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dc389 f06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 06, 2011, 8:40 am)
Fall 06 results!


Russian F Den is dislodged, but it could only go to Baltic so I just moved it.


BUILDS... due Wed 9/7, 3pm Central...

Austria: Build 1

Italy: Remove 1

Russia: Build 1 (can Build 2 if remove Baltic)


F Apulia - Naples
A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea
A Rome Supports F Apulia - Naples
A Rumania - Galicia
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Silesia Supports A Munich
A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Fails*)
A Venice Supports A Rome


A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark
A Holland Supports A Kiel
A Kiel Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark (*Cut*)
F North Sea, no move received
F Norwegian Sea Supports F North Sea
F Skagerrak - Denmark


F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Marseilles - Piedmont
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
A Ruhr Supports A Kiel
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean


F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Disbanded*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis


A Constantinople Hold
F Denmark - North Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Finland Supports F Norway
F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia - Naples
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel (*Cut*)
F Norway Supports F Denmark - North Sea
A Smyrna Hold
F Sweden Supports F Norway
A Warsaw - Prussia




dc388 Fall05 Deadline Warning - fencertim   (Sep 06, 2011, 7:50 am)
Fall orders are due today by 4pm Eastern US time.






dc388 Fall05 Deadline Warning (dc388) fencertim Sep 06, 01:52 pm
A little more than an hour to go and I still
need 2 sets of orders.


From: Timothy Crosby

Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011
8:51 AM

To: 'Timothy Crosby';
bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com; archer.smith(at)zoho.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
catsfather(at)gmail.com; hatricvs(at)yahoo.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com;

Cc: dc388(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Subject: dc388 Fall05 Deadline


Fall orders are due today by 4pm Eastern US time.




DC383 CROWDED W10 PROB WITH DC SITE - vegas_iwish   (Sep 06, 2011, 5:06 am)
Insists last season uploaded was spring 10 even after I re-loaded F10 a few minutes ago so not uploading W10 there yet. DIAS proposed.


Build A Vienna

Defaults, removing A Bohemia



DC 373: Orders Due on Tuesday - AceRimmer   (Sep 05, 2011, 11:43 pm)
I hate to nudge you from your post-Labor Day slumber (yes, we Americans know how to celebrate the labor movement with all the sincerity that we usually muster for Independence Day, Memorial Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday... ah, perhaps that screed for Another Day...).
Anyway, point is -- orders due Tuesday a.m.


dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Sep 05, 2011, 9:04 pm)
The deadline for Spring 1853 orders is: Friday, September 9th (at)
2359 UTC.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1852.

Britain: Build A Dutch Guiana.

China: Build A Chongqing.

China: Build waived.

Spain: Build A Monterey.

Spain: Build F Society Islands.

Spain: Build F Mexico City.

Spain: Build F Rio de Janeiro.

Spain: Build F Phillipines.

USA: Build A New York City.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Marseilles, F Denmark, F Greece, A Kiel, A Metz, A
Piedmont, A Switzerland, A Tripoli, F Helgoland Bight, F Baltic Sea,
F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Ionian Sea.

Britain: F Maldives, A Dutch Guiana, A Columbia, F Norway, A
Bordeaux, A Abyssinia, A Ethiopia, A Ade, F Madras, F Barents Sea, F
North Sea, F Skagerrak, F Western Mediterranean, F Red Sea, F
Arabian Sea, F Tasman Sea.

China:   A Bombay, A Malaysia, A Chongqing, F Yongmingcheng, A
Irkutsk, A Kasmir, A Hyderabad, A Birmah, F Kamchatka, F Korea, A
Sakhurlin, F Tai Won, F Gulf of Siam, F China Sea, F Eastern Sea.

Russia:  F Angora(sc), A Constantinople, A Moskow, A St Petersburg,
F Sweden, A Finland, A Livonia, F Syria(nc), A Afganistan, A
Hadramaut, A Mandlah, A Nejaaz, A Punjab, F Aegean Sea.

Spain:   A Ontario, A Sierra Leone, A Guinea, F Society Islands, F
Kagoshima, F Borneo, F New Guinea, F Cuba, F Mexico City, A
Monterey, F Rio de Janeiro, F Phillipines, F Liberia, A Mongearts, F
Morocco, F Somolia, F Queensland, F British Guiana, A Republic of
Texas, F Gulf of Lyon, F Gulf of Mexico, F Rio de Plate, F Drake
Passage, F Coral Sea, F Timor Sea, F Celebes Sea, F Kuril Sea, F
Bering Sea, F W.Pacific Ocean, F Bismark Sea, F S.W.Pacific Ocean, F
Gulf of Panama.

USA:     F Bahama Islands, A Paris, F Antilles, F Holland, A Natal,
A Egypt, A New Orleans, A New York City, A Catalunia, A Rouen, F
Labrador Sea, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Canaries Seaway, F Gulf of
Maine, F Bay of Florida, F Amazon Basin, F Brazilian Bight, F
N.W.Indian Ocean.

