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variants vs. standard - FuzzyLogic   (May 10, 2010, 8:25 am)
A game is never luck of the draw. If you draw a favored nation, that should be just as unlucky as lucky, cuz the players should be more against you, whereas if you draw an unlucky nation, you should be able to use that to make more allies.


variants vs. standard (Community) Kenshi777 May 10, 11:25 am
to an extent, yes. this is true in variants with minor imbalances. I
would say that even Standard has minor imbalances, yet this dynamic
you describe makes all the positions playable. Major imbalances - the
sort that result in "forced" alliances - can remove this effect
I have a simple rule of thumb for variant design, a question that
variant designers should critically ask themselves of each position on
their map.
...and that is, "does this player have at least two alliance options
with roughly equal incentive?"
If the answer is no, then the negotiating element of the game is
eliminated, and though there may remain an entertaining tactical
fight, the opening phase of the game at least becomes predictable when
one alliance is clearly the more profitable option than the other.
This is not always apparent prior to playtesting. Speaking from
painful experience, it is all too easy to get "tunnel vision" about a
particular positon as one is designing the map, and not realize that
an alliance pairing is forced.
On 5/10/10, community(at)diplomaticcorp.com wrote:
Poobaloo posted in Community. The message was...


A game is never luck of the draw. If you draw a favored nation, that should
be just as unlucky as lucky, cuz the players should be more against you,
whereas if you draw an unlucky nation, you should be able to use that to
make more allies.


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diplomaticcorp.com. If you do not wish to receive future posts, you may
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undesired messages, please notify feedback-at-diplomaticcorp.com.

Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
variants vs. standard (Community) txurce May 10, 11:31 am
Mike has successfully hammered this point home to me on a few occasions by pointing out that the standard game is anything but balanced, and yet it's, uh, playable. Variants like A&E are purposely unbalanced, yet lead to spectacular conflicts. I tend to choose variants based on whether they seem like fun, which for me is a combination of unpredictability, opportunity for diplomacy or tactical variety, and a good-looking map.
variants vs. standard (Community) Sean2010 May 10, 12:46 pm
In my opinion, I'm better at Standard Diplomacy because I have a better understanding to the map's balance that dictates the map's dynamics through geography and geopolitics, which are included in its prequel Colonial Diplomacy although it's less played so I don't know that map's balance and dynamics well, and I'm more of a poor-medicore diplomat.

"Mike has successfully hammered this point home to me on a few occasions by pointing out that the standard game is anything but balanced, and yet it's, uh, playable."

The balance is through the whole map makeup. Standard Diplomacy is divided by the stalemate line dividing the sphere's of influence by 17-17 supply centers between the West-East sphere's of control. The stalemate line isn't totally a fixed position derived through the map's dynamics or players' decisions as the game progresses like Army v Fleet ratio.
variants vs. standard (Community) txurce May 10, 01:00 pm
Sean, by Standard Dip not being balanced I meant that, for example, most people would prefer not to draw Austria or Italy. You and Mike are correct in that other factors tend to make the game playable anyway (although it takes significant skill and luck to win with those two).
variants vs. standard - Kenshi777   (May 07, 2010, 2:24 pm)
too many variables to determine a significant trend. Much depends on
the balance of the variant, the skills of other players involved, and
how decent a game that I managed to deliver at that point in history.
That said - I think that you're right about the learning curve re:
alliance dynamics and nuances. I have noticed as a GM that repeat
players of my variants have usually improved their performances (or at
least the performances of their assigned country), even when the
variants underwent significant revisions between playtests. This
should be expected, for the same reason that seasoned veterans of
standard often wipe the floor with newbies. They've seen the traps
before (and know how to set some themselves), they know where the
stalemate lines are and where they need to be to break them, etc.
As for variants - it mostly depends on the map. The vast unwashed
masses of variants listed on dipwiki.com or variantbank.org are *not*
even close to balanced. So in that case, it's just luck of the draw
whether you got a favored position or not.
On 5/7/10, community(at)diplomaticcorp.com wrote:
Garry.bledsoe posted in Community. The message was...


Just a curious question for some of those that have played a bunch of
different games - do you find that you perform better or worse at one or the

My personal experience is that I am TERRIBLE at variants. I seem to perform
much better at the standard games. I just can't place if it is a comfort
level with having played them enough to understand the dynamic of alliances
and their nuances (where I typically haven't played any one variant twice)
or if it is that I tend to play less aggressively or what.

Would love to hear others' thoughts regarding this.



