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DC116 Vogon's Revenge - Early Winter 1905 - Prelud... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Tyrrhenian waters, against hull, were a-drumming
The Turk's fleet in retreat from its drubbing
But the Captain didn't know
Where the boats were to go
For no orders, from command, were forth-coming


No retreat was received from Turkey so the fleet in the Tyrrhenian Sea is removed OTB. Russia orders Vienna OTB as well while, in the west, Germany retreats to Ruhr. Due to the two disbands, Russia and Turkey both gain 2 builds during the Winter phase. We'll set the deadline for after the weekend, on Monday, October 29th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone! Greg, please drop me a line to let me know all is okay and that you're still with us. =)


DC-116 Vogon's Revenge A Standard Game Game Started:

Current Turn: Early Winter 1905
Next Deadline: Winter 1905 Adjustments Monday, October 29th (11:59 PM GMT)

The Rowdy Cast
Austria: Doug Colex dcolex1(at)netzero.net ([email]dcolex1(at)netzero.net[/email]) England: Jason K. Githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]Githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email]) France: Dem Young demjyoung(at)yahoo.com ([email]demjyoung(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Germany: Mikael Johannsen m_don_j(at)hotmail.com ([email]m_don_j(at)hotmail.com[/email]) Italy: Neil Smark smark6(at)ozemail.com.au ([email]smark6(at)ozemail.com.au[/email]) Russia: Jorge Saralegui jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net ([email]jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net[/email]) Turkey: Greg Neilsen yeeha77(at)yahoo.com ([email]yeeha77(at)yahoo.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])

Russian A Vienna retreats OTB
Turkish F Tyrrhenian Sea retreats OTB (No Retreat Received)
German A Kiel retreats to Ruhr

Russia: BUILDS 2 Turkey: BUILDS 2 Austria: No Adjustments England: No Adjustments France: No Adjustments Germany: DISBANDS 3 Italy: BUILDS 1


8 Supply Centers - Mos, War, Sev, Stp, Swe, Rum, Nwy, Bud GAIN: Kie, Mun, Tri 5 Armies - Tri, Ber, Mun, Ukr, Arm LOSE: Vie, Bud 2 Fleets - Kie, Swe BUILDS 2

7 Supply Centers - Ank, Con, Smy, Ser, Gre, Bul, Rum GAIN: Bud 4 Armies - Gal, Bud, Rum, Ank LOSE: 2 Fleets - Ion, Smy BUILDS 2

1 Supply Center - Tri GAIN: Vie 1 Army - Vie LOSE: Tri 0 Fleets -

5 Supply Centers - Lon, Edi, Bre, Den, Nwy GAIN: 1 Army - Wal LOSE: 4 Fleets - Den, Nth, Bre, Cly

2 Supply Centers - Par, Lvp GAIN: 1 Army - Par LOSE: 1 Fleet - Lvp

5 Supply Centers - Mun, Kie, Hol, Bel, Mar GAIN: 4 Armies - Ruh, Bel, Hol, Bur LOSE: Mar, Mun, Kie 1 Fleet - Hel DISBANDS 3

6 Supply Centers - Nap, Rom, Tun, Spa, Tri, Por GAIN: Mar 3 Armies - Mar, Ven, Nap LOSE: 3 Fleets - Tun, Spa(sc), Tyn BUILDS 1



DC106:: TWO ABS:: FALL 1911 RESULTS!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
yeah i saw that 'misorder' the problem was that you also had wbs s armso i had to take one over the other and since wbs is a more valid move
i had to disregard ebs

it would not have mattered
as poland would have taken rum next turn
gg otherwise!!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email])>
Date: October 26, 2007 6:37:57 PM PDT
To: Felix Kam Chung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: DC106:: TWO ABS:: FALL 1911 RESULTS!!

Well that's the last time I play on a map where I don't see the
territory names for every move!  I can't believe that you gave Poland
the win when it was obvious that I switched WBS & EBS.  The move of
WBS -> Rum would have stopped the solo. UGH!

EOG for Ukr:
I'm writing this before reading Israel's because I'm sure he's got
some not-so-nice things to say about me and my play.
The fight with Byz & Bur took a lot out of me.  I'm watching The
Godfather while typing this... and Poland definitely made me An Offer
I Couldn't Refuse.  I finally won my war and made a quick stab move on
Poland.  He saw it coming I guess, and made moves that would have
hamstrung me totally.  So, I turned around and moved on Israel.  At
the time, both were just about even, although Isr seemed a little more
powerful and better positioned.

