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DC456 Spring 401 - Zoterik   (Apr 25, 2013, 2:26 pm)
It is a tale of two falling empires!  In the West, organization reigns and all four powers can breathe a little easier than they might have done.  In the East, meanwhile, the Gothi have likely secured one centre and can seize the balance of power.  

Now turns will get shorter, as I perceive the level of diplomacy to be less than previous.  But you can petition for more time if you need it.

Fall 401 orders due 29th April at 08:00 GMT.


A Alamanni - Sequanorum
A Langobardi - Teutones
A Quadi - Vindobona

A Franci - Colonia Agrippa
A Ripuari Supports A Jutii - Haithabu
A Suebi - Vandales

A Dacia - Thracia
A Ostrogothi Supports A Visigothi - Hunni Quarti
A Visigothi - Hunni Quarti


A Hunni Primi - Hunni Terti (*Fails*)
A Hunni Secundi - Visigothi
A Hunni Terti - Hunni Quarti (*Fails*)
A Hunni Quarti - Scytia

A Iazygi - Thracia (*Fails*)

A Jutii - Haithabu
A Teutones - Franci

A Asdingi Hold
A Silingi Hold
A Vandales - Castra Regina


Dc 449: Summer 1904 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Apr 25, 2013, 10:50 am)
Hey All,

I got both retreats early so I'm going to adjudicate early since its just a minor turn. 

Next Deadline:
Fall 1904 is due April 1st at Midnight GMT (7:00pm EST)

A Rumania - Galicia

F North Sea - Edinburgh



Dc 449: Summer 1904 Adjudication (dc449) AlanRFarrington Apr 25, 04:20 pm
Yup May 1st. 

Subject: Re: Dc 449: Summer 1904 Adjudication
From: ed.mcintosh(at)gmail.com
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 16:59:41 -0400
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com

I'm guessing you meant Wednesday May 1st.
On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:50 AM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hey All,

I got both retreats early so I'm going to adjudicate early since its just a minor turn. 

Next Deadline:
Fall 1904 is due April 1st at Midnight GMT (7:00pm EST)

A Rumania - Galicia

F North Sea - Edinburgh


dc451 fall 04 adjudication is tonight at 9pm GMT - catsfather   (Apr 25, 2013, 8:42 am)
On 22 April 2013 22:30, Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Movement results for Spring of 1904.  (dc451)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Venice.

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Rumania.

Austria: A Serbia - Rumania.

Austria: A Trieste - Vienna.

Austria: A Vienna - Bohemia.

England: F Denmark - Sweden.

England: F Edinburgh - North Sea.

England: F Helgoland Bight Supports A Holland.

England: A Holland Supports A Kiel.

England: A Kiel Supports A Burgundy - Munich.

England: F North Sea - Denmark.

England: F Norway Supports F Denmark - Sweden.

France: A Belgium Supports A Ruhr.

France: A Burgundy - Munich.

France: F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon.

France: A Paris - Burgundy.

France: A Ruhr Supports A Paris - Munich (*Void*).

France: F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome.

Germany: A Berlin, no move received.

Germany: A Munich, no move received (*Disbanded*).

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia.

Italy: A Venice - Piedmont.

Russia: A Galicia - Warsaw.

Russia: A Moscow - Warsaw (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Galicia - Rumania (*Void*).

Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea.

Russia: A Ukraine Supports A Galicia - Warsaw.

Turkey: F Apulia Supports F Adriatic Sea - Venice.

Turkey: F Black Sea - Armenia.

Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania.

Turkey: F Constantinople - Black Sea.

Turkey: F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia.

Turkey: A Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome.

Unit locations:

Austria:   A Bohemia, A Budapest, A Rumania, F Venice, A Vienna.

England:   F Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A Kiel, F North Sea, F 

           Norway, F Sweden.

France:    A Belgium, A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, A Munich, F Rome, A Ruhr, F 

           Tyrrhenian Sea.

Germany:   A Berlin.

Italy:     A Piedmont, A Tyrolia.

Russia:    F Baltic Sea, A Moscow, F Sevastopol, A Ukraine, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    F Apulia, F Armenia, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, A Naples.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.

England:   Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway.

France:    Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.

Germany:   Berlin, Munich.

Italy:     Rome, Venice.

Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria:    5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:    7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    2 Supply centers,  1 Unit:   Builds   1 unit.

Italy:      2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Movement for Fall of 1904.


