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DC-227 Missing Orders - TheWhiteWolf   (Jul 05, 2009, 12:21 am)
I am so sorry to have held up the game. I forgot the deadline amid this crazy move. Since the delay is my fault, I'm holding the turn results until I get France and Italy's missing orders. Gentlemen, please get them to me as soon as possible.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-227 Missing Orders (dc227) mistro Jul 05, 01:11 am
very nice double standard... They should be nmr. Sometimes there are warnings of no moves received and other times you gey stuck with an nmr... Ask me how I know...

--- Original Message ---
From:"The White Wolf" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Sent:Sun 7/5/09 1:21 am
To:"Nick Cherrier" <zeclient(at)hotmail.com>,"Jeffrey Clay" <jmc66(at)mac.com>,"Forum DC-227" <dc227(at)diplomaticcorp.com>,"Ilyas Erzik" <IErzik(at)mail.az>,"Andrew Jameson" <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>,"Matthew Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>,"Drew Ott" <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>,"Michael Stroz" <mistro914(at)gmail.com>,"Mark Utterbach" <mdemagogue(at)gmail.com>
SubjVery HappyC-227 Missing Orders

  I am so sorry to have held up the game. I forgot the deadline amid this crazy move. Since the delay is my fault, I'm holding the turn results until I get France and Italy's missing orders. Gentlemen, please get them to me as soon as possible.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

DC-227 Missing Orders (dc227) TheWhiteWolf Jul 05, 06:39 pm
I am not setting a double standard here. I warned of possible disruption due to my cross-country move, did I not? This is all a result of that move. Please bear with me as I get settled in at my new locale.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

--- On Sun, 7/5/09, mistro914(at)gmail.com <mistro914(at)gmail.com> wrote:

very nice double standard... They should be nmr. Sometimes there are warnings of no moves received and other times you gey stuck with an nmr... Ask me how I know...

DC-244 Missing Orders - TheWhiteWolf   (Jul 05, 2009, 12:19 am)
Hey folks,
I'm really sorry to have held up the game, but this move is kind of crazy. As the delay is my fault, I'm going to hold the turn results until I get France's orders. Andrew, please get them to me as soon as you can.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Dc241 Spring 1907 Adjustment - deathblade_penguin   (Jul 04, 2009, 6:40 pm)

I misentered one of England's orders.

Army Norway - Denmark.

This move is successful (Via convoy) so there is no English Army in Sweden, it is in Denmark.

I will adjust this on the next map.

Stephen Lytton
Are you coming to the World Diplomacy Championship in Sydney 2011? Ask me how....

Find your next place with Ninemsn property Looking for a place to rent, share or buy this winter?


DC 257: Moors F03 Adj - The_Gentleman   (Jul 04, 2009, 2:00 pm)
Hey guys. Sorry, in a hurry today..

Italy NMRs.

A Budapest - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania
F Trieste - Venice
A Vienna - Budapest (*Fails*)

F Helgoland Bight Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark
A Holland Supports F North Sea - Belgium
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea - Belgium
F Skagerrak - Denmark

A Burgundy - Munich
A Gascony Hold
A Kiel Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark (*Dislodged*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa
A Munich - Berlin
A Piedmont Supports F Trieste - Venice
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)

F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Kiel
A Belgium - Holland (*Dislodged*)
A Denmark - Kiel

A Greece, no move received
F Naples, no move received
F Tyrrhenian Sea, no move received
A Venice, no move received (*Disbanded*)
F Western Mediterranean, no move received

A Galicia Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania
F Norway, no move received
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg Supports F Norway
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania

A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Rumania - Ukraine (*Disbanded*)

Retreats may go OTB:
German A Belgium can retreat to Picardy or Ruhr or Burgundy.
French A Kiel can retreat to Ruhr.

Retreats due to me by tonight, tomorrow at the latest. Let's say around 8 pm PST tomorrow.
Builds due to me by tomorrow, lets say Monday around 8 pm PST at the latest.



dc252 s05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 04, 2009, 1:27 pm)
Romans take the royal bath this turn, as Sardinia falls to the Carthaginians, Ravenna becomes a home away from home for the Greeks, and they’re booted out of Athens by the Persian navy.

What lies ahead for the besieged Spartans? With 4 fleets surrounding of 3 different nationalities, will the Greeks live to build once more? And what’s going to happen to the love-fest in the desert – Can the Egyptians and Carthaginians share the same pyramids forever?

Find out – in 2 weeks! As one player is on vacation.

Friday July 17 is our next deadline for Fall 05. 6pm Central / 2300 GMT.

PS – there was one retreat, but Roman F Athens could only go to Epirus so I just nudged it there. Aidan, if you prefer OTB let the group know w/in 48 hours else the retreat will stand.


F Athens - Sparta (*Dislodged*)
A Epirus - Apulia
A Illyria - Dalmatia
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Epirus - Apulia
A Massilia Hold
F Neapolis Hold
F Roma Supports F Neapolis
F Sardinia - Tyrrhenean Sea

F Ausonian Sea Supports A Sicilia - Neapolis
F Carthage - Berber Sea
A Cyrene Supports A Marmarica
F Gulf of Tacape Supports F Ausonian Sea
F Libyan Sea Supports F Ausonian Sea
F Ligurian Sea - Sardinia
A Marmarica Supports A Cyrene
F Punic Sea Supports F Ligurian Sea - Sardinia
A Sicilia - Neapolis (*Fails*)

F Aegean Sea - Athens
A Byzantium Supports A Macedonia
A Chersonesus - Dacia
F Cyprus Hold
A Damascus - Armenia
A Macedonia Supports F Aegean Sea - Athens
F Miletus - Aegean Sea
F Minoan Sea Supports F Miletus - Aegean Sea
A Sidon Hold
A Tyre Hold

F Adriatic Sea - Ravenna

F Alexandria Supports A Memphis
F Crete - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
F Egyptian Sea - Crete (*Fails*)
A Jerusalem Hold
A Memphis Supports F Alexandria
F Messenian Sea - Sparta (*Bounce*)


DC212 - Winter 1913 Deadline Extension - former.trout   (Jul 04, 2009, 12:25 pm)
Hi folks,

It's that time of the year again, when folks go on vacation...  And my bad here - because Bill actually warned me that he would be out of touch for the next week or so.  

