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dc414 Autumn 04 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 24, 2012, 4:21 pm)
Hi everyone,
Here's the retreats:
disband F Holland - no retreat received
F Rumania - Black Sea

Your winter adjustments are as follows:


dc415 Stonehenge Summer 852 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 24, 2012, 4:13 pm)
Hi everyone,
F Straits of Dover - English Channel
F Thames - Norfolk
The Autumn 852 moves are due by 2000GMT Monday 30 April.


dc419 summer 1903 retreats - coryfucius   (Apr 24, 2012, 3:51 pm)
France retreats to protect his remaining home center and potentially threaten English centers, while the Turks take the only available on-board retreat option. Fall 1903 orders will be due Thursd


dc423 summer 03 retreats - catsfather   (Apr 24, 2012, 2:07 pm)
Both Russian units retreat OTB ... as everyone expected. Ho hum.
Stuff attached. Deadline is Thursday at 18:00GMT.
All rant stuff deleted, 'cause ... what's the point.
Listen England and Russia,


dc423 summer 03 retreats (Winter Blitz) dkleiman Apr 24, 07:30 pm
Thanks, much, for GMing. It is a thankless job. I started Gming over 30
years ago in a postal 'zine for play-by-mail Diplomacy. You had to type up
everything, steal copier time at work a
dc423 summer 03 retreats (Winter Blitz) catsfather Apr 25, 02:09 am
I am very sorry for my rant yesterday.
There is no excuse for it, but as an explanation: it's been one of
those weeks (and it's only Wednesday!). I was going to growl at
someone. It might've been
dc394 s11 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 24, 2012, 12:49 pm)
Just a few retreats this turn, one for the Knights and 3 for the Pirates.  The Pirate ones go OTB but the Knight has a few choices.  Tomorrow for that!  3pm Central!


dc394 s11 results! (dc394) FuzzyLogic Apr 25, 10:08 am
Elven Fae-Drc should succeed!  Just an error in the RP map file.  Will fix with the retreats...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 4/24/2012 12:49 PM
Cc: dc
SV: DC 420: Spring 1903 Adjudication - trezdk   (Apr 24, 2012, 1:56 am)
Jeees guys, did you have to bring the Turk into this as well?
Everybody hates Germany now it seems Sad
I feel so violated...

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Adam Martin-Schwarze [mailto:smeg


dc423 spring 03 - catsfather   (Apr 24, 2012, 1:00 am)
Sorry about that.
Two retreats:
Russian A Prussia can retreat to Livonia, Warsaw, or OTB.
Russian A Sweden can retreat to Norway, Finland, or OTB.

Movement results for Spring of 1903. (dc423)


DC399 - Winter 2007 - Viper   (Apr 24, 2012, 12:48 am)
Builds are done and we're on to 2008.  Please note that I won't be available to acknowledge the receipt of orders until approximately 5pm CDT on Monday.  So, don't be surprised when you


DC421 - Spring 1903 Results - Corrino   (Apr 23, 2012, 7:20 pm)
Good Evening, Gentlemen.
Nice turn.  Some fighting where I didn't expect it, and a bit of unexpected passivity, too.The Kaiser flips, and chooses to help the Tsar back into Norway at the expense


dc418 Summer Results - notasb   (Apr 23, 2012, 7:11 pm)

Austria - landru428 - Andrew Cassese
England - RickHunter - Mike Brady
France - fencertim -Timothy Crosby
Germany - stevec - Steve Cooley
Italy - derekthefeared2 -Derek Eiler
Russia - d


dc419 spring 1903 results! - coryfucius   (Apr 23, 2012, 6:01 pm)
Sorry these are a little later than usual - I was out of the office this morning, so I had to catch up on a few things. The Balkans are a bewildering mess, as Austria gets help from Russia to han


DC 420: Spring 1903 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Apr 23, 2012, 5:58 pm)
France is shocked to discover that Kiel is not adjacent to Burgundy.  Fortunately, there are no undesired ramifications.

