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dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Aug 22, 2011, 9:47 pm)
The deadline for Fall 1852 orders is: Friday, August 26th (at) 2359

Retreat orders for Spring of 1852.

Britain: A Marseilles - Bordeaux.

Spain: F Antilles - Venezuela.

USA: disband F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Marseilles, F Denmark, F Kiel(wc), F Salerno, A Bavaria,
A Metz, A Piedmont, A Switzerland, A Tunisia, F Baltic Sea, F
Tyrrhenian Sea, F Ionian Sea.

Britain: F Bombay, F Borneo, F Madrid, F Norway, A Bordeaux, A
Abyssinia, A Ethiopia, A Hadramaut, F Madras, F Queensland, A
Amazona, F Barents Sea, F North Sea, F Skagerrak, F Red Sea, F
Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F Tasman Sea.

China:   A Yongmingcheng, A Irkutsk, F Hue, A Hyderabad, A Birmah, A
Punjab, F Korea, A Tibet, A Siam, F Tai Won, F China Sea, F
Phillipene Sea, F Sea of Japan, F Sea of Okhotsk.

Ottoman: A Egypt.

Russia:  F Angora(sc), A Bagdad, A Constantinople, A Moskow, A St
Petersburg, F Sweden, A Finland, A Livonia, F Syria(nc), A
Afganistan, A Bangalore, A Mandlah, A Nejaaz, F Aegean Sea.

Spain:   A Sierra Leone, F Maldives, F Kagoshima, F New Guinea, F
Phillipines, F Liberia, F Algiers, A Morocco, F Somolia, A Soudan, F
Edo, F Solomons, F Venezuela, A Nevada, A PrinceRupert Land, F Gulf
of Lyon, F Gulf of Mexico, F Eastern Carribean, F Brazilian Bight, F
Ant-Atlantic Ocean, F Coral Sea, F Timor Sea, F Java Sea, F Kuril
Sea, F Izu Sea, F Bismark Sea, F S.W.Pacific Ocean, F S.Pacific

USA:     A Paris, A Nantes, F Antilles, F Holland, A New Orleans, A
Catalunia, A Caffrabia, A Nubia, F Greenland Sea, F Helgoland Bight,
F Eastern Mediterranean, F Canaries Seaway, F N.Atlantic Ocean, F
Bay of Florida, F Sargasso Sea, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F S.Atlantic
Ocean, F N.W.Indian Ocean.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


dc389 s05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2011, 5:40 pm)
Results tomorrow!

Tuesday… Yeah I know I said
Monday but someone had requested not Monday…

3pm Central…




From: Michael Sims

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 2:17 PM

Subject: dc389 s05 results!


Just spaced it here!  Been workin on changes to my Haven map,
on which two games are starting shortly!


Let's see... Draw fails, and same one is proposed again for this


Due Monday 8/24, 3pm Central!



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Budapest - Rumania

A Constantinople - Bulgaria

A Greece - Serbia

A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*)

A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Bounce*)

F Trieste - Adriatic Sea

A Venice - Apulia

A Vienna - Tyrolia



A Belgium Supports A Picardy - Burgundy

F English Channel - North Sea

A Holland - Kiel

F Kiel - Helgoland Bight

A London Hold

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel

F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea



F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Gascony - Marseilles (*Bounce*)

A Picardy - Burgundy

A Ruhr Supports A Holland - Kiel

F Tunis Hold

F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tunis



F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea

F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon



A Ankara Supports A Armenia - Smyrna

A Armenia - Smyrna

F Berlin - Baltic Sea

F Black Sea - Constantinople

F Denmark Supports F Berlin - Baltic Sea

A Livonia - St Petersburg

A Rumania - Ukraine

A Silesia - Berlin

F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway




de388 1904 Adjustments Deadline Reminder - fencertim   (Aug 22, 2011, 2:50 pm)
Adjustments due in a little more than 24





dc394 - some info - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2011, 1:47 pm)
Hey everyone,


Now that we're off and running, I've gotten a few queries on the map.  I have to remember that only about half of you have played before, so there's lots to learn.  For those of you who know this already, well, you can just sit back and relax w the knowledge that you're one step ahead of the group... give yourself a pat on the back.  (put down your dagger first or it could be an embarrassing way to go out)


The Haven is played predominantly in what's referred to as the Overworld.  This is the big circular map you see.  It's a pretty normal map, all things considered.  While I toiled with the idea of building a Diplomacy world on a Mobius Strip or even a Kline Bottle, this is, alas, just a Sphere.  Like any modern-day sphere, this one is *round*, not *flat*... and so, it wraps around the edge.  I tried to draw somewhat intuitive indications of what wraps around on the other side.  Like you see Sable's Swamp in the northwest corner?  Well you also see a sliver of it in the northeast.  Thus, a fleet there could move to any of the spaces that it connects to, on either side of the map.


Some other features you might notice in the Haven are...


Rivers.  Lots of them.  Rivers work like canals (Con, Kiel) in Diplomacy - they connect spaces as if they're coastal.  Thus a fleet can move from one space to another, as long as the river connects there.  Take that starting Barbarian fleet for example.  It looks landlocked, but it's actually right on a fork in the river, and thus has a lot of first turn movement choices.  It can move to any space adjacent that is along the river - that is any direction but east/northeast.