Due to player vacation, we'll have a couple longer deadlines this week.  We'll extend the Winter 1913 deadline to Wednesday, July 8th.  Spring 1914 will be set due for somewhere around the 15th.

Apologies for the stretch of the game, everyone.  But 'tis the season, as they say.  =)


Holiday Extension Trout


WWIV s16 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 04, 2009, 12:12 pm)
Today’s retreats are to Nebraska and Tokyo…
And if I do say so myself – a mighty fine pair of retreats they are indeed…

NEXT: Fall 16, Due Friday July 10, 6pm Central!


DC230 Lost Kings - Fall 1907 - Parallel Universe - former.trout   (Jul 04, 2009, 11:56 am)
Its a slaughter-house out there...  

While our new Austrian puts up a valiant front and manages to hold the line in Rumania (and to save Smyrna), Germany manages to slip into Trieste.  And the Sultan gets a feather in his cap for out-lasting the Italians who kick their Grecian death-throes in the arms of the French.

Bruce failed to get an order in for the Fall - but while I'm forced to dole out an NMR I'm not clear there was anything he could actually do to stave off the onslaught.  Meanwhile, with no retreats owing we move on into Winter 07.  Deadline will be set for Monday, July 6th (11:59 PM GMT).

Oh yeah, and all three end-game proposals met with defeat.  However, the French-German draw proposal resurfaces once again for your consideration.  Votes on the 2-way will be due with the Spring 1908 orders.


Bizarro Trout

Movement results for Fall of 1907.  (DC230 07 FALL)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Albania.
Austria: A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Budapest Supports A Rumania (*Cut*).
Austria: A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania.
Austria: F Constantinople - Smyrna (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Rumania Supports A Budapest (*Cut*).

France: F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna (*Bounce*).
France: F Ionian Sea - Greece.
France: A Liverpool Hold.
France: F London Supports F Yorkshire - North Sea.
France: F Naples - Apulia.
France: A Piedmont Supports A Venice.
France: F Rome - Naples.
France: A Tuscany - Rome.
France: A Venice Supports F Naples - Apulia.
France: F Yorkshire - North Sea (*Bounce*).

Germany: F Belgium Supports F Norway - North Sea.
Germany: A Bohemia Supports A Munich - Tyrolia.
Germany: A Galicia - Budapest (*Fails*).
Germany: A Kiel - Denmark.
Germany: A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Munich - Tyrolia.
Germany: F Norway - North Sea (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*).
Germany: A Tyrolia - Trieste.
Germany: A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania.
Germany: A Vienna Supports A Tyrolia - Trieste.
Germany: A Warsaw - Galicia (*Fails*).

Italy: F Apulia, no move received (*Disbanded*).

Turkey: F Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*).

Unit locations:

Austria:   F Albania, A Armenia, A Budapest, A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A 
France:    F Apulia, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Greece, A Liverpool, F London, 
           F Naples, A Piedmont, A Rome, A Venice, F Yorkshire.
Germany:   F Belgium, A Bohemia, A Denmark, A Galicia, A Moscow, F Norway, A 
           Sevastopol, A Trieste, A Tyrolia, A Ukraine, A Vienna, A Warsaw.
Italy:     F Apulia.
Turkey:    F Ankara.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:   Budapest, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Rumania, Serbia, Smyrna.
France:    Brest, Edinburgh, Greece, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Naples, 
           Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Tunis, Venice.
Germany:   Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Norway, 
           Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Trieste, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara.

Austria:    6 Supply centers,  6 Units:  Builds   0 units.
England:    0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
France:    13 Supply centers, 10 Units:  Builds   3 units.
Germany:   14 Supply centers, 12 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Italy:      0 Supply centers,  1 Unit:   Removes  1 unit.
Russia:     0 Supply centers,  0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Turkey:     1 Supply center,   1 Unit:   Builds   0 units.



DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: Winter 1910 - Spring 1911 due 7... - packrat   (Jul 04, 2009, 9:14 am)
The adjustments are below and we have an AG draw proposal on the table.

Let's have the votes and orders in by 7/9/09.

Build A Budapest
Build A Vienna
Build F Trieste

Build A Brest

Build F Kiel
Build A Berlin

Remove F Tunis
Remove A Piedmont


DC259 - Early Winter 1901 - blueinva   (Jul 04, 2009, 8:27 am)

English F North Sea retreats to Yorkshire


Austria Home, Serbia, Greece 5 can build 2
England Home, Norway 4 can build 1
France Home, Spain, Belgium 5 can build 2
Germany Home, Denmark, Holland 5 can build 2
Italy Home, Tunis 4 can build 1
Russia Mos, War, StP, Sweden 4 even
Turkey Home, Bulgaria, Sevastopol 5 can build 2


Winter 1901 (builds) Saturday 4 July 11:59pm EDT

That's tonight folks. I hope those Americans among us have a Happy and safe July 4th. Enjoy the fireworks!



WWIV s16 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 03, 2009, 11:19 pm)
After a slight delay, we are rolling again!
There are only 2 retreats for this summer:

Illinois A Utah can only go to Nebraska
Phillipines F WCP can go to Midway or Tokyo

Let’s try to get those two by Monday, to get some momentum going again.

