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DC435 Russian Game End Statement - Slangers   (Dec 21, 2012, 7:27 am)
DC 435 Russian Game End Statement
Well, needless to say I am thrilled at the outcome of this
game. There was a point in the early stages where I felt sure that I would be
the first to be eliminated, but thankfully I resisted the early attentions of Turkey
along my southern border and won through.
The initial plan for me was to join forces with England and
France to take out Germany early on, whilst cultivating a relationship withItaly and Turkey to bring down Austria. This was a natural approach to take as
the original Germany was a newbie and wasn't communicating at all prior to his
withdrawal. This plan soon had to be abandoned as Patrick didn't seem very committed
to the cause and Garry seemed to be too effective a potential ally to just
throw to the wolves. More to the point Zach caught me cold in 1901 and massed his
forces on my southern border. It was John who handed me a lifeline by not
taking St Petersburg when it was open and free. That stopped me collapsing
completely as defences were rather stretched for the first two or three years.
My gratitude was bottomless, as shown by my stab of England at the first
possible opportunity to make a cheap gain.
To handle the difficult scenario in the south I worked hard
to be friendly to Italy. Wesley was great and heroically put his own position
at risk by sailing fleets east to distract the Turk for me. I don't think he
ever really recovered from that early and ultimately fruitless foray east. As
France ploughed into England and Germany started to grow slowly and ominously
as a power, I remained in fear for my survival until suddenly Turkey had a
change of heart and abandoned the potentially game-winning alliance with
Austria and stabbed Craig. I used this to my advantage, seizing Budapest for
myself and then stabbing Turkey immediately to ensure that I took Ankara.
Suddenly things were looking rosy in the south.
Now I had to make a difficult decision in the north and in a
controversial move, which could ruin the family Christmas, grabbed Norway from
England while he was away on his holidays. This gave impetus to Germany whothen did exactly as I had hoped and threw everything west in a massive attack
on France. I kept this under control by not providing help to invade England as
promised. Once Garry had strayed too far west I hit him in Berlin. This took me
to 10 sc and I knew a win was possible if only I could prevent a coalition
forming a stalemate line. France was critical here and I urged Patrick to fight
back against the German aggression, thereby tying critical German units up-stopping a decent barrier going up against my advance. Whilst Italy and Austria
made repeated errors in a last ditch but very accident-prone alliance (possibly
somebody was disrupting their communications I suspect), Germany appeared to
stop talking to everybody and hence an opportunity was lost to hold the line. England
remarkably rejoined the Russian cause and victory was almost assured. The 4 sc
gained in 1906 to take me to 16, resulting from a lot of risk taking in theAustria-Turkey theatre of war, effectively sealed the win.
Huge thanks to all of my opponents for playing the game.
Special thanks to Craig for his ever-cheerful presence as Austria and to Garry
for stepping in at the beginning and proving to be such a good ally, at least
for a short while. Apologies to, well, everyone apart from Patrick, for being
stabbed by me with such good grace. Never have I played such a dirty,
underhand, aggressive, deceitful, over-bearing game and it feels very good, but
in a slightly soiled way. I think my next game will be a quieter, more measured
Craig (GM) did a magnificent job with this game- a virtually
flawless run at a very difficult task. Thanks very much for all of the timetaken to keep the game running and to whip it along to a quick conclusion ahead
of Christmas.
Having said all that and reviewed my very positive
experience in this game, I think I should just revisit the accusation of some
sort of collusion or "meta-gaming" that unfortunately came up before the end.
Naturally I refute that suggestion completely and to have it come from one of
the moderators of DC was especially offensive. I am sad to say, it makes methink hard about where I may play my Diplomacy in future. It is a real shame
that Garry had to equate his complete
and utter failure to organise any effective defence against my forces with some
sort of underhand arrangement on my part, with a relative. This really marred
what had been a very enjoyable playing experience in DC435. If Garry is
watching my games closely in future as promised, I hope he enjoys the show and
learns some new moves...
Merry Christmas everybody. A Russian Christmas is a special
occasion- vodka will be sent to our subjects all over Europe.
Best wishes
Tsar Slangers I


