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dc415 Stonehenge Winter 851 adjudication - MMGreenwich   (Apr 16, 2012, 3:32 pm)
Very sorry everyone that I have been so out of the loop. Been to Ukraine twice (family illness) and shuttled between London and Spain too.
Apologies for letting you down after all the waiting. Hadn't planned to crash like this. Poor Angles.
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 19:17:33 +0100
From: jerome777(at)ymail.com
Subject: dc415 Stonehenge Winter 851 adjudication
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; archimedeslives(at)yahoo.com; bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com; diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; Knightofroma(at)hotmail.com; gnr.griffiths(at)gmail.com; MariaMontes1990(at)hotmail.es
CC: jerome777(at)ymail.com; dc415(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Hi everyone,
Despite repeated requests, I've heard nothing from Angles. Therefore I assume that no builds are to be received.
Here's your Winter 851 adjudication:
Build waived
Build waived
Build F Picardie
Build F Orne
Build F Jutland(wc)
Build F Odensland
Build F Holland
Build F Dublin
Build F Hordaland Fylke
Build A Lothians
Build F Aberdeen
Build F London
Build F Sussex
Build F Kent
Build F Skye
Build F Damnonia
Build F Devon
I'm proposing that Angles get one more chance to submit moves and stay in the game. Given the amount of time that has already been lost from this game in seeking replacements and chasing moves, if no moves are received from Angles by the deadline, I'll put Angles into civil disorder, rather than trying yet again to find a replacement. Particularly as we're in the midst of Blitz season. If anyone has any strong objections to this, please let me know and I'll put it out to the vote.
The Spring 852 deadline is Monday 23 April, 2000GMT.


DC 420: Spring 1902 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Apr 16, 2012, 2:38 pm)
I just want you lads to know that, when my child grows up, I want her to be like you. You guys rock. You are so... so... wicked.
Needless to say, I think it was an interesting season with lots of opportunities for Fall skullduggery. This is one of those adjudications that I think is best appreciated without GM babbling, so I'll let you uncork the results in your own way at your own tempo. My only comment: I was surprised at what turned out to be one of the most crucial provinces on the map this season.
There is one retreat.
Army Holland auto-retreats to Kiel.
Rene, you may override that with a disband within the next 24 hours if you choose. Otherwise, Fall 1902 is due on Thursday at 14:00 CST.

Spring 1902:
A Budapest - Vienna
A Galicia - Bohemia (*Fails*)
F Greece Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Serbia - Trieste
A Trieste - Venice
F Belgium Supports A Yorkshire - Holland
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Holland
A Yorkshire - Holland
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Supports F Belgium
A Paris Supports A Burgundy
F Portugal - Spain(sc)
F Denmark - Sweden (*Fails*)
A Holland Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Kiel - Baltic Sea
A Munich - Silesia (*Bounce*)
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
A Bohemia - Silesia (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Tunis Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
A Norway Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
F Sevastopol Hold
F St Petersburg(sc) - Finland
A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Ankara - Constantinople
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Rumania - Galicia (*Fails*)
F Smyrna Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea


dc423 spring 02 - catsfather   (Apr 16, 2012, 1:34 pm)
I'd love to give some wise commentary at this point, but ... eh ... I
don't know what's going on.

Movement results for Spring of 1902. (dc423)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Venice (*Fails*).
Austria: A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Galicia (*Void*).
Austria: A Serbia Supports A Budapest.
Austria: A Venice - Trieste (*Bounce*).

England: F Edinburgh, no move received.
England: A Liverpool, no move received.
England: F London, no move received.

France: F Brest - English Channel.
France: F Marseilles - Spain(sc).
France: F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Denmark.
France: A Portugal Hold.
France: A Spain - Gascony.

Germany: A Belgium - Denmark.
Germany: A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia.
Germany: F Denmark - Skagerrak.
Germany: A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*).
Germany: F Kiel - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Munich - Silesia.

Italy: A Apulia - Rome.
Italy: F Greece - Ionian Sea.
Italy: F Naples Supports F Greece - Ionian Sea.
Italy: A Vienna - Trieste (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Galicia - Silesia (*Fails*).
Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Norway - Sweden.
Russia: F Rumania Hold.
Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway.
Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Constantinople.
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Greece.
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria.
Turkey: A Smyrna - Armenia.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Adriatic Sea, A Budapest, A Serbia, A Venice.
England: F Edinburgh, A Liverpool, F London.
France: F English Channel, A Gascony, F North Sea, A Portugal, F Spain(sc).
Germany: A Berlin, A Denmark, A Holland, F Kiel, A Silesia, F Skagerrak.
Italy: F Ionian Sea, F Naples, A Rome, A Vienna.
Russia: A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Norway, A Prussia, F Rumania, A
Turkey: A Armenia, A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A Greece.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Venice.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Greece, Naples, Rome, Vienna.
Russia: Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.
Unowned: Sweden, Tunis.

Austria: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of dc423 will be Movement for Fall of 1902.


dc423 spring 02 (Winter Blitz) catsfather Apr 17, 06:12 am
Sorry, I should have pointed out that the fall deadline is on Thursday
at 18:00 GMT.
On 16 April 2012 19:34, Hamish Williams wrote:
I'd love to give some wise commentary at this point, but ... eh ... I
don't know what's going on.

Movement results for Spring of 1902.  (dc423)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Venice (*Fails*).

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Galicia (*Void*).

Austria: A Serbia Supports A Budapest.

Austria: A Venice - Trieste (*Bounce*).

England: F Edinburgh, no move received.

England: A Liverpool, no move received.

England: F London, no move received.

France: F Brest - English Channel.

France: F Marseilles - Spain(sc).

France: F North Sea Convoys A Belgium - Denmark.

France: A Portugal Hold.

France: A Spain - Gascony.

Germany: A Belgium - Denmark.

Germany: A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia.

Germany: F Denmark - Skagerrak.

Germany: A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*).

Germany: F Kiel - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Germany: A Munich - Silesia.

Italy: A Apulia - Rome.

Italy: F Greece - Ionian Sea.

Italy: F Naples Supports F Greece - Ionian Sea.

Italy: A Vienna - Trieste (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Galicia - Silesia (*Fails*).

Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Norway - Sweden.

Russia: F Rumania Hold.

Russia: F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway.

Russia: A Warsaw - Prussia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Constantinople.

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Greece.

Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria.

Turkey: A Smyrna - Armenia.

Unit locations:

Austria:   F Adriatic Sea, A Budapest, A Serbia, A Venice.

England:   F Edinburgh, A Liverpool, F London.

France:    F English Channel, A Gascony, F North Sea, A Portugal, F Spain(sc).

Germany:   A Berlin, A Denmark, A Holland, F Kiel, A Silesia, F Skagerrak.

Italy:     F Ionian Sea, F Naples, A Rome, A Vienna.

Russia:    A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Norway, A Prussia, F Rumania, A


Turkey:    A Armenia, A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A Greece.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Venice.

England:   Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.

France:    Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany:   Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.

Italy:     Greece, Naples, Rome, Vienna.

Russia:    Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Unowned:   Sweden, Tunis.

Austria:    4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

England:    3 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.

France:     5 Supply centers,  5 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Germany:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Italy:      4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Russia:     6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.

Turkey:     4 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   0 units.

