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dc452 - Summer 1903 - thecount1282   (Apr 19, 2013, 1:11 pm)
I haven't gotten anything.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com


dc452 - Summer 1903 - gizmo8204   (Apr 19, 2013, 1:08 pm)
Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)


dc453 Winter 03 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 19, 2013, 11:05 am)
Hi everyone,

Thanks for getting your orders in nice and promptly.

Here's your adjudication:

Autumn retreat:

Russia retreats A Rum - Sev


Remove F Norwegian Sea

Build F Brest

Remove A Ankara

Build F Constantinople

The Spring 04 deadline is 2000GMT, Monday 22 April.

Have a nice weekend,



DC450 Spring 02 -- Fall due 04/20 - Joral   (Apr 18, 2013, 9:32 pm)
24 hour (roughly) notice.

And a couple of quick things to mention:

I know we have some new players here. Even if you don't plan to run any diplomacy games, it helps to get a copy of Realpolitik. That way, you can do a bit of what-if analysis of other players moves compared with your own. It has helped me a time or two to find moves which were more successful, no matter what the other player did. The second thing it allows is for you to see if a move is valid. I will answer rule questions happily, but I don't like to send out emails saying your moves are invalid. One warning, then I just leave them as invalid.

Second, please send moves for all units, even if they are just all hold. getting half complete order lists makes for a confused GM sometimes.

Now, get me those moves! Smile


-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:21am
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com, diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com, isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com, freeman_ass(at)yahoo.com, kaficek8(at)gmail.com, slangers(at)me.com, stevieh(at)taosnet.com, dc450(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: FW: DC450 Spring 02 -- Fall due 04/20

What I get for not paying attention. Now to everyone.

*sigh* This has been a long week.


-----Original Message-----
From: joral(at)darkenedpath.com
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:03am
To: "Jeremiah Attento"
Subject: DC450 Spring 02 -- Fall due 04/20

And it looks like this time there was some miscommunication between players, as several supports are entered for moves which did not materialize. Oh well. That's the way the game goes.

Again, please check that I got the newest moves from everyone (I'm fairly certain).

Fall 02 Will be Saturday (04/20) at 00:00 (Friday (at) 8PM).


A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Trieste
F Greece Supports F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec) (*Void*)
A Serbia Supports F Rumania - Bulgaria(ec) (*Void*)
A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*)

F English Channel Supports F North Sea
A London - Wales
F North Sea Convoys A Norway - Denmark
A Norway - Denmark

A Belgium Supports A Paris - Picardy
F Brest Supports F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles, no move received
A Paris - Picardy
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Gascony

F Berlin - Kiel
F Denmark - Skagerrak
A Holland Hold
F Kiel - Helgoland Bight
A Munich Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Void*)

F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Trieste - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna
A Venice - Apulia

A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania (*Cut*)
A St Petersburg - Norway
F Sweden Supports A St Petersburg - Norway
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Supports F Black Sea - Rumania
A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria


Dc 449: Winter 1903 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Apr 18, 2013, 6:23 pm)
Hey All,

My apologies for the mistake if I panicked any of you.  Actually thought the adjudication was supposed to be out last night instead of tonight.  Thanks to Jake for correcting me on proper calendar usage.

Next Deadline:
Spring 1904 Adjudication is due Wednesday, April 24th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm EST)

Build A Budapest
Build F Trieste

Build A Kiel

Remove F Finland

Build A Constantinople

Ownership of Supply Centers

Austria:   Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Naples, Rumania, Serbia,
           Trieste, Venice, Vienna.
England:   Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.
France:    Belgium, Brest, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany:   Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway,
Italy:     Marseilles, Rome, Tunis.
Russia:    Moscow, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Alan Farrington


dc451 fall 03 - catsfather   (Apr 18, 2013, 5:01 pm)
Italy has a retreat and then...

England builds 1.
France builds 2.
Germany removes 1.
Italy removes 2 (or 1 if they retreated OTB).
Turkey builds 1.

Movement results for Fall of 1903.  (dc451)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Venice (*Fails*).

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna.

Austria: A Galicia - Vienna.

Austria: A Serbia Supports A Trieste.

Austria: A Trieste Supports F Adriatic Sea - Venice (*Cut*).

England: F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel.

England: F Helgoland Bight Supports A Holland - Kiel.

England: A Holland - Kiel.

England: A London - Holland.

England: F North Sea Convoys A London - Holland.

England: F Norway Hold.

France: A Belgium Hold.

France: A Burgundy Supports A Belgium.

France: A Ruhr Supports A Holland - Kiel.

France: F Tunis Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome (*Fails*).

Germany: A Berlin Supports A Munich.

Germany: F Kiel - Baltic Sea (*Disbanded*).

Germany: A Munich Hold.

Germany: A Silesia Supports A Munich.

Italy: F Rome - Naples (*Fails*).

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Trieste.

Italy: A Venice Supports A Vienna - Trieste (*Cut*).

Italy: A Vienna - Trieste (*Dislodged*).

Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania.

Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Ukraine - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Warsaw - Galicia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea.

Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania.

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Turkey: F Ionian Sea - Apulia.

Turkey: A Naples Supports F Ionian Sea - Apulia (*Cut*).

The following units were dislodged:

Italian A Vienna can retreat to Bohemia.


dc453 Autumn 03 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 18, 2013, 3:17 pm)
Now then,

Here's your moves for the Autumn turn:

F Adriatic Sea - Albania
A Bulgaria - Rumania
F Ionian Sea - Greece
A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Trieste - Budapest (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Budapest (*Bounce*)


F English Channel - London
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)

A Burgundy - Marseilles
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon
A Paris Hold
F Spain(sc) Supports F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon
A Wales - Liverpool

A Belgium Hold
A Bohemia - Munich
F Denmark - North Sea (*Fails*)
F North Sea - Norway (*Fails*)
A Prussia - Livonia
A Ruhr Supports A Belgium
A Sweden Supports F North Sea - Norway (*Cut*)

A Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)

A Piedmont Supports A Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
A Venice Hold
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis

A Ankara Hold
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria

A Galicia - Budapest (*Bounce*)
F Norway Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Cut*)
A Rumania - Serbia (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea - Smyrna
A Constantinople - Bulgaria

One retreat is needed. Russian A Rumania can retreat to Ukraine or Sevastopol.