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Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


variants vs. standard (Community) FuzzyLogic May 10, 08:25 am
A game is never luck of the draw. If you draw a favored nation, that should be just as unlucky as lucky, cuz the players should be more against you, whereas if you draw an unlucky nation, you should be able to use that to make more allies.
variants vs. standard (Community) Kenshi777 May 10, 11:25 am
to an extent, yes. this is true in variants with minor imbalances. I
would say that even Standard has minor imbalances, yet this dynamic
you describe makes all the positions playable. Major imbalances - the
sort that result in "forced" alliances - can remove this effect
I have a simple rule of thumb for variant design, a question that
variant designers should critically ask themselves of each position on
their map.
...and that is, "does this player have at least two alliance options
with roughly equal incentive?"
If the answer is no, then the negotiating element of the game is
eliminated, and though there may remain an entertaining tactical
fight, the opening phase of the game at least becomes predictable when
one alliance is clearly the more profitable option than the other.
This is not always apparent prior to playtesting. Speaking from
painful experience, it is all too easy to get "tunnel vision" about a
particular positon as one is designing the map, and not realize that
an alliance pairing is forced.
On 5/10/10, community(at)diplomaticcorp.com wrote:
Poobaloo posted in Community. The message was...


A game is never luck of the draw. If you draw a favored nation, that should
be just as unlucky as lucky, cuz the players should be more against you,
whereas if you draw an unlucky nation, you should be able to use that to
make more allies.


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[post:16148] in the subject line so your message is routed to the
appropriate forum.

You received this message because you subscribed to the Community forum at
diplomaticcorp.com. If you do not wish to receive future posts, you may
change your subscriptions in your profile. If you are unable to discontinue
undesired messages, please notify feedback-at-diplomaticcorp.com.

Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
variants vs. standard (Community) txurce May 10, 11:31 am
Mike has successfully hammered this point home to me on a few occasions by pointing out that the standard game is anything but balanced, and yet it's, uh, playable. Variants like A&E are purposely unbalanced, yet lead to spectacular conflicts. I tend to choose variants based on whether they seem like fun, which for me is a combination of unpredictability, opportunity for diplomacy or tactical variety, and a good-looking map.
variants vs. standard (Community) Sean2010 May 10, 12:46 pm
In my opinion, I'm better at Standard Diplomacy because I have a better understanding to the map's balance that dictates the map's dynamics through geography and geopolitics, which are included in its prequel Colonial Diplomacy although it's less played so I don't know that map's balance and dynamics well, and I'm more of a poor-medicore diplomat.

"Mike has successfully hammered this point home to me on a few occasions by pointing out that the standard game is anything but balanced, and yet it's, uh, playable."

The balance is through the whole map makeup. Standard Diplomacy is divided by the stalemate line dividing the sphere's of influence by 17-17 supply centers between the West-East sphere's of control. The stalemate line isn't totally a fixed position derived through the map's dynamics or players' decisions as the game progresses like Army v Fleet ratio.
variants vs. standard (Community) txurce May 10, 01:00 pm
Sean, by Standard Dip not being balanced I meant that, for example, most people would prefer not to draw Austria or Italy. You and Mike are correct in that other factors tend to make the game playable anyway (although it takes significant skill and luck to win with those two).
variants vs. standard - garry.bledsoe   (May 07, 2010, 1:30 pm)
Just a curious question for some of those that have played a bunch of different games - do you find that you perform better or worse at one or the other?

My personal experience is that I am TERRIBLE at variants. I seem to perform much better at the standard games. I just can't place if it is a comfort level with having played them enough to understand the dynamic of alliances and their nuances (where I typically haven't played any one variant twice) or if it is that I tend to play less aggressively or what.

Would love to hear others' thoughts regarding this.



variants vs. standard (Community) Kenshi777 May 07, 02:24 pm
too many variables to determine a significant trend. Much depends on
the balance of the variant, the skills of other players involved, and
how decent a game that I managed to deliver at that point in history.
That said - I think that you're right about the learning curve re:
alliance dynamics and nuances. I have noticed as a GM that repeat
players of my variants have usually improved their performances (or at
least the performances of their assigned country), even when the
variants underwent significant revisions between playtests. This
should be expected, for the same reason that seasoned veterans of
standard often wipe the floor with newbies. They've seen the traps
before (and know how to set some themselves), they know where the
stalemate lines are and where they need to be to break them, etc.
As for variants - it mostly depends on the map. The vast unwashed
masses of variants listed on dipwiki.com or variantbank.org are *not*
even close to balanced. So in that case, it's just luck of the draw
whether you got a favored position or not.
On 5/7/10, community(at)diplomaticcorp.com wrote:
Garry.bledsoe posted in Community. The message was...


