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dc451 winter 06 - ndeily   (May 10, 2013, 6:03 pm)
Let it be known that England supports the EF draw and will vote suchly in the coming turn.
From: Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com>
To: Scott Johnston
<johnston.scott(at)comcast.net>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; Lam Brian <briankingfox(at)gmail.com>; John R <untitled36(at)hotmail.com>; Benjy Aarons-Richardson <finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>
Cc: blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 3:45 PM
Subject: dc451 winter 06

England builds an army in London and France a fleet in Brest.

There's a vote again for a EF draw...


Dc 449: Spring 1905 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (May 10, 2013, 5:46 pm)
Hey All,

A bit of a slow turn.  Only 1 center changes hands and it looks like we're setting up for a bit of a trench fight.  No retreats we'll head straight into fall.

Next Deadline:
Fall 1905 is due Wednesday May 15th at 12:00pm GMT (7:00pm EST)

F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Greece - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Rome - Venice (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Galicia (*Disbanded*)
A Serbia Supports A Greece - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Budapest - Vienna
F Tunis Hold
A Venice - Piedmont (*Bounce*)

F Edinburgh Hold
F English Channel - Wales
A London Hold

F Belgium - English Channel
F Brest Supports F Belgium - English Channel
A Marseilles - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
A Paris - Picardy
A Spain Hold

A Bohemia Supports A Vienna
F Denmark Supports F North Sea
A Munich - Tyrolia
F North Sea Supports F Belgium - English Channel
A Norway Hold
A Ruhr - Munich
A Silesia - Berlin
A Vienna Supports A Munich - Tyrolia (*Cut*)

A Galicia Supports A Ukraine - Rumania
A St Petersburg Hold
A Ukraine - Rumania

F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria
A Bulgaria Supports A Ukraine - Rumania (*Cut*)
A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria
F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania
F Smyrna - Aegean Sea

See you all soon,
Alan Farrington


dc451 winter 06 - catsfather   (May 10, 2013, 5:45 pm)
England builds an army in London and France a fleet in Brest.

There's a vote again for a EF draw...


dc451 winter 06 (Winter Blitz) ndeily May 10, 06:03 pm
Let it be known that England supports the EF draw and will vote suchly in the coming turn.
From: Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com>
To: Scott Johnston
<johnston.scott(at)comcast.net>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; Lam Brian <briankingfox(at)gmail.com>; John R <untitled36(at)hotmail.com>; Benjy Aarons-Richardson <finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>
Cc: blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 3:45 PM
Subject: dc451 winter 06

England builds an army in London and France a fleet in Brest.

There's a vote again for a EF draw...
dc446 s16 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (May 10, 2013, 3:38 pm)
No orders for 2 of the 3 units so they go off the board!  NEXT is Monday!  3pm Central...
Remember there are two draws you're voting on.  One includes France and one does not.  Since France technically controls a dot still, the proposals are both valid even tho he has no units.  Either one will require 5 yes-votes to pass.
England F Norway, no move received (*Disbanded*)
France: F Brest, no move received (*Disbanded*)
Germany: A Kiel - Denmark


dc452 w06 builds! - bschoner   (May 10, 2013, 3:36 pm)
And don't forget one unhappy little disband...


On May 10, 2013, at 3:35 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Here we go - some happy little builds.
Austria: Remove A Galicia
England: Build F Edinburgh
Italy: Build F Rome
Russia: Remove F Sevastopol
NEXT is Monday!  3pm Central


dc452 w06 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 10, 2013, 3:32 pm)
Here we go - some happy little builds.
Austria: Remove A Galicia
England: Build F Edinburgh
Italy: Build F Rome
Russia: Remove F Sevastopol
NEXT is Monday!  3pm Central


dc452 w06 builds! (Winter Blitz) bschoner May 10, 03:36 pm
And don't forget one unhappy little disband...


On May 10, 2013, at 3:35 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Here we go - some happy little builds.
Austria: Remove A Galicia
England: Build F Edinburgh
Italy: Build F Rome
Russia: Remove F Sevastopol
NEXT is Monday!  3pm Central
DC 454 W06 Adjudication - untitled36   (May 10, 2013, 3:08 pm)
Austria: Build A Vienna
France: Build A Paris
Italy: Remove A Apulia
Russia: Remove A Warsaw
Turkey: Build A Ankara

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


DC455 - Aberration - Spring 1903 - Zoterik   (May 10, 2013, 3:07 pm)
The bull's eye fell north of where I expected it might, as Ukraine suffers a massive set-back.  The NMR was tough enough; two units disbanded, as well as a Polish incursion, merely adds insult to injury.  Byzantium is not out of the woods just yet, as Sicily sails into the home centre.  To the West, Burgundy may have bitten off more than he can chew!  

The one retreat can be emailed to the group.  Summer 1903 deadline is 12th May at 08:00 GMT.

RetreatsByzantine F Athens can retreat to Aegean Sea or Thrace.
Ukrainian F Anatolia, no move received, disbanded.Ukrainian A Rumania, no move received, disbanded.