The next phase of dc423 will be Movement for Fall of 1902.
DC395 Italy EOG - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 16, 2012, 12:43 pm)
Well, I said I'd write an EOG too so here goes.
My first thoughts upon starting were "awesome, I drew England, I love England".  Then after seeing the map and what I had to do, it turned to "Well damn that sucks I got England".  Really.  Start with only 1 fleet and be entirely dependent on fleets to reach your homeland.  Not cool.  A few years into the game, I sorta turned to think Turkey started with a worse position, and perhaps Germany too... but other than that, I think England is a pretty bad one.
So I figured the only way I was gonna get home is if Warren lets me.  And he did.  I thought there were about 2 options for an Austria to play... 1... to slip thru the straits of Gibraltar before me and use he other fleet to keep me from passing thru, or 2... to slip one fleet thru and use the other to convoy his army toward home, which is the path Warren went.  This let me get my one lonely fleet home in not too bad of time.
The key tho was keeping Italy out of my centers long enough to not have to start dropping units.  So I really started out anti-Italy, and that was via working with Russia and France.  This EFR dominated the first half of the game..  I agreed so that France wouldn't go for my centers in Italy, that I'd let him get past me, and that worked well with Dan who was trying to get out of France and needed to attack Italy in Russia.  We timed it all pretty well, and we all got home - altho France benefitted the most, getting back first. 
This became a problem, and I have to point out many ppl suggested I not let it happen but I kept my word on that, and the alliance that had gotten me that far in the game.  So he got home, then I did a year or two later. 
Things started breaking down then, when Russia was still trying to get home, I just had, and France was becoming a superpower... Looking at all the avenues I could continue to work with EFR... the north was not an option cuz that was Russia... France was not an option, France would take most of Germany, and once he laid claim to Italy too, that was pretty much it.  I could sit around the rest of the game or I could make a move.  It was at this point that I talked to Dan, who agreed we should stab him, and so I did.  If France had taken a more modest approach to closing off the avenues for equal growth, I probly would have stuck with EFR for who knows how long.  That is, as long as France focused on Gemrany and Austria, and I could work on Italy and Turkey.  But when (if I remember) some army went south thru Pie-Ven instead of thru Bur-Mun to help keep Germany out of Germany, that's when I pulled the trigger.
It was a pretty effective stab, but was largely tempered by the fact that Russia stabbed me THE VERY NEXT TURN.  Talk about lack of committment.  This was incredibly annoying, for it left EFR completely nothing, FE at war, and Russia now a dominant player.  I think here - if Russia had not stabbed me - we would have taken it to a 2-way ER.
This carried on in a slugfest for a couple years, with me defending from R but trying to take out F... the real winners in this scenario were of course everyone else, cuz AGIT all managed to get home during this commotion.  Then we all teamed up against Russia who was getting huge, and so Russia pulled off of me, and we started to go for the ER again.  Trusted him twice...  I did so cuz he pulled off his northern fleet by me... a nice move on his part to get me to change course... but then that only lasted a short while and Russia stabbed me again. 
And then we teamed up again, and then stabbed again (I think I stabbed him this time) and it was kind of a mess.  ER relations were pretty well thrashed, but it was still fun playing Dan, who I think really embodies the essence of how the game is supposed to be played... that is, looking a turn or two ahead and always willing to change things up and keep it interesting.
Toward that mid-game I ended up pairing up w Italy, who had his own bone to pick w France - altho it should have been directed at me too cuz I was just as instrumental in Italy's slow getting home as France was.  But that was long since history, and when Russia was big, Italy and I made natural allies.  This stuck for the rest of the game... a few really good trust building moves were successful, and we ended up w Iberia returned to Italy, and MAO and everything around it DMZ'd. 
This probly would have stayed like this.  I don't think there was a win in this for me at least, cuz of the Med stalemate.  In order to pull it off, I'd have to get clear to Tunis via sea, and with Italy being a strong power, that just wouldn't happen.  I think you can bottle up that path with like 3 or 4 fleets, so it was a non-issue.  So I was open to letting Italy finish off Austria if he wanted to, or just take the 3-way if it passed, since it would have taken a LONG time for Italy to do that. 
I've played or GM'd to many of you in the past, and would happily do so again... tho I think this was my first game against Tony & Dave... Tony, you are a crazy player!  You remind me of Felix, one of those who started the dc club.  Always playing completely unpredictably and doing wacky things.  It was definitely frustrating and entertaining at the same time.  And Dave, you were a little quiet for the amount of dipping most of the others were doing on this table, which probly saw you getting home slower than the rest.  That, and being Turkey of course.  I wanted to see you get home, at least when I was with EFR, so that you'd kill off those German centers that were supporting Tony's unpredicatble units.
I think that's about it!  Awesome game again Jerome, i had a lot of fun...

From: Isaac Zinner [mailto:isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Mon 4/16/2012 11:28 AM
To: Isaac Zinner; Michael Sims; Dave Labreche; Dan Dzikowicz; Warren Fleming; Jerome Payne; dc395; Tony Stevens
Subject: DC395 Italy EOG

Hi ,

Well as I'm the first to write an EOG ,
I would like to thank Jerome for GMing very smooth, with almost no NMR.
I do hope to read some other EOG as well.
So here it goes:

In the beginning I was approached by Germany ( Tony ) who offered we work together with Turkey (Dave ).
Since we were very close and thus could use each others help - and so was the TIGer alliance born.
The deal was: I help Tony get one Home SC and so does he, and then we split. At start since I wouldn't disclose ALL my moves ,
only the moves that were of importance to Tony, he felt I'm betraying him and on Fall 1901 we almost terminated the
whole thing off , However Tony got back to his senses and from then on we had very good relations. This lasted almost
to the end of the game when he was in the far north and I in Southern Italy.

I also had some contact with France ( James ) but I found out very soon I can't really trust him . He promised me
to cooperate but was blocking my way from Sev - Black Sea - Con - Ionian to get to Italy.
And so after I lost any hope of getting my southern fleet to Italy I decided to try the same successful route Austria ( Warrren ) had
used and so moved the very long way from StP - to the Western Med. This worked out very nice.but was making me the almost the last one to get back home.

In the meanwhile England ( Mike ) was all over England and France was hurrying to take his part of Germany without making sure his back was secured.
So once Mike offered me to go after France I accepted. This early strike that hit France was  one he never got back to himself. Due to our past relations
I didn't think it would hurt if we get France out.

With Mike I believe I had very good relations and though I heard of his Solo reputation I was quite open with and I feel he was open with me as well.
This lasted to the end of the game to the benefit of both of us.
Though I wouldn't try to stab Warren while hoping Mike would keep my back quiet, I believe if I would have stabbed warren Mike would help him
finishing me off.

I the North I was helping Germany to take his part however Russia was making this impossible . In my opinion Germany lost any chance of making it in the turn of F05 . He asked me to move Sil - Munich , thinking he would bounce me and so will have Mun vacant for a build, I did as he asked but Russia offered to support me there and thus Munich was mine.
And so Tony was left without Mun and no Build. Things got only worse for him after that.

I had very good relations with Tony but I didn't agree to his view of what should be the best turn moves. My tactics were somewhat different, however we cooperated very nicely, while we were at it.

With Warren I had a good start but then on Fall 1906 I did some aggressive moves and took Vienna by surprise planning to move after the rest of Austria, however once Russia (Dan ) decided to side with Warren and supported him on F1907 instead of keeping his word to me and supporting me to Budapest while having me losing back Vienna to Warren, I decided to try and get back to Warren .
I'm happy this worked out as Warren saw that Dan was getting too strong and if we were to fight each other this would just get Russia all over the map. So we had a deal which lasted to the end , to the benefit of both of us.

Dan lost me when he lied to me then on Fall 1907, from then on I had my Army going to Ukr and making him busy trying to defend his home SC
which eventually almost got him eliminated. If he would support me instead I think his situation would have been better.

Dave was from the beginning very loyal and helped me a lot. I did my best to help him when I could and when I got offers to go after him , I refused.
I believe he deserved to survive and if not Mike threatening my East , I might have considered working with Dave in stabbing Warren ( sorry Warren).

All in all I enjoyed the game very much,
Thanks all and hope to play another one with you.



DC395 Italy EOG - egni   (Apr 16, 2012, 11:28 am)
Hi ,

Well as I'm the first to write an EOG ,
I would like to thank Jerome for GMing very smooth, with almost no NMR.
I do hope to read some other EOG as well.
So here it goes:

In the beginning I was approached by Germany ( Tony ) who offered we work together with Turkey (Dave ).

Since we were very close and thus could use each others help - and so was the TIGer alliance born.
The deal was: I help Tony get one Home SC and so does he, and then we split. At start since I wouldn't disclose ALL my moves ,

only the moves that were of importance to Tony, he felt I'm betraying him and on Fall 1901 we almost terminated the
whole thing off , However Tony got back to his senses and from then on we had very good relations. This lasted almost

to the end of the game when he was in the far north and I in Southern Italy.

I also had some contact with France ( James ) but I found out very soon I can't really trust him . He promised me
to cooperate but was blocking my way from Sev - Black Sea - Con - Ionian to get to Italy.

And so after I lost any hope of getting my southern fleet to Italy I decided to try the same successful route Austria ( Warrren ) had
used and so moved the very long way from StP - to the Western Med. This worked out very nice.but was making me the almost the last one to get back home.

