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Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Early Winter... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


Hey folks,

Thanks for being timely with the Early Winter 1868 retreats. Asides from those mentioned above, Holland retreats to Mindanao and Tasman, Japan to West Pacific, and Brazil to West Carribean.

Please let me know if I've made any errors. Deadline for Winter 1868 adjustments will be set for Tuesday, February 12th (11:59 PM GMT).



Dip 1264 / DC110 Guns, Germs and Steel
An Imperial Variant Game Game Started: June 13, 2007

Current Turn: Early Winter 1868

Next Deadline: Winter 1868 Adjustments
Tuesday, February 12th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Assembly of Nations

Austria: Mike Hoffman
mrh(at)panix.com ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email]) Brazil: Ted Morley
Ted.Morley(at)SEN.CA.GOV ([email]Ted.Morley(at)SEN.CA.GOV[/email]) Britain: Steve Lytton
stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]) China: Dave Watson
dipknight(at)comcast.net ([email]dipknight(at)comcast.net[/email]) Confederate States: Jim Atkins
savwa4(at)comcast.net ([email]savwa4(at)comcast.net[/email]) France: Lee Taylor
leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) Holland: Rudi van Hal
rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl ([email]rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl[/email]) Japan: Bret Pollack
bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com ([email]bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Mexico: Randolph
ruffhaus8(at)aol.com ([email]ruffhaus8(at)aol.com[/email]) Prussia: Shane Whatsit
shanefgtoledo(at)yahoo.com ([email]shanefgtoledo(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Russia: Rob Ackerley
rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]) Turkey: Jerry Todd
sgttodd(at)mainecav.org ([email]sgttodd(at)mainecav.org[/email]) United States: Rupert Alesbury
writetorupert(at)gmail.com ([email]writetorupert(at)gmail.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout
former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) Game Starting Map: http://www.diplom.org/Online/maps/imperial-small.gif Variant Description: http://www.diplom.org/Online/variants/imperial.html
Turkish A Angora retreats OTB
Turkish A Baghdad retreats OTB
United States F Iceland retreats to North Passage
Brazilian F Cuba retreats to West Carribean
Brazilian F Society Islands is Automatically Disbanded
Dutch F Antartic Pacific Ocean retreats to Tasman
Dutch F Luzon Sea retreats to Mindanao
Japanese A Manchuria retreats to Seoul
Japanese F Bismark Sea retreats to West Pacific
Mexican A Merida retreats OTB
Mexican F Gulf of Panama is Automatically Disbanded

Turkey: DISBANDS 1 United States: BUILDS 5 Austria: BUILDS 3 Brazil: BUILDS 2 Britain: DISBANDS 1 China: BUILDS 1 France: BUILDS 1 Holland: BUILDS 1 Japan: DISBANDS 1 Mexico: DISBANDS 1 Russia: BUILDS 4

Unit / Supply Center Breakdown

4 Supply Centers - Ang, Cyp, Bag, Con GAIN: 1 Army - Arm LOSS: Ang, Cyp, Bag, Con 0 Fleets - DISBANDS 1

United States
25 Supply Centers - Wdc, Nyo, Det, Sfo, Org, Sea, Neb, Kan, Vic, Alb GAIN: Sct, Mex, Mer, Cub Ric, Van, Yuk, Anc, Che, Nme, Que, Nsc, Okl, Atl, Glp, Aus, Nol, Bha, Maz LOSS: 6 Armies - Aus, Mex, Oax, Sea, Mer, Ten BUILDS 5 18 Fleets - Kam, Bha, Glp, Pba, Sct, Nat, Che, Wco, Cub, Nol, Wst,
Gop, Sar, Hud, Nsc, Ese, Tam, Nps

16 Supply Centers - Vie, Bud, Crt, Ven, Ser, Bav, Sil, Sud, Ser, Ruh, GAIN: Cyp, Sof, Aby Cai, Kie, Ber, Rmn, Cre, Gre LOSS: 13 Armies - Stu, Aby, Dar, Kie, Ber, Cai, Ven, Sil, Sof, Sud, Gal, Rmn, Ruh BUILDS 3 3 Fleets - Cyp, Aeg, Gre

16 Supply Centers - Bra, Oli, Rec, Rdj, Prg, Brc, Uru, Lpa, Fal, Cyn, GAIN: Hon, Pan, Hai Lim, Bgt, Prm, Cub, Sct, Vrg LOSS: Sct, Cub 4 Armies - Lim, Bgt, Pan, Rdj BUILDS 2 11 Fleets - Hon(ec), Ecs, Fal, Wcs, Spa, Rec, Apa, Dra, Hai, Coa, Net

9 Supply Centers - Lon, Edi, Dub, Hgk, Nwy, Grn, Aby, Swe, Den GAIN: 0 Armies - LOSS: Aby 9 Fleets - Ice, Nth, Nwy, Grn, Den, Hgk, Bar, Lon, Dub DISBANDS 1

12 Supply Centers - Lch, Chk, Snk, Can, Ben, Brm, Yut, Kas, Rng, Del GAIN: Pek Tnk, Sha LOSS: 12 Armies - Wuh, Ann, Del, Kas, Ben, Nmg, Yut, Fuc, Pek, Can, Ksg, Tnk BUILDS 1 0 Fleets -

24 Supply Centers - Nan, Mrs, Par, Crs, Mnv, Gcs, Sie, Ivc, Pie, Vlc GAIN: Vrd, Mrc, Tun, Cmn, Okn, Azo, Gib, Sal, Hol, Sic, Rom, Trp, Fij, Hai LOSS: Hai 6 Armies - Rom, Met, Okn, Mar, Par, Pie BUILDS 1 16 Fleets - Trp, Can, Vrd, Bcu, Azo, Tyn, Sic, Mat, Aat, Nan, Sat, Hol, Fij
Bis, Mnv, Wme

