DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: fall orders due 9/9/09 - packrat (Sep 07, 2009, 6:15 pm) |
This is a 48 hour warning. I am missing one set of orders. All the others
are in and marked final.
From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
To: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; the_master642(at)yahoo.com; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; Stephen Worthy <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>; g_mod23(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; scaponig(at)yahoo.com; stephenworthy(at)rocketmail.com; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 11:52:15 PM
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Spring 1914 results, fall orders due 9/9/09
No retreats are needed so we move right on to fall.
Somehow 9/9/09 just seemed like too good a date to pass up -
orders are due that day at 2100.
F Aegean Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Greece
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania
A Constantinople - Greece
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont - Tyrolia
A Rumania Supports A Sevastopol (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Smyrna - Armenia
A Smyrna - Armenia
A Trieste Supports A Vienna
A Tuscany - Venice
A Vienna Supports A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Cut*)
A Brest Supports A Paris
A Gascony - Marseilles
A Paris Hold
A Belgium - Burgundy
A Berlin - Silesia
A Bohemia - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Gascony
A Galicia - Rumania (*Fails*)
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Livonia - Warsaw
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine
A Munich Supports A Belgium - Burgundy
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Picardy - Paris (*Fails*)
A Spain Supports A Burgundy - Gascony
A Ukraine Supports A Galicia - Rumania
A Wales Hold
F Adriatic Sea Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea
F Albania - Ionian Sea
F Apulia - Naples
A Rome - Tuscany
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol[Reply] |
DC-272 Winter 1454 Adjudication - TheWhiteWolf (Sep 07, 2009, 5:17 pm) |
Hope nobody minds that I'm putting this out early. I don't expect to see any changes in the next 20 hours. Also, I'd like to apologize to Garry, who I made panic by claiming that he was late (apparently I was looking at the wrong line on my deadline matrix.) I figure, since Garry was so quick in getting me his "late" orders, that I owe it to him to release the results today. ) Thanks for continuing to be on the ball, everyone.
Austria: Aidan Slattery <AiSlattery(at)aol.com>
France: Mark Utterbach <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>
Florence: Joe Babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>
Milan: Nick Cherrier <zeclient(at)hotmail.com>
Naples: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
Papacy: Kevin Burt <Brutus(at)wbhsi.net>
Turkey: Max Victory <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>
Venice: Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>
Build A Austria
Build F Marseille
Build A Avignon
Build A Arezzo
Build F Pisa
Build A Milan
Build A Cremona
Build F Bari
Build F Albania
Build F Durazzo
Build A Treviso
Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)
Austria: (4/4)
Armies - Aus, Sla, Trn, Tyr
France: (5/5)
Armies - Avi, Swi, Tur
Fleets - Mar, Sav
Florence: (5/5)
Armies - Are, Flo, Pio
Fleets - Luc, Psa
Milan: (5/5)
Armies - Cre, Mil, Mod, Mon, Pav
Naples: (5/5)
Armies - Sie, Spo
Fleets - Bar, Cap, TS
Papacy: (4/4)
Armies - Bol, Per, Rom
Fleets - Aqu
Turkey: (5/5)
Armies - Her
Fleets - Alb, Dal, Dur, Sar
Venice: (5/5)
Armies - Fer, Fri, Trv
Fleets - Cro, UA
Spring 1455 is due Monday, 14 September at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.
Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!
Thanks all,
The White Wolf
I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:
http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1369632/[Reply] |
dc265 ~ European Onion - sgttodd (Sep 07, 2009, 4:27 pm) |
Winter 04 Adjustments are due TONIGHT:
Italy retreated A Venice to Rome
2 Build
2 Removes
1 Build
2 Builds[Reply] |
DC271 Cimarra - S01 Delay Update! - garry.bledsoe (Sep 07, 2009, 2:21 pm) |
All,As you may have guessed, we had to recruit a new player. I have our new player and am simply waiting for provisional orders from him. Hopefully I get those tonight and we can move forward. I will send out his info only AFTER receiving his provisional orders. Thanks and sorry for the interruption in our start.
Lord of the March
From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: fletch15(at)bellsouth.net; awaxtel(at)gmail.com; nicknetscher(at)gmail.com; kentrwelch(at)gmail.com; jchdipaccount(at)gmail.com; dipknight(at)gmail.com; iangb_2000(at)yahoo.co.uk; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; dc271(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC271 Cimarra - S01 Delay...Bad Portent of Things to Come?
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 22:13:59 -0400
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} UGHHHHHH. Okay. Lesson learned. I should have FORCED preliminaries before continuing. When will I learn? I thought that since everyone was sooo diligent with confirmations that preliminaries was a formality. Alas it may not be.
We are missing one set of orders. Officially that player has 24 hours to get me orders or the position goes out to recruiting. That player knows who they are [I have sent them multiple reminders which is very out of character for me].
If we do not have them by this time tomorrow night, I will be forced to recruit a new player. I normally would just NMR them but since it is a gamestart and all...
By the way, this is covered in the attached House Rules. Sorry for not having sent them before...now they seem quite important.
Sorry all. Hopefully just a minor blip and we begin!
Lord of the March
From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: fletch15(at)bellsouth.net; awaxtel(at)gmail.com; nicknetscher(at)gmail.com; kentrwelch(at)gmail.com; jchdipaccount(at)gmail.com; dipknight(at)gmail.com; iangb_2000(at)yahoo.co.uk; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; dc271(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC271 Cimarra - Gamestart Country Assignments and S01
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 13:33:46 -0400
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Dave/Andy/Nick/Kent/Ian/Darryl/Jim,
Let's get started! Sorry for the delay from Friday. We are ready to go and our line-up is as follows:
Austria - Nick Netscher - nicknetscher(at)gmail.com
England - Jim Hoyes - jchdipaccount(at)gmail.com
France - Kent Welch - kentrwelch(at)gmail.com
Germany - Darryl Good - dipknight(at)gmail.com
Italy - Dave Wilkinson - fletch15(at)bellsouth.net
Russia - Ian Bond - iangb_2000(at)yahoo.co.uk
Turkey - Andy Waxtel - awaxtel(at)gmail.com
We have a player [Darryl] who will be out of town with limited email access [today through the 28th] so we are going to have a bit longer period until our first deadline. Let's set the deadline for Spring 1901 at Thursday Sept 3rd at 6pm CST.
I encourage provisionals so feel free to send them in ahead of time. I will always confirm orders so if for some reason you do not get a confirmation, check with me. It is probably good to also be in the habit of sending a copy to orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com just to be covered.
Attached is our file for the game and a map. The .dpy file is the Real Politik file if you want to play with it.
That should cover us. Please feel free to send in any questions.
Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more.
With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos. Click here.
Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. Try it now.[Reply] |
dc265 ~European Onion - ccr (Sep 07, 2009, 1:31 pm) |
ven-rom please, tx [Reply] |
DC269 - Replacement Austria - Viper (Sep 07, 2009, 12:10 pm) |
Hey there crew... sorry for the delay. What has happened is that our original Austrian ruler has renounced the throne and the last couple of days have seen the battle for leadership there. After much discussion in the Austrian high courts, Joey Pedicini has taken the throne. Please give him your friendliest welcome.
So now we'll have a new deadline for winter, which will be Wednesday, Sept 9, noon CDT.
Here is the new player list:
ID : bobbarkerfan1
Ctry : Austria 1
Name : Joey Pedicini
Email : bobbarkerfan1ped(at)yahoo.com
Location : Cleveland, OH, US
ID : Cool_Beans
Ctry : England 0
Name : David Zilkha
Email : davidzil(at)lycos.com
Location : Southbury, CT, US
ID : FLTeacher
Ctry : France 0
Name : Anthony Stevens
Email : AandTStevens(at)GMail.com
Location : Groveland, FL, US
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : Eric Lindsay
Email : ericklindsay(at)gmail.com
Location : Provo, UT, US
ID : applepower
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Ryan Hollis
Email : applepower(at)rocketmail.com
Location : MO, US
ID : buckh
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : buck hammer
Email : buckhamil(at)yahoo.com
Location : richmond, VA, US
ID : fpvillalobos
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Fred Villalobos
Email : fred.p.villalobos(at)gmail.com
Location : Coalinga, CA, US
mvp[Reply] |
DC254, Fall 1906 - dknemeyer (Sep 07, 2009, 11:05 am) |
I think that makes all of us agreeing to the draw.
So let me be the first to congratulate Marshall, Jeff and Chris. None of you bastards would work with me during my fleeting time in this game, and you obviously needed to stab and betray various others to get to this point. So while you may not be fine fellows, you certainly have the requisite skills to thrive at Diplomacy!
Well done...
On Sep 6, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Greg Surname wrote:
I'm happy to concede to that draw if others are...
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Chris Mottau <littleyellowpikachu(at)hotmail.com ([email]littleyellowpikachu(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:c68a03cb41] Me too.
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 11:08:56 -0400
Subject: Re: DC254, Fall 1906
From: IGGuy123(at)gmail.com ([email]IGGuy123(at)gmail.com[/email])
To: dirk(at)knemeyer.com ([email]dirk(at)knemeyer.com[/email])
CC: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email]); jmc66(at)mac.com ([email]jmc66(at)mac.com[/email]); gregsurname(at)gmail.com ([email]gregsurname(at)gmail.com[/email]); jarossiter(at)tampabay.rr.com ([email]jarossiter(at)tampabay.rr.com[/email]); jpcabin7(at)netzero.com ([email]jpcabin7(at)netzero.com[/email]); littleyellowpikachu(at)hotmail.com ([email]littleyellowpikachu(at)hotmail.com[/email]); dc254(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc254(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
I would accept that.
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com ([email]dirk(at)knemeyer.com[/email])> wrote:
I would like to propose a draw, with England, Germany and Turkey sharing victory.
On Sep 3, 2009, at 12:34 PM, Warren Fleming wrote:
Okay, here we go. There are some interesting developments. Germany gains an Italian center, but generously? donates his build to the British. In fact England did quite well this turn, and has three builds due. The only other adjustment is for Italy, who must remove one.
Adjustments are due on Monday, September 7, 17:00 MDT. Remember that if I get orders from both parties that are clearly marked as final orders, I can adjudicate early.
A Galicia - Budapest
A Serbia Supports A Trieste (*Cut*)
A Trieste Supports A Serbia
A Vienna Supports A Galicia - Budapest (*Cut*)
A Belgium Hold
F Brest Hold
F English Channel Hold
A Gascony - Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal (*Fails*)
F North Africa - Western Mediterranean (*Disbanded*)
F Norway Hold
A Paris Hold
A Spain Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia (*Ordered to Move*)
A Burgundy Hold
A Marseilles Supports A Gascony - Spain
A Munich Supports A Bohemia
A Rome Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - Denmark
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Portugal Supports A Spain (*Cut*)
F Tunis Supports F Western Mediterranean - North Africa
A Venice - Rome (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - North Africa
F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Albania Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)
A Moscow - Ukraine
A Rumania Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
Austria: Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway,
Paris, Spain, St Petersburg, Sweden.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Marseilles, Munich,
Rome, Warsaw.
