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1648 091010: Spring 1660 Moves - charlesf   (Jun 16, 2010, 4:47 pm)
Hallo zusammen,
has the bell tolled for Austria? News of a number of setbacks have now
reached the Hofburg.
The Fall 1660 Moves are due Wednesday, 22
June 6 PM CET. So prelims please on Saturday. The Summer Retreats are due
TOMORROW, 17 June, as I will be travelling from Friday until Sunday and prefer
to get the adjucation out earlier than causing an undue delay.

Liebe Grüsse,
    AUSTRIA: Nick Powell <nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com>
Ellinger <mellinger(at)blitzbardgett.com> (eliminated Winter
    ENGLAND: Harvey Morris <hmtucaz(at)gmail.com>
    FRANCE: Nigel Phillips <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com>
Saralegui <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>
    RUSSIA: Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com> (eliminated Winter 1650)
    SPAIN: Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com>
    SWEDEN: Matthew Kelly
<kelly058(at)verizon.net> (joined Winter 1652, eliminated Fall
    TURKEY: Aidan
Slattery <AiSlattery(at)aol.com>


PRESS: None. Sad
A Bavaria - Saxony (*Fails*)
Brandenburg Supports A Bavaria - Saxony (*Disbanded*)
A Prague Supports A
Bavaria - Saxony
A Switzerland - Swabia (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia Supports A
Venice - Switzerland (*Fails*)
A Venice - Switzerland (*Dislodged*)
Vienna - Bavaria (*Fails*)
A Flanders - Lorraine (*Fails*)
Ireland Supports F North Sea - Scotland
A London - Bristol (*Fails*)
North Sea - Scotland
A Brest - Devon
F Bristol Supports F
Scotland (*Cut*)
F Copenhagen - Helgoland Bight
A Dauphiné Supports A
F English Channel Convoys A Brest - Devon
A Lorraine Supports A
Swabia (*Cut*)
A Lower Saxony Supports A Saxony
A Mecklenburg -
Brandenburg (*Fails*)
A Paris Hold
A Rhineland-Westphalia Supports A
A Saxony Supports A Swabia (*Cut*)
F Scotland Supports F Bristol
A Swabia Supports A Saxony (*Cut*)
A Christiania - Northern
A Courland Hold
A Cracow - Silesia
A Greater Poland -
A Karelia - Novgorod
A Lapland - Abo
A Prussia - Greater
F Scania - Skagerrak
F Skagerrak - Christiania
F Stettin
Supports A Greater Poland - Brandenburg
F Stockholm(ec) - Scania
Turkestan Hold
A Warsaw - Cracow
A Aragon - Gascony
F Cantabrian Sea -
Irish Sea
F Gulf of Lion Supports A Marseilles
A Marseilles Supports A
Aragon - Gascony
F Morocco Supports F Seville - Cantabrian Sea
A Savoy -
Switzerland (*Bounce*)
F Seville - Cantabrian Sea
F Adriatic Sea Supports A Lombardy -
A Belgrade - Croatia
A Bulgaria - Wallachia
F Constantinople -
Black Sea
A Damascus - Constantinople
A Lombardy - Venice
F Papal
States(wc) Supports A Tuscany
A Persia Hold
F Sardinia - Western
Mediterranean (*Fails*)
A Slovakia Supports A Cracow - Silesia
F Tunis
Supports F Sardinia - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)
A Tuscany Supports A
Lombardy - Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Sardinia - Western
Mediterranean (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Cantabrian Sea
French F Scotland can retreat to Yorkshire or Norwegian Sea or North
Atlantic Ocean.

Austrian A Venice can retreat to Trieste.

(Winter 1659):

Austria(7): Bavaria, Brandenburg, Prague, Switzerland, Trieste,
Venice, Vienna.
England(4): Abo, Flanders, Ireland,
France(13): Brest, Bristol, Copenhagen, Holstein, Lorraine, Lower
Saxony, Mecklenburg, Paris, Rhineland-Westphalia, Saxony, Scotland, Swabia,
United Provinces.
Poland-Lithuania(13): Christiania, Courland, Cracow,
Moscow, Novgorod, Prussia, Riga, Stettin, Stockholm, Turkestan, Vilna, Voronezh,
Spain(7): Algiers, Madrid, Marseilles, Morocco, Portugal,
Savoy, Seville.
Turkey(14): Belgrade, Candia, Constantinople,
Crimea, Damascus, Moldavia, Naples, Papal States, Persia, Transylvania,
Tunis, Tuscany, Ukraine, Wallachia.

DEADLINE SCHEDULE: (all orders are
due NLT 6PM CET (i.e. GMT+1)...not local

    o Summer 1660 Retreats: 17 June
    o Fall 1660 Moves: (21) 23 June


dc308 - Winter 1905 Results - z93blom   (Jun 16, 2010, 3:16 pm)
There's about 22 hours left before your moves are due.

Next turn: Spring 1906 Movement

Next Deadline: Thursday, 17th of June, 18:00 GMT (6PM).


2010/6/10 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

Austria builds two new armies and waives his third build. England conscripts an Army and the lone eastern Italian Fleet is disbanded.
We have a player who is going to be away, so let's make the next turn a full week.

Next turn: Spring 1906 Movement

Next Deadline: Thursday, 17th of June, 18:00 GMT (6PM).



DC327 - Fall & Autumn 2 adjudication - bielf11   (Jun 16, 2010, 2:41 pm)
Fall / Autumn 2: with a fabulous comeback of Elia and a Boeotian gamble gone horribly wrong. As a result the Boeotian army of Phocis gets dislodged.
And plenty of confusion on the Greek peninsula over supporting orders: between Messenia and Arcolia; and between Laconia and the powers of Arcolia and Attica. Now that's what I call odd.
A callium - anticyra
A doris - phocis
F locris Supports A doris - phocis
F prian rhium - sinus corinthiucus (*Fails*)
A proschium - calydon
A corsea Supports A opus - delion
A helicon - megara (*Bounce*)
A opus - delion
A phocis Hold (*Dislodged*)
F sinus corinthiucus Convoys A helicon - megara
A eleusis - megara (*Bounce*)
F laconicus sinus - helos (*Bounce*)
F marmora sinus - mare aegea
F rhodius sinus - laconicus sinus (*Fails*)
A thebae - helicon (*Fails*)
F argulicus sinus Supports F rhodius sinus - laconicus sinus
F epidaurus(sc) - argos
A mycenae Supports A orchenenus
A orchenenus Supports A protilae - maniana (*Void*)
A pellea Supports A kaphyae - achaia
A cyn. Supports A tegea
F koidaunas Supports F prastos
F prastos Supports F rhodius sinus - argulicus sinus (*Void*)
A sparta - helos (*Bounce*)
A tegea Supports A maniana - orchenenus (*Void*)
A ira - triphylia
A lycaion - arcadia
A maniana Supports A megalopolis
A megalopolis Supports A maniana
F pylos - cypurissius sinus
F cypurissius sinus - pisatis
F italus sinus - rhegium
A kaphyae - achaia
A protilae Supports A kaphyae - achaia
Boeotian A phocis can retreat to Opus. Or OTB.
I have assumed Phocis retreats to Opus (since OTB would give the same result after Winter).
So for this Winter we have the following ownership:
Aetolia:   arcania, callium, calydon, locris, phocis, thermium.
Boeotia:   corsea, delion, helicon, opus.
Attica:    athenae, byzantium, caria, ionia, megara.
Arcolia:   corinth, epidaurus, iria, mycenae, pellea.

Laconia:   cyn., koidaunas, prastos, sparta, tegea.
Messenia:  arcadia, ira, maniana, megalopolis, messena, pylos.
Elia:      achaia, dafni, elis, pisatis, rhegium.

and still Unowned:   cumae, euboea occidental, sicily.
Aetolia:   Supp  6 Unit  5 Build  1
Boeotia:   Supp  4 Unit  5 Remove  1
Messenia:  Supp  6 Unit  5 Build  1
Elia:      Supp  5 Unit  4 Build  1

Deadline for adjustments is Friday June 18 at 7pm GMT.


Camel Spotting s09 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 16, 2010, 10:17 am)
Hey all,
There is also a proposal for a Persian solo win for this fall!
It would require unanimous approval, 4 yes-votes to pass.
Be sure to turn in your vote AND moves.  If the proposal passes, the moves are not revealed, but if the proposal fails, then moves are processed like normal, so you should turn in both things.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 6/15/2010 3:02 PM
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc304
Subject: Camel Spotting s09 retreats!

Two retreats and we move right along!
Carthage: F Ausonian Sea - Tyrrhenean Sea
Persia: A Venetia - Dalmatia
Fall 09 due Tues 6/22, 3pm Central!


dc330: Sp36 Results! - raistlin   (Jun 16, 2010, 1:11 am)
Does Italian success in that area free multiple Italian armies, and a poison gas carrying air force, for operations in other areas? Wink
---- Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
Since the end of the Great War Europe has been a relatively quiet
continent. As Italian forces in recent weeks gained control of large
parts of Africa - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the newly-formed Italian
East Africa - Europe remained quiet. Even rumours that the German
Wehrmacht was going to audaciously re-occupy the Rheinland proved much
ado about nothing.

