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DC-277 Change of GM - TheWhiteWolf   (Oct 19, 2009, 2:30 pm)
Good players of DC-277,
I don't know if you're all aware of Alan's situation, but he's asked me to step in as GM until he can get his computer woes taken care of. While I've never GMed the Modern variant before, I'll do my best to make this transition, my tenure with you, and the switch back to Alan's control as smooth as possible for you guys.
I'm not sure of some of the details of the game, so if anyone can fill me in, that would be great. Is this game running with or without planes? Does anyone have an RP file they could share?
I assume everyone got orders to Alan, since the deadline was today, so hopefully he can just forward them to me. If there's any problem with that, I may have to extend the deadline and ask for resent orders from everyone. Give me a day or so to figure that out.
In the mean time, a little housekeeping on my end - I have very simple house rules, which mostly concern getting orders in on time and making sure my mail filters catch them and direct them to the appropriate folder. I've attached them here, so please just browse through them real quick. For the most part, common sense prevails (I hope).
I like to send out acknowledgment of orders as soon as I get them, and deadline reminders the day before major deadlines. However, between work, driving and sleep, I only have an hour or two of free time from Tuesday to Friday, so I may not get a chance. That doesn't excuse anyone from getting orders in late. I am not afraid to NMR people, so prelims are strongly encouraged.

That should be about it. Any questions?
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC271 Cimarra - F02 Results...Sigh, an NMR - garry.bledsoe   (Oct 19, 2009, 1:11 pm)
England NMR's.
GM is Late.
A Whole Lot of Fighting for Rumania.
What's Next? Cats and Dogs Living Together?

Sadly England never responded to me so I am left with no choice but to NMR him which means his units hold in place. If he NMR's again he will be placed into anarchy and we move on [I, unlike other GM's, do not replace players that abandon; we just play on].

We had no retreats this round but we do have some adjustments due. If we could get those by 9am CST Wednesday morning we can move on. If I get orders marked final before then we will proceed. Adjustments are as follows:

Germany: Build 1
Austria: Build 1
Russia: Remove 1

Thanks. Sorry for the delay. Waiting on England threw off my schedule so it took longer than I anticipated.

Lord of the March

F Albania Supports A Greece
A Budapest - Serbia
A Greece Hold
A Vienna - Trieste

F Belgium, no move received
F North Sea, no move received
F Norway, no move received
F Norwegian Sea, no move received
A Yorkshire, no move received

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Picardy Hold
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean

A Holland - Kiel
A Kiel - Denmark
A Prussia - Livonia (*Bounce*)
A Silesia - Berlin (*Bounce*)
F Sweden Hold

F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tunis Hold
A Venice - Piedmont (*Fails*)

F Baltic Sea - Berlin (*Bounce*)
A Finland - St Petersburg
A Moscow - Livonia (*Bounce*)
F Rumania Hold
F Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
A Ukraine - Warsaw

F Aegean Sea - Smyrna
F Black Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Constantinople - Rumania
A Constantinople - Rumania (*Fails*)

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.


NNIGTFML s1837 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 19, 2009, 1:10 pm)
No surprises here, the retreats are ordered to the nearest available supply centers.
Argentina: A Potosi - Antofagasta
Peru: F Bahia Sechura - Galapagos
NEXT: Fall 37 due Friday 10/23, 4pm Central / 2100 GMT.


DC267 Pause - MattTheLesser   (Oct 19, 2009, 10:19 am)
So that William can contact all of you:

Player list for DC267:

Canada: max victory (maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk)
Denmark: Scott Hickey (thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net, lequinian(at)gmail.com)
Norway: Kevin Lynch (KLYNCH427(at)hotmail.com)
Russia: William Duncan (cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca)
USA: Jerry Porter (jport333(at)yahoo.com)


Matt Kremer wrote:

Hey guys,

Please welcome William Duncan (cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca) as our new Russia!
To give William time to get to know you all I will be setting a new
deadline for Winter 2013 adjustments: this Friday, October 23, at 9 pm
eastern. I will NOT be adjudicating early unless everyone marks their
adjustments as final; for those of you who have already sent orders I
will use them if I do not hear from you again, but I will not consider
them final unless you tell me they are. Spring 2014 will follow next
Wednesday, October 28, at 9 pm eastern.


Matt Kremer wrote:

Andrew (Russia) has said that he no longer feels he has enough time
to devote adequate attention to the game, and thus has asked for a
replacement. Therefore the game will be paused while a replacement
is sought; I don't expect it to take too long since the DC Light
Brigade is pretty good at filling replacement spots quickly.




DC267 Pause - MattTheLesser   (Oct 19, 2009, 10:15 am)
Hey guys,

Please welcome William Duncan (cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca) as our new Russia! To
give William time to get to know you all I will be setting a new
deadline for Winter 2013 adjustments: this Friday, October 23, at 9 pm
eastern. I will NOT be adjudicating early unless everyone marks their
adjustments as final; for those of you who have already sent orders I
will use them if I do not hear from you again, but I will not consider
them final unless you tell me they are. Spring 2014 will follow next
Wednesday, October 28, at 9 pm eastern.


Matt Kremer wrote:


Andrew (Russia) has said that he no longer feels he has enough time to
devote adequate attention to the game, and thus has asked for a
replacement. Therefore the game will be paused while a replacement is
sought; I don't expect it to take too long since the DC Light Brigade
is pretty good at filling replacement spots quickly.



DC266 Game Over! - MattTheLesser   (Oct 19, 2009, 9:50 am)
So, as I think you all were expecting, the draw proposal has passed and
DC266 has come to a close! Let me be the first to congratulate Charles
of Germany, Brandon of Russia, and Kevin of Turkey on a well-earned
share of the victory! I also want to thank all our other players; Aidan
of England (who earns special thanks for stepping in as a replacement),
Brian of France, and Jyri of Italy earn survivals, while William of
Austria records an elimination.

This was a very interesting game for me to watch progress. Germany grew
rapidly and at one point I definitely thought a German solo was
imminent. However, a strong stop-the-leader coalition formed, and the
German threat was repulsed. I was particularly impressed with the EFI
triple that formed to slow Germany in the west; all three of these
powers were very weak, but they began to play as one and, remarkably,
were all able to survive. Russia and Turkey, meanwhile, also benefited
from a strong alliance, and I am somewhat surprised that they not only
agreed to but organized this draw. I feel they had the most to gain
from continuing and that in general there were developments still to
come in this game, but of course I was not in on the negotiations and
thus don't know the full story. So that's why it is up to all of you to
tell it in your EOG's!

Because this is a simple standard game I am not going to require EOG's,
but of course I encourage you all to write them; just send them directly
to everyone. For those not familiar with the concept, and EOG (end of
game statement) is a way for you to share with everyone how the game
went for you, what you were thinking/planning, what worked, what didn't,
ect. Include as much or as little as you want.

Thanks again to all for a good one,


DC253 ret is now final + dias requested - vegas_iwish   (Oct 17, 2009, 11:30 pm)
see above


DC253 S10 RIDDLE WRAPPED IN AN ENIGMA - vegas_iwish   (Oct 17, 2009, 7:47 pm)
With USSR out most of the remaining players vie for the above description. Much was left open to happen by moves but other moves caused little to happen. Britain can change ret Mon or becomes final. Either way Fri 10/23 is fall. Exact time of all moves on DC website.
A Aus Supports A Pra - Mun
F Bel - Nth
F Dan - EBS
F GOB Supports A Lit - Lat
A Kra Supports A Slo - Sil
A Lit - Lat
A Pra - Mun
A Pri - Bye (*Fails*)
A Slo - Sil
A Wie - Pru

F Alg Hold
F Bar Supports A Len
A Lat - Bye (*Disbanded*)
A Len Supports A Lat - Bye
A Liv - Wal
F Lon - Eng
F MAO Hold
A Mun Supports A Aus (*Dislodged*)RETD TO RHI - CAN BE HAM
F Por - Mad (*Fails*)
F SOG Supports F Por - Mad

A Ber - Sil (*Fails*)
A Gas Supports A Mar
A Mar Hold
A Par - Bur
A Swi Supports A Mar

A Beo - Cro
F Bla Hold
A Bye Supports A Mos (*Cut*)
F Cat Supports A Pie - Mar
A Gal Hold
F GOL Supports A Pie - Mar
A hun Hold
F Ion - Tun
A Kie Supports A Gal
A Mos Supports A Bye
A Pie - Mar (*Fails*)
A Sev Supports A Kie
A Tra Supports A hun
A Tri Supports A Beo - Cro
A Tun - Lib
F Tus - Pie (*Fails*)
F WMS Supports F Mad

F Mad, no move received


DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game - packrat   (Oct 17, 2009, 3:30 pm)

Everything else aside you ARE almost as responsible for the Italian solo as Italy is. Almost.

I wrote you REPEATEDLY trying to get you to move against Italy and of the four or so
emails I sent I received ZERO responses.

sorry sport - that IS how it was and nobody is buying that you all of a sudden realized Italy
was going to solo and couldn't do anything about it.

From: Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com>
To: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Curran <forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com>; DC239 Forum <dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Tim Fuhrmeister <timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com>; John Reside <Untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Matthew Strebe <strebenator(at)gmail.com>; Scott Troemel <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Sat, October 17, 2009 4:22:52 PM
Subject: Re: DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game

I think you mistake a complete voluntary surrender for what went more like 'uh oh. I can't hope to stop this now.....damn.'