F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp)
F Gulf of Panama(gop) Supports F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) - Guatamala Basin(gub) (*Fails*)
F Guatamala Basin(gub) - Zacatcas(zac) (*Bounce*)
F Panama(pan) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb)
F East Central Pacific Ocean(ecp) - Guatamala Basin(gub) (*Fails*)
A Acre(acr) - Beni(bni) (*Bounce*)
A Bio Bio(bio) Hold
F Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands(flk) Hold
F Galapagos(glp) Hold
A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Lima(lim) Hold
A La Paz(lpz) - Beni(bni) (*Bounce*)
F Magallanes(mag) Supports F Patagonia(pat)
A Pampas(pam) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)
F Patagonia(pat) Supports F South West Atlantic(swa)
F South Central Pacific Ocean(scp) Supports F Galapagos(glp)
A Santa Cruz(scz) Supports A Gran Chaco(gra) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Cut*)
A Uruguay(uru) - Buenos-Aries(bue) (*Bounce*)

F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) Supports F Mid South Atlantic
F Cape Verde Islands(cpv) Supports F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) - Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) (*Fails*)
F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) - Mid North Atlantic
F Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Antilles(ant) (*Fails*)
F Jamaica(jam) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern
F Jamaica(jam) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Fails*)
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) -
F Trinidad & Tobago(trd) Supports F Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) - Antilles(ant)
F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb) Supports F Jamaica(jam)
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern
F Aruba(aru) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Fails*)
A Bahia(bah) Hold
A Bogota(bog) Supports A Medellin(med)
F Barranquilla(brn) Supports F Western Caribbean Sea(wcb)
F Caracas(crc) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern
F Caracas(crc) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Fails*)
F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern
F Guyana(guy) Supports F Golfo De Venezuela(gov) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb)
A Manaus(man) - Amazon Basin(amz) (*Bounce*)
A Medellin(med) Hold
A Mato Grosso Do Sul(mgd) - Paraguay(pgy) (*Bounce*)
A Mato Grosso(mgr) - Santa Cruz(scz) (*Fails*)
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) - Western South Atlantic
F Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) - Western South Atlantic Ocean(wsa) (*Fails*)
F Rio De Janeiro(rio) - Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) (*Fails*)
A Santander(stn) - Amazon Basin(amz) (*Bounce*)
F South West Atlantic(swa) Supports F Rio De Janeiro(rio) - Mid
F South West Atlantic(swa) Supports F Rio De Janeiro(rio) - Mid South Atlantic Ocean(msa) (*Fails*)

F Baja(baj) - Sonora(son)
A Arizona(arz) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Utah(uta)
F North East Pacific Ocean(nep) Hold
A Nevada(nev) Supports A New Mexico(nmx) - Utah(uta)
A New Mexico(nmx) - Utah(uta)
F San Francisco(sf) Supports F North East Pacific Ocean(nep)

A Atlas Mountains(ats) Supports A Catalonia(cat) - Morocco(mor)
A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib) (*Fails*)
F Eritrea(eri) Supports F Khartoum(kha) (*Disbanded*)
F Khartoum(kha) Supports F Eritrea(eri) (*Cut*)
F Morocco(mor) - Algiers(alg)
F Gulf of Sirte(sir) Supports A Tunisia(tun)
A Tunisia(tun) Hold
A Catalonia(cat) - Morocco(mor)
F Edinburgh(edi) - North Atlantic Ocean(nat) (*Bounce*)
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) Supports F North Atlantic
F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) Supports F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) - Azores(azo) (*Cut*)
F Eastern North Sea(ens) - Norwegian Sea(nwg) (*Fails*)
F North Atlantic Ocean(nat) - Azores(azo) (*Fails*)
F Norwegian Sea(nwg) - Labrador Sea(lab) (*Fails*)
A Omsk(oms) - Pavlodar(pav)
F Paris(par) - English Channel(eng)
F Portugal(por) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Sicily(sic) Hold
F Skagerrak(ska) - Eastern North Sea(ens) (*Fails*)
F Spain(spa)(sc) Supports F Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena)
A Sweden(swe) Hold
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) Convoys A Catalonia(cat) -
F Western Mediterranean Sea(wmd) Convoys A Catalonia(cat) - Morocco(mor)

A Acapulco(aca) - Michoacan(mch)
F Belize(blz) Supports F Yucatan Basin(yub)
A Chihuahua(chu) Supports A West Texas(wtx) - New Mexico(nmx)
F Guatamala(gml) Supports A Nicaragua(nic)
F Havana(hav) - Santa Clara(snc)
F Honduras(hon) Supports A Nicaragua(nic)
A Michoacan(mch) - Guadalajara(gdl)
A Monterey(mon) - Zacatcas(zac) (*Bounce*)
A Nicaragua(nic) Supports F Guatamala(gml)
A Veracruz(vcz) - Acapulco(aca)
F Yucatan Basin(yub) Hold
A Yucatan(yuc) Supports F Guatamala(gml)
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic
F Iceland(ice) Supports F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic Ocean(nat)
F Bering Sea(brg) Hold
F Anchorage(anc) - Gulf of Alaska(goa) (*Fails*)
A Atlanta(atl) - Miami(mia)
F Cascadia Basin(cas) Supports F Seattle(sea) - Oregon(ore)
A Detroit(det) - Ohio(ohi)
A Denver(dnv) Supports A West Texas(wtx) - New Mexico(nmx)
F Gulf of Alaska(goa) - North East Pacific Ocean(nep) (*Fails*)
F Greenland(grn) - Norwegian Sea(nwg) (*Fails*)
A Halifax(hal) - New Brunswick(nb)
F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab) (*Fails*)
A Kansas(kan) - Oklahoma(okl)
F Labrador Sea(lab) - North Atlantic Ocean(nat) (*Bounce*)
F Miami(mia) - Bahamas(bhm)
A Montreal(mtl) - Sherbrooke(sbk)
F New Orleans(no) - Eastern Gulf of Mexico(egm)
F Quebec(qbc) - Labrador(lbr)
A San Antonio(san) - Coahuila(coa)
F Seattle(sea) - Oregon(ore)
A Toronto(tor) - Rochester(roc)
A Utah(uta) Supports A West Texas(wtx) - New Mexico(nmx) (*Dislodged*)
A Vancouver(van) - Idaho(ida)
A West Texas(wtx) - New Mexico(nmx)
A Yukon(yuk) - Anchorage(anc) (*Fails*)

