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1648 090623: The Upcoming Adjucation & Orders... - charlesf   (Jun 29, 2009, 1:53 pm)
Hi guys,

we're fast approaching the first adjucation deadline, Wednesday 1 July 6 PM CET (GMT+1). Should you have not yet sent in your (preliminary) orders, I strongly recommend you do so now since that allows me to alert players of possible mistakes, serves as an insurance against adversity leading to NMRs and hence allows me to relax on that count.

- Note that any illegal order (whether for a player or minor power unit) will simply be reported as a hold order.

- Entry into my mail inbox is the decisive criterion when it comes to meeting the deadline. In emergencies, you can also call me under the number I earlier provided and verbally communicate your orders to me (provided I'm at home, of course).

- Should a player believe I have made an adjucation error, he may appeal the adjucation until the next adjucation has taken place. My rulings are final.

Now a few recommended guidelines for how to format your orders:

a. Identification: As I previously noted, the orders mail should be marked using the following format:
1648: Sp49 A1

The above referring to the first Austrian order set sent to me for the Spring 1649 Moves. The shorthands:

Austria: A
Denmark-Norway: D
England: E
France: F
Poland-Lithuania: P
Spain: S
Sweden: W
Turkey: T (yes, I mean to fully change all documents to Turkey being used over "Ottoman Empire".)

b. Major Power unit orders: As necessary, a player's messages should specify what his Great Power's units are doing that season (i.e., moving, holding, supporting, or convoying) or what retreats, disbands, or builds the player wishes to execute. Players should use the unit orders format that is provided in the basic Diplomacy rules and the abbreviations for the spaces that are provided in the supplemental 1648 rules.

c. Minor power unit orders: During Spring and Fall turns, players should specify how they are allocating their Diplomacy Points (DPs) and what they expect the receiving Minor Powers to do with their units. Again, players should use the unit orders format that is provided in the basic Diplomacy rules and the abbreviations for the spaces that are provided in the supplemental 1648 rules. Example: 2DP: A Tra S A Mol H. NOTE: I will only publish the Minor Power order that receives the most DPs or the hold order. I will not indicate which player submitted a particular order to a Minor Power or what that order was. Only the submitting player and I will know for sure who submitted an order for that Minor Power.

d. "Press" releases: As desired, a player's messages may include press releases. Unlike unit orders, press releases may be made conditional on what the other players do. For example, the Swedish player may have one press release to use if Poland-Lithuania attacks Sweden and another press release to use if Poland-Lithuania attacks Austria. Press will be designated as being sent by the player who sent it unless I am instructed to publish it anonymously. I retain the right not to publish a press release if I deem it inappropriate.

Well, that's it. I apologise my initial house rules document doesn't cover all the various contingencies. I'll try to do better in future.

On another note, my current involvement in the hobby extends to also GMing a 1900 variant game next to this one. It is run on the DPJudge and only has just started. Unfortunately, I had to remove our Italian player on account of numerous violations and the Russian player chose to resign on account of being a near-mute. So two openings, unmarred by any adjucations having yet taken place, are currently on offer. 1900 is a terrific variant (designed by Baron Powell, who is also the inventor of the DP mechanism featured in 164Cool and, should you be able to fully participate in both games, you are invited to join the 1900 game. See http://www.diplom.org/openings/openings.html#USDP. The game is called 1900_090601.




DC: 225 Summer 1908 Maps & End Game Proposal - AlanRFarrington   (Jun 29, 2009, 1:39 pm)
Sorry I forgot to attach the maps with the last adjudication. Also there is an end game proposal on the table.

Please vote for the English Solo by the next adjudication. (Failure to vote will count as a no vote. Unanimity is required to declare a solo)

Alan Farrington
Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®. See how.


dc245 Spring '14 results - notasb   (Jun 29, 2009, 8:07 am)
A DIAS has been proposed. Votes are due with the Fall orders.
To pass, the end-game-proposal requires a yes vote from all remaining players. Any single "no" vote, abstention, or NMR will cause the proposal to fail.




