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DC435 Autumn 05 retreat results with maps - cbconnell   (Nov 28, 2012, 10:24 pm)
Welcome to the Game Grid...
Below are the results for the Autumn 05 retreats. We move to Winter 05 adjustments.??
France: Removes ??1 unit.Russia: Builds ?? 2 units.

Turkey: Removes ??1 unit.
Winter 05 orders are due Thursday, November 29 at 9:00 pm MST (04:00 30-11-12 GMT)
Retreat orders for Fall of 1905.

France: F Brest - Picardy.Germany: F North Sea - Holland.
Turkey: A Smyrna - Syria.

Unit locations:
Austria: ?? A Serbia.
England: ?? A Edinburgh, F London, F North Sea.France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Gascony, F Picardy.Germany: ?? F Belgium, A Brest, A Denmark, F Holland, A Munich, A Paris, A Ruhr.
Italy: ?? ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Albania, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia.Russia: ?? ??A Ankara, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Budapest, F Norway, A Rumania, A Silesia, F Skagerrak, A Smyrna, A Vienna.Turkey: ?? ??F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Greece, A Syria.

Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: ?? Serbia.England: ?? Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.France: ?? ??Marseilles, Portugal, Spain.Germany: ?? Belgium, Brest, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Paris.
Italy: ?? ?? Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.Russia: ?? ??Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.Turkey: ?? ??Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece.

Austria: ?? ??1 Supply center, ?? 1 Unit: ?? Builds ?? 0 units.England: ?? ??3 Supply centers, ??3 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.France: ?? ?? 3 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Removes ??1 unit.
Germany: ?? ??7 Supply centers, ??7 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Italy: ?? ?? ??5 Supply centers, ??5 Units: ??Builds ?? 0 units.Russia: ?? ??12 Supply centers, 10 Units: ??Builds ?? 2 units.Turkey: ?? ?? 3 Supply centers, ??4 Units: ??Removes ??1 unit.

The next phase of dc435 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1905.
---end of line---


OCEANIA_DC437 Retreats Due Midnight! Fall 1903 Res... - hapolley   (Nov 27, 2012, 6:03 am)
[OCEANIA_DC437 Retreats Due Midnight! Zeal A ava, Japa F WMS, Mars F SAS & F wak] [OCEANIA_DC437 Winter 1903 DUE Thursday 29 Nov (at)1600 hrs MT] 
[Please send in Conditional orders for Spring 1904 Due 02 Dec (at)2400 hrs]
    Zeal A ava TO fsp,OTB   
    Japa F WMS TO NMS,CIS,wci,OTB   
    Indo A per TO OTB   
    Zeal A pit TO OTB   
    Mars F SAS TO KIS,PHS,TUS,sao,sfi,OTB   
    Mars F wak TO WEM,OTB
Japan finally has some moves blocked! Lots of retreats as forces
clash! The no Island Army retreat rule results in Pitcairn Islands
ordered Off The Board!

With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



DC435 Fall 05 results with Press and Question - cbconnell   (Nov 26, 2012, 10:35 pm)
Welcome back to the Game Grid...

Sorry for the delay, but I hope that everyone had a great week with family and friends.
Germany continues his push to the Atlantic, causing havoc to France; England was able to gain a slight advantage over the North Sea.. Austria remains active while Italy, Turkey and Russia??jockey??around Eurasia with little to show for it.

The French fleet in Brest can retreat to Picardy, Mid-Atlantic Ocean or disband.??Germany's fleet in the North Sea can retreat to Holland, Helgoland Bight or Yorkshire. The Turkish army at Smyrna can retreat to Syria or disband.

Autumn retreats are due on Wednesday, November 28 at 9:00 pm MST (04:00 29-11-12 GMT)

***We have had a proposal to speed up the turns on this game. I would suggest Spring orders due on Monday, and Fall orders due on Wednesday (with retreats and builds put in as required). Please submit a vote of YES to speed up the game or NO to keep the game as it is by Wednesday's deadline.***

Movement results for Fall of 1905.??
Austria: A Serbia - Greece (*Fails*).