Arrows.  Snappy red ones.  Where you see these, the spaces are connected.  Arrows that point to two land spaces mean those land spaces are considered adjacent, even tho it doesn't look like they are.  Armies and/or fleets can both follow these arrows or give support to the neighboring space as if they were actually touching.  And arrows that connect sea zones... see them all around the High Seas... make movement out there a little more fluid (heh).  This idea was cannibalized from Ancient Med that first invented Arrows back around 220BC to designate a 4-way crossover in the central sea zones of that variant.


Important:  The other thing of interest we see are the two different types of supply centers... normal round dots, and then larger circles with a crosshairs in them.  These larger ones are called Eternal Build Centers, or "EBC's".  Anyone who owns one of these centers (and per typical build rules, has it vacant and a build available on a winter turn) can build a unit in their Home Centers *or* an EBC.  This makes them extremely valueable forward build points - that are in most cases right in the back yard of several players.  On this redraw of the Haven map, the number of EBCs was raised from 9 to 12.


The other place action will take place is the Underworld.  A much smaller map in the lower right.  The Dwarves start here, and many other powers have historically visited here - since you can span vast distances in the Overworld via only a couple hops underground.  Want to move from Cave of Ordeals to Icereach?  Well that's about 7 spaces across the Overworld, but only *2 hops* via the Underworld.  Consider these warp points, stalemate breakers, or just headaches in a box cuz they will will certainly give you a lot to think about.  The Overworld is connected to the Underworld via 8 spaces (they are colored a lighter gray on the Underworld map) that exist on *both* maps.  A unit in one of these crossover spaces is actually in both spots, even tho it will only be shown in the Overworld.  Only armies can go underground... tho fleets can enter a few of the crossover spaces that adjoin rivers or lakes.


Also note the Underworld wraps around too.  There are 5 little arrows that point off to the sides, with some labels in a box that they point to indicating a space on the other side.


Altogether, these features are intended to create a fluid large-scale map that is *not* prone to eventual end in continental stalemates.





From: Michael Sims
Subject: dc394 Game Start!

Here we go!

Had a little breather there while I confirmed everyone's interest and swapped out a couple critters but now our lineup is set.  These will be your enemies going forward!


For those logistically minded wizardly types who are interested in statistical sorts of things, the folks who turned in prefs outnumbered those who had none by 11 to 8.  A little over half.


First deadline:  Monday 8/29, 3pm Central.  That's a week, which is about half a Troll's hair longer than a normal turn which will usually be 5 days followed by 2 days for retreats and/or builds.


But before that, everyone *must* send me a prelim set of Spring 01 orders immediately!  These are prelims.  They're not final.  You can change them any time, but you should always turn them in early.  On the first turn they're required.  So pls take a moment to send in your best guess as to what your Spring 01 orders may be.  This is due by Wed 8/24, 3pm Central.  This ensures we will have a full turn and I can put out the results right on time, which everyone loves..


So what are we waiting for?  Go!  Fight!  Win!  Let me know how things go.  I'm always interested in hearing about how to make maps better and how the map affects early negotiations.  In particular for those who have played before, how the changes affect things...


PRESS:  Press is certainly welcome.  Anonymous type stuff you can submit with your orders to have published with the results.  Go crazy.


If you can't read the chart below (HTML) then you can find the player lineup online... www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc394.


If you don't show a "Location" below, pls take a moment to update your profile.  It's always fun to know where our players are from.  A worldly game here, with the majority of players from the US, but representation also from the UK, Canada, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany.













balthazar logan


Philadelphia, PA, US



Frank Bielschowsky


Soest, UT, NL



Brian Diffell


Arlington, VA, US



Joe Babinsack


Butler, PA, US



Charles Welsh


Ellicott City, MD, US



Garry Bledsoe


Little Rock , AR, US



Dan Sinensky





Jerome Payne


Peterborough, CAMBS, UK



Jim Burgess


Providence, RI, US



Stuart Coutts





Mike Norton




Mike Hoffman


Denver, CO, US



Mark Smith


San Diego, CA, US



Matthias Matzinger


Zurich, CH



Greg Kovas


Ann Arbor, MI, US



Chris Lockheardt


Andover, MA, US



Markus Paeuser


Walldorf, DE



Tom Reinecker




Michael Penner


Winnipeg, MB, CA


dc394 - some info (dc394) FuzzyLogic Aug 24, 07:49 am
Dont forget spring 01 prelims today!  Moves aren't due today, I just need to make sure the game gets off to a good start.  With this many players it's hard to track everyone down, but it's a lot easier if everyone sends in prelims.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 8/22/2011 1:47 PM
Cc: dc394
Subject: dc394 - some info

Hey everyone,


Now that we're off and running, I've gotten a few queries on the map.  I have to remember that only about half of you have played before, so there's lots to learn.  For those of you who know this already, well, you can just sit back and relax w the knowledge that you're one step ahead of the group... give yourself a pat on the back.  (put down your dagger first or it could be an embarrassing way to go out)


The Haven is played predominantly in what's referred to as the Overworld.  This is the big circular map you see.  It's a pretty normal map, all things considered.  While I toiled with the idea of building a Diplomacy world on a Mobius Strip or even a Kline Bottle, this is, alas, just a Sphere.  Like any modern-day sphere, this one is *round*, not *flat*... and so, it wraps around the edge.  I tried to draw somewhat intuitive indications of what wraps around on the other side.  Like you see Sable's Swamp in the northwest corner?  Well you also see a sliver of it in the northeast.  Thus, a fleet there could move to any of the spaces that it connects to, on either side of the map.