Italy: Naples, Portugal, Tunis, Venice.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Moscow,
Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
England: Supp 10 Unit 7 Build 3
France: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Germany: Supp 8 Unit 8 Build 0
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Russia: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 8 Unit 8 Build 0
Builds are due on Monday, September 7, 17:00 MDT.
There you have it. Have fun! Maps are attached.
Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily access both.
[/quote:c68a03cb41][Reply] |
DC266 Spring 1904 Results Revised - MattTheLesser (Sep 07, 2009, 9:38 am) |
So the addition of Turkey's orders doesn't change much except for Russia
is now bounced out of Rumania and some of the yellow units have moved
forward a bit. There are still no retreats, so our next deadline will
be for Fall 1904. And that deadline will be this Friday, September 11,
at 9 pm eastern. Please send prelims and please put the game number in
the subject line!
A Budapest Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
F Trieste Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Cut*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest
A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool - Yorkshire
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Hold
A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norway Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Hold
A Rome - Venice (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Livonia - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Livonia - Silesia
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Black Sea - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Greece Supports F Ionian Sea - Albania
F Ionian Sea - Albania
A Serbia Supports A Galicia - Budapest
Fall 1904
bud, tri, ven, vie.
A bud, F tri, A ven, A vie
edi, lvp, lon.
A edi, F lon, A yor
por, spa.
A por, F spa(sc)
bel, ber, bre, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, par, swe.
A ber, A bur, F den, F eng, A gas, F nwy, A pic, A sil, F ska, A trl
mar, nap, rom, tun.
F lyo, A mar, F mao, A rom
mos, rum, sev, stp, war.
A gal, A lvn, F sev, A stp, A war
ank, bul, con, gre, ser, smy.
F alb, F bla, A bul, A gre, F ion, A ser
1 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: F tri - alb
Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*)
England: F edi - nwg
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth
France: F bre - eng
France: A mar - spa
France: A par - gas
Germany: A ber - kie
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - ruh
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*)
Russia: F stp(sc) - bot
Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F ank - bla (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A smy - con
3 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F alb - gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre
Austria: A vie - tri
England: F nth - nwy
England: F nwg - bar
England: A yor - lon (*Bounce*)
France: F eng - lon (*Bounce*)
France: A gas - bre
France: A spa - por
Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*)
Germany: A kie - hol
Germany: A ruh - bel
Italy: F ion - tun
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*)
Russia: F sev Supports A ukr - rum
Russia: A ukr - rum
Russia: A war - gal
Turkey: F ank - bla
Turkey: A bul - gre (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - bul (*Fails*)
5 1901
2 1 1 3 1 1 1
Austria: Build A vie
Austria: Build A bud
England: Build waived
France: Build F mar
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F stp(nc)
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Hold
Austria: F gre Hold
Austria: A ser Hold
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*)
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
England: A yor - lon
France: A bre - wal
France: F eng Convoys A bre - wal
France: F mar - lyo
France: A por - spa
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A ber - mun
Germany: F den - swe
Germany: A hol - bel
Germany: F kie - bal
Germany: A mun - bur
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: A rom - ven
Italy: F tun - wes
Italy: A ven - pie
Russia: A gal Supports A rum
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc)
Russia: A rum Hold
Russia: F sev Supports A rum
Russia: F stp(nc), no move received
Turkey: F bla Supports A bul
Turkey: A bul Hold
Turkey: A con Supports A bul
Turkey: F smy - aeg
3 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A rum - bul (*Disbanded*)
Austria: F gre Supports A rum - bul (*Dislodged*)
Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Void*)
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc)
England: A lon Hold
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
France: F eng - bre
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
France: A spa - gas (*Bounce*)
France: A wal - lvp
Germany: F bal - bot
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A bur - gas (*Bounce*)
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: A pic - par
Germany: F swe Supports F bal - bot
Italy: A pie - mar
Italy: F tys - lyo (*Fails*)
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
Russia: A gal Supports A rum - bud
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
Russia: A rum - bud
Russia: F sev Hold
Russia: F stp(nc) Hold (*Disbanded*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports A bul - gre
Turkey: F bla Supports A con - bul
Turkey: A bul - gre
Turkey: A con - bul
4 1902
1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Austrian F gre alb ion
Russian F bot lvn fin
Austria: Remove F gre
Russia: Remove F bot
5 1902
0 1 0 2 1 2 1
England: Build A edi
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build A war
Russia: Build A mos
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1903
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A ser - bud
Austria: A tri Supports A ser - bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser - bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor (*Void*)
England: A lon - yor
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy
France: F bre - mao
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Dislodged*)
France: A lvp, no move received
France: A spa - por
Germany: A bur - gas
Germany: F bot - swe
Germany: F kie - hol
Germany: A mun - trl
Germany: A par - bre
Germany: A pic Supports A par - bre
Germany: A sil - boh
Germany: F swe - ska
Italy: A mar - spa (*Bounce*)
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: F tys - lyo
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes Supports F tys - lyo
Russia: A bud Hold (*Disbanded*)
Russia: A gal Supports A bud
Russia: A mos Supports A war - lvn
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A war - lvn
Turkey: F aeg Hold
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A bul - ser
Turkey: A gre Supports A bul - ser
Turkey: F smy - eas
2 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
French F lyo pie tus
France: F lyo - pie
3 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: A tri - ven
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A yor - lvp
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*)
England: A yor - lvp
France: A lvp - wal
France: F mao - spa(sc)
France: F pie - mar (*Fails*)
France: A por Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: A boh - mun
Germany: A bre Supports A gas
Germany: A gas Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: F hol - nth
Germany: A pic - bur
Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy
Germany: F swe - nwy
Germany: A trl Supports A tri - ven
Italy: F lyo Supports A mar
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: F tys - wes
Italy: A ven - pie (*Dislodged*)
Italy: F wes - naf
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp
Russia: A mos - stp
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F eas - ion
Turkey: A gre Supports A ser
Turkey: A ser, no move received
4 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
English F nwy nwg bar
English F stp(nc) bar
Italian A ven tus rom apu
England: Remove F nwy
England: Remove F stp(nc)
Italy: A ven - rom
5 1903
1 1 -2 2 -1 1 1
Austria: Build F tri
England: Build F lon
France: Remove F pie
France: Remove A wal
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Italy: Remove F naf
Russia: Build A war
Turkey: Build A con
1 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: F tri Supports A ven
Austria: A ven Supports A trl - pie (*Cut*)
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth (*Bounce*)
France: A por Supports F spa(sc)
France: F spa(sc) Supports A mar (*Cut*)
Germany: A ber Supports A mun - sil
Germany: A bre - pic
Germany: A bur Hold
Germany: A gas - spa (*Fails*)
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: F nth - eng
Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth (*Cut*)
Germany: F ska - nth (*Bounce*)
Germany: A trl - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: F lyo - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: A rom - ven (*Fails*)
Italy: F wes - mao
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn - sil (*Fails*)
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*)
Russia: A war Supports A lvn - sil
Turkey: F aeg - ion
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A gre Supports F ion - alb
Turkey: F ion - alb
Turkey: A ser Supports A gal - bud
Austria: A Budapest, no move received
Austria: F Trieste, no move received
Austria: A Venice, no move received
Austria: A Vienna, no move received
England: A Edinburgh, no move received
England: F London, no move received
England: A Yorkshire, no move received
France: A Portugal, no move received
France: F Spain(sc), no move received
Germany: A Berlin, no move received
Germany: A Burgundy, no move received
Germany: F Denmark, no move received
Germany: F English Channel, no move received
Germany: A Gascony, no move received
Germany: F Norway, no move received
Germany: A Picardy, no move received
Germany: A Silesia, no move received
Germany: F Skagerrak, no move received
Germany: A Tyrolia, no move received
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon, no move received
Italy: A Marseilles, no move received
Italy: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
Italy: A Rome, no move received
Russia: A Galicia, no move received
Russia: A Livonia, no move received
Russia: F Sevastopol, no move received
Russia: A St Petersburg, no move received
Russia: A Warsaw, no move received
Turkey: F Albania, no move received
Turkey: F Black Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Bulgaria, no move received
Turkey: A Greece, no move received
Turkey: F Ionian Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Serbia, no move received[Reply] |
DC266 Spring 1904 Results - MattTheLesser (Sep 07, 2009, 8:40 am) |
My apologies to all. Kevin is correct; he did send me orders. The
problem was that he did not put the game number in the subject of his
email, so it was not filtered to this game's folder and thus was not
there when I went to adjudicate. Please, please remember to put the
game number in the subject line so something like this does not happen
Of course this means that Kevin's grace period is not used, and he does
not record an NMR. I will send out an updated adjudication shortly.
K Alexander wrote:
Hi All,
I lost internet for much of last week. But Matt, I sent in prelim
moves for this season on Aug 28, and you responded to the email with
that you had received these moves.
So please, input those moves and then resend this email.
2009/9/6 Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>:
[quote:af2bdbfa6d]So even with the grace period I did not receive any orders from Turkey, so
he records an NMR. On the board, however, he suffers nothing more than the
potential lack of improved position as he is not the target of any attacks.
Elsewhere we also see a relatively quiet season, as two German moves are
thwarted by combos of cut supports and bounces and Italy and France help
each other defensively.
There are no retreats, so we move directly to Fall 1904, which will be due
this coming Thursday, September 10, at 9 pm eastern. Remember that prelims
are highly encouraged, and Kevin please contact me ASAP so that I know
you're still with us.
A Budapest Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
F Trieste Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Cut*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest
A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool - Yorkshire
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Hold
A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norway Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Hold
A Rome - Venice (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Livonia - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Livonia - Silesia
F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Black Sea, no move received
A Constantinople, no move received
A Greece, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received
A Serbia, no move received
Fall 1904
bud, tri, ven, vie.
A bud, F tri, A ven, A vie
edi, lvp, lon.
A edi, F lon, A yor
por, spa.
A por, F spa(sc)
bel, ber, bre, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, par, swe.
A ber, A bur, F den, F eng, A gas, F nwy, A pic, A sil, F ska, A trl
mar, nap, rom, tun.
F lyo, A mar, F mao, A rom
mos, rum, sev, stp, war.
A gal, A lvn, F rum, A stp, A war
ank, bul, con, gre, ser, smy.
