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dc 388 summer 03 - fencertim   (Jul 22, 2011, 4:12 pm)
poor internet.......but russia retreats to Moscow. Deadline for Fall will be wednesday july 27 at 4pm eastern US time.   Thx. Tim

From: tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com
To: tim_crosby(at)hotmail.com; bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com; archer.smith(at)zoho.com; cbend37(at)aol.com; catsfather(at)gmail.com; hatricvs(at)yahoo.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk
CC: dc388(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC 388 Spring 1903 Results
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 16:07:38 -0400

Ah, springtime in Europe,
but the war rages on. The Russian army in Serbia
has disbanded and the line in the north has fallen to England with German support. A
retreat order is due for the Russian army in St. Petersburg.


Thank you for getting orders in on time. Andrew, send me the
order as soon as you can but no later than 7/20 at 21:00GMT. I will publish the
result as soon as I get it, I am setting a tentative Fall deadline for 7/26 (at)
21:00GMT. Again, if I get 7 sets of orders all marked FINAL (in the subject
line) I will adjudicate early.


Please check for errors. Map and .dpy are attached. I am
traveling the next two days but it should not interrupt the flow of the game. I
just will not be responding as quickly.







F Albania
- Trieste

A Budapest Supports A Greece - Serbia

A Bulgaria
Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople

A Rumania
Supports A Budapest

A Vienna - Galicia



F Barents Sea Supports A Norway
- St Petersburg

F Belgium

F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

F North Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea

A Norway
- St Petersburg



A Brest

A Burgundy - Marseilles

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(nc) (*Bounce*)

A Paris Supports A Picardy - Burgundy

A Picardy - Burgundy



A Gascony - Spain

A Kiel

A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*)

A Ruhr Supports F Belgium

A Silesia Supports A Galicia - Warsaw

F Sweden
- Gulf of Bothnia (*Fails*)



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Greece
- Serbia

F Naples - Ionian

F Tunis - Western

A Venice - Trieste (*Bounce*)



A Galicia
- Warsaw

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A St Petersburg (*Cut*)

A Serbia
Supports A Venice - Trieste (*Disbanded*)

F Sevastopol - Rumania

A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)



F Constantinople - Aegean Sea

F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea

A Smyrna - Constantinople









Central Iowa Players? - umbletheheep   (Jul 22, 2011, 3:09 pm)
I am always looking to introduce players to the Central Iowa Diplomacy scene. If interested, email me at russellwdennis(at)gmail.com.


DC 373: Summer 1909 Retreats - AceRimmer   (Jul 22, 2011, 1:43 pm)
A Galicia - Budapest
F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Piedmont - Tuscany
Fall 1909 will be due next Friday at 10:00 a.m. CST., when we'll find out what can be done with an army in Galicia.


DC 373: Spring 1909 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Jul 22, 2011, 11:53 am)
From the BBC/HBO series ???Rome???, Season 1, Episode 5:

Mark Antony: Poor sad wretch gives everything you ask for. The Senate will ratify your status. You get your triumph, stand for consul, and Pompey will retire to Spain. He???d [do something tacky and mildly x-rated] if you asked him to.
Gaius Julius Caesar: Too generous by far. I never thought Pompey would accept such terms.
Mark Antony: You think it???s a stratagem?
Gaius Julius Caesar: I doubt it. He and what few forces he has are trapped and grow weaker by the day. We might crush him at will. But now that he has offered truce, I would look like the worst sort of tyrant if I attack him. Posca here thinks I should accept. Make peace.
Mark Antony: In exchange for what?
Posca: Peace is its own reward.
Mark Antony: Snivelry! The ram has touched the wall! No mercy!
Posca: Pompey has no great army, but he has the Senate with him. He has legitimacy.
Mark Antony: In Rome they are the Senate. Beyond these walls they???re just three hundred old men.
Gaius Julius Caesar: As you say Anthony. But others will agree with Posca. They have made this shameful surrender public. It will be read throughout Italy. If I am not a tyrant, if I merely seek legitimacy, then why would I not accept such favorable terms?
Posca: [Perusing Pompey???s surrender] He refuses to meet us in person?
Gaius Julius Caesar: [thinking] Very good. Simple. Hoi polloi can understand a reason like that. He refuses to meet me face to face, man to man. [In mock anger] He refuses to meet me!
Mark Antony: [laughing] Right. That???s it. No truce. Let???s be after him.

Both armistice proposals fail.

