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GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! - diplomat_2001   (Nov 06, 2008, 11:23 am)
Naw, lets keep it going...go for the record.

It'll be like a fraternity thing...
people will go "So, what position/years did YOU play in GGS 1264?"

Hell, Japan alone has 4 different rulers now.

Dave - China

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
To: "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, cat23-1200(at)yahoogroups.com, dc110(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: "Dave Watson" <dipknight(at)comcast.net>, "Gerry Todd" <sgttodd(at)mainecav.org>, "Jim Atkins" <savwa4(at)comcast.net>, "Lee Taylor" <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk>, "Matthew Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Mike Hofmann" <mrh(at)panix.com>, ruffhaus8(at)aol.com, "Rob Ackerley" <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>, "Rob Bristol" <rbristol(at)cargojet.com>, rbristol(at)cogeco.ca, "Rudi van Hal" <rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl>, "Rupert Alesbury" <writetorupert(at)gmail.com>, sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr, "ee morley" <ee_morley(at)hotmail.com>, "ted morley" <ted.morley(at)sen.ca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:07:05 AM (GMT-0500) Auto-Detected
Subject: RE: GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!!

.MsgBody-text, .MsgBody-text * { font: 10pt monospace; } .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } Britain is willing to vote for an End Game Proposal.

You bring it, I'll vote YES on it.

Come on let's end this game?

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 21:59:09 -0700
From: former.trout(at)gmail.com
To: Cat23-1200(at)yahoogroups.com; DC110(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!!
CC: dipknight(at)comcast.net; sgttodd(at)mainecav.org; savwa4(at)comcast.net; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mrh(at)panix.com; ruffhaus8(at)aol.com; rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca; rBristol(at)cargojet.com; rbristol(at)cogeco.ca; rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl; writetorupert(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr; ee_morley(at)hotmail.com; Ted.Morley(at)sen.ca.gov

Heya gang,

With the verdict clear in the US election, guess its time to announce the results of our end-game votes in Guns, Germs and Steel... Its a simple announcement - all three proposals met with one or more NO vote.

So! We battle onwards. Please consider this to be your 43 hour deadline reminder for Spring 1880 orders. Deadline remains set for Thursday, November 6th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!


Sign up for the Hotmail Road Trip today. Your dream beach house escape for summer!


dc186 Winter '79 Results - notasb   (Nov 06, 2008, 9:30 am)
I could not find Build orders from Russia.




Spring '80 is due Tuesday November 11th 8 AM CST (GMT -6) 1400 GMT


F Otaru - Sakhalin


Russia: NBR
Build waived
Build waived

Supply Center and Unit Count:

China: 15 / 11
France: 0 / 0
Holland: 15 / 15
India: 0 / 0
Japan: 0 / 0
Turkey: 13 / 13
Russia: 15 / 13
“you're not a felon if you don't get caught.”


dc210 s03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 06, 2008, 9:14 am)
The Austrian fleets are indeed RED, not green.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sims

Hi folks, we've finally got some results! Not a whole lot transpires
this turn, as some players are taking it a bit conservative... But a few
troops do line up on the Russian border, and England gets surrounded...

Fall 03 by Wednesday 11/12, 10am Pacific!
Then 03 builds by Friday 11/14, same time.

F Ion move Aeg (*Fails*)
F Gre support F Ion move Aeg (*Cut*)
A Ser support F Gre (*Cut*)
A Tri support A Ser
A Gal move Tra
A Vie move Gal

F (NTH) - Den (*Fails*)
A (Yor) - Edi
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)

F PSM - Iri
A Par - Fla
F Eng S A Par - Fla
A Lor S A Par - Fla
A Por - Spa

F Belgium Support Holland
F Holland Support Belgium
A Swabia Support Belgium
A Denmark Holds
A Berlin -> Prussia
A Silisia Support Vie -> Galicia

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

A Nwy - Swe
A War S A Sev - WhR
A Sev - WhR
F ARM - Bla (*Invalid*)

A Rum-ser (*Fails*)
A Bul-Gre (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)



dc188 - Fall 1907 Results - kevinokelly   (Nov 06, 2008, 9:12 am)
Now that the celebration is over in Chicago, I am back to Diplomacy.
I have taken the liberty to retreat the German army to the only available spot. If the German wishes to retreat OTB, please let me know sometime today.
Please have all winter adjustments in tomorrow.

