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Please unlock your PayPal Password - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Your Online PayPal Password was blocked on 20/07/2008

Log In into your account to resolve the problem.

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dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
To accommodate a player that will be away from email access for a time, the deadline for Spring 1842 is set at: August 6th (at) 2359 UTC

Feel free to walk around, talk amongst yourselves, use the facilities, etc until then.
Jerry Todd

Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com


Aegean f04 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Athens must retreat the West Aegean Sea fleet.

Thessalia and Ionia are tentatively +1, so I need a build from each of those…

However, a retreat to Chalcis or Lesbos will negate one of those two builds and give it to Athens instead!

So everyone consider your retreats and builds, and get them to me (including considering the above possible conditions) by Wed 7/23, 10am Pacific!

Thessalia: +1 (maybe)
Ionia: +1 (maybe)
Athens +1 if retreating to a supply center



DC183 Fall 1906 Moves and game over - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
As expected, Russia wins the game with a solo...slightly unexpectedly, he does it with a huge 22 supply centres, as Russian forces roll into supply centres across Europe

Congratulations to Nick for a very impressive win! And thanks to all players for taking part, particularly those who stuck it out to the end.

End of game statements are welcome. For those unfamiliar with these, this is where players analyse or describe the game from their perspective, covering (in as much detail as they wish) their thinking during the game, the moves they made etc etc. Post these to the dc183(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc183(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]) address and copy them to all players please.

For the sake of completeness, i've retreated the Italian armies dislodged to their only valid retreats. The game end position is as follows:

Russia: 22 centres
Italy: 7 centres
France: 3 Centres
England: 2 centres

F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Yorkshire - London

A Belgium - Holland (*Fails*)
F English Channel - Brest (*Bounce*)
A Paris - Burgundy
A Picardy Supports A Paris - Burgundy
A Ruhr Supports A Belgium - Holland (*Cut*)

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
A Burgundy - Paris (*Dislodged*)
F Marseilles - Spain(sc)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Brest (*Bounce*)
A Munich - Ruhr (*Dislodged*)
A Piedmont - Marseilles
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean
F Spain(sc) - Portugal
F Tuscany - Gulf of Lyon
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Western Mediterranean

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Budapest - Trieste
A Bulgaria - Greece
F Denmark Supports A Kiel
F Edinburgh Hold
F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea
F Holland Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)
A Kiel Supports F Holland
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean (*Bounce*)
A Silesia - Munich
F Skagerrak - North Sea
A Tyrolia - Venice
A Warsaw - Silesia

Italian army Burgundy retreats to Gascony
Italian army Munich retreats to Tyrolia

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dc188 - Replacement England found - new deadline - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Thanks to Douglas Kent for stepping in to play England for us. In order to get Doug up to speed, the new deadline for Spring 1903 will be this Wednesday.

Everyone can change orders up until that point.

Austria - Bruce (coebq (at) yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email]))
England - Doug (diplomacyworld (at) yahoo.com ([email]diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com[/email]))
France - Tim (timfuhrmeister (at) yahoo.com ([email]timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com[/email]))
Germany - Drew (normandy44 (at) att.net ([email]normandy44(at)att.net[/email]))
Italy - Andrew (damienthryn (at) gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email]))
Russia - Michael (psychosis (at) sky.com ([email]psychosis(at)sky.com[/email]))
Turkey - Maxwell (maxwellleblanc (at) yahoo.com ([email]maxwellleblanc(at)yahoo.com[/email]))

Wednesday July 23, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT).


DC176 - Winter adjudication - will be posted tonit... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)


DC 183 : Italy's end of game statement - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
What you may have known-or guessed (but perhaps you didn't), was that Italy and Russia were in an alliance from the start of the game.

Perhaps it was not fair to the other players, however I wanted to protect myself from elimination straight away. I knew when I was assigned Italy (I did ask for what no one else wanted), I was going to fight a losing battle from the start.

Russia and I made an alliance to take out Austria and Turkey right away. The plan was to get England, France and Germany to fight themselves while Austria and Turkey disappeared. Then we would focus our efforts on what remained of England, France and Germany. Russia and I shared information freely, using what we learned from other players to create problems between them. Russia also proved to be a player that was able to create a strategy that almost always worked as planned.

We also used other players to help us in our goal. Since Turkey was in the region, he was brought in to the alliance help attack Austria. Then, as soon as Austria was gone, we started removing Turkey.