We have some role changes this season. England and Germany *Fail*. Austria chooses instead a bouquet of fragrant *tags*, none of which is *Fails*. But at the end of the day, EF&G have their way. France advances into Piedmont, while Germany advances into the oddly lightly defended East. If there???s good news for the AIR opposition, it???s the correct guess leading to a favorable retreat and a bottling up of the French fleet in Aegean; and it???s the defensive prospects offered by the presence of an Austrian army in Venice; and it???s the failure of EFG to backfill Silesia after Silesia-Galicia. Still, Piedmont and Galicia are bitter pills to swallow.

There are three retreats.

The Austrian army in Galicia may retreat to Budapest, Rumania, Vienna, or OTB.
The French fleet in Aegean Sea retreats to Eastern Mediterranean
The Italian army in Piedmont retreats to Tuscany

Technically, orders are due on Monday at 10:00 a.m. CST. However, Jack, if you could get those in before 3-ish this afternoon, I can adjudicate before the weekend. And if either Tom or Mark prefers an OTB retreat, let me know within 24 hours.

Fall 1908 Adjudication

f ion s f gre-aeg
a boh s a vie-tyr
a vie-tyr
a tyr-ven
a gal s a ukr (*Dislodged*)
a bul-con (*Bounce*)
f gre-aeg
f nap s f rom (*Ordered to Move*)

F Bal H
F Bar - NRG
A LVN ??? Mos (*Fails*)
A Mos - Ukr (*Fails*)
A Pru S German A Mun ??? Sil (*Void*)
A War S German A Sil ??? Gal
F MAt, no orders received

Army Spain Move To Marseilles
Army Marseilles Move To Piedmont
Fleet Gulf of Lyon Support Army Marseilles Move To Piedmont
Fleet Tyhennian Sea Hold
Fleet Tunis Support Fleet Tyhennian Sea HOLD
Fleet Aegean Sea Move To Constantinople (*Dislodged*)
Army Belgium Hold

F Hol holds
A Ber S Kiel ??? Mun (*Fails*)
A Kiel - Mun (*Fails*)
A Mun - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
A Sil - Gal

A Pie-Mar (*Dislodged*)
F Rom-Tyr (*Fails*)

Ukr holds
Sev holds
Smy supports Gre to Aeg


dc 390: S01Adjud - Blueraider0   (Jul 22, 2011, 11:00 am)


Ancient Med: Persia AAR - pedros   (Jul 22, 2011, 6:59 am)
This was my second game of Ancient Med; the first ended
prematurely but I was in a strong position as Rome, and wanted to check out
what it felt like at the other end of the board, so I bid strongly for
Persia.  It’s probably the weakest power, so not surprisingly there
were no competing bids!


I think quite a lot of what I write will be influenced by a
feeling I had that the game is actually unbalanced and favours Rome strongly. 
In the early game, the Adriatic forms a barrier almost as strong as a mountain
range, and its effect is to give Rome only one neighbour for much of the game
(I’d be interested to hear Nick’s and Tim’s view about this). 
Correspondingly, Carthage is in a weak position, almost inevitably facing the
whole Roman force from the outset.


I’m also interested to hear what Charles has to say about
Tim’s belief that they began with an anti-Persian agenda.  Charles’
communications were throughout the game brief and, most of the time, infrequent
– but I never sensed hostility in them  (Tim’s on the other
hand were hostile in every case – not in tone, but in content. 
Every one asked me to give up an advantage in the interests of closer
cooperation between us!  (I did think, Tim, that somewhere along the line
you might have realised that a change of tack might have brought better results!)


From the outset, Jim was the only player from whom I
received anything like a friendly response, and this led to us deciding to take
on Egypt early.  In the light of my belief that Carthage would have its
hands full with Rome that was a mistake; if Egypt wasn’t already disposed
to join Greece against me, my opening move (threatening to take Jerusalem
contrary to our agreement) probably sealed that!  And Jim had recognised,
before Spring 01, that he was going to have to compete with Rome for the
western islands.  Mistake!


Greece and I had agreed a DMZ from Isauria to Bithynia, but
it was no surprise when he invaded there in the Fall.  From then on the
pattern of my game was determined.  I was quite proud of my resistance
(although there was one other, possibly crucial, error in Spring 04.  An
order A Armenia -  Chersonesus would have saved Chersonesus and Greece’s
future might have been bleak indeed, with Rome breathing down his neck,


I spent a lot of time trying to persuade Greece that he
needed to resist Rome at an early stage.  It was clear that Rome was the
one to watch.  Tim was having serious trouble making progress against me,
whilst Rome was growing steadily.  Charles, in Egypt, was playing a clever
diplomatic game.  Whilst Tim was clearly always  trying to persuade
me to give up territory and SCs (quite why he thought I’d fall for it
beats me!), Egypt was quietly supportive.  When I made the decision to
evacuate the south to  bolster my position v Greece I was well aware that
Egypt might overrun me, as he did.  But there was no doubt that given half
a chance Greece would do it, so I had little choice!