Winter 1907 - Friday November 7, 2008 at 22:00GMT (5pm EST)
Spring 1908 - Thursday November 13, 2008 at 22:00GMT (5pm EST)

F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
A Budapest - Vienna
A Constantinople - Smyrna
A Galicia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Moscow - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw - Moscow
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia
A Warsaw - Moscow (*Disbanded*)

F Gulf of Lyon Convoys A Spain - Rome
F Irish Sea - English Channel
A Marseilles - Piedmont
A Naples Supports A Spain - Rome
A Picardy Hold
F Portugal - Spain(sc)
A Spain - Rome
F Tuscany Supports A Spain - Rome

F Baltic Sea - Denmark
A Bohemia - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*)
A Edinburgh Hold
A Livonia - Moscow (*Bounce*)
A Munich Supports A Bohemia - Tyrolia
F Norway Supports A St Petersburg
A Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
A Silesia - Warsaw
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia - Moscow

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest
F Tunis - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Convoys A Spain - Rome
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Fails*)

A Bohemia - Silesia


DC-184 Spring 1907 Adjudication - TheWhiteWolf   (Nov 06, 2008, 8:36 am)
Had a late set of orders, but we're good to go now.


Austria: Pontus Nilsson pontus(at)wallmanderco.se **ELIMINATED**
England: Mark Utterback mdemagogue(at)gmail.com
France: Joe Hackett jhack16(at)gmail.com
Germany: Roger Strand PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com
Italy: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com
Russia: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: German Zorba germanzorba(at)gmail.com


A Clyde - Edinburgh (*Fails*)
F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Fails*)

A Belgium - Ruhr (*Fails*)
F Brest - English Channel
A Burgundy Supports A Belgium - Ruhr
F London Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea - Holland (*Dislodged*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles

A Berlin - Munich
F Denmark - North Sea
F Holland Supports F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr
A Ruhr Supports F Holland (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak Supports F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway

F Adriatic Sea Supports A Trieste - Albania
F Ionian Sea Supports A Trieste - Albania (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Trieste
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis
A Vienna - Trieste

F Barents Sea Supports F Norwegian Sea
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia - Vienna
A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna
A Galicia - Vienna
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Denmark - North Sea
F Rumania Hold
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway

F Aegean Sea Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea
F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Bulgaria Hold
F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea
F Greece Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Serbia - Trieste (*Fails*)


Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tyrrhenian Sea, Naples, Apulia or OTB.
French F North Sea can retreat to Yorkshire, Helgoland Bight or OTB.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: ELIMINATED 1905

England: (2/2)
Armies - Cly
Fleets - Edi

France: (7/7)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Mar
Fleets - Eng, Lon, NAO, Nth (pending retreat)

Germany: (6/6)
Armies - Kie, Mun, Ruh
Fleets - Hol, Nth, Ska

Italy: (6/6)
Armies - Alb, Tri, Trl
Fleets - Adr, Tun, Ion (pending retreat)

Russia: (7/7)
Armies - Boh, Bud, Vie
Fleets - Bar, Nwg, Nwy, Rum

Turkey: (6/6)
Armies - Bul, Ser
Fleets - Aeg, Eas, Gre, Ion

Spring 1907 Retreats are due (tomorrow) Friday, 7 November at 2pm EST (7pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC-184 Spring 1907 Adjudication (dc184) camorse22 Nov 06, 01:04 pm
Italy retreats F Ionian to Naples.

From: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
To: Former Trout 1266 <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; Forum DC-184 <dc184(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Pontus Nilsson DC-184 <pontus(at)wallmanderco.se>; Mark Utterback DC-184 <mdemagogue(at)gmail.com>; Roger Strand DC-184 <PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com>; Chris Morse DC-184 <camorse22(at)yahoo.com>; Ross Webb DC-184 <rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com>; German Zorba DC-184 <germanzorba(at)gmail.com>; Stephen Lytton DC-Mod1 <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com>; Andrew Jameson <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2008 9:36:22 AM
Subject: DC-184 Spring 1907 Adjudication

Had a late set of orders, but we're good to go now.


Austria: Pontus Nilsson pontus(at)wallmanderco.se **ELIMINATED**
England: Mark Utterback mdemagogue(at)gmail.com
France: Joe Hackett jhack16(at)gmail.com
Germany: Roger Strand PellefantSpam(at)gmail.com
Italy: Chris Morse camorse22(at)yahoo.com
Russia: Ross Webb rodtheworm(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: German Zorba germanzorba(at)gmail.com


A Clyde - Edinburgh (*Fails*)
F Edinburgh - North Sea (*Fails*)

A Belgium - Ruhr (*Fails*)
F Brest - English Channel
A Burgundy Supports A Belgium - Ruhr
F London Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea - Holland (*Dislodged*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles

A Berlin - Munich
F Denmark - North Sea
F Holland Supports F Denmark - North Sea
A Kiel Supports A Ruhr
A Ruhr Supports F Holland (*Cut*)
F Skagerrak Supports F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway

F Adriatic Sea Supports A Trieste - Albania
F Ionian Sea Supports A Trieste - Albania (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Trieste
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis
A Vienna - Trieste

F Barents Sea Supports F Norwegian Sea
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia - Vienna
A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna
A Galicia - Vienna
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Denmark - North Sea
F Rumania Hold
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway

F Aegean Sea Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea
F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Bulgaria Hold
F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea
F Greece Supports F Albania - Ionian Sea
A Serbia - Trieste (*Fails*)


Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tyrrhenian Sea, Naples, Apulia or OTB.
French F North Sea can retreat to Yorkshire, Helgoland Bight or OTB.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: ELIMINATED 1905

England: (2/2)
Armies - Cly
Fleets - Edi

France: (7/7)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Mar
Fleets - Eng, Lon, NAO, Nth (pending retreat)

Germany: (6/6)
Armies - Kie, Mun, Ruh
Fleets - Hol, Nth, Ska

Italy: (6/6)
Armies - Alb, Tri, Trl
Fleets - Adr, Tun, Ion (pending retreat)

Russia: (7/7)
Armies - Boh, Bud, Vie
Fleets - Bar, Nwg, Nwy, Rum

Turkey: (6/6)
Armies - Bul, Ser
Fleets - Aeg, Eas, Gre, Ion

Spring 1907 Retreats are due (tomorrow) Friday, 7 November at 2pm EST (7pm GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:
Dc180 Delay (email 2) - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 06, 2008, 5:15 am)
This is email 2

Point 1

I have No moves from Turkey and Italy.

Turkey (Mick) has contacted me, citing interent difficulties and he does have a grace
period up his sleeve so hopefull Mick can get moves to me in the next 24 hours.

Italy does not have a grace period but can submit a move rigth up the point where Turkey does.
(that is what we call a lucky break for Italy)

Point 2
I am now setting up a Distribution list for Dc180 for myself rather than cut and paste the addresses.
I wil RESEND this information in the next hour under that list. Sometimes your email account
may interpret that list as JUNK or SPAM so if you dont get this twice, look for it in your junk mail and
save my address as a safe contact.


Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Multiple prizes and the ultimate dream beach house! Take a summer road trip with Windows Live Hotmail.


Dc180 Grace Period - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 06, 2008, 5:10 am)
Point 1

I have No moves from Turkey and Italy.

Turkey (Mick) has contacted me, citing interent difficulties and he does have a grace
period up his sleeve so hopefull Mick can get moves to me in the next 24 hours.

Italy does not have a grace period but can submit a move rigth up the point where Turkey does.
(that is what we call a lucky break for Italy)

Point 2
I am now setting up a Distribution list for Dc180 for myself rather than cut and paste the addresses.
I wil RESEND this information in the next hour under that list. Sometimes your email account
may interpret that list as JUNK or SPAM so if you dont get this twice, look for it in your junk mail and
save my address as a safe contact.


Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!


Dc199 - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 06, 2008, 5:02 am)
I've been running a day ahead all week. Thanks for the players that pointed it out to me.

Dc199 is due in approx 21 hours. (not as i stated)

Fortunately I have moves from all active players now Smile

but feel free to change them in the next 21 hours or so.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!


Dc214 Fall 1902 (NOTES) - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 06, 2008, 4:52 am)
Dc214 Fall 1902

First of all, some bad news... Lee (Austria) is unable to continue this game at the moment
due to real life concerns. This leaves me with 2 options (considering I dont want the DCI
game to have a power in CD).

1) If Lee can find a 'proxy' player (someone NOT in the game) to play for him until his
possible return - I will allow that player to play Austria. Under the following conditions.

a) Lee needs to let me know he is persuing this option BEFORE the next deadline.
b) If Lee returns before the game is over, he is credited with the game.
c) If the game ends before Lee returns - the proxy will be credited for the game for DC stats
and Lee will recieve the points for the DCI.

2) I will approach the remaining players in the DCI (in order) to take up the position of Austria.

A Galicia Supports A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Serbia Hold
A Trieste - Tyrolia (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia - Piedmont (*Bounce*)

F Barents Sea Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
F North Sea Hold
A Norway - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
A St Petersburg - Livonia

A Burgundy Supports A Kiel - Munich
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal
F Spain(sc) - Western Mediterranean (*Bounce*)
A Tuscany - Piedmont (*Disbanded*)

F Baltic Sea - Denmark
A Kiel - Munich
A Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)
A Sweden Supports F Baltic Sea - Denmark

A Rome - Tuscany
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean (*Bounce*)
A Venice Supports A Rome - Tuscany

F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc) (*Bounce*)
A Moscow Supports F Gulf of Bothnia - St Petersburg(sc)
F Sevastopol Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Ukraine - Warsaw (*Bounce*)

A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
A Rumania Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol

Given then interim nature of me deciding what is haopenign with Austria, the winter deadline
will be set as next WEDNESDAY 12th November at 8am GMT.




Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!


DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map! - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 06, 2008, 4:11 am)
and thinking of Italy whilst talking about Austria

from one of my other favourite TV series, we could go with

"I'd go with Betty but I'd be thinking of Wilma"

(anyone know that one?)

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 17:50:38 -0800
From: smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Re: DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map!
To: dc211(at)diplomaticcorp.com; irocktilldeath(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; mdemagogue(at)gmail.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com

Huh... how about that... TAB+space = Send in Yahoo mail...

Anyway, in reply to Mr. Lytton's:
"So what you are telling me is something you have never seen is slightly less blue than you have never seen." (Edmund Blackadder)

The more relevant concern of the moment is:
Edmund: "Percy, I don't want to be pedantic or anything, but the color of gold is gold -- that's why it's called gold. What you have discovered, if it has a name, is some green."

Percy: "Oh, Edmund, can it be true? That I hold here, in my mortal hand, a nugget of purest green?"

I think that's a reference to you, Italy.


Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 06, 2008, 3:07 am)
Britain is willing to vote for an End Game Proposal.

You bring it, I'll vote YES on it.

Come on let's end this game?

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 21:59:09 -0700
From: former.trout(at)gmail.com
To: Cat23-1200(at)yahoogroups.com; DC110(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!!
CC: dipknight(at)comcast.net; sgttodd(at)mainecav.org; savwa4(at)comcast.net; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mrh(at)panix.com; ruffhaus8(at)aol.com; rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca; rBristol(at)cargojet.com; rbristol(at)cogeco.ca; rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl; writetorupert(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr; ee_morley(at)hotmail.com; Ted.Morley(at)sen.ca.gov

Heya gang,

With the verdict clear in the US election, guess its time to announce the results of our end-game votes in Guns, Germs and Steel... Its a simple announcement - all three proposals met with one or more NO vote.

So! We battle onwards. Please consider this to be your 43 hour deadline reminder for Spring 1880 orders. Deadline remains set for Thursday, November 6th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!

Sign up for the Hotmail Road Trip today. Your dream beach house escape for summer!


dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - sgttodd   (Nov 06, 2008, 2:47 am)
Deadline for Spring 1847: Monday, November 10th; 2359 UTC

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1846:

Britain: Build F London.
Britain: Build F Edinburgh.
Britain: Build A Dublin.
Britain: Build A Delhi.
Britain: Build F Java.
Britain: Build F Cape Colony.
Britain: Build waived.

China: Build A Guangdong.

France: Remove F Madagascar.
France: Remove F Horn of Africa.
France: Remove F Baltic Sea.

Ottoman: Build A Bagdad.

Russia: Remove A Bangalore.
Russia: Remove A Switzerland.

Spain: Build F Sierra Leone.
Spain: Build A Lisbon.
Spain: Build A Madrid.
Spain: Build waived.
Spain: Build waived.
Spain: Build waived.
Spain: Build waived.
Spain: Build waived.
Spain: Build waived.
Spain: Build waived.

Unit locations:

Britain: F London, A Dublin, F Edinburgh, F Bahama Islands, F Cape
Colony, F Bombay, A Delhi, F Malaysia, A Natal, F Java, F Cuba, A New
York City, F Denmark, F Norway, F Rouen, F Abyssinia, A Kasmir, A
Bokhara, A Chicago, F Greenland Sea, F Skagerrak, F Sargasso Sea, F
Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean, F N.W.Indian Ocean, F S.W.Indian Ocean.

China: A Guangdong, F Kagoshima, A Irkutsk, A Hue, A Xining, A
Xinjang, A Mongolia, F Marshalls, F Formosa, F Tai Won, F Eastern Sea, F
Sea of Japan, F Kuril Sea, F Izu Sea.

France: A Venice, F Holland, A Kiel, A Stuttgart, A Metz.

Ottoman: F Maldives, A Angora, A Bagdad, F Constantinople, A Sofia, F
Ade, A Tehran, A Georgia, A Tabrize.

Russia: A Berlin, A Vienna, A St Petersburg, A Orenburg, A Rumania, A
Serbia, F Sweden, A Croatia, A Finland, A Wallacia, A Khiva, A
Krasnoyarsk, F Black Sea.

