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DC175 - 7 Pedigree Rats RESULTS FALL 1903 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


As interpreted - no misorders, no NMRs.

A Galicia Supports A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Naples Supports F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Rome Supports F Naples
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Venice Hold
A Vienna - Tyrolia

F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea
F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Fails [1:1]*)
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
F Liverpool - Irish Sea (*Fails [1:1]*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Wales - London (*Fails [1:1]*)

F English Channel - London (*Fails [1:1]*)
F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Fails [1:1]*)
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails [1:2]*)

F Belgium - North Sea (*Fails [1:1]*)
A Brest Hold
A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Gascony Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Holland Hold
A Munich Hold

A Marseilles - Spain
A Tunis Hold
F Western Mediterranean Sea Supports A Marseilles - Spain

A Livonia Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold (*Dislodged [2:3]*, retreat required - see below)

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Warsaw
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow


As interpreted - no misorders, 1 retreat required and ordered.

Retreat A Galicia - Moscow, Sevastopol, Rumania (*not required*)

No retreats submitted; none required.

No retreats submitted; none required.

No retreats submitted; none required.

Retreat A Marseilles - Piedmont (*not required*).

Retreat A Warsaw - Silesia, Prussia (*used* - retreated to Silesia)

No retreats submitted; none required.


Budapest, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.

Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden.


Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Holland, Kiel, Marseilles, Munich, Paris.

Spain, Tunis.


Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Moscow, Sevastopol, Smyrna.


9 SCs, 7 units, 2 builds possible.

7 SCs, 6 units, 1 build possible.

1 SC, 3 units, 2 disbandments required.

8 SCs, 6 units, 2 builds possible.

2 SCs, 3 units, 1 disbandment required.

0 SCs, 2 units, 2 disbandments required.

7 SCs, 5 units, 2 builds possible.

Adjustment Orders:

7 builds possible, 7 ordered, 1 misorder received, but not required.
5 disbandments required, 4 ordered (one specifying original position prior to retreat, whiich is valid in this case as it is not ambiguous and is required anyway), 1 request to use House Rules to decide order of disbandment.

Orders as interpreted in order specified.

Build A Vienna (*used*)
Build A Trieste (*used*)
Build A Budapest (*not required*)
Build F Liverpool (*misorder*)

Build F Liverpool (*not used - blocked*)
Build F London (*used*)
Build F Edinburgh (*not required*)

Request to use House Rules for disbandments.
1. Furthest from a home centre: F English Channel (1 province), F Irish Sea ([u:b6b1bccba8]2 provinces[/u:b6b1bccba8]), A Portugal ([u:b6b1bccba8]2 provinces[/u:b6b1bccba8]).
Futher identification of units to be disbanded not required.
Disband F Irish Sea (*decided using GM House Rules*)
Disband A Portugal (*decided using GM House Rules*)

Build F Kiel (*used*)
Build F Berlin (*used*)

Disband F Western Mediterranean Sea (^used*)

Disband A Livonia (*used*)
Disband A Silesia [specified in its former Warsaw position] (*used*)

Build F Constantinople (*used*)
Build F Smyrna (*used*).

Next Deadline:

Spring 1904: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Tuesday, 13th May 2008

Remember that if I receive 7 sets of orders marked 'ADJUDICATE NOW' or 'FINAL ORDERS' then I will attempt to adjudicate early. If a turn is adjudicated early there may be a knock-on effect on future deadlines.

The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx

Future Deadlines:

Fall 1904: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Sunday, 18th May 2008
Spring 1905: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Friday, 23th May 2008
Fall 1905: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Wednesday, 28rd May 2008
Spring 1906: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Monday, 2nd June 2008
Fall 1906: 18h00 UTC/GMT, Saturday, 7th June 2008

GM Comment:

[u:b6b1bccba8]RUSSIA HAS BEEN ELIMINATED.[/u:b6b1bccba8] My personal thanks go to Aidan for playing Russia, for putting up a very spirited defence and for keeping going to the bitter end despite a 3-way attack (even putting in his final expected disbandments, which is above and beyoind the call of duty). Aidan has proved himself a Diplomacy player in the true mold, who would be welcome in any future DiplomaticCorp game that I GM. I urge each remaining player to sends their thanks to Aidan too.
When a player has been eliminated I will write to them asking for feedback on the game. This can be anything on which they'd like to comment on regarding the game. This feedback is completely optional. For my own purposes, I'd like to hear a player's views of how the running of the game can be improved. All constructive criticism is welcome. Of course, the player can also send the end-of-game statement to me and also to any and all of the players.
If an eliminated player wishes to receive future adjudications then I'm happy to keep them on the distribution list on request.
These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC175 message board.
Preliminary orders are highly recommended.
Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders and any potential adjustment orders with your usual orders for the next turn.
Please put the game number 'DC175', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders.
Information on 2-season Diplomacy and the way to order retreats and adjustments can be found at DiplomaticCorp>Message Board>dc175>Dc175 2-Season Diplomacy.
DiplomaticCorp House Rules and the GM House Rules modifications to them can be found at DiplomaticCorp>Active Games>DC175>Paolo Sforza's House Rules.
The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf


Press is via player email or the DiplomaticCorp dc175 Message Board.