31 Supply Centers - Ctn, Trn, Cey, Sum, Jav, Brn, Rho, Amn, Srw, Ngu GAIN: Bag Mal, Ija, Bsw, Sey, Sgp, Mad, Bnk, Mld, Per, Qnl, Nsw, Mds, Cmb, Nze LOSS: Sgr, Cch, Luz, Mnd, Bor, Oma, Ade BUILDS 1 6 Armies - Ken, Guj, Cmb, Gld, Bag, Cng
25 Fleets - Ain, Hdr(ec), Ara, Mnd, Bnk(wc), Tas, Rse, Som, Bis, Pgu,
Swp, Hoa, Gos, Lus, Nze, Sgr, Goo, Ctn, Cor, Ngu, Sun, Ija, Cls, Cch,

15 Supply Centers - Oki, Kag, Edo, Sap, Fsn, Sak, Seo, Crl, For, Mhl GAIN: Poa, Vla, Mnc, Haw, Pek, LOSS: Mnc, Pek, Sak, Vla 1 Army - Seo DISBANDS 1 11 Fleets - Oki, Eco, Mhl, Phi, For, Haw, Luz, Oki, Kse, Ecs, Wpa

4 Supply Centers - Mer, Hon, Pan, Mxc GAIN: 0 Armies - LOSS: Mer, Hon, Pan, Mxc 1 Fleet - Ccu DISBANDS 1

16 Supply Centers - Stp, Mos, War, Sev, Grg, Oms, Orn, Irk, The, Tsh GAIN: Con, Ang, Mac, Vla, Sak Khv, Sof, Pru, Krc, Bku, Ban LOSS: Sof 12 Armies - Vla, Afg, Mac, War, Tbr, Kra, Krc, Ban, Ang, Sak, Pru, Sev BUILDS 4 4 Fleets - Bla, Con, Fin(nc), Bku(ec)





DC-114 Ends in 3-way Draw - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The 2nd proposal on the ballot, a 3-way draw between England, Russia & Turkey w/ French survivorship, passed unanimously. The game has ended. Thank you to everoyne who filled in and kept us going after the rocky start. I will coordinate with dipcorp to put this game into the books.

John Soper


Dc132 Fall 1905. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc132 Fall 1905

The proposed German Solo failed.

F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice (*Ordered to Move*)
A Galicia - Bohemia
A Serbia - Budapest
A Trieste Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Supports A Galicia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
A Berlin Hold
A Edinburgh - Denmark
A Finland Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Denmark
A Norway - St Petersburg
F Norwegian Sea Hold
F Sweden - Gulf of Bothnia

A Bohemia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Denmark - Kiel
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Denmark - Kiel (*Cut*)
A Piedmont Supports A Tyrolia - Venice
F Tuscany - Rome
A Tyrolia - Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tuscany - Rome

A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*)

F Apulia - Naples (*Bounce*)
A Rome Supports F Apulia - Naples (*Disbanded*)
A Venice - Tuscany

A Moscow Supports A St Petersburg
A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Prussia

F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Bulgaria - Rumania
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Greece Hold
A Rumania - Sevastopol

Autumn 1905 will be due Tuesday 12th February, 9pm Australian EST but i will run as soon as i have all retreat in).

French A Bohemia can retreat to Tyrolia or OTB
French F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tunis or Albania or OTB
Russian A St Petersburg can retreat to Livonia or OTB

Winter 1905 will be due 48 hours after Autumn is posted (at the moment Thursday 14th)
Austria: Remove One
England: Build Two
France: Build Two (or Build Three, if disband one in Autumn)
Germany: Remove Army SIL.
Italy: Remove One
Russia: Remove One (unless disband in Autumn)
Turkey: Build One

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Check our comprehensive Salary Centre Overpaid or Underpaid?


Dc132 Fall 1905. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Arrgghh! You guys sank my battleship.. Or, uhm, army as the case might be.


Nice work, fellas. But we'll always have Silisia - won't we. =P

Enjoy the rest of the game!


On Feb 9, 2008 7:45 PM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Dc132 Fall 1905

The proposed German Solo failed.

F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice (*Ordered to Move*)
A Galicia - Bohemia
A Serbia - Budapest
A Trieste Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Supports A Galicia - Bohemia

F Barents Sea Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
A Berlin Hold
A Edinburgh - Denmark
A Finland Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Denmark
A Norway - St Petersburg
F Norwegian Sea Hold
F Sweden - Gulf of Bothnia

A Bohemia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Denmark - Kiel
F Ionian Sea - Naples (*Dislodged*)
A Munich Supports A Denmark - Kiel (*Cut*)
A Piedmont Supports A Tyrolia - Venice
F Tuscany - Rome
A Tyrolia - Venice
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Tuscany - Rome

A Silesia - Munich (*Fails*)

F Apulia - Naples (*Bounce*)
A Rome Supports F Apulia - Naples (*Disbanded*)
A Venice - Tuscany

A Moscow Supports A St Petersburg
A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Prussia

F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Black Sea Supports A Rumania - Sevastopol
A Bulgaria - Rumania
F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
A Greece Hold
A Rumania - Sevastopol

Autumn 1905 will be due Tuesday 12th February, 9pm Australian EST but i will run as soon as i have all retreat in).

French A Bohemia can retreat to Tyrolia or OTB
French F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tunis or Albania or OTB
Russian A St Petersburg can retreat to Livonia or OTB

Winter 1905 will be due 48 hours after Autumn is posted (at the moment Thursday 14th)
Austria: Remove One
England: Build Two
France: Build Two (or Build Three, if disband one in Autumn)
Germany: Remove Army SIL.
Italy: Remove One
Russia: Remove One (unless disband in Autumn)
Turkey: Build One

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Check our comprehensive Salary Centre Overpaid or Underpaid?


DC136 Avenging Disco Godfathers - Early Winter 190... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Won't you take me to Funkytown
Won't you take me to Funkytown
Won't you take me to Funkytown
Won't you take me to Funkytown


Both retreating units head for Funkytown on their own and retreat OTB. Which means we move on into Winter 1905 Adjustments, with a deadline set for Monday February 11th (11:59 PM GMT).



