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DC223 - Game start - bielf11   (Nov 29, 2008, 12:36 am)
Hi everyone,

with everyone's confirmation and prefs in we can now really start the new game.

The game number is DC223. That's how you will be able to find this game on the DC website.
And that's also how you should start the Subject of each message you send to me (to help me distinguish this game from others).
I will do the same in my messages to you (like I did for this message).

Below you can find the players and their Powers.

Joshua Tag
sanjat312-at-yahoo-dot-com ([email]sanjat312(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Stefan Krekeler
Stefan-dot-Krekeler-at-web-dot-de ([email]Stefan-dot-Krekeler(at)web.de[/email])
joao carvalho
jpfalcao-at-mac-dot-com ([email]jpfalcao(at)mac-dot-com[/email])
Simon Gwilliam
simon-dot-gwilliam-at-baesystems-dot-com ([email]simon-dot-gwilliam(at)baesystems.com[/email])
Jack McHugh
jwmchughjr-at-gmail-dot-com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])
max victory
Maxatrest-at-yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk ([email]Maxatrest(at)yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk[/email])
Doug Wooden
dougwooden-at-gmail-dot-com ([email]dougwooden(at)gmail.com[/email])

First deadline, for Spring 1901, is set to Monday, Dec 1 at 23:00 GMT (my default deadline time). I will send out the adjudication the same day.
Since that usually has few surprises I'd like to schedule Fall 1901 to Thursday, Dec 4 at 23:00 GMT.
Winter 1901 will then follow on Saturday Dec 6 at 23:00 GMT.
Unless I receive any objections, I will assume everyone agrees with these deadlines for 1901.
Spring 1902 I will set to Tuesday again, Dec 9 at 23:00 GMT and from then onwards there will be only one major season (Fall, Spring) each week.
Retreats I usually expect within 24 hrs after adjudication.
When I receive orders I consider them Final unless it is clearly stated in the subject that these are Prelims. With that I may adjudicate before the deadline if I have all Final orders in. Usually I will send a confirmation of your order within 24 hrs. If you haven't received my confirmation, assume the order wasn't received and resend.

As you will see I always include in my adjudication a GIF file of the map and a DPY file for those of you that like to use RealPolitik.
Right after I have sent out my adjudication to all of you I will also aim to update the DC website.

I'd encourage you to use role-play in your messages to other players and would welcome white and grey press.
Grey press of course should always be posted through me.
When role-playing always make it clear that it is your character talking (by signing with your character name), and not you as a player.

Contact me if you have any questions.

And with that, my dear rulers, you may start talking to the other rulers, negotiate your ticket to a ever-expanding empire, inspire and conspire the demise of others.
Good luck.


DC223 - Game start (dc223) simon.gwilliam at baes... Dec 02, 02:44 am

Please copy all press intended for my reading to the following email address:

Bassdrum13(at)hotmail.com ([email]Bassdrum13(at)hotmail.com[/email])

As well as to this one. This is my home address so that I can correspond in the evenings and at the weekends.

Thanks people.


Durdatha whye

Simon H Gwilliam
Surface Ship Command Systems
Tel: 02083295931
Apex Tower, New Malden

From: F Bielschowsky [mailto:bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com]
Sent: 29 November 2008 06:36
To: Doug Wooden (DC223 FRA); Gwilliam, Simon (UK); Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige); Joao Carvalho (DC223 RUS); Joshua Tag (DC223 TUR); Max Victory (DC223 ENG); Stefan Krekeler (DC223 GER); dc223(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Former Trout (DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France); Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge); Michael Sims (DC190 China / DC195 GM)
Subject: DC223 - Game start

*** WARNING ***

This mail has originated outside your organization,
either from an external partner or the Global Internet.
Keep this in mind if you answer this message.
Hi everyone,

with everyone's confirmation and prefs in we can now really start the new game.

The game number is DC223. That's how you will be able to find this game on the DC website.
And that's also how you should start the Subject of each message you send to me (to help me distinguish this game from others).
I will do the same in my messages to you (like I did for this message).

Below you can find the players and their Powers.

Joshua Tag
sanjat312-at-yahoo-dot-com ([email]sanjat312(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Stefan Krekeler
Stefan-dot-Krekeler-at-web-dot-de ([email]Stefan-dot-Krekeler(at)web.de[/email])
joao carvalho
jpfalcao-at-mac-dot-com ([email]jpfalcao(at)mac-dot-com[/email])
Simon Gwilliam
simon-dot-gwilliam-at-baesystems-dot-com ([email]simon-dot-gwilliam(at)baesystems.com[/email])
Jack McHugh
jwmchughjr-at-gmail-dot-com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])
max victory
Maxatrest-at-yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk ([email]Maxatrest(at)yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk[/email])
Doug Wooden
dougwooden-at-gmail-dot-com ([email]dougwooden(at)gmail.com[/email])

First deadline, for Spring 1901, is set to Monday, Dec 1 at 23:00 GMT (my default deadline time). I will send out the adjudication the same day.
Since that usually has few surprises I'd like to schedule Fall 1901 to Thursday, Dec 4 at 23:00 GMT.
Winter 1901 will then follow on Saturday Dec 6 at 23:00 GMT.
Unless I receive any objections, I will assume everyone agrees with these deadlines for 1901.
Spring 1902 I will set to Tuesday again, Dec 9 at 23:00 GMT and from then onwards there will be only one major season (Fall, Spring) each week.
Retreats I usually expect within 24 hrs after adjudication.
When I receive orders I consider them Final unless it is clearly stated in the subject that these are Prelims. With that I may adjudicate before the deadline if I have all Final orders in. Usually I will send a confirmation of your order within 24 hrs. If you haven't received my confirmation, assume the order wasn't received and resend.

As you will see I always include in my adjudication a GIF file of the map and a DPY file for those of you that like to use RealPolitik.
Right after I have sent out my adjudication to all of you I will also aim to update the DC website.

I'd encourage you to use role-play in your messages to other players and would welcome white and grey press.
Grey press of course should always be posted through me.
When role-playing always make it clear that it is your character talking (by signing with your character name), and not you as a player.

Contact me if you have any questions.

And with that, my dear rulers, you may start talking to the other rulers, negotiate your ticket to a ever-expanding empire, inspire and conspire the demise of others.
Good luck.

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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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