DC 454 Su04 Adjudication - untitled36   (Apr 25, 2013, 8:35 am)
*Austria Recreates "Golden Age" of Spring 1901*
*West Barely Moves, East Faces Change*
*Italy Down to One*

Hey all,

     What a turn! The West sees no movement except Spa-Lyo and Sil-Gal. In the east we have bounces, ignored supports, betrayal, and more. I'll stop yapping, and get to the goodies so you can see for yourself. 
     One retreat. Turkish Army Tri can only retreat to Alb, so I auto-retreated it there. Dan, if you'd prefer OTB, give me the word. 

Austria: Even
England: +1 (+Stp)
France: +1 (+Mar)
Germany: Even
Italy: -3 (-Mar, -Rom, -Nap)
Russia: Even (-Stp, +Bul)
Turkey: +1 (-Bul, +Rom, +Nap) (If A Tri retreats OTB, then add a build)

See all y'all tomorrow!

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - TriesteA Budapest - Serbia (*Fails*)A Vienna Supports F Adriatic Sea - Trieste
England: F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Bounce*)F North Sea HoldF Norway - Sweden (*Bounce*)A St Petersburg HoldF Wales Hold
France: A Burgundy Supports A MarseillesA Marseilles Supports A BurgundyA Picardy Supports A BurgundyF Spain(sc) - Gulf of LyonF Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc) - Gulf of Lyon
Germany: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Denmark - BerlinA Denmark - Berlin (*Bounce*)A Munich - Tyrolia (*Fails*)A Ruhr HoldA Silesia - Galicia
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian SeaF Piedmont - TuscanyA Tyrolia - Venice (*Fails*)A Venice - Rome (*Fails*)
Russia: A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Prussia - Berlin (*Bounce*)A Rumania - BulgariaF Sevastopol - Black SeaA Warsaw - Silesia
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Ionian SeaA Greece Supports A SerbiaF Ionian Sea - TunisA Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - RomeA Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania (*Void*)A Trieste - Vienna (*Dislodged*)F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


Joining a game - Zoterik   (Apr 25, 2013, 1:28 am)
Welcome to DC!

It's rather straightforward to join a game: at the top of the page there are links for Home, Games, Community, etc. Go to the Games link; when the drop-down box emerges, click on Open Games. There you are presented with a list of recruiting games. You can join a game directly from there with the "Join this game!" bold text, or look at the game itself (click the Game ID# or More Info), and there you also have the opportunity to join the game towards the bottom of the game information on the left-hand side.

Good luck!


Dc 449: Spring 1904 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Apr 24, 2013, 9:02 pm)
Hey All,

Another exciting turn - Italy keeps pushing west and picking up French dots while Austria follows him in from behind to grab them.  Meanwhile Turkey turns around and does the same thing to Austria.  Its a vicious cycle!

English F North Sea can retreat to Yorkshire or Edinburgh or
           Norwegian Sea or Skagerrak or Helgoland Bight.
Austrian A Rumania can retreat to Galicia.

Next Deadline:
Summer 1904 is due Friday April 26th at 12:00pm GMT (7:00pm EST)

A Apulia - Venice (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Serbia
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania (*Cut*)
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Rumania Supports A Bulgaria (*Dislodged*)
F Trieste - Albania
A Venice - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
A Vienna - Budapest

A London Hold
F North Sea Supports F Wales - English Channel (*Dislodged*)
F Wales - English Channel

F Belgium Supports F Norway - North Sea
A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports A Spain (*Cut*)
A Picardy - Burgundy
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles

F Baltic Sea - Denmark
A Bohemia Supports A Munich - Tyrolia
A Holland Hold
A Kiel - Berlin
A Munich - Tyrolia
F Norway - North Sea
A Sweden - Norway

F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Marseilles - Gascony
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)

A Prussia - Warsaw
A St Petersburg Hold
A Ukraine Supports A Armenia - Rumania

A Armenia - Rumania
F Black Sea Convoys A Armenia - Rumania
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol Supports A Armenia - Rumania

See you all soon.
Alan Farrington


Joining a game - ajpaolello   (Apr 23, 2013, 7:40 pm)
How do you join a game? I feel stupid asking this.


Joining a game (Help & Suggestions) Zoterik Apr 25, 01:28 am
Welcome to DC!

It's rather straightforward to join a game: at the top of the page there are links for Home, Games, Community, etc. Go to the Games link; when the drop-down box emerges, click on Open Games. There you are presented with a list of recruiting games. You can join a game directly from there with the "Join this game!" bold text, or look at the game itself (click the Game ID# or More Info), and there you also have the opportunity to join the game towards the bottom of the game information on the left-hand side.

