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DC 164 - Retreat - Githraine   (Jan 06, 2009, 12:28 pm)
Russia has opted to ORB and re-build.
Orders still due Friday.


DC 164 - Map and Update - Githraine   (Jan 06, 2009, 12:04 pm)
Here is the map, and just a slight change, depending on the Russian retreat there could be a change to the build requirements.
Also the retreat Options for Russia also include Apulia and Naples


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1913 - Githraine   (Jan 06, 2009, 11:05 am)
This is the war that never ends, it just goes on and on..... Oh, Hi everybody!
Just thought you would like to know, the only 'active' game that had been running longer then ours (a Fog of War variant with a ton of players) finished, leaving us holding the field! The next oldest game is 180. 24 game starts after us, and in year 1910.
I am having trouble linking the Map right now, it is on DC and I will send it as soon as Yahoo decides to play nice.

We had a lot of movement this fall, The Germans and Italians advance north and west and the Brits are shoved almost completely off the continent!
France Gains Breast but loses Marseilles, and is nor totally flanked by Italy.
Russia continues to sit in the backfield, the Sleeping Bear. Maybe that ejection from the Ionian Sea will wake her?

The Russian Fleet can retreat to Greece, the Aegean Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean, or OTB
After that, the Brits must Disband one, the Germans get to build one.

Lets get all those orders in by Friday, Jan 9th.

F Belgium - Holland
F Brest - Picardy
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Belgium - Holland
A Norway - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
A Sweden - Denmark (*Disbanded*)

A Gascony Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest
F Spain(sc) Hold

A Burgundy Supports A Picardy - Belgium
F Denmark Supports A Finland - Sweden
A Finland - Sweden
A Munich - Kiel
F North Sea - London
A Picardy - Belgium
A Ruhr - Holland (*Fails*)
F Skagerrak Supports A Finland - Sweden
A Warsaw Hold

F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia
F Tunis Supports F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Tuscany - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
A Venice - Piedmont
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Budapest Supports A Vienna
F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Moscow - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
A Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol - Ukraine
A Ukraine - Galicia
A Vienna Hold


Unknown - sgttodd   (Jan 06, 2009, 9:35 am)
The deadline for Stardate 2377.2: Thursday, January 8th; 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Borg F FCG-J25 can retreat to D01 or VaaDwaur.
Klingon F Kazon Collective can retreat to 4762 or 3665.

Unit locations:

Borg: F 4050, F 2635, F 5725, F FCG-J25, A 5215, F Devore Imperium, F Kazon Collective, F D04.
Dominion: A Cardassia Prime, F Olmerak, F Varala, F Bajor, F D06, F D08, F D10, F D12, F Merik, F Quasar M92, F Rakhar.
Ferengi: F ChinToka, F Amleth, A Feringinar, F Kholfa, F Kalidar, F Galen, F Gemulon, F Megara, F Orellius.
Klingon: A Archanis, F Boreth, F Tika, F Algol, F Capella, F Xyrillia, F Trill, F Zalda, F Vodrey Nebula, F Kazon Collective, F D05.
Romulan: A Betazed, F Korniforous, F Tezenketh, F Izar, F Antares, F FCG-J25, F Zakdorn, F Caldos, F Gamma Hydrae, F Makar.

Stardate 2377.1 Moves:

Borg: A Borg Unicomplex - 5215.
Borg: F 3424 - 2635.
Borg: F 4233 - 4050.
Borg: F 5725 - D04.
Borg: F FCG-J25 - Hierarchy (*Dislodged*).
Borg: F 5215 - 5725.
Borg: F 2825 - Devore Imperium.
Borg: F North-West Passage - Kazon Collective.

Dominion: F Cardassia Prime - Olmerak.
Dominion: F Idran - Bajor.
Dominion: F Omarion - Varala.
Dominion: A Bajor - Cardassia Prime.
Dominion: F D06 - Hierarchy (*Bounce*).
Dominion: F D08 Hold.
Dominion: F D10 Hold.
Dominion: F D12 Supports F North-West Passage - Kazon Collective.
Dominion: F New Bajor - Rakhar.
Dominion: F Trialus - Merik.
Dominion: F G06 - Quasar M92.

Ferengi: F ChinToka Supports F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: F Amleth Supports F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: A Feringinar Hold.
Ferengi: F Thalos - Kholfa.
Ferengi: F Kholfa - Kalidar.
Ferengi: F Talar - Megara.
Ferengi: F Gemulon Supports F Orellius.
Ferengi: F Megara - Galen.
Ferengi: F Orellius Supports F Gemulon.

Klingon: A Archanis Hold.
Klingon: F Khitomer - Boreth.
Klingon: F Qonos - Vodrey Nebula.
Klingon: F Boreth - Tika.
Klingon: F Sol - Xyrillia.
Klingon: F Capella Supports F Trill.
Klingon: F Terra Nova - Algol.
Klingon: F Trill Supports F Terra Nova - Algol.
Klingon: F Archer - Zalda.
Klingon: F Zalda - D05.
Klingon: F Kazon Collective Hold (*Dislodged*).

Romulan: F Tarrod - FCG-J25.
Romulan: A Betazed Hold.
Romulan: F First Federation - Korniforous.
Romulan: F Tezenketh Supports F First Federation (*Fails*).
Romulan: F Izar, no move received.
Romulan: F Antares Supports F Tarrod - FCG-J25.
Romulan: F Zakdorn Hold.
Romulan: F Makar Hold.
Romulan: F D01 - Gamma Hydrae.
Romulan: F D02 - Caldos.


Deadline for Stardate 2377.2: Thursday, January 8th; 2359 UTC.
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


Bridgejunky you out there? - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 06, 2009, 8:44 am)
Hey we cant reach you for dc195 or the WB - your mailbox is full!


Unknown (dc195) FuzzyLogic Jan 08, 08:53 am
Paul pls clean out or contact me from another address!
DC 180: On a Scandal: Winter 1910 Adjucation - scaponig   (Jan 06, 2009, 7:45 am)
Build A Brest
Build waived
Build waived
Remove A Galicia
Remove A Ukraine

Spring 1911 Orders Due on Monday, January 12 at 23:59 GMT




Dc199 Spring 1910 - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 06, 2009, 7:33 am)
Dc199 Spring 1910

Unfortunately we see an NMR from Brian/Italy at this crucial point of the game, but Italy has already used his grace period.