The deadline for Spring 1853 orders is: Friday, September 9th (at)
2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


dc384 Autumn 1909 results; Italian solo victory; e... - bschoner   (Sep 05, 2011, 7:48 pm)
Congratulations, Gerry - very well played!
The view from Paris:
As always, I started by communicating with everyone, to get a feel for
the lay of the land and open the diplomatic lines as early as
possible. Grant was the first to respond (in fact, I think he emailed
me first). While he seemed very enthusiastic and friendly, he was also
a bit more aggressive than I've usually seen in email Dip; he seemed
anxious to attack someone - anyone - as long as he could get an ally
to do it with. Gerry was friendly and personable, and seemed quite
experienced (as the war would eventually prove!); we agreed to leave
each other a friendly DMZ, and left open plans for mutual cooperation
in the future that would bear fruit (up to a point). Sean was friendly
enough, and definitely seemed like someone I could work with. Luke,
unfortunately, missed out on the furious first weekend of emails; by
the time I heard back from him, my plans were already pretty much set,
and there wasn't really much he could do to change my mind. To be
honest, though, he would have had a tough job anyway; as France, I
have never seen an alliance with England that didn't end with France
being stabbed, so I was predisposed to take him out as quickly as
possible. Chris and Vinny responded politely, but we didn't have much
to discuss in the early stages.
After getting the lay of the land, my initial plan was to attack
England with the help of Germany and Russia. That would let Grant get
some of his aggression out and remove an immediate threat to me. It
would also let Russia move some units west without unduly alarming
Grant, who (at the time) both Sean and I felt would be a bit of a
loose cannon. Once England was down, Sean and I were planning to take
out Germany, who would hopefully have overextended himself by going
after England.
The first part of the plan went swimmingly. Luke didn't seem to
suspect a thing, and the initial attack on England gained ground
quickly. The attack bogged down after a while, though, and by 1903,
Grant had begun to worry (rightfully) about Russia's advances on his
border. As the situation evolved, it became increasingly apparent that
Grant was willing to follow my lead on tactics, and when Sean had to
drop out of the game and a new Russia took over, I decided to change
my initial plan and side with Germany against Russia. (Note that this
had nothing to do with Matthias personally; he was friendly and a good
negotiator, but the game situation made it clear that Germany was a
better ally for me in the immediate term.) Once England was finally
knocked out in 1904, Grant and I could concentrate our efforts on
Russia (and eventually Austria, who decided to go after some German
SCs himself)...and then I stabbed Grant. I felt quite bad about it,
actually, but I also felt like it was a now or never situation, and if
the stab went well, I could make a reasonable push for a solo or a
strong draw.
To my grateful amazement, Grant not only acknowledged that my stabbing
him was a good move, but agreed to continue to assist me! He agreed to
move his units as I asked in return for my trying to keep him alive,
and he stayed true to that agreement to the end. For what it's worth,
I was doing my best to keep his units around, but the tides of battle
just didn't permit it.
By 1906, Turkey was gone, Germany and Austria were crumbling, and
Russia was being slowly nibbled away at. Gerry and I were in the
driver's seats, and were discussing plans for an F/I draw proposal
(assuming we could get Matthias to accept it). However, Gerry saw the
opportunity for a solo, and (quite rightly) decided to go for it. I
might have been able to beat him to it, or at least slow him down, but
Matthias then gave me an ultimatum - withdraw French units from
Scandinavia, or he would hand his remaining SCs to Italy. I certainly
don't blame him for this approach - desperate times, etc. I might
conceivably have been able to acceded to Matthias' demands and still
manage a solo or draw, but it seemed unlikely at best, and I thought I
might be able to hold Gerry and Matthias off long enough to grab
either enough SCs for a solo or a defensible stalemate line. As it
happens, I was VERY wrong, and the two of them quickly managed to get
Gerry to 18 for the win.
Overall, I was pleased with my performance in the game - I made some
good tactical guesses until the endgame, and most of the game went the
way I hoped it would. I have no regrets about losing to Gerry - he's a
gentleman and a skilled tactician, and played a very smart and
effective game. Thanks to all those who participated, especially those
who made it through without any NMRs. And many, many thanks to Jerome
for a clean, friendly, and personable game!
Here's hoping I see each of you across the virtual board again soon!


DC 387: Fall 1905 orders - Blueraider0   (Sep 05, 2011, 5:11 pm)


DC 387: Adjud tonight - Blueraider0   (Sep 05, 2011, 11:59 am)


dc384 Autumn 1909 results; Italian solo victory; e... - ruler462   (Sep 05, 2011, 11:32 am)


dc389 s06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 05, 2011, 7:53 am)
Due today!

I didn’t realize I set the dl on a holiday, so I won’t run the turn till tomorrow if someone is missing…




From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 6:51 PM
To: 'briankingfox(at)hotmail.com'; 'cbend37(at)aol.com'; 'hapolley(at)yahoo.ca'; 'jerome777(at)ymail.com'; 'eric.s.palmer(at)gmail.com'; 'odvaha(at)aol.com'; 'rk(at)giorsoine.dk'
Cc: dc389
Subject: dc389 s06 results!


Here we go…


New baby and all! 


Zachary was born a little over 2 hours ago… One player in my other game alleged that the timeliness of Dip results was inversely proportional to the number of kids one has… I think this bucks that trend.  Smile


English A Mun could only go to Burgundy, so I just moved it there.  If OTB is preferred just let the group know otherwise it stands in 24 hours.


NEXT:  Fall 06 due Mon Sep 05, 3pm Central!






F Adriatic Sea - Apulia

A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich

A Bulgaria - Serbia

A Galicia - Silesia

F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea

A Piedmont - Venice

A Rumania Hold

A Tyrolia Supports A Kiel - Munich

A Venice - Rome

A Vienna - Bohemia



A Denmark - Kiel

F English Channel - North Sea

F Helgoland Bight Supports A Denmark - Kiel

A Holland Supports A Denmark - Kiel

A Munich - Berlin (*Dislodged*)

F North Sea - Skagerrak

F Norwegian Sea Supports F English Channel - North Sea



A Burgundy - Marseilles

F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Ruhr Supports A Denmark - Kiel

F Spain(sc) Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Cut*)

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon



F Ionian Sea - Naples

F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)



F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea

A Ankara - Constantinople

F Baltic Sea - Denmark

A Kiel - Munich

F Norway Hold

A Smyrna Hold

A St Petersburg - Finland

F Sweden Supports F Norway

A Ukraine - Warsaw




dc394 s01 results v2! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 05, 2011, 7:53 am)
Due today!