F aeg, F bla, A con, A gre, F ion, A ser
1 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: F tri - alb
Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*)
England: F edi - nwg
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth
France: F bre - eng
France: A mar - spa
France: A par - gas
Germany: A ber - kie
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - ruh
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*)
Russia: F stp(sc) - bot
Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F ank - bla (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A smy - con
3 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F alb - gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre
Austria: A vie - tri
England: F nth - nwy
England: F nwg - bar
England: A yor - lon (*Bounce*)
France: F eng - lon (*Bounce*)
France: A gas - bre
France: A spa - por
Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*)
Germany: A kie - hol
Germany: A ruh - bel
Italy: F ion - tun
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*)
Russia: F sev Supports A ukr - rum
Russia: A ukr - rum
Russia: A war - gal
Turkey: F ank - bla
Turkey: A bul - gre (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - bul (*Fails*)
5 1901
2 1 1 3 1 1 1
Austria: Build A vie
Austria: Build A bud
England: Build waived
France: Build F mar
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F stp(nc)
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Hold
Austria: F gre Hold
Austria: A ser Hold
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*)
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
England: A yor - lon
France: A bre - wal
France: F eng Convoys A bre - wal
France: F mar - lyo
France: A por - spa
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A ber - mun
Germany: F den - swe
Germany: A hol - bel
Germany: F kie - bal
Germany: A mun - bur
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: A rom - ven
Italy: F tun - wes
Italy: A ven - pie
Russia: A gal Supports A rum
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc)
Russia: A rum Hold
Russia: F sev Supports A rum
Russia: F stp(nc), no move received
Turkey: F bla Supports A bul
Turkey: A bul Hold
Turkey: A con Supports A bul
Turkey: F smy - aeg
3 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A rum - bul (*Disbanded*)
Austria: F gre Supports A rum - bul (*Dislodged*)
Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Void*)
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc)
England: A lon Hold
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
France: F eng - bre
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
France: A spa - gas (*Bounce*)
France: A wal - lvp
Germany: F bal - bot
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A bur - gas (*Bounce*)
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: A pic - par
Germany: F swe Supports F bal - bot
Italy: A pie - mar
Italy: F tys - lyo (*Fails*)
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
Russia: A gal Supports A rum - bud
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
Russia: A rum - bud
Russia: F sev Hold
Russia: F stp(nc) Hold (*Disbanded*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports A bul - gre
Turkey: F bla Supports A con - bul
Turkey: A bul - gre
Turkey: A con - bul
4 1902
1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Austrian F gre ion alb
Russian F bot fin lvn
Austria: Remove F gre
Russia: Remove F bot
5 1902
0 1 0 2 1 2 1
England: Build A edi
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build A war
Russia: Build A mos
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1903
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A ser - bud
Austria: A tri Supports A ser - bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser - bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor (*Void*)
England: A lon - yor
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy
France: F bre - mao
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Dislodged*)
France: A lvp, no move received
France: A spa - por
Germany: A bur - gas
Germany: F bot - swe
Germany: F kie - hol
Germany: A mun - trl
Germany: A par - bre
Germany: A pic Supports A par - bre
Germany: A sil - boh
Germany: F swe - ska
Italy: A mar - spa (*Bounce*)
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: F tys - lyo
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes Supports F tys - lyo
Russia: A bud Hold (*Disbanded*)
Russia: A gal Supports A bud
Russia: A mos Supports A war - lvn
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A war - lvn
Turkey: F aeg Hold
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A bul - ser
Turkey: A gre Supports A bul - ser
Turkey: F smy - eas
2 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
French F lyo tus pie
France: F lyo - pie
3 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: A tri - ven
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A yor - lvp
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*)
England: A yor - lvp
France: A lvp - wal
France: F mao - spa(sc)
France: F pie - mar (*Fails*)
France: A por Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: A boh - mun
Germany: A bre Supports A gas
Germany: A gas Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: F hol - nth
Germany: A pic - bur
Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy
Germany: F swe - nwy
Germany: A trl Supports A tri - ven
Italy: F lyo Supports A mar
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: F tys - wes
Italy: A ven - pie (*Dislodged*)
Italy: F wes - naf
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp
Russia: A mos - stp
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F eas - ion
Turkey: A gre Supports A ser
Turkey: A ser, no move received
4 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
English F nwy bar nwg
English F stp(nc) bar
Italian A ven apu rom tus
England: Remove F nwy
England: Remove F stp(nc)
Italy: A ven - rom
5 1903
1 1 -2 2 -1 1 1
Austria: Build F tri
England: Build F lon
France: Remove F pie
France: Remove A wal
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Italy: Remove F naf
Russia: Build A war
Turkey: Build A con
1 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: F tri Supports A ven
Austria: A ven Supports A trl - pie (*Cut*)
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth (*Bounce*)
France: A por Supports F spa(sc)
France: F spa(sc) Supports A mar (*Cut*)
Germany: A ber Supports A mun - sil
Germany: A bre - pic
Germany: A bur Hold
Germany: A gas - spa (*Fails*)
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: F nth - eng
Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth (*Cut*)
Germany: F ska - nth (*Bounce*)
Germany: A trl - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: F lyo - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: A rom - ven (*Fails*)
Italy: F wes - mao
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn - sil (*Fails*)
Russia: F sev - rum
Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*)
Russia: A war Supports A lvn - sil
Turkey: F aeg, no move received
Turkey: F bla, no move received
Turkey: A con, no move received
Turkey: A gre, no move received
Turkey: F ion, no move received
Turkey: A ser, no move received
Austria: A Budapest, no move received
Austria: F Trieste, no move received
Austria: A Venice, no move received
Austria: A Vienna, no move received
England: A Edinburgh, no move received
England: F London, no move received
England: A Yorkshire, no move received
France: A Portugal, no move received
France: F Spain(sc), no move received
Germany: A Berlin, no move received
Germany: A Burgundy, no move received
Germany: F Denmark, no move received
Germany: F English Channel, no move received
Germany: A Gascony, no move received
Germany: F Norway, no move received
Germany: A Picardy, no move received
Germany: A Silesia, no move received
Germany: F Skagerrak, no move received
Germany: A Tyrolia, no move received
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon, no move received
Italy: A Marseilles, no move received
Italy: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
Italy: A Rome, no move received
Russia: A Galicia, no move received
Russia: A Livonia, no move received
Russia: F Rumania, no move received
Russia: A St Petersburg, no move received
Russia: A Warsaw, no move received
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, no move received
Turkey: F Black Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Constantinople, no move received
Turkey: A Greece, no move received
Turkey: F Ionian Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Serbia, no move received
[/quote:af2bdbfa6d][Reply] |
DC266 Spring 1904 Results - icg.kevin (Sep 06, 2009, 11:45 pm) |
Hi All,
I lost internet for much of last week. But Matt, I sent in prelim
moves for this season on Aug 28, and you responded to the email with
that you had received these moves.
So please, input those moves and then resend this email.
2009/9/6 Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>:
So even with the grace period I did not receive any orders from Turkey, so
he records an NMR. On the board, however, he suffers nothing more than the
potential lack of improved position as he is not the target of any attacks.
Elsewhere we also see a relatively quiet season, as two German moves are
thwarted by combos of cut supports and bounces and Italy and France help
each other defensively.
There are no retreats, so we move directly to Fall 1904, which will be due
this coming Thursday, September 10, at 9 pm eastern. Remember that prelims
are highly encouraged, and Kevin please contact me ASAP so that I know
you're still with us.
A Budapest Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
F Trieste Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Cut*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest
A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool - Yorkshire
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Hold
A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norway Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Hold
A Rome - Venice (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Livonia - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Livonia - Silesia
F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Black Sea, no move received
A Constantinople, no move received
A Greece, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received
A Serbia, no move received
Fall 1904
bud, tri, ven, vie.
A bud, F tri, A ven, A vie
edi, lvp, lon.
A edi, F lon, A yor
por, spa.
A por, F spa(sc)
bel, ber, bre, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, par, swe.
A ber, A bur, F den, F eng, A gas, F nwy, A pic, A sil, F ska, A trl
mar, nap, rom, tun.
F lyo, A mar, F mao, A rom
mos, rum, sev, stp, war.
A gal, A lvn, F rum, A stp, A war
ank, bul, con, gre, ser, smy.
