA: F Kamchatka (kam) - Vladivostok (vla) (*Disbanded*).
USA: F Kirbati Sea (kse) Hold.
USA: A La Paz (lpa) - Brasilia (bra) (*Disbanded*).
USA: F London (lon) Supports F North Atlantic (nat) - North Sea (nth) (*Fails*).
USA: F North Atlantic (nat) - North Sea (nth) (*Bounce*).
USA: F North East Trades (net) Supports A Recife (rec).
USA: F North Pacific (npa) - Anchorage (anc).
USA: F North Passage (nps) - Barents Sea (bar).
USA: F North Sea (nth) - Holland (hol) (*Fails*).
USA: F Norway (nwy) - Finland (fin)(nc).
USA: F Nova Scotia (nsc) - North Atlantic (nat) (*Bounce*).
USA: F Pacific Basin (pba) Supports F Chilean Basin (cba).
USA: A Pramaiba (pra) Supports A Recife (rec).
USA: A Quito (qto) Supports A Amazon (ama) - La Paz (lpa).
USA: A Recife (rec) Supports A La Paz (lpa) - Brasilia (bra) (*Cut*).
USA: A Richmond (ric) Hold.
USA: F Sargasso (sar) Supports F Nova Scotia (nsc) - North Atlantic (nat)
USA: F Skagerrak (ska) - Denmark (den).
USA: F Society Islands (sct) Supports F South Pacific (spa).
USA: F South Pacific (spa) Hold.
USA: F Tiris (tir) - Middle Atlantic (mat) (*Disbanded*).
USA: F Virgin Islands (vis) Supports F Sargasso (sar).
USA: F West Coast (wco) - North Pacific (npa).
USA: F Westerlies (wst) Hold.

The following units were dislodged:

French F Drake (dra) can retreat to Falkland Islands (fal) or Coast of Argentina (cag).
Austrian A Vienna (vie) can retreat to Galicia (gal).

Unit locations:

Austria: F Black Sea (bla), F Constantinople (con), A Croatia (cro), A Kiel
(kie), A Rumania (rum), A Serbia (ser), A Sevastopol (sev), A Vienna
(vie), A Wallacia (wlc).
Britain: F Baltic Sea (bal), F Sweden (swe), F Toledo (tld).
China: A Afganistan (afg), A Bokhara (bkh), A Burma (brm), A Canton (can), F
Fuchan (fuc), A Gujarat (guj), F Hong Kong (hko), A Inner Mongolia
(img), A Kashmir (kas), F Peking (pek), A Tibet (tib), A Wuhan (wuh),
A Yunnan (yun).
France: F Adriatic Sea (adr), F The Azores (azo), A Bavaria (bav), F Bay of
Biscay (bob), A Bordeaux (brd), F Bosnia (bos)(ec), A Brasilia (bra),
F Brazil Current (bcu), F Canary Seaway(cny), F Cape Verde Islands
(vrd), A Cochabamba (coh), A Crete (cre), F Drake (dra), F Gibraltar
(gib), A Goyamas (goy), F Grain Coast (gcs), F Gulf of Guinea (gog), F
Helgoland Bight (hel), A Holland (hol), F Ionian Sea (ion), F Kiel
(kie)(wc), A La Paz (lpa), F Middle Atlantic (mat), A Morocco (mrc), F
Nantes (nan), A Oliveira (oli), F Rio de Janeiro (rdj), A Rouen (rou),
A Stuttgart (stu), F Tiris (tir), A Toledo (tld), F Tunis (tun), F
Uruguay (uru), A Venice (ven), A Vienna (vie).
Holland: F Andaman Sea (ase), A Angora (ang), F Annam (ann), F Antarctic
Atlantic Ocean (aat), F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa), F Arabian
Sea(ara), A Armenia (arm), A Aswan (asw), A Baku (bku), A Bangalore
(ban), F Bay of Bengal (bbe), A Bengal (ben), F Bismark Sea (bis), F
Cyprus (cyp), F Drake (dra), F East China Sea (ecs), F East Indian
(ein), F Eastern Mediterranean (eas), F Equatorial CounterCurrent
(eco), A Fezz (fzz), F Fiji (fij), F Formosa (for), F Goodhope (goo),
A Hyderabad (hyd), F Izu Trench (izu), A Karachi (krc), A Kenya (ken),
A Khiva (khv), F Malagasy Channel (mch), A Mandalay (mly), A Mandlah
(mdh), F Marshal Islands (mhl), F New Zealand (nzl), F Okinawa (oki),
F Peking (pek), F Persian Gulf (pgu), F Philippine (phi), A Rangoon
(rng), F Red Sea (rse), F South Atlantic (sat), F South China Sea
(scs), F South West Pacific (swp), A Syria (syr), F Tasman (tas), A
Tehran (teh), F Timor (tim), A Tonkin (tnk), F West Pacific (wpa), A
Yuthia (yut).
Japan: F Kagoshima (kag), A Kamchatka (kam), F Kuril (kur), F Manchuria
(mac), F Okhotsk (okh), F Sakhurlin (sak), A Sapporo (sap), F Yellow
Sea (yse).
Russia: A Berlin (ber), A Croatia (cro), A Georgia (geo), A Warsaw (war), A
Omsk (oms), A Orenburg (orn), A Prussia (pru), F Sevastopol (sev), A
Silesia (sil), F Tubruq (tbq).
USA: A Alaska (ala), A Amazon (ama), F Anchorage (anc), A Barcelone (brc),
F Barents Sea (bar), F Bering Sea (bse), A Caledonia (cld), F Cayenne
(cyn), F Chesapeake Approaches (che), F Chilean Basin (cba), F Counter
Current (ccu), F Denmark (den), F Eastern Carribean (eca), F Eastern
Pacific (epa), F Eastern Seaboard (ese), F Finland (fin)(nc), F Hawaii
(haw), F Kamchatka (kam), F Kirbati Sea (kse), A La Paz (lpa), F
London (lon), F North Atlantic (nat), F North East Trades (net), F
North Pacific (npa), F North Sea (nth), F Norwegian Sea (nwg), F Nova
Scotia (nsc), F Pacific Basin (pba), A Pramaiba (pra), A Quito (qto),
A Recife (rec), A Richmond (ric), F Sargasso (sar), F Society Islands
(sct), F South Pacific (spa), F Tiris (tir), F Virgin Islands (vis), F
Westerlies (wst).