There are four maps (gif) for this turn::

DC175Fa03m: showing previous situation plus the latest moves.
DC175Fa03r: showing positions after the moves, plus any retreats.
DC175Fa03a: showing positions after the retreats, plus any adjustments.
DC175Fa03f: showing final positions after adjustments.

A complete map history for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at: http://sforza.50webs.com/




DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ok, that map is for a different game, lets try this again:

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; gallowmere07(at)gmail.com; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 8, 2008 1:36:30 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1903 Results

The Archduke has made his second NMR, and is out.
I will take a vote on whether you prefer to wait for a replacement or CD him.
Normally I would wait, but as this turn reasults in Austria's reduction to only 2 SCs, I will go with the Majority vote.
Please have your response in by Noon on Saturday, May 10th. Non responses will be counted as a vote to wait for a Replacement.

The only retreats necessary are Austrian, and both have only one option, so I have ordered both:
F Greece - Albania
A Sevastopol - Ukraine

Build Orders will be Due (assuming a CD vote) on Tuesday, May 13th (at) 9pm

Austria, remove 2
Germany Build 1
Italy build 2
Russia Build 1
Turkey build 1

A Budapest Hold
F Greece Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Sevastopol Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Vienna Hold

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc)
F Liverpool Hold
F North Sea - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh
A Yorkshire Supports F Liverpool

A Brest - Gascony
A Clyde Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool (*Fails*)
A Picardy Hold

F Baltic Sea - Livonia
A Belgium - Picardy (*Fails*)
F Holland Hold
A Munich - Burgundy
F Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)

F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Albania - Serbia
F Ionian Sea Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Trieste Supports A Albania - Serbia
A Tyrolia Hold

A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Rumania Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Warsaw Hold

A Armenia Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol
F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria

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Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


dc179 Blackmarch W01 Builds and TIMELINE CHANGE - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I agree with you Garry. Steve should have a chance even though this probably impacts Matt, Danny and myself the most.


--- On Thu, 5/8/08, Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: dc179 Blackmarch W01 Builds and TIMELINE CHANGE
To: "Danny - Italy BM" <dipdanny1(at)gmail.com>, "Fredrik Blom" <blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com>, "Joe Hackett" <jhack16(at)gmail.com>, "Matthew Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Paul Russell" <jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Steven - France BM" <gwingfan2(at)yahoo.com>, "W.T. Fleming" <wtfleming(at)hotmail.com>, "dc179 forum" <dc179(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 12:09 PM
All,{sigh}. Your GM has had to make a tough decision. I
deliberated and got a second opinion and finally came to
this decision. This decision affects our timeline and our
current round. Situation - France submitted a build order;
however, I never received it AND he had no confirmation
email from me stating such. According to the strictest
letter of the law, it is the PLAYER'S responsibility to
ensure that I have received their orders and that they have
confirmation. In fact, I have received more than one email
from at least one of you when you had yet to receive my
confirmation. The question here is whether or not to allow
the build that France showed me in the email that he
forwarded me. In Steven's defense, I should
haveprobably sent him an email with a grace period stating
that I had not received his build and I failed to do so.
Based on the build AND the situation of the game, I feel
like this was notan attempt to beat the game but rather
just an unfortunate event. AS SUCH, I am going to allow
the build [F in Mar] for W01. Several factors were weighed,
not least amongst which were the timing in the game [I would
NOT have allowed it later in a gamemost likely because the
impact would probably have been MUCH greater]. This
decision is final! Hopefully all concur that I am trying to
do what is the right thing for the spirit of the game. Where
that leaves us is in a bit of a delay. Today was the day for
our S02 deadline. Given the new news, that is not a timeline
that we need to keep. Instead, let's push our deadline
for S02 back until Monday May 12th at 5pm CST.

GIVEN THIS EXAMPLE, PLEASE remember that orders are not
complete until CONFIRMED by me. I do my best to confirm at
least every few days. In cases where I cannot [due to
travel], I will
do my best to let you know that confirmations will be slow.
IF you do not have confirmed orders, you should send them
again AND copy to orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com. That is a
mailbox from
which orders can be retrieved later if there is any
question/concern. To keep this mailbox from becoming
overloaded, please ONLY do this when you feel the need to
send a second set because
you don't have confirmation. I cannot stress enough
that ensuring that orders are received IS THE

That said, I may not be able to confirm orders Friday or
Saturday. Sunday confirmation will be late in the day. Thus
I set the Monday deadline so that you can be sure that you
received confirmations.

I apologize for our detour here but I do feel that this is
the right thing to do AND is the right thing for the spirit
of the game.


From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.comTo: dannyandjenny(at)comcast.net;
blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com;
kelly058(at)verizon.net; jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com;
stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; gwingfan2(at)yahoo.com;
wtfleming(at)hotmail.comSubject: dc179 Blackmarch W01
BuildsDate: Tue, 6 May 2008 10:03:24 -0400

Are included in the attachment. It seemed that the
consensus was a Thursday deadline so let's go with
this: Spring 1902 Deadline: May 8th 5pm CST I will be able
to adjudicate before I leave town but then retreats, if
needed, won't be adjudicated until late Sunday. LotM

From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.comTo: dannyandjenny(at)comcast.net;
blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com;
kelly058(at)verizon.net; jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com;
stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; gwingfan2(at)yahoo.com;
wtfleming(at)hotmail.comSubject: RE: dc179 Blackmarch F01
Results WITH MAPDate: Fri, 2 May 2008 23:23:20 -0400