I didn’t realize I set the dl on a holiday, so I won’t run the turn till tomorrow if someone is missing…



From: Michael Sims
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 3:56 PM
Cc: dc394
Subject: dc394 s01 results v2!


Wait!  Had a couple moves wrong around Troll Country that put the Magicians in the High Seas...

Corrected below...


4 bounces in the first turn!  Of course in some of the most valueable spots on the board...


Elves & Wizards bounce over the Valley of Lost Honor...

Faeries & Nomads bounce over the Land of Sweets...

Leprechauns & Samurai bounce over Bikini Bottom...

Ogres & Samurai bounce in Devils Canyon...


NEXT:  Fall 01 due Monday 9/5, 3pm Central.



F Llyr - Cliffs of Insanity
A Loxley - Llyr
F Prydain - Kingdom of Hearts


A GuTanoth - River Saeren
F Paras Derval Supports A GuTanoth - River Saeren
A Brennin - Starkadh


F Anvard - Cathal
A Tumnus - Sleepy Hollow


A Diamond Mines - Spirit Pond
A Hollow Earth - Snow Witch


F Garthim - Valley of Lost Honor (*Bounce*)
A Prekkendorran Hts - Gelfling


F Vinyaya - Land of Sweets (*Bounce*)
A Oz - Acme Acres


F Hundred Acre Wood(ec) - Daniloth
A Khemri - Gwynir
F Newa River - Groves of Academe


A Lindon - Two Towers


A Wing Hove - Ice Reach
F Arborlon - Aslan
F Grimpen Ward - Shady Vale


F Knockshegowna - BIKINI BOTTOM (*Bounce*)
A Lubrick - Hoarluk
F Fitzgibbon - Fafhrd(wc)


A Tarsis - Cyriss


F Fantastica - RIFT CANYON
A Auryn - Forbidden City
F Fionavar - Land of Sweets (*Bounce*)


F Horborixen - Uuno
A Nehwon - Devils Canyon (*Bounce*)
F Lankhmar - Horborixen


F Riku - Camelittle
F The Neverwood - PIRATE SHOALS
A Pans Labyrinth - The Neverwood


A Grimheim - Ashan
A The Silver city - Moominvalley


A Traal - Devils Canyon (*Bounce*)
F Magrathea - Heresh
F Fjord - BIKINI BOTTOM (*Bounce*)


F Sorrows End Hold
A Niflheim - Plains of Dust
F Kahvi - Grendel


F Skullcap - SAVAGE SEA
A Everglot - Uhl Belk
F Skellington - RIVER STYX


F Baldurs Gate - RAZORS EDGE
F Waterdeep - Candlekeep
A City of Splendors - Valley of Lost Honor (*Bounce*)



dc384 Autumn 1909 results; Italian solo victory; e... - whiterhino   (Sep 04, 2011, 8:26 pm)


dc384 Autumn 1909 results; Italian solo victory; e... - jerome777   (Sep 04, 2011, 3:02 pm)