F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
F Apulia Supports F Naples
A Constantinople - Ankara (*Fails*)
A Galicia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia (*Dislodged*)
F Naples Supports F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
A Rumania - Ukraine
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia (*Cut*)
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Berlin - Prussia
A Bohemia - Galicia
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Burgundy - Marseilles
F English Channel Supports F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Finland - Sweden
A Gascony Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles
A Kiel - Ruhr
A Livonia Supports A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Munich - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
F Norway - North Sea
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Silesia Supports A Bohemia - Galicia
A St Petersburg - Moscow
A Warsaw Supports A Bohemia - Galicia

Italy: NMR
A Ankara, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Piedmont, no move received
F Rome, no move received
F Spain(sc), no move received
A Tuscany, no move received
F Tyrrhenian Sea, no move received

A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Sevastopol - Armenia

Summer 1910 is due in Thursday 8th at 8am GMT, or as soon as I receive them.
Austrian A Galicia can retreat to Rumania or Budapest or Vienna.
Italian F Mid-Atlantic Ocean can retreat to Irish Sea or
Portugal or North Africa or Western Mediterranean.

Fall 1910 will then be due NEXT Tuesday 13th at 8am GMT

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


DC222 - Fall 02 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Jan 06, 2009, 2:27 am)
Heya gang,

Just sending out the rumble that Fall 02 orders are due in roughly 15.5 hours. There's still a couple sets out there - rumble those on in please. =)




DC205 The Pleiades - Winter 1907 - Silence in Sili... - former.trout   (Jan 06, 2009, 2:23 am)
Heya folks,

The chilly weather of Winter 07 arrives, and as everyone brings out the snow-shovels and the wooly scarves we see a few changes on the board. Paris welcomes a new army, Brest and Naples new fleets. Meanwhile - all radio communication goes quiet in Silisia as the Russians disband.

A DIAS (Draw Including All Survivors) has been called for a vote. This would be a four-way draw between France, Italy, Russia and Turkey. Please have your yes or no votes in with the Spring orders - failure to vote will count as a 'no'.

Please let me know if you spot any errors. Deadline for Spring 08 orders and the DIAS proposal vote will be set for Monday, January 12th (11:59 PM GMT).



Adjustment orders for Winter of 1907. (DC205 07 WIN)

France: Build F Brest.
France: Build A Paris.

Italy: Build F Naples.

Russia: Remove A Silesia.

Unit locations:

France: A Belgium, F Brest, A Burgundy, F Holland, F London, F North Sea, A
Norway, F Norwegian Sea, A Paris, A Piedmont, A Ruhr.
Italy: F Adriatic Sea, F Greece, A Kiel, F Naples, F Trieste, A Tuscany, A
Russia: F Armenia, A Berlin, F Black Sea, A Budapest, A Bulgaria, F Denmark,
F Helgoland Bight, A Munich, A Serbia, F St Petersburg(nc), A
Sweden, A Tyrolia, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Ankara, F Constantinople, A Smyrna.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London, Marseilles,
Norway, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Italy: Greece, Kiel, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Denmark, Moscow, Munich, Rumania,
Serbia, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 11 Supply centers, 11 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 13 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC 212 Change of DC House Rules - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 06, 2009, 12:34 am)
Dear Players of Dc212

Just informing you that the Diplomaticcorp Default House Rules which are attached to this game, have been updated. There are No major changes but all players should take the time to re-read them if they wish. They can be found by a link on the Dc212 game page. Any additional House Rules that were set by your GM at the start of game of course still apply.

The new changes will come into effect as from your next deadline - January 8th.

Steve - moderator of Diplomaticcorp.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 22:05:16 -0800
From: verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC 212 Fall 1905 Results
To: dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; closed.sunday(at)gmail.com; yeeha77(at)yahoo.com; dc212(at)diplomaticcorp.com; patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org; joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com; drew3739o(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

Sorry this is going out a bit late. My husband is going back on the night shift next week and this was our last chance to spend some time together. Any who I am glad the game is back on and without further ado here is the turn!


Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>


F Albania - Greece
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople Hold
F Ionian Sea Supports A Naples
A Naples Supports A Rome
A Rome Hold
A Trieste - Budapest
A Tyrolia - Venice

A Belgium - Burgundy
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel - Brest
A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*)
F North Sea - English Channel
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Sweden Hold

A Burgundy - Paris
F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Tunis Hold
F Tuscany - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Hold
A Finland - St Petersburg
A Moscow Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Silesia Supports A Berlin

A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Black Sea - Rumania (*Bounce*)

Deadline and Retreats:
We have one retreat due from England. English F St Petersburg(nc) can retreat to Barents Sea or Norway.

I'll set the retreat deadline for Thursday Jan 8th at 7pm EST ( 11pm GMT ). Map and dpy file is attached for your convenience.

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DC 220 Delay - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 06, 2009, 12:16 am)
I am missing one set of orders. I'm going to grant a grace period of 24 hours because with the holidays and having to find new players I'm going to be nice. The player has been notified and as soon as I receive the orders I'll adjudicate.

The new deadline is set for Thursday Jan 8th 12:00am EST ( 4am GMT ). All players can change their orders up until I adjudicate.



DC 212 Fall 1905 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Jan 06, 2009, 12:06 am)
Sorry this is going out a bit late. My husband is going back on the night shift next week and this was our last chance to spend some time together. Any who I am glad the game is back on and without further ado here is the turn!


Austria: Charles Kim <closed.sunday(at)gmail.com>
England: Greg Neilsen <yeeha77(at)yahoo.com>
France: Patrick Canning <patrick.t.canning(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Italy: Jimmy Ghostine <Jimmy.Ghostine(at)vtmednet.org>
Russia: Taylor McQuilliams <joejoe7896(at)yahoo.com>
Turkey: Andrew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>


F Albania - Greece
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople Hold
F Ionian Sea Supports A Naples
A Naples Supports A Rome
A Rome Hold
A Trieste - Budapest
A Tyrolia - Venice

A Belgium - Burgundy
F Denmark Supports A Holland - Kiel
F English Channel - Brest
A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*)
F North Sea - English Channel
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Sweden Hold

A Burgundy - Paris
F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc)
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Tunis Hold
F Tuscany - Piedmont
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Cut*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel

F Smyrna Hold

A Berlin Hold
A Finland - St Petersburg
A Moscow Supports A Finland - St Petersburg
A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Silesia Supports A Berlin

A Armenia - Smyrna (*Fails*)
F Black Sea - Rumania (*Bounce*)

Deadline and Retreats:
We have one retreat due from England. English F St Petersburg(nc) can retreat to Barents Sea or Norway.