England: F London Supports F Norwegian Sea - North Sea.England: F Norwegian Sea - North Sea.
England: A Yorkshire - Edinburgh.
France: F Brest Supports F English Channel (*Dislodged*).
France: F English Channel Supports F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*Cut*).France: A Marseilles - Burgundy.France: A Spain - Gascony.

Germany: F Belgium - English Channel (*Fails*).Germany: A Burgundy - Ruhr.
Germany: A Denmark - Sweden (*Bounce*).Germany: A Gascony - Brest.Germany: A Munich - Berlin (*Fails*).
Germany: F North Sea - Denmark (*Dislodged*).Germany: A Paris Supports A Gascony - Brest.

Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports F Ionian Sea.Italy: F Albania - Greece (*Fails*).Italy: F Ionian Sea Supports F Albania - Greece.
Italy: A Trieste - Budapest (*Fails*).Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia.

Russia: A Ankara Supports A Armenia - Smyrna.
Russia: A Armenia - Smyrna.Russia: F Black Sea - Constantinople (*Fails*).Russia: A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Trieste (*Void*).
Russia: A Galicia - Vienna.Russia: F Norway - Sweden (*Bounce*).Russia: A Prussia - Berlin.
Russia: A Rumania Supports A Budapest.Russia: A Silesia Supports A Prussia - Berlin.Russia: F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Bounce*).

Turkey: F Bulgaria(sc) Supports F Greece.Turkey: A Constantinople Supports A Smyrna (*Cut*).
Turkey: F Greece Supports F Bulgaria(sc) (*Cut*).Turkey: A Smyrna Supports A Constantinople (*Dislodged*).

The following units were dislodged:
French F Brest can retreat to Picardy or Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
German F North Sea can retreat to Holland or Helgoland Bight or Yorkshire.Turkish A Smyrna can retreat to Syria.

Unit locations:
Austria: ?? A Serbia.England: ?? A Edinburgh, F London, F North Sea.
France: ?? ??A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Gascony.Germany: ?? F Belgium, A Brest, A Denmark, A Munich, A Paris, A Ruhr.
Italy: ?? ?? F Adriatic Sea, F Albania, F Ionian Sea, A Trieste, A Tyrolia.Russia: ?? ??A Ankara, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Budapest, F Norway, A Rumania, A??Silesia, F Skagerrak, A Smyrna, A Vienna.
Turkey: ?? ??F Bulgaria(sc), A Constantinople, F Greece.
The next phase of dc435 will be Retreats for Fall of 1905.

Germany to All: Apologies for the silence over the last week. It has been a busy time at home and I have not had a chance to focus on game life.??

---end of line---


OCEANIA_DC437 1903 Moves Overdue! - hapolley   (Nov 26, 2012, 12:40 pm)
If you are receiving this email twice your moves are overdue!
You have until Monday midnight MT to get in your moves or NMR!
Yes! Other player can change there moves if they wish to do so!
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca

SUMMER 1903 RETREAT: [Indo F pmo TO SOS]

[OCEANIA_DC437 Fall 1903 DUE Sunday 25 Nov (at)2400hrs MT] 
    [USoA NMR Units in Civil Disorder],
now don't you wish for CD orders so you could move them about!
Marshall_Islands takes Wake Island from USA, and supports French
non-move.  Australia dislodges Indonesian unit in Port Moresby,
Japan continues on a tear, with not a single move blocked!  We have
one retreat; [Indo F pmo TO SOS]
    I would advise Players to send in [a Standing Build Set]
that way a missed deadline will not cost you units.
    [Conditional retreats with orders Format],
to prevent unit loss should you miss a deadline:
        A Ber-Kiel (rt:pru,mun,sil)
        Standing Build List: A Mun, F Kiel, F

With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



DC406: Mag moves F14 - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 26, 2012, 11:22 am)
Hey all,
Still working on an EOG... but there's 1 or 2 spots left in the next recruiting game in case anyone is interested!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 2:45 PM
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Rolf Loschek; Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason Koelewyn; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Subject: Re: DC406: Mag moves F14

Forget the rule book, it's irrelevant now. I played my "Reverse Haunt" card for Mike's benefit.
Ever see a ghost haunt itself -- more hysterical than a puppy chasing it's tail!
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