Alas, it was but the calm before the storm.

To the chagrin of peace-loving people's everywhere, seven Great Powers
released their war machines in a near-simultaneous display of
terrifying force that must certainly be the result of copious
diplomatic negotiation. The fair citizenry of Europe is left to hope
that the signs of warfare all around them prove short-lived.

Thus begins our version of World War 2!

As no player retreats were necessary I have processed the Spring and
Summer turns both: welcome to Fall 1936! Upcoming deadlines are at the
end of this note.

Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

Royal Navy gets frisky in the north, stand fast in the southeast
Third Republic off to inauspicious start with losses in Morocco,
vulnerability in Marsailles, Beirut
Wehrmacht and Kriegsmarine triumphant as Democratic Germany cheers
Italians deploy in every direction, pillage Croatia
Polish army secures Lithuania as strategic plan begins to unfold
Ataturk sends loyalist toward Holy Lands in force
USSR war machine repelled on two fronts; Stalin demands answers
Spanish Civil War begins with spectacular stalemate in Madrid

Now, for some player press:


A conspiracy of senior civil servants and Wehrmacht officers has led
to the swift toppling of Mr. Hitler's government. Yesterday, the most
senior Nazi figures were arrested at a business lunch at the
Chancellory. Following a swift trial, the former Austrian corporal was
sentenced to death on high treason charges, the sentence being
reportedly carried later on in the day. Konrad Adenauer, the former
mayor of Cologne and a leading centrist politician, has set up a
provisional government and reinstated the 1919 constitution. In his
first radio broadcast as Reichschancellor, he announced the outlawing
of the NSdAP and all affiliated organisations, the release of all
political prisoners, repeal of numerous Nazi decrees and laws
incompatible with the 1919 constitution and set May 1 as the date for
free and fair Reichstag elections. Adressing the wider international
community, Mr. Adenauer expressed his hopes that Europe would once
again embrace the "spirit of Locarno" and help another overcome the as
yet dire economic repersussions of the 1929 crash. In his closing
remarks, the new Reichschancellor invited the "youth of the world" to
the upcoming Berlin Summer Olympics and promised a hearty welcome to
all foreign guests, noting how important it was to his government and
the German people for the world to witness the new Germany after Mr.
Hitler's fortunately shortlived barbarism and usurpation of power.

A statement from the Italian government:

The Italian peninsula has never housed an aggressor. The pre-eminent
counterexample that people often point to, the Roman Empire, was
brought into being purely for defensive purposes. As such, any troop
movements that seem as though they might be hostile should be
interpreted in the best possible light. While I have heard reports of
some unease in certain quarters at recent events, I am sure that the
diplomatic situation remains stable. Any border disputes will be
resolved at the conference table guided by the principles of the
League of Nations. There will be peace in our time.

"Peace? Yes, there will be peace. When we have won." (from Black Hawk



Britain: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea.
Britain: F Gibraltar - Atlantic Ocean.
Britain: F London - North Sea.
Britain: F Suez Hold.

France: A Algiers - Morocco. (bounce)
France: A Beirut - Syria.
France: F Brest - South-Western Approaches.
France: A Marseille - Burgundy.
France: A Paris - Picardy.

Germany: A Berlin - Saxony.
Germany: F Hamburg - Denmark.
Germany: A Munich - Austria.

Italy: A Milan - Piedmont.
Italy: F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Italy: A Rome - Croatia.
Italy: A Tripoli - Southern Algeria.

Poland: A Cracow - Transylvania.
Poland: F Gdynia - Gulf of Danzig.
Poland: A Warsaw - Lithuania.

Turkey: A Ankara - Alexandretta.
Turkey: A Istanbul - Thrace.
Turkey: F Izmir - Eastern Mediterranean.

USSR: F Leningrad(sc) - Finland. (bounce)
USSR: A Moscow - Leningrad. (bounce)
USSR: A Stalingrad - Iran. (bounce)

Nationalist_Spain: A Burgos - Madrid. (bounce)

Republican_Spain: A Valencia - Madrid. (bounce)

Austria: A Austria Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)

Belgium: A Belgium Hold.

Bulgaria: A Bulgaria Hold.

Czechoslovakia: A Czechia Supports A Munich - Austria.

Denmark: F Denmark Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)

Egypt: A Egypt Hold.

Finland: A Finland Hold.

Greece: F Greece Hold.

Hungary: A Hungary Supports A Rome - Croatia.

Iran: A Iran Hold.

Iraq: A Iraq Supports A Iran.

Latvia: A Latvia Supports A Warsaw - Lithuania.

Lithuania: A Lithuania Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)

Morocco: A Morocco Hold.

Netherlands: F Netherlands Hold.

Norway: F Norway Hold.

Portugal: F Portugal Hold.

Rumania: A Rumania Hold.

Sweden: F Sweden Supports F Hamburg - Denmark.

Switzerland: A Switzerland Supports A Milan - Piedmont.

Yugoslavia: A Croatia Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)
Yugoslavia: A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria.

Ownership of supply centers

Britain: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Suez.
France: Algiers, Beirut, Brest, Marseille, Paris.
Germany: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich.
Italy: Milan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli.
Poland: Cracow, Gdynia, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir.
USSR: Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
Nationalist_Spain: Burgos.
Republican_Spain: Valencia.

Britain: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
USSR: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Nationalist_Spain: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Republican_Spain: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
Fall 1936 Prelims, Friday June 18
Fall 1936 Orders, Tuesday June 22
Winter 1936 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday June 24

GM Note: Regrettably my business did last well into the night and thus
this adjudication is going out much later than I will typically
produce. The good news is that the process went really smoothly and
took under 2 hours. That might sound like a long time, but I was
fighting with a few different parts of it and now that I've gone
through it in its entirety I am optimistic it will be a relatively
smooth process to adjudicate for you all in the future.

Please report any errors or problems in this adjudication to me as
soon as you can. I also appreciate constructive criticism that helps
me provide a better experience for current and future players!


