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DC123 - Spring 1572 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

Once again, it is time to send out the Spring 1572 deadline reminder for DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. Orders are due in just over 17 hours. I'm still waiting for one set to come in.. *cough cough*




Guns, Germs and Steel - Spring 1865 Deadline Remin... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

This is Major Tom to ground control...

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Former Trout" <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Hi folks,

Just a heads-up that Spring 1865 orders for Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 are due in just under 43 hours. I still need three or four sets of orders for the full set, so if you have not received confirmaton please resend.




Dc113 : Government Shutdown back on Track - 24 hou... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

There is now only 24 hours to your deadline.

I have had Clayton/Austria, Zach/Turkey and Sam/Russia. confirm their moves.

I have moves on file from France and Italy but NO confirmation from those players.

I have NO moves or contact from Germany or England.

If someone in the game has an email address for germany or england, please send to me in cae i have the wrong addresses.

I have nnatee(at)gmail.com ([email]nnatee(at)gmail.com[/email]) and jamesjohara(at)gmail.com ([email]jamesjohara(at)gmail.com[/email]) for those players.

Any player is welcome to change their moves in the next 24 hours.

aka Deathblade_penguin

(Ps Vote for Marisa Tomei)

From: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
To: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; dc113(at)diplomaticcorp.com; cbarnett1966(at)roadrunner.com; zrallo(at)comcast.net; happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com; nnatee(at)gmail.com; diplomaticcorp(at)yahoogroups.com; bryce.moore(at)gmail.com; jamesjohara(at)gmail.com; samtheshark(at)gmail.com
Subject: Dc113 : Government Shutdown back on Track - new GM new Deadline
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 23:38:09 +1000

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} Gentleman of Dc113.

This game is back on track with a new GM and a New deadline.

Spring 1902 will be due in approx 46 hours. Saturday 9pm, AUSTRALIAN EST. (that's like 8am american time saturday morning). There are no grace periods for this deadline.

I am your new GM (Stephen aka Deathblade_penguin), stepping in for Kevin at the moment.

I will confirm all moves I currently have and sent a reminder out tomorrrow. I also suggest you confirm this email by emailing me Smile

if you dont get a confirmation from me. I dont have your moves.

aka Deathblade_penguin

(Ps Vote for Marisa Tomei)

Join Lavalife for free. What are you waiting for?

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it!


Dc120 - 12 hour warning - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
This is your 12 hour warning.

I do not have moves from all players. I am notifying them by email now.

aka Deathblade_penguin

(Ps Vote for Marisa Tomei)
Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders.


DC123 - Spring 1572 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Gimme a break I just joined the game! I know it’s a whopping 3 units but the green guy to my left says “why should I want to ally w you what’s in it for me” and the blue guy to my north is about to impale 2 of my centers. Be warned the warriors of Emperor Mochachokosaki will not go silently into the night!

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 11:53 PM
To: DC123(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: B H; Bruce Quinn; Felix Kamchung; Jacob Traeger; Joshua Gottesman; Michael Sims; Nathan Deily; Patrick Pottorff; Samuel Smith; Samuel Smith; Steve Lytton
Subject: DC123 - Spring 1572 Deadline Reminder

Hi folks,

Once again, it is time to send out the Spring 1572 deadline reminder for DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai. Orders are due in just over 17 hours. I'm still waiting for one set to come in.. *cough cough*




DC103 TONIGHT - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


DC117 BE A PITY - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


DC123 - Spring 1572 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
WHO IS THIS? Pesky little fly on the wall?
On Oct 12, 2007, at 8:16 AM, Michael Sims wrote:

Gimme a break I just joined the game!  I know it’s a whopping 3 units but the green guy to my left says “why should I want to ally w you what’s in it for me” and the blue guy to my north is about to impale 2 of my centers.  Be warned the warriors of Emperor Mochachokosaki will not go silently into the night!

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])] Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 11:53 PMTo: DC123(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC123(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])Cc: B H; Bruce Quinn; Felix Kamchung; Jacob Traeger; Joshua Gottesman; Michael Sims; Nathan Deily; Patrick Pottorff; Samuel Smith; Samuel Smith; Steve LyttonSubject: DC123 - Spring 1572 Deadline Reminder

Hi folks,Once again, it is time to send out the Spring 1572 deadline reminder for DC-123, Shade Of The Bonsai.  Orders are due in just over 17 hours.  I'm still waiting for one set to come in..  *cough cough*Cheers!Trout


DC104 - Fall 1908 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
In a message dated 10/12/2007 2:49:37 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, former.trout(at)gmail.com writes:

I've got six sets of orders for six players. Have I mentioned that you guys are good?

Timely, perhaps, but not good.

See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.


DC104 Invitational - Fall 1908 - Forever For Her (... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Deep within the bomb-proof walls of an undisclosed location in southern Europe, the leaders of the unoccupied territories gathered. The walls shook as explosions rocked the ground above them - dust sifting from the ceiling with each bone-jarring thump to collect on the ground.

The Tsar pointed at the map spread on the table before them. "Nyet, comrades. This cannot be!" His finger hovered above the black dot that represented Vienna, as if somehow he could change it back from black to red.

The pink-clad Austrian before him grimaced. "Unfortunately, its true. The attack from Tyrolia was too much for us to hold."

"But can they really be at nineteen supply centers?" The Italian questioned - his voice cracking.

The Sultan smirked. "Their gains came in the west, from France, not from our Eastern centers." He sat in his chair quietly smoking his hookah and trying to ignore the sounds of the war above them. "We might as well all be waving white flags."

At that moment, the door opened and the French President walked in. His wardrobe consisted of shining white garments, from his stylish coat to his burnished shoes. A white beret topped his smiling face. Whistling to himself, he stopped as he suddenly noticed that the other four men were glaring at him. "What?" he asked. "Something I said?"


And with France, so goes the board. Congratulations to Mike Sims for a sweeping 19 center German solo victory in DC-104. Finessing his way back into Vienna, the German also storms into Marseilles and Spain to seal the deal. And with that, the first round of the Invitational comes to a close.

There was one retreat required from Spain, but it had only the Gulf of Lyons to go to. But of course, that is purely window-dressing with the game resolved. My thanks to all you players who made this game a very memorable one.

EOG's are, of course, extremely welcome. I would greatly look forward to what all of you have to say about this crazy game of ours. It's been an honour being the GM for this - my hat is off to all of you.

As always, please let me know if I've made a mistake at all in the adjudication. For those who keep track of these things, the last few Subject Headers came from the great White Stripes album "Get Thee Behind Me Satan."

Cheers! (And congratulations once again to Mike..)


