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Unknown - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 13, 2009, 9:10 pm)
Hey Steve,
First impression - Oh my god that's a lot of provinces! It would take forever to play out, and the number of players that would go into that game would be somewhere around 15-20.

As for the concept of fleets being possible, sure they're possible cuz of the rivers, but an army is better in almost every case. Cuz armies can move everywhere fleets can move, plus they can move away from the rivers. Up in the north, sure, I could see an odd fleet being useful in a lake, but aside from the starting fleet players get, I just dont see much of a decision what to build.

A good person to talk to about the heavy land-based games would be Jerry, since his Star Trek variant, I think uses only armies. To see how it's working, or what he'd change.

I dont think the lake spots are too big... I think the others are too small.

If you want centers in the eastern waters, why not make off-board locations? You could put an off-board box for Gary, IN (which borders Indiana Coast and SCLM), and another for Grand Rapids, MI, in place of "To Michigan". Those are definitely two industrial powerhouses of the region.


Unknown - scaponig   (Jan 13, 2009, 8:04 pm)
Map is up on dipwiki for those who want to view it.


DC223 - Spring 1903 adjudication - bielf11   (Jan 13, 2009, 7:38 pm)
Spring 1903: Germany fails to submit any orders.
Austrian forces seem to have a misunderstanding with the Italians and their army in Budapest is forced to retreat.
Turkey sees its move to Greece fail and the Russian army in STP trying to take Norway is beaten to it by the English.


A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Galicia (*Dislodged*)
F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*Void*)
A Vienna - Galicia
F North Sea - Norway
F Norway - Sweden
F Norwegian Sea Supports F North Sea - Norway
A Yorkshire Hold
A Belgium Supports A Burgundy - Ruhr
A Brest - Gascony
A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Paris - Burgundy
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
F Ionian Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
F Naples Supports F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Serbia Supports F Greece
A Trieste Supports A Venice - Tyrolia
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Galicia - Budapest
A Rumania Supports A Galicia - Budapest
F Sevastopol Supports A Rumania
A Silesia - Bohemia
F Skagerrak - North Sea
A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Greece
F Ankara - Constantinople
A Bulgaria - Greece (*Fails*)
A Constantinople - Smyrna
Retreats: only one due.
Austrian A Budapest can retreat to Vienna. Or OTB.
Deadline for Summer 1903 is Wednesday, Jan 14 at 23:00 GMT.
A lookahead at Fall 1903 deadline: will be set at Monday, Jan 19 at 23:00 GMT.
Stefan, please let me know asap whether you want to continue. If you're too busy we will find a replacement.


DC 184 EOG France - jhack16   (Jan 13, 2009, 2:29 pm)
Hi Guys,

And a big thank you to the White Wolf himself, Andy for GM'ing this game most efficiently and with great good humour..

Main Characters:

England: Mark
France: Me ~ Joe ~ as replacement
Germany: Roger
Austria: Pontus
Italy: Chris
Russia: Ross
Turkey: Steve.

My fourth game, in as a replacement which I found to be quite interesting.
Although in quite early, there had been some vicious stabs around my neck of the woods, so much so that Roger/Germany and Mark/England (another replacement) were sworn enemies.

Down South there appeared to be much mayhem, with stabs and counter stabs..so not much trust around the board when I arrived. Austria/Pontus had done very well, but was not well liked by his surrounding countries, presumably because of earlier stabs he had made..

My position as France was under threat from Roger/Germany who was making very warlike sounds against England, but in fact was sitting in BUR and looking for more...

In a key development of the game, Roger/Germany and I/France agreed a plan for an attack on England,I readied my forces but not quickly enough for Roger who took off on his own, leaving me high and dry. Seeing our alliance at an end, (or so I thought) I grabbed BEL off Roger. This action cemented Roger with Ross/Russia forever, or at least until Ross got tried of Roger not making progress againt me/France and Mark/England!

This action was to color the rest of the game. Roger/Germany felt bad about losing BEL, and spent the whole/entire rest of the game trying to get it back. He succeeded allright, but only for a Season at the end of the game when he was down to his last unit. Hard luck ~ but full marks for perseverance Roger!

The rest of the North was dominated by Roger/Germany and Ross/Russia, and for a long time it looked like they would overwhelm Mark/England and me/France by sheer weight of numbers. But at a critical juncture a Russian F was eliminated in CLY and the gap of the North Atlantic was plugged.

And so we were deadlocked, Pontus/Austria came on board and for a while it looked like we could hold MUN or force RUH against Roger, but Pontus NMR'd at the critical moment and the impetus was lost.

While we were deadlocked I worked hard at trying to prise open the German/Russian alliance, but Ross/Russia was in no hurry holding the whip hand, while Roger/Germany could not get over the loss of BEL and was fixated on getting it back.

