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dc330 Turkish EOG - Wladimir7   (Dec 04, 2010, 10:14 am)
In the beginning, I was shocked at how unpopular Turkey was in the
bidding process. The Kemalist Republic seemed to be the best positioned
for defense in the corner as well as for growth via the Balkans. The
Middle East could easily be claimed and then attention could be sent
north and west. Seemed easy enough to me. When the bids came out and I
saw that it was the lowest ranked in the bids, my one goal was then to
show everyone how wrong they were.

Poland seemed like a logical ally and the PT alliance was huge for
me in the last playtest of this variant (except I was Poland). We both
have common enemies but different levels of conflict. If my dominance of
the Middle East was to be complete, I would have to keep the Soviets
out of Iran, annex Beirut from France and lock down the Suez from
outsiders. While Poland and I began working together against the USSR, I
felt comfortable being aggressive in the south. Nick was actually
really fun to communicate with and I felt bad having to move against the
Lebanon but it had to be done. The Soviets made a strong push into my
hinterlands while Poland advanced in the north.

Year 2 saw serious changes. The Soviets invaded Anatolia declaring
war while my ally in Poland left the Ukraine wide open. Instead he
strengthened his position in the Balkans while taking Romania. I could
no longer view my Polish ally as being on my side completely so I made a
plan with Papa Joe. Meanwhile I was communicating well with Britain and
France and trying to work something out with the two of them that would
ensure that France retreat his forces out of my hair. I think that was a
win-win-win (albeit a short-lived one for France). I was able to keep
good relations on my south as my northern front was beginning to take

Year 3 saw Poland finally move against our common enemy in Moscow
but it was after I had grown too concerned about my successful ally. He
was in a very dominant position since Germany was virtually
non-existent. I also took my favorite spot of the map, the Black Sea.
From here I would begin to aid the Soviets in their war against Poland
that occupied way too much time and resources for all powers involved.
The USSR gladly offered us Iran as a peace treaty which I found to be
fair. In my eyes. a mediocre corner Soviet was better for me than a
strong Poland possessing a corner position. I should also mention here
that Italy and I had excellent relations throughout this game which
enabled us both to build huge armies instead of clashing in the seas
like Italy and Turkey typically encounter. This coincided with slip-up
of Britain of leaving Suez without support. This is a good time to share
another of my interests in playing Turkey. It acts like a poor man's
Britain in that it can project power from the Atlantic to the Black.
There was one point in this game when I had a unit in Moscow and Morocco
at the same time. Crazy!

Alas, that was the apex of Turkish power. I made a pathetic attempt
at a stab of my Italian ally in the Med. On the one hand, I wanted to
take control of the Med while not completely stabbing him in the Balkans
where I still needed his help against a dug-in and well-defended
Poland. Shockingly, Italy did not like my attempt and built up quite an
arsenal aimed at thwarting any more Turkish attempts. He also supported
Poland against me leaving me at a real loss.

The last few years were tough on me in that I had to be pinned in by
the two other strong powers in my corner while knowing that I could
nothing against anyone any longer. It was like being an old bulldog. You
still want to be aggressive but you just don't have the energy or
ability to do so anymore.

In a game with 8 players, you hope for a better resolution than a
5-way draw. When the IPT draw didn't pass, I tried to get Poland and
Italy to work with me towards convincing Spain and Britain to accept the
more satisfying 3-way but that would have enabled one of us to become
quite a bit stronger than the others. When I thought more about it,
Turkey would probably not have received any of the spoils in a war
against Britain and Spain anyway so I went along with it. Sun and
Karsten should be happy to know that our dialogues helped in my
accepting a draw with you. 13 SC powers do not usually draw with 5 SC
powers but you both played strong the entire game. Even when things
looked dire for Karsten, he survived and eventually drew with the rest
of us. Sun was cagey the entire time as well and deserved to share in

The game was designed well and I do believe the powers are fairly
equal. I still don't like the PU hostility that seems forced as well as
the French weakness but they can be overcome.

Thanks everybody for playing and I hope to come across you all again.



DC344: TurkishEOG - jlqueiros   (Dec 04, 2010, 7:06 am)


DC344: TurkishEOG (dc344) sirjames Dec 05, 07:54 am
DC344: TurkishEOG (dc344) DamienThryn Dec 06, 11:56 am
DC344: TurkishEOG (dc344) jlqueiros Dec 07, 01:50 pm
(DC 326) Gumball - Fall 1915 Results - Corrino   (Dec 03, 2010, 9:35 pm)
Day is done, gone the sun,

From the lake, from the hills, from the sky;

All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.