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest (bud), Constantinople (con), Croatia (cro), Kiel (kie),
Rumania (rum), Serbia (ser), Sevastopol (sev), Sofia (sof).
Brazil: Paraguay (prg).
Britain: Greenland (grn), Norway (nwy), Sweden (swe).
China: Burma (brm), Canton (can), Chungking (chk), Delhi (del), Hong Kong
(hko), Irkutsk (irk), Kashmir (kas), Peking (pek), Shanghai (sha),
Sinkiang (snk), Tashkent (tsh), Vladivostok (vla), Wuhan (wuh).
France: The Azores (azo), Bavaria (bav), Brasilia (bra), Cameroon (cmn), Cape
Verde Islands (vrd), Corsica (crs), Crete (cre), Falkland Islands
(fal), Gibraltar (gib), Grain Coast (gcs), Greece (gre), Holland
(hol), Ivory Coast (ivc), La Paz (lpa), Marseilles (mar), Monrovia
(mnv), Morocco (mrc), Nantes (nan), Okrana (okn), Oliveira (oli),
Paris (par), Piedmont (pie), Rio de Janeiro (rdj), Rome (rom), Ruhr
(ruh), Salerno (sal), Sicily (sic), Sierra Leone (sie), South Georgia
Islands (sgr), Stuttgart (stu), Tripoli (trp), Tunis (tun), Uruguay
(uru), Valencia (vlc), Venice (ven), Vienna (vie).
Holland: Abyssinia (aby), Aden (ade), Andaman Islands (amn), Angora (ang),
Baghdad (bag), Baku (bku), Bangalore (ban), Bangkok (bnk), Bengal
(ben), Bombay (bom), Borneo (brn), Botswana (bsw), Cairo (cai),
Cambodia (cmb), Cape Town (ctn), Ceylon (cey), Cochin (cch), Cyprus
(cyp), Fiji (fij), Formosa (for), Irian Java (ija), Java (jav),
Karachi (krc), Khiva (khv), Luzon (luz), Madagascar (mad), Madras
(mds), Malaysia (mal), Maldives (mld), Marshal Islands (mhl), Mindanao
(mnd), New Guinea (ngu), New South Wales (nsw), New Zealand (nzl),
Okinawa (oki), Oman (oma), Perth (per), Queensland (qnl), Rangoon
(rng), Rhodesia (rho), Sarawak (srw), Seychelles (sey), Singapore
(sin), Sudan (sud), Sumatra (sum), Tehran (teh), Tonkin (tnk),
Transvaal (trn), Yuthia (yut).
Japan: Caroline Islands (crl), Edo (edo), Fusan (fsn), Kagoshima (kag),
Manchuria (mac), Port Arthur (poa), Sakhurlin (sak), Sapporo (sap),
Seoul (seo).
Russia: Berlin (ber), Georgia (geo), Warsaw (war), Omsk (oms), Orenburg (orn),
Prussia (pru), Silesia (sil), St Petersburg (stp), Moscow (mos).
USA: Alberta (alb), Anchorage (anc), Atlanta (atl), Austin (aus), The
Bahamas (bah), Barcelone (brc), Bogota (bgt), Cayenne (cyn), Chicago
(chc), Cuba (cub), Denmark (den), Detroit (det), Dublin (dub),
Edinburgh (edi), Galapagos (glp), Haiti (hai), Hawaii (haw), Honduras
(hon), Kansas (kan), Lima (lim), London (lon), Mazatlan (maz), Merida
(mer), Mexico City (mex), Nebraska (neb), New Mexico (nme), New
Orleans (nol), New York (nyc), Nova Scotia (nsc), Oklahoma (okl),
Oregon (ore), Panama (pan), Paramaribo (pmb), Quebec (que), Recife
(rec), Richmond (ric), San Francisco (sfo), Seattle (sea), Society
Islands (sct), Vancouver (van), Victoria (vic), Virgin Islands (vis),
Washington DC (wdc), Yukon (yuk).