In the meanwhile England ( Mike ) was all over England and France was hurrying to take his part of Germany without making sure his back was secured.
So once Mike offered me to go after France I accepted. This early strike that hit France was  one he never got back to himself. Due to our past relations

I didn't think it would hurt if we get France out.

With Mike I believe I had very good relations and though I heard of his Solo reputation I was quite open with and I feel he was open with me as well.
This lasted to the end of the game to the benefit of both of us.

Though I wouldn't try to stab Warren while hoping Mike would keep my back quiet, I believe if I would have stabbed warren Mike would help him
finishing me off.

I the North I was helping Germany to take his part however Russia was making this impossible . In my opinion Germany lost any chance of making it in the turn of F05 . He asked me to move Sil - Munich , thinking he would bounce me and so will have Mun vacant for a build, I did as he asked but Russia offered to support me there and thus Munich was mine.

And so Tony was left without Mun and no Build. Things got only worse for him after that.

I had very good relations with Tony but I didn't agree to his view of what should be the best turn moves. My tactics were somewhat different, however we cooperated very nicely, while we were at it.

With Warren I had a good start but then on Fall 1906 I did some aggressive moves and took Vienna by surprise planning to move after the rest of Austria, however once Russia (Dan ) decided to side with Warren and supported him on F1907 instead of keeping his word to me and supporting me to Budapest while having me losing back Vienna to Warren, I decided to try and get back to Warren .

I'm happy this worked out as Warren saw that Dan was getting too strong and if we were to fight each other this would just get Russia all over the map. So we had a deal which lasted to the end , to the benefit of both of us.

Dan lost me when he lied to me then on Fall 1907, from then on I had my Army going to Ukr and making him busy trying to defend his home SC
which eventually almost got him eliminated. If he would support me instead I think his situation would have been better.

Dave was from the beginning very loyal and helped me a lot. I did my best to help him when I could and when I got offers to go after him , I refused.
I believe he deserved to survive and if not Mike threatening my East , I might have considered working with Dave in stabbing Warren ( sorry Warren).

All in all I enjoyed the game very much,
Thanks all and hope to play another one with you.



DC395 Italy EOG (dc395) FuzzyLogic Apr 16, 12:43 pm
Well, I said I'd write an EOG too so here goes.
My first thoughts upon starting were "awesome, I drew England, I love England".  Then after seeing the map and what I had to do, it turned to "Well damn that sucks I got England".  Really.  Start with only 1 fleet and be entirely dependent on fleets to reach your homeland.  Not cool.  A few years into the game, I sorta turned to think Turkey started with a worse position, and perhaps Germany too... but other than that, I think England is a pretty bad one.
So I figured the only way I was gonna get home is if Warren lets me.  And he did.  I thought there were about 2 options for an Austria to play... 1... to slip thru the straits of Gibraltar before me and use he other fleet to keep me from passing thru, or 2... to slip one fleet thru and use the other to convoy his army toward home, which is the path Warren went.  This let me get my one lonely fleet home in not too bad of time.
The key tho was keeping Italy out of my centers long enough to not have to start dropping units.  So I really started out anti-Italy, and that was via working with Russia and France.  This EFR dominated the first half of the game..  I agreed so that France wouldn't go for my centers in Italy, that I'd let him get past me, and that worked well with Dan who was trying to get out of France and needed to attack Italy in Russia.  We timed it all pretty well, and we all got home - altho France benefitted the most, getting back first. 
This became a problem, and I have to point out many ppl suggested I not let it happen but I kept my word on that, and the alliance that had gotten me that far in the game.  So he got home, then I did a year or two later. 
Things started breaking down then, when Russia was still trying to get home, I just had, and France was becoming a superpower... Looking at all the avenues I could continue to work with EFR... the north was not an option cuz that was Russia... France was not an option, France would take most of Germany, and once he laid claim to Italy too, that was pretty much it.  I could sit around the rest of the game or I could make a move.  It was at this point that I talked to Dan, who agreed we should stab him, and so I did.  If France had taken a more modest approach to closing off the avenues for equal growth, I probly would have stuck with EFR for who knows how long.  That is, as long as France focused on Gemrany and Austria, and I could work on Italy and Turkey.  But when (if I remember) some army went south thru Pie-Ven instead of thru Bur-Mun to help keep Germany out of Germany, that's when I pulled the trigger.
It was a pretty effective stab, but was largely tempered by the fact that Russia stabbed me THE VERY NEXT TURN.  Talk about lack of committment.  This was incredibly annoying, for it left EFR completely nothing, FE at war, and Russia now a dominant player.  I think here - if Russia had not stabbed me - we would have taken it to a 2-way ER.
This carried on in a slugfest for a couple years, with me defending from R but trying to take out F... the real winners in this scenario were of course everyone else, cuz AGIT all managed to get home during this commotion.  Then we all teamed up against Russia who was getting huge, and so Russia pulled off of me, and we started to go for the ER again.  Trusted him twice...  I did so cuz he pulled off his northern fleet by me... a nice move on his part to get me to change course... but then that only lasted a short while and Russia stabbed me again. 
And then we teamed up again, and then stabbed again (I think I stabbed him this time) and it was kind of a mess.  ER relations were pretty well thrashed, but it was still fun playing Dan, who I think really embodies the essence of how the game is supposed to be played... that is, looking a turn or two ahead and always willing to change things up and keep it interesting.
Toward that mid-game I ended up pairing up w Italy, who had his own bone to pick w France - altho it should have been directed at me too cuz I was just as instrumental in Italy's slow getting home as France was.  But that was long since history, and when Russia was big, Italy and I made natural allies.  This stuck for the rest of the game... a few really good trust building moves were successful, and we ended up w Iberia returned to Italy, and MAO and everything around it DMZ'd. 
This probly would have stayed like this.  I don't think there was a win in this for me at least, cuz of the Med stalemate.  In order to pull it off, I'd have to get clear to Tunis via sea, and with Italy being a strong power, that just wouldn't happen.  I think you can bottle up that path with like 3 or 4 fleets, so it was a non-issue.  So I was open to letting Italy finish off Austria if he wanted to, or just take the 3-way if it passed, since it would have taken a LONG time for Italy to do that. 
I've played or GM'd to many of you in the past, and would happily do so again... tho I think this was my first game against Tony & Dave... Tony, you are a crazy player!  You remind me of Felix, one of those who started the dc club.  Always playing completely unpredictably and doing wacky things.  It was definitely frustrating and entertaining at the same time.  And Dave, you were a little quiet for the amount of dipping most of the others were doing on this table, which probly saw you getting home slower than the rest.  That, and being Turkey of course.  I wanted to see you get home, at least when I was with EFR, so that you'd kill off those German centers that were supporting Tony's unpredicatble units.
I think that's about it!  Awesome game again Jerome, i had a lot of fun...

From: Isaac Zinner [mailto:isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Mon 4/16/2012 11:28 AM
To: Isaac Zinner; Michael Sims; Dave Labreche; Dan Dzikowicz; Warren Fleming; Jerome Payne; dc395; Tony Stevens
Subject: DC395 Italy EOG

Hi ,

Well as I'm the first to write an EOG ,
I would like to thank Jerome for GMing very smooth, with almost no NMR.
I do hope to read some other EOG as well.
So here it goes:

In the beginning I was approached by Germany ( Tony ) who offered we work together with Turkey (Dave ).
Since we were very close and thus could use each others help - and so was the TIGer alliance born.
The deal was: I help Tony get one Home SC and so does he, and then we split. At start since I wouldn't disclose ALL my moves ,
only the moves that were of importance to Tony, he felt I'm betraying him and on Fall 1901 we almost terminated the
whole thing off , However Tony got back to his senses and from then on we had very good relations. This lasted almost
to the end of the game when he was in the far north and I in Southern Italy.

I also had some contact with France ( James ) but I found out very soon I can't really trust him . He promised me
to cooperate but was blocking my way from Sev - Black Sea - Con - Ionian to get to Italy.
And so after I lost any hope of getting my southern fleet to Italy I decided to try the same successful route Austria ( Warrren ) had
used and so moved the very long way from StP - to the Western Med. This worked out very nice.but was making me the almost the last one to get back home.

In the meanwhile England ( Mike ) was all over England and France was hurrying to take his part of Germany without making sure his back was secured.
So once Mike offered me to go after France I accepted. This early strike that hit France was  one he never got back to himself. Due to our past relations
I didn't think it would hurt if we get France out.