I still stand by that choice.  It just happened to turn out that
Poland was able to keep growing and Isr got stuck in the mud.  We
battled it out around the Black, and that's where the game ended.

On thing about the end, though:  I flipped EBS & WBS around.  Pol had
left Rum open for me, and it was obvious that was my intention, but
the orders got flipped and Felix processed them as written.  My fault,
of course; but a bad way to end the game.  I'm not sure if Rum was the
final center for Poland, but if was, well, then Poland didn't even
want the game to end.

Good game all.  Very surprised to see the names attached to the players!

Mike -- Ukraine

On 10/26/07, Felix Kam Chung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])> wrote:

Greetings Players!!
The game is over with a win given to Poland!!
Congratulations to Brian Lam, I believe his very first game here in the
wonderful world of Diplomatic Corp!  It was a pleasure to have witnessed
such a great and long game!!  Please submit your EOG's at your leisure.  A
MONSTEROUS GAME, won very very nicely through the FOG!

Following are the last set of moves submitted:

A list of the players and the final SC counts!

Thank you all for playing!!

FALL 1911.

All others eliminated::




As submitted::

A Tur S A Irn
A Mes S A Irn
A Irn Hold
A Syr - Cil
F Smy Hold
F Car S F Smy
A Thr S A Con - Bul
A Gre S A Con - Bul
F Ion S A Gre
A Pie S A Lan
A Ven S A Pie
A Tus S A Pie
F Adr S A Ven
F Mor S F Sou

Spain: F bay Supports A -> gas
Spain: A bri -> gas
Spain: A lan Supports A pie
Spain: F mid Holds
Spain: F san Supports F mid
Spain: F sou Supports F mid

Moves for Ukr, Fall 1911:

F EBS -> Rum (invalid destination)
A Con S Bul
A Ait S Con
A Cil S Arm
F Arm Transform to A
A Geo S Aze -> Ira
A Aze -> Ira

ZAR holds.

A LIV support A NOV - MUS
A BUD support A AUS - CRO
A SER support A CRO - ZAR
A ALB support A CRO - ZAR
A BUL hold
A DIJ support A SCH - LAN
A FRA support F ENG - BRI
F PIC support F ENG - BRI
F IRI support F AEG - ENG
As adjudicated::

Results for Fall, 1911 (Movement)

General Notices:
Game ends. Power Poland wins by controlling 27 supply centers; 27 supply
centers are required to win.
Order resolution completed on 26-Oct-2007 at 15:57:03 PDT
The turn was edited on 26-Oct-2007 at 15:38:47 PDT
The turn was edited on 26-Oct-2007 at 15:42:20 PDT
The turn was edited on 26-Oct-2007 at 15:49:05 PDT
The turn was edited on 26-Oct-2007 at 15:54:40 PDT

Order Results:
Hungary: A zar Holds
Dislodged from cro (3 against 1).
Israel: F adr Supports A ven
Israel: A ath Supports A con -> bul
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Israel: F car Supports F smy
Israel: F ion Supports A ath
Israel: A ira Holds
Israel: A mes Supports A ira
Israel: F mor Supports F sou
Israel: A pie Supports A lan
Support cut by Move from Tyrol.
Israel: F smy Holds
Israel: A syr -> cil
Bounced with cil (1 against 1).
Israel: A thr Supports A con -> bul
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Israel: A tur Supports A ira
Israel: A tus Supports A ven
Israel: A ven Supports A pie
Poland: A alb Supports A cro -> zar
Poland: F ang -> eng
Poland: A aus -> cro
Poland: A bav -> trl
Failed because Poland: A trl -> pie failed.
Poland: A bud Supports A aus -> cro
Poland: A bul Holds
Poland: A cro -> zar
Poland: A dij Supports A sch -> lan
Poland: F eng -> bri
Poland: A fra Supports F eng -> bri
Poland: F iri Supports F nao -> mid
Poland: A kaz -> vol
Poland: A liv Supports A nov -> mus
Poland: A lor -> sch
Poland: F nao -> mid
Bounced with mid (2 against 3).
Poland: A nov -> mus
Poland: A pic Supports F eng -> bri
Poland: A sch -> lan
Poland: A ser Supports A cro -> zar
Poland: A sze -> tra
Poland: A trl -> pie
Bounced with pie (1 against 2).
Poland: A war -> pod
Spain: F bay Supports A bri -> gas
Spain: A bri -> gas
Spain: A lan Supports A pie
Support cut by Move from Schwyz.
Dislodged from sch (2 against 1).
Spain: F mid Holds
Spain: F san Supports F mid
Spain: F sou Supports F mid
No order for unit at Armenia. Hold order assigned.
No order for unit at East Black Sea. Hold order assigned.