dc330: Sp36 Results! - dknemeyer   (Jun 15, 2010, 10:27 pm)
Since the end of the Great War Europe has been a relatively quiet
continent. As Italian forces in recent weeks gained control of large
parts of Africa - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the newly-formed Italian
East Africa - Europe remained quiet. Even rumours that the German
Wehrmacht was going to audaciously re-occupy the Rheinland proved much
ado about nothing.
Alas, it was but the calm before the storm.
To the chagrin of peace-loving people's everywhere, seven Great Powers
released their war machines in a near-simultaneous display of
terrifying force that must certainly be the result of copious
diplomatic negotiation. The fair citizenry of Europe is left to hope
that the signs of warfare all around them prove short-lived.
Thus begins our version of World War 2!
As no player retreats were necessary I have processed the Spring and
Summer turns both: welcome to Fall 1936! Upcoming deadlines are at the
end of this note.
Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de
Royal Navy gets frisky in the north, stand fast in the southeast
Third Republic off to inauspicious start with losses in Morocco,
vulnerability in Marsailles, Beirut
Wehrmacht and Kriegsmarine triumphant as Democratic Germany cheers
Italians deploy in every direction, pillage Croatia
Polish army secures Lithuania as strategic plan begins to unfold
Ataturk sends loyalist toward Holy Lands in force
USSR war machine repelled on two fronts; Stalin demands answers
Spanish Civil War begins with spectacular stalemate in Madrid
Now, for some player press:
A conspiracy of senior civil servants and Wehrmacht officers has led
to the swift toppling of Mr. Hitler's government. Yesterday, the most
senior Nazi figures were arrested at a business lunch at the
Chancellory. Following a swift trial, the former Austrian corporal was
sentenced to death on high treason charges, the sentence being
reportedly carried later on in the day. Konrad Adenauer, the former
mayor of Cologne and a leading centrist politician, has set up a
provisional government and reinstated the 1919 constitution. In his
first radio broadcast as Reichschancellor, he announced the outlawing
of the NSdAP and all affiliated organisations, the release of all
political prisoners, repeal of numerous Nazi decrees and laws
incompatible with the 1919 constitution and set May 1 as the date for
free and fair Reichstag elections. Adressing the wider international
community, Mr. Adenauer expressed his hopes that Europe would once
again embrace the "spirit of Locarno" and help another overcome the as
yet dire economic repersussions of the 1929 crash. In his closing
remarks, the new Reichschancellor invited the "youth of the world" to
the upcoming Berlin Summer Olympics and promised a hearty welcome to
all foreign guests, noting how important it was to his government and
the German people for the world to witness the new Germany after Mr.
Hitler's fortunately shortlived barbarism and usurpation of power.
A statement from the Italian government:
The Italian peninsula has never housed an aggressor. The pre-eminent
counterexample that people often point to, the Roman Empire, was
brought into being purely for defensive purposes. As such, any troop
movements that seem as though they might be hostile should be
interpreted in the best possible light. While I have heard reports of
some unease in certain quarters at recent events, I am sure that the
diplomatic situation remains stable. Any border disputes will be
resolved at the conference table guided by the principles of the
League of Nations. There will be peace in our time.
"Peace? Yes, there will be peace. When we have won." (from Black Hawk
Britain: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea.
Britain: F Gibraltar - Atlantic Ocean.
Britain: F London - North Sea.
Britain: F Suez Hold.
France: A Algiers - Morocco. (bounce)
France: A Beirut - Syria.
France: F Brest - South-Western Approaches.
France: A Marseille - Burgundy.
France: A Paris - Picardy.
Germany: A Berlin - Saxony.
Germany: F Hamburg - Denmark.
Germany: A Munich - Austria.
Italy: A Milan - Piedmont.
Italy: F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Italy: A Rome - Croatia.
Italy: A Tripoli - Southern Algeria.
Poland: A Cracow - Transylvania.
Poland: F Gdynia - Gulf of Danzig.
Poland: A Warsaw - Lithuania.
Turkey: A Ankara - Alexandretta.
Turkey: A Istanbul - Thrace.
Turkey: F Izmir - Eastern Mediterranean.
USSR: F Leningrad(sc) - Finland. (bounce)
USSR: A Moscow - Leningrad. (bounce)
USSR: A Stalingrad - Iran. (bounce)
Nationalist_Spain: A Burgos - Madrid. (bounce)
Republican_Spain: A Valencia - Madrid. (bounce)
Austria: A Austria Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)
Belgium: A Belgium Hold.
Bulgaria: A Bulgaria Hold.
Czechoslovakia: A Czechia Supports A Munich - Austria.
Denmark: F Denmark Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)
Egypt: A Egypt Hold.
Finland: A Finland Hold.
Greece: F Greece Hold.
Hungary: A Hungary Supports A Rome - Croatia.
Iran: A Iran Hold.
Iraq: A Iraq Supports A Iran.
Latvia: A Latvia Supports A Warsaw - Lithuania.
Lithuania: A Lithuania Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)
Morocco: A Morocco Hold.
Netherlands: F Netherlands Hold.
Norway: F Norway Hold.
Portugal: F Portugal Hold.
Rumania: A Rumania Hold.
Sweden: F Sweden Supports F Hamburg - Denmark.
Switzerland: A Switzerland Supports A Milan - Piedmont.
Yugoslavia: A Croatia Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)
Yugoslavia: A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria.
Ownership of supply centers
Britain: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Suez.
France: Algiers, Beirut, Brest, Marseille, Paris.
Germany: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich.
Italy: Milan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli.
Poland: Cracow, Gdynia, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir.
USSR: Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
Nationalist_Spain: Burgos.
Republican_Spain: Valencia.
Britain: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
USSR: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Nationalist_Spain: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Republican_Spain: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
Fall 1936 Prelims, Friday June 18
Fall 1936 Orders, Tuesday June 22
Winter 1936 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday June 24
GM Note: Regrettably my business did last well into the night and thus
this adjudication is going out much later than I will typically
produce. The good news is that the process went really smoothly and
took under 2 hours. That might sound like a long time, but I was
fighting with a few different parts of it and now that I've gone
through it in its entirety I am optimistic it will be a relatively
smooth process to adjudicate for you all in the future.
Please report any errors or problems in this adjudication to me as
soon as you can. I also appreciate constructive criticism that helps
me provide a better experience for current and future players!


dc330: Sp36 Results! (dc330) raistlin Jun 16, 01:11 am
Does Italian success in that area free multiple Italian armies, and a poison gas carrying air force, for operations in other areas? Wink
---- Dirk Knemeyer wrote:
Since the end of the Great War Europe has been a relatively quiet
continent. As Italian forces in recent weeks gained control of large
parts of Africa - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the newly-formed Italian
East Africa - Europe remained quiet. Even rumours that the German
Wehrmacht was going to audaciously re-occupy the Rheinland proved much
ado about nothing.

Alas, it was but the calm before the storm.

To the chagrin of peace-loving people's everywhere, seven Great Powers
released their war machines in a near-simultaneous display of
terrifying force that must certainly be the result of copious
diplomatic negotiation. The fair citizenry of Europe is left to hope
that the signs of warfare all around them prove short-lived.

Thus begins our version of World War 2!

As no player retreats were necessary I have processed the Spring and
Summer turns both: welcome to Fall 1936! Upcoming deadlines are at the
end of this note.

Britain - sunchung / Sun Chung / sun.chung(at)gmail.com
France - DrSwordopolis / Nick Powell / nick.s.powell(at)gmail.com
Germany - charlesf / Charles Feaux de la Croix / charlesf(at)web.de
Italy (and Nationalist Spain) - raistlin / David Gould / davidchegould(at)bigpond.com
Poland - smileyrob / Robert Stein / smileyrob68(at)gmail.com
Turkey - Wladimir7 / Wladimir Mysonski / wmysonski(at)gmail.com
USSR (and Republican Spain) - Nitsch / Karsten Nitsch / karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de

Royal Navy gets frisky in the north, stand fast in the southeast
Third Republic off to inauspicious start with losses in Morocco,
vulnerability in Marsailles, Beirut
Wehrmacht and Kriegsmarine triumphant as Democratic Germany cheers
Italians deploy in every direction, pillage Croatia
Polish army secures Lithuania as strategic plan begins to unfold
Ataturk sends loyalist toward Holy Lands in force
USSR war machine repelled on two fronts; Stalin demands answers
Spanish Civil War begins with spectacular stalemate in Madrid

Now, for some player press:


A conspiracy of senior civil servants and Wehrmacht officers has led
to the swift toppling of Mr. Hitler's government. Yesterday, the most
senior Nazi figures were arrested at a business lunch at the
Chancellory. Following a swift trial, the former Austrian corporal was
sentenced to death on high treason charges, the sentence being
reportedly carried later on in the day. Konrad Adenauer, the former
mayor of Cologne and a leading centrist politician, has set up a
provisional government and reinstated the 1919 constitution. In his
first radio broadcast as Reichschancellor, he announced the outlawing
of the NSdAP and all affiliated organisations, the release of all
political prisoners, repeal of numerous Nazi decrees and laws
incompatible with the 1919 constitution and set May 1 as the date for
free and fair Reichstag elections. Adressing the wider international
community, Mr. Adenauer expressed his hopes that Europe would once
again embrace the "spirit of Locarno" and help another overcome the as
yet dire economic repersussions of the 1929 crash. In his closing
remarks, the new Reichschancellor invited the "youth of the world" to
the upcoming Berlin Summer Olympics and promised a hearty welcome to
all foreign guests, noting how important it was to his government and
the German people for the world to witness the new Germany after Mr.
Hitler's fortunately shortlived barbarism and usurpation of power.

A statement from the Italian government:

The Italian peninsula has never housed an aggressor. The pre-eminent
counterexample that people often point to, the Roman Empire, was
brought into being purely for defensive purposes. As such, any troop
movements that seem as though they might be hostile should be
interpreted in the best possible light. While I have heard reports of
some unease in certain quarters at recent events, I am sure that the
diplomatic situation remains stable. Any border disputes will be
resolved at the conference table guided by the principles of the
League of Nations. There will be peace in our time.

"Peace? Yes, there will be peace. When we have won." (from Black Hawk



Britain: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea.
Britain: F Gibraltar - Atlantic Ocean.
Britain: F London - North Sea.
Britain: F Suez Hold.

France: A Algiers - Morocco. (bounce)
France: A Beirut - Syria.
France: F Brest - South-Western Approaches.
France: A Marseille - Burgundy.
France: A Paris - Picardy.

Germany: A Berlin - Saxony.
Germany: F Hamburg - Denmark.
Germany: A Munich - Austria.

Italy: A Milan - Piedmont.
Italy: F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Italy: A Rome - Croatia.
Italy: A Tripoli - Southern Algeria.

Poland: A Cracow - Transylvania.
Poland: F Gdynia - Gulf of Danzig.
Poland: A Warsaw - Lithuania.

Turkey: A Ankara - Alexandretta.
Turkey: A Istanbul - Thrace.
Turkey: F Izmir - Eastern Mediterranean.

USSR: F Leningrad(sc) - Finland. (bounce)
USSR: A Moscow - Leningrad. (bounce)
USSR: A Stalingrad - Iran. (bounce)

Nationalist_Spain: A Burgos - Madrid. (bounce)

Republican_Spain: A Valencia - Madrid. (bounce)

Austria: A Austria Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)

Belgium: A Belgium Hold.

Bulgaria: A Bulgaria Hold.

Czechoslovakia: A Czechia Supports A Munich - Austria.

Denmark: F Denmark Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)

Egypt: A Egypt Hold.