With Mike I believe I had very good relations and though I heard of his Solo reputation I was quite open with and I feel he was open with me as well.
This lasted to the end of the game to the benefit of both of us.
Though I wouldn't try to stab Warren while hoping Mike would keep my back quiet, I believe if I would have stabbed warren Mike would help him
finishing me off.

I the North I was helping Germany to take his part however Russia was making this impossible . In my opinion Germany lost any chance of making it in the turn of F05 . He asked me to move Sil - Munich , thinking he would bounce me and so will have Mun vacant for a build, I did as he asked but Russia offered to support me there and thus Munich was mine.
And so Tony was left without Mun and no Build. Things got only worse for him after that.

I had very good relations with Tony but I didn't agree to his view of what should be the best turn moves. My tactics were somewhat different, however we cooperated very nicely, while we were at it.

With Warren I had a good start but then on Fall 1906 I did some aggressive moves and took Vienna by surprise planning to move after the rest of Austria, however once Russia (Dan ) decided to side with Warren and supported him on F1907 instead of keeping his word to me and supporting me to Budapest while having me losing back Vienna to Warren, I decided to try and get back to Warren .
I'm happy this worked out as Warren saw that Dan was getting too strong and if we were to fight each other this would just get Russia all over the map. So we had a deal which lasted to the end , to the benefit of both of us.

Dan lost me when he lied to me then on Fall 1907, from then on I had my Army going to Ukr and making him busy trying to defend his home SC
which eventually almost got him eliminated. If he would support me instead I think his situation would have been better.

Dave was from the beginning very loyal and helped me a lot. I did my best to help him when I could and when I got offers to go after him , I refused.
I believe he deserved to survive and if not Mike threatening my East , I might have considered working with Dave in stabbing Warren ( sorry Warren).

All in all I enjoyed the game very much,
Thanks all and hope to play another one with you.

DC 424 Spring 02 correction! - untitled36   (Apr 16, 2012, 10:48 am)
Hey all,

Russia had, before the deadline, send me another version of his moves. I had thought I was using his final version to input moves, but I was incorrect. So the corrected moves are:

Gal s Rum-Bud

This is bad news for the austrian, who not only does not get Ser, but loses Bud. On the other hand, it's perhaps equally bad news for the Italian, who is in turn bounced out of Trieste. So make sure you check the updated map and dpy (attached).

Also, Austria needs to submit a retreat. Bud can only retreat to Vie or OTB, but I still need it confirmed.



DC421 - Spring 1902 Russia - catsfather   (Apr 16, 2012, 10:04 am)
Blitz, blitz, blitz!
On 16 April 2012 16:03, Hamish Williams wrote:
a rum holds
a war - sil
a mos - war
a vie supports italy a ven - trl
f swe s stp - nor
a stp - nor


dc394 w10 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 16, 2012, 9:59 am)
Here you go!  Next turn Friday - 4/21, 3pm Central!
Standings are updated, www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc394.
There's only 8 players left - two of which are on very small empires...
A Ancient Necropolis - Twisted Tunnels
A Carpantha - Diamond Mines
F Pans Labyrinth, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Avalon, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Myth Drannor, no move received (*Disbanded*)
disband F Everglot
disband F Skellington
Remove A Knockshegowna
Build F Gelfling
Build A Garthim
Remove A Elephant Graveyard
Build A Mordor
Build A Rohan
Build A Krikkit
Build A Ice Reach
Build A Wing Hove
Build A Arborlon
Build F Grimpen Ward
Build A Spiral Castle
Build waived
Remove A Myrtle
Remove F Dhunia
Defaults, removing F Endor
Defaults, removing F BIKINI BOTTOM
Build F The Julianthes
Build F Dargaard Keep
Build F The Silver city
Build A Ashan


dc394 w10 builds! (dc394) FuzzyLogic Apr 17, 02:00 pm
Hey guys,
The Gnomes removed Sab and Tro... I just put the email in the wrong folder.  Updated map attached!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 4/16/2012 9:59 AM
Cc: dc394
Subject: dc394 w10 builds!

Here you go!  Next turn Friday - 4/21, 3pm Central!
Standings are updated, www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc394.
There's only 8 players left - two of which are on very small empires...
A Ancient Necropolis - Twisted Tunnels
A Carpantha - Diamond Mines
F Pans Labyrinth, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Avalon, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Myth Drannor, no move received (*Disbanded*)
disband F Everglot
disband F Skellington
Remove A Knockshegowna
Build F Gelfling
Build A Garthim
Remove A Elephant Graveyard
Build A Mordor
Build A Rohan
Build A Krikkit
Build A Ice Reach
Build A Wing Hove
Build A Arborlon
Build F Grimpen Ward
Build A Spiral Castle
Build waived
Remove A Myrtle
Remove F Dhunia
Defaults, removing F Endor
Defaults, removing F BIKINI BOTTOM
Build F The Julianthes
Build F Dargaard Keep
Build F The Silver city
Build A Ashan
dc394 w10 builds! (dc394) FuzzyLogic Apr 18, 08:01 am
BTW next turn is Friday 4/20, not 21.  That's in 2 days!  In other words, if I had a nickel for every day till the deadline, I could invest them in the stock market and manage to lose them both.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 4/17/2012 2:00 PM
Cc: dc394
Subject: RE: dc394 w10 builds!

Hey guys,
The Gnomes removed Sab and Tro... I just put the email in the wrong folder.  Updated map attached!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 4/16/2012 9:59 AM
Cc: dc394
Subject: dc394 w10 builds!

Here you go!  Next turn Friday - 4/21, 3pm Central!
Standings are updated, www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc394.
There's only 8 players left - two of which are on very small empires...
A Ancient Necropolis - Twisted Tunnels
A Carpantha - Diamond Mines
F Pans Labyrinth, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Ansalon, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Avalon, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Myth Drannor, no move received (*Disbanded*)
disband F Everglot
disband F Skellington
Remove A Knockshegowna
Build F Gelfling
Build A Garthim
Remove A Elephant Graveyard
Build A Mordor
Build A Rohan
Build A Krikkit
Build A Ice Reach
Build A Wing Hove
Build A Arborlon
Build F Grimpen Ward
Build A Spiral Castle
Build waived
Remove A Myrtle
Remove F Dhunia
Defaults, removing F Endor
Defaults, removing F BIKINI BOTTOM
Build F The Julianthes
Build F Dargaard Keep
Build F The Silver city
Build A Ashan
DC 424 Spring 02 Results - untitled36   (Apr 16, 2012, 9:14 am)
*Austrians Conquer Serbia! .... but lose Trieste!*
*French Army Flees Burgandy as Superior Forces Move In!*
*Russians Head to Norway for Some Lutefisk!*

Hey all,

     Perhaps the most interesting fact this turn is that three different provinces had one country attack, but lose out to another country's supported attack. This happened in the North Sea, Burgandy, and Serbia, and a similar situation occurred in Ionian. So apparently we already have some animosity! Smile
     We also have two retreats! English F Nwy  can retreat to Ska, Nwg, Bar, or OTB. Austrian F Ion can retreat to Apu, adr, alb, eas, or OTB. So lots of options. Retreats are due tomorrow at 8:00 AM CST (13:00 GMT), but I'll adjudicate once I get both in.

Otherwise, I'll see the rest of you on thursday!

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Serbia
A Greece Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria (*Void*)
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Serbia

F English Channel Supports F London - North Sea
F London - North Sea
F Norway Supports F London - North Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Yorkshire Hold

F Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
A Spain Hold

A Belgium Supports A Munich - Burgundy
A Berlin - Munich
A Denmark Hold
F Holland - North Sea (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Burgundy

A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Fails*)
F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tunis Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Venice - Trieste

A Galicia - Bohemia
A Rumania - Galicia
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Norway
F Sweden Supports A St Petersburg - Norway
A Warsaw - Moscow

F Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Fails*)
A Constantinople - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Smyrna - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)


dc418 Spring '02 Results - notasb   (Apr 16, 2012, 8:25 am)

Austria - landru428 - Andrew Cassese
England - RickHunter - Mike Brady
France - fencertim -Timothy Crosby
Germany - stevec - Steve Cooley
Italy - derekthefeared2 -Derek Eiler
Russia - ddz999cat23 - Daniel Dzikowicz
Turkey - MrSmiley - Will Fleming

GM Note:

Check for errors.  We're having a bad wind storm with intermittent internet loss so i hope to get it out before I lose internet again.  I may not have checked the results as carefully as I normally do.




