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dc109 s215 BC Results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Germania receives some good favor from Him as they dislodge 3 enemy armies…

Rome and Scythia have some retreats due Tuesday 10/9, 2pm Pacific:

F Balearic Sea
A Aqueleia

A Aestui
A Iazyges

But I will send results as soon as I get orders.


A Cartenna Hold

F Ionian Sea - Neapolis (*Fails*)
F Syrtis Major Supports F Carthage - Punic Sea
F Carthage - Punic Sea
A Gaetulia - Cyrenaica
F Numidia - Carthage
A Apulia Supports F Ionian Sea - Neapolis
F Creta Hold

F Numidian Sea Supports F Narbonensis - Balearic Sea
F Saguntum Supports A Cartenna (*Fails*)
A Pyrenaei Supports F Saguntum
A Helvetii - Genua (*Bounce*)
A Aliso Supports A Belgica
A Raetia Supports A Genua - Aqueleia
F Narbonensis - Balearic Sea
A Belgica Supports A Aliso
F Britannia - O.Britannicus

A Treva - Aestui
A Biskupin Supports A Treva - Aestui
A Bojohaemum - Iazyges
A Genua - Aqueleia
A Pannonia Supports A Bojohaemum - Iazyges

F Aegaeum Mare - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Pella - Illyricum
A Athos - Athens
A Attaleia - Lydia (*Fails*)
A Antiochia - Attaleia (*Fails*)
A Nineveh Hold
F Lydia - Aegaeum Mare (*Fails*)

F Balearic Sea - Genua (*Dislodged*)
F Tyrhennian Sea - Roma
A Aqueleia Supports F Balearic Sea - Genua (*Dislodged*)
A Neapolis Supports A Sicilia (*Cut*)
A Sicilia Supports A Neapolis

F Maeotis Palus Hold
A Aestui Supports A Treva (*Dislodged*)
A Gelonus - Dacia
A Kul Oba - Maikop
A Iazyges Supports A Pannonia (*Dislodged*)
A Moesia Supports A Pella - Illyricum


Do I look like a Supertrooper - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
What a great movie. God bless Vermont.


The Return of the Express Train to Hell!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Running an super fast gunboat standard!
Chaos Builds.
24 hour turns
Full Press

For the commited!!

Send email to



DC106 Press - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Poland's Statements:

To Ukraine: I see you have lost BUL. What's happening? Can you tell me how Israel troops locate around Black Sea? I can help you if you need. I failed to take ATH because I bounce with Israeli F ION. And, I will support your A VOL to KAS, ok?

To Spain: Nice job! Not only you have killed Eire by moving into BRI, you also let my Army to SCH. Well done my friend. This Spring, I will support your Army LAN to PIE. Israel can do nothing about that because I will cut his support at TRL and VEN. As promised, you can hold BRI, DIJ, and LAN, and I won't attack MID. Your fleets can go back to the East, and attack Israel's empty Italy and North Africa, since most of the troops are at Israel's Eastern border. I will support you with my armies and my fleets if you need. Come on, my friend.


Dc120: Waiting for France. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

I am waiting for France to submit. I know Marc has been travelling (he was recently in Sydney a mere 8 hours from me) so hopefully he will submit soon.

Anyone else can change their moves in the interim, but i will adjudicate as soon as i hear from Marc.

This raises an interesting point, that you may wish to discuss.. how long do you want to wait for someone to submit moves...

aka Deathblade_penguin

Find thousands of jobs online now! NEW jobsjobsjobs.com.au.


Newsletters - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
October 6th.