Finland: A Finland Hold.

Greece: F Greece Hold.

Hungary: A Hungary Supports A Rome - Croatia.

Iran: A Iran Hold.

Iraq: A Iraq Supports A Iran.

Latvia: A Latvia Supports A Warsaw - Lithuania.

Lithuania: A Lithuania Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)

Morocco: A Morocco Hold.

Netherlands: F Netherlands Hold.

Norway: F Norway Hold.

Portugal: F Portugal Hold.

Rumania: A Rumania Hold.

Sweden: F Sweden Supports F Hamburg - Denmark.

Switzerland: A Switzerland Supports A Milan - Piedmont.

Yugoslavia: A Croatia Hold. (dislodged, disbanded)
Yugoslavia: A Serbia Supports A Bulgaria.

Ownership of supply centers

Britain: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Suez.
France: Algiers, Beirut, Brest, Marseille, Paris.
Germany: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich.
Italy: Milan, Naples, Rome, Tripoli.
Poland: Cracow, Gdynia, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir.
USSR: Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad.
Nationalist_Spain: Burgos.
Republican_Spain: Valencia.

Britain: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
USSR: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Nationalist_Spain: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Republican_Spain: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.

Upcoming Deadlines (all orders are due at 5 PM EST, GMT -5)
Fall 1936 Prelims, Friday June 18
Fall 1936 Orders, Tuesday June 22
Winter 1936 Retreats/Adjustments, Thursday June 24

GM Note: Regrettably my business did last well into the night and thus
this adjudication is going out much later than I will typically
produce. The good news is that the process went really smoothly and
took under 2 hours. That might sound like a long time, but I was
fighting with a few different parts of it and now that I've gone
through it in its entirety I am optimistic it will be a relatively
smooth process to adjudicate for you all in the future.

Please report any errors or problems in this adjudication to me as
soon as you can. I also appreciate constructive criticism that helps
me provide a better experience for current and future players!
DC317; Summer 1912 Results - dipknight   (Jun 15, 2010, 8:45 pm)
GM's remarks:
No Remarks Required.
The Players:
   Austria         Eliminated Winter 1904
   England       Eliminated Winter 1905
   France          packrat                     scott troemel         brn2dip(at)yahoo.com 
   Germany      Douglas_E_Fresh   Douglas Fresh       douglasefresh(at)gmail.com
   Italy             evapollo88              Greg Olson           olson.gregoryscott(at)gmail.com 
   Russia          Nigs                         Nigel Phillips         nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
   Turkey          Eliminated Winter 1906
The Orders:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   None Required
   None Required
   F ion - tun
   F nao - iri
   A ven - rom
   None Required
   Eliminated Winter 1906
   See Above
Centers and Unit Positions:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   Centers (2) lvp, lon.
   Units: F lvp
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (7): bel, ber, den, edi, hol, kie, mun.
   Units: A bel, A boh, F edi, A hol, A mun, A ruh, A wal
   Build/Disbands: 0
   Centers (9) bre, mar, nap, par, por, rom, spa, tun, ven.
   Units: F adr, F alb, A bur, F eng, F iri, A pic, A pie, A rom, F tun
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (16) ank, bud, bul, con, gre, mos, nwy, rum, ser, sev, smy, stp, swe, tri, vie, war.
   Units: F aeg, F bul(sc), F cly, F eas, A gal, A gre, F ion, A lon, F nao, F nth, A nwy, A ser, A smy, A tri, A ven, A vie
   Build/Disband:  0
   Eliminated Winter 1906
1912 Fall Orders: Thursday; June 18, 24:00 Hrs GMT.
 Maps of the Orders and Results; and, the dpy file are attached for your use


(DC 324) A Stab in the Dark - Fall 1907 Results - Corrino   (Jun 15, 2010, 6:41 pm)
Hi Players,

Party on The Boot!  Bring your armies, bring your fleets!  Don't need no invitation just show up as you are.  Four of our five nations are involved in the scrum for Rome, but it is Britain acting as the White Knight who helps Italy to regain her capital from the invading Froggies.

And lest you think this was an isolated case of altruism, we see in the north another attempt to restore an underdog army to its home SC.  Unfortunately for the Tsar's forces, they needed more help than Britain had to offer in order to oust the Turks from Warsaw.

RETREAT REQUIRED:  The French army in Rome needs to vacate the premises.  Please send me your retreat order ASAP Monsieur le President, so that I may inform the Anglo-Italian leadership
along with their Autumn reports.


Orders as resolved and revealed in the case of conflict.  Please review.
F Belgium Hold
A Livonia Supports A Prussia - Warsaw
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Apulia - Rome

A Burgundy - Belgium (*Fails*)
F Marseilles - Spain(sc) (*Bounce*)
A Rome Supports * (*Dislodged*)

A Apulia - Rome
F Naples Supports * (*Cut*)
A Venice Hold

A Prussia - Warsaw (*Fails*)

F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw
F Trieste - Venice (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports * (*Cut*)



1648 091010: Deadline Reminder - charlesf   (Jun 15, 2010, 6:19 pm)
Hi guys,
just a friendly reminder that the final deadline is
this Wednesday, 6 PM CET.


DC 306: Sengoku Rev6DP - Spring 1574: Otomo Sorin - Kenshi777   (Jun 15, 2010, 5:55 pm)
Otomo Sorin was the lord of Funai castle in Bungo province, a wealthy
port on the eastern coast of Kyushu. Sorin was a powerful daimyo in
his own right, but was ultimately eclipsed by the powerful Shimazu and
Mori clans that surrrounded his position. He is known to history as
one of the few daimyo that formally converted to Christianity, and for
requesting Toyotomi Hideyoshi's assistance against the Shimazu, an act
that ultimately resulted in Hideyoshi's dominance of all of Kyushu.

***TEAHOUSE COMMENTARY: The Chosokabe trade their position in Pacific
Ocean for Kumano Sea, while on land their trust is rewarded both by
Mori and Asakura. Hojo advances his naval lines to Pacific Ocean, but
stalls on the front against Oda. Asakura suffers a fierce Uesugi
invasion of Kaga and Echizen, though only one of those attacks
succeeds. And Satomi Yoshihiro quietly remains in far-flung Hitachi,
pondering the afterlife...

Desperado dream
Ceaseless wind turns tsunami
Roosters crow nike


Shimazu Yoshihisa - Isaac Zinner (*eliminated 1573*)
Mori Motonari - Jim Atkins
Chosokabe Motochika - Jean-Luc Lefebvre
Asakura Yoshikage - Garry Bledsoe
Oda Nobunaga - Joe Babinsack
Takeda Shingen - Nathan Deily (*eliminated 1572*)
Uesugi Kenshin - Fredrik Blom
Hojo Ujiyasu - Michael Thompson

Chosokabe F Pacific Ocean can retreat to South Pacific Ocean or OTB.
As I have conditional retreats already from Jean-Luc (thanks, very
helpful!), we will retreat this fleet to South Pacific Ocean per his

Fall 1574 will provisionally be due Tuesday, 22 June 2010 at 1700 EST.
I say provisionally because I go on vacation on 19 June. If I can
adjudicate, I will - though I will likely need someone else to enter
the orders in RP and produce the map, which I will then certify as
official. Any volunteers?


A Bingo - Bizen (*Fails*)
A Bungo - Chikuzen
A Hoki Supports F Inaba
F Inaba Supports F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Cut*)
F Iwami - Iwami Coast (*Fails*)
F Iwami Coast - Sea of Japan (*Fails*)
F Izumo - Sanin Coast (*Fails*)
F Kanmon Strait - South Sea of Japan

A Bizen - Inaba (*Fails*)
F Hyuga Coast Convoys A Osumi - Tosa
F Kii Supports F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
F Kii Straits Supports F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
A Osumi - Tosa
F Pacific Ocean - North Pacific Ocean (*Dislodged*)
F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
F Tosa - Awa
F Yamato Hold

A Harima Supports F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Fails*)
F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Fails*)
A Settsu Hold
F Tango - Echizen (*Bounce*)
F Wakasa Bay Supports F Iwami Coast - Sea of Japan
A Yamashiro - Omi

A Mikawa - Totomi (*Bounce*)
A Mino Supports A Mikawa - Totomi
A Owari - Mikawa (*Fails*)

A Etchu - Hida (*Fails*)
A Hida - Echizen (*Bounce*)
F Mutsu - North Pacific Ocean (*Bounce*)
F North Sea of Japan Supports F Sea of Japan
A North Shinano Supports A Etchu - Hida (*Fails*)
F Noto - Kaga
F Sea of Japan Supports F Sanin Coast (*Ordered to Move*)

A Kai - South Shinano (*Fails*)
F Kazusa - Pacific Ocean
F Sagami Bay Supports F Kazusa - Pacific Ocean
A South Shinano - Totomi (*Bounce*)
A Suruga Supports A South Shinano - Totomi
F Totomi - Totomi Sea (*Fails*)
F Totomi Sea - Kumano Sea (*Fails*)

A Hitachi Hold

Diplomacy in Texas!
Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


DC 306: Sengoku Rev6DP - Spring 1574: Otomo Sorin (dc306) Kenshi777 Jun 21, 09:05 pm
Next deadline will be extended - new deadline TBD.  I am scheduled to return June 27, so expect shortly thereafter.  I don't have much access up here in Niagara Falls, as you can infer from this extremely short email.
Sorry, thanks for your patience!