Ukraine: A ait Supports A con
Ukraine: A arm Holds
Ukraine: A aze -> ira
Bounced with ira (2 against 3).
Ukraine: A cil Supports F arm
Illegal order; unit will hold. Province Armenia contains an Army, not a
Fleet as specified.
Ukraine: A cil Holds
Ukraine: A con Supports A bul
Ukraine: F ebs Holds
Ukraine: A geo Supports A aze -> ira
Ukraine: F wbs Supports A con

"Giuliani's kinda like a pit bull. He's great when you have a burglar,
but if you don't, he just might eat your kids." -- Chris Rock
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
"Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is
sent" --- Pope Saint Gregory the Great


dc109 s214 BC results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Rome forsakes his Gods -- and his orders -- and feels the wrath as the islands are the first to go... Island shepherds can be heard wailing into the night… “Jupiter, Apollo, Venus, all the gods of Rome! Thanks for nothing! We're going Christian!” Meanwhile reports from the east indicate Persian armies got their orders crossed when allegedly getting directions from a scarecrow…

F Punic Sea Supports F Ionian Sea - Sicilia
F Ionian Sea - Sicilia
F Syrtis Major - Ionian Sea
F Carthage Hold
A Apulia - Neapolis (*Fails*)
A Cyrenaica Hold
F Creta Hold

F O.Germanicus - Scandia
F Balearic Sea - Sardinia
F Cartenna Supports F Saguntum - Numidian Sea
F Saguntum - Numidian Sea
A Helvetii Supports A Genua
A Aliso Supports A Treva
A Treva Supports A Aestui (*Ordered to Move*)
A Bojohaemum Supports A Pannonia (*Cut*)
A Genua Supports A Aqueleia
F Hispania - Saguntum
F Narbonensis - Balearic Sea
A Belgica - Raetia

A Biskupin - Bojohaemum (*Fails*)
A Aestui - Biskupin (*Fails*)
A Aqueleia Supports A Pannonia
A Pannonia Supports A Biskupin - Bojohaemum (*Cut*)

F Aegaeum Mare - Lycian Sea
F Athens - Aegaeum Mare
A Delphi - Sparta
A Illyricum Supports A Moesia - Pannonia
A Attaleia - Antiochia
A Nineveh - Arabia
A Lydia Hold

F Roma, no move received
A Neapolis, no move received
A Umbria, no move received
A Sicilia, no move received (*Disbanded*)

F Pontus Euxinus - Maeotis Palus
A Gelonus Supports A Dacia - Iazyges
A Kul Oba - Aestui (*Fails*)
A Dacia - Iazyges
A Moesia - Pannonia (*Fails*)
A Armenia Hold


Guns, Germs and Steel Fall 1865 - Slight Delay - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

We have a delay due to baby. Congratulations to Eric's future sister-in-law for the birth of a new-born baby girl last night. While it isn't in Eric's immediate family, I'm sure we all know how much a frenzy this occasion is for the whole family. Hopefully the cigars are being passed around.. =)

Eric has promised orders tomorrow once he gets back home. In the meantime, I *highly* suggest the two other powers that have yet to submit orders *cough Confederates cough Prussia cough* take advantage of the opportunity to do so.

Might I take this time to remind everyone that preliminary orders are strongly encouraged. *wink wink, nudge nudge*

There will be no further grace period past tomorrow evening at 11:59 PM GMT. Players that have failed to submit orders by that point will be replaced.




