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dc99 Seismic f06 retreats & seismics! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 18, 2007, 6:08 pm)
Builds due Thursday 9/20, 2pm Pacific!


3 players build, 2 disband:

Italy: 10/9 +1
England: 8/7 +1
Austria: 7/6 +1

Germany: 3/4 -1
Russia: 6/7 -1



A Mun-Bur



All 4 succeed!

Austria: Split Tun/Board - Join Naf/Ion
England: Join Edi/Nwy Split Yor/Nwg
Italy: Split SWI and MAR, Join MUN and PIE.
Russia: Split Tri/ Ser (Join Alb / Bud)


DC106 Press!! - felix388   (Sep 18, 2007, 2:59 pm)

'little' Israel speaks,

Dear protector,

F Lan transforms to Army
F Cat transforms to Army
F Gol transforms to army
F Plm transforms to army

Theese orders have been issued, the rest of my forces are moving around Sao, as agreed. I look forward to smite all nations in Your Holy Name!

Your humble servant, 'little' Israel


DC106 Press!! (dc106) felix388 Sep 21, 10:15 am
'Little' Israel speaks,

 To his Liege,

 Disarment has been initiated on all fronts. Sou was taken, waters northwards seem calm, Wms will pull out in spring. Need assesment for Lan, Gas best bet? We remain your most humble servant.

 Signed, 'little' Israel - we live only to serve
DC106 Tomorrow - felix388   (Sep 18, 2007, 2:08 pm)
You heard it right the first time


DC106 Tomorrow (dc106) felix388 Oct 10, 09:24 pm
ONE person submitted moves
be a pity if that ONE person was the leader of the board
and the rest of you nmr
WOT Variant, 2 slots left!! - Githraine   (Sep 18, 2007, 7:22 am)
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that
become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten
when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the
Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in
the Halls or RealPolitik. The wind was not the beginning. There are
neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of time.
But it was a beginning. The beginning of a Playtest. New alliances
have formed and the armies of Randland have begun to march. There must be unity before Tarmon Gaidon, and seven Great Captains are each
convinced their hand should be on the tiller. But there are other
threats. The Blight stirs, the Aiel are restless, and rumors of
strange ships in the Western Aryth Ocean have people talking about
Artur Hawkwings lost armies.
Peace of the Sword and the Blessings of the Light be upon you. Let the
War begin!
I am looking for 7 brave Captains willing to march these untested
If you have any questions about the Map or the Rules, please contact me.
House rules will be posted in the house rules section of the message board.


Unknown (Variants) aramis604 Sep 21, 12:02 pm
From what I understand, before he died he made pretty detailed notes on how the story should finish, and explained in great detail to his wife and publishers what was going to happen. That's that I've read anyway.

I think it's pretty much a guarantee that someone will finish it. It is too bad that he couldn't finish it himself tough.

dc122 tomorrow! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 18, 2007, 1:09 am)
Hi all,
Deadline approaching! 2pm Pacific…
Getting nervous?


DC104 Invitational - Winter 1906 - Fences - former.trout   (Sep 18, 2007, 12:27 am)
Professor Tom Dickerson ran through the calculations again, his charts and maps spread before him covering the table like a second table-cloth. His high altitude weather balloons had been charting the air patterns over the Mediterranean for the last decade. His experiments had provided detail on quite a few weather fronts. In all his research, though, he had never seen a front like this one though.
Picking up the phone, he asked to be connected to the national weather bureau. "Naples," he gasped into the speaker and ignoring the excited chattering from the receiver. "The biggest storm of the century is about to hit Naples and the Northern Med. Get any ships in the water there to port, and hurry.." ---------------------

Sorry guys - crappy blurb tonight. Best I can do this evening.

Germany raises three new armies, Russia raises two and Turkey and Italy both disband one of their fleets.

I'll tentatively set the Spring 1907 deadline for Friday, September 21st (11:59 PM GMT.) Please let me know if you guys need more time though.