dc384 Autumn 1909 results; Italian solo victory; end-game-statement request (dc384) whiterhino Sep 04, 08:26 pm
dc384 Autumn 1909 results; Italian solo victory; end-game-statement request (dc384) ruler462 Sep 05, 11:32 am
dc384 Autumn 1909 results; Italian solo victory; end-game-statement request (dc384) bschoner Sep 05, 07:48 pm
Congratulations, Gerry - very well played!
The view from Paris:
As always, I started by communicating with everyone, to get a feel for
the lay of the land and open the diplomatic lines as early as
possible. Grant was the first to respond (in fact, I think he emailed
me first). While he seemed very enthusiastic and friendly, he was also
a bit more aggressive than I've usually seen in email Dip; he seemed
anxious to attack someone - anyone - as long as he could get an ally
to do it with. Gerry was friendly and personable, and seemed quite
experienced (as the war would eventually prove!); we agreed to leave
each other a friendly DMZ, and left open plans for mutual cooperation
in the future that would bear fruit (up to a point). Sean was friendly
enough, and definitely seemed like someone I could work with. Luke,
unfortunately, missed out on the furious first weekend of emails; by
the time I heard back from him, my plans were already pretty much set,
and there wasn't really much he could do to change my mind. To be
honest, though, he would have had a tough job anyway; as France, I
have never seen an alliance with England that didn't end with France
being stabbed, so I was predisposed to take him out as quickly as
possible. Chris and Vinny responded politely, but we didn't have much
to discuss in the early stages.
After getting the lay of the land, my initial plan was to attack
England with the help of Germany and Russia. That would let Grant get
some of his aggression out and remove an immediate threat to me. It
would also let Russia move some units west without unduly alarming
Grant, who (at the time) both Sean and I felt would be a bit of a
loose cannon. Once England was down, Sean and I were planning to take
out Germany, who would hopefully have overextended himself by going
after England.
The first part of the plan went swimmingly. Luke didn't seem to
suspect a thing, and the initial attack on England gained ground
quickly. The attack bogged down after a while, though, and by 1903,
Grant had begun to worry (rightfully) about Russia's advances on his
border. As the situation evolved, it became increasingly apparent that
Grant was willing to follow my lead on tactics, and when Sean had to
drop out of the game and a new Russia took over, I decided to change
my initial plan and side with Germany against Russia. (Note that this
had nothing to do with Matthias personally; he was friendly and a good
negotiator, but the game situation made it clear that Germany was a
better ally for me in the immediate term.) Once England was finally
knocked out in 1904, Grant and I could concentrate our efforts on
Russia (and eventually Austria, who decided to go after some German
SCs himself)...and then I stabbed Grant. I felt quite bad about it,
actually, but I also felt like it was a now or never situation, and if
the stab went well, I could make a reasonable push for a solo or a
strong draw.
To my grateful amazement, Grant not only acknowledged that my stabbing
him was a good move, but agreed to continue to assist me! He agreed to
move his units as I asked in return for my trying to keep him alive,
and he stayed true to that agreement to the end. For what it's worth,
I was doing my best to keep his units around, but the tides of battle
just didn't permit it.
By 1906, Turkey was gone, Germany and Austria were crumbling, and
Russia was being slowly nibbled away at. Gerry and I were in the
driver's seats, and were discussing plans for an F/I draw proposal
(assuming we could get Matthias to accept it). However, Gerry saw the
opportunity for a solo, and (quite rightly) decided to go for it. I
might have been able to beat him to it, or at least slow him down, but
Matthias then gave me an ultimatum - withdraw French units from
Scandinavia, or he would hand his remaining SCs to Italy. I certainly
don't blame him for this approach - desperate times, etc. I might
conceivably have been able to acceded to Matthias' demands and still
manage a solo or draw, but it seemed unlikely at best, and I thought I
might be able to hold Gerry and Matthias off long enough to grab
either enough SCs for a solo or a defensible stalemate line. As it
happens, I was VERY wrong, and the two of them quickly managed to get
Gerry to 18 for the win.
Overall, I was pleased with my performance in the game - I made some
good tactical guesses until the endgame, and most of the game went the
way I hoped it would. I have no regrets about losing to Gerry - he's a
gentleman and a skilled tactician, and played a very smart and
effective game. Thanks to all those who participated, especially those
who made it through without any NMRs. And many, many thanks to Jerome
for a clean, friendly, and personable game!
Here's hoping I see each of you across the virtual board again soon!
DC383 CROWDED F10 - garry.bledsoe   (Sep 04, 2011, 8:01 am)
I don't see the orders attached either but I checked my last version and I did somehow type TYS instead of Tus.

On Sep 4, 2011, at 7:49 AM, C Morse <camorse22(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Austrian misorder?  I don't see Austrian orders at all.

From: MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com>
To: "dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com" <dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com>; "cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca" <cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca>; "beejwa(at)gmail.com" <beejwa(at)gmail.com>; "kelly058(at)verizon.net" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>; "jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; "camorse22(at)yahoo.com"
<camorse22(at)yahoo.com>; "jerome777(at)ymail.com" <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; "bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com" <bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com>; "alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com" <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com>; "nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com" <nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Cc: "dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2011 12:37 AM
Subject: DC383 CROWDED F10

Gary - may not have been order you wanted but unless my eyes are gone says TYS not TUS. Mike-can change ret to Mao if you want Mon. Adjs Mon. http://diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc383

F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Bounce*)
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Belgium - Burgundy
A Denmark Supports A Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A Wales - Brest
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr - Munich (*Cut*)
A Picardy - Paris
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Wales - Brest
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea

A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Livonia Supports A Bohemia - London (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Livonia

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Galicia - Silesia
F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
F Naples - Rome (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany

Austria:   Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
England:   Supp 15 Unit 15 Build  0
France:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  2 Unit  3 Remove  1
Turkey:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Balkan:    Supp 10 Unit 10 Build  0
Lowland:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Norway:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Spain:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0



DC383 CROWDED F10 - Corrino   (Sep 04, 2011, 7:49 am)
Austrian misorder?  I don't see Austrian orders at all.

From: MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com>
To: "dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com" <dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com>; "cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca" <cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca>; "beejwa(at)gmail.com" <beejwa(at)gmail.com>; "kelly058(at)verizon.net" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>; "jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; "camorse22(at)yahoo.com"
<camorse22(at)yahoo.com>; "jerome777(at)ymail.com" <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; "bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com" <bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com>; "alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com" <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com>; "nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com" <nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Cc: "dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2011 12:37 AM
Subject: DC383 CROWDED F10

Gary - may not have been order you wanted but unless my eyes are gone says TYS not TUS. Mike-can change ret to Mao if you want Mon. Adjs Mon. http://diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc383

F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Bounce*)
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Belgium - Burgundy
A Denmark Supports A Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A Wales - Brest
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr - Munich (*Cut*)
A Picardy - Paris
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Wales - Brest
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea

A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Livonia Supports A Bohemia - London (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Livonia

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Galicia - Silesia
F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
F Naples - Rome (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany

Austria:   Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
England:   Supp 15 Unit 15 Build  0
France:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  2 Unit  3 Remove  1
Turkey:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Balkan:    Supp 10 Unit 10 Build  0
Lowland:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Norway:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Spain:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0



DC383 CROWDED F10 - vegas_iwish   (Sep 03, 2011, 11:37 pm)
Gary - may not have been order you wanted but unless my eyes are gone says TYS not TUS. Mike-can change ret to Mao if you want Mon. Adjs Mon. http://diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc383

F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Bounce*)
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Belgium - Burgundy
A Denmark Supports A Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A Wales - Brest
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr - Munich (*Cut*)
A Picardy - Paris
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Wales - Brest
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea

A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Livonia Supports A Bohemia - London (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Livonia

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Galicia - Silesia
F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
F Naples - Rome (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany

Austria:   Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
England:   Supp 15 Unit 15 Build  0
France:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  2 Unit  3 Remove  1
Turkey:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Balkan:    Supp 10 Unit 10 Build  0
Lowland:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Norway:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Spain:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0



DC383 CROWDED F10 (dc383) Corrino Sep 04, 07:49 am
Austrian misorder?  I don't see Austrian orders at all.

