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dc422 game start and brief welcome! - offdisc   (Apr 04, 2012, 2:59 pm)
Hi All,
Was snowed in yesterday in Denver, but everything melted when the temps hit 60 today and the Internet lines thawed out. Smile

I see some fantastic talent sitting around this board -- looks to be a great game!

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:19 AM, Barnes, Matthew <matthew_barnes(at)brown.edu> wrote:

Joining all of you from Providence, RI (Brown University) - looking forward to this one.

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi all!
Joining you all from sunny Juneau, Alaska. I believe that is gmt - 9...so I am not ignoring you, merely chipping out my igloo!

Looking forward to talking to each of you!FletcherEnglandSent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Nigs <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi guys

Initial greetings to everyone fr the city of the waltz, the ever friendly Vienna
Thanks to Jerome for starting us off

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Apr 2012, at 09:35, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:


Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.


John Robillard
Härnösand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US


Matthew Barnes

Brown University 2013

Mechanical Engineering


dc418 Game Start - notasb   (Apr 04, 2012, 10:44 am)

I'm Christine, I've been involved with online Diplomacy for quite a few years.  I've mostly retired from playing but still like to keep my hand in by GMing a game or two. This game looks like a great line up and I look forward to watching it play out.

If you choose to scroll down to the bottom to read the player list don't forget to come back at some point and read the official type stuff here at the beginning.

Deadlines will be 8 AM CST  GMT -5 1300 GMT.  I normally start adjudicating at the posted deadline.  If I am going to be more than an hour late i will try to let you know.

I may adjudicate early if all orders are received marked final ( this mainly applies to the adjustment phases).

I do not automatically retreat units even if there is only one option  

I always accept conditional orders.

While I try not to make mistakes, If at any time you find an error or dispute an adjudication you must contact me ASAP.  If any turn passes and there is an error on the board, we play on - players have 24 hours from the posting of any adjudication to contest the adjudication.

Email Address:

My email is dawench(at)hotmail.com  send all orders to this address.
The tournament has supplied an email address that it is important that you CC all orders to.  orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com   This not only helps ensure that your orders are received, but it also allows the Tournament committee to step in and adjudicate in case I am unable to. If at any time the TC has to step in and adjudicate for me they will only use orders that are also sent to orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com .

Tournament Rules are posted at http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/tournament.php?display=rules

Anything not covered by the Tournament Rules are covered by the DC House Rules:

If you have any questions let me know.

Please respond to this email so I know I have everyone's email correctly on my mailing list.


Country Assignments:

ID : landru428
Ctry : Austria
Name : Andrew Cassese
Email : landru428(at)aol.com
Location : Brooklyn, NY, US

ID : RickHunter
Ctry : England
Name : Mike Brady
Email : odvaha(at)aol.com
Location : PA, US

ID : fencertim
Ctry : France
Name : Timothy Crosby
Email : timothyl.crosby(at)gmail.com
Location : Gainesville, FL, US

ID : stevec
Ctry : Germany
Name : Steve Cooley
Email : tmssteve(at)gmail.com
Location : MA, US

ID : derekthefeared2
Ctry :  Italy
Name : Derek Eiler
Email : derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com
Location : Philadelphia, PA, US

ID : ddz999cat23
Ctry : Russia
Name : Daniel Dzikowicz
Email : ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com
Location :

ID : MrSmiley
Ctry : Turkey
Name : Will Fleming
Email : wtfleming(at)msn.com
Location : Clear Spring, MD, US


DC 420: Round 2 of the Winter Blitz - AceRimmer   (Apr 04, 2012, 9:47 am)
Welcome to the Austro-English table of Round 2 of the Blitz. If you're here, you probably played Austria or England in the first round. You probably also secured yourself a position in a first round draw, but if not, then you at least clawed your way to survival. There was only one solo in Round 1 of the Blitz this year, so you're within reasonable distance of winning it all... after all, Tim Crosby (the soloist) will be playing Round 2 with a Russia-sized target on his back. Plus, that's how the Blitz is played: you do well enough in the first round to be in the fray (without drawing attention as being a 'leader'Wink, and in the second round you solo your way to glory. Sure, there are six other players on this board vying against you for glory and honor (but between you and me... they're not the brightest light bulbs in the world; you should have no trouble outsmarting them... they probably even think this parenthetical comment is meant for them).
Since we're all in the routine of playing the Blitz, I won't trouble you with a rules review. You are in game DC 420. The web page is:
Deadlines... our players span half the globe from Croatia to Alaska. Myself, I am in Iowa (so, expect me to give deadlines in CST format). I have found that 1400 CST (1900 GMT) is usually a workable hour for most people. Correct me if I am wrong.
The first deadline is next Monday, so you have four days to plan your castle onslaught (if only you had a wheelbarrow, that would be something!). Just be aware that this weekend is Easter, so some people have obligations; some people may even be working on Good Friday. You're all professionals; you'll work around it somehow.
I am an ardent devotee of prelims. Please send them every season. Send them right now (after you read this email) -- that way, you won't NMR Spring 1901, and (more to my goal) I'll know you've received this email.
I am Adam, your GM. I have played with and/or GM'd about half of you in the past. I am likely to GM about half of you in the future. Half of those I have GM'd in the past are likely to be in the half that I GM in the future. I'm only half-kidding.
But enough playful banter. You want to know your country assignments. As you may remember, this is a tournament. You have no voice in your country selection. Using a complicated algorithm (it's called the RAND function in Excel), I randomly assigned you to country you did not play in the first round. So, as much as Maslow may think I am intentionally spiting him, the truth is his country was randomly assigned... or, if he prefers supernatural explanations to mere chance, God chose it for him. (Or, for those who prefer the doctrine of predestination, Maslow was specially created and shaped throughout all of human history with this moment in mind -- he was literally made to play Italy).
Countries and Contact Info:
GM: Adam Martin-Schwarze smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com
Austria: Nick Saywell nicksaywell(at)vip.hr
England: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com
France: Joe Coffey josephmcoffey(at)yahoo.com
Germany: Rene Kroll rk(at)giorsoine.dk
Italy: Alex Maslow Blueraider0(at)gmail.com
Russia: Stuart Winch stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com
Turkey: John Reside untitled36(at)hotmail.com
Now, send prelims! And good luck to you all!


dc422 game start and brief welcome! - TheFinalCountdown   (Apr 04, 2012, 9:19 am)
Joining all of you from Providence, RI (Brown University) - looking forward to this one.

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi all!
Joining you all from sunny Juneau, Alaska. I believe that is gmt - 9...so I am not ignoring you, merely chipping out my igloo!

Looking forward to talking to each of you!FletcherEnglandSent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Nigs <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi guys

Initial greetings to everyone fr the city of the waltz, the ever friendly Vienna
Thanks to Jerome for starting us off

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Apr 2012, at 09:35, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:


Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.


John Robillard
Härnösand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US

Matthew Barnes

Brown University 2013

Mechanical Engineering


dc422 game start and brief welcome! - tfletch33   (Apr 04, 2012, 9:03 am)
Hi all!
Joining you all from sunny Juneau, Alaska. I believe that is gmt - 9...so I am not ignoring you, merely chipping out my igloo!
Looking forward to talking to each of you!FletcherEnglandSent from my iPhone
On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Nigs <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi guys
Initial greetings to everyone fr the city of the waltz, the ever friendly Vienna
Thanks to Jerome for starting us off

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Apr 2012, at 09:35, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:


Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.

John Robillard
H??rn??sand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US


dc422 formal game start and proper welcome! - jerome777   (Apr 04, 2012, 7:44 am)

Now then everybody,
Thanks for bearing with me whilst I went and took that pesky exam (I passed - woot!)
OK so here's your proper game start and welcome email, detailing how I'll be running your Blitz Round 2 game.
I'm Jerome, your friendly GM for your second round of the Blitz. For those of you that haven't met me before, I've been on the DC website for around a year now (where I'm one of the site mods), and an active Dip player for years before that, so I'm excited to see so many faces I don't recognize. I'm 34 years old, live in Peterborough UK, and spend most of each day thinking about Dip (that is, when I'm not teaching adults at a London college...!)
I'm sure we have a fun time ahead of us, and I'll do my best to keep us moving toward the finish line. This is your tournament, held every year at the world's greatest website - diplomaticcorp.com - and I really hope you enjoy it.  To those of you that I've not met before, then welcome. To those I have, sorry about the stabs! (Not really).