Good luck!
dc453 Summer retreats - jerome777   (Apr 23, 2013, 1:09 pm)
Hi everyone,

Here's the retreats:

A Rumania - Ukraine

F London - Wales

Autumn 04 moves are due Thursday 25 April, 2000GMT.




DC 454 Su04 Adjudication - untitled36   (Apr 23, 2013, 8:04 am)

Germany: A Prussia - SilesiaA Tyrolia - Munich
Italy: F Marseilles - Piedmont
Russia: A St Petersburg - Moscow

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


DC 454 Su04 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) untitled36 Apr 25, 08:35 am
*Austria Recreates "Golden Age" of Spring 1901*
*West Barely Moves, East Faces Change*
*Italy Down to One*

Hey all,

     What a turn! The West sees no movement except Spa-Lyo and Sil-Gal. In the east we have bounces, ignored supports, betrayal, and more. I'll stop yapping, and get to the goodies so you can see for yourself. 
     One retreat. Turkish Army Tri can only retreat to Alb, so I auto-retreated it there. Dan, if you'd prefer OTB, give me the word. 

Austria: Even
England: +1 (+Stp)
France: +1 (+Mar)
Germany: Even
Italy: -3 (-Mar, -Rom, -Nap)
Russia: Even (-Stp, +Bul)
Turkey: +1 (-Bul, +Rom, +Nap) (If A Tri retreats OTB, then add a build)

See all y'all tomorrow!

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - TriesteA Budapest - Serbia (*Fails*)A Vienna Supports F Adriatic Sea - Trieste
England: F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Bounce*)F North Sea HoldF Norway - Sweden (*Bounce*)A St Petersburg HoldF Wales Hold
France: A Burgundy Supports A MarseillesA Marseilles Supports A BurgundyA Picardy Supports A BurgundyF Spain(sc) - Gulf of LyonF Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc) - Gulf of Lyon
Germany: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Denmark - BerlinA Denmark - Berlin (*Bounce*)A Munich - Tyrolia (*Fails*)A Ruhr HoldA Silesia - Galicia
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian SeaF Piedmont - TuscanyA Tyrolia - Venice (*Fails*)A Venice - Rome (*Fails*)
Russia: A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Fails*)F Prussia - Berlin (*Bounce*)A Rumania - BulgariaF Sevastopol - Black SeaA Warsaw - Silesia
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Ionian SeaA Greece Supports A SerbiaF Ionian Sea - TunisA Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - RomeA Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania (*Void*)A Trieste - Vienna (*Dislodged*)F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL
DC450 Winter 02 - Joral   (Apr 22, 2013, 4:43 pm)
Thanks for getting those adjustments in quickly. Spring 03 turn will be Saturday 04/27
(at) 00:00 GMT (Same as always)

Build A Budapest

Remove F Helgoland Bight

Build A Warsaw

-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 8:35pm
To: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Cc: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: RE: DC450 Fall 02

England retreats to Edi.

And we're on to adjustments.

Austria: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 1
England: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
France: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Germany: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Russia: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0

I'm running a little behind on this one, so we'll say 00:00 GMT Tuesday. About 24 hours from now.


-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 4:27pm
To: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Cc: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC450 Fall 02

And we have our first retreat. England Fleet in north sea can retreat to Edi, Yor, Nwg, Lon, or OTB.

Turkey's army in Bul was not so lucky. They've been pushed off into the ocean.

Send me your choice quickly and we'll get on to winter.


A Budapest - Trieste
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*)

A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports F North Sea - Belgium
F North Sea - Belgium (*Dislodged*)
A Wales - Liverpool

A Belgium Supports A Picardy (*Cut*)
F Brest, no move received
A Gascony Hold
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Picardy Supports A Belgium

F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Holland Hold
F Kiel - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Munich Hold
F Skagerrak - North Sea

A Apulia Hold
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis

A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Norway Supports F Sweden
F Rumania Supports F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania

A Armenia - Smyrna
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Bulgaria Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Ankara


DC450 Winter 02 (dc450) Joral Apr 25, 07:55 pm
24 Hour warning. I've responded to all I've received

-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 5:43pm
To: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Cc: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC450 Winter 02

Thanks for getting those adjustments in quickly. Spring 03 turn will be Saturday 04/27
(at) 00:00 GMT (Same as always)

Build A Budapest

Remove F Helgoland Bight

Build A Warsaw

-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 8:35pm
To: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Cc: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: RE: DC450 Fall 02

England retreats to Edi.

And we're on to adjustments.