On the other side of the board there had been a lot of early stabs which I'm not privy to, but to me at least it looked like Italy/Chris was doomed as the Juggernaught roared towards him taking everything in its wake. I/France went to lend a paltry hand in trying to slow it and support Chris, but in what was probably the turning point of the game, (and I would be interested to hear Chris/Italy and Ross/Russia's view on this) Italy somehow got Russia to stab Turkey, (played by German Zorba)who had played an excellent game up to this, and the writing was on the wall for Turkey.

That left the North to be decided. Ross was going to have to choose between Germany/Roger or me/France as to who would be the junior partner.. Luckily he chose me, ( maybe you could explain Ross) and once he decided to attack Germany/Roger from the rear, it was curtains for Roger.

That left me to take out Mark/England, which I felt bad about doing as he had played a difficult positioon very well for years, so sorry about that one Mark, please forgive me!

So, the setup now, all brokered with superb Diplomacy by Chris/Italy (who actually had the smallest amount of units on the board of the three major nations) meant that there was just the three of us left, Russia/Ross Italy/Chris and myself/France.

I found this game most interesting for two major reasons, the difficulty of coming in as a replacement when your predecessor may have muddied your country's reputation, as well as getting up to speed on where all the countries are coming from, and also how a bad situation, (such as Italy/Chris was in) can be turned around by never ending diplomacy and good communication skills. So hats off to all those Replacment players out there, it sure aint easy!

I hope I havent left anything major out, and would love to hear from all the rest of you guys in due course!

Thanks to everyone, particularly Andy the GM, and to all my co-players, including yes, even you Roger. Our banter was great fun and added greatly to my enjoyment of the game!



Fall of Germany - GUiLE   (Jan 13, 2009, 1:22 pm)

Autumn 1905
As the chancellor of Germany saw his country fall into the hands of three powerful nations, he told himself "Ich bin wirklich schlecht am Spielen seismische Diplomatie".
But he left in pride, knowing that he didn't kicked out because of too many NMRs......maybe a few but not a lot.

Peace......hope you guys enjoy the rest of the game

P.S. I don't want to removed from the email yet


DC 211: Fall 1905 - AceRimmer   (Jan 13, 2009, 11:36 am)
It’s Autumn of 1905, and we have our first elimination. Thank you, Guile, for your commitment to this game. I would like to apologize for the behavior of your neighbors and wish you better in your next excursion. Let me know, Guile, if you wish to be removed from game-related emails.

Now, let me remind the rest of you that, even though the Seismic phase precedes the Adjustments phase, the looming elimination of Germany means that Germany gets no seismic order this year.

There is one retreat, and it has only one viable option:

French Fleet Western Mediterranean may retreat to Spain or OTB

I have adjudicated the fleet to Spain. Please correct me if you’d prefer to disband, Matt.

That leaves us with Seismic orders due on Thursday at 1000 CST (or when all orders are received). And adjustments (quite a few thanks to the Kiel retreats of the Spring) will be on Friday. See the end of the email for the list.

A Tri -> Tyl (*Bounces 2:2 with A Mar-Tyl*)
A Smy -> Ank (*Bounces 1:1 with F Bla-Ank*)
A Con -> Smy (*Fails 1:1 to A Smy*)
A Bul -> Con (*Fails 1:1 to A Con*)
A Boh S War -> Ber
A Vie S War -> Ber
A Pie S Tri -> Tyl

A Holland Support Ber -> Kiel
F Denmark Support Ber -> Kiel (*Cut*)
F Skaggarak Support Denmark
F Norway Holds
F North Atlantic Support Norway

A Ber - Kie
A Spa - NAf
F Wes S A Spa – Naf (*Dislodged 2:1 by F Ion-Wes*)
F Tys S F Wes (*Cut*)
F GoL C A Mar - Tyl
A Mar - Tyl via GoL (*Bounces 2:2 with A Tri-Tyl*)
A Mun S A Mar – Tyl

hel – den (*Fails 2:2 to F Den*)

F Ion - Wes
F Tun S F Ion - Wes
F Nap – Tys (*Fails 1:1 to F Tys*)
A Rom S F Ven H
F Ven S A Rom H

A swe S F Hel - Den
A Stp S A Swe
A War - Ber
F Rum – Bla (*Fails 1:1 to F Bla*)
A Sev – Mos

F black sea to Ankara (*Bounces 1:1 with A Smy-Ank*)

In the Winter, Builds will be (not including any retreats off the board):

SC Builds/Disbands
Austria 8 +1
England 6 +1
France 8 +1
Germany 0
Italy 4 -1
Russia 7 +2
Turkey 1


DC 225 Spring 1902 Correction - AlanRFarrington   (Jan 13, 2009, 11:13 am)
Sorry to do this to you guys but Eugene had submitted different orders for Italy which I failed to update. Correct files are attached along with a change in orders. Retreats and due date remain the same.