Also, you mean Albania, not Armenia, right?

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Being one of the few remaining players that started the game, I feel it appropriate to get into the details a little deeper than we have heard from the replacement players. Wolf, if you have the email addresses of the players who came and went though out the game, feel free to forward this to them. Maybe some of them will find it of interest.

I have been playing Diplomacy by email for several years now. Originally on CAT23, but I think that site is just about gone. I mention this, because my record on DiplomaticCorp does not give you a fair picture of my experience. I have played every country at least once and soloed with both Germany and Turkey. My last attempt with Austria failed miserably and I was eliminated by Italy, Russia and Turkey by the end of 1902 (yes, all three. Not too sure how I offended them all . . . but somehow I did). So, I watched closely during the games that followed to see how other “Austria’s” played things. In doing so, I realized that if Italy and/or Austria worked with Turkey, the Sultan invariably stabbed and almost always eliminated both of them. This was my immediate concern at the beginning of the game.

So I set out to get an alliance with Italy. Knowing that to take Turkey with Italian support, Italy would want Greece (that was what I wanted when I played Italy). So, I promised to turn Greece over to Italy, provided that he did not occupy Greece with an Army. Which Italy seemingly was more than happy to agree to . . . and off we went into 1902 . . . when Italy put an Army into Armenia! Our alliance almost failed right there.

After confronting Italy with his broken agreement, Italy professed that he had forgotten that he had agreed to such. Exactly how having an Italian Army in Armenia could do anything except attack me could not be explained to my satisfaction. However, at this point, I had already attacked Turkey. To back out of the alliance with Italy would mean a two front war for me. Therefore, the only real option was to get Italy back with me, against Turkey. So, we agreed that Italy would remove the army in Armenia (Greece, shortly thereafter) at his earliest opportunity . . . a little vague, I know . . . but I needed Italy at this point. However, I made sure that Italy knew he would have to take Greece by force. This did two things for me; made Italy choose between Greece and Trieste and allow me to retreat from Greece to the Sea zone most advantageous for me after seeing what moves the Sultan used and the choice Italy made. I am grateful that Italy chose to stay with me and occupied Greece.

This moves us into 1903, when I put egg on my face and inadvertently used the abbreviation ‘ven’ for Vienna. I intended to show good faith by moving my army from Trieste to Vienna . . . not Venice. Please, before you say that was a stupid mistake . . . sound it out for yourself. The first syllable for both Vienna and Venice is very similar. I eventually went to spelling everything out right instead of using abbreviations. Of course, this incident almost put an end to the Austrian/Italian alliance at this point.

In the end, however, the action did seem to be fateful as Italy took the opportunity to retreat from attacking Turkey to attack France instead. I am sure that had Italy not turned at that key point in the game, France would have been able to capitalize on his gains in England and begin his attack on Italy in full force. As it was, Italy was able to catch France while he was still totally focused on England.

It was also at this point that I turned and started to attack Germany. This might have seemed to be ill fated . . . start a two front war . . . intentionally? I did it for two reasons; first, France and Germany were working well together. It was obvious that Germany and France would eliminate England and Russia before we were able to eliminate Turkey. Therefore, Austria and Italy would likely have Germany and France at our backdoors before we were ready. Second, I had Turkey bottled up in his home centers. I could not advance against Turkey without Italian help . . . but then again, Turkey could not break out either. And, I could maintain this stalemate with a minimal amount of units. So, it seemed prudent to keep Turkey boxed in and deal with the bigger threat of France and Germany.

I played cat and mouse with Germany over the next several seasons . . . sometimes making gains . . . sometimes being set back . . . either way really served my purpose, because while Germany was completely tied up with dealing with me, he was not making gains against Russia. My attack also served another purpose that I had not realized until the battle was joined. In order to hold off my attacks . . . Germany had to keep units in his home supply centers. Therefore, even if Germany made gains elsewhere, he had no open supply centers to build in. Turkey’s NMR came at the same time that Russia decided to give me some assistance in exchange for a supply center or two in return. Which was probably a mistake since once Turkey was gone it only made sense for me to attack Russia. A smarter play would have been to give Turkey some assistance against me . . . but, Turkey had already alienated Russia by taking Russian supply centers.

The next test of the Austrian/Italian alliance came in 1907. Italy and Austria both had made great gains against France and Turkey respectively. And, the newest Russian Tsar was proving to be more . . . capable, than the two previous ones. It was obvious I was not going to make any more gains until Italy deemed it polite to give me some assistance against Germany . . . whom I had been holding at bay while patiently waiting for Italy to finish off France. It was at this point that Italy decided we needed to talk about how to split the remaining resources so that neither Italy nor Austria was going to be able to obtain the Solo Victory.

REALLY?!? . . . with us each holding only 10 supplies . . . we talk about the end game? I had been very patient in my cat and mouse game with Germany, knowing that I would be getting nowhere until Italy was able to give me some assistance. And, now we have to talk about the end game? The terms that he gave left him ample opportunity for the solo and me on the wrong side of the Stalemate line. To tell the truth . . . I agreed to them so that Italy would be willing to help me against Germany. But, this was the first point that I began to suspect that Italy wanted the solo.

The next couple of game years went by with Austria and Italy moving well against our respective adversaries. It was the spring of 1910, when I decided to be certain of how things were going to end. I put out a request for an Austrian/Italian Draw Proposal. My thinking was this; the game is at a point where England and Russia should support any draw just so that they can claim survival points instead of being eliminated. Germany was between Austria and Italy, and would obviously be pummeled until the end . . . therefore, he should also support the draw in order to claim survival points instead of being eliminated. The only people who had any interest in the game continuing were Austria and Italy. I voted for the Draw, hoping it would end there. But, on the odd chance that Italy voted against the draw in the interest of going for the solo, I also occupied Greece and attacked Venice. Come to find out . . . Italy had forgotten to vote on the proposal all together.

Not much to tell after that . . . I immediately tried to get England and Russia to side with me. Unfortunately . . . neither one of them trusted me . . . despite my doing everything they requested, from the Fall of 1910 forward. I also recognized that I needed a new fleet if I had any hope of making gains against Italy. Unfortunately, Italy saw that also and supported one side of my self-standoff into Trieste so that I couldn’t build the fleet (congrats again on that Tim). Like Tim said . . . if I was really interested in getting the solo, I probably would not have attacked that season. But, I truly believed that the game would be over with the Austria/Italian Draw Proposal in the Spring of 1910. I honestly didn’t take much time to consider what would happen if the game continued.

Thanks Wolf for taking on the burden of GM’ing, great job. I hope I helped alleviated some of the boredom by including you with the ‘bcc:’s of my emails. Congratulations again to Tim for the win; though I must say that I would have respected it a lot more if Germany hadn’t voluntarily given up his centers in favor of the Italian Solo. I look forward to playing with all of you in future games . . . hopefully as allies.

Best Regards,
Darryl (Austria)


DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game - DamienThryn   (Oct 17, 2009, 3:22 pm)
I think you mistake a complete voluntary surrender for what went more like 'uh oh.  I can't hope to stop this now.....damn.'

Also, you mean Albania, not Armenia, right?