Just a curious question for some of those that have played a bunch of
different games - do you find that you perform better or worse at one or the

My personal experience is that I am TERRIBLE at variants. I seem to perform
much better at the standard games. I just can't place if it is a comfort
level with having played them enough to understand the dynamic of alliances
and their nuances (where I typically haven't played any one variant twice)
or if it is that I tend to play less aggressively or what.

Would love to hear others' thoughts regarding this.



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You received this message because you subscribed to the Community forum at
diplomaticcorp.com. If you do not wish to receive future posts, you may
change your subscriptions in your profile. If you are unable to discontinue
undesired messages, please notify feedback-at-diplomaticcorp.com.

Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
variants vs. standard (Community) FuzzyLogic May 10, 08:25 am
A game is never luck of the draw. If you draw a favored nation, that should be just as unlucky as lucky, cuz the players should be more against you, whereas if you draw an unlucky nation, you should be able to use that to make more allies.
variants vs. standard (Community) Kenshi777 May 10, 11:25 am
to an extent, yes. this is true in variants with minor imbalances. I
would say that even Standard has minor imbalances, yet this dynamic
you describe makes all the positions playable. Major imbalances - the
sort that result in "forced" alliances - can remove this effect
I have a simple rule of thumb for variant design, a question that
variant designers should critically ask themselves of each position on
their map.
...and that is, "does this player have at least two alliance options
with roughly equal incentive?"
If the answer is no, then the negotiating element of the game is
eliminated, and though there may remain an entertaining tactical
fight, the opening phase of the game at least becomes predictable when
one alliance is clearly the more profitable option than the other.
This is not always apparent prior to playtesting. Speaking from
painful experience, it is all too easy to get "tunnel vision" about a
particular positon as one is designing the map, and not realize that
an alliance pairing is forced.
On 5/10/10, community(at)diplomaticcorp.com wrote:
Poobaloo posted in Community. The message was...


A game is never luck of the draw. If you draw a favored nation, that should
be just as unlucky as lucky, cuz the players should be more against you,
whereas if you draw an unlucky nation, you should be able to use that to
make more allies.


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You can also reply to this post via email. If you do, be sure to leave the
[post:16148] in the subject line so your message is routed to the
appropriate forum.

You received this message because you subscribed to the Community forum at
diplomaticcorp.com. If you do not wish to receive future posts, you may
change your subscriptions in your profile. If you are unable to discontinue
undesired messages, please notify feedback-at-diplomaticcorp.com.

Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
variants vs. standard (Community) txurce May 10, 11:31 am
Mike has successfully hammered this point home to me on a few occasions by pointing out that the standard game is anything but balanced, and yet it's, uh, playable. Variants like A&E are purposely unbalanced, yet lead to spectacular conflicts. I tend to choose variants based on whether they seem like fun, which for me is a combination of unpredictability, opportunity for diplomacy or tactical variety, and a good-looking map.
variants vs. standard (Community) Sean2010 May 10, 12:46 pm
In my opinion, I'm better at Standard Diplomacy because I have a better understanding to the map's balance that dictates the map's dynamics through geography and geopolitics, which are included in its prequel Colonial Diplomacy although it's less played so I don't know that map's balance and dynamics well, and I'm more of a poor-medicore diplomat.

"Mike has successfully hammered this point home to me on a few occasions by pointing out that the standard game is anything but balanced, and yet it's, uh, playable."

The balance is through the whole map makeup. Standard Diplomacy is divided by the stalemate line dividing the sphere's of influence by 17-17 supply centers between the West-East sphere's of control. The stalemate line isn't totally a fixed position derived through the map's dynamics or players' decisions as the game progresses like Army v Fleet ratio.
variants vs. standard (Community) txurce May 10, 01:00 pm
Sean, by Standard Dip not being balanced I meant that, for example, most people would prefer not to draw Austria or Italy. You and Mike are correct in that other factors tend to make the game playable anyway (although it takes significant skill and luck to win with those two).
variants vs. standard (Community) vegas_iwish May 10, 06:25 pm
I have always run tons of variants and faced the "romanticism" people have for standard. Even minor adjs that really improve (IMHO) the game like Milan somehow make the game "sacreligious"(yes have been hit with that term). When I was 10 I was already an SPI/AH wargamer; games with true realism; complexity; historical accuracy. Dip was a kids game played when had non-wargamers in a group. I never could get many WGs to play it once rules like beleagured garrisons; no supply lines; 1 german army not > 2 russian armies (tannenberg/mansurian lakes); etc came up. No variant can stretch dip up to the level of the wargames but they are what can get done so I do them. I'd sacrifice balance for historical feel any day but Standard & some variants work as games. I & A are not as big underdogs as people make them out. People get too caught up in the mysticism of dip vs just playing it.
variants vs. standard (Community) charlesf May 20, 06:27 pm

Just a curious question for some of those that have played a bunch of different games - do you find that you perform better or worse at one or the other?