F Heligoland Bight - North Sea
F Anglican Sea - English Channel (*bounce*)A Dijon - Lorraine
A Brittany - Picardy (*bounce*)A Brussels - Picardy (*bounce*)
A Bavaria HoldA Languedoc Hold


A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Pisidia - ConstantinopleF East Black Sea - West Black Sea (*fails*)
F Athens Hold (*dislodged*)


F English Channel - WessexF Irish Sea - English Channel (*bounce*)
F North Sea - YorkshireF Skagerrak - North Sea (*fails*)
A Picardy - Brittany (*fails*)


A Venezia - TyrolA Bohemia S A Venezia - Tyrol
A Austria S A BohemiaF Croatia - Adriatic Sea
A Zara - CroatiaA Serbia S Byz A Bulgaria - Rumania


A Cilica - Anatolia
A Armenia S A Cilicia - AnatoliaF Pylos Sea S Sic F Ionian Sea - Athens (*void*)
F Cairo - Libyan Sea


A Muscovy - DonbasA Novgorod - Muscovy
A Podolia - LembergA Warsaw - Podolia
F Sweden - Skagerrak (*fails*)F Denmark S Bur F Heligoland Bight - North Sea
A Gdansk - Silesia (*bounce*)A Saxony - Silesia (*bounce*)


F Albania - AthensF Ionian Sea S F Albania - Athens
F Cyrenaica - Tobruk SeaF Malta Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tunisia - Utica SeaA Piedmont Hold


A Santander - Gascony 
F Bay of Biscay S A Santander - GasconyA Catalonia S A Santander - Gascony
F Palma Sea - Gulf of LionF South Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean




dc453 Winter 06 - jerome777   (May 10, 2013, 9:46 am)
Hi everyone,

Here's your adjustments:

Disband A Albania

Build F St Petersburg(nc)
Build A Warsaw

Build F Constantinople

Spring 07 is due Monday 13 May, 2000GMT. Have a nice weekend everyone.



DC450 Spring 04 deadline approaches -- 24 hours - Joral   (May 09, 2013, 9:01 pm)
24 Hour heads up. I've replied to what I've got.


-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Monday, May 6, 2013 9:00pm
To: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Cc: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: RE: DC450 Fall 03 Results

And a bit late again, but here is the results of the winter.

Spring 04 Due Saturday (at) 00:00 (Same time as usual, Hopefully my weekend won't be psycho)


Remove F Edinburgh

Build A Paris

Build F Naples


dc452 f06 Greg leaves battle! - hapolley   (May 09, 2013, 6:49 pm)
Sorry Greg! I knew it would be attack from Rum or support of Rum; my original move was Bul S ser-Rum.  I then foolishly changed it just before deadline. Too many moves to defend against and not enough units to do so. Thank you for giving me a hand to extent possible, in a short time I will join you off board.  France will soon regret abandoning you to the Crafty, dishonor your word for SC grab, Italians. With Warm Regards!Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca
From: Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>
To: Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; 'Michael Sims' <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; "bschoner(at)gmail.com" <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; "hapolley(at)yahoo.ca" <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com" <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>; "psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com" <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; "Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com" <Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com>
Cc: 'Garry Bledsoe'
<kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "mvpenner(at)yahoo.com" <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; 'WB' <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2013 5:29:45 PM
Subject: Re: dc452 f06 results!

Seconded! Greg it was great playing with you. I don't know if you'll say the same about me after I didn't support you into StP, but I very much enjoyed our lively discussions and also how you hung in there until the bitter end. Sad to see ya go.


From: Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>
To: 'Michael Sims' <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; bschoner(at)gmail.com; gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com; psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com;
Cc: 'Garry Bledsoe' <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com; 'WB' <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2013 6:12 PM
Subject: RE: dc452 f06 results!



I want to thank you for sticking in and
playing a good game.  You???re an honorable man, and I hope we get the opportunity
to play again as long term allies.


Russ Dennis


From: Michael Sims

Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:17

To: bschoner(at)gmail.com;
gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com;
psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com; russ(at)russdennis.net

Cc: Garry Bledsoe; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;

Subject: dc452 f06 results!


Austria is eliminated!  Last unit retreats to Gal then disbands.

Russia retreats
StP to Lvn.  He can opt for OTB by the builds deadline if he prefers.




Austria: Remove Gal

England: Build 1

Italy: Build 1

Russia: Remove 1


BUILDS by tomorrow / Friday 3pm Central.





A Budapest -
Trieste (*Dislodged*)



A Finland -
St Petersburg

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland
- St Petersburg

F London - English Channel

F Norway Supports A
Finland - St

F Wales - Liverpool

A Yorkshire Supports F Wales
- Liverpool



A Belgium Supports A Ruhr -

A Bohemia -

A Burgundy Supports A Bohemia
- Munich

F English Channel - Wales

F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - Liverpool

A Ruhr - Holland



A Berlin -

F Holland Supports A
Kiel (*Cut*)

A Kiel Supports F



F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples -

A Naples -
Albania (*Bounce*)

A Trieste -

F Tunis Supports F Ionian

A Venice - Trieste

A Vienna Supports A Trieste
- Budapest



A Moscow Supports A
St Petersburg

A Rumania -

F Sevastopol

A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Ukraine Supports F



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Armenia -
Sevastopol (*Fails*)

F Black Sea - Rumania

A Bulgaria -

F Greece -

A Serbia Supports A
Budapest - Trieste




dc452 f06 results! - gizmo8204   (May 09, 2013, 6:29 pm)
Seconded! Greg it was great playing with you. I don't know if you'll say the same about me after I didn't support you into StP, but I very much enjoyed our lively discussions and also how you hung in there until the bitter end. Sad to see ya go.


From: Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>
To: 'Michael Sims' <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; bschoner(at)gmail.com; gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com; psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com;
Cc: 'Garry Bledsoe' <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com; 'WB' <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2013 6:12 PM
Subject: RE: dc452 f06 results!