Some other features you might notice in the Haven are...


Rivers.  Lots of them.  Rivers work like canals (Con, Kiel) in Diplomacy - they connect spaces as if they're coastal.  Thus a fleet can move from one space to another, as long as the river connects there.  Take that starting Barbarian fleet for example.  It looks landlocked, but it's actually right on a fork in the river, and thus has a lot of first turn movement choices.  It can move to any space adjacent that is along the river - that is any direction but east/northeast.


Arrows.  Snappy red ones.  Where you see these, the spaces are connected.  Arrows that point to two land spaces mean those land spaces are considered adjacent, even tho it doesn't look like they are.  Armies and/or fleets can both follow these arrows or give support to the neighboring space as if they were actually touching.  And arrows that connect sea zones... see them all around the High Seas... make movement out there a little more fluid (heh).  This idea was cannibalized from Ancient Med that first invented Arrows back around 220BC to designate a 4-way crossover in the central sea zones of that variant.


Important:  The other thing of interest we see are the two different types of supply centers... normal round dots, and then larger circles with a crosshairs in them.  These larger ones are called Eternal Build Centers, or "EBC's".  Anyone who owns one of these centers (and per typical build rules, has it vacant and a build available on a winter turn) can build a unit in their Home Centers *or* an EBC.  This makes them extremely valueable forward build points - that are in most cases right in the back yard of several players.  On this redraw of the Haven map, the number of EBCs was raised from 9 to 12.


The other place action will take place is the Underworld.  A much smaller map in the lower right.  The Dwarves start here, and many other powers have historically visited here - since you can span vast distances in the Overworld via only a couple hops underground.  Want to move from Cave of Ordeals to Icereach?  Well that's about 7 spaces across the Overworld, but only *2 hops* via the Underworld.  Consider these warp points, stalemate breakers, or just headaches in a box cuz they will will certainly give you a lot to think about.  The Overworld is connected to the Underworld via 8 spaces (they are colored a lighter gray on the Underworld map) that exist on *both* maps.  A unit in one of these crossover spaces is actually in both spots, even tho it will only be shown in the Overworld.  Only armies can go underground... tho fleets can enter a few of the crossover spaces that adjoin rivers or lakes.


Also note the Underworld wraps around too.  There are 5 little arrows that point off to the sides, with some labels in a box that they point to indicating a space on the other side.


Altogether, these features are intended to create a fluid large-scale map that is *not* prone to eventual end in continental stalemates.





From: Michael Sims
Subject: dc394 Game Start!

Here we go!

Had a little breather there while I confirmed everyone's interest and swapped out a couple critters but now our lineup is set.  These will be your enemies going forward!


For those logistically minded wizardly types who are interested in statistical sorts of things, the folks who turned in prefs outnumbered those who had none by 11 to 8.  A little over half.


First deadline:  Monday 8/29, 3pm Central.  That's a week, which is about half a Troll's hair longer than a normal turn which will usually be 5 days followed by 2 days for retreats and/or builds.


But before that, everyone *must* send me a prelim set of Spring 01 orders immediately!  These are prelims.  They're not final.  You can change them any time, but you should always turn them in early.  On the first turn they're required.  So pls take a moment to send in your best guess as to what your Spring 01 orders may be.  This is due by Wed 8/24, 3pm Central.  This ensures we will have a full turn and I can put out the results right on time, which everyone loves..


So what are we waiting for?  Go!  Fight!  Win!  Let me know how things go.  I'm always interested in hearing about how to make maps better and how the map affects early negotiations.  In particular for those who have played before, how the changes affect things...


PRESS:  Press is certainly welcome.  Anonymous type stuff you can submit with your orders to have published with the results.  Go crazy.


If you can't read the chart below (HTML) then you can find the player lineup online... www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc394.


If you don't show a "Location" below, pls take a moment to update your profile.  It's always fun to know where our players are from.  A worldly game here, with the majority of players from the US, but representation also from the UK, Canada, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany.













balthazar logan


Philadelphia, PA, US



Frank Bielschowsky


Soest, UT, NL



Brian Diffell


Arlington, VA, US



Joe Babinsack


Butler, PA, US



Charles Welsh


Ellicott City, MD, US



Garry Bledsoe


Little Rock , AR, US



Dan Sinensky





Jerome Payne


Peterborough, CAMBS, UK



Jim Burgess


Providence, RI, US



Stuart Coutts





Mike Norton




Mike Hoffman


Denver, CO, US



Mark Smith


San Diego, CA, US



Matthias Matzinger


Zurich, CH



Greg Kovas


Ann Arbor, MI, US



Chris Lockheardt


Andover, MA, US



Markus Paeuser


Walldorf, DE



Tom Reinecker




Michael Penner


Winnipeg, MB, CA
dc384 -Autumn 08 retreats - jerome777   (Aug 22, 2011, 12:46 pm)
Hi everyone,




F Baltic Sea - Prussia
A Kiel - Denmark


The following adjustments are required:


France:    Supp 13 Unit 13 Build  0
Italy:     Supp 15 Unit 12 Build  2
Russia:    Supp  6 Unit  7 Remove  1

Builds and disbands are due by 2000GMT Tuesday 23 August.