DC104 Invitational A Standard Game Game Started: May 29, 2007

Current Turn: Winter 1906
Next Deadline: Spring 1907 Orders Friday, September 21st (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Bruce Ray raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email]) England: Steve Lytton stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]) France: Felix Kam Chung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Germany: Mike Sims mike(at)jenningstech.com ([email]mike(at)jenningstech.com[/email]) Italy: Kevin O'Kelly kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com ([email]kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com[/email]) Russia: Mikael Johannsen m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Turkey: Erik Swiatek swiatek(at)ruc.dk ([email]swiatek(at)ruc.dk[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


GERMANY: BUILDS A Kie, A Mun, A Ber ITALY: remove F NAP RUSSIA: BUILDS A Sev, A Mos TURKEY: disband F AEG AUSTRIA: No Adjustments ENGLAND: No Adjustments FRANCE: No Adjustments


15 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber, Bel, Hol, Den, Swe, Lon, Edi, Ven, Nwy, Lvp, Stp, War,
11 Armies - Tus, Yor, Ven, Vie, Gal, Lvn, Sil, War, Kie, Mun, Ber
4 Fleets - Iri, Pic, Eng, Stp(sc)

2 Supply Centers - Nap, Rom
1 Army - Rom
1 Fleet - Adr

7 Supply Centers - Mos, Sev, Rum, Bul, Ser, Ank, Con
6 Armies - Ser, Rum, Ank, Ukr, Sev, Mos
1 Fleet - Con

2 Supply Centers - Smy, Gre
1 Army - Gre
1 Fleet - Ion

2 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud
2 Armies - Alb, Bud
0 Fleets

1 Supply Center - Bre
0 Armies
1 Fleet - Bre

5 Supply Centers - Par, Spa, Tun, Por, Mar
1 Army - Mar
4 Fleets - Tun, Tyn, Wme, Mao



DC124 - Diplomats needed! - aramis604   (Sep 18, 2007, 12:19 am)
I am seeking 3 more intrepid diplomats who are willing to wheel, deal, and back-stab their way to glory in our inaugural game honoring (and testing) the launch of our new message board! This will be a good old fashioned standard game of diplomacy.

Please email me directly or visit our web site, www.diplomaticcorp.com to express your interest in joining DC124.

- Josh


DC111 - Updated map - aramis604   (Sep 18, 2007, 12:07 am)
Here is the corrected map for DC111


dc109 s216 BC retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 17, 2007, 10:50 pm)
And so we head into the fall of our 5th year… 2 ancient civilizations on the verge of extinction… However it seems it would take the cooperation of neighboring powers to finish them off! Will Greece or Carthage live to fight another year? Find out Tuesday… 11pm Pella…


Next: Fall 216 BC: 1 week – Tuesday 9/25, 2pm Pacific


A Raetia - Genua

disband F Byzantium


dc92 winter '08 - notasb   (Sep 17, 2007, 6:51 pm)
The Solo proposal has been vetoed.

Ghana sent his build marked final so I'm adjudicating early.




Large map:


Name Reference Map:


Home Center Map:



Fall '09 is due Monday Sept 24th 7 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1200 GMT


Orders and Results:

Build F GHA

Supply Center and Unit Count:

China: 15 / 15
Ghana: 38 / 38
Oz: 4 / 4
Russia: 18 / 18
Western-Canada: 18 / 18

"When mouth is wide open and screaming, makes hearing difficult" - Naneci-tok
Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.


DC106 48 HOURS - felix388   (Sep 17, 2007, 6:20 pm)


DC106 Two Abs Press - felix388   (Sep 17, 2007, 10:15 am)
Press from Hungary: Goodbye cruel world.
To Poland - Too late for help now... I'm off at sea.


DC111 - Correction - aramis604   (Sep 17, 2007, 9:16 am)
Germany's fleet in Kiel should be in the Helgoland Bight. The map will be updated this evening.