From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.comTo: dannyandjenny(at)comcast.net;
dc179(at)diplomaticcorp.com; blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com;
jhack16(at)gmail.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net;
jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com;
gwingfan2(at)yahoo.com; wtfleming(at)hotmail.comSubject: dc179
Blackmarch F01 Results [map attachment in separate
email]Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 23:19:30 -0400

Quite Interesting!EVERYONE wants Munich but Germany holds
true.Russia and Turkey seem to be on the same page...in the
wrong way!Bounces abound, most by Russia and Turkey.AND
France foregoes a guaranteed build in Por to gain entry
into the Med.An interesting 1902 awaits! Too early to see
what alliances hold. Ah...once again a misorder [this time
outlined in the orders below]. As previously committed,
builds are due Monday, May 5th at 5pm CST. No retreats are
required. Point of inquiry - what should be our next
deadline beyond that? I will be out of town Friday 9th to
Sunday 11th. Should we hold orders for Spring 1902 until
Sunday OR try to fit in orders by Thursday 5pm on the 8th?
Majority rules. In light of votes, we will default to the
LATER deadline to make sure that all get a proper chance to
play the game. Blackmarch - dc179 (Autumn
1901)AUSTRIA-HUNGARY (Joe)A(Tri) Stands; A(Ser) s A(Tri);
F(Alb) - Gre ENGLAND (Matt)A(Yor) - Bel; F(NTH) c A(Yor) -
Bel; F(NWG) - Nwy FRANCE (Steven)A(Bur) - Mun (FAILED);
A(Spa) Stands; F(MAO) - WMS GERMANY (Paul)F(Den) Stands;
A(Kie) - Hol; A(Ruh) - Mun (FAILED) ITALY (Danny)A(Tyr) -
Mun (FAILED); F(Nap) - ION; A(Ven) No Move Received; A
(Mun) - Tyr (NO SUCH UNIT) RUSSIA (Will)F(Sev) - BLA
(FAILED); A(Ukr) - Rum (FAILED); F(GoB) - Swe; A(Mos) - Ukr
(FAILED) TURKEY (Fredrik)F(Ank) - BLA (FAILED); A(Bul) - Rum
(FAILED); A(Con) - Bul (FAILED)Autumn 1901 Adjustments:A:
Tri, +Ser, +Gre, Bud, Vie = 5; Gains 2.E: +Bel, +Nwy, Edi,
Lon, Lpl = 5; Gains 2.F: +Spa, Bre, Mar, Par = 4; Gains
1.G: +Den, +Hol, Ber, Kie, Mun = 5; Gains 2.I: Ven, Nap,
Rom = 3; No change.R: Sev, +Swe, Mos, StP, War = 5; Gains
1.T: Ank, +Bul, Con, Smy = 4; Gains 1.Builds/Disbands:A:
Builds 2E: Builds 2F: Builds 1G: Builds 2I: None.T: Builds

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DC140 "Never Ending Story" spring 1908 r... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Spring 1908 arrives, and we find numerous units being dislodged. England and France continue to duke it out around the British Isles, while Italy once again bounces England's attempted move to MAO. Italy and Turkey beat up on each other again, while Russia slides by and occupies Venice. Russia also puts a hurt on France.

No fewer than five units feel the heat, and some have nowhere to go:
The English fleet in Wales may retreat to London or OTB.
The French fleet in the English Channel may retreat to Brest, Irish Sea, or OTB.
The French army in Ruhr has no valid retreats and is destroyed.
The Italian army in Serbia has no valid retreats and is destroyed.
The Turkish fleet in Greece has no valid retreats and is destroyed.

Because the French fleet has more than one retreat option, I'll need to have a separate summer turn. The summer 1908 retreats will be due Tuesday 5/13 at 3pm Central (US). I will adjudicate the turn as soon as I receive the retreat orders -- if they arrive in the next 24 hours, we can still have the fall deadline next week. Thanks!



Spring 1908 results:

F Belgium Supports F London - English Channel
A Edinburgh - Clyde
F Holland Supports F Belgium
F London - English Channel
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel
F Wales Supports F London - English Channel (*Dislodged*)

F Brest - Picardy
F English Channel Supports F Irish Sea - Wales (*Dislodged*)
F Irish Sea - Wales
F Liverpool Supports F Irish Sea - Wales
A Paris - Burgundy
A Ruhr Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Albania Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Budapest (*Disbanded*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)

F Berlin - Kiel
A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Serbia
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Munich Supports A Kiel - Ruhr
F Sevastopol Hold
A Trieste - Venice
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Vienna - Trieste
A Warsaw - Galicia

F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Bulgaria Supports F Black Sea - Constantinople
F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Disbanded*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Rumania - Serbia
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean


DC170 fall 1907 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
First of all, the 4-way draw is voted down, so on we go. That's bad news for France, who is finished off by the combined efforts of the two rival alliances, Austria gaining control of Marseilles. Germany sails out of Western Med ahead of the supported Turkish attack. Germany, with help from England, holds off attacks on both Kiel and St. Petersburg.

There are no retreats due, so we move directly to winter 1907 adjustments, which are due tomorrow, Friday 5/9 at 3pm Pacific:
Austria build 1
England build 1

Thanks for playing, Tim!