Votes and Fall orders are due Thursday July 2nd 8 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1300 GMT

Orders and Results:

A Berlin Supports A Silesia
A Burgundy Supports A Munich
F English Channel Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Gascony Supports A Marseilles
F Irish Sea Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Kiel Hold
A Marseilles Supports A Spain (*Cut*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean (*Void*)
A Munich Supports A Silesia
F Portugal Supports A Spain
A Spain, no move received

F Armenia Supports A Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol
A Bohemia Supports A Budapest - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Ukraine (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Piedmont - Marseilles
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F North Africa Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Rumania Supports A Galicia - Ukraine
A Sevastopol Supports A Galicia - Ukraine
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia
A Venice - Piedmont (*Fails*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest - Galicia (*Fails*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Moscow Supports A Ukraine
F North Sea - Norwegian Sea
F Norwegian Sea - Clyde
A Silesia Supports A Munich
F Skagerrak - Denmark
A Ukraine Hold
F Wales - Liverpool
A Warsaw Supports A Ukraine

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
Gen. George S Patton


DC253 W04 7/6 FOR SPRING - vegas_iwish   (Jun 29, 2009, 8:05 am)
Just after a holiday w/e, you say? All the more reason to send in early Smile
Build A Edi
Build A Lon
Build waived

Remove F Tus
Remove F SOG

Remove F Hel
Remove F Pru

Build F Nap

Build F Len(nc)

Build A Smy

Defaults, removing A Alb


DC261 - Winter 1901 - REMINDER - aramis604   (Jun 28, 2009, 11:24 pm)
Winter 1901 adjustments are due in just under 24 hours!

- Josh


MoV: Err... make it Belgium - The_Gentleman   (Jun 28, 2009, 11:20 pm)
A Holland to Belgium

Not Holland. Site updated.

Carry on.


DC 257: Moors of Venice: Retreat - The_Gentleman   (Jun 28, 2009, 11:18 pm)
Germany retreats to Holland!

Remember: Saturday the 4th of July by 9:00 AM PST


243 winter done Spring 1908 thursday 1600 GMT - agwopa   (Jun 28, 2009, 5:51 pm)
Remove F North Africa

Build A Munich

Build A Warsaw

Build A Constantinople

here we go I hope orders due on Thursday is okay. 1600 GMT
Good luck all


ACQUIRE/EXECUTIVE DECISION - vegas_iwish   (Jun 28, 2009, 5:01 pm)
Have kept running Acquire games but never picked up anyone from here. An even more disciplined/simultaneous turn-based game is Executive Decision. also an old 3M game. could schedule 1 buying & 1 selling turn a wk. Have more often done this 1 live as better with fast decisions if not newbies. Both are good options & easy to pick up. Of course if you want to make my life worth living you can go to http://www.alanemrich.com/PGD/Week_03/PGD_NAW_rules.htm & print out a real (if basic) wargame Wink


DC230 Lost Kings - Revolution in Austria - former.trout   (Jun 28, 2009, 11:50 am)
Hi there fellow Lost Kings,

I'm really happy to announce the arrival of Darryl Good into the game.  Darryl and I go back a fair ways, and I can safely say that we couldn't find a better arch-duke.  Thanks for joining up to help us play this one out, Mr. Good.  =)

The revised player roster is attached below.  Deadline for Fall 07 will remain set for Friday, June 3rd (11:59 PM GMT).  Also, please don't forget to vote.  We have two proposals on the table, and since we have the better part of a week I will announce a third that has cropped up.  The various proposals for your consideration are:

1)  German Solo
2)  French/German/Austrian 3-way draw
3)  German/French 2-way draw  (NEW PROPOSAL!!)

Cheers folks!


Player list for dc230

ID       : dipknight
Ctry     : Austria      1
Name     : Darryl Good
Email    : dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])

ID       : Lane
Ctry     : England      0
Name     : Aidan Slattery
Email    : aislattery(at)aol.com ([email]aislattery(at)aol.com[/email])

ID       : poobaloo
Ctry     : France       0
Name     : Michael Sims
Email    : mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])

ID       : aramis604
Ctry     : Germany      0
Name     : Josh Engsberg
Email    : aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email])

ID       : coebq
Ctry     : Italy        0
Name     : Bruce Quinn
Email    : coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email])

ID       : Joral
Ctry     : Russia       0
Name     : Justin Card
Email    : jcard(at)atnex.net ([email]jcard(at)atnex.net[/email])