My Diplomacy experience is rather limited, but no, I don't think my gaming performance has much at all to do with the variant at hand. The same basic skills are required in any Diplomacy variant.

I carefully study whatever scenario is thrown at me. Gaining a deeper understanding of the game's topography etc. is what's among the most fun aspects of playing Diplomacy. It's incidentally also the key to designing decent Diplomacy Variants, which I enjoy doing arguably at least as much as actually playing.

That being said, I have played only a very limited number of Standard Diplomacy games in my life. I'm a variant guy. Though I haven't played all that many variant games either - a function of playing at most two games at a time and not having been engaged in the hobby for a good number of years.

Anyway, for me, Standard is a bit of an irrelevance. The 1900 variant is imo the better "Standard". No other nation other than Germany remotely interests me in Standard, whereas I find all of 1900's powers sufficiently interesting.
variants vs. standard (Community) pieandmash May 21, 02:31 pm
better at variant.......i think because the standard map is so well known
Another week - another Knight - AlanRFarrington   (Apr 21, 2010, 4:08 pm)
I've never been so honored to be associated with a group of lying, scheming, maniacal, back-stabbing bastards!  Thanks for the knighting Fredrik, maybe now people will respect me enough to lay down and give me my first solo.

Alan Farrington

From: fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:03:39 +0200
Subject: Another week - another Knight
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; felixkamchung(at)mac.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; dawench(at)hotmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; sgttodd(at)mainecav.org; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com; smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
CC: community(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Ah yes. About a week ago we got a request for another knighting, and this time I'll do the honors.
Alan also enters the ranks by skipping over Initiate Knight, and immediately becomes a Knight Errant. I've had the pleasure of being in a game with Alan myself, and I'm quite sure that a lot of you have either played a game with him or had him as a GM on the site.

Welcome to the order of Knights, Alan. 
/FredrikKnight Errant
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.


Another week - another Knight - z93blom   (Apr 21, 2010, 4:03 pm)
Ah yes. About a week ago we got a request for another knighting, and this time I'll do the honors.
Alan also enters the ranks by skipping over Initiate Knight, and immediately becomes a Knight Errant. I've had the pleasure of being in a game with Alan myself, and I'm quite sure that a lot of you have either played a game with him or had him as a GM on the site.

Welcome to the order of Knights, Alan. 
/FredrikKnight Errant


Another week - another Knight (Community) AlanRFarrington Apr 21, 04:08 pm
I've never been so honored to be associated with a group of lying, scheming, maniacal, back-stabbing bastards!  Thanks for the knighting Fredrik, maybe now people will respect me enough to lay down and give me my first solo.

Alan Farrington

From: fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:03:39 +0200
Subject: Another week - another Knight
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; felixkamchung(at)mac.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; dawench(at)hotmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; sgttodd(at)mainecav.org; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com; smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com; fredrik(at)familjenblom.se
CC: community(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Ah yes. About a week ago we got a request for another knighting, and this time I'll do the honors.
Alan also enters the ranks by skipping over Initiate Knight, and immediately becomes a Knight Errant. I've had the pleasure of being in a game with Alan myself, and I'm quite sure that a lot of you have either played a game with him or had him as a GM on the site.

Welcome to the order of Knights, Alan. 
/FredrikKnight Errant
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.
3 knights in one week? - bielf11   (Apr 16, 2010, 3:43 am)
You're very welcome Steve.
Those beers, you know, they might have gone stale by then Very Happy

Better prepare yourself for a hot summer in Amsterdam; they 're expecting temperatures over 35C. I hear you think, nice, but in NL this means sweltering hot days. Think sticky weather. Bit like Singapore summers. Except that we're not really prepared for it; few aircos that can handle it.
It's good we have plenty of beers, and water (no, not for drinking; to cool down).


3 knights in one week? - kevinokelly   (Apr 15, 2010, 8:34 pm)
I'll be glad to treat anyone willing to join me in San Francisco this weekend for the National DipCon .  And for Mike, even though you did ditch on CODCon this past weekend (sad, sad shame), I'll be happy to buy you a beer next time I see you.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net> wrote:

Sound great, Kev, you live about 30 min from me, so I'm waiting
for them!
(probly gonna be waiting a while?  I did skip out on COD Con
after all)

kevinokelly(at)gmail.com [mailto:kevinokelly(at)gmail.com] On Behalf Of Kevin

Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 8:24 PM

To: Steve Lytton
Subject: Re: 3 knights in
one week?

Congrats to Frank too!  Beers all around!