Fall 1907 results:

A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel
A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
A Munich - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Naples - Rome
A Prussia Supports A Berlin
A Rome - Tuscany
A Serbia Hold
A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Tuscany - Piedmont
A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)

F Baltic Sea Supports F Kiel
F English Channel - Brest
F Liverpool Hold
F Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Fails*)
F Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles
A Yorkshire - Belgium

A Gascony - Paris (*Bounce*)

A Burgundy - Paris (*Bounce*)
F Kiel Hold
F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Belgium
F Norway Supports A St Petersburg
A St Petersburg Supports A Warsaw - Moscow (*Void, no such unit*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Constantinople unordered, GM orders Hold
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Livonia - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Livonia - St Petersburg
F North Africa Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

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dc129 - EOG Statement - Russia - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
What a ride. Thanks to Trout for a well-run game. Loved the Radiohead theme, I'm a bit of a fan myself.

As the game progressed, I wondered how the game might have ended up differently if I hadn't made that misorder in Fall of 1901. For the replacements who didn't get to see it, I forgot that Turkey allowed me into the Black Sea instead of bouncing, so I misordered Sev-Rum instead of Bla-Rum. I was kicking myself for a solid week over that one. One extra build that year to put a fleet on the north coast of St. Pete might have been able to change the early balance of power in Scandinavia. But what happens happens I suppose; I'm glad I was able to salvage a draw, thanks to our original Turkey sticking by our alliance despite my horrid misplay. I hope I made up for it by locking up the northern border at the endgame. Anyway, my thoughts for the individual players...

Austria: Tanel played the game extremely cautiously, but perhaps too much so. I understand that Austria's one of the most difficult countries to succeed in, but the level of paranoia shown was a bit too high for me to be able to deal with, especially when compared to how well Turkey was willing to cooperate. I mean honestly, three arranged bounces in Galacia over the first three turns? That said, Tanel was a solid tactician, so it took quite the effort to finally take him out, and if I'm not mistaken, he didn't have any late orders all game, so I have to give him props for that too.

England: Well Ari, I gotta hand it to you. You stuck by your game plan from day one, come hell or high water. I guess it worked for you, but you probably could've gotten your three-way earlier if you had worked with Turkey and I instead of against us.

France: Alas, poor Ricardo, I barely knew ye. Seriously.

Germany: Jerry played the endgame survivalist masterfully. I wrote him off to the ash heap of history before he even showed up to take over for the deposed Kaiser, but he beat the odds to eke out a survival. Honestly, I voted yes for the five-way as well. As far as I'm concerned, you earned a spot on the draw.

Italy: Well Jim, we didn't really have a chance to work together like I said I'd like to do back in 1901. Circumstances as they were. Maybe next game will prove different.

Turkey: I barely noticed the change when you took over for Tory, Kevin, except for the fact that you were actually talking after 1905. Razz Which I guess was your goal, so kudos. Well done in the southern theatre.

In all, a very enjoyable first game on DipCorp, and I look forward to many more.


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Russian Press Conference - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The Russian Defense ministry catagorically denies that Russian units caught behind enemy lines are operating outside the Tsar's command & control aparatus.

However, should any Europan nation be interested in mercenary services provided by alledgedly Russian troops....back-channel negotiations may be available.


GGS 1264 / DC110 - Missing Retreats EW 1872 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

We're missing several retreats for the Early Winter 1872 turn. As I also am minus my laptop which handles this games adjudications (the Imperial game being the only thing I cannot do better on a Mac than on a PC) I will delay until tomorrow to issue the Early Winter adjudication.

One note, however - I erred in the placement of Kashmir in the SC count. It remains in Chinese hands, not Dutch. This means the Chinese have 13 centers and disband 2, the Dutch have 49 and build 6...




WBR2 Fall 07 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I got some very confusing orders from Russia and did my best to faithfully process them. Here are the results:

A Belgium - Norway (*Fails*)
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Gascony Hold
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
F London - English Channel
F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Norway
A Paris Hold
F Tunis Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Berlin - Sweden
A Berlin - Sweden
A Budapest Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Denmark Supports A Berlin - Sweden
A Galicia - Warsaw
A Holland Hold
A Munich - Bohemia
A Silesia Supports A Galicia - Warsaw
A Trieste Supports A Budapest
A Venice Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome

A Rome Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Moscow - Livonia
A Norway - Skagerrak (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Galicia
F Sweden - Denmark (*Dislodged*)
A Ukraine Supports A Rumania - Galicia
A Warsaw - Prussia

A Armenia Supports A Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol
A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Greece Supports A Serbia
F Ionian Sea Supports F Naples
F Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome
A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Sevastopol Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania

Russia F Sweden may retreat to Fin or Bot
Italy A Rome will be disbanded in Winter no matter what - good game.

England - Build 1
Germany - Build 2
Turkey - Build 1
Russia - Remove 3 (2 if F Swe disbands)

Please have build orders in by 10PM tomorrow evening EST.


DC166 (wb0821) - Fall 1907 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Subtle changes on the board this fall as Austria claims a center from the British and Turkey sinks one of King James' battleships.

One retreat from France required and one build from Austria is needed. Deadline for both is Friday, May 9th (11:59 PM GMT).

Please let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers!


Movement results for Fall of 1907. (DC166 07 FALL)

Austria: A Bohemia Supports A Galicia - Silesia.
Austria: A Galicia - Silesia.
Austria: A Moscow Hold.
Austria: A Munich Supports A Galicia - Silesia.
Austria: A Serbia - Trieste.
Austria: A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow.
Austria: A Tyrolia Supports A Serbia - Trieste.