DC435 Russian Game End Statement (dc435) Slangers Dec 21, 07:27 am
DC 435 Russian Game End Statement
Well, needless to say I am thrilled at the outcome of this
game. There was a point in the early stages where I felt sure that I would be
the first to be eliminated, but thankfully I resisted the early attentions of Turkey
along my southern border and won through.
The initial plan for me was to join forces with England and
France to take out Germany early on, whilst cultivating a relationship withItaly and Turkey to bring down Austria. This was a natural approach to take as
the original Germany was a newbie and wasn't communicating at all prior to his
withdrawal. This plan soon had to be abandoned as Patrick didn't seem very committed
to the cause and Garry seemed to be too effective a potential ally to just
throw to the wolves. More to the point Zach caught me cold in 1901 and massed his
forces on my southern border. It was John who handed me a lifeline by not
taking St Petersburg when it was open and free. That stopped me collapsing
completely as defences were rather stretched for the first two or three years.
My gratitude was bottomless, as shown by my stab of England at the first
possible opportunity to make a cheap gain.
To handle the difficult scenario in the south I worked hard
to be friendly to Italy. Wesley was great and heroically put his own position
at risk by sailing fleets east to distract the Turk for me. I don't think he
ever really recovered from that early and ultimately fruitless foray east. As
France ploughed into England and Germany started to grow slowly and ominously
as a power, I remained in fear for my survival until suddenly Turkey had a
change of heart and abandoned the potentially game-winning alliance with
Austria and stabbed Craig. I used this to my advantage, seizing Budapest for
myself and then stabbing Turkey immediately to ensure that I took Ankara.
Suddenly things were looking rosy in the south.
Now I had to make a difficult decision in the north and in a
controversial move, which could ruin the family Christmas, grabbed Norway from
England while he was away on his holidays. This gave impetus to Germany whothen did exactly as I had hoped and threw everything west in a massive attack
on France. I kept this under control by not providing help to invade England as
promised. Once Garry had strayed too far west I hit him in Berlin. This took me
to 10 sc and I knew a win was possible if only I could prevent a coalition
forming a stalemate line. France was critical here and I urged Patrick to fight
back against the German aggression, thereby tying critical German units up-stopping a decent barrier going up against my advance. Whilst Italy and Austria
made repeated errors in a last ditch but very accident-prone alliance (possibly
somebody was disrupting their communications I suspect), Germany appeared to
stop talking to everybody and hence an opportunity was lost to hold the line. England
remarkably rejoined the Russian cause and victory was almost assured. The 4 sc
gained in 1906 to take me to 16, resulting from a lot of risk taking in theAustria-Turkey theatre of war, effectively sealed the win.
Huge thanks to all of my opponents for playing the game.
Special thanks to Craig for his ever-cheerful presence as Austria and to Garry
for stepping in at the beginning and proving to be such a good ally, at least
for a short while. Apologies to, well, everyone apart from Patrick, for being
stabbed by me with such good grace. Never have I played such a dirty,
underhand, aggressive, deceitful, over-bearing game and it feels very good, but
in a slightly soiled way. I think my next game will be a quieter, more measured
Craig (GM) did a magnificent job with this game- a virtually
flawless run at a very difficult task. Thanks very much for all of the timetaken to keep the game running and to whip it along to a quick conclusion ahead
of Christmas.
Having said all that and reviewed my very positive
experience in this game, I think I should just revisit the accusation of some
sort of collusion or "meta-gaming" that unfortunately came up before the end.
Naturally I refute that suggestion completely and to have it come from one of
the moderators of DC was especially offensive. I am sad to say, it makes methink hard about where I may play my Diplomacy in future. It is a real shame
that Garry had to equate his complete
and utter failure to organise any effective defence against my forces with some
sort of underhand arrangement on my part, with a relative. This really marred
what had been a very enjoyable playing experience in DC435. If Garry is
watching my games closely in future as promised, I hope he enjoys the show and
learns some new moves...
Merry Christmas everybody. A Russian Christmas is a special
occasion- vodka will be sent to our subjects all over Europe.
Best wishes
Tsar Slangers I
DC435 Russian Game End Statement - Slangers   (Dec 21, 2012, 7:27 am)
DC 435 Russian Game End Statement
Well, needless to say I am thrilled at the outcome of this
game. There was a point in the early stages where I felt sure that I would be
the first to be eliminated, but thankfully I resisted the early attentions of Turkey
along my southern border and won through.
The initial plan for me was to join forces with England and
France to take out Germany early on, whilst cultivating a relationship withItaly and Turkey to bring down Austria. This was a natural approach to take as
the original Germany was a newbie and wasn't communicating at all prior to his
withdrawal. This plan soon had to be abandoned as Patrick didn't seem very committed
to the cause and Garry seemed to be too effective a potential ally to just
throw to the wolves. More to the point Zach caught me cold in 1901 and massed his
forces on my southern border. It was John who handed me a lifeline by not
taking St Petersburg when it was open and free. That stopped me collapsing
completely as defences were rather stretched for the first two or three years.
My gratitude was bottomless, as shown by my stab of England at the first
possible opportunity to make a cheap gain.
To handle the difficult scenario in the south I worked hard
to be friendly to Italy. Wesley was great and heroically put his own position
at risk by sailing fleets east to distract the Turk for me. I don't think he
ever really recovered from that early and ultimately fruitless foray east. As
France ploughed into England and Germany started to grow slowly and ominously
as a power, I remained in fear for my survival until suddenly Turkey had a
change of heart and abandoned the potentially game-winning alliance with
Austria and stabbed Craig. I used this to my advantage, seizing Budapest for
myself and then stabbing Turkey immediately to ensure that I took Ankara.
Suddenly things were looking rosy in the south.
Now I had to make a difficult decision in the north and in a
controversial move, which could ruin the family Christmas, grabbed Norway from
England while he was away on his holidays. This gave impetus to Germany whothen did exactly as I had hoped and threw everything west in a massive attack
on France. I kept this under control by not providing help to invade England as
promised. Once Garry had strayed too far west I hit him in Berlin. This took me
to 10 sc and I knew a win was possible if only I could prevent a coalition
forming a stalemate line. France was critical here and I urged Patrick to fight
back against the German aggression, thereby tying critical German units up-stopping a decent barrier going up against my advance. Whilst Italy and Austria
made repeated errors in a last ditch but very accident-prone alliance (possibly
somebody was disrupting their communications I suspect), Germany appeared to
stop talking to everybody and hence an opportunity was lost to hold the line. England
remarkably rejoined the Russian cause and victory was almost assured. The 4 sc
gained in 1906 to take me to 16, resulting from a lot of risk taking in theAustria-Turkey theatre of war, effectively sealed the win.
Huge thanks to all of my opponents for playing the game.
Special thanks to Craig for his ever-cheerful presence as Austria and to Garry
for stepping in at the beginning and proving to be such a good ally, at least
for a short while. Apologies to, well, everyone apart from Patrick, for being
stabbed by me with such good grace. Never have I played such a dirty,
underhand, aggressive, deceitful, over-bearing game and it feels very good, but
in a slightly soiled way. I think my next game will be a quieter, more measured
Craig (GM) did a magnificent job with this game- a virtually
flawless run at a very difficult task. Thanks very much for all of the timetaken to keep the game running and to whip it along to a quick conclusion ahead
of Christmas.
Having said all that and reviewed my very positive
experience in this game, I think I should just revisit the accusation of some
sort of collusion or "meta-gaming" that unfortunately came up before the end.
Naturally I refute that suggestion completely and to have it come from one of
the moderators of DC was especially offensive. I am sad to say, it makes methink hard about where I may play my Diplomacy in future. It is a real shame
that Garry had to equate his complete
and utter failure to organise any effective defence against my forces with some
sort of underhand arrangement on my part, with a relative. This really marred
what had been a very enjoyable playing experience in DC435. If Garry is
watching my games closely in future as promised, I hope he enjoys the show and
learns some new moves...
Merry Christmas everybody. A Russian Christmas is a special
occasion- vodka will be sent to our subjects all over Europe.
Best wishes
Tsar Slangers I


DC435 Fall 07 REVISED results with maps - Game Ove... - cbconnell   (Dec 21, 2012, 7:13 am)
Welcome to the Game Grid...
Simon has pointed out that I made a mistake on his Constantinople orders, and in fact he was able to take Bulgaria this season, giving him 18 supply centers and the win! The game is now concluded.??

All the other results remained the same.??
Thank you all for a great game.??
ALL PLAYERS -????take the time and submit an??end??of??game??statement.??For those unfamiliar with these, this is where all the players analyse or describe the??game??from their perspective, covering (in as much detail as they wish) their thinking during the??game, the moves they made etc. ??Email these to the??dc435(at)diplomaticcorp.com??address and copy them to all players.??

Movement results for Fall of 1907.
England: F Belgium Supports F Helgoland Bight - Holland.England: A Edinburgh - Yorkshire.England: F Helgoland Bight - Holland.