- Josh


DC101 - Fall 1903 results - aramis604   (Sep 16, 2007, 11:36 pm)
Results are in!

*** Retreats! ***
French A Switzerland can retreat to Marseilles or Tyrolia.

Please have retreats in by Tuesday, September 18th by 9pm pacific time.

*** Orders ***
F Sweden Supports F Skagerrak - Denmark (*Cut*)
F North Sea - Netherlands (*Fails*)
F Skagerrak - Denmark
F Helgoland Bight Supports F North Sea - Netherlands
F English Channel Supports A Picardy - Belgium (*Void*)
F Western Mediterranean Supports A Algeria (*Ordered to Move*)

A Budapest - Galicia
A Trieste Hold
A Siberia - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Ukraine Supports A Siberia - Moscow
A Serbia Hold
A Rumania Hold

F Gibraltar Supports F Western Mediterranean
A Picardy Supports A Burgundy
A Burgundy Supports A Switzerland (*Cut*)
F Piedmont Hold
A Switzerland Supports A Burgundy (*Dislodged*)

A Denmark - Kiel
A Milan Supports A Munich - Switzerland
A Venetia Supports A Milan
A Munich - Switzerland
A Alsace - Burgundy (*Fails*)
F Netherlands Supports A Belgium (*Cut*)
A Belgium Supports F Netherlands
F Baltic Sea Supports A Denmark - Kiel

A Algeria - Morocco
A Rome Supports A Switzerland - Milan (*Void*)
F Naples Supports A Rome

A St Petersburg Supports A Moscow
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Supports A St Petersburg (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden (*Fails*)

F Tunisia Supports F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Palestine - Egypt
A Sevastopol Supports A Siberia - Moscow
A Bulgaria, no move received
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol

*** Map ***


DC106 Press - felix388   (Sep 16, 2007, 10:30 pm)
Press from Ukr:

Ukr -> Pol: Thanks for the support. I never meant a threat to you --
I was just trying to see who was out there. Feeling very safe on our
front, so I've repositioned those troops.

Ukr -> Isr: No threat intended. See above. Just checking what's
around me before I commit to more Western movement.


My House Rules - aramis604   (Sep 16, 2007, 1:31 pm)
Deadlines are not suggestions, I normally get to the game at the time given for a deadline. In the unlikely event that I do not get online at the specified time orders will be accepted until the start of adjudication.

I will try to send out a deadline reminder at least 12 hours in advance for all deadlines, but players are still responsible for getting their orders in on time even if I fail to send a reminder.

Generally speaking I allow 5 days for Spring/Fall turns and 2-3 for retreat and build orders.

I will not normally set a deadline for a Saturday.

There will be NO automatic grace period. If you need an extension you must ask for one.

When I receive your orders I will send confirmation that I have gotten them. If you don't receive acknowledgment I probably didn't receive them and you should resubmit.

Orders marked final indicate that the results may be posted early. Orders may be changed up to the time adjudication starts. Marking orders final does not preclude the player from changing their orders before adjudication starts.

Unit Orders
Each unit must have a specific order or the unit will stand. There is no such thing as an implied order. For example, A Par S A Pic to Bur orders A Paris to support A Picardy's move to Burgundy. It does not order A Picardy to do anything at all.

Invalid or illegal move orders will be treated as legitimate move orders for the purposes of supporting the unit in question in place. In other words, the support order will be ruled invalid because the supported unit attempted to move. The exception is nonsensical move orders which will be treated as orders to hold and can be supported to hold. For example "Paris vacations on the moon" will be interpreted as Par holds.

Since there can only be one possible unit in a province omitted or incorrect unit designations will not invalidate an order.

When revising your orders send the entire order set. The last set of orders submitted before adjudication takes place will be used. Previous orders will be replaced when revised orders come in. The GM will not look at previous orders to fill in missing unit orders in a revised order set.

If you have already submitted your orders and wish to change them, you must resubmit for all of your units.