ID       : jmc66
Ctry     : Turkey       0
Name     : Jeffrey Clay
Email    : jmc66(at)mac.com ([email]jmc66(at)mac.com[/email])



dc251 - final! - Cartesian   (Jun 28, 2009, 9:11 am)
Thanks to all for an enjoyable game. I had a lot of fun with it, particularly with the unusual feeling of freedom that came from having Frank as a loyal (so far) ally. Gene was trying to talk me into all sorts and was very persuasive and I wonder how much longer Frank would have lasted in alliance with me. Certainly he had Italy for free, but I had high hopes of an alliance with a weakened Germany (ably commanded by Rick) to clean up Russia first then to consider where the big threat was!

Thanks to all and thanks to Simon for running it so ably, despite being dogged by MI6 wiretappers.

John /England

2009/6/23 F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])>

Thanks Mike.
Everyone thank you for a game that was a lot of fun (aside from the technical NMRs).
I had a great time exchanging thoughts and plans with many of you, in particular John (England) and Rick (Germany) and at a more recent stage with Bruce (Austria).
France had been real lucky that from an early stage it had been able to keep neutrality with both England and France. That stability in the north and northeast helped France focus on the south. Even more fortunate was the downfall of the Italian empire when its ruler fled and the whole country went into CD. With Austria fighting for survival against Germany, Turkey and Russia, Italy was practically mine.
I think the game had a lot of potential for England, Germany, Russia, and of course France. Sorry Matthew, I don't think that Turkey would have lasted much longer. It would have been great to see what would have happened between those four powers once they had consumed all smaller ones. It's a pity we never got there.
I really hope I will meet you all again in another game. I'm going to move from the USA to NL so will keep a low profile for a few weeks but promise you I will be back after that.

Would love to hear your afterthoughts on the game.

2009/6/22 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])>

Players of dc251,
Sometimes it just happens that games go awry.  In this case, this game was met w some technical challenges that led to an unusual circumstance – multiple players missing turns, due to no fault of their own.  I’ve asked everyone what they want to do w the game, and I’m happy that everyone spoke up on the matter.  Some voiced that they’d like to continue, others that they were pretty open, and some preferred just to let it lie.  So dc251 is officially called a 6-way draw.  All 6 players, to some degree, agreed this would be an acceptable (if not preferred) result.  I would like to thank you all for being flexible, and agreeing to an amenable ending.
For those who wanted to play on – may I suggest – a new re001 is already recruiting.  If you’d like a rematch, feel free to join it, even en’masse.  There is also the 17-player World game, and a fancy new 1648 variant already open.  Check them out, and enjoy.
Thank you all,
Order of the Garter


John Langley


dc226 Winter 1908 Results! - hapolley   (Jun 28, 2009, 8:58 am)
Standard DC226\Winter/1908


The Deadline for gunboat game dc226 Spring 1909 moves is Friday
July 3rd. If moves are not all in, I will extend deadline by
generous amounts as it is summer time!



Retreats & Builds Wt/1908:
England : Build: N edi, A lvp
Germany : Build: A mun
Turkey : Retreat A mos - sev, A vie - gal
Austria |( 6)|[AUST,tri,vie][ITAL,rom,nap,ven],tun
England |(11)|[ENGL,lon,lvp,edi](bre,mos,stp),den,nwy,por,spa
Germany |( Cool|[GERM,kie,ber,mun](mar,par,war),bel,hol
Turkey |( 9)|[TURK,smy,ank,con](bud,sev),bul,gre,rum,ser
Madman |( 0)|
Total = ( 34)

Austria | ( ) ( 6) |A nap, A tri, N tun, N TYN, A ven, A vie
England | ( ) ( 11) |N BAL, N den, N edi, A lvn, A lvp, N MID
A mos, N spa(sc), N wal, N WES, A yor
Germany | ( ) ( Cool |A boh, N hol, N kie, A mar, A mun, A sil
A tyr, A war
Turkey | ( ) ( 9) |N ADR, N AEG, N alb, A bud, A gal, N ION
A rum, A ser, A sev
Madman | ( ) ( 0) |
Total ( ) ( 34)

We have enjoyed great success this year! Our mutual success in
Russia has opened the Ottoman forces for a rout. The first
benefit is that this success will allow us to remove the last
our navies from your waters. Regardless of the final
disposition of the Turkish forces, we should be prying his
hands from Central Europe in the coming year. To complete the
pincer we ask of you to reconsider our use of the Gulf of Lyon.
Our friend in Austria hesitates in seizing the initiative. (He
has been understandably distracted with re-capturing his own
capital.) Our positioning in Lyon would better persuade and
enable the Archduke to launch a naval counteroffensive with the
ultimate goal of securing the ports of Greece and restoring
Austrian control to her territorial waters. Denying the
Ottoman control of the Mediterranean is a prerequisite to
ending their repression in the Balkans.