DC104 Invitational A Standard Game Game Started: May 29, 2007

Current Turn: Fall 1908

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Bruce Ray raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email]) England: Steve Lytton stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]) France: Felix Kam Chung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Germany: Mike Sims mike(at)jenningstech.com ([email]mike(at)jenningstech.com[/email]) Italy: Kevin O'Kelly kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com ([email]kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com[/email]) Russia: Mikael Johannsen m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Turkey: Erik Swiatek swiatek(at)ruc.dk ([email]swiatek(at)ruc.dk[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])



F ION C A Gre -> Apu OK A Gre -> Apu OK

Vie s Tri - Tyrolia [DISBANDED by TYL 2:1] Bud s Vie [CUT by GAL]

Spa, sc s Por [DISLODGED by MAO 2:1] Por H OK Nap - Rom OK Tyn Sea - West Med OK Tun - N. Afr OK

A Gas S MAO-Spa(sc) OK F MAO-Spa(sc) OK F ENG-Bre OK F NAT-MAO OK F Nwy-NWG OK F Hol-NTH OK A Bur-Mar OK A Mun-Sil OK A Tyr-Vie OK A Boh S Tyr-Vie OK A Gal-Bud [BOUNCE with BUD 1:1; DISBANDED by UKR 2:1] A Sil-War OK A War-Ukr OK A Mos S War-Ukr OK A StP S Mos OK A Tus-Ven [BOUNCE with VEN 2:2] A Pie S Tus-Ven OK

a ven s tri VOID (Unit Ordered to Move) f adr s ven OK

Tri - Tyr OK Ser - Tri OK Sev - Ukr [DEFEATED by WAR 2:1] Arm - Sev [BOUNCE with SEV 1:1] Ukr - Gal OK Rum s Ukr - Gal OK

Austrian A Vienna is Automatically Disbanded
French F Spain(sc) is Auto-Retreated to Gulf of Lyons
German A Galicia is Automatically Disbanded

Turkey: No Adjustments Austria: No Adjustments France: DISBANDS 2 Germany: BUILDS 3 Italy: No Adjustments Russia: BUILDS 1


2 Supply Centers - Smy, Gre GAIN: 1 Army - Apu LOSE: 1 Fleet - Ion

2 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud GAIN: 1 Army - Bud LOSE: Tri 0 Fleets

5 Supply Centers - Spa, Tun, Por, Mar, Rom GAIN: 1 Army - Por LOSE: Mar, Spa 4 Fleets - Rom, Wme, Naf, Gol DISBANDS 2

17 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber, Bel, Hol, Den, Swe, Lon, Edi, Nwy, Lvp, Stp, War, Vie GAIN: Mar, Spa Par, Bre, Mos LOSE: 11 Armies - Tus, Gas, Pie, Stp, Ukr, Mos, Mar, Vie, War, Sil, Boh BUILDS 3 5 Fleets - Mao, Spa(sc), Bre, Nwg, Nth

2 Supply Centers - Nap, Ven GAIN: 1 Army - Ven LOSE: 1 Fleet - Adr

6 Supply Centers - Sev, Rum, Bul, Ser, Ank, Con GAIN: Tri 6 Armies - Tri, Ser, Arm, Rum, Sev, Ukr LOSE: 0 Fleets - BUILDS 1


1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 AUSTRIA 3 5 7 6 3 2 2 2 1 ENGLAND 3 4 4 4 3 1 1 0 0 FRANCE 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 5 3 GERMANY 3 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 ITALY 3 5 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 RUSSIA 4 6 4 4 6 7 7 6 7 TURKEY 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2


DC104 Invitational - Fall 1908 - Forever For Her (... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Congrats to Sims!!Kingmaking is soooo fashionable
I will save my eog as a response to Sims EOG

On Oct 12, 2007, at 5:41 PM, Former Trout wrote:

Deep within the bomb-proof walls of an undisclosed location in southern Europe, the leaders of the unoccupied territories gathered.  The walls shook as explosions rocked the ground above them - dust sifting from the ceiling with each bone-jarring thump to collect on the ground.

The Tsar pointed at the map spread on the table before them.  "Nyet, comrades.  This cannot be!"  His finger hovered above the black dot that represented Vienna, as if somehow he could change it back from black to red.

The pink-clad Austrian before him grimaced.  "Unfortunately, its true.  The attack from Tyrolia was too much for us to hold."

"But can they really be at nineteen supply centers?"  The Italian questioned - his voice cracking.

The Sultan smirked.  "Their gains came in the west, from France, not from our Eastern centers."  He sat in his chair quietly smoking his hookah and trying to ignore the sounds of the war above them.  "We might as well all be waving white flags."

At that moment, the door opened and the French President walked in.  His wardrobe consisted of shining white garments, from his stylish coat to his burnished shoes.  A white beret topped his smiling face.  Whistling to himself, he stopped as he suddenly noticed that the other four men were glaring at him.  "What?" he asked.  "Something I said?"


And with France, so goes the board.  Congratulations to Mike Sims for a sweeping 19 center German solo victory in DC-104.  Finessing his way back into Vienna, the German also storms into Marseilles and Spain to seal the deal.  And with that, the first round of the Invitational comes to a close.

There was one retreat required from Spain, but it had only the Gulf of Lyons to go to.  But of course, that is purely window-dressing with the game resolved.  My thanks to all you players who made this game a very memorable one.

EOG's are, of course, extremely welcome.  I would greatly look forward to what all of you have to say about this crazy game of ours.  It's been an honour being the GM for this - my hat is off to all of you.

As always, please let me know if I've made a mistake at all in the adjudication.  For those who keep track of these things, the last few Subject Headers came from the great White Stripes album "Get Thee Behind Me Satan."

Cheers!  (And congratulations once again to Mike..)


DC104InvitationalA Standard GameGame Started:May 29, 2007

Current Turn:Fall 1908

The Rowdy Cast
Austria:Bruce Rayraybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])England:Steve Lyttonstevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])France:Felix Kam Chungfelixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])Germany:Mike Simsmike(at)jenningstech.com ([email]mike(at)jenningstech.com[/email])Italy:Kevin O'Kellykodiplomacy(at)gmail.com ([email]kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com[/email])Russia:Mikael Johannsenm_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email])Turkey:Erik Swiatekswiatek(at)ruc.dk ([email]swiatek(at)ruc.dk[/email])

Humble GM:Former Troutformer.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])



F ION C A Gre -> ApuOKA Gre -> ApuOK

Vie s Tri - Tyrolia[DISBANDED by TYL 2:1]Bud s Vie[CUT by GAL]

Spa, sc s Por[DISLODGED by MAO 2:1]Por HOKNap - RomOKTyn Sea - West MedOKTun - N. AfrOK

A Gas S MAO-Spa(sc)OKF MAO-Spa(sc)OKF ENG-BreOKF NAT-MAOOKF Nwy-NWGOKF Hol-NTHOKA Bur-MarOKA Mun-SilOKA Tyr-VieOKA Boh S Tyr-VieOKA Gal-Bud[BOUNCE with BUD 1:1;  DISBANDED by UKR 2:1]A Sil-WarOKA War-UkrOKA Mos S War-UkrOKA StP S MosOKA Tus-Ven[BOUNCE with VEN 2:2]A Pie S Tus-VenOK

a ven s triVOID (Unit Ordered to Move)f adr s venOK

Tri - TyrOKSer - TriOKSev - Ukr[DEFEATED by WAR 2:1]Arm - Sev[BOUNCE with SEV 1:1]Ukr - GalOKRum s Ukr - GalOK

Austrian A Vienna is Automatically Disbanded
French F Spain(sc) is Auto-Retreated to Gulf of Lyons
German A Galicia is Automatically Disbanded

Turkey:No AdjustmentsAustria:No AdjustmentsFranceVery HappyISBANDS 2Germany:BUILDS 3Italy:No AdjustmentsRussia:BUILDS 1


2 Supply Centers - Smy, GreGAIN:1 Army - ApuLOSE:1 Fleet - Ion

2 Supply Centers - Tri, BudGAIN:1 Army - BudLOSE:  Tri0 Fleets

5 Supply Centers - Spa, Tun, Por, Mar, RomGAIN:1 Army - PorLOSE:  Mar, Spa4 Fleets - Rom, Wme, Naf, GolDISBANDS 2

17 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber, Bel, Hol, Den, Swe, Lon, Edi, Nwy, Lvp, Stp, War, VieGAIN:  Mar, Spa  Par, Bre, MosLOSE:11 Armies - Tus, Gas, Pie, Stp, Ukr, Mos, Mar, Vie, War, Sil, BohBUILDS 35 Fleets - Mao, Spa(sc), Bre, Nwg, Nth

2 Supply Centers - Nap, VenGAIN:1 Army - VenLOSE:1 Fleet - Adr

6 Supply Centers - Sev, Rum, Bul, Ser, Ank, ConGAIN:  Tri6 Armies - Tri, Ser, Arm, Rum, Sev, UkrLOSE:0 Fleets -  BUILDS 1



<Invitational - 08 FALL ORDERS.gif>
<Invitational - 08 FALL RESULT.gif>
<Invitational - 08 EW RESULT.gif>


DC104 Invitational - Fall 1908 - Forever For Her (... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


On Oct 12, 2007, at 5:41 PM, Former Trout wrote:

Deep within the bomb-proof walls of an undisclosed location in southern Europe, the leaders of the unoccupied territories gathered.  The walls shook as explosions rocked the ground above them - dust sifting from the ceiling with each bone-jarring thump to collect on the ground.