Austria: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 1
England: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
France: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Germany: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Russia: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0

I'm running a little behind on this one, so we'll say 00:00 GMT Tuesday. About 24 hours from now.


-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 4:27pm
To: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Cc: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC450 Fall 02

And we have our first retreat. England Fleet in north sea can retreat to Edi, Yor, Nwg, Lon, or OTB.

Turkey's army in Bul was not so lucky. They've been pushed off into the ocean.

Send me your choice quickly and we'll get on to winter.


A Budapest - Trieste
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*)

A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports F North Sea - Belgium
F North Sea - Belgium (*Dislodged*)
A Wales - Liverpool

A Belgium Supports A Picardy (*Cut*)
F Brest, no move received
A Gascony Hold
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Picardy Supports A Belgium

F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Holland Hold
F Kiel - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Munich Hold
F Skagerrak - North Sea

A Apulia Hold
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis

A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Norway Supports F Sweden
F Rumania Supports F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania

A Armenia - Smyrna
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Bulgaria Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Ankara
dc451 spring 04 - catsfather   (Apr 22, 2013, 4:30 pm)
Movement results for Spring of 1904.  (dc451)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Venice.

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Rumania.

Austria: A Serbia - Rumania.

Austria: A Trieste - Vienna.

Austria: A Vienna - Bohemia.

England: F Denmark - Sweden.

England: F Edinburgh - North Sea.

England: F Helgoland Bight Supports A Holland.

England: A Holland Supports A Kiel.

England: A Kiel Supports A Burgundy - Munich.

England: F North Sea - Denmark.

England: F Norway Supports F Denmark - Sweden.

France: A Belgium Supports A Ruhr.

France: A Burgundy - Munich.

France: F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon.

France: A Paris - Burgundy.

France: A Ruhr Supports A Paris - Munich (*Void*).

France: F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome.

Germany: A Berlin, no move received.

Germany: A Munich, no move received (*Disbanded*).

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia.

Italy: A Venice - Piedmont.

Russia: A Galicia - Warsaw.

Russia: A Moscow - Warsaw (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Galicia - Rumania (*Void*).

Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea.

Russia: A Ukraine Supports A Galicia - Warsaw.

Turkey: F Apulia Supports F Adriatic Sea - Venice.

Turkey: F Black Sea - Armenia.

Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania.

Turkey: F Constantinople - Black Sea.

Turkey: F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia.

Turkey: A Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome.

Unit locations:

Austria:   A Bohemia, A Budapest, A Rumania, F Venice, A Vienna.

England:   F Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A Kiel, F North Sea, F 

           Norway, F Sweden.

France:    A Belgium, A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, A Munich, F Rome, A Ruhr, F 

           Tyrrhenian Sea.

Germany:   A Berlin.

Italy:     A Piedmont, A Tyrolia.

Russia:    F Baltic Sea, A Moscow, F Sevastopol, A Ukraine, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    F Apulia, F Armenia, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, A Naples.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.

England:   Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway.

France:    Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.

Germany:   Berlin, Munich.

Italy:     Rome, Venice.

Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria:    5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:    7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    2 Supply centers,  1 Unit:   Builds   1 unit.

Italy:      2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Movement for Fall of 1904.


dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn - Githraine   (Apr 22, 2013, 3:58 pm)
We shades will just hang here in space a little longer...

Sent from my iPod
On Apr 22, 2013, at 11:57 PM, Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

The Nomads are obviously at peace with their departure to the next world!  We Faeries emit a shrill scream kicking our little feet and batting our wings violently!

From: ??amon Driscoll <driscollej(at)gmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Cc: Thomas Holmes <tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; Patrick Cloutier <patrickccloutier(at)gmail.com>;
"diplomacy(at)diffell.net" <diplomacy(at)diffell.net>; Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>; "welsh_stroud(at)msn.com" <welsh_stroud(at)msn.com>; Derek Eiler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; Jim Gramoll <jgramoll(at)gramoll.com>; "joral(at)darkenedpath.com" <joral(at)darkenedpath.com>; Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>; Mike Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>; "timmygrainger(at)sympatico.ca" <timmygrainger(at)sympatico.ca>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; Rolf Loschek <rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de>; Roger Alan <zydecopirate1(at)yahoo.com>; dc442 <dc442(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn

Good times were had by all.  The Nomads are wandering retreating across the ethereal realms this turn...