Your Uncle and Friend,

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar : Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now!


dc263 ~ Babylon 5 - sgttodd   (Jun 27, 2009, 8:26 pm)
Deadline for Winter 2261 adjustments; June 30th; 2359 UTC.

Sorry we're late, but I had to rattle a cage to get some late orders in rather than deal with an NMR on the second turn.

Soooo, everyone gets 2 builds!

Ownership of supply centers:

Earth: Babylon 5, Earth, Mars, Titan, Aris Colony, Beta Durani.
Minbari: Minbar, Chudomo, Norsai, Dura 7, Gaim.
Centauri: Centauri Prime, Brakesh 9, Davo, Praxis 9, Yolu.
Narn: Narn, D Grn, Dross, D Tira, L Gidor.
Shadow: Z Ha Dum, Outer Rim, Kepti, Ikarra 7, Shi.
Drazi: Drazi, Draxis, Zagro 7, Arisia Colony, Tikar.
Vorlon: Vorlon, Berdina, Virana, Coriana 6, Thalitene.
Unowned: Abbai4, Akdor, Brakiri, Ceti 4, Daltron 7, Deneb 4, Dilgar, Drakh, Enfili, Gorash 7, Hilak 7, Ipsha, Janos 7, Kazami III, Latig 4, L Gn Daort, Lorka 7, Lukantha, Malax, Markab, Mirata 7, Omega 7, Orion, Pakmara, Proxima 3, Ragesh 3, Ralga, Regula 4, Sigma 957, Theta 49, Tizino Prime, Tokati, Tripani 7, Vega, Ventari 3, Vree, Zafran 7, Zander Prime.

Earth: 6 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 2 units.
Minbari: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Centauri: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Narn: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Shadow: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Drazi: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Vorlon: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.


A Babylon 5 - Beta Durani
A Earth - Aris Colony
F Grid Epsilon Convoys A Babylon 5 - Beta Durani
F Sector 01 Convoys A Earth - Aris Colony

A Minbar - Gaim
F Minbari Outer Realm Convoys A Minbar - Gaim
F Sector 35 - Dura 7

A Centauri Prime - Praxis 9
F Outer Centauri space Convoys A Centauri Prime - Praxis 9
F Sector 58 - Yolu

A Narn - L Gidor
F Narn Outer Space - D Tira
F Sector 70 Convoys A Narn - L Gidor

A Outer Rim - Ikarra 7
F Rim Space Convoys A Outer Rim - Ikarra 7
F Sector 88 - Shi

A Drazi - Tikar
F Sector 18 - Arisia Colony
F Sector 20 Convoys A Drazi - Tikar

A Berdina - Vorlon
F Volron Outer Space - Thalitene
F Quadrant 48 - Coriana 6

Unit locations:

Earth: A Aris Colony, A Beta Durani, F Grid Epsilon, F Sector 01.
Minbari: F Minbari Outer Realm, F Dura 7, A Gaim.
Centauri: F Outer Centauri space, A Praxis 9, F Yolu.
Narn: F D Tira, A L Gidor, F Sector 70.
Shadow: F Rim Space, A Ikarra 7, F Shi.
Drazi: F Arisia Colony, F Sector 20, A Tikar.
Vorlon: A Vorlon, F Coriana 6, F Thalitene.

Deadline for Winter 2261 adjustments; June 30th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


Andy/White Wolf Moving - blueinva   (Jun 27, 2009, 7:40 pm)
Good luck, give me a wave as you drive past DC!