France: A Brest Hold.France: A Burgundy - Ruhr.France: A Paris - Burgundy.France: F Picardy - English Channel.
Germany: F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Disbanded*).
Germany: A Kiel Supports F North Sea - Denmark (*Disbanded*).Germany: A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Disbanded*).Germany: F North Sea - Denmark (*Fails*).
Italy: F Adriatic Sea - Venice.
Italy: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*).Italy: A Albania Supports A Trieste - Serbia.Italy: F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc).Italy: A Trieste - Serbia (*Fails*).

Russia: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Livonia - Kiel.Russia: A Berlin Supports A Livonia - Kiel.Russia: F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Bounce*).Russia: A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich.
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Serbia.Russia: F Bulgaria(sc) - Greece (*Fails*).Russia: A Constantinople Supports F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec).Russia: F Denmark Supports A Livonia - Kiel (*Cut*).
Russia: A Livonia - Kiel.Russia: F Norway - North Sea (*Fails*).Russia: A Prussia Supports A Berlin.Russia: A Serbia Supports F Bulgaria(sc) - Greece (*Cut*).Russia: A Silesia - Munich.
Russia: A Smyrna Hold.Russia: A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - Munich.Russia: A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*).
Unit locations:
England: ?? F Belgium, F Holland, A Yorkshire.
France: ?? ??A Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Ruhr.Germany: ?? F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich, F North Sea.Italy: ?? ?? F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Trieste, F Venice.Russia: ?? ??F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Munich, F Norway, A Prussia, A Serbia, A Smyrna, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.France: ?? ??Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Holland.
Italy: ?? ?? Greece, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Denmark, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Norway, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.

Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??4 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.France: ?? ?? 5 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.
Germany: ?? ??1 Supply center, ?? 4 Units: ??Removes ??3 units.Italy: ?? ?? ??6 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.Russia: ?? ??18 Supply centers, 16 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

The next phase of dc435 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1907.


DC435 Fall 07 REVISED results with maps - Game Over (dc435) cryhavoc Dec 21, 08:07 am
Drat! Not brilliant enough, I guess.
Imperium! - Zoterik   (Dec 21, 2012, 4:29 am)
Want to be a part of something never before experienced in DC? Join my game of Imperium, and fight over the still-glowing embers of a dying empire.

It's a perfect game for 21 December, on the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. We can look for longer days to come and the rise of new empires and nations out of the ashes of the IMPERIVM·ROMANVM!

Three spots remain in this six-person variant. Join now and claim your right to establish a kingdom to stand the test of time!


Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Feb 18, 06:59 am
Two spots are still available in Imperium. Don't let the start put you off—this is one of the most immediately exciting Diplomacy games you may ever play!
Imperium! (Open Games) Zagadka Feb 19, 02:57 pm

I have little experience with Diplomacy but I am eager to get better acquainted. If you consider me qualified to play, I would be happy to participate.
Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 01, 03:40 am
One more spot for the adventurous diplomat!
Imperium! (Open Games) persuader Mar 19, 03:44 pm
Just signed up and interested in getting into a game.
Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 29, 03:00 am
Still looking for a brave soul to join Imperium, and two more for Aberration. Preferably someone who won't fail to respond when greeted.
DC435 results with maps - cbconnell   (Dec 20, 2012, 11:23 pm)
Welcome to the Game Grid...
First, lets say a big "Thank You" to Garry for playing Germany on this game. Germany lost all his supply centers this season, and the one remaining unit will be disbanded in the Winter adjustments. Italy perhaps made a??brilliant (? really?)??move by releasing "fake" orders and then doing something completely different. He was able to get two supply centers out of it - seems effective to me! ??Russia made some big moves in Northern??Europe??- wiping out much of Germany, but failed to get the 18 supply centers he wanted to end the game. This means we move on to 1908!

I need adjustment orders from England (build 2), France (build 1), Italy (build 2) and Russia (build 2).
Let's have these Winter Adjustments due on Saturday December 22 at 9:00 PM MST (04:00 23-12-12 GMT)

Then we will break for Christmas. Spring 08 orders will be Due on Tuesday, January 2 at 9:00 PM MST (04:00 3-1-13 GMT)
Movement results for Fall of 1907.

England: F Belgium Supports F Helgoland Bight - Holland.England: A Edinburgh - Yorkshire.England: F Helgoland Bight - Holland.
France: A Brest Hold.
France: A Burgundy - Ruhr.France: A Paris - Burgundy.France: F Picardy - English Channel.
Germany: F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Disbanded*).Germany: A Kiel Supports F North Sea - Denmark (*Disbanded*).
Germany: A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Disbanded*).Germany: F North Sea - Denmark (*Fails*).
Italy: F Adriatic Sea - Venice.Italy: F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc).Italy: A Albania Supports A Trieste - Serbia.
Italy: F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc).Italy: A Trieste - Serbia (*Fails*).
Russia: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Livonia - Kiel.Russia: A Berlin Supports A Livonia - Kiel.
Russia: F Black Sea - Bulgaria(ec) (*Fails*).Russia: A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich.Russia: A Budapest Supports A Serbia.Russia: F Bulgaria(sc) - Greece (*Disbanded*).
Russia: A Constantinople Supports F Black Sea - Bulgaria (*Void*).Russia: F Denmark Supports A Livonia - Kiel (*Cut*).Russia: A Livonia - Kiel.Russia: F Norway - North Sea (*Fails*).
Russia: A Prussia Supports A Berlin.Russia: A Serbia Supports F Bulgaria(sc) - Greece (*Cut*).Russia: A Silesia - Munich.Russia: A Smyrna Hold.Russia: A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - Munich.
Russia: A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*).
Unit locations:
England: ?? F Belgium, F Holland, A Yorkshire.France: ?? ??A Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Ruhr.
Germany: ?? F North Sea.Italy: ?? ?? A Albania, F Bulgaria(sc), F Greece, A Trieste, F Venice.Russia: ?? ??F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Munich, F Norway, A Prussia, A Serbia, A Smyrna, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

Ownership of supply centers:
England: ?? Belgium, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London.France: ?? ??Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Italy: ?? ?? Bulgaria, Greece, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: ?? ??Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Constantinople, Denmark, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Norway, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Austria: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
England: ?? ??5 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.France: ?? ?? 5 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Builds ?? 1 unit.Germany: ?? ??0 Supply centers, ??1 Unit: ?? Removes ??1 unit.Italy: ?? ?? ??7 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.
Russia: ?? ??17 Supply centers, 15 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
The next phase of dc435 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1907.

---end of line---


Oceania DC437\Winter/2003 Results! Spring 2004 Due... - hapolley   (Dec 20, 2012, 7:58 am)
Hit send before adding attachments!