Spain: F Loango, A Paris, A Nantes, A Marseilles, F Sierra Leone, A
Guinea, F Society Islands, A Madrid, A Lisbon, F Zanguebar, F Rome(ec),
A Bordeaux, F Piedmont, A Liberia, A Donga, F Solomons, A British
Guiana, A French Guiana, A Republic of Texas, A North West Terr., A
Missouri Terr., F Bay of Biscay, F Gulf of Lyon, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F
Canaries Seaway, F Gulf of Mexico, F Western Carribean, F Eastern
Carribean, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Amazon Basin, F S.Atlantic Ocean, F
Celebes Sea, F Phillipene Sea, F Hawaii.

Deadline for Spring 1847: Monday, November 10th; 2359 UTC
files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


dc210 s03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 05, 2008, 11:33 pm)
Hi folks, we've finally got some results! Not a whole lot transpires
this turn, as some players are taking it a bit conservative... But a few
troops do line up on the Russian border, and England gets surrounded...

Fall 03 by Wednesday 11/12, 10am Pacific!
Then 03 builds by Friday 11/14, same time.

F Ion move Aeg (*Fails*)
F Gre support F Ion move Aeg (*Cut*)
A Ser support F Gre (*Cut*)
A Tri support A Ser
A Gal move Tra
A Vie move Gal

F (NTH) - Den (*Fails*)
A (Yor) - Edi
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)

F PSM - Iri
A Par - Fla
F Eng S A Par - Fla
A Lor S A Par - Fla
A Por - Spa

F Belgium Support Holland
F Holland Support Belgium
A Swabia Support Belgium
A Denmark Holds
A Berlin -> Prussia
A Silisia Support Vie -> Galicia

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

A Nwy - Swe
A War S A Sev - WhR
A Sev - WhR
F ARM - Bla (*Invalid*)

A Rum-ser (*Fails*)
A Bul-Gre (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)



dc210 s03 results! (dc210) FuzzyLogic Nov 06, 09:14 am
The Austrian fleets are indeed RED, not green.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sims

Hi folks, we've finally got some results! Not a whole lot transpires
this turn, as some players are taking it a bit conservative... But a few
troops do line up on the Russian border, and England gets surrounded...

Fall 03 by Wednesday 11/12, 10am Pacific!
Then 03 builds by Friday 11/14, same time.

F Ion move Aeg (*Fails*)
F Gre support F Ion move Aeg (*Cut*)
A Ser support F Gre (*Cut*)
A Tri support A Ser
A Gal move Tra
A Vie move Gal

F (NTH) - Den (*Fails*)
A (Yor) - Edi
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)

F PSM - Iri
A Par - Fla
F Eng S A Par - Fla
A Lor S A Par - Fla
A Por - Spa

F Belgium Support Holland
F Holland Support Belgium
A Swabia Support Belgium
A Denmark Holds
A Berlin -> Prussia
A Silisia Support Vie -> Galicia

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

A Nwy - Swe
A War S A Sev - WhR
A Sev - WhR
F ARM - Bla (*Invalid*)

A Rum-ser (*Fails*)
A Bul-Gre (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)

DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map! - AceRimmer   (Nov 05, 2008, 7:51 pm)
Huh... how about that... TAB+space = Send in Yahoo mail...

Anyway, in reply to Mr. Lytton's:
"So what you are telling me is something you have never seen is slightly less blue than you have never seen." (Edmund Blackadder)

The more relevant concern of the moment is:
Edmund: "Percy, I don't want to be pedantic or anything, but the color of gold is gold -- that's why it's called gold. What you have discovered, if it has a name, is some green."

Percy: "Oh, Edmund, can it be true? That I hold here, in my mortal hand, a nugget of purest green?"

I think that's a reference to you, Italy.



DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map! - AceRimmer   (Nov 05, 2008, 7:48 pm)
Well, one of those nit-picky detail-oriented nit-pickers has pointed out to me that the AUSTRIAN army in Tyrolia is hunky-dorey. The ITALIAN one, on the other hand, has packed its wine and pasta and called for a picnic. The map remains fine.

As for Mr. Lytton's quote:
"So what you are telling me is something you have never seen is slightly less blue than you have never seen." (Edmund Blackadder)

I think the more relevant concern of the moment is:


Dc 212 Delay - Verticallychallangedcutie   (Nov 05, 2008, 7:27 pm)
I've had an extension request and I have granted it. So the new deadline is set for Friday Nov 7th at 7pm ( 11pm GMT )



Dc194 Autumn and Winter 1905 - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 05, 2008, 3:47 pm)
Dc194 Autumn 1905

Do you ever get that feeling (similiar to Deja Vu) where you think you've sent something
out but you really hasn;t?