Well it's been a long time since i've had the chance to get a
newsletter out.. let's just say that free time has not been my
companion but real life issue and annoyingly time consuming work has..
but we can't always complain can we..? (the correct answer to that is
YES...)well i'll leap straight into our regular sections and will add a
few new. Thanks to those people who email me asking for the
newsletter.. it's nice to know it's read, if only by a few..hahaha

(1) NEW INFO www.diplomaticcorp.com
We've been updated the website.. We have :-

The New Message Board Forum.
It's up and running. Now when we originally formed DC (back in 2000) we
liked the idea of one main forum but the number of games we have
running now just swamps the message board so we have moved with the
times. We now plan to have Threads open to discuss variant design, open
games and anything else as well as one thread for each game running ..
so if you have not checked it out as always to the
www.diplomaticcorp.com website and click on MESSAGE BOARD. One of the
first links there is how to sign up - check that.. Mike Sims has left
some clear instructions... I think it looks great. Mike has also added
a section to the home page with the last few messages posted..

The new website.
Well we are starting to move house (do we shed a tear for the yahoo
group?) to the new site completely. Dc124 (and all future games) will
be run completely through the new site and new message board and we are
in the process of moving Dc118, Dc122 and Dc123 over at the moment. By
year's end we hope to have moved games across so if you are NOT
involved in a game at the moment, check it out and make sure you sign
up to the new website.. My goal is too move 1 game a week but i'm
waiting for a couple of people in dc123 to move across (dont want to
lose anyone in the process..lol)

My newsletter.
As always feedback is very welcome. Feel free to email me at

(2) Recruiting Games.
Okay - first of all, we are trying to get another live game off the
ground. I've played in 2 during my time in DC and it is really
enjoyable.. the link is here

Jason has worked hard on his wheel of time variant and is looking for a
few more players to help play test it. If you are a fan of the series
(Condolences to the family of Robert Jordan) like I am.. or happy to
help play test new variants.. sign up at the OPEN GAMES page. It is
game re:006

as for the other games.. well check them out there should be something
for everyone..

(3) TV.
Well Heroes has started again here in Australia and i believe we are
one episide behind you guys in the states.(Obviously the threat of
downloads is being taken seriously by the networks here).. so as a fan.
i'm happy to discuss the plot (remember I am a week behind so no
spoilers) so episode 1... a little disapointing do you think? Perhaps i
would have liked more of a wrap up of the fight.. what about WEST
though.. is this the first time we've seem heroes that seem to have the
same power as someone else? and when did ol' Pete Petrelli learn to
fire lighting?.. anyway I'm up for discussion on this... (perhaps this
segment should be further down in the newsletter)

(4) GM's Wanted
With the large number of player in demand for a standard game, we are
always short of GMs in the club. Generally to GM a game takes about 20
minutes for an adjudication and email access. IT's a great way to help
out the club. If you can GM drop me a line at stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

Okay i believe that's it for now...


Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I see 3 results so far...


Hey! I Found The Message Board!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Super Troopers

----- Original Message ----
From: dc123 <dc123(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
To: dc123(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2007 5:28:04 PM
Subject: Re: Hey! I Found The Message Board!!

What a great movie. God bless Vermont.


Newsletter: October 2007 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
What is it about the website?

Yes the goal is to move off the Yahoo Group entirely. This is because there was essentially no real discussion going on, due to all the game adjudications, nobody could really communicate.

The website is similar, in that it lists the 8 most recent messages right on the homepage, just like the group.

Also if visiting the site isn’t your cup of tea, you can subscribe and post totally via email, and never have to go to the site if you prefer that, just like the Yahoo Group.

Getting that email portion working was a critical path… because we know many people play Dip solely via the email, and prefer not to go to a site. So given that, what is it that would turn you off from the new system? Perhaps there is something else we could implement that would make it more seamless for you, and others may share your view.

The forum email address is forum-at-diplomaticcorp-dot-com. Anyone can post via email!


From: diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com [mailto:diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Trent Woodruff
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 7:17 AM
To: diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: (Diplomatic Corp) Newsletter: October 2007

At 03:04 AM 10/6/2007, you wrote:

The new website.
Well we are starting to move house (do we shed
a tear for the yahoo group?) to the new site

Sad to hear it. Does this mean you won't be
using the Yahoo group at all or just that this
is another avenue? I ask because I don't and
won't do message boards.

If so, that's fine, I'd just like to know...I'll
just concentrate on my other Diplomacy groups.
No hard feelings at all.

...Never think that a handful of committed people can't change the
world. In fact, that's usually the thing that has.