Austria: 8 Supply centers, 9 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Brazil: 1 Supply center , 0 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Britain: 3 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 1 unit.
China: 13 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 0 units.
CSA: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 36 Supply centers, 34 Units: Builds 2 units.
Holland: 49 Supply centers, 48 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Japan: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Mexico: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Prussia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Turkey: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
USA: 44 Supply centers, 35 Units: Builds 9 units.



DC166 (wb0821) - Winter 1911 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

I'm horribly ashamed to admit that I kindof dropped the ball on this one. Turkey retreats to Tyrrhenian and disbands Naples and Aegean. Austria builds an army in Trieste.

Deadline for Spring 1912 orders will stay on schedule, on Monday June 9th (11:59 PM GMT). Please just let me know if you spot any errors, or if you feel like giving me a piece of your mind for the late Winter results.



Retreat orders for Fall of 1911. (DC166 11 WIN)

Turkey: F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1911. (DC166 11 WIN)

Austria: Build A Trieste.
Austria: Build waived.

Turkey: Remove F Naples.
Turkey: Remove F Aegean Sea.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Apulia, A Bohemia, A Bulgaria, A Galicia, A Greece, A Moscow, A
Munich, A Rome, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, A Silesia, A Trieste, A
England: F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Gascony, F
Gulf of Lyon, A Kiel, F Livonia, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North
Atlantic Ocean, A Paris, F Prussia, A Ruhr, F Spain(sc), A St
Turkey: A Armenia, A Constantinople, F North Africa, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F
Western Mediterranean.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Marseilles, Moscow, Munich, Rome,
Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,
Liverpool, London, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Spain, St Petersburg,
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Naples, Smyrna, Tunis.

Austria: 14 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 1 unit.
England: 15 Supply centers, 15 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC175 - 7 Pedigree Rats RESULTS FALL 1906 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
got it thanks.

Tahoe is great. But the signal access is pretty weak...ah well. Guess I'll just have to enjoy the beauty...


-----Original Message-----

From: "dc175" <dc175(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Subj: DC175 - 7 Pedigree Rats RESULTS FALL 1906
Date: Sun Jun 8, 2008 5:31 am
Size: 10K
To: dc175(at)diplomaticcorp.com