From: MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com>
To: "dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com" <dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com>; "cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca" <cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca>; "beejwa(at)gmail.com" <beejwa(at)gmail.com>; "kelly058(at)verizon.net" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>; "jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; "camorse22(at)yahoo.com"
<camorse22(at)yahoo.com>; "jerome777(at)ymail.com" <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; "bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com" <bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com>; "alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com" <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com>; "nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com" <nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Cc: "dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2011 12:37 AM
Subject: DC383 CROWDED F10

Gary - may not have been order you wanted but unless my eyes are gone says TYS not TUS. Mike-can change ret to Mao if you want Mon. Adjs Mon. http://diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc383

F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Bounce*)
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Belgium - Burgundy
A Denmark Supports A Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A Wales - Brest
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr - Munich (*Cut*)
A Picardy - Paris
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Wales - Brest
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea

A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Livonia Supports A Bohemia - London (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Livonia

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Galicia - Silesia
F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
F Naples - Rome (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany

Austria:   Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
England:   Supp 15 Unit 15 Build  0
France:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  2 Unit  3 Remove  1
Turkey:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Balkan:    Supp 10 Unit 10 Build  0
Lowland:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Norway:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Spain:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0

DC383 CROWDED F10 (dc383) garry.bledsoe Sep 04, 08:01 am
I don't see the orders attached either but I checked my last version and I did somehow type TYS instead of Tus.

On Sep 4, 2011, at 7:49 AM, C Morse <camorse22(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

Austrian misorder?  I don't see Austrian orders at all.

From: MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com>
To: "dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com" <dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com>; "cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca" <cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca>; "beejwa(at)gmail.com" <beejwa(at)gmail.com>; "kelly058(at)verizon.net" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>; "jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; "camorse22(at)yahoo.com"
<camorse22(at)yahoo.com>; "jerome777(at)ymail.com" <jerome777(at)ymail.com>; "bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com" <bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com>; "alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com" <alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com>; "nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com" <nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com>; "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
Cc: "dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2011 12:37 AM
Subject: DC383 CROWDED F10

Gary - may not have been order you wanted but unless my eyes are gone says TYS not TUS. Mike-can change ret to Mao if you want Mon. Adjs Mon. http://diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc383

F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Bounce*)
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Belgium - Burgundy
A Denmark Supports A Kiel
F English Channel Convoys A Wales - Brest
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr - Munich (*Cut*)
A Picardy - Paris
A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
A Wales - Brest
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea

A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Livonia Supports A Bohemia - London (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Livonia

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Galicia - Silesia
F Greece Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
F Naples - Rome (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Trieste - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany

Austria:   Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
England:   Supp 15 Unit 15 Build  0
France:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  2 Unit  3 Remove  1
Turkey:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Balkan:    Supp 10 Unit 10 Build  0
Lowland:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Norway:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Spain:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0

DC 391: Spring 1903 - nemo_sed_mori   (Sep 03, 2011, 8:30 am)


DC386: Summer 1771 adjudication - smileyrob   (Sep 01, 2011, 6:30 pm)


dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Sep 01, 2011, 1:28 pm)
The British got their retreat in early, and the Ottomans are no
more, so we continue onward:

The deadline for Winter 1852 adjustments is: Monday, September 5th
(at) 2359 UTC.

Retreat orders for Fall of 1852.

Britain: disband F Queensland.

Ottoman: disband A Egypt.


Austria: 12 Supply centers,  12 Units.

Britain: 16 Supply centers,  15 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

China:   16 Supply centers,  14 Units:  Builds   2 units.

Russia:  14 Supply centers,  14 Units.

Spain:   33 Supply centers,  27 Units:  Builds   5 units (5 home
centers open).

USA:     18 Supply centers,  17 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Berlin, Budapest, Venice, Vienna, Marseilles, Denmark,
Greece, Kiel, Rome, Salerno, Serbia, Stuttgart.

Britain: London, Dublin, Edinburgh, New South Wales, Maldives, Dutch
Guiana, Madrid, Lisbon, Columbia, Zanguebar, Norway, Abyssinia,
Ethiopia, Ade, Ceylon, French Guiana.

China:   Bombay, Delhi, Malaysia, Beijing, Chongqing, Guangdong,
Shanghai, Yongmingcheng, Irkutsk, Bengal, Hue, Kasmir, Xining,
Korea, Liaoning, Formosa.

Russia:  Angora, Bagdad, Constantinople, Sofia, Moskow, Sevastopol,
St Petersburg, Warsaw, Orenburg, Rumania, Sweden, Tehran, Tashkent,

Spain:   Ontario, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Society Islands, Kagoshima,
Java, Borneo, New Guinea, Cuba, Mexico City, Monterey, Rio de
Janeiro, Phillipines, Biafra, Liberia, Tunisia, Morocco, Edo,
Solomons, Marshalls, British Guiana, Chili, Cuiaba, La Plata,
Montevideo, Para, Peru, Venezuela, Honduras, Republic of Texas,
Vancouver, Alaska, Hawaii.