The latest end game proposal for you to vote upon is an Italian solo victory, proposed by Italy. Please include your vote on the EGP along with your moves for the Spring 1909 season, which is due Sunday 28 August 2000GMT.

It's my local beer festival all this coming week. Hopefully I'll have sobered up enough to adjudicate your moves next Sunday...!

Have fun all,



dc394 Game Start! - FuzzyLogic   (Aug 22, 2011, 11:05 am)
Here we go!

Had a little breather there while I confirmed everyone's interest and swapped out a couple critters but now our lineup is set.  These will be your enemies going forward!


For those logistically minded wizardly types who are interested in statistical sorts of things, the folks who turned in prefs outnumbered those who had none by 11 to 8.  A little over half.


First deadline:  Monday 8/29, 3pm Central.  That's a week, which is about half a Troll's hair longer than a normal turn which will usually be 5 days followed by 2 days for retreats and/or builds.


But before that, everyone *must* send me a prelim set of Spring 01 orders immediately!  These are prelims.  They're not final.  You can change them any time, but you should always turn them in early.  On the first turn they're required.  So pls take a moment to send in your best guess as to what your Spring 01 orders may be.  This is due by Wed 8/24, 3pm Central.  This ensures we will have a full turn and I can put out the results right on time, which everyone loves..


So what are we waiting for?  Go!  Fight!  Win!  Let me know how things go.  I'm always interested in hearing about how to make maps better and how the map affects early negotiations.  In particular for those who have played before, how the changes affect things...


PRESS:  Press is certainly welcome.  Anonymous type stuff you can submit with your orders to have published with the results.  Go crazy.


If you can't read the chart below (HTML) then you can find the player lineup online... www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc394.


If you don't show a "Location" below, pls take a moment to update your profile.  It's always fun to know where our players are from.  A worldly game here, with the majority of players from the US, but representation also from the UK, Canada, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany.













balthazar logan


Philadelphia, PA, US



Frank Bielschowsky


Soest, UT, NL



Brian Diffell


Arlington, VA, US



Joe Babinsack


Butler, PA, US



Charles Welsh


Ellicott City, MD, US



Garry Bledsoe


Little Rock , AR, US



Dan Sinensky





Jerome Payne


Peterborough, CAMBS, UK



Jim Burgess


Providence, RI, US



Stuart Coutts





Mike Norton




Mike Hoffman


Denver, CO, US



Mark Smith


San Diego, CA, US



Matthias Matzinger


Zurich, CH



Greg Kovas


Ann Arbor, MI, US



Chris Lockheardt


Andover, MA, US



Markus Paeuser


Walldorf, DE



Tom Reinecker




Michael Penner


Winnipeg, MB, CA


DC387: Crisis - trent_woodruff   (Aug 22, 2011, 11:02 am)
>At 12:15 AM 8/22/2011, Mikael Johansson wrote:
>How about calling it a day then instead? I'm proposing a DIAS.
A 5-man DIAS? How boring.
Perhaps we'll get lucky and one of the other "old school" GMs like
Alex will have a copy of his program that he can use.
Rather than bring in a new GM, I guess I would go against my
typical "DIAS...not only no, but hell no" stand and agree to
it. I really do despise DIAS's though, as I see them as going
against the nature of the game. But only because I don't want
to replace our good friend Alex, I will.
So, first try to get a copy of the program from someone, Alex.
But if we must, then don't bring in a new GM.


DC387: Crisis - trent_woodruff   (Aug 22, 2011, 10:54 am)
What, you don't have everything memorized?
I actually understand the situation completely, because I had the
very same problem with trying to run RealPolitik on my computer too.

>At 10:45 PM 8/21/2011, Alex Maslow wrote:
Hey folks,

So unfortunately, we have a bit of a problem. My Diplo died and I
cannot redownload it because the site it originated from is down
permanently because RealPolitik is "the way." But, alas, it does
not work on my computer.

I've contacted the site moderator in hopes he can find a GM to take
over the rest of the game, because without a mapping system it
really screws things up, and makes it incredibly difficult for
anything to happen.

I'll be in touch as this issue gets solved.....



DC387: Crisis - Sean2010   (Aug 22, 2011, 8:37 am)
I vote yes to that.


from Sean


DC387: Crisis - finchleywomble   (Aug 22, 2011, 2:55 am)
I'll vote yes to that




DC387: Crisis - m_don_j   (Aug 22, 2011, 12:15 am)
How about calling it a day then instead? I'm proposing a DIAS.

/ Mikael

Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 19:45:59 -0800
Subject: DC387: Crisis
From: blueraider0(at)gmail.com
To: dc387(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com; reillycool(at)gmail.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com; afretired(at)windstream.net

Hey folks,

So unfortunately, we have a bit of a problem.  My Diplo died and I cannot redownload it because the site it originated from is down permanently because RealPolitik is "the way."  But, alas, it does not work on my computer.

I've contacted the site moderator in hopes he can find a GM to take over the rest of the game, because without a mapping system it really screws things up, and makes it incredibly difficult for anything to happen.

I'll be in touch as this issue gets solved.....



DC387: Crisis - Blueraider0   (Aug 21, 2011, 10:45 pm)


DC387: Crisis (dc387) m_don_j Aug 22, 12:15 am
How about calling it a day then instead? I'm proposing a DIAS.