I want to thank you for sticking in and
playing a good game.  You???re an honorable man, and I hope we get the opportunity
to play again as long term allies.


Russ Dennis


From: Michael Sims

Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:17

To: bschoner(at)gmail.com;
gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com;
psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com; russ(at)russdennis.net

Cc: Garry Bledsoe; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;

Subject: dc452 f06 results!


Austria is eliminated!  Last unit retreats to Gal then disbands.

Russia retreats
StP to Lvn.  He can opt for OTB by the builds deadline if he prefers.




Austria: Remove Gal

England: Build 1

Italy: Build 1

Russia: Remove 1


BUILDS by tomorrow / Friday 3pm Central.





A Budapest -
Trieste (*Dislodged*)



A Finland -
St Petersburg

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland
- St Petersburg

F London - English Channel

F Norway Supports A
Finland - St

F Wales - Liverpool

A Yorkshire Supports F Wales
- Liverpool



A Belgium Supports A Ruhr -

A Bohemia -

A Burgundy Supports A Bohemia
- Munich

F English Channel - Wales

F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - Liverpool

A Ruhr - Holland



A Berlin -

F Holland Supports A
Kiel (*Cut*)

A Kiel Supports F



F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples -

A Naples -
Albania (*Bounce*)

A Trieste -

F Tunis Supports F Ionian

A Venice - Trieste

A Vienna Supports A Trieste
- Budapest



A Moscow Supports A
St Petersburg

A Rumania -

F Sevastopol

A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Ukraine Supports F



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Armenia -
Sevastopol (*Fails*)

F Black Sea - Rumania

A Bulgaria -

F Greece -

A Serbia Supports A
Budapest - Trieste




dc451 fall 06 - catsfather   (May 09, 2013, 5:45 pm)
Vote on the EF draw fails.  (Yet there's another vote coming for the spring.)

Two disbandments meant there are just two build: 1 for England and 1 for France.

Movement results for Fall of 1906.  (dc451)

Austria: A Bohemia Supports A Galicia.

Austria: A Galicia Supports A Ukraine (*Cut*).

Austria: F Greece - Albania (*Bounce*).

Austria: A Tyrolia Supports A Venice.

Austria: A Ukraine Supports A Galicia.

Austria: A Venice Supports A Naples - Apulia (*Cut*).

England: F Baltic Sea Supports A Prussia - Berlin.

England: F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea.

England: A Denmark - Kiel.

England: F Gulf of Bothnia - Livonia (*Fails*).

England: F Helgoland Bight - North Sea.

England: A Kiel - Ruhr.

England: A Livonia - Moscow (*Fails*).

England: F North Sea - Belgium.

England: A Prussia - Berlin.

England: A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia - Moscow.

France: F Gulf of Lyon Hold.

France: F Ionian Sea - Apulia (*Disbanded*).

France: A Munich Hold.

France: F North Africa - Tunis.

France: A Piedmont - Venice (*Fails*).

France: F Rome - Naples.

France: A Silesia - Galicia (*Fails*).

France: A Tuscany - Rome.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Rome - Naples.

Russia: A Moscow Supports A Warsaw (*Cut*).

Russia: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.

Turkey: F Apulia - Adriatic Sea.

Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol.

Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea.

Turkey: A Naples - Apulia (*Disbanded*).

Turkey: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.

Turkey: A Trieste - Albania (*Bounce*).

Unit locations:

Austria:   A Bohemia, A Galicia, F Greece, A Tyrolia, A Ukraine, A Venice.

England:   F Baltic Sea, F Belgium, A Berlin, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Kiel, A 

           Livonia, F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Ruhr, A St Petersburg.

France:    F Gulf of Lyon, A Munich, F Naples, A Piedmont, A Rome, A Silesia, F 

           Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Russia:    A Moscow, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, F Black Sea, F Ionian Sea, A 

           Sevastopol, A Trieste.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Greece, Rumania, Serbia, Venice, Vienna.

England:   Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, 

           London, Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden.

France:    Brest, Marseilles, Munich, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, 


Russia:    Moscow, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna, Trieste.

Austria:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:   11 Supply centers, 10 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

France:     9 Supply centers,  8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

Germany:    0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1906.


dc452 f06 results! - umbletheheep   (May 09, 2013, 5:12 pm)
I want to thank you for sticking in and
playing a good game.  You’re an honorable man, and I hope we get the opportunity
to play again as long term allies.

Russ Dennis

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:17

To: bschoner(at)gmail.com;
gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com;
psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com; russ(at)russdennis.net

Cc: Garry Bledsoe; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;

Subject: dc452 f06 results!


Austria is eliminated!  Last unit retreats to Gal then disbands.

Russia retreats
StP to Lvn.  He can opt for OTB by the builds deadline if he prefers.




Austria: Remove Gal

England: Build 1

Italy: Build 1

Russia: Remove 1


BUILDS by tomorrow / Friday 3pm Central.