Hello Everyone,

The headlines are as follows: The swedes rejoice as the entire Scandinavian peninsula falls under English rule. Burgundy and the English Channel fall to German and English forces. On the other side of the board there is 4 unit standoff over Greece as everyone seems to want to possess the home of democracy. Finally, Austria flexes it muscle towards an empty Galician province.

The French army in Burgundy and the Russian fleet in Sweden both need to retreat this summer.


Austria: Santiago Villamayor (svillamayor(at)mail.cl)
England: Mark Utterback (MDemagogue(at)gmail.com)
France: Anthony Stevens (AandTStevens(at)GMail.com)
Germany: Jyri Syrja (jyjusy(at)hotmail.com)
Italy: Eugene S. (icarusflier(at)gmail.com)
Russia: Rachael Jameson (verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com)
Turkey: Michael Holm (Zipholm(at)hotmail.com)

Next Deadline:

Summer 1902 is due Wednesday January 14th 12:00am GMT (7:00pm EST)
Any Issues with this please let me know.

F Adriatic Sea - Albania
A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Serbia Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece
A Vienna - Galicia

F Denmark Supports A Norway - Sweden
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F London - English Channel
A Norway - Sweden
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Bounce*)

F Brest - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Burgundy Supports A Paris - Picardy (*Dislodged*)
A Paris - Picardy
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Marseilles

F Belgium Supports F London - English Channel
A Berlin - Silesia
A Holland - Kiel
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
A Ruhr - Burgundy

F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tunis Hold
A Venice - Tyrolia

A Galicia - Warsaw
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Bounce*)
F Sweden Supports F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Moscow

F Aegean Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Greece
A Bulgaria - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople Hold
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean

Thanks guys, see you in one day!
Alan Farrington

Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. See how it works.


Thanks & EOG - Rocketship   (Jan 13, 2009, 10:36 am)
Hi All,

First off, a hearty congratulations to Joe for a well played and well
earned solo victory. Thanks for the clever plays.

Second, a huge thanks to Steve for being GM. The game couldn't happen
without your work.

Thanks to Mike and Brian for a well played game and for sticking it
out to the end.

Thanks to Paolo for a valiant effort in the North. I hardly knew ye.

Thanks to Steve for stepping in as Turkey. Sorry about the immediate

And thanks to Chinmay and Bhargav for starting out down this long
road. It was fun while you were with us.

And, without further ado, here is what I have to say:

As this was my first Diplomacy by correspondence game, and just my
third game of Diplomacy ever, I can be no less than pleased with the
experience. Sure, I made some mistakes (most of which I'll own up to
shortly), but I also learned a great deal about the game and I'm very
much looking forward to my next.

The game started out very intense, as I pleaded each of my neighbors
for peace. Joe and Brian were happy to oblige. Bhargav seemed to
want to team up and head North, and Mike offered to bounce in Galicia
for the low, low price of a completely Russian Turkey. So, at that
point, I decided to invade Turkey with Russia's help, then stab Russia
when the time was right. Just to make things interested, I also
invited Italy to do a Lepanto. I figured Italy and Russia might get
into a fight in Turkey, giving me a chance to waltz North. You all
know how that turned out...

At the end of 1901, I built a fleet. Apparently this made Brian
somewhat nervous and would have a lasting effect on our diplomatic
relations. The ostensible reason was that I needed a fleet in the
Black Sea, but yes, it was also meant as insurance against an Italian

Things progressed nicely, but it appears that I waited one season too
long for my Russian stab. If I had done it in the Fall of 1902,
Rumania would have been undefended and I would have taken an immediate
advantage. I waited, however, until 1903, and Mike was waiting for
me. I think this was a pretty big mistake on my part, but then again
I'm not sure how far I would have gotten in Russia, anyway. The
stalemate was fun, but I would have rather had some cabbage rolls in
the Ukraine, to be honest.

This went on for some time. I thought I had finally reached an
advantageous position, but then Brian stabbed me. He sent me a nice
letter explaining why, saying that my earlier fleet build plus the
lack of future rewards in the East were his reasons. He seemed open
to resumed co-operation, and I made a genuine effort, but our
relationship never healed. He can correct me if I'm wrong, but he
seemed to suspect that I would attack him, and so he never restored
our DMZ. After a few seasons of this, I had enough and attacked him.
I thought at the time that he would attack me, yet he oddly chose that
moment to restore the DMZ. And so we set up another little stalemate
in Italy.