It is also winter and so here's your adjustments, assuming Russia's A Rumania remains on the board:

Austria:   Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0
England:   Supp  1 Unit  2 Remove  1
France:    Supp  6 Unit  5 Build  1

Germany:   Supp  8 Unit  8 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  6 Unit  7 Remove  1
Turkey:    Supp  3 Unit  2 Build  1

The deadline for the retreat, builds and disbands is tomorrow, Friday 19 April, 2000GMT.




DC 454 F03 Adjudication - ConradW   (Apr 18, 2013, 10:50 am)
Sorry all, life interfered in a big way and I forgot all about it in honesty. AND did not even follow my own advice about prelims this go around. Sigh

From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: john.robillard(at)telia.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 454 F03 Adjudication
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 08:30:51 -0500

*English Generals Deadlocked, Troops Wander Aimlessly*
*Italians Loot Marseilles, But French Units Approach*
*Archduke: "I just want to go home!"*

Hey all,

     The fighting is thick across the board. But once all the dust has settled, little change occurs in the total center counts. Turkey gains a center. A couple others are shuffled around, but with no net gain. Austria also kicked out the invaders, and so we have a retreat needed from Russia. 

Russian A Bud may retreat to Rum, Gal, or OTB. Technically the retreat happens before the build, so Turkey could order something like "If A Bud retreats to Rum, build F Smy. If A Bud retreats OTB build A Smy" for example. 

Austria: Even
England: Even
France: Even (-Mar, +disbanded unit in Mar)
Germany: Even
Italy: Even (-Tun, +Mar)
Russia: Even
Turkey: +1 (+Tun)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Trieste (*Bounce*)A Trieste - BudapestA Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest
England: A Finland, no move receivedF Gulf of Bothnia, no move receivedF North Sea, no move receivedF Norway, no move receivedF Wales, no move received
France: A Belgium - PicardyA Burgundy Supports A MarseillesA Marseilles Supports F Portugal - Spain(sc) (*Disbanded*)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western MediterraneanA Paris - GasconyF Portugal - Spain(sc)
Germany: F Denmark - Baltic SeaA Holland - RuhrA Kiel - DenmarkA Munich - TyroliaA Prussia - Livonia (*Fails*)
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - MarseillesA Piedmont Supports F Spain(sc) - MarseillesF Spain(sc) - MarseillesA Venice Supports F Adriatic Sea - Trieste
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Albania - Trieste (*Dislodged*)F Livonia Supports A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Cut*)A Moscow - St PetersburgF Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw Hold
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)A Albania - Trieste (*Bounce*)F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian SeaA Greece - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)F Ionian Sea - TunisA Serbia Supports A Albania - Trieste

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com
hurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dk
initdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


DC 454 F03 Adjudication - untitled36   (Apr 18, 2013, 8:30 am)
*English Generals Deadlocked, Troops Wander Aimlessly*
*Italians Loot Marseilles, But French Units Approach*
*Archduke: "I just want to go home!"*

Hey all,

     The fighting is thick across the board. But once all the dust has settled, little change occurs in the total center counts. Turkey gains a center. A couple others are shuffled around, but with no net gain. Austria also kicked out the invaders, and so we have a retreat needed from Russia. 

Russian A Bud may retreat to Rum, Gal, or OTB. Technically the retreat happens before the build, so Turkey could order something like "If A Bud retreats to Rum, build F Smy. If A Bud retreats OTB build A Smy" for example. 

Austria: Even
England: Even
France: Even (-Mar, +disbanded unit in Mar)
Germany: Even
Italy: Even (-Tun, +Mar)
Russia: Even
Turkey: +1 (+Tun)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Trieste (*Bounce*)A Trieste - BudapestA Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest
England: A Finland, no move receivedF Gulf of Bothnia, no move receivedF North Sea, no move receivedF Norway, no move receivedF Wales, no move received
France: A Belgium - PicardyA Burgundy Supports A MarseillesA Marseilles Supports F Portugal - Spain(sc) (*Disbanded*)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western MediterraneanA Paris - GasconyF Portugal - Spain(sc)
Germany: F Denmark - Baltic SeaA Holland - RuhrA Kiel - DenmarkA Munich - TyroliaA Prussia - Livonia (*Fails*)
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - MarseillesA Piedmont Supports F Spain(sc) - MarseillesF Spain(sc) - MarseillesA Venice Supports F Adriatic Sea - Trieste
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Albania - Trieste (*Dislodged*)F Livonia Supports A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Cut*)A Moscow - St PetersburgF Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw Hold
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)A Albania - Trieste (*Bounce*)F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian SeaA Greece - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)F Ionian Sea - TunisA Serbia Supports A Albania - Trieste

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


DC 454 F03 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) ConradW Apr 18, 10:50 am
Sorry all, life interfered in a big way and I forgot all about it in honesty. AND did not even follow my own advice about prelims this go around. Sigh

From: untitled36(at)hotmail.com
To: john.robillard(at)telia.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 454 F03 Adjudication
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 08:30:51 -0500

*English Generals Deadlocked, Troops Wander Aimlessly*
*Italians Loot Marseilles, But French Units Approach*
*Archduke: "I just want to go home!"*

Hey all,

     The fighting is thick across the board. But once all the dust has settled, little change occurs in the total center counts. Turkey gains a center. A couple others are shuffled around, but with no net gain. Austria also kicked out the invaders, and so we have a retreat needed from Russia. 

Russian A Bud may retreat to Rum, Gal, or OTB. Technically the retreat happens before the build, so Turkey could order something like "If A Bud retreats to Rum, build F Smy. If A Bud retreats OTB build A Smy" for example. 