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Being one of the few remaining players that started the game, I feel it appropriate to get into the details a little deeper than we have heard from the replacement players.  Wolf, if you have the email addresses of the players who came and went though out the game, feel free to forward this to them.  Maybe some of them will find it of interest.
I have been playing Diplomacy by email for several years now.  Originally on CAT23, but I think that site is just about gone.  I mention this, because my record on DiplomaticCorp does not give you a fair picture of my experience.  I have played every country at least once and soloed with both Germany and Turkey.  My last attempt with Austria failed miserably and I was eliminated by Italy, Russia and Turkey by the end of 1902 (yes, all three.  Not too sure how I offended them all . . . but somehow I did).  So, I watched closely during the games that followed to see how other “Austria’s” played things.  In doing so, I realized that if Italy and/or Austria worked with Turkey, the Sultan invariably stabbed and almost always eliminated both of them.  This was my immediate concern at the beginning of the game.
So I set out to get an alliance with Italy.  Knowing that to take Turkey with Italian support, Italy would want Greece (that was what I wanted when I played Italy).  So, I promised to turn Greece over to Italy, provided that he did not occupy Greece with an Army.  Which Italy seemingly was more than happy to agree to . . . and off we went into 1902 . . . when Italy put an Army into Armenia!  Our alliance almost failed right there.
After confronting Italy with his broken agreement, Italy professed that he had forgotten that he had agreed to such.  Exactly how having an Italian Army in Armenia could do anything except attack me could not be explained to my satisfaction.  However, at this point, I had already attacked Turkey.  To back out of the alliance with Italy would mean a two front war for me.  Therefore, the only real option was to get Italy back with me, against Turkey.  So, we agreed that Italy would remove the army in Armenia (Greece, shortly thereafter) at his earliest opportunity . . . a little vague, I know . . . but I needed Italy at this point.  However, I made sure that Italy knew he would have to take Greece by force.  This did two things for me; made Italy choose between Greece and Trieste and allow me to retreat from Greece to the Sea zone most advantageous for me after seeing what moves the Sultan used and the choice Italy made.  I am grateful that Italy chose to stay with me and occupied Greece.
This moves us into 1903, when I put egg on my face and inadvertently used the abbreviation ‘ven’ for Vienna.  I intended to show good faith by moving my army from Trieste to Vienna . . . not Venice.  Please, before you say that was a stupid mistake . . . sound it out for yourself.  The first syllable for both Vienna and Venice is very similar. I eventually went to spelling everything out right instead of using abbreviations.  Of course, this incident almost put an end to the Austrian/Italian alliance at this point.
In the end, however, the action did seem to be fateful as Italy took the opportunity to retreat from attacking Turkey to attack France instead.  I am sure that had Italy not turned at that key point in the game, France would have been able to capitalize on his gains in England and begin his attack on Italy in full force.  As it was, Italy was able to catch France while he was still totally focused on England.
It was also at this point that I turned and started to attack Germany.  This might have seemed to be ill fated . . . start a two front war . . . intentionally?  I did it for two reasons; first, France and Germany were working well together.  It was obvious that Germany and France would eliminate England and Russia before we were able to eliminate Turkey.  Therefore, Austria and Italy would likely have Germany and France at our backdoors before we were ready.  Second, I had Turkey bottled up in his home centers.  I could not advance against Turkey without Italian help . . . but then again, Turkey could not break out either.  And, I could maintain this stalemate with a minimal amount of units.  So, it seemed prudent to keep Turkey boxed in and deal with the bigger threat of France and Germany.
I played cat and mouse with Germany over the next several seasons . . . sometimes making gains . . . sometimes being set back . . . either way really served my purpose, because while Germany was completely tied up with dealing with me, he was not making gains against Russia.  My attack also served another purpose that I had not realized until the battle was joined.  In order to hold off my attacks . . . Germany had to keep units in his home supply centers.  Therefore, even if Germany made gains elsewhere, he had no open supply centers to build in. Turkey’s NMR came at the same time that Russia decided to give me some assistance in exchange for a supply center or two in return.  Which was probably a mistake since once Turkey was gone it only made sense for me to attack Russia.  A smarter play would have been to give Turkey some assistance against me . . . but, Turkey had already alienated Russia by taking Russian supply centers.
The next test of the Austrian/Italian alliance came in 1907.  Italy and Austria both had made great gains against France and Turkey respectively.  And, the newest Russian Tsar was proving to be more . . . capable, than the two previous ones.  It was obvious I was not going to make any more gains until Italy deemed it polite to give me some assistance against Germany . . . whom I had been holding at bay while patiently waiting for Italy to finish off France.  It was at this point that Italy decided we needed to talk about how to split the remaining resources so that neither Italy nor Austria was going to be able to obtain the Solo Victory.
REALLY?!? . . . with us each holding only 10 supplies . . . we talk about the end game?  I had been very patient in my cat and mouse game with Germany, knowing that I would be getting nowhere until Italy was able to give me some assistance.  And, now we have to talk about the end game?  The terms that he gave left him ample opportunity for the solo and me on the wrong side of the Stalemate line.    To tell the truth . . . I agreed to them so that Italy would be willing to help me against Germany.  But, this was the first point that I began to suspect that Italy wanted the solo.
The next couple of game years went by with Austria and Italy moving well against our respective adversaries.  It was the spring of 1910, when I decided to be certain of how things were going to end.  I put out a request for an Austrian/Italian Draw Proposal.  My thinking was this; the game is at a point where England and Russia should support any draw just so that they can claim survival points instead of being eliminated.  Germany was between Austria and Italy, and would obviously be pummeled until the end . . . therefore, he should also support the draw in order to claim survival points instead of being eliminated.  The only people who had any interest in the game continuing were Austria and Italy.  I voted for the Draw, hoping it would end there.  But, on the odd chance that Italy voted against the draw in the interest of going for the solo, I also occupied Greece and attacked Venice.  Come to find out . . . Italy had forgotten to vote on the proposal all together.
Not much to tell after that . . . I immediately tried to get England and Russia to side with me.  Unfortunately . . . neither one of them trusted me . . . despite my doing everything they requested, from the Fall of 1910 forward.  I also recognized that I needed a new fleet if I had any hope of making gains against Italy.  Unfortunately, Italy saw that also and supported one side of my self-standoff into Trieste so that I couldn’t build the fleet (congrats again on that Tim).  Like Tim said . . . if I was really interested in getting the solo, I probably would not have attacked that season.  But, I truly believed that the game would be over with the Austria/Italian Draw Proposal in the Spring of 1910. I honestly didn’t take much time to consider what would happen if the game continued.
Thanks Wolf for taking on the burden of GM’ing, great job.  I hope I helped alleviated some of the boredom by including you with the ‘bcc:’s of my emails.  Congratulations again to Tim for the win; though I must say that I would have respected it a lot more if Germany hadn’t voluntarily given up his centers in favor of the Italian Solo.  I look forward to playing with all of you in future games . . . hopefully as allies.
Best Regards,
        Darryl (Austria)


DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game - dipknight   (Oct 17, 2009, 2:46 pm)
Being one of the few remaining players that started the game, I feel it appropriate to get into the details a little deeper than we have heard from the replacement players.  Wolf, if you have the email addresses of the players who came and went though out the game, feel free to forward this to them.  Maybe some of them will find it of interest.
I have been playing Diplomacy by email for several years now.  Originally on CAT23, but I think that site is just about gone.  I mention this, because my record on DiplomaticCorp does not give you a fair picture of my experience.  I have played every country at least once and soloed with both Germany and Turkey.  My last attempt with Austria failed miserably and I was eliminated by Italy, Russia and Turkey by the end of 1902 (yes, all three.  Not too sure how I offended them all . . . but somehow I did).  So, I watched closely during the games that followed to see how other “Austria’s” played things.  In doing so, I realized that if Italy and/or Austria worked with Turkey, the Sultan invariably stabbed and almost always eliminated both of them.  This was my immediate concern at the beginning of the game.
So I set out to get an alliance with Italy.  Knowing that to take Turkey with Italian support, Italy would want Greece (that was what I wanted when I played Italy).  So, I promised to turn Greece over to Italy, provided that he did not occupy Greece with an Army.  Which Italy seemingly was more than happy to agree to . . . and off we went into 1902 . . . when Italy put an Army into Armenia!  Our alliance almost failed right there.
After confronting Italy with his broken agreement, Italy professed that he had forgotten that he had agreed to such.  Exactly how having an Italian Army in Armenia could do anything except attack me could not be explained to my satisfaction.  However, at this point, I had already attacked Turkey.  To back out of the alliance with Italy would mean a two front war for me.  Therefore, the only real option was to get Italy back with me, against Turkey.  So, we agreed that Italy would remove the army in Armenia (Greece, shortly thereafter) at his earliest opportunity . . . a little vague, I know . . . but I needed Italy at this point.  However, I made sure that Italy knew he would have to take Greece by force.  This did two things for me; made Italy choose between Greece and Trieste and allow me to retreat from Greece to the Sea zone most advantageous for me after seeing what moves the Sultan used and the choice Italy made.  I am grateful that Italy chose to stay with me and occupied Greece.
This moves us into 1903, when I put egg on my face and inadvertently used the abbreviation ‘ven’ for Vienna.  I intended to show good faith by moving my army from Trieste to Vienna . . . not Venice.  Please, before you say that was a stupid mistake . . . sound it out for yourself.  The first syllable for both Vienna and Venice is very similar. I eventually went to spelling everything out right instead of using abbreviations.  Of course, this incident almost put an end to the Austrian/Italian alliance at this point.
In the end, however, the action did seem to be fateful as Italy took the opportunity to retreat from attacking Turkey to attack France instead.  I am sure that had Italy not turned at that key point in the game, France would have been able to capitalize on his gains in England and begin his attack on Italy in full force.  As it was, Italy was able to catch France while he was still totally focused on England.
It was also at this point that I turned and started to attack Germany.  This might have seemed to be ill fated . . . start a two front war . . . intentionally?  I did it for two reasons; first, France and Germany were working well together.  It was obvious that Germany and France would eliminate England and Russia before we were able to eliminate Turkey.  Therefore, Austria and Italy would likely have Germany and France at our backdoors before we were ready.  Second, I had Turkey bottled up in his home centers.  I could not advance against Turkey without Italian help . . . but then again, Turkey could not break out either.  And, I could maintain this stalemate with a minimal amount of units.  So, it seemed prudent to keep Turkey boxed in and deal with the bigger threat of France and Germany.
I played cat and mouse with Germany over the next several seasons . . . sometimes making gains . . . sometimes being set back . . . either way really served my purpose, because while Germany was completely tied up with dealing with me, he was not making gains against Russia.  My attack also served another purpose that I had not realized until the battle was joined.  In order to hold off my attacks . . . Germany had to keep units in his home supply centers.  Therefore, even if Germany made gains elsewhere, he had no open supply centers to build in. Turkey’s NMR came at the same time that Russia decided to give me some assistance in exchange for a supply center or two in return.  Which was probably a mistake since once Turkey was gone it only made sense for me to attack Russia.  A smarter play would have been to give Turkey some assistance against me . . . but, Turkey had already alienated Russia by taking Russian supply centers.
The next test of the Austrian/Italian alliance came in 1907.  Italy and Austria both had made great gains against France and Turkey respectively.  And, the newest Russian Tsar was proving to be more . . . capable, than the two previous ones.  It was obvious I was not going to make any more gains until Italy deemed it polite to give me some assistance against Germany . . . whom I had been holding at bay while patiently waiting for Italy to finish off France.  It was at this point that Italy decided we needed to talk about how to split the remaining resources so that neither Italy nor Austria was going to be able to obtain the Solo Victory.
REALLY?!? . . . with us each holding only 10 supplies . . . we talk about the end game?  I had been very patient in my cat and mouse game with Germany, knowing that I would be getting nowhere until Italy was able to give me some assistance.  And, now we have to talk about the end game?  The terms that he gave left him ample opportunity for the solo and me on the wrong side of the Stalemate line.    To tell the truth . . . I agreed to them so that Italy would be willing to help me against Germany.  But, this was the first point that I began to suspect that Italy wanted the solo.
The next couple of game years went by with Austria and Italy moving well against our respective adversaries.  It was the spring of 1910, when I decided to be certain of how things were going to end.  I put out a request for an Austrian/Italian Draw Proposal.  My thinking was this; the game is at a point where England and Russia should support any draw just so that they can claim survival points instead of being eliminated.  Germany was between Austria and Italy, and would obviously be pummeled until the end . . . therefore, he should also support the draw in order to claim survival points instead of being eliminated.  The only people who had any interest in the game continuing were Austria and Italy.  I voted for the Draw, hoping it would end there.  But, on the odd chance that Italy voted against the draw in the interest of going for the solo, I also occupied Greece and attacked Venice.  Come to find out . . . Italy had forgotten to vote on the proposal all together.
Not much to tell after that . . . I immediately tried to get England and Russia to side with me.  Unfortunately . . . neither one of them trusted me . . . despite my doing everything they requested, from the Fall of 1910 forward.  I also recognized that I needed a new fleet if I had any hope of making gains against Italy.  Unfortunately, Italy saw that also and supported one side of my self-standoff into Trieste so that I couldn’t build the fleet (congrats again on that Tim).  Like Tim said . . . if I was really interested in getting the solo, I probably would not have attacked that season.  But, I truly believed that the game would be over with the Austria/Italian Draw Proposal in the Spring of 1910. I honestly didn’t take much time to consider what would happen if the game continued.
Thanks Wolf for taking on the burden of GM’ing, great job.  I hope I helped alleviated some of the boredom by including you with the ‘bcc:’s of my emails.  Congratulations again to Tim for the win; though I must say that I would have respected it a lot more if Germany hadn’t voluntarily given up his centers in favor of the Italian Solo.  I look forward to playing with all of you in future games . . . hopefully as allies.
Best Regards,
        Darryl (Austria)


DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game (dc239) DamienThryn Oct 17, 03:22 pm
I think you mistake a complete voluntary surrender for what went more like 'uh oh.  I can't hope to stop this now.....damn.'

Also, you mean Albania, not Armenia, right?

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Being one of the few remaining players that started the game, I feel it appropriate to get into the details a little deeper than we have heard from the replacement players.  Wolf, if you have the email addresses of the players who came and went though out the game, feel free to forward this to them.  Maybe some of them will find it of interest.
I have been playing Diplomacy by email for several years now.  Originally on CAT23, but I think that site is just about gone.  I mention this, because my record on DiplomaticCorp does not give you a fair picture of my experience.  I have played every country at least once and soloed with both Germany and Turkey.  My last attempt with Austria failed miserably and I was eliminated by Italy, Russia and Turkey by the end of 1902 (yes, all three.  Not too sure how I offended them all . . . but somehow I did).  So, I watched closely during the games that followed to see how other “Austria’s” played things.  In doing so, I realized that if Italy and/or Austria worked with Turkey, the Sultan invariably stabbed and almost always eliminated both of them.  This was my immediate concern at the beginning of the game.
So I set out to get an alliance with Italy.  Knowing that to take Turkey with Italian support, Italy would want Greece (that was what I wanted when I played Italy).  So, I promised to turn Greece over to Italy, provided that he did not occupy Greece with an Army.  Which Italy seemingly was more than happy to agree to . . . and off we went into 1902 . . . when Italy put an Army into Armenia!  Our alliance almost failed right there.
After confronting Italy with his broken agreement, Italy professed that he had forgotten that he had agreed to such.  Exactly how having an Italian Army in Armenia could do anything except attack me could not be explained to my satisfaction.  However, at this point, I had already attacked Turkey.  To back out of the alliance with Italy would mean a two front war for me.  Therefore, the only real option was to get Italy back with me, against Turkey.  So, we agreed that Italy would remove the army in Armenia (Greece, shortly thereafter) at his earliest opportunity . . . a little vague, I know . . . but I needed Italy at this point.  However, I made sure that Italy knew he would have to take Greece by force.  This did two things for me; made Italy choose between Greece and Trieste and allow me to retreat from Greece to the Sea zone most advantageous for me after seeing what moves the Sultan used and the choice Italy made.  I am grateful that Italy chose to stay with me and occupied Greece.
This moves us into 1903, when I put egg on my face and inadvertently used the abbreviation ‘ven’ for Vienna.  I intended to show good faith by moving my army from Trieste to Vienna . . . not Venice.  Please, before you say that was a stupid mistake . . . sound it out for yourself.  The first syllable for both Vienna and Venice is very similar. I eventually went to spelling everything out right instead of using abbreviations.  Of course, this incident almost put an end to the Austrian/Italian alliance at this point.
In the end, however, the action did seem to be fateful as Italy took the opportunity to retreat from attacking Turkey to attack France instead.  I am sure that had Italy not turned at that key point in the game, France would have been able to capitalize on his gains in England and begin his attack on Italy in full force.  As it was, Italy was able to catch France while he was still totally focused on England.
It was also at this point that I turned and started to attack Germany.  This might have seemed to be ill fated . . . start a two front war . . . intentionally?  I did it for two reasons; first, France and Germany were working well together.  It was obvious that Germany and France would eliminate England and Russia before we were able to eliminate Turkey.  Therefore, Austria and Italy would likely have Germany and France at our backdoors before we were ready.  Second, I had Turkey bottled up in his home centers.  I could not advance against Turkey without Italian help . . . but then again, Turkey could not break out either.  And, I could maintain this stalemate with a minimal amount of units.  So, it seemed prudent to keep Turkey boxed in and deal with the bigger threat of France and Germany.
I played cat and mouse with Germany over the next several seasons . . . sometimes making gains . . . sometimes being set back . . . either way really served my purpose, because while Germany was completely tied up with dealing with me, he was not making gains against Russia.  My attack also served another purpose that I had not realized until the battle was joined.  In order to hold off my attacks . . . Germany had to keep units in his home supply centers.  Therefore, even if Germany made gains elsewhere, he had no open supply centers to build in. Turkey’s NMR came at the same time that Russia decided to give me some assistance in exchange for a supply center or two in return.  Which was probably a mistake since once Turkey was gone it only made sense for me to attack Russia.  A smarter play would have been to give Turkey some assistance against me . . . but, Turkey had already alienated Russia by taking Russian supply centers.
The next test of the Austrian/Italian alliance came in 1907.  Italy and Austria both had made great gains against France and Turkey respectively.  And, the newest Russian Tsar was proving to be more . . . capable, than the two previous ones.  It was obvious I was not going to make any more gains until Italy deemed it polite to give me some assistance against Germany . . . whom I had been holding at bay while patiently waiting for Italy to finish off France.  It was at this point that Italy decided we needed to talk about how to split the remaining resources so that neither Italy nor Austria was going to be able to obtain the Solo Victory.
REALLY?!? . . . with us each holding only 10 supplies . . . we talk about the end game?  I had been very patient in my cat and mouse game with Germany, knowing that I would be getting nowhere until Italy was able to give me some assistance.  And, now we have to talk about the end game?  The terms that he gave left him ample opportunity for the solo and me on the wrong side of the Stalemate line.    To tell the truth . . . I agreed to them so that Italy would be willing to help me against Germany.  But, this was the first point that I began to suspect that Italy wanted the solo.
The next couple of game years went by with Austria and Italy moving well against our respective adversaries.  It was the spring of 1910, when I decided to be certain of how things were going to end.  I put out a request for an Austrian/Italian Draw Proposal.  My thinking was this; the game is at a point where England and Russia should support any draw just so that they can claim survival points instead of being eliminated.  Germany was between Austria and Italy, and would obviously be pummeled until the end . . . therefore, he should also support the draw in order to claim survival points instead of being eliminated.  The only people who had any interest in the game continuing were Austria and Italy.  I voted for the Draw, hoping it would end there.  But, on the odd chance that Italy voted against the draw in the interest of going for the solo, I also occupied Greece and attacked Venice.  Come to find out . . . Italy had forgotten to vote on the proposal all together.
Not much to tell after that . . . I immediately tried to get England and Russia to side with me.  Unfortunately . . . neither one of them trusted me . . . despite my doing everything they requested, from the Fall of 1910 forward.  I also recognized that I needed a new fleet if I had any hope of making gains against Italy.  Unfortunately, Italy saw that also and supported one side of my self-standoff into Trieste so that I couldn’t build the fleet (congrats again on that Tim).  Like Tim said . . . if I was really interested in getting the solo, I probably would not have attacked that season.  But, I truly believed that the game would be over with the Austria/Italian Draw Proposal in the Spring of 1910. I honestly didn’t take much time to consider what would happen if the game continued.
Thanks Wolf for taking on the burden of GM’ing, great job.  I hope I helped alleviated some of the boredom by including you with the ‘bcc:’s of my emails.  Congratulations again to Tim for the win; though I must say that I would have respected it a lot more if Germany hadn’t voluntarily given up his centers in favor of the Italian Solo.  I look forward to playing with all of you in future games . . . hopefully as allies.
Best Regards,
        Darryl (Austria)

DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game (dc239) packrat Oct 17, 03:30 pm

Everything else aside you ARE almost as responsible for the Italian solo as Italy is. Almost.