Otherwise, as is not uncommon in these games, almost all units move toward th


dc415 Stonehenge Spring 852 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 23, 2012, 4:03 pm)
"Naval action off the southern coast of Britain as Saxon fleets put to sea!"
"Arguments over cod fishing quotas begin 1100 years earlier than commonly supposed - Picts and Scots stake rival c


dc414 Autumn 04 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 23, 2012, 3:28 pm)
Hi everyone,
Here's your Autumn 1904 adjudication:
F English Channel - Belgium
A Finland - St Petersburg
F Gascony - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Disbanded*)
F North Sea Suppor


dc414 Autumn 04 adjudication (dc414) jerome777 Apr 24, 04:21 pm
Hi everyone,
Here's the retreats:
disband F Holland - no retreat received
F Rumania - Black Sea

Your winter adjustments are as follows:
dc422 Spring 03 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 23, 2012, 3:07 pm)
"Mass desertions afflict German army in Gascony!"
"Turkish army refuses to leave Constantinople as local traders announce 'happy hour' in the Kasbah!"
Hi everybody,
Here's y


DC421 - Spring 03 Russia - catsfather   (Apr 23, 2012, 1:39 pm)
The north is lost. Germany must hate me, but has offered me a chance
to come back on board. Okay, let's take it. Worst result: the north
is lost ... which it already it.
a rum holds
a war suppo


dc418 Spring results - ddz999cat23   (Apr 23, 2012, 8:34 am)
Oh boy. Complete misorder. Not like me, but I'm afraid there it is. 

On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:21 AM, GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com> wrote:


Austria - landru428 - And


dc418 Spring results - ddz999cat23   (Apr 23, 2012, 8:32 am)
O boy.  Bad day

On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:21 AM, GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com> wrote:


Austria - landru428 - Andrew Cassese
England - RickHunter - Mike Brady


DC 424 Spring 03 Results - untitled36   (Apr 23, 2012, 8:25 am)
*Clash on the Serbia/Bulgaria Border!*
*Germans Claim to Have Reverse-Engineered Italian Stealth Technology from Captured Tank!*
*German Forces Forget Something Important, Hurry Home!*

Hey all,


dc418 Spring results - notasb   (Apr 23, 2012, 8:21 am)

Austria - landru428 - Andrew Cassese
England - RickHunter - Mike Brady
France - fencertim -Timothy Crosby
Germany - stevec - Steve Cooley
Italy - derekthefeared2 -Derek Eiler
Russia - d


dc418 Spring results (Winter Blitz) ddz999cat23 Apr 23, 08:32 am
O boy.  Bad day

On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:21 AM, GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com> wrote:


Austria - landru428 - Andrew Cassese
England - RickHunter - Mike Brady
dc418 Spring results (Winter Blitz) ddz999cat23 Apr 23, 08:34 am
Oh boy. Complete misorder. Not like me, but I'm afraid there it is. 

On Apr 23, 2012, at 8:21 AM, GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com> wrote:


Austria - landru428 - And
dc418 Spring Results (Winter Blitz) notasb Apr 30, 08:27 am

Austria - landru428 - Andrew Cassese
England - RickHunter - Mike Brady
France - fencertim -Timothy Crosby
Germany - stevec - Steve Cooley
Italy - derekthefeared2 -Derek Eiler
Russia -
dc418 Spring results (Winter Blitz) notasb Jun 18, 08:21 am

Austria - landru428 - Andrew Cassese - eliminated F '05
England - RickHunter - Mike Brady - eliminated '07
France - fencertim -Timothy Crosby
Germany - stevec - Steve Cooley
Italy - de
DC421 - Spring 03 Russia - catsfather   (Apr 23, 2012, 3:40 am)
a rum holds
a war supports ukr
a ukr supports war
a stp - liv
f bot - bal


DC421 - Spring 03 Russia (Winter Blitz) catsfather Apr 23, 01:39 pm
The north is lost. Germany must hate me, but has offered me a chance
to come back on board. Okay, let's take it. Worst result: the north
is lost ... which it already it.
a rum holds
a war suppo
dc414 Autumn 04 reminder - jerome777   (Apr 23, 2012, 12:23 am)
Hi all,
The deadline is just under 15 hours away.


dc415 Stonehenge Spring 852 reminder - jerome777   (Apr 23, 2012, 12:19 am)
Hi all,
The deadline is just under 15 hours away.


dc418 Spring reminder - stevec   (Apr 22, 2012, 7:56 pm)
Hey all, 
I really hate it when folks drop. If I had to, I would. However, I think I can manage. In fact, I cannot foresee circumstances that would force that. 

Thank you! 
Steve C


dc418 Spring reminder - RickHunter   (Apr 22, 2012, 5:00 pm)
Steve -

Sorry for your loss as well.  Let us know what you want to do - postpone turn, find replacement, etc. whatever you need.  I'm sure Christine knows what we can and can't do


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