[OCEANIA_DC437 Spring 2004 Due Sunday 06 Jan 2013 (at)2400 hrs MT]
[YES there is a Century change from 1900 to 2000]
I did this because Diplomaticcorp.com used 2000 for game start.  
Note Retreats and Removals have changed, you may wish to 
update spring orders!
Japa    : Build; F nsh, F ryu
Mars    : Retreats A smi - maj, Remove; A kwa
Zeal    : Retreats F SSP - SWP, Build; F kei, A wel
Neutral : DANGER! Usoa has No Home Centers Left!,
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



Oceania DC437\Winter/2003 Results! Spring 2004 Due... - hapolley   (Dec 20, 2012, 7:53 am)
[OCEANIA_DC437 Spring 2004 Due Sunday 06 Jan 2013 (at)2400 hrs MT]
[YES there is a Century change from 1900 to 2000]
I did this because Diplomaticcorp.com used 2000 for game start.  
Note Retreats and Removals have changed, you may wish to 
update spring orders!
Japa    : Build; F nsh, F ryu
Mars    : Retreats A smi - maj, Remove; A kwa
Zeal    : Retreats F SSP - SWP, Build; F kei, A wel
Neutral : DANGER! Usoa has No Home Centers Left!,
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



Oceania DC437\Winter/2003 Results! Spring 2004 Due! (dc437) hapolley Dec 20, 07:58 am
Hit send before adding attachments!


[OCEANIA_DC437 Spring 2004 Due Sunday 06 Jan 2013 (at)2400 hrs MT]
[YES there is a Century change from 1900 to 2000]
I did this because Diplomaticcorp.com used 2000 for game start.  
Note Retreats and Removals have changed, you may wish to 
update spring orders!
Japa    : Build; F nsh, F ryu
Mars    : Retreats A smi - maj, Remove; A kwa
Zeal    : Retreats F SSP - SWP, Build; F kei, A wel
Neutral : DANGER! Usoa has No Home Centers Left!,
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca

DC435 Fall 07 Orders v. 1 Italy - cryhavoc   (Dec 19, 2012, 2:57 pm)
Hi Craig,Here are my orders for Fall 1907.
A Tri StandsF ADR S A TriA Alb S A TriF AEG - Bul (sc)F Gre S F AEG - Bul (sc)



DC435 Summer 07 results with maps - cbconnell   (Dec 18, 2012, 2:09 pm)
Welcome to the Game Grid...
Germany was kind enough to give me final orders before the deadline, so we will proceed to Fall 07 early. If we are??truly??going to be able to end the game this season, my thought is to get it done before the Christmas holiday. If it does not finish by Winter 07, we will postpone any further moves until after January 1, 2013

Fall 07 orders??therefore??are due on Thursday, December 20 at 9:00 pm MST (04:00 21-12-12 GMT)
Retreat orders for Spring of 1907. ??(dc435)

Germany: F Belgium - North Sea.
Unit locations:
England: ?? F Belgium, A Edinburgh, F Helgoland Bight.France: ?? ??A Brest, A Burgundy, A Paris, F Picardy.
Germany: ?? F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich, F North Sea.Italy: ?? ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Trieste.Russia: ?? ??F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Livonia, F Norway, A Prussia, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Smyrna, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: ?? Serbia.England: ?? Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.France: ?? ??Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Brest, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: ?? ?? Greece, Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Denmark, Moscow, ??Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Sweden, Trieste, Vienna, Warsaw.

The next phase of dc435 will be Movement for Fall of 1907.


DC435 Spring 07 results with maps - Slangers   (Dec 18, 2012, 12:38 pm)
It is a shame that you felt compelled to make this insinuation to all in the game and to the DC community in general via the forum. I'm pretty offended and disappointed that such an exciting game, played in such a generous spirit (and not one NMR from anyone) should end on a bum note.

On Dec 18, 2012, at 12:55 PM, garry b <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

So I get the move to Bre but why would nobody the move on Bel? That's just dumb. A loss to a solo counts the same irrespective of SC count. 
Why would you essentially give the game to Russia? I will be watching your other games to ensure there is no meta-gaming because this just doesn't make sense.
I retreat to NTH

On Dec 17, 2012, at 11:25 PM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Welcome to the Game Grid...
Germany is fighting to survive... France disbanded the German army in Brest, while England dislodged Germany in Belgium. Italy was able to take Trieste this season, but we will see if he will be able to hold it in the Fall. Russia moved everything west... setting up his end game positions.

Also gentlemen... please watch your orders when Fleets are moving on land. i.e. Italy did not include a coast for his move on Bulgaria, it did not make any difference in this case however.

Germany's Fleet in Belgium can retreat to North Sea or disband.

Summer 07 retreat orders are due Wednesday, December 19 at 9:00 PM MST (04:00 20-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1907.  (dc435)
England: A Edinburgh Hold.England: F English Channel - Belgium.England: F Helgoland Bight - Holland (*Fails*).

France: A Gascony - Brest.France: A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: A Paris Supports A Gascony - Brest.France: F Picardy Supports F English Channel - Belgium.

Germany: F Belgium Supports F English Channel - North Sea (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Brest Hold (*Disbanded*).Germany: F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*).Germany: A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*).
Germany: A Munich Supports A Kiel.
Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Bulgaria.Italy: A Albania Supports A Venice - Trieste.
Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria (*Invalid Coast*).Italy: A Venice - Trieste.
Russia: A Berlin Supports F Denmark - Kiel.Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Serbia.
Russia: F Bulgaria(sc) Hold.Russia: A Constantinople Supports F Bulgaria(sc).Russia: F Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*).Russia: A Galicia - Bohemia.Russia: A Moscow - Livonia.
Russia: A Rumania - Serbia.Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.Russia: A Silesia Supports A Berlin.Russia: A Smyrna Supports A Constantinople.Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway.
Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea.Russia: A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.
The following units were dislodged:

German F Belgium can retreat to North Sea.
Unit locations:
England:   F Belgium, A Edinburgh, F Helgoland Bight.France:    A Brest, A Burgundy, A Paris, F Picardy.
Germany:   F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich.Italy:     F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Trieste.Russia:    F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Livonia, F Norway, A Prussia, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Smyrna, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

The next phase of dc435 will be Retreats for Spring of 1907.
---end of line---
<DC435 Spring 07.GIF><dc435.dpy><DC435 Spring 07 with names.GIF>


DC435 Spring 07 results with maps - garry.bledsoe   (Dec 18, 2012, 6:55 am)
So I get the move to Bre but why would nobody the move on Bel? That's just dumb. A loss to a solo counts the same irrespective of SC count. 
Why would you essentially give the game to Russia? I will be watching your other games to ensure there is no meta-gaming because this just doesn't make sense.
I retreat to NTH

On Dec 17, 2012, at 11:25 PM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Welcome to the Game Grid...
Germany is fighting to survive... France disbanded the German army in Brest, while England dislodged Germany in Belgium. Italy was able to take Trieste this season, but we will see if he will be able to hold it in the Fall. Russia moved everything west... setting up his end game positions.