England: F Baltic Sea Supports F Kiel - Berlin.
England: A Belgium - Burgundy.
England: A Brest - Paris (*Bounce*).
England: F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
England: F Gascony Supports F Spain(nc).
England: A Holland - Kiel.
England: F Kiel - Berlin.
England: F North Africa - Western Mediterranean (*Disbanded*).
England: F North Sea - Norway.
England: A Norway - Finland.
England: F Portugal Supports F Spain(nc).
England: F Prussia - Livonia.
England: A Ruhr Supports A Belgium - Burgundy.
England: F Spain(nc) Supports F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Cut*).

France: A Burgundy - Paris (*Dislodged*).
France: A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Fails*).

Italy: A Venice, no move received.

Russia: A St Petersburg Supports A Warsaw - Moscow.
Russia: A Warsaw - Moscow (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Greece.
Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.
Turkey: A Greece Supports A Bulgaria.
Turkey: F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc) (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Rome Hold.
Turkey: F Tunis - North Africa.
Turkey: F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tunis - North Africa.

The following units were dislodged:

French A Burgundy can retreat to Picardy.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Bohemia, A Moscow, A Munich, A Sevastopol, A Silesia, A Trieste, A
England: F Baltic Sea, F Berlin, A Brest, A Burgundy, A Finland, F Gascony, A
Kiel, F Livonia, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Africa, F Norway, F
Portugal, A Ruhr, F Spain(nc).
France: A Burgundy, A Marseilles.
Italy: A Venice.
Russia: A St Petersburg, A Warsaw.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Greece, F Gulf of Lyon, F Ionian Sea, F
North Africa, F Rome, F Western Mediterranean.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Moscow, Munich, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Trieste,
England: Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,
Liverpool, London, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.
France: Marseilles, Paris.
Italy: Venice.
Russia: St Petersburg, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Smyrna,

Austria: 8 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 1 unit.
England: 13 Supply centers, 14 Units: Removes 1 unit.
France: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Fall 829 - Confuse-A-C... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
To be blunt, your cat is in a rut. It's the old stockbroker syndrome, the suburban fin de siecle ennui, angst, weltschmertz, call it what you will.

The Fall of 829 brings a cats-cradle game in the north and a kit of confusion in the south. The Anglo-Saxons force their way into Mercia but the Bretons make up for it in Meath. Sadly, this brings the end of the dreams of Gaelic domination - I'd like to thank Rob for playing the position out to the bitter-sweet end.. As the women wail in the hills, we take comfort in knowing that Rob will be just around the corner in the next game. =)

One retreat is required from the Bretons in the aforementioned Mercia. Deadline for the Early Winter 829 retreat will be set for Saturday, May 10th (11:59 PM GMT).



Movement results for Fall of 829. (DC 161 829 FALL)

Gaels: F Irish Sea Hold.

Scots: F Cait Supports F North Channel - Hebridean Sea.
Scots: F Circinn Supports F Fortrenn.
Scots: F Fortrenn Supports F Cait.
Scots: F North Channel - Hebridean Sea.
Scots: A Strathclyde Supports F Circinn.
Scots: F Ulster - Irish Sea (*Fails*).

Britons: F Bristol Channel Supports A Dyfed - Gwent.
Britons: F Cornwall - Somerset(sc).
Britons: A Dyfed - Gwent.
Britons: F Meath Hold.
Britons: A Mercia - Powys (*Dislodged*).

Norse: F Firth of Forth Supports F Moray Firth.
Norse: F Moray Firth Hold.
Norse: F North Frisian Coast Supports F North Sea - West Frisian Coast.
Norse: F North Sea - West Frisian Coast.
Norse: A Opplandene - Hordaland.
Norse: F Scapa Flow Supports F Moray Firth.

AngloSaxons: A Austrasia Supports F Frisia.
AngloSaxons: F Bay of Biscay - Atlantic Ocean.
AngloSaxons: F Cornish Sea - Lyme Bay.
AngloSaxons: F Frisia Supports F North Frisian Coast - Saxony(wc) (*Void*).
AngloSaxons: A Hwicce Supports A Middle Anglia - Mercia.
AngloSaxons: A Middle Anglia - Mercia.
AngloSaxons: A Powys Supports A Middle Anglia - Mercia.
AngloSaxons: F West Frisian Coast - East Anglia.

Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania Supports A Pomerania - Saxony (*Fails*).
Swedes: A Lindsey Supports A Mercia (*Ordered to Move*).
Swedes: A Pomerania - Saxony (*Fails*).
Swedes: A Saxony - Frisia (*Fails*).
Swedes: F Skaggerak - North Sea.
Swedes: A Skane - Roskilde.
Swedes: F The Wash Supports F North Sea - West Frisian Coast.

The following units were dislodged:

Briton A Mercia can retreat to Gwynned or Deira or Chester.

Unit locations:

Gaels: F Irish Sea.
Scots: F Cait, F Circinn, F Fortrenn, F Hebridean Sea, A Strathclyde, F
Britons: F Bristol Channel, A Gwent, F Meath, A Mercia, F Somerset(sc).
Norse: F Firth of Forth, A Hordaland, F Moray Firth, F North Frisian Coast,
F Scapa Flow, F West Frisian Coast.
AngloSaxons: F Atlantic Ocean, A Austrasia, F East Anglia, F Frisia, A Hwicce,
F Lyme Bay, A Mercia, A Powys.
Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania, A Lindsey, F North Sea, A Pomerania, A Roskilde,
A Saxony, F The Wash.