On 22 April 2013 16:41, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

NEXT:  Fall 06 due Friday!  4/26, 12 noon Central.
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond
A Newa River - Hundred Acre Wood
A Neverpeak Mtn - Temple of Doom
Nomads get to reminisce about all the extra turns they got to enjoy this game.


dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn - mjn82   (Apr 22, 2013, 3:57 pm)
The Nomads are obviously at peace with their departure to the next world!  We Faeries emit a shrill scream kicking our little feet and batting our wings violently!

From: Éamon Driscoll <driscollej(at)gmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Cc: Thomas Holmes <tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; Patrick Cloutier <patrickccloutier(at)gmail.com>;
"diplomacy(at)diffell.net" <diplomacy(at)diffell.net>; Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>; "welsh_stroud(at)msn.com" <welsh_stroud(at)msn.com>; Derek Eiler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; Jim Gramoll <jgramoll(at)gramoll.com>; "joral(at)darkenedpath.com" <joral(at)darkenedpath.com>; Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>; Mike Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>; "timmygrainger(at)sympatico.ca" <timmygrainger(at)sympatico.ca>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; Rolf Loschek <rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de>; Roger Alan <zydecopirate1(at)yahoo.com>; dc442 <dc442(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn

Good times were had by all.  The Nomads are wandering retreating across the ethereal realms this turn...

On 22 April 2013 16:41, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

NEXT:  Fall 06 due Friday!  4/26, 12 noon Central.
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond
A Newa River - Hundred Acre Wood
A Neverpeak Mtn - Temple of Doom
Nomads get to reminisce about all the extra turns they got to enjoy this game.


dc453 Spring 04 moves - jerome777   (Apr 22, 2013, 3:31 pm)
Now then,

Here's your adjudication for Spring 04:

F Albania - Greece (*Fails*)
F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Rumania Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Trieste - Budapest
A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest

F London - North Sea (*Dislodged*)

F Brest - English Channel
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
A Paris Supports A Marseilles - Burgundy

F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Belgium - Picardy
F Denmark - Skagerrak (*Fails*)
A Livonia - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Supports A Yorkshire - London

A Ruhr Supports A Munich - Burgundy
A Sweden - Finland
A Yorkshire - London

F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont Hold
F Tunis Supports F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Venice Supports A Piedmont

F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Galicia - Warsaw
F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Skagerrak - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Moscow


A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
F Smyrna Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea

The following retreats are due:

English F London can retreat to Wales.
Austrian A Rumania can retreat to Galicia or Ukraine.

Please get me your retreats as soon as you can. The deadline for retreats is tomorrow, Tuesday 23 April, at 2000GMT.




dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn - Zoterik   (Apr 22, 2013, 3:30 pm)
Good times were had by all.  The Nomads are wandering retreating across the ethereal realms this turn...

On 22 April 2013 16:41, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

NEXT:  Fall 06 due Friday!  4/26, 12 noon Central.
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond
A Newa River - Hundred Acre Wood
A Neverpeak Mtn - Temple of Doom
Nomads get to reminisce about all the extra turns they got to enjoy this game.


DC 454 S04 Adjudication - untitled36   (Apr 22, 2013, 8:45 am)
I was informed I forgot to put out the text of the moves! Sorry!
Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Albania (*Bounce*)A Budapest HoldA Vienna Supports A Budapest
England: A Finland - St PetersburgF Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland - St PetersburgF North Sea HoldF Norway Supports A Finland - St PetersburgF Wales Hold
France: A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - MarseillesA Gascony - MarseillesA Picardy Supports A BurgundyF Spain(sc) Supports A Gascony - MarseillesF Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc) (*Cut*)
Germany: F Baltic Sea, no move receivedA Denmark, no move receivedA Prussia Hold (*Dislodged*)A Ruhr, no move receivedA Tyrolia Hold (*Dislodged*)
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon (*Dislodged*)A Piedmont - TyroliaA Venice Supports A Piedmont - Tyrolia
Russia: F Livonia - PrussiaA Rumania - Budapest (*Fails*)F Sevastopol HoldA St Petersburg - Norway (*Dislodged*)A Warsaw Supports F Livonia - Prussia
Turkey: F Aegean Sea Convoys A Constantinople - NaplesA Albania - TriesteA Constantinople - NaplesA Greece - Albania (*Bounce*)F Ionian Sea Convoys A Constantinople - NaplesA Serbia Supports A Rumania - BudapestF Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea

From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: john.robillard(at)telia.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 454 S04 Adjudication
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 08:30:55 -0500

*Turks Crave Pasta, Cruise to Italy*
*German Troops Go On Strike*
*France Reclaims Marseilles*