These events were accompanied, of course, by the the Civil Disorder in
France. I thought that this was quite unfortunate, as I was hoping
for a drawn out battle between Germany, Italy, and France. In fact,
my war with Italy gave Chinmay a chance to survive. I was somewhat
disappointed that he didn't take it.

As for Joe, I was always a bit confused about our diplomatic
relations. We maintained the DMZ for a good part of the game, and we
agreed to break it for a joint attack on Italy. Yet something went
wrong and the DMZ was never restored. I tried to convince you to
leave with some (mostly empty) threats, but it didn't work. The main
result, rather, was the breakdown of our diplomatic relations. I'll
go ahead and call that a mistake on my part. I'm not sure if a more
diplomatic approach would have worked, though. Perhaps you'll shed
some light, Joe.

When the German threat became apparent, Mike and I finally declared a
cease-fire. We even restored some semblance of trust with a partial
demilitarization. My goal here was to keep Germany out of Warsaw for
long enough that I could subdue Italy and start fighting Joe for
Iberia (big plans, I know!). We had some difficulty in co-ordinating
our efforts, however, and Joe was able to get in.

All in all, I found the whole thing to be quite fun. Thanks again to
everyone, and I look forward to your statements.



Unknown - scaponig   (Jan 13, 2009, 10:26 am)
Sure, why not?
I can post it to DipWiki later on tonight, when I get home.
Isn't a big, flat plain good for Diplomacy? Other than Switzerland, mountains don't matter...
I thought that at first too, but with the DuPage River, the Fox River, and the Canals, along with a couple of lakes that I made a little bigger than actual size, it is legit option to build fleets. In the Soutwest and West suburbs, fleets aren't necessarily the greatest, but in the Northern Suburbs, I think fleets are necessary for conquest, not to mention the probably SC-rich City coastal neighborhoods.
Plus, I figure that in Mandate of Heaven, the setup is similar, and in 1873, there are no fleets.
Oh, and something I forgot before, and probably no one ill be able to help me out on this until I post the map, but I'm thinking the spaces in Lake Michigan may be too large.
I had also thought about putting a SC in the lake, to enduce fleets. II'm not sure what it would be, though. Fishing zone? Isn't there a pipe that they have to extend every once in a while to pump in fresh water that's not polluted? Maybe that can be a SC? I'd like ideas on that, too.


Unknown - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 13, 2009, 8:48 am)
Hey Steve, is there going to be an honorary SC for my home city of Lisle?

You should post the map tho, or at least a link to it. I'd be interested to see the layout you've come up with. Go to www.dipwiki.com and create an appropriate entry there, since you can upload files, add some text, etc.

My initial suspicion is that being from Chicago, I know that our geography is really boring. One big flat plain, with a lake in the corner. How will that geography make for the need for fleets, convoy action, etc?

There are many cities that I'd consider interesting layouts... San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Washington, Seattle, but they all have lots of rivers, inlets, peninsulas, straits, etc. So I think the biggest challenge with a Chicago map would be making it diverse enough.


Fall, Autumn and Winter 1911 - dipknight   (Jan 13, 2009, 8:15 am)
Congratulations, Bruce!

I will put together my End-of-Game Statement later this week.

Darryl (Germany)

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 3:14 PM, René Krøll <rk(at)giorsoine.dk ([email]rk(at)giorsoine.dk[/email])> wrote:

Hey all,

sorry for the delay, got exams.

But here are what is to be the last season in DC200

A Belgium Supports F Holland
A Brest - Paris (*Fails*)
F English Channel - London
F Holland Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)
F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
F Picardy - Brest (*Fails*)

F Baltic Sea - Kiel
A Burgundy - Paris
A Gascony Supports A Burgundy - Paris
F Helgoland Bight - North Sea
A Marseilles - Burgundy
F North Sea - Edinburgh
A Ruhr - Holland (*Fails*)

A Moscow Supports A Warsaw (*Cut*)
A St Petersburg Supports A Moscow
F Sweden Hold
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow (*Dislodged*)

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
F Black Sea Hold
A Galicia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
A Piedmont Hold
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Moscow
A Silesia - Warsaw
F Spain(sc) Hold
A Tyrolia - Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon
A Ukraine - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Vienna - Tyrolia
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain(sc)

One retreat and I just moved it since it have no effect.

A Warsaw - Livonia

With this comes Winter and Turkey wins a solo victory with 18 SCs, congratulation Bruce.

The standing
Turkey 18 SC
Germany 7 SC
France 5 SC
Russia 4 SC
England 0 SC
Italy 0 SC
Ausria 0 SC

Once again congratulations and thanks all for playing.

Your GM



DC-184 Game Over - camorse22   (Jan 13, 2009, 7:59 am)
Thanks to you, Wolf. It was a pleasure on this end, too. This is actually the third game I've finished in recent weeks, and I'm still working on my other EOGs, but I'll certainly put something out when I can -- and if the other guys do. I hate being the only one.