Ownership of supply centers:

Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Strathclyde, Ulster.
Britons: Cornwall, Deira, Gwent, Gwynned, Leinster, Meath.
Norse: Agder, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Austrasia, Brittany, East Anglia, Frisia, Hamptonshire, Kent,
Mercia, Neustria, Powys.
Swedes: Gotar, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia, Roskilde, Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 1 Unit: Removes 1 unit.
Scots: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britons: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Norse: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.



dc163 Spring 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The first half of this year has brought with it most troubling times. It seems that the Italian government has crumbled, with only some resistance fighters still hanging on. The Balkinite Revolution is now also in full bloom, with the former Austrian leaders found strung up and left for the birds.

<<<Game effect. Both Austria and Italy have NMRed twice in a row and their forces are now in Civil Disorder. Their forces will hold and disband if forced to retreat.>>>

As for other news from around Europe. England shifts to the southwest and is forced from Kiel by the persistent German armies. France continues his actions to bring order to the Italian peninsula. Russia drives west into Germany, while Turkey seems to be looking to control the Black Sea.

As a GameMaster and player, I am sad to see when players drop from a game, even if they were left in poor positions (which really wasn't the case this time). In my position I could try to recruit new players to fill the vacancies, but I believe this time Italy is not really viable and Austria would be a long shot. I will put out a request for an Austrian replacement, but should one not be quickly available, I will not hold up our game.

The one English retreat is from Kiel to Ruhr. If you wish to disband instead let me know ASAP.

Our moves for Fall 1904 will be due on Friday 16th of May by 6pm EST. This will allow a short period to recruit a new Austrian.

F Greece, no move received
A Serbia, no move received
A Trieste, no move received

A Belgium - Picardy
F Denmark Hold
F Holland - Belgium
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Dislodged*) Retreats to Ruhr.
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F London - English Channel
F North Sea - Holland
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean

A Burgundy - Paris
A Gascony Hold
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Ruhr - Burgundy
A Tuscany - Rome
A Venice - Apulia

A Berlin - Kiel
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel

A Albania, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received
A Tyrolia, no move received

F Baltic Sea - Berlin
A Galicia - Bohemia
F Rumania - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Sweden - Finland
A Ukraine - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Vienna Hold
A Warsaw - Silesia

A Budapest Hold
F Bulgaria(ec) - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna
A Smyrna - Armenia



DC178 - Late Fall 03 Orders - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

Guess that quick deadline turnaround was a mite bit too quick for some. Since we're missing orders for Fall 03, I've pushed the deadline back till tomorrow. Those who I need orders from have been sent a seperate email on top of this one.




DC136 Disco G - Fall 1910 Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Shake shake shake! Shake shake shake! Shake your orders in.. Deadline for Fall 1910 is in just over 19 hours.




DC141 - Spring 07 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Just a gentle raspberry to get your Spring 07 orders in to me. Deadline is in just over 19 hours.




DC172 Midsummers - Fall 1602 Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Twas the hour for the reminder...Sending orders would be kinder
For if the GM does without
Then players face the wrath of Trout

19 hours everyone. (Just wait till I start writing sonnets..) =P



Aegean Diplomacy! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Welcome Dip Friends,
To this game of Aegean Diplomacy!

This is the first time this game has been played in dc, and really the first time I've heard of it being played anywhere - so it should be a pretty experimental game - hopefully a lot of the basic strategies of standard 7-player dip will be equally applicable here, so you're not totally in the dark about what to do.

Being the first time played, I'll run it completely random for the countries. So take a moment to reply to me (or the group) to let me know you're still interested, committed to play to the end, and if you like, a bit about you, especially the new players that I dont know here.

See you soon with country assignments once I hear from all 7!

From: feedback(at)diplomaticcorp.com [mailto:feedback(at)diplomaticcorp.com]
Sent: Thu 5/8/2008 10:48 PM
To: Michael Sims; Michael Sims; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
Subject: Player list re003

Player list for re003

ID : AlanRFarrington
Ctry : _Unassigned 1
Name : Alan Farrington
Email: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com

ID : sandiegosmith
Ctry : _Unassigned 2
Name : Mark Smith
Email: sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com

ID : psychosis1973
Ctry : _Unassigned 3
Name : Michael Thompson
Email: psychosis(at)sky.com

ID : garry.bledsoe
Ctry : _Unassigned 4
Name : Garry Bledsoe
Email: garry.bledsoe(at)alltel.com

ID : txurce
Ctry : _Unassigned 5
Name : Jorge Saralegui
Email: jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net

ID : Selborne
Ctry : _Unassigned 6
Name : Shelby Garner
Email: shgarner(at)gmail.com

ID : Integrity69
Ctry : _Unassigned 7
Name : Paul Howell
Email: howellpaul5(at)gmail.com

Player address string:
alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; garry.bledsoe(at)alltel.com; jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net; shgarner(at)gmail.com; howellpaul5(at)gmail.com;


Dc169 Spring 1907 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Yes Spring 1907. After a big hunt, it seems that Austria's orders were found attached to another set of orders so because it would be very wrong to penalize Austria for actually submitting moves.