And so, after 15 years, we bid adieu to our very first eliminated player.  Ankara falls to Italy and the Sultan is left homeless.  Many thanks to our noble emir.  You don't know him (yet) but I will say that I very much appreciated his consistent good humor, even in the face of the unshakable A/I onslaught that was his downfall.

What else happened in Europe this year?  Not much, actually.  There was a vote, if you'll recall, on a draw for Austria, France and Germany.  It didn't succeed.  Final vote count was 3 YEA, 1 NAY, and two abstentions, which are equivalent to NAYS.  We have a couple of new proposals, which we will get to shortly.

Meanwhile, our modest highlights:

. Our new Kaiser is still warming up, apparently.  Embarrassed by my glowing
introduction, he betrayed opening jitters by attempting to jump his fleet from NAO to Edinburgh.  Sorry, mein Herr.  It's one space at a time in this game.

. France and Italy switch roles, kinda sorta.  This time it was the Frenchman's turn to attack.  Don't worry, though, the end result was the same, and our stand-off in the Western Med region remains intact.

. In the east, Austria, Germany and Russia play defense.  Successfully.

And that's that.



1.  Turkish solo!  Okay, this one represents a last favor to our departing Sultan.  You can smile and proceed to option 2.
2.  AFI draw.  No, that's not the American Film Institute.  Rather, a proposal that Austria, France and Italy should be awarded a draw.

NEXT DEADLINE:  See below for the full status
table.  The nutshell version is that Italy needs to submit a build order.  I'll take that whenever you're ready, but no later than Monday, December 6,, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern US time.


Orders as resolved.  Do remember to check for errors.
A Galicia - Silesia (*Fails*)
A Rumania Supports F Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Void*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
F Venice Hold
A Vienna - Bohemia (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Galicia - Silesia

A Liverpool Hold
A Wales - London (*Bounce*)

F English Channel - London (*Bounce*)
A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Supports A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean (*Cut*)
F Portugal Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean

A Bohemia Supports A Silesia (*Cut*)
F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Munich Supports A Bohemia
F North Atlantic Ocean - Edinburgh (*Fails*)
F Norway Hold
A Prussia Supports A Silesia
A Ruhr - Belgium
A Silesia Supports A Bohemia (*Cut*)

A Ankara Hold
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Void*)
F Greece - Ionian Sea
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F Smyrna Hold
F Western Mediterranean Supports F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Cut*)

A Moscow Supports A Sevastopol
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow (*Cut*)
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)


Austria:   Budapest, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
Edinburgh, Liverpool.
France:    Brest, London, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany:   Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Norway, Sweden.
Italy:     Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Smyrna, Tunis.
Russia:    Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg.


Austria:   Supp  7 Unit  7 Build  0
England:   Supp  2 Unit  2 Build  0
France:    Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  8 Unit  8 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  8 Unit  7 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  3 Unit  3 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp  0 Unit  1 Remove  1    ...eliminated 1915


dc344: Britain EOG report - sirjames   (Dec 03, 2010, 9:35 pm)


DC349 1sr Strike S01 results - Sean2010   (Dec 03, 2010, 9:17 pm)
Reader's Digest December 3, 2010:
Global Powers mobilize and move for strategic or tactical positions.
Strategic and Tactical Alliances are unclear, but the wind blows ominously throughout Europe


S01 results
A Vie-Tri
A Bud-Ser

F Lon-Eng
F Edi-Nth
A Lpl-Yor


A Par-Pic
F Bre-Mao
A Mar-Spa

F Kie-Hol
A Ber-Kie
A Mun-Ruh


A  Ven-Pie
A  Rom-Tus
F  Nap-Ion


F StP(sc)-Bot
F Sev-Rum
A War-Gal
A Mos-War

F Ank-Con
A Con-Bul
A Smy H

F01 deadline set for 7:00 PM EST on December 10, 2010.


from Sean


PS, my daughter had to go to the ER today, and she remained at the Children's Hospital for observation. For those, who had sent me orders without recieving confirmation I apologize, and I apologize for the slight delay in posting the results.


DC327 - Fall 13 adjudication - bielf11   (Dec 03, 2010, 6:19 pm)


dc325 Imterra - W10 England Builds, Russia Removes - garry.bledsoe   (Dec 03, 2010, 5:40 pm)
Russia removes Smyrna leaving it to France? England builds an army in London.