Austria: Even
England: Even
France: Even (-Mar, +disbanded unit in Mar)
Germany: Even
Italy: Even (-Tun, +Mar)
Russia: Even
Turkey: +1 (+Tun)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Trieste (*Bounce*)A Trieste - BudapestA Vienna Supports A Trieste - Budapest
England: A Finland, no move receivedF Gulf of Bothnia, no move receivedF North Sea, no move receivedF Norway, no move receivedF Wales, no move received
France: A Belgium - PicardyA Burgundy Supports A MarseillesA Marseilles Supports F Portugal - Spain(sc) (*Disbanded*)F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western MediterraneanA Paris - GasconyF Portugal - Spain(sc)
Germany: F Denmark - Baltic SeaA Holland - RuhrA Kiel - DenmarkA Munich - TyroliaA Prussia - Livonia (*Fails*)
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - MarseillesA Piedmont Supports F Spain(sc) - MarseillesF Spain(sc) - MarseillesA Venice Supports F Adriatic Sea - Trieste
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Albania - Trieste (*Dislodged*)F Livonia Supports A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Cut*)A Moscow - St PetersburgF Rumania - SevastopolA Warsaw Hold
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)A Albania - Trieste (*Bounce*)F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian SeaA Greece - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)F Ionian Sea - TunisA Serbia Supports A Albania - Trieste

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com
hurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dk
initdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL
dc451 spring 03 retreats - catsfather   (Apr 18, 2013, 7:13 am)
Fall deadline at 9pm GMT tonight.


On 17 April 2013 06:54, Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Italy retreats to Rome, Austria to Galicia.

On 16 April 2013 07:01, Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Another season where I'm glad that I've got software to tell me how the moves resolve.

Retreats due from Italy and Austria.

Italian F Naples can retreat to Apulia or Rome.

Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Galicia or Bohemia.

Movement results for Spring of 1903.  (dc451)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.

Austria: A Galicia - Budapest.

Austria: A Rumania - Serbia.

Austria: A Venice - Trieste.

Austria: A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*).

England: A Belgium - Holland.

England: F Denmark Supports F North Sea - Helgoland Bight.

England: F Edinburgh - North Sea.

England: A London, no move received.

England: F North Sea - Helgoland Bight.

England: F Norway - Sweden (*Fails*).

France: A Burgundy - Belgium.

France: A Gascony - Burgundy.

France: A Ruhr Supports A Belgium - Holland.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Greece - Naples.

France: F Western Mediterranean - Tunis.

Germany: A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: F Kiel - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: A Silesia Supports A Munich.

Italy: F Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Dislodged*).

Italy: A Rome - Venice.

Italy: A Trieste - Vienna.

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna.

Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania.

Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Ukraine - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea.

Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania.

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Greece - Naples.

Turkey: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Naples.

The following units were dislodged:

Italian F Naples can retreat to Apulia or Rome.

Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Galicia or Bohemia.

Unit locations:

Austria:   F Adriatic Sea, A Budapest, A Serbia, A Trieste.

England:   F Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A London, F North Sea, F 


France:    A Belgium, A Burgundy, A Ruhr, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Germany:   A Berlin, F Kiel, A Munich, A Silesia.

Italy:     A Tyrolia, A Venice, A Vienna.

Russia:    A Moscow, F Sevastopol, F Sweden, A Ukraine, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    F Aegean Sea, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, A Naples.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Venice, Vienna.

England:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.

France:    Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany:   Berlin, Holland, Kiel, Munich.

Italy:     Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis.

Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna.

Austria:    5 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      4 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Retreats for Spring of 1903.


Europe 1615 - mmedeiros   (Apr 17, 2013, 4:49 pm)
Have one slot left to be filled for the Europe 1615 variant. Since posting on DipWiki it has gone through a number of revisions, including a change in the map, starting number and position of units, and some important rules. Originally intended to be a Payola variant, it now follows in the footsteps of Ambition and Empire. The Payola component has been removed. However, unlike A&E, the system of influencing the minor states has been adapted from an old 1970s game called Origins of World War 2. With each influence phase the board's political layout changes which impacts unit movement and most likely the negotiations between players (check out the DipWiki entry and look at the maps). Since victory is measure by the accumulation of victory points, solo victories are a guarantee.


dc453 Summer 03 retreat - jerome777   (Apr 17, 2013, 3:26 pm)

Map attached.

Deadline for Autumn 03 is tomorrow, Thursday 18 April, 2000GMT.


On 16 April 2013 13:24, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,
Germany's retreat:
A Bur - Ruh
I will send a map when I can.
The deadline for Autumn is 2000GMT Thursday 18 April.

On 15 Apr 2013 22:00, "Jerome Payne" <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Sorry - sent last season's map. Please find this season's map and .dpy file attached.

Sorry for confusion.


On 15 April 2013 21:34, Jerome Payne <jeromerpayne(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Here's your adjudication:

F Albania - Adriatic Sea
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Greece - Ionian Sea
A Serbia - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*)


F English Channel Convoys A Brest - Wales
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*Bounce*)

A Brest - Wales
A Gascony - Burgundy
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon (*Bounce*)
A Paris Supports A Gascony - Burgundy

F Spain(sc) Supports F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon

A Belgium Hold
A Berlin - Prussia
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
F Denmark - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire

A Munich - Bohemia
F North Sea - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Sweden Hold

A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Bounce*)
A Venice - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon

A Ankara Supports A Smyrna - Constantinople
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Norway - Skagerrak
A Rumania - Galicia
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Warsaw Supports A Rumania - Galicia

F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople

So, we have the following retreat:

German A Burgundy can retreat to Picardy or Ruhr or Munich.

David, if you'd let me have your retreat ASAP. The deadline is tomorrow, Tuesday 16 April, 2000GMT.




dc442 Haven s06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 17, 2013, 2:59 pm)
It's spring 06, results are here!
Faeries lose their wings -- and both home centers, leaving their lone unit scurrying about in the Acme Acres... Has their time in this world run out?  And what about those Shades, hanging on by a wisp for so long... Holding... Waiting... they must have big plans and just need a moment to strike.  The Leprechauns and Knights both dive underground -- Dwarves seemingly unable to keep the hatches battened down.  Oh and are those Trolls on board Magician fleets?
Retreats by Friday!  3pm Central.  Tho I'll send out as soon as I get them from the 4 required players...
Gnome A Newa River can retreat to Elephant Graveyard or Hundred Acre Wood.
Pirate A Neverpeak Mtn can retreat to Temple of Doom.
Troll F SUNLESS SEA can retreat to BEAVERSDAM.
Dwarf A Ancient Necropolis can retreat to Yggdrasil or Spirit Pond.
Dwarf F CHURNING REACH can retreat to Mount Nimro or EAST MIRIANIC OCEAN or Myth Drannor.