A Budapest - Trieste (*Dislodged*)



A Finland - St Petersburg

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland
- St Petersburg

F London - English Channel

F Norway Supports A Finland - St

F Wales - Liverpool

A Yorkshire Supports F Wales
- Liverpool



A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland

A Bohemia - Munich

A Burgundy Supports A Bohemia
- Munich

F English Channel - Wales

F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - Liverpool

A Ruhr - Holland



A Berlin - Silesia

F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)

A Kiel Supports F Holland



F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Albania

A Naples - Albania (*Bounce*)

A Trieste - Budapest

F Tunis Supports F Ionian

A Venice - Trieste

A Vienna Supports A Trieste
- Budapest



A Moscow Supports A St Petersburg

A Rumania - Serbia

F Sevastopol

A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Ukraine Supports F Sevastopol



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)

F Black Sea - Rumania

A Bulgaria - Greece

F Greece - Albania

A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste




SV: DC 454 F06 Adjudication - ddz999cat23   (May 09, 2013, 3:51 pm)
Good game John. Thanks for fighting to the end!
On May 9, 2013, at 2:42 PM, "John Robillard" <john.robillard(at)telia.com> wrote:

Well, these things happen.  Thanks for the game all! See you next year.John 


dc452 f06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 09, 2013, 3:17 pm)
Austria is eliminated!  Last unit retreats to Gal then disbands.
Russia retreats StP to Lvn.  He can opt for OTB by the builds deadline if he prefers.
Austria: Remove Gal
England: Build 1
Italy: Build 1
Russia: Remove 1
BUILDS by tomorrow / Friday 3pm Central.
A Budapest - Trieste (*Dislodged*)
A Finland - St Petersburg
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
F London - English Channel (*Fails*)
F Norway Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
F Wales - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
A Yorkshire Supports F Wales - Liverpool
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland
A Bohemia - Munich
A Burgundy Supports A Bohemia - Munich
F English Channel - Wales (*Fails*)
F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - Liverpool
A Ruhr - Holland (*Fails*)
A Berlin - Silesia
F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)
A Kiel Supports F Holland
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Albania
A Naples - Albania (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Budapest
F Tunis Supports F Ionian Sea
A Venice - Trieste
A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest
A Moscow Supports A St Petersburg
A Rumania - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol Hold
A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ukraine Supports F Sevastopol
F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Greece (*Bounce*)
F Greece - Albania (*Bounce*)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste (*Cut*)


dc452 f06 results! (Winter Blitz) umbletheheep May 09, 05:12 pm
I want to thank you for sticking in and
playing a good game.  You’re an honorable man, and I hope we get the opportunity
to play again as long term allies.

Russ Dennis

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:17

To: bschoner(at)gmail.com;
gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com;
psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com; russ(at)russdennis.net

Cc: Garry Bledsoe; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;

Subject: dc452 f06 results!


Austria is eliminated!  Last unit retreats to Gal then disbands.

Russia retreats
StP to Lvn.  He can opt for OTB by the builds deadline if he prefers.




Austria: Remove Gal

England: Build 1

Italy: Build 1

Russia: Remove 1


BUILDS by tomorrow / Friday 3pm Central.





A Budapest - Trieste (*Dislodged*)



A Finland - St Petersburg

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland
- St Petersburg

F London - English Channel

F Norway Supports A Finland - St

F Wales - Liverpool

A Yorkshire Supports F Wales
- Liverpool



A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Holland

A Bohemia - Munich

A Burgundy Supports A Bohemia
- Munich

F English Channel - Wales

F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - Liverpool

A Ruhr - Holland



A Berlin - Silesia

F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)

A Kiel Supports F Holland



F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Albania

A Naples - Albania (*Bounce*)

A Trieste - Budapest

F Tunis Supports F Ionian

A Venice - Trieste

A Vienna Supports A Trieste
- Budapest



A Moscow Supports A St Petersburg

A Rumania - Serbia

F Sevastopol

A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Ukraine Supports F Sevastopol



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)

F Black Sea - Rumania

A Bulgaria - Greece

F Greece - Albania

A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste


dc452 f06 results! (Winter Blitz) gizmo8204 May 09, 06:29 pm
Seconded! Greg it was great playing with you. I don't know if you'll say the same about me after I didn't support you into StP, but I very much enjoyed our lively discussions and also how you hung in there until the bitter end. Sad to see ya go.


From: Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>
To: 'Michael Sims' <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; bschoner(at)gmail.com; gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com; psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com;
Cc: 'Garry Bledsoe' <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com; 'WB' <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2013 6:12 PM
Subject: RE: dc452 f06 results!



I want to thank you for sticking in and
playing a good game.  You???re an honorable man, and I hope we get the opportunity
to play again as long term allies.


Russ Dennis


From: Michael Sims

Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:17

To: bschoner(at)gmail.com;
gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com;
psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com; russ(at)russdennis.net

Cc: Garry Bledsoe; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;

Subject: dc452 f06 results!


Austria is eliminated!  Last unit retreats to Gal then disbands.

Russia retreats
StP to Lvn.  He can opt for OTB by the builds deadline if he prefers.




Austria: Remove Gal

England: Build 1

Italy: Build 1

Russia: Remove 1


BUILDS by tomorrow / Friday 3pm Central.





A Budapest -
Trieste (*Dislodged*)



A Finland -
St Petersburg

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland
- St Petersburg

F London - English Channel

F Norway Supports A
Finland - St

F Wales - Liverpool

A Yorkshire Supports F Wales
- Liverpool



A Belgium Supports A Ruhr -

A Bohemia -

A Burgundy Supports A Bohemia
- Munich

F English Channel - Wales

F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - Liverpool

A Ruhr - Holland



A Berlin -

F Holland Supports A
Kiel (*Cut*)

A Kiel Supports F



F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples -

A Naples -
Albania (*Bounce*)

A Trieste -

F Tunis Supports F Ionian

A Venice - Trieste

A Vienna Supports A Trieste
- Budapest



A Moscow Supports A
St Petersburg

A Rumania -

F Sevastopol

A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Ukraine Supports F



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Armenia -
Sevastopol (*Fails*)

F Black Sea - Rumania

A Bulgaria -

F Greece -

A Serbia Supports A
Budapest - Trieste


dc452 f06 results! (Winter Blitz) thecount1282 May 10, 07:15 pm

It was a pleasure playing with all of you.