I did email out your Power assignments and details of your opponents earlier, but here they are again for completeness:

John Robillard
Härnösand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US
 OK, so now for some admin-type stuff about how your game will run.
Deadlines - Spring deadlines on Mondays, Summer retreats on Tuesdays, Autumn (Fall) deadline on Thursdays, and Retreats/Winter COMBINED on Fridays. Unless I specifically say otherwise, all deadlines are at 20:00GMT . We've got a multinational group of players, so I strongly advise you to figure out what time 20:00GMT is in your own neck of the woods. Also, although I will do my best to try to remember to send out deadline reminders to you guys, it is ultimately YOUR responsibility to turn in moves regardless of whether a reminder is set out.

Orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com - This little email address is your best friend. ANY time you send
moves/builds/retreats/revisions/etc to me, you should also be sending it to that address as well. The reason being, if I am unable to adjucate after being attacked by rabid were-hamsters, one of the tournament directors will adjucate using the orders you sent to this address. Also, if I have no record of your moves for some reason, and you just *know* you sent them in, this address will be your last and best defence to avoid the dreaded NMR.
Retreats - In situations where there is only one province to which a unit might legally retreat, I will auto-retreat to that space. The relevant player will, however, still have the opportunity to order a disband for that unit instead (i.e. 'retreat off-the-board or OTB'Wink. In situations where there is only one retreat to be made, and that retreat is an auto-retreat, then I will skip the retreat deadline for that turn (I have a life too you know! [OY! Stop sniggering at the back!!!]). Notwithstanding this, the relevant player still will have 24 hours from the adjudication to inform me of his intention to retreat OTB in preference to my auto-retreat. In addition, for summer retreats in situations where two or more players must retreat, once I receive a full set of retreat orders from all affected players then I shall reserve the right to adjudicate the retreats early (i.e. before the stated deadline). Please bear in mind
that autumn retreats and winter adjustments have the same (Friday) deadline. It is possible to make builds/disbands conditional upon other players' retreats - but not vice versa.
Subject bar - Since I'm GM'ing several games at once (4 at present, though it will be 5 if Sims can sneak another one onto me (arsechips)), you MUST include the dc game code, the season, your Power name and the version number of your moves in the subject bar of your emails to me.

For instance:
'dc422 Spring 02 England moves v1'

If you fail to put this information into the subject bar then it is quite possible that I will miss your email - and this risks readjudications etc, much to everybody's annoyance! Also remember the 24hour cutoff rule (below).

Prelims - Prelims are your second best friends. I'd suggest turning them in immediately after receiving the adjucation. You can always change them, but you never know when something will come up and you will be unable to turn in moves. I even accept Contingency plans (especially for retreats and builds). So feel to even send those in advance too, just in case!

Rule questions - I have no particular rules to use with my games, therefore we'll be following the dc house rules found at the dc site:

When unclear, or when deemed necessary in my sole opinion, my judgement supercedes the rulebook. During Blitz games, DC houserules generally take precedence as well, and blitz rules trump everything. For example, there are NO replacements in the Blitz. If you drop out, your country will NMR every turn, but you can start playing again at any time until your last piece/center is eliminated/captured. If you have any questions about how I will treat any specific issue, just ask. This is also a good time to repeat the 24 hour cutoff. If you have a complaint or issue with an adjucation, you have 24 hours to report it to me. If you don't, the "wrong" adjucation stands.

Press and proper play - This game is black press, which means you can submit comments for inclusion in the adjucation from you, purporting to be from another player or country, or
anonymously. However, no one may at any time, in press, private communication with other players, or for any other reason, impersonate me or the tournament directors. Doing so is grounds for immediate explusion from the game.

Ok, enough will all the rules. Let's get this show on the road! Our first deadline is MONDAY, 9 APRIL at 20:00 GMT

Feel free to share you strategy and goals with me. I can't comment on them for obvious reasons, but it helps me feel a bit more a part of the game to see things from a player's perspective in addition to the bird's eye view GM's are often left with. I'd love to know what's happening as the game progresses.

OK so over to you!




dc422 formal game start and proper welcome! (Winter Blitz) Pete Apr 04, 04:41 pm
Greeting from Moscow
(or Niagara Falls!) 
Good Luck all!

From: Jerome Payne [mailto:jerome777(at)ymail.com]

Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012
8:44 AM

To: john.robillard(at)telia.com;
chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; Pete Marinaro; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com;

Cc: me here; Blitz Messageboard

Subject: dc422 formal game start
and proper welcome!



Now then everybody,


Thanks for bearing with me whilst I went and took
that pesky exam (I passed - woot!)


OK so here's your proper game start and welcome
email, detailing how I'll be running your Blitz Round 2 game.


I'm Jerome, your friendly GM for your second
round of the Blitz. For those of you that haven't met me before, I've
been on the DC website for around a year now (where I'm one of the site
mods), and an active Dip player for years before that, so I'm excited
to see so many faces I don't recognize. I'm 34 years old, live in Peterborough UK,
and spend most of each day thinking about Dip (that is, when I'm not
teaching adults at a London


I'm sure we have a fun time ahead of us, and I'll do
my best to keep us moving toward the finish line. This is your
tournament, held every year at the world's greatest website -
diplomaticcorp.com - and I really hope you enjoy it.  To those of
you that I've not met before, then welcome. To those I have, sorry
about the stabs! (Not really).

I did email out your Power assignments and details of your opponents
earlier, but here they are again for completeness:









John Robillard


Härnösand, SE



Joe Babinsack





Nigel Phillips





Mike Hoffman





Pete Marinaro





Thomas Fletcher





Matt Barnes




 OK, so now for some admin-type stuff about how
your game will run.


Deadlines - Spring
deadlines on Mondays, Summer retreats on Tuesdays, Autumn (Fall)
deadline on Thursdays, and Retreats/Winter COMBINED on Fridays. Unless
I specifically say otherwise, all deadlines are at 20:00GMT . We've
got a multinational group of players, so I strongly advise you to
figure out what time 20:00GMT is in your own neck of the woods. Also,
although I will do my best to try to remember to send out deadline
reminders to you guys, it is ultimately YOUR
responsibility to turn in moves regardless of whether a reminder is set

Orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com - This little
email address is your best friend. ANY time you send moves/builds/retreats/revisions/etc
to me, you should also be sending it to that address as well. The
reason being, if I am unable to adjucate after being attacked by rabid
were-hamsters, one of the tournament directors will adjucate using the
orders you sent to this address. Also, if I have no record of your
moves for some reason, and you just *know* you sent them in, this
address will be your last and best defence to avoid the dreaded NMR.


Retreats - In
situations where there is only one province to which a unit might
legally retreat, I will auto-retreat to that space. The relevant player
will, however, still have the opportunity to order a disband for that
unit instead (i.e. 'retreat off-the-board or OTB'Wink. In situations where
there is only one retreat to be made, and that retreat is an
auto-retreat, then I will skip the retreat deadline for that turn (I
have a life too you know! [OY! Stop sniggering at the back!!!]).
Notwithstanding this, the relevant player still will have 24 hours from
the adjudication to inform me of his intention to retreat OTB in
preference to my auto-retreat. In addition, for summer retreats in
situations where two or more players must retreat, once I receive
a full set of retreat orders from all affected players then I shall
reserve the right to adjudicate the retreats early (i.e. before the
stated deadline). Please bear in mind that autumn retreats and winter
adjustments have the same (Friday) deadline. It is possible to make
builds/disbands conditional upon other players' retreats - but not vice


Subject bar - Since
I'm GM'ing several games at once (4 at present, though it will be 5 if
Sims can sneak another one onto me (arsechips)), you MUST include the dc game code, the
season, your Power name and the version number of your moves in the
subject bar of your emails to me.