/ Mikael

Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 19:45:59 -0800
Subject: DC387: Crisis
From: blueraider0(at)gmail.com
To: dc387(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com; reillycool(at)gmail.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com; afretired(at)windstream.net

Hey folks,

So unfortunately, we have a bit of a problem.  My Diplo died and I cannot redownload it because the site it originated from is down permanently because RealPolitik is "the way."  But, alas, it does not work on my computer.

I've contacted the site moderator in hopes he can find a GM to take over the rest of the game, because without a mapping system it really screws things up, and makes it incredibly difficult for anything to happen.

I'll be in touch as this issue gets solved.....

DC387: Crisis (dc387) finchleywomble Aug 22, 02:55 am
I'll vote yes to that


DC387: Crisis (dc387) Sean2010 Aug 22, 08:37 am
I vote yes to that.


from Sean
DC387: Crisis (dc387) trent_woodruff Aug 22, 10:54 am
What, you don't have everything memorized?
I actually understand the situation completely, because I had the
very same problem with trying to run RealPolitik on my computer too.

>At 10:45 PM 8/21/2011, Alex Maslow wrote:
Hey folks,

So unfortunately, we have a bit of a problem. My Diplo died and I
cannot redownload it because the site it originated from is down
permanently because RealPolitik is "the way." But, alas, it does
not work on my computer.

I've contacted the site moderator in hopes he can find a GM to take
over the rest of the game, because without a mapping system it
really screws things up, and makes it incredibly difficult for
anything to happen.

I'll be in touch as this issue gets solved.....

DC387: Crisis (dc387) trent_woodruff Aug 22, 11:02 am
>At 12:15 AM 8/22/2011, Mikael Johansson wrote:
>How about calling it a day then instead? I'm proposing a DIAS.
A 5-man DIAS? How boring.
Perhaps we'll get lucky and one of the other "old school" GMs like
Alex will have a copy of his program that he can use.
Rather than bring in a new GM, I guess I would go against my
typical "DIAS...not only no, but hell no" stand and agree to
it. I really do despise DIAS's though, as I see them as going
against the nature of the game. But only because I don't want
to replace our good friend Alex, I will.
So, first try to get a copy of the program from someone, Alex.
But if we must, then don't bring in a new GM.
DC387: Crisis (dc387) Blueraider0 Aug 23, 03:19 pm
dc384 -Autumn 08 adjudication - jerome777   (Aug 21, 2011, 3:48 pm)
"Continued heavy fighting over St Petersburg - locals protest that their vodka supplies have all ran out!"


"Small furry object spotted in Rumania - Italians arrive hoping to find that missing moggy!"


"Huge oil slick threatening Balieric beaches - a legacy of massive naval engagements in the region!"


 Hi everyone,


The draw proposal has failed. There is another EGP proposal for you to vote on detailed below.


Here's your adjudication for Autumn 1908:

F Barents Sea Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
A Burgundy Supports F Marseilles
F Denmark - Baltic Sea
A Finland - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
F Gascony - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Holland Supports A Munich - Kiel
F Marseilles Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc) (*Cut*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
A Munich - Kiel
F North Africa
Supports F Western Mediterranean - Tunis
A Norway Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
A Picardy - Belgium
F Sweden Supports F Denmark - Baltic Sea
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Disbanded*)


F Black Sea - Rumania
A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
F Ionian Sea Supports F Tunis
A Moscow Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Silesia Supports A Tyrolia - Munich
A Trieste - Venice
F Tunis Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
A Tyrolia - Munich
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
A Vienna Hold


F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Dislodged*)
F Bulgaria(ec) Hold
A Galicia - Ukraine
A Kiel Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Dislodged*)
A Livonia Supports F St Petersburg(nc)
A Prussia - Berlin
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold

Two retreats are due - this are both from Russia. Matt - army Kiel can retreat to Denmark, or OTB.  Fleet Baltic Sea can retreat to Gulf of Botnia, or to Prussia, or OTB. Please let me have your retreats ASAP, at the latest by 2000GMT tomorrow - Monday 22 August. Builds and disbands are due by 2000GMT Tuesday 23 August.

The latest
end game proposal for you to vote upon is an Italian solo victory, proposed by Italy. Please include your vote on the EGP along with your moves for the Spring 1909 season, which is due Sunday 28 August 2000GMT.


It's my local beer festival all this coming week. Hopefully I'll have sobered up enough to adjudicate your moves next Sunday...!


Have fun all,






DC 391: Retreat confirmation - nemo_sed_mori   (Aug 21, 2011, 7:57 am)
Italy: retreat as adjudicated

Austria: Disbands both units and will have 1 build. 

On Aug 20, 2011, at 9:54 PM, NDM <holyyakker(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Stupid typo - Italy is the one who has to retreat out of Rome, not France.

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 8:54 PM, NDM <holyyakker(at)gmail.com> wrote:


A Budapest Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

F Greece Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Dislodged*)

A Trieste - Vienna (*Bounce*)

A Venice Supports A Tuscany - Rome


A Belgium - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F English Channel - Belgium (*Fails*)

F Holland - Kiel (*Bounce*)

F North Sea Supports F Sweden - Denmark

F Norway - Sweden


F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean

A Marseilles - Burgundy

A Picardy - Brest

F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean

A Tuscany - Rome

New Flash!