F aeg, F bla, A con, A gre, F ion, A ser
1 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: F tri - alb
Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*)
England: F edi - nwg
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth
France: F bre - eng
France: A mar - spa
France: A par - gas
Germany: A ber - kie
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - ruh
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*)
Russia: F stp(sc) - bot
Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F ank - bla (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A smy - con
3 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F alb - gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre
Austria: A vie - tri
England: F nth - nwy
England: F nwg - bar
England: A yor - lon (*Bounce*)
France: F eng - lon (*Bounce*)
France: A gas - bre
France: A spa - por
Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*)
Germany: A kie - hol
Germany: A ruh - bel
Italy: F ion - tun
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*)
Russia: F sev Supports A ukr - rum
Russia: A ukr - rum
Russia: A war - gal
Turkey: F ank - bla
Turkey: A bul - gre (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - bul (*Fails*)
5 1901
2 1 1 3 1 1 1
Austria: Build A vie
Austria: Build A bud
England: Build waived
France: Build F mar
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F stp(nc)
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Hold
Austria: F gre Hold
Austria: A ser Hold
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*)
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
England: A yor - lon
France: A bre - wal
France: F eng Convoys A bre - wal
France: F mar - lyo
France: A por - spa
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A ber - mun
Germany: F den - swe
Germany: A hol - bel
Germany: F kie - bal
Germany: A mun - bur
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: A rom - ven
Italy: F tun - wes
Italy: A ven - pie
Russia: A gal Supports A rum
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc)
Russia: A rum Hold
Russia: F sev Supports A rum
Russia: F stp(nc), no move received
Turkey: F bla Supports A bul
Turkey: A bul Hold
Turkey: A con Supports A bul
Turkey: F smy - aeg
3 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A rum - bul (*Disbanded*)
Austria: F gre Supports A rum - bul (*Dislodged*)
Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Void*)
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc)
England: A lon Hold
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
France: F eng - bre
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
France: A spa - gas (*Bounce*)
France: A wal - lvp
Germany: F bal - bot
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A bur - gas (*Bounce*)
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: A pic - par
Germany: F swe Supports F bal - bot
Italy: A pie - mar
Italy: F tys - lyo (*Fails*)
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
Russia: A gal Supports A rum - bud
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
Russia: A rum - bud
Russia: F sev Hold
Russia: F stp(nc) Hold (*Disbanded*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports A bul - gre
Turkey: F bla Supports A con - bul
Turkey: A bul - gre
Turkey: A con - bul
4 1902
1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Austrian F gre ion alb
Russian F bot fin lvn
Austria: Remove F gre
Russia: Remove F bot
5 1902
0 1 0 2 1 2 1
England: Build A edi
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build A war
Russia: Build A mos
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1903
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A ser - bud
Austria: A tri Supports A ser - bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser - bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor (*Void*)
England: A lon - yor
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy
France: F bre - mao
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Dislodged*)
France: A lvp, no move received
France: A spa - por
Germany: A bur - gas
Germany: F bot - swe
Germany: F kie - hol
Germany: A mun - trl
Germany: A par - bre
Germany: A pic Supports A par - bre
Germany: A sil - boh
Germany: F swe - ska
Italy: A mar - spa (*Bounce*)
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: F tys - lyo
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes Supports F tys - lyo
Russia: A bud Hold (*Disbanded*)
Russia: A gal Supports A bud
Russia: A mos Supports A war - lvn
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A war - lvn
Turkey: F aeg Hold
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A bul - ser
Turkey: A gre Supports A bul - ser
Turkey: F smy - eas
2 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
French F lyo tus pie
France: F lyo - pie
3 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: A tri - ven
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A yor - lvp
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*)
England: A yor - lvp
France: A lvp - wal
France: F mao - spa(sc)
France: F pie - mar (*Fails*)
France: A por Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: A boh - mun
Germany: A bre Supports A gas
Germany: A gas Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: F hol - nth
Germany: A pic - bur
Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy
Germany: F swe - nwy
Germany: A trl Supports A tri - ven
Italy: F lyo Supports A mar
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: F tys - wes
Italy: A ven - pie (*Dislodged*)
Italy: F wes - naf
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp
Russia: A mos - stp
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F eas - ion
Turkey: A gre Supports A ser
Turkey: A ser, no move received
4 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
English F nwy bar nwg
English F stp(nc) bar
Italian A ven apu rom tus
England: Remove F nwy
England: Remove F stp(nc)
Italy: A ven - rom
5 1903
1 1 -2 2 -1 1 1
Austria: Build F tri
England: Build F lon
France: Remove F pie
France: Remove A wal
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Italy: Remove F naf
Russia: Build A war
Turkey: Build A con
1 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: F tri Supports A ven
Austria: A ven Supports A trl - pie (*Cut*)
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth (*Bounce*)
France: A por Supports F spa(sc)
France: F spa(sc) Supports A mar (*Cut*)
Germany: A ber Supports A mun - sil
Germany: A bre - pic
Germany: A bur Hold
Germany: A gas - spa (*Fails*)
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: F nth - eng
Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth (*Cut*)
Germany: F ska - nth (*Bounce*)
Germany: A trl - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: F lyo - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: A rom - ven (*Fails*)
Italy: F wes - mao
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn - sil (*Fails*)
Russia: F sev - rum
Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*)
Russia: A war Supports A lvn - sil
Turkey: F aeg, no move received
Turkey: F bla, no move received
Turkey: A con, no move received
Turkey: A gre, no move received
Turkey: F ion, no move received
Turkey: A ser, no move received
Austria: A Budapest, no move received
Austria: F Trieste, no move received
Austria: A Venice, no move received
Austria: A Vienna, no move received
England: A Edinburgh, no move received
England: F London, no move received
England: A Yorkshire, no move received
France: A Portugal, no move received
France: F Spain(sc), no move received
Germany: A Berlin, no move received
Germany: A Burgundy, no move received
Germany: F Denmark, no move received
Germany: F English Channel, no move received
Germany: A Gascony, no move received
Germany: F Norway, no move received
Germany: A Picardy, no move received
Germany: A Silesia, no move received
Germany: F Skagerrak, no move received
Germany: A Tyrolia, no move received
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon, no move received
Italy: A Marseilles, no move received
Italy: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
Italy: A Rome, no move received
Russia: A Galicia, no move received
Russia: A Livonia, no move received
Russia: F Rumania, no move received
Russia: A St Petersburg, no move received
Russia: A Warsaw, no move received
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, no move received
Turkey: F Black Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Constantinople, no move received
Turkey: A Greece, no move received
Turkey: F Ionian Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Serbia, no move received
[Reply] |
DC 257: MoV Fall looks like thus - The_Gentleman (Sep 06, 2009, 10:42 pm) |
Hey guys.
Fall moves are due to me on WED the 9th of Sept. NOT SATURDAY!! But Wednesday....
Alexander[Reply] |
DC-224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Summer 10 - Crying... - former.trout (Sep 06, 2009, 9:54 pm) |
Hello hello, on the night before Labour Day...
Our summer workers are hard at work as the necessary divisions are relocated to Drynwyn, Uhl Belk and Tymwyvenne. That completes our short and sweet summer mayhem.
We'll try to have a shorter deadline this week due to popular request. Fall 10 order deadline will be set for Thursday, September 10th (11:59 PM GMT).
Everyone rock out and shake your money maker! Cheers!
Sonic Boom Trout
Retreat orders for Spring of 10. (DC 224 10 SUM)
Archers: F Kingdom Of Hearts - Drynwyn.
Rogues: F Savage Sea - Uhl Belk.
Trolls: A Diamond Mines - Tymwyvenne.
Unit locations:
Archers: F Loxley, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Gwynir, A Ivory
Tower, A Groves Of Academe, F Drynwyn, F Cliffs Of Insanity.
Dwarves: A Carpantha, A Undermountain, A Krikkit, F Great Glacier, F The
Julianthes, A Dragon Coast, A Diamond Mines, F Zeboims Deep.
Elves: A Waterdeep, F Cormyr, F River Of Dawn.
Faeries: A Kingdom Of Hearts, F Land Of Sweets, A Myth Drannor, A Dragons
Teeth Mtns, A Strawberry Fields, F Churning Reach, F East Mirianic
Ocean, F North Mirianic Ocean, F Rugged Coast.
Knights: A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward, F Cathal, A Pendaran Wood, A
Heavens Well, A Shady Vale, F Crystal Lake.
Ogres: A Gelfling, F Fjord, A Two Towers, A Merrow, A Powry, A Thirsty
Desert, A Shining Stream, A The Wilderland, A Nowwhat, A Dhunia, A
Hall Of Echoes, A Twisted Tunnels, F Roaring Rapids, F North
Rainbow Lake.
Pirates: A Mordor, A Rohan, F Lindon, F Land Ho, A Traverse Town, F
Rivendell, A Maze Of Regrets, A Critter Country, F Grief Reef, F
Pirate Shoals, F Gulf of Lhun.
Rogues: A Tumnus, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Sleepy Hollow, F Aslan, A
Dancing Lawn, F Walk Of Clouds, A Palmaris, F Timber Lands, F Uhl
Belk, A Venatori Umbrarum, F Mist Marsh, F All Saints Bay, F West
Mirianic Ocean.
Trolls: F Hundred Acre Wood, F Newa River, F Ergoth, F Everglot, F
Skellington, A Cyriss, F Enchanted Isles, A Cave Of Ordeals, F
Necronomicon, A Daniloth, A Tymwyvenne, A Yggdrasil, A Ancient
Necropolis, F High Seas, F West Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: A Skullcap, F Terabithia, F Istar, F Thunderhead, F Savage Sea.
Wizards: F Baldurs Gate, A Candlekeep, A Yuirwood, F Restless Waters, F
Razors Edge.
Ownership of supply centers:
Archers: Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Fantastica, Duloc, Avalon, Gwynir, Kingdom
Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves: Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Krikkit, Zhentil Keep, The Old
Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves: Garthim, Faerun, City Of Splendors.
Faeries: Mt Nimro, Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi,
Gumdrop Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights: Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
Grimpen Ward, Cathal, Icereach.
Ogres: Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates: Mordor, Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth, Land
Ho, Never Never Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak
Rogues: Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
Sleepy Hollow, Dimmsdale.
Trolls: Hundred Acre Wood, Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn,
Sorrow's End, Niflheim, Kahvi, Everglot, Skellington, Grendel,
Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead: Gollerus, Skullcap, Tuatha, Caer, Terabithia.
Wizards: Baldurs Gate, Waterdeep, Two Towers, Candlekeep, Great Glacier.
Archers: 9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 9 Units: Builds 0 units.
Barbarians: 0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Centaurs: 0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Dwarves: 8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Elves: 3 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Faeries: 9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 9 Units: Builds 0 units.
Gnomes: 0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Hobbits: 0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Knights: 9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Leprechauns: 0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Magicians: 0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Nomads: 0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Ogres: 14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 14 Units: Builds 0 units.
Pirates: 11 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Rogues: 14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 14 Units: Builds 0 units.
Samurai: 0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Trolls: 15 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 15 Units: Builds 0 units.
Undead: 5 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Wizards: 5 Supply centers ( 0 blocked), 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
DC266 Spring 1904 Results - MattTheLesser (Sep 06, 2009, 12:10 pm) |
So even with the grace period I did not receive any orders from Turkey,
so he records an NMR. On the board, however, he suffers nothing more
than the potential lack of improved position as he is not the target of
any attacks. Elsewhere we also see a relatively quiet season, as two
German moves are thwarted by combos of cut supports and bounces and
Italy and France help each other defensively.
There are no retreats, so we move directly to Fall 1904, which will be
due this coming Thursday, September 10, at 9 pm eastern. Remember that
prelims are highly encouraged, and Kevin please contact me ASAP so that
I know you're still with us.
A Budapest Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
F Trieste Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Cut*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest
A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool - Yorkshire
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Hold
A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norway Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Hold
A Rome - Venice (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Livonia - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Livonia - Silesia
F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Black Sea, no move received
A Constantinople, no move received
A Greece, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received
A Serbia, no move received
Fall 1904
bud, tri, ven, vie.
A bud, F tri, A ven, A vie
edi, lvp, lon.
A edi, F lon, A yor
por, spa.
A por, F spa(sc)
bel, ber, bre, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, par, swe.
A ber, A bur, F den, F eng, A gas, F nwy, A pic, A sil, F ska, A trl
mar, nap, rom, tun.
F lyo, A mar, F mao, A rom
mos, rum, sev, stp, war.
A gal, A lvn, F rum, A stp, A war
ank, bul, con, gre, ser, smy.