DC 106 ABS EOG Poland - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Begin forwarded message:

From: Brian Lam <briankingfox(at)hotmail.com ([email]briankingfox(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
Date: October 27, 2007 1:03:10 AM PDT
To: felix kamchung <felixkamchung(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email])>
Subject: DC 106 ABS EOG Poland

Felix, publish this please. Thank you.
Poland Last Statement
First of all, I would like to thank all players, especially Felix. It was a great game, and I really enjoy it. This is my first solo in online Diplomacy game.
In the beginning of the game, I have thought of invading Ukraine. But Ukraine’s friendly signal by supporting me to MUS and the rumors that Poland would invade Ukraine, made me decide not to attackUkraine. It was fortunate because if I attacked Ukraine in 1902, I would have been killed by Hungary early. That began my long war with Hungary.
During the war, I also noticed the war between Eire and Burgundy. I realized that no matter who win the war, the winner will attack me sooner or later. And if they went into some reconciliation, I would fell into a deep trouble. So, I encouraged them to fight by announcing neutral in the beginning. When Burgundy was losing because of the attack from Hungary and others, I turned to support Burgundy and attacked Eire, in order to maintain the balance between two, and kept them fight
Then the fog came.
I was surprised that Eire gave up NWG and NTH. Perhaps he thought he could attack my inland SCs with the cover of fog, and believed he could eliminate Burgundy very soon. But he was wrong. Instead, he gave me a big opportunity against him. In result, my army landed on England on 1907 Spring, which marked the imminent death of Eire.
1907 was a critical year.
Although Eire failed to invade my northern hinterland, he successfully convinced Ukraine invade me in 1907 since my A MUS moved into KAR against possible Eire’s landing and I didn’t cover MUS. Ukraine thought this was a good opportunity against me. But other players didn’t know it, not only because of fog, but also because both of us didn’t want others to know. I worried that this would give hope to other players; I guess Ukraine would have worried a stab from Israel. So, I said I gave Ukraine MUS to support his attack on Israel; unable to announce war with Poland, Ukraine thanked me. This conversation was successful, not only dissimulated our war status, but also damaged the relationship between Ukraine and Israel. At the same time, I decided to reaped the fruited I sowed on the land of Eireand Burgundy, and finished the war with Hungary. In winter 1907, I got three builds, despite losing MUS to Ukraine; and by Spring 1908, I got 7 armies along Polish-Ukraine border while Ukraine only got 3
But I decided not to attack Ukraine. Three reasons: 1. Ukraine had learned the lesson; 2. I worried Israel would attack Ukraine’s empty South; 3. Spain decided to join Israel. Since the fog came, I treated Israela long term enemy. I thought that Spain and Ukraine would attack Israel. This would give me a free hand against the dying Hungary, Burgundy and Eire. But the surrender of Spain forced me to take faster action against Israel and Spain.
Thus, I planned a plot against the alliance. I told Spain that he could ally with me against Israel by achieving some terms. Actually, I can do them all by myself. As the terms were achieved, I thought Israelwould eventually lose trust with Spain. What surprised me was that Spain announced to keep his distance from Israel. That meant he would be more isolated and vulnerable to me.
In the end of the game, even if Ukraine stoped me by going to RUM, the game will end too in the next year, since my armies are going down. I guessed Ukraine would not attack me, that's why I did nothing about RUM and BUL.
Both Eire and Israel failed to stop me, because they attacked their possible allies: Eire attacked Burgundy while asking others to attack me. Israel attacked Ukraine even he realized Poland was his long term enemy. If one of them successfully convinced Burgundy or Ukraine to attack me, I am afraid I would not be able to win solo so early.
Finally, thanks for the game again. And I hope we can we can play again in the nearest future.
Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders.


DC117:: WINTER 1905 RESULTS - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Apologies for the slight delay!


As submitted::

Germany will remove the Baltic fleet

Russia builds:

 A War
F StP (nc)



Dc120 Winter 1902 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
dc120 Winter 1902

Remove F Adriatic Sea

Build F Liverpool

Build A Berlin

Build F Naples

Build A Constantinople
Build F Smyrna

Spring 1903 is due next Friday at 8pm American EST.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shubbery)

Listen now! New music from the Rogue Traders.


Dc 113 Autumn 1902 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
No Retreat received from Russia, so the fleet in Nwy is disbanded.

Winter 1902 is still due Tuesday 30th October at 9pm Australian EST.