I'll set the retreat deadline for Thursday Jan 8th at 7pm EST ( 11pm GMT ). Map and dpy file is attached for your convenience.


Dc225 Change of House Rules - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 05, 2009, 9:08 pm)
Dear Players of Dc225

Just informing you that the Diplomaticcorp Default House Rules which are attached to this game, have been updated. There are No major changes but all players should take the time to re-read them if they wish. They can be found by a link on the Dc225 game page. Any additional House Rules that were set by your GM at the start of game of course still apply.

The new changes will come into effect as from your next deadline - January 12th.

Steve - moderator of Diplomaticcorp.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Inferno
Moderator of www.diplomaticcorp.com

From: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
To: mdemagogue(at)gmail.com; zipholm(at)hotmail.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; svillamayor(at)mail.cl; jyjusy(at)hotmail.com; icarusflier(at)gmail.com; dc225(at)diplomaticcorp.com; aandtstevens(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 225 Winter 1901 Results
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 19:24:07 -0500

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Hello Again Everybody,

The Continent of Europe enters its first winter. 6 Fleets and 5 Armies are built.


Austria: Santiago Villamayor (svillamayor(at)mail.cl)
England: Mark Utterback (MDemagogue(at)gmail.com)
France: Anthony Stevens (AandTStevens(at)GMail.com)
Germany: Jyri Syrja (jyjusy(at)hotmail.com)
Italy: Eugene S. (icarusflier(at)gmail.com)
Russia: Rachael Jameson (verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com)
Turkey: Michael Holm (Zipholm(at)hotmail.com)

Next Deadline:

Spring 1901 is due a week from today at 12:00am GMT (7:00pm EST)
Any Issues with this please let me know.

Build A Budapest

Build F London
Build F Liverpool

Build A Paris
Build F Brest

Build A Berlin
Build A Kiel

Build F Naples

Build F St Petersburg(nc)
Build A Warsaw

Build F Smyrna

Ownership of Supply Centers:

Austria: Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.
Unowned: Greece.

Your Humble GM,
Alan Farrington

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DC219, Spring 04 - Results - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 05, 2009, 9:00 pm)
Dear Players of Dc219

Just informing you that the Diplomaticcorp Default House Rules which are attached to this game, have been updated. There are No major changes but all players should take the time to re-read them if they wish. They can be found by a link on the Dc219 game page.

The new changes will come into effect as from your next deadline - January 7th.

Steve - moderator of Diplomaticcorp.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

From: m_don_j(at)hotmail.com
To: reinselc(at)yahoo.com; timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com; yubuusro(at)yahoo.com; sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; fake_email_for_jr(at)hotmail.com; archer280(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; dc219(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC219, Spring 04 - Results
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 21:13:07 +0000

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Heya folks - interesting things here!

A Budapest Supports A Trieste
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Trieste hold
A Albania - Serbia
A Greece Supports F Bulgaria(sc)
F Bulgaria(sc) Supports A Greece

A Finland - Sweden
F Norway Supports A Finland - Sweden
F North Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*)
F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F English Channel Supports F Brest
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean hold

F Spain(sc) Supports A Portugal (*Cut*)
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)

A Berlin - Silesia
A Munich - Bohemia
F Sweden - Denmark (*Dislodged*)
A Paris - Gascony
F Helgoland Bight - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Picardy - Burgundy
A Belgium - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Denmark - Kiel

A Venice hold
A Marseilles Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)
F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice
A Apulia - Rome

A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Warsaw - Moscow
A Rumania hold
F Black Sea Supports F Ankara - Constantinople
F Ankara - Constantinople

A Smyrna - Ankara
F Constantinople Supports A Smyrna - Ankara (*Dislodged*)

Turkish F Constantinople can retreat to Smyrna or Aegean Sea.
German F Sweden can retreat to Gulf of Bothnia or Baltic Sea or

Deadline for Retreats: Jan 7th, 20:00:00 GMT

Have fun!

/ Mikael

Lägg till karta och vägbeskrivning för din fest. Visa vägen!Find your ideal job with SEEK Time for change?


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: MISSING ORDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!... - packrat   (Jan 05, 2009, 8:47 pm)
Gentlemen -
A warning went out so I *COULD* NMR the players that did not send in their orders.
However, I am VERY reluctant to NMR THREE players!!!!!

This is a 24 warning - Tuesday January 6 at 2100 I WILL NMR anyone who does not
send in orders.

From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
To: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; the_master642(at)yahoo.com; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; Stephen Worthy <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>; g_mod23(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; scaponig(at)yahoo.com
Cc: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)gmail.com>; mike(at)southwall.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, January 2, 2009 8:55:48 AM
Subject: Re: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: GAME ON!!! FALL 1902 due 1/05/09 at 2100 EST

Just a reminder - orders are due Monday at 2100 EST.

I do NOT have all sets

From: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
To: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>; the_master642(at)yahoo.com; The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; Stephen Worthy <stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk>; g_mod23(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; scaponig(at)yahoo.com
Cc: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; dc218(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)gmail.com>; mike(at)southwall.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 8:07:39 PM
Subject: DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: GAME ON!!! FALL 1902 due 1/05/09 at 2100 EST

Our new Germany player is Jason Leonard. The current map and RP file are attached, orders are
due 1/5/09 at 2100 EST. If I have all orders in and marked final I will adjudicate earlier.

Now, let's see if we can make it through a game year without having to replace someone.