Fall '02 is due Thursday April 19th 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

Orders and Results:

A Budapest - Galicia
F Greece Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Rumania Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Void*)
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
A Trieste Hold
A Vienna Supports A Budapest - Galicia

F Belgium Supports A Yorkshire - Holland
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Holland
A Yorkshire - Holland

A Brest - Paris (*Fails*)
A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Gascony

A Berlin - Silesia
F Denmark - Sweden (*Bounce*)
A Holland - Ruhr
F Kiel - Baltic Sea
A Munich - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
A Paris Supports A Munich - Burgundy (*Cut*)

F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
A Venice Hold

F Black Sea - Sevastopol
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Bounce*)
A St Petersburg - Finland
A Ukraine Supports F Black Sea - Sevastopol

F Ankara - Black Sea
A Armenia - Ankara
A Constantinople - Bulgaria


"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy."  - unknown


DC421 - Spring 1902 Russia - catsfather   (Apr 16, 2012, 7:31 am)
It seems the threat has been spotted. Okay, all out for European domination!
a rum holds
a war - sil
a mos - war
a vie holds
f swe s stp - nor
a stp - nor


DC421 - Spring 1902 Russia - catsfather   (Apr 16, 2012, 1:19 am)
Same orders, but cc'd to blitz too.
On 16 April 2012 07:16, Hamish Williams wrote:
a war - gal
a mos - war
f rum holds
a vie supports war - gal
a stp - nor
f swe supports stp - nor


DC421 - Spring 1902 Russia (Winter Blitz) catsfather Apr 16, 07:31 am
It seems the threat has been spotted. Okay, all out for European domination!
a rum holds
a war - sil
a mos - war
a vie holds
f swe s stp - nor
a stp - nor
DC421 - Spring 1902 Russia (Winter Blitz) catsfather Apr 16, 10:04 am
Blitz, blitz, blitz!
On 16 April 2012 16:03, Hamish Williams wrote:
a rum holds
a war - sil
a mos - war
a vie supports italy a ven - trl
f swe s stp - nor
a stp - nor
DC 420: GM in saddle - AceRimmer   (Apr 15, 2012, 10:38 pm)
I'm just informing you that I am back from my travels. I have just now confirmed the most recent sets of orders from each player. I am still missing one set of orders, so if you didn't receive anything, then you know who you are. Deadline tomorrow at 14:00 CST.


DC406: Winter 05 (FINALLY!!!!) - offdisc   (Apr 15, 2012, 3:53 pm)
Hi All,One would think that the GM of a game subtitled: Old Dogs, New Tricks, would have learned something by now.One would be wrong.
On a weekend where the deadline has already been pushed and promises of quick turnover made, but more importantly, when US taxes need completing and filing, your ever-brilliant GM decided to upgrade his laptop. Nothing extreme, just a new hard drive --- a shiny quiet SSD!  Ooooohhhhhh!  Clone existing drive, remove, plug in SSD, go!  
Yeah, that would have been nice.As my wife said, upon returning home to discover a bed full of screws and parts, "Simple? It's never simple! That's why EVERY time you try to fix something on the computer, it turns into a 3 day project and a handful of gizmos you're not sure where they came from." She's not very technical, but she is observant. And just to clarify, she specified "on the computer", but really that applies to anything more advanced than a bicycle.

So, I finally got the OLD hard drive to work again (yeah, Windows even stopped recognizing that one! Lovely!) and processed the moves and finished my taxes before resuming my quest to get the damn new SSD installed. No reason the rest of you should suffer for my bare competence.

Deadline for Spring 06 moves will be Thursday 4/19.  I will be on vacation (with my laptop, but not constantly monitoring) from 4/20 -> 4/24, enjoying family time at Disneyworld.  I will process retreats on Friday, and then Fall moves won't be due until the following Friday. 
If Thursday is too quick, let me know and we'll push the deadline to next week.
Winter 05 Adjustments:
Barbarians: Remove A Sleepy Hollow

Dwarves: Build F The JulianthesBuild A Mount Nimro
Faeries: Build A Vinyaya
Gnomes: Remove F KhemriRemove F Endor

Hobbits: Build A Lindon
Magicians: Build A Ergoth
Nomads: Build A FionavarBuild F To-Gai-Ru

Ogres: Build F Whoville
Pirates: Build F The NeverwoodBuild F RikuBuild F Pans LabyrinthBuild A Neverpeak Mtn
Remove F Allerleirauh
Wizards: Remove F RIVER OF THE DAWNRemove A FaerunRemove F Baldurs Gate
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson


dc422 Spring 02 reminder - jerome777   (Apr 15, 2012, 1:19 pm)
Oooh, you lucky people! Your kindhearted GM is sending you another reminder - don't get too used to this!
Your Spring 02 deadline is just over 25 hours away, 2000GMT tomorrow (Mon 16 April).


dc415 Stonehenge Winter 851 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 15, 2012, 1:17 pm)
Hi everyone,
Despite repeated requests, I've heard nothing from Angles. Therefore I assume that no builds are to be received.
Here's your Winter 851 adjudication:
Build waived
Build waived
Build F Picardie
Build F Orne
Build F Jutland(wc)
Build F Odensland
Build F Holland
Build F Dublin
Build F Hordaland Fylke
Build A Lothians
Build F Aberdeen
Build F London
Build F Sussex
Build F Kent
Build F Skye
Build F Damnonia
Build F Devon
I'm proposing that Angles get one more chance to submit moves and stay in the game. Given the amount of time that has already been lost from this game in seeking replacements and chasing moves, if no moves are received from Angles by the deadline, I'll put Angles into civil disorder, rather than trying yet again to find a replacement. Particularly as we're in the midst of Blitz season. If anyone has any strong objections to this, please let me know and I'll put it out to the vote.
The Spring 852 deadline is Monday 23 April, 2000GMT.


dc415 Stonehenge Winter 851 adjudication (dc415) MMGreenwich Apr 16, 03:32 pm
Very sorry everyone that I have been so out of the loop. Been to Ukraine twice (family illness) and shuttled between London and Spain too.
Apologies for letting you down after all the waiting. Hadn't planned to crash like this. Poor Angles.
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 19:17:33 +0100
From: jerome777(at)ymail.com
Subject: dc415 Stonehenge Winter 851 adjudication
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; archimedeslives(at)yahoo.com; bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com; diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; Knightofroma(at)hotmail.com; gnr.griffiths(at)gmail.com; MariaMontes1990(at)hotmail.es
CC: jerome777(at)ymail.com; dc415(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Hi everyone,
Despite repeated requests, I've heard nothing from Angles. Therefore I assume that no builds are to be received.
Here's your Winter 851 adjudication:
Build waived
Build waived
Build F Picardie
Build F Orne
Build F Jutland(wc)
Build F Odensland
Build F Holland
Build F Dublin
Build F Hordaland Fylke
Build A Lothians
Build F Aberdeen
Build F London
Build F Sussex
Build F Kent
Build F Skye
Build F Damnonia
Build F Devon
I'm proposing that Angles get one more chance to submit moves and stay in the game. Given the amount of time that has already been lost from this game in seeking replacements and chasing moves, if no moves are received from Angles by the deadline, I'll put Angles into civil disorder, rather than trying yet again to find a replacement. Particularly as we're in the midst of Blitz season. If anyone has any strong objections to this, please let me know and I'll put it out to the vote.
The Spring 852 deadline is Monday 23 April, 2000GMT.
DC 398, Spring 1908 - alwayshunted   (Apr 15, 2012, 9:50 am)
Okay, I have orders for one unit for the fall turn then.....
Apu - Par
Got it, thanks Darren.