I have (after consultation with the TD of the Winter Blitz) decided to re-adjudicate Spring 1907 with Austria's moves. Fortunately Austria's moves dont change anything at all, but it should be recognised that Austria did indeed submit moves for Spring 1907.

How does this affect the tournament I hear you say? - well this is what is going to happen. Officially our schedule is now going to be one season behind the tournament schedule - however where we can we are going to try and just speed up a little bit to see if we can't over the next few turns catch up again.

This means I am going to ask players to seriously considering labelling their moves FINAL. if i have 4 sets of final moves, i can adjudicate early until we have caught up with the schedule.... the deadlines are going to be the same days and times as the others, so please consider labelling moves final once they are so we can speed up.

Here is Spring 1907 re-adjudicated.

A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Prussia Supports A Moscow - Livonia (*Cut*)
A Silesia Supports A Prussia (*Disbanded*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc)

F Baltic Sea - Prussia (*Fails*)
A Belgium Hold
A Berlin - Silesia
F English Channel - Wales
A Holland - Edinburgh
A Kiel - Berlin
A Livonia - St Petersburg
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
F North Sea Convoys A Holland - Edinburgh
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Ruhr Supports A Munich
F St Petersburg(sc) - Finland

A Brest Hold
A Burgundy Supports A Munich
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Silesia
A Paris Supports A Brest
F Spain(sc) Supports F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Ankara - Constantinople
A Budapest - Vienna
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Galicia Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Moscow - Livonia
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea
A Sevastopol - Moscow
F Smyrna - Aegean Sea
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow - Livonia

Fall 1907 is due Tuesday at 5pm, Australian EST. However finalized moves would make things faster.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Email Australia. Be part of history. Take part in Australia's first e-mail archive with


dc173 Fall results! Winter Builds, Removals due! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
GAME Standard DC0173\Fall/1902
Russ N rum to OTDb

Aust Build 2 Units.
Engl Build 1 Unit.
Germ Build 2 Units.
Russ Remove 2 Units.
Turk Build 2 Units.

Game DC0173 WINTER 1902 Deadline is Tuesday May 13 at 2400 hours!

If you convoy an army from one adjacent area to another
without the [*] order it will not go without GM intervention.

(2) Abbreviations and Typographical Errors
Abbreviations as stated in the 2000 Rule book are preferred,
any abbreviations that are not ambiguous, in the sole
opinion of the GM, are acceptable. A typographical error
in an order that is nonetheless understandable by the GM
will not cause the GM to rule an order ambiguous. A
typographical error that results in an order containing
either an abbreviation or the fully spelled out name of
another province shall be adjudicated as an order pertaining to the
province correctly abbreviated or spelled out.

I did not like having to let A Pie-Bel stand because I believe
France wanted A pic-bel. But one must follow the rules in case
next time this error is intentional.

Remember to put the game number somewhere in the emails subject
You can also find the games results on my web site.

As the game progress the Deadlines will be 5 to 7 days, give or
take a day. If Anticipated retreats are not sent in with your
moves then the computers auto retreats will be used. The
adjudications will be [Spring/Summer_Retreats], [Fall/Winter_Retreats],

If you have any questions about the Rules, how to send in moves
etc. get in touch. After 1902 Winter I will not attemp to
replace a NMR player, instead my Madman rules will kick in, at
that time I will explain how they work.

Do not wait till deadline to send in moves, get in prelims!
Lets hope I never have to have a Madman turn but if it happens everyone will
be shown how it works. Basically you mortgage one of your units
to move a NMR unit. If you have A Kiel-Ber sent in you can risk
that move with this order CD A KIEL for A Mos-StP. If this is a
winning bid then your army Kiel is ordered to HOLD.

All this information can be found in my 'Diplomacy House Rules'
at the below web site.


dc171 - Fall 1907 - RESULTS - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
We say goodbye to another player this round. Eric, thanks for playing.
No retreats this time. Winter deadline still tomorrow.

2-way DRAW between Germany and Austria. Please vote with your Spring orders. A failure to vote is a NO vote.

Winter 1907 - Saturday May 10, 2008 at 15:00GMT (11am EDT).
Spring 1908 - Monday May 12, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT).

F Adriatic Sea Convoys A Albania - Apulia
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Albania - Apulia
A Naples Supports A Albania - Apulia
A Serbia - Greece
A Sevastopol Hold
A Smyrna Hold
A Trieste - Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome
A Ukraine Hold
A Warsaw Hold

A Edinburgh - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
F London Hold
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*Fails*)

A Brest Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Paris Hold (*Disbanded*)

A Belgium - Brest
A Burgundy - Paris
F English Channel Convoys A Belgium - Brest
A Gascony Supports A Belgium - Brest
A Marseilles - Spain (*Fails*)
A Moscow - Livonia
A Munich - Burgundy
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Convoys A Norway - London
A Norway - London (*Fails*)
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy - Paris

A Apulia Hold (*Disbanded*)
F Eastern Mediterranean Hold
A Spain Hold

Austria: Build 3
Germany: Build 2


dc167 Winter '08 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)



Spring '08 is due Monday May 12th 8 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1300 GMT


Build A London

Build A Kiel

Build A Constantinople
Build A Ankara


Italy: NDR
Defaults, removing F Tyrrhenian Sea
Defaults, removing A Tyrolia

My mother taught me not to lie...... so I learned to tell the truth very "carefully".
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


OW: Winter 04 all out! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Next is Spring 05, due in 1 week! Friday 10am Pacific

Please turn in prelims else I’ll be forced to make up more silly fairytales!