DC175 - 7 PEDIGREE RATS STANDARD GAME, STANDARD MAP, 2-SEASON GAME YEAR ADJUDICATION FALL 1906 (TURN 12) SATURDAY 7th JUNE 2008 Orders: As interpreted – one misorder, two NMRs ( Austria and England ). Jake ( Austria ) by having a 2nd NMR penalty has abandoned the game. No replacement will be sought. Jake will not share in any draw and will not be recorded as having survived to game end. As per the House Rules, I shall write to the Peter ( England ) and ask him to confirm that he is continuing with the game. If he does not reply or submit orders for Spring 1907 then, as per the House Rules, England shall be placed in Civil Disorder for the remainder of the game and Peter will be recorded as having abandoned the game. Austria: NO MOVES RECEIVED – all units hold. Country ABANDONED A Budapest , no move received A Galicia , no move received F Gulf of Lyon, no move received A Naples , no move received A Piedmont , no move received A Rome , no move received F Venice,
no move received A Vienna , no move received A Warsaw , no move received England: NO MOVES RECEIVED – all units hold. F North Sea, no move received F Norway, no move received F Skagerrak, no move received F Sweden, no move received (*dislodged [2:1]* - see retreats below) France: F Portugal Hold Germany: F Baltic Sea - Sweden A Belgium Hold A Brest Hold A Burgundy Supports A Marseilles F Denmark Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*misorder – supported to supporting unit’s own location*) F Holland - North Sea (*fails [1:1]*) F Kiel Supports F Denmark A Marseilles Supports A Spain A Spain Supports A Marseilles Italy: Eliminated Fall 1904 Russia: Eliminated Fall 1903 Turkey: F Aegean Sea Convoys A Greece - Liverpool A Finland Supports F Baltic Sea - Sweden A Greece - Liverpool F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Liverpool F Irish Sea Convoys A Greece - Liverpool F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Greece - Liverpool A St Petersburg - Norway (*fails [1:1]*) F Tyr
rhenian Sea Convoys A Greece - Liverpool F Western Mediterranean Sea Convoys A Greece – Liverpool Retreats: As interpreted - no misorders, one unit dislodged, no retreat order submitted. Austria: No retreats submitted; none required England: No retreats submitted; one required F Sweden (*destroyed*) France: No retreats submitted; none required Germany: Retreat F Denmark – Helgoland Bight (*not used*) Retreat A Marseilles – Gascony (*not used*) Turkey: No retreats submitted; none required Ownership: Austria: Budapest, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw . England: Edinburgh, London, Norway. France: Portugal. Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Marseilles, Munich, Paris, Spain, Sweden. Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Liverpool, Moscow, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Tunis. Adjustments: Austria: 9 SCs, 9 units, 0 builds possible, 0 disbandments required. England: 3 SCs, 3
units, 0 builds possible, 0 disbandments required. France: 1 SC, 1 unit, 0 builds possible, 0 disbandments required. Germany: 11 SCs, 9 units, 2 builds possible. Turkey: 10 SC, 9 units, 1 build possible. Adjustment Orders: 3 builds possible, 3 ordered, no misorders. 0 disbandments required, none ordered. Orders as interpreted in order specified. Austria: No adjustments submitted, none required. England: No adjustments submitted, none required. France: No adjustments submitted, none required Germany: 2 builds submitted, 2 builds possible. Build F Berlin (*used*) Build A Munich (*used*) Turkey: 1 build submitted, 1 build possible. Build A Constantinople (*used*) Next Deadline: Spring 1907: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Thursday, 12th June 2008 Remember that if I receive 4 sets of orders marked 'ADJUDICATE NOW' or 'FINAL ORDERS' then I will attempt to adjudicate early. If a turn is adjudicated early there may be a knock-on effect on future deadlines. The curre
nt UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx Future Deadlines: Fall 1907: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Tuesday, 17th June 2008 Spring 1908, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Sunday, 22nd June 2008 Fall 1908, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Friday, 27th June 2008 Spring 1909, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Wednesday, 2nd July 2008 Fall 1909, 18h00 UTC/GMT. Monday, 7th July 2008 GM Comment: These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC175 message board. Preliminary orders are highly recommended. Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders with your usual orders for the next turn. Please put the game number 'DC175', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders. Information on 2-season Diplomacy and the way to order retreats and adjustments can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/. DiplomaticCorp House Rules and the GM House Rules modifications to them can be found on the game's page. The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy can be found at http://wizards.com/a
valonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS ADJUDICATION. Press: Press is via player email or the DiplomaticCorp dc175 Message Board. Maps: There are there maps (gif) for this turn: DC175Fa06m: showing previous situation plus the latest moves. DC175Fa06a: showing after moves and dislodgements plus the adjustments. DC175Fa06f: showing final positions. A complete map history for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at: http://sforza.50webs.com/ Cheers, Paolo
-------------------- m2f -------------------- Read this topic online here: http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?p=4935#4935 -------------------- m2f --------------------


dc154 ~ Romping Room ~ Replacement for Austria-Hun... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Our Austria is leaving the country for a month or so to visit family.

Rather than hold up the game I'm going to recruit a new player for Austria.

We should have orders for this turn from Austria, so I'll open
recruiting after the Fall 07 adjudication this Wednesday.



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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