USA:     Loango, Quebec, Bahama Islands, Cape Colony, Paris, Nantes,
Antilles, Madagascar, Holland, Natal, Egypt, Boston, Charleston, New
Orleans, New York City, Missouri Terr., Chicago, The Azores.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Marseilles, F Denmark, F Greece, A Kiel, A Metz, A
Piedmont, A Switzerland, A Tripoli, F Helgoland Bight, F Baltic Sea,
F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Ionian Sea.

Britain: F Maldives, A Columbia, F Norway, A Bordeaux, A Abyssinia,
A Ethiopia, A Ade, F Madras, F Barents Sea, F North Sea, F
Skagerrak, F Western Mediterranean, F Red Sea, F Arabian Sea, F
Tasman Sea.

China:   A Bombay, A Malaysia, F Yongmingcheng, A Irkutsk, A Kasmir,
A Hyderabad, A Birmah, F Kamchatka, F Korea, A Sakhurlin, F Tai Won,
F Gulf of Siam, F China Sea, F Eastern Sea.

Russia:  F Angora(sc), A Constantinople, A Moskow, A St Petersburg,
F Sweden, A Finland, A Livonia, F Syria(nc), A Afganistan, A
Hadramaut, A Mandlah, A Nejaaz, A Punjab, F Aegean Sea.

Spain:   A Ontario, A Sierra Leone, A Guinea, F Kagoshima, F Borneo,
F New Guinea, F Cuba, F Liberia, A Mongearts, F Morocco, F Somolia,
F Queensland, F British Guiana, A Republic of Texas, F Gulf of Lyon,
F Gulf of Mexico, F Rio de Plate, F Drake Passage, F Coral Sea, F
Timor Sea, F Celebes Sea, F Kuril Sea, F Bering Sea, F W.Pacific
Ocean, F Bismark Sea, F S.W.Pacific Ocean, F Gulf of Panama.

USA:     F Bahama Islands, A Paris, F Antilles, F Holland, A Natal,
A Egypt, A New Orleans, A Catalunia, A Rouen, F Labrador Sea, F
Eastern Mediterranean, F Canaries Seaway, F Gulf of Maine, F Bay of
Florida, F Amazon Basin, F Brazilian Bight, F N.W.Indian Ocean.

The deadline for Winter 1852 adjustments is: Monday, September
5th (at) 2359 UTC.

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


dc394 - Faeries Away - Spinoza   (Aug 31, 2011, 2:24 pm)
Had to look that one up Smile
Wouldn't be a bad addition to my hordes, but alas! he's a bit too warm-blooded to qualify for a position...

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:16:59 -0700 (PDT)
Von: joe babinsack
An: Matthias Matzinger , Michael Sims , "kingkovas(at)gmail.com" , "mrh(at)panix.com"
CC: "baz.dip(at)gmail.com" , "dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com" , "diplomacy(at)diffell.net" , "kielmarch(at)hotmail.com" , "dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com" , "jerome777(at)ymail.com" , "jfburgess(at)gmail.com" , "wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com" , "mjn82(at)yahoo.com" , "sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com" , "clockheardt(at)yahoo.com" , "tiga124(at)aol.com" , "tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net" , "dc394(at)diplomaticcorp.com" , "welsh_stroud(at)msn.com" , "mvpenner(at)yahoo.com"
Betreff: Re: RE: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away
Spectal minions? Who are you, UltraMantis Black?

From: Matthias Matzinger
To: Michael Sims ; kingkovas(at)gmail.com;
Cc: baz.dip(at)gmail.com; dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; diplomacy(at)diffell.net;
chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com;
jerome777(at)ymail.com; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com;
mjn82(at)yahoo.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; tiga124(at)aol.com;
tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net; dc394(at)diplomaticcorp.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com;
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

Whoops, didn't realize that "infest" was that negatively connoted,
apologies... Smile

btw, dear fellow havenly creatures, I will be away between the 2nd and the
9th. While I only will be able to check and answer my mail sporadically,
my spectral minions will continue to monitor all your secret communications,
so don't go and try something fishy while you think I'm not looking!


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:17:42 -0500
Von: "Michael Sims"
An: mrh(at)panix.com, "Greg Kovas"
CC: "Matthias Matzinger" , mvpenner(at)yahoo.com,
welsh_stroud(at)msn.com, "dc394" ,
tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net, tiga124(at)aol.com, clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com,
mjn82(at)yahoo.com, wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com, jfburgess(at)gmail.com,
jerome777(at)ymail.com, dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com, "Garry Bledsoe" ,
chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, diplomacy(at)diffell.net, dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com,
Betreff: RE: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

He stopped short of Scourge... so I took it as a compliment... Smile


From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 12:04 PM
To: Greg Kovas
Cc: Matthias Matzinger; Michael Sims; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;
welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; dc394; tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net; tiga124(at)aol.com;
clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com;
wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com;
dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; Garry Bledsoe; chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com;
diplomacy(at)diffell.net; dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com
Subject: Re: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away


"Infest" -- Here's to Mike Sims, and his New World Order! Smile

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Greg Kovas

"Infest?" Really? That's the word choice you went with? Smile

Add my congratulations to the pile as wel!



