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A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation... - laxrulz777   (Jun 07, 2009, 1:37 pm)
Yup... well played Frank. I'm curious if you actually felt like others were the main threat or if that was just clever diplomacy. As an outsider, I kept looking at that thinking, "How is he keeping them from ganging up on him??"

Also, thank you to Chris. I had some things came up and he took the bull by the horn on the Poland article. I hope that it's useful for the poor unfortunate soul who draws Poland next time.

Lastly, I also am baffled by England's weak showing. Perhaps it's the very fact that it's so CLEARLY strong at the beginning that causes it to attract negative attention. This variant certainly has some interesting things about it just from the very notion that the powers are NOT all equal (in a strictly tactical sense).


A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation... - c.p.mcinerney at gmail...   (Jun 07, 2009, 1:32 pm)
IIRC, I've played France twice in A&E. 

Congrats to Frank!

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Warren Ball <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com ([email]warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

16 or so games is not a good statistical sample.  This excellent variant of Baron's hasn't been around long enough to get a good feel for country strength.  25-30 trials is  a fairly well recognized minimum statistical sample.  I'm sure England will do better by then.
I'm also curious as to 2 other things.  (1) Has the skill level of the various players been about the same in all trials or have some of the players been much more experienced in Dip variants than others?  (2) Has the same player played the same country more than once?

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, jeffrey kase <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com ([email]jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

From: jeffrey kase <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com ([email]jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com ([email]nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com ([email]davidchegould(at)bigpond.com[/email])>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au ([email]David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au[/email])>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email])>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net ([email]frankmartin(at)surewest.net[/email])>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com ([email]mjn82(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com ([email]smileyrob68(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com ([email]MDemagogue(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com ([email]isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Nick Higgins" <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com ([email]congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com ([email]toosauto(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com ([email]warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com ([email]dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com ([email]hall.jeff(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com ([email]c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de ([email]karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de[/email])>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com ([email]vonpowell(at)aol.com[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:04 PM

This was a great game to watch and I wanted to say thanks to all the participants and especially, to Nick for GM'ing this game and providing the opportunity for players to take a stab at A&E (pun intended).
I also wanted to reitterate Nick's kudos to Frank, in the sense that somebody has FINALLY done something with Britain. Way to go Frank!  (who incidentally is a character that I have known, along with Baron, Wayne Bailey, and Chris Dziedzic, on the PBEM Diplomacy circuit going all the way back to the mid `90s)  As Nick mentioned, Britain's performanc in A&E in its overall history has been pitiful - as Baron and I want this game to have playbalance, we've always hoped that's been due to the individual circumstances of each game, rather than design.  And hopefully with this game, that's the case.
Just to clarify one thing, that I'm sure is a typo, the article Nick mentions was written by Chris and Jeff Hall - not me - but it IS an excellent read.

--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com ([email]congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

From: Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com ([email]congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Subject: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com ([email]nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com ([email]davidchegould(at)bigpond.com[/email])>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au ([email]David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au[/email])>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email])>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net ([email]frankmartin(at)surewest.net[/email])>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com ([email]mjn82(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com ([email]smileyrob68(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com ([email]MDemagogue(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com ([email]isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com ([email]toosauto(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com ([email]warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com ([email]dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com ([email]hall.jeff(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jeffrey Kase" <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com ([email]jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com ([email]c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de ([email]karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de[/email])>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com ([email]vonpowell(at)aol.com[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>
Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 9:18 PM

A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty.  By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right.  I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line.  Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help.  Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game.  I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games.  I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game.  Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment.  Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile  Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony.  This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read.  Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer.  I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood.  Still, if you are interested, please let me know.  I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development.  Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks.  If you are interested, please let me know.  The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press.  I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie 
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl 
Austrian A Dre - Lus 
Austrian A Sav - Tus 
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie 
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut* 
Austrian A Vie S A Boh 
British A Ane - Hew 
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce* 
British A Han H 
British A Hew - Baw 
British A Lus - Brl 
British A Par H 
British F And - Brc 
British F Eng - Bre 
British F Hel S A Han 
British F Mid - Gib 
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg 
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce* 
Danish A Ber S A Mec 
Danish A Brl - Pos 
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce* 
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce* 
Danish A Mec S A Ber 
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce* 
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos 
Danish F Bal S A Ber 
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce* 
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce* 
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce* 
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal 
Polish A Pos - Gal 
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce* 
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc 
Spanish F Wes - Alg 
Turkish A Cro S A Bud 
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut* 
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce* 
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce* 
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc) 
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc) 

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:




A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner (dc240) laxrulz777 Jun 07, 01:37 pm
Yup... well played Frank. I'm curious if you actually felt like others were the main threat or if that was just clever diplomacy. As an outsider, I kept looking at that thinking, "How is he keeping them from ganging up on him??"

Also, thank you to Chris. I had some things came up and he took the bull by the horn on the Poland article. I hope that it's useful for the poor unfortunate soul who draws Poland next time.

Lastly, I also am baffled by England's weak showing. Perhaps it's the very fact that it's so CLEARLY strong at the beginning that causes it to attract negative attention. This variant certainly has some interesting things about it just from the very notion that the powers are NOT all equal (in a strictly tactical sense).
A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner (dc240) warren_k_ball@yahoo.com Jun 07, 01:49 pm
I kept thinking the same thing. England stabbed early but nobody ganged up on him. As well, the players he stabbed then worked again with him & got stabbed again! They just kept coming back for more.

I suspect you're right- other players see England's strength & usually ally against it early. That should be the only reason for England's poor showing to date.

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Jeff Hall <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "jeffrey kase" <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>, "Nick Higgins" <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com>, "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net>
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:36 PM

Yup... well played Frank. I'm curious if you actually felt like others were the main threat or if that was just clever diplomacy. As an outsider, I kept looking at that thinking, "How is he keeping them from ganging up on him??"

Also, thank you to Chris. I had some things came up and he took the bull by the horn on the Poland article. I hope that it's useful for the poor unfortunate soul who draws Poland next time.

Lastly, I also am baffled by England's weak showing. Perhaps it's the very fact that it's so CLEARLY strong at the beginning that causes it to attract negative attention. This variant certainly has some interesting things about it just from the very notion that the powers are NOT all equal (in a strictly tactical sense).

A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner (dc240) warren_k_ball@yahoo.com Jun 07, 01:51 pm
Were you assigned France twice at random or did you request it? Have you played each country at least once?

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, Chris McInerney <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Chris McInerney <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>, "Nick Higgins" <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com>, "jeffrey kase" <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com>, "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net>
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:31 PM

IIRC, I've played France twice in A&E.

Congrats to Frank!

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Warren Ball <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com ([email]warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:d7a1bde47d] 16 or so games is not a good statistical sample. This excellent variant of Baron's hasn't been around long enough to get a good feel for country strength. 25-30 trials is a fairly well recognized minimum statistical sample. I'm sure England will do better by then.

I'm also curious as to 2 other things. (1) Has the skill level of the various players been about the same in all trials or have some of the players been much more experienced in Dip variants than others? (2) Has the same player played the same country more than once?

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, jeffrey kase <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com ([email]jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

From: jeffrey kase <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com ([email]jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com ([email]nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com ([email]davidchegould(at)bigpond.com[/email])>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au ([email]David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au[/email])>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email])>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net ([email]frankmartin(at)surewest.net[/email])>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com ([email]mjn82(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com ([email]smileyrob68(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com ([email]MDemagogue(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com ([email]isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Nick Higgins" <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com ([email]congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com ([email]toosauto(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com ([email]warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com ([email]dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com ([email]hall.jeff(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com ([email]c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de ([email]karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de[/email])>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com ([email]vonpowell(at)aol.com[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:04 PM

This was a great game to watch and I wanted to say thanks to all the participants and especially, to Nick for GM'ing this game and providing the opportunity for players to take a stab at A&E (pun intended).