I wrote you REPEATEDLY trying to get you to move against Italy and of the four or so
emails I sent I received ZERO responses.

sorry sport - that IS how it was and nobody is buying that you all of a sudden realized Italy
was going to solo and couldn't do anything about it.

From: Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com>
To: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Curran <forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com>; DC239 Forum <dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Tim Fuhrmeister <timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com>; John Reside <Untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Matthew Strebe <strebenator(at)gmail.com>; Scott Troemel <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Sat, October 17, 2009 4:22:52 PM
Subject: Re: DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game

I think you mistake a complete voluntary surrender for what went more like 'uh oh. I can't hope to stop this now.....damn.'

Also, you mean Albania, not Armenia, right?

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Being one of the few remaining players that started the game, I feel it appropriate to get into the details a little deeper than we have heard from the replacement players. Wolf, if you have the email addresses of the players who came and went though out the game, feel free to forward this to them. Maybe some of them will find it of interest.

I have been playing Diplomacy by email for several years now. Originally on CAT23, but I think that site is just about gone. I mention this, because my record on DiplomaticCorp does not give you a fair picture of my experience. I have played every country at least once and soloed with both Germany and Turkey. My last attempt with Austria failed miserably and I was eliminated by Italy, Russia and Turkey by the end of 1902 (yes, all three. Not too sure how I offended them all . . . but somehow I did). So, I watched closely during the games that followed to see how other “Austria’s” played things. In doing so, I realized that if Italy and/or Austria worked with Turkey, the Sultan invariably stabbed and almost always eliminated both of them. This was my immediate concern at the beginning of the game.

So I set out to get an alliance with Italy. Knowing that to take Turkey with Italian support, Italy would want Greece (that was what I wanted when I played Italy). So, I promised to turn Greece over to Italy, provided that he did not occupy Greece with an Army. Which Italy seemingly was more than happy to agree to . . . and off we went into 1902 . . . when Italy put an Army into Armenia! Our alliance almost failed right there.

After confronting Italy with his broken agreement, Italy professed that he had forgotten that he had agreed to such. Exactly how having an Italian Army in Armenia could do anything except attack me could not be explained to my satisfaction. However, at this point, I had already attacked Turkey. To back out of the alliance with Italy would mean a two front war for me. Therefore, the only real option was to get Italy back with me, against Turkey. So, we agreed that Italy would remove the army in Armenia (Greece, shortly thereafter) at his earliest opportunity . . . a little vague, I know . . . but I needed Italy at this point. However, I made sure that Italy knew he would have to take Greece by force. This did two things for me; made Italy choose between Greece and Trieste and allow me to retreat from Greece to the Sea zone most advantageous for me after seeing what moves the Sultan used and the choice Italy made. I am grateful that Italy chose to stay with me and occupied Greece.

This moves us into 1903, when I put egg on my face and inadvertently used the abbreviation ‘ven’ for Vienna. I intended to show good faith by moving my army from Trieste to Vienna . . . not Venice. Please, before you say that was a stupid mistake . . . sound it out for yourself. The first syllable for both Vienna and Venice is very similar. I eventually went to spelling everything out right instead of using abbreviations. Of course, this incident almost put an end to the Austrian/Italian alliance at this point.

In the end, however, the action did seem to be fateful as Italy took the opportunity to retreat from attacking Turkey to attack France instead. I am sure that had Italy not turned at that key point in the game, France would have been able to capitalize on his gains in England and begin his attack on Italy in full force. As it was, Italy was able to catch France while he was still totally focused on England.

It was also at this point that I turned and started to attack Germany. This might have seemed to be ill fated . . . start a two front war . . . intentionally? I did it for two reasons; first, France and Germany were working well together. It was obvious that Germany and France would eliminate England and Russia before we were able to eliminate Turkey. Therefore, Austria and Italy would likely have Germany and France at our backdoors before we were ready. Second, I had Turkey bottled up in his home centers. I could not advance against Turkey without Italian help . . . but then again, Turkey could not break out either. And, I could maintain this stalemate with a minimal amount of units. So, it seemed prudent to keep Turkey boxed in and deal with the bigger threat of France and Germany.

I played cat and mouse with Germany over the next several seasons . . . sometimes making gains . . . sometimes being set back . . . either way really served my purpose, because while Germany was completely tied up with dealing with me, he was not making gains against Russia. My attack also served another purpose that I had not realized until the battle was joined. In order to hold off my attacks . . . Germany had to keep units in his home supply centers. Therefore, even if Germany made gains elsewhere, he had no open supply centers to build in. Turkey’s NMR came at the same time that Russia decided to give me some assistance in exchange for a supply center or two in return. Which was probably a mistake since once Turkey was gone it only made sense for me to attack Russia. A smarter play would have been to give Turkey some assistance against me . . . but, Turkey had already alienated Russia by taking Russian supply centers.

The next test of the Austrian/Italian alliance came in 1907. Italy and Austria both had made great gains against France and Turkey respectively. And, the newest Russian Tsar was proving to be more . . . capable, than the two previous ones. It was obvious I was not going to make any more gains until Italy deemed it polite to give me some assistance against Germany . . . whom I had been holding at bay while patiently waiting for Italy to finish off France. It was at this point that Italy decided we needed to talk about how to split the remaining resources so that neither Italy nor Austria was going to be able to obtain the Solo Victory.

REALLY?!? . . . with us each holding only 10 supplies . . . we talk about the end game? I had been very patient in my cat and mouse game with Germany, knowing that I would be getting nowhere until Italy was able to give me some assistance. And, now we have to talk about the end game? The terms that he gave left him ample opportunity for the solo and me on the wrong side of the Stalemate line. To tell the truth . . . I agreed to them so that Italy would be willing to help me against Germany. But, this was the first point that I began to suspect that Italy wanted the solo.

The next couple of game years went by with Austria and Italy moving well against our respective adversaries. It was the spring of 1910, when I decided to be certain of how things were going to end. I put out a request for an Austrian/Italian Draw Proposal. My thinking was this; the game is at a point where England and Russia should support any draw just so that they can claim survival points instead of being eliminated. Germany was between Austria and Italy, and would obviously be pummeled until the end . . . therefore, he should also support the draw in order to claim survival points instead of being eliminated. The only people who had any interest in the game continuing were Austria and Italy. I voted for the Draw, hoping it would end there. But, on the odd chance that Italy voted against the draw in the interest of going for the solo, I also occupied Greece and attacked Venice. Come to find out . . . Italy had forgotten to vote on the proposal all together.

Not much to tell after that . . . I immediately tried to get England and Russia to side with me. Unfortunately . . . neither one of them trusted me . . . despite my doing everything they requested, from the Fall of 1910 forward. I also recognized that I needed a new fleet if I had any hope of making gains against Italy. Unfortunately, Italy saw that also and supported one side of my self-standoff into Trieste so that I couldn’t build the fleet (congrats again on that Tim). Like Tim said . . . if I was really interested in getting the solo, I probably would not have attacked that season. But, I truly believed that the game would be over with the Austria/Italian Draw Proposal in the Spring of 1910. I honestly didn’t take much time to consider what would happen if the game continued.

Thanks Wolf for taking on the burden of GM’ing, great job. I hope I helped alleviated some of the boredom by including you with the ‘bcc:’s of my emails. Congratulations again to Tim for the win; though I must say that I would have respected it a lot more if Germany hadn’t voluntarily given up his centers in favor of the Italian Solo. I look forward to playing with all of you in future games . . . hopefully as allies.

Best Regards,
Darryl (Austria)

DC267 Pause - MattTheLesser   (Oct 17, 2009, 1:41 pm)

Andrew (Russia) has said that he no longer feels he has enough time to
devote adequate attention to the game, and thus has asked for a
replacement. Therefore the game will be paused while a replacement is
sought; I don't expect it to take too long since the DC Light Brigade is
pretty good at filling replacement spots quickly.



DC267 Pause (dc267) MattTheLesser Oct 19, 10:15 am
Hey guys,

Please welcome William Duncan (cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca) as our new Russia! To
give William time to get to know you all I will be setting a new
deadline for Winter 2013 adjustments: this Friday, October 23, at 9 pm
eastern. I will NOT be adjudicating early unless everyone marks their
adjustments as final; for those of you who have already sent orders I
will use them if I do not hear from you again, but I will not consider
them final unless you tell me they are. Spring 2014 will follow next
Wednesday, October 28, at 9 pm eastern.


Matt Kremer wrote:


Andrew (Russia) has said that he no longer feels he has enough time to
devote adequate attention to the game, and thus has asked for a
replacement. Therefore the game will be paused while a replacement is
sought; I don't expect it to take too long since the DC Light Brigade
is pretty good at filling replacement spots quickly.


DC267 Pause (dc267) MattTheLesser Oct 19, 10:19 am
So that William can contact all of you:

Player list for DC267:

Canada: max victory (maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk)
Denmark: Scott Hickey (thase+dipcorp(at)dalarin.net, lequinian(at)gmail.com)
Norway: Kevin Lynch (KLYNCH427(at)hotmail.com)
Russia: William Duncan (cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca)
USA: Jerry Porter (jport333(at)yahoo.com)


Matt Kremer wrote:

Hey guys,

Please welcome William Duncan (cpt23862(at)yahoo.ca) as our new Russia!
To give William time to get to know you all I will be setting a new
deadline for Winter 2013 adjustments: this Friday, October 23, at 9 pm
eastern. I will NOT be adjudicating early unless everyone marks their
adjustments as final; for those of you who have already sent orders I
will use them if I do not hear from you again, but I will not consider
them final unless you tell me they are. Spring 2014 will follow next
Wednesday, October 28, at 9 pm eastern.