F aeg, F bla, A con, A gre, F ion, A ser
1 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: F tri - alb
Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*)
England: F edi - nwg
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth
France: F bre - eng
France: A mar - spa
France: A par - gas
Germany: A ber - kie
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - ruh
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*)
Russia: F stp(sc) - bot
Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F ank - bla (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A smy - con
3 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F alb - gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre
Austria: A vie - tri
England: F nth - nwy
England: F nwg - bar
England: A yor - lon (*Bounce*)
France: F eng - lon (*Bounce*)
France: A gas - bre
France: A spa - por
Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*)
Germany: A kie - hol
Germany: A ruh - bel
Italy: F ion - tun
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*)
Russia: F sev Supports A ukr - rum
Russia: A ukr - rum
Russia: A war - gal
Turkey: F ank - bla
Turkey: A bul - gre (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - bul (*Fails*)
5 1901
2 1 1 3 1 1 1
Austria: Build A vie
Austria: Build A bud
England: Build waived
France: Build F mar
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F stp(nc)
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Hold
Austria: F gre Hold
Austria: A ser Hold
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*)
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
England: A yor - lon
France: A bre - wal
France: F eng Convoys A bre - wal
France: F mar - lyo
France: A por - spa
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A ber - mun
Germany: F den - swe
Germany: A hol - bel
Germany: F kie - bal
Germany: A mun - bur
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: A rom - ven
Italy: F tun - wes
Italy: A ven - pie
Russia: A gal Supports A rum
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc)
Russia: A rum Hold
Russia: F sev Supports A rum
Russia: F stp(nc), no move received
Turkey: F bla Supports A bul
Turkey: A bul Hold
Turkey: A con Supports A bul
Turkey: F smy - aeg
3 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A rum - bul (*Disbanded*)
Austria: F gre Supports A rum - bul (*Dislodged*)
Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Void*)
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc)
England: A lon Hold
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
France: F eng - bre
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
France: A spa - gas (*Bounce*)
France: A wal - lvp
Germany: F bal - bot
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A bur - gas (*Bounce*)
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: A pic - par
Germany: F swe Supports F bal - bot
Italy: A pie - mar
Italy: F tys - lyo (*Fails*)
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
Russia: A gal Supports A rum - bud
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
Russia: A rum - bud
Russia: F sev Hold
Russia: F stp(nc) Hold (*Disbanded*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports A bul - gre
Turkey: F bla Supports A con - bul
Turkey: A bul - gre
Turkey: A con - bul
4 1902
1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Austrian F gre ion alb
Russian F bot fin lvn
Austria: Remove F gre
Russia: Remove F bot
5 1902
0 1 0 2 1 2 1
England: Build A edi
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build A war
Russia: Build A mos
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1903
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A ser - bud
Austria: A tri Supports A ser - bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser - bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor (*Void*)
England: A lon - yor
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy
France: F bre - mao
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Dislodged*)
France: A lvp, no move received
France: A spa - por
Germany: A bur - gas
Germany: F bot - swe
Germany: F kie - hol
Germany: A mun - trl
Germany: A par - bre
Germany: A pic Supports A par - bre
Germany: A sil - boh
Germany: F swe - ska
Italy: A mar - spa (*Bounce*)
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: F tys - lyo
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes Supports F tys - lyo
Russia: A bud Hold (*Disbanded*)
Russia: A gal Supports A bud
Russia: A mos Supports A war - lvn
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A war - lvn
Turkey: F aeg Hold
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A bul - ser
Turkey: A gre Supports A bul - ser
Turkey: F smy - eas
2 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
French F lyo tus pie
France: F lyo - pie
3 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: A tri - ven
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A yor - lvp
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*)
England: A yor - lvp
France: A lvp - wal
France: F mao - spa(sc)
France: F pie - mar (*Fails*)
France: A por Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: A boh - mun
Germany: A bre Supports A gas
Germany: A gas Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: F hol - nth
Germany: A pic - bur
Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy
Germany: F swe - nwy
Germany: A trl Supports A tri - ven
Italy: F lyo Supports A mar
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: F tys - wes
Italy: A ven - pie (*Dislodged*)
Italy: F wes - naf
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp
Russia: A mos - stp
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F eas - ion
Turkey: A gre Supports A ser
Turkey: A ser, no move received
4 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
English F nwy bar nwg
English F stp(nc) bar
Italian A ven apu rom tus
England: Remove F nwy
England: Remove F stp(nc)
Italy: A ven - rom
5 1903
1 1 -2 2 -1 1 1
Austria: Build F tri
England: Build F lon
France: Remove F pie
France: Remove A wal
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Italy: Remove F naf
Russia: Build A war
Turkey: Build A con
1 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: F tri Supports A ven
Austria: A ven Supports A trl - pie (*Cut*)
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth (*Bounce*)
France: A por Supports F spa(sc)
France: F spa(sc) Supports A mar (*Cut*)
Germany: A ber Supports A mun - sil
Germany: A bre - pic
Germany: A bur Hold
Germany: A gas - spa (*Fails*)
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: F nth - eng
Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth (*Cut*)
Germany: F ska - nth (*Bounce*)
Germany: A trl - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: F lyo - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: A rom - ven (*Fails*)
Italy: F wes - mao
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn - sil (*Fails*)
Russia: F sev - rum
Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*)
Russia: A war Supports A lvn - sil
Turkey: F aeg, no move received
Turkey: F bla, no move received
Turkey: A con, no move received
Turkey: A gre, no move received
Turkey: F ion, no move received
Turkey: A ser, no move received
Austria: A Budapest, no move received
Austria: F Trieste, no move received
Austria: A Venice, no move received
Austria: A Vienna, no move received
England: A Edinburgh, no move received
England: F London, no move received
England: A Yorkshire, no move received
France: A Portugal, no move received
France: F Spain(sc), no move received
Germany: A Berlin, no move received
Germany: A Burgundy, no move received
Germany: F Denmark, no move received
Germany: F English Channel, no move received
Germany: A Gascony, no move received
Germany: F Norway, no move received
Germany: A Picardy, no move received
Germany: A Silesia, no move received
Germany: F Skagerrak, no move received
Germany: A Tyrolia, no move received
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon, no move received
Italy: A Marseilles, no move received
Italy: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
Italy: A Rome, no move received
Russia: A Galicia, no move received
Russia: A Livonia, no move received
Russia: F Rumania, no move received
Russia: A St Petersburg, no move received
Russia: A Warsaw, no move received
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, no move received
Turkey: F Black Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Constantinople, no move received
Turkey: A Greece, no move received
Turkey: F Ionian Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Serbia, no move received[Reply] |
DC266 Spring 1904 Results (dc266) icg.kevin Sep 06, 11:45 pm |
Hi All,
I lost internet for much of last week. But Matt, I sent in prelim
moves for this season on Aug 28, and you responded to the email with
that you had received these moves.
So please, input those moves and then resend this email.
2009/9/6 Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>:
So even with the grace period I did not receive any orders from Turkey, so
he records an NMR. On the board, however, he suffers nothing more than the
potential lack of improved position as he is not the target of any attacks.
Elsewhere we also see a relatively quiet season, as two German moves are
thwarted by combos of cut supports and bounces and Italy and France help
each other defensively.
There are no retreats, so we move directly to Fall 1904, which will be due
this coming Thursday, September 10, at 9 pm eastern. Remember that prelims
are highly encouraged, and Kevin please contact me ASAP so that I know
you're still with us.
A Budapest Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
F Trieste Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Cut*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest
A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool - Yorkshire
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Hold
A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norway Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Hold
A Rome - Venice (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Livonia - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Livonia - Silesia
F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Black Sea, no move received
A Constantinople, no move received
A Greece, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received
A Serbia, no move received
Fall 1904
bud, tri, ven, vie.
A bud, F tri, A ven, A vie
edi, lvp, lon.
A edi, F lon, A yor
por, spa.
A por, F spa(sc)
bel, ber, bre, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, par, swe.
A ber, A bur, F den, F eng, A gas, F nwy, A pic, A sil, F ska, A trl
mar, nap, rom, tun.
F lyo, A mar, F mao, A rom
mos, rum, sev, stp, war.
A gal, A lvn, F rum, A stp, A war
ank, bul, con, gre, ser, smy.
F aeg, F bla, A con, A gre, F ion, A ser
1 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: F tri - alb
Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*)
England: F edi - nwg
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth
France: F bre - eng
France: A mar - spa
France: A par - gas
Germany: A ber - kie
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - ruh
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*)
Russia: F stp(sc) - bot
Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F ank - bla (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A smy - con
3 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F alb - gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre
Austria: A vie - tri
England: F nth - nwy
England: F nwg - bar
England: A yor - lon (*Bounce*)
France: F eng - lon (*Bounce*)
France: A gas - bre
France: A spa - por
Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*)
Germany: A kie - hol
Germany: A ruh - bel
Italy: F ion - tun
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*)
Russia: F sev Supports A ukr - rum
Russia: A ukr - rum
Russia: A war - gal
Turkey: F ank - bla
Turkey: A bul - gre (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - bul (*Fails*)
5 1901
2 1 1 3 1 1 1
Austria: Build A vie
Austria: Build A bud
England: Build waived
France: Build F mar
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F stp(nc)
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Hold
Austria: F gre Hold
Austria: A ser Hold
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*)
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
England: A yor - lon
France: A bre - wal
France: F eng Convoys A bre - wal
France: F mar - lyo
France: A por - spa
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A ber - mun
Germany: F den - swe
Germany: A hol - bel
Germany: F kie - bal
Germany: A mun - bur
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: A rom - ven
Italy: F tun - wes
Italy: A ven - pie
Russia: A gal Supports A rum
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc)
Russia: A rum Hold
Russia: F sev Supports A rum
Russia: F stp(nc), no move received
Turkey: F bla Supports A bul
Turkey: A bul Hold
Turkey: A con Supports A bul
Turkey: F smy - aeg
3 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A rum - bul (*Disbanded*)
Austria: F gre Supports A rum - bul (*Dislodged*)
Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Void*)
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc)
England: A lon Hold
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
France: F eng - bre
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
France: A spa - gas (*Bounce*)
France: A wal - lvp
Germany: F bal - bot
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A bur - gas (*Bounce*)
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: A pic - par
Germany: F swe Supports F bal - bot
Italy: A pie - mar
Italy: F tys - lyo (*Fails*)
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
Russia: A gal Supports A rum - bud
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
Russia: A rum - bud
Russia: F sev Hold
Russia: F stp(nc) Hold (*Disbanded*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports A bul - gre
Turkey: F bla Supports A con - bul
Turkey: A bul - gre
Turkey: A con - bul
4 1902
1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Austrian F gre ion alb
Russian F bot fin lvn
Austria: Remove F gre
Russia: Remove F bot
5 1902
0 1 0 2 1 2 1
England: Build A edi
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build A war
Russia: Build A mos
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1903
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A ser - bud
Austria: A tri Supports A ser - bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser - bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor (*Void*)
England: A lon - yor
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy
France: F bre - mao
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Dislodged*)
France: A lvp, no move received
France: A spa - por
Germany: A bur - gas
Germany: F bot - swe
Germany: F kie - hol
Germany: A mun - trl
Germany: A par - bre
Germany: A pic Supports A par - bre
Germany: A sil - boh
Germany: F swe - ska
Italy: A mar - spa (*Bounce*)
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: F tys - lyo
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes Supports F tys - lyo
Russia: A bud Hold (*Disbanded*)
Russia: A gal Supports A bud
Russia: A mos Supports A war - lvn
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A war - lvn
Turkey: F aeg Hold
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A bul - ser
Turkey: A gre Supports A bul - ser
Turkey: F smy - eas
2 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
French F lyo tus pie
France: F lyo - pie
3 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: A tri - ven
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A yor - lvp
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*)
England: A yor - lvp
France: A lvp - wal
France: F mao - spa(sc)
France: F pie - mar (*Fails*)
France: A por Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: A boh - mun
Germany: A bre Supports A gas
Germany: A gas Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: F hol - nth
Germany: A pic - bur
Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy
Germany: F swe - nwy
Germany: A trl Supports A tri - ven
Italy: F lyo Supports A mar
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: F tys - wes
Italy: A ven - pie (*Dislodged*)
Italy: F wes - naf
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp
Russia: A mos - stp
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F eas - ion
Turkey: A gre Supports A ser
Turkey: A ser, no move received
4 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
English F nwy bar nwg
English F stp(nc) bar
Italian A ven apu rom tus
England: Remove F nwy
England: Remove F stp(nc)
Italy: A ven - rom
5 1903
1 1 -2 2 -1 1 1
Austria: Build F tri
England: Build F lon
France: Remove F pie
France: Remove A wal
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Italy: Remove F naf
Russia: Build A war
Turkey: Build A con
1 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: F tri Supports A ven
Austria: A ven Supports A trl - pie (*Cut*)
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth (*Bounce*)
France: A por Supports F spa(sc)
France: F spa(sc) Supports A mar (*Cut*)
Germany: A ber Supports A mun - sil
Germany: A bre - pic
Germany: A bur Hold
Germany: A gas - spa (*Fails*)
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: F nth - eng
Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth (*Cut*)
Germany: F ska - nth (*Bounce*)
Germany: A trl - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: F lyo - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: A rom - ven (*Fails*)
Italy: F wes - mao
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn - sil (*Fails*)
Russia: F sev - rum
Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*)
Russia: A war Supports A lvn - sil
Turkey: F aeg, no move received
Turkey: F bla, no move received
Turkey: A con, no move received
Turkey: A gre, no move received
Turkey: F ion, no move received
Turkey: A ser, no move received
Austria: A Budapest, no move received
Austria: F Trieste, no move received
Austria: A Venice, no move received
Austria: A Vienna, no move received
England: A Edinburgh, no move received
England: F London, no move received
England: A Yorkshire, no move received
France: A Portugal, no move received
France: F Spain(sc), no move received
Germany: A Berlin, no move received
Germany: A Burgundy, no move received
Germany: F Denmark, no move received
Germany: F English Channel, no move received
Germany: A Gascony, no move received
Germany: F Norway, no move received
Germany: A Picardy, no move received
Germany: A Silesia, no move received
Germany: F Skagerrak, no move received
Germany: A Tyrolia, no move received
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon, no move received
Italy: A Marseilles, no move received
Italy: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
Italy: A Rome, no move received
Russia: A Galicia, no move received
Russia: A Livonia, no move received
Russia: F Rumania, no move received
Russia: A St Petersburg, no move received
Russia: A Warsaw, no move received
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, no move received
Turkey: F Black Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Constantinople, no move received
Turkey: A Greece, no move received
Turkey: F Ionian Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Serbia, no move received
DC266 Spring 1904 Results (dc266) MattTheLesser Sep 07, 08:40 am |
My apologies to all. Kevin is correct; he did send me orders. The
problem was that he did not put the game number in the subject of his
email, so it was not filtered to this game's folder and thus was not
there when I went to adjudicate. Please, please remember to put the
game number in the subject line so something like this does not happen
Of course this means that Kevin's grace period is not used, and he does
not record an NMR. I will send out an updated adjudication shortly.