I look forward to the end of the match so that I can reveal my perspectives on the game.

A pox on all your houses!



PS Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 7:29 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Seconded! Greg it was great playing with you. I don't know if you'll say the same about me after I didn't support you into StP, but I very much enjoyed our lively discussions and also how you hung in there until the bitter end. Sad to see ya go.


From: Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>

To: 'Michael Sims' <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; bschoner(at)gmail.com; gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com; psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com;
Cc: 'Garry Bledsoe' <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com; 'WB' <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2013 6:12 PM
Subject: RE: dc452 f06 results!

I want to thank you for sticking in and
playing a good game.  You're an honorable man, and I hope we get the opportunity
to play again as long term allies.

Russ Dennis

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:17

To: bschoner(at)gmail.com;
gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com; hapolley(at)yahoo.ca; stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com;
psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com; russ(at)russdennis.net

Cc: Garry Bledsoe; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;

Subject: dc452 f06 results!


Austria is eliminated!  Last unit retreats to Gal then disbands.

Russia retreats
StP to Lvn.  He can opt for OTB by the builds deadline if he prefers.




Austria: Remove Gal

England: Build 1

Italy: Build 1

Russia: Remove 1


BUILDS by tomorrow / Friday 3pm Central.





A Budapest -
Trieste (*Dislodged*)



A Finland -
St Petersburg

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland
- St Petersburg

F London - English Channel

F Norway Supports A
Finland - St

F Wales - Liverpool

A Yorkshire Supports F Wales
- Liverpool



A Belgium Supports A Ruhr -

A Bohemia -

A Burgundy Supports A Bohemia
- Munich

F English Channel - Wales

F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)

F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - Liverpool

A Ruhr - Holland



A Berlin -

F Holland Supports A
Kiel (*Cut*)

A Kiel Supports F



F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples -

A Naples -
Albania (*Bounce*)

A Trieste -

F Tunis Supports F Ionian

A Venice - Trieste

A Vienna Supports A Trieste
- Budapest



A Moscow Supports A
St Petersburg

A Rumania -

F Sevastopol

A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Ukraine Supports F



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Armenia -
Sevastopol (*Fails*)

F Black Sea - Rumania

A Bulgaria -

F Greece -

A Serbia Supports A
Budapest - Trieste



Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com
DC 454 W06 Austrian Glory - catsfather   (May 09, 2013, 3:11 pm)
Austria is so proud of its gain, so certain of it's standing in Europe, that the we announce:

build a vie

On 9 May 2013 16:05, John R <untitled36(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

*And Then There Were Six*
*Tension Declines in the Med*
*Austria Record High of 4 Centers!*

Hey all,
     Italy is finally eliminated. John, thanks for playing, and for staying in till the bitter end. I appreciate your tenacity. Sorry for the elimination.

     Meanwhile, the alliance that appears to include everyone except AIR continues to grow. 

Here's the build situation:
Austria: +1!!! (+Ser)
England: Even (-Hol, +Den)
France: +1 (+Ven)
Germany: Even

Italy: -1 (-Ven) ELIMINATED
Russia: -1 (+disbanded A ser in spring, -Ser, -Rum)
Turkey: +1 (+rum)


Austria: A Budapest Supports A Serbia
A Serbia Supports F Trieste - Albania (*Cut*)F Trieste - Albania (*Fails*)
England: F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark
A Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea HoldF Skagerrak - DenmarkA St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)
F Wales Hold
France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - BelgiumF Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc)
A Picardy - BelgiumF Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of LyonA Tyrolia - Venice
Germany: F Berlin, no move received
A Holland HoldA Kiel, no move receivedA Munich, no move receivedA Ukraine, no move received
A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*)
Russia: F Prussia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*)

Turkey: F Albania - Trieste (*Fails*)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - RumaniaA Bulgaria - Rumania
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)A Rome Supports A Tyrolia - VeniceF Tunis - Ionian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.com
Härnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23
TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dk
initdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFrance
Mike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com
Terneuzen, ZL, NL


dc453 Autumn 06 - jerome777   (May 09, 2013, 3:11 pm)
Hi everyone,

Here's the moves for Autumn 06:

F Apulia, no move received
A Serbia, no move received (*Dislodged - auto-retreat to Albania*)

F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Holland

F English Channel Supports F North Sea

F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Hold
A Yorkshire - Holland (*Fails*)

A Belgium - Picardy
A Berlin - Prussia (*Disbanded*)
A Burgundy - Munich (*Bounce*)
F Denmark - Baltic Sea

F Edinburgh - Yorkshire (*Fails*)
A Gascony - Spain (*Bounce*)
F Holland - North Sea (*Fails*)
A Munich - Silesia
A Sweden, no move received

F Naples Hold
A Trieste Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia

A Tyrolia - Munich (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
A Venice Hold

F Baltic Sea - Kiel
F Black Sea - Rumania
A Moscow - Ukraine
F Norway - Skagerrak
A Prussia Supports A Silesia - Berlin

A Silesia - Berlin
A St Petersburg - Norway

F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Budapest Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Bulgaria - Serbia
F Greece Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea

There's only one place to which Serbia can retreat, so I have auto-adjudicated the retreat to Albania. Unfortunately, due to a bug in the map-generator, it isn't showing in Albania on the map - though it should be there.