Matt Kremer wrote:

Andrew (Russia) has said that he no longer feels he has enough time
to devote adequate attention to the game, and thus has asked for a
replacement. Therefore the game will be paused while a replacement
is sought; I don't expect it to take too long since the DC Light
Brigade is pretty good at filling replacement spots quickly.


Dc 277 Modern : Deadline Reminder - AlanRFarrington   (Oct 17, 2009, 12:54 pm)
Good Morning everyone,

Since my computer is completely dead it means two things: Adjudications will be hard to do, and internet access will be severely limited.
As a result I won't be able to chase people around to get their orders, and when I do have time to adjudicate I'm going to need all orders in.
Orders are due Monday night, adjudication will come out sometime after that, but if I don't have your orders when I sit down to do it, you WILL have an NMR.
I'm looking into the possibility of a stand in GM until I can buy a new computer, or begging my girlfriend to let me download realpolitik on her computer!

Thanks everyone for your patience, and promptness with orders,
Alan Farrington
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.


dc263 ~ Babylon 5 - sgttodd   (Oct 17, 2009, 11:46 am)
Deadline for Summer 2267 retreats: Monday, October 19; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Centauri F Narn Outer Space will retreat to Shi.
Centauri F Sector 14 can retreat to Outer Centauri space or Janos 7.
Centauri F Yolu will retreat to Sector 51.
Minbari F Latig 4 will retreat to Quadrant 20.
Shadow F Rim Space can retreat to Sector 86 or Sector 88 or Drakh.

Unit locations:

Earth: F Babylon 5, F Inisr Drazu, A Beta Durani, F Enfili, F Grid Epsilon,
F Latig 4, F Omega 7, F Quadrant 55, F Sector 03, F Sector 08,
F Sector 09, F Sector 14, F Sector 17, F Sector 20, F Sector 21,
F Sector 38.
Minbari: F Norsai, F Minbari Outer Realm, F Antares Sector, F Brakiri,
F Caliban Sector, F Daltron 7, F Dura 7, A Gaim, F Hilak 7,
F L Gn Daort, F Mirata 7, F Sector 04, F Sector 11, F Ventari 3, F Latig 4.
Centauri: F Davo, F Narn, F Akdor, F Arisia Colony, F Ceti 4, A Gorash 7,
F Lukantha, F Pakmara, F Praxis 9, F Quadrant 13, F Sector 70, F Sector 84,
F Vree, F Narn Outer Space, F Sector 14, F Yolu.
Narn: F Narn Inisr Space, F Narn Outer Space, F Abbai4, A D Tira.
Shadow: F Z Ha Dum, F L Gidor, F Quadrant 72, F Rim Space.
Drazi: F Draxis, F Dilgar, F Sector 18, F Sector 59, F Yolu.
Vorlon: F Outer Rim, F Rim Space, F Virana, F Volron Outer Space, A Coriana 6,
F Ikarra 7, F Lorka 7, F Nether Rim, F Quadrant 90, F Quadrant 91,
F Ralga, F Tripani 7, F Zafran 7, F Zander Prime.

Movement results for Spring of 2267. (dc263)

Earth: F Babylon 5 Supports F Grid Epsilon - Sector 08.
Earth: F Titan - Grid Epsilon.
Earth: F Inisr Drazu Supports F Arisia Colony - Yolu.
Earth: F Outer Drazu - Sector 17.
Earth: F Aris Colony - Sector 38.
Earth: A Deneb 4 - Beta Durani.
Earth: F Dilgar - Sector 14.
Earth: F Grid Epsilon - Sector 08.
Earth: F Ipsha - Sector 21.
Earth: F Quadrant 55 Hold.
Earth: F Sector 03 Supports F Sector 04 - Latig 4.
Earth: F Sector 04 - Latig 4.
Earth: F Sector 08 - Enfili.
Earth: F Sector 09 Supports F Dilgar - Sector 14.
Earth: F Sector 20 Supports F Inisr Drazu.
Earth: F Sector 38 - Omega 7.

Minbari: F Norsai - Minbari Outer Realm (*Fails*).
Minbari: F Minbari Outer Realm - Sector 08 (*Fails*).
Minbari: F Antares Sector Hold.
Minbari: F Brakiri Supports F Caliban Sector.
Minbari: F Caliban Sector Supports F Sector 67 - Daltron 7.
Minbari: F Dura 7 - Sector 92 (*Bounce*).
Minbari: F Enfili - Sector 04.
Minbari: F Hilak 7 Supports F Antares Sector.
Minbari: A Janos 7 - Gaim.
Minbari: F Latig 4 Supports F Enfili - Sector 04 (*Dislodged*).
Minbari: F L Gn Daort Supports F Caliban Sector.
Minbari: F Mirata 7 - Sector 92 (*Bounce*).
Minbari: F Sector 11 Supports F Antares Sector.
Minbari: F Sector 67 - Daltron 7.
Minbari: F Tizino Prime - Ventari 3.

Centauri: F Davo - Sector 58 (*Bounce*).
Centauri: F D Grn - Narn.
Centauri: F Narn Outer Space - Dross (*Dislodged*).
Centauri: F Akdor - Antares Sector (*Fails*).
Centauri: F Ceti 4 - Lukantha.
Centauri: A Gorash 7 Hold.
Centauri: F Pakmara Supports F Sector 17 - Arisia Colony.
Centauri: F Praxis 9 Supports F Akdor - Antares Sector.
Centauri: F Quadrant 13 Supports F Akdor - Antares Sector.
Centauri: F Sector 14 Supports F Akdor - Antares Sector (*Dislodged*).
Centauri: F Sector 17 - Arisia Colony.
Centauri: F Sector 70 Supports F D Grn - Narn.
Centauri: F Sector 84 - Dross (*Bounce*).
Centauri: F Shi - Ceti 4.
Centauri: F Vree - Sector 59 (*Bounce*).
Centauri: F Yolu Supports F Sector 17 - Arisia Colony (*Dislodged*).

Narn: F Narn Inisr Space Supports F Sector 88 - Narn Outer Space.
Narn: A D Tira Supports F L Gidor.
Narn: F Quadrant 73 - Abbai4.
Narn: F Sector 88 - Narn Outer Space.

Shadow: F Z Ha Dum Hold.
Shadow: F Rim Space Supports F Z Ha Dum (*Dislodged*).
Shadow: F L Gidor Supports A D Tira.
Shadow: F Quadrant 72 Hold.

Drazi: F Draxis - Sector 59 (*Bounce*).
Drazi: F Arisia Colony - Yolu.
Drazi: F Sector 18 Supports F Outer Drazu - Sector 17.
Drazi: F Sector 21 - Dilgar.
Drazi: F Sector 59 - Sector 58 (*Bounce*).

Vorlon: F Outer Rim Supports F Quadrant 45 - Rim Space.
Vorlon: F Vorlon - Volron Outer Space.
Vorlon: F Virana Supports F Vorlon - Volron Outer Space.
Vorlon: F Volron Outer Space - Quadrant 91.
Vorlon: A Coriana 6 Supports F Lorka 7.
Vorlon: F Ikarra 7 Supports F Quadrant 45 - Rim Space.
Vorlon: F Lorka 7 Supports F Coriana 6.
Vorlon: F Malax - Ralga.
Vorlon: F Nether Rim Supports F Outer Rim.
Vorlon: F Quadrant 45 - Rim Space.
Vorlon: F Quadrant 46 - Tripani 7.
Vorlon: F Quadrant 90 Supports F Coriana 6.
Vorlon: F Zafran 7 Supports F Quadrant 45 - Rim Space.
Vorlon: F Zander Prime Supports F Ikarra 7.

Deadline for Summer 2267 retreats: Monday, October 19; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


dc265 ~ European Onion - sgttodd   (Oct 17, 2009, 11:46 am)
Deadline for Autumn 1906 Retreats: Sunday, October 18; 2359 UTC
Deadline for Winter 1906 Adjustments: Tuesday, October 20; 2359 UTC

The following units were dislodged:

Turkish A Venice can retreat to Piedmont or Rome or Tuscany.

Unit locations:

France: A Gascony, F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, F Spain(sc).
Germany: A Belgium, A Bohemia, A Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel,
F London, A Munich, A Paris, A Tyrolia.
Russia: F Armenia, A Budapest, A Galicia, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean,
F North Africa, A Portugal, A Sevastopol, A Trieste, A Ukraine,
A Venice, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, F Black Sea, A Bulgaria,
F Constantinople, A Rumania, A Serbia, F Tunis A Venice.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: Marseilles, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool,
London, Munich, Paris.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Portugal, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden,
Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Rumania,
Serbia, Smyrna, Tunis.

France: 2 Supply centers, 4 Units: Removes 2 units.
Germany: 11 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 2 units.
Russia: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 10 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 1 unit.

Movement results for Fall of 1906. (dc265fa06)

France: A Gascony Supports F Spain(sc).
France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc).
France: A Marseilles Supports A Gascony.
France: F Spain(sc) Supports A Gascony (*Fails*).