F Arabian Sea(ara) - Madras(mdr)
A Bangkok(bnk) - Shan Plateau(shn)
F Bay of Bengal(bob) - Sri Lanka(sri)
A Calcutta(cal) Supports A Magwe(mgw) - Assam(asm)
F Dhaka(dha) Supports A Calcutta(cal)
F Isthmus of Kra(kra)(wc) Supports F Strait of Malacca(stm)
A Korat Plateau(krt) - Laos(lao) (*Bounce*)
A Mandalay(mdl) Supports A Bangkok(bnk) - Shan Plateau(shn)
A Magwe(mgw) - Assam(asm)
F Strait of Malacca(stm) Supports F Isthmus of Kra(kra)(wc)
A Aktyubinsk(akt) - Ashgabat(ash) (*Disbanded*)
A Almaty(alm) Supports A Kazakhstan(kaz) - Pavlodar(pav) (*Void*)
A Karachi(kar) Supports A Shiraz(shi) - Afghanistan(afg)
A Kyzylorda(kyz) - Uzbekistan(uzb) (*Fails*)
A Shiraz(shi) - Afghanistan(afg)
A Uzbekistan(uzb) - Kashmir(kas) (*Fails*)

A Ahaggar(aha) Supports A Tripoli(tri)
A Chad(cha) Supports A Libya(lib)
F Dakar(dak) Supports F Mauritania(mau)
F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa) Supports F St Helena(sth)
A Ethiopia(eth) - Eritrea(eri)
A Grand Erg Oriental(geo) Supports A Tripoli(tri)
F Ivory Coast(ivo) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Libya(lib) Supports A Sudan(sud) - Khartoum(kha) (*Cut*)
F Mauritania(mau) Hold
A Niger(ngr) Supports A Libya(lib)
A Tombouctou(tom) Supports A Grand Erg Oriental(geo)
A Tripoli(tri) Supports A Libya(lib)

F Arafura Sea(arf) Supports F New Guinea(ng)
A Darwin(dwn) Hold
F Jakarta(jak) Supports F Timor Sea(tms)
F Micronesia(mic) Supports F New Guinea(ng)
F Nauru(nau) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F New Caledonia(ncd) Hold
F New Guinea(ng), no move received
F Samoa(sam) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F Timor Sea(tms) Supports F Jakarta(jak)
F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo), no move received
F Hawaii(hi) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)
F Pitcairn Island(pit) Supports F Tahiti(tah)
F Ross Sea(ros) Supports F Pitcairn Island(pit)
F Tahiti(tah) Supports F Central Pacific Ocean(cpo)

F Gulf of Tongking(gto) - Hong Kong(hk) (*Fails*)
A Hong Kong(hk) - Guangdong(gdg) (*Disbanded*)
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) Supports F Taiwan(tai) - East
F Northern Philippine Sea(nps) Supports F Taiwan(tai) - East China Sea(ecs)
A Okinawa(oki) Hold
F Saipan(sai) Hold
F South China Sea North(scn) Supports A Hong Kong(hk) -
F South China Sea North(scn) Supports A Hong Kong(hk) - Guangdong(gdg) (*Cut*)
F Taiwan(tai) - East China Sea(ecs) (*Fails*)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) Supports F Midway Island(mdw)
F West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp) Supports F Midway Island(mdw) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp) (*Dislodged*)
F Ambon(amb) - Banda Sea(bnd)
F Banjarmasin(bnj) - Makassar Strait(mak)
F Cebu(ceb) - Southern Philippine Sea(sps)
F Gulf of Thailand(got) Supports F Kuala Lumpur(kua)
F Kuala Lumpur(kua) Supports F Singapore(sng)
F Natuna Sea(ntu) Supports F Singapore(sng)
F Surabaya(sby) - Java Sea(jav) (*Fails*)
F Singapore(sng) Supports F Surabaya(sby) - Java Sea(jav) (*Cut*)
F Southern Philippine Sea(sps) - Molucca Sea(mlc)
F Midway Island(mdw) - North Central Pacific Ocean(ncp)