Hey all,

     The "big news" of the turn isn't at all surprising. France retakes Marseilles, and England gains St. Pete. I also imagine Turkey's conquest of Naples wasn't really unforeseen either. Turkey also, though, gains Trieste, which I imagine may have even caught Dan himself by surprise. And lastly, Germany's NMR allowed Italy and Russia to make incursions towards the fatherland. 
     For sharp eyed viewers, you may notice that Germany's units in trl and pru don't show up on the .gif. This is because of a little glitch in the Realpolitik program. When a country NMR's and an idle unit is attacked, RP disbands it automatically. But really, he still gets a chance to retreat the unit. So I fixed it on the dpy, but not until after I'd created the .gif. 
     Anyway, we have 4 retreats.
Italian Fleet Mar may retreat to Pie or OTB
German Army Trl may retreat to Mun, Boh, or OTB
German army Pru may retreat to Sil, Ber, or OTB
Russian army Stp may retreat to Mos, Lvn, or OTB

Due tomorrow!

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 22, 2013, 8:41 am)
NEXT:  Fall 06 due Friday!  4/26, 12 noon Central.
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond
A Newa River - Hundred Acre Wood
A Neverpeak Mtn - Temple of Doom
Nomads get to reminisce about all the extra turns they got to enjoy this game.


dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn (dc442) Zoterik Apr 22, 03:30 pm
Good times were had by all.  The Nomads are wandering retreating across the ethereal realms this turn...

On 22 April 2013 16:41, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

NEXT:  Fall 06 due Friday!  4/26, 12 noon Central.
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond
A Newa River - Hundred Acre Wood
A Neverpeak Mtn - Temple of Doom
Nomads get to reminisce about all the extra turns they got to enjoy this game.
dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn (dc442) mjn82 Apr 22, 03:57 pm
The Nomads are obviously at peace with their departure to the next world!  We Faeries emit a shrill scream kicking our little feet and batting our wings violently!

From: Éamon Driscoll <driscollej(at)gmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Cc: Thomas Holmes <tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; Patrick Cloutier <patrickccloutier(at)gmail.com>;
"diplomacy(at)diffell.net" <diplomacy(at)diffell.net>; Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>; "welsh_stroud(at)msn.com" <welsh_stroud(at)msn.com>; Derek Eiler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; Jim Gramoll <jgramoll(at)gramoll.com>; "joral(at)darkenedpath.com" <joral(at)darkenedpath.com>; Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>; Mike Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>; "timmygrainger(at)sympatico.ca" <timmygrainger(at)sympatico.ca>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; Rolf Loschek <rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de>; Roger Alan <zydecopirate1(at)yahoo.com>; dc442 <dc442(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn

Good times were had by all.  The Nomads are wandering retreating across the ethereal realms this turn...

On 22 April 2013 16:41, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

NEXT:  Fall 06 due Friday!  4/26, 12 noon Central.
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond
A Newa River - Hundred Acre Wood
A Neverpeak Mtn - Temple of Doom
Nomads get to reminisce about all the extra turns they got to enjoy this game.
dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn (dc442) Githraine Apr 22, 03:58 pm
We shades will just hang here in space a little longer...

Sent from my iPod
On Apr 22, 2013, at 11:57 PM, Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

The Nomads are obviously at peace with their departure to the next world!  We Faeries emit a shrill scream kicking our little feet and batting our wings violently!

From: ??amon Driscoll <driscollej(at)gmail.com>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Cc: Thomas Holmes <tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; Patrick Cloutier <patrickccloutier(at)gmail.com>;
"diplomacy(at)diffell.net" <diplomacy(at)diffell.net>; Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>; "welsh_stroud(at)msn.com" <welsh_stroud(at)msn.com>; Derek Eiler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Jason Koelewyn <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; Jim Gramoll <jgramoll(at)gramoll.com>; "joral(at)darkenedpath.com" <joral(at)darkenedpath.com>; Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>; Mike Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>; "timmygrainger(at)sympatico.ca" <timmygrainger(at)sympatico.ca>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; Rolf Loschek <rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de>; Roger Alan <zydecopirate1(at)yahoo.com>; dc442 <dc442(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: dc442 Haven s06 Nomad bonus turn

Good times were had by all.  The Nomads are wandering retreating across the ethereal realms this turn...