The Tsar pointed at the map spread on the table before them.  "Nyet, comrades.  This cannot be!"  His finger hovered above the black dot that represented Vienna, as if somehow he could change it back from black to red.

The pink-clad Austrian before him grimaced.  "Unfortunately, its true.  The attack from Tyrolia was too much for us to hold."

"But can they really be at nineteen supply centers?"  The Italian questioned - his voice cracking.

The Sultan smirked.  "Their gains came in the west, from France, not from our Eastern centers."  He sat in his chair quietly smoking his hookah and trying to ignore the sounds of the war above them.  "We might as well all be waving white flags."

At that moment, the door opened and the French President walked in.  His wardrobe consisted of shining white garments, from his stylish coat to his burnished shoes.  A white beret topped his smiling face.  Whistling to himself, he stopped as he suddenly noticed that the other four men were glaring at him.  "What?" he asked.  "Something I said?"


And with France, so goes the board.  Congratulations to Mike Sims for a sweeping 19 center German solo victory in DC-104.  Finessing his way back into Vienna, the German also storms into Marseilles and Spain to seal the deal.  And with that, the first round of the Invitational comes to a close.

There was one retreat required from Spain, but it had only the Gulf of Lyons to go to.  But of course, that is purely window-dressing with the game resolved.  My thanks to all you players who made this game a very memorable one.

EOG's are, of course, extremely welcome.  I would greatly look forward to what all of you have to say about this crazy game of ours.  It's been an honour being the GM for this - my hat is off to all of you.

As always, please let me know if I've made a mistake at all in the adjudication.  For those who keep track of these things, the last few Subject Headers came from the great White Stripes album "Get Thee Behind Me Satan."

Cheers!  (And congratulations once again to Mike..)


DC104InvitationalA Standard GameGame Started:May 29, 2007

Current Turn:Fall 1908

The Rowdy Cast
Austria:Bruce Rayraybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])England:Steve Lyttonstevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])France:Felix Kam Chungfelixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])Germany:Mike Simsmike(at)jenningstech.com ([email]mike(at)jenningstech.com[/email])Italy:Kevin O'Kellykodiplomacy(at)gmail.com ([email]kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com[/email])Russia:Mikael Johannsenm_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email])Turkey:Erik Swiatekswiatek(at)ruc.dk ([email]swiatek(at)ruc.dk[/email])

Humble GM:Former Troutformer.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])



F ION C A Gre -> ApuOKA Gre -> ApuOK

Vie s Tri - Tyrolia[DISBANDED by TYL 2:1]Bud s Vie[CUT by GAL]

Spa, sc s Por[DISLODGED by MAO 2:1]Por HOKNap - RomOKTyn Sea - West MedOKTun - N. AfrOK

A Gas S MAO-Spa(sc)OKF MAO-Spa(sc)OKF ENG-BreOKF NAT-MAOOKF Nwy-NWGOKF Hol-NTHOKA Bur-MarOKA Mun-SilOKA Tyr-VieOKA Boh S Tyr-VieOKA Gal-Bud[BOUNCE with BUD 1:1;  DISBANDED by UKR 2:1]A Sil-WarOKA War-UkrOKA Mos S War-UkrOKA StP S MosOKA Tus-Ven[BOUNCE with VEN 2:2]A Pie S Tus-VenOK

a ven s triVOID (Unit Ordered to Move)f adr s venOK

Tri - TyrOKSer - TriOKSev - Ukr[DEFEATED by WAR 2:1]Arm - Sev[BOUNCE with SEV 1:1]Ukr - GalOKRum s Ukr - GalOK

Austrian A Vienna is Automatically Disbanded
French F Spain(sc) is Auto-Retreated to Gulf of Lyons
German A Galicia is Automatically Disbanded

Turkey:No AdjustmentsAustria:No AdjustmentsFranceVery HappyISBANDS 2Germany:BUILDS 3Italy:No AdjustmentsRussia:BUILDS 1


2 Supply Centers - Smy, GreGAIN:1 Army - ApuLOSE:1 Fleet - Ion

2 Supply Centers - Tri, BudGAIN:1 Army - BudLOSE:  Tri0 Fleets

5 Supply Centers - Spa, Tun, Por, Mar, RomGAIN:1 Army - PorLOSE:  Mar, Spa4 Fleets - Rom, Wme, Naf, GolDISBANDS 2

17 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber, Bel, Hol, Den, Swe, Lon, Edi, Nwy, Lvp, Stp, War, VieGAIN:  Mar, Spa  Par, Bre, MosLOSE:11 Armies - Tus, Gas, Pie, Stp, Ukr, Mos, Mar, Vie, War, Sil, BohBUILDS 35 Fleets - Mao, Spa(sc), Bre, Nwg, Nth

2 Supply Centers - Nap, VenGAIN:1 Army - VenLOSE:1 Fleet - Adr

6 Supply Centers - Sev, Rum, Bul, Ser, Ank, ConGAIN:  Tri6 Armies - Tri, Ser, Arm, Rum, Sev, UkrLOSE:0 Fleets -  BUILDS 1



<Invitational - 08 FALL ORDERS.gif>
<Invitational - 08 FALL RESULT.gif>
<Invitational - 08 EW RESULT.gif>


DC104 Invitational - Fall 1908 - Forever For Her (... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Round 2 is likely to kick off within the next week or so. There are a few adminstrative issues that need to be run before that
starts though.

Firstly, i need the players to confirm to me, if they are able to play in the second round of the competition.

Could i have yes or no confirmations asap please?

The game/variant for round 2 will be selected by voting on it. Once you have voted, you
are 'effectively' locked into the game and will score a CD if you choose not to play
based on the variant.

At this stage, I am waiting to hear from :-


aka Deathblade_penguin

(Ps Vote for Marisa Tomei)

Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 18:41:08 -0600
From: former.trout(at)gmail.com
To: DiplomaticCorp(at)yahoogroups.com; DC104(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC104 Invitational - Fall 1908 - Forever For Her (Is Over For Me)
CC: raybrucea(at)aol.com; swiatek(at)ruc.dk; felixkamchung(at)mac.com; kevinokelly(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com

Deep within the bomb-proof walls of an undisclosed location in southern Europe, the leaders of the unoccupied territories gathered. The walls shook as explosions rocked the ground above them - dust sifting from the ceiling with each bone-jarring thump to collect on the ground.

The Tsar pointed at the map spread on the table before them. "Nyet, comrades. This cannot be!" His finger hovered above the black dot that represented Vienna, as if somehow he could change it back from black to red.

The pink-clad Austrian before him grimaced. "Unfortunately, its true. The attack from Tyrolia was too much for us to hold."