After that the game became for me largely a spectator sport. 
Greece and Egypt did well to stop Rome’s progress, and in the end I
thought that Egypt could pull off the solo.  I was a little disappointed
that nobody could forge a diplomatic initiative to break the 3-way deadlock,
but then I have no idea what efforts were tried.  Possibly the level of
trust and fear was such that no way through could be found.


Well done though to the three of you; I don’t know
what happened to Jim – I hope he’s OK, but his defection felt
gradual and the result of the way the war was going; if so, that’s a


And very many thanks to Dirk for GMing extremely ably, and
for introducing me to Blind Auction Bidding – which as a result is now a
regular feature in another place!


DC376 WB11 Rd 2 - Fall 1917 Results - Corrino   (Jul 21, 2011, 7:59 pm)
Hi Players,

It's not over yet!  The unofficial DIAS does not pass.  Turkey remains on 17 SC but, interestingly, they're not the same 17 he had at the end of last year.

The news:

Thanks to the help of its Northern coalition allies, the proud Russian army reclaims its capital!

The Turkish army prepares to enjoy the delights of a Scandinavian Winter, though surrounded by enemies.

The Italian line is now solid from Piedmont to Naples, but...

He loses Tunis to England and Marseilles to the French.  The former was clearly necessary.  The latter, well... Marseilles is French territory after all.

RETREATS:  Turkish A St Petersburg must retreat to Finland, Moscow or

ADJUSTMENTS (See table below for details)

    England (1), France (1) and Turkey (1 or 2) all have builds due.  Italy must remove two units.

NEW END-GAME PROPOSAL:  A DIAS is proposed once more.  Votes are due with the Spring orders on Monday, though six YEA votes marked FINAL may be processed at any time.

NEXT DEADLINE:  Autumn retreats and Winter adjustments are due tomorrow, Friday, July 22, by 18:00 EDT.



Orders as resolved.  Please report any errors promptly and politely.


F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
F North
Sea - Norway
A Ruhr Supports A Kiel
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis

A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Gascony Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles

A Denmark - Sweden (*Fails*)

A Belgium - Burgundy
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Marseilles - Piedmont
F Naples Hold
F Rome Supports F Naples (*Cut*)
A Tuscany Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Naples

A Kiel Supports A Burgundy - Munich (*Void*)
A Norway - St Petersburg

F Adriatic Sea - Venice (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Albania - Trieste
F Apulia Supports F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*)
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Greece Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel
A Prussia - Livonia
A Silesia Supports A Munich
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Dislodged*)
A Sweden Supports A St Petersburg - Norway (*Cut*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich
A Venice - Rome (*Fails*)


England (6):   Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London, Norway, Tunis.
France (3):    Brest, Marseilles, Paris.
Germany (1):   Denmark.
Italy (5):     Belgium, Naples, Portugal, Rome, Spain.
Russia (2):    Kiel, St Petersburg
Turkey (17):    Ankara, Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Moscow, Munich, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Smyrna, Sweden, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.


Austria:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0    ...
eliminated 1903
England:   Supp  6 Unit  5 Build  1
France:    Supp  3 Unit  2 Build  1
Germany:   Supp  1 Unit  1 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  5 Unit  7 Remove 2
Russia:    Supp  2 Unit  2 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp 17 Unit 16 Build  1  ... or build 2 if A St Pete is retreated OTB.


DC390: 24 hour warning [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] - Dtodaj   (Jul 21, 2011, 6:27 pm)


DC386: Spring 1768 adjudication - sunchung   (Jul 21, 2011, 4:08 pm)


DC 373: Please vote, too - AceRimmer   (Jul 21, 2011, 12:13 pm)
Remember, there are two draw proposals (AIR and EFG) that require your vote, too.


DC 373: Deadline Tomorrow - AceRimmer   (Jul 21, 2011, 12:00 pm)
Spring 1909 is due tomorrow.


DC390: 24 hour warning - Blueraider0   (Jul 21, 2011, 10:17 am)
The good news is, I have orders from EVERYONE, so the game is underway!

24 hours, therefore to change those orders.



DC 387: Germany NMR Retreats - Blueraider0   (Jul 21, 2011, 10:14 am)


dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Jul 21, 2011, 7:15 am)
Well, the folks that get their moves in wanna play - go figure.
You know then that we have to find a replacement Spain - si?
sgttodd(at)mainecav.org wrote:
|Still missing some orders, it looks like Spain needs to drop out, and another player will be gone most of August.
|There's a proposal for a USA-UK-Spain draw.
|If I get no votes against it by Friday night - that's how it's gonna go.
Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com


dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Jul 20, 2011, 10:28 pm)
Still missing some orders, it looks like Spain needs to drop out, and another player will be gone most of August.
There's a proposal for a USA-UK-Spain draw.
If I get no votes against it by Friday night - that's how it's gonna go.