If any particular unit is mentioned twice in an order list with contradictory orders, the last order instance for that unit will be selected for adjudication. Except when one order for a unit specifies the correct unit type and another specifies the incorrect unit type. The correct order with the correct unit type will take precedence.

(Example: In Spring '01 England orders:
F London - English Channel
A London - Wales
The order F London - English Channel will be attempted and A London -
Wales will be voided)

I will not adjudicate with an NMR in the first year.

Players will have one NMR tolerated. In the event that a player does NMR that player must contact the GM within 48 hours of the results being posted to confirm that they will continue playing. If no reply is received I will immediately begin looking for a replacement before the next turn. If the NMRing player contacts me before I find a replacement he may be allowed to continue.

After a player NMRs a second time he will be allowed to stay only by GM discretion or a unanimous agreement by the remaining active players.

NBR'S and NRR'S will not be counted as NMR's in regards to being automatically replaced after two NMRs. However the player is required to contact me within 48HRs or I will begin to seek a replacement.

Players are free to propose an agreement to terminate the game at any time. According to the basic rules of Diplomacy this should result in a draw between all survivors. However I will accept any reasonable proposal. Approval requires a unanimous yes vote by all surviving
Players (players may abstain and not affect the outcome of the vote). The vote will be cast by secret ballot. Results will be announced upon receipt of first "no" vote, a unanimous "yes" vote or upon expiration of deadline. The player who makes the proposition does not have to vote yes. Not voting before the deadline will be considered abstaining and will not affect the vote.

The GM reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. Changes will be made in cases requiring rules clarification. GM also reserves the right to put any issue to a vote of the remaining players. All votes must be unanimous to pass.


My House Rules - aramis604   (Sep 16, 2007, 1:31 pm)
Deadlines are not suggestions, I normally get to the game at the time given for a deadline. In the unlikely event that I do not get online at the specified time orders will be accepted until the start of adjudication.

I will try to send out a deadline reminder at least 12 hours in advance for all deadlines, but players are still responsible for getting their orders in on time even if I fail to send a reminder.

Generally speaking I allow 5 days for Spring/Fall turns and 2-3 for retreat and build orders.

I will not normally set a deadline for a Saturday.

There will be NO automatic grace period. If you need an extension you must ask for one.

When I receive your orders I will send confirmation that I have gotten them. If you don't receive acknowledgment I probably didn't receive them and you should resubmit.

Orders marked final indicate that the results may be posted early. Orders may be changed up to the time adjudication starts. Marking orders final does not preclude the player from changing their orders before adjudication starts.

Unit Orders
Each unit must have a specific order or the unit will stand. There is no such thing as an implied order. For example, A Par S A Pic to Bur orders A Paris to support A Picardy's move to Burgundy. It does not order A Picardy to do anything at all.

Invalid or illegal move orders will be treated as legitimate move orders for the purposes of supporting the unit in question in place. In other words, the support order will be ruled invalid because the supported unit attempted to move. The exception is nonsensical move orders which will be treated as orders to hold and can be supported to hold. For example "Paris vacations on the moon" will be interpreted as Par holds.

Since there can only be one possible unit in a province omitted or incorrect unit designations will not invalidate an order.

When revising your orders send the entire order set. The last set of orders submitted before adjudication takes place will be used. Previous orders will be replaced when revised orders come in. The GM will not look at previous orders to fill in missing unit orders in a revised order set.

If you have already submitted your orders and wish to change them, you must resubmit for all of your units.

If any particular unit is mentioned twice in an order list with contradictory orders, the last order instance for that unit will be selected for adjudication. Except when one order for a unit specifies the correct unit type and another specifies the incorrect unit type. The correct order with the correct unit type will take precedence.

(Example: In Spring '01 England orders:
F London - English Channel
A London - Wales
The order F London - English Channel will be attempted and A London -
Wales will be voided)

I will not adjudicate with an NMR in the first year.