For instance:

'dc422 Spring 02 England
moves v1'


you fail to put this information into the subject bar then it is quite
possible that I will miss your email - and this risks readjudications
etc, much to everybody's annoyance! Also remember the 24hour cutoff
rule (below).

Prelims - Prelims
are your second best friends. I'd suggest turning them in immediately
after receiving the adjucation. You can always change them, but you
never know when something will come up and you will be unable to turn
in moves. I even accept Contingency plans (especially for retreats and
builds). So feel to even send those in advance too, just in case!

questions -
I have no particular rules to
use with my games, therefore we'll be following the dc house rules
found at the dc site:




When unclear, or when deemed
necessary in my sole opinion, my judgement supercedes the rulebook.
During Blitz games, DC houserules generally take precedence as well,
and blitz rules trump everything. For example, there are NO
replacements in the Blitz. If you drop out, your country will NMR every
turn, but you can start playing again at any time until your last
piece/center is eliminated/captured. If you have any questions about
how I will treat any specific issue, just ask. This is also a good time
to repeat the 24 hour cutoff. If you have a
complaint or issue with an adjucation, you have 24 hours to report it
to me. If you don't, the "wrong" adjucation stands.

Press and
proper play
- This game is black press,
which means you can submit comments for inclusion in the adjucation
from you, purporting to be from another player or country, or
anonymously. However, no one may at any time, in press, private
communication with other players, or for any other reason, impersonate
me or the tournament directors. Doing so is grounds for immediate
explusion from the game.

Ok, enough will all the rules. Let's get this show on the road! Our
first deadline is MONDAY, 9 APRIL at 20:00 GMT

Feel free to share you strategy and goals with me. I can't comment on
them for obvious reasons, but it helps me feel a bit more a part of the
game to see things from a player's perspective in addition to the
bird's eye view GM's are often left with. I'd love to know what's
happening as the game progresses.

OK so over to you!




dc422 game start and brief welcome! - Nigs   (Apr 04, 2012, 4:13 am)
Hi guys
Initial greetings to everyone fr the city of the waltz, the ever friendly Vienna
Thanks to Jerome for starting us off

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Apr 2012, at 09:35, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:


Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.

John Robillard
H??rn??sand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US


dc422 game start and brief welcome! - jerome777   (Apr 04, 2012, 3:35 am)

Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.

John Robillard
Härnösand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US


dc422 game start and brief welcome! (Winter Blitz) Nigs Apr 04, 04:13 am
Hi guys
Initial greetings to everyone fr the city of the waltz, the ever friendly Vienna
Thanks to Jerome for starting us off

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Apr 2012, at 09:35, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:


Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.

John Robillard
H??rn??sand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US
dc422 game start and brief welcome! (Winter Blitz) tfletch33 Apr 04, 09:03 am
Hi all!
Joining you all from sunny Juneau, Alaska. I believe that is gmt - 9...so I am not ignoring you, merely chipping out my igloo!
Looking forward to talking to each of you!FletcherEnglandSent from my iPhone
On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Nigs <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi guys
Initial greetings to everyone fr the city of the waltz, the ever friendly Vienna
Thanks to Jerome for starting us off

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Apr 2012, at 09:35, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:


Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.

John Robillard
H??rn??sand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US
dc422 game start and brief welcome! (Winter Blitz) TheFinalCountdown Apr 04, 09:19 am
Joining all of you from Providence, RI (Brown University) - looking forward to this one.

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi all!
Joining you all from sunny Juneau, Alaska. I believe that is gmt - 9...so I am not ignoring you, merely chipping out my igloo!

Looking forward to talking to each of you!FletcherEnglandSent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Nigs <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi guys

Initial greetings to everyone fr the city of the waltz, the ever friendly Vienna
Thanks to Jerome for starting us off

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Apr 2012, at 09:35, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:


Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.


John Robillard
Härnösand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US

Matthew Barnes

Brown University 2013

Mechanical Engineering
dc422 game start and brief welcome! (Winter Blitz) offdisc Apr 04, 02:59 pm
Hi All,
Was snowed in yesterday in Denver, but everything melted when the temps hit 60 today and the Internet lines thawed out. Smile

I see some fantastic talent sitting around this board -- looks to be a great game!

"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:19 AM, Barnes, Matthew <matthew_barnes(at)brown.edu> wrote:

Joining all of you from Providence, RI (Brown University) - looking forward to this one.

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi all!
Joining you all from sunny Juneau, Alaska. I believe that is gmt - 9...so I am not ignoring you, merely chipping out my igloo!

Looking forward to talking to each of you!FletcherEnglandSent from my iPhone

On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Nigs <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi guys

Initial greetings to everyone fr the city of the waltz, the ever friendly Vienna
Thanks to Jerome for starting us off

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Apr 2012, at 09:35, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:


Hi everyone,
I'm in a mad flap (have an exam in 25 mins!) so here's a quick heads-up to start your Blitz round 2 game.
I'll get back to you properly later this afternoon with a proper game-start email, but in the meantime here's your country assignments and details of your fellow players. First deadline is Spring 01, that's Monday next (9 April) at 2000GMT.


John Robillard
Härnösand, SE
Joe Babinsack
Butler, PA, US
Nigel Phillips
Leeds, UK
Mike Hoffman
Denver, CO, US
Pete Marinaro
Lancaster, NY, US
Thomas Fletcher

Matt Barnes
Boston, MA, US


Matthew Barnes

Brown University 2013

Mechanical Engineering
dc423 spring 01 deadline - catsfather   (Apr 03, 2012, 11:52 pm)
Deadline for the Spring 01 move is Monday, 9th April, at 18:00 GMT.  Many places have a holiday this weekend, so keep in mind that the players you're negotiating with may be off in the wilds without internet access as the deadline approaches ... or just drunk.  Get those negotiations started!



dc423 player list - catsfather   (Apr 03, 2012, 11:48 pm)
Welcome to round 2, everyone.  Your country assignments are listed below.

Deadlines will be set for 18:00 GMT by default.  Please do send me early drafts of your orders.  I'll use the last set that arrive for adjudication, but it makes me feel less nervous if we're approaching a deadline an there are no orders missing.  Also, I am interested to read any comments you make with your orders.  I'll most probably say nothing in return (for fear of giving away some fact that should be secret), but I do like to get a glimpse into why you're doing what you're doing.

Finally, do have fun.


Player list for dc423

ID : briankingfox
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Brian Lam
Email : briankingfox(at)hotmail.com

Location : HK

ID : dkleiman
Ctry : France 0
Name : Dave Kleiman
Email : dave(at)thekleimans.com
Location : Indianapolis, IN, US

ID : EdBailey1946
Ctry : England 0
Name : Ed Bailey
Email : EdBailey1946(at)yahoo.com
Location : Oxford, GA, US

ID : hurup

Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Poul Hurup
Email : hurup(at)pc.dk
Location :

ID : JamesBond
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : Robert Marshall
Email : robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk

Location : Codsall, STAFFS, UK

ID : MDemagogue
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Mark Utterback
Email : MDemagogue(at)gmail.com
Location : Omaha, NE, US

ID : thecount1282
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Greg Shtraks
Email : Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com
Location : monclair, NJ, US

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

briankingfox(at)hotmail.com; dave(at)thekleimans.com; EdBailey1946(at)yahoo.com; hurup(at)pc.dk; robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk; MDemagogue(at)gmail.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
briankingfox Austria 0 Brian Lam briankingfox(at)hotmail.com HK

dkleiman France 0 Dave Kleiman dave(at)thekleimans.com Indianapolis, IN, US
EdBailey1946 England 0 Ed Bailey EdBailey1946(at)yahoo.com Oxford, GA, US

hurup Italy 0 Poul Hurup hurup(at)pc.dk
JamesBond Germany 0 Robert Marshall robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk Codsall, STAFFS, UK