----- Original Message -----
From: The White Wolf ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])
To: Scott Troemel ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Sean Cable ([email]blueinva(at)cox.net[/email]) ; Former Trout ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; ACD Games ([email]ACD-Games(at)yahoogroups.com[/email]) ; Web Agnew ([email]agnew777(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Lee Carpenter ([email]lemarsh(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; David Cohen ([email]zendip18(at)optonline.net[/email]) ; Nathan Deily ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Andrew Jameson ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Rachael Jameson ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Dov Kass ([email]dovkass(at)013.net[/email]) ; Frank Sudlows ([email]frank_sudlow(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) ; Sam Buck ([email]Sam_Buck_Productions(at)Mac.com[/email]) ; Andrew dAdesky ([email]andrewdadesky(at)hotmail.com[/email]) ; DC244 Forum ([email]dc244(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]) ; Mike Hoffman ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email]) ; Jason K ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Chris Morse ([email]camorse22(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Ross Webb ([email]rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com[/email]) ; Rodrigo Yanez ([email]rpyanez(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; Thomas Curran ([email]forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; DC239 Forum ([email]dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]) ; Tim Fuhrmeister ([email]timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com[/email]) ; Darryl Good ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; Ster Mav ([email]stermapo(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Matthew Strebe ([email]strebenator(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; Scott Troemel ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Charles Welsh ([email]welsh_stroud(at)msn.com[/email]) ; Nick Cherrier ([email]zeclient(at)hotmail.com[/email]) ; Jeffrey Clay ([email]jmc66(at)mac.com[/email]) ; Forum DC-227 ([email]dc227(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]) ; Ilyas Erzik ([email]IErzik(at)mail.az[/email]) ; Matthew Kelly ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email]) ; Drew Ott ([email]drew3739o(at)yahoo.com[/email]) ; Michael Stroz ([email]mistro914(at)gmail.com[/email]) ; Mark Utterbach ([email]mdemagogue(at)gmail.com[/email])
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 1:29 AM
Subject: Andy/White Wolf Moving

I'm finally getting on the road in about 8 hours. I hope to be offline only for the weekend, but I'll send a status update once I get to Baltimore. Wish me luck! ;o)

Andy/The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Unknown - txurce   (Jun 27, 2009, 5:45 pm)
I really like Garry's idea of an advisory board. It would not only improve play, but diminish NMRs. I would implement it by listing a series of advisors that any player is free to contact. I'd keep it private, or ruin the point of most advice. It's no more unfair than asking your roommate for advice, and anyone can do it.

I also think that newbies should complete one game before being allowed to sign up for another, with case-by-case exceptions made by the mods. (For example, in the case of a newbie who has a perfect record in a game in its fourth year.)


dc252 timetable - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 27, 2009, 5:08 pm)
A player is going out of town July 4 thru 14, so we’ll get this winter by Tuesday (or sooner), then I’d like to run Spring 05 by Friday July 3. This way we can get a turn completed by the time we go on pause. Then the next turn after that will be in 2 weeks, Friday July 17. Note July 3 may be a work holiday for some in the US, if that is a problem to meet, pls let me know.


From: Michael Sims
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 5:03 PM
Subject: dc252 f04 results!

Lots of action this round. Spartans hang on for another year, Persia invades Macedonia, Romans reclaim Roma but lose Sicilia. In the south, we seem to have a peaceful coexistence between Carthage and Egypt…

RETREATS and BUILDS are due Tuesday 6/30, 6pm Central!

Greek F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea or Apulia.
Roman A Macedonia can retreat to Illyria.
Carthaginian F Roma can retreat to Etruria or Ligurian Sea.

Rome: Remove 1
Carthage: Build 1
Persia: Build 1
Greece: Remove 1

Egypt: Has nothing to order!