I also wanted to reitterate Nick's kudos to Frank, in the sense that somebody has FINALLY done something with Britain. Way to go Frank! (who incidentally is a character that I have known, along with Baron, Wayne Bailey, and Chris Dziedzic, on the PBEM Diplomacy circuit going all the way back to the mid `90s) As Nick mentioned, Britain's performanc in A&E in its overall history has been pitiful - as Baron and I want this game to have playbalance, we've always hoped that's been due to the individual circumstances of each game, rather than design. And hopefully with this game, that's the case.

Just to clarify one thing, that I'm sure is a typo, the article Nick mentions was written by Chris and Jeff Hall - not me - but it IS an excellent read.


--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com ([email]congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

From: Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com ([email]congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Subject: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com ([email]nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com ([email]davidchegould(at)bigpond.com[/email])>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au ([email]David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au[/email])>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email])>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net ([email]frankmartin(at)surewest.net[/email])>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com ([email]mjn82(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com ([email]smileyrob68(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com ([email]MDemagogue(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com ([email]isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com ([email]toosauto(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com ([email]warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com ([email]dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com ([email]hall.jeff(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jeffrey Kase" <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com ([email]jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com ([email]c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de ([email]karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de[/email])>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com ([email]vonpowell(at)aol.com[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>
Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 9:18 PM

A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty. By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right. I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line. Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help. Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game. I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games. I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game. Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment. Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony. This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read. Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer. I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood. Still, if you are interested, please let me know. I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development. Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks. If you are interested, please let me know. The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press. I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl
Austrian A Dre - Lus
Austrian A Sav - Tus
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut*
Austrian A Vie S A Boh
British A Ane - Hew
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce*
British A Han H
British A Hew - Baw
British A Lus - Brl
British A Par H
British F And - Brc
British F Eng - Bre
British F Hel S A Han
British F Mid - Gib
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce*
Danish A Ber S A Mec
Danish A Brl - Pos
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce*
Danish A Mec S A Ber
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos
Danish F Bal S A Ber
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce*
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce*
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce*
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal
Polish A Pos - Gal
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce*
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc
Spanish F Wes - Alg
Turkish A Cro S A Bud
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut*
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce*
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce*
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc)
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc)

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:


A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation... - warren_k_ball@yahoo.com   (Jun 07, 2009, 1:16 pm)
16 or so games is not a good statistical sample. This excellent variant of Baron's hasn't been around long enough to get a good feel for country strength. 25-30 trials is a fairly well recognized minimum statistical sample. I'm sure England will do better by then.

I'm also curious as to 2 other things. (1) Has the skill level of the various players been about the same in all trials or have some of the players been much more experienced in Dip variants than others? (2) Has the same player played the same country more than once?

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, jeffrey kase <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: jeffrey kase <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>, "Nick Higgins" <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net>
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:04 PM

This was a great game to watch and I wanted to say thanks to all the participants and especially, to Nick for GM'ing this game and providing the opportunity for players to take a stab at A&E (pun intended).

I also wanted to reitterate Nick's kudos to Frank, in the sense that somebody has FINALLY done something with Britain. Way to go Frank! (who incidentally is a character that I have known, along with Baron, Wayne Bailey, and Chris Dziedzic, on the PBEM Diplomacy circuit going all the way back to the mid `90s) As Nick mentioned, Britain's performanc in A&E in its overall history has been pitiful - as Baron and I want this game to have playbalance, we've always hoped that's been due to the individual circumstances of each game, rather than design. And hopefully with this game, that's the case.

Just to clarify one thing, that I'm sure is a typo, the article Nick mentions was written by Chris and Jeff Hall - not me - but it IS an excellent read.


--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>, "Jeffrey Kase" <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net>
Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 9:18 PM

A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty. By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right. I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line. Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help. Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game. I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games. I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game. Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment. Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony. This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read. Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer. I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood. Still, if you are interested, please let me know. I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development. Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks. If you are interested, please let me know. The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press. I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl
Austrian A Dre - Lus
Austrian A Sav - Tus
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut*
Austrian A Vie S A Boh
British A Ane - Hew
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce*
British A Han H
British A Hew - Baw
British A Lus - Brl
British A Par H
British F And - Brc
British F Eng - Bre
British F Hel S A Han
British F Mid - Gib
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce*
Danish A Ber S A Mec
Danish A Brl - Pos
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce*
Danish A Mec S A Ber
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos
Danish F Bal S A Ber
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce*
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce*
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce*
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal
Polish A Pos - Gal
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce*
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc
Spanish F Wes - Alg
Turkish A Cro S A Bud
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut*
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce*
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce*
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc)
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc)

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:



A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation... - jeffreykase at yahoo.com   (Jun 07, 2009, 1:04 pm)
This was a great game to watch and I wanted to say thanks to all the participants and especially, to Nick for GM'ing this game and providing the opportunity for players to take a stab at A&E (pun intended).

I also wanted to reitterate Nick's kudos to Frank, in the sense that somebody has FINALLY done something with Britain. Way to go Frank! (who incidentally is a character that I have known, along with Baron, Wayne Bailey, and Chris Dziedzic, on the PBEM Diplomacy circuit going all the way back to the mid `90s) As Nick mentioned, Britain's performanc in A&E in its overall history has been pitiful - as Baron and I want this game to have playbalance, we've always hoped that's been due to the individual circumstances of each game, rather than design. And hopefully with this game, that's the case.

Just to clarify one thing, that I'm sure is a typo, the article Nick mentions was written by Chris and Jeff Hall - not me - but it IS an excellent read.


--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>, "Jeffrey Kase" <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net>
Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 9:18 PM

A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty. By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right. I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line. Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help. Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game. I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games. I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game. Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment. Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony. This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read. Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer. I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood. Still, if you are interested, please let me know. I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development. Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks. If you are interested, please let me know. The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press. I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl
Austrian A Dre - Lus
Austrian A Sav - Tus
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut*
Austrian A Vie S A Boh
British A Ane - Hew
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce*
British A Han H
British A Hew - Baw
British A Lus - Brl
British A Par H
British F And - Brc
British F Eng - Bre
British F Hel S A Han
British F Mid - Gib
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce*
Danish A Ber S A Mec
Danish A Brl - Pos
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce*
Danish A Mec S A Ber
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos
Danish F Bal S A Ber
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce*
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce*
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce*
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal
Polish A Pos - Gal
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce*
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc
Spanish F Wes - Alg
Turkish A Cro S A Bud
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut*
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce*
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce*
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc)
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc)

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:


DC242: 14h for Fall 1906 - Rocketship   (Jun 07, 2009, 10:44 am)
Howdy Folks,

This is your friendly 14h reminder for Fall 1906. I'm still missing
orders from 2 of you.



DC224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Wizard email proble... - pieandmash   (Jun 07, 2009, 8:13 am)
all, my iphone mail server has been playing up- basically replies ive sent havent got any further than the memory on the phone!
So dont think ive been ignoring you
so, i will attempt to catch up now im on a pc


Dc226 End of Game - deathblade_penguin   (Jun 07, 2009, 7:59 am)
Dc 228

Yes, it was a long time coming but i wanted to check the last vote and then I became sick. However this game has ended in a DIAS.

Congratulations to Tom, Mark and Tim for sticking it out till the end.

Final Map is attached.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Alliance
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find your next place with Ninemsn property Looking for a place to rent, share or buy this winter?


Dc226 End of Game (dc228) Tom.Hopkins at ainc-in... Jun 09, 08:27 am
Thx all. Too bad we couldn't have seen this one play out properly.
Take 'er easy, and watch yer backs...

[quote:35889f9e14][quote:35889f9e14]Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com> 6/7/2009 8:59 AM >>>

Dc 228

Yes, it was a long time coming but i wanted to check the last vote and then I became sick. However this game has ended in a DIAS.

Congratulations to Tom, Mark and Tim for sticking it out till the end.