Spring 1911 orders will be due next Thursday at 6pm CST (9 December). 

Remember to vote for the 3-way AEF. 

As a side note, France has confirmed that he is here. The deadline was very short last time out and that caught him unawares. I apologize that my short deadline might have impacted the game (but seemingly did not).


From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com; dreamsynergy(at)hotmail.com; johnb229(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; sean_o_donnell(at)hotmail.com; loganlaw299(at)aol.com; mlb767(at)aim.com; dc325(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: dc325 Imterra - F10 England Holds the Line But Others Don't Exploit It
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 20:46:16 -0500

A French NMR!
A New EGP - 3-Way AEF Is Proposed; Voting Is Needed for Spring11 (Since Not Everyone Owes Winter Orders)

England Digs In But Nobody Exploits It

A Mix Up in Austrian/Russian Coordination?

Russia Down Another; England Benefits


We move to Winter adjustments since no retreats are needed. Kevin - let me know that you are still out there.

Our adjustments are easy: England builds 1, Russia removes 1

Let's do adjustments for Winter this Thursday at 6pm CST. 



A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia

A Bulgaria Supports F Constantinople

F Constantinople Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna (*Void*)

A Galicia Supports A Rumania - Ukraine

A Rumania - Ukraine (*Bounce*)

A Serbia - Rumania (*Fails*)

A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia

A Vienna Supports A Galicia


F Baltic Sea Supports F Kiel

A Berlin Supports A Silesia

F Clyde - North Atlantic Ocean

F Holland Supports F Kiel

F Irish Sea Supports F London - English Channel

F Kiel Supports F Holland

F London - English Channel

A Moscow - Ukraine (*Bounce*)

F North Sea Supports F Holland

A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow - Ukraine

A Silesia Hold

A Warsaw Supports A Silesia


F Aegean Sea, no move received

A Belgium, no move received

F Brest, no move received

F Eastern Mediterranean, no move received

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received

A Munich, no move received

A Picardy, no move received

F Portugal, no move received

A Ruhr, no move received

A Tuscany, no move received

F Western Mediterranean, no move received


A Ankara Supports F Smyrna

F Black Sea Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Void*)

F Smyrna Hold


dc344: Italy EOG report - DamienThryn   (Dec 03, 2010, 5:09 pm)


DC 341: Missing a Turkish disband - AceRimmer   (Dec 03, 2010, 3:45 pm)
We need a disband from Turkey, and then we can proceed to S1906.


DC 345: F1903 Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Dec 03, 2010, 3:42 pm)
Fall 1903 comes bouncing in. Fourteen different units (41%) bounce in seven different locations, and only one of those is a self-standoff. The upshot? A lot of nobody going nowhere. Only five units actually move:

Adaria: F ECh ??? Lon
Hembria: A Pru ??? War
Itea: A Fin ??? StP
Trigspor: F GoL ??? TyS
Zonotrichia: A Rum ??? Arm

All other units hold their ground, except for the Were-Hamsters. There are two retreats for the Were-Hamsters:

Were-Hamster A St Petersburg can retreat to Livonia, Moscow, or off the board.
Were-Hamster A Warsaw can retreat to Livonia, Moscow, Ukraine, Galicia, or off the board.

It???s also a season for miscommunications with Trigspor. Adaria offers support into Rome, but it???s not accepted. (DRE maintains its two centers!) Trigspor supports Zonotrichia into Bulgaria, but Warren takes a ferry to Armenia instead (Ankara is in peril!).

John???s retreats will be due on Monday (3:00 CST / 21:00 GMT).

Assuming he keeps his units on the map, the Winter adjustments will be:
Adaria: Supp 7 Unit 7 Build 0
DRE: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0
Dulceria: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0
Hembria: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Itea: Supp 3 Unit 2 Build 1
The_One_Who_Will_Win: Supp 1 Unit 3 Remove 2
Trigspor: Supp 5 Unit 5 Build 0
Zonotrichia: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0

I???m going to go out on a limb here and make Winter 1903 due on Monday, too! Same time. If Mr. Falcon or Mr. Penner request, I will push adjustments back to Tuesday, but I think we can handle it.