DC-136 Avenging Disco Godfathers A Standard Game Game Started: November 21, 2007

Current Turn: Early Winter 1905
Next Deadline: Winter 1905 Adjustments Monday, February 11th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Max Victory maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) England: Ali Alfoneh alfoneh(at)gmail.com ([email]alfoneh(at)gmail.com[/email]) France: Rob Ackerley rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]) Germany: Joao Cartaxo jcartaxo(at)gmail.com ([email]jcartaxo(at)gmail.com[/email]) Italy: Jorge Saralegui jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net ([email]jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net[/email]) Russia: Dave White hamiltonap(at)yahoo.com ([email]hamiltonap(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Turkey: Jake Miller jkmiller11(at)gmail.com ([email]jkmiller11(at)gmail.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])
English F North Sea retreats OTB
Italian F Adriatic Sea retreats OTB

Russia: BUILDS 1 Turkey: No Adjustments England: DISBANDS 1 France: BUILDS 2 Germany: BUILDS 1 Italy: No Adjustments


8 Supply Centers - Mos, War, Sev, Rum, Stp, Nwy, Swe, Bud GAIN: Vie 5 Armies - Vie, Swe, Sil, War, Gal LOSS: 3 Fleets - Rum, Nwy, Nth BUILDS 1

7 Supply Centers - Ank, Con, Smy, Ser, Bul, Gre, Tri GAIN: 4 Armies - Tyl, Tri, Ser, Bul LOSS: 3 Fleets - Gre, Eme, Aeg

4 Supply Centers - Lvp, Edi, Den, Ber GAIN: 1 Army - Wal LOSS: Ber, Den 2 Fleets - Nao, Yor DISBANDS 1

9 Supply Centers - Par, Bre, Mar, Bel, Spa, Por, Tun, Rom, Lon GAIN: Nap, Ven 3 Armies - Bel, Ven, Lon LOSS: 6 Fleets - Apu, Nap, Eng, Ion, Adr, Bre BUILDS 2

4 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Hol, Vie GAIN: Ber, Den 2 Armies - Ber, Kie LOSS: Vie 2 Fleets - Den, Hel

2 Supply Centers - Nap, Ven GAIN: 0 Armies - LOSS: Nap, Ven 0 Fleets -




DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Spring 2004 - I W... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Crunching this season's cookie, we find: Alas! The onion you are eating is someone else's water lilly.

The connotations of this one are endless, as the Heartland regains control of Chicago but loses Ontario, Cuba lands troops in South America even as Florida lands troops beside Havana and California and BC continue on their march to the Atlantic. Some familiar patterns become more entrenched, but there are some new fireworks making their presence felt on the board....

Several retreats are required after all of this. Heartland owes two and New York and Peru both owe one. Deadline for the Summer retreats will be set for Monday, February 11th (11:59 PM GMT).

As always, please let me know if I've erred in anything. Cheers!


DC-138 A Diplomaticcorp Game Fall of the American Empire 4 Variant Game Started:

Current Turn: Spring 2004
Next Deadline: Summer 2004 Retreats Monday, February 11th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
British Columbia Andrew Tanner damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email]) California Bruce Ray Raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]Raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email]) Cuba Jason K. Githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]Githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Florida Lee Moore agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email]) Heartland Andy Ski a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com ([email]a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Mexico Bruce Quinn coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]) New York Rob Ackerley rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email]) Peru Alex Schmidt wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com ([email]wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Quebec Mike Sims mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]) Texas Nathan Deily ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])


A Indiana - Chicago OK A Milwaukee Supports A Indiana - Chicago OK A Minneapolis, no move received [DISLODGED by MAN 2:1] A Ontario - Michigan [BOUNCE with MIC 1:1; DISLODGED by NYS 2:1]

A Dur holds OK A Nle holds OK A Mex to Pot OK F Gua to CoM OK F GCa S F Gua to CoM [CUT by MPO] F CoM to Gal OK F Lima S F CoM to Gal OK A Nic to CRi OK

A Chicago - Indiana [DEFEATED & DISLODGED by IND 2:1] F Massachusetts Bay Supports F New Brunswick(sc) - Nova Scotia OK A Maine - Beauce [BOUNCE with BEA 1:1] A Michigan Supports A New York State - Ontario OK F New Brunswick(sc) - Nova Scotia OK F New York City - Cape May OK A New York State - Ontario OK A Philadelphia - West Pennsylvania OK

a ecu - cal OK f cal s ecu - cal VOID (No Such Unit) f pan h OK [GM NOTE: F GAL UNORDERED - HOLDS] [DISLODGED by COM 2:1]


A Neb-Kansas OK A Okl-Missouri OK

F Anc - ARO OK F MPO - GoC [BOUNCE with GOC 1:1] A Nun - s A Sas - Man OK A Man - Min OK A Sas - Man OK A Dak - s A Man-Min OK

San Diego - Arizona OK Baja s Arizona - Chihuahua OK Arizona - Chihuahua OK New Mexico - Dallas OK Chihuahua - West Texas OK Colorado - Oklahoma OK Utah - Colorado OK

F Gulf of Mosquitos - Panama [BOUNCE with PAN 1:1] A Kingston - Antioquia OK F South Caribbean Sea Convoys A Kingston - Antioquia OK F Venezuela - Guajira OK F West Caribbean Sea Convoys A Kingston - Antioquia OK A Havana Hold OK

A in Hou supports A in NMe to Dallas OK F in San to Gom OK A in Ten holds OK A in Geo holds OK A in Jac to Tam OK A in Tam to Cam OK F in ApB convoys A from Tam to Cam OK F in SoF convoys A from Tam to Cam OK F in ECo to Bet OK

Heartland A Minneapolis may retreat to Iow, Won or OTB
Heartland A Ontario may retreat to Upe, Won, Mon or OTB
New York A Chicago may retreat to Iow, Ken or OTB
Peruvian F Galapagos Islands may retreat to Gog, Gpo, Spo or OTB