Final Map is attached.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Alliance
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Looking for a place to rent, share or buy this winter? Find your next place with Ninemsn property
DC226 Before Spring08 Press - hapolley   (Jun 07, 2009, 7:14 am)
Surely you see the sincerity of our position. The only thing that has hence hindered our alliance and campaigns to rescue the lesser states of Europe oppressed by Imperialist ambition has been fear. Your fear of our naval superiority caused you to build a second navy, which endangered our promised protection of Denmark and Sweden. We had previously tried to remove our navies from your waters, only to see you bring all your forces against our borders. Further efforts to de-militarize the region were complicated by a wayward Italian navy.
We shall take the first step in good faith. Half our navies will withdraw from the seas that abut your territories. We trust that you will in time be motivated by our gesture to remove your superfluous navy from Belgium, or at the least, moor it in Holland.

Your Uncle and Friend,

To the Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, Archduke Franz Josef:
From the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, His Royal Highness Edward VII

Dear Franz,
We have heretofore had little cause for communiqués between our Empires. The moment that confronts us now, however, demonstrates a most urgent need for conversation if whole-hearted partnership cannot be achieved. We will be dispatching navies to the Italian waters to prevent further Ottoman expansion into the Christian lands. We have our own mind of what these navies are to do, but shall defer to Your Majesty’s suggestions as it is principally your aid we seek to provide. We appreciate your defense of Christendom over the past four years, and offer what assistance we can.

Yours in Achieving Lasting Peace,
Edward VII

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!


DC253 W03 ADJS TUES - vegas_iwish   (Jun 06, 2009, 4:58 pm)
F Mad - SOG

A Kie - Mol

F Syr - Pal

F MAO - Por

A Tra - Gal
Poland: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Britain: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
France: Supp 5 Unit 5 Build 0
Germany: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
USSR: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
Turkey: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Czechoslovakia: Supp 3 Unit 2 Build 1
Egypt: Supp 0 Unit 1 Remove 1
Greece: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Rumania: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Spain: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0
Sweden: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Yugoslavia: Supp 1 Unit 2 Remove 1


DC-244 Fall 1456 Adjudication - TheWhiteWolf   (Jun 06, 2009, 3:39 pm)
I had all orders in on time (thank you!!) but forgot the deadline was yesterday. Sorry to be the weak link this time. I'll try not to let it happen again.


England: Mike Hoffman mrh(at)panix.com
France: Andrew d'Adesky andrewdadesky(at)hotmail.com
Holy Roman Empire: Sam Buck Sam_Buck_Productions(at)Mac.com
Russia: Jason K Githraine(at)yahoo.com
Spain: Rodrigo Yanez rpyanez(at)gmail.com
Ottoman Empire: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Venice: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com


F Belgium - Holland
A Brest - Paris
A Denmark Supports F Holland - Kiel
F Holland - Kiel
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold

A Burgundy Supports A Marseilles - Switzerland
A Marseilles - Switzerland
A Munich Supports A Marseilles - Switzerland (*Cut*)

A Berlin - Munich (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Budapest (*Dislodged*)

F Ankara Supports F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Black Sea - Constantinople (*Bounce*)
A Norway - Sweden
A St Petersburg - Livonia
A Ukraine - Rumania (*Bounce*)

F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Spain - Marseilles
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Spain - Marseilles
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Bulgaria Supports F Smyrna - Constantinople
A Constantinople - Ankara (*Fails*)
F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Bounce*)

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Rome Supports F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Rumania - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Switzerland Supports A Spain - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Vienna
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna


Venetian A Switzerland can retreat to Piedmont or OTB.
Holy_Roman A Vienna can retreat to Bohemia or OTB.

NOTE: As there's only one on-board option for each, I've taken the liberty. Chris and Sam, if either of you would prefer OTB, please let me know by Monday afternoon.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

England: (8/5) - Build 3
Armies - Den, Par
Fleets - Hol, Kie, MAO

France: (2/3) - Disband 1
Armies - Bur, Mun, Swi

Holy Roman Empire: (1/3) - Disband 2
Armies - Ber, Boh, Gal

Russia: (7/6) - Build 1
Armies - Arm, Lvn, Swe, Ukr
Fleets - Ank, Bla

Spain: (4/4)
Armies - Spa
Fleets - Lyo, Por, Wes

Ottoman Empire: (3/3)
Armies - Bul, Con
Fleets - Smy

Venice: (9/7) - Build 2
Armies - Bud, Pie, Rom, Rum, Trl, Vie
Fleets - Nap


Winter 1456 is due Tuesday, 9 June at 2pm CDT (7pm GMT.) Again, if either Sam or Chris would prefer to retreat their dislodged armies OTB, please let me know by Monday afternoon, and I will put out a correction.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-244 Fall 1456 Adjudication (dc244) camorse22 Jun 07, 08:23 pm
Venice confirms retreat of A Switzerland to Piedmont.

From: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
To: Sam Buck <Sam_Buck_Productions(at)Mac.com>; Andrew dAdesky <andrewdadesky(at)hotmail.com>; DC244 Forum <dc244(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com>; Andrew Jameson <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Chris Morse <camorse22(at)yahoo.com>; Ross Webb <rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com>; Rodrigo Yanez <rpyanez(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 4:39:10 PM
Subject: DC-244 Fall 1456 Adjudication

I had all orders in on time (thank you!!) but forgot the deadline was yesterday. Sorry to be the weak link this time. I'll try not to let it happen again.


England: Mike Hoffman mrh(at)panix.com
France: Andrew d'Adesky andrewdadesky(at)hotmail.com
Holy Roman Empire: Sam Buck Sam_Buck_Productions(at)Mac.com
Russia: Jason K Githraine(at)yahoo.com
Spain: Rodrigo Yanez rpyanez(at)gmail.com
Ottoman Empire: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Venice: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com


F Belgium - Holland
A Brest - Paris
A Denmark Supports F Holland - Kiel
F Holland - Kiel
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold

A Burgundy Supports A Marseilles - Switzerland
A Marseilles - Switzerland
A Munich Supports A Marseilles - Switzerland (*Cut*)

A Berlin - Munich (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A Vienna - Budapest (*Dislodged*)

F Ankara Supports F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Black Sea - Constantinople (*Bounce*)
A Norway - Sweden
A St Petersburg - Livonia
A Ukraine - Rumania (*Bounce*)

F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Spain - Marseilles
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Spain - Marseilles
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Bulgaria Supports F Smyrna - Constantinople
A Constantinople - Ankara (*Fails*)
F Smyrna - Constantinople (*Bounce*)

A Budapest Supports A Trieste - Vienna
F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Rome Supports F Ionian Sea - Naples
A Rumania - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Switzerland Supports A Spain - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Vienna
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna


Venetian A Switzerland can retreat to Piedmont or OTB.
Holy_Roman A Vienna can retreat to Bohemia or OTB.

NOTE: As there's only one on-board option for each, I've taken the liberty. Chris and Sam, if either of you would prefer OTB, please let me know by Monday afternoon.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

England: (8/5) - Build 3
Armies - Den, Par
Fleets - Hol, Kie, MAO

France: (2/3) - Disband 1
Armies - Bur, Mun, Swi

Holy Roman Empire: (1/3) - Disband 2
Armies - Ber, Boh, Gal

Russia: (7/6) - Build 1
Armies - Arm, Lvn, Swe, Ukr
Fleets - Ank, Bla

Spain: (4/4)
Armies - Spa
Fleets - Lyo, Por, Wes

Ottoman Empire: (3/3)
Armies - Bul, Con
Fleets - Smy

Venice: (9/7) - Build 2
Armies - Bud, Pie, Rom, Rum, Trl, Vie
Fleets - Nap


Winter 1456 is due Tuesday, 9 June at 2pm CDT (7pm GMT.) Again, if either Sam or Chris would prefer to retreat their dislodged armies OTB, please let me know by Monday afternoon, and I will put out a correction.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:
DC-227 Adjudication Postponed - TheWhiteWolf   (Jun 06, 2009, 3:18 pm)
I have yet to receive a couple votes and one set of adjustments. Normally I would NMR the offender and call the vote a failure, but I realize it may have been unfair to set the deadline on a weekend. I am resetting the winter deadline to Monday, 8 June at 2pm CDT (7pm GMT.) I'll send reminders to the people I need votes/adjustments from.