K Alexander wrote:
Hi All,
I lost internet for much of last week. But Matt, I sent in prelim
moves for this season on Aug 28, and you responded to the email with
that you had received these moves.
So please, input those moves and then resend this email.
2009/9/6 Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>:
[quote:af2bdbfa6d]So even with the grace period I did not receive any orders from Turkey, so
he records an NMR. On the board, however, he suffers nothing more than the
potential lack of improved position as he is not the target of any attacks.
Elsewhere we also see a relatively quiet season, as two German moves are
thwarted by combos of cut supports and bounces and Italy and France help
each other defensively.
There are no retreats, so we move directly to Fall 1904, which will be due
this coming Thursday, September 10, at 9 pm eastern. Remember that prelims
are highly encouraged, and Kevin please contact me ASAP so that I know
you're still with us.
A Budapest Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
F Trieste Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Cut*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest
A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool - Yorkshire
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)
F Spain(sc) Supports A Marseilles (*Cut*)
A Berlin Supports A Munich - Silesia
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy Hold
A Gascony - Spain (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Silesia
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norway Supports F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Lyon - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Hold
A Rome - Venice (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Livonia - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Livonia - Silesia
F Aegean Sea, no move received
F Black Sea, no move received
A Constantinople, no move received
A Greece, no move received
F Ionian Sea, no move received
A Serbia, no move received
Fall 1904
bud, tri, ven, vie.
A bud, F tri, A ven, A vie
edi, lvp, lon.
A edi, F lon, A yor
por, spa.
A por, F spa(sc)
bel, ber, bre, den, hol, kie, mun, nwy, par, swe.
A ber, A bur, F den, F eng, A gas, F nwy, A pic, A sil, F ska, A trl
mar, nap, rom, tun.
F lyo, A mar, F mao, A rom
mos, rum, sev, stp, war.
A gal, A lvn, F rum, A stp, A war
ank, bul, con, gre, ser, smy.
F aeg, F bla, A con, A gre, F ion, A ser
1 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud - ser
Austria: F tri - alb
Austria: A vie - gal (*Bounce*)
England: F edi - nwg
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth
France: F bre - eng
France: A mar - spa
France: A par - gas
Germany: A ber - kie
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - ruh
Italy: F nap - ion
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: A mos - ukr
Russia: F sev - bla (*Bounce*)
Russia: F stp(sc) - bot
Russia: A war - gal (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F ank - bla (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A con - bul
Turkey: A smy - con
3 1901
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: F alb - gre
Austria: A ser Supports F alb - gre
Austria: A vie - tri
England: F nth - nwy
England: F nwg - bar
England: A yor - lon (*Bounce*)
France: F eng - lon (*Bounce*)
France: A gas - bre
France: A spa - por
Germany: F den - swe (*Bounce*)
Germany: A kie - hol
Germany: A ruh - bel
Italy: F ion - tun
Italy: A rom Hold
Italy: A ven Hold
Russia: F bot - swe (*Bounce*)
Russia: F sev Supports A ukr - rum
Russia: A ukr - rum
Russia: A war - gal
Turkey: F ank - bla
Turkey: A bul - gre (*Fails*)
Turkey: A con - bul (*Fails*)
5 1901
2 1 1 3 1 1 1
Austria: Build A vie
Austria: Build A bud
England: Build waived
France: Build F mar
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build F stp(nc)
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Hold
Austria: F gre Hold
Austria: A ser Hold
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc) (*Fails*)
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
England: A yor - lon
France: A bre - wal
France: F eng Convoys A bre - wal
France: F mar - lyo
France: A por - spa
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A ber - mun
Germany: F den - swe
Germany: A hol - bel
Germany: F kie - bal
Germany: A mun - bur
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: A rom - ven
Italy: F tun - wes
Italy: A ven - pie
Russia: A gal Supports A rum
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc)
Russia: A rum Hold
Russia: F sev Supports A rum
Russia: F stp(nc), no move received
Turkey: F bla Supports A bul
Turkey: A bul Hold
Turkey: A con Supports A bul
Turkey: F smy - aeg
3 1902
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A rum - bul (*Disbanded*)
Austria: F gre Supports A rum - bul (*Dislodged*)
Austria: A ser Supports A rum - bul (*Void*)
Austria: A tri Hold
Austria: A vie Hold
England: F bar - stp(nc)
England: A lon Hold
England: F nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc)
France: F eng - bre
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
France: A spa - gas (*Bounce*)
France: A wal - lvp
Germany: F bal - bot
Germany: A bel - pic
Germany: A bur - gas (*Bounce*)
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: A pic - par
Germany: F swe Supports F bal - bot
Italy: A pie - mar
Italy: F tys - lyo (*Fails*)
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes - spa(sc) (*Bounce*)
Russia: A gal Supports A rum - bud
Russia: F bot Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
Russia: A rum - bud
Russia: F sev Hold
Russia: F stp(nc) Hold (*Disbanded*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports A bul - gre
Turkey: F bla Supports A con - bul
Turkey: A bul - gre
Turkey: A con - bul
4 1902
1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Austrian F gre ion alb
Russian F bot fin lvn
Austria: Remove F gre
Russia: Remove F bot
5 1902
0 1 0 2 1 2 1
England: Build A edi
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A mun
Italy: Build F nap
Russia: Build A war
Russia: Build A mos
Turkey: Build F smy
1 1903
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A ser - bud
Austria: A tri Supports A ser - bud
Austria: A vie Supports A ser - bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor (*Void*)
England: A lon - yor
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy
France: F bre - mao
France: F lyo - spa(sc) (*Dislodged*)
France: A lvp, no move received
France: A spa - por
Germany: A bur - gas
Germany: F bot - swe
Germany: F kie - hol
Germany: A mun - trl
Germany: A par - bre
Germany: A pic Supports A par - bre
Germany: A sil - boh
Germany: F swe - ska
Italy: A mar - spa (*Bounce*)
Italy: F nap - tys
Italy: F tys - lyo
Italy: A ven Hold
Italy: F wes Supports F tys - lyo
Russia: A bud Hold (*Disbanded*)
Russia: A gal Supports A bud
Russia: A mos Supports A war - lvn
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Russia: A war - lvn
Turkey: F aeg Hold
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: A bul - ser
Turkey: A gre Supports A bul - ser
Turkey: F smy - eas
2 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
French F lyo tus pie
France: F lyo - pie
3 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: A tri - ven
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A yor - lvp
England: F nwy Supports F stp(nc) (*Dislodged*)
England: F stp(nc) Supports F nwy (*Dislodged*)
England: A yor - lvp
France: A lvp - wal
France: F mao - spa(sc)
France: F pie - mar (*Fails*)
France: A por Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: A boh - mun
Germany: A bre Supports A gas
Germany: A gas Supports F mao - spa(sc)
Germany: F hol - nth
Germany: A pic - bur
Germany: F ska Supports F swe - nwy
Germany: F swe - nwy
Germany: A trl Supports A tri - ven
Italy: F lyo Supports A mar
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: F tys - wes
Italy: A ven - pie (*Dislodged*)
Italy: F wes - naf
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn Supports A mos - stp
Russia: A mos - stp
Russia: F sev - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F aeg Supports F eas - ion
Turkey: F bla - rum (*Bounce*)
Turkey: F eas - ion
Turkey: A gre Supports A ser
Turkey: A ser, no move received
4 1903
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
English F nwy bar nwg
English F stp(nc) bar
Italian A ven apu rom tus
England: Remove F nwy
England: Remove F stp(nc)
Italy: A ven - rom
5 1903
1 1 -2 2 -1 1 1
Austria: Build F tri
England: Build F lon
France: Remove F pie
France: Remove A wal
Germany: Build F kie
Germany: Build A ber
Italy: Remove F naf
Russia: Build A war
Turkey: Build A con
1 1904
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Austria: A bud Supports A vie (*Cut*)
Austria: F tri Supports A ven
Austria: A ven Supports A trl - pie (*Cut*)
Austria: A vie Supports A bud
England: A edi Supports A lvp - yor
England: A lvp - yor
England: F lon - nth (*Bounce*)
France: A por Supports F spa(sc)
France: F spa(sc) Supports A mar (*Cut*)
Germany: A ber Supports A mun - sil
Germany: A bre - pic
Germany: A bur Hold
Germany: A gas - spa (*Fails*)
Germany: F kie - den
Germany: A mun - sil
Germany: F nth - eng
Germany: F nwy Supports F ska - nth (*Cut*)
Germany: F ska - nth (*Bounce*)
Germany: A trl - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: F lyo - pie (*Bounce*)
Italy: A mar Hold
Italy: A rom - ven (*Fails*)
Italy: F wes - mao
Russia: A gal - bud (*Fails*)
Russia: A lvn - sil (*Fails*)
Russia: F sev - rum
Russia: A stp - nwy (*Fails*)
Russia: A war Supports A lvn - sil
Turkey: F aeg, no move received
Turkey: F bla, no move received
Turkey: A con, no move received
Turkey: A gre, no move received
Turkey: F ion, no move received
Turkey: A ser, no move received
Austria: A Budapest, no move received
Austria: F Trieste, no move received
Austria: A Venice, no move received
Austria: A Vienna, no move received
England: A Edinburgh, no move received
England: F London, no move received
England: A Yorkshire, no move received
France: A Portugal, no move received
France: F Spain(sc), no move received
Germany: A Berlin, no move received
Germany: A Burgundy, no move received
Germany: F Denmark, no move received
Germany: F English Channel, no move received
Germany: A Gascony, no move received
Germany: F Norway, no move received
Germany: A Picardy, no move received
Germany: A Silesia, no move received
Germany: F Skagerrak, no move received
Germany: A Tyrolia, no move received
Italy: F Gulf of Lyon, no move received
Italy: A Marseilles, no move received
Italy: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
Italy: A Rome, no move received
Russia: A Galicia, no move received
Russia: A Livonia, no move received
Russia: F Rumania, no move received
Russia: A St Petersburg, no move received
Russia: A Warsaw, no move received
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, no move received
Turkey: F Black Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Constantinople, no move received
Turkey: A Greece, no move received
Turkey: F Ionian Sea, no move received
Turkey: A Serbia, no move received
[/quote:af2bdbfa6d] |
DC254, Fall 1906 - greg (Sep 06, 2009, 9:22 am) |
I'm happy to concede to that draw if others are...