F Athens Supports F Sparta - Ionian Sea
A Epirus Supports A Macedonia
A Macedonia Supports A Sarmatia - Dacia (*Dislodged*)
F Neapolis Supports F Tyrrhenean Sea - Roma
A Rhaetia - Massilia
F Sardinia - Punic Sea (*Fails*)
A Sarmatia - Dacia
F Sparta - Ionian Sea
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Roma

F Ausonian Sea Supports A Carthage - Sicilia
A Carthage - Sicilia
A Cyrene Supports A Marmarica
F Libyan Sea Supports F Crete - Messenian Sea
A Marmarica Supports A Cyrene
F Punic Sea Convoys A Carthage - Sicilia
F Roma Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Thapsus - Gulf of Tacape

F Aegean Sea Supports A Dacia - Macedonia
A Armenia - Chersonesus
A Byzantium Supports A Dacia - Macedonia
F Cilician Strait - Cyprus
A Dacia - Macedonia
F Miletus Supports F Aegean Sea
F Minoan Sea Supports F Aegean Sea
A Sidon Hold
A Tyre Hold

F Ionian Sea Supports F Messenian Sea - Sparta (*Dislodged*)
F Messenian Sea - Sparta

F Alexandria Supports A Memphis
F Crete - Messenian Sea
F Egyptian Sea - Crete
F Gulf of Pelusium - Egyptian Sea
A Jerusalem Hold
A Memphis Supports F Alexandria


dc252 f04 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 27, 2009, 5:03 pm)
Lots of action this round. Spartans hang on for another year, Persia invades Macedonia, Romans reclaim Roma but lose Sicilia. In the south, we seem to have a peaceful coexistence between Carthage and Egypt…

RETREATS and BUILDS are due Tuesday 6/30, 6pm Central!

Greek F Ionian Sea can retreat to Adriatic Sea or Apulia.
Roman A Macedonia can retreat to Illyria.
Carthaginian F Roma can retreat to Etruria or Ligurian Sea.

Rome: Remove 1
Carthage: Build 1
Persia: Build 1
Greece: Remove 1

Egypt: Has nothing to order!


F Athens Supports F Sparta - Ionian Sea
A Epirus Supports A Macedonia
A Macedonia Supports A Sarmatia - Dacia (*Dislodged*)
F Neapolis Supports F Tyrrhenean Sea - Roma
A Rhaetia - Massilia
F Sardinia - Punic Sea (*Fails*)
A Sarmatia - Dacia
F Sparta - Ionian Sea
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Roma

F Ausonian Sea Supports A Carthage - Sicilia
A Carthage - Sicilia
A Cyrene Supports A Marmarica
F Libyan Sea Supports F Crete - Messenian Sea
A Marmarica Supports A Cyrene
F Punic Sea Convoys A Carthage - Sicilia
F Roma Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Thapsus - Gulf of Tacape

F Aegean Sea Supports A Dacia - Macedonia
A Armenia - Chersonesus
A Byzantium Supports A Dacia - Macedonia
F Cilician Strait - Cyprus
A Dacia - Macedonia
F Miletus Supports F Aegean Sea
F Minoan Sea Supports F Aegean Sea
A Sidon Hold
A Tyre Hold

F Ionian Sea Supports F Messenian Sea - Sparta (*Dislodged*)
F Messenian Sea - Sparta

F Alexandria Supports A Memphis
F Crete - Messenian Sea
F Egyptian Sea - Crete
F Gulf of Pelusium - Egyptian Sea
A Jerusalem Hold
A Memphis Supports F Alexandria


DC222: Russian EOG - bschoner   (Jun 27, 2009, 5:00 pm)
Yay me! Cool

First off, many thanks to Trout for running a fun, prompt game with no
rules controversy and a pleasant demeanor.

Second, thanks to those who stuck through the whole game, to the
(sometimes bitter) end - your dedication is both commendable and
greatly appreciated.

Third, thanks to those who came in to pick up abandoned positions - we
couldn't have finished without you!

Now that that's out of the way, time for me to yammer on a bit about
how the game went as viewed from Moscow. This was my first Diplomacy
solo (FtF or online), so please forgive me if I get a little giddy.

Initial diplomacy, naturally, was intended to make nice with everyone
and see who was planning to attack whom (and, especially, who was
planning to attack me). Thankfully, I was able to establish very good
relations early on with two natural Russian allies - Kevin as France
and Babak as Italy. Both seemed like (and turned out to be)
experienced, intelligent players with a good attitude and diplomatic
skills to match, and I had high hopes that one, if not both, would
prove excellent long-term allies. In this, I was mostly correct.
Germany's early diplomacy was sparse and rather vague, and his
explanations of his actions didn't make much sense to me. England,
Turkey, and Austria all seemed nice enough; Austria's emails weren't
always clear, though, and this was probably a contributing factor to
his selection as the first victim in the south. (Italy's Bohemian
Crusher helped a lot, too.)