Austria: Build One.

Turkey: Build One.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Shubbery)

Find it at www.seek.com.au Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it!


Charter Of The Companions - Official Launch - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks!

So, you always wanted to be a Knight...

I'm happy to say that after months of laborious work on the part of your fearless mods, the Charter Of The Companions is finally ready for launch. The Companions will add an entirely new dimension to the site, allowing progress through the different ranks based on the amount of games played to completion.

I'll let the Companions pages speak for themselves. I have to say, thanks to Sims' help, these pages are pretty killer. Go to your Diplomaticcorp profile by clicking 'My Profile' on the LH side of the page. There you'll see your current Companions rank and corresponding black and white Icon.

Click on the BW icon and enter the world of the Companions. I hope to see you all there. *grin*

Former Trout
Herald of the Companions

PS - I promised to give a shout-out to the Dipknights of Cat-23 when the Companions came online and running. The whole idea of the Charter was based on that group. That being said, I like to think we've developed it and put a whole new spin on it for Diplomaticcorp.

PPS - Make sure to check out the individual rank descriptions by clicking on the ranks table. This is a part of the group that I'm extremely proud of...


Charter Of The Companions - Rankings and Honors - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I'm proud to announce the first two knights of the DC Charter of the Companions!

For past honours and dedication to the group, we raise:

Sir Steven Lytton to the rank of Knight Of The Shrubbery
Sir Mike Sims to the rank of Knight Of The Ocelot


Former Trout
Herald Of The Companions


Persistent Turtle Deadline Reminder! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Just about 7 hours until deadline. Make sure that you have orders submitted! Let's not have more anarchies!Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word scramble challenge with star power. Play Now!


DC103 TOMORROW - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Its tomorrow!



DC121 Deadline Tomorrow - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
That's right kiddies 9 pm eastern tomorrow means about 26.5 hours from
right now.

Have moves from: Russia, France, Turkey, Germany

Need moves from: Italy, England, Austria

Get 'em in!



Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Replacement C... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks,

Unfortunately, our fearless General Lee has failed to show up for battle and, after repeated attempts to contact him, I have sought out and found a replacement for the Confederate position. Everyone, please welcome Jim Atkins to the game. Jim is coming in to make sure that the South does rise again.. =) My thanks to Max for playing out the position up to this point.

We'll give a little bit of time for Jim to negotiate and set the new Fall 1865 deadline for Wednesday, October 31st (11:59 PM GMT.) That's not as much time as I'd like to give him, but I feel its the most I can allow seeing as a) we've already had a long extension on this turn and b) my travel schedule in the later half of this week just plain stinks and Wednesday is the best day for me to adjudicate.

As well, with this set of late orders and subsequent replacement, I definitely feel that my good graces are being taken advantage of. Most of the players in this game lock in prelims way ahead of time and do not deserve these long delays to mar their game experience. I sincerely thank you folks for the patience you have shown. Moving forward in this game, to prevent these delays from continuing, I will change my NMR policy.

From Fall 1865 onwards, late order submission will result in an NMR being handed out to that country. All country units will hold in place. Three NMRs in a row will result in me finding a replacement for that country. IF ANY PLAYER HAS ANY PROBLEM WITH THIS POLICY, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATELY.

Once again, thanks for hanging in there everyone. Hopefully with this NMR policy, we'll be back to popping out the major turns once a week just as before.




Guns, Germs and Steel 1264 / DC110 - Replacement C... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks.

Updated player roster as attached. Cheers!


Dip 1264 / DC110 Guns, Germs and Steel
An Imperial Variant Game Game Started: June 13, 2007

Current Turn: Summer 1865

Next Deadline: Fall 1865 Orders
Wednesday, October 31st (11:59 PM GMT)