>>Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt
Well, you obviously missed that part where it says    “..except for Magician Ghosts in or near their home SC from turn S10 to F15 ”
Ah, but why stop halfway thru the rule...
"excepting the exception in cases where a Magician final unit was disbanded by an Ogre while attempting a convoy via a Dwarf fleet"

From: Rolf Loschek [mailto:rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 1:29 PM
To: Michael Sims; mrh(at)panix.com; 'Chris Bender'; 'Christopher Martin'; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; 'Hamish Williams'; Jason Koelewyn; 'Jeff Hall'; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; 'Justin Card'; 'Mark Smith'; 'Matt Kremer'; 'Michael Penner'; 'Pat.C C'; 'Philip Hahn'; psychosis(at)sky.com; 'René Krøll'; 'tim.diplomacy'; 'Warren Fleming'
Subject: AW: DC406: Mag moves F14

>>Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt
Well, you obviously missed that part where it says    “..except for Magician Ghosts in or near their home SC from turn S10 to F15 ”

Von: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 18:05
An: Rolf Loschek; mrh(at)panix.com; Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason Koelewyn; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Betreff: RE: DC406: Mag moves F14

Rolf don't you know Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt?  It's in the rules, I'm sure.


From: Rolf Loschek [mailto:rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 10:28 AM
To: mrh(at)panix.com; 'Chris Bender'; 'Christopher Martin'; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; 'Hamish Williams'; Jason Koelewyn; 'Jeff Hall'; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; 'Justin Card'; 'Mark Smith'; 'Matt Kremer'; 'Michael Penner'; Michael Sims; 'Pat.C C'; 'Philip Hahn'; psychosis(at)sky.com; 'René Krøll'; 'tim.diplomacy'; 'Warren Fleming'
Subject: DC406: Mag moves F14

SCENE I. A desert place.
Thunder and lightning (hitting an Ogre). Enter three dead Magicians
First Magician
When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Second Magician
When the Mags-row's done,
When the battle's lost and won.
G(1st Mag) Tarsis   h   Imm
G(2nd Mag) Cyriss  h   Pod
FD (3rd Mag) WSS  h  ESS
(G=Ghost-army, D=Flying Dutchman;  h=haunts)
Rule amendment :  Units haunted by a ghost unit (G or FD) loose 10% of their battle power.
Such are my fantasies – yet there is more reality in…
SCENE II. A camp near Forres.

No more that thane of Magic will deceive
Ogres’ bosom interest: go herald his present death,
And with his former title greet MacSimmeth.

Von: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 15:55
An: Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason K; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Michael Sims; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; Rolf Loschek; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Betreff: DC406: DEADLINE!
Just a friendly reminder that the DEADLINE is TODAY!!!
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 9:51 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:
Hi All,

Spring 14 comes to a close. 

What will the Fall bring?  

Will the Ogres complete their collection of rare supply centers? 

Will the rest form up a solid defense? 

Only time will tell..... and that time shall be FRIDAY 11/16 (at) 5:00 PM MST!!!


Retreats for Spring 14:


Dwarves: F HIGH SEAS - Kahvi

Gnomes: A Brennin - Starkadh



"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


DC406: Mag moves F14 - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 26, 2012, 11:22 am)
Hey all,
Still working on an EOG... but there's 1 or 2 spots left in the next recruiting game in case anyone is interested!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 2:45 PM
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Rolf Loschek; Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason Koelewyn; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Subject: Re: DC406: Mag moves F14

Forget the rule book, it's irrelevant now. I played my "Reverse Haunt" card for Mike's benefit.
Ever see a ghost haunt itself -- more hysterical than a puppy chasing it's tail!
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

>>Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt
Well, you obviously missed that part where it says    “..except for Magician Ghosts in or near their home SC from turn S10 to F15 ”
Ah, but why stop halfway thru the rule...
"excepting the exception in cases where a Magician final unit was disbanded by an Ogre while attempting a convoy via a Dwarf fleet"