I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


EOG From Sweden (remember me?) - Sturmkraehe   (Jun 06, 2009, 12:21 pm)
It was fascinating watching the game progress even after I was eliminated. The level of play was significantly higher than I have seen in my limited time playing on DC. The use of press was something that I was unaccustomed to and had not experienced in any other game on DC except in a very limited sense. While I found it enjoyable it was not something I was terribly experienced with. My one attempt promptly received a caustic remark from the observer so I figured I'd just stick to what I knew and left the press to the pros.

I found the initial set up for Sweden frustrating. While the set up is historical, Sweden is pretty much locked into only two paths of advance. With only 2 SC's to begin the game with I am very limited in my ability to get the critical 3rd SC. Forming alliances with your neighbors is pretty easy, but getting them to give up an SC isn't. With only two units, the ability to forcibly take that SC is very slim.

My initial plan was to try and keep Denmark and Russia on good terms while hopping the Baltic and taking an SC on the southern coast and expand from there hopefully moving forward with Russia against Prussia. Russia immediately took the need for my fleet to be in the Baltic as a threat and forced me to take an aggressive stance against him. Fortunately, the alliance with Denmark stuck and we were able to coordinate against Russia. After several turns of stalemate, though, Denmark did what any sensible player would and took over the management of my SC's for me to show me how it should be done. I can see where Sweden has a fair chance of success, but I think the position needs a player with more skill than I have at the moment.

Thanks for the great game guys!



DC250 Spring 04 Adjudication Delay - former.trout   (Jun 06, 2009, 11:04 am)
Heya folks,

We have one set of late orders for Spring 04, which will delay the adjudication.  My apologies to those of you who got orders in, and my thanks for your patience.

I've sent the player in question a seperate email and expect orders shortly.  The adjudication will be out ASAP.

Thanks everyone,



A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation... - davidchegould at telst...   (Jun 06, 2009, 12:13 am)
Congratulations, Frank!

Great alliance play and great diplomacy - far superior to my own.

I am glad that I outguessed you on the final move, though, so my tactics are still up to scratch.

I will write an EOG soon.

---- Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty. By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right. I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line. Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help. Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game. I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games. I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game. Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment. Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony. This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read. Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer. I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood. Still, if you are interested, please let me know. I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development. Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks. If you are interested, please let me know. The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press. I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl
Austrian A Dre - Lus
Austrian A Sav - Tus
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut*
Austrian A Vie S A Boh
British A Ane - Hew
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce*
British A Han H
British A Hew - Baw
British A Lus - Brl
British A Par H
British F And - Brc
British F Eng - Bre
British F Hel S A Han
British F Mid - Gib
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce*
Danish A Ber S A Mec
Danish A Brl - Pos
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce*
Danish A Mec S A Ber
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos
Danish F Bal S A Ber
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce*
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce*
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce*
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal
Polish A Pos - Gal
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce*
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc
Spanish F Wes - Alg
Turkish A Cro S A Bud
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut*
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce*
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce*
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc)
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc)

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:


DC 211 Turkish EOG - MDemagogue   (Jun 05, 2009, 11:11 pm)
I guess I should post one of these too.

I probably never stood a chance as a replacement player when alliances had ample time to firm up. That seems to bear out what Austria has said, and the play in the game up until I was eliminated. I don't think my playing was anything to be desired/imitated, but I'll comfort myself in the fact that Austria and Russia did not win after they dissembled me.

I found the seismic phase to be useful primarily in defensive orientation, as I never got far enough off the ground to launch any serious offensive actions, and I think I did that rather effectively.


dc252 f03 results! - former.trout   (Jun 05, 2009, 10:03 pm)
If only I had this much time on my hands...  =P

Pythagorus Trout

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])> wrote:

Some interesting twists this turn!
Greece hangs on by a thread as the Persians and Egyptians relieve them of half their dots.  In Greek, that’s

Now of course being Greek, our natural inclination would be to take a derivative and plot this against time, and we’d have something like…

And then we’d apply some statistical analysis and declare there is a 95% probability that the expectation value of the Greeks future is not too high!
Bummer too, they could have had so much influence on the world.
But let’s not rule them out yet shall we?  For the rest of the world is not lacking for intrigue!
Romans and Carthaginians bounce in Sicily, while Persia manages a perplexing misorder.  The big winners in all of this?  I guess it would have to be the Massilians, who are lining up to get advance copies of the Carthaginian flag…
And now… The results!
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Dalmatia - Epirus
A Illyria Supports A Dalmatia - Epirus
F Ionian Sea - Athens (*Fails*)
A Rhaetia - Sarmatia
F Sardinia Hold
F Sparta Supports F Ionian Sea - Athens
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Sicilia (*Bounce*)
A Venetia - Vindobona
F Berber Sea - Ligurian Sea
A Carthage - Sicilia (*Bounce*)
A Cyrene Hold
F Gulf of Syrtis - Gulf of Tacape
A Leptis Supports A Cyrene
F Libyan Sea Supports F Gulf of Syrtis - Gulf of Tacape
F Punic Sea Convoys A Carthage - Sicilia
F Aegean Sea Supports F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Armenia - Chersonesus (*Fails*)
A Byzantium Supports A Chersonesus - Dacia (*Void*)
A Chersonesus, no move received
F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
F Miletus Supports F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
F Syrian Sea - Cilician Strait
A Tyre Hold
F Athens Supports A Macedonia (*Cut*)
A Epirus Supports F Athens (*Disbanded*)
A Macedonia Supports F Athens
F Messenian Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
F Alexandria Supports A Memphis
F Egyptian Sea Supports F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Memphis Supports F Alexandria
F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Sinai Hold
NEXT:  Carthage, Persia, and Egypt BUILD 1, while Greece may REMOVE 1.
By Monday 6pm Central! 


DC226 to much clutter, Spring 1908 Due! - hapolley   (Jun 05, 2009, 9:53 pm)
One of the players wrote that I used winter instead of Spring and the results page is becomming too cluttered. He is right! Lets see if I can improve things a bit. Let me know if this is better, suggestions welcome, even ones I may not agree with. Revised format below!

Standard DC226\Winter/1907
Power : Handle Points
Austria : Austria ( 7)
England : United Kingdom ( Cool
France : Rob Bristol ( 3)
Germany : Germany ( 7)
Italy : Tim Miller ( 4)
Russia : Sam Buck ( 2)
Turkey : Turkey ( 9)
Game Master: Hugh Polley ( 6)

The Deadline for gunboat game dc226 Spring 1908 is
Saturday June 13 at 2400 hrs MT! If everyone has
moves in by Wednesday June 10; I will adjudicate early.


Neighbors get a break as both Turkey and England Build no units!

If possible send in builds and Retreats, in a separate email from
moves to reduce the risk of misplaced orders! Same for Press
to be published ASAP rather than with orders!

Black Press rules apply, you may use any byline.

Retreats & Builds Wt/1907:
Austria : Retreat N ION - tun
Germany : Retreat A spa - gas, Remove: A gal
Turkey : Retreat A bud - rum
Madman :

Austria |( 6)|[AUST,tri,bud][ITAL,rom,nap,ven],tun
England |(10)|[ENGL,lon,lvp,edi](bre,stp),den,nwy,por,spa,swe
Germany |( 7)|[GERM,kie,ber,mun](mar,par),bel,hol
Turkey |(11)|[TURK,smy,ank,con](vie,sev,war,mos),bul,gre,rum
Madman |( 0)|
Total = ( 34)
Austria | ( ) ( 6) |A alb, A bud, N nap, A rom, A tri, N tun
England | ( +1) ( 9) |N BAL, N den, N ENG, N NTH, A nwy
N spa(sc), A stp, A wal, N WES
Germany | ( ) ( 7) |N bel, A boh, A gas, N kie, A pru, A ruh
A sil
Turkey | ( +1) ( 10) |N AEG, A bul, N con, N gre, N ION, A lvn
A mos, A rum, A ser, A vie
Madman | ( ) ( 0) |
Total ( 2) ( 32)
Dearest Bertie,
What rush of blood has caused you to attack my peaceful forces enjoying their Autumn sunshine in
sunny Costa del Spain?
I am upset, surprised and disappointed at your Fall orders.