From: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
To: Forum DC-184 <dc184(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Pontus Nilsson DC-184 <pontus(at)wallmanderco.se>; Roger Strand DC-184 <PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com>; Chris Morse DC-184 <camorse22(at)yahoo.com>; Ross Webb DC-184 <rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com>; German Zorba DC-184 <germanzorba(at)gmail.com>; Stephen Lytton DC-Mod1 <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com>; Andrew Jameson <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; Mark Utterbach <mdemagogue(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 5:03:37 PM
Subject: DC-184 Game Over

Since I've already received votes from the three remaining players, I don't see a point to continuing until the deadline. A DIAS (FIR) has passed unanimously, and this game is over. Congratulations to Joe Hackett, Chris Morse and Ross Webb.
I'd like to thank, especially, Mark Utterback and Germán Zorba for taking up replacement positions (E and T, respectively) and playing them out til the end.
EoG statements are welcome - you may send them to the entire group or to me, and I will compile them.
Thanks, everyone. I hope you all enjoyed playing this game as much as I enjoyed GMing it.

The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Chicago Dip - scaponig   (Jan 13, 2009, 7:47 am)
So I got this idea a couple of weeks ago to create a Diplomacy game based on the map of Chicago and its suburbs-each Suburb or neighborhood in the city would have its own space, people would play as one of the 'burbs or 'hoods.
I finished the map. I haven't assigned SCs or starting zones yet, but it's pretty big (290 Land Spaces, 31 Sea Spaces), so I would like some feedback. I'm thinking Chaos builds, and having each person just start with 1 SC.
1. Would anyone be interested in playing it when it's set?
2. How many players/SCs would be needed? I saw an article on DC a while ago about the ratio of spaces:SCs, but I can't find it now.
3. Would anyone want to look over the map, and see if there are any glaring deficiencies? (This is my first attempt at Variant design, so I don't see any, but who knows...)
4. I'll also probably be taking suggestions for which should be SCs. I live in the NW suburbs, so I know which of those are important enough to have SCs, but the North and South, and some in the City I don't know as well, and I don't want to have the board imbalanced, just because I know one area better.


Steve Caponigri


Unknown (Variants) FuzzyLogic Jan 13, 08:48 am
Hey Steve, is there going to be an honorary SC for my home city of Lisle?

You should post the map tho, or at least a link to it. I'd be interested to see the layout you've come up with. Go to www.dipwiki.com and create an appropriate entry there, since you can upload files, add some text, etc.

My initial suspicion is that being from Chicago, I know that our geography is really boring. One big flat plain, with a lake in the corner. How will that geography make for the need for fleets, convoy action, etc?

There are many cities that I'd consider interesting layouts... San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Washington, Seattle, but they all have lots of rivers, inlets, peninsulas, straits, etc. So I think the biggest challenge with a Chicago map would be making it diverse enough.
Unknown (Variants) scaponig Jan 13, 10:26 am
Sure, why not?
I can post it to DipWiki later on tonight, when I get home.
Isn't a big, flat plain good for Diplomacy? Other than Switzerland, mountains don't matter...
I thought that at first too, but with the DuPage River, the Fox River, and the Canals, along with a couple of lakes that I made a little bigger than actual size, it is legit option to build fleets. In the Soutwest and West suburbs, fleets aren't necessarily the greatest, but in the Northern Suburbs, I think fleets are necessary for conquest, not to mention the probably SC-rich City coastal neighborhoods.
Plus, I figure that in Mandate of Heaven, the setup is similar, and in 1873, there are no fleets.
Oh, and something I forgot before, and probably no one ill be able to help me out on this until I post the map, but I'm thinking the spaces in Lake Michigan may be too large.
I had also thought about putting a SC in the lake, to enduce fleets. II'm not sure what it would be, though. Fishing zone? Isn't there a pipe that they have to extend every once in a while to pump in fresh water that's not polluted? Maybe that can be a SC? I'd like ideas on that, too.
Unknown (Variants) scaponig Jan 13, 08:04 pm
Map is up on dipwiki for those who want to view it.
Unknown (Variants) FuzzyLogic Jan 13, 09:10 pm
Hey Steve,
First impression - Oh my god that's a lot of provinces! It would take forever to play out, and the number of players that would go into that game would be somewhere around 15-20.

As for the concept of fleets being possible, sure they're possible cuz of the rivers, but an army is better in almost every case. Cuz armies can move everywhere fleets can move, plus they can move away from the rivers. Up in the north, sure, I could see an odd fleet being useful in a lake, but aside from the starting fleet players get, I just dont see much of a decision what to build.

A good person to talk to about the heavy land-based games would be Jerry, since his Star Trek variant, I think uses only armies. To see how it's working, or what he'd change.