Betrayal in the Grecian peninsula! The Turkish forces have turned against Austria in a bloody coup - not only forcing the Austrian fleet out of Greece, but by assisting in a Russian advance into Serbia. While the Austrian's were able to hold onto Budapest and Vienna they have lost all other gains save for Venice! Meanwhile in the North the Russian push into Denmark, which was abandoned by the Germans, with the help of the English, and the English fleets move into Sweden. Other German setbacks include the lost of Holland to English fleets. Finally Italy is looking even worse for wear as yet another territory falls under enemy control, this time Rome being taken by the French.

With all this violence taking place people have seem to forgotten about the zombies which have already destroyed much of the population of Japan.



A Budapest Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Void*)

F Greece Hold (*Dislodged*)

A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Dislodged*)

A Trieste - Vienna (*Bounce*)

A Venice Supports A Tuscany - Rome


A Belgium - Ruhr (*Bounce*)

F English Channel - Belgium (*Fails*)

F Holland - Kiel (*Bounce*)

F North Sea Supports F Sweden - Denmark

F Norway - Sweden


F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean

A Marseilles - Burgundy

A Picardy - Brest

F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean

A Tuscany - Rome


F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*)

A Berlin - Kiel (*Bounce*)

A Bohemia - Munich

F Denmark - Skagerrak

A Kiel - Ruhr (*Bounce*)


A Rome Supports A Tuscany - Venice (*Dislodged*)

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples

F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea


A Galicia - Vienna (*Bounce*)

A Rumania - Serbia

F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania

F Sweden - Denmark

A Ukraine - Rumania

A Warsaw - Silesia


F Aegean Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Greece

A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania - Serbia

A Constantinople - Greece

F Ionian Sea Supports A Constantinople - Greece


France: Only one possible retreat - A Rom retreats to Apu (let me know if Retreat is OTB)

Austria: Both Greece and Serbia have one option for retreat - Alb. The other will retreat OTB - I assumed you'd keep the Army, let me know if you'd rather have the Fleet retreat to Alb and disband the army.


Assuming retreats as mentioned above:

England Build 2

France Build 1

Germany Remove 2

Italy Remove 1

Russia Build 1

Turkey Build 1

Next Deadline:

Winter 1902 will be due Tuesday August 23, 2011 at 10:00pm EST (Wednesday August 24, 02:00 GMT).

If I receive full orders from everyone before Tuesday I'll send out a 12 or 24 warning and then adjud since minor seasons are usually quick.


DC 391: Fall 02 Adjud - nemo_sed_mori   (Aug 20, 2011, 8:54 pm)


DC 391: Fall 02 Adjud - nemo_sed_mori   (Aug 20, 2011, 7:54 pm)


DC 391: Fall 02 Adjud (dc391) nemo_sed_mori Aug 20, 08:54 pm
DC 390: Crisis! - nemo_sed_mori   (Aug 20, 2011, 7:30 pm)


DC 390: Crisis! - Wladimir7   (Aug 20, 2011, 7:14 pm)


DC 390: Crisis! - Blueraider0   (Aug 20, 2011, 6:44 pm)


DC 390: Crisis! - offdisc   (Aug 20, 2011, 6:28 pm)


dc384 -Autumn 08 reminder - jerome777   (Aug 20, 2011, 3:09 pm)
Hi everyone,


Here's your friendly 24hr reminder for the deadline. It's tomorrow, 2000GMT.


We also have an EGP for you to vote upon - a two-way France-Italy draw. Please put your votes in with the Autumn 1908 moves. Autumn 08 is due Sunday 21 August 2000GMT.


All the best,




dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Aug 20, 2011, 12:30 am)
This is a correction.  The .map file had an error in it that
listed Syria's North coast as West coast
also.  The unit
locations and .map file have been corrected.  The .map file is a
file used by RW to determine where everything is.  It is named
imperial1841.map and has been updated in the .zip file and is
available separately at:
http://mainecav.org/diplomacy/imperial1841/imperial1841.map  right-click
and "save link as"
replacing the one currently in the
Variant/imperial1841 folder.

The deadline for Summer 1852 retreats is: Monday, August 22nd (at)
2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

British A Marseilles can retreat to Bordeaux.

Spanish F Antilles can retreat to Venezuela or Haiti.

American F Tyrrhenian Sea can retreat to Western Mediterranean or

Unit locations:

Austria: A Marseilles, F Denmark, F Kiel(wc), F Salerno, A Bavaria,
A Metz, A Piedmont, A Switzerland, A Tunisia, F Baltic Sea, F
Tyrrhenian Sea, F Ionian Sea.

Britain: F Bombay, F Borneo, F Madrid, F Norway, A Abyssinia, A
Ethiopia, A Hadramaut, F Madras, F Queensland, A Amazona, F Barents
Sea, F North Sea, F Skagerrak, F Red Sea, F Arabian Sea, F
N.E.Indian Ocean, F Tasman Sea, A Marseilles.

China:   A Yongmingcheng, A Irkutsk, F Hue, A Hyderabad, A Birmah, A
Punjab, F Korea, A Tibet, A Siam, F Tai Won, F China Sea, F
Phillipene Sea, F Sea of Japan, F Sea of Okhotsk.

Ottoman: A Egypt.

Russia:  F Angora(sc), A Bagdad, A Constantinople, A Moskow, A St
Petersburg, F Sweden, A Finland, A Livonia, F Syria(nc), A
Afganistan, A Bangalore, A Mandlah, A Nejaaz, F Aegean Sea.