France: Stephen Worthy
Russia: Matt Kremer
Italy: Andy Jameson
Germany: Jason Leonard
Austria: Graham Allen
Turkey: Jack McHugh
England: Steve Caponigri

Emails and other information:

ID : Kylac
Ctry : Germany
Name : Jason Leonard
Email : the_master642(at)yahoo.com
Location : Massachusetts, USA

ID : TheWhiteWolf
Ctry : Italy
Name : Andrew Jameson
Email : cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Location : Georgia, US

ID : FlapJack
Ctry : Turkey
Name : Jack McHugh
Email : jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])
Location : Westville, NJ, US

ID : scaponig
Ctry : England
Name : Steve Caponigri
Email : scaponig(at)yahoo.com
Location : Chicago, IL

ID : stephen_worthy
Ctry : France
Name : Stephen Worthy
Email : stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk ([email]stephen(at)worthy1.fsnet.co.uk[/email])
Location : London, GLONDON, UK

ID : gman
Ctry : Austria
Name : Graham allen
Email : g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email])
Location : Australia

ID : unitedfan1389
Ctry : Russia
Name : Matt Kremer
Email : matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])
Location : New Haven, CT, US


Diplomacy World #104 Released - The Winter 2008 Is... - diplomacyworld   (Jan 05, 2009, 8:47 pm)
Diplomacy World #104 is out! Among the 86 pages you'll find:

The Austrian Hedgehog by Joshua Danker-Dake

Spotting a Stab by Alfred Nicol

Going Where No Dot Had Gone Before by Larry Peery

In Memorial: Tom Tweedy 1948 – 2008 by Stephen AgarThe French NDC:

These Bags Under My Eyes Are Heavy by Toby Harris

The Adventures of Fatman and Frottage by Rod Walker

Dots of the Dead: A Zombie Apocalypse Variant by Chris ShamThe

Development of Known World 901 by David E. Cohen

Tournament Tales: In Search of Common Ground at the Corner Bar by Jim O’Kelley

The Three Day War: My First Diplomacy Tournament by Matt Dunnam

Worldwide Diplomacy – Birth of a Variant by Michael Penner

German Hit Parade – I’m Two SC’s for 01; Wrong, Said Robert by Robert Lesco

Luck in Diplomacy by Robert Vollman

Vampire Recruiting by Edi Birsan

Some Notes on Worldwide Variant Designs by Jack McHugh

Grand Prix Watch: ..and It’s Haver By a Couple of Lengths by Jim O’Kelley

Intimate Dip: A Series Replay Rematch by Douglas Kent and Jack McHugh

Publish or Perish – Why I Decided to Start My Own Zine by Philip Murphy

Thoughts on Gunboat Openings by Joshua Danker-Dake

Sounds Like We Made It by Jim O’Kelley

Should Obama Have Won? by Mark Zoffel

Logical Fallacies for the Diplomacy Player by Chris Sham

An Introduction to My World War 2 Variant by Nick Higgins

Join the Club by Conrad Woodring

Running a Diplomacy Tournament in a Gaming Convention by Jim Burgess

The Central Powers System by David Webster

Diplomacy World Demo Game “After the Rapture” – Spring 1907 through Winter 1908

and more!

Check it out in the diplomacyworld Yahoo group at


or on the official Diplomacy World website at:

http:// www.diplomacyworld.net

Drop me a line and let me know what you think. Comments, letters, and articles are always welcome!


DC201 (Viking) - Autumn 960 adjudication - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 05, 2009, 8:24 pm)
Almost everyone... Bah Humbag!

I choose not to build.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 21:17:55 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Autumn 960 adjudication
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk

Retreat for Autumn 960: The Roman Fleet in Libyan Sea retreats to the Ionian Sea.

Brings us to Winter 960: so nice to see that almost everyone is entitled to one or more builds and no disbands.
The pessimists among us may say that this is due to disbands earlier this year but I like to look at the upside.

Burgundy: Avignon, Bruges, Dorestad, Frankfurt, Genova, Koln,
Mainz, Marseilles, Palma, Paris, Rouen, Verdun,
EasternRomanEmpire: Alexandria, Ancona, Ankara, Antakya, Buda,
Graz, Jorsal, Kaffa, Miklagard, Napoli, Palermo,
Palmyra, Pest, Ragusa, Smyrna, Spalato, Syracuse,
Tarsus, Trebizond, Venezia.
SlavicNations: Arkhangelsk, Holmgard, Kjonugard, Memel,
Przemysl, Rostov, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Vladimir.
Norge: Dyvlin, Hafrsfjord, Hastings, Jorvik, Katanes,
Kirkby, Lindisfarne, London, Nidaros, Noirmoutier,
Sevilla, Skaalholt, Skegness, Skiringssal, Vardoeyhus.
Sverige: Aldeigjuborg, Birka, Brandenburg, Breslau, Gdansk,
Goteborg, Groningen, Hamburg, Jomsborg, Reval,
Uppsala, Visby.

Burgundy: Supp 13 Unit 12 Build 1
EasternRomanEmpire: Supp 20 Unit 19 Build 1
SlavicNations: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 1
Norge: Supp 15 Unit 15 Build 0
Sverige: Supp 12 Unit 10 Build 2
Still 69 SCs left after this your of rampaging through early Europe.

Deadline for Winter 960 orders is Thursday Jan 8 at 23:00 GMT.
And another DIAS has been proposed for Spring 961. Just send in your votes with the Winter or Spring orders.

All maps and RP files have been attached as usual.
Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


DC201 (Viking) - Autumn 960 adjudication - bielf11   (Jan 05, 2009, 8:18 pm)
Retreat for Autumn 960: The Roman Fleet in Libyan Sea retreats to the Ionian Sea.

Brings us to Winter 960: so nice to see that almost everyone is entitled to one or more builds and no disbands.
The pessimists among us may say that this is due to disbands earlier this year but I like to look at the upside.

Burgundy: Avignon, Bruges, Dorestad, Frankfurt, Genova, Koln,
Mainz, Marseilles, Palma, Paris, Rouen, Verdun,
EasternRomanEmpire: Alexandria, Ancona, Ankara, Antakya, Buda,
Graz, Jorsal, Kaffa, Miklagard, Napoli, Palermo,
Palmyra, Pest, Ragusa, Smyrna, Spalato, Syracuse,
Tarsus, Trebizond, Venezia.
SlavicNations: Arkhangelsk, Holmgard, Kjonugard, Memel,
Przemysl, Rostov, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Vladimir.
Norge: Dyvlin, Hafrsfjord, Hastings, Jorvik, Katanes,
Kirkby, Lindisfarne, London, Nidaros, Noirmoutier,
Sevilla, Skaalholt, Skegness, Skiringssal, Vardoeyhus.
Sverige: Aldeigjuborg, Birka, Brandenburg, Breslau, Gdansk,
Goteborg, Groningen, Hamburg, Jomsborg, Reval,
Uppsala, Visby.