Austria's quick collapse enabled Italy and I to start working against
Turkey; my pretended indecision seemed to keep Turkey from viewing me
as a direct enemy until too late, though I may be overestimating my
skills. Germany started to look like he was getting his act together,
then elected to stab France out of the blue for minimal gains, which
sealed his fate. Thankfully, he was disorganized enough that both
France and I could split our attention between Germany and another
target (England for France, Turkey for me) and still make progress. I
held no grudge against England, but France and I were committed to
working together and France was deeply involved in a war on England,
so England became an enemy by default.

By 1906, Austria and Turkey were out, England was on the ropes, and
Germany was in a bad position; I was able to keep him stalled in
Scandinavia long enough to get armies into mainland Germany. Italy and
France, my two best allies, were fighting each other, and it was clear
that I'd eventually need to take sides. Both allies had done right by
me, but communication from Babak (Italy) had become very erratic and
frankly, he was in a better position to be stabbed, so I stabbed him.
(But I felt really bad about it afterwards!) This was also the point
where the NMRs and abandonments started becoming a severe problem in
the game as a whole; that's a pet peeve of mine, but I won't dwell on
it here except to once more thank those who took over an abandoned
position and/or played it out to the end.

Come 1907, England was gone, Germany was clinging to life under new
management, and Italy had changed leaders. At this point, it was clear
that I had a reasonable shot at a solo, and I decided to go for it. To
my utter amazement and gratitude, France elected to stick with me
rather than ally with Italy to stop the solo. (Thanks, Kevin! I don't
believe in cross-gaming, but I certainly owe you one!) At that point,
it was really all over but the tactics; the new Germany was a good
diplomat, but had been given nothing to work with by his predecessor,
and the new Italy didn't have the troops or positioning to fight
France and I by himself. As long as I didn't make any dreadful
mistakes, the game was mine to lose, and thankfully I didn't.

Much as I'd like to attribute my success to superior diplomatic skills
and tactical acumen, I can't; I had two unexpected (and unforeseeable)
assets that swung the game for me. First was Kevin as France, whose
willingness to stick by me on my way to a solo is the only reason this
game isn't still going on. Second was - well, I'd call it luck, but we
all know there's no luck in Diplomacy, right? Anyway, it seemed that
almost every time I had to guess about an opponent's actions, or
select from two equally appealing sets of orders, I made the right
choice. Even a few very unorthodox, oddball moves paid off handsomely
in this game; it seemed like I could do no wrong.

Well, that's enough out of me. Thanks again for the game! Borscht and
vodka for everyone!




243 London retreat - agwopa   (Jun 27, 2009, 1:06 pm)
London went OTB officially so like I said I will be on line during the Confederations Cup Final between Brazil and the USA to send out the adjudication. Spain in the third place game who woulda thunk it?


DC: 225 Summer 1908 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Jun 27, 2009, 1:04 pm)
Sorry everyone my internet was down last night so I couldnt' get it out in time. When you send in your fall orders could you let me know how you feel about playing during the 4th of July holliday? Is anyone going on a weeklong vacation?

A Galicia - Warsaw
A Rumania - Budapest

F Holland - Helgoland Bight

I'm going to set the Fall 1908 deadline for next Wednesday, July 1st at the same time as usual (24:00am GMT, 7:00pm EST). Hopefully we can get one more set of orders in before the holliday.

Alan Farrington
Windows Live™ SkyDrive™: Get 25 GB of free online storage. Get it on your BlackBerry or iPhone.


DC 257: Moors of Venice: NMR-less adjudication - The_Gentleman   (Jun 27, 2009, 12:12 pm)
- The world is filled with war mongers. (Othello and the Venitians would be proud)
- Rumanians are run into the Black Sea.
- Italians continue year long festival of Athens.
- Maps return just in time for our first retreat!