F Llyr - Cliffs of Insanity
F Ella Supports A Acme Acres - Oz
A Duloc Supports A Maze of Regrets (*Ordered to Move*)
A Maze of Regrets - Neverpeak Mtn
A Strawberry Fields - Vinyaya
A Acme Acres - Oz
F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
A Khaz Modan Hold
F RUGGED COAST Supports F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
A Tumnus - Sleepy Hollow (*Bounce*)
A Hollow Earth - Undermountain
F The Julianthes Supports F WEST MIRIANIC OCEAN (*Cut*)
A Ancient Necropolis - Venatori Umbrarum (*Dislodged*)
A Twisted Tunnels Supports A Snow Witch (*Cut*)
A Snow Witch Supports A Hollow Earth - Undermountain
F CHURNING REACH Supports F The Julianthes (*Dislodged*)
F WEST MIRIANIC OCEAN Supports F The Julianthes
F NORTH MIRIANIC OCEAN - Dimmsdale (*Bounce*)
F Gelfling - Garthim
A Auryn Supports A Valley of Lost Honor
A Horborixen Supports A Ogrun
F City of Splendors - Cormyr
A Devils Canyon - Twisted Tunnels (*Fails*)
A Valley of Lost Honor Supports A Auryn
A Great Glacier Supports F The Old Gristmill - Pwyll
A Ogrun Supports A Horborixen
A Vinyaya - Acme Acres
A Oz - Acme Acres (*Disbanded*)
A Grissel Supports F Owlwood - Tumnus (*Cut*)
A Newa River Supports A Daniloth - Troldhaugen (*Dislodged*)
F Slightly Gulch Supports A Maze of Regrets - Neverpeak Mtn
F Owlwood - Tumnus (*Fails*)
A Critter Country Supports A Maze of Regrets - Neverpeak Mtn
F Groves of Academe Supports F Slightly Gulch
A Daniloth - Troldhaugen (*Fails*)
F SABLES SWAMP - Sleepy Hollow (*Bounce*)
A Traal - France
F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE
A Waterdeep - Kara-Tur
A Forbidden City - Anhondon Plain
A Krikkit - Nowwhat
A Myth Drannor - Ivory Tower
A Undermountain Supports A Krikkit - Nowwhat (*Disbanded*)
A Venatori Umbrarum Supports A Hoarluk - Ancient Necropolis
F THON THALAS Supports A Abby Normal - Newa River
A Arborlon - Aslan
F Fionavar - Land of Sweets
A Archenland - Calormen
F Cathal Hold
A Ice Reach - Tymwyvenne
A Cave of Ordeals Supports A Daniloth - Troldhaugen (*Cut*)
A Lubrick - Hoarluk
F Ansalon - THE MAW
F Fafhrd(ec) - Uuno (*Bounce*)
A Whoville Supports A Lubrick - Hoarluk
F The Old Gristmill - Pwyll
F Timberlands Supports F Palmaris - To-Gai-Ru
A Hoarluk - Ancient Necropolis
A Heresh - Uuno (*Bounce*)
F ALL SAINTS BAY - The Julianthes (*Fails*)
F ZEBOIMS DEEP Supports F ALL SAINTS BAY - The Julianthes
F Tarsis - HIGH SEAS
A Ergoth - Lost Woods
F Krynn Supports F Tarsis - HIGH SEAS
A To-Gai-Ru - Corona
A Troldhaugen - Daniloth (*Fails*)
A Walk of Clouds - Dimmsdale (*Bounce*)
F Palmaris - To-Gai-Ru
F GRIEF REEF Convoys A Abby Normal - Newa River
F HIGH SEAS - Abby Normal
F Riku Supports F GRIEF REEF
A The Neverwood - Maze of Regrets
A Pans Labyrinth - The Neverwood
A Neverpeak Mtn - Slightly Gulch (*Dislodged*)
F Camelittle Supports A Neverpeak Mtn - Slightly Gulch
A Hidden Grotto - Neverpeak Mtn (*Fails*)
A Nehwon Hold
A Grimheim - Daisy Meadows
A Ashan - Grimheim
F Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals (*Fails*)
A Orboros - Grissel (*Fails*)
F Grendel Hold
A Abby Normal - Newa River
F SUNLESS SEA Supports A Orboros - Grissel (*Dislodged*)
F TROG BOG - Owlwood (*Fails*)
F Fantastica Supports F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON


Dc 449: Autumn 1903 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Apr 17, 2013, 2:46 am)
Hey All,

Two retreats.  1 order didn't come through after a few extra hours so I"m forced to disband it.  Austria is the big winner this year having 3 builds but only 2 open centers.  Italy and Russia are falling on hard times.

Next Deadline:
Winter 1903 Orders are Due Thursday April 18th at Midnight GMT.

disband A Venice

A Sevastopol - Ukraine

Austria:   Supp  9 Unit  6 Build  2
England:   Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0
France:    Supp  5 Unit  5 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  7 Unit  6 Build  1
Italy:     Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  3 Unit  4 Remove  1
Turkey:    Supp  4 Unit  3 Build  1



dc451 spring 03 retreats - catsfather   (Apr 17, 2013, 12:54 am)
Italy retreats to Rome, Austria to Galicia.

On 16 April 2013 07:01, Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Another season where I'm glad that I've got software to tell me how the moves resolve.

Retreats due from Italy and Austria.

Italian F Naples can retreat to Apulia or Rome.

Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Galicia or Bohemia.

Movement results for Spring of 1903.  (dc451)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.

Austria: A Galicia - Budapest.

Austria: A Rumania - Serbia.

Austria: A Venice - Trieste.

Austria: A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*).

England: A Belgium - Holland.

England: F Denmark Supports F North Sea - Helgoland Bight.

England: F Edinburgh - North Sea.

England: A London, no move received.

England: F North Sea - Helgoland Bight.

England: F Norway - Sweden (*Fails*).

France: A Burgundy - Belgium.

France: A Gascony - Burgundy.

France: A Ruhr Supports A Belgium - Holland.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Greece - Naples.

France: F Western Mediterranean - Tunis.

Germany: A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: F Kiel - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: A Silesia Supports A Munich.

Italy: F Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Dislodged*).

Italy: A Rome - Venice.

Italy: A Trieste - Vienna.

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna.

Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania.

Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Ukraine - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea.

Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania.

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Greece - Naples.

Turkey: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Naples.

The following units were dislodged:

Italian F Naples can retreat to Apulia or Rome.

Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Galicia or Bohemia.

Unit locations:

Austria:   F Adriatic Sea, A Budapest, A Serbia, A Trieste.

England:   F Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A London, F North Sea, F 


France:    A Belgium, A Burgundy, A Ruhr, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Germany:   A Berlin, F Kiel, A Munich, A Silesia.

Italy:     A Tyrolia, A Venice, A Vienna.

Russia:    A Moscow, F Sevastopol, F Sweden, A Ukraine, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    F Aegean Sea, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, A Naples.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Venice, Vienna.

England:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.

France:    Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany:   Berlin, Holland, Kiel, Munich.

Italy:     Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis.

Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna.

Austria:    5 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      4 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Retreats for Spring of 1903.


dc451 spring 03 retreats (Winter Blitz) catsfather Apr 18, 07:13 am
Fall deadline at 9pm GMT tonight.


On 17 April 2013 06:54, Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Italy retreats to Rome, Austria to Galicia.

On 16 April 2013 07:01, Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Another season where I'm glad that I've got software to tell me how the moves resolve.

Retreats due from Italy and Austria.

Italian F Naples can retreat to Apulia or Rome.

Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Galicia or Bohemia.

Movement results for Spring of 1903.  (dc451)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.

Austria: A Galicia - Budapest.

Austria: A Rumania - Serbia.

Austria: A Venice - Trieste.

Austria: A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*).

England: A Belgium - Holland.

England: F Denmark Supports F North Sea - Helgoland Bight.

England: F Edinburgh - North Sea.

England: A London, no move received.

England: F North Sea - Helgoland Bight.

England: F Norway - Sweden (*Fails*).

France: A Burgundy - Belgium.

France: A Gascony - Burgundy.

France: A Ruhr Supports A Belgium - Holland.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Greece - Naples.

France: F Western Mediterranean - Tunis.

Germany: A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: F Kiel - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: A Silesia Supports A Munich.

Italy: F Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Dislodged*).

Italy: A Rome - Venice.

Italy: A Trieste - Vienna.

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna.

Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania.

Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Ukraine - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea.

Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania.

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Greece - Naples.

Turkey: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Naples.

The following units were dislodged:

Italian F Naples can retreat to Apulia or Rome.

Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Galicia or Bohemia.

Unit locations:

Austria:   F Adriatic Sea, A Budapest, A Serbia, A Trieste.

England:   F Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A London, F North Sea, F 


France:    A Belgium, A Burgundy, A Ruhr, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Germany:   A Berlin, F Kiel, A Munich, A Silesia.

Italy:     A Tyrolia, A Venice, A Vienna.

Russia:    A Moscow, F Sevastopol, F Sweden, A Ukraine, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    F Aegean Sea, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, A Naples.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Venice, Vienna.

England:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.

France:    Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany:   Berlin, Holland, Kiel, Munich.

Italy:     Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis.

Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna.

Austria:    5 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      4 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Retreats for Spring of 1903.
dc452 - Summer 1903 - Viper   (Apr 16, 2013, 7:57 pm)
F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)


dc452 - Summer 1903 (Winter Blitz) gizmo8204 Apr 19, 01:08 pm
Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)
dc452 - Summer 1903 (Winter Blitz) thecount1282 Apr 19, 01:11 pm
I haven't gotten anything.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com
dc452 - Summer 1903 (Winter Blitz) thecount1282 Apr 19, 01:11 pm
I haven't gotten anything.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com
dc452 - Summer 1903 (Winter Blitz) metalwarlord Apr 19, 03:31 pm
I haven't got anything

On 19 April 2013 19:11, Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com> wrote:

I haven't gotten anything.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com

dc452 - Summer 1903 (Winter Blitz) metalwarlord Apr 19, 03:31 pm
I haven't got anything

On 19 April 2013 19:11, Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com> wrote:

I haven't gotten anything.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hey, has anyone gotten the fall adjudication yet??

Hope everything is alright Michael!


From: Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com>
To: michael thompson <psychosis1973(at)yahoo.com>; Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com>; Brian Schoner <bschoner(at)gmail.com>; Matt O'Donnell <gizmo8204(at)yahoo.com>; Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; "blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>;
Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Russ Dennis <russ(at)russdennis.net>; Stuart Winch <stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com>

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:57 PM
Subject: dc452 - Summer 1903

F Denmark - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Berlin

Next Deadline:
Fall 1903 moves are due on Thursday, April 18, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com

Haven Wednesday warning - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 16, 2013, 8:50 am)
Who writes Wednesday warnings?
We write Wednesday warnings.
We write Wednesday warnings while watching who wavers.
Waverers watch Wednesday writers who wrote well win.
Wednesday writers who wrote well watch waverers wail.
Wailing waverers wish Wednesday writers woe.
Today's warning was brought to you by the letter W.
And don't be a wailing waverer.  Write Wednesday wishes while writing will work.


DC 454 Su03 Adjudication - untitled36   (Apr 16, 2013, 8:15 am)
Hey all,

Except for maybe Italy's retreat, they are pretty much what one would suspect:

Austria: A Budapest - ViennaGermany: A Livonia - PrussiaItaly: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)

Fall moves due Thursday!


IDCountryNameEmailLocationbunwarpgazooItalyJohn Robillardjohn.robillard(at)telia.comHärnösand, SEConradWEnglandCharles Welshwelsh_stroud(at)msn.comEllicott City, MD, USddz999cat23TurkeyDaniel Dzikowiczddz999cat23(at)yahoo.comhurupGermanyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkinitdoby5RussiaDan Sinenskydan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.comUSMikeFarringtonFranceMike Farringtonmichael_farrington(at)msn.comBrewer, ME, USsirdanilotAustriaDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NL


dc452 - Spring 1903 - Viper   (Apr 16, 2013, 8:04 am)
Just so everyone knows, according to the tournament rules, civil disorders are not accepted. We will not find a new player, and Greg is welcome to resume submitting moves at any time. If no moves are received for Austria, its units will hold.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com> wrote:


With that, I am officially bowing out of this game. Please consider the rest of my moves to be forfeit.

Thanks to all and have a great rest of the game.