4 Supply Centers - Min, Mil, Kan, Ont
4 Armies - Chi, Ont, [Min], Mil
0 Fleets -

8 Supply Centers - Gua, Mex, Ver, Gut, Dur, Nle,
Nic, Lim
4 Armies - Cri, Dur, Nle, Pot
4 Fleets - Gca, Lim, Gol, Com

8 Supply Centers - Nyc, Nje, Phi, Mas, Ohi, Wdc,
Chi, Mic
5 Armies - Mai, Mic, [Chi], Ont, Wpe
3 Fleets - Mab, Nsc, May

3 Supply Centers - Cal, Bog, Pan
1 Army - Cal
2 Fleets - [Gal], Pan

5 Supply Centers - Mon, Que, Ung, Ont, Gre, Nsc
3 Armies - Non, Gas, Bea
2 Fleets - Nao, Gsl

2 Supply Centers - Dal, Mis
2 Armies - Kan, Mis
0 Fleets

6 Supply Centers - Anc, Van, Cgy, Was, Haw,
4 Armies - Dak, Nun, Man, Min
2 Fleets - Mpo, Aro

7 Supply Centers - Sfr, Los, Sdi, Ore, Ari, Col,
6 Armies - Okl, Dal, Chh, Wte, Col, Ari
1 Fleet - Baj

6 Supply Centers - Hav, Hol, Kin, Yuc, Dom, Ven,
2 Armies - Hav, Ant
4 Fleets - Scs, Guj, Gmo, Ecs

9 Supply Centers - Jac, Tam, Mia, Ten, Geo, Nca,
Lou, San, Hou
5 Armies - Ten, Hou, Geo, Tam, Cam
4 Fleets - Bet, Gom, Sof, Apb



WBB4 - Winter 05 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Remove A Yorkshire

Build A Moscow
Build A St Petersburg

Build waived (NMR)

Spring 06 Due Monday at 10:00PM EST.


WBB4 - Spring 06 Moves - France - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
A Burgundy move Ruhr
A Belgium S A Burgundy move Ruhr
A Picardy S A Belgium
F Brest move English Channel
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean S F Brest move English Channel
F Spain S F Mid-Atlantic Ocean


Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 22:57:02 -0500
From: holyyakker(at)gmail.com
To: andyb1414(at)yahoo.com; holyyakker(at)gmail.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; NumeroDuo(at)gmail.com; speedybunny(at)orange.fr; andrew.mccraith(at)siliconclocks.com; dfehr(at)hotmail.com; leogends(at)iafrica.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: WBB4 - Winter 05 Results

Remove A Yorkshire

Build A Moscow
Build A St Petersburg

Build waived (NMR)

Spring 06 Due Monday at 10:00PM EST.


Knights of the Companions - Weekend Advancements - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Lords and Ladies of the Charter...

It is my honour to announce the further advancement of two of our numbers. Sir Josh Engsburg has been granted the title of Knight Errant for his stewardship of game DC-101. Also from the same game, and continuing his rampage through the ranks, Sir Mike Sims has been acknowledged with the Order of the Jagged Edge. (A title that I think is entirely suited to Sir Solo-a-rama...) =P

Hearty congratulations to both of our Companions!

Sir Former Trout
Knight Captain of the Companions


dc130 ~ Imperial1840 ~ Spring 1844 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Deadline for Summer 1844: Feb 13, 2359 GMT

Chinese A Beijing can retreat to Chongqing or Hunan.
Ottoman F Tripoli can retreat to Egypt(nc).
Spanish F Gulf of Panama can retreat to Columbia(sc) or Honduras(wc).

The moves for Spring 1844 were:

F Berlin - Kiel(ec)
A Paris Supports A Rouen - Nantes
A Marseilles - Bordeaux (*Bounce*)
A Holland Hold
F Sofia - Aegean Sea
A Greece - Tripoli
F Kiel(ec) - Denmark
A Bosnia - Greece
A Metz Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
A Tunisia Supports A Greece - Tripoli
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Tunisia
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Greece - Tripoli
F Adriatic Sea - Salerno
F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean

F Madagascar - Mozabaique Channel
A Norway - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
A Bengal Hold
A Kasmir Hold
F Barents Sea Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Fails*)
F Roaring Forties - Ant-Atlantic Ocean
F Arabian Sea Supports F N.W.Indian Ocean - Horn of Africa
F N.W.Indian Ocean - Horn of Africa (*Fails*)

A Beijing Supports A Fujian - Shanghai (*Dislodged*)
A Tibet Supports A Yunnan
A Fujian - Shanghai
A Yunnan Supports A Tibet (*Cut*)

F Cape Colony, no move received
A Sierra Leone - Guinea (*Bounce*)
F Liberia Supports A Sierra Leone - Guinea
F English Channel, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Sierra Leone (*Fails*)

F Malaysia - Sumatra (*Fails*)
F Guangdong Supports A Korea - Fujian
A Rouen - Nantes
A Mozambique Hold
A Hue - Yunnan (*Fails*)
A Birmah Supports A Hue - Yunnan
A Korea - Fujian
F Helgoland Bight Hold
F Eastern Sea Convoys A Korea - Fujian
F Yellow Sea - Beijing
F Kuril Sea - Izu Sea
F Bismark Sea - W.Pacific Ocean

F Tripoli - Egypt (*Dislodged*)
A Tehran - Afganistan (*Fails*)

A Angora - Syria
A Constantinople Supports F Rumania
A Moskow - St Petersburg (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway (*Fails*)
A Irkutsk - Nei Mongol
F Kamchatka - Bering Sea (*Bounce*)
F Rumania Supports A Constantinople
F Sweden Supports F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Livonia Supports A Moskow - St Petersburg
A Georgia - Baku
A Khiva Supports A Bokhara - Afganistan
A Krasnoyarsk - Xinjang
A Bokhara - Afganistan
A Baku - Armenia
A Xinjang - Xining
A Liaoning Supports F Yellow Sea - Beijing
F Hawaii Supports F Kuril Sea - W.Pacific Ocean (*Void*)