On 22 April 2013 16:41, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

NEXT:  Fall 06 due Friday!  4/26, 12 noon Central.
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond
A Newa River - Hundred Acre Wood
A Neverpeak Mtn - Temple of Doom
Nomads get to reminisce about all the extra turns they got to enjoy this game.
DC 454 S04 Adjudication - untitled36   (Apr 22, 2013, 8:30 am)
*Turks Crave Pasta, Cruise to Italy*
*German Troops Go On Strike*
*France Reclaims Marseilles*

Hey all,

     The "big news" of the turn isn't at all surprising. France retakes Marseilles, and England gains St. Pete. I also imagine Turkey's conquest of Naples wasn't really unforeseen either. Turkey also, though, gains Trieste, which I imagine may have even caught Dan himself by surprise. And lastly, Germany's NMR allowed Italy and Russia to make incursions towards the fatherland. 
     For sharp eyed viewers, you may notice that Germany's units in trl and pru don't show up on the .gif. This is because of a little glitch in the Realpolitik program. When a country NMR's and an idle unit is attacked, RP disbands it automatically. But really, he still gets a chance to retreat the unit. So I fixed it on the dpy, but not until after I'd created the .gif. 
     Anyway, we have 4 retreats.
Italian Fleet Mar may retreat to Pie or OTB
German Army Trl may retreat to Mun, Boh, or OTB
German army Pru may retreat to Sil, Ber, or OTB
Russian army Stp may retreat to Mos, Lvn, or OTB

Due tomorrow!

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


DC 454 S04 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) untitled36 Apr 22, 08:45 am
I was informed I forgot to put out the text of the moves! Sorry!
Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Albania (*Bounce*)A Budapest HoldA Vienna Supports A Budapest
England: A Finland - St PetersburgF Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Finland - St PetersburgF North Sea HoldF Norway Supports A Finland - St PetersburgF Wales Hold
France: A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - MarseillesA Gascony - MarseillesA Picardy Supports A BurgundyF Spain(sc) Supports A Gascony - MarseillesF Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc) (*Cut*)
Germany: F Baltic Sea, no move receivedA Denmark, no move receivedA Prussia Hold (*Dislodged*)A Ruhr, no move receivedA Tyrolia Hold (*Dislodged*)
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon (*Dislodged*)A Piedmont - TyroliaA Venice Supports A Piedmont - Tyrolia
Russia: F Livonia - PrussiaA Rumania - Budapest (*Fails*)F Sevastopol HoldA St Petersburg - Norway (*Dislodged*)A Warsaw Supports F Livonia - Prussia
Turkey: F Aegean Sea Convoys A Constantinople - NaplesA Albania - TriesteA Constantinople - NaplesA Greece - Albania (*Bounce*)F Ionian Sea Convoys A Constantinople - NaplesA Serbia Supports A Rumania - BudapestF Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea

From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: john.robillard(at)telia.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 454 S04 Adjudication
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 08:30:55 -0500

*Turks Crave Pasta, Cruise to Italy*
*German Troops Go On Strike*
*France Reclaims Marseilles*

Hey all,

     The "big news" of the turn isn't at all surprising. France retakes Marseilles, and England gains St. Pete. I also imagine Turkey's conquest of Naples wasn't really unforeseen either. Turkey also, though, gains Trieste, which I imagine may have even caught Dan himself by surprise. And lastly, Germany's NMR allowed Italy and Russia to make incursions towards the fatherland. 
     For sharp eyed viewers, you may notice that Germany's units in trl and pru don't show up on the .gif. This is because of a little glitch in the Realpolitik program. When a country NMR's and an idle unit is attacked, RP disbands it automatically. But really, he still gets a chance to retreat the unit. So I fixed it on the dpy, but not until after I'd created the .gif. 
     Anyway, we have 4 retreats.
Italian Fleet Mar may retreat to Pie or OTB
German Army Trl may retreat to Mun, Boh, or OTB
German army Pru may retreat to Sil, Ber, or OTB
Russian army Stp may retreat to Mos, Lvn, or OTB

Due tomorrow!

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL
DC450 Fall 02 - Joral   (Apr 21, 2013, 7:35 pm)
England retreats to Edi.

And we're on to adjustments.

Austria: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 1
England: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
France: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Germany: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Russia: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0

I'm running a little behind on this one, so we'll say 00:00 GMT Tuesday. About 24 hours from now.


-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 4:27pm
To: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Cc: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC450 Fall 02

And we have our first retreat. England Fleet in north sea can retreat to Edi, Yor, Nwg, Lon, or OTB.

Turkey's army in Bul was not so lucky. They've been pushed off into the ocean.

Send me your choice quickly and we'll get on to winter.