Fall 1903 Adjudication:

Yor to Edi (*Bounce*)
ECH to Lon
Bel to Nth (*Fails*)
Por H
Tyr to Mun (*Bounce*)
Tus supports Apu to Rom (*Void*)
Ion to Nap (*Bounce*)

Democratic Roman Empire:
F Nap-Apu (*Fails*)
A Rom-Ven (*Bounce*)

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople (*Bounce*)
F Ankara Supports F Constantinople - Black Sea
F Constantinople - Black Sea (*Fails*)

A Prussia - Warsaw
A Silesia Supports Prussia - Warsaw
F Barents Sea Supports Finland - St. Petersburg
A Kiel - Munich (*Bounce*)
F North Sea - Edinburgh (*Bounce*)
F Holland Holds

A fin - stp
F nor ??? swe (*Bounce*)

The One Who Will Win:
F Skagerrak - Sweden (*Bounce*)
A St Petersburg ??? Norway (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw ??? Silesia (*Dislodged*)

A Tri -> Ven (*Bounce*)
A Gre S Rum -> Bul (*Void*)
A Apu -> Nap (*Bounce*)
F Tun S GoL -> Tys
F GoL -> Tys

A Vienna - Budapest (*Bounce*)
A Serbia - Budapest (*Bounce*)
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Bounce*)
A Rumania - Armenia
F Black Sea C A Rumania - Armenia
F Sevastopol S F Black Sea


dc344: German EOG report - dknemeyer   (Dec 03, 2010, 12:37 pm)


DC344: Winter 1939 Retreats/Adjustments - charlesf   (Dec 03, 2010, 8:44 am)
Hi guys,

the game has has reached its conclusion as the BGI three-way draw
proposal has met universal approval. For the sake of a clean
end-status map, I'm now also attaching what would have been the
winter results.

Please submit your EOG report no later than Wednesday 6 PM. I'll
then compile these and add my own two cents. Next to your own
account of this particular contest, I'd appreciate your frank
input regarding the variant. Map design, balance, victory criteria
and such... Last game stimulated an interesting discussion and
prompted me to go back to the drawing-board, resulting in v1.5.

I'd like to thank you guys for being such pleasant and reliable
crew. Congratulations to everyone for seeing it out to the end of
this short game. I look forward to your EOGs!





??? BRITAIN: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>

??? FRANCE: Matthew Kelly <kelly058(at)verizon.net>
(Replacement Spring 1937, eliminated Winter 193Cool

??? GERMANY: Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>

??? ITALY & NAT. SPAIN: Andrew Tanner <feanorsfirstborn(at)gmail.com>?

??? POLAND: Daniel Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>

??? SOVIET UNION & REP. SPAIN: Kyle Overby-Lee <tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com>

??? TURKEY: Joao Queiros <jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com>



PRESS: None.




Build A London

Build A Suez


Build F Hamburg

Build F Berlin

Build A Munich

Build A Austria


Build F Naples


Remove A Byelorussia


Remove F Stalingrad(wc)

Remove F Alexandretta


?? Britain(9+1=10): +Belgium+, Brest, Edinburgh, Egypt, Liverpool, London,Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Suez.

??? Germany(10+2=12): Austria, Berlin, +Cracow+, Czechia, Denmark, Gdynia, Hamburg, +Lithuania+, Munich, Sweden, Switzerland, Warsaw.

??? Italy(9+3-2=10): -Algiers-,
+Bulgaria+, Croatia, +Istanbul+, Izmir, +Marseille+, Milan, Naples, -Paris-, Rome, Serbia, Tripoli.

??? Poland(4+1-3=2): -Cracow-, Latvia, -Lithuania-, +Moscow+, -Rumania-.

??? Turkey(7-2=5)ConfusedAnkara, Beirut, -Bulgaria-, Iran, Iraq, -Istanbul-, Stalingrad.

??? USSR(3+1-1=3): Finland, Leningrad, -Moscow-, +Rumania+.

??? Nationalist Spain(1+1-1=1): +Algiers+, -Valencia-.

??? Republican Spain(4+1-1=4):
Burgos, Madrid, -Marseille-,

Portugal, +Valencia+.

??? Others(3-1=2): -Belgium-, Greece, Hungary.

DEADLINE SCHEDULE: (all orders are
due NLT 6PM CET (GMT+1)...not local time)

??? o EOG
Reports Deadline: 8 December



dc342 ~ Imperial1841 - sgttodd   (Dec 03, 2010, 7:28 am)
Don't forget...the deadline for Spring 1845 orders is: Friday, December 3rd (at) 2359 UTC.
Hey - that's tonight!