DC372 - Winter 1906 - Viper   (Jul 20, 2011, 3:29 pm)


DC 387: And now this time its right! - Blueraider0   (Jul 20, 2011, 10:48 am)


dc389 s03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 20, 2011, 8:34 am)
There are 2 retreats, and either player may opt for off-the-board, but I don't think that's likely so I just moved them...


Russia: F Denmark - Baltic Sea

Turkey: A Armenia - Ankara


NEXT:  Fall 03 due Monday 7/25, 3pm Central!


Also - shameless plug - if anyone buys or sells stuff online, I'm rolling out a new website.  Log in, have a stroll about, open a store, and sell!  Currently in final beta stages, but I'd like some victims to try things out and see what doesn't work.  Much of the dc website code was used / improved here... www.pieceparts.com.


Your GM.  Smile


A Budapest - Trieste
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Greece - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Trieste - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia


F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark
A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*)
F North Sea Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark
F Skagerrak - Denmark
A Yorkshire Hold


A Belgium Supports A Burgundy
A Burgundy Supports A Ruhr - Munich
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lyon
A Paris - Gascony
A Ruhr - Munich
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Bounce*)


A Berlin Supports A Kiel
A Kiel Supports A Munich - Ruhr (*Cut*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Disbanded*)


F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*Bounce*)
A Syria Supports A Sevastopol - Armenia
A Venice - Rome


F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol - Armenia
A St Petersburg - Livonia
F Sweden Supports F Denmark
A Warsaw - Silesia


A Armenia Supports A Constantinople - Smyrna (*Dislodged*)
A Constantinople - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Smyrna - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)



DC 387: Corrected map - Blueraider0   (Jul 20, 2011, 12:22 am)


dc371: GM to Players - dknemeyer   (Jul 19, 2011, 11:57 pm)
Hi Everyone,
I'm very hopeful that you will follow Tim's lead and contribute an after action report. My only request of players in my games - outside of getting your orders in on time - is to submit some kind of AAR that shares with all players and observers your thinking about the game.
Thank you in advance.


DC386: Spring 1768 adjudication - smileyrob   (Jul 19, 2011, 6:17 pm)


DC386: Spring 1768 adjudication (dc386) sunchung Jul 21, 04:08 pm
DC 387: F03 results - Blueraider0   (Jul 19, 2011, 3:30 pm)


DC 388 Spring 1903 Results - fencertim   (Jul 19, 2011, 3:07 pm)
Ah, springtime in Europe,
but the war rages on. The Russian army in Serbia
has disbanded and the line in the north has fallen to England with German support. A
retreat order is due for the Russian army in St. Petersburg.


Thank you for getting orders in on time. Andrew, send me the
order as soon as you can but no later than 7/20 at 21:00GMT. I will publish the
result as soon as I get it, I am setting a tentative Fall deadline for 7/26 (at)
21:00GMT. Again, if I get 7 sets of orders all marked FINAL (in the subject
line) I will adjudicate early.


Please check for errors. Map and .dpy are attached. I am
traveling the next two days but it should not interrupt the flow of the game. I
just will not be responding as quickly.







F Albania
- Trieste

A Budapest Supports A Greece - Serbia

A Bulgaria
Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople

A Rumania
Supports A Budapest

A Vienna - Galicia



F Barents Sea Supports A Norway
- St Petersburg

F Belgium

F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

F North Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea

A Norway
- St Petersburg



A Brest

A Burgundy - Marseilles

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(nc) (*Bounce*)

A Paris Supports A Picardy - Burgundy

A Picardy - Burgundy



A Gascony - Spain

A Kiel

A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*)

A Ruhr Supports F Belgium

A Silesia Supports A Galicia - Warsaw

F Sweden
- Gulf of Bothnia (*Fails*)



F Aegean Sea - Greece

A Greece
- Serbia

F Naples - Ionian

F Tunis - Western

A Venice - Trieste (*Bounce*)



A Galicia
- Warsaw

F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A St Petersburg (*Cut*)

A Serbia
Supports A Venice - Trieste (*Disbanded*)

F Sevastopol - Rumania

A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)



F Constantinople - Aegean Sea

F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea

A Smyrna – Constantinople









DC 387: F03 results - Blueraider0   (Jul 19, 2011, 10:09 am)


DC 387: F03 results (dc387) Blueraider0 Jul 19, 03:30 pm
DC390: Back on track!! - Blueraider0   (Jul 19, 2011, 9:56 am)


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