A Budapest - Trieste
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*)

A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports F North Sea - Belgium
F North Sea - Belgium (*Dislodged*)
A Wales - Liverpool

A Belgium Supports A Picardy (*Cut*)
F Brest, no move received
A Gascony Hold
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Picardy Supports A Belgium

F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Holland Hold
F Kiel - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Munich Hold
F Skagerrak - North Sea

A Apulia Hold
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis

A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Norway Supports F Sweden
F Rumania Supports F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania

A Armenia - Smyrna
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Bulgaria Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Ankara


DC450 Fall 02 - Joral   (Apr 20, 2013, 3:27 pm)
And we have our first retreat. England Fleet in north sea can retreat to Edi, Yor, Nwg, Lon, or OTB.

Turkey's army in Bul was not so lucky. They've been pushed off into the ocean.

Send me your choice quickly and we'll get on to winter.


A Budapest - Trieste
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*)

A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports F North Sea - Belgium
F North Sea - Belgium (*Dislodged*)
A Wales - Liverpool

A Belgium Supports A Picardy (*Cut*)
F Brest, no move received
A Gascony Hold
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Picardy Supports A Belgium

F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Holland Hold
F Kiel - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Munich Hold
F Skagerrak - North Sea

A Apulia Hold
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis

A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Norway Supports F Sweden
F Rumania Supports F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania

A Armenia - Smyrna
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Bulgaria Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Ankara


DC450 Fall 02 (dc450) Joral Apr 21, 07:35 pm
England retreats to Edi.

And we're on to adjustments.

Austria: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 1
England: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
France: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Germany: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Russia: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0

I'm running a little behind on this one, so we'll say 00:00 GMT Tuesday. About 24 hours from now.


-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 4:27pm
To: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Cc: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC450 Fall 02

And we have our first retreat. England Fleet in north sea can retreat to Edi, Yor, Nwg, Lon, or OTB.

Turkey's army in Bul was not so lucky. They've been pushed off into the ocean.

Send me your choice quickly and we'll get on to winter.


A Budapest - Trieste
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*)

A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports F North Sea - Belgium
F North Sea - Belgium (*Dislodged*)
A Wales - Liverpool

A Belgium Supports A Picardy (*Cut*)
F Brest, no move received
A Gascony Hold
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Picardy Supports A Belgium

F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Holland Hold
F Kiel - Denmark (*Fails*)
A Munich Hold
F Skagerrak - North Sea

A Apulia Hold
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis

A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Norway Supports F Sweden
F Rumania Supports F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
F Sweden Supports A Norway
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania

A Armenia - Smyrna
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Bulgaria Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Ankara
dc451 winter 03 - catsfather   (Apr 20, 2013, 12:48 am)
Italy retreats Vienna OTB and then...

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1903.  (dc451)

England: Build F Edinburgh.

France: Build F Marseilles.

France: Build A Paris.

Germany: Remove A Silesia.

Italy: Remove F Rome.

Turkey: Build F Constantinople.

Unit locations:

Austria:   F Adriatic Sea, A Budapest, A Serbia, A Trieste, A Vienna.

England:   F Denmark, F Edinburgh, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A Kiel, F 

           North Sea, F Norway.

France:    A Belgium, A Burgundy, F Marseilles, A Paris, A Ruhr, F Tunis, F 

           Tyrrhenian Sea.

Germany:   A Berlin, A Munich.

Italy:     A Tyrolia, A Venice.

Russia:    A Galicia, A Moscow, F Sevastopol, F Sweden, A Ukraine.

Turkey:    F Apulia, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, F Ionian Sea, A 


Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.

England:   Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway.

France:    Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.

Germany:   Berlin, Munich.

Italy:     Rome, Venice.

Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria:    5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:    7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     7 Supply centers,  7 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      2 Supply centers,  2 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Movement for Spring of 1904.


DC 454 W03 Adjudication - untitled36   (Apr 20, 2013, 12:25 am)
Hey all,
Major apologies for the late adjudication. I just now got home from work (past midnight my time). Fortunately I don't think this was a super tense turn for anyone.

Bud-Rum, Build F con.


IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


dc452 - Summer 1903 - metalwarlord   (Apr 19, 2013, 3:31 pm)
I haven't got anything

On 19 April 2013 19:11, Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com> wrote:

I haven't gotten anything.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com



dc452 - Summer 1903 - metalwarlord   (Apr 19, 2013, 3:31 pm)
I haven't got anything

On 19 April 2013 19:11, Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com> wrote:

I haven't gotten anything.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com



dc452 - Summer 1903 - thecount1282   (Apr 19, 2013, 1:11 pm)
I haven't gotten anything.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com


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