"But can they really be at nineteen supply centers?" The Italian questioned - his voice cracking.

The Sultan smirked. "Their gains came in the west, from France, not from our Eastern centers." He sat in his chair quietly smoking his hookah and trying to ignore the sounds of the war above them. "We might as well all be waving white flags."

At that moment, the door opened and the French President walked in. His wardrobe consisted of shining white garments, from his stylish coat to his burnished shoes. A white beret topped his smiling face. Whistling to himself, he stopped as he suddenly noticed that the other four men were glaring at him. "What?" he asked. "Something I said?"


And with France, so goes the board. Congratulations to Mike Sims for a sweeping 19 center German solo victory in DC-104. Finessing his way back into Vienna, the German also storms into Marseilles and Spain to seal the deal. And with that, the first round of the Invitational comes to a close.

There was one retreat required from Spain, but it had only the Gulf of Lyons to go to. But of course, that is purely window-dressing with the game resolved. My thanks to all you players who made this game a very memorable one.

EOG's are, of course, extremely welcome. I would greatly look forward to what all of you have to say about this crazy game of ours. It's been an honour being the GM for this - my hat is off to all of you.

As always, please let me know if I've made a mistake at all in the adjudication. For those who keep track of these things, the last few Subject Headers came from the great White Stripes album "Get Thee Behind Me Satan."

Cheers! (And congratulations once again to Mike..)


DC104 Invitational A Standard Game Game Started: May 29, 2007

Current Turn: Fall 1908

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Bruce Ray raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email]) England: Steve Lytton stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]) France: Felix Kam Chung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Germany: Mike Sims mike(at)jenningstech.com ([email]mike(at)jenningstech.com[/email]) Italy: Kevin O'Kelly kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com ([email]kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com[/email]) Russia: Mikael Johannsen m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Turkey: Erik Swiatek swiatek(at)ruc.dk ([email]swiatek(at)ruc.dk[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])



F ION C A Gre -> Apu OK A Gre -> Apu OK

Vie s Tri - Tyrolia [DISBANDED by TYL 2:1] Bud s Vie [CUT by GAL]

Spa, sc s Por [DISLODGED by MAO 2:1] Por H OK Nap - Rom OK Tyn Sea - West Med OK Tun - N. Afr OK

A Gas S MAO-Spa(sc) OK F MAO-Spa(sc) OK F ENG-Bre OK F NAT-MAO OK F Nwy-NWG OK F Hol-NTH OK A Bur-Mar OK A Mun-Sil OK A Tyr-Vie OK A Boh S Tyr-Vie OK A Gal-Bud [BOUNCE with BUD 1:1; DISBANDED by UKR 2:1] A Sil-War OK A War-Ukr OK A Mos S War-Ukr OK A StP S Mos OK A Tus-Ven [BOUNCE with VEN 2:2] A Pie S Tus-Ven OK

a ven s tri VOID (Unit Ordered to Move) f adr s ven OK

Tri - Tyr OK Ser - Tri OK Sev - Ukr [DEFEATED by WAR 2:1] Arm - Sev [BOUNCE with SEV 1:1] Ukr - Gal OK Rum s Ukr - Gal OK

Austrian A Vienna is Automatically Disbanded
French F Spain(sc) is Auto-Retreated to Gulf of Lyons
German A Galicia is Automatically Disbanded

Turkey: No Adjustments Austria: No Adjustments France: DISBANDS 2 Germany: BUILDS 3 Italy: No Adjustments Russia: BUILDS 1


2 Supply Centers - Smy, Gre GAIN: 1 Army - Apu LOSE: 1 Fleet - Ion

2 Supply Centers - Tri, Bud GAIN: 1 Army - Bud LOSE: Tri 0 Fleets

5 Supply Centers - Spa, Tun, Por, Mar, Rom GAIN: 1 Army - Por LOSE: Mar, Spa 4 Fleets - Rom, Wme, Naf, Gol DISBANDS 2

17 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber, Bel, Hol, Den, Swe, Lon, Edi, Nwy, Lvp, Stp, War, Vie GAIN: Mar, Spa Par, Bre, Mos LOSE: 11 Armies - Tus, Gas, Pie, Stp, Ukr, Mos, Mar, Vie, War, Sil, Boh BUILDS 3 5 Fleets - Mao, Spa(sc), Bre, Nwg, Nth

2 Supply Centers - Nap, Ven GAIN: 1 Army - Ven LOSE: 1 Fleet - Adr

6 Supply Centers - Sev, Rum, Bul, Ser, Ank, Con GAIN: Tri 6 Armies - Tri, Ser, Arm, Rum, Sev, Ukr LOSE: 0 Fleets - BUILDS 1


1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 AUSTRIA 3 5 7 6 3 2 2 2 1 ENGLAND 3 4 4 4 3 1 1 0 0 FRANCE 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 5 3 GERMANY 3 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 ITALY 3 5 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 RUSSIA 4 6 4 4 6 7 7 6 7 TURKEY 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it!


dc107 s07 results! - Enter fat lady, stage left... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
2 retreats, but one is forced to Wales, and the other can go to Ank or Arm… so I’ll send it to Ank, if Turkey wishes to adjust, he can do so by Sunday 2pm Pacific or the retreat stands.

Fall ’07, quite possibly our final year will be due Tuesday, 10/16, 2pm Pacific, tho I will run this turn early if at any point I have 6 sets of orders.

Italy & Turkey NMR… guys please do turn in orders in what could be this last season! If you do, you get survivals, if not, 2 consecutive NMR would be Civil Disorder… would suck to play 7 years just to miss the last turn and get a CD for it in your stats. Whereas if you complete the game, your accounts are upgraded to regular status at which point you can freely join any number of games. Even “all units hold” is acceptable to avoid the wrath of the CD.

Other points of interest:

The first DC LIVE GAME will be held in Yahoo Chat next weekend... if you are interested in a real-time game of Diplomacy (10 min per turn) be sure to join at www.diplomaticcorp.com?game_id=LIVE.

Winter Blitz Tournament is now accepting signups for January: Two full rounds completed in 5 months time! If you like Dip but dont want the slow pace of a week per turn, check it out: www.diplomaticcorp.com?right=tournament



F Aegean Sea Convoys A Greece - Smyrna
A Armenia Supports A Greece - Smyrna
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Greece - Smyrna
A Rumania - Sevastopol (*Fails*)
A Serbia - Greece
F Trieste - Albania

F Liverpool Hold
A London Hold (*Dislodged to Wales*)

A Spain - Portugal
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon

A Berlin - Silesia
A Brest Supports A Paris - Gascony
A Burgundy Supports A Paris - Gascony
F Edinburgh - Clyde
A Galicia - Moscow (*Fails*)
F Holland - North Sea
A Kiel - Berlin
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
A Munich - Tyrolia
F North Sea - London
A Paris - Gascony
A Ruhr - Munich
A Ukraine - Moscow
A Yorkshire Supports F North Sea - London

F Gascony, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Marseilles, no move received
A Naples, no move received
F Rome, no move received

F Black Sea, no move received
F Constantinople, no move received
A Sevastopol, no move received
A Smyrna, no move received (*Dislodged to Ank*)
F Tunis, no move received


DC116 - German Grace Period Entered - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi guys,

Didn't forget about DC-116, I promise you. My apologies about not getting out word till now though. We're short a set of German orders and will now be moving into the German 24 hour grace period. William, please get me orders by tomorrow night at 11:59 PM GMT or we will seek replacement.