Spain:   A Sierra Leone, F Maldives, F Kagoshima, F New Guinea, F
Phillipines, F Liberia, F Algiers, A Morocco, F Somolia, A Soudan, F
Edo, F Solomons, A Nevada, A PrinceRupert Land, F Gulf of Lyon, F
Gulf of Mexico, F Eastern Carribean, F Brazilian Bight, F
Ant-Atlantic Ocean, F Coral Sea, F Timor Sea, F Java Sea, F Kuril
Sea, F Izu Sea, F Bismark Sea, F S.W.Pacific Ocean, F S.Pacific
Ocean, F Antilles.

USA:     A Paris, A Nantes, F Antilles, F Holland, A New Orleans, A
Catalunia, A Caffrabia, A Nubia, F Greenland Sea, F Helgoland Bight,
F Eastern Mediterranean, F Canaries Seaway, F N.Atlantic Ocean, F
Bay of Florida, F Sargasso Sea, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F S.Atlantic
Ocean, F N.W.Indian Ocean, F Tyrrhenian Sea.

Movement results for Spring of 1852.

Austria: A Venice - Switzerland.

Austria: A Paris - Marseilles.

Austria: F Denmark Supports F Kiel(wc).

Austria: A Greece - Tunisia.

Austria: F Kiel(wc) Supports F Denmark.

Austria: F Rome(wc) - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Austria: F Salerno Supports F Rome(wc) - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Austria: A Bavaria Supports F Kiel(wc).

Austria: A Metz Supports A Paris - Marseilles.

Austria: A Piedmont Supports A Paris - Marseilles.

Austria: F Baltic Sea Supports F Denmark.

Austria: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Tunisia.

Britain: F Bombay Supports F Persian Gulf - Arabian Sea.

Britain: F Malaysia - N.E.Indian Ocean.

Britain: F New South Wales - Tasman Sea.

Britain: A Marseilles Supports A Bordeaux - Paris (*Dislodged*).

Britain: A Dutch Guiana - Amazona.

Britain: F Borneo - Celebes Sea (*Bounce*).

Britain: F New Guinea - Coral Sea (*Disbanded*).

Britain: F Norway Supports F Skagerrak (*Cut*).

Britain: A Ethiopia Supports A Ade - Abyssinia.

Britain: A Ade - Abyssinia.

Britain: A Hadramaut - Nejaaz (*Fails*).

Britain: F Madras Supports F Malaysia - N.E.Indian Ocean.

Britain: A Siam - Malaysia (*Disbanded*).

Britain: F Queensland Supports F New Guinea - Coral Sea.

Britain: F Barents Sea Supports F Norway.

Britain: F North Sea Supports F Norway.

Britain: F Skagerrak Supports F Helgoland Bight.

Britain: F Western Mediterranean - Madrid.

Britain: F Red Sea Convoys A Ade - Abyssinia.

Britain: F Persian Gulf - Arabian Sea.

China: F Guangdong - Hue.

China: A Yongmingcheng Hold.

China: A Hue - Siam.

China: A Kasmir - Punjab.

China: A Birmah Supports A Hue - Siam.

China: A Lucknow - Hyderabad.

China: A Xining - Tibet.

China: A Kamchatka - Irkutsk.

China: F Tai Won Hold.

China: F China Sea - Malaysia (*Bounce*).

China: F Phillipene Sea Supports F Celebes Sea - New Guinea.

China: F Eastern Sea - Korea.

China: F Sea of Japan Supports F Sea of Okhotsk.

China: F Sea of Okhotsk Supports F Sea of Japan.

Ottoman: A Egypt Hold.

Russia: F Angora(sc) - Syria(nc).

Russia: A Bagdad Supports A Syria - Nejaaz.

Russia: F Constantinople - Angora(sc).

Russia: A Sofia - Constantinople.

Russia: A Moskow - St Petersburg (*Fails*).

Russia: A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sweden Supports A St Petersburg - Norway.

Russia: A Finland Supports A St Petersburg - Norway.

Russia: A Livonia Supports A Moskow - St Petersburg (*Fails*).

Russia: A Syria - Nejaaz.

Russia: A Afganistan Supports A Kasmir - Punjab.

Russia: A Bangalore Supports A Bagdad.

Russia: A Punjab - Mandlah.

Russia: F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean (*Fails*).

Spain: F Antilles - Amazon Basin (*Dislodged*).

Spain: F Guinea - Liberia.

Spain: F Maldives - N.E.Indian Ocean (*Fails*).

Spain: F Society Islands - S.W.Pacific Ocean.

Spain: F Kagoshima Supports F Kuril Sea - Izu Sea.

Spain: F Java - Timor Sea.

Spain: F Mexico City - Gulf of Mexico.

Spain: A Monterey - Nevada.

Spain: F Columbia(nc) - Eastern Carribean.

Spain: F Rio de Janeiro - Brazilian Bight.

Spain: F Phillipines - Celebes Sea (*Bounce*).

Spain: F Abyssinia - Somolia.

Spain: F Tunisia - Algiers.

Spain: A Donga - Soudan.

Spain: A Hahira - Morocco.

Spain: A Sene Gabaia - Sierra Leone.

Spain: F Edo Supports F N.W.Pacific Ocean - Kuril Sea.

Spain: F Solomons Supports F W.Pacific Ocean - Coral Sea.