Germany: A Belgium Supports A Picardy - Burgundy.
Germany: A Bohemia Supports A Galicia.
Germany: A Brest Supports A Paris.
Germany: F English Channel Supports A Brest.
Germany: F North Sea - London.
Germany: A Paris Supports A Picardy - Burgundy.
Germany: A Picardy - Burgundy.
Germany: A Ruhr - Munich.
Germany: A Tyrolia Supports A Apulia - Venice.

Russia: A Apulia - Venice.
Russia: F Armenia - Ankara (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Trieste.
Russia: A Galicia Supports A Vienna.
Russia: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa.
Russia: F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
Russia: A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*).
Russia: A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine (*Cut*).
Russia: A Trieste Supports A Apulia - Venice (*Cut*).
Russia: A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol.
Russia: A Vienna Supports A Trieste.

Turkey: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Serbia - Trieste.
Turkey: F Black Sea Convoys A Bulgaria - Sevastopol.
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Sevastopol (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Constantinople - Ankara (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Greece - Aegean Sea.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea - Tunis.
Turkey: A Rumania Supports A Bulgaria - Sevastopol.
Turkey: A Serbia - Trieste (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Venice, no move received (*Dislodged*).

Deadline for Autumn 1906 Retreats: Sunday, October 18; 2359 UTC
Deadline for Winter 1906 Adjustments: Tuesday, October 20; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


DC-239 Fall 1912 Adjudication - DamienThryn   (Oct 17, 2009, 11:15 am)
Agreed, thanks a lot Wolf for GMing.

Well, I can't speak to much but the endgame as I came in so late, but my basic strategy was to survive and possibly participate in a draw.  The immediate concern was to stop Austria from soloing outright - he'd do it through me and I working with Italy had a chance at stopping him.

While I entertained the thought of working with Austria in return for getting my home centers back, he didn't like the idea and I found Italy to be more accommodating.  I didn't know England and Russia's stand but I could see both cooperating with Austria to ensure survival.  So I pointed out to Italy that by taking the English centers he'd offset any losses and be able to build fleets in the Med - Austria's true weak point.

With only one fleet Italy had the ability to eventually break through and threaten the entire Austrian southern wing.  With Italy and I stalemating in Germany, either the north or south would become vulnerable.  Austria did the smart thing and garrisoned the south - at the cost of allowing me to land forces in the Baltic.

Long term if Italy had not wanted to solo things could have gotten really interesting - It looks like with his help I could have reclaimed Germany and Russia and I had found an opening for cooperation.  Would have been fun to have rebuilt Russia and Germany and see where that could go.

But I don't blame Italy for taking the solo when he had the chance - and although I figured it was coming it seemed wise to not try to keep him from getting that last center or two, when Austria would have been more than happy to kill me off in order to try and win himself.

Good game all.


On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Tim Fuhrmeister <timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com ([email]timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

First hats off to the GM (whoever said gming was a thankless job!) and as white wolf mentioned earlier this is my first pbem win so dc239 will always be a special game for me. I guess the main factor of my succsess was my alliance with Austria that we both worked at very hard to get going and maintain. It would have been just as satisfying to pull off a it/aus draw but in the end Im glad austria stabbed me. And I just gotta know austria was that move into ven early in the game a misorder or did you plan that? That was pretty much the low point of italy; foreign troops in ven, shut out of turkey and a unfriendly france. Luckily, France wasen't all that active and I managed to roll over him. Unfortunatly that was a big part of the game inactivity and replaced players that allowed austria and me to do so well. I diddint even talk to a russian once! Thanks for all you replacement players who took over hard positions and kept this game running smoothly. As to my final victory push I couldnt have done it without germany I wont speculate why but will leave it to the Kaiser to explain I will just point out that germany IS around to take part in the ending and I am much happier that it is him and not the previous Kaiser. Somewhere in the midgame when austria just started to attack germany I decided to leak austrias turn to the kaiser under the condition he tells no one. So what does he do? Forwards my email to russia! At that point I cancelled my plans to stab austria and swore to myself to destroy germany....I only have one word of advice and its to austria. Your stab and grab happened a few turns too soon. If you had just waited alittle it could have been you with the solo.
Thanks All!
Tim Fuhrmeister.

-----Original Message-----
From: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 6:44 PM
To: forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com ([email]forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com[/email]); dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com ([email]timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com[/email]); dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email]); cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email]); Untitled36(at)yahoo.com ([email]Untitled36(at)yahoo.com[/email]); strebenator(at)gmail.com ([email]strebenator(at)gmail.com[/email]); damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email]); brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Subject: DC-239 Fall 1912 Adjudication

  Pretty impressive turn for Italy. Despite a last minute change which included a misorder, Tim finally managed to capture Munich. Plus, with the timely stab of his ally and the capture of England's last center, we have a winner. Congratulations to Tim for his first PBeM solo (that's right, ever.)
  I've taken the liberty of forcing all retreats, regardless of the number of available options, in order to get us to the winter and an official finale. If anyone's butthurt about this command decision, feel free to complain about it in your EoG (that means I hope to see some!)
  Thanks all for a great game, especially Packrat, Andrew and John, who are all replacements. And yes, though Scott came in after less than a year, he still counts.
  As stated in a roundabout fashion above, I'd love to see EoGs. Feel free to "Reply All" to this email when composing.


Austria:    Darryl Good           dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])
England:   Packrat                 brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France:    Civil Disorder
Germany: Andrew Tanner      damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email])
Italy:        Tim Fuhrmeister     timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com ([email]timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Russia:    John R                  untitled36(at)yahoo.com ([email]untitled36(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Turkey:    Civil Disorder


A Berlin Supports A Warsaw - Prussia
A Bohemia Supports A Munich (*Cut*)
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)
A Greece Hold
A Munich Supports A Berlin (*Disbanded*)
A Serbia Supports A Greece
A Silesia Supports A Berlin
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Bounce*)
F Trieste Hold
A Vienna Supports F Trieste
A Warsaw - Prussia

F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Dislodged*)

F Baltic Sea - Sweden
A Livonia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)
F Prussia - Berlin (*Dislodged*)

F Adriatic Sea - Albania
F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Apulia - Venice
A Belgium - Holland
A Burgundy Supports A Kiel - Ruhr (*Void*)
F Helgoland Bight - Denmark
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
A Kiel - Munich
F North Sea Supports F Norwegian Sea - Norway
F Norwegian Sea - Norway
A Ruhr Supports A Kiel - Munich
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Tyrolia - Bohemia (*Fails*)
A Venice - Piedmont

A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)


Austrian F Eastern Mediterranean can retreat to Syria or OTB.
Austrian A Munich has no retreats, disbanded.
English F Norway can retreat to Skagerrak,Barents Sea or OTB.
German F Prussia can retreat to Baltic Sea or OTB.

Retreat Orders:

F Eastern Mediterranean - Syria

F Norway - Barents Sea

F Prussia - Baltic Sea

Final Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (13/12)
Armies - Ber, Boh, Bul, Gal, Gre, Pru, Ser, Sil, Smy, Vie
Fleets - Syr, Tri

England: (0/1) ELIMINATED
Fleets - Bar

France: ELIMINATED 1909

Germany: (1/3)
Armies - Lvn
Fleets - Bal, Swe

Italy: (18/14)
Armies - Bur, Hol, Mun, Pie, Ruh, Trl, Ven
Fleets - Aeg, Alb, Den, Eas, Ion, Nth, Nwy

Russia: (2/1)
Armies - Mos

Turkey: ELIMINATED 1906

Final Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks for a great game, everyone,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC266 Draw Proposal - MattTheLesser   (Oct 17, 2009, 11:00 am)
Again I put the wrong game number in the subject line. Here's the
message with the correct one.


Matt Kremer wrote:

A 3-way draw between Germany, Russia, and Turkey has been proposed.
Your votes on this proposal are due with your Fall 1907 orders on
Monday at 9 pm eastern. However, I have been told that you all have
already been discussing this proposal amongst yourselves, so I will
announce the results of the vote as soon as I have votes from everyone.



DC267 Draw Proposal - MattTheLesser   (Oct 17, 2009, 10:50 am)
A 3-way draw between Germany, Russia, and Turkey has been proposed.
Your votes on this proposal are due with your Fall 1907 orders on Monday
at 9 pm eastern. However, I have been told that you all have already
been discussing this proposal amongst yourselves, so I will announce the
results of the vote as soon as I have votes from everyone.



DC-272 Summer 1457 Adjudication - TheWhiteWolf   (Oct 16, 2009, 8:12 pm)
Retreats are in, and we're ready for some fall action.

"Only those defenses are good, certain and durable, which depend on yourself alone and your own ability." - Niccoló Machiavelli, The Prince. 1537


Austria: Aidan Slattery <AiSlattery(at)aol.com>
France: Mark Utterbach <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>
Florence: Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>
Milan: Nick Cherrier <zeclient(at)hotmail.com>
Naples: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
Papacy: Kevin Burt <Brutus(at)wbhsi.net>
Turkey: Max Victory <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>
Venice: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>


A Genoa - Fornovo
A Milan - Pavia

A Verona - Padua

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (4/4)
Armies - Sla, Trn, Tyr, Ver

France: (6/6)
Armies - Pro, Swi, Slu, Tur
Fleets - Gen, GOL

Florence: (11/11)
Armies - Bol, Cap, Luc, Rom, Spo, Urb
Fleets - Cor, LS, Mod, Pio, TS

Milan: (5/5)
Armies - For, Mon, Par, Pav, Sav



Turkey: (9/9)
Armies - Aqu, Sle
Fleets - CM, Dal, GON, LA, Nap, Pal, WM

Venice: (9/Cool
Armies - Cre, Cri, Fri, Man, Mil, Pad
Fleets - Anc, UA


Fall 1457 is due Thursday, 22 October at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Dc 277: GM complications - AlanRFarrington   (Oct 16, 2009, 5:25 pm)
Hey guys,

My computer has completely died just in the last couple of days, so my internet connection will be spotty at best. I'll try to keep it under control as best I can with campus computers etc. but I may need someone to take over GMing for a while.
Sorry for all the inconvenience I"ll do my best to keep this moving. [Maybe I'll Download RP onto one of the campus computers!]