I dont think the lake spots are too big... I think the others are too small.

If you want centers in the eastern waters, why not make off-board locations? You could put an off-board box for Gary, IN (which borders Indiana Coast and SCLM), and another for Grand Rapids, MI, in place of "To Michigan". Those are definitely two industrial powerhouses of the region.
DC 199 ~ Thanks! fromGermany. - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 13, 2009, 3:47 am)
Hi Guys,

Thanks for a great game that really cracked along.

With the exception of Steve, (Turkey ~ I enjoyed your last orders though!) I had physical interactions with everyone and enjoyed it all.

There were many difficult/challenging moments throughout the game, and I hope to detail some of these in my EOG statement soon.

To Brian, who came to my rescue in Iberian, sorry I had to take advantage later.

To Chinmay, what a pity you stabbed, we could have been great!

To Paolo (Joe, "dumb as a bucket of hammers"Wink lol! Changing your plans unilaterally made me very nervous, sorry!

To Matthew, we never quite hit it off, I still dont know why...

To Michael, I think you were the best tactician on the board, how you survived those early onslaughts I dont know. From afar I admired some of your marvellous play in Turkey. We stabbed each other at the same time, luckily (for me!) mine was the more fatal...

My thanks to everyone,

I hope to cross swords or join up with you all again very soon!

Finally, a special word is due for our esteemed GM Steve Lytton, who kept things moving along quickly and smoothly ~ a man who makes his deadlines, runs a tight ship and yet is sympathetic to requests for deferrals.You set a very high standard Steve, much appreciated, thanks!


Download free emoticons today! Holiday cheer from Messenger.


Dc199 Fall 1910 - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 13, 2009, 2:16 am)
Dc199 Fall 1910

F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice
F Apulia - Ionian Sea
A Bohemia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Budapest - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Constantinople - Ankara (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
F Naples - Rome (*Dislodged*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Bohemia - Munich
A Ukraine - Rumania
A Venice Supports F Naples - Rome

F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Galicia Supports A Warsaw - Ukraine (*Cut*)
A Gascony Supports A Marseilles - Spain
A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Marseilles - Spain (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw - Ukraine
A Munich Hold
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
F North Sea - English Channel
A Prussia - Warsaw
A Ruhr - Burgundy
A Silesia Supports A Munich
F Sweden - Norway
A Warsaw - Ukraine

A Ankara, no move received
F Irish Sea - Liverpool (*Bounce*)
A Piedmont Supports F Spain(sc) - Marseilles
F Rome Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Tuscany Supports F Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples

A Armenia - Smyrna
A Sevastopol Hold

Dc199 Autumn 1910
F Naples - Apulia

which leads us onto Winter - which we dont need to run as Germany has won the game with 18 SC.

Congratulations on your solo, Joe. Well deserved.

EOG statements are always welcomed.


Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?


DC219, Russian Retreat - m_don_j   (Jan 13, 2009, 2:12 am)
Russia retreats to Aeg - map to follow later today.

/ Mikael
Lägg till karta och vägbeskrivning för din fest. Visa vägen!


dc210 f06 results! (corrected) - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 12, 2009, 11:14 pm)
Hi all,
The Russian dropoff in Pru succeeds! It does not fail. New map attached,

Turkey is eliminated! The last unit is automatically removed instead of retreated.

New totals:
A: 8/11, Build 3!
B: 6/6, Even
F: 8/9, Build 1!
G: 2/1, Remove 1
I: 4/2, Remove 2
R: 6/6, Even

Builds are due Wed 1/14, 10am Pacific

A Tri move Tyr
A Ven support A Tri move Tyr
A Gal move War
A Rum support A Bul
A Bul support F Con
F Adr support A Ven
F Apu support A Ven
F Con support A Bul

F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (NTH) s F (Lon) - Wsx
F (Den) s F (Kie) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (SBS) - Ber (*Cut*)
F (Lon) - Wsx
A (Yor) - Wal

A Bur - Swi
A Lor S A Bur - Swi
F Spa(sc) - WMS

F Eng - Nth (*Fails*)
F Bel S F Eng - Nth
F Bre - Eng (*Fails*)

A Col - Kie (*Fails*)
A Hol S A Col - Kie

F Berlin Holds
A Silisia Support Berlin


1) A Swi to Bav
2) F Tys to Nap
3) A Rom support F Tys to Nap
4) A Pie to Tus

F SBS - Prussia (*Fails*)
F NBS - Livonia
F Black Sea s f ank - mrm
F Ank - mrm
Army Erz - Cau

Turkey: NMR, All units hold


DC215 Winter 1905 Results - MattTheLesser   (Jan 12, 2009, 11:07 pm)
Now that's what I call speed! Builds are in well ahead of schedule, so
onward we press! And this means another deadline this week; awesome!
Spring 1906 is due this Friday, January 16, at 9 pm eastern.