From: darren_sharma(at)frontlineanalysts.com
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; swoopster06(at)yahoo.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; sanjat312(at)yahoo.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; dc398(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com
Subject: RE: DC 398, Spring 1908
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 12:14:51 +0100

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Apu is good for the retreat - thanks.  It's just a detour on the road to Paris.     From: Warren Fleming [mailto:alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: 14 April 2012 18:03
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; darren_sharma(at)frontlineanalysts.com; Garry Bledsoe; swoopster06(at)yahoo.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; sanjat312(at)yahoo.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; dc398(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; Warren Fleming
Subject: DC 398, Spring 1908 Gents, Got into a few frothy beverages yesterday afternoon and decided it was best to hold off on the adjudication until this morning....   So here we go. First of all, there is a proposal on the table for a three way, France/Germany/Turkey draw. Italy would get a survival of course. Now saying that, there was a single retreat needed by Italy.  The army in Venice had one option, so I took the liberty of retreating it to Apulia.  Darren if you want to disband it instead please let me know. Fall 1908 will be due in just under a week, on Friday April 20 at 16:00 MDT.  Please submit votes on the end game proposal with your fall orders.  It must be unanimous, and failure to vote is considered a no. The turn:--------------France: A Brest - ParisF Clyde Supports F EdinburghF Edinburgh Supports F ClydeA Gascony - Burgundy (*Fails*)F London HoldF Marseilles - Spain(sc)A Picardy HoldA Piedmont - Venice Germany: A Belgium HoldA Burgundy Supports A Munich (*Cut*)A Livonia Supports A WarsawA Moscow Supports A WarsawA Munich Supports A SilesiaF North Sea Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)F Norway Supports F Norwegian SeaF Norwegian Sea Supports F North SeaA Silesia Supports A MunichA Tuscany - Rome (*Fails*)A Warsaw Supports A Moscow Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice (*Cut*)F English Channel - North Sea (*Fails*)F Rome - Tuscany (*Fails*)A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany (*Dislodged*)A Vienna Supports A Bohemia (*Disbanded*) Turkey: F Armenia - Black SeaF Black Sea - ConstantinopleA Bohemia Supports A Budapest - ViennaA Budapest - ViennaA Galicia Supports A Budapest - ViennaF Greece - Ionian SeaA Sevastopol Supports A UkraineF Trieste - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)A Tyrolia Supports A Piedmont - VeniceA Ukraine Supports A Galicia---------------  New maps are attached. Check my work. Cheers, Warren  


dc418 Spring reminder - notasb   (Apr 15, 2012, 8:47 am)
Spring '02 is due Monday April 16th  8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy."  - unknown


dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) notasb Apr 22, 07:05 am
Spring is due Monday April 23rd 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy."  - unknown
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) stevec Apr 22, 02:02 pm
Hey all,
I've mentioned to some of you that my Dad is ill. He passed away early Saturday morning. As my family is in CA, there have been many phone calls, etc. 
I will be emailing you all in 5 to 6 hours. 

Thank you! 
Steve Cooley

On Apr 22, 2012, at 8:05 AM, GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Spring is due Monday April 23rd 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy."  - unknown
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) derekthefeared2 Apr 22, 02:14 pm
Sorry to hear that,
My condolences to you and your family.

--- On Sun, 4/22/12, Steve Cooley <tmssteve(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Steve Cooley <tmssteve(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: dc418 Spring reminder
To: "GM Christine" <dawench(at)hotmail.com>
Cc: "<odvaha(at)aol.com>" <odvaha(at)aol.com>, "<wtfleming(at)msn.com>" <wtfleming(at)msn.com>, "<timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com>" <timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com>, "<derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>" <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>, "<ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>" <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>, "<blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "<landru428(at)aol.com>" <landru428(at)aol.com>
Date: Sunday, April 22, 2012, 3:02 PM

Hey all,

I've mentioned to some of you that my Dad is ill. He passed away early Saturday morning. As my family is in CA, there have been many phone calls, etc. 

I will be emailing you all in 5 to 6 hours. 

Thank you! 

Steve Cooley

On Apr 22, 2012, at 8:05 AM, GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Spring is due Monday April 23rd 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy."  - unknown
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) RickHunter Apr 22, 05:00 pm
Steve -

Sorry for your loss as well.  Let us know what you want to do - postpone turn, find replacement, etc. whatever you need.  I'm sure Christine knows what we can and can't do in tourney rules.


-----Original Message-----

From: Derek eyler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>

To: GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com>; Steve Cooley <tmssteve(at)gmail.com>

Cc: <odvaha(at)aol.com> <odvaha(at)aol.com>; <wtfleming(at)msn.com> <wtfleming(at)msn.com>; <timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com> <timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com>; <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com> <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com> <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; <landru428(at)aol.com> <landru428(at)aol.com>

Sent: Sun, Apr 22, 2012 3:14 pm

Subject: Re: dc418 Spring reminder

Sorry to hear that,


My condolences to you and your family.

--- On Sun, 4/22/12, Steve Cooley <tmssteve(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Steve Cooley <tmssteve(at)gmail.com>

Subject: Re: dc418 Spring reminder

To: "GM Christine" <dawench(at)hotmail.com>

Cc: "<odvaha(at)aol.com>" <odvaha(at)aol.com>, "<wtfleming(at)msn.com>" <wtfleming(at)msn.com>, "<timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com>" <timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com>, "<derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>" <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>, "<ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>" <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>, "<blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "<landru428(at)aol.com>" <landru428(at)aol.com>

Date: Sunday, April 22, 2012, 3:02 PM

Hey all,

I've mentioned to some of you that my Dad is ill. He passed away early Saturday morning. As my family is in CA, there have been many phone calls, etc. 

I will be emailing you all in 5 to 6 hours. 

Thank you! 

Steve Cooley

On Apr 22, 2012, at 8:05 AM, GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

#AOLMsgPart_1_7f856b7f-9d74-420d-8c5f-2380f36de61e td{color: black;} #AOLMsgPart_1_7f856b7f-9d74-420d-8c5f-2380f36de61e #yiv2050126465 .yiv2050126465hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #AOLMsgPart_1_7f856b7f-9d74-420d-8c5f-2380f36de61e #yiv2050126465 body.yiv2050126465hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}

Spring is due Monday April 23rd 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy."  - unknown
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) stevec Apr 22, 07:56 pm
Hey all, 
I really hate it when folks drop. If I had to, I would. However, I think I can manage. In fact, I cannot foresee circumstances that would force that. 

Thank you! 
Steve Cooley

On Apr 22, 2012, at 6:00 PM, odvaha(at)aol.com wrote:

Steve -

Sorry for your loss as well.  Let us know what you want to do - postpone turn, find replacement, etc. whatever you need.  I'm sure Christine knows what we can and can't do in tourney rules.


-----Original Message-----

From: Derek eyler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>

To: GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com>; Steve Cooley <tmssteve(at)gmail.com>

Cc: <odvaha(at)aol.com> <odvaha(at)aol.com>; <wtfleming(at)msn.com> <wtfleming(at)msn.com>; <timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com> <timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com>; <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com> <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com> <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; <landru428(at)aol.com> <landru428(at)aol.com>

Sent: Sun, Apr 22, 2012 3:14 pm

Subject: Re: dc418 Spring reminder

Sorry to hear that,


My condolences to you and your family.

--- On Sun, 4/22/12, Steve Cooley <tmssteve(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Steve Cooley <tmssteve(at)gmail.com>

Subject: Re: dc418 Spring reminder

To: "GM Christine" <dawench(at)hotmail.com>

Cc: "<odvaha(at)aol.com>" <odvaha(at)aol.com>, "<wtfleming(at)msn.com>" <wtfleming(at)msn.com>, "<timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com>" <timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com>, "<derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>" <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>, "<ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>" <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>, "<blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>" <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "<landru428(at)aol.com>" <landru428(at)aol.com>

Date: Sunday, April 22, 2012, 3:02 PM

Hey all,

I've mentioned to some of you that my Dad is ill. He passed away early Saturday morning. As my family is in CA, there have been many phone calls, etc. 

I will be emailing you all in 5 to 6 hours. 

Thank you! 

Steve Cooley

On Apr 22, 2012, at 8:05 AM, GM Christine <dawench(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

#AOLMsgPart_1_7f856b7f-9d74-420d-8c5f-2380f36de61e td{color: black;} #AOLMsgPart_1_7f856b7f-9d74-420d-8c5f-2380f36de61e #yiv2050126465 .yiv2050126465hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #AOLMsgPart_1_7f856b7f-9d74-420d-8c5f-2380f36de61e #yiv2050126465 body.yiv2050126465hmmessage { font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}

Spring is due Monday April 23rd 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



"It appears your friends don't experience a normal life expectancy."  - unknown
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) notasb Apr 29, 06:55 am
Spring '04 is due Monday April 30th 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



Never take the stress in life, just give it..
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) notasb May 13, 01:20 pm
Spring '06 is due Monday May 14th 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



Never take the stress in life, just give it..
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) notasb May 20, 07:02 am
A 3 way draw between France, Russia and Italy has been proposed. 