Also gentlemen... please watch your orders when Fleets are moving on land. i.e. Italy did not include a coast for his move on Bulgaria, it did not make any difference in this case however.

Germany's Fleet in Belgium can retreat to North Sea or disband.

Summer 07 retreat orders are due Wednesday, December 19 at 9:00 PM MST (04:00 20-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1907.  (dc435)
England: A Edinburgh Hold.England: F English Channel - Belgium.England: F Helgoland Bight - Holland (*Fails*).

France: A Gascony - Brest.France: A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: A Paris Supports A Gascony - Brest.France: F Picardy Supports F English Channel - Belgium.

Germany: F Belgium Supports F English Channel - North Sea (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Brest Hold (*Disbanded*).Germany: F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*).Germany: A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*).
Germany: A Munich Supports A Kiel.
Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Bulgaria.Italy: A Albania Supports A Venice - Trieste.
Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria (*Invalid Coast*).Italy: A Venice - Trieste.
Russia: A Berlin Supports F Denmark - Kiel.Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Serbia.
Russia: F Bulgaria(sc) Hold.Russia: A Constantinople Supports F Bulgaria(sc).Russia: F Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*).Russia: A Galicia - Bohemia.Russia: A Moscow - Livonia.
Russia: A Rumania - Serbia.Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.Russia: A Silesia Supports A Berlin.Russia: A Smyrna Supports A Constantinople.Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway.
Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea.Russia: A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.
The following units were dislodged:

German F Belgium can retreat to North Sea.
Unit locations:
England:   F Belgium, A Edinburgh, F Helgoland Bight.France:    A Brest, A Burgundy, A Paris, F Picardy.
Germany:   F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich.Italy:     F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Trieste.Russia:    F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Livonia, F Norway, A Prussia, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Smyrna, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

The next phase of dc435 will be Retreats for Spring of 1907.
---end of line---
<DC435 Spring 07.GIF><dc435.dpy><DC435 Spring 07 with names.GIF>


DC435 Spring 07 results with maps - cbconnell   (Dec 17, 2012, 11:25 pm)
Welcome to the Game Grid...
Germany is fighting to survive... France disbanded the German army in Brest, while England dislodged Germany in Belgium. Italy was able to take Trieste this season, but we will see if he will be able to hold it in the Fall. Russia moved everything west... setting up his end game positions.

Also gentlemen... please watch your orders when Fleets are moving on land. i.e. Italy did not include a coast for his move on Bulgaria, it did not make any difference in this case however.

Germany's Fleet in Belgium can retreat to North Sea or disband.

Summer 07 retreat orders are due Wednesday, December 19 at 9:00 PM MST (04:00 20-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1907. ??(dc435)
England: A Edinburgh Hold.England: F English Channel - Belgium.England: F Helgoland Bight - Holland (*Fails*).

France: A Gascony - Brest.France: A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: A Paris Supports A Gascony - Brest.France: F Picardy Supports F English Channel - Belgium.

Germany: F Belgium Supports F English Channel - North Sea (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Brest Hold (*Disbanded*).Germany: F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*).Germany: A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*).
Germany: A Munich Supports A Kiel.
Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Bulgaria.Italy: A Albania Supports A Venice - Trieste.
Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria (*Invalid Coast*).Italy: A Venice - Trieste.
Russia: A Berlin Supports F Denmark - Kiel.Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Serbia.
Russia: F Bulgaria(sc) Hold.Russia: A Constantinople Supports F Bulgaria(sc).Russia: F Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*).Russia: A Galicia - Bohemia.Russia: A Moscow - Livonia.
Russia: A Rumania - Serbia.Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.Russia: A Silesia Supports A Berlin.Russia: A Smyrna Supports A Constantinople.Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway.
Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea.Russia: A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.
The following units were dislodged:

German F Belgium can retreat to North Sea.
Unit locations:
England: ?? F Belgium, A Edinburgh, F Helgoland Bight.France: ?? ??A Brest, A Burgundy, A Paris, F Picardy.
Germany: ?? F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich.Italy: ?? ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Trieste.Russia: ?? ??F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Livonia, F Norway, A Prussia, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Smyrna, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

The next phase of dc435 will be Retreats for Spring of 1907.
---end of line---


DC435 Spring 07 results with maps (dc435) garry.bledsoe Dec 18, 06:55 am
So I get the move to Bre but why would nobody the move on Bel? That's just dumb. A loss to a solo counts the same irrespective of SC count. 
Why would you essentially give the game to Russia? I will be watching your other games to ensure there is no meta-gaming because this just doesn't make sense.
I retreat to NTH

On Dec 17, 2012, at 11:25 PM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Welcome to the Game Grid...
Germany is fighting to survive... France disbanded the German army in Brest, while England dislodged Germany in Belgium. Italy was able to take Trieste this season, but we will see if he will be able to hold it in the Fall. Russia moved everything west... setting up his end game positions.

Also gentlemen... please watch your orders when Fleets are moving on land. i.e. Italy did not include a coast for his move on Bulgaria, it did not make any difference in this case however.

Germany's Fleet in Belgium can retreat to North Sea or disband.

Summer 07 retreat orders are due Wednesday, December 19 at 9:00 PM MST (04:00 20-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1907.  (dc435)
England: A Edinburgh Hold.England: F English Channel - Belgium.England: F Helgoland Bight - Holland (*Fails*).

France: A Gascony - Brest.France: A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: A Paris Supports A Gascony - Brest.France: F Picardy Supports F English Channel - Belgium.

Germany: F Belgium Supports F English Channel - North Sea (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Brest Hold (*Disbanded*).Germany: F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*).Germany: A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*).
Germany: A Munich Supports A Kiel.
Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Bulgaria.Italy: A Albania Supports A Venice - Trieste.
Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria (*Invalid Coast*).Italy: A Venice - Trieste.
Russia: A Berlin Supports F Denmark - Kiel.Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Serbia.
Russia: F Bulgaria(sc) Hold.Russia: A Constantinople Supports F Bulgaria(sc).Russia: F Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*).Russia: A Galicia - Bohemia.Russia: A Moscow - Livonia.
Russia: A Rumania - Serbia.Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.Russia: A Silesia Supports A Berlin.Russia: A Smyrna Supports A Constantinople.Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway.
Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea.Russia: A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.
The following units were dislodged:

German F Belgium can retreat to North Sea.
Unit locations:
England:   F Belgium, A Edinburgh, F Helgoland Bight.France:    A Brest, A Burgundy, A Paris, F Picardy.
Germany:   F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich.Italy:     F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Trieste.Russia:    F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Livonia, F Norway, A Prussia, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Smyrna, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

The next phase of dc435 will be Retreats for Spring of 1907.
---end of line---
<DC435 Spring 07.GIF><dc435.dpy><DC435 Spring 07 with names.GIF>
DC435 Spring 07 results with maps (dc435) Slangers Dec 18, 12:38 pm
It is a shame that you felt compelled to make this insinuation to all in the game and to the DC community in general via the forum. I'm pretty offended and disappointed that such an exciting game, played in such a generous spirit (and not one NMR from anyone) should end on a bum note.