Burgundy: Supp 13 Unit 12 Build 1
EasternRomanEmpire: Supp 20 Unit 19 Build 1
SlavicNations: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 1
Norge: Supp 15 Unit 15 Build 0
Sverige: Supp 12 Unit 10 Build 2
Still 69 SCs left after this your of rampaging through early Europe.

Deadline for Winter 960 orders is Thursday Jan 8 at 23:00 GMT.
And another DIAS has been proposed for Spring 961. Just send in your votes with the Winter or Spring orders.

All maps and RP files have been attached as usual.


DC201 (Viking) - Autumn 960 adjudication (dc201) deathblade_penguin Jan 05, 08:24 pm
Almost everyone... Bah Humbag!

I choose not to build.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 21:17:55 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Autumn 960 adjudication
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk

Retreat for Autumn 960: The Roman Fleet in Libyan Sea retreats to the Ionian Sea.

Brings us to Winter 960: so nice to see that almost everyone is entitled to one or more builds and no disbands.
The pessimists among us may say that this is due to disbands earlier this year but I like to look at the upside.

Burgundy: Avignon, Bruges, Dorestad, Frankfurt, Genova, Koln,
Mainz, Marseilles, Palma, Paris, Rouen, Verdun,
EasternRomanEmpire: Alexandria, Ancona, Ankara, Antakya, Buda,
Graz, Jorsal, Kaffa, Miklagard, Napoli, Palermo,
Palmyra, Pest, Ragusa, Smyrna, Spalato, Syracuse,
Tarsus, Trebizond, Venezia.
SlavicNations: Arkhangelsk, Holmgard, Kjonugard, Memel,
Przemysl, Rostov, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Vladimir.
Norge: Dyvlin, Hafrsfjord, Hastings, Jorvik, Katanes,
Kirkby, Lindisfarne, London, Nidaros, Noirmoutier,
Sevilla, Skaalholt, Skegness, Skiringssal, Vardoeyhus.
Sverige: Aldeigjuborg, Birka, Brandenburg, Breslau, Gdansk,
Goteborg, Groningen, Hamburg, Jomsborg, Reval,
Uppsala, Visby.

Burgundy: Supp 13 Unit 12 Build 1
EasternRomanEmpire: Supp 20 Unit 19 Build 1
SlavicNations: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 1
Norge: Supp 15 Unit 15 Build 0
Sverige: Supp 12 Unit 10 Build 2
Still 69 SCs left after this your of rampaging through early Europe.

Deadline for Winter 960 orders is Thursday Jan 8 at 23:00 GMT.
And another DIAS has been proposed for Spring 961. Just send in your votes with the Winter or Spring orders.

All maps and RP files have been attached as usual.
Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain
DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results - txurce   (Jan 05, 2009, 7:00 pm)

Why would I ever agree to a DIAS after manipulating Sweden and
stabbing him in order to get a solo?


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

My guess is that now ERE has manipulated sweden and stabbed him, he thinks
he can solo...

I will propose the DIAS afgain.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 19:00:34 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com;
jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com;

The DIAS was again voted down for Fall 960.
So we'll just continue with the power struggles.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>
Date: 2009/1/5
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960 adjudication
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Douglas Kent (DC201 Burgundy)"
<dougray30(at)yahoo.com>, "Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige)"
<jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>, "Jorge Saralegui (DC201 ERE)"
<jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge)"
<stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Kurt Weihs - Sturmkraehe (DC201 Slavic)"
Cc: "Andy Stroup - ajiowa (DC201 Arab)" <ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com>, "Former Trout
(DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France)"
<former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Jackson Foster - Kai (DC201 Danmark)"
<jrobfoster(at)gmail.com>, "Lee Taylor (DC201 former Burgundy)"

Fall 960: The Romans are dislodged from the Libyan Sea by the Norse and
loose their army in Tirol to the Burgundese armies.
But the Romans succeed in disbanding the Swedish army in Praha by sheer

F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Bavaria - Tirol
F Cagliari - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Lombardy
A Hessen Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Lombardy Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Marseilles Supports A Genova
A St. Gallen Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Verdun - Alsace
F Western Mediterranean Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Zurich Supports A St. Gallen

F Abruzzi - Napoli
A Ancona - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Beograd - Spalato
A Buda Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Fails*)
A Graz Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Dislodged*)
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
F Palermo Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Pest Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Pisa - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Roma Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Ruthenia - Praha
A Tirol - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Transylvania - Ruthenia
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold

A Burta Supports A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Ingermannland Supports A Memel
A Kjonugard Supports A Burta
A Memel Supports A Przemysl (*Cut*)
A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Przemysl Supports A Memel (*Cut*)
A Smolensk - Vitebsk
F Vladimir - Rostov

F English Channel Hold
F Gulf of Cadiz Hold
A Hafrsfjord - Skiringssal
A Jemtland - Lapland
F Ligurian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Nantes - Noirmoutier
F North Sea Hold
A Savoie Supports A Zurich - Lombardy (*Void*)
F Sea of England Hold
F Serkland - Berber Coast
A Skiringssal - Jemtland
F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea
A Toulouse Hold
A Tours Hold
F Tunis Supports F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea

F Baltic Sea - Reval
A Brandenburg Supports A Praha
A Breslau - Przemysl (*Fails*)
A Gdansk - Memel (*Fails*)
A Goteborg Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea
F Gulf of Finland Supports A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Hamburg - Brandenburg (*Fails*)
A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Praha Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Uppsala Hold

One retreat due:
The Roman Fleet in the Libyan Sea can retreat to either Syracuse or the
Ionian Sea. Or OTB.
Deadline for retreats is Tuesday Jan 6 at 23:00 GMT.
A look ahead at Winter 960: deadline will be set to Thursday Jan 8 at 23:00


Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results - deathblade_penguin   (Jan 05, 2009, 6:53 pm)
My guess is that now ERE has manipulated sweden and stabbed him, he thinks he can solo...