(DC 326) Gumball - German replacement found - Corrino   (Dec 03, 2010, 6:37 am)
That didn't take long, did it?


We have a new Kaiser and I have his orders in my mailbox.  If you've been feeling a bit drowsy in this game lately I'd advise you to wake up fast.  This guy is a shark!  Smile


Adjudication in about 12 hours.  Revisions will be accepted up until that point.








Spring 1903 Results, Fall 1903 Orders Thursday Mid... - bpynnonen   (Dec 02, 2010, 11:57 pm)


(DC 326) Gumball - Adjudication delayed - Corrino   (Dec 02, 2010, 9:29 pm)
Hi Gang,

Good news is that I have six sets of orders in hand.  Bad news is that the missing set belongs to Germany.  This is his third strike.  He's out.  Too bad, because he's a great guy when he's involved, not to mention he's played a pretty good game.  On the other hand, without the NMR's, we might be much closer to a conclusion.

I will not put the board leader into civil disorder.  That would ruin the whole game.  Accordingly, I've begun looking for a replacement.  I will recruit privately for a day or two first.  If that's not successful, I'll post the opening to the DC board.  I will allow the replacement to submit orders for Fall 1915.  No sense penalizing the person doing us a favor -- that's my

You may change your orders or your votes up until the time I have a new set of German orders submitted.  That could be an hour or a few days.



DC 347, Spring 1902 - ConradW   (Dec 02, 2010, 3:33 pm)
"Lying" in Diplomacy, I'm shocked - shocked I tell you. As to gain we are enjoying the Belgian beer, thank you very much.

Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 07:25:14 -0800
From: bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Re: DC 347, Spring 1902
To: coebq(at)yahoo.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; jeffcole854(at)gmail.com; musclecat(at)ntlworld.com; pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; llibertv(at)mixmail.com; dc347(at)diplomaticcorp.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com

anyone wants a piece of germany, English forces are at your disposal from now until my demise. Nothing worse than someone lying to you for no real gain. Contact me for any and all support you will like against the german blight.

--- On Tue, 11/30/10, Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: DC 347, Spring 1902
To: coebq(at)yahoo.com, welsh_stroud(at)msn.com, bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com, jeffcole854(at)gmail.com, musclecat(at)ntlworld.com, pjh5000(at)hotmail.com, llibertv(at)mixmail.com, dc347(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Warren" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 8:17 PM

I promise this is not the norm for me.
There are two retreats due tomorrow evening, one from Italy and one from England (see below). Both of them have only one option, HOWEVER, I will not automatically retreat them. I have officially stopped doing that due to some "issues" during an earlier game. Both retreats have the option of going OTB (off the board) as well, and remember if I don't receive a retreat order your unit will be disbanded!  Also note that if you sent conditional retreats with your spring orders I have them in the bank, and they will of course be honoured.
Here is the turn:
F Albania Supports A Vienna - Trieste
A Serbia Supports A Vienna - Trieste
A Vienna - Trieste
A Belgium Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Dislodged*)
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F London - English Channel (*Bounce*)
North Sea Supports F London - English Channel (*Cut*)
F Norway Supports F Denmark - Sweden (*Void*)
F Brest - English Channel (*Bounce*)
A Paris Hold
A Picardy Supports A Ruhr - Belgium
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Gascony
F Denmark - North Sea (*Fails*)
A Holland Supports A Ruhr - Belgium
A Kiel Supports A Holland
A Munich Hold
A Ruhr - Belgium
F Naples - Apulia
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Venice Supports A Trieste
F Black Sea - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Budapest
A Moscow - Ukraine
A Rumania Supports A Galicia - Budapest
F Sevastopol - Armenia (*Fails*)
F Sweden - Gulf of Bothnia
F Ankara - Black Sea (*Fails*)
F Armenia Supports F Ankara - Black Sea (*Cut*)
A Bulgaria Hold
Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria (*Cut*)
English A Belgium can retreat to Burgundy.
Italian A Trieste can retreat to Tyrolia.

Tomorrow night, December 1 2010, 17:00 MST.
There you go. Check my work!! Maps are attached.


dc337 - Winter 1907 Results - z93blom   (Dec 02, 2010, 1:29 pm)


dc337 - Winter 1907 Results (dc337) z93blom Dec 05, 11:47 am
DC 347, Summer 1902 - alwayshunted   (Dec 02, 2010, 1:26 pm)
Okay, I got a retreat from both parties, and on we go.