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Chris Mottau <littleyellowpikachu(at)hotmail.com ([email]littleyellowpikachu(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:
Me too.
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 11:08:56 -0400
Subject: Re: DC254, Fall 1906
From: IGGuy123(at)gmail.com ([email]IGGuy123(at)gmail.com[/email])
To: dirk(at)knemeyer.com ([email]dirk(at)knemeyer.com[/email])
CC: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email]); jmc66(at)mac.com ([email]jmc66(at)mac.com[/email]); gregsurname(at)gmail.com ([email]gregsurname(at)gmail.com[/email]); jarossiter(at)tampabay.rr.com ([email]jarossiter(at)tampabay.rr.com[/email]); jpcabin7(at)netzero.com ([email]jpcabin7(at)netzero.com[/email]); littleyellowpikachu(at)hotmail.com ([email]littleyellowpikachu(at)hotmail.com[/email]); dc254(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc254(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
I would accept that.
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Dirk Knemeyer <dirk(at)knemeyer.com ([email]dirk(at)knemeyer.com[/email])> wrote:
I would like to propose a draw, with England, Germany and Turkey sharing victory.
On Sep 3, 2009, at 12:34 PM, Warren Fleming wrote:
Okay, here we go. There are some interesting developments. Germany gains an Italian center, but generously? donates his build to the British. In fact England did quite well this turn, and has three builds due. The only other adjustment is for Italy, who must remove one.
Adjustments are due on Monday, September 7, 17:00 MDT. Remember that if I get orders from both parties that are clearly marked as final orders, I can adjudicate early.
A Galicia - Budapest
A Serbia Supports A Trieste (*Cut*)
A Trieste Supports A Serbia
A Vienna Supports A Galicia - Budapest (*Cut*)
A Belgium Hold
F Brest Hold
F English Channel Hold
A Gascony - Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal (*Fails*)
F North Africa - Western Mediterranean (*Disbanded*)
F Norway Hold
A Paris Hold
A Spain Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia (*Ordered to Move*)
A Burgundy Hold
A Marseilles Supports A Gascony - Spain
A Munich Supports A Bohemia
A Rome Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak - Denmark
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Portugal Supports A Spain (*Cut*)
F Tunis Supports F Western Mediterranean - North Africa
A Venice - Rome (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - North Africa
F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Albania Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Greece - Serbia (*Fails*)
A Moscow - Ukraine
A Rumania Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)
Austria: Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway,
Paris, Spain, St Petersburg, Sweden.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Marseilles, Munich,
Rome, Warsaw.
Italy: Naples, Portugal, Tunis, Venice.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Moscow,
Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Austria: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
England: Supp 10 Unit 7 Build 3
France: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Germany: Supp 8 Unit 8 Build 0
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Russia: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Turkey: Supp 8 Unit 8 Build 0
Builds are due on Monday, September 7, 17:00 MDT.
There you have it. Have fun! Maps are attached.
Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily access both.
[/quote:018404d164][Reply] |
DC242: Spring 1912 - Rocketship (Sep 06, 2009, 1:49 am) |
DC242: Spring 1912
A Berlin Supports F Prussia
A Brest - Gascony (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Gascony (*Bounce*)
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Kiel Supports A Munich
F Livonia Supports F Prussia (*Cut*)
F Marseilles Hold
A Munich Hold
F Norway - North Sea
F Prussia Supports F Livonia
A Ruhr Supports A Munich
F Spain(nc) Hold
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tunis (*Cut*)
A Paris Hold
A Portugal - Spain (*Fails*)
F Adriatic Sea - Apulia (*Fails*)
A Apulia - Rome (*Fails*)
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich
F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Ionian Sea
A Galicia - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea Supports F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Moscow - Livonia (*Fails*)
F Naples Supports F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont Hold
F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Tuscany Supports A Apulia - Rome (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Venice Supports A Piedmont
A Vienna Supports A Bohemia
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow - Livonia
We have no retreats. Next deadline Wednesday, September 9, 2009, at
Matthew[Reply] |
Dc 257: Moors o' venice - The_Gentleman (Sep 05, 2009, 2:01 pm) |
Spring 1906.
- French empire spreads from North to South.
- Austria expands as only other nation to own an opponent's supply center
A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Moscow Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Cut*)
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome Supports A Trieste - Venice
A Serbia Supports A Budapest
A Trieste - Venice
A Vienna - Galicia
A London - Edinburgh
F North Sea Convoys A London - Edinburgh
F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
F Sweden - Denmark (*Bounce*)
F Yorkshire Supports A London - Edinburgh
A Belgium - Ruhr
F Brest - English Channel
F English Channel - Belgium
F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Holland Hold
F Irish Sea - Liverpool
A Kiel - Denmark (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles - Piedmont
F Tunis Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tuscany - Venice (*Fails*)
A Wales Supports F Irish Sea - Liverpool
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Bohemia
A Rumania - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Dislodged*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Fails*)
A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Bulgaria Supports F Greece
A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria
F Greece Supports A Bulgaria
Retreats can go OTB.
Russian A Edinburgh can retreat to Clyde.
Russian A Sevastopol can retreat to Ukraine.
Retreats due to me Sunday night by 8:00 PM PST
I'm wondering if we can speed up some moves and make fall orders due on Wednesday by 5:00 PM PST
Let me know if this is absolutely a no.
Alexander[Reply] |
DC270: Summer 1902 Retreats - dipknight (Sep 05, 2009, 8:32 am) |
GM’s remarks:
My thanks to Tim for his quick reply.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with what the dpy file is, this is the output file from the "Realpolitik" adjudicator that I use to adjudicate the game. It is also a great tool for working out what the results of your orders might be ahead of time. What I do, in the game that I am playing in, is put in my preliminary orders, then work through my oppositions units to see what sort of worse case scenario might occur given my orders. It is a free download so if you have the time and interest, I highly recommend it.
The Players:
Austria: Dan Huck aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])
England: Samuel Jurado samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France: Tim Vaillemans tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])
Germany: Joe Babinsnack chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy: Ian Shaw ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])
Russia: Joe Payne josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email])
Turkey: Brandon Wade bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com ([email]bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com[/email])
The Orders:
A bur - par
See above
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (5): bud, gre, ser, tri, vie.
Units: F adr, A bul, F gre, A tri, A vie
Centers (4): edi, lvp, lon, nwy.
Units: F nth, F nwg, F stp(nc)
Centers (4): bre, mar, par, por.
Units: F mar, A par, A pic, F spa(nc)
Centers (6): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun.
Units: F bal, A bur, F hol, A kie, A mun, A ruh
Centers (4): nap, rom, tun, ven.
Units: F apu, F ion, A trl, A ven
Centers: (6): mos, rum, sev, stp, swe, war.
Units: F bla, A fin, F nwy, A rum, F swe, A ukr
Centers (4): ank, bul, con, smy.
Units: F aeg, F ank, A con
Fall 1902 Deadline: Friday; September 11, 2009; 24:00 hrs GMT.
Map of the moves, map of the results, and the dpy file are attached for your use.
Best of luck in the next season,
Darryl (GM)
[Reply] |
DC242: 24h for Spring 1912 - Rocketship (Sep 05, 2009, 2:27 am) |
Hi Folks,
Here's your friendly reminder for Spring '12. I still need orders
from one of you.
Matthew[Reply] |
dc265 ~European Onion - sgttodd (Sep 04, 2009, 11:07 pm) |
Deadline for Retreats & Adjustments: September 7; 2359 UTC
The following units were dislodged:
Italian A Venice can retreat to Piedmont or Rome.
English F London can retreat to Wales or English Channel.
English F North Atlantic Ocean can retreat to Mid-Atlantic Ocean or Irish Sea.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Munich.
Italy: Rome.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste.
England: Supp 0 Unit 2 Remove 2
France: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Germany: Supp 9 Unit 7 Build 2
Italy: Supp 1 Unit 3 Remove 2
Russia: Supp 10 Unit 9 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 8 Unit 6 Build 2
Movement results for Fall of 1904.
England: F London, no move received (*Dislodged*).
England: F North Atlantic Ocean - Edinburgh (*Dislodged*).
France: A Brest Hold.
France: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea.
France: A Marseilles - Gascony.
France: A Piedmont - Marseilles.
France: F Tunis Supports F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea.
France: F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Germany: A Belgium - Picardy.
Germany: F Holland - North Sea.
Germany: A Liverpool Supports A Yorkshire.
Germany: A Munich - Burgundy.
Germany: F North Sea - London.
Germany: A Ruhr Supports A Munich - Burgundy.
Germany: A Yorkshire Supports F North Sea - London.
Italy: A Rome - Apulia.
Italy: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany.
Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Bohemia - Tyrolia.