MDemagogue Russia 0 Mark Utterback MDemagogue(at)gmail.com Omaha, NE, US
thecount1282 Turkey 0 Greg Shtraks Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com monclair, NJ, US

HTML table for clean emailing (Copy & Paste):

IDCountryNameEmailLocationbriankingfoxAustriaBrian Lam
briankingfox(at)hotmail.comHKdkleimanFranceDave Kleimandave(at)thekleimans.com
Indianapolis, IN, USEdBailey1946EnglandEd BaileyEdBailey1946(at)yahoo.comOxford, GA, UShurup
ItalyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dkJamesBondGermanyRobert Marshallrobert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk
Codsall, STAFFS, UKMDemagogueRussiaMark UtterbackMDemagogue(at)gmail.comOmaha, NE, USthecount1282
TurkeyGreg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.commonclair, NJ, US


Winter Blitz DC 424 Gamestart - untitled36   (Apr 03, 2012, 10:25 pm)
Hey all!
You've mostly all done round one, so you know how this dance goes. I'll keep it simple. For Blitz games I use the DC House rules, though I do have final say in all matters, and may potentially overrule those house rules. I'm pretty much a by-the-book kind of fellow though, so what the house rules say is pretty much what you get. My games do have notoriously early deadlines: 8:00 AM CST (which I believe is 13:00 GMT, but I'm awful at time zone conversion). So PLEASE send prelims in. If you have any questions about how I handle anything, I'll be happy to address it, but I figure you all know the basic drill. So... Happy stabbing, and see you on Monday, April 9th at 8:00 AM CST (13:00 GMT). Country assignments are below. They were semi-random. In the blitz we try to give players a different kind of country than they had in round one (center countries get edge countries, etc). That's tough to arrange, but I feel like I did the best I could. And I always liek hearing what the players are thinking, so please feel free to make comments or insights to me with your moves! Have fun!
IDCountryNameEmailLocationAMTAustriaAndrew Tanneramtrating(at)gmail.comCorvallis, OR, USbret_pollackFranceBret Pollackbret_pollack(at)hotmail.comMarriottsville, MD, USdiplomat1Germanydavid knightdavidknight1955(at)gmail.comlondon, HERTS, UKDip_Power_915EnglandEric Hunterdip.power.915(at)gmail.comDauphin, PA, USjerome777ItalyJerome Paynejerome777(at)ymail.comPeterborough, CAMBS, UKRICH3520TurkeyRICH SLOPERRICH3520(at)AOL.COMWILLISTON PARK, NY, USrickypRussiarick powellrick_powell_2000(at)yahoo.comstotfold, HERTS, UK


Winter Blitz DC 424 Gamestart (Winter Blitz) untitled36 Apr 05, 07:26 pm
Remember prelims, gentlemen! And also remember to cc the orders box. Happy stabbing!


Winter Blitz DC 424 Gamestart (Winter Blitz) untitled36 Apr 09, 08:43 am
*French President AWOL, Foreign Armies Sneak Nail Clippers Past Security*
*Disagreement Over Shipping Lanes in the Black Sea Turns Violent!*
*Fleet Trieste Blown Out to Sea by Freak Storm!*

Hey all,

France is apparently an NMR this round. I wonder if this was expected, as all his neighbors seem to want a piece of the French Pie. France, if you turned in orders, and I'm just overlooking them, you have 24 hours to contact me. Otherwise the NMR stands.

Beyond the NMR, most of the openings were fairly traditional. in the Round One game I GM'ed, we had Germany open Mun-Boh, and that unit proceeded to take Sevastapol in Fall 1902. I don't think any of the moves this season are quite so... unorthodox.

Well, obviously, there can't be any need for retreats from Spring 01, so we move on to Fall this thursday at 8:00 AM CST (13:00 GMT).


A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Vienna - Budapest

F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Liverpool - Wales
F London - English Channel

F Brest, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
A Paris, no move received

A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Burgundy

F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice - Piedmont

A Moscow - Ukraine
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Galicia

F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople
Winter Blitz DC 424 Gamestart (Winter Blitz) untitled36 Apr 13, 09:23 am
Hey all,
Here's the builds:
Build A Trieste
Build F London
Build A Munich
Build A Berlin
Build F Kiel
Build F Rome
Build F Naples
Build A St Petersburg
Build A Warsaw
Build F Smyrna

See ya Monday!
Winter Blitz DC 424 Gamestart (Winter Blitz) untitled36 Apr 19, 08:57 am
*Italian Stealth Tanks Ravage Countryside!*
*The Last Neutral Centers Fall*
*Sudden Storms Force English to Seek Shelter in French Ports*

Hey all,

     Wow! What a turn! Deceit, lies, and treachery all over the place. Italy continues west without opposition, and also plants a dagger in the Austrian. Now two powers are reduced to only two centers.
     We do have one retreat. Austrian A Vie can retreat to Trl or Boh or OTB. Technically, even though the deadline for the retreat and builds are both tomorrow at 8:00 AM CST, the retreat takes place before the builds. Thus conditional builds are allowed based on the retreat, such as, if Vie-Trl then build A Lvp, but if Vie-Boh then build F edi. If england got a build, of course...

Austria: -2 (+Serbia, -Vie, -Bud, -Tri)
England: even (+Bre, -Nwy)
France: -1 (+Por, -Bre, -spa)
Germany: Even
Italy: +2 (+Spa, +Tri)
Russia: +3 (+Nwy, +Vie, +Bud)
Turkey: Even

See ya tomorrow for those retreats and adjustments!

Winter Blitz DC 424 Gamestart (Winter Blitz) untitled36 May 10, 09:45 am
*Italians Ferry Starving Austrians to Tunis for Supplies*
*"Worth it!" say Germans and English*
*Smyrna Contested, No Victor*
Hey all,
Italy generously contributes a center to austrian allies at the cost of his own units. England invests all his energy in ridding the motherland of germans, while germany happily takes Belgium uncontested. The Russians continue to spread across the map like a great white plague. They now have as many or more centers than any two other powers combined except Italy and Germany.

In other news, England apparently believes it has developed airships. I received this order: "F Den C A Tyr-Mun". While Tyr is not a good abbreviation (can refer to Tyrolia or the tyrrhenian sea), I felt Tyrolia was clearly intended by the army designation. However, it is an invalid move for three reasons. Denmark does not touch munich. It does not touch Tyrolia. And fleets in coastal provinces can not convoy, denmark being such a province. Just wanted to explain what's going on there.
Build-wise, we have:
Austria: even (-ser, +Tun)
England: -1 (-Bel)
Germany: +1 (-Ber, +Bel, +disbanded yorkshire army)
Italy: -1 (-tun)
Russia: +2 (+bul, +ber)
Turkey: even (-bul, +ser)
See you tomorrow for this! I might have a moderator run the winter turn again, so be aware of that and make sure to cc the orders box. I'm going to be traveling tomorrow, so the moves might be very late if I run them. However, if everyone marks builds as final by this evening, I can run the turn later today. No pressure though, the official deadline is still 8:00 AM CST tomorrow unless I get builds from everyone marked final before then.
A Albania Supports A Trieste
A Greece - Tunis
F Denmark Convoys A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
F English Channel - Wales
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London Supports A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F North Sea - Edinburgh
F Belgium Hold
A Brest Hold
A Burgundy - Munich (*Bounce*)
F Helgoland Bight - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Kiel - Berlin (*Fails*)
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Disbanded*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna
F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Tunis
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Gascony
A Spain - Marseilles
A Trieste Supports A Albania
A Tyrolia - Munich (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Baltic Sea Supports A Silesia - Berlin
A Budapest Supports A Serbia
F Bulgaria(ec) Hold
A Finland - Norway
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
A Rumania Supports A Serbia
A Silesia - Berlin
A Sweden Supports F Denmark
A Vienna Hold
A Ankara Supports F Syria - Smyrna
F Constantinople Supports F Bulgaria(ec)
A Serbia Supports F Bulgaria(ec)
F Syria - Smyrna (*Bounce*)