I will propose the DIAS afgain.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 19:00:34 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk

The DIAS was again voted down for Fall 960.
So we'll just continue with the power struggles.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])>
Date: 2009/1/5
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960 adjudication
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Douglas Kent (DC201 Burgundy)" <dougray30(at)yahoo.com ([email]dougray30(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige)" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui (DC201 ERE)" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge)" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs - Sturmkraehe (DC201 Slavic)" <sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>
Cc: "Andy Stroup - ajiowa (DC201 Arab)" <ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com ([email]ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Former Trout (DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France)" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jackson Foster - Kai (DC201 Danmark)" <jrobfoster(at)gmail.com ([email]jrobfoster(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Lee Taylor (DC201 former Burgundy)" <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>

Fall 960: The Romans are dislodged from the Libyan Sea by the Norse and loose their army in Tirol to the Burgundese armies.
But the Romans succeed in disbanding the Swedish army in Praha by sheer numbers.

F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Bavaria - Tirol
F Cagliari - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Lombardy
A Hessen Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Lombardy Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Marseilles Supports A Genova
A St. Gallen Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Verdun - Alsace
F Western Mediterranean Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Zurich Supports A St. Gallen

F Abruzzi - Napoli
A Ancona - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Beograd - Spalato
A Buda Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Fails*)
A Graz Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Dislodged*)
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
F Palermo Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Pest Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Pisa - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Roma Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Ruthenia - Praha
A Tirol - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Transylvania - Ruthenia
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold

A Burta Supports A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Ingermannland Supports A Memel
A Kjonugard Supports A Burta
A Memel Supports A Przemysl (*Cut*)
A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Przemysl Supports A Memel (*Cut*)
A Smolensk - Vitebsk
F Vladimir - Rostov

F English Channel Hold
F Gulf of Cadiz Hold
A Hafrsfjord - Skiringssal
A Jemtland - Lapland
F Ligurian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Nantes - Noirmoutier
F North Sea Hold
A Savoie Supports A Zurich - Lombardy (*Void*)
F Sea of England Hold
F Serkland - Berber Coast
A Skiringssal - Jemtland
F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea
A Toulouse Hold
A Tours Hold
F Tunis Supports F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea

F Baltic Sea - Reval
A Brandenburg Supports A Praha
A Breslau - Przemysl (*Fails*)
A Gdansk - Memel (*Fails*)
A Goteborg Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea
F Gulf of Finland Supports A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Hamburg - Brandenburg (*Fails*)
A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Praha Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Uppsala Hold

One retreat due:
The Roman Fleet in the Libyan Sea can retreat to either Syracuse or the Ionian Sea. Or OTB.
Deadline for retreats is Tuesday Jan 6 at 23:00 GMT.
A look ahead at Winter 960: deadline will be set to Thursday Jan 8 at 23:00 GMT.


Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


DC225 Spring 1902 Deadline - AlanRFarrington   (Jan 05, 2009, 6:27 pm)
Just so theres no confusion, the deadline is January 12th at 12:00am GMT 7:00pm EST.

Alan Farrington

It’s the same Hotmail®. If by “same” you mean up to 70% faster. Get your account now.


DC 225 Winter 1901 Results - AlanRFarrington   (Jan 05, 2009, 6:24 pm)
Hello Again Everybody,

The Continent of Europe enters its first winter. 6 Fleets and 5 Armies are built.


Austria: Santiago Villamayor (svillamayor(at)mail.cl)
England: Mark Utterback (MDemagogue(at)gmail.com)
France: Anthony Stevens (AandTStevens(at)GMail.com)
Germany: Jyri Syrja (jyjusy(at)hotmail.com)
Italy: Eugene S. (icarusflier(at)gmail.com)
Russia: Rachael Jameson (verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com)
Turkey: Michael Holm (Zipholm(at)hotmail.com)

Next Deadline:

Spring 1901 is due a week from today at 12:00am GMT (7:00pm EST)
Any Issues with this please let me know.

Build A Budapest

Build F London
Build F Liverpool

Build A Paris
Build F Brest

Build A Berlin
Build A Kiel

Build F Naples

Build F St Petersburg(nc)
Build A Warsaw

Build F Smyrna

Ownership of Supply Centers:

Austria: Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.
Unowned: Greece.

Your Humble GM,
Alan Farrington
It’s the same Hotmail®. If by “same” you mean up to 70% faster. Get your account now.


DC 225 Winter 1901 Results (dc225) AlanRFarrington Jan 07, 01:27 pm
From: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com
To: mdemagogue(at)gmail.com; zipholm(at)hotmail.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; svillamayor(at)mail.cl; jyjusy(at)hotmail.com; icarusflier(at)gmail.com; dc225(at)diplomaticcorp.com; aandtstevens(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 225 Winter 1901 Results
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 19:24:07 -0500

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Hello Again Everybody,

The Continent of Europe enters its first winter. 6 Fleets and 5 Armies are built.


Austria: Santiago Villamayor (svillamayor(at)mail.cl)
England: Mark Utterback (MDemagogue(at)gmail.com)
France: Anthony Stevens (AandTStevens(at)GMail.com)
Germany: Jyri Syrja (jyjusy(at)hotmail.com)
Italy: Eugene S. (icarusflier(at)gmail.com)
Russia: Rachael Jameson (verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com)
Turkey: Michael Holm (Zipholm(at)hotmail.com)

Next Deadline:
Spring 1901 is due Monday January 12th at 12:00am GMT (7:00pm EST)
Any Issues with this please let me know.

Build A Budapest

Build F London
Build F Liverpool

Build A Paris
Build F Brest

Build A Berlin
Build A Munich

Build F Naples

Build F St Petersburg(nc)
Build A Warsaw

Build F Smyrna

Ownership of Supply Centers:

Austria: Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.
Unowned: Greece.