Players will have one NMR tolerated. In the event that a player does NMR that player must contact the GM within 48 hours of the results being posted to confirm that they will continue playing. If no reply is received I will immediately begin looking for a replacement before the next turn. If the NMRing player contacts me before I find a replacement he may be allowed to continue.

After a player NMRs a second time he will be allowed to stay only by GM discretion or a unanimous agreement by the remaining active players.

NBR'S and NRR'S will not be counted as NMR's in regards to being automatically replaced after two NMRs. However the player is required to contact me within 48HRs or I will begin to seek a replacement.

Players are free to propose an agreement to terminate the game at any time. According to the basic rules of Diplomacy this should result in a draw between all survivors. However I will accept any reasonable proposal. Approval requires a unanimous yes vote by all surviving
Players (players may abstain and not affect the outcome of the vote). The vote will be cast by secret ballot. Results will be announced upon receipt of first "no" vote, a unanimous "yes" vote or upon expiration of deadline. The player who makes the proposition does not have to vote yes. Not voting before the deadline will be considered abstaining and will not affect the vote.

The GM reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. Changes will be made in cases requiring rules clarification. GM also reserves the right to put any issue to a vote of the remaining players. All votes must be unanimous to pass.


My House Rules - aramis604   (Sep 16, 2007, 1:30 pm)
Deadlines are not suggestions, I normally get to the game at the time given for a deadline. In the unlikely event that I do not get online at the specified time orders will be accepted until the start of adjudication.

I will try to send out a deadline reminder at least 12 hours in advance for all deadlines, but players are still responsible for getting their orders in on time even if I fail to send a reminder.

Generally speaking I allow 5 days for Spring/Fall turns and 2-3 for retreat and build orders.

I will not normally set a deadline for a Saturday.

There will be NO automatic grace period. If you need an extension you must ask for one.

When I receive your orders I will send confirmation that I have gotten them. If you don't receive acknowledgment I probably didn't receive them and you should resubmit.

Orders marked final indicate that the results may be posted early. Orders may be changed up to the time adjudication starts. Marking orders final does not preclude the player from changing their orders before adjudication starts.

Unit Orders
Each unit must have a specific order or the unit will stand. There is no such thing as an implied order. For example, A Par S A Pic to Bur orders A Paris to support A Picardy's move to Burgundy. It does not order A Picardy to do anything at all.

Invalid or illegal move orders will be treated as legitimate move orders for the purposes of supporting the unit in question in place. In other words, the support order will be ruled invalid because the supported unit attempted to move. The exception is nonsensical move orders which will be treated as orders to hold and can be supported to hold. For example "Paris vacations on the moon" will be interpreted as Par holds.

Since there can only be one possible unit in a province omitted or incorrect unit designations will not invalidate an order.

When revising your orders send the entire order set. The last set of orders submitted before adjudication takes place will be used. Previous orders will be replaced when revised orders come in. The GM will not look at previous orders to fill in missing unit orders in a revised order set.

If you have already submitted your orders and wish to change them, you must resubmit for all of your units.

If any particular unit is mentioned twice in an order list with contradictory orders, the last order instance for that unit will be selected for adjudication. Except when one order for a unit specifies the correct unit type and another specifies the incorrect unit type. The correct order with the correct unit type will take precedence.

(Example: In Spring '01 England orders:
F London - English Channel
A London - Wales
The order F London - English Channel will be attempted and A London -
Wales will be voided)

I will not adjudicate with an NMR in the first year.

Players will have one NMR tolerated. In the event that a player does NMR that player must contact the GM within 48 hours of the results being posted to confirm that they will continue playing. If no reply is received I will immediately begin looking for a replacement before the next turn. If the NMRing player contacts me before I find a replacement he may be allowed to continue.

After a player NMRs a second time he will be allowed to stay only by GM discretion or a unanimous agreement by the remaining active players.

NBR'S and NRR'S will not be counted as NMR's in regards to being automatically replaced after two NMRs. However the player is required to contact me within 48HRs or I will begin to seek a replacement.