Winter Blitz DC 424 Gamestart (Winter Blitz) Dip_Power_915 May 10, 11:28 am
-----Original Message-----
England apparently believes it has developed airships. I received this order: "F Den C A Tyr-Mun". While Tyr is not a good abbreviation (can refer to Tyrolia or the tyrrhenian sea), I felt Tyrolia was clearly intended by the army designation. However, it is an invalid move for three reasons. Denmark does not touch munich. It does not touch Tyrolia. And fleets in coastal provinces can not convoy, denmark being such a province. Just wanted to explain what's going on there.
As a further explanation, I play most of my Diplomacy on the Judges, and a lot of Judge Diplomacy games are NoPress/Gunboat, so Judge player have established a system of false Convoys and Supports to send signals and communicate with their opponents. In this case Den C Tyl-Mun means, "Hey Italy, grab some German Centers before Russia gets them all." Wink
Eric of England in DC424
Winter Blitz DC 424 Gamestart (Winter Blitz) Dip_Power_915 May 10, 11:28 am
-----Original Message-----
England apparently believes it has developed airships. I received this order: "F Den C A Tyr-Mun". While Tyr is not a good abbreviation (can refer to Tyrolia or the tyrrhenian sea), I felt Tyrolia was clearly intended by the army designation. However, it is an invalid move for three reasons. Denmark does not touch munich. It does not touch Tyrolia. And fleets in coastal provinces can not convoy, denmark being such a province. Just wanted to explain what's going on there.
As a further explanation, I play most of my Diplomacy on the Judges, and a lot of Judge Diplomacy games are NoPress/Gunboat, so Judge player have established a system of false Convoys and Supports to send signals and communicate with their opponents. In this case Den C Tyl-Mun means, "Hey Italy, grab some German Centers before Russia gets them all." Wink
Eric of England in DC424
DC404 1907 Winter results - RickHunter   (Apr 03, 2012, 9:51 pm)
Austria reflects between a new army in Vie or nothing while Turkey goes with the default rule (not an NMR).  Here is the order for those who don't want to check yourselves.

Units furthest from the nearest home center before units closer to the nearest home centerUnits not in a center before units in a centerFleets before armies if still no unique unit selected per aboveAlphabetical


Build A Vienna


Remove A Galicia

Spring 1908 due Friday, 4/06 5pm ET (21:00 GMT)


dc394 s10 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 03, 2012, 2:48 pm)
*** If anyone in this game is *not* playing in the Winter Blitz, let me know!  We need one player to round out a board starting tomorrow. ***

Retreats are in!
Dwarves: A Carpantha - Temple of Doom
Gnomes: A Hundred Acre Wood - Elephant Graveyard
Knights: A Merrow - Necronomicon
NEXT:  Fall 10 due Monday 4/9, 3pm Central!
Since some have asked... There are no roster changes!  Per my HR's, (www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm) which are linked on the game page and were provided at game start, there are no replacements once we get past the first couple turns.


dc394 s10 retreats! (dc394) FuzzyLogic Apr 09, 07:44 am
Another wonderful family Easter on the books, we're back to the daily grind today... with Winter Blitz results for many, and a little trip to the Haven for you all...
Due today!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 4/3/2012 2:48 PM
Subject: dc394 s10 retreats!

*** If anyone in this game is *not* playing in the Winter Blitz, let me know!  We need one player to round out a board starting tomorrow. ***

Retreats are in!
Dwarves: A Carpantha - Temple of Doom
Gnomes: A Hundred Acre Wood - Elephant Graveyard
Knights: A Merrow - Necronomicon
NEXT:  Fall 10 due Monday 4/9, 3pm Central!
Since some have asked... There are no roster changes!  Per my HR's, (www.sims-family.net/dip/houserules.htm) which are linked on the game page and were provided at game start, there are no replacements once we get past the first couple turns.
dc394 s10 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 03, 2012, 12:50 pm)
Also, Leprechaun A Myr ordered to Tuatha, not Terabithia.  This creats a bounce w the Dwarves, and will also be amended in the retreats map.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 4/2/2012 10:05 AM
To: Michael Penner; baz.dip(at)gmail.com; dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; diplomacy(at)diffell.net; chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; Garry Bledsoe; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; Jerome Payne; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; Spinozas(at)gmx.net; kingkovas(at)gmail.com; clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; tiga124(at)aol.com; tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net
Cc: dc394
Subject: RE: dc394 s10 results!

In addition, Elven TRL moved to Auryn.  Will fix on the retreat map.

Things are looking very grim for the Leprechauns this year... after hanging on for so long at 2 centers, both appear to require nothing short of the touch of an angel to survive...
Retreats - Due Tues 4/3, 3pm Central!
Gnome A Hundred Acre Wood can retreat to Newa River or Elephant Graveyard.
Knight A Merrow can retreat to Necronomicon.
Dwarf A Carpantha can retreat to Temple of Doom
A Hollow Earth Supports A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Cut*)
A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Lubrick Supports A Knockshegowna - Merrow
A Fitzgibbon - Tuatha
A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna
A Carpantha - Mount Nimro (*Dislodged*)
A Ancient Necropolis - Spirit Pond (*Fails*)
A Undermountain Supports A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
F Prekkendorran Hts(nc) - Florin
F Fantastica - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Waterdeep Hold
A Hoarluk - Twisted Tunnels
A Cormyr - Valley of Lost Honor
A Faerun - City of Splendors
A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F RIVER OF THE DAWN - Great Glacier
F ROARING RAPIDS Supports A Dhunia - Silvanesti
F NORTH RAINBOW LAKE Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
F THREE RIVER LAKE, no move received
A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Dislodged*)
A Troldhaugen Hold
A Daniloth Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri
F SABLES SWAMP Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Khemri (*Cut*)
A Mordor - Candlekeep
A Rohan - Two Towers
F The Neverwood - Travers Town (*Bounce*)
A Fjord - Magrathea
A Baldurs Gate - Kara-Tur
A Krikkit - Shining Stream
A Great Glacier - Dragon Coast
F The High Way - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Fails*)
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS - Enchanted Isles (*Fails*)
A Paras Derval - Kingdom of Hearts
A Mount Nimro Supports A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Cut*)
A Diamond Mines Supports A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
F Starkadh Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
A Ice Reach - Knurremurre
A Spiral Castle - Dragons Teeth Mtns
A Spirit Pond - Hollow Earth (*Fails*)
F Owlwood - SABLES SWAMP (*Fails*)
A Cave of Ordeals - Yggdrasil
A Merrow - Lubrick (*Dislodged*)
A Drynwyn Supports A Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood
A Gwynir Supports A Sleepy Hollow - Khemri
F Andarien Plain Hold
A Pendaran Wood - Sleepy Hollow
F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Khaz Modan - Carpantha
A Snow Witch - Nowwhat
F CHURNING REACH Supports A Myth Drannor (*Cut*)
F RUGGED COAST Supports F Cliffs of Insanity - RIFT CANYON
F Terabithia - Dhunia
A Myrtle - Terabithia
A Loxley, no move received
F Pans Labyrinth, no move received
A Ansalon, no move received
F Enchanted Isles, no move received
F Never Never Land, no move received
A Neverpeak Mtn, no move received
A Avalon, no move received
A Myth Drannor, no move received
F Endor, no move received
F GRIEF REEF, no move received
F HIGH SEAS, no move received
F WAY THE HECK, no move received
F BIKINI BOTTOM, no move received
F PIRATE SHOALS, no move received
A Grissel - Tumnus
A Tarsis Hold
F The Silver city - BEAVERSDAM
A Sorrows End Supports A Tymwyvenne - Cave of Ordeals
A Kahvi - Abby Normal
F Orboros - TROG BOG
A Grendel Supports A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
A Plains of Dust - Kahvi
A Kender - Dargaard Keep
A Walk of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru
A Uhl Belk Supports F Terabithia (*Ordered to Move*)
A Thra Supports A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F ZEBOIMS DEEP Convoys A The Julianthes - The Old Gristmill
F Krynn, no move received
F Everglot, no move received
F Skellington, no move received



DC 398, Fall 1907 due tomorrow! - alwayshunted   (Apr 03, 2012, 12:41 pm)
Hi gang,
I still don't have a full set of orders. They are due in just over 28 hours, and I believe I've confirmed everything I've got. If I haven't confirmed your orders then get them in!