Russia: A Budapest Supports A Vienna.
Russia: F Clyde - North Atlantic Ocean.
Russia: A Norway Hold.
Russia: F Norwegian Sea Supports F Clyde - North Atlantic Ocean.
Russia: F Rumania Hold.
Russia: A Silesia - Bohemia.
Russia: A Tyrolia - Venice.
Russia: A Vienna Supports A Budapest.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea.
Turkey: A Albania - Naples.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Convoys A Albania - Naples.
Turkey: A Serbia, no move received.
Turkey: F Smyrna - Aegean Sea (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Venice.
Deadline for Retreats & Adjustments: September 7; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy[Reply] |
dc265 ~European Onion (dc265) ccr Sep 07, 01:31 pm |
ven-rom please, tx |
dc266 24 hour extension - grace activated - MattTheLesser (Sep 04, 2009, 10:43 pm) |
Hey guys,
Even with the extended deadline I did not receive orders from one
player. That player has been notified and his grace has been activated,
extending the deadline for 24 more hours for all players. So tomorrow 9
eastern is the final deadline; there will be no more extensions on this
lengthy turn!
Matt[Reply] |
dc220 f09 results! - TheWhiteWolf (Sep 04, 2009, 8:13 pm) |
You want more suggestions? How about, "Andy, get with the damn program!" or "Andy needs to be eliminated before he causes a fatal flaw in our plans"?
The fatal Flaw Causer
I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:
--- On Fri, 9/4/09, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net> wrote:
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Subject: dc220 f09 results!
To: "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>, "Michael Thompson" <psychosis(at)sky.com>, "Josh Mayo" <zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com>, jeffcole854(at)gmail.com, "Alexander Kossoff" <akossoff(at)gmail.com>, "Ben Hester" <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>, "dc220" <dc220(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 8:58 PM
3rd game tonight!
We’ve got some hectic action going on, as France counters back at England with reasonable success, but gets overshadowed by the whopping build 3 for the Brits. Turkey survives another year in Smyrna , and Russian orders seem to indicate that they have no clue what anyone else is doing.
Now seeing as my probing for game names drew only a single suggestion, I guess it’s time to vote… “Back From the Dead†was proposed by our very own Russian! So let’s have it: Either “Andy that name sucks†or “Andy you rockâ€.
Votes with winter builds!
Winter, due Tuesday Sep 8, 6pm Central (but will post when I have both in)
England: Build 3
France: Build 1
F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Greece - Serbia
A Rumania Supports A Greece - Serbia
F Belgium Hold
A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Silesia
F Holland Supports A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Berlin (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw
F North Sea - English Channel
F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow
F Adriatic Sea Hold
A Albania - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Bohemia - Vienna
A Budapest Hold
A Burgundy - Picardy
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Gascony - Paris
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
F Ionian Sea Supports A Albania - Greece
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Berlin
A Silesia - Berlin
A Trieste Supports A Budapest
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine
A Ukraine Supports A Galicia (*Ordered to Move*)
F Smyrna Hold
[Reply] |
NNIGTFML s01 results! - packrat (Sep 04, 2009, 8:07 pm) |
They're in.
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Benjamin Hester <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; jchdipaccount(at)gmail.com; Gregory_Olson(at)brown.edu; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc273 <dc273(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 9:05:25 PM
Subject: RE: NNIGTFML s01 results!
1 week.
From today.
Except for Packrat’s, whose are due tonight.
From: Packrat [mailto:brn2dip(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: NNIGTFML s01 results!
Ooops - that'll teach me to read ALL the emails first.
So are they due Friday, or Monday?
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 8:45:26 PM
Subject: RE: NNIGTFML s01 results!
And next Friday is the 11th, not the 14th.
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:43 PM
Subject: NNIGTFML s01 results!
Ready, set, go! And the llamas are off to the races! It looks like some fairly peaceful openings, only one bounce to speak of in Potosi . Unless something really wacky happens, I believe we’ll see multiple builds for everyone.
NEXT: Fall 01, due in 1 week! That’s next Friday 9/14, 6pm Central.
F Buenos Aires - Montevideo
A Cordoba - Mendoza
A Salta - Potosi (*Bounce*)
A Manaus - Mato Grosso
A Rio de Janeiro - Sao Paulo
F Salvador - Pernambuco
F Sao Paulo - Rio Grande do Sul
F Antofagasta - Atacama Desert
A La Paz - Potosi (*Bounce*)
A Santiago - Arancaunian Territory
F Valparaiso - Golfo de Guafo
A Bogota - Cali
F Cali - Golfo de Panama
F Cartagena - Panama (nc)
A Asuncion - Parana
A Concepcion - Asuncion
F Lima - Bahia Sechura
A Trujillo - Iquitos
A Caracas - Angostura
F Maracaibo - Caracas[Reply] |
NNIGTFML s01 results! - FuzzyLogic (Sep 04, 2009, 8:02 pm) |
1 week.
From today.
Except for Packrat’s, whose are due tonight.
From: Packrat [mailto:brn2dip(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: NNIGTFML s01 results!
Ooops - that'll teach me to read ALL the emails first.
So are they due Friday, or Monday?
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 8:45:26 PM
Subject: RE: NNIGTFML s01 results!
And next Friday is the 11th, not the 14th.
From: Michael Sims
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:43 PM
Subject: NNIGTFML s01 results!
Ready, set, go! And the llamas are off to the races! It looks like some fairly peaceful openings, only one bounce to speak of in Potosi . Unless something really wacky happens, I believe we’ll see multiple builds for everyone.
NEXT: Fall 01, due in 1 week! That’s next Friday 9/14, 6pm Central.
F Buenos Aires - Montevideo
A Cordoba - Mendoza
A Salta - Potosi (*Bounce*)
A Manaus - Mato Grosso
A Rio de Janeiro - Sao Paulo
F Salvador - Pernambuco
F Sao Paulo - Rio Grande do Sul
F Antofagasta - Atacama Desert
A La Paz - Potosi (*Bounce*)
A Santiago - Arancaunian Territory
F Valparaiso - Golfo de Guafo
A Bogota - Cali
F Cali - Golfo de Panama
F Cartagena - Panama (nc)
A Asuncion - Parana
A Concepcion - Asuncion
F Lima - Bahia Sechura
A Trujillo - Iquitos
A Caracas - Angostura
F Maracaibo - Caracas[Reply] |
NNIGTFML s01 results! - packrat (Sep 04, 2009, 7:57 pm) |
Wouldn't a week from 9/4 be 9/11???
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
To: Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Benjamin Hester <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; jchdipaccount(at)gmail.com; Gregory_Olson(at)brown.edu; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc273 <dc273(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 8:43:04 PM
Subject: NNIGTFML s01 results!
Ready, set, go! And the llamas are off to the races! It looks like some fairly peaceful openings, only one bounce to speak of in Potosi . Unless something really wacky happens, I believe we’ll see multiple builds for everyone.
NEXT: Fall 01, due in 1 week! That’s next Friday 9/14, 6pm Central.
F Buenos Aires - Montevideo
A Cordoba - Mendoza
A Salta - Potosi (*Bounce*)
A Manaus - Mato Grosso
A Rio de Janeiro - Sao Paulo
F Salvador - Pernambuco
F Sao Paulo - Rio Grande do Sul
F Antofagasta - Atacama Desert
A La Paz - Potosi (*Bounce*)
A Santiago - Arancaunian Territory
F Valparaiso - Golfo de Guafo
A Bogota - Cali
F Cali - Golfo de Panama
F Cartagena - Panama (nc)
A Asuncion - Parana
A Concepcion - Asuncion
F Lima - Bahia Sechura
A Trujillo - Iquitos
A Caracas - Angostura
F Maracaibo - Caracas[Reply] |
dc220 f09 results! - FuzzyLogic (Sep 04, 2009, 7:55 pm) |
3rd game tonight!
We’ve got some hectic action going on, as France counters back at England with reasonable success, but gets overshadowed by the whopping build 3 for the Brits. Turkey survives another year in Smyrna, and Russian orders seem to indicate that they have no clue what anyone else is doing.
Now seeing as my probing for game names drew only a single suggestion, I guess it’s time to vote… “Back From the Dead” was proposed by our very own Russian! So let’s have it: Either “Andy that name sucks” or “Andy you rock”.
Votes with winter builds!
Winter, due Tuesday Sep 8, 6pm Central (but will post when I have both in)
England: Build 3
France: Build 1
F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Greece - Serbia
A Rumania Supports A Greece - Serbia
F Belgium Hold
A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Silesia
F Holland Supports A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Berlin (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw
F North Sea - English Channel
F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow
F Adriatic Sea Hold
A Albania - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Bohemia - Vienna
A Budapest Hold
A Burgundy - Picardy
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Gascony - Paris
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
F Ionian Sea Supports A Albania - Greece
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Berlin
A Silesia - Berlin
A Trieste Supports A Budapest
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine
A Ukraine Supports A Galicia (*Ordered to Move*)
F Smyrna Hold[Reply] |
dc220 f09 results! (dc220) TheWhiteWolf Sep 04, 08:13 pm |
You want more suggestions? How about, "Andy, get with the damn program!" or "Andy needs to be eliminated before he causes a fatal flaw in our plans"?
The fatal Flaw Causer
I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:
--- On Fri, 9/4/09, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net> wrote:
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>
Subject: dc220 f09 results!
To: "The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>, "Michael Thompson" <psychosis(at)sky.com>, "Josh Mayo" <zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com>, jeffcole854(at)gmail.com, "Alexander Kossoff" <akossoff(at)gmail.com>, "Ben Hester" <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>, "dc220" <dc220(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 8:58 PM
3rd game tonight!
We’ve got some hectic action going on, as France counters back at England with reasonable success, but gets overshadowed by the whopping build 3 for the Brits. Turkey survives another year in Smyrna , and Russian orders seem to indicate that they have no clue what anyone else is doing.
Now seeing as my probing for game names drew only a single suggestion, I guess it’s time to vote… “Back From the Dead†was proposed by our very own Russian! So let’s have it: Either “Andy that name sucks†or “Andy you rockâ€.
Votes with winter builds!
Winter, due Tuesday Sep 8, 6pm Central (but will post when I have both in)
England: Build 3
France: Build 1
F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Greece - Serbia
A Rumania Supports A Greece - Serbia
F Belgium Hold
A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Silesia
F Holland Supports A Denmark - Kiel (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Berlin (*Fails*)
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw
F North Sea - English Channel
F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow
F Adriatic Sea Hold
A Albania - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Bohemia - Vienna
A Budapest Hold
A Burgundy - Picardy
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Gascony - Paris
F Gulf of Lyon - Western Mediterranean
F Ionian Sea Supports A Albania - Greece
A Munich Supports A Silesia - Berlin
A Silesia - Berlin
A Trieste Supports A Budapest
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine
A Ukraine Supports A Galicia (*Ordered to Move*)
F Smyrna Hold