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DCI 2008 Final Standings - txurce   (Dec 20, 2008, 1:07 pm)
Congratulations to Dan, whose efficiently ruthless play in both rounds clearly separated him from the other ten players, and earned him a victory he deserved more than anyone else. I'm very happy


DC224 Slaughter ... StoryTime - Early Winter 01 -... - former.trout   (Dec 20, 2008, 12:07 pm)
Heya heya,

For everyone's sanity, the Epic of Groo and the secret messages will only pop out during the major seasons. Meanwhile, congratulations to Captain Penner for once again deciphering th


dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - DamienThryn   (Dec 20, 2008, 11:34 am)
I'd say, Mike, that that is the main problem with the map. There are 4 Imperial powers who simply dominate many of the continents. Europe is crowded with powers, and Britain or Spain could essenti


dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 20, 2008, 11:21 am)
It's a good variant. The problem with this game was that we had 3 large powers... one on around 30 sc (spain) and 2 on around 20 sc (britain and myself, france). When Britain stabbed France, that was


dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - sgttodd   (Dec 20, 2008, 11:07 am)
My over ride of the single nay vote was not simply because Spain was
certain to win the last 4 centers he needed - it was because several
players also voted with their feet by not submitting order


DC 212 Replacement Russia Needed - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Dec 20, 2008, 9:52 am)
David our Russia wrote to the message board and said he wanted to bow out. So for the moment the game is delayed until a replacement player is found. I've put the game back on the recruiting p


DC209 F06 KHOTA BARU SKIDOO - roback80   (Dec 20, 2008, 9:20 am)
I do believe V gets a build too...

Lost unit in Luz, but no dots lots...


From: MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com>


dc215 update - MattTheLesser   (Dec 20, 2008, 9:12 am)
Hey all,

I have a full set of orders but I'm just leaving for the airport and
thus won't have time to adjudicate until I get to LA much later
tonight. Thanks in advance for your patience.



DC215 Update (dc215) MattTheLesser Dec 30, 03:12 pm
I have had requests on both sides of the table - to leave France in CD
for the sake of time and to replace him for the sake of fairness. So
I'm going to do something in the middle: I am going to
dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - DamienThryn   (Dec 20, 2008, 9:04 am)
Think so, but even if it had worked, its not like that would have stopped a soloSmile Well played.

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 5:15 AM, Steve Caponigri <scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/e


DC 212 Spring 1905 Results - davidellsworth   (Dec 20, 2008, 9:01 am)
I got sick and missed work. I don't generally check email at home anymore, and so I missed the reminder.

I am fine with bowing out. Holidays are keeping me a little too busy.

Thank you and have


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out of this 1 - packrat   (Dec 20, 2008, 7:33 am)
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them at some point today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost killed by falling branches. S


dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - scaponig   (Dec 20, 2008, 7:15 am)
Were you going to try and take that from PHS? Cuz I had that blocked...

Great game everyone. I had a lot of fun.


--- On [b:fe4c1c1ed0]Fri, 12/19/08, Andrew Tanner [i:fe4c1c1ed0]<dami


DC209 F06 KHOTA BARU SKIDOO - vegas_iwish   (Dec 20, 2008, 3:59 am)
Crisp Thai tactics take back the formerly held port where the Japanese landed in WWII. Still up in air if 1 V move not done 3 turns ago was the key here. Thai build due Mon
A PHe - NTe


DC209 F06 KHOTA BARU SKIDOO (dc209) roback80 Dec 20, 09:20 am
I do believe V gets a build too...

Lost unit in Luz, but no dots lots...


From: MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com>
DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out of this 1 - vegas_iwish   (Dec 20, 2008, 3:33 am)
On top of a game with a very slow start some of the openings have just handed this 1 to France so why waste more time? Worst SL I have ever seen. He can't lose if he just stops negotiating & moves


DC 218 SHIFT LEFT: I'm out of this 1 (dc218) packrat Dec 20, 07:33 am
A couple of things here folks -
Orders were due Friday and I will get to them at some point today. We had 1/2" or more
of ice on EVERY thing and my son was almost killed by falling branches. S
dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - DamienThryn   (Dec 19, 2008, 8:04 pm)
Hah, well so much for my devastating final orders assaulting, well, everyone! And I was going to be so dastardly in taking SOL from you, Steve!