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Germany Rules - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Don't tell me Sims and I have the same prefered country.. NOOOOO


DC101 - Fall 1904 results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I also need a retreat from Italy in Morocco. I forgot that RP for the 1900 variant doesn't handle the multiple coasts of Spain correct and I'm manually correcting the map now.

Italian A Morocco can retreat to Southern Algeria

I will send the updated map once all the retreats are in.

- Josh


Newsletter: October 2007 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

At 07:44 AM 10/6/2007, Michael Sims wrote:

Also if visiting the site isn't your cup of tea, you can subscribe and post
totally via email, and never have to go to the site if you prefer that, just
like the Yahoo Group.

In fact, this is precisely the crux of my concern. I absolutely despise
every message boarding system I've ever seen. If I am able to handle
things (not just the games, but the discussions as well) via email
still, then I don't have any problem. I was under the understanding
that wasn't the case.

Thanks for the clarification.

...Never think that a handful of committed people can't change the
world. In fact, that's usually the thing that has.


DC104 Invitational - Spring 1908 - My Doorbell - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
My god, what was i thinking??
I submitted the wrong set of moves
trout didn't you get my final final final set???

I am now doomed to ridicule, again

On Oct 5, 2007, at 10:08 PM, Former Trout wrote:

Hellfire and damnation raged over Vienna.  As the struggling German occupiers paused to catch their breath, a final wave of exhausted Austrians surged through No-Man's-Land, wading through the Kraut artillery and into their enemies trenches.  The battle carried into the streets of the city, and the citizens cheered as they saw their bedraggled troops return home - the Germans returning once more to the mountain passes of Tyrolia.

Meanwhile, in Paris at the broad end of the Champs Elysees the Kaiser excitedly jabbed his finger towards the towering form of the Arc d'Triomphe.  "I want one," he demanded.  The French President, standing beside him, nodded.

"Oui.  This, we do."


Brave struggles in the east are undercut by French movement in the west.  But you never know - miracles can happen.

One retreat to worry about after the Spring moves - the French fleet in the Mid Atlantic was dislodged and needs to find a new home.  Felix, I've set the deadline for Sunday, October 7th (11:59 PM GMT).  I will adjudicate sooner if you get me a retreat marked final. 

Cheers everyone.  Please let me know if you spot an error.


DC104InvitationalA Standard GameGame Started:May 29, 2007

Current Turn:Spring 1908
Next Deadline:Summer 1908 RetreatsSunday, October 7th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria:Bruce Rayraybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])England:Steve Lyttonstevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])France:Felix Kam Chungfelixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])Germany:Mike Simsmike(at)jenningstech.com ([email]mike(at)jenningstech.com[/email])Italy:Kevin O'Kellykodiplomacy(at)gmail.com ([email]kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com[/email])Russia:Mikael Johannsenm_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email])Turkey:Erik Swiatekswiatek(at)ruc.dk ([email]swiatek(at)ruc.dk[/email])

Humble GM:Former Troutformer.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])



Tri - VieOKBud s Tri - VieOK


F Bre-MAOOKF NAT S Bre-MAOOKF ENG S Bre-MAOOKA Par-GasOKA Bur S Par-GasOKA Pie-Ven[BOUNCE with VEN 1:1]A Tus-Ven[BOUNCE with VEN 1:1]A Tyr-Vie[DEFEATED by TRI 2:1]A Gal S Tyr-Vie[CUT by UKR]A War S GalOKA Sil S GalOKA Mun-BohOKA Ber-MunOKA Mos HoldsOKA StP S MosOKF Swe-NwyOKF Kie-HolOK

ven - tyr[BOUNCE with TYR 1:1]adr s ser - triOK

A Arm S A Sev                                                    OKA Sev HOKA Ukr --> Gal                                   [BOUNCE with GAL 2:3]A Rum S A Ukr --> Gal                                            OKA Bul --> Ser                                                       OKA Ser --> Tri        OK