On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hmmmm.... I'm going to be in
Amsterdam in August so maybe I will swing by for those beers after all...

Stephen  Lytton

Are you coming to the World
Diplomacy Championship in Sydney 2011? Ask me how....





From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 23:16:24 +0200

Subject: Re: 3 knights in one week?

To: fredrik(at)familjenblom.se

CC: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net;
m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu;
dawench(at)hotmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com;
psychosis(at)sky.com; sgttodd(at)mainecav.org; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com; community(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Thanks Fredrik.


Now before you're all rushing off to the airport you may
want to check delays: I've heard that the volcano eruption on Iceland has
caused a lot of problems due to fumes and particles in the air. 

Now don't think I'm offering free beers tonite only because
I knew al flights were cancelled. Hey, without planes there is still trains and
automobiles. And bikes (it's Holland after all). 



2010/4/15 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>
Free Beer?


Let's see (brings out Google Earth). That's only slightly
more than 700 km. I'll be there Frank!


Congratulations (from the lowest ranking knight).




2010/4/15 F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>

Take orders from me, heh?

You mean like "A BEL - HOL"? 

Or, and has my preference: "Bring me some beers" ?


Well, this round is on me! Least I can do for being accepted
as Knight Officer. 

Anyone near Soest, NL just drop by for a beer or two.




2010/4/15 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>


3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a

Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around
contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he
jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean
they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...






Hey all,

Today we welcome Adam "Smegdwarf" Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our
ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into
Knight Errant. Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games,
other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson,
Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn't know (and may read this in the forums) you can get
knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49
merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until
you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then. you can you get the
coveted red icon!



Order of the Onyx

(boy that sounds weird, I've been Lion for so long.)










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3 knights in one week? - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 15, 2010, 8:31 pm)
Sound great, Kev, you live about 30 min from me, so I’m waiting for them!


3 knights in one week? - kevinokelly   (Apr 15, 2010, 8:23 pm)
Congrats to Frank too!  Beers all around!


3 knights in one week? - deathblade_penguin   (Apr 15, 2010, 7:25 pm)
Hmmmm.... I'm going to be in Amsterdam in August so maybe I will swing by for those beers after all...

Stephen  Lytton
Are you coming to the World Diplomacy Championship in Sydney 2011? Ask me how....


3 knights in one week? (Community) bielf11 Apr 16, 03:43 am
You're very welcome Steve.
Those beers, you know, they might have gone stale by then Very Happy

Better prepare yourself for a hot summer in Amsterdam; they 're expecting temperatures over 35C. I hear you think, nice, but in NL this means sweltering hot days. Think sticky weather. Bit like Singapore summers. Except that we're not really prepared for it; few aircos that can handle it.
It's good we have plenty of beers, and water (no, not for drinking; to cool down).
3 knights in one week? - bielf11   (Apr 15, 2010, 4:16 pm)
Thanks Fredrik.
Now before you're all rushing off to the airport you may want to check delays: I've heard that the volcano eruption on Iceland has caused a lot of problems due to fumes and particles in the air. 
Now don't think I'm offering free beers tonite only because I knew al flights were cancelled. Hey, without planes there is still trains and automobiles. And bikes (it's Holland after all). 


2010/4/15 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

Free Beer?
Let's see (brings out Google Earth). That's only slightly more than 700 km. I'll be there Frank!
Congratulations (from the lowest ranking knight).

2010/4/15 F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>

Take orders from me, heh?You mean like "A BEL - HOL"? Or, and has my preference: "Bring me some beers" ?
Well, this round is on me! Least I can do for being accepted as Knight Officer. 

Anyone near Soest, NL just drop by for a beer or two.
Cheers  Frank

2010/4/15 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>

3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a beer...
Welcome Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...

Hey all,
Today we welcome Adam "Smegdwarf" Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into Knight Errant. Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games, other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson, Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn't know (and may read this in the forums) you can get knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49 merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then. you can you get the coveted red icon!

Order of the Onyx
(boy that sounds weird, I've been Lion for so long.)



Re: 3 knights in one week? - z93blom   (Apr 15, 2010, 3:38 pm)
Free Beer?
Let's see (brings out Google Earth). That's only slightly more than 700 km. I'll be there Frank!
Congratulations (from the lowest ranking knight).

2010/4/15 F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>

Take orders from me, heh?You mean like "A BEL - HOL"? Or, and has my preference: "Bring me some beers" ?
Well, this round is on me! Least I can do for being accepted as Knight Officer. 

Anyone near Soest, NL just drop by for a beer or two.
Cheers  Frank

2010/4/15 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>

3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a beer...
Welcome Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...