A Nantes - Bordeaux (*Disbanded*)
F Guinea - Gulf of Guinea
F Society Islands Supports F Peru - S.Pacific Ocean
A Dutch Guiana - Amazona
A Bagdad Hold
F Madrid - Western Mediterranean
F Cuba Supports F Gulf of Mexico
A Mexico City - Coahula
F Columbia(nc) - Eastern Carribean
F Peru - S.Pacific Ocean
F Zanguebar Supports F Somolia - Horn of Africa
A Catalunia - Bordeaux (*Bounce*)
A Biafra - Guinea (*Bounce*)
A Morocco Hold
A Sene Gabaia Supports A Biafra - Guinea
F Somolia - Horn of Africa
F Ade Supports F Somolia - Horn of Africa
A Plauhy Hold
A Equador - Honduras (*Fails*)
A Haiti - Bahama Islands (*Bounce*)
F Bay of Biscay Supports F The Azores - N.Atlantic Ocean
F Western Mediterranean - Canaries Seaway
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Madrid - Western Mediterranean
F Gulf of Mexico Supports A Haiti - Bahama Islands (*Cut*)
F The Azores - N.Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F Sargasso Sea Supports F The Azores - N.Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F Amazon Basin Supports F Sargasso Sea
F Brazilian Bight - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F S.Atlantic Ocean Supports F Brazilian Bight - S.Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F S.E.Indian Ocean - N.E.Indian Ocean
F N.W.Pacific Ocean - N.Pacific Ocean
F Gulf of Panama Convoys A Equador - Honduras (*Dislodged*)

F Dublin Supports F N.Atlantic Ocean
F Edinburgh - Greenland Sea
A Boston - Quebec
F Charleston - Bay of Florida
F New Orleans - Gulf of Mexico (*Fails*)
A Coahula - Mazatlan
A Oregon Terr. - Republic of Texas
A Alaska Hold
A Florida - Bahama Islands (*Bounce*)
F N.Atlantic Ocean Supports F Bahama Islands - Sargasso Sea (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Maine Supports F Bahama Islands - Sargasso Sea
F Bahama Islands - Sargasso Sea (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Alaska - Bering Sea (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of California - Gulf of Panama
F E.Pacific Ocean Supports F Gulf of California - Gulf of Panama

Deadline for Summer 1844: Feb 13, 2359 GMT
Maps.dpy. etc: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy/dc130


dc130 ~ Imperial1840 ~ Spring 1844 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Ottoman F Tripoli to Egypt(nc) was sucessful - I missed the coast designation.

The Ottomans have no retreats and F Egy(nc).

Corrected map will come out with retreat results.


Knights of the Companions - Weekend Advancements - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Yay for me! heh

Congratulations to you too Mike.

- Josh

----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: forum(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: Christine Stoy <gmchristine(at)comcast.net>; Felix Kamchung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Kevin O'Kelly <kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 8:21:39 AM
Subject: Knights of the Companions - Weekend Advancements

Lords and Ladies of the Charter...

It is my honour to announce the further advancement of two of our numbers. Sir Josh Engsburg has been granted the title of Knight Errant for his stewardship of game DC-101. Also from the same game, and continuing his rampage through the ranks, Sir Mike Sims has been acknowledged with the Order of the Jagged Edge. (A title that I think is entirely suited to Sir Solo-a-rama...) =P

Hearty congratulations to both of our Companions!

Sir Former Trout
Knight Captain of the Companions


DC101 Germany EOG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Germany EOG

Many thanks to Josh for an efficient, well well run game. And thanks to all the players as well, despite the outcome it was a fun last half of a game.

I joined in late (I hate to see a DC game abandoned) an it is interesting starting out way under the gun. So, as mentioned, I decided that Turkey was the closest to victory, but England was going to wipe me out.
So, he said he would take my centers he had already planned (which he did) then stop (which he did).

From there, I united with Russia, with England as best I could, and with no help from France, decided to attack him with an eye at getting south to stop the Turks.

Late in the game, I had to switch up and attack Austria because he took a solid neutral position - not attaking Russia or me, but not Turkey either.
Anyway, I could not get that to work all that well (out of position and all), and I never could really help Italy as I had France on the door and the Austrians capable of moving it on a moments notice.

After the last round or two, France turned, Austria had enough, and Turkey (wisely) made a move for the last few - it seems a solo was inevitable.

So, Congratulations to Mike - good game. And for what it is worth, you basically did win this same game twice....


Subject: dc101 Turk EGS
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 19:39:19 -0800
From: mike(at)southwall.com
To: aramis604(at)yahoo.com; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; leeaclark(at)btinternet.com; dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com; derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com; gramario(at)tin.it; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk; adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com; ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com
CC: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; VonPowell(at)aol.com

.ExternalClass .EC_shape {;} .ExternalClass EC_p.MsoNormal, .ExternalClass EC_li.MsoNormal, .ExternalClass EC_div.MsoNormal {margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:'Times New Roman';} .ExternalClass a:link, .ExternalClass EC_span.MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;} .ExternalClass a:visited, .ExternalClass EC_span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;} .ExternalClass EC_span.EmailStyle17 {font-family:Arial;color:navy;} (at)page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in;} .ExternalClass EC_div.Section1 {page:Section1;}
Hey guys,
I’ll write a quick EGS for this one…

As Turkey, this game started off great for since both Russia (Lee T) and Italy (Ismael) ran into some problems. Not w attacks, but just with getting orders in. I think Russia missed one turn and then dropped, and Italy was missing them left and right. That left me with nobody to diplome with but Austria (Gram). So he was my natural ally, we hit it off well, and got into the south of Russia, and about then the new Russia took over (Lee C). By this time tho, I was lodged into Sev, so there really wasn’t any nice way to work w the new Russia, so we just carried on… expanding north and west, I was not going to stab Austria if at all possible, cuz he was the only one in the south that I really felt I could work with, and doing so would have left the game with everyone not talking to me. I mean sure I could talk to Mikael and Derek in the west, but they ultimately wanted me stopped I’m sure.

Let’s see what else… Germany getting those 4 first turn builds then missing them was odd! Then he managed to survive long enough to keep England and France from wiping him out, which helped me cuz E/F were my real threat to stop a win.

I have to say that had Trout and/or Jason come into the game a few turns sooner, it would have been a totally new game, cuz they did all they could to try to stop me, just a few turns too late. And Germany, with Austria between us, was in a tough spot to affect me at all. I was actually paranoid that I/G were going to make a play into Italy proper, but they never did. I think that might have given me some headaches if it had happened. Instead, Germany went for Austria, and that irritated him enough to want to help me more, since we’d been doing well together all game. And that was about it! Austria moved to defend his home centers, opening up the back side for me, and that was game.