Bel - Bur

Tri - Trl


Fall 1902 will be due in one week, Thursday December 9 2010, 17:00 MST.


Maps are attached. Enjoy.




DC 341: F1905 Groups of Three - AceRimmer   (Dec 02, 2010, 11:25 am)
Just one retreat this season:

German Army in Ruhr may retreat to Kiel or off the board.

In accordance with my house rules, I am auto-adjudicating this one to Kiel; however, Catie can change the order to 'off the board' if she prefers. In that case, she'd have a build coming (which could be in Kiel anyway), and I would process her corrected retreat along with the Winter adjustments. That being the case, I'd advise other players assume that Catie will in fact disband and rebuild, just in case.

Winter adjustments are due tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:00 a.m. CST (16:00 GMT). Orders are needed from Austria, Italy, Russia, and Turkey (as Italy seizes Trieste from Austria, and Russia seizes Ankara from Turkey). Curiously, except for Austria, everybody's center count is an exact multiple of three. Numerologists everywhere rejoice.

Austria: Supp 1 Unit 2 Remove 1
England: Supp 3 Unit 3 Build 0
France: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Germany: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Italy: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Russia: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1

F1905 Adjudication:

F VEN -> TRI (*Fails*)

F- Edi into NTH (*Bounce*)
A-Lon into York (*Fails*)
F- Liverpool into Clyde

F North Atlantic -> Mid Atlantic
F English Channel -> North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Belgium Sup A Burgundy -> Ruhr
A Picardy -> Burgundy (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles -> Piedmont
A Burgundy -> Ruhr

A Mun - Bur (*Bounce*)
A Ruh S A Mun ??? Bur (*Dislodged*)
A Kie - Hol
A Yor - Edi (*Fails*)
F NTH S A Yor ??? Edi (*Cut*)

A Vie - Tri
A Pie - Tus
F Tyn - Gol
F Ion (Holds)
F Gre ??? Bul (*Fails*)

A Ankara Supports A Armenia - Smyrna
A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea
F Black Sea - Rumania
A Galicia - Budapest
F Norway Supports F Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea
A Serbia Supports A Vienna - Trieste
A St Petersburg Supports F Norway

Aegean to Constantinople
Bulgaria support Aegean (*Fails*)
Smyrna support Aegean (*Fails*)
East Med support Smyrna


DC344: Fall 1939 Moves - charlesf   (Dec 02, 2010, 11:23 am)
Hi guys,

ever wondered why the Polish national anthem's called "Poland Has
Not Yet Perished"? Well, it's because Polish history has this
knack of producing pretty dire situations in which you need an
upbeat song to rallye the nation. Far from home, I dare say Polish
soldiers are currently in need of a hearty song. For in a matter
of two years, the territory governed by Poles has shrunk to but a
third of the realm's former size. In any case, Poland has
recovered from worse throughout its history, so who knows what the
future might hold...?

Elsewhere, it appears that the Spanish Civil War has been finally
decided. The Republicans now control all of Spain and have been
recognised as the legitimate Spanish government by most
governments. This means that Spain's diplomatic clout has
considerably increased (i.e. there are no DP restrictions on
Republican DPs going forward).

If the Nationalist press organs are to believed, we're about to
see Nationalist volunteers in the East (much as was historically
the case in WW2). See the below press submission.

Furthermore, another BGI three-way draw proposal has been put on
the table. Get your votes in, gentlemen.

Sorry for keeping you waiting for the adjucation. Adjustments are
due tomorrow, 6 PM CET.





??? BRITAIN: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>

??? FRANCE: Matthew Kelly <kelly058(at)verizon.net>
(Replacement Spring 1937, eliminated Winter 193Cool

??? GERMANY: Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>

??? ITALY & NAT. SPAIN: Andrew Tanner <feanorsfirstborn(at)gmail.com>

??? POLAND: Daniel Dzikowicz <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>

??? SOVIET UNION & REP. SPAIN: Kyle Overby-Lee <tomjnkns.IL(at)gmail.com>

??? TURKEY: Joao Queiros <jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com>









Spaniards! ?The time has come for this senseless struggle and
perpetual fear to end. ?We Nationalists and Republicans find
our beliefs to be incompatible, and it leads us to war. ?But
no more! ?Spain must be whole, and the Republican forces have
proven that they have the courage and wisdom to govern fair
Iberia. We of the Nationalist cause have chosen to undertake a
new mission: ?Aided by our Italian allies, we will undertake a
pilgrimage to reclaim and rebuild the holy Eastern Roman
capital of Constantinople! ?There we will create, as our
forefathers did in the age before the reconquest, a joint
Christian-Islamic society that will be the envy of the world!
To Constantinople, my brothers and sisters!