Here's the adjustments for Winter 06:

Austria:   Supp  1 Unit  2 Disband 1
England:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
France:    Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0

Germany:   Supp  8 Unit  8 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  5 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  9 Unit  7 Build  2
Turkey:    Supp  6 Unit  5 Build  1

Please let me have your adjustments for the deadline, which is 2000GMT tomorrow, Friday 10 May.




- bunwarpgazoo   (May 09, 2013, 2:40 pm)
Subject: SV: DC 454 F06 Adjudication
Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 21:42:01 +0200
Keywords: Blitzorder
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0
Thread-Index: Ac5Mxqxn0HR0nwWdTc6AIzGodgDX9QAJmFHw
Content-Language: sv
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Well, these things happen. Thanks for the game all! See you next year.

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Well, =
these things happen.  Thanks for the game all! See you =
next year.John =


SV: DC 454 F06 Adjudication - untitled36   (May 09, 2013, 2:02 pm)
Orders box says the last orders are spring as well. So the adjudication stands. Sorry!

Sent from my iPhone
On May 9, 2013, at 10:38 AM, "Poul Hurup" <hurup(at)pc.dk> wrote:

John, I've send moves. Please recheck. Fra: John R [mailto:untitled36(at)hotmail.com]
Sendt: 9. maj 2013 17:06
Til: john.robillard(at)telia.com; wb 2 2010 italy; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; wb 2 2010 turkey; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Austria wb1
Emne: DC 454 F06 Adjudication *And Then There Were Six*
*Tension Declines in the Med*
*Austria Record High of 4 Centers!*

Hey all,
     Italy is finally eliminated. John, thanks for playing, and for staying in till the bitter end. I appreciate your tenacity. Sorry for the elimination.
     Meanwhile, the alliance that appears to include everyone except AIR continues to grow. 

Here's the build situation:
Austria: +1!!! (+Ser)
England: Even (-Hol, +Den)
France: +1 (+Ven)
Germany: Even
Italy: -1 (-Ven) ELIMINATED
Russia: -1 (+disbanded A ser in spring, -Ser, -Rum)
Turkey: +1 (+rum)

     Austria: A Budapest Supports A SerbiaA Serbia Supports F Trieste - Albania (*Cut*)F Trieste - Albania (*Fails*) England: F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - DenmarkA Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea HoldF Skagerrak - DenmarkA St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Wales Hold France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - BelgiumF Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc)A Picardy - BelgiumF Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of LyonA Tyrolia - Venice Germany: F Berlin, no move receivedA Holland HoldA Kiel, no move receivedA Munich, no move receivedA Ukraine, no move received Italy: A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*) Russia: F Prussia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*) Turkey: F Albania - Trieste (*Fails*)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - RumaniaA Bulgaria - RumaniaF Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)A Rome Supports A Tyrolia - VeniceF Tunis - Ionian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples   IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL 


SV: DC 454 F06 Adjudication - untitled36   (May 09, 2013, 11:34 am)
Last moves I have are spring 06. I'll check with the order box.

Sent from my iPhone
On May 9, 2013, at 10:38 AM, "Poul Hurup" <hurup(at)pc.dk> wrote:

John, I've send moves. Please recheck. Fra: John R [mailto:untitled36(at)hotmail.com]
Sendt: 9. maj 2013 17:06
Til: john.robillard(at)telia.com; wb 2 2010 italy; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; wb 2 2010 turkey; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Austria wb1
Emne: DC 454 F06 Adjudication *And Then There Were Six*
*Tension Declines in the Med*
*Austria Record High of 4 Centers!*

Hey all,
     Italy is finally eliminated. John, thanks for playing, and for staying in till the bitter end. I appreciate your tenacity. Sorry for the elimination.
     Meanwhile, the alliance that appears to include everyone except AIR continues to grow. 

Here's the build situation:
Austria: +1!!! (+Ser)
England: Even (-Hol, +Den)
France: +1 (+Ven)
Germany: Even
Italy: -1 (-Ven) ELIMINATED
Russia: -1 (+disbanded A ser in spring, -Ser, -Rum)
Turkey: +1 (+rum)

     Austria: A Budapest Supports A SerbiaA Serbia Supports F Trieste - Albania (*Cut*)F Trieste - Albania (*Fails*) England: F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - DenmarkA Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea HoldF Skagerrak - DenmarkA St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Wales Hold France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - BelgiumF Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc)A Picardy - BelgiumF Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of LyonA Tyrolia - Venice Germany: F Berlin, no move receivedA Holland HoldA Kiel, no move receivedA Munich, no move receivedA Ukraine, no move received Italy: A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*) Russia: F Prussia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*) Turkey: F Albania - Trieste (*Fails*)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - RumaniaA Bulgaria - RumaniaF Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)A Rome Supports A Tyrolia - VeniceF Tunis - Ionian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples   IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL 


SV: DC 454 F06 Adjudication - hurup   (May 09, 2013, 10:37 am)
John, I’ve send moves. Please recheck. Fra: John R [mailto:untitled36(at)hotmail.com]
Sendt: 9. maj 2013 17:06
Til: john.robillard(at)telia.com; wb 2 2010 italy; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; wb 2 2010 turkey; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Austria wb1
Emne: DC 454 F06 Adjudication *And Then There Were Six*
*Tension Declines in the Med*
*Austria Record High of 4 Centers!*

Hey all,
     Italy is finally eliminated. John, thanks for playing, and for staying in till the bitter end. I appreciate your tenacity. Sorry for the elimination.
     Meanwhile, the alliance that appears to include everyone except AIR continues to grow. 