Good game all, thanks to Josh for creating this awesome variant in Realpolitik and running a smooth game.

PS… Thank you all for voting for me! Perhaps I should go into politics.

From: Josh E. [mailto:aramis604(at)yahoo.com]

By unanimous vote Turkey is the solo victor in DC101:1900! Mike, congratulations! You did a great job of dicing up your competition in light of some pretty long odds.

T thank you all for playing in this one, I know there were a few rough obstacles to overcome throughout this game, but we've made it through. I must say I rather like the 1900 variant after completing this game. What are you thoughts?

It has been a pleasure running this game for all of you. Hopefully in the future we may have the opportunity to do it again.

- Josh

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more.


DC101 - Over! Solo victory for Turkey! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Though I only saw the back half - as a central power I did really like the 1900 map. Lots of new, fresh options.


Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 11:42:46 -0800
From: aramis604(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC101 - Over! Solo victory for Turkey!
To: jason4747(at)hotmail.com; leeaclark(at)btinternet.com; dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com; derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com; gramario(at)tin.it; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
CC: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

.ExternalClass DIV {;}
By unanimous vote Turkey is the solo victor in DC101:1900! Mike, congratulations! You did a great job of dicing up your competition in light of some pretty long odds.

T thank you all for playing in this one, I know there were a few rough obstacles to overcome throughout this game, but we've made it through. I must say I rather like the 1900 variant after completing this game. What are you thoughts?

It has been a pleasure running this game for all of you. Hopefully in the future we may have the opportunity to do it again.

- Josh

Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail®-get your "fix". Check it out.


DC125 Spring 2006 Update - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Reminder that orders are due Tomorrow Monday (at)5PM EDT


DC136 Disco G - Winter 1905 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Funk soul bruddas,

Winter 1905 adjustments are due in just over 23 hours. I do not currently have all orders in, so please doublecheck for confirmations for me.




DC138 WOOD - Summer 04 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Just sending out a rumble that Summer 2004 retreats are due in about 23.5 hours. I have 2 out of 4 retreats in so we're currently batting .500.. =)




DC147 (wb0812) - Spring 1906 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

Just sending out word that Spring 1906 orders are due in approximately 23 hours. I currently have two sets in and am looking for three more.

Thanks everyone,



DC152 (wb0817) - Spring 1906 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gents,

This here would be your 23 hour deadline reminder for Spring 1906. I currently have four sets of orders in, but am looking for two more for the full shebang.




DC101 Germany EOG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Many thanks to all. I'd just add one point. It was not that Austria had had enough. I had warned Ger that if he did not move out of my centres, I would "throw" the game Turkey's way. He did not, so I did. I am just wondering what would have happened if he had moved out of my centres?gram.

On 11 Feb 2008, at 01:35, Jason 4747 wrote:

Germany EOG Many thanks to Josh for an efficient, well well run game.  And thanks to all the players as well, despite the outcome it was a fun last half of a game. I joined in late (I hate to see a DC game abandoned) an it is interesting starting out way under the gun.  So, as mentioned, I decided that Turkey was the closest to victory, but England was going to wipe me out.  So, he said he would take my centers he had already planned (which he did) then stop (which he did). From there, I united with Russia, with England as best I could, and with no help from France, decided to attack him with an eye at getting south to stop the Turks.  Late in the game, I had to switch up and attack Austria because he took a solid neutral position - not attaking Russia or me, but not Turkey either.  Anyway, I could not get that to work all that well (out of position and all), and I never could really help Italy as I had France on the door and the Austrians capable of moving it on a moments notice. After the last round or two, France turned, Austria had enough, and Turkey (wisely) made a move for the last few - it seems a solo was inevitable. So, Congratulations to Mike - good game.  And for what it is worth, you basically did win this same game twice....Jason [quote:a1d53f1e6a]Subject: dc101 Turk EGSDate: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 19:39:19 -0800From: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])To: aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email]); jason4747(at)hotmail.com ([email]jason4747(at)hotmail.com[/email]); leeaclark(at)btinternet.com ([email]leeaclark(at)btinternet.com[/email]); dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com ([email]derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com[/email]); gramario(at)tin.it ([email]gramario(at)tin.it[/email]); m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]); adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com ([email]adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com[/email]); ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com ([email]ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com[/email])CC: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); VonPowell(at)aol.com ([email]VonPowell(at)aol.com[/email])
Hey guys,
I’ll write a quick EGS for this one… 

As Turkey, this game started off great for since both Russia (Lee T) and Italy (Ismael) ran into some problems.  Not w attacks, but just with getting orders in.  I think Russia missed one turn and then dropped, and Italy was missing them left and right.  That left me with nobody to diplome with but Austria (Gram).  So he was my natural ally, we hit it off well, and got into the south of Russia, and about then the new Russia took over (Lee C).  By this time tho, I was lodged into Sev, so there really wasn’t any nice way to work w the new Russia, so we just carried on… expanding north and west, I was not going to stab Austria if at all possible, cuz he was the only one in the south that I really felt I could work with, and doing so would have left the game with everyone not talking to me.  I mean sure I could talk to Mikael and Derek in the west, but they ultimately wanted me stopped I’m sure. 

Let’s see what else… Germany getting those 4 first turn builds then missing them was odd!  Then he managed to survive long enough to keep England and France from wiping him out, which helped me cuz E/F were my real threat to stop a win. 

I have to say that had Trout and/or Jason come into the game a few turns sooner, it would have been a totally new game, cuz they did all they could to try to stop me, just a few turns too late.  And Germany, with Austria between us, was in a tough spot to affect me at all.  I was actually paranoid that I/G were going to make a play into Italy proper, but they never did.  I think that might have given me some headaches if it had happened.  Instead, Germany went for Austria, and that irritated him enough to want to help me more, since we’d been doing well together all game.  And that was about it!  Austria moved to defend his home centers, opening up the back side for me, and that was game. 