F Apu -> IONOKA Gre HoldOK

French F Mid Atlantic may retreat to Iri, Spa(nc), Spa(sc), Wme, Naf or OTB


2 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud
2 Armies - Tri, Bud
0 Fleets

5 Supply Centers - Spa, Tun, Por, Mar, Rom
1 Army - Por
4 Fleets - Nap, Tyn, Tun, [Mao]

17 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber, Bel, Hol, Den, Swe, Lon, Edi, Nwy, Lvp, Stp, War, Vie
  Par, Bre, Mos
12 Armies - Tus, Gas, Pie, Gal, Stp, War, Mos, Bur, Tyl, Sil, Mun, Boh
5 Fleets - Nat, Mao, Eng, Nwy, Hol

2 Supply Centers - Nap, Ven
1 Army - Ven
1 Fleet - Adr

6 Supply Centers - Sev, Rum, Bul, Ser, Ank, Con
6 Armies - Tri, Ser, Arm, Rum, Sev, Ukr
0 Fleets -  

2 Supply Centers - Smy, Gre
1 Army - Gre
1 Fleet - Ion



<Invitational - 08 SPR ORDERS.gif>
<Invitational - 08 SPR RESULT.gif>


Supertroopers it is! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Oh.. Bikers... I'm an idiot.

Thanks Nathan - and Samuel.


Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I have updated the results to reflect what is occurring in Spain.

First let me explain that Realpolitik does not work correctly when there are more than two coasts for a province; as spain does in the 1900 variant. RP only sees two coasts, North and West, and it assumes any order to the east coast is actually to the west coast. To correct this I had to make a dummy province in spain which doesn't really exist. Unfortunately RP will never adjucate the spain area correctly.

That being said. Here is what happened in Spain this year.

Both Turkey and France ordered their fleet to move to Spain (west coast & east coast respectively), causing a bounce since there was no support for either move. This means that the Italian army from Morocco could not move to Gibraltar because the French fleet never actually left and the move wasn't supported, thus leading to Morocco being dislodged by Turkey.


Newsletter: October 2007 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Absolutely is the case. That was one of our biggest goals in a new
system, to make it so ppl can play (and participate) totally by email.
Many companies block gaming sites, ppl don't want to open gaming sites
at work, etc. But email is simple and inconspicuous.

So all you have to do, is go to the site (www.diplomaticcorp.com) link
up your account to a password/login. Then once you have a login, you'll
be able to log in to the message board, and subscribe to anything you
want. This is actually better than the Yahoo Group, because in the
group you have to subscribe to all or nothing... Now you can just
subscribe to the commonspace and your individual games, and your mailbox
won't be flooded with adjudications of 25 unrelated games.

Once you're logged into the message board, there is a Subscriptions link
at the top, where you can set which forums you'd like to receive in your


-----Original Message-----
From: Trent Woodruff [mailto:afretired(at)charter.net]
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 9:07 AM
To: Michael Sims
Cc: diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com; forum(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: RE: Newsletter: October 2007

At 07:44 AM 10/6/2007, Michael Sims wrote:

Also if visiting the site isn't your cup of tea, you can subscribe and


totally via email, and never have to go to the site if you prefer

that, just

like the Yahoo Group.

In fact, this is precisely the crux of my concern. I absolutely despise
every message boarding system I've ever seen. If I am able to handle
things (not just the games, but the discussions as well) via email
still, then I don't have any problem. I was under the understanding
that wasn't the case.

Thanks for the clarification.

...Never think that a handful of committed people can't change the
world. In fact, that's usually the thing that has.


(Diplomatic Corp) RE: Newsletter: October 2007 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Yes, I like forums and Yahoogroups very much...if only from a history point of view.As a historian and record keeper
it would drive me crazy when GMs wouldn't post Diplomacy results in Cat23.
So if only for that aspect its a good thing too.


-----Original Message-----
From: diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com [mailto:diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Michael Sims
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 12:42 PM
To: Trent Woodruff
Cc: forum(at)diplomaticcorp.com; diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com
Subject: (Diplomatic Corp) RE: Newsletter: October 2007

Absolutely is the case. That was one of our biggest goals in a new
system, to make it so ppl can play (and participate) totally by email.
Many companies block gaming sites, ppl don't want to open gaming sites
at work, etc. But email is simple and inconspicuous.