On Dec 18, 2012, at 12:55 PM, garry b <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

So I get the move to Bre but why would nobody the move on Bel? That's just dumb. A loss to a solo counts the same irrespective of SC count. 
Why would you essentially give the game to Russia? I will be watching your other games to ensure there is no meta-gaming because this just doesn't make sense.
I retreat to NTH

On Dec 17, 2012, at 11:25 PM, Craig Connell <cbconnell(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Welcome to the Game Grid...
Germany is fighting to survive... France disbanded the German army in Brest, while England dislodged Germany in Belgium. Italy was able to take Trieste this season, but we will see if he will be able to hold it in the Fall. Russia moved everything west... setting up his end game positions.

Also gentlemen... please watch your orders when Fleets are moving on land. i.e. Italy did not include a coast for his move on Bulgaria, it did not make any difference in this case however.

Germany's Fleet in Belgium can retreat to North Sea or disband.

Summer 07 retreat orders are due Wednesday, December 19 at 9:00 PM MST (04:00 20-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1907.  (dc435)
England: A Edinburgh Hold.England: F English Channel - Belgium.England: F Helgoland Bight - Holland (*Fails*).

France: A Gascony - Brest.France: A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: A Paris Supports A Gascony - Brest.France: F Picardy Supports F English Channel - Belgium.

Germany: F Belgium Supports F English Channel - North Sea (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Brest Hold (*Disbanded*).Germany: F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*).Germany: A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*).
Germany: A Munich Supports A Kiel.
Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece - Bulgaria.Italy: A Albania Supports A Venice - Trieste.
Italy: F Greece - Bulgaria (*Invalid Coast*).Italy: A Venice - Trieste.
Russia: A Berlin Supports F Denmark - Kiel.Russia: A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Serbia.
Russia: F Bulgaria(sc) Hold.Russia: A Constantinople Supports F Bulgaria(sc).Russia: F Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*).Russia: A Galicia - Bohemia.Russia: A Moscow - Livonia.
Russia: A Rumania - Serbia.Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.Russia: A Silesia Supports A Berlin.Russia: A Smyrna Supports A Constantinople.Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway.
Russia: F Sweden - Baltic Sea.Russia: A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Vienna Supports A Trieste - Tyrolia.Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.
The following units were dislodged:

German F Belgium can retreat to North Sea.
Unit locations:
England:   F Belgium, A Edinburgh, F Helgoland Bight.France:    A Brest, A Burgundy, A Paris, F Picardy.
Germany:   F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich.Italy:     F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Trieste.Russia:    F Baltic Sea, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Bohemia, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Livonia, F Norway, A Prussia, A Serbia, A Silesia, A Smyrna, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

The next phase of dc435 will be Retreats for Spring of 1907.
---end of line---
<DC435 Spring 07.GIF><dc435.dpy><DC435 Spring 07 with names.GIF>
DC440: War is raging in Western Europe this year... - mmedeiros   (Dec 13, 2012, 10:12 pm)
Aquitaine, long held by the English, has now fallen to Castilian rule. With decisive tactics the English were expelled from this area. But the victories have only minimal impact on the French condition. With England and Burgundy stripping the French King of his royal realms, he has now been relegated to the northern regions France. And with the loss of much of the King's lands, revenues have fallen and conscripts have dwindled, and the ability to maintain the once great companies of knights and fleets has declined. To the south, the Kingdom of Aragon holds sway over the seas. And in the center, Burgundy has spread its armies rapidly to overcome the French and restore its former size and control.
Let us see what continued war brings in this year of 1302 as the English King enforces his claim over the French crown.....


oceania_1904wt Retreats! Builds/Removals now Due! - hapolley   (Dec 13, 2012, 5:33 pm)
    [Winter Removals/Builds Now due! You may change ones on file!]   
    [Missing only Zealand General Fleming's builds!]   

[Note Program AUTO REMOVED Mars F WEM],
Marshall Islands' General Pollack may remove some other unit!

With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



DC435 Autumn/Winter 06 results with maps - cbconnell   (Dec 13, 2012, 8:04 am)
Welcome to the Game Grid...
Here are the results of the retreats and adjustments for the end of 1906.
Spring 1907 orders are due on Monday, December 17 at 9:00 pm MST (04:00 18-12-12 GMT)

Retreat orders for Fall of 1906.??
England: F Denmark - Helgoland Bight.Italy: A Trieste - Venice.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1906.

France: Build A Marseilles.Russia: Build F St Petersburg(nc).
Russia: Build A Moscow.Russia: Build A Warsaw.Russia: Build F Sevastopol.Turkey: Remove A Syria.

Unit locations:
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F English Channel, F Helgoland Bight.France: ?? ??A Gascony, A Marseilles, A Paris, F Picardy.Germany: ?? F Belgium, A Brest, F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich.
Italy: ?? ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece, A Venice.Russia: ?? ??A Berlin, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Galicia, A Moscow, A Rumania, F Sevastopol, A Silesia, A Smyrna, F St Petersburg(nc), F Sweden, A Trieste, A Vienna, A Warsaw.

Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: ?? Serbia.England: ?? Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.France: ?? ??Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Brest, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: ?? ?? Greece, Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Denmark, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Sweden, Trieste, ??Vienna, Warsaw.

Austria: ?? ??1 Supply center, ?? 0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??3 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.France: ?? ?? 4 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
Germany: ?? ??5 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? ??5 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Russia: ?? ??16 Supply centers, 16 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 0 Supply centers, ??0 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

The next phase of dc435 will be Movement for Spring of 1907.


DC435 End of Game vote - cbconnell   (Dec 12, 2012, 10:29 am)
The results of the vote are that we continue to play.

If you haven't sent them already, I need retreats from Italy and England, and build orders from France and Russia by tonight at 9:00 pm MST




DC435 End of Game vote (dc435) cbconnell Dec 12, 10:29 am
The results of the vote are that we continue to play.