From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk; darren_sharma(at)frontlineanalysts.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; swoopster06(at)yahoo.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; sanjat312(at)yahoo.com; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; dc398(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
Subject: DC 398, Summer 1907
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 12:08:26 -0600

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P
.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage

Norwegian Sea retreats to Barents Sea.  Fall is due in one week, on Wednesday April 4, 16:00 MDT.
I have received an end game proposal, for a three way Turkey/France/Germany draw. Please vote with your fall orders. Failure to vote is considered a no.
Maps are attached. Hope to hear from you all soon.


dc401 s07 retreats! - scaponig   (Apr 02, 2012, 8:23 pm)
 I'm just going to have that fleet hang out for a while. F Con stays. 

On Monday, April 2, 2012, Michael Sims wrote:

Italy:  Tyl-Pie
Russia:  Con-Ank
French move to Bur fixed on this map.
E: Split Bur and SWI, connect Ruh and Mar
F: Split Hol and Rhur, connect Bur and Kiel
G: connect Lvn/Stp, Split Mos/GoB.  Move the Mos fleet to NC.
I: Connect ION and MAO, separate Tun and OTB

R: Connect Sevastapol-Smyrna, Separate Constantinople/Black Sea
Some interesting ones there, including the trapped Italian F Con - which may disband immediately or stand trapped until water is reconnected to Con.
That single order by tomorrow (Tues) 4/3, 3pm Central, else it stays on the board.  Italy can just send his request to the group so we all know.
Fall 07 due Friday!  4/6, 3pm Central.


DC404 1907 Autumn results - RickHunter   (Apr 02, 2012, 5:54 pm)
Whoops.  Forgot the attachments.

-----Original Message-----

From: odvaha <odvaha(at)aol.com>

To: starhop8 <starhop8(at)gmail.com>; jyjusy <jyjusy(at)hotmail.com>; thy <thy(at)42.dk>; m_don_j <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; ericklindsay <ericklindsay(at)gmail.com>; jason4747 <jason4747(at)hotmail.com>; catsfather <catsfather(at)gmail.com>

Cc: dc404 <dc404(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Mon, Apr 2, 2012 6:52 pm

Subject: Re: DC404 1907 Autumn results

Retreats are in and the Turk heads inland.


A Rumania - Galicia

Winter 1907 is upon us.  Let's set it for for tomorrow 4/03 but for 10pm ET (4/04 02:00 GMT) to give a few more hours for the turnaround.  No orders from Austria is a wave build and no orders from Turkey follows the GM guidelines.

Austria:   Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1

England:   Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0

France:    Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0

Germany:   Supp  5 Unit  5 Build  0

Italy:     Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0

Russia:    Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0

Turkey:    Supp  5 Unit  6 Remove  1


DC404 1907 Autumn results - RickHunter   (Apr 02, 2012, 5:52 pm)
Retreats are in and the Turk heads inland.


A Rumania - Galicia

Winter 1907 is upon us.  Let's set it for for tomorrow 4/03 but for 10pm ET (4/04 02:00 GMT) to give a few more hours for the turnaround.  No orders from Austria is a wave build and no orders from Turkey follows the GM guidelines.

Austria:   Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1

England:   Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0

France:    Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0

Germany:   Supp  5 Unit  5 Build  0

Italy:     Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0

Russia:    Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0

Turkey:    Supp  5 Unit  6 Remove  1


DC404 1907 Autumn results (dc404) RickHunter Apr 02, 05:54 pm
Whoops.  Forgot the attachments.

-----Original Message-----

From: odvaha <odvaha(at)aol.com>

To: starhop8 <starhop8(at)gmail.com>; jyjusy <jyjusy(at)hotmail.com>; thy <thy(at)42.dk>; m_don_j <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; ericklindsay <ericklindsay(at)gmail.com>; jason4747 <jason4747(at)hotmail.com>; catsfather <catsfather(at)gmail.com>

Cc: dc404 <dc404(at)diplomaticcorp.com>

Sent: Mon, Apr 2, 2012 6:52 pm

Subject: Re: DC404 1907 Autumn results

Retreats are in and the Turk heads inland.


A Rumania - Galicia

Winter 1907 is upon us.  Let's set it for for tomorrow 4/03 but for 10pm ET (4/04 02:00 GMT) to give a few more hours for the turnaround.  No orders from Austria is a wave build and no orders from Turkey follows the GM guidelines.

Austria:   Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1

England:   Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0

France:    Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0

Germany:   Supp  5 Unit  5 Build  0

Italy:     Supp  4 Unit  4 Build  0

Russia:    Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0

Turkey:    Supp  5 Unit  6 Remove  1
DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication - ndeily   (Apr 02, 2012, 5:18 pm)
I echo the thanks and "good game" sentiment.
From: Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
To: Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>; Blitz
<blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>; Gareth Griffiths <gnr.griffiths(at)gmail.com>; Robert Marshall <robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; The Czech <theczechatwebdip(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication

Good game all!
And thanks much Adam for GMing!
EOG forthcoming, though it isn't that complicated.

From: Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>
To: Blitz
<blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>; Gareth Griffiths <gnr.griffiths(at)gmail.com>; Robert
Marshall <robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; The Czech <theczechatwebdip(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 3:42 PM
Subject: DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication

There are no dislodgements and therefore no retreats.  For that matter, there are no moves of any sort.  Just that heresy against history: Frenchmen and Germans walking hand-in-hand to victory.

A 2-player draw is declared.

Congratulations to Dan and Michael for their success.  Thanks to Nathan and Gareth for sticking through the grim years.  Good luck, all of you, in the second round, which should start very, very soon.



DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication - ddz999cat23   (Apr 02, 2012, 4:02 pm)
Good game all!
And thanks much Adam for GMing!
EOG forthcoming, though it isn't that complicated.

From: Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>
To: Blitz <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>; Gareth Griffiths <gnr.griffiths(at)gmail.com>; Robert
Marshall <robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; The Czech <theczechatwebdip(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 3:42 PM
Subject: DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication

There are no dislodgements and therefore no retreats.  For that matter, there are no moves of any sort.  Just that heresy against history: Frenchmen and Germans walking hand-in-hand to victory.

A 2-player draw is declared.

Congratulations to Dan and Michael for their success.  Thanks to Nathan and Gareth for sticking through the grim years.  Good luck, all of you, in the second round, which should start very, very soon.



DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Apr 02, 2012, 3:42 pm)
There are no dislodgements and therefore no retreats. For that matter, there are no moves of any sort. Just that heresy against history: Frenchmen and Germans walking hand-in-hand to victory.
A 2-player draw is declared.
Congratulations to Dan and Michael for their success. Thanks to Nathan and Gareth for sticking through the grim years. Good luck, all of you, in the second round, which should start very, very soon.


DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) ddz999cat23 Apr 02, 04:02 pm
Good game all!
And thanks much Adam for GMing!
EOG forthcoming, though it isn't that complicated.

From: Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>
To: Blitz <blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>; Gareth Griffiths <gnr.griffiths(at)gmail.com>; Robert
Marshall <robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; The Czech <theczechatwebdip(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 3:42 PM
Subject: DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication

There are no dislodgements and therefore no retreats.  For that matter, there are no moves of any sort.  Just that heresy against history: Frenchmen and Germans walking hand-in-hand to victory.