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Benjamin Hester <screwtape777(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Otomo Sorin was the lord of Funai castle in Bungo province, a wealthy
port on the eastern coast of Kyushu.  Sorin was a powerful daimyo in

his own right, but was ultimately eclipsed by the powerful Shimazu and
Mori clans that surrrounded his position.  He is known to history as
one of the few daimyo that formally converted to Christianity, and for
requesting Toyotomi Hideyoshi's assistance against the Shimazu, an act

that ultimately resulted in Hideyoshi's dominance of all of Kyushu.

***TEAHOUSE COMMENTARY:  The Chosokabe trade their position in Pacific
Ocean for Kumano Sea, while on land their trust is rewarded both by

Mori and Asakura.  Hojo advances his naval lines to Pacific Ocean, but
stalls on the front against Oda.  Asakura suffers a fierce Uesugi
invasion of Kaga and Echizen, though only one of those attacks
succeeds.  And Satomi Yoshihiro quietly remains in far-flung Hitachi,

pondering the afterlife...


Desperado dream
Ceaseless wind turns tsunami
Roosters crow nike


Shimazu Yoshihisa - Isaac Zinner (*eliminated 1573*)

Mori Motonari - Jim Atkins
Chosokabe Motochika - Jean-Luc Lefebvre
Asakura Yoshikage - Garry Bledsoe
Oda Nobunaga - Joe Babinsack
Takeda Shingen - Nathan Deily (*eliminated 1572*)
Uesugi Kenshin - Fredrik Blom

Hojo Ujiyasu - Michael Thompson


Chosokabe F Pacific Ocean can retreat to South Pacific Ocean or OTB.
As I have conditional retreats already from Jean-Luc (thanks, very
helpful!), we will retreat this fleet to South Pacific Ocean per his



Fall 1574 will provisionally be due Tuesday, 22 June 2010 at 1700 EST.
 I say provisionally because I go on vacation on 19 June.  If I can
adjudicate, I will - though I will likely need someone else to enter

the orders in RP and produce the map, which I will then certify as
official.  Any volunteers?



A Bingo - Bizen (*Fails*)
A Bungo - Chikuzen
A Hoki Supports F Inaba

F Inaba Supports F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Cut*)
F Iwami - Iwami Coast (*Fails*)
F Iwami Coast - Sea of Japan (*Fails*)
F Izumo - Sanin Coast (*Fails*)
F Kanmon Strait - South Sea of Japan


A Bizen - Inaba (*Fails*)
F Hyuga Coast Convoys A Osumi - Tosa
F Kii Supports F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
F Kii Straits Supports F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
A Osumi - Tosa
F Pacific Ocean - North Pacific Ocean (*Dislodged*)

F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
F Tosa - Awa
F Yamato Hold


A Harima Supports F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Fails*)
F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Fails*)
A Settsu Hold
F Tango - Echizen (*Bounce*)

F Wakasa Bay Supports F Iwami Coast - Sea of Japan
A Yamashiro - Omi


A Mikawa - Totomi (*Bounce*)
A Mino Supports A Mikawa - Totomi
A Owari - Mikawa (*Fails*)


A Etchu - Hida (*Fails*)

A Hida - Echizen (*Bounce*)
F Mutsu - North Pacific Ocean (*Bounce*)
F North Sea of Japan Supports F Sea of Japan
A North Shinano Supports A Etchu - Hida (*Fails*)
F Noto - Kaga
F Sea of Japan Supports F Sanin Coast (*Ordered to Move*)


A Kai - South Shinano (*Fails*)
F Kazusa - Pacific Ocean
F Sagami Bay Supports F Kazusa - Pacific Ocean
A South Shinano - Totomi (*Bounce*)
A Suruga Supports A South Shinano - Totomi
F Totomi - Totomi Sea (*Fails*)

F Totomi Sea - Kumano Sea (*Fails*)


A Hitachi Hold


Diplomacy in Texas!

Diplomacy in Texas!


Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
DC 306: Sengoku Rev6DP - Spring 1574: Otomo Sorin (dc306) Kenshi777 Jun 27, 11:39 pm
Okay - I'm back.  Anybody got a problem with Tuesday at 1700 EST to get us back on track?

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Benjamin Hester <screwtape777(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Otomo Sorin was the lord of Funai castle in Bungo province, a wealthy
port on the eastern coast of Kyushu.  Sorin was a powerful daimyo in

his own right, but was ultimately eclipsed by the powerful Shimazu and
Mori clans that surrrounded his position.  He is known to history as
one of the few daimyo that formally converted to Christianity, and for
requesting Toyotomi Hideyoshi's assistance against the Shimazu, an act

that ultimately resulted in Hideyoshi's dominance of all of Kyushu.

***TEAHOUSE COMMENTARY:  The Chosokabe trade their position in Pacific
Ocean for Kumano Sea, while on land their trust is rewarded both by

Mori and Asakura.  Hojo advances his naval lines to Pacific Ocean, but
stalls on the front against Oda.  Asakura suffers a fierce Uesugi
invasion of Kaga and Echizen, though only one of those attacks
succeeds.  And Satomi Yoshihiro quietly remains in far-flung Hitachi,

pondering the afterlife...


Desperado dream
Ceaseless wind turns tsunami
Roosters crow nike


Shimazu Yoshihisa - Isaac Zinner (*eliminated 1573*)

Mori Motonari - Jim Atkins
Chosokabe Motochika - Jean-Luc Lefebvre
Asakura Yoshikage - Garry Bledsoe
Oda Nobunaga - Joe Babinsack
Takeda Shingen - Nathan Deily (*eliminated 1572*)
Uesugi Kenshin - Fredrik Blom

Hojo Ujiyasu - Michael Thompson


Chosokabe F Pacific Ocean can retreat to South Pacific Ocean or OTB.
As I have conditional retreats already from Jean-Luc (thanks, very
helpful!), we will retreat this fleet to South Pacific Ocean per his



Fall 1574 will provisionally be due Tuesday, 22 June 2010 at 1700 EST.
 I say provisionally because I go on vacation on 19 June.  If I can
adjudicate, I will - though I will likely need someone else to enter

the orders in RP and produce the map, which I will then certify as
official.  Any volunteers?



A Bingo - Bizen (*Fails*)
A Bungo - Chikuzen
A Hoki Supports F Inaba

F Inaba Supports F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Cut*)
F Iwami - Iwami Coast (*Fails*)
F Iwami Coast - Sea of Japan (*Fails*)
F Izumo - Sanin Coast (*Fails*)
F Kanmon Strait - South Sea of Japan


A Bizen - Inaba (*Fails*)
F Hyuga Coast Convoys A Osumi - Tosa
F Kii Supports F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
F Kii Straits Supports F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
A Osumi - Tosa
F Pacific Ocean - North Pacific Ocean (*Dislodged*)

F South Pacific Ocean - Kumano Sea
F Tosa - Awa
F Yamato Hold


A Harima Supports F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Fails*)
F Sanin Coast - Tango (*Fails*)
A Settsu Hold
F Tango - Echizen (*Bounce*)

F Wakasa Bay Supports F Iwami Coast - Sea of Japan
A Yamashiro - Omi


A Mikawa - Totomi (*Bounce*)
A Mino Supports A Mikawa - Totomi
A Owari - Mikawa (*Fails*)


A Etchu - Hida (*Fails*)

A Hida - Echizen (*Bounce*)
F Mutsu - North Pacific Ocean (*Bounce*)
F North Sea of Japan Supports F Sea of Japan
A North Shinano Supports A Etchu - Hida (*Fails*)
F Noto - Kaga
F Sea of Japan Supports F Sanin Coast (*Ordered to Move*)


A Kai - South Shinano (*Fails*)
F Kazusa - Pacific Ocean
F Sagami Bay Supports F Kazusa - Pacific Ocean
A South Shinano - Totomi (*Bounce*)
A Suruga Supports A South Shinano - Totomi
F Totomi - Totomi Sea (*Fails*)

F Totomi Sea - Kumano Sea (*Fails*)


A Hitachi Hold



Diplomacy in Texas!

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
Camel Spotting s09 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 15, 2010, 3:02 pm)
Two retreats and we move right along!
Carthage: F Ausonian Sea - Tyrrhenean Sea
Persia: A Venetia - Dalmatia
Fall 09 due Tues 6/22, 3pm Central!