Here's the build situation:
Austria: +1!!! (+Ser)
England: Even (-Hol, +Den)
France: +1 (+Ven)
Germany: Even
Italy: -1 (-Ven) ELIMINATED
Russia: -1 (+disbanded A ser in spring, -Ser, -Rum)
Turkey: +1 (+rum)

     Austria: A Budapest Supports A SerbiaA Serbia Supports F Trieste - Albania (*Cut*)F Trieste - Albania (*Fails*) England: F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - DenmarkA Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea HoldF Skagerrak - DenmarkA St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Wales Hold France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - BelgiumF Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc)A Picardy - BelgiumF Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of LyonA Tyrolia - Venice Germany: F Berlin, no move receivedA Holland HoldA Kiel, no move receivedA Munich, no move receivedA Ukraine, no move received Italy: A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*) Russia: F Prussia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*) Turkey: F Albania - Trieste (*Fails*)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - RumaniaA Bulgaria - RumaniaF Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)A Rome Supports A Tyrolia - VeniceF Tunis - Ionian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples   IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL 


SV: DC 454 F06 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) untitled36 May 09, 11:34 am
Last moves I have are spring 06. I'll check with the order box.

Sent from my iPhone
On May 9, 2013, at 10:38 AM, "Poul Hurup" <hurup(at)pc.dk> wrote:

John, I've send moves. Please recheck. Fra: John R [mailto:untitled36(at)hotmail.com]
Sendt: 9. maj 2013 17:06
Til: john.robillard(at)telia.com; wb 2 2010 italy; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; wb 2 2010 turkey; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Austria wb1
Emne: DC 454 F06 Adjudication *And Then There Were Six*
*Tension Declines in the Med*
*Austria Record High of 4 Centers!*

Hey all,
     Italy is finally eliminated. John, thanks for playing, and for staying in till the bitter end. I appreciate your tenacity. Sorry for the elimination.
     Meanwhile, the alliance that appears to include everyone except AIR continues to grow. 

Here's the build situation:
Austria: +1!!! (+Ser)
England: Even (-Hol, +Den)
France: +1 (+Ven)
Germany: Even
Italy: -1 (-Ven) ELIMINATED
Russia: -1 (+disbanded A ser in spring, -Ser, -Rum)
Turkey: +1 (+rum)

     Austria: A Budapest Supports A SerbiaA Serbia Supports F Trieste - Albania (*Cut*)F Trieste - Albania (*Fails*) England: F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - DenmarkA Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea HoldF Skagerrak - DenmarkA St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Wales Hold France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - BelgiumF Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc)A Picardy - BelgiumF Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of LyonA Tyrolia - Venice Germany: F Berlin, no move receivedA Holland HoldA Kiel, no move receivedA Munich, no move receivedA Ukraine, no move received Italy: A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*) Russia: F Prussia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*) Turkey: F Albania - Trieste (*Fails*)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - RumaniaA Bulgaria - RumaniaF Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)A Rome Supports A Tyrolia - VeniceF Tunis - Ionian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples   IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL 
SV: DC 454 F06 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) untitled36 May 09, 02:02 pm
Orders box says the last orders are spring as well. So the adjudication stands. Sorry!

Sent from my iPhone
On May 9, 2013, at 10:38 AM, "Poul Hurup" <hurup(at)pc.dk> wrote:

John, I've send moves. Please recheck. Fra: John R [mailto:untitled36(at)hotmail.com]
Sendt: 9. maj 2013 17:06
Til: john.robillard(at)telia.com; wb 2 2010 italy; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; wb 2 2010 turkey; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Austria wb1
Emne: DC 454 F06 Adjudication *And Then There Were Six*
*Tension Declines in the Med*
*Austria Record High of 4 Centers!*

Hey all,
     Italy is finally eliminated. John, thanks for playing, and for staying in till the bitter end. I appreciate your tenacity. Sorry for the elimination.
     Meanwhile, the alliance that appears to include everyone except AIR continues to grow. 

Here's the build situation:
Austria: +1!!! (+Ser)
England: Even (-Hol, +Den)
France: +1 (+Ven)
Germany: Even
Italy: -1 (-Ven) ELIMINATED
Russia: -1 (+disbanded A ser in spring, -Ser, -Rum)
Turkey: +1 (+rum)

     Austria: A Budapest Supports A SerbiaA Serbia Supports F Trieste - Albania (*Cut*)F Trieste - Albania (*Fails*) England: F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - DenmarkA Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea HoldF Skagerrak - DenmarkA St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Wales Hold France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - BelgiumF Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc)A Picardy - BelgiumF Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of LyonA Tyrolia - Venice Germany: F Berlin, no move receivedA Holland HoldA Kiel, no move receivedA Munich, no move receivedA Ukraine, no move received Italy: A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*) Russia: F Prussia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*) Turkey: F Albania - Trieste (*Fails*)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - RumaniaA Bulgaria - RumaniaF Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)A Rome Supports A Tyrolia - VeniceF Tunis - Ionian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples   IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL 
SV: DC 454 F06 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) ddz999cat23 May 09, 03:51 pm
Good game John. Thanks for fighting to the end!
On May 9, 2013, at 2:42 PM, "John Robillard" <john.robillard(at)telia.com> wrote:

Well, these things happen.  Thanks for the game all! See you next year.John 
DC 454 F06 Adjudication - untitled36   (May 09, 2013, 10:05 am)
*And Then There Were Six*
*Tension Declines in the Med*
*Austria Record High of 4 Centers!*

Hey all,
     Italy is finally eliminated. John, thanks for playing, and for staying in till the bitter end. I appreciate your tenacity. Sorry for the elimination.
     Meanwhile, the alliance that appears to include everyone except AIR continues to grow. 