From: Rolf Loschek [mailto:rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 1:29 PM
To: Michael Sims; mrh(at)panix.com; 'Chris Bender'; 'Christopher Martin'; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; 'Hamish Williams'; Jason Koelewyn; 'Jeff Hall'; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; 'Justin Card'; 'Mark Smith'; 'Matt Kremer'; 'Michael Penner'; 'Pat.C C'; 'Philip Hahn'; psychosis(at)sky.com; 'René Krøll'; 'tim.diplomacy'; 'Warren Fleming'
Subject: AW: DC406: Mag moves F14

>>Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt
Well, you obviously missed that part where it says    “..except for Magician Ghosts in or near their home SC from turn S10 to F15 ”

Von: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 18:05
An: Rolf Loschek; mrh(at)panix.com; Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason Koelewyn; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Betreff: RE: DC406: Mag moves F14

Rolf don't you know Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt?  It's in the rules, I'm sure.


From: Rolf Loschek [mailto:rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 10:28 AM
To: mrh(at)panix.com; 'Chris Bender'; 'Christopher Martin'; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; 'Hamish Williams'; Jason Koelewyn; 'Jeff Hall'; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; 'Justin Card'; 'Mark Smith'; 'Matt Kremer'; 'Michael Penner'; Michael Sims; 'Pat.C C'; 'Philip Hahn'; psychosis(at)sky.com; 'René Krøll'; 'tim.diplomacy'; 'Warren Fleming'
Subject: DC406: Mag moves F14

SCENE I. A desert place.
Thunder and lightning (hitting an Ogre). Enter three dead Magicians
First Magician
When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Second Magician
When the Mags-row's done,
When the battle's lost and won.
G(1st Mag) Tarsis   h   Imm
G(2nd Mag) Cyriss  h   Pod
FD (3rd Mag) WSS  h  ESS
(G=Ghost-army, D=Flying Dutchman;  h=haunts)
Rule amendment :  Units haunted by a ghost unit (G or FD) loose 10% of their battle power.
Such are my fantasies – yet there is more reality in…
SCENE II. A camp near Forres.

No more that thane of Magic will deceive
Ogres’ bosom interest: go herald his present death,
And with his former title greet MacSimmeth.

Von: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 15:55
An: Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason K; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Michael Sims; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; Rolf Loschek; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Betreff: DC406: DEADLINE!
Just a friendly reminder that the DEADLINE is TODAY!!!
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 9:51 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:
Hi All,

Spring 14 comes to a close. 

What will the Fall bring?  

Will the Ogres complete their collection of rare supply centers? 

Will the rest form up a solid defense? 

Only time will tell..... and that time shall be FRIDAY 11/16 (at) 5:00 PM MST!!!


Retreats for Spring 14:


Dwarves: F HIGH SEAS - Kahvi

Gnomes: A Brennin - Starkadh



"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


DC406: Mag moves F14 - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 26, 2012, 11:22 am)
Hey all,
Still working on an EOG... but there's 1 or 2 spots left in the next recruiting game in case anyone is interested!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 2:45 PM
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Rolf Loschek; Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason Koelewyn; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Subject: Re: DC406: Mag moves F14

Forget the rule book, it's irrelevant now. I played my "Reverse Haunt" card for Mike's benefit.
Ever see a ghost haunt itself -- more hysterical than a puppy chasing it's tail!
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

>>Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt
Well, you obviously missed that part where it says    “..except for Magician Ghosts in or near their home SC from turn S10 to F15 ”
Ah, but why stop halfway thru the rule...
"excepting the exception in cases where a Magician final unit was disbanded by an Ogre while attempting a convoy via a Dwarf fleet"

From: Rolf Loschek [mailto:rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 1:29 PM
To: Michael Sims; mrh(at)panix.com; 'Chris Bender'; 'Christopher Martin'; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; 'Hamish Williams'; Jason Koelewyn; 'Jeff Hall'; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; 'Justin Card'; 'Mark Smith'; 'Matt Kremer'; 'Michael Penner'; 'Pat.C C'; 'Philip Hahn'; psychosis(at)sky.com; 'René Krøll'; 'tim.diplomacy'; 'Warren Fleming'
Subject: AW: DC406: Mag moves F14

>>Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt
Well, you obviously missed that part where it says    “..except for Magician Ghosts in or near their home SC from turn S10 to F15 ”

Von: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 18:05
An: Rolf Loschek; mrh(at)panix.com; Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason Koelewyn; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Betreff: RE: DC406: Mag moves F14

Rolf don't you know Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt?  It's in the rules, I'm sure.