Hey all,
Today we welcome Adam "Smegdwarf" Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into Knight Errant. Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games, other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson, Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn't know (and may read this in the forums) you can get knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49 merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then. you can you get the coveted red icon!

Order of the Onyx
(boy that sounds weird, I've been Lion for so long.)



Re: 3 knights in one week? - bielf11   (Apr 15, 2010, 3:28 pm)
Take orders from me, heh?You mean like "A BEL - HOL"? Or, and has my preference: "Bring me some beers" ?
Well, this round is on me! Least I can do for being accepted as Knight Officer. 
Anyone near Soest, NL just drop by for a beer or two.
Cheers  Frank

2010/4/15 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>

3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a beer...
Welcome Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...

Hey all,
Today we welcome Adam "Smegdwarf" Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into Knight Errant. Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games, other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson, Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn't know (and may read this in the forums) you can get knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49 merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then. you can you get the coveted red icon!

Order of the Onyx
(boy that sounds weird, I've been Lion for so long.)



3 knights in one week? - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 15, 2010, 3:20 pm)
3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a beer...
Welcome Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...
Hey all,
Today we welcome Adam “Smegdwarf” Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into Knight Errant… Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games, other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson, Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn’t know (and may read this in the forums) you can get knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49 merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then… you can you get the coveted red icon!

Order of the Onyx
(boy that sounds weird, I’ve been Lion for so long…Wink


Re: 3 knights in one week? (Community) bielf11 Apr 15, 03:28 pm
Take orders from me, heh?You mean like "A BEL - HOL"? Or, and has my preference: "Bring me some beers" ?
Well, this round is on me! Least I can do for being accepted as Knight Officer. 
Anyone near Soest, NL just drop by for a beer or two.
Cheers  Frank

2010/4/15 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>

3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a beer...
Welcome Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...

Hey all,
Today we welcome Adam "Smegdwarf" Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into Knight Errant. Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games, other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson, Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn't know (and may read this in the forums) you can get knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49 merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then. you can you get the coveted red icon!

Order of the Onyx
(boy that sounds weird, I've been Lion for so long.)

Re: 3 knights in one week? (Community) z93blom Apr 15, 03:38 pm
Free Beer?
Let's see (brings out Google Earth). That's only slightly more than 700 km. I'll be there Frank!
Congratulations (from the lowest ranking knight).

2010/4/15 F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>

Take orders from me, heh?You mean like "A BEL - HOL"? Or, and has my preference: "Bring me some beers" ?
Well, this round is on me! Least I can do for being accepted as Knight Officer. 

Anyone near Soest, NL just drop by for a beer or two.
Cheers  Frank

2010/4/15 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>

3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a beer...
Welcome Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...

Hey all,
Today we welcome Adam "Smegdwarf" Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into Knight Errant. Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games, other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson, Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn't know (and may read this in the forums) you can get knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49 merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then. you can you get the coveted red icon!

Order of the Onyx
(boy that sounds weird, I've been Lion for so long.)

3 knights in one week? (Community) bielf11 Apr 15, 04:16 pm
Thanks Fredrik.
Now before you're all rushing off to the airport you may want to check delays: I've heard that the volcano eruption on Iceland has caused a lot of problems due to fumes and particles in the air. 
Now don't think I'm offering free beers tonite only because I knew al flights were cancelled. Hey, without planes there is still trains and automobiles. And bikes (it's Holland after all). 


2010/4/15 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>

Free Beer?
Let's see (brings out Google Earth). That's only slightly more than 700 km. I'll be there Frank!
Congratulations (from the lowest ranking knight).

2010/4/15 F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>

Take orders from me, heh?You mean like "A BEL - HOL"? Or, and has my preference: "Bring me some beers" ?
Well, this round is on me! Least I can do for being accepted as Knight Officer. 

Anyone near Soest, NL just drop by for a beer or two.
Cheers  Frank

2010/4/15 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>

3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a beer...
Welcome Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...

Hey all,
Today we welcome Adam "Smegdwarf" Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into Knight Errant. Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games, other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson, Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn't know (and may read this in the forums) you can get knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49 merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then. you can you get the coveted red icon!

Order of the Onyx
(boy that sounds weird, I've been Lion for so long.)

3 knights in one week? (Community) deathblade_penguin Apr 15, 07:25 pm
Hmmmm.... I'm going to be in Amsterdam in August so maybe I will swing by for those beers after all...