Upset: Because I have done everything in my power to go along
with your master plan.

Surprised: That you have attacked me in SPA which I was going
to swap with you for WAR shortly anyway.

Disappointed: At the unsophisticated level of your stab and the
lack of faith and vision you have demonstrated to your
erstwhile ally.

We could have been contenders....
Now to the situation as it stands...

I have no intention of fighting a war on two fronts with reduced forces.
All my energies, whatever the cost, will go into stopping you
making further inroads into my territories. This will
inevitably mean a win for Islamist forces, and a defeat for the
Christian values of the West. There is still time to rectify
the damage your hasty action has done..
Refrain from a build this season and I will know that all is not lost for both of us..
Build, and you will find Germany an implacable enemy, one that will prefer to favour his previous
enemies over his previous allies.
Uncle, one last entreaty... let you not tear our great family
apart. Let us settle any disagreements over policy amicably
and move forward together!

Your somewhat disappointed nephew,

Your gains against the Ottoman Empire in the Eastern front give us joy. Our celebration will begin
in earnest if you would consider reorganizing your force structure to better match our alliance.
If you will disband one of your navies, with the one remaining to be moored in Holland, we will
withdraw our navies from the Baltic, the North Sea, and the English Channel. Failure to do so will
be unappreciated.
We regret we were unable to present these terms more peaceably. You have our encouragement and
support to maintain your dislodged army in either Gascony or Marseilles, and even to return it to
Spain in the coming year. We are now in position to accomplish in the Mediterranean what you have
achieved in the region of Poland. Together our countries can ensure Europe's future peace and
Warmest Regards from Your Uncle and Friend,

Dearest Bertie,

Thank you for your message, which unfortunately due to your
unwarranted removal of my Army from Spain I was forced to treat
with several grains of salt.

I hope you took my missive seriously, and then we are back
together on the one road!

Either way the cast is cast....

If you have forgone your build then we are Allies to the last,
and Europe will be ours!

If you have proceeded with your build then both our fates are
sealed and total victory will be the Turks'.

Hopefully your regard for our family has brought some manner of
sense to your strategic thinking...

Yours in Peace, (and War)


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dc249 Torjik: W10 Results - Without Needing Turkis... - garry.bledsoe   (Jun 05, 2009, 9:44 pm)
Easy turn. England retreats, France scatters an Army, Russia builds a southern Fleet, and Austrian shipyards fire up one more time.

Without the Turkish vote [votes weren't required until Spring], I can already say that our EGP's were voted down, again.

That said, we have two new ones to be voted on with Spring:

1. Austrian solo
2. Austrian/Russian draw [with survival for the others]

Please vote on these for Spring...same rules apply as previously mentioned. Spring is due Monday at 6pm CST.


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A&E 090205: Game History - NickHiggins   (Jun 05, 2009, 9:22 pm)
I have attached the complete game history to this e-mail.

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:


A&E 090205: Game History (dc240) martinhaven Jun 08, 12:04 pm
EOG from England:

OK, as I stated in my previous e-mail, I was thrilled to find myself in England. I looked at the player assignments, and found a known player in David, right next to me in Denmark, and another known player in Nathan in Russia. David and I had not really had opportunities to work together or against each other in the two previous games we played, so I was considering him from a tactics standpoint, not as somebody whom I had a good or bad relationship. I considered Nathan a tough competitor, who I was going to have to watch in Russia.

Initial talks:
General "Hi and welcome" notes to Poland, Russia, Turkey, and Sweden. Got fairly short notes from all except Sweden, and only Robert wrote back with anything substantial (I'm going to Tunis). I wrote David specifically with a "let's not make the North Sea a mistake" letter, which was well received. I wrote Spain, France, and Austria, trying to figure out the best way get over to the mainland.

Two things happened right off the bat. 1) Mike (France) was slow to respond, and his e-mails back were short with little tactics. Jorge (Austria), on the other hand, immediately started getting into tactics and longer range plans. Isaac and I traded brief e-mails, talking about Portugal, etc. I was confident that Jorge and I could work together...the question was to go after France or Spain. I prefered going after Spain, thinking that Jorge and I would have France surrounded then, but Jorge pushed for working with Spain agaisnt France. Since it was a 50/50 in my mind, agreeing with Jorge didn't seem like I was giving anything up. From that point, it was about trying to get France out of position so we could knock him down in the fall. This came apart well, and we were in good shape after the spring season.

At the same time, David told me that he and Sweden were going to work together. I loved this, because that meant 1) Nathan would have his hands full in the north, and 2) if Russia and Sweden were not attacking Denmark, I might be free to play for awhile without having to look east. I had NO CLUE that this freedom would last years in lieu of seasons.

I'm going to skip ahead a couple of seasons. Jorge was rolling, as Austria often does. France looked about ready to collapse, and I was wondering what to do as England. I loved my position to the east and really didn't want to disturb David and his two frustrated centers. Robert was making slow gains, and was very excited about going after Jorge. At this time, I talked (or he was already there anyway) Isaac into letting Robert have Tunis. The build would be used against Jorge, and, I surmised, we had to start doing something about Jorge's growth before it got uncontrollable.

So I made a diplomatic and press-laden switch. Everthing from my mouth, to all players, for about four years, concerned the need to ensure that Jorge didn't grow anymore. That if he got a breakthrough, we were done for. Part of it was true. I considered Jorge to be a great tactician in a strong position, and I knew that if his allies (Isaac and I at the outset) stuck with him, we might have a monster on our hands. But I knew at the same time that my position was very good, and if I could get people pointed the other way, I might get some easy stabs.

Enter the frustration phase. Robert and I could not figure out why we (Spain, Turkey, England) could not win a single diplomacy point battle. Eventually, it was discovered that Isaac was supporting Jorge with points. I can't WAIT to here Isaac's eog, as if he was doing it for several seasons, I think it was fantastically played to make it look like he was against Jorge, when he was actually supporting him discreetly.

Skipping ahead again. Robert and I, frustrated that we weren't making the headway we expected, decided to try a different route....that being attacking Isaac and trying to get around Jorge. It turned out that we attacked at just the right time, as Isaac was showing his true hand. Robert had a great season, and now had units spread across the Med.

Skipping ahead again....I found myself in an interesting situation. Jorge was fairly bottled up. Robert wanted me to attack David, and David wanted me to attack Robert. And neither were really in that good of a position to attack me, or defend against me. My problem was the middle of the board, where I was not strong enough to hold off David and Jorge, and Mike.....Mike was the enigma who would sometimes support, sometimes attack. I just didn't feel like I could make a move in the central portion of the board without getting bit.

But I eventually moved against David. Even when I was doing this, I was writing David, telling him it was a ruse. And to be honest, I didn't know that I liked what I was doing. So....I did the most natural thing around, I switched and attacked Robert in Paris!

This needs to be expanded on in it's own paragraph. Mike, after being stabbed by me twice, wrote me and said he'd prefer to work with me, letting me have Paris, as I was preferable to his other choices. I didn't know if I could trust Mike, but I eventually came to the conclusion that Mike's armies, if he was faithful, could help me form the wall I needed in Burgundy/Marseilles/HeW that would allow me to move forward. I didn't have the confidence that Robert's army wouldn't tie down several of my units in covering centers. So, I trusted Mike, and it paid off when he ordered as he said he would.

So now Robert was furious, but couldn't do much about it. The shock for me was his disband of his fleet, after I told him that my play would be to retreat to Mor and sue for peace with Austria. I think this disband was the last straw for Jorge, who wrote me saying that if nobody else wanted to fight me, he could no longer see why he should. So Jorge made a couple of promises in return for some minor supports, and then delivered in the spring and fall.