Your Humble GM,
Alan Farrington

It’s the same Hotmail®. If by “same” you mean up to 70% faster. Get your account now.Windows LiveTM: Keep your life in sync. Check it out.
DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results - bielf11   (Jan 05, 2009, 6:01 pm)
The DIAS was again voted down for Fall 960.
So we'll just continue with the power struggles.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])>
Date: 2009/1/5
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960 adjudication
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Douglas Kent (DC201 Burgundy)" <dougray30(at)yahoo.com ([email]dougray30(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige)" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui (DC201 ERE)" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge)" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs - Sturmkraehe (DC201 Slavic)" <sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>
Cc: "Andy Stroup - ajiowa (DC201 Arab)" <ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com ([email]ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Former Trout (DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France)" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jackson Foster - Kai (DC201 Danmark)" <jrobfoster(at)gmail.com ([email]jrobfoster(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Lee Taylor (DC201 former Burgundy)" <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>

Fall 960: The Romans are dislodged from the Libyan Sea by the Norse and loose their army in Tirol to the Burgundese armies.
But the Romans succeed in disbanding the Swedish army in Praha by sheer numbers.

F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Bavaria - Tirol
F Cagliari - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Lombardy
A Hessen Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Lombardy Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Marseilles Supports A Genova
A St. Gallen Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Verdun - Alsace
F Western Mediterranean Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Zurich Supports A St. Gallen

F Abruzzi - Napoli
A Ancona - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Beograd - Spalato
A Buda Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Fails*)
A Graz Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Dislodged*)
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
F Palermo Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Pest Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Pisa - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Roma Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Ruthenia - Praha
A Tirol - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Transylvania - Ruthenia
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold

A Burta Supports A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Ingermannland Supports A Memel
A Kjonugard Supports A Burta
A Memel Supports A Przemysl (*Cut*)
A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Przemysl Supports A Memel (*Cut*)
A Smolensk - Vitebsk
F Vladimir - Rostov

F English Channel Hold
F Gulf of Cadiz Hold
A Hafrsfjord - Skiringssal
A Jemtland - Lapland
F Ligurian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Nantes - Noirmoutier
F North Sea Hold
A Savoie Supports A Zurich - Lombardy (*Void*)
F Sea of England Hold
F Serkland - Berber Coast
A Skiringssal - Jemtland
F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea
A Toulouse Hold
A Tours Hold
F Tunis Supports F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea

F Baltic Sea - Reval
A Brandenburg Supports A Praha
A Breslau - Przemysl (*Fails*)
A Gdansk - Memel (*Fails*)
A Goteborg Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea
F Gulf of Finland Supports A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Hamburg - Brandenburg (*Fails*)
A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Praha Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Uppsala Hold

One retreat due:
The Roman Fleet in the Libyan Sea can retreat to either Syracuse or the Ionian Sea. Or OTB.
Deadline for retreats is Tuesday Jan 6 at 23:00 GMT.
A look ahead at Winter 960: deadline will be set to Thursday Jan 8 at 23:00 GMT.



DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results (dc201) deathblade_penguin Jan 05, 06:53 pm
My guess is that now ERE has manipulated sweden and stabbed him, he thinks he can solo...

I will propose the DIAS afgain.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 19:00:34 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk

The DIAS was again voted down for Fall 960.
So we'll just continue with the power struggles.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com ([email]bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com[/email])>
Date: 2009/1/5
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960 adjudication
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]), "Douglas Kent (DC201 Burgundy)" <dougray30(at)yahoo.com ([email]dougray30(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige)" <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jorge Saralegui (DC201 ERE)" <jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com ([email]jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge)" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "Kurt Weihs - Sturmkraehe (DC201 Slavic)" <sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net ([email]sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net[/email])>
Cc: "Andy Stroup - ajiowa (DC201 Arab)" <ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com ([email]ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "Former Trout (DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France)" <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Jackson Foster - Kai (DC201 Danmark)" <jrobfoster(at)gmail.com ([email]jrobfoster(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "Lee Taylor (DC201 former Burgundy)" <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>

Fall 960: The Romans are dislodged from the Libyan Sea by the Norse and loose their army in Tirol to the Burgundese armies.
But the Romans succeed in disbanding the Swedish army in Praha by sheer numbers.

F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Bavaria - Tirol
F Cagliari - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Lombardy
A Hessen Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Lombardy Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Marseilles Supports A Genova
A St. Gallen Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Verdun - Alsace
F Western Mediterranean Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Zurich Supports A St. Gallen

F Abruzzi - Napoli
A Ancona - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Beograd - Spalato
A Buda Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Fails*)
A Graz Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Dislodged*)
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
F Palermo Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Pest Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Pisa - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Roma Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Ruthenia - Praha
A Tirol - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Transylvania - Ruthenia
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold

A Burta Supports A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Ingermannland Supports A Memel
A Kjonugard Supports A Burta
A Memel Supports A Przemysl (*Cut*)
A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Przemysl Supports A Memel (*Cut*)
A Smolensk - Vitebsk
F Vladimir - Rostov

F English Channel Hold
F Gulf of Cadiz Hold
A Hafrsfjord - Skiringssal
A Jemtland - Lapland
F Ligurian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Nantes - Noirmoutier
F North Sea Hold
A Savoie Supports A Zurich - Lombardy (*Void*)
F Sea of England Hold
F Serkland - Berber Coast
A Skiringssal - Jemtland
F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea
A Toulouse Hold
A Tours Hold
F Tunis Supports F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea

F Baltic Sea - Reval
A Brandenburg Supports A Praha
A Breslau - Przemysl (*Fails*)
A Gdansk - Memel (*Fails*)
A Goteborg Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea
F Gulf of Finland Supports A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Hamburg - Brandenburg (*Fails*)
A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Praha Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Uppsala Hold

One retreat due:
The Roman Fleet in the Libyan Sea can retreat to either Syracuse or the Ionian Sea. Or OTB.
Deadline for retreats is Tuesday Jan 6 at 23:00 GMT.
A look ahead at Winter 960: deadline will be set to Thursday Jan 8 at 23:00 GMT.


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DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results (dc201) txurce Jan 05, 07:00 pm

Why would I ever agree to a DIAS after manipulating Sweden and
stabbing him in order to get a solo?


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

My guess is that now ERE has manipulated sweden and stabbed him, he thinks
he can solo...

I will propose the DIAS afgain.