Sorry about the delay folks. Cheers,



DC104 Invitational - Fall 1908 - Forever For Her (... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
On Oct 12, 2007, at 7:21 PM, Stephen Lytton wrote:

Gentlemen. Round 2 is likely to kick off within the next week or so. There are a few adminstrative issues that need to be run before thatstarts though. Firstly, i need the players to confirm to me, if they are able to play in the second round of the competition. Could i have yes or no confirmations asap please? The game/variant for round 2 will be selected by voting on it. Once you have voted, youare 'effectively' locked into the game and will score a CD if you choose not to playbased on the variant. At this stage, I am waiting to hear from :- MikeRayFelixMikaelEricKevin. Stephen aka Deathblade_penguin www.diplomaticcorp.com
(Ps Vote for Marisa Tomei)
[quote:0e94cc3e87]Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 18:41:08 -0600From: former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])To: DiplomaticCorp(at)yahoogroups.com ([email]DiplomaticCorp(at)yahoogroups.com[/email]); DC104(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC104(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])Subject: DC104 Invitational - Fall 1908 - Forever For Her (Is Over For Me)CC: raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email]); swiatek(at)ruc.dk ([email]swiatek(at)ruc.dk[/email]); felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]); kevinokelly(at)gmail.com ([email]kevinokelly(at)gmail.com[/email]); kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com ([email]kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com[/email]); m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]); mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); tfletch33(at)yahoo.com ([email]tfletch33(at)yahoo.com[/email])Deep within the bomb-proof walls of an undisclosed location in southern Europe, the leaders of the unoccupied territories gathered.  The walls shook as explosions rocked the ground above them - dust sifting from the ceiling with each bone-jarring thump to collect on the ground. The Tsar pointed at the map spread on the table before them.  "Nyet, comrades.  This cannot be!"  His finger hovered above the black dot that represented Vienna, as if somehow he could change it back from black to red. The pink-clad Austrian before him grimaced.  "Unfortunately, its true.  The attack from Tyrolia was too much for us to hold.""But can they really be at nineteen supply centers?"  The Italian questioned - his voice cracking. The Sultan smirked.  "Their gains came in the west, from France, not from our Eastern centers."  He sat in his chair quietly smoking his hookah and trying to ignore the sounds of the war above them.  "We might as well all be waving white flags." At that moment, the door opened and the French President walked in.  His wardrobe consisted of shining white garments, from his stylish coat to his burnished shoes.  A white beret topped his smiling face.  Whistling to himself, he stopped as he suddenly noticed that the other four men were glaring at him.  "What?" he asked.  "Something I said?" ------------------------------And with France, so goes the board.  Congratulations to Mike Sims for a sweeping 19 center German solo victory in DC-104.  Finessing his way back into Vienna, the German also storms into Marseilles and Spain to seal the deal.  And with that, the first round of the Invitational comes to a close. There was one retreat required from Spain, but it had only the Gulf of Lyons to go to.  But of course, that is purely window-dressing with the game resolved.  My thanks to all you players who made this game a very memorable one. EOG's are, of course, extremely welcome.  I would greatly look forward to what all of you have to say about this crazy game of ours.  It's been an honour being the GM for this - my hat is off to all of you. As always, please let me know if I've made a mistake at all in the adjudication.  For those who keep track of these things, the last few Subject Headers came from the great White Stripes album "Get Thee Behind Me Satan." Cheers!  (And congratulations once again to Mike..)TroutDC104InvitationalA Standard GameGame Started:May 29, 2007Current Turn:Fall 1908GAME RESULT:GERMAN SOLO - FALL 1908The Rowdy CastAustria:Bruce Rayraybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])England:Steve Lyttonstevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])France:Felix Kam Chungfelixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])Germany:Mike Simsmike(at)jenningstech.com ([email]mike(at)jenningstech.com[/email])Italy:Kevin O'Kellykodiplomacy(at)gmail.com ([email]kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com[/email])Russia:Mikael Johannsenm_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email])Turkey:Erik Swiatekswiatek(at)ruc.dk ([email]swiatek(at)ruc.dk[/email])Humble GM:Former Troutformer.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])CURRENT SEASON:FALL 1908 ORDERS:TURKEY:F ION C A Gre -> ApuOKA Gre -> ApuOKAUSTRIA:Vie s Tri - Tyrolia[DISBANDED by TYL 2:1]Bud s Vie[CUT by GAL]FRANCE:Spa, sc s Por[DISLODGED by MAO 2:1]Por HOKNap - RomOKTyn Sea - West MedOKTun - N. AfrOKGERMANY:A Gas S MAO-Spa(sc)OKF MAO-Spa(sc)OKF ENG-BreOKF NAT-MAOOKF Nwy-NWGOKF Hol-NTHOKA Bur-MarOKA Mun-SilOKA Tyr-VieOKA Boh S Tyr-VieOKA Gal-Bud[BOUNCE with BUD 1:1;  DISBANDED by UKR 2:1]A Sil-WarOKA War-UkrOKA Mos S War-UkrOKA StP S MosOKA Tus-Ven[BOUNCE with VEN 2:2]A Pie S Tus-VenOKITALY:a ven s triVOID (Unit Ordered to Move)f adr s venOKRUSSIA:Tri - TyrOKSer - TriOKSev - Ukr[DEFEATED by WAR 2:1]Arm - Sev[BOUNCE with SEV 1:1]Ukr - GalOKRum s Ukr - GalOKEARLY WINTER 1908 RETREATS:Austrian A Vienna is Automatically DisbandedFrench F Spain(sc) is Auto-Retreated to Gulf of LyonsGerman A Galicia is Automatically DisbandedWINTER 1908 ADJUSTMENTS:Turkey:No AdjustmentsAustria:No AdjustmentsFranceVery HappyISBANDS 2Germany:BUILDS 3Italy:No AdjustmentsRussia:BUILDS 1UNIT / SUPPLY CENTER BREAKDOWN------------------------------TURKEY:2 Supply Centers - Smy, GreGAIN:1 Army - ApuLOSE:1 Fleet - IonAUSTRIA:2 Supply Centers - Tri, BudGAIN:1 Army - BudLOSE:  Tri0 FleetsFRANCE:5 Supply Centers - Spa, Tun, Por, Mar, RomGAIN:1 Army - PorLOSE:  Mar, Spa4 Fleets - Rom, Wme, Naf, GolDISBANDS 2GERMANY:17 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Ber, Bel, Hol, Den, Swe, Lon, Edi, Nwy, Lvp, Stp, War, VieGAIN:  Mar, Spa  Par, Bre, MosLOSE:11 Armies - Tus, Gas, Pie, Stp, Ukr, Mos, Mar, Vie, War, Sil, BohBUILDS 35 Fleets - Mao, Spa(sc), Bre, Nwg, NthITALY:2 Supply Centers - Nap, VenGAIN:1 Army - VenLOSE:1 Fleet - AdrRUSSIA:6 Supply Centers - Sev, Rum, Bul, Ser, Ank, ConGAIN:  Tri6 Armies - Tri, Ser, Arm, Rum, Sev, UkrLOSE:0 Fleets -  BUILDS 1ENGLAND - ELIMINATED 1907190019011902190319041905190619071908AUSTRIA357632221ENGLAND344431100FRANCE343345553GERMANY36791113151719ITALY356543222RUSSIA464467767TURKEY343333222

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it![/quote:0e94cc3e87]


Dc115: Retreat confirmed - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The Russian army retreats to Galicia.

Fall 1904 is due next Thursday at 9pm, Australian EST.

aka Deathblade_penguin

(Ps Vote for Marisa Tomei)
Sell your car for just $30 at CarPoint.com.au. It's simple!