I think if Jorge and David had gotten together in the end, I certainly would have been pushed back. I have often said I'd rather be lucky than good, and I think that fortune smiled on me early and often in this game.

To my friends in Russia/Prussia/Sweden/Poland and Saxony....we never really had much chance to write or work together, and I look forward to that chance in a future game.

To my saber rattling ally in Turkey: Robert, you held the ground in the Med all on your own for quite awhile. You tying up Jorge gave me a ton of time to get things established in the north. I am sorry for the center grab at the end, but Mor was given to me to get to 15, and Alg was a requirement for the support. I enjoyed our numerous tactical discussions during the game.

To my Spanish ally/foe: Isaac, I look forward to your eog about as much as anybody's, as my answers to my remaining principal questions are in your head.

To my neighbor in France: Mike, you were so busy at the outset that you diplomatically got behind...and decisions were made on this. I commend you for being alive at the end of the game, and getting people to sway just enough to let you wiggle on. Sometimes the best efforts are made not in getting to victory, but having troops alive at the cessation of hostilities.

To my longest ally of the game: David, you were at two centers for an eternity. We did prove that England and Denmark/Norway could get along. I will not know until your eog whether you were being honest about the draw, or if you were just trying to beat me there. But I had three players in the game tell me that I had to go for the solo, and since they were aiding me, I couldn't let them down by being passive in accepting a draw. But it was a good alliance, and I think we threw off people just enough to occasionally get that added piece of helpful info.

To the toughest SOB on the board: Jorge, you're very good at this game. Your tactics were sharp, and your arguments sharper. I very much look forward to our next game together.

To the wonderful GM: Nick, thanks for donating your time to allow the rest of us to play. I tried to write some press, and occasionally give you some of the background into my orders, but often the press was written too early (and ended up begin wrong when I changed orders), or late and overly simple. Funny, but my press is usually better when I'm down to one unit, as I spend all week on my press instead of my orders (another reason why the Peanut Gallery says I should be ganged up on immediately). But thank you for all you did. You kept the game moving smoothly, and did a wonderful job of keeping us all in line.

To the Peanut Gallery: Yeah, a win for Mother England! Can I play Austria next? : )

Take care all. We'll see you down the road.

A&E 090205: Game History (dc240) nathanalbright Jun 08, 12:23 pm
Russian EoG,

This was a very unusual A & E, and a highly frustrating one, but it must have been rewarding for Frank to get his first (and well-earned win). Though I was not able to ever get particularly large, and was therefore not ever able to be a major power in the scheme of things, the game was noteworthy because I managed to somehow stay in contact with at least a few of my neighbors (namely Austria and the Ottoman Empire) throughout most of the game.

In the opening, I figured there were three possible ways of advancing--either to the South towards Crimea, towards Poland, and towards Sweden. In retrospect, given the apparently sincere desire of Sweden for peace (which I misread entirely), it probably would have been better to go after Lithuania and make a claim for Courland. As it was, a frustrating border war against Sweden in the north (which left both of us weak and unable to expand) allowed the Danes to become huge (which later became a huge problem) and left me vulnerable to stabbing from Poland/Prussia. Needless to say, once the early opportunity was lost with the Great Northern Stalemate, there was little hope for expansion once many of the other powers raced to a significant head start.

Diplomatically, I sought to stay on good terms with both Austria and the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were my first real "ally" in the sense that he avoided stabbing me in the south when he easily could have, which kept survival as a possibility in the face of the Swedes and Danes. As far as Austria is concerned, he was the only player actively trying to stop the solo, and so I sought to aid him in the face of the opposition he faced around. I cannot mention the amount of times I sent DP's to Two Scilies or the Papal States in order to help preserve the Austrian position in the boot.

More frustrating than being outnumbered in the north (where Denmark played very skillfully) was the silence and lack of communication from Prussia and Poland. I wanted to work with one of these nations, and wished for an avenue of expansion through the other, but neither of these players were communicative at all. It was like talking to a stone wall trying to coordinate with these guys. This is yet another reason why, in retrospect, it would have been better to work with the Swede and Dane to carve up the uncommunicative Pole and Prussian. It would have been better for all of us, I think. I'll chalk that up to experience, and hope for no hard feelings from my frosty northern neighbor.

All in all, it was well-played, and I appreciate the tenacity and skill of the players on this board. I apologize that my trip to Chile in April caused some e-mail difficulties, but overall, I have to say this game played pretty cleanly, without a huge number of NMR's. And the press, as usual, was excellent from those who contributed.

Happy stabbing,

Czar Nathan "The Mad" of Russia
A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation... - NickHiggins   (Jun 05, 2009, 9:19 pm)
A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty. By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right. I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line. Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help. Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game. I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games. I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game. Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment. Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony. This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read. Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer. I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood. Still, if you are interested, please let me know. I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development. Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks. If you are interested, please let me know. The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press. I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl
Austrian A Dre - Lus
Austrian A Sav - Tus
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut*
Austrian A Vie S A Boh
British A Ane - Hew
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce*
British A Han H
British A Hew - Baw
British A Lus - Brl
British A Par H
British F And - Brc
British F Eng - Bre
British F Hel S A Han
British F Mid - Gib
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce*
Danish A Ber S A Mec
Danish A Brl - Pos
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce*
Danish A Mec S A Ber
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos
Danish F Bal S A Ber
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce*
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce*
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce*
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal
Polish A Pos - Gal
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce*
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc
Spanish F Wes - Alg
Turkish A Cro S A Bud
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut*
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce*
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce*
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc)
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc)

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:


A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner (dc240) davidchegould at telst... Jun 06, 12:13 am
Congratulations, Frank!

Great alliance play and great diplomacy - far superior to my own.

I am glad that I outguessed you on the final move, though, so my tactics are still up to scratch.

I will write an EOG soon.

---- Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty. By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right. I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line. Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help. Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game. I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games. I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game. Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment. Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony. This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read. Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer. I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood. Still, if you are interested, please let me know. I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development. Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks. If you are interested, please let me know. The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press. I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl
Austrian A Dre - Lus
Austrian A Sav - Tus
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut*
Austrian A Vie S A Boh
British A Ane - Hew
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce*
British A Han H
British A Hew - Baw
British A Lus - Brl
British A Par H
British F And - Brc
British F Eng - Bre
British F Hel S A Han
British F Mid - Gib
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce*
Danish A Ber S A Mec
Danish A Brl - Pos
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce*
Danish A Mec S A Ber
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos
Danish F Bal S A Ber
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce*
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce*
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce*
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal
Polish A Pos - Gal
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce*
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc
Spanish F Wes - Alg
Turkish A Cro S A Bud
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut*
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce*
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce*
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc)
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc)

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:

A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner (dc240) jeffreykase at yahoo.com Jun 07, 01:04 pm
This was a great game to watch and I wanted to say thanks to all the participants and especially, to Nick for GM'ing this game and providing the opportunity for players to take a stab at A&E (pun intended).

I also wanted to reitterate Nick's kudos to Frank, in the sense that somebody has FINALLY done something with Britain. Way to go Frank! (who incidentally is a character that I have known, along with Baron, Wayne Bailey, and Chris Dziedzic, on the PBEM Diplomacy circuit going all the way back to the mid `90s) As Nick mentioned, Britain's performanc in A&E in its overall history has been pitiful - as Baron and I want this game to have playbalance, we've always hoped that's been due to the individual circumstances of each game, rather than design. And hopefully with this game, that's the case.

Just to clarify one thing, that I'm sure is a typo, the article Nick mentions was written by Chris and Jeff Hall - not me - but it IS an excellent read.