Camel Spotting s09 retreats! (dc304) FuzzyLogic Jun 16, 10:17 am
Hey all,
There is also a proposal for a Persian solo win for this fall!
It would require unanimous approval, 4 yes-votes to pass.
Be sure to turn in your vote AND moves.  If the proposal passes, the moves are not revealed, but if the proposal fails, then moves are processed like normal, so you should turn in both things.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 6/15/2010 3:02 PM
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc304
Subject: Camel Spotting s09 retreats!

Two retreats and we move right along!
Carthage: F Ausonian Sea - Tyrrhenean Sea
Persia: A Venetia - Dalmatia
Fall 09 due Tues 6/22, 3pm Central!
dc311 Summer '12 results - notasb   (Jun 15, 2010, 2:51 pm)
Austria - Bruce Ray
England - Daniel Dzikowicz
France - Nick Powell
Germany - Dirk Knemeyer
Italy - Jason K
Russia - Paul Russell
Turkey - Hamish Williams




Fall '12 is due Thursday June 17th 2 pm CDST  (GMT -5) 1900 GMT


F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Marseilles - Piedmont

Before you attempt to beat the odds, be sure you could survive the odds beating you.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.


dc330: Spring 1936 deadline is 6.5 hours away - dknemeyer   (Jun 15, 2010, 9:42 am)
Hi Everyone,
I have a complete set of orders but your last chance to change is
coming up in a mere six-and-a-half hours!
As I mentioned last week I am on a business trip. The Internet has
been extremely dicey here but working at times so I expect to be able
to get everything out tonight. Between likely not getting back until
well after the deadline, and this being my first adjudication, it may
come later than I would like. However I will persevere tonight to
figure it out one way or the other, cooperating Internet connection or
"See" you soon...


DC309 Spring 1905 delay - mtombu   (Jun 15, 2010, 9:36 am)
Hey all,
There was a request for a delay before I started travelling. The spring deadline needs to be pushed til next Tuesday. 

Sent from my iPhone
On 2010-06-08, at 1:06 AM, mike Tombu <mtombu(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Guys,
Quickly... Phil, if I missed your build, please let me know. I couldn't find one, but I find navigating gmail annoying, so it's conceivable I missed it...
Map and .dpy file are attached. Check for errors.


Austria: Phil <ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com>

England: Andy <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>

France: Dan <ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com>

Germany: Ray <mczet99(at)gmail.com>

Italy: Blue <blueinva(at)cox.net>

Russia: John <untitled36(at)yahoo.com>

Turkey: Nathan <ndeily(at)yahoo.com> *eliminated Winter 1904*

Orders as received:
Austria:No build received.

F Rome

disband f bla (GM)

Deadlines:Spring 1905 June 16th - 9 pm ET


<DC309.dpy><DC309 W04.png>


DC317; Spring 1912 Results - evapollo88   (Jun 15, 2010, 9:30 am)
Poor form, Greg, poor form. I'm here.

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com> wrote:

GM's remarks:
Italy NMR's. I am sure we will hear from Greg shortly.

The Players:
   Austria         Eliminated Winter 1904
   England       Eliminated Winter 1905
   France          packrat                     scott troemel         brn2dip(at)yahoo.com  

   Germany      Douglas_E_Fresh   Douglas Fresh       douglasefresh(at)gmail.com

   Italy             evapollo88              Greg Olson           olson.gregoryscott(at)gmail.com  

   Russia          Nigs                         Nigel Phillips         nephilli99(at)hotmail.com

   Turkey          Eliminated Winter 1906

The Orders:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   F lvp Hold
   F lon Hold (*Disbanded*)
   A bel Hold
   A boh Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   F edi Supports F nth
   A hol Supports A bel
   A mun Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   A ruh Supports A bel
   A wal Supports A yor - lon
   F adr, no move received
   F alb, no move received
   A bur, no move received
   F eng, no move received
   F ion, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   F nao, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   A pic, no move received
   A pie, no move received
   A ven, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   F aeg Supports F gre - ion
   A bul - gre
   F cly Supports F nwg - nao
   F con - bul(sc)
   F eas Supports F gre - ion
   F gre - ion
   F nth Supports A yor - lon
   A nwy Hold
   F nwg - nao
   A ser - alb (*Fails*)
   A smy Hold
   A tri Supports A trl - ven
   A trl - ven
   A ukr - gal
   A vie Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   A yor - lon
   Eliminated Winter 1906
   Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tunis, Tyrrhenian Sea, Naples, Apulia, or OTB.

   Italian F North Atlantic Ocean can retreat to the Irish Sea, Mid-Atlantic Ocean, or OTB.

   Italian A Venice can retreat to Tuscany, Rome, Apulia or OTB.
Centers and Unit Positions:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   Centers (2) lvp, lon.
   Units: F lvp
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (7): bel, ber, den, edi, hol, kie, mun.
   Units: A bel, A boh, F edi, A hol, A mun, A ruh, A wal
   Build/Disbands: 0
   Centers (9) bre, mar, nap, par, por, rom, spa, tun, ven.
   Units: F adr, F alb, A bur, F eng, A pic, A pie, A ???, F ???, F ???
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (16) ank, bud, bul, con, gre, mos, nwy, rum, ser, sev, smy, stp, swe, tri, vie, war.

   Units: F aeg, F bul(sc), F cly, F eas, A gal, A gre, F ion, A lon, F nao, F nth, A nwy, A ser, A smy, A tri, A ven, A vie

   Build/Disband:  0
   Eliminated Winter 1906
1912 Summer Orders: Tuesday; June 15, 24:00 Hrs GMT.
Maps of the Orders and Results; and, the dpy file are attached for your use.


DC310: Deadline Update - Samnuva   (Jun 15, 2010, 4:37 am)
Spring 1904 is moved to Thursday the 17th at 23:59 GMT. You get an extra day.


DC313 Spring 1912 - Samnuva   (Jun 15, 2010, 4:35 am)
Ze votes fail, ze game goes on...
With only four powers left, Turkey marches slowly towards more power, with gains in Venice and Berlin. You guys really seemed to want Munich from him, though, so it's fallen to Italy, perhaps saving the continent. Two retreats have been Autoed: Turkish A Mun-Tyrolia and Italy's A Ven-Tus. Until thursday, good hunting.

F Belgium - North Sea
F English Channel Supports F Picardy - Belgium
F Irish Sea Supports F English Channel
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Picardy - Belgium
A Berlin - Munich
F Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Supports A Berlin - Munich
A Marseilles - Piedmont
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
A Rome Supports A Venice (*Ordered to Move*)
A Ruhr Supports A Berlin - Munich
F Spain(sc) - Gulf of Lyon
A Venice - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*)
A Denmark - Sweden
A Finland - St Petersburg (*Fails*)
F Holland - Helgoland Bight
A Kiel Supports A Berlin - Munich
A St Petersburg - Livonia (*Fails*)
F Adriatic Sea - Apulia
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Ankara - Armenia
A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw - Livonia
A Munich - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
A Naples - Rome (*Fails*)
A Prussia - Berlin
A Silesia Supports A Prussia - Berlin
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean
F Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Venice
A Tyrolia - Venice
A Warsaw - Livonia


Dc 315: Spring 1912 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Jun 14, 2010, 10:31 pm)
Hey Everyone,

The DIAS does not pass unanimously so we shall fight it out for a bit longer it seems.  Three units actually succeed in moving.  A Belgium, A Ankara, & A Piedmont actually got where they were going.

Fall 1912 is due Thursday, June 17th at Midnight
GMT (7:00pm EST)


A Budapest Supports A Galicia
A Galicia Hold
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia
A Tyrolia, no move received
A Vienna Supports A Galicia

A Belgium - Ruhr
A Bohemia Supports A Venice - Tyrolia (*Void*)
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Spain - Marseilles (*Void*)
F English Channel Supports F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Gascony Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
F Irish Sea Supports F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine
A Munich Supports A Bohemia
F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea Supports F English Channel
F Picardy - Brest (*Fails*)
A Silesia Supports A Bohemia
A Ukraine Supports A Rumania - Galicia
A Warsaw Supports A Ukraine

F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles
F Portugal Supports A Spain
A Spain Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Cut*)
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia
F Western Mediterranean Supports F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic

F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria(sc) (*Fails*)
A Ankara - Armenia
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Fails*)


Jonathan Nichol  ( jonathan(at)deepsheep.com )

England: Derek Eiler (
derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com )

France: Maria Montes (
MariaMontes1990(at)hotmail.es )

Germany: Joe Payne ( josepayne(at)gmail.com
)                  [  Eliminated  ]

Italy: John Robillard ( john.robillard(at)telia.com )                [ 
Eliminated  ]

Russia: Max
Victory ( Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk )                [  Eliminated  ]

Turkey: Dale Grantham (
dmg(at)earthlink.net )

Thanks guys,

Alan Farrington

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.