From: Rolf Loschek [mailto:rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 10:28 AM
To: mrh(at)panix.com; 'Chris Bender'; 'Christopher Martin'; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; 'Hamish Williams'; Jason Koelewyn; 'Jeff Hall'; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; 'Justin Card'; 'Mark Smith'; 'Matt Kremer'; 'Michael Penner'; Michael Sims; 'Pat.C C'; 'Philip Hahn'; psychosis(at)sky.com; 'René Krøll'; 'tim.diplomacy'; 'Warren Fleming'
Subject: DC406: Mag moves F14

SCENE I. A desert place.
Thunder and lightning (hitting an Ogre). Enter three dead Magicians
First Magician
When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Second Magician
When the Mags-row's done,
When the battle's lost and won.
G(1st Mag) Tarsis   h   Imm
G(2nd Mag) Cyriss  h   Pod
FD (3rd Mag) WSS  h  ESS
(G=Ghost-army, D=Flying Dutchman;  h=haunts)
Rule amendment :  Units haunted by a ghost unit (G or FD) loose 10% of their battle power.
Such are my fantasies – yet there is more reality in…
SCENE II. A camp near Forres.

No more that thane of Magic will deceive
Ogres’ bosom interest: go herald his present death,
And with his former title greet MacSimmeth.

Von: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 15:55
An: Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason K; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Michael Sims; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; Rolf Loschek; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Betreff: DC406: DEADLINE!
Just a friendly reminder that the DEADLINE is TODAY!!!
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 9:51 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:
Hi All,

Spring 14 comes to a close. 

What will the Fall bring?  

Will the Ogres complete their collection of rare supply centers? 

Will the rest form up a solid defense? 

Only time will tell..... and that time shall be FRIDAY 11/16 (at) 5:00 PM MST!!!


Retreats for Spring 14:


Dwarves: F HIGH SEAS - Kahvi

Gnomes: A Brennin - Starkadh



"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


DC406: Mag moves F14 - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 26, 2012, 11:22 am)
Hey all,
Still working on an EOG... but there's 1 or 2 spots left in the next recruiting game in case anyone is interested!

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 2:45 PM
To: Michael Sims
Cc: Rolf Loschek; Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason Koelewyn; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Subject: Re: DC406: Mag moves F14

Forget the rule book, it's irrelevant now. I played my "Reverse Haunt" card for Mike's benefit.
Ever see a ghost haunt itself -- more hysterical than a puppy chasing it's tail!
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

>>Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt
Well, you obviously missed that part where it says    “..except for Magician Ghosts in or near their home SC from turn S10 to F15 ”
Ah, but why stop halfway thru the rule...
"excepting the exception in cases where a Magician final unit was disbanded by an Ogre while attempting a convoy via a Dwarf fleet"

From: Rolf Loschek [mailto:rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 1:29 PM
To: Michael Sims; mrh(at)panix.com; 'Chris Bender'; 'Christopher Martin'; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; 'Hamish Williams'; Jason Koelewyn; 'Jeff Hall'; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; 'Justin Card'; 'Mark Smith'; 'Matt Kremer'; 'Michael Penner'; 'Pat.C C'; 'Philip Hahn'; psychosis(at)sky.com; 'René Krøll'; 'tim.diplomacy'; 'Warren Fleming'
Subject: AW: DC406: Mag moves F14

>>Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt
Well, you obviously missed that part where it says    “..except for Magician Ghosts in or near their home SC from turn S10 to F15 ”

Von: Michael Sims [mailto:mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 18:05
An: Rolf Loschek; mrh(at)panix.com; Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason Koelewyn; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Betreff: RE: DC406: Mag moves F14

Rolf don't you know Ogres get +3 resistance to haunt?  It's in the rules, I'm sure.