On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Matthias Matzinger

Congrats! Can we expect those four to be meticulously trained in the
fine art of diplomacy, to infest and dominate diplomaticcorp in a few

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:13:53 -0500
> Von: "Michael Sims"
> An: "Charles Welsh" , mrh(at)panix.com,
> CC: baz.dip(at)gmail.com, dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com,
diplomacy(at)diffell.net, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, "Garry Bledsoe"
, dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com, jerome777(at)ymail.com,
jfburgess(at)gmail.com, wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com, mjn82(at)yahoo.com,
sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com, spinozas(at)gmx.net, kingkovas(at)gmail.com,
clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, tiga124(at)aol.com, tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net,
> Betreff: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

> I feel so left out of the "away-fest" we're all sharing.?? So we're
> sitting in the hospital here, broken water, expecting to deliver our
> soon today.?? Smile
> From: Charles Welsh [mailto:welsh_stroud(at)msn.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:10 PM
> To: mrh(at)panix.com; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
> Subject: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away
> Clearly a conspiracy. And may I say number one son is getting married
> Saturday so my contact will be catch as catch can.
> ________________________________
> Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:59:56 -0600
> Subject: Re: dc394 - Faeries Away
> From: mrh(at)panix.com
> To: mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
> dc394(at)diplomaticcorp.com
> Greetings all,
> In an effort to continue the rumor* that Michael Penner (Batman) and
> Michael Hoffman (Bruce Wayne) are the same person because they are
> seen together, I will be unavailable from Friday afternoon 9/3 through
> Monday 9/12.
> I am hoping not to be affected by any storms during my absence, either
> on the shores of Mexico, or in the alliances in Haven.
> Mike
> *rumor purely made up to inject humor into the thread.
> ---------
> "Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
> "Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Michael Penner
> wrote:
> Greetings, all.?? I wish to announce that I will be unable to
> with the rest until Thursday evening.?? Thankfully, for me this is by
> choice and not because a huge storm has knocked out my power.?? I look
> forward to getting back home and discovering some crazy schemes that
> people want me to be a part of (in an participatory manner, rather
> being the target, of course).
> mvp

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dc394 - Faeries Away - chaosonejoe   (Aug 31, 2011, 2:16 pm)
Spectal minions? Who are you, UltraMantis Black?



From: Matthias Matzinger <Spinozas(at)gmx.net>
To: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; kingkovas(at)gmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com
Cc: baz.dip(at)gmail.com; dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; diplomacy(at)diffell.net; chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; tiga124(at)aol.com; tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net; dc394(at)diplomaticcorp.com;
welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

Whoops, didn't realize that "infest" was that negatively connoted, apologies... Smile

btw, dear fellow havenly creatures, I will be away between the 2nd and the 9th. While I only will be able to check and answer my mail sporadically, my spectral minions will continue to monitor all your secret communications, so don't go and try something fishy while you think I'm not looking!


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:17:42 -0500
> Von: "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
> An: mrh(at)panix.com,
"Greg Kovas" <kingkovas(at)gmail.com>
> CC: "Matthias Matzinger" <Spinozas(at)gmx.net>, mvpenner(at)yahoo.com, welsh_stroud(at)msn.com, "dc394" <dc394(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net, tiga124(at)aol.com, clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com, mjn82(at)yahoo.com, wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com, jfburgess(at)gmail.com, jerome777(at)ymail.com, dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com, "Garry Bledsoe" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, diplomacy(at)diffell.net, dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com, baz.dip(at)gmail.com
> Betreff: RE: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

> He stopped short of Scourge... so I took it as a compliment... Smile

> From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 12:04 PM
> To: Greg Kovas
> Cc: Matthias Matzinger; Michael Sims; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;
> welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; dc394; tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net; tiga124(at)aol.com;
> clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com;
> wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com;
> dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; Garry Bledsoe; chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com;
> diplomacy(at)diffell.net; dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com
> Subject: Re: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

> "Infest" -- Here's to Mike Sims, and his New World Order! Smile
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Greg Kovas <kingkovas(at)gmail.com>
> wrote:
> "Infest?" Really? That's the word choice you went with? Smile
> Add my congratulations to the pile as wel!
> -Greg

> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Matthias Matzinger <Spinozas(at)gmx.net>
> wrote:
> Congrats! Can we expect those four to be meticulously trained in the
> fine art of diplomacy, to infest and dominate diplomaticcorp in a few
> years?
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> > Datum: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:13:53 -0500
> > Von: "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
> > An: "Charles Welsh" <welsh_stroud(at)msn.com>, mrh(at)panix.com,
> mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
> > CC: baz.dip(at)gmail.com, dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com,
> diplomacy(at)diffell.net, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, "Garry Bledsoe"
> <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com, jerome777(at)ymail.com,
> jfburgess(at)gmail.com, wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com, mjn82(at)yahoo.com,
> sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com, spinozas(at)gmx.net, kingkovas(at)gmail.com,
> clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, tiga124(at)aol.com, tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net,
> "dc394" <dc394(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
> > Betreff: RE: dc394 -
Faeries Away
> > I feel so left out of the "away-fest" we're all sharing.  So we're
> > sitting in the hospital here, broken water, expecting to deliver our
> 4th
> > soon today.  Smile
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Charles Welsh [mailto:welsh_stroud(at)msn.com]
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:10 PM
> > To: mrh(at)panix.com; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
> > Subject: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Clearly a conspiracy. And may I say number one son is getting married
> > Saturday so my contact will be catch as catch can.
> >
> >
> >


dc394 - Faeries Away - Spinoza   (Aug 31, 2011, 2:07 pm)
Whoops, didn't realize that "infest" was that negatively connoted, apologies... Smile
btw, dear fellow havenly creatures, I will be away between the 2nd and the 9th. While I only will be able to check and answer my mail sporadically, my spectral minions will continue to monitor all your secret communications, so don't go and try something fishy while you think I'm not looking!