If you haven't sent them already, I need retreats from Italy and England, and build orders from France and Russia by tonight at 9:00 pm MST


DC435 End of Game vote - cbconnell   (Dec 12, 2012, 10:29 am)
The results of the vote are that we continue to play.

If you haven't sent them already, I need retreats from Italy and England, and build orders from France and Russia by tonight at 9:00 pm MST




RETREATS NOW DUE! OCEANIA\Fall/1904 Results! - hapolley   (Dec 11, 2012, 1:34 pm)
Please send in Retreats so Winter Builds can be in by Friday,
after that we will take a break till New Year!
    Mars A smi TO mmi,maj,OTB
- Thanks go out to General Steve Caponigri for his management of the
USA forces! We hope he will come out of retirement to do battle again
one day. [Please send in End Game Statement!]

- General Smith's attempt to interfer with Australia plans makes
little headway!
- General Pollack is missing a much needed fleet but interfers with
Japan's effort to take Wake Island!
- New Zealand and France expanding their sphere of influence!
- Japan once again fails to take Wake Island, but continues
to control large tracks of the Pacific.
- USoA reaches Pitcairn Islands and finds English speaking natives
on Island; they must leave the beaches as Zealand_New and French
forces battle over Island!
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



RETREATS NOW DUE! OCEANIA\Fall/1904 Results! (dc437) hapolley Dec 11, 01:34 pm
Please send in Retreats so Winter Builds can be in by Friday,
after that we will take a break till New Year!
    Mars A smi TO mmi,maj,OTB
- Thanks go out to General Steve Caponigri for his management of the
USA forces! We hope he will come out of retirement to do battle again
one day. [Please send in End Game Statement!]

- General Smith's attempt to interfer with Australia plans makes
little headway!
- General Pollack is missing a much needed fleet but interfers with
Japan's effort to take Wake Island!
- New Zealand and France expanding their sphere of influence!
- Japan once again fails to take Wake Island, but continues
to control large tracks of the Pacific.
- USoA reaches Pitcairn Islands and finds English speaking natives
on Island; they must leave the beaches as Zealand_New and French
forces battle over Island!
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca

RETREATS NOW DUE! OCEANIA\Fall/1904 Results! - hapolley   (Dec 11, 2012, 1:34 pm)
Please send in Retreats so Winter Builds can be in by Friday,
after that we will take a break till New Year!
    Mars A smi TO mmi,maj,OTB
- Thanks go out to General Steve Caponigri for his management of the
USA forces! We hope he will come out of retirement to do battle again
one day. [Please send in End Game Statement!]

- General Smith's attempt to interfer with Australia plans makes
little headway!
- General Pollack is missing a much needed fleet but interfers with
Japan's effort to take Wake Island!
- New Zealand and France expanding their sphere of influence!
- Japan once again fails to take Wake Island, but continues
to control large tracks of the Pacific.
- USoA reaches Pitcairn Islands and finds English speaking natives
on Island; they must leave the beaches as Zealand_New and French
forces battle over Island!
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



DC435 Fall 06 results with maps - cbconnell   (Dec 11, 2012, 8:51 am)
Welcome to the Game Grid...
First, a big thanks to Zach for playing as Turkey. Russia has wiped out all of his supply centers this season and the last remaining unit will be disbanded in the Winter adjustments. Also, both Italy and England were dislodged by Russia - in Trieste and Denmark respectfully.??

As of this season, Russia has 12 supply centers. When we advance to the Winter adjustments, Russia will get 4 builds for a total of 16 supply centers. As you well know, to win the game a player must have 18 supply centers. However, Simon (Russia) has made an end-of-game proposalConfused?Russia - Solo (wins immediately). This proposal must be voted on by all remaining players - England, France, Germany, Italy and Russia. This vote must be unanimous. If one player votes against this proposal, the game moves forward. However, be warned that two more supply centers for Russia in the next year or two will be (almost) assured.??

Please vote YES to agree to the proposal that Russia solo winsPlease vote NO to disagree to the??proposal??- the game moves forward.
Secret votes are due Wednesday 12-12-12 9:00 AM MST (16:00 12-12-12 GMT)

If game is continuing with the adjustments: I need Autumn retreats from Italy and England and Winter adjustments (France 1 build, Russia 4 builds) on Wednesday at 9:00 PM MST (04:00 13-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Fall of 1906.
England: F Denmark - Kiel (*Dislodged*).England: A Edinburgh Hold.England: F English Channel Supports F Picardy - Brest.

France: A Burgundy - Paris.France: A Gascony Supports A Burgundy - Paris.France: F Picardy - Brest (*Fails*).
Germany: F Belgium Supports A Brest - Picardy.

Germany: A Brest - Picardy (*Fails*).Germany: F Holland Supports A Kiel.Germany: A Kiel Supports A Munich - Berlin (*Cut*).Germany: A Munich - Berlin (*Fails*).Germany: A Paris Supports A Brest - Picardy (*Disbanded*).

Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Albania.Italy: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece.Italy: A Albania Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece.Italy: F Ionian Sea - Greece.

Italy: A Trieste Hold (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Ankara - Constantinople.Russia: A Berlin Supports F Denmark - Kiel (*Cut*).Russia: F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc).

Russia: A Galicia - Budapest.Russia: A Rumania Supports F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc).Russia: A Serbia - Trieste.Russia: A Silesia Supports A Berlin.Russia: F Skagerrak - Denmark.

Russia: A Smyrna Supports A Ankara - Constantinople.Russia: F Sweden Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark.Russia: A Ukraine - Galicia.Russia: A Vienna Supports A Serbia - Trieste.

Turkey: F Bulgaria(sc) Hold (*Disbanded*).Turkey: F Greece Hold (*Disbanded*).Turkey: A Syria Hold.
The following units were dislodged:

English F Denmark can retreat to Baltic Sea or North Sea or Helgoland Bight.Italian A Trieste can retreat to Venice or Tyrolia.
Unit locations:
England: A Edinburgh, F English Channel.

France: ??A Gascony, A Paris, F Picardy.Germany: F Belgium, A Brest, F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich.Italy: ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Greece.Russia: ??A Berlin, A Budapest, F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Denmark, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Silesia, A Smyrna, F Sweden, A Trieste, A Vienna.

Turkey: ??A Syria.
Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: ?? Serbia.England: ?? Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.France: ?? ??Marseilles, Portugal, Spain.

Germany: ?? Belgium, Brest, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Paris.Italy: ?? ?? Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.