From: Rolf Loschek [mailto:rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de]
Sent: Fri 11/16/2012 10:28 AM
To: mrh(at)panix.com; 'Chris Bender'; 'Christopher Martin'; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; 'Hamish Williams'; Jason Koelewyn; 'Jeff Hall'; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; 'Justin Card'; 'Mark Smith'; 'Matt Kremer'; 'Michael Penner'; Michael Sims; 'Pat.C C'; 'Philip Hahn'; psychosis(at)sky.com; 'René Krøll'; 'tim.diplomacy'; 'Warren Fleming'
Subject: DC406: Mag moves F14

SCENE I. A desert place.
Thunder and lightning (hitting an Ogre). Enter three dead Magicians
First Magician
When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
Second Magician
When the Mags-row's done,
When the battle's lost and won.
G(1st Mag) Tarsis   h   Imm
G(2nd Mag) Cyriss  h   Pod
FD (3rd Mag) WSS  h  ESS
(G=Ghost-army, D=Flying Dutchman;  h=haunts)
Rule amendment :  Units haunted by a ghost unit (G or FD) loose 10% of their battle power.
Such are my fantasies – yet there is more reality in…
SCENE II. A camp near Forres.

No more that thane of Magic will deceive
Ogres’ bosom interest: go herald his present death,
And with his former title greet MacSimmeth.

Von: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 15:55
An: Chris Bender; Christopher Martin; dc406; Garry Bledsoe; Hamish Williams; Jason K; Jeff Hall; Jerome Payne; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Justin Card; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Michael Penner; Michael Sims; Pat.C C; Philip Hahn; psychosis(at)sky.com; René Krøll; Rolf Loschek; tim.diplomacy; Warren Fleming
Betreff: DC406: DEADLINE!
Just a friendly reminder that the DEADLINE is TODAY!!!
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 9:51 PM, Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com> wrote:
Hi All,

Spring 14 comes to a close. 

What will the Fall bring?  

Will the Ogres complete their collection of rare supply centers? 

Will the rest form up a solid defense? 

Only time will tell..... and that time shall be FRIDAY 11/16 (at) 5:00 PM MST!!!


Retreats for Spring 14:


Dwarves: F HIGH SEAS - Kahvi

Gnomes: A Brennin - Starkadh



"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


War & treason - welk   (Nov 25, 2012, 4:02 pm)
Hi gentlemen diplomates,

Gamer of Diplomacy for a long date (not online, just on boardgame version), I have created a special alternative system named : War & Treason.

This system is played with the "spirit" of Diplomacy (public actions and secret decisions), but with different mechanisms and using a combatvtable like a wargame.

I am searching 9 players who would be able to understand french, to realize the first tests of the complete system.
(because it's more easy to do test in his native langage, I am french). In second step, I will do a translation of rules for english langage.

The game system is free and not for commercial use : I will give the map and the rules as free, in french and english langage after tests (I am working on the translation). I insist for a special point : the spirit of the game is exactly the same as Diplomacy (treasons and secret), but the mechanism is very different and no any Diplomacy rule is used in game.

Public actions on map (military conquests) are dissociated by secret actions (using gold in the game). Other difference with Diplomacy is that treasons are NEVER knowed by any player( the arbitrator has obliogation to keep absolute silence about, even after the game has ended).

If you understand a little french and want try a alternative diplomatic system, please, contact me here :


It's a french forum but you may contact in englisgh langage if needed. To be french or to speak excellent french is not needed, you have just to understand french or to be able to understand the poor english used by frenchs frogs Smile (but a little comprehension of french would be more easy for first tests)

I would had have the possibility to play my system here, on the Diplomatic corps, using the forum, but I do not know how I could do that (my system is specially adapted for forums, it uses a simple png map managed by the arbitrator, the public posts = international forum and the privates messages = secret negociations). There are no pawns in my game system, all actions are made by CHANGING colors on
the map.