On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

OK, first of all, let me apologize for not responding to any orders over the weekend. Unfortunately, that's a serious possibility on weekends. Secondly, I noticed as I was adjudicating that I got the map wrong re: England's build. He had ordered (and I reported) a build of A Edinburgh. The map showed a fleet. The actual orders take precedence over the map, so the fleet has been replaced with an army.

After all that, we've got two retreats we need to see before we can move on to the fall.

F London - Bulgaria (*invalid*)
A Galicia - Warsaw (*bounce*)

A Budapest - Serbia (*bounce*)
A Warsaw - Livonia
F Greece Holds

A Belgium - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Denmark
F Holland - Kiel (*fails*)

F North Sea Convoys Edinburgh - Denmark
F Norway Supports Sweden
F Skagerrak Supports Edinburgh - Denmark

A Burgundy Supports Ruhr - Munich
A Ruhr - Munich

A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Gascony - Paris
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

F Baltic Sea - Kiel (*fails*)

A Kiel - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Munich Supports Kiel - Ruhr (*dislodged*)
F Denmark Supports Baltic Sea - Kiel (*dislodged*)

A Trieste - Apulia (*invalid*)

A Venice - Trieste (*fails*)
A Tyrolia - Vienna
F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunisia Supports Naples - Ionian Sea

A Moscow - Warsaw (*bounce*)

F Rumania Supports Greece - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Sweden Supports Edinburgh - Denmark
A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*fails*)


A Bulgaria - Serbia (*bounce*)
F Black Sea Convoys Constantinople - Armenia
A Constantinople - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Aegean Sea

Germany's F Denmark may retreat to Helgoland Bight or OTB

Germany's A Munich may retreat to Berlin, Silesia, Bohemia, Tyrolia, or OTB

Next Deadline:
Summer 1903 retreats are due on Tuesday, April 16, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com


dc453 Summer 03 retreat - jerome777   (Apr 16, 2013, 7:24 am)
Hi everyone,
Germany's retreat:
A Bur - Ruh
I will send a map when I can.
The deadline for Autumn is 2000GMT Thursday 18 April.

On 15 Apr 2013 22:00, "Jerome Payne" <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Sorry - sent last season's map. Please find this season's map and .dpy file attached.

Sorry for confusion.


On 15 April 2013 21:34, Jerome Payne <jeromerpayne(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Here's your adjudication:

F Albania - Adriatic Sea
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Greece - Ionian Sea
A Serbia - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*)


F English Channel Convoys A Brest - Wales
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*Bounce*)

A Brest - Wales
A Gascony - Burgundy
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon (*Bounce*)
A Paris Supports A Gascony - Burgundy

F Spain(sc) Supports F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon

A Belgium Hold
A Berlin - Prussia
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
F Denmark - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire

A Munich - Bohemia
F North Sea - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Sweden Hold

A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Bounce*)
A Venice - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon

A Ankara Supports A Smyrna - Constantinople
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Norway - Skagerrak
A Rumania - Galicia
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Warsaw Supports A Rumania - Galicia

F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople

So, we have the following retreat:

German A Burgundy can retreat to Picardy or Ruhr or Munich.

David, if you'd let me have your retreat ASAP. The deadline is tomorrow, Tuesday 16 April, 2000GMT.




dc453 Summer 03 retreat (Winter Blitz) jerome777 Apr 17, 03:26 pm

Map attached.

Deadline for Autumn 03 is tomorrow, Thursday 18 April, 2000GMT.


On 16 April 2013 13:24, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,
Germany's retreat:
A Bur - Ruh
I will send a map when I can.
The deadline for Autumn is 2000GMT Thursday 18 April.

On 15 Apr 2013 22:00, "Jerome Payne" <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Sorry - sent last season's map. Please find this season's map and .dpy file attached.

Sorry for confusion.


On 15 April 2013 21:34, Jerome Payne <jeromerpayne(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Here's your adjudication:

F Albania - Adriatic Sea
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Greece - Ionian Sea
A Serbia - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*)


F English Channel Convoys A Brest - Wales
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*Bounce*)

A Brest - Wales
A Gascony - Burgundy
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon (*Bounce*)
A Paris Supports A Gascony - Burgundy

F Spain(sc) Supports F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon

A Belgium Hold
A Berlin - Prussia
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
F Denmark - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire

A Munich - Bohemia
F North Sea - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Sweden Hold

A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Bounce*)
A Venice - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon

A Ankara Supports A Smyrna - Constantinople
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Norway - Skagerrak
A Rumania - Galicia
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Warsaw Supports A Rumania - Galicia

F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople

So, we have the following retreat:

German A Burgundy can retreat to Picardy or Ruhr or Munich.

David, if you'd let me have your retreat ASAP. The deadline is tomorrow, Tuesday 16 April, 2000GMT.


dc451 spring 03 - catsfather   (Apr 16, 2013, 1:01 am)
Another season where I'm glad that I've got software to tell me how the moves resolve.

Retreats due from Italy and Austria.

Italian F Naples can retreat to Apulia or Rome.

Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Galicia or Bohemia.

Movement results for Spring of 1903.  (dc451)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.

Austria: A Galicia - Budapest.

Austria: A Rumania - Serbia.

Austria: A Venice - Trieste.

Austria: A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*).

England: A Belgium - Holland.

England: F Denmark Supports F North Sea - Helgoland Bight.

England: F Edinburgh - North Sea.

England: A London, no move received.

England: F North Sea - Helgoland Bight.

England: F Norway - Sweden (*Fails*).

France: A Burgundy - Belgium.

France: A Gascony - Burgundy.

France: A Ruhr Supports A Belgium - Holland.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Greece - Naples.

France: F Western Mediterranean - Tunis.

Germany: A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: F Kiel - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: A Silesia Supports A Munich.

Italy: F Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Dislodged*).

Italy: A Rome - Venice.

Italy: A Trieste - Vienna.

Italy: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna.

Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania.

Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Ukraine - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow - Ukraine (*Fails*).

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea.

Turkey: F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania.

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*).

Turkey: A Greece - Naples.

Turkey: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Naples.

The following units were dislodged:

Italian F Naples can retreat to Apulia or Rome.

Austrian A Vienna can retreat to Galicia or Bohemia.