Votes and Spring '07 are due Monday May 21st 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



Never take the stress in life, just give it..
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) notasb May 27, 12:10 pm
Spring is due Monday May 28th 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



Nuts! the generals word echo clear
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) notasb Jun 03, 07:36 am
- France Italy, Russia Draw has been proposed for the Spring.


Spring is due Monday June 4th 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.



Nuts! the generals word echo clear
dc418 Spring reminder (Winter Blitz) notasb Jun 17, 07:02 am
Happy Father's Day to any and all who are fathers.

Spring is due Monday June 18th 8 AM CDST  (GMT -5)  1300 GMT

If I haven't acknowledged your orders I haven't received them.


Nuts! the generals word echo clear
DC 398, Spring 1908 - darrenS   (Apr 15, 2012, 6:14 am)
Apu is good for the retreat – thanks.  It’s just a detour on the road to Paris…     From: Warren Fleming [mailto:alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: 14 April 2012 18:03
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; darren_sharma(at)frontlineanalysts.com; Garry Bledsoe; swoopster06(at)yahoo.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; sanjat312(at)yahoo.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; dc398(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; Warren Fleming
Subject: DC 398, Spring 1908 Gents, Got into a few frothy beverages yesterday afternoon and decided it was best to hold off on the adjudication until this morning....   So here we go. First of all, there is a proposal on the table for a three way, France/Germany/Turkey draw. Italy would get a survival of course. Now saying that, there was a single retreat needed by Italy.  The army in Venice had one option, so I took the liberty of retreating it to Apulia.  Darren if you want to disband it instead please let me know. Fall 1908 will be due in just under a week, on Friday April 20 at 16:00 MDT.  Please submit votes on the end game proposal with your fall orders.  It must be unanimous, and failure to vote is considered a no. The turn:--------------France: A Brest - ParisF Clyde Supports F EdinburghF Edinburgh Supports F ClydeA Gascony - Burgundy (*Fails*)F London HoldF Marseilles - Spain(sc)A Picardy HoldA Piedmont - Venice Germany: A Belgium HoldA Burgundy Supports A Munich (*Cut*)A Livonia Supports A WarsawA Moscow Supports A WarsawA Munich Supports A SilesiaF North Sea Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)F Norway Supports F Norwegian SeaF Norwegian Sea Supports F North SeaA Silesia Supports A MunichA Tuscany - Rome (*Fails*)A Warsaw Supports A Moscow Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice (*Cut*)F English Channel - North Sea (*Fails*)F Rome - Tuscany (*Fails*)A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany (*Dislodged*)A Vienna Supports A Bohemia (*Disbanded*) Turkey: F Armenia - Black SeaF Black Sea - ConstantinopleA Bohemia Supports A Budapest - ViennaA Budapest - ViennaA Galicia Supports A Budapest - ViennaF Greece - Ionian SeaA Sevastopol Supports A UkraineF Trieste - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)A Tyrolia Supports A Piedmont - VeniceA Ukraine Supports A Galicia---------------  New maps are attached. Check my work. Cheers, Warren  


DC 398, Spring 1908 - alwayshunted   (Apr 14, 2012, 12:03 pm)
Got into a few frothy beverages yesterday afternoon and decided it was best to hold off on the adjudication until this morning....  
So here we go.
First of all, there is a proposal on the table for a three way, France/Germany/Turkey draw. Italy would get a survival of course.
Now saying that, there was a single retreat needed by Italy.  The army in Venice had one option, so I took the liberty of retreating it to Apulia.  Darren if you want to disband it instead please let me know.
Fall 1908 will be due in just under a week, on Friday April 20 at 16:00 MDT.  Please submit votes on the end game proposal with your fall orders.  It must be unanimous, and failure to vote is considered a no.
The turn:--------------France: A Brest - ParisF Clyde Supports F EdinburghF Edinburgh Supports F ClydeA Gascony - Burgundy (*Fails*)F London HoldF Marseilles - Spain(sc)A Picardy HoldA Piedmont - Venice
Germany: A Belgium HoldA Burgundy Supports A Munich (*Cut*)A Livonia Supports A WarsawA Moscow Supports A WarsawA Munich Supports A SilesiaF North Sea Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)F Norway Supports F Norwegian SeaF Norwegian Sea Supports F North SeaA Silesia Supports A MunichA Tuscany - Rome (*Fails*)A Warsaw Supports A Moscow
Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice (*Cut*)F English Channel - North Sea (*Fails*)F Rome - Tuscany (*Fails*)A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany (*Dislodged*)A Vienna Supports A Bohemia (*Disbanded*)
Turkey: F Armenia - Black SeaF Black Sea - ConstantinopleA Bohemia Supports A Budapest - ViennaA Budapest - ViennaA Galicia Supports A Budapest - ViennaF Greece - Ionian SeaA Sevastopol Supports A UkraineF Trieste - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)A Tyrolia Supports A Piedmont - VeniceA Ukraine Supports A Galicia---------------

New maps are attached. Check my work.


DC 398, Spring 1908 (dc398) darrenS Apr 15, 06:14 am
Apu is good for the retreat – thanks.  It’s just a detour on the road to Paris…     From: Warren Fleming [mailto:alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: 14 April 2012 18:03
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; darren_sharma(at)frontlineanalysts.com; Garry Bledsoe; swoopster06(at)yahoo.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; sanjat312(at)yahoo.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; dc398(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; Warren Fleming
Subject: DC 398, Spring 1908 Gents, Got into a few frothy beverages yesterday afternoon and decided it was best to hold off on the adjudication until this morning....   So here we go. First of all, there is a proposal on the table for a three way, France/Germany/Turkey draw. Italy would get a survival of course. Now saying that, there was a single retreat needed by Italy.  The army in Venice had one option, so I took the liberty of retreating it to Apulia.  Darren if you want to disband it instead please let me know. Fall 1908 will be due in just under a week, on Friday April 20 at 16:00 MDT.  Please submit votes on the end game proposal with your fall orders.  It must be unanimous, and failure to vote is considered a no. The turn:--------------France: A Brest - ParisF Clyde Supports F EdinburghF Edinburgh Supports F ClydeA Gascony - Burgundy (*Fails*)F London HoldF Marseilles - Spain(sc)A Picardy HoldA Piedmont - Venice Germany: A Belgium HoldA Burgundy Supports A Munich (*Cut*)A Livonia Supports A WarsawA Moscow Supports A WarsawA Munich Supports A SilesiaF North Sea Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)F Norway Supports F Norwegian SeaF Norwegian Sea Supports F North SeaA Silesia Supports A MunichA Tuscany - Rome (*Fails*)A Warsaw Supports A Moscow Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice (*Cut*)F English Channel - North Sea (*Fails*)F Rome - Tuscany (*Fails*)A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany (*Dislodged*)A Vienna Supports A Bohemia (*Disbanded*) Turkey: F Armenia - Black SeaF Black Sea - ConstantinopleA Bohemia Supports A Budapest - ViennaA Budapest - ViennaA Galicia Supports A Budapest - ViennaF Greece - Ionian SeaA Sevastopol Supports A UkraineF Trieste - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)A Tyrolia Supports A Piedmont - VeniceA Ukraine Supports A Galicia---------------  New maps are attached. Check my work. Cheers, Warren  
DC 398, Spring 1908 (dc398) alwayshunted Apr 15, 09:50 am
Okay, I have orders for one unit for the fall turn then.....
Apu - Par
Got it, thanks Darren.