The Assembly of Nations

Austria: Felix Kam Chung
felixkamchung(at)mac.com, felix388(at)mac.com ([email]felixkamchung(at)mac.com[/email]) Brazil: Ted Morley
Ted.Morley(at)SEN.CA.GOV ([email]Ted.Morley(at)SEN.CA.GOV[/email]) Britain: Steve Lytton
stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email]) China: Dave Watson
dipknight(at)comcast.net ([email]dipknight(at)comcast.net[/email]) Confederate States: Jim Atkins
savwa4(at)comcast.net ([email]savwa4(at)comcast.net[/email]) France: Lee Taylor
leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) Holland: Rudi van Hal
rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl ([email]rvhgames(at)xs4all.nl[/email]) Japan: Eric Grinnell
eric.grinnell(at)yahoo.com ([email]eric.grinnell(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Mexico: Randolph
ruffhaus8(at)aol.com ([email]ruffhaus8(at)aol.com[/email]) Prussia: Shane Whatsit
shanefgtoledo(at)yahoo.com ([email]shanefgtoledo(at)yahoo.com[/email]) Russia: Rob Bristol
rbristol(at)cogeco.ca, rbristol(at)cargojet.com ([email]rbristol(at)cogeco.ca[/email]) Turkey: Jerry Todd
sgttodd(at)mainecav.org ([email]sgttodd(at)mainecav.org[/email]) United States: Rupert Alesbury
writetorupert(at)gmail.com ([email]writetorupert(at)gmail.com[/email])

Humble GM: Former Trout
former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email]) Game Starting Map: http://www.diplom.org/Online/maps/imperial-small.gif Variant Description: http://www.diplom.org/Online/variants/imperial.html

On 10/28/07, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Hi folks,

Unfortunately, our fearless General Lee has failed to show up for battle and, after repeated attempts to contact him, I have sought out and found a replacement for the Confederate position. Everyone, please welcome Jim Atkins to the game. Jim is coming in to make sure that the South does rise again.. =) My thanks to Max for playing out the position up to this point.

We'll give a little bit of time for Jim to negotiate and set the new Fall 1865 deadline for Wednesday, October 31st (11:59 PM GMT.) That's not as much time as I'd like to give him, but I feel its the most I can allow seeing as a) we've already had a long extension on this turn and b) my travel schedule in the later half of this week just plain stinks and Wednesday is the best day for me to adjudicate.

As well, with this set of late orders and subsequent replacement, I definitely feel that my good graces are being taken advantage of. Most of the players in this game lock in prelims way ahead of time and do not deserve these long delays to mar their game experience. I sincerely thank you folks for the patience you have shown. Moving forward in this game, to prevent these delays from continuing, I will change my NMR policy.

From Fall 1865 onwards, late order submission will result in an NMR being handed out to that country. All country units will hold in place. Three NMRs in a row will result in me finding a replacement for that country. IF ANY PLAYER HAS ANY PROBLEM WITH THIS POLICY, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATELY.

Once again, thanks for hanging in there everyone. Hopefully with this NMR policy, we'll be back to popping out the major turns once a week just as before.




DC106 - HUNGARY EOG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Congrats Brian. I wish I would have cared about this game more. The game started just as my job took an unexpected turn for the worse, as most of you know. Then the rest of the summer had me battling my job, looking for a new one, and then finding a new place to live.

I thought the press at the beginning of the game was crucial. The powers that coordinated best I think all made it through. I think I survived, but I haven’t looked at a final map.

My initial intent was not to go towards Poland. But I think I ordered straight north with a unit or two, instead of ordering northwest and west like I did after those early moves north.
I briefly skimmed Poland’s EOG, and I think everything he wrote about our war looked correct.

The map was difficult as I only started with two home supply centers. I had to re-draw the map for Felix at the beginning of the game. That was fun. Not having centers names on the maps was difficult, and having it played with JDIP rather than the usual RP hurt. With games of more countries and provinces than the standard, I like sending out the file. With the FOG though, that couldn’t happen.

Maybe next time, Felix can send out one map with every adjudication that has the names of the provinces on the map.

Thanks Felix for your dedication with this game. I know there were some late submissions, me included earlier on in the game. The PRESS was very timely and the map creation was pretty difficult I bet.

To the rest, let’s do this again sometime.