But congrats to Steve, and thanks to everyone for pla


DC 220 Fall 1902 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Dec 19, 2008, 8:03 pm)
Russia asked for an extension and I granted it and Russia also NMR'd. So with that said. Mike this is your first and last warning. NMR again and I replace you. Here's the turn.



dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - sgttodd   (Dec 19, 2008, 8:00 pm)
In the vote to accept a Spanish solo there was a single nay. Since I
don't have moves from everyone, Britain's gone till January 4th, and the
nay-sayer can't halt Spain's getting those last 4 cen


DC 212 Spring 1905 Results - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Dec 19, 2008, 7:52 pm)
Our Russia has NMR'd. I wrote him and reminded him personally that orders were due and I have heard nothing. He even had an extra hour and a half. So onward we do. David this is your first an


DC 212 Spring 1905 Results (dc212) davidellsworth Dec 20, 09:01 am
I got sick and missed work. I don't generally check email at home anymore, and so I missed the reminder.

I am fine with bowing out. Holidays are keeping me a little too busy.

Thank you and have
DC219, Deadline Reminder - m_don_j   (Dec 19, 2008, 6:10 pm)
Fellow players,

We are about 19 hours from deadline, and I got 2 out of 7 this far. However, I now know that I will be away for part of tomorrows evening, so there will be a few extra hours for you


Acrimony / dc206 - Fall 1906 Results - RUSSIA WINS... - Samnuva   (Dec 19, 2008, 5:53 pm)
Great game all- I had tons of fun and learned a whole lot. Congrats
Stephen, John, you were a fantastic GM, and I hope to see you all in
future games.

Lhr Kaiser, Sam Buck

On Dec 19, 200


Acrimony / dc206 - Fall 1906 Results - RUSSIA WINS... - Brutus   (Dec 19, 2008, 5:37 pm)
Thanks to all for the lessons.

[quote:0924753108] ----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Surname ([email]gregsurname(at)gmail.com[/email])


Acrimony / dc206 - Fall 1906 Results - RUSSIA WINS... - greg   (Dec 19, 2008, 4:53 pm)
Good game all and congratulations to Stephen. See you all in further games. Smile


On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 7:16 AM, jme <johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com ([email]johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com[/emai


DC 211: F1904 Seismic Adjudication - AceRimmer   (Dec 19, 2008, 4:19 pm)
This map is beginning to get difficult to draw. It's probably also getting difficult for you to navigate. Well... good luck. There are three adjustments due on Monday. After that, we're on a holid


dc 197 Winter 1905 - Kai   (Dec 19, 2008, 3:48 pm)
That map is still wrong. I will send out the new one when I get home tonight. Sorry all, it is an Austrian fleet in TRI jsut to remind everyone.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Jackson Foster &lt


Acrimony / dc206 - Fall 1906 Results - RUSSIA WINS... - john76   (Dec 19, 2008, 2:19 pm)
Hello All,

RUSSIA WINS! Russia controls 19 supply centers as a result of the fall
1906 orders. Congratulations, deathblade_penguin / Stephen Lytton on
your solo victory.

Surviving were Ger


Acrimony / dc206 - Fall 1906 Results - RUSSIA WINS! (dc206) greg Dec 19, 04:53 pm
Good game all and congratulations to Stephen. See you all in further games. Smile


On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 7:16 AM, jme <johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com ([email]johnmarkellsworth(at)gmail.com[/emai
Acrimony / dc206 - Fall 1906 Results - RUSSIA WINS! (dc206) Brutus Dec 19, 05:37 pm
Thanks to all for the lessons.

[quote:0924753108] ----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Surname ([email]gregsurname(at)gmail.com[/email])
Acrimony / dc206 - Fall 1906 Results - RUSSIA WINS! (dc206) Samnuva Dec 19, 05:53 pm
Great game all- I had tons of fun and learned a whole lot. Congrats
Stephen, John, you were a fantastic GM, and I hope to see you all in
future games.

Lhr Kaiser, Sam Buck

On Dec 19, 200

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