So all you have to do, is go to the site (www.diplomaticcorp.com) link
up your account to a password/login. Then once you have a login, you'll
be able to log in to the message board, and subscribe to anything you
want. This is actually better than the Yahoo Group, because in the
group you have to subscribe to all or nothing... Now you can just
subscribe to the commonspace and your individual games, and your mailbox
won't be flooded with adjudications of 25 unrelated games.

Once you're logged into the message board, there is a Subscriptions link
at the top, where you can set which forums you'd like to receive in your


-----Original Message-----
From: Trent Woodruff [mailto:afretired(at)charter.net ([email]afretired%40charter.net[/email])]
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 9:07 AM
To: Michael Sims
Cc: diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com ([email]diplomaticcorp%40yahoogroups.com[/email]); forum(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]forum%40diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Subject: RE: Newsletter: October 2007

[quote:b29b2eb694]At 07:44 AM 10/6/2007, Michael Sims wrote:

Also if visiting the site isn't your cup of tea, you can subscribe and


totally via email, and never have to go to the site if you prefer

that, just

like the Yahoo Group.

In fact, this is precisely the crux of my concern. I absolutely despise
every message boarding system I've ever seen. If I am able to handle
things (not just the games, but the discussions as well) via email
still, then I don't have any problem. I was under the understanding
that wasn't the case.

Thanks for the clarification.

...Never think that a handful of committed people can't change the
world. In fact, that's usually the thing that has.



Re: Germany Rules - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Don't tell me Sims and I have the same prefered country.. NOOOOO

Time to go scrub away the filth huh?


DC106:: FALL 1909 RETREAT RESULTS!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ah greetings kind Sirs......
We say goodbye to Eire....

Buh Bye!!

We are now down to 5 players

Winter 1909 due Monday, October 8th 23.59 EST

Spring 1910 due on Wednesday, October 10th, 23.59 EST GMT-4

If you do not get a map it means your previous map 
remains the same.

You will also get your Winter status.

Keep in mind that 27 is the SC needed to Solo.

There shall be no notification of how close you all may or
may not be to a solo......

A player has asked if maps could be sent individual.  They cannot.
Any player may share their map but it will be broadcasted to all players.

Thank you and Enjoy the impeding implosion of your respective countries!!

The Fog protects no ONE!!


Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Spring 1865 D... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

We've had a request for a short deadline extension for Guns, Germs and Steel. The revised deadline for Spring 1865 will be Wednesday, October 10th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers! Happy dipping,



Deadlines - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

I have a spreadsheet where i record each of the deadlines for the games (except one i think)

I'll email it to you to look at as it wont post here properly.

Are you thinking something like that?


Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Excellent point,

I think it's just a 'wording' as we are moving from a yahoo club (but maybe it should be worded as personal ID)..

I'll handball this to Mike to deal with.



DC123 - Grace Period Entered - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi everyone,

We're officially entering the grace period for two players for DC123. As so many sets were missing at the deadline last night, I gave everyone an extra day. However I still remain orderless for the Chosokabe and the Shimazu.

The grace period expires at 11:59 PM GMT on Sunday, October 7th. This is in 18.5 hours. David and Jacob, please get in touch with me ASAP.




Re: Sign Up Form - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Yep, we used to be tied to the Yahoo Group, but now that the site is freestanding that requirement is gone. So Yahoo ID is hereby changed to Member ID. Smile People can choose whatever ID they want, it doesn't have to be Yahoo related.

On the sign up form, there is a field that reads "Yahoo ID." This initially gave me the impression that I needed a Yahoo account to sign up. Eventually I just made something up, which apparently hasn't been a problem. So, if you're planning to have the club exclusively on this site and not on Yahoo, you might want to consider changing the form.

Just a minor point. [/list]


DC 103:: SPRING DUE Need moves! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

guess who I am missing??


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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