F Akita(aki), no move received
A Chongqing(cho) - Yunan(yun) (*Fails*)
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea
F East China Sea(ecs) Supports F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Cut*)
F Fuzhou(fuz) - South China Sea North(scn) (*Fails*)
A Guangdong(gdg) - Hong Kong(hk)
A Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) Supports A Guangdong(gdg) - Hong
A Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu(gnx) Supports A Guangdong(gdg) - Hong Kong(hk)
A Hanoi(han) - Laos(lao) (*Bounce*)
A Khabarovsk(khb) Hold
A Nagano(ngn) - Kyoto(kyo)
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) Supports F Sapporo(sap) - West
F North West Pacific Ocean(nwp) Supports F Sapporo(sap) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
F Sea of Okhotsk(okh) - Sapporo(sap)
F Sapporo(sap) - West Central Pacific Ocean(wcp)
F Seoul(seo) Supports F East China Sea(ecs)
F Shanghai(sha) Supports F East China Sea(ecs)
A Siberia(sib) Hold
F Sea of Japan(soj) Supports A Nagano(ngn) - Kyoto(kyo)
A Yunan(yun) - Shan Plateau(shn) (*Fails*)
A Assam(asm) - Tibet(tib)
A Lahore(lah) - Thar Desert(thr)
A Afghanistan(afg) - Kashmir(kas)
A Islamabad(isl) Supports A Afghanistan(afg) - Kashmir(kas)
A Novosibirsk(nsb) Supports A Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye(srd)
A Pavlodar(pav) - Tyva(tyv)
A Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye(srd) Supports A Novosibirsk(nsb)
A Tibet(tib) - Qinghai(qng)
A Urumqi(umq) Supports A Xinjiang(xin)
A Xinjiang(xin) Supports A Afghanistan(afg) - Kashmir(kas)

F Angola Basin(anb) Supports F St Helena(sth)
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic
F Gulf of Guinea(gog) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
F Lubango(lub) Supports F South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Mali(mal) Hold
A Mombasa(mom) Supports F Somalia(som)
F Somali Basin(sob) Supports F Somalia(som)
F Somalia(som) Supports A Ethiopia(eth) - Eritrea(eri)
F St Helena(sth) Supports F Eastern South Atlantic Ocean(esa)
A Sudan(sud) - Khartoum(kha) (*Fails*)
A Uganda(uga) - Sudan(sud) (*Fails*)
F Diego Garcia(die) - North Indian Ocean(nio)
F Java Sea(jav) Supports A Riau(ria) - Singapore(sng) (*Cut*)
F Java Trench(jvt) Supports F Java Sea(jav)
F North Indian Ocean(nio) - Medan(mdn)
F Palembang(plm) Supports F Java Sea(jav)
A Riau(ria) - Singapore(sng) (*Fails*)
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F South Atlantic
F South West Indian Ocean(swi) Supports F South Atlantic Ocean(sat)
A Nepal(npl) Supports A Magwe(mgw) - Assam(asm)
F South Atlantic Ocean(sat), no move received

A Egypt(egy) Supports A Benghazi(ben) - Libya(lib)
F Red Sea(red) Supports F Khartoum(kha)
F Greece(gre) - Albania(alb)
A Jordan(jor) - Baghdad(bag)
A L’viv(lvi) - Rumania(rum)
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) Supports A Volgograd(vol) -
A Orenburgskaya Oblast(orn) Supports A Volgograd(vol) - Aktyubinsk(akt)
A Perm'(prm) Supports A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap)
A Ufa(ufa) - Omsk(oms)
A Volgograd(vol) - Aktyubinsk(akt)
F Gulf of Aden(gad) Supports F Oman(oma) - Arabian Sea(ara)
F Oman(oma) - Arabian Sea(ara)
F Persian Gulf(peg) Supports F Oman(oma) - Arabian Sea(ara)
A Baghdad(bag) - Tehran(teh)
A Kazakhstan(kaz) Supports A Omsk(oms) - Pavlodar(pav)
A Khorasan(kho) - Ashgabat(ash) (*Bounce*)
A Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina(zap) Supports A Ufa(ufa) - Omsk(oms)

F Barents Sea(bar) Supports F Eastern North Sea(ens) - Norwegian
F Barents Sea(bar) Supports F Eastern North Sea(ens) - Norwegian Sea(nwg)
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Edinburgh(edi) - North Atlantic
F Bay of Biscay(bis) Supports F Edinburgh(edi) - North Atlantic Ocean(nat)
F Norway(nwy) Supports F Eastern North Sea(ens) - Norwegian
F Norway(nwy) Supports F Eastern North Sea(ens) - Norwegian Sea(nwg)

F Antilles(ant) Supports F Hispaniola(his) - Eastern Caribbean
F Antilles(ant) Supports F Hispaniola(his) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb)
F Guantanamo(gno) Supports F Yucatan Basin(yub)
F Hispaniola(his) - Eastern Caribbean Sea(ecb) (*Bounce*)
F Puerto Rico(pr) Supports F Antilles(ant)
F Sargasso Sea(sar) Supports F Antilles(ant)
F Azores(azo) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Eastern
F Azores(azo) Supports F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Cut*)
A Alabama(ala) - Arkansas(ark)
F Bermuda(bmd) Supports F North East Coast(nec) - Mid North
F Bermuda(bmd) Supports F North East Coast(nec) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador
F Gulf of St Lawrence(gsl) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Eastern North Atlantic
F Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) - Eastern North Atlantic Ocean(ena) (*Fails*)
F North East Coast(nec) - Mid North Atlantic Ocean(mna) (*Fails*)
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador
F Newfoundland(nwf) Supports F Hudson Bay(hud) - Labrador Sea(lab)


WWIV s16 results! (dc195) FuzzyLogic Jul 04, 12:12 pm
Today’s retreats are to Nebraska and Tokyo…
And if I do say so myself – a mighty fine pair of retreats they are indeed…

NEXT: Fall 16, Due Friday July 10, 6pm Central!
WWIV s16 results! (dc195) FuzzyLogic Jul 09, 09:31 am
Holy smokes it's amazing what having a job does to your weeks - it's Thursday now, so you know what that makes the day after tomorrow? One day late!
Get'em in,

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Sat 7/4/2009 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: WWIV s16 results!

Today’s retreats are to Nebraska and Tokyo…
And if I do say so myself – a mighty fine pair of retreats they are indeed…

NEXT: Fall 16, Due Friday July 10, 6pm Central!
DC 257: Reminder - The_Gentleman   (Jul 03, 2009, 12:31 pm)
Deadline is less than 24 hours away. I've confirmed that which I have.