Stephen Lytton
Knight of the Rose

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 19:00:34 -0500
From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com; dougray30(at)yahoo.com; jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com;
jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sturmkraehe(at)comcast.net
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960: Voting results
CC: ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; jrobfoster(at)gmail.com;

The DIAS was again voted down for Fall 960.
So we'll just continue with the power struggles.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>
Date: 2009/1/5
Subject: DC201 (Viking) - Fall 960 adjudication
To: dc201(at)diplomaticcorp.com, "Douglas Kent (DC201 Burgundy)"
<dougray30(at)yahoo.com>, "Jack McHugh - Flapjack (DC223 AH / DC201 Sverige)"
<jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>, "Jorge Saralegui (DC201 ERE)"
<jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com>, "Steve Lytton (DC195 Columbia / DC201 Norge)"
<stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>, "Kurt Weihs - Sturmkraehe (DC201 Slavic)"
Cc: "Andy Stroup - ajiowa (DC201 Arab)" <ajstroup1(at)yahoo.com>, "Former Trout
(DC190 South Africa / DC176 Austria / DC195 Argentina / DC201 France)"
<former.trout(at)gmail.com>, "Jackson Foster - Kai (DC201 Danmark)"
<jrobfoster(at)gmail.com>, "Lee Taylor (DC201 former Burgundy)"

Fall 960: The Romans are dislodged from the Libyan Sea by the Norse and
loose their army in Tirol to the Burgundese armies.
But the Romans succeed in disbanding the Swedish army in Praha by sheer

F Barca - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Bavaria - Tirol
F Cagliari - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Genova Supports A Lombardy
A Hessen Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria
A Lombardy Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Marseilles Supports A Genova
A St. Gallen Supports A Bavaria - Tirol
A Verdun - Alsace
F Western Mediterranean Sea - Cagliari (*Fails*)
A Zurich Supports A St. Gallen

F Abruzzi - Napoli
A Ancona - Venezia (*Bounce*)
A Beograd - Spalato
A Buda Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Fails*)
A Graz Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Jorsal - Alexandria (*Bounce*)
A Kaffa Supports F Cherson Bight - Cumaniya
A Khazar Empire Hold
F Libyan Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Barca (*Dislodged*)
F North Black Sea Supports A Khazar Empire
F Palermo Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Pest Supports A Ruthenia - Praha
A Pisa - Venezia (*Bounce*)
F Roma Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Ruthenia - Praha
A Tirol - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Transylvania - Ruthenia
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold

A Burta Supports A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Ingermannland Supports A Memel
A Kjonugard Supports A Burta
A Memel Supports A Przemysl (*Cut*)
A Mordvin - Vladimir
A Przemysl Supports A Memel (*Cut*)
A Smolensk - Vitebsk
F Vladimir - Rostov

F English Channel Hold
F Gulf of Cadiz Hold
A Hafrsfjord - Skiringssal
A Jemtland - Lapland
F Ligurian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Bounce*)
A Nantes - Noirmoutier
F North Sea Hold
A Savoie Supports A Zurich - Lombardy (*Void*)
F Sea of England Hold
F Serkland - Berber Coast
A Skiringssal - Jemtland
F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea
A Toulouse Hold
A Tours Hold
F Tunis Supports F Strait of Sicily - Libyan Sea

F Baltic Sea - Reval
A Brandenburg Supports A Praha
A Breslau - Przemysl (*Fails*)
A Gdansk - Memel (*Fails*)
A Goteborg Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea
F Gulf of Finland Supports A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Hamburg - Brandenburg (*Fails*)
A Osterbotten - Aldeigjuborg
A Praha Supports A Frankfurt - Bavaria (*Disbanded*)
A Uppsala Hold

One retreat due:
The Roman Fleet in the Libyan Sea can retreat to either Syracuse or the
Ionian Sea. Or OTB.
Deadline for retreats is Tuesday Jan 6 at 23:00 GMT.
A look ahead at Winter 960: deadline will be set to Thursday Jan 8 at 23:00


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DC219, Spring 04 - Results - roadtomoscow   (Jan 05, 2009, 5:57 pm)
German Fleet retreats to the Baltic Sea

--- On Mon, 1/5/09, Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: DC219, Spring 04 - Results
To: reinselc(at)yahoo.com, timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com, yubuusro(at)yahoo.com, sam_buck_productions(at)mac.com, verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com, fake_email_for_jr(at)hotmail.com, archer280(at)gmail.com, former.trout(at)gmail.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com, dc219(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Monday, January 5, 2009, 3:13 PM

#yiv1567676211 .hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #yiv1567676211 { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} Heya folks - interesting things here!

A Budapest Supports A Trieste
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Trieste hold
A Albania - Serbia
A Greece Supports F Bulgaria(sc)
F Bulgaria(sc) Supports A Greece

A Finland - Sweden
F Norway Supports A Finland - Sweden
F North Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*)
F Brest Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F English Channel Supports F Brest
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean hold

F Spain(sc) Supports A Portugal (*Cut*)
A Portugal Supports F Spain(sc)

A Berlin - Silesia
A Munich - Bohemia
F Sweden - Denmark (*Dislodged*)
A Paris - Gascony
F Helgoland Bight - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Picardy - Burgundy
A Belgium - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Denmark - Kiel

A Venice hold
A Marseilles Supports F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc)
F Western Mediterranean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)
F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice
A Apulia - Rome

A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Warsaw - Moscow
A Rumania hold
F Black Sea Supports F Ankara - Constantinople
F Ankara - Constantinople

A Smyrna - Ankara
F Constantinople Supports A Smyrna - Ankara (*Dislodged*)

Turkish F Constantinople can retreat to Smyrna or Aegean Sea.
German F Sweden can retreat to Gulf of Bothnia or Baltic Sea or

Deadline for Retreats: Jan 7th, 20:00:00 GMT

Have fun!

/ Mikael

Lägg till karta och vägbeskrivning för din fest. Visa vägen!


DC223 - Winter 1902 adjustments - bielf11   (Jan 05, 2009, 5:56 pm)
It took some time but all players have returned and all orders were received for Winter 1902.
So we can take the peace-efforts for Europe into 1903.

Winter 1902 adjustments
Austria: Remove A Bohemia
France: Build A Brest
Germany: Build A Kiel
Italy: Build F Naples and Build A Venice

Deadline for Spring 1903 is Monday Jan 12 at 23:00 GMT.
Prelims are always welcome.



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