DC116 Vogon's Revenge - Winter 1905 Deadline Remin... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi folks of the Vogon,

Just sending out a gentle deadline reminder that any changes for Winter 1905 Adjustments are due in just under 20 hours. I have all sets in hand already, so we're looking very good for tomorrow.




dc92 Fall '11 results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)




Large map:


Name Reference Map:


Home Center Map:



Builds & Disband are due Wednesday October 31st 7 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1200 GMT


Orders and Results:

A BEI Supports A KOR
F BOM Supports F NEI
A CLC Supports F BOM
A DEL Supports F BOM
F IND Supports F NEI (*Cut*)
A KOR Supports A VLA
A LAN Supports A TIB
F NEI Supports F IND (*Cut*)
F NWP Supports F WPO
F PAK - ASE (*Fails*)
F SCS Supports F NEI
F THA Supports F NEI
A TIB Supports A CLC
A VLA Supports A KOR
F WPO Supports F IND

A AHU Supports A ITA - GER (*Fails*)
F ALG Supports F CAO - NEA (*Fails*)
F ASE Supports F NWI (*Cut*)
A BHO Supports A BRA
A BRA Supports A MEN - BOL (*Cut*)
F CHI Supports F EPO - PER
F EAO Supports F GHA - CAO (*Fails*)
A EGY Supports A SAR
F EPO - PER (*Fails*)
F GER - BAS (*Bounce*)
F GHA - CAO (*Fails*)
F GUI Supports F GHA - CAO (*Fails*)
A ITA - GER (*Fails*)
F MAU Supports F CAO - NEA (*Fails*)
F EMED Supports A AHU
A MEN - BOL (*Fails*)
F MOR Supports F CAO - NEA (*Fails*)
F CAO - NEA (*Fails*)
F NEA - NTH (*Fails*)
F NWI Supports F ASE
A RDJ Supports A BRA
F REC Supports F GHA - CAO (*Cut*)
F RED Supports F ASE
F SAL Supports F REC
A SAO Supports A MEN - BOL
A SAR Supports F SYR
F SEI Supports F SIO
F SEP - EPO (*Bounce*)
F SIO Supports F NWI
F SPA - FRA(nc)
F SPO Supports F QSL - PIS
F SWA Supports F CHI
F SYR Supports A SAR
F TSE Supports F QSL - PIS
F WAO Supports F REC

F JSE Supports F PIS - IND
F PIS - IND (*Fails*)
F QSL - PIS (*Fails*)
F WAU - NEI (*Fails*)

A AFG Hold
A ARM Supports F TUR
F BAL(ec) Hold
F BLA Supports F BAL(ec)
A ESI Hold
F GBR Supports F NWG - NTH (*Fails*)
A IRN Supports A IRQ
A IRQ Supports F TUR
F MAO Supports F LSE - NWG (*Fails*)
F NTH - BAS (*Bounce*)
F NWG - NTH (*Fails*)
A POL Hold
F TUR Supports F BAL(ec)
A UKR Supports A POL

A AMA Supports A BOL
A BOL Supports A VEN - BRA (*Cut*)
F CEN Supports F NPO - NEP (*Fails*)
A COL Supports A PER
F CSE Supports F QBC(sc) - NWA (*Fails*)
F GUY Supports F NWA - REC
F HAW - PIS (*Fails*)
F LSE - NWG (*Fails*)
F MEX(wc) Supports F NPO - NEP (*Fails*)
F NEP - EPO (*Bounce*)
F NEW - LSE (*Fails*)
F NPO - NEP (*Fails*)
F NWA - REC (*Fails*)
A PER Supports A BOL (*Cut*)
F QBC(sc) - NWA (*Fails*)
A VEN - BRA (*Fails*)

Builds Due:

Ghana: 40 / 39 Build 1
Western-Canada: 18 / 17 Build 1

Disband Due:

Russia: 16 / 17 Remove 1


China: 15 / 15
Oz: 4 / 4

"...apparently it was not as big of a surprise as we had hoped......"
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DC103 TONIGHT - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Would suck to be NMR'd


dc91 out of the attic - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ok folks time to dig this one out of the attic, wipe off the cobwebs and polish up the swords… We’ve got a game to play!

Deadline for Spring ’10 is currently set for Wednesday / Halloween. Lee can you confirm you’re back in action… stronger… better… and more well-rested than ever?


New feature: Location - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey everyone,
If you haven’t already, check out the new “My Profile” page of the website once you log in…


New feature is added, to edit your location… once we have a lot of accurate locations, we can add the option to find other players in your area!
(It only asks for Country, State (if applicable) and City… so it’s still pretty private)



dc119 Persistent Turtle A04 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Persistent Turtle
Stricken Again!! Another NMR resulting in anarchy.
Italy bows out [disgracefully].
Russia fights back reclaiming some of the Motherland.