(coincidentally that may be the situation with Dc194 - gee I am terrible GM at the moment)

Germany retreats to Livonia
France retreats to Clyde

Dc194 Winter 1905

Remove F Tunis
Remove F Edinburgh
Build F Brest
Build A Constantinople

Let's make Spring 1906 due next Thursday 13th at 8am GMT

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!


DC 211: Seismic F1902R - AceRimmer   (Nov 05, 2008, 3:26 pm)
Austrian A Tyrolia Disbands. No need to change the map. Seismic orders are due Friday morning at 1000 CST (now 1600 GMT).



DC190 - Fall 2006 - worldwidegm at gmail.com   (Nov 05, 2008, 11:35 am)
Thanks, everyone for getting those moves in promptly despite the excitement happening in and around the White House. We end up seeing quite the dance going on in the Pacific... lots of trading places and jockeying for position. Meanwhile, around the Atlantic, many colors are changing, just like the leaves... orange, yellow, not so much red. Two retreats to resolve before we head on to the adjustments.

North America:
A Winnipeg - Kansas
A Ontario Supports A Winnipeg - Kansas (*cut*)
F Halifax - Quebec (*fails*)

F Perth Supports F Cocos Sea - Great Australian Bight (*ordered elsewhere*)
A Paris - Rome (*fails*)
F Revillagigedo Sea - Supports F Arizona (*cut*)
F Arizona Supports F Micronesian Sea - Pacific Ocean
A Kansas - Oregon (*dislodged*)
A Illinois - Ontario (*fails*)
F Boston Supports F Atlantic Ocean (*ordered to move*)
F Cuba - Bermuda Triangle
F Quebec Supports A Illinois - Ontario (*cut*)

South America:
F Micronesian Sea - Pacific Ocean
F Philippines Sea - East China Sea
F Arafura Sea - South China Sea
F Cocos Sea - Indian Ocean
F Pretoria - Cocos Sea (*bounce*)
F Sandwich Sea - Rio de Janeiro (*fails*)
F Rio de Janeiro - Recife (*bounce*)
F Atlantic Ocean - Paris (nc) (*fails*)
F Tongan Sea - Fijian Sea

A Berlin Supports F Ionian Sea - Rome
A London Holds
A Nizhniy-Novgorod - Kazakhstan
A Kazakhstan - Xinjiang
A Ulaanbataar Supports A Beijing
A Irkutsk Supports F Vladivostok
F Beaufort Sea Supports F Vladivostok (*dislodged*)
F Northwest Passage - Nunavut
F Arctic Ocean - Baffin Sea
F Labrador Sea Supports F Quebec
F Vladivostok Supports F Micronesian Sea - Pacific Ocean

West Africa:
F Morocco - Canary Sea
F Cape Verde Sea - Recife (*bounce*)
F Dakar - Cape Verde Sea (*fails*)
A Lagos Holds
A Ouagadougou Supports A Lagos
F Libya - Egypt
F Bermuda Triangle - Florida

South Africa:
A N'Djamena - Niamey
A Congo - N'Djamena
A Zambezi - Congo
A Addis Ababa Holds
F Gulf of Guinea - Lagos (*fails*)

F Ionian Sea - Rome
A Baghdad Supports A Muscat - Riyadh (*cut*)
A Muscat - Riyadh
A Afghanistan - Pakistan
A Tehran Supports A Afghanistan - Pakistan
A Beijing Supports A Kazakhstan - Xinjiang (*cut*)

F Red Sea Supports A Baghdad - Riyadh (*unit otherwise ordered*)
F Taiwan - Philippines Sea
A Xinjiang - Kyrgyzstan
A Shanghai - Beijing (*fails*)
F Sea of Japan - Korea
F Pacific Ocean - Honshu
F Honolulu - Revillagigedo Sea (*fails*)
F Bering Sea - Beaufort Sea
F Alaska Supports F Bering Sea - Beaufort Sea
A Oregon Supports A Winnipeg - Kansas
F Persian Gulf - Baghdad (*fails*)

F Pakistan - Arabian Sea
A Delhi - Pakistan (*fails*)
F South China Sea - Manila
F Jakarta Holds
F Sydney - Arafura Sea
F Great Australian Bight - Cocos Sea (*bounce*)
F Melbourne - Perth (*fails*)
F Tasman Sea Holds

Mexico's A Kansas may retreat to Virginia, Texas or OTB
Russia's F Beaufort Sea may retreat to Northwest Passage, Kara Sea or OTB

Let's get the retreats in by Friday, November 7, 2100GMT.


DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map! - AceRimmer   (Nov 05, 2008, 10:50 am)
Everybody wants to go to Holland, but only one unit punches the winning ticket. Only seven units move. Another one is dislodged. One SC changes hands, and the last neutral is claimed. Game on, bro!

In more important news, Barack Obama is the president-elect, and I am very happy. Looking at the state of disorder in my country, I don't know why he wanted the job, but here's hoping he gets the necessary support and has the presence of mind to work in non-partisanship. Mostly, though, it restores some of my battered confidence in the judgment of the American people.

Italian A Tyl can retreat to Bohemia, Venice, or disband

The retreat order for F1902 is due asap (technically by Thursday at 1000 CST).
Seismic orders for F1902 will be due on Friday, November 7 at 1000 CST.
If you're looking ahead, Winter adjustments (for France, Germany, and Russia) will be on Monday. Of course, seismic disturbances can cause more builds, as we have already seen.

Prelims, prelims, prelims...


A Tri -> Tyl
A Vie S Tri -> Tyl
A Bud S Vie
A Ser S Rum
A Gre S Ser

F Norwegian -> North Atlantic
F Norway Support Sweden
F North Sea Convoy Lon -> Hol
F London -> Holland (via Nth) (*Fails 1:2 to A Bel-Hol*)
A Denmark -> Kiel (*Bounce 1:1 with F Kie H*)

F Spa (sc) S A Mar (*Cut*)
A Mar S F Spa (sc) (*Cut*)
F MAt S F Spa (sc)
A Gas S A Mar
A Bel - Hol
A Bur S A Bel – Hol

Mun ->Hol (*Fails 1:2 to A Bel-Hol*)
kie holds

A Tyl – Mar (*Bounce 2:2 with A Mar* - *Dislodged*)
A Pie S A Tyl - Mar
F Wes - Spa (sc) (*Bounce 2:2 with F Spa*)
F Tys S F Wes - Spa (sc)

A StP S F swe
F swe Holds
A War - Ber
a mos - lvn
a sev s f rum
f rum holds

F bla S Bul to H
Bul H
Con S Bul to H
F Eas to Ion

In the Winter, Builds will be:

SC Builds/Disbands
Austria 5 0
England 5 0
France 7 1
Germany 2 -1
Italy 4 0
Russia 7 1
Turkey 4 0


DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map! (dc211) AceRimmer Nov 05, 07:48 pm
Well, one of those nit-picky detail-oriented nit-pickers has pointed out to me that the AUSTRIAN army in Tyrolia is hunky-dorey. The ITALIAN one, on the other hand, has packed its wine and pasta and called for a picnic. The map remains fine.

As for Mr. Lytton's quote:
"So what you are telling me is something you have never seen is slightly less blue than you have never seen." (Edmund Blackadder)

I think the more relevant concern of the moment is:
DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map! (dc211) AceRimmer Nov 05, 07:51 pm
Huh... how about that... TAB+space = Send in Yahoo mail...

Anyway, in reply to Mr. Lytton's:
"So what you are telling me is something you have never seen is slightly less blue than you have never seen." (Edmund Blackadder)

The more relevant concern of the moment is:
Edmund: "Percy, I don't want to be pedantic or anything, but the color of gold is gold -- that's why it's called gold. What you have discovered, if it has a name, is some green."

Percy: "Oh, Edmund, can it be true? That I hold here, in my mortal hand, a nugget of purest green?"

I think that's a reference to you, Italy.

DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map! (dc211) deathblade_penguin Nov 06, 04:11 am
and thinking of Italy whilst talking about Austria

from one of my other favourite TV series, we could go with

"I'd go with Betty but I'd be thinking of Wilma"

(anyone know that one?)

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 17:50:38 -0800
From: smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Re: DC 211: Fall 1902 with Map!
To: dc211(at)diplomaticcorp.com; irocktilldeath(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; mdemagogue(at)gmail.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com

Huh... how about that... TAB+space = Send in Yahoo mail...

Anyway, in reply to Mr. Lytton's:
"So what you are telling me is something you have never seen is slightly less blue than you have never seen." (Edmund Blackadder)

The more relevant concern of the moment is:
Edmund: "Percy, I don't want to be pedantic or anything, but the color of gold is gold -- that's why it's called gold. What you have discovered, if it has a name, is some green."

Percy: "Oh, Edmund, can it be true? That I hold here, in my mortal hand, a nugget of purest green?"

I think that's a reference to you, Italy.


Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain
GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! - diplomat_2001   (Nov 05, 2008, 7:03 am)
China voted early and often...how the heck did none of those not pass!!!???