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:17:42 -0500
Von: "Michael Sims"
An: mrh(at)panix.com, "Greg Kovas"
CC: "Matthias Matzinger" , mvpenner(at)yahoo.com, welsh_stroud(at)msn.com, "dc394" , tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net, tiga124(at)aol.com, clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com, mjn82(at)yahoo.com, wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com, jfburgess(at)gmail.com, jerome777(at)ymail.com, dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com, "Garry Bledsoe" , chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, diplomacy(at)diffell.net, dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com, baz.dip(at)gmail.com
Betreff: RE: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away
He stopped short of Scourge... so I took it as a compliment... Smile

From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 12:04 PM
To: Greg Kovas
Cc: Matthias Matzinger; Michael Sims; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com;
welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; dc394; tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net; tiga124(at)aol.com;
clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com;
wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com;
dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; Garry Bledsoe; chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com;
diplomacy(at)diffell.net; dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com
Subject: Re: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

"Infest" -- Here's to Mike Sims, and his New World Order! Smile

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Greg Kovas

"Infest?" Really? That's the word choice you went with? Smile

Add my congratulations to the pile as wel!


On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Matthias Matzinger

Congrats! Can we expect those four to be meticulously trained in the
fine art of diplomacy, to infest and dominate diplomaticcorp in a few

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:13:53 -0500
Von: "Michael Sims"
An: "Charles Welsh" , mrh(at)panix.com,
CC: baz.dip(at)gmail.com, dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com,
diplomacy(at)diffell.net, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, "Garry Bledsoe"
, dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com, jerome777(at)ymail.com,
jfburgess(at)gmail.com, wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com, mjn82(at)yahoo.com,
sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com, spinozas(at)gmx.net, kingkovas(at)gmail.com,
clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, tiga124(at)aol.com, tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net,
Betreff: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

I feel so left out of the "away-fest" we're all sharing. So we're
sitting in the hospital here, broken water, expecting to deliver our
soon today. Smile

From: Charles Welsh [mailto:welsh_stroud(at)msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:10 PM
To: mrh(at)panix.com; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
Subject: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

Clearly a conspiracy. And may I say number one son is getting married
Saturday so my contact will be catch as catch can.


Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:59:56 -0600
Subject: Re: dc394 - Faeries Away
From: mrh(at)panix.com
To: mvpenner(at)yahoo.com

Greetings all,

In an effort to continue the rumor* that Michael Penner (Batman) and
Michael Hoffman (Bruce Wayne) are the same person because they are
seen together, I will be unavailable from Friday afternoon 9/3 through
Monday 9/12.
I am hoping not to be affected by any storms during my absence, either
on the shores of Mexico, or in the alliances in Haven.


*rumor purely made up to inject humor into the thread.
"Sit Long, Talk Much, Laugh Often" -- anon
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Michael Penner

Greetings, all. I wish to announce that I will be unable to
with the rest until Thursday evening. Thankfully, for me this is by
choice and not because a huge storm has knocked out my power. I look
forward to getting back home and discovering some crazy schemes that
people want me to be a part of (in an participatory manner, rather
being the target, of course).


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dc394 - Faeries Away - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 31, 2011, 12:17 pm)
He stopped short of Scourge… so I took it as a compliment… Smile


From: Mike Hoffman [mailto:mrh(at)panix.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 12:04 PM
To: Greg Kovas
Cc: Matthias Matzinger; Michael Sims; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; dc394; tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net; tiga124(at)aol.com; clockheardt(at)yahoo.com; sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com; mjn82(at)yahoo.com; wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com; jfburgess(at)gmail.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com; Garry Bledsoe; chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com; diplomacy(at)diffell.net; dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com; baz.dip(at)gmail.com
Subject: Re: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away


"Infest" -- Here's to Mike Sims, and his New World Order! Smile

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Greg Kovas <kingkovas(at)gmail.com> wrote:

"Infest?" Really? That's the word choice you went with? Smile

Add my congratulations to the pile as wel!



On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Matthias Matzinger <Spinozas(at)gmx.net> wrote:

Congrats! Can we expect those four to be meticulously trained in the fine art of diplomacy, to infest and dominate diplomaticcorp in a few years?

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:13:53 -0500
> Von: "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>
> An: "Charles Welsh" <welsh_stroud(at)msn.com>, mrh(at)panix.com, mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
> CC: baz.dip(at)gmail.com, dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com, diplomacy(at)diffell.net, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, "Garry Bledsoe" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, dan.i.sinensky(at)gmail.com, jerome777(at)ymail.com, jfburgess(at)gmail.com, wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com, mjn82(at)yahoo.com, sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com, spinozas(at)gmx.net, kingkovas(at)gmail.com, clockheardt(at)yahoo.com, tiga124(at)aol.com, tomahaha(at)frontiernet.net, "dc394" <dc394(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
> Betreff: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away

> I feel so left out of the "away-fest" we're all sharing.  So we're
> sitting in the hospital here, broken water, expecting to deliver our 4th
> soon today.  Smile
> From: Charles Welsh [mailto:welsh_stroud(at)msn.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:10 PM
> To: mrh(at)panix.com; mvpenner(at)yahoo.com
> Subject: RE: dc394 - Faeries Away
> Clearly a conspiracy. And may I say number one son is getting married
> Saturday so my contact will be catch as catch can.
> ________________________________


dc394 - Faeries Away - offdisc   (Aug 31, 2011, 12:04 pm)


dc394 - Faeries Away - Telcontar   (Aug 31, 2011, 11:11 am)


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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