Here's the build situation:
Austria: +1!!! (+Ser)
England: Even (-Hol, +Den)
France: +1 (+Ven)
Germany: Even
Italy: -1 (-Ven) ELIMINATED
Russia: -1 (+disbanded A ser in spring, -Ser, -Rum)
Turkey: +1 (+rum)


Austria: A Budapest Supports A SerbiaA Serbia Supports F Trieste - Albania (*Cut*)F Trieste - Albania (*Fails*)
England: F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - DenmarkA Norway - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Norwegian Sea HoldF Skagerrak - DenmarkA St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Wales Hold
France: A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - BelgiumF Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc)A Picardy - BelgiumF Spain(sc) Supports F Gulf of LyonA Tyrolia - Venice
Germany: F Berlin, no move receivedA Holland HoldA Kiel, no move receivedA Munich, no move receivedA Ukraine, no move received
Italy: A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*)
Russia: F Prussia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*)F Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw - Moscow (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F Albania - Trieste (*Fails*)F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - RumaniaA Bulgaria - RumaniaF Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)A Rome Supports A Tyrolia - VeniceF Tunis - Ionian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


DC456 - Imperium - Fall 402 - Zoterik   (May 09, 2013, 3:45 am)
I feel as though I'm watching Oprah:  everybody doubles their centres!  Some moves were easily-anticipated, others were well-calculated.  But the Franci still command the lead.  It's worth mentioning that this game has twenty-eight supply centers; fifteen are required for the solo victory.  

Winter 402 adjustments are due 12 May at 08:00 GMT.


A Verona - Ravenna

A Aquitania - Burdigala
A Viennensis - Massilia

A Galatia - Antiochia

A Macedonia - Athenum

A Aemilia - Genova

Alamanni: +1 (2)Franci: +2 (4)
Gothi: +1 (2)Saxones: +1 (2)
Vandali: +1 (2)


dc451 spring 06 - catsfather   (May 08, 2013, 5:59 am)
Map and dpy attached.

On 7 May 2013 22:39, Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Austrian fleet retreats to Greece.  Map and dpy file to come out tomorrow morning.

Remember there's a proposal for an EF draw on the table.  Vote for it if you want to give them the draw.  Vote no (or don't vote) if you don't.


On 6 May 2013 22:22, Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com> wrote:

<Private reminder to GM: If you have any clue what's going on then insert some witty comment here...>

...um ... eh ... well ... eh, stuff happened and some people clearly don't like some other people.

Austrian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Greece or Albania or Adriatic Sea.

There's a proposal to award EF the draw with remaining powers marked as survived.  Vote for, or against with your Fall moves.  No vote cast = a no vote.

Movement results for Spring of 1906.  (dc451)

Austria: A Bohemia Supports A Galicia (*Cut*).

Austria: A Galicia Supports A Bohemia.

Austria: F Ionian Sea Supports A Naples (*Dislodged*).

Austria: A Trieste - Venice.

Austria: A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia.

Austria: A Ukraine Supports A Moscow.

England: F Baltic Sea Supports A Berlin - Prussia.

England: F Barents Sea Hold.

England: A Berlin - Prussia.

England: F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Livonia.

England: F Helgoland Bight Hold.

England: A Kiel Supports A Munich.

England: A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg - Moscow.

England: A London - Denmark.

England: F North Sea Convoys A London - Denmark.

England: A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*).

France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont.

France: A Marseilles - Piedmont.

France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa.

France: A Munich Supports A Silesia - Bohemia.

France: F Rome - Naples (*Fails*).

France: A Silesia - Bohemia (*Fails*).

France: F Tunis - Ionian Sea.

France: A Tuscany - Venice (*Fails*).

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis - Ionian Sea.

Russia: A Moscow Supports A Warsaw (*Cut*).

Russia: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow.

Turkey: A Albania - Trieste.

Turkey: A Ankara - Armenia.

Turkey: F Apulia Supports A Trieste - Venice.

Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.

Turkey: A Naples Hold.

Turkey: F Sevastopol Hold.

Turkey: F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean.

The following units were dislodged:

Austrian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Greece or Albania or Adriatic Sea.

Unit locations:

Austria:   A Bohemia, A Galicia, A Tyrolia, A Ukraine, A Venice.

England:   F Baltic Sea, F Barents Sea, A Denmark, F Gulf of Bothnia, F 

           Helgoland Bight, A Kiel, A Livonia, F North Sea, A Prussia, A St 


France:    F Gulf of Lyon, F Ionian Sea, A Munich, F North Africa, A Piedmont, 

           F Rome, A Silesia, A Tuscany, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Russia:    A Moscow, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    F Aegean Sea, F Apulia, A Armenia, F Eastern Mediterranean, A 

           Naples, F Sevastopol, A Trieste.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna.

England:   Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, 

           Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden.

France:    Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Munich, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, 


Russia:    Moscow, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Austria:    6 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:   10 Supply centers, 10 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     9 Supply centers,  9 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Retreats for Spring of 1906.


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