Dc120 - Just waiting on France. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Will adjudicate as soon as I have French moves. Players are welcome to change their move.

aka Deathblade_penguin

(Ps Vote for Marisa Tomei)
Join Lavalife for free. What are you waiting for?


DC123 Shade Of The Bonsai - Spring 1572 - Ronin - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
From the Message of Master Gokurakuji

When one is serving officially or in the master's court, he should not think of a hundred or a thousand people, but should consider only the importance of the master.

The Spring of 1572 comes to the Isles of the Rising Sun and see the Mori make a play for the Chosokabe heartland, the Takeda and the Hojo bump heads in Shimotsuke and the Uesugi cling to one last thread of hope in Mutsu.

No retreats are required after the turn, although the Ronin army in Mino is dislodged and disbanded. We'll quickly move into Fall 1572 orders and set the deadline for Thursday, October 18th (11:59 PM GMT). As always, please let me know if you spot any errors in the adjudication.

Cheers all,


GAME NUMBER Shade Of The Bonsai A Sengoku Game Game Started: Thursday, August 30th

Current Turn: Spring 1572
Next Deadline: Fall 1572 Orders Thursday, October 18th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Honorable Players
Asakura Yoshikage: Joshua Gottesman joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com ([email]joshua.gottesman(at)gmail.com[/email]) Chosokabe Motochika: Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Hojo Ujimasu: Felix Kamchung felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Mori Motonari: Samuel Smith agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Oda Nobunaga: Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Shimazu Yoshihisa: Jacob Traegar jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au ([email]jacob.traeger(at)student.adelaide.edu.au[/email]) Takeda Shingen: Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Uesugi Kenshin: Patrick Pottorff happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com ([email]happyguy99993(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) Variant Info http://www.variantbank.org/results/rules/s/sengoku.htm


Let the truth of steel
reveal dishonorable
intentions and lies


A ISE to Mino OK A Owari S A ISE to Mino OK A Mikawa S A ISE to Mino OK All others HOLD
[GM NOTE: A Yamato Holds] OK [GM NOTE: F Totomi Sea Holds] OK [GM NOTE: F Kii Holds] OK

A Chikugo S MORI F Kanmon Straights - Hizen VOID (No Such Order) A Higo - Hyuga OK F Hyuga - Hyuga Coast OK F Bunga S F Hyuga - Hyuga Coast OK

A Kaga S A S. Shinano - Hida OK A S. Shinano - Hida OK A North Shinano - South Shinano OK A Kai - Suruga OK A Kozuke - Shitmotsuke [BOUNCE with HIT 1:1] F Echigo - Dewa OK

A Dewa-Mutzu OK

A Echizen - Omi [BOUNCE with YAS 1:1] F Hoki-Inaba OK A Settsu - Harima OK A Tango - Bizen OK A Yamashiro - Omi [BOUNCE with ECZ 1:1]

F Hyuga Coast - Bungo Strait OK F Osaka Bay - Sanuki [BOUNCE with BIT 1:1] F Tosa Bay - Hyuga Coast [DEFEATED by HYU 2:1]

A Hitachi - Shimotsuke [BOUNCE with KOZ 1:1] F Kumano Sea S F Pacific - Surgua Bay OK F Pacific - Suruga Bay OK F Sagami - Izu OK

A from Bitchu to Sanuki [BOUNCE with OSB 1:1] F from Bingo to Inland Sea OK F from Suo Sea to Iyo OK F from Kanmon Straits to Suo Sea OK [GM NOTE: A IZUMO UNORDERED - HOLDS] OK

Ronin A Mino is Automatically Disbanded


6 Supply Centers - Owa, Mik, Yat, Tot, Ise, Kii
4 Armies - Yat, Min, Owa, Mik
2 Fleets - Tos, Kii

4 Supply Centers - Sat, Osu, Hig, Bun
2 Armies - Chg, Hyu
2 Fleets - Bun, Hyc

6 Supply Centers - Kai, Ssh, Ecg, Mus, Koz, Nsh
5 Armies - Sur, Koz, Kag, Ssh, Hid
1 Fleet - Dew

1 Supply Center - Not
1 Army - Mut
0 Fleets -

5 Supply Centers - Ecz, Omi, Set, Ina, Yas
4 Armies - Har, Biz, Yas, Ecz
1 Fleet - Ina

3 Supply Centers - Iyo, Tos, San
0 Armies -
3 Fleets - Osb, Bus, Tob

4 Supply Centers - Sag, Izu, Kaz, Hit
1 Army - Hit
3 Fleets - Kus, Sub, Izu

5 Supply Centers - Nag, Iwa, Bin, Chi, Izm
2 Armies - Bit, Izm
3 Fleets - Kas, Sus, Bin



DC124 - Please check the DC124 forum - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I have received a number of questions wanting to confirm that Germany is due a build order for winter 1901, and that the results I posted for Fall 1901 did in fact contain a mistake.

I have addressed those questions individually with the people who have asked, but I would like to remind everyone to check the DC124 forum on the diplomaticcorp web site for updates regarding DC124. I will frequently post important game information in the forum such as updates, corrections, changes, and deadline reminders.

You can receive email notifications of new posts by subscribing to the DC124 forum as well. As DC124 is the pilot game for the new forum the majority of my communication to the group will be via the forum. In general the only emails I will send to you; the players are turn results, confirmation of orders received, and answers to any questions you send me.

- Josh


DC124 - Winter 1901 results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
3 for 3 on getting orders in on time! Thanks, you're all making my job really easy on this one. Smile

Build A Vienna
Build A Budapest

Build F Liverpool

Build F Brest

Build A Berlin

Build F Naples
Build A Rome

Build F St Petersburg(sc)

Build F Smyrna

Since we have someone out of town for a few days I have allowed a little extra time to get the next set of orders in.

Spring 1902 is due Friday, October 19th, by 9pm pacific time.


DC106:: SPRING 1910 RETREAT RESULTS!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
And so the bell tolls....garrisons are breached left right and center
and no one seems to be able to stop the scourge, where is it coming from? The north or
the South?? The intensity is palpitating!! Soon all shall be revealed!  NOT!!!

Fall 1910 due Monday, October 15th, 23.59 EST GMT-4

Maps to follow


dc104 DCI German EOG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
First off, Woohoo!
The cream of the crop, the big cahuna, the taco supreme, the game of games… the dc invitational, and a solo! What a game…

Before everyone rips on Felix, hold those thoughts… it should be known that this win did not come from Felix, but rather a series of questionable moves toward the mid and end game by quite a few players that netted me the win. Will get to that later… first I’ll share the game from my point of view:

The early game:

Right off the bat I knew I was in a good spot this game. Starting as Germany, you always worry about the early elimination… the England, France double-team, or Russia taking Scandinavia. However I got a great start in that Steve was England and Felix was France, and those two fight in just about every game. Some rivalries never die. Then also it turns out that my other two more distant neighbors, Russia and Austria, were Mikael and Ray-- Another duo that seem to always have it in for the other. I was sitting pretty.

First year, got the 3 builds, and helped Russia into Sweden, thinking with Steve in England I might need an ally… And this is about where things started to go really bad. It seemed like Italy stole Marseilles from France in fall ‘01, tho actually France gave it to him, in an elaborate plot… a plot to “eliminate England and leave Germany defenseless”. It was a masterful design, sort of the opposite of an Italian Octoberfest… you know where Italy goes thru Munich to attack France? Well this was Italy going thru France to attack Germany. It was an ingenious plan, and left me fried when I found out what was going on… I couldn’t believe I bought it, a plan created by Felix and Kevin had completely snowed me.