As Recieved:

A Vie to Gal
A Bud S A Ser to H
A Ser H
F Tri H

F Norway - Skagerak
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F Belgium - North Sea
A Ruhr - Holland
F Helgoland Bight supports A Ruhr - Holland

ABer-Kie; AMun s ABer-Kie; FMao-Spa(sc); FBre-Mao; AMar-Pie; ABur-Gas; APic-Bur

F Denmark - Baltic Sea
A Holland - Kiel
A Kiel - Denmark

F Tun-Wes
F Ion-Tyn
A Ven hold
A Gre hold

Swe-Nwy;Stp S Swe-Nwy;Gal S Rum;Ukr S Sev

A Bul - Rum,
F Bla S A Bul - Rum,
A Ank - Con,
A Arm - Sev

Plugged in as:

A Budapest Supports A Serbia
A Serbia Hold
F Trieste Hold
A Vienna - Galicia (*Fails*)

F Belgium - North Sea
F Helgoland Bight Supports A Ruhr - Holland
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F Norway - Skagerrak
A Ruhr - Holland

A Berlin - Kiel
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Burgundy - Gascony
A Marseilles - Piedmont
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel
A Picardy - Burgundy

F Denmark - Baltic Sea
A Holland - Kiel (*Dislodged*)
A Kiel - Denmark

A Greece Hold
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Naples, no move received
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
A Venice Hold

A Galicia Supports F Rumania (*Cut*)
F Rumania, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Sevastopol, no move received
A St Petersburg Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol

A Ankara - Constantinople
A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania
A Bulgaria - Rumania

German A Holland can retreat to Belgium.

Retreat due to me ASAP. I will adjudicate it tomorrow night around 8 or 9 my time at the latest.

Fall 1903 orders are due to me Saturday, July 4th 9am PST. Even though this is a widely celebrated American holiday the week before it in which you'll be doing the discussion is not, so I think we can still do this. But let me know if it does create an absolute problem.


hm... - Kenshi777   (Jun 27, 2009, 10:13 am)
caveat: it appears I haven't actually gotten around to putting Balkans1860 on the DipWiki yet. You'll have to go to the angelfire site for that one.



ooh ooh pick me coach, put me in the game - Kenshi777   (Jun 27, 2009, 10:09 am)
May I humbly suggest one of mine as well Smile


Or simply check the DipWiki for Sengoku, South American Supremacy, Dark Ages, or Balkans 1860.

This shameless sales pitch for my own variants brought to you by:
B. Smile


Unknown - charlesf   (Jun 27, 2009, 4:26 am)
I was happy to see my playtest getting that fast off the ground, though that in part is due to me reaching out to people outside of the DC community.

No question that I personally would love to see another 1648 game being set up since I myself would love to play. But beyond that, my favourite variants are:

- Ambition & Empire (amazing 10-player variant)
- Diplomacy Royale (a rules variant which fleshes out dynastic politics - fascinating stuff, if you ask me. Best combined with a medieval or early modern map variant)
- 1900 (a superior map design than Standard)

And I also obviously enough like my own other two variants:

- Locarno: Europe 1926 (see Dipwiki)
- The Road to War: Europe 1936


Andy/White Wolf Moving - zeclient   (Jun 27, 2009, 12:48 am)
Good luck Mr Wolf,

For your information I'm also in the process of moving so this week I might not be very responsive! Next week end I'll be good though. Let that not be an excuse not to write to me :0)

Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 22:29:56 -0700
From: cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Andy/White Wolf Moving
To: brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; blueinva(at)cox.net; former.trout(at)gmail.com; ACD-Games(at)yahoogroups.com; agnew777(at)yahoo.com; lemarsh(at)gmail.com; zendip18(at)optonline.net; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; dovkass(at)013.net; frank_sudlow(at)yahoo.co.uk; Sam_Buck_Productions(at)Mac.com; andrewdadesky(at)hotmail.com; dc244(at)diplomaticcorp.com; mrh(at)panix.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com; rpyanez(at)gmail.com; forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com; dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com; timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com; dipknight(at)gmail.com; stermapo(at)yahoo.com; strebenator(at)gmail.com; brn2dip(at)yahoo.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; zeclient(at)hotmail.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; dc227(at)diplomaticcorp.com; IErzik(at)mail.az; kelly058(at)verizon.net; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; mistro914(at)gmail.com; mdemagogue(at)gmail.com

I'm finally getting on the road in about 8 hours. I hope to be offline only for the weekend, but I'll send a status update once I get to Baltimore. Wish me luck! ;o)

Andy/The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:
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