Unit locations:

Austria:   F Adriatic Sea, A Budapest, A Serbia, A Trieste.

England:   F Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A London, F North Sea, F 


France:    A Belgium, A Burgundy, A Ruhr, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Germany:   A Berlin, F Kiel, A Munich, A Silesia.

Italy:     A Tyrolia, A Venice, A Vienna.

Russia:    A Moscow, F Sevastopol, F Sweden, A Ukraine, A Warsaw.

Turkey:    F Aegean Sea, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, F Ionian Sea, A Naples.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Venice, Vienna.

England:   Belgium, Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.

France:    Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany:   Berlin, Holland, Kiel, Munich.

Italy:     Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis.

Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna.

Austria:    5 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      4 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc451 will be Retreats for Spring of 1903.


dc446 - Spring 1914 - Viper   (Apr 15, 2013, 10:47 pm)
Here we are, still plugging along. But hark! What's this? An End-Game Proposal? It's only been a few turns. Yes, we return to our voting booths in the fall. There's still time for more nominations, should you have other ideas.

Other than that, we've got two retreats to see before we can move on to the fall.

A Bohemia Supports Tyrolia - Munich
A Budapest - Trieste (*bounce*)

A Livonia Supports Warsaw - Prussia
A Rumania Holds
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*bounce*)
A Silesia - Berlin (*dislodged*)
A Tyrolia - Munich (*fails*)

A Vienna - Trieste (*bounce*)
A Warsaw - Prussia

F Gascony - Brest (*fails*)
F Picardy Supports Gascony - Brest
F North Sea Supports Irish Sea - English Channel

F Irish Sea - English Channel
F Norway - St. Petersburg
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*invalid*)

A Brest Holds

F English Channel Supports Brest (*dislodged*)

A Burgundy Supports Munich
A Munich Supports Prussia - Silesia (*cut*)
A Prussia - Silesia

A Berlin Supports Prussia - Silesia
A Kiel Supports Munich
A Ruhr Supports Munich

F Black Sea - Armenia (*bounce*)
A Greece Holds

F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports Brest
A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Rome - Tuscany
A Venice Supports Tyrolia
A Portugal Supports Spain
F Spain Supports Mid-Atlantic Ocean

F North Africa Supports Mid-Atlantic Ocean

1. Draw Including All Survivors

Austria's A Silesia may retreat to Galicia, Warsaw, or OTB
France's F English Channel may retreat to Belgium, London, Wales, or OTB

Next Deadline:
Summer 1914 retreats are due on Tuesday, April 16, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)


dc452 - Spring 1903 - thecount1282   (Apr 15, 2013, 10:42 pm)

With that, I am officially bowing out of this game. Please consider the rest of my moves to be forfeit.

Thanks to all and have a great rest of the game.



On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

OK, first of all, let me apologize for not responding to any orders over the weekend. Unfortunately, that's a serious possibility on weekends. Secondly, I noticed as I was adjudicating that I got the map wrong re: England's build. He had ordered (and I reported) a build of A Edinburgh. The map showed a fleet. The actual orders take precedence over the map, so the fleet has been replaced with an army.

After all that, we've got two retreats we need to see before we can move on to the fall.

F London - Bulgaria (*invalid*)
A Galicia - Warsaw (*bounce*)

A Budapest - Serbia (*bounce*)
A Warsaw - Livonia
F Greece Holds

A Belgium - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Denmark
F Holland - Kiel (*fails*)

F North Sea Convoys Edinburgh - Denmark
F Norway Supports Sweden
F Skagerrak Supports Edinburgh - Denmark

A Burgundy Supports Ruhr - Munich
A Ruhr - Munich

A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Gascony - Paris
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

F Baltic Sea - Kiel (*fails*)

A Kiel - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Munich Supports Kiel - Ruhr (*dislodged*)
F Denmark Supports Baltic Sea - Kiel (*dislodged*)

A Trieste - Apulia (*invalid*)

A Venice - Trieste (*fails*)
A Tyrolia - Vienna
F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunisia Supports Naples - Ionian Sea

A Moscow - Warsaw (*bounce*)

F Rumania Supports Greece - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Sweden Supports Edinburgh - Denmark
A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*fails*)


A Bulgaria - Serbia (*bounce*)
F Black Sea Convoys Constantinople - Armenia
A Constantinople - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Aegean Sea

Germany's F Denmark may retreat to Helgoland Bight or OTB

Germany's A Munich may retreat to Berlin, Silesia, Bohemia, Tyrolia, or OTB

Next Deadline:
Summer 1903 retreats are due on Tuesday, April 16, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com


dc452 - Spring 1903 - Viper   (Apr 15, 2013, 10:23 pm)
OK, first of all, let me apologize for not responding to any orders over the weekend. Unfortunately, that's a serious possibility on weekends. Secondly, I noticed as I was adjudicating that I got the map wrong re: England's build. He had ordered (and I reported) a build of A Edinburgh. The map showed a fleet. The actual orders take precedence over the map, so the fleet has been replaced with an army.

After all that, we've got two retreats we need to see before we can move on to the fall.

F London - Bulgaria (*invalid*)
A Galicia - Warsaw (*bounce*)

A Budapest - Serbia (*bounce*)
A Warsaw - Livonia
F Greece Holds

A Belgium - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Denmark
F Holland - Kiel (*fails*)

F North Sea Convoys Edinburgh - Denmark
F Norway Supports Sweden
F Skagerrak Supports Edinburgh - Denmark

A Burgundy Supports Ruhr - Munich
A Ruhr - Munich

A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Gascony - Paris
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

F Baltic Sea - Kiel (*fails*)

A Kiel - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Munich Supports Kiel - Ruhr (*dislodged*)
F Denmark Supports Baltic Sea - Kiel (*dislodged*)

A Trieste - Apulia (*invalid*)

A Venice - Trieste (*fails*)
A Tyrolia - Vienna
F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunisia Supports Naples - Ionian Sea

A Moscow - Warsaw (*bounce*)

F Rumania Supports Greece - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Sweden Supports Edinburgh - Denmark
A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*fails*)


A Bulgaria - Serbia (*bounce*)
F Black Sea Convoys Constantinople - Armenia
A Constantinople - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Aegean Sea

Germany's F Denmark may retreat to Helgoland Bight or OTB

Germany's A Munich may retreat to Berlin, Silesia, Bohemia, Tyrolia, or OTB

Next Deadline:
Summer 1903 retreats are due on Tuesday, April 16, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)


dc452 - Spring 1903 (Winter Blitz) thecount1282 Apr 15, 10:42 pm

With that, I am officially bowing out of this game. Please consider the rest of my moves to be forfeit.