Stephen  Lytton
Are you coming to the World Diplomacy Championship in Sydney 2011? Ask me how....
3 knights in one week? (Community) bielf11 Apr 16, 03:43 am
You're very welcome Steve.
Those beers, you know, they might have gone stale by then Very Happy

Better prepare yourself for a hot summer in Amsterdam; they 're expecting temperatures over 35C. I hear you think, nice, but in NL this means sweltering hot days. Think sticky weather. Bit like Singapore summers. Except that we're not really prepared for it; few aircos that can handle it.
It's good we have plenty of beers, and water (no, not for drinking; to cool down).
3 knights in one week? (Community) kevinokelly Apr 15, 08:23 pm
Congrats to Frank too!  Beers all around!
3 knights in one week? (Community) FuzzyLogic Apr 15, 08:31 pm
Sound great, Kev, you live about 30 min from me, so I’m waiting for them!
3 knights in one week? (Community) kevinokelly Apr 15, 08:34 pm
I'll be glad to treat anyone willing to join me in San Francisco this weekend for the National DipCon .  And for Mike, even though you did ditch on CODCon this past weekend (sad, sad shame), I'll be happy to buy you a beer next time I see you.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net> wrote:

Sound great, Kev, you live about 30 min from me, so I'm waiting
for them!
(probly gonna be waiting a while?  I did skip out on COD Con
after all)

kevinokelly(at)gmail.com [mailto:kevinokelly(at)gmail.com] On Behalf Of Kevin

Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 8:24 PM

To: Steve Lytton
Subject: Re: 3 knights in
one week?

Congrats to Frank too!  Beers all around!



On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com> wrote:

Hmmmm.... I'm going to be in
Amsterdam in August so maybe I will swing by for those beers after all...

Stephen  Lytton

Are you coming to the World
Diplomacy Championship in Sydney 2011? Ask me how....





From: bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 23:16:24 +0200

Subject: Re: 3 knights in one week?

To: fredrik(at)familjenblom.se

CC: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net;
m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu;
dawench(at)hotmail.com; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; githraine(at)yahoo.com; mrh(at)panix.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com;
psychosis(at)sky.com; sgttodd(at)mainecav.org; aramis604(at)yahoo.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com; community(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Thanks Fredrik.


Now before you're all rushing off to the airport you may
want to check delays: I've heard that the volcano eruption on Iceland has
caused a lot of problems due to fumes and particles in the air. 

Now don't think I'm offering free beers tonite only because
I knew al flights were cancelled. Hey, without planes there is still trains and
automobiles. And bikes (it's Holland after all). 



2010/4/15 Fredrik Blom <fredrik(at)familjenblom.se>
Free Beer?


Let's see (brings out Google Earth). That's only slightly
more than 700 km. I'll be there Frank!


Congratulations (from the lowest ranking knight).




2010/4/15 F Bielschowsky <bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com>

Take orders from me, heh?

You mean like "A BEL - HOL"? 

Or, and has my preference: "Bring me some beers" ?


Well, this round is on me! Least I can do for being accepted
as Knight Officer. 

Anyone near Soest, NL just drop by for a beer or two.




2010/4/15 Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>


3 Knights in one week - what could be better?  Perhaps a

Frank to the group!  We all know him, awesome GM and great all around
contributor to the site.  In fact he's been running games for so long he
jumps right ahead of Adam and Fredrik to Knight Officer.  Does this mean
they have to take orders from him?  Hadn't thought that far ahead...






Hey all,

Today we welcome Adam "Smegdwarf" Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our
ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into
Knight Errant. Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games,
other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson,
Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn't know (and may read this in the forums) you can get
knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49
merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until
you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then. you can you get the
coveted red icon!



Order of the Onyx

(boy that sounds weird, I've been Lion for so long.)










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Changes coming! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 13, 2010, 1:52 pm)
Hey all,
Just wanted to give you a heads up that exciting things are in store for Diplomaticcorp... tomorrow. Stay tuned, and be ready for a whole new experience...


Recent Knightings! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 12, 2010, 9:57 pm)
Hey all,
Today we welcome Adam “Smegdwarf” Martin-Schwarze and Fredrik Blom to our ranks! Skyrocketing right past Initiate Knight, and landing squarely into Knight Errant… Both have been incredibly active in dc lately, running WB games, other games, and even some new development on the site!

Lots of other advancements too, as Mikael, Matt, Garry, Jorge, Thompson, Hoffman, Warren, Jerry, Nathan, and yes, even myself all pick up a new title.

For anyone who doesn’t know (and may read this in the forums) you can get knighted once you reach the level of Captain of the Watch, which is up to 49 merits. At that point, gaining more merits will not yield a higher title until you request Knightship on the Companions pages, and then… you can you get the coveted red icon!

Order of the Onyx
(boy that sounds weird, I’ve been Lion for so long&hellipWink


JOIN THE DIPLOMATIC CORP FACEBOOK FAN PAGE - Kenshi777   (Apr 06, 2010, 3:17 pm)
...and use it to catch new game postings and everything else DC that you could possibly care for...