From: darren_sharma(at)frontlineanalysts.com
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; swoopster06(at)yahoo.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; sanjat312(at)yahoo.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; dc398(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com
Subject: RE: DC 398, Spring 1908
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 12:14:51 +0100

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Apu is good for the retreat - thanks.  It's just a detour on the road to Paris.     From: Warren Fleming [mailto:alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: 14 April 2012 18:03
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; darren_sharma(at)frontlineanalysts.com; Garry Bledsoe; swoopster06(at)yahoo.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; sanjat312(at)yahoo.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; dc398(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; Warren Fleming
Subject: DC 398, Spring 1908 Gents, Got into a few frothy beverages yesterday afternoon and decided it was best to hold off on the adjudication until this morning....   So here we go. First of all, there is a proposal on the table for a three way, France/Germany/Turkey draw. Italy would get a survival of course. Now saying that, there was a single retreat needed by Italy.  The army in Venice had one option, so I took the liberty of retreating it to Apulia.  Darren if you want to disband it instead please let me know. Fall 1908 will be due in just under a week, on Friday April 20 at 16:00 MDT.  Please submit votes on the end game proposal with your fall orders.  It must be unanimous, and failure to vote is considered a no. The turn:--------------France: A Brest - ParisF Clyde Supports F EdinburghF Edinburgh Supports F ClydeA Gascony - Burgundy (*Fails*)F London HoldF Marseilles - Spain(sc)A Picardy HoldA Piedmont - Venice Germany: A Belgium HoldA Burgundy Supports A Munich (*Cut*)A Livonia Supports A WarsawA Moscow Supports A WarsawA Munich Supports A SilesiaF North Sea Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)F Norway Supports F Norwegian SeaF Norwegian Sea Supports F North SeaA Silesia Supports A MunichA Tuscany - Rome (*Fails*)A Warsaw Supports A Moscow Italy: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice (*Cut*)F English Channel - North Sea (*Fails*)F Rome - Tuscany (*Fails*)A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany (*Dislodged*)A Vienna Supports A Bohemia (*Disbanded*) Turkey: F Armenia - Black SeaF Black Sea - ConstantinopleA Bohemia Supports A Budapest - ViennaA Budapest - ViennaA Galicia Supports A Budapest - ViennaF Greece - Ionian SeaA Sevastopol Supports A UkraineF Trieste - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)A Tyrolia Supports A Piedmont - VeniceA Ukraine Supports A Galicia---------------  New maps are attached. Check my work. Cheers, Warren  
dc401 w07 draw! - scaponig   (Apr 14, 2012, 7:55 am)
Also, it was I who voted against the draw last turn. I did vote for the GI draw. Mike kept on saying that he was going to stab Kevin, but kept on not doing it. 

On Saturday, April 14, 2012, Steven Caponigri wrote:

I'm a little sad to see the game end. I was on the edge of me seat practically every turn. Good game everyone!

On Saturday, April 14, 2012, administrator wrote:

Well done all of you.  I must learn to handle StPetersburg better - that was the beginning of my downfall.

On Sat 14/04/12 00:32 , "Mike Hoffman" mrh(at)panix.com sent:

Congrats All for a fun and exciting Seismic game. The best one I've played to date!

Kevin, you were a great ally the entire game. There were a couple times that I was tempted to stab, but the consequences were too high, and I really enjoyed trying to end the game waith a 2-way between us.

Steve, that being said, absolutely fantastic job at seismicing my butt to shreds so I couldn't implement a strong southern push! You also got your fleets in perfect position around Spain and Africa to block our underlying attack plan.  Very well done, and totally enjoy sharing a 3-way with you!


"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Well folks this one just needs a bow on it and it's all wrapped up.  3-way draw!  Congrats guys... EOG's?  What should we run next?
Lots of neat seismics in this one, particularly the area around Tunis.  I couldn't decide between calling those NC and SC or EC and WC... It was interesting to see the MAO-ION connection go around Africa too... as if the great Sahara had sunk under the sea.  Sometime I'd like to see the Baltic joined to the Adriatic, and Europe split in two!


This email has been scanned by Netintelligence



dc423 winter 01 - catsfather   (Apr 14, 2012, 7:21 am)
Sorry about that. Russia ordered the fleet built on the north coast
rather than inland. Image and dpy attached. Thank you to those who
brought it to my attention.
On 14 April 2012 04:04, Hamish Williams wrote:
Russian build order stated nc. I'll have a look at the map and dpy
file in a few hours to see what's up, fix it, and send out corrected

On 13 Apr 2012, at 19:20, Hamish Williams wrote:

> Spring 02 deadline is Monday, 16 April at 18:00GMT.
> Hamish
> Status of the Adjustment orders for Winter of 1901.  (dc423)
> Austria: Build A Budapest.
> France: Build F Marseilles.
> France: Build F Brest.
> Germany: Build A Munich.
> Germany: Build F Kiel.
> Germany: Build A Berlin.
> Italy: Build F Naples.
> Russia: Build F St Petersburg.
> Russia: Build A Warsaw.
> Turkey: Build A Smyrna.
> Unit locations:
> Austria:   F Adriatic Sea, A Serbia, A Venice.
> England:   F Edinburgh, A Liverpool, F London.
> France:    F North Sea, A Portugal, A Spain.
> Germany:   A Belgium, F Denmark, A Holland.
> Italy:     A Apulia, F Greece, A Vienna.
> Russia:    A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Norway, F Rumania.
> Turkey:    F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople.
> Ownership of supply centers:
> Austria:   Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Venice.
> England:   Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.
> France:    Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
> Germany:   Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
> Italy:     Greece, Naples, Rome, Vienna.
> Russia:    Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
> Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.
> Unowned:   Sweden, Tunis.
> Austria:    4 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
> England:    3 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.
> France:     5 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   2 units.
> Germany:    6 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   3 units.
> Italy:      4 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
> Russia:     6 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds   2 units.
> Turkey:     4 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   1 unit.


dc401 w07 draw! - scaponig   (Apr 14, 2012, 6:55 am)
I'm a little sad to see the game end. I was on the edge of me seat practically every turn. Good game everyone!

On Saturday, April 14, 2012, administrator wrote:

Well done all of you.  I must learn to handle StPetersburg better - that was the beginning of my downfall.

On Sat 14/04/12 00:32 , "Mike Hoffman" mrh(at)panix.com sent:

Congrats All for a fun and exciting Seismic game. The best one I've played to date!

Kevin, you were a great ally the entire game. There were a couple times that I was tempted to stab, but the consequences were too high, and I really enjoyed trying to end the game waith a 2-way between us.

Steve, that being said, absolutely fantastic job at seismicing my butt to shreds so I couldn't implement a strong southern push! You also got your fleets in perfect position around Spain and Africa to block our underlying attack plan.  Very well done, and totally enjoy sharing a 3-way with you!


"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Well folks this one just needs a bow on it and it's all wrapped up.  3-way draw!  Congrats guys... EOG's?  What should we run next?
Lots of neat seismics in this one, particularly the area around Tunis.  I couldn't decide between calling those NC and SC or EC and WC... It was interesting to see the MAO-ION connection go around Africa too... as if the great Sahara had sunk under the sea.  Sometime I'd like to see the Baltic joined to the Adriatic, and Europe split in two!

This email has been scanned by Netintelligence



dc401 w07 draw! - pedros   (Apr 14, 2012, 5:36 am)
BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }
Well done all of you.  I must learn to handle StPetersburg better - that was the beginning of my downfall.

On Sat 14/04/12 00:32 , "Mike Hoffman" mrh(at)panix.com sent:

Congrats All for a fun and exciting Seismic game. The best one I've played to date!

Kevin, you were a great ally the entire game. There were a couple times that I was tempted to stab, but the consequences were too high, and I really enjoyed trying to end the game waith a 2-way between us.

Steve, that being said, absolutely fantastic job at seismicing my butt to shreds so I couldn't implement a strong southern push! You also got your fleets in perfect position around Spain and Africa to block our underlying attack plan.  Very well done, and totally enjoy sharing a 3-way with you!


"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com> wrote:

Well folks this one just needs a bow on it and it's all wrapped up.  3-way draw!  Congrats guys... EOG's?  What should we run next?
Lots of neat seismics in this one, particularly the area around Tunis.  I couldn't decide between calling those NC and SC or EC and WC... It was interesting to see the MAO-ION connection go around Africa too... as if the great Sahara had sunk under the sea.  Sometime I'd like to see the Baltic joined to the Adriatic, and Europe split in two!

This email has been scanned by Netintelligence



Dc 402: Summer 1910 Adjudication - Blueraider0   (Apr 14, 2012, 1:47 am)
Propose French Solo.  Of course :-p

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 10:41 PM, Alan Farrington <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Only 1 retreat and here it is.  Gonna go with a pretty quick deadline for Fall turn.

A Silesia - Bohemia

Next Deadline:
Fall 1910 Will be due on Wednesday April 18th at Midnight GMT

Alan Farrington

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."

"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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