Alan Farrington
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.


NNIGTFML s1837 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 16, 2009, 4:00 pm)
Llamapalooza to be held in the Amazon! Or, so it would seem as everyone heads for the jungle. Elsewhere, Bolivia gets multi-national support into Potosi and Argentina has random enemy units floating just about everywhere. And after how many years of a standoff - Colombia finally pushes Peru out of the contested sea zones - but right into the Galapagos? Find out Monday!

RETREATS due 10/19, 4pm Central

Argentina: A Potosi
Peru: F Bahia Sechura


A Montevideo Hold
A Potosi Supports A Tucuman - Salta (*Dislodged*)
F Rio de la Plata - Golfo de San Jorge
A Rosario - Cordoba
A Tucuman - Salta (*Fails*)

F Boca de Navios Hold
A Goias - Maranhao
A Manaus Supports A Mato Grosso - Amazonas
A Mato Grosso - Amazonas (*Bounce*)
F Rio Grande do Sul Supports A Sao Paulo
A Santa Cruz Supports A La Paz - Potosi
A Sao Paulo Supports F Rio Grande do Sul

F Antofagasta - Atacama Desert
A La Paz - Potosi
A Riberalta - La Paz

A Arancaunian Territory - Patagonia
F Juan Fernandez - Golfo de Guafo
A Mendoza - Rosario
F South Pacific Ocean - Scotia Sea

F Cartagena - Santa Marta
F Golfo de Panama Supports F Quito - Bahia Sechura
A Piura - Trujillo (*Bounce*)
A Popayan Supports A Llanos - Amazonas
F Quito - Bahia Sechura

A Asuncion - Corrientes
A Chaco Supports A La Paz - Potosi
A Corrientes - Santa Fe
A Parana Hold
A Salta Supports A La Paz - Potosi (*Cut*)

A Aquiris - Iquitos
F Bahia Sechura - Quito (*Dislodged*)
A Lima - Trujillo (*Bounce*)
F Trujillo - Bahia Sechura (*Fails*)

F Cumana Hold
A Llanos - Amazonas (*Bounce*)
A Orinoco - Rio Branco
A Rio Branco - Para


DC271 Cimarra - Deadline Has Passed...We are Missi... - garry.bledsoe   (Oct 16, 2009, 2:27 pm)
All,I am still missing 2, yes 2, sets of orders. I need those ASAP. I will give those players until tomorrow morning at 9am CST to get those in. At that point we will consider those two players as NMR [no moves requested] and their units will hold.

Please please get them in. NMR's completely disrupt a game. Further, two NMR's back to back will earn a player a one-way ticket to an abandon [which is dealt with harshly by us evil DC mods].


From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: fletch15(at)bellsouth.net; nicknetscher(at)gmail.com; kentrwelch(at)gmail.com; jchdipaccount(at)gmail.com; dipknight(at)gmail.com; iangb_2000(at)yahoo.co.uk; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; dc271(at)diplomaticcorp.com; newseditor(at)btinternet.com
Subject: DC271 Cimarra - Deadline Reminder! I Am Still Missing Some Sets of Orders!
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 14:40:08 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Deadline is a few hours away. Let's not push this one. I would prefer not to have to go to time extension!
From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: fletch15(at)bellsouth.net; nicknetscher(at)gmail.com; kentrwelch(at)gmail.com; jchdipaccount(at)gmail.com; dipknight(at)gmail.com; iangb_2000(at)yahoo.co.uk; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; dc271(at)diplomaticcorp.com; newseditor(at)btinternet.com
Subject: DC271 Cimarra - S02 Retreat Map and Reminder for Thursday Deadline
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:59:25 -0400

.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} All, The updated map with the lone retreat [sorry for the delay but the sole retreat did not make this a tough round to figure out without the map!].

A reminder - I have very few preliminaries and we are about 56ish hours away from F02 deadline. Don't be a NMR'ran!

Lord of the March

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now.
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.


dc278 - Revenge of the diplomat - Game start - jafainri   (Oct 16, 2009, 11:35 am)
Greetings all,
I would first like to start off by letting every know that Italy seeks nothing but peace and France and Germany and England and even Russia. I will leave my Austrian counter part to deal with the Slutan from that evil ottoman empire.

From: blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 12:39:18 +0200
Subject: Re: dc278 - Revenge of the diplomat - Game start
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dirk(at)knemeyer.com; jeffcole854(at)gmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com; jafainri(at)hotmail.com; dc278(at)diplomaticcorp.com


It appears that a kind sould has had mercy on us and decided to join in the game: Please welcome Tony Tella, our new Italian Prime Minister.

Turkey: Dan Huck (aefgirt7-at-yahoo-dot-com)
Italy: Tony Tella (jafainri-at-hotmail-dot-com)
England: Dirk Knemeyer (dirk-at-knemeyer-dot-com)
Russia: Jeffrey Cole (jeffcole854-at-gmail-dot-com)
Germany: Jeffrey Clay (jmc66-at-mac-dot-com)
Austria: Michael Sims (mike-at-fuzzylogicllc-dot-net)
France: John Clarke (john-dot-c1arke-at-btinternet-dot-com)

I'll see if we can keep a weekly schedule, and make the adjudications be due on Wednesday evenings at 8:00pm (Sweden, GMT + 1). The first turn will now be due the 21th of October, which should leave Tony plenty of time to talk to you all. You can see the status of the game on Diplomatic Corps - including the due date, etc.

I cannot stress enough the importance of preliminary orders. Get them in and be sure that you will not receive an NMR. Also: make all the orders complete. I do not want to go hunting for orders from a previous order-set - only the latest received results will be adjudicated.

If you have not received a confirmation from me, I have not received your orders. I try to respond within 24-hours. I will try to give you a 24-hour warning if I have not received any orders, but I make no guarantees.

Make my life easier:
I would appreciate if your subject line on mail to me look like the following:
dc278 - {Country} {Season} [revision]

dc278 - England Spring 1901 [1]

At the very least put the game number (dc27Cool in the subject line so that I will find the mail when I need it.

The forum will be set up soon. If there are any other questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Good luck, and happy diploming.


Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now.


dc278 - Revenge of the diplomat - Game start - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 16, 2009, 8:47 am)
Hey old-timer, welcome.

In case you dont remember, Italy is the green one. The goal of the game for Italy is to land an army in Edinburg. If you accomplish that, you win. Good luck.


From: Fredrik Blom [mailto:blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Fri 10/16/2009 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: dc278 - Revenge of the diplomat - Game start


It appears that a kind sould has had mercy on us and decided to join in the game: Please welcome Tony Tella, our new Italian Prime Minister.

Turkey: Dan Huck (aefgirt7-at-yahoo-dot-com)
Italy: Tony Tella (jafainri-at-hotmail-dot-com)
England: Dirk Knemeyer (dirk-at-knemeyer-dot-com)
Russia: Jeffrey Cole (jeffcole854-at-gmail-dot-com)
Germany: Jeffrey Clay (jmc66-at-mac-dot-com)
Austria: Michael Sims (mike-at-fuzzylogicllc-dot-net)
France: John Clarke (john-dot-c1arke-at-btinternet-dot-com)

I'll see if we can keep a weekly schedule, and make the adjudications be due on Wednesday evenings at 8:00pm (Sweden, GMT + 1). The first turn will now be due the 21th of October, which should leave Tony plenty of time to talk to you all. You can see the status of the game on Diplomatic Corps - including the due date, etc.

I cannot stress enough the importance of preliminary orders. Get them in and be sure that you will not receive an NMR. Also: make all the orders complete. I do not want to go hunting for orders from a previous order-set - only the latest received results will be adjudicated.

If you have not received a confirmation from me, I have not received your orders. I try to respond within 24-hours. I will try to give you a 24-hour warning if I have not received any orders, but I make no guarantees.

Make my life easier:
I would appreciate if your subject line on mail to me look like the following:
dc278 - {Country} {Season} [revision]

dc278 - England Spring 1901 [1]

At the very least put the game number (dc27Cool in the subject line so that I will find the mail when I need it.

The forum will be set up soon. If there are any other questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Good luck, and happy diploming.



DC 260 (Asian): F1907R & W1907 - AceRimmer   (Oct 16, 2009, 8:08 am)
India retreats to the Persian Gulf.

Persia builds F Iraq
Siberia builds A West Siberia

S1908 will be next Thursday at 10:00 CST. Please, for the love of God and country, submit prelims.

I'm curious at this point how people are feeling about the design of this variant. Feel free to comment to the group or privately to me. I have no personal investment in whether you like or dislike the variant itself, but perhaps I'll synthesize comments and add them to the DipWiki for future generations.


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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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