Good game all, thanks to Josh for creating this awesome variant in Realpolitik and running a smooth game.

PS… Thank you all for voting for me!  Perhaps I should go into politics. 

From: Josh E. [mailto:aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
By unanimous vote Turkey is the solo victor in DC101:1900! Mike, congratulations! You did a great job of dicing up your competition in light of some pretty long odds. T thank you all for playing in this one, I know there were a few rough obstacles to overcome throughout this game, but we've made it through. I must say I rather like the 1900 variant after completing this game. What are you thoughts? 

It has been a pleasure running this game for all of you. Hopefully in the future we may have the opportunity to do it again. 

- Josh

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more.[/quote:a1d53f1e6a]


DC124 - Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Winter 1905 is due tomorrow night.

- Josh


DC101 Germany EOG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Good question. I have a partial answer, but it leads to another questions. Simply put, I did not pull back because I realized you had a solid alliance with Turkey, so I figured you were not going to attack him at all. Fair enough, but that only leads to two other possibilities - you attack me (Germany) or Russia. And you knew we were allied, an had no where else to go except lose to Turkey. So my question is, had I pulled back, what would your course of action be? Would you have attacked Turkey?

It would be interesting to see what you were thinking. You had gone two turns without attacking or supporting any outside powers. I figured you were about to strike adn guessed it would be GER/RUS. Correct?


CC: gramario(at)tin.it; mike(at)southwall.com; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; leeaclark(at)btinternet.com; dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com; derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk; adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com; ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; vonpowell(at)aol.com
From: gramario(at)tin.it
Subject: Re: DC101 Germany EOG
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:17:16 +0000
To: jason4747(at)hotmail.com

Many thanks to all. I'd just add one point. It was not that Austria had had enough. I had warned Ger that if he did not move out of my centres, I would "throw" the game Turkey's way. He did not, so I did. I am just wondering what would have happened if he had moved out of my centres? gram.

On 11 Feb 2008, at 01:35, Jason 4747 wrote:
[quote:faa9f86206]Germany EOG Many thanks to Josh for an efficient, well well run game. And thanks to all the players as well, despite the outcome it was a fun last half of a game. I joined in late (I hate to see a DC game abandoned) an it is interesting starting out way under the gun. So, as mentioned, I decided that Turkey was the closest to victory, but England was going to wipe me out. So, he said he would take my centers he had already planned (which he did) then stop (which he did). From there, I united with Russia, with England as best I could, and with no help from France, decided to attack him with an eye at getting south to stop the Turks. Late in the game, I had to switch up and attack Austria because he took a solid neutral position - not attaking Russia or me, but not Turkey either. Anyway, I could not get that to work all that well (out of position and all), and I never could really help Italy as I had France on the door and the Austrians capable of moving it on a moments notice. After the last round or two, France turned, Austria had enough, and Turkey (wisely) made a move for the last few - it seems a solo was inevitable. So, Congratulations to Mike - good game. And for what it is worth, you basically did win this same game twice....Jason [quote:faa9f86206] Subject: dc101 Turk EGSDate: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 19:39:19 -0800From: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])To: aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email]); jason4747(at)hotmail.com ([email]jason4747(at)hotmail.com[/email]); leeaclark(at)btinternet.com ([email]leeaclark(at)btinternet.com[/email]); dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com ([email]derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com[/email]); gramario(at)tin.it ([email]gramario(at)tin.it[/email]); m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]); adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com ([email]adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com[/email]); ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com ([email]ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com[/email])CC: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); VonPowell(at)aol.com ([email]VonPowell(at)aol.com[/email])
Hey guys,
I’ll write a quick EGS for this one…

As Turkey, this game started off great for since both Russia (Lee T) and Italy (Ismael) ran into some problems. Not w attacks, but just with getting orders in. I think Russia missed one turn and then dropped, and Italy was missing them left and right. That left me with nobody to diplome with but Austria (Gram). So he was my natural ally, we hit it off well, and got into the south of Russia, and about then the new Russia took over (Lee C). By this time tho, I was lodged into Sev, so there really wasn’t any nice way to work w the new Russia, so we just carried on… expanding north and west, I was not going to stab Austria if at all possible, cuz he was the only one in the south that I really felt I could work with, and doing so would have left the game with everyone not talking to me. I mean sure I could talk to Mikael and Derek in the west, but they ultimately wanted me stopped I’m sure.

Let’s see what else… Germany getting those 4 first turn builds then missing them was odd! Then he managed to survive long enough to keep England and France from wiping him out, which helped me cuz E/F were my real threat to stop a win.

I have to say that had Trout and/or Jason come into the game a few turns sooner, it would have been a totally new game, cuz they did all they could to try to stop me, just a few turns too late. And Germany, with Austria between us, was in a tough spot to affect me at all. I was actually paranoid that I/G were going to make a play into Italy proper, but they never did. I think that might have given me some headaches if it had happened. Instead, Germany went for Austria, and that irritated him enough to want to help me more, since we’d been doing well together all game. And that was about it! Austria moved to defend his home centers, opening up the back side for me, and that was game.

Good game all, thanks to Josh for creating this awesome variant in Realpolitik and running a smooth game.

PS… Thank you all for voting for me! Perhaps I should go into politics.

From: Josh E. [mailto:aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
By unanimous vote Turkey is the solo victor in DC101:1900! Mike, congratulations! You did a great job of dicing up your competition in light of some pretty long odds. T thank you all for playing in this one, I know there were a few rough obstacles to overcome throughout this game, but we've made it through. I must say I rather like the 1900 variant after completing this game. What are you thoughts?

It has been a pleasure running this game for all of you. Hopefully in the future we may have the opportunity to do it again.

- Josh

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more.[/quote:faa9f86206]

[/quote:faa9f86206]Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star power. Play now!


DC101 Germany EOG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dear Jason,I really don't know what decision I would have taken as I was playing it pretty much turn by turn. I can tell you that if you had pulled back, T might not have had a solo victory, at least not so quickly. Indeed, I might be wrong but it seems to me that there were one or obstacles for Mike to have pulled it off by himself when we were still in the semi-stalemate stage as it were. It might even have resulted in a drawn game. You left me no choice by refusing to pull out.
gram.p.s. However, perhaps we need another game to sort out these and other thoughts, my friend.