--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>, "Jeffrey Kase" <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net>
Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 9:18 PM

A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty. By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right. I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line. Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help. Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game. I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games. I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game. Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment. Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony. This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read. Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer. I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood. Still, if you are interested, please let me know. I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development. Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks. If you are interested, please let me know. The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press. I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl
Austrian A Dre - Lus
Austrian A Sav - Tus
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut*
Austrian A Vie S A Boh
British A Ane - Hew
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce*
British A Han H
British A Hew - Baw
British A Lus - Brl
British A Par H
British F And - Brc
British F Eng - Bre
British F Hel S A Han
British F Mid - Gib
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce*
Danish A Ber S A Mec
Danish A Brl - Pos
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce*
Danish A Mec S A Ber
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos
Danish F Bal S A Ber
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce*
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce*
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce*
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal
Polish A Pos - Gal
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce*
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc
Spanish F Wes - Alg
Turkish A Cro S A Bud
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut*
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce*
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce*
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc)
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc)

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:

A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner (dc240) warren_k_ball@yahoo.com Jun 07, 01:16 pm
16 or so games is not a good statistical sample. This excellent variant of Baron's hasn't been around long enough to get a good feel for country strength. 25-30 trials is a fairly well recognized minimum statistical sample. I'm sure England will do better by then.

I'm also curious as to 2 other things. (1) Has the skill level of the various players been about the same in all trials or have some of the players been much more experienced in Dip variants than others? (2) Has the same player played the same country more than once?

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, jeffrey kase <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: jeffrey kase <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>, "Nick Higgins" <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net>
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:04 PM

This was a great game to watch and I wanted to say thanks to all the participants and especially, to Nick for GM'ing this game and providing the opportunity for players to take a stab at A&E (pun intended).

I also wanted to reitterate Nick's kudos to Frank, in the sense that somebody has FINALLY done something with Britain. Way to go Frank! (who incidentally is a character that I have known, along with Baron, Wayne Bailey, and Chris Dziedzic, on the PBEM Diplomacy circuit going all the way back to the mid `90s) As Nick mentioned, Britain's performanc in A&E in its overall history has been pitiful - as Baron and I want this game to have playbalance, we've always hoped that's been due to the individual circumstances of each game, rather than design. And hopefully with this game, that's the case.

Just to clarify one thing, that I'm sure is a typo, the article Nick mentions was written by Chris and Jeff Hall - not me - but it IS an excellent read.


--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Nick Higgins <congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: A&E 090205 / DC240: Game Over - Congratulation to Frank Martin, our British winner
To: "Nathan Albright" <nathanbalbright(at)yahoo.com>, "David Gould" <davidchegould(at)bigpond.com>, "David Gould2" <David.Gould(at)aph.gov.au>, "Matt Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Frank Martin" <frankmartin(at)surewest.net>, "Mike Norton" <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>, "Jorge Saralegui" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Robert Stein" <smileyrob68(at)gmail.com>, "Mark Utterback" <MDemagogue(at)gmail.com>, "Isaac Zinner" <isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com>
Cc: "toos auto" <toosauto(at)gmail.com>, "Warren Ball" <warren_k_ball(at)yahoo.com>, dc240(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Chris Dziedzic" <dipping_chris(at)yahoo.com>, "Jeff Hall" <hall.jeff(at)gmail.com>, "Jeffrey Kase" <jeffreykase(at)yahoo.com>, "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Chris McInerney" <c.p.mcinerney(at)gmail.com>, "Karsten Nitsch" <karsten.nitsch(at)gmx.de>, "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Baron Von Powell" <vonpowell(at)aol.com>, "Kurt Weihs" <Sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net>
Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 9:18 PM

A&E 090205 / DC240: It was a weird ending to a game that reached peaks with Diplomacy being played at the highest level, and then other moments that were decidedly less lofty. By the way, the ambiguous order could have prevented victory, and so I wanted to make sure to get that right. I am not entirely comfortable with the nature of the solo, with Austria assisting Britain over the finish line. Still, Frank's victory was wholly deserved, and seemed to be the likely outcome regardless of Austria's help. Congratulations to Frank on playing an outstanding game. I also would like to give special thanks to Jorge Saralegui and David Gould, both of whom I had extended conversations with regarding their strategy in the game (without crossing any lines of propriety for a GM).

From a historical perspective for this variant, this is quite significant, as Britain had the worst record of any power in the game (including Poland-Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden!), with only one 5-way draw to their credit in 16 games. I could never understand this, as I view Britain as probably the strongest power to start the game. Frank has done his part to rectify this situation, and it is a major accomplishment. Personally, I was interested to see that Denmark-Norway and Turkey both performed well, following the publication of my two strategy articlesSmile Please be sure to check out the new strategy article that was just published this week, with strategy for Poland-Saxony. This article was written by Chris Dziedzic and variant co-creator Jeffrey Kase, and it's a great read. Here is the link:


Also, I will be writing an article on Austrian strategy that will likely be published later this summer. I will have more to say about this game later, but I figure I'll wait a bit until after the explosions from the promised fireworks in the EoG statements and the smoke has cleared a bit.

I plan to start another A&E game in the near future, although I will give preference to players that were not in this game, in order to get some new blood. Still, if you are interested, please let me know. I also will start up the first gametest for my World War II variant, which is finally ready for primetime, after years of development. Recruitment will start in the next couple weeks. If you are interested, please let me know. The website is still under construction, but you can see it here:


Before the adjudication, we have some press. I think you can guess which player is sure to have press this week...

Press #1: British
AP London: Yahtzee! (I hope)

Press #2: Danish
Three diplomacy points for papal states to support anyone who is working
to stop Frank ....

Press #3: Anonymous
So, Frank wins. Those damn danes. Novograd, Novograd, Novograd. Always
Novograd. Sigh.

Fall Adjudications
Austrian A Bav S A Vie
Austrian A Boh S A Lus - Brl
Austrian A Dre - Lus
Austrian A Sav - Tus
Austrian A Tyr S A Vie
Austrian A Ven S A Pap *Cut*
Austrian A Vie S A Boh
British A Ane - Hew
British A Bur - Mar *Bounce*
British A Han H
British A Hew - Baw
British A Lus - Brl
British A Par H
British F And - Brc
British F Eng - Bre
British F Hel S A Han
British F Mid - Gib
British F Mor S F Wes - Alg
British F Nth - Ska *Bounce*
Danish A Ber S A Mec
Danish A Brl - Pos
Danish A Kon - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Liv - Mos *Bounce*
Danish A Mec S A Ber
Danish A Mos - Lit *Bounce*
Danish A Nov S A Liv - Mos
Danish F Bal S A Ber
Danish F Sca - Ska *Bounce*
French A Gas - Brc *Bounce*
French A Lan - Mar *Bounce*
Neutral A Pap H *Dislodged* *Disbanded*
Polish A Bud S A Pos - Gal
Polish A Pos - Gal
Russian A Kie - Mos *Bounce*
Spanish F Gly S F And - Brc
Spanish F Wes - Alg
Turkish A Cro S A Bud
Turkish A Lit S A Kie - Mos *Cut*
Turkish F Adr - Ven *Bounce*
Turkish F Tun - Alg *Bounce*
Turkish F Tws S F Tys - Pap (wc)
Turkish F Tys - Pap (wc)

Retreat Possibilities
Neutral A Pap is destroyed (neutral)

Position Power Abb 1769 1770 Change SCs changing possession
1 Britain B 12 15 +3 +Baw, -Ber, +Brc, +Brl, +Mor
2 Denmark D 10 10 0 +Ber, -Brl
3 Austria A 8 7 -1 -Baw, +Tus, -Tws
4 Turkey T 6 6 0 -Alg, -Mor, +Pap, +Tws
5 Poland X 2 2 0

6 Spain S 2 2 0 +Alg, -Tus
7 France F 2 1 -1 -Brc
8 Russia R 1 1 0

9 Prussia P 0 0 0

10 Sweden W 0 0 0

Power Abb 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770
44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Austria A 4 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7
Britain B 4 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 15
Denmark D 2 2 2 3 5 7 8 10 10
France F 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Poland X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prussia P 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 0 0
Russia R 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Spain S 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sweden W 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey T 2 3 4 5 5 8 6 6 6
Neutral C,M,V 17 10 7 5 4 2 2 1 0

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:

dc252 f03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 05, 2009, 9:08 pm)
Some interesting twists this turn!
Greece hangs on by a thread as the Persians and Egyptians relieve them of half their dots. In Greek, that’s

Now of course being Greek, our natural inclination would be to take a derivative and plot this against time, and we’d have something like…

And then we’d apply some statistical analysis and declare there is a 95% probability that the expectation value of the Greeks future is not too high!