Second year was the very odd Italian build of an army in Venice. At this point I knew something was up, and I argued for days with Felix and Kevin about the merits of such a build. I knew it wasn’t to attack Austria, and the way to kill France was to build another fleet… but an army was raised, and the Fiafranchetto was destined to come to fruition… with simultaneous moves by Russia, Italy, and France, all against me and Steve! Fortunately I bounced 1 of the 3 moves against me, but Italy ended up in Tyrolia, and Russia in Silesia. I was basically dead from here on – with only 3 armies of my own! (I’d built 2 fleets at Felix’ request – part of the Fiafranchetto).

What saved me was a couple things… first—Ray… came thru w a killer move on Russia, taking 2 sc of growth in the 2nd year with Gal, Bul, and Rum falling to Austria. This caused Mikael to abandon the attack on me, and fall back to defend his homeland. And second—Kevin. After substantial negotiation, I managed to convince Kevin that an attack on France would produce more results than pursuing me, and so came the day the Fiafranchetto died, with Italy swiping Spain the turn he was to get support into Burgundy.

Third year, things were looking a thousand times brighter, as Russia withdrew, Italy had attacked France, and I had my original 6 units to sit on, half of which were fleets. At this point I made the move that really pushed me forward, which was a stab into Italy, right after he’d stabbed France. I knew Felix would never let him live that down, and so it was a very successful move which put me in Marseilles (Italian sc) by the end of the 3rd year. Also the newfound alliance with Felix already had him in position vs Steve (England) and so all it took was me shifting my units to the north and Steve was outgunned at sea 5 fleets to 3. It was only a matter of time. Steve was certain to lose Norway, and be reduced to his 3 island centers, which he expedited the loss of by misordering a key cover of London.

The Mid-Game:

Years 4 and 5 were just Felix and I pressing our advantage… Mikael and Ray tossing back and forth in the east, Steve beaten back in England, and France dominating the Med. Not much changed, until maybe year 6 or so, when everyone started ranting about a possible German solo. All the talk aside tho, nobody was willing to step up and make a move against me, being locked in their own wars. I think Mikael and Ray fought clear up to the fall of 08, by which point it was just too late to stop me.

Any semblance of organization at this point by AR, and I would have been stopped cold, and a DIAS could have been forced. But instead we trudged into year 7 with everyone saying Felix had to make the move to stop me, but nobody else would do the same. Because of this, I was able to keep Felix onside for quite a long time! While he did give in to the demands of the resistance a few times, I was able to keep him onside enough times to keep my progress inching forward.

The End-Game:

Year 7… more gains for me as Mikael pulled out of Moscow, in yet another attack on Ray, while yet again Ray attacked Mikael., handing me some centers I thought I would have to fight tooth and nail for. Instead I walked into Mos, securing those two eastern centers (War/Mos) I knew I’d need if I was to win.

Year 8… Russia and Austria FINALLY got together and decided to stop attacking each other, but by this time I was already in Moscow, and I had France outmatched in fleets – already occupying Par and Bre.

Italy was still alive by a hair tho, so I spent hours convincing Felix that we had to take out Italy in repayment for him stabbing the Fiafranchetto. It worked about half the time, the other times he’d order something to help the others… like helping Italy recapture Venice, and destroying my army in Rome. Both huge setbacks for me. In fact these were really my only setbacks along the way, all of which were due in part to Felix.

The End:

The 1908 turn was very odd because I knew Mikael was coordinating moves at this time, yet he had Turkey order F Apu-ION. I thought this was a bad move, since it set up a 50/50 guess for me outright soloing! In the final year, I had certain capture of Mar or Spain (but not both) for 17 sc, and then draw… but I also had a 50/50 shot at Vie or Ven because of this s08 move making it so they couldn’t defend both.

I guessed well, and went for Vie, tho it didn’t matter as the resistance didn’t cover either center. Whether I’d gone for Vie, or Ven, I would have been successful. Felix hosed an order that put me at 19, which was irrelevant in the end.

I’m very surprised I got this solo. At any point in years 5-6-7 if Austria and Russia had stopped fighting, they could have stopped me, but they just didn’t do it. Instead they demanded Felix make these gotta-stop-Sims moves, and he refused to do so on his own when everyone else was insulting him left and right for not stopping me, yet none of them would do so themselves.

So I owe the win largely to the alliance I built up w France after the Fiafranchetto (later dubbed Fiafranghetto) collapsed, but also to the eastern wars, and the easy capture of Moscow. Also the constant insults to Felix really egged him on and gave me lots of opportunities to keep him with me.

It was a great game, very exciting, especially negotiating towards the end, trying to keep battles going in the east, and to keep Felix onside in the west.

Good game to all, and I look forward to being slaughtered in round 2. Smile

Trout, impeccably GM’d… I love the enthusiasm, and the storylines each turn… Question is, did you recall the StarWars bit from memory? That made me sick hearing some great movie quotes leading to my army in Venice being slaughtered as if I was the evil empire. :-p I’m not evil.

Felix & Kevin, you two better write up that opening, and get it to go down in the history books.



Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
it's also the time of year as well.

Often Standard games fill quicker than variants but at this time of year. it's been a little slow.


dc104 DCI German EOG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ah thanks Sims for stating all that is apparent!!
Well well well, Kingmaker Felix made good on the rumours fo the DCI!!

Here is my little take.....

When I was asked to join the DCI, or more like qualify for the DCI, I was a bit shocked and 
frankly disgusted, because i knew it would end ugly...more so for me than anyone else....
i was caught between two hard places.....one.....if i sided with sims, penger would cry hell bent
hell cross gaming kingmaking scum vermin that i am.....if i sided with sims, it would have been....
show DC that you and penger are really close and attack sims because sims is ranked first in Dc.....
of course there was the ray camp....don't follow felix at all he will just piss you off, better kill him than to 
suffer later, or he will throw the iching or some other absurdity...

so for me, the only 3 player i needed to really piss off were.....
sims, ray, penger.

so how do i play, what should i do??

here comes the fiafranchetto....

when i saw the players i decided on a whim with kevin on im to form a sort of reverse version of the lepanto
where italy really attacks germany but through france.....
it was a cockeyed opening but i saw....like sims saw...the strong possibility of it succeeding and to an extent it 
really did...until kevin got a bit cold footed...no doubt by the pesterings of ray/sims penger...and then took spain!!
when the fiafranchetto was blossoming....
for those of you paying attention.....
the moves were.....

to get me via convoy to clyde...effectively killing england off...and positioning france in picardy, italy in burgundy and tyrolia

it would amount to italy keeping marseille for the duration of the game and allow me to finish england
and put immense pressure on germany....
as i saw it, i was going to finish the game with kevin, the most neutral on the board and the one most
able to make it work.....i was wrong....

when kevin took spain i freaked out, i was livid as i was already on english soil and germany and england were 
shocked at all that was happening....the fiafranchetto would have been impressive....

fia (italian for the fiat) fran (for france) and chetto....a spear....kinda like the franchetto opening in chess.

too bad it didn't pan out....it was gold gold i say!!

so after kevin smashed my dreams to bits
i decided that i have two choices
to finish off penger (insert torn rage between killing penger in every game, cause thats what i do!!!!....and playing the game)
or to play the game of vengeance
and i decided to play for vengeance......
sims did very very well in coordinating the rest of my moves
tempting me
consoling me
and basically tricking me to do his bidding, sims is a master for the weak minded like myself.

during this period, i was harassed by the likes of penger saying things like giving sims a solo
kingmaker, and so forth et cetera et cetera!!! and frankly i was tired of defending it, so why not just
if someone says you are something prove to them that you ARE!!!!
i proved to ray that i'm a horrific player by giving him the solo in a previous game
so why not show penger that i am indeed the Kingmaker of sims in this one??!!!

frankly sims did play wonderfully, promising me all sorts of things...one of which was to take out
mikael for second place!!!

thus my random end game moves
i knew that stopping sims would not work when i sent a 5 party 'attack sims' email, and had that forwarded
by ray to sims...at that point, i knew that everyone would blame me for the sims solo, so i said, what the heck
i'll make it so!!

and so we dilly dallied, got called names, lots of folks resigned from the second round and just a bunch of drama

and finally i was tired of the game, sims would solo and coming in second and demolishing kevin/ray would have
been entertaining but really too much effort......

one thing that came of it.....

there was only one elimination.

i need not mention who that was

satisfaction guaranteed!!

sims....make room for me in your coffin for round two...i'll be next to you, six feet under before it even begins!!