Western Europe Circa 1300 - mmedeiros   (Nov 25, 2012, 2:36 pm)
English King's claims to the French throne is relentless in the year of our Lord, 1300. The forged alliance with Burgundy has resulted in the occupation of Paris and Toulous. But France will not yield to this insubordination by the Duke of Normandy. To combat English-Burgundian aggression France has annexed Brabant and Brittany to hopefuly find conscripts and build its armies. The threats to the French Kingdom are mounting as the English have amassed a naval storm to the north -- such naval might not seen since the great sea-going battles of the Roman civil wars -- Burgundy's defiance in the east and support of the English claim, and the possible invasion of the south by the Aragonese in need of land and resources. Castilian hegemony continue to sweep through the Iberian with the taking of Portugal and the expulsion of the Saracens from Granada...
excerpt translated from the History of Europe by Alphonso Philippe de Castile y Leon.


DC440: Reminder of Submission Deadline - mmedeiros   (Nov 25, 2012, 12:46 am)
Hello everyone. Just a reminder: deadline for orders is November 25 at 11PM GMT. I have so far received finalized orders from 4 players.
Ok. Good luck.


Get Haven Going! - Viper   (Nov 24, 2012, 9:22 am)
There are only two spots left for the new Haven. Somebody fill those and let's get started!


DC440: Statement from the King of England - pedros   (Nov 24, 2012, 2:31 am)
The King of England, Duke of Normandy, wishes to emphasise his gratitude to
the noble King of France for our warm relationship over many centuries, and
to emphasise that he wishes only to occupy his ancestors' home.
We greatly regret the absence of any constructive discussion over this


Fwd: DC440: GREY PRESS - mmedeiros   (Nov 23, 2012, 12:58 pm)
> What will be, will be.

The wheel turns. All is reborn again.

All in or go home right?



Fwd: DC440: GREY PRESS (dc440) mmedeiros Nov 23, 12:58 pm
> What will be, will be.

The wheel turns. All is reborn again.

All in or go home right?

Fwd: DC440: GREY PRESS - mmedeiros   (Nov 23, 2012, 12:58 pm)
> What will be, will be.

The wheel turns. All is reborn again.

All in or go home right?



DC440: GREY PRESS - mmedeiros   (Nov 23, 2012, 12:00 pm)
France, don't give up, and don't give in to those ungrateful English and those back-stabbin' Burgundians!!!


DC440: GREY PRESS (dc440) mmedeiros Nov 23, 12:00 pm
France, don't give up, and don't give in to those ungrateful English and those back-stabbin' Burgundians!!!
DC440: GREY PRESS (dc440) mmedeiros Nov 23, 12:00 pm
France, don't give up, and don't give in to those ungrateful English and those back-stabbin' Burgundians!!!
DC440: GREY PRESS (dc440) mmedeiros Nov 23, 12:00 pm
France, don't give up, and don't give in to those ungrateful English and those back-stabbin' Burgundians!!!
DC440: Grey Press (dc440) mmedeiros Dec 21, 11:14 pm
???DUKE WILLIAM???S HEIR RULES AGAIN IN NORMANDY AT CHRISTMAS (From the ???Times of the 14th century, London) The King of all England, heir of Duke William of Normandy, returns to hold court at Christmas in his ancestral homeland.  The successful invasion to celebrate the dawning of the 14th century was greeted with joy by crowds both in Normandy and in London???
DC440: GREY PRESS - mmedeiros   (Nov 23, 2012, 12:00 pm)
France, don't give up, and don't give in to those ungrateful English and those back-stabbin' Burgundians!!!


DC440: GREY PRESS - mmedeiros   (Nov 23, 2012, 12:00 pm)
France, don't give up, and don't give in to those ungrateful English and those back-stabbin' Burgundians!!!


DC440: GREY PRESS - mmedeiros   (Nov 23, 2012, 12:00 pm)
France, don't give up, and don't give in to those ungrateful English and those back-stabbin' Burgundians!!!


DC440: Regarding orders and submissions. - mmedeiros   (Nov 23, 2012, 11:40 am)
Hello everyone. Happy thanksgiving! So, just to let you know, I have received finalized orders from two players so far. Like I said before, if I receive finalized orders from all players starting Nov. 22 (11 pm GMT) or later, I'll process the orders as soon as possible to speed up the pace of the game. However, the last day to submit orders is Nov. 25 at 11PM GMT (I'll then process orders whether finalized or not). So, no pressure on submitting orders-- continue your negotiations if need be. If you have just submitted finalized orders, you may continue to submit revisions to your orders and indicate whether finalized or not. I'll only process the very last set received at the time when I receive finalized orders from all players, or on the deadline (Nov. 25).