Remember also that now, entering 1906, I will accept end-of-game
proposals. My rules for EOGs are pretty much the same as everyone
else's (the details are in my house rules), with the one exception that
I do not count an abstention as a no vote, but rather as a true
abstention. If you have questions first consult the house rules, and
then if you're still confused shoot me a question.



Build A Venice

Build A Sevastopol
Build A Warsaw
Build F St. Petersburg (nc)


DC196 Heroes And Villains - Spring 1910 Deadline R... - former.trout   (Jan 12, 2009, 11:05 pm)
Heya heya heya,

All you heroes and villains out there... Deadline for Spring 1910 orders falls in just under 19 hours. Let me know your heroic or dastardly plans!

Humble Sidekick Trout


DC205 The Pleiades - Spring 1908 Stuff-up - former.trout   (Jan 12, 2009, 11:03 pm)
Heya folks,

One of our players has thrown himself on the mercy of the GM and his fellow players and requested a 24 hour extension... Guess there was a stuff-up and he thought tonight was the Winter 07 deadline. Since I'm nothing if not a total screw-up myself, I figure I can't refuse the request. =P

Deadline for Spring 1908 is extended until tomorrow night, Tuesday Jan 13th, at 11:59 PM GMT.


Stuff-Up and Such Trout


DC 233: Adjudicated Map - garry.bledsoe   (Jan 12, 2009, 10:47 pm)
Isn't the deadline for Fall turn supposed to be Thursday, not Wednesday as you stated? I thought tournament games ran Monday/Thursday for Spring/Fall?


Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 09:31:46 -0800
From: smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC 233: Adjudicated Map
To: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; tmssteve(at)yahoo.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; bridgejunky(at)ymail.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; mister.gatling(at)yahoo.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com

While the pre-adjudication map with all the arrows is surely helpful, let me also append the post-adjudication map with all of the correct unit positions.


Windows Live™ Hotmail®: Chat. Store. Share. Do more with mail. Check it out.


dc235 Winter Blitz! Dirkfell S01 Results - garry.bledsoe   (Jan 12, 2009, 10:39 pm)
Interesting Opening Moves All Around!
No Bounces in Usual Places But Rather Forces Occupying Them - Black Sea, Galicia!

Some quick notes:
* No retreats needed so we proceed to our Thursday 5pm CST deadline
* Because I was behind [work dinner ran late], I used a DIFFERENT program to adjudicate - I am quicker at it. I WILL BE REVERTING TO THE REAL POLITIK VERSION USED ON OTHER GAMES IN THE TOURNAMENT TOMORROW. I am sure this will at least let you guys start communicating given the tight timelines but I will send out the other version [and the one to use go-forward] soon...NOTE: different look but the same results.
* I am human. Please contest this QUICKLY if you think there is an error.
* We have PRESS. It is at the bottom.

All the best,

Dirkfell DC 235 (Spring 1901)
AUSTRIA-HUNGARY (Warren Fleming)
A(Vie) - Gal; A(Bud) - Ser; F(Tri) - Alb

ENGLAND (John Reside)
F(Lon) - NTH; A(Lpl) - Yor; F(Edi) - NWG

FRANCE (Max Victory)
A(Par) - Bur; A(Mar) s A(Par) - Bur; F(Bre) - MAO

GERMANY (Laurence Granier)
F(Kie) - Den; A(Ber) - Kie; A(Mun) - Bur (FAILED)

ITALY (Tom Schulz)
A(Ven) - Pie; A(Rom) - Ven; F(Nap) - ION

RUSSIA (Benjamin Hester)
A(Mos) - StP; F(StP) sc - GoB; A(War) - Ukr; F(Sev) - BLA

TURKEY (Andrew Cassesse)
A(Con) - Bul; A(Smy) - Arm; F(Ank) - Con

A Short Commentary on Not Much in Particular:

The legendary Cossacks dominated the eastern European steppes from the 14th century until the Russian Revolution, shifting their loyalties from one overlord to another.
Like the Turkish janissaries, they became an unstable element of society who struck an equal amount of fear into Russia as they did to her enemies. Not since Sparta had the world seen a society so wholly devoted to the cause of war as the Cossacks.

The Tatar khan was broken by the Cossacks. Their lands contained the wrath of the vast Ottoman empire. Even Napoleon regarded them as the most formidable opponent he faced. Tested and proven by five centuries of nearly uninterrupted warfare, the Cossacks are one of the most capable military forces the world has ever known. And now they wait with shashka in hand to see which of Russia's rivals in DC 235 will feel their wrath.