Turkey: ?? ??Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece.
The next phase of dc435 will be Retreats for Fall and Adjustments for Winter of 1906.
---end of line---


Oceania! Looking For Fall 1904! - hapolley   (Dec 10, 2012, 5:58 am)
Missing 3 order sets!  If you receive this email twice you are
in danger of an NMR!  You have till tonight at midnight mountain
time to get in your moves!
We will be setting the Spring deadline for sometime in New year.
No point in chasing after moves during Xmas and New Year!

Japan moves to Jayapura and Southern Marshall Islands are
blocked; Barringer has success in convoying Cebu-Malaysia!
Action errors indicate diplomatic communications are a mess.
We all thank the USoA for his anticipated retreat of A Papeete
retreats to Eastern Archipelago des Tuamotu; where it continues
to cause problems for French!  General Pollack is missing
a much needed fleet! |Smile] New Zealand and France expanding
their spheres of influence!


OCEANIA_DC437 SP & SU Results! OCEANIA_DC437 Fall... - hapolley   (Dec 04, 2012, 11:55 pm)
[OCEANIA_DC437 Fall 1904 Due Sunday 09 Dec (at)2400 hrs MT] 
A Player asked for a 48HR delay as USA included an anticipated
retreat with his move, granting this request was not a problem.
Japan moves to Jayapura and Southern Marshall Islands are
blocked; Barringer has success in convoying Cebu-Malaysia!
Action errors indicate diplomatic communications are a mess.
We all thank the USoA for his anticipated retreat of A Papeete
retreats to Eastern Archipelago des Tuamotu; where it continues
to cause problems for French!  General Pollack is missing
a much needed fleet! |Smile] New Zealand and France expanding
their spheres of influence!


DC435 Spring 06 results with maps - cbconnell   (Dec 04, 2012, 11:45 am)
Welcome to the Game Grid...

First, We say goodbye to Austria. Thank you Craig for a good game!

England was able to make a good showing this season by taking Denmark. Germany has continued to work on France and has kept him at bay. Italy did some repositioning this season but needs to watch out for Russia - who is running over Turkey.

With no adjustments needed, we move on to Fall 06. Orders will be due on Monday, December 10 at 9:00 pm MST (04:00 11-12-12 GMT)

Movement results for Spring of 1906.

Austria: A Serbia - Greece (*Disbanded*).

England: A Edinburgh Hold.England: F London - English Channel.
England: F North Sea - Denmark.
France: A Burgundy - Paris (*Fails*).France: A Gascony Supports F Picardy - Brest.France: F Picardy - Brest (*Fails*).

Germany: F Belgium Supports A Brest - Picardy.Germany: A Brest - Picardy (*Fails*).Germany: A Denmark Supports A Ruhr - Kiel (*Disbanded*).Germany: F Holland Supports A Ruhr - Kiel.

Germany: A Munich Supports A Paris - Burgundy (*Cut*).Germany: A Paris - Burgundy (*Fails*).Germany: A Ruhr - Kiel.
Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Tyrolia - Trieste.

Italy: F Albania - Ionian Sea.Italy: F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea.Italy: A Trieste - Albania.Italy: A Tyrolia - Trieste.
Russia: A Ankara Supports F Black Sea - Constantinople.

Russia: A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).Russia: F Black Sea - Constantinople.Russia: A Budapest - Serbia.Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine.Russia: F Norway - Sweden.Russia: A Rumania Supports A Budapest - Serbia.

Russia: A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*).Russia: F Skagerrak Supports F North Sea - Denmark.Russia: A Smyrna Hold.Russia: A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*).Russia: A Warsaw - Galicia.

Turkey: F Bulgaria(sc) Supports F Greece.Turkey: F Greece Supports F Bulgaria(sc) (*Cut*).Turkey: A Syria - Smyrna (*Fails*).
Unit locations:

England: ?? F Denmark, A Edinburgh, F English Channel.France: ?? ??A Burgundy, A Gascony, F Picardy.Germany: ?? F Belgium, A Brest, F Holland, A Kiel, A Munich, A Paris.Italy: ?? ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Albania, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste.

Russia: ?? ??A Ankara, A Berlin, F Constantinople, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Silesia, F Skagerrak, A Smyrna, F Sweden, A Ukraine, A Vienna.Turkey: ?? ??F Bulgaria(sc), F Greece, A Syria.

The next phase of dc435 will be Movement for Fall of 1906.
---end of line---


DC435 Winter 05 results with maps - cbconnell   (Nov 30, 2012, 5:38 pm)
Welcome to the Game Grid...
Here are the adjustments results.
Spring 06 orders are due on Monday, December 3 at 9:00pm MST (04:00 4-12-12 GMT)

Also, at this time, we will keep the same schedule: Spring/Fall on Mondays, adjustments on Wednesdays
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1905.??
France: Remove F English Channel.
Russia: Build A Warsaw.
Russia: Build A Moscow.Turkey: Remove A Constantinople.

Unit locations:
Austria: ?? A Serbia.England: ?? A Edinburgh, F London, F North Sea.
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, A Gascony, F Picardy.Germany: ?? F Belgium, A Brest, A Denmark, F Holland, A Munich, A Paris, A Ruhr.Italy: ?? ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Albania, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia.
Russia: ?? ??A Ankara, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Budapest, A Moscow, F Norway, A Rumania, A Silesia, F Skagerrak, A Smyrna, A Vienna, A Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??F Bulgaria(sc), F Greece, A Syria.

Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: ?? Serbia.England: ?? Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.France: ?? ??Marseilles, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Brest, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Paris.
Italy: ?? ?? Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece.

Austria: ?? ??1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??3 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.France: ?? ?? 3 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.
Germany: ?? ??7 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? ??5 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Russia: ?? ??12 Supply centers, 12 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 3 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.

The next phase of dc435 will be Movement for Spring of 1906.

---end of line---


OCEANIA_DC437 Spring 1904 Due! Winter Results! - hapolley   (Nov 29, 2012, 6:00 pm)
[OCEANIA_DC437 Spring 1904 Due Sunday 02 Dec (at)2400 hrs MT]  
Japan finally has some moves blocked! Lots of retreats as
forces clash! The no Island Army retreat rule results in
Pitcairn Islands ordered Off The Board!
France misses out on a build! Avoid such a thing by sending in a standing
build list (as yet none on file)!
Australia        : Build; F bri, F coi 
Indonesia        : Remove; F SPS, F WMS,
                 : DANGER! Indonesia MILITARY MORALE VERY LOW!
Japan            : Retreats F WMS - CIS, Build; A nsh, A ryu
Marshall_Islands : Retreats F wak - WEM, F SAS - OTB, Build; A smi
Zealand_New      : Retreats A ava - fsp
Neutral          : DANGER! Usoa has No Home Centers
                 : DANGER! Usoa MILITARY MORALE VERY LOW!
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



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