Dark Side of the Fog: Game End - SOLO! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hearty congratulations are in order to Former Trout, who has led the Space Quest janitors and burger counter clerks to a devastating 32-sc solo!!!

Only 30 sc were needed to win, and picking up a whopping 4 in the last year made all the difference – netting Trout his first solo in the club.

This is also the first ever solo in one of my FOW games, and as such Trout gets the trophy for first solo in a Fog game, and I do have to say he also gets the honors of best stab in a fog game for his devastating move on Warren early on – taking 5 centers over 2 years, almost completely unseen and unstoppable by the defender. I guess to be fair we can also award Warren the best stabbed. Smile

STEVE: You have to confirm the retreat of Caladan-Ecaz, since it determines the final SC counts.


Quick recap of the game to help y’all with EOG’s which I know are all forthcoming:

First out was Eric, going into Civil Disorder pretty early on. Year 3 it was.

Next out was Hamish, a year after… hit early on by Eric, and then when he disappeared, was finished off by Trout.

Then the game went into overdrive, and nobody else was taken out until year 9, when we saw Trout’s explosive growth at the expense of Warren.

After this it was year 12 when Felix was finally polished off by Steve, Garry, and Fletch

And that leaves us where we are now, after 16 years played, and a 280-day game! 1 winner, 5 survivors, and 4 that didn’t make it to the end.



F Ratchet - Feralas
A Azshara - Talendris Point
F Sarien Sea - Loch Modan
F Fire Sea Supports F Loch Modan - Booty Bay
F Caldera Basin - Menethil Harbor
F Loch Modan - Booty Bay
F Booty Bay - Isle of Skye
F Big Boo's Haunt, no move received
F Jolly Roger Bay Supports F Booty Bay - Isle of Skye
F Croctopus Bay - Tree Top Town(sc)
F Chillwind Pass - Daventry
F Swamp of Sorrows - Chillwind Pass
F Sea Barons Supports F Frozen Reaches - Death Bogs
F Death Bogs - Llewdor(wc) (*Fails*)
F Frozen Reaches - Death Bogs (*Bounce*)
F Icy Sea - Frozen Reaches (*Fails*)
F Spindrift Sound Supports F Icy Sea - Frozen Reaches (*Fails*)
F Isle of the Mists Supports F Frozen Reaches - Death Bogs
A Azeroth Supports F Ratchet - Feralas (*Cut*)
A Monkey Mines Supports A Azeroth (*Cut*)
F Talendris Point - Croctopus Bay
F Forest of Illusion - Hazy Maze Cave(wc)
A Dire Docks Hold
A Chimp Caverns Supports A Monkey Mines
A Burning Steppes Supports A Azeroth
A Star Road Supports F Loch Modan - Booty Bay
A Cookie Mountain Supports F Forest of Illusion - Hazy Maze Cave(wc)

F Steiner Hold
F River of Sunshine - Donut Plains (*Fails*)
A Tukayyid Hold

F Terra Supports F Kurita
F Kurita Supports F Terra
A Arrakis - Hagal
A Corin - Caladan
A Giedi Prime - Richese
F Soda Lake - Cielago Depression
F Fishing Hole - Hidden Village (*Bounce*)
A Donut Plains Hold
A Kaitain Supports A Corin - Caladan
F Gorilla Glacier - Clam City (*Bounce*)

A Ordon Village - Snowpeak Ruins
A Kongo Jungle - Monkey Mines (*Fails*)
F Llewdor(wc) Supports F Daventry - Death Bogs
F Daventry - Death Bogs (*Disbanded*)
F Poison Pond - Fishing Hole (*Fails*)
A Caladan Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Kolyma - Lake Hylia (*Fails*)
F Serenia Supports F Daventry - Death Bogs
F Were-Woods Supports F Serenia
A Etheria - Daventry (*Fails*)
A Sacred Grove - Hidden Village (*Bounce*)
A Gnawtys Lair Supports F Lake Hylia - Azeroth

F Arc-Royal - Prezno River (*Fails*)
F Prezno River - Clam City (*Bounce*)
F Lake Hylia - Azeroth (*Fails*)

F Sea of Tamir Supports F Chillwind Pass - Daventry



Steve: A Caladan - Ecaz


Hope you all had fun… I’ll send the RP file and final map out separately not copied to the board since dc122 is still going on a similar map.


DC177 Summer 1902 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
No retreats came in from Austria, and, since there's no grace on
non-movement phases, those armies are disbanded.

Fall 1902 still due on Monday, the 12th, at 9 pm eastern.



A Serbia, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Trieste, no move received (*Disbanded*)

F Norway - Norwegian Sea

F North Sea - Skagerrak


DC177 Summer 1902 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

well that changes a lot. you guys out in the east are lucky as hell...

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])> wrote:

No retreats came in from Austria, and, since there's no grace on non-movement phases, those armies are disbanded.

Fall 1902 still due on Monday, the 12th, at 9 pm eastern.



A Serbia, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Trieste, no move received (*Disbanded*)

F Norway - Norwegian Sea

F North Sea - Skagerrak

"YOU have the power!"
~ Howard Dean M.D.


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