Unknown - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 05, 2010, 9:27 am)
Hey all,
DC has been booming lately, with 38 active games! With all this flurry of action, as Fredrik's indicated below, we've completely tapped our GM list... if anyone wants to try their hand at running a game, step on up!

Once you get the hang of it, running a game only takes about 20-30 min per week to do.


Diplomacy World #109 Released - Spring 2010 Issue - diplomacyworld   (Apr 04, 2010, 11:05 am)
Diplomacy World #109, the Spring 2010 issue, has now been released!

Free to download from the Diplomacy World website at http://www.diplomacyworld.net, in this issue you’ll find material such as:

Lewis Pulsipher on “Modernizing Diplomacy”

Jim Burgess on “Why I Hate Economic Variants”

Kit Jillings writing on “You Might Be a Diplomacy Jerk If…”

Richard Walkerdine on “The Great Gallimaufry Hoax”

Strategy and Tactics from the likes of Richard Hannon and Joshua Danker-Dake

4 more game years of our “Known World” variant Demo Game, with some pointed commentary

…and much, much more!

Be sure to send in a letter, comment, or some sort of feedback. We simply don’t hear from our readers often enough!

Direct link to the issue: http://www.diplomacyworld.net/pdf/dw109.pdf


Eternal Sunshine #39 Released - April 2010 Issue - diplomacyworld   (Mar 30, 2010, 8:29 pm)
Eternal Sunshine #39, the April 2010 issue, has just been released. Inside this issue you will find:
The latest columns from Paul Milewski and Jack McHugh (Andy York had to skip this issue)
Lots of game results
The latest chapter of Fire and Rain
Movie Reviews
The next round of the Movie Quote Contest
Move Deviant Diplomacy craziness
Baseball predictions
Hypothetical Questions
The Letter Column
…and more of the usual foolishness.

Check it out and be sure to send in some comments…or sign up for a game…or write a column…or SOMETHING!

You can find the issue in the Diplomacy section of my website at http://www.whiningkentpigs.com/DW/

Direct links are:
Pdf version – http://www.whiningkentpigs.com/DW/es39.pdf
Html version – http://www.whiningkentpigs.com/DW/eshtml39.htm


New forum? - need your help! - FuzzyLogic   (Mar 16, 2010, 9:26 pm)
Hey all,
We're getting ready to roll out a whole new dc site and forum... I'm looking for a couple message-board-savvy souls to work with and thoroughly thrash the new system we have in the works. People who regularly use message boards and know what they like or makes them easy to use is preferred. Any takers? Contact me privately.


Shogun/Samurai Swords - Kenshi777   (Mar 02, 2010, 6:09 pm)
Notwithstanding that Diplomacy *is* the greatest game of all time, for those like me that also love Shogun/Samurai Swords, there is *finally* a place to play that game online. This is a young group, just getting off the ground (actually still beta testing their interface, but it's about 99% bug-free at this point). If interested in playing, sign up at


or search facebook for "SSSPG" - the Shogun/Samurai Swords Players Group

- B.


Calling all GM's - z93blom   (Mar 01, 2010, 2:08 pm)
The waiting list to become a GM has never been shorter than today. I'm calling all potential GM's to come forth and lead a game of stabbing, lying gamers to unforgettable moments.

All it requires is some discipline and a little time to send out adjudications. You set your own pace and there is a whole team of people behind your back that can help you out.

Go here to sign up:

newbie GM


Unknown (Community) FuzzyLogic Apr 05, 09:27 am
Hey all,
DC has been booming lately, with 38 active games! With all this flurry of action, as Fredrik's indicated below, we've completely tapped our GM list... if anyone wants to try their hand at running a game, step on up!

Once you get the hang of it, running a game only takes about 20-30 min per week to do.
Eternal Sunshine #38 Released - March 2010 Issue - diplomacyworld   (Feb 25, 2010, 9:31 pm)
Eternal Sunshine #38, the March 2010 issue, is now available. Among the usual
foolishness, you can find:

Columns from Andy York, Paul Milewski, and Jack McHugh
The latest chapter of Fire and Rain
Two new variant openings (including rules and maps)
Hypothetical Questions
More of the Movie Quote Contest
The Baseball Prediction contest
and lots more!

You can find the pdf version in the Eternal Sunshine Yahoo group at:


or both the pdf and html versions at:


Check it out and make sure you send in some feedback!


Anything I should know? - Kenshi777   (Feb 22, 2010, 12:52 pm)
Yup - from what I read above, I think you'll be a welcome addition indeed...

Enjoy the games (and if you're ready for a variant, I'll gladly give you a seat in the Sengoku game I have open)



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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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