A 2-player draw is declared.

Congratulations to Dan and Michael for their success.  Thanks to Nathan and Gareth for sticking through the grim years.  Good luck, all of you, in the second round, which should start very, very soon.

DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication (Winter Blitz) ndeily Apr 02, 05:18 pm
I echo the thanks and "good game" sentiment.
From: Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>
To: Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>; Blitz
<blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>; Gareth Griffiths <gnr.griffiths(at)gmail.com>; Robert Marshall <robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; The Czech <theczechatwebdip(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication

Good game all!
And thanks much Adam for GMing!
EOG forthcoming, though it isn't that complicated.

From: Adam Martin-Schwarze <smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com>
To: Blitz
<blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Dan Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Fletcher <tfletch33(at)yahoo.com>; Gareth Griffiths <gnr.griffiths(at)gmail.com>; Robert
Marshall <robert.marshall(at)staffordshire.gov.uk>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>; The Czech <theczechatwebdip(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 3:42 PM
Subject: DC 409: Spring 1911 Adjudication

There are no dislodgements and therefore no retreats.  For that matter, there are no moves of any sort.  Just that heresy against history: Frenchmen and Germans walking hand-in-hand to victory.

A 2-player draw is declared.

Congratulations to Dan and Michael for their success.  Thanks to Nathan and Gareth for sticking through the grim years.  Good luck, all of you, in the second round, which should start very, very soon.

dc414 Winter 1903 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 02, 2012, 3:07 pm)
Hi everyone,
Here's you Winter 03 adjudication:
Remove A Galicia
Build F Naples
Build A Venice
Build A Warsaw
Build A Moscow
Build A Constantinople
Build F Smyrna
The Winter Blitz round 2 is starting up this week - therefore I'm going to be reverting to a four-game-GMing situation. Therefore, can I reiterate please the importance of you quoting 'dc414' in the subject bar of your email, and can I also say that I'm going to get a bit tighter with the deadline enforcement. I synchronise the deadlines on my games wherever possible (else I'd lose my sanity trying to keep up). Therefore I'm going to get a bit more rigid with NMRs etc.
If you need a deadline extension for any reason, then ask me and I'll grant one - otherwise, please get your moves in on time. You've all been really good at this so far - please keep it going. I'll try to remember to give you a reminder when I can - but no promises - please don't rely on reminders, it's a good idea to get me preliminary orders in as soon as you can to avoid the NMR.
The Spring 04 deadline is next Monday, that's 9 April, at 2000GMT.


dc415 Stonehenge Spring 851 adjudication - jerome777   (Apr 02, 2012, 3:02 pm)

Hi everybody!
I'm delighted to welcome you all back to our game of Stonehenge. Welcome back to all the players, and also welcome back to all of the people around the world following our game.
The Spring 851 adjudication looks like this:
A Lincoln - Stamford
A Mercia - Chester
F Yorkshire - Durham
A Loire - Bretagne
F Orne - Baie de la Seine
A Picardie - Flanders
A Jutland - Lower Saxony
F Jylland - Kattegat
F Odensland - Jylland
A Drenthe Supports A Holland - Rheinland
F Frisian Isles - Hoek of Holland
A Holland - Rheinland
A Connacht - Donegal
A Dublin - Louth
F Kerry - St. George Channel
A Hordaland Fylke Hold
F Ostfold - Skagerrak
F Trondelag Fylke - Lofoten Sea
A Aberdeen - Grampian
F Grampian - Caithness
A Lothians Hold
A Kent - London
A London - Essex
F Sussex - Wight
A Argyll - Ayr
F Inner Hebrides - Little Minch
F Skye - Minch
A Damnonia - Gloucester
A Devon - Wiltshire
F Powys - Gwynedd

The Winter Blitz round 2 is starting up this week - therefore I'm going to be reverting to a four-game-GMing situation. Therefore, can I reiterate please the importance of you quoting 'dc415' in the subject bar of your email, and can I also say that I'm going to get a bit tighter with the deadline enforcement. I synchronise the deadlines on my games wherever possible (else I'd lose my sanity trying to keep up). Therefore I'm going to get a bit more rigid with NMRs etc.
If you need a deadline extension for any reason, then ask me and I'll grant one - otherwise, please get your moves in on time. You've all been really good at this so far (although we've only just started!) - please keep it going. I'll try to remember to give you a reminder when I can - but no promises - please don't rely on reminders, it's a good idea to get me preliminary orders in as soon as you can to avoid the NMR.
The Autumn 851 deadline is next Monday, that's 9 April, at 2000GMT.


dc415 Stonehenge Spring 851 adjudication (dc415) jerome777 Apr 08, 01:13 pm
Hi guys and gals,
Just a short reminder that the deadline for your game is just over 24 hours away, at 2000GMT tomorrow (Monday 9 April).
I'm going to be adjudicating with NMRs from here on in (as warned in the previous adjudication), so please make sure you get those moves in to me please!
DC 413 Draw Passes! - thecount1282   (Apr 02, 2012, 2:41 pm)
Alright, alright, I will give in and provide some general overviews on the game.

First of all, I must apologize for my disappearance in the later rounds. I had to go on a business trip to Asia which completely screwed up my schedule and I failed to submit my moves on a couple of occassions. No disrespect intended!

I appreciate the accolades on my venture to Sevastopol. In all honesty, it happened because the move made the most sense on a turn-by-turn basis. Only the initial move into Bohemia from Munich was "unorthodox". From there it was pure Realpolitik. I wanted to trick Austria by not going to Vienna on the second turn and I guessed correctly that no one would be expecting me to move to Gallicia. From there, I knew that I was most affraid of the "Mad Dog of Moscow" and made a conscious decision to move against him. After taking Sevastopol, I sent numerous appeals to the Russian so as to salvage our relationship but as it turned out, the relationship was unsalvageable. Instead, the Russian was able to use his remaining army to cause havoc for me in the west and effectively prevented me from being able to resist the French. I thought that the Turkish armies could have offered greater resistance to the Austrians and, in retrospect, probably should have helped Istanbul more than I did.

My three great regrets in this game are closely inter-connected. First and foremost, I regret cannabilizing England. He and I had a nice partnership going and I had to stab him in the back in order to survive. It was truly a pity. The main reason for the deterioration of this alliance was because I stupidly trusted the French when he told me that he would not to go into the Ruhr in 1903 and I naively decided not to block his move. Upon seeing the results of that turn, I knew immediately that the Parisan foray into Germany could potentially ruin the entire game for me. As it turned out, this was, in fact the case since it effectively allowed the French to take Holland and solidify his fleets against England. In all honesty, however, I should say that England was too lukewarm in guaranteeing cooperation with me and because of this I was constantly expecting him to stab me in the back, resulting in my trying to cooperate with the French.

My last regret was the failure of a Franco-German alliance to materialize in the final stages of the game. It would have been very fun for our two militaries to have an apocalyptic battle against Austria and Italy. I still believe that this could have resulted in a dual victory or a solo victory for the French. France acted cautiously fearing a backstab on my part, which was a completely understanadable opinion from his perspective, but ultimately not correct. I was fully commited to an alliance. However, if men were mind readers then we wouldn't have so much fun playing diplomacy!

Thank you for a great game gentlemen. It was a pleasure playing with all of you and I wish you all the best in the next round.


Z German

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Philip King <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com> wrote:

"...the blood feud between Germany and Russia that essentially undid them both."

Not sure if that's how I see it.  Smile  What undid me, in my humble opinion, was the kamikaze German army marching all the way to Sevastopol.  I keep looking back over this game, asking myself how I could possibly have predicted, and then properly defended, against such an unorthodox (euphemism) approach.  Honestly, surviving this game, especially given that Germany did not, is one of my favorite Diplomacy accomplishments to date.  Thank you to both France and Austria, who actively participated in my survival.  It's interesting how easy it is to find allies, when your enemy has attacked or lied to everyone.  Germany's ambition (euphemism) was what undid him.  The blood feud merely served to keep me alive long after I should have been eliminated. 