DC: 225 Autumn 1908 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Jul 03, 2009, 11:56 am)
Wow thanks for getting all of these in to me so quickly on a holliday guys. I hope no one cares that I adjudicate a few days early. Need builds and disbands from everyone this time. Yet again the proposed English solo fails, so we fight onward.

A Sevastopol - Ukraine

A Belgium - Ruhr

F Spain(sc) - Gulf of Lyon

Austria: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
England: Supp 12 Unit 11 Build 1
Germany: Supp 5 Unit 7 Remove 2
Italy: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 7 Unit 5 Build 2

Tuesday July 7th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm EST)

Thanks guys,
Alan Farrington
Hotmail® has ever-growing storage! Don’t worry about storage limits. Check it out.


dc245 Winter '14 Results - notasb   (Jul 03, 2009, 11:45 am)
The Italian Solo has been rejected.

A new DIAS has been proposed, votes are due with the Spring orders.




Votes & Spring '15 is due Monday July 6th 8 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1300 GMT

Orders and Results:Builds:

Build F Naples

Build A St Petersburg


Remove F Kiel

Supply Center and Unit Count:

France: 10 / 10
Italy: 15 / 15
Russia: 9 / 9

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
Gen. George S Patton


243 spring 1908 24 hr notice - agwopa   (Jul 03, 2009, 10:16 am)
24 hour notice for spring 1908 I was busy yesterday so here is the notice. I will write with adjudication tomorrow.


World Religions Variant? - charlesf   (Jul 03, 2009, 7:55 am)
I think world variant tend to have the problem that for much (all?) history, state power and territorial control has been most uneven. There are plenty of variants which as a consequence adopt a purely ficticious scenario. Personally I find such an approach lacking in appeal.

So I thought a global variant giving players the role of world religions might both create both a reasonably plausible and thematic scenario (think Samuel P. Huntington's Clash of Civilizations scenario!), while also having powers roughly correspond to another in size.

SCs would be distributed according to the respective strength of each world religion, whereas religiously (very) mixed areas would be represented by neutral SCs. Consider these playable positions:

Protestantism: HSCs in N America, N Europe, Africa, Oceania and other enclaves

Catholicism: HSCs in Latin America and to a lesser extent N America, S and E Europe, Africa, Philippines, Korea and other enclaves

Orthodoy Christianity: HSCs in E Europe, Russia and perhaps the odd enclave in N America

Islam: HSCs in the Middle-East, Africa, Central Asia, Indonesia and enclaves in Europe/N America.

Hinduism: HSCs in India and enclaves in SE Asia, Africa and N America

Buddhism: HSCs in Japan, Tibet, SE Asia and enclaves elsewhere

Atheism: HSCs across the northern hemisphere

I don't think Judaism or Animistic Religions cut it. Nor really Confuscianism and other forms of Chinese spirituality. China works better as a mix of atheism with some Islam, Protestantism and Catholism thrown in, I should say.

This very jumbled pattern of player HSCs would make for an interesting game, while players would also be able to relate to the position they're placing, I think. Could for instance lead to some fun tongue-in-cheek trash-talking. Smile

Now, my main interest almost exclusively lies in well-researched historical variants, yet this idea strikes me as a fun approach to a world variant. Has anyone ever designed such a variant?


Interesting idea... (Variants) Kenshi777 Aug 24, 03:36 pm
I had to study Huntington's rather biased book during college (where Africa was reduced to a quasi-civilization) - but nonetheless the idea of a religion based Diplomacy variant remains an interesting one.

A possible alternate twist on this that I would propose would be to either make the variant anachronistic (or take a particular snapshot in time when most of the religions were still young) and have them expand, rather than try to capture them in the modern day, where the major religions have saturated the far corners of the globe.

I think the exclusion of Judaism is perhaps unwarranted, though it would certainly make for a difficult balance (with Arabia and Constantinople/Moscow containing them sharply in Israel).

Let's see - where would the powers be in the Middle Ages...

Orthodoxy in Moscow, Constantinople, and Athens???
Catholicism in Rome, Paris, and Vienna perhaps?
Protestantism in London, Amsterdam, and Berlin? or maybe a Scandinavian or Swiss SC?
Islam in Makkah, Madinah, and Jiddah? (split into Sunni and Shi'a?)

- Sunni - Makkah, Madinah, Jiddah
- Shi'a - Najaf, Karbala, Damascus

Hinduism in Varanasi and...? Angkor? Delhi?
Buddhism in Bodh Gaya and ...? Lhasa? Angkor? Yangon?
Atheism in Beijing, Moscow?, Wall Street? Smile
Judaism in Jerusalem, (several others to choose from here, depending on the period of history) - Persian, Ethiopian, Syrian, etc.

All random thoughts...but this is an interesting idea. Someone should run with it...perhaps multiple flavors of it.

Perhaps Jerusalem should have some special status, like being a home SC for any Christian, Jewish, or Muslim power. In fact, if you split them into their sects, you could have a whole variant comprised exclusively of those who consider themselves Sons of Abraham, with a map radial from Jerusalem. Finding a start date would be a challenge though, as the Protestant Revolution occurred rather late in the game...

map for religions variant (Variants) Kenshi777 Sep 01, 11:23 am
by the way, if anyone wanted to give this idea a spin, here's a great site for free outline maps. I use them for most of my projects:


The Perry-Castaneda collection at UT Austin also has some decent offerings.

Creator of the Sengoku, South American Supremacy, Dark Ages, and Balkans 1860 variants...with several more irons in the fire
Unknown - charlesf   (Jul 03, 2009, 7:24 am)
I think the default one-game-a-time rule for those new to the site (which includes me) is really sound.