Thanks for all the fish trout!! 
a pleasure as usual!


On Oct 12, 2007, at 10:10 PM, Michael Sims wrote:

First off, Woohoo!
The cream of the crop, the big cahuna, the taco supreme, the game of games… the dc invitational, and a solo!   What a game…
Before everyone rips on Felix, hold those thoughts… it should be known that this win did not come from Felix, but rather a series of questionable moves toward the mid and end game by quite a few players that netted me the win.  Will get to that later… first I’ll share the game from my point of view:
The early game:
Right off the bat I knew I was in a good spot this game.  Starting as Germany, you always worry about the early elimination… the England, France double-team, or Russiataking Scandinavia.  However I got a great start in that Steve was England and Felix was France, and those two fight in just about every game.  Some rivalries never die.  Then also it turns out that my other two more distant neighbors, Russia and Austria, were Mikael and Ray-- Another duo that seem to always have it in for the other.  I was sitting pretty. 
First year, got the 3 builds, and helped Russia into Sweden, thinking with Steve in England I might need an ally…  And this is about where things started to go really bad.  It seemed like Italy stole Marseilles from France in fall ‘01, tho actually France gave it to him, in an elaborate plot… a plot to “eliminate England and leave Germanydefenseless”.  It was a masterful design, sort of the opposite of an Italian Octoberfest… you know where Italy goes thru Munich to attack France?  Well this was Italygoing thru France to attack Germany.  It was an ingenious plan, and left me fried when I found out what was going on… I couldn’t believe I bought it, a plan created by Felix and Kevin had completely snowed me.
Second year was the very odd Italian build of an army in Venice.  At this point I knew something was up, and I argued for days with Felix and Kevin about the merits of such a build.  I knew it wasn’t to attack Austria, and the way to kill France was to build another fleet… but an army was raised, and the Fiafranchetto was destined to come to fruition… with simultaneous moves by Russia, Italy, and France, all against me and Steve!  Fortunately I bounced 1 of the 3 moves against me, but Italy ended up in Tyrolia, and Russia in Silesia.  I was basically dead from here on – with only 3 armies of my own!  (I’d built 2 fleets at Felix’ request – part of the Fiafranchetto).
What saved me was a couple things… first—Ray… came thru w a killer move on Russia, taking 2 sc of growth in the 2nd year with Gal, Bul, and Rum falling to Austria.  This caused Mikael to abandon the attack on me, and fall back to defend his homeland.   And second—Kevin.  After substantial negotiation, I managed to convince Kevin that an attack on France would produce more results than pursuing me, and so came the day the Fiafranchetto died, with Italy swiping Spain the turn he was to get support into Burgundy.
Third year, things were looking a thousand times brighter, as Russia withdrew, Italy had attacked France, and I had my original 6 units to sit on, half of which were fleets.  At this point I made the move that really pushed me forward, which was a stab into Italy, right after he’d stabbed France.  I knew Felix would never let him live that down, and so it was a very successful move which put me in Marseilles (Italian sc) by the end of the 3rd year.  Also the newfound alliance with Felix already had him in position vs Steve (England) and so all it took was me shifting my units to the north and Steve was outgunned at sea 5 fleets to 3.  It was only a matter of time.  Steve was certain to lose Norway, and be reduced to his 3 island centers, which he expedited the loss of by misordering a key cover of London.
The Mid-Game:
Years 4 and 5 were just Felix and I pressing our advantage… Mikael and Ray tossing back and forth in the east, Steve beaten back in England, and France dominating the Med.  Not much changed, until maybe year 6 or so, when everyone started ranting about a possible German solo.  All the talk aside tho, nobody was willing to step up and make a move against me, being locked in their own wars.  I think Mikael and Ray fought clear up to the fall of 08, by which point it was just too late to stop me.
Any semblance of organization at this point by AR, and I would have been stopped cold, and a DIAS could have been forced.  But instead we trudged into year 7 with everyone saying Felix had to make the move to stop me, but nobody else would do the same.  Because of this, I was able to keep Felix onside for quite a long time!  While he did give in to the demands of the resistance a few times, I was able to keep him onside enough times to keep my progress inching forward.
The End-Game:
Year 7… more gains for me as Mikael pulled out of Moscow, in yet another attack on Ray, while yet again Ray attacked Mikael., handing me some centers I thought I would have to fight tooth and nail for.  Instead I walked into Mos, securing those two eastern centers (War/Mos) I knew I’d need if I was to win.
Year 8… Russia and Austria FINALLY got together and decided to stop attacking each other, but by this time I was already in Moscow, and I had France outmatched in fleets – already occupying Par and Bre. 
Italy was still alive by a hair tho, so I spent hours convincing Felix that we had to take out Italy in repayment for him stabbing the Fiafranchetto.  It worked about half the time, the other times he’d order something to help the others… like helping Italy recapture Venice, and destroying my army in Rome.  Both huge setbacks for me.  In fact these were really my only setbacks along the way, all of which were due in part to Felix.
The End:
The 1908 turn was very odd because I knew Mikael was coordinating moves at this time, yet he had Turkey order F Apu-ION.  I thought this was a bad move, since it set up a 50/50 guess for me outright soloing!  In the final year, I had certain capture of Mar or Spain (but not both) for 17 sc, and then draw… but I also had a 50/50 shot at Vie or Ven because of this s08 move making it so they couldn’t defend both.
I guessed well, and went for Vie, tho it didn’t matter as the resistance didn’t cover either center.  Whether I’d gone for Vie, or Ven, I would have been successful.  Felix hosed an order that put me at 19, which was irrelevant in the end.
I’m very surprised I got this solo.  At any point in years 5-6-7 if Austria and Russia had stopped fighting, they could have stopped me, but they just didn’t do it.  Instead they demanded Felix make these gotta-stop-Sims moves, and he refused to do so on his own when everyone else was insulting him left and right for not stopping me, yet none of them would do so themselves.
So I owe the win largely to the alliance I built up w France after the Fiafranchetto (later dubbed Fiafranghetto) collapsed, but also to the eastern wars, and the easy capture of Moscow.  Also the constant insults to Felix really egged him on and gave me lots of opportunities to keep him with me.
It was a great game, very exciting, especially negotiating towards the end, trying to keep battles going in the east, and to keep Felix onside in the west.
Good game to all, and I look forward to being slaughtered in round 2.  Smile
Trout, impeccably GM’d… I love the enthusiasm, and the storylines each turn… Question is, did you recall the StarWars bit from memory?  That made me sick hearing some great movie quotes leading to my army in Venice being slaughtered as if I was the evil empire.  :-p  I’m not evil.
Felix & Kevin, you two better write up that opening, and get it to go down in the history books.


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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