Patrick, unless you have a good reason or some confirmed
orders from me, your game [and time on the site] is done.

Please note deadline information below.
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}

F(Gre) - Bul (sc); A(Tri) Stands; A(Vie) s A(Tri) Stands

ENGLAND (Nick Buscaglia)
F(IRI) - MAO; F(ENG) s F(IRI) - MAO; F(Bre) s F(IRI) - MAO; F(NTH) c A(Lon) - Bel; A(Lon) - Bel (FAILED); A(War) Stands; F(StP) nc Stands (DISLODGED - PENDING RETREAT); F(Nwy) - Swe (FAILED)


GERMANY (Peter Van Asten)
A(Den) - Swe (FAILED); F(Hol) - Bel (FAILED); A(Bur) - Par; A(Sil) - War (FAILED); A(Mun) - Tyr; A(Pie) s A(Mun) - Tyr

A(Boh) Stands; A(Tyr) Stands (DISLODGED - DISBANDED NRP); A(Ven) Stands; F(ION) Stands (DISLODGED - DISBANDED NRO)

RUSSIA (Eddie Nicholls)
F(Swe) - Nwy (FAILED); A(Lvn) - StP; F(GoB) s A(Lvn) - StP; A(Mos) s A(Lvn) - StP; F(Sev) Stands

TURKEY (Eric Mao)
F(BLA) Stands; F(EMS) - ION; F(AEG) s F(EMS) - ION; A(Ser) - Tri (FAILED); A(Bud) s A(Ser) - Tri

Autumn 1903 Adjustments:
A: +Bul, Tri, Vie, Gre = 4; Gains 1.
E: Bre, Lon, +War, Nwy, Bel, Edi, Lpl, -StP, -Mos = 7; Loses 1.
F: Spa, -Par = 1; Loses 1.
G: Den, Hol, +Par, Mun, Mar, Ber, Kie = 7; Gains 1.
I: Ven, Tun, Nap, Rom = 4; No change.
R: Swe, +StP, +Mos, Sev, Rum, -Bud, -War = 5; No change.
T: Ser, +Bud, Con, Ank, Smy, -Bul = 5; No change.

G: Builds 1
While Austria gained one center, no home center is available for build.
England owes a retreat for StP. He can choose to disband it or give a retreat order. If he gives a retreat order, he will still owe us a unit to be removed due to losing one center.

Peter, if you wish you can hold giving me your build order until I have England's retreat order. If your build order isn't conditional on England's retreat then feel free to go ahead and turn it in.

Nick - please let me know your wishes by 12pm CST tomorrow [October 30th].

Our deadline for S04 will be Monday, November 5th at 5pm CST. I will be out of the country this week so confirmations of orders will be slow in coming.

Boo! Scare away worms, viruses and so much more! Try Windows Live OneCare! Try now!

Help yourself to FREE treats served up daily at the Messenger Café. Stop by today!


DC112 spring 1906 reminder! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Don't forget, DC112 spring 1906 orders and your vote on a DIAS are due tomorrow, about 23 hours from now. I am missing orders from at least one player, so get 'em in!


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DC101 - Update - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Thank you all for waiting on this game... between fires, and vacations it's been a little while.

I'd like to jump right back into this, but unfortunately our English commander has notified me that he'll have to leave us. What I would like to do is put our choices up to a vote. It seems like it's too early in the game to call a draw; however that is a choice that you may all make at any point in the game, but I see our choices as follows.

1. Proceed with England in Civil Disorder.

2. Seek a replacement for England, pausing further until a player is found.

What does everyone think? Any other suggestion you'd like to voice? Let me know.

- Josh


DC101 - Update - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Replacements are always nice this time of year... =)


On 10/29/07, Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com ([email]aramis604(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Thank you all for waiting on this game... between fires, and vacations it's been a little while.

I'd like to jump right back into this, but unfortunately our English commander has notified me that he'll have to leave us. What I would like to do is put our choices up to a vote. It seems like it's too early in the game to call a draw; however that is a choice that you may all make at any point in the game, but I see our choices as follows.

1. Proceed with England in Civil Disorder.

2. Seek a replacement for England, pausing further until a player is found.

What does everyone think? Any other suggestion you'd like to voice? Let me know.

- Josh


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