Thanks to all and have a great rest of the game.



On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

OK, first of all, let me apologize for not responding to any orders over the weekend. Unfortunately, that's a serious possibility on weekends. Secondly, I noticed as I was adjudicating that I got the map wrong re: England's build. He had ordered (and I reported) a build of A Edinburgh. The map showed a fleet. The actual orders take precedence over the map, so the fleet has been replaced with an army.

After all that, we've got two retreats we need to see before we can move on to the fall.

F London - Bulgaria (*invalid*)
A Galicia - Warsaw (*bounce*)

A Budapest - Serbia (*bounce*)
A Warsaw - Livonia
F Greece Holds

A Belgium - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Denmark
F Holland - Kiel (*fails*)

F North Sea Convoys Edinburgh - Denmark
F Norway Supports Sweden
F Skagerrak Supports Edinburgh - Denmark

A Burgundy Supports Ruhr - Munich
A Ruhr - Munich

A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Gascony - Paris
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

F Baltic Sea - Kiel (*fails*)

A Kiel - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Munich Supports Kiel - Ruhr (*dislodged*)
F Denmark Supports Baltic Sea - Kiel (*dislodged*)

A Trieste - Apulia (*invalid*)

A Venice - Trieste (*fails*)
A Tyrolia - Vienna
F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunisia Supports Naples - Ionian Sea

A Moscow - Warsaw (*bounce*)

F Rumania Supports Greece - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Sweden Supports Edinburgh - Denmark
A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*fails*)


A Bulgaria - Serbia (*bounce*)
F Black Sea Convoys Constantinople - Armenia
A Constantinople - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Aegean Sea

Germany's F Denmark may retreat to Helgoland Bight or OTB

Germany's A Munich may retreat to Berlin, Silesia, Bohemia, Tyrolia, or OTB

Next Deadline:
Summer 1903 retreats are due on Tuesday, April 16, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com
dc452 - Spring 1903 (Winter Blitz) Viper Apr 16, 08:04 am
Just so everyone knows, according to the tournament rules, civil disorders are not accepted. We will not find a new player, and Greg is welcome to resume submitting moves at any time. If no moves are received for Austria, its units will hold.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Greg Shtraks <greg.shtraks(at)gmail.com> wrote:


With that, I am officially bowing out of this game. Please consider the rest of my moves to be forfeit.

Thanks to all and have a great rest of the game.



On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)gmail.com> wrote:

OK, first of all, let me apologize for not responding to any orders over the weekend. Unfortunately, that's a serious possibility on weekends. Secondly, I noticed as I was adjudicating that I got the map wrong re: England's build. He had ordered (and I reported) a build of A Edinburgh. The map showed a fleet. The actual orders take precedence over the map, so the fleet has been replaced with an army.

After all that, we've got two retreats we need to see before we can move on to the fall.

F London - Bulgaria (*invalid*)
A Galicia - Warsaw (*bounce*)

A Budapest - Serbia (*bounce*)
A Warsaw - Livonia
F Greece Holds

A Belgium - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Edinburgh - Denmark
F Holland - Kiel (*fails*)

F North Sea Convoys Edinburgh - Denmark
F Norway Supports Sweden
F Skagerrak Supports Edinburgh - Denmark

A Burgundy Supports Ruhr - Munich
A Ruhr - Munich

A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Gascony - Paris
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

F Baltic Sea - Kiel (*fails*)

A Kiel - Ruhr (*bounce*)
A Munich Supports Kiel - Ruhr (*dislodged*)
F Denmark Supports Baltic Sea - Kiel (*dislodged*)

A Trieste - Apulia (*invalid*)

A Venice - Trieste (*fails*)
A Tyrolia - Vienna
F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunisia Supports Naples - Ionian Sea

A Moscow - Warsaw (*bounce*)

F Rumania Supports Greece - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Sweden Supports Edinburgh - Denmark
A Ukraine - Sevastopol (*fails*)


A Bulgaria - Serbia (*bounce*)
F Black Sea Convoys Constantinople - Armenia
A Constantinople - Armenia (*bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Aegean Sea

Germany's F Denmark may retreat to Helgoland Bight or OTB

Germany's A Munich may retreat to Berlin, Silesia, Bohemia, Tyrolia, or OTB

Next Deadline:
Summer 1903 retreats are due on Tuesday, April 16, at 4pm CDT (9pm GMT)

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com
Dc 449: Fall 1903 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Apr 15, 2013, 7:23 pm)
Tuesday is April 16th.  
Thanks Jake.  I fixed it on the website but its still wrong here.

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hey All,

Russia takes a sharp haircut - losing 3 centers to 3 different players.  Italy moves hard west and gets moved in hard against to the east.


Russian A Sevastopol can retreat to Ukraine or Moscow.
Italian A Venice can retreat to Tyrolia or Tuscany or Rome or

Next Deadline:
Autumn Orders are due Tuesday, April 15th at Midnight GMT, (7:00pm EST)

A Apulia Supports A Trieste - Venice
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Budapest - Rumania
F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Trieste - Venice
A Tyrolia - Vienna

F Belgium - English Channel (*Disbanded*)
A London - Denmark (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Convoys A London - Denmark
F Wales Supports F Belgium - English Channel

A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Fails*)

F English Channel - Belgium
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports A Spain
A Picardy Supports F English Channel - Belgium
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Cut*)

F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*)

A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Holland Supports F English Channel - Belgium
A Munich Hold
F Norway Supports A Sweden
A Sweden Supports F Norway

F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc) (*Cut*)

A Venice Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)

F Gulf of Bothnia - Finland
F Rumania Supports A Sevastopol (*Disbanded*)
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania (*Dislodged*)

A St Petersburg Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - Finland
A Warsaw - Prussia

A Armenia Supports F Black Sea - Sevastopol
F Black Sea - Sevastopol
F Constantinople - Black Sea

Alan Farrington


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