F Belgium - Netherlands

A Paris Hold

F Suez - Palestine(nc)

F Arabian Sea Supports F Suez - Palestine(nc)

F Atlantic Ocean Hold

F English Channel - Belgium

F Libyan Sea Hold

F Norwegian Sea Supports A Leningrad

F South-Western Approaches - Morocco (*Bounce*)


A East Prussia - Lithuania

F Hamburg - Baltic Sea

A Lorraine Supports A Switzerland

A Pomerania - Greater Poland

A Silesia - Cracow

A Switzerland Supports A Lorraine

A Volhynia Supports A East Prussia - Lithuania

F Gulf of Danzig Supports A East Prussia - Lithuania


A Bulgaria - Thrace

A Burgundy - Marseille

F Istanbul - Bulgaria

A Izmir - Istanbul

A Marseille - Piedmont

A Serbia Supports F Istanbul - Bulgaria

A Transylvania Supports A Eastern Ukraine - Rumania

F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Fails*)

F Western Mediterranean Convoys A Valencia - Algiers


A Byelorussia - Leningrad (*Fails*)

A Latvia Supports A Byelorussia - Leningrad (*Cut*)

A Moscow Supports A Byelorussia - Leningrad


F Alexandretta Supports F Ankara(sc) - Eastern

F Ankara(sc) - Eastern Mediterranean

F Beirut Supports F Ankara(sc) - Eastern Mediterranean

A Iraq - Kuweit

A Palestine - Iraq

A Stalingrad - Iran

F Black Sea - Stalingrad(wc)


A Eastern Ukraine - Rumania

F Estonia - Latvia (*Fails*)

A Leningrad Supports F Estonia - Latvia (*Cut*)


A Valencia - Algiers


A Catalonia - Valencia

A Gibraltar - Morocco (*Bounce*)

A Madrid - Gibraltar (*Fails*)

A Portugal Hold


F Greece Hold


A Hungary Hold



















?? Britain(9): Brest, Edinburgh, Egypt, Liverpool, London,Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Suez.

??? Germany(10): Austria, Berlin, Czechia, Denmark, Gdynia, Hamburg, Munich, Sweden, Switzerland, Warsaw.

??? Italy(9): Algiers, Croatia, Izmir, Milan, Naples, Paris, Rome, Serbia, Tripoli.

??? Poland(4)ConfusedCracow, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania.

??? Turkey(7)ConfusedAnkara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Iran, Iraq, Istanbul, Stalingrad.

??? USSR(3): Finland, Leningrad, Moscow.

??? Nationalist Spain(1): Valencia.

??? Republican Spain(4): Burgos, Madrid, Marseille,


??? Others(3): Belgium, Greece, Hungary.

DEADLINE SCHEDULE: (all orders are
due NLT 6PM CET (GMT+1)...not local time)


o Winter?1939
3 December

??? o
Spring 1940 Moves: (6) 8

o Summer?1940
Retreats: 10 November


MovesConfused (13)
15 December




dc337 - Fall and Autumn 1907 Results - z93blom   (Dec 02, 2010, 8:49 am)


DC336 - France - mgsmuhammad   (Dec 01, 2010, 4:46 pm)


Sorry. I thought it was still F Mar.


CORRECTED map here, everyone.

--- On Wed, 1/12/10, Mike and Laura <musclecat(at)ntlworld.com> wrote:

From: Mike and Laura <musclecat(at)ntlworld.com>
Subject: RE: DC336 - France
To: "Stuart Coutts" <wealllovekatamari(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, 1 December, 2010, 22:26




You have not used these new orders for my builds.


Best wishes



-----Original Message-----
From: Mike and Laura [mailto:musclecat(at)ntlworld.com]
Sent: 29 November 2010 22:42
To: Stuart Coutts
Subject: DC336 - France





Winter 1905


My builds are A(Mar), A(Bre)


These supersede my previous provisional orders!