I have to say though, I've been thoroughly impressed with everyone in this game.  I feel like there is something to be learned from several situations, and I'm likely to be a stronger player for having been a part of it.  Yes Germany, even your bizarre (euphemism) approach, while unlikely to win enough friends to survive, was educational.  The testicular fortitude required to begin the game the way you did was inspiring.  I can only assume that we shared the viewpoint that the only way to win the Winter Blitz is to solo in Round 1.  Short of that however, there is a great personal victory in surviving against all odds.

Good luck to everyone in Round 2!

-- Mad Dog

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Barnes, Matthew <matthew_barnes(at)brown.edu> wrote:

Thanks to the GM and all the players. It was a fun one.
Here are my thoughts on the game...

I opened on initially friendly terms with everyone around me, but quickly started stabbing. I violated a truce in the Black Sea early on and used it to gain an upper hand over Russia. I was working well with Germany and I saw the opportunity to expand into Russia and Austria with his help. I had been talking for a while with France and I was convinced in 1902-1903 that I would see the French fleets in the Med (if you recall he had 2 there and Italy was not positioned to counter) move against Italy. It was on those pretenses (and believing that Italy and Austria were not allied but merely neutral) that I stabbed Austria to grab Serbia. Unfortunately, the French attack on Italy that I was promised and the Austrian/Italian alliance I didn't believe in were both untrue. At that point, with no allies remaining on the board and Germany retreating to fight his own battles, I was left scrambling to defend. I made a few bad guesses but in the end, I couldn't hold off the AI attack with nobody really attacking them on the backside.

Apologies to Austria and Russia for the stabs, but alas, you both survived and I did not...
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:57 AM, John R <untitled36(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Not sure if we'll see any more EoG's, though I really hope we do! Here's my take on things...

From the outside perspective, it seemed like there was a lot of shifting of alliances s it was sort of hard to keep track of what was really going on. I think it was about winter of 1902 that I mentally made my prediction of a strong finish for Germany and/or Turkey. And I was dead wrong. Still, both played well, and in my mind this game will always be "The one where Germany took Sevastapol in 1902." As has been mentioned, I think that rogue unit had a big impact on the early game. If nothing else, it developed the blood feud between Germany and Russia that essentially undid them both.

I think turkey had a strong showing, but seemed unable to gain a solid alliance.

Germany was ambitious, perhaps overly so, as it appears he was attacking Russia and England both when he was stabbed by France.

England did fine. His downfall was the French F Bre-Eng in Spring 02, which I'm not certain he could have predicted. once the channel fell, he had to play defensively, and thus lost the ground he had gained.

Russia started out well, but just got dog-piled. Not sure if that was a diplomatic failing, or if it was just "one of those things" where the stars aligned against him. I remember an email from him with his F02 moves being "cautiously optimistic" about the game. That was the turn he was attacked by all four of his neighbors. However, with grit and determination, he managed to eke out a survival, outlasting every other power besides the victors. That says volumes.

Austria and Italy, they were one of the very few (maybe only) alliances that lasted all game. I think this was their success. I am surprised that the two powers with so many combined NMRs managed to win, and frankly, that sort of irks the GM side of me. Smile But at the same time, they did do a good job of setting up a defense against France, and they deserved the draw.

France played the game well, obviously. He certainly earned his lion's share in the draw, and came very close to soloing. The last couples rounds were sort of guessing games, and those are tough ones to call especially as a player.

Congrats to the 3 draw participants! You were a good group to work with! I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two!


Matthew Barnes

Brown University 2013
Mechanical Engineering

Greg ShtraksGreg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com


DC 413 Draw Passes! - ilovethechiefs   (Apr 02, 2012, 12:35 pm)
"...the blood feud between Germany and Russia that essentially undid them both."

Not sure if that's how I see it.  Smile  What undid me, in my humble opinion, was the kamikaze German army marching all the way to Sevastopol.  I keep looking back over this game, asking myself how I could possibly have predicted, and then properly defended, against such an unorthodox (euphemism) approach.  Honestly, surviving this game, especially given that Germany did not, is one of my favorite Diplomacy accomplishments to date.  Thank you to both France and Austria, who actively participated in my survival.  It's interesting how easy it is to find allies, when your enemy has attacked or lied to everyone.  Germany's ambition (euphemism) was what undid him.  The blood feud merely served to keep me alive long after I should have been eliminated. 

I have to say though, I've been thoroughly impressed with everyone in this game.  I feel like there is something to be learned from several situations, and I'm likely to be a stronger player for having been a part of it.  Yes Germany, even your bizarre (euphemism) approach, while unlikely to win enough friends to survive, was educational.  The testicular fortitude required to begin the game the way you did was inspiring.  I can only assume that we shared the viewpoint that the only way to win the Winter Blitz is to solo in Round 1.  Short of that however, there is a great personal victory in surviving against all odds.

Good luck to everyone in Round 2!

-- Mad Dog

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Barnes, Matthew <matthew_barnes(at)brown.edu> wrote:

Thanks to the GM and all the players. It was a fun one.
Here are my thoughts on the game...

I opened on initially friendly terms with everyone around me, but quickly started stabbing. I violated a truce in the Black Sea early on and used it to gain an upper hand over Russia. I was working well with Germany and I saw the opportunity to expand into Russia and Austria with his help. I had been talking for a while with France and I was convinced in 1902-1903 that I would see the French fleets in the Med (if you recall he had 2 there and Italy was not positioned to counter) move against Italy. It was on those pretenses (and believing that Italy and Austria were not allied but merely neutral) that I stabbed Austria to grab Serbia. Unfortunately, the French attack on Italy that I was promised and the Austrian/Italian alliance I didn't believe in were both untrue. At that point, with no allies remaining on the board and Germany retreating to fight his own battles, I was left scrambling to defend. I made a few bad guesses but in the end, I couldn't hold off the AI attack with nobody really attacking them on the backside.

Apologies to Austria and Russia for the stabs, but alas, you both survived and I did not...
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:57 AM, John R <untitled36(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Not sure if we'll see any more EoG's, though I really hope we do! Here's my take on things...

From the outside perspective, it seemed like there was a lot of shifting of alliances s it was sort of hard to keep track of what was really going on. I think it was about winter of 1902 that I mentally made my prediction of a strong finish for Germany and/or Turkey. And I was dead wrong. Still, both played well, and in my mind this game will always be "The one where Germany took Sevastapol in 1902." As has been mentioned, I think that rogue unit had a big impact on the early game. If nothing else, it developed the blood feud between Germany and Russia that essentially undid them both.

I think turkey had a strong showing, but seemed unable to gain a solid alliance.

Germany was ambitious, perhaps overly so, as it appears he was attacking Russia and England both when he was stabbed by France.

England did fine. His downfall was the French F Bre-Eng in Spring 02, which I'm not certain he could have predicted. once the channel fell, he had to play defensively, and thus lost the ground he had gained.

Russia started out well, but just got dog-piled. Not sure if that was a diplomatic failing, or if it was just "one of those things" where the stars aligned against him. I remember an email from him with his F02 moves being "cautiously optimistic" about the game. That was the turn he was attacked by all four of his neighbors. However, with grit and determination, he managed to eke out a survival, outlasting every other power besides the victors. That says volumes.

Austria and Italy, they were one of the very few (maybe only) alliances that lasted all game. I think this was their success. I am surprised that the two powers with so many combined NMRs managed to win, and frankly, that sort of irks the GM side of me. Smile But at the same time, they did do a good job of setting up a defense against France, and they deserved the draw.

France played the game well, obviously. He certainly earned his lion's share in the draw, and came very close to soloing. The last couples rounds were sort of guessing games, and those are tough ones to call especially as a player.

Congrats to the 3 draw participants! You were a good group to work with! I'm sure I'll see some of you in round two!


Matthew Barnes

Brown University 2013
Mechanical Engineering


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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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