DC317; Spring 1912 Results - dipknight   (Jun 14, 2010, 8:02 pm)
GM's remarks:
Italy NMR's. I am sure we will hear from Greg shortly.
The Players:
   Austria         Eliminated Winter 1904
   England       Eliminated Winter 1905
   France          packrat                     scott troemel         brn2dip(at)yahoo.com  
   Germany      Douglas_E_Fresh   Douglas Fresh       douglasefresh(at)gmail.com
   Italy             evapollo88              Greg Olson           olson.gregoryscott(at)gmail.com  
   Russia          Nigs                         Nigel Phillips         nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
   Turkey          Eliminated Winter 1906
The Orders:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   F lvp Hold
   F lon Hold (*Disbanded*)
   A bel Hold
   A boh Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   F edi Supports F nth
   A hol Supports A bel
   A mun Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   A ruh Supports A bel
   A wal Supports A yor - lon
   F adr, no move received
   F alb, no move received
   A bur, no move received
   F eng, no move received
   F ion, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   F nao, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   A pic, no move received
   A pie, no move received
   A ven, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   F aeg Supports F gre - ion
   A bul - gre
   F cly Supports F nwg - nao
   F con - bul(sc)
   F eas Supports F gre - ion
   F gre - ion
   F nth Supports A yor - lon
   A nwy Hold
   F nwg - nao
   A ser - alb (*Fails*)
   A smy Hold
   A tri Supports A trl - ven
   A trl - ven
   A ukr - gal
   A vie Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   A yor - lon
   Eliminated Winter 1906
   Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tunis, Tyrrhenian Sea, Naples, Apulia, or OTB.
   Italian F North Atlantic Ocean can retreat to the Irish Sea, Mid-Atlantic Ocean, or OTB.
   Italian A Venice can retreat to Tuscany, Rome, Apulia or OTB.
Centers and Unit Positions:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   Centers (2) lvp, lon.
   Units: F lvp
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (7): bel, ber, den, edi, hol, kie, mun.
   Units: A bel, A boh, F edi, A hol, A mun, A ruh, A wal
   Build/Disbands: 0
   Centers (9) bre, mar, nap, par, por, rom, spa, tun, ven.
   Units: F adr, F alb, A bur, F eng, A pic, A pie, A ???, F ???, F ???
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (16) ank, bud, bul, con, gre, mos, nwy, rum, ser, sev, smy, stp, swe, tri, vie, war.
   Units: F aeg, F bul(sc), F cly, F eas, A gal, A gre, F ion, A lon, F nao, F nth, A nwy, A ser, A smy, A tri, A ven, A vie
   Build/Disband:  0
   Eliminated Winter 1906
1912 Summer Orders: Tuesday; June 15, 24:00 Hrs GMT.
Maps of the Orders and Results; and, the dpy file are attached for your use.


DC317; Spring 1912 Results (Winter Blitz) evapollo88 Jun 15, 09:30 am
Poor form, Greg, poor form. I'm here.

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com> wrote:

GM's remarks:
Italy NMR's. I am sure we will hear from Greg shortly.

The Players:
   Austria         Eliminated Winter 1904
   England       Eliminated Winter 1905
   France          packrat                     scott troemel         brn2dip(at)yahoo.com  

   Germany      Douglas_E_Fresh   Douglas Fresh       douglasefresh(at)gmail.com

   Italy             evapollo88              Greg Olson           olson.gregoryscott(at)gmail.com  

   Russia          Nigs                         Nigel Phillips         nephilli99(at)hotmail.com

   Turkey          Eliminated Winter 1906

The Orders:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   F lvp Hold
   F lon Hold (*Disbanded*)
   A bel Hold
   A boh Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   F edi Supports F nth
   A hol Supports A bel
   A mun Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   A ruh Supports A bel
   A wal Supports A yor - lon
   F adr, no move received
   F alb, no move received
   A bur, no move received
   F eng, no move received
   F ion, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   F nao, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   A pic, no move received
   A pie, no move received
   A ven, no move received (*Dislodged*)
   F aeg Supports F gre - ion
   A bul - gre
   F cly Supports F nwg - nao
   F con - bul(sc)
   F eas Supports F gre - ion
   F gre - ion
   F nth Supports A yor - lon
   A nwy Hold
   F nwg - nao
   A ser - alb (*Fails*)
   A smy Hold
   A tri Supports A trl - ven
   A trl - ven
   A ukr - gal
   A vie Supports A trl (*Ordered to Move*)
   A yor - lon
   Eliminated Winter 1906
   Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tunis, Tyrrhenian Sea, Naples, Apulia, or OTB.

   Italian F North Atlantic Ocean can retreat to the Irish Sea, Mid-Atlantic Ocean, or OTB.

   Italian A Venice can retreat to Tuscany, Rome, Apulia or OTB.
Centers and Unit Positions:
   Eliminated Winter 1904
   Eliminated Winter 1905
   Centers (2) lvp, lon.
   Units: F lvp
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (7): bel, ber, den, edi, hol, kie, mun.
   Units: A bel, A boh, F edi, A hol, A mun, A ruh, A wal
   Build/Disbands: 0
   Centers (9) bre, mar, nap, par, por, rom, spa, tun, ven.
   Units: F adr, F alb, A bur, F eng, A pic, A pie, A ???, F ???, F ???
   Build/Disband:  0
   Centers (16) ank, bud, bul, con, gre, mos, nwy, rum, ser, sev, smy, stp, swe, tri, vie, war.

   Units: F aeg, F bul(sc), F cly, F eas, A gal, A gre, F ion, A lon, F nao, F nth, A nwy, A ser, A smy, A tri, A ven, A vie

   Build/Disband:  0
   Eliminated Winter 1906
1912 Summer Orders: Tuesday; June 15, 24:00 Hrs GMT.
Maps of the Orders and Results; and, the dpy file are attached for your use.
DC-322 Winter 827 - TheWhiteWolf   (Jun 14, 2010, 7:47 pm)
Guys,  It's just been pointed out to me that I made a minor oversight in this adjudication. I listed the Scots builds correctly in the Orders section as two fleets, but I placed those two units, in the Disposition section, under the Armies heading. The Builds section is right, the Disposition is wrong. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused, and I'm glad it was brought to my attention so I could clear it up.
 I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

From: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
To: Andrew Jameson <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Ben Hester <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Christopher Martin <dance.scholar(at)gmail.com>; Darren McAdam-OConnell <dmcaoc(at)gmail.com>; DC322 Forum <dc322(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Frank Bielschowsky <dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com>; Mike Morris <mikemorris101(at)yahoo.com>; Scott Troemel <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; Steve Emmert <steve.emmert(at)cox.net>
Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 10:47:20 PM
Subject: DC-322 Winter 827

Guys,  Sorry this is coming out so late in the evening. Three fleets are scuttled, three more are commissioned, and three armies are raised.

Anglos   Steve "BD" Emmert    
        <steve.emmert(at)cox.net>Bretons  Darren McAdam-OConnell <dmcaoc(at)gmail.com>Scots     Mike Morris                        <mikemorris101(at)yahoo.com>Danes    Frank Bielschowsky            <dipcorp.player(at)gmail.com>Gaels     Scott "Packrat"
Troemel      <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>Norse    Benjamin Hester                  <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>Swedes  Chris "DQ" Martin              <dance.scholar(at)gmail.com>

Gaels: Remove F North ChannelRemove F Manx Sea
Scots: Build F CircinnBuild F Cait
Bretons: Remove
F Dyfed
Norse: Build A Vestfold
Swedes: Build F Lappland(wc)Build A GotarBuild A Svear

Disposition (Units/SCs):
Gaels: (3/3)Armies - MerFleets - Ato, Cab
Scots: (8/CoolArmies - Cai, Cir, Con, Iom, StrFleets - Dal, Uls, Zet
Bretons: (4/4)Armies - Gwy, Ham, HwiFleets - Som(sc)
Norse: (5/5)Fleets -  Lhm, Nth,
Skg, Ves, Wfc
AngloSaxons: (4/4)Armies - Cor, ManFleets - Ech, Dei
Danes: (4/4)Armies - AusFleets -
Arh, Jel(ec), Vib
Swedes: (9/9)Armies - Alv, Got, Rer, SveFleets - Bal, Bor, Lap(wc), Ros, Skn

Deadline:Spring 828 is due Wednesday, 16 June at 6pm EDT (10pm GMT).
Any questions or complaints, bring them to my attention as soon as possible.Maps and RealPolitik file are attached.
Cheers,  Andy I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


dc286 ~ Vista Seven - sgttodd   (Jun 14, 2010, 6:59 pm)
Deadline for Fall orders is Friday, June 18th (at) 2359 UTC.

Retreat orders for Spring of 1910.

France: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Albania, A Greece, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.

France:  A Burgundy, A Finland, F Gulf of Lyon, A Holland, A Munich, F
North Sea, F Norway, A Piedmont, A Ruhr, F Western Mediterranean, F

Germany: A Berlin, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Silesia, F Skagerrak, A St
Petersburg, F Sweden.