Players are free to propose an agreement to terminate the game at any time. According to the basic rules of Diplomacy this should result in a draw between all survivors. However I will accept any reasonable proposal. Approval requires a unanimous yes vote by all surviving
Players (players may abstain and not affect the outcome of the vote). The vote will be cast by secret ballot. Results will be announced upon receipt of first "no" vote, a unanimous "yes" vote or upon expiration of deadline. The player who makes the proposition does not have to vote yes. Not voting before the deadline will be considered abstaining and will not affect the vote.

The GM reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. Changes will be made in cases requiring rules clarification. GM also reserves the right to put any issue to a vote of the remaining players. All votes must be unanimous to pass.


DC101 - Reminder - aramis604   (Sep 16, 2007, 11:49 am)
Orders are due tonight by 9pm pacific time!


DC101 - Reminder (dc101) aramis604 Oct 02, 11:36 am

You're right... Fall 1904 is not due until Friday the 5th.

Just so you all know, I keep track of the various due dates with calendar entries and I send reminders to all of you based upon automatic notifications I get from the calendar for upcoming events. Summer 1904 was adjucated early, and I forgot to remove the calendar event for the deadline.

- Josh

----- Original Message ----
From: LEE CLARK <leeaclark(at)btinternet.com>
To: Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 9:17:56 AM
Subject: Re: DC101 - Reminder

Hi Josh,

Your previous email said that Fall 1904 was not due until Friday 5th.

Is this not the case?


----- Original Message ----
From: Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>
To: Lee Clark <leeaclark(at)btinternet.com>; zz dc101 <dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Derek eyler <derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com>; Gram <gramario(at)tin.it>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Adam Levy <adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 October, 2007 12:19:54 AM
Subject: DC101 - Reminder

Fall 1904 is due tomorrow by 9pm pacific time.
DC106 Press - felix388   (Sep 16, 2007, 11:36 am)
'little' Israel speaks

 To Poland,

 You are to late my former friend, the ruler you sought out with your message is no longer to be found. Now I rule in his place, though we may be the same person in physical form, our mind is now attuned to that of eternal friendship and guardianship of Israel. For this, most foul I might add, declaration of war against Israel, 'little' Israel herby proclames war on Poland. My liege and lord must be protected.

 As signed by 'little' Israel, the Great Lords humble servant


dc107 new s06 deadline! - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 16, 2007, 11:12 am)
Missed a vacation… so next deadline is hereby set to Tuesday 9/25, 2pm Pacific

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 2:13 PM
Subject: dc107 f05 Builds!

That German war machine sure can crank'em out fast!

New units arrive...

F Kiel

A Berlin


Next: Spring '06 due Tuesday 9/25, 2pm Pacific





Unknown - deathblade_penguin   (Sep 15, 2007, 9:17 pm)
That would be fantastic, if she did.


Current Game Deadlines - former.trout   (Sep 15, 2007, 8:29 pm)
Hi guys,

Just had a thought tonight. Maybe we could have a field on the active game page for the GM to write down the current game turn and deadline. That might help the players a little.

Minor detail - thought I might as well bring it up though.



DC106 Press - felix388   (Sep 15, 2007, 8:00 pm)

Poland's Statements:I, President of Poland, now Declare War on Israel. This is not a war of anti-Semitism, but a war of justice, a war of liberation.To Ukraine:I am happy to see that your armies had backed off. As promised, my armies will leave our borders and go against Israel. You can keep MUS. Good luck to our campaign against the notorious Israel.To Spain:History had told us that Israel was not credible. Don't you remember Sicily and Byzantine? Israel told them he would not attack them, but they were conquered by Israel afterwards. Even if you retreat, he would not stop attacking you. So, don't give up! Please keep defense! Your reinforcements are COMING!!!


love - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 15, 2007, 6:19 pm)
Does she play Diplomacy too?


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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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