Vetting the players before game start also helps diminish the grief that might arise. I shall be building up a list of those players I want to invite (back) into any games I GM. After all, I want the most responsive and most reliable players I can get in any of the games I GM.

GMs certainly have a role to play in fostering a culture of responsiveness and diminishing the risk of NMRs. I'm trying my best in this respect by bugging player to write more and emphasising the importance of sending in preliminary orders. Monitoring all player correspondence makes for an early warning system.

I like the idea of players taking over as replacements being able to opt out of the ratings system. Not sure whether that is technically feasible, but perhaps that might ease the issue of getting replacements for mercy position. Not that I know how easily these are filled here.

In any case, I'm really impressed with DC. That's why I chose to run my playtest here. Together with the German Diplmacy community flagship site, Ludomaniac, I dare say this must be the best non-judge site out there. And for my part, I think non-judge Diplomacy encourages a hands-on approach by GMs, which really can make a huge difference in everyone's enjoyment of the game.


DC259 - Fall 1901 - blueinva   (Jul 03, 2009, 5:40 am)
Austria - Alan R Farrington alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
England - Mike Tombu mtombu(at)gmail.com
France - John 'Steel Alpaca' R untitled36(at)yahoo.com
Germany - TheWhiteWolf cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com
Italy - Packrat brn2dip(at)yahoo.com
Russia - Dustin Copass dustin(at)scarecrowe.com
Turkey - Philip 'Mad Dog' King ilovethechiefs(at)gmail.com


F Albania - Greece
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Vienna - Budapest

F nwg -> nwy
F nts c a edi -> lon
A edi -> lon

F English Channel Supports F Denmark - North Sea
A Picardy - Belgium
A Spain - Portugal

F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel - Denmark
A Ruhr - Holland

F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Rome - Venice
A Venice - Tyrolia

F Stev -> Black Sea
A StP -> Moscow
F BOT -> Sweden
A Gal -> Rum

Army Bulgaria - Rumania
Army Armenia - Sevastopol
Fleet Ankara holds

The results - RP says:

F Albania - Greece
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Vienna - Budapest

A Edinburgh - London (*Fails*)
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - London (*Dislodged*)
F Norwegian Sea - Norway

F English Channel Supports F Denmark - North Sea
A Picardy - Belgium
A Spain - Portugal

F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel - Denmark
A Ruhr - Holland

F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Rome - Venice
A Venice - Tyrolia

A Galicia - Rumania (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
A St Petersburg - Moscow

F Ankara holds
A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*)


English F North Sea must retreat


Austria Home, Serbia, Greece 5 can build 2
England Home, Norway 4 can build 1
France Home, Spain, Belgium 5 can build 2
Germany Home, Denmark, Holland 5 can build 2
Italy Home, Tunis 4 can build 1
Russia Mos, War, StP, Sweden 4 even
Turkey Home, Bulgaria, Sevastopol 5 can build 2


Early Winter 1901 (retreats) Friday 3 July
Winter 1901 (builds) Saturday 4 July


1648 090623: RP Files and other matters - charlesf   (Jul 03, 2009, 4:53 am)
Matt, I think such rivalry for the Arctic is a very good topic for a game considering this being an area of conflicting national interests. The ice rules add an interesting tactical problem, though I would have thought you'd have the ice gradually receding on account of global warming rather than merely waxing and waning as the seasons dictate.

In any case, I suggest you add some visual cues as to what areas freeze only in winter, are permanently frozen etc. to the map, rather than referring players to the rules.

You may wish to also consider conforming to the 1 to 2.0-2.5 unit-space ratio recommended by Stephen Agar. Your variant is a lot less dense, which makes for a really long game and it taking a really long time to get anywhere. Now, I recognise remoteness may have a thematic appeal, but from a gameplay perspective it leads to a less exciting game, imo.

It's one reason, quite frankly, why I would not play this design in its current incarnation. But then, that also applies to the vast majority of Diplomacy variants since I'm notoriously picky about what I like to see in a Diplomacy variant.

In any case, I like the thematic premise and think this project holds promise.


Mikael and I are also both playing in the DC playtest of David Cohen's
Known World 901.

Also, if any of you have a hankering for more playtesting, I am
currently recruiting playtesters on DC for my new variant, Arctic
Diplomacy. I'll admit it does not have the draw of DPs, but it does
have the cool new feature of ice territories that melt and freeze over
the course of time. There are three spots left if anyone is interested.



dc246 Austrian end game statement - pieandmash   (Jul 03, 2009, 4:05 am)
Well done Garry, a solid game.

For me it was hard from the start- Italy and Russia at me from the first year, so i teamed with Turkey- thankyou Laurence, but looking to the longer term game i could see unless I stabbed Turkey early I was finished.

The French and Italian were pressuring me but I had 1 chance when the Turk over stretched and working with the Russian- it would have succeeded but for a miscommunication and so the Russian didnt get SEV.

I knew it was all over then. The Turk could defend and I had enemies on all sides.

Laurence gave me another chance (phew), and we pushed out, finishing the Russian, and harrassing the Italian and French.

All the while i was talking to France and with England/France unstoppable I tried hard to get him to stab England before he was stabbed- Garry needing the solo for the touro. But he didnt bite and so history followed its usual path.

My great thanks to Laurence for her steadfast support and strategy.
Thanks to you all, and of course our reliable and friends GM.

See you soon


DC242: Winter 1907 - Rocketship   (Jul 03, 2009, 2:25 am)
DC242: Winter 1907

Build A Paris

Remove A Silesia

Remove A Livonia

Build A Constantinople
Build A Smyrna
Build A Ankara

Spring of 1908 is due Wednesday, July 8, 2009, at 05:00GMT.