Italy:   F Naples, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.

Russia:  A Bulgaria, A Galicia, F Ionian Sea, A Moscow, A Sevastopol, A

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.

France:  Belgium, Brest, Holland, Liverpool, London, Marseilles,
Munich, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Kiel, St Petersburg, Sweden,

Italy:   Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.

Russia:  Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Moscow, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Deadline for Fall orders is Friday, June 18th (at) 2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

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Camel Spotting s09 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 14, 2010, 3:08 pm)
2 retreats!
Carthage F AUS and Persian A Ven may retreat by Tuesday 6/15, 3pm Central!
F Apulia - Neapolis
A Etruria - Venetia
A Ravenna Supports A Etruria - Venetia
F Ausonian Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Dislodged*)
F Baleares - Tarraconensis (*Bounce*)
F Carthage - Punic Sea
A Cirta Supports F Numidia (*Cut*)
A Mauretania Supports A Cirta
F Numidia Supports F Ausonian Sea - Gulf of Tacape
F Sicilia - Ausonian Sea (*Fails*)
A Thapsus Supports F Numidia
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
A Chersonesus - Sarmatia
F Cilician Strait - Egyptian Sea
F Dalmatia - Adriatic Sea
A Damascus - Arabia
A Epirus Supports A Macedonia - Athens
A Gaul - Tarraconensis (*Bounce*)
A Macedonia - Athens
A Massilia - Etruria
A Miletus - Crete
F Minoan Sea Convoys A Miletus - Crete
A Rhaetia Supports A Massilia - Etruria
F Sparta Supports A Macedonia - Athens
A Venetia Supports A Massilia - Etruria (*Dislodged*)
F Alexandria - Libyan Sea
A Cyrene - Leptis (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports F Leptis - Gulf of Tacape
F Ionian Sea Supports F Messenian Sea - Ausonian Sea
F Leptis - Gulf of Tacape (*Bounce*)
A Marmarica Supports A Cyrene - Leptis (*Fails*)
F Messenian Sea - Ausonian Sea
A Phazania - Cirta (*Fails*)
A Sahara Supports A Phazania - Cirta


dc311 Spring '12 Results - notasb   (Jun 14, 2010, 2:28 pm)
Austria - Bruce Ray
England - Daniel Dzikowicz
France - Nick Powell
Germany - Dirk Knemeyer
Italy - Jason K
Russia - Paul Russell
Turkey - Hamish Williams




Retreats are Due Tuesday June 15th 2 PM CDST  (GMT -5)  1900 GMT

Orders and Results:

A Budapest Supports A Rumania - Galicia
A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia - Rumania
F Constantinople Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Marseilles - Gascony (*Dislodged*)
A Rumania - Galicia
A Serbia - Rumania
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia Hold
A Vienna Supports A Rumania - Galicia

F Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean (*Bounce*)
F Norway - Norwegian Sea
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh
F Spain(sc) Supports A Gascony - Marseilles

F Belgium Hold
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Galicia
A Brest Hold
A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Marseilles
A Gascony - Marseilles
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Moscow - Ukraine
A Munich Hold
A Ruhr - Kiel
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Galicia (*Fails*)
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Bounce*)
F Sweden Hold

A Ankara - Constantinople
F Black Sea Supports A Ankara - Constantinople

Retreats Due:

Austrian F Constantinople can retreat to Smyrna or Aegean Sea or OTB.
Austrian A Marseilles can retreat to Piedmont or OTB.

Before you attempt to beat the odds, be sure you could survive the odds beating you.

Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more.


DC 306: Sengoku Rev6DP - Spring 1574 Deadline Remi... - Kenshi777   (Jun 14, 2010, 2:08 pm)
Spring 1574 is due tomorrow at 1700 EST!
Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


DC319: Spring 1940 Moves - charlesf   (Jun 14, 2010, 1:29 pm)
Hallo zusammen,
shall we see "Peace in our Time"? Perhaps, but certainly not just yet as
the draw proposal failed to pass muster. So Europe's attention shall have to
remain divided between the diplomatic arena and the football pitch. Now that we
Germans have punished the Aussies for giving us Foster beer and Kylie Minogue, I
suppose we'll have to next teach the Serbs a lesson for starting WW1
and whacky Playmobil-esque Eurovision hairstyles! :p
Germany plainly doesn't seem to be satisfied to successes being confined to
on-pitch action as the Wehrmacht has invaded the Netherlands, Norway and
Switzerland, though simultaneously also relinquishing de facto control over
Off the pitch, the Spaniards have now dealt the Egyptians some punishment
and Morocco now happens to be the last lonely nation on the independent minor
power list.
Something must be also happening in Paris. For five different nations now
surround the French capital. Perhaps it's because the last World Cup before WW2
was hosted by France (see poster below) and everyone's flocking to see the
games... Something terribly wrong happened though, as the Italians won...
Anyway, the press section is exclusively devoted to the beautiful game. Smile
The Fall 1940 Moves are due NLT 6PM CET on Monday, 21
June. So please send my your prelims no later than Saturday. But prior to
that, we've got some pending retreats which are due in two
Liebe Grüsse,
    BRITAIN: Michael Thompson
    FRANCE: Joao Queiros
    GERMANY: Ghostine, Jimmy
    ITALY & NAT. SPAIN: Dirk Knemeyer
    POLAND: Kyle Overby-Lee
Phillips <nephilli99(at)hotmail.com> (eliminated
Winter 193Cool
    TURKEY: Repu Maoni


POLISH PRESS: Dateline London:   Disoriented by stunning football
error, Royal Navy hooligans assault French fleet.  After drowning the
memory of their own football disappointment, France's sailors were in no
condition to repel the Anglo onslaught.  Officials observed no handballs
during the brief battle.
PIC OF THE DAY: 1938 FIFA World Cup
QUOTE OF THE DAY [in honour of
today's game]: "Italians can't win the game against you, but you can lose the
game against the Italians." - Johan Cryuff
F Brest Hold
F Liverpool - Edinburgh
F Tripoli Supports
F Atlantic Ocean - Egypt(sc)
F English Channel - Belgium
F North Sea
Supports F Liverpool - Edinburgh
F South-Western Approaches - Atlantic
F Edinburgh Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Paris - Lorraine
A Austria Supports A Munich - Switzerland
A Hamburg -
A Hungary Supports A Austria
A Lorraine - Picardy
A Munich
- Switzerland
A Slovakia Supports A Hungary
F Sweden - Norway
F Baltic
Sea - Denmark
A Croatia Hold
A Milan Hold
A Rome - Trentino
Switzerland - Burgundy
F Ionian Sea Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Atlantic
Ocean - Egypt(sc) (*Dislodged*)
A Cracow Supports A Rumania
A Kazakhstan - Siberia
Latvia - Gulf of Danzig
A Moscow - Ukraine (*Bounce*)
A Norway -
A Rumania Hold
A Ukraine - Byelorussia
A Volhynia - Ukraine
A Warsaw Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
A Bulgaria - Thrace
A Dobruja - Bulgaria
A Eastern
Anatolia Supports F Stalingrad(wc)
F Greece Supports F Gulf of Sidra - Libyan
F Izmir - Eastern Mediterranean
A Persia Supports F
A Serbia Supports F Greece
F Stalingrad(wc) Hold
A Syria
- Palestine
F Arabian Sea - Suez
F Gulf of Sidra - Libyan Sea
A Madrid - Gibraltar
A Marseille - Gascony
Portugal - South-Western Approaches
F Valencia - Western Mediterranean
Atlantic Ocean - Egypt(sc)
A Egypt Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Morocco Hold
French F Edinburgh can retreat to Ireland or North-Western Approaches or
Norwegian Sea or Yorkshire or Irish Sea.

Italian F Libyan Sea can retreat to Aegean Sea or Dodecanese.


    Britain(6): Belgium,
Brest, Liverpool, London, Netherlands, Tripoli.
France(2): Edinburgh, Paris.
Germany(Cool: Austria, Berlin, Czechia, Denmark, Hamburg, Hungary,
Munich, Sweden.
    Italy(6): Algiers, Croatia, Milan,
Naples, Rome, Switzerland.
    Poland(10): Cracow,
Finland, Gdynia, Latvia, Leningrad, Lithuania, Moscow, Norway, Rumania,
    Turkey(11): Ankara, Beirut, Bulgaria, Greece,
Iraq, Istanbul, Izmir, Persia, Serbia, Stalingrad, Suez.
    Nationalist Spain(5): Burgos,
Madrid, Marseille, Portugal, Valencia. 
    Neutrals(2): Egypt, Morocco.

DEADLINE SCHEDULE: (all orders are due NLT 6PM
CET (GMT+1)...not local time)

    o Summer 1940 Retreats: 16 June
    o Fall 1940 Moves: (19) 21
    o Winter 1940 Retreats/Adjustments: 23


Page:  1 . . . 435  436  437  438  439  440  441  442  443  444  445  446  447  448  449  450  451 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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