Bummer too, they could have had so much influence on the world.
But let’s not rule them out yet shall we? For the rest of the world is not lacking for intrigue!

Romans and Carthaginians bounce in Sicily, while Persia manages a perplexing misorder. The big winners in all of this? I guess it would have to be the Massilians, who are lining up to get advance copies of the Carthaginian flag…

And now… The results!

F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Dalmatia - Epirus
A Illyria Supports A Dalmatia - Epirus
F Ionian Sea - Athens (*Fails*)
A Rhaetia - Sarmatia
F Sardinia Hold
F Sparta Supports F Ionian Sea - Athens
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Sicilia (*Bounce*)
A Venetia - Vindobona

F Berber Sea - Ligurian Sea
A Carthage - Sicilia (*Bounce*)
A Cyrene Hold
F Gulf of Syrtis - Gulf of Tacape
A Leptis Supports A Cyrene
F Libyan Sea Supports F Gulf of Syrtis - Gulf of Tacape
F Punic Sea Convoys A Carthage - Sicilia

F Aegean Sea Supports F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Armenia - Chersonesus (*Fails*)
A Byzantium Supports A Chersonesus - Dacia (*Void*)
A Chersonesus, no move received
F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
F Miletus Supports F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
F Syrian Sea - Cilician Strait
A Tyre Hold

F Athens Supports A Macedonia (*Cut*)
A Epirus Supports F Athens (*Disbanded*)
A Macedonia Supports F Athens
F Messenian Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)

F Alexandria Supports A Memphis
F Egyptian Sea Supports F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Memphis Supports F Alexandria
F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Sinai Hold

NEXT: Carthage, Persia, and Egypt BUILD 1, while Greece may REMOVE 1.
By Monday 6pm Central!


dc252 f03 results! (dc252) former.trout Jun 05, 10:03 pm
If only I had this much time on my hands...  =P

Pythagorus Trout

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])> wrote:

Some interesting twists this turn!
Greece hangs on by a thread as the Persians and Egyptians relieve them of half their dots.  In Greek, that’s

Now of course being Greek, our natural inclination would be to take a derivative and plot this against time, and we’d have something like…

And then we’d apply some statistical analysis and declare there is a 95% probability that the expectation value of the Greeks future is not too high!
Bummer too, they could have had so much influence on the world.
But let’s not rule them out yet shall we?  For the rest of the world is not lacking for intrigue!
Romans and Carthaginians bounce in Sicily, while Persia manages a perplexing misorder.  The big winners in all of this?  I guess it would have to be the Massilians, who are lining up to get advance copies of the Carthaginian flag…
And now… The results!
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Dalmatia - Epirus
A Illyria Supports A Dalmatia - Epirus
F Ionian Sea - Athens (*Fails*)
A Rhaetia - Sarmatia
F Sardinia Hold
F Sparta Supports F Ionian Sea - Athens
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Sicilia (*Bounce*)
A Venetia - Vindobona
F Berber Sea - Ligurian Sea
A Carthage - Sicilia (*Bounce*)
A Cyrene Hold
F Gulf of Syrtis - Gulf of Tacape
A Leptis Supports A Cyrene
F Libyan Sea Supports F Gulf of Syrtis - Gulf of Tacape
F Punic Sea Convoys A Carthage - Sicilia
F Aegean Sea Supports F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Armenia - Chersonesus (*Fails*)
A Byzantium Supports A Chersonesus - Dacia (*Void*)
A Chersonesus, no move received
F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
F Miletus Supports F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
F Syrian Sea - Cilician Strait
A Tyre Hold
F Athens Supports A Macedonia (*Cut*)
A Epirus Supports F Athens (*Disbanded*)
A Macedonia Supports F Athens
F Messenian Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
F Alexandria Supports A Memphis
F Egyptian Sea Supports F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Memphis Supports F Alexandria
F Minoan Sea - Crete
A Sinai Hold
NEXT:  Carthage, Persia, and Egypt BUILD 1, while Greece may REMOVE 1.
By Monday 6pm Central! 

dc211 france eog - MattTheLesser   (Jun 05, 2009, 6:29 pm)
First off I'd just like to say thanks to everyone for this game as it
was one of the most enjoyable games I've had yet - much better than my
early elimination in my previous seismic game!

I don't remember too many specifics from the beginning of the game, but
I do recall making the typical non-aggression agreement with Italy and
also aligning quickly with Trout's England due to Germany's lack of
communication and some questionable early moves (F Kie Hold in S01?).

Germany faced attack from both sides and fell quickly, after which I
headed for the Med since Italy had broken our non-aggression agreement
anyways. This is where the game got interesting and where the most
significant diplomacy came into play as an interesting dialog developed
between Austria and I. Mike and I made a loose agreement to squeeze out
Italy and then each turn north, with me hitting England and Austria
hitting Russia. However, Mike, saying he took the first plunge by
stabbing Italy, insisted I go first. Now I had initially agreed to this
because I didn't understand the extent of Austria's and Russia's
relationship; I thought it was a simple non-aggression pact, but it soon
became clear that it was a full on alliance.

Thus the big decision came in Fall 1908 when I had the chance for a good
stab of England with a convoy to Liverpool. However, ultimately I
didn't do it because I couldn't risk Austria not turning on Russia and
facing a 2 on 1 (3 on 1 until England was out), mainly because 2
seismics against 1 is such a huge advantage.

That said, looking back I remember thinking that stabbing would either
lead to a solo or a loss to an AR, and that not stabbing would lead to a
4-way. Now, looking back, if I had known the possible outcomes, the
decision wouldn't have been tough at all! And I should have realized
that our fleet advantage would be the difference. As Adam said at one
point after Trout and I implemented this strategy, Trout and I realized
that planting fleets in inland lakes and using our seismics to expand
them as much as possible was the best way to go because they couldn't be
cut, and boy did it work.

But of course Mike and Steve didn't make it easy, and I thoroughly
enjoyed the fight that ensued, especially since we came out on top! Smile

A couple notes on the game play: As was noted at the beginning of the
game, this game was different than previous seismic games in that the
seismics were submitted after the publication of the movement results.
Personally I like this better than submitting seismics with orders, as
there is less guess-work involved (some would say less strategy; I would
say different strategy, but no less). As for the next game I am in for
sure, and would love to do standard again or a different map, although
preferably not a huge one (Abberation or Modern is about as big as I
would go).

Again thanks to all and especially to Adam as I know GMing seismic must
take quite a bit more time than other games.

Until those faults open again,


dc246 winter 1910 builds - coryfucius   (Jun 05, 2009, 4:32 pm)
Both France and Turkey raise armies. Spring 1911 orders will be due Monday 6/8 at 3pm Central (US) / 20:00 GMT. As always, prelims are encouraged!



Winter 1910 adjustments:

Build A Brest

Build A Constantinople


DC 254, Autumn 1902 - alwayshunted   (Jun 05, 2009, 2:36 pm)
Hey folks,

Russia retreats to Livonia and Moscow, and we are now in the adjustment phase (Winter). Here is the status, and a new map attached. Due to my general slowness in adjudicating these days (I'm without my own computer for a short while longer....), I now have to make the Winter deadline for Monday, June 8, 22:00 MDT.


Austria: Budapest, Greece, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, Sweden.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Warsaw.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, St Petersburg.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Rumania,
Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Unowned: Serbia.


Austria: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
England: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
France: Supp 5 Unit 5 Build 0
Germany: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Russia: Supp 2 Unit 4 Remove 2
Turkey: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1

Have fun.



DC 247: F1910R and W1910 - AceRimmer   (Jun 05, 2009, 2:11 pm)
Bring on the lazy days of summer.

Austria's army had already disbanded -- we covered that. So, the French fleet retreats to Apulia. And the future communists build an army in Warsaw.

S1911 is here on Monday.


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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