OCEANIA_DC437 SUMMER RETREAT! Fall 1903 DUE Sunday... - hapolley   (Nov 22, 2012, 2:56 pm)
SUMMER 1903 RETREAT: [Indo F pmo TO SOS]

[OCEANIA_DC437 Fall 1903 DUE Sunday 25 Nov (at)2400hrs MT] 
    [USoA NMR Units in Civil Disorder],
now don't you wish for CD orders so you could move them about!
Marshall_Islands takes Wake Island from USA, and supports French
non-move.  Australia dislodges Indonesian unit in Port Moresby,
Japan continues on a tear, with not a single move blocked!  We have
one retreat; [Indo F pmo TO SOS]
    I would advise Players to send in [a Standing Build Set]
that way a missed deadline will not cost you units.
    [Conditional retreats with orders Format],
to prevent unit loss should you miss a deadline:
        A Ber-Kiel (rt:pru,mun,sil)
Build List: A Mun, F Kiel, F Ber

With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



Invitation to connect on LinkedIn - diplomacyworld   (Nov 22, 2012, 11:49 am)
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OCEANIA Spring 1903 Results! Retreat, Fall Moves,... - hapolley   (Nov 20, 2012, 1:41 pm)
OCEANIA Spring 1903 Results! 
We have one retreat; [Indo F pmo TO SOS,NCO or OTB]
Please do not wait for retreat, send in conditional Fall Orders!

[OCEANIA_DC437 Fall 1903 DUE Sunday 25 Nov (at)2400hrs MT] 
    [USoA NMR Units in Civil Disorder],
now don't you wish for CD orders so you could move them about!
Marshall_Islands takes Wake Island from USA, and supports French
non-move.  Australia dislodges Indonesian unit in Port Moresby,
Japan continues on a tear, with not a single move blocked! 
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca



OCEANIA Spring 1903 Past Due! - hapolley   (Nov 19, 2012, 10:00 am)
I am missing orders from those who receive this email twice!
As I am wore out from doing concrete work in my basement
you are getting a break!
You have until 2100hrs MT 19 nov (today) to get in spring orders.
All may change moves till then!
With Warm Regards!
Hugh  -  hapolley(at)yahoo.ca


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Hugh Polley <hapolley(at)yahoo.ca>
To: John Barringer <jonnyb2k(at)yahoo.com>; email website DC437 <dc437(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Bret Polack <bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com>; Steve Caponigri <stevencaponigri(at)gmail.com>; Mark Smith <sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com>; "jason4747(at)hotmail.com" <jason4747(at)hotmail.com>; Lam Brian <briankingfox(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 5:17:27 PM
Subject: OCEANIA Winter/1902 Results! Spring 1903 moves Due!

[OCEANIA_DC437 SPRING 1903 DUE Sunday 18 Nov (at)2400hrs MT]
[USoA loses Home SC to France and Japan Auto Removals executed!]
[France loses ava to New Zealand but gains USA's Christmas Island!]
Japan continues on a tear gaining Midway from USA and taking Eastern_Caroline_Islands.
Once again no retreats!  Australia take over Adelaide, and Southern_Solomon_Islands;
Marshall_Islands gains Phoenix_Islands; USoA loses two home SC, mid & chr;
New Zealand gains Avarua from France and moves into Fiji.
    [I would advise Players to send in a Standing Build Set]
[that way a missed deadline will not cost you units.]


DC440 : Grey press - Stepper   (Nov 17, 2012, 12:39 pm)
France is slow to anger, but this leader of the mightiest kingdom, will find
the grey man and slit his throat.
Yours truly and without regret or apology, Ruler of all Europe.
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Medeiros [mailto:medeiros412(at)aim.com]
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 4:30 PM
To: kevin_nisbet(at)msn.com; Pete Dale; harridav(at)cox.net; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk
Cc: dc440(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: Fwd: DC440 : Grey press
BTW France seems awfully quiet - could the poor King be suffering fom the
French pox AGAIN????? a man in a grey cloak told me it may be so....


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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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