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Lytton" <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
To: "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>, cat23-1200(at)yahoogroups.com, dc110(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: "Dave Watson" <dipknight(at)comcast.net>, "Gerry Todd" <sgttodd(at)mainecav.org>, "Jim Atkins" <savwa4(at)comcast.net>, "Lee Taylor" <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk>, "Matthew Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Mike Hofmann" <mrh(at)panix.com>, ruffhaus8(at)aol.com, "Rob Ackerley" <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>, "Rob Bristol" <rbristol(at)cargojet.com>, rbristol(at)cogeco.ca, "Rudi van Hal" <rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl>, "Rupert Alesbury" <writetorupert(at)gmail.com>, sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr, "ee morley" <ee_morley(at)hotmail.com>, "ted morley" <ted.morley(at)sen.ca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, November 5, 2008 7:49:15 AM (GMT-0500) Auto-Detected
Subject: RE: GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!!

.MsgBody-text, .MsgBody-text * { font: 10pt monospace; } .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } Britain says 'FFS'

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 21:59:09 -0700
From: former.trout(at)gmail.com
To: Cat23-1200(at)yahoogroups.com; DC110(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!!
CC: dipknight(at)comcast.net; sgttodd(at)mainecav.org; savwa4(at)comcast.net; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mrh(at)panix.com; ruffhaus8(at)aol.com; rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca; rBristol(at)cargojet.com; rbristol(at)cogeco.ca; rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl; writetorupert(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr; ee_morley(at)hotmail.com; Ted.Morley(at)sen.ca.gov

Heya gang,

With the verdict clear in the US election, guess its time to announce the results of our end-game votes in Guns, Germs and Steel... Its a simple announcement - all three proposals met with one or more NO vote.

So! We battle onwards. Please consider this to be your 43 hour deadline reminder for Spring 1880 orders. Deadline remains set for Thursday, November 6th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!


Multiple prizes and the ultimate dream beach house! Take a summer road trip with Windows Live Hotmail.


Dc199 - 19 hour warning - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 05, 2008, 6:59 am)
Dc199 Fall 1906 is due next Friday 7th November, 8am GMT

I have NO moves from :-

Austria, Italy or Russia.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Sell your car for just $40 at CarPoint.com.au It's simple!


Dc214 - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 05, 2008, 6:57 am)
Good news... I was a day ahead of myself.

even better news - everyone has moves in.

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Find great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain


GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!! - deathblade_penguin   (Nov 05, 2008, 6:49 am)
Britain says 'FFS'

Stephen Lytton
Sponsor me for MOvember

Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 21:59:09 -0700
From: former.trout(at)gmail.com
To: Cat23-1200(at)yahoogroups.com; DC110(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: GGS 1264 / DC110 - Votes, Votes, Votes!!
CC: dipknight(at)comcast.net; sgttodd(at)mainecav.org; savwa4(at)comcast.net; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk; kelly058(at)verizon.net; mrh(at)panix.com; ruffhaus8(at)aol.com; rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca; rBristol(at)cargojet.com; rbristol(at)cogeco.ca; rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl; writetorupert(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr; ee_morley(at)hotmail.com; Ted.Morley(at)sen.ca.gov

Heya gang,

With the verdict clear in the US election, guess its time to announce the results of our end-game votes in Guns, Germs and Steel... Its a simple announcement - all three proposals met with one or more NO vote.

So! We battle onwards. Please consider this to be your 43 hour deadline reminder for Spring 1880 orders. Deadline remains set for Thursday, November 6th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!

Multiple prizes and the ultimate dream beach house! Take a summer road trip with Windows Live Hotmail.


DC 217, Spring 1901 - alwayshunted   (Nov 05, 2008, 12:57 am)
Here is the always anticipated start folks.

Next deadline: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 22:00 MST.

Thanks for getting all the orders in everyone.


1) F Tri-Alb
2) A Bud-Ser
3) A Vie-Tri

F London - English Channel
F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire

F Brest - English Channel
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy
A Paris - Burgundy

A Ven -> Tyr
A Rom -> Ven
F Nap -> Ion

A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Burgundy

A Mos-Ukr
A War-Gal.

F Ankara - Black Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople


A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Trieste

F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - English Channel (*Bounce*)

F Brest - English Channel (*Bounce*)
A Marseilles Supports A Paris - Burgundy
A Paris - Burgundy

A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Burgundy (*Fails*)

F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Venice
A Venice - Tyrolia

A Moscow - Ukraine
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Galicia

F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople

No retreats, so we move on to fall 1901, due Tuesday, November 11 2008, 22:00 MST.

There you are. Have fun. Maps are attached. Don't hesitate to let me know if I messed anything up.



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