Windows Live™ Hotmail®: Chat. Store. Share. Do more with mail. See how it works.


DC 225: Spring 1902 Results - AlanRFarrington   (Jan 12, 2009, 10:36 pm)
.hmmessage P {margin:0px;padding:0px;} body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Hello Everyone,

The headlines are as follows: The swedes rejoice as the entire Scandinavian peninsula falls under English rule. Burgundy and the English Channel fall to German and English forces. On the other side of the board there is 4 unit standoff over Greece as everyone seems to want to possess the home of democracy. Finally, Austria flexes it muscle towards an empty Galician province.

The French army in Burgundy and the Russian fleet in Sweden both need to retreat this summer.


Austria: Santiago Villamayor (svillamayor(at)mail.cl)
England: Mark Utterback (MDemagogue(at)gmail.com)
France: Anthony Stevens (AandTStevens(at)GMail.com)
Germany: Jyri Syrja (jyjusy(at)hotmail.com)
Italy: Eugene S. (icarusflier(at)gmail.com)
Russia: Rachael Jameson (verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com)
Turkey: Michael Holm (Zipholm(at)hotmail.com)

Next Deadline:

Summer 1902 is due Wednesday January 14th 12:00am GMT (7:00pm EST)
Any Issues with this please let me know.

F Adriatic Sea - Albania
A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Serbia Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece
A Vienna - Galicia

F Denmark Supports A Norway - Sweden
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F London - English Channel
A Norway - Sweden
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Bounce*)

F Brest - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Burgundy Supports A Paris - Picardy (*Dislodged*)
A Paris - Picardy
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Marseilles

F Belgium Supports F London - English Channel
A Berlin - Silesia
A Holland - Kiel
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
A Ruhr - Burgundy

F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Tunis Hold
A Venice - Piedmont

A Galicia - Warsaw
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol Supports F Rumania
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Bounce*)
F Sweden Supports F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Moscow

F Aegean Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Greece
A Bulgaria - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople Hold
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean

Thanks guys, see you in two days!
Alan Farrington
Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out.


dc210 f06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 12, 2009, 10:25 pm)
Turkey is eliminated! The last unit is automatically removed instead of retreated.

New totals:
A: 8/11, Build 3!
B: 6/6, Even
F: 8/9, Build 1!
G: 2/1, Remove 1
I: 4/2, Remove 2
R: 6/6, Even

Builds are due Wed 1/14, 10am Pacific

A Tri move Tyr
A Ven support A Tri move Tyr
A Gal move War
A Rum support A Bul
A Bul support F Con
F Adr support A Ven
F Apu support A Ven
F Con support A Bul

F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (NTH) s F (Lon) - Wsx
F (Den) s F (Kie) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (SBS) - Ber (*Cut*)
F (Lon) - Wsx
A (Yor) - Wal

A Bur - Swi
A Lor S A Bur - Swi
F Spa(sc) - WMS

F Eng - Nth (*Fails*)
F Bel S F Eng - Nth
F Bre - Eng (*Fails*)

A Col - Kie (*Fails*)
A Hol S A Col - Kie

F Berlin Holds
A Silisia Support Berlin


1) A Swi to Bav
2) F Tys to Nap
3) A Rom support F Tys to Nap
4) A Pie to Tus

F SBS - Prussia (*Fails*)
F NBS - Livonia
F Black Sea s f ank - mrm
F Ank - mrm
Army Erz - Cau

Turkey: NMR, All units hold


DC 180: On a Scandal: Spring 1911 Adjucation - scaponig   (Jan 12, 2009, 9:39 pm)
Russia invades Turkey-With Turkish support!
F Greece goes wandering, Bulgaria stumbles on an empty SC!
Germany Presses southward!
Let's set the Fall 1911 Deadline at: Monday, January 19, at 23:59 GMT.

Spring 1911 Orders:
F Greece - Aegean Sea
A Syria - Smyrna (*Fails*)
A Trieste Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
A Vienna Supports A Trieste
F Adriatic Sea Supports A Trieste
A Brest Hold
F Eastern Mediterranean Supports A Syria - Smyrna
A Gascony - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea Supports F Greece - Aegean Sea
F Irish Sea - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F Tunis Hold
F Baltic Sea Hold
F Barents Sea Hold
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Galicia
A Livonia - Warsaw
F London - North Sea
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw - Ukraine
F Norwegian Sea Hold
A Ruhr - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
A Silesia - Galicia
A St Petersburg - Livonia
A Warsaw - Ukraine
A Budapest - Trieste (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Sevastopol - Armenia
A Albania Supports A Budapest - Trieste
A Bulgaria - Greece
F Constantinople Supports A Smyrna
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste
A Smyrna Supports A Sevastopol - Armenia (*Cut*)




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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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