Best wishes




DC 345: Deadline Friday - AceRimmer   (Dec 01, 2010, 11:35 am)
Well, I'm back from my travels. We have a deadline on Friday for Fall 1903. However, I already have six sets of orders. Just two more needed. I'll adjudicate earlier if all of you (and I mean all of you) tell me to. Otherwise, Friday isn't that far away.


dc307 ~ Orient Express - coebq   (Dec 01, 2010, 9:58 am)
My congratulations to Aidan as well. Excellent play and a deserved solo!


Although I wish I'd been able to hang in there and finished a bit better, I enjoyed the game. Thanks to Jerry for GMing and to the rest of you for the challenging play.





From: Gerald Todd <sgttodd(at)mainecav.org>
To: Forum DC307 <dc307(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; David Knight <jkoss02(at)students.bbk.ac.uk>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Aidan Slattery <aislattery(at)aol.com>; GM <sgttodd(at)mainecav.org>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>
Cc: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Sent: Mon, November 29, 2010 9:12:28 PM
Subject: dc307 ~ Orient Express

Siberia wins a solo with 22 Supply Centers!
Congratulations Aidan!

Gentlemen, thank you very much for playing and seeing the game to it's conclusion.

India:     15 Supply centers,  13 Units.
Russia:     3 Supply
centers,   5 Units.
Siberia:   22 Supply centers,  20 Units.

Unit locations:

India:     A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Australia, F Borneo, A Burma, A Calcutta, A Delhi, F Iraq, A Kunlun, A Pakistan, F Seychelles, F Sumatra, F Turkey.

Russia:    A Arabia, F Caspian Sea, A Caucasus, F Oman, F Yemen.

Siberia:   A Balkans, F Barents Sea, F Bay of Bengal, A Cambodia, F Celebes Sea, F Central Indian Ocean, A Iran, F Jawan Sea, A Kazakhstan, A Laos, A Mongolia, A Moscow, A Sevastopol, F South China Sea, F St. Petersburg, F Thai Sea, A Tien Shan, A Tibet, A Urals, A Uzbekistan.

Ownership of supply centers:

India:     Australia, Bombay, Borneo, Burma, Calcutta, Delhi, Egypt, Iraq, Java, Kunlun, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Thailand, Turkey.

Russia:    Arabia, Madagascar,

Siberia:   Balkans, Beijing, Hokkaido, Honshu, Irkutsk, Iran, Kamchatka, Korea, Laos, Manchuria, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Philippines, Sevastopol, Shanghai, St. Petersburg, Tibet, Urals, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, West Siberia, Yakutsk.

Movement results for Fall of 1917.

India: A Afghanistan Hold.
India: F Arabian Sea - Seychelles.
India: A Bombay - Delhi.
India: F Borneo Hold.
India: A Calcutta Supports A Kunlun.
India: F Iraq Hold.
India: A Kunlun Supports A Calcutta.
India: A Pakistan Hold.
India: F South Indian Ocean - Australia.
India: F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea.
India: F Sumatra Hold.
India: F Syria - Turkey.
India: A Thailand - Burma.

Russia: A Arabia Hold.
Russia: F Barents Sea Hold (*Disbanded*).
Russia: F Caspian Sea Hold.
Russia: F Oman Hold.
Russia: A Sevastopol - Caucasus.
Russia: A Turkey Hold (*Disbanded*).
Russia: F Yemen Hold.

Siberia: F
Arctic Sea - Barents Sea.
Siberia: A Balkans Supports F Syria - Turkey.
Siberia: F Bay of Bengal Supports F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea.
Siberia: A Cambodia Hold.
Siberia: F Celebes Sea Hold.
Siberia: F Central Indian Ocean Supports F Sri Lanka - Arabian Sea.
Siberia: A Iran Supports F Persian Gulf (*Fails*).
Siberia: F Jawan Sea Hold.
Siberia: A Kazakhstan Supports A Uzbekistan.
Siberia: A Laos Hold.
Siberia: A Mongolia - Tien Shan.
Siberia: A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol.
Siberia: A Novosibirsk - Mongolia.
Siberia: F South China Sea Hold.
Siberia: F St. Petersburg Supports F Arctic Sea - Barents Sea.
Siberia: F Thai Sea Hold.
Siberia: A Tibet Supports A Novosibirsk - Mongolia.
Siberia: A Urals Supports A Moscow.
Siberia: A Ukraine - Sevastopol.
Siberia: A Uzbekistan Supports A Iran.

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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