On 11 Feb 2008, at 14:15, Jason 4747 wrote:

Gram, Good question.  I have a partial answer, but it leads to another questions.  Simply put, I did not pull back because I realized you had a solid alliance with Turkey, so I figured you were not going to attack him at all.  Fair enough, but that only leads to two other possibilities - you attack me (Germany) or Russia.  And you knew we were allied, an had no where else to go except lose to Turkey.  So my question is, had I pulled back, what would your course of action be?  Would you have attacked Turkey? It would be interesting to see what you were thinking.  You had gone two turns without attacking or supporting any outside powers.  I figured you were about to strike adn guessed it would be GER/RUS.  Correct?Jason [quote:f9c0b9ce5c]CC: gramario(at)tin.it ([email]gramario(at)tin.it[/email]); mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email]); aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email]); leeaclark(at)btinternet.com ([email]leeaclark(at)btinternet.com[/email]); dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com ([email]derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com[/email]); m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]); adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com ([email]adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com[/email]); ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com ([email]ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com[/email]); stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); vonpowell(at)aol.com ([email]vonpowell(at)aol.com[/email])From: gramario(at)tin.it ([email]gramario(at)tin.it[/email])Subject: Re: DC101 Germany EOGDate: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:17:16 +0000To: jason4747(at)hotmail.com ([email]jason4747(at)hotmail.com[/email])Many thanks to all. I'd just add one point. It was not that Austria had had enough. I had warned Ger that if he did not move out of my centres, I would "throw" the game Turkey's way. He did not, so I did. I am just wondering what would have happened if he had moved out of my centres?gram.
On 11 Feb 2008, at 01:35, Jason 4747 wrote:
[quote:f9c0b9ce5c]Germany EOG Many thanks to Josh for an efficient, well well run game.  And thanks to all the players as well, despite the outcome it was a fun last half of a game. I joined in late (I hate to see a DC game abandoned) an it is interesting starting out way under the gun.  So, as mentioned, I decided that Turkey was the closest to victory, but England was going to wipe me out.  So, he said he would take my centers he had already planned (which he did) then stop (which he did). From there, I united with Russia, with England as best I could, and with no help from France, decided to attack him with an eye at getting south to stop the Turks.  Late in the game, I had to switch up and attack Austria because he took a solid neutral position - not attaking Russia or me, but not Turkey either.  Anyway, I could not get that to work all that well (out of position and all), and I never could really help Italy as I had France on the door and the Austrians capable of moving it on a moments notice. After the last round or two, France turned, Austria had enough, and Turkey (wisely) made a move for the last few - it seems a solo was inevitable. So, Congratulations to Mike - good game.  And for what it is worth, you basically did win this same game twice....Jason [quote:f9c0b9ce5c]Subject: dc101 Turk EGSDate: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 19:39:19 -0800From: mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])To: aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email]); jason4747(at)hotmail.com ([email]jason4747(at)hotmail.com[/email]); leeaclark(at)btinternet.com ([email]leeaclark(at)btinternet.com[/email]); dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc101(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com ([email]derekthefeared2(at)yahoo.com[/email]);gramario(at)tin.it ([email]gramario(at)tin.it[/email]); m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]); former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]); leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]); adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com ([email]adamdlevy23(at)hotmail.com[/email]);ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com ([email]ismarodri_uy(at)hotmail.com[/email])CC: stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]); VonPowell(at)aol.com ([email]VonPowell(at)aol.com[/email])
Hey guys,
I’ll write a quick EGS for this one… 

As Turkey, this game started off great for since both Russia (Lee T) and Italy (Ismael) ran into some problems.  Not w attacks, but just with getting orders in.  I think Russia missed one turn and then dropped, and Italy was missing them left and right.  That left me with nobody to diplome with but Austria (Gram).  So he was my natural ally, we hit it off well, and got into the south of Russia, and about then the new Russia took over (Lee C).  By this time tho, I was lodged into Sev, so there really wasn’t any nice way to work w the new Russia, so we just carried on… expanding north and west, I was not going to stab Austria if at all possible, cuz he was the only one in the south that I really felt I could work with, and doing so would have left the game with everyone not talking to me.  I mean sure I could talk to Mikael and Derek in the west, but they ultimately wanted me stopped I’m sure. 

Let’s see what else… Germany getting those 4 first turn builds then missing them was odd!  Then he managed to survive long enough to keep England and France from wiping him out, which helped me cuz E/F were my real threat to stop a win. 

I have to say that had Trout and/or Jason come into the game a few turns sooner, it would have been a totally new game, cuz they did all they could to try to stop me, just a few turns too late.  And Germany, with Austria between us, was in a tough spot to affect me at all.  I was actually paranoid that I/G were going to make a play into Italy proper, but they never did.  I think that might have given me some headaches if it had happened.  Instead, Germany went for Austria, and that irritated him enough to want to help me more, since we’d been doing well together all game.  And that was about it!  Austria moved to defend his home centers, opening up the back side for me, and that was game. 

Good game all, thanks to Josh for creating this awesome variant in Realpolitik and running a smooth game.

PS… Thank you all for voting for me!  Perhaps I should go into politics. 

From: Josh E. [mailto:aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email])]
By unanimous vote Turkey is the solo victor in DC101:1900! Mike, congratulations! You did a great job of dicing up your competition in light of some pretty long odds. T thank you all for playing in this one, I know there were a few rough obstacles to overcome throughout this game, but we've made it through. I must say I rather like the 1900 variant after completing this game. What are you thoughts? 

It has been a pleasure running this game for all of you. Hopefully in the future we may have the opportunity to do it again. 

- Josh

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DC127 - Fall 07 24 hour reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
A little over a day left to get your Fall 07 orders to me gents. I have received only 1 set so far.

Kind regards



WBB4: Spring 06 DEADLINE - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hope everyone is having an okay Monday.

Please make sure your orders are submitted by the deadline of 10:00PM EST
Still missing several, you know who you are.


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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