DC230 Lost Kings - Fall 07 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Jul 03, 2009, 12:16 am)
Just beat it.  Straight to sending in your orders for Fall 1907.  And don't be singing 'I'm bad!' and forget to vote yay or nay on the various end-game proposals...

Deadline is in just under 19 hours.  It'll be a Thriller.  *groan*

Jacko Trout


dc246 fall 1914 results - coryfucius   (Jul 02, 2009, 7:09 pm)
First things first, both of the endgame proposals fail...

Both Austria and France re-establish control of their respective capitals, slightly altering history as the Archduke survives the year. Turkey's attacks on Marseilles, Tunis, and Warsaw all fail. England gains control of both Portugal and Warsaw, offset by the loss of Paris, giving King Garry control of 18 centers. Congratulations to Garry on his solo, which in all likelihood also means that Garry will win the Winter Blitz tournament.

Once again, we have received press, although this time the sender has revealed his power's identity:
England-"All: Thanks for the game. It was definitely challenging and entertaining. I had NO business being lucky enough to win this tournament [had to be luck given the tough players I had in each round]. I look forward to many more games with you on the site."

Thanks to everyone for playing, and sticking around to the finish. This has been a very interesting game to witness. Endgame statements are not only welcome, but encouraged, given the result.



Fall 1914 results:

A Venice - Trieste
A Vienna Hold

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc) (*Fails*)
A Bohemia - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Burgundy Supports A Munich
F English Channel - Brest
A London Hold
F Marseilles Hold
A Munich Hold
F North Africa Supports F Tunis
F Portugal Hold
A Prussia Supports A Warsaw
A Silesia Supports A Warsaw (*Cut*)
F Spain(sc) Supports F Marseilles
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Bounce*)
F Tunis Supports F Western Mediterranean (*Cut*)
A Warsaw Hold
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tunis
A Yorkshire Hold

A Gascony - Paris

F Adriatic Sea Supports F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Rumania
A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Galicia - Silesia (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*Fails*)
A Moscow - Warsaw (*Fails*)
F Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Moscow (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Ukraine Supports A Moscow - Warsaw


Final status:

Austria: 4 centers
England: 18 centers (solo)
France: 1 center
Turkey: 11 centers


dc255 tomorrow (friday) - MattTheLesser   (Jul 02, 2009, 4:30 pm)
About 27 hours from now and I do not have a full set of orders! I have
confirmed all sets I have received so if you don't have a confirmation
get 'em in!



DC 262: Angstskrik - Fall 825 Adjudication - Kenshi777   (Jul 02, 2009, 3:52 pm)
Honored Kings of the Dark Ages - And we move into the fall of the first year, with several players making a run for 3 builds, but none reaching the mark.  The strategic territory of Strathclyde falls to the Britons, with a little help from the Gaelic fleet offshore.  Meanwhile, the Scots slide comfortably south into Deira, the Danes and Anglo-Saxons peaceably divde the continent between them, and the Norse respect Swedish borders, holding in Varmland.  Mercia and Lindholm remain contested battlefields.  Finally, in other news, the Zetland tourism board reports record low attendance, as neither Scots nor Norse decided to pay them a visit this year. 
No retreats due, so we move straight into the Winter 825 Adjustments.  Normally, this would be Monday, but I will allow until Thursday, July 9th due to the Independence Day holiday weekend in the US. (I'm gone myself until Monday immediately after clicking send on this email)  PLEASE remember to format the subject line of the messages correctly, and CC everything to benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil.  After the next adjudication, that is likely to be the only email I will receive at all for a full 30 days, and it's an NMR if it only goes to the Gmail account.  So CC both and be certain I have your orders please! 
For those just joining us or observing, here is the player list:

Nick Higgins - Cyning of the Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
congressofvienna1814 AT yahoo DOT com
Matthew Kelly - Brenin of the Brythons (Britons)
kelly058 AT verizon DOT net
Gregory Bim-Merle - Kong of the Dani (Danes)
gbimmerle AT gmail DOT com
Nathan Deily - Ard Rí na hÉireann (Gaels)
ndeily AT yahoo DOT com
Scott Troemel - Kong of the Norge (Norse)
brn2dip AT yahoo DOT com
Nigel Phillips - Rí Alban (Scots)
nephilli99 AT hotmail DOT com
Mark Duffield - Konung of the Suetidi (Swedes)
captain_sicarius AT hotmail DOT com and me, your humble GM, B.  (Benjamin Hester)
screwtape777 AT gmail DOT com
benjamin DOT hester AT us DOT army DOT mil

F Gaelic Sea Supports A Chester - Strathclyde
A Leinster - Munster
F North Channel - Ulster (*Bounce*)
F Bernicia - Deira
A Dal Riada - Strathclyde (*Fails*)
F Hebridean Sea - Ulster (*Bounce*)
F Bristol Channel - Cornwall
A Chester - Strathclyde
A Powys - Mercia (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea - Trondelag
F Skagerrak - Lindholm (*Bounce*)
A Varmland Hold
F English Channel - Brittany
A Middle Anglia - Mercia (*Bounce*)
F Strait of Dover - Austrasia
F Bay of Reric - Reric
A Saxony - Frisia
F Viborg - Lindholm (*Bounce*)
A Alvheim Supports F Gotar - Skane
F Gotar - Skane
A Jamtland Supports F Norwegian Sea - Trondelag

Gaels:     Supp  4 Unit  3 Build  1
Scots:     Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
Bretons:  Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
Norse:     Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
AngloSaxons: Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
Danes:    Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2
Swedes:  Supp  5 Unit  3 Build  2


Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


Page:  1 . . . 635  636  637  638  639  640  641  642  643  644  645  646  647  648  649  650  651 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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