Spain: A North West Terr. - PrinceRupert Land.

Spain: F Gulf of Lyon - Catalunia (*Fails*).

Spain: F Ant-Indian Ocean - Ant-Atlantic Ocean.

Spain: F Java Sea Supports F Java - Timor Sea.

Spain: F Celebes Sea - New Guinea.

Spain: F Kuril Sea - Izu Sea.

Spain: F N.W.Pacific Ocean - Kuril Sea.

Spain: F W.Pacific Ocean - Coral Sea.

Spain: F Bismark Sea Supports F W.Pacific Ocean - Coral Sea.

Spain: F E.Pacific Ocean - S.Pacific Ocean.

USA: A Nantes Supports A Bordeaux - Paris.

USA: F Madagascar - N.W.Indian Ocean.

USA: F Holland Supports F Helgoland Bight.

USA: A Bordeaux - Paris.

USA: A Catalunia Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*).

USA: A Mozambique - Caffrabia.

USA: A Nubia Supports A Ade - Abyssinia.

USA: A Florida - New Orleans.

USA: F Norwegian Sea - Greenland Sea.

USA: F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak.

USA: F English Channel - N.Atlantic Ocean.

USA: F Bay of Biscay - Sargasso Sea.

USA: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Dislodged*).

USA: F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).

USA: F Canaries Seaway - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*).

USA: F Bay of Florida Supports F Sargasso Sea - Antilles.

USA: F Sargasso Sea - Antilles.

USA: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Amazon Basin (*Bounce*).

USA: F Roaring Forties - S.Atlantic Ocean.

The deadline for Summer 1852 retreats is: Monday, August 22nd (at)
2359 UTC.

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


DC 390: Crisis! - Blueraider0   (Aug 19, 2011, 9:53 pm)


DC 390: Crisis! (dc390) offdisc Aug 20, 06:28 pm
DC 390: Crisis! (dc390) Blueraider0 Aug 20, 06:44 pm
DC 390: Crisis! (dc390) Wladimir7 Aug 20, 07:14 pm
DC 390: Crisis! (dc390) nemo_sed_mori Aug 20, 07:30 pm
DC383 CROWDED F09 ADJS MON - vegas_iwish   (Aug 19, 2011, 9:27 pm)
Not much to say... http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc383
A Apulia - Rome (*Fails*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel
A Bohemia - Silesia
A Burgundy - Gascony
A Galicia - Warsaw
F Marseilles Hold
A Piedmont Supports F Marseilles
A Silesia - Prussia
A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
F Baltic Sea Supports A Kiel
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Belgium Supports A Holland - Ruhr
F English Channel Hold
A Finland - Sweden
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Holland - Ruhr
A Kiel Supports A Holland - Ruhr (*Cut*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Supports A Livonia
A Munich - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Constantinople
F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea Supports F Naples
F Naples Supports A Apulia - Rome (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
F Rumania - Black Sea
A Serbia - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany
Austria: Supp 7 Unit 10 Remove 3
England: Supp 15 Unit 13 Build 2
France: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Germany: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Italy: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Russia: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Balkan: Supp 10 Unit 8 Build 2
Lowland: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Norway: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Spain: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0


DC383 CROWDED F09 ADJS MON (dc383) vegas_iwish Aug 19, 09:27 pm
Not much to say... http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc383
A Apulia - Rome (*Fails*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel
A Bohemia - Silesia
A Burgundy - Gascony
A Galicia - Warsaw
F Marseilles Hold
A Piedmont Supports F Marseilles
A Silesia - Prussia
A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
F Baltic Sea Supports A Kiel
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Belgium Supports A Holland - Ruhr
F English Channel Hold
A Finland - Sweden
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Holland - Ruhr
A Kiel Supports A Holland - Ruhr (*Cut*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Supports A Livonia
A Munich - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Constantinople
F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea Supports F Naples
F Naples Supports A Apulia - Rome (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
F Rumania - Black Sea
A Serbia - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany
Austria: Supp 7 Unit 10 Remove 3
England: Supp 15 Unit 13 Build 2
France: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Germany: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Italy: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Russia: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Balkan: Supp 10 Unit 8 Build 2
Lowland: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Norway: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Spain: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
DC383 CROWDED F09 ADJS MON - vegas_iwish   (Aug 19, 2011, 9:27 pm)
Not much to say... http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc383
A Apulia - Rome (*Fails*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Kiel
A Bohemia - Silesia
A Burgundy - Gascony
A Galicia - Warsaw
F Marseilles Hold
A Piedmont Supports F Marseilles
A Silesia - Prussia
A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
F Baltic Sea Supports A Kiel
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Belgium Supports A Holland - Ruhr
F English Channel Hold
A Finland - Sweden
F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
A Holland - Ruhr
A Kiel Supports A Holland - Ruhr (*Cut*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tuscany
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Supports A Livonia
A Munich - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Bulgaria - Constantinople
F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea Supports F Naples
F Naples Supports A Apulia - Rome (*Fails*)
F Rome - Tuscany (*Bounce*)
F Rumania - Black Sea
A Serbia - Albania
A Venice Supports F Rome - Tuscany
Austria: Supp 7 Unit 10 Remove 3
England: Supp 15 Unit 13 Build 2
France: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Germany: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Italy: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Russia: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Balkan: Supp 10 Unit 8 Build 2
Lowland: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Norway: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Spain: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0


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