As Turkey was finished off, France had proved to be a formidable player. After feeling some pressure, Russia and Italy proposed an alliance with France. The only purpose, of course, to keep France from attacking Russia and Italy-- and to continue the task of removing England. Then, with Turkey out of the game, it was time to concentrate on full removal of England and France.

I was able to start making some inroads into France's territory. But in the end, I was given the same treatment that I gave Austria, Turkey and France.

While I congratulate Russia on a great win, I feel that as a "team mate" in the alliance, I was not given a chance to share in a victory that I helped produce. I readily admit that Russia was "the brains" in our alliance. However, his win was made easier with my help.

I realized after the declaration of the win, that I had completely ignored the fact than anyone who had 18 supply centers would win. I had not even considered that Russia was so close to achieving the 18 SCs, and was caught off guard that the game was over.

This was my first online Diplomacy game, and my first Diplomacy game in 20 years. I have been a fan of Diplomacy since I first played and was pleased to find an active community playing online. I have always felt that the "invisible" communication between countries is a valuable part of the game. Sitting at a table, or even playing in the same room, it is difficult to have discussions and negotiations without all the other players knowing what is going on.

Thanks for a great game, and I look forward to playing more online Diplomacy games.



Aegean f04 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
For those of you interested in actually seeing the results in the results mail, here we have them:

F Delos - West Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Delphi Hold
F Euboea Supports F Delos - West Aegean Sea
F Megara Hold
F North Sporades Supports F South Sporades
F Samos Supports F South Sporades (*Cut*)
A Thebes Hold
F West Aegean Sea - East Aegean Sea (*Dislodged*)

A Dolopia - Dodona (*Bounce*)
A Odrysae - Paeonia
F Olynthus Supports F Pieria - Thermaic Gulf
A Pella - Orestis
F Pieria - Thermaic Gulf
A Therma Hold
F Thracia - East Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)

A Aeolis - Ionia
F Chios Supports F Thracian Sea - West Aegean Sea
F Dorian Sea Supports F Rhodes
F Lemnos Supports F Thracian Sea - West Aegean Sea
F Miletus - Samos (*Fails*)
F Rhodes Supports F Dorian Sea
F Thracian Sea - West Aegean Sea

A Achaia - Naupactus
F Carpathian Sea Convoys A Zarax - Lycia
F Cnossos Supports F Carpathian Sea
A Naupactus - Aetolia
F North Cretan Sea Convoys A Zarax - Lycia
F South Sporades Convoys A Zarax - Lycia
A Zarax - Lycia

F Chalcis - Phthiotis
A Dodona - Ambracia
A Hestiaeotis - Dodona (*Bounce*)
A Lamia Supports A Naupactus - Aetolia
A Larissa - Pharsalus
F Pherae Supports F Thermaic Gulf (*Ordered to Move*)
F Thermaic Gulf - Larissa

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 7/21/2008 11:41 AM
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; dc185bb (dc185(at)diplomaticcorp.com); Former Trout (former.trout(at)gmail.com); Garry Bledsoe (Garry.Bledsoe(at)alltel.com); Garry Bledsoe (kielmarch(at)hotmail.com); 'howellpaul5(at)gmail.com'; Jorge Saralegui; 'Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk'; 'psychosis(at)sky.com'; 'sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com'; Steve Lytton (stevelytton(at)hotmail.com)
Subject: Aegean f04 results!

Athens must retreat the West Aegean Sea fleet.

Thessalia and Ionia are tentatively +1, so I need a build from each of those…

However, a retreat to Chalcis or Lesbos will negate one of those two builds and give it to Athens instead!

So everyone consider your retreats and builds, and get them to me (including considering the above possible conditions) by Wed 7/23, 10am Pacific!

Thessalia: +1 (maybe)
Ionia: +1 (maybe)
Athens +1 if retreating to a supply center



Dc176 - Winter 06 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Finally, after 2 weeks, DC176 can continue with the Winter 06 builds.
Only 2 powers were entitled to builds: Russia and England.
* Russia builds an army in Moscow and Warsaw, and a fleet in Sevastopol.
* England builds a fleet in Edinburgh.

Deadline for Spring 07 is Thursday, 7/24, 23.00 GMT.
And I already have one set of orders in! Prelims are welcome at any time.



DC 183 : France's end of game statement - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I don't know if any one knows this but this was my first game ever in the DC community. Right after country assignments came out the first person to write me was Russia. We talked about working together and after a few emails we both decided to hold off and see what that put us. England and I began talking and I really wanted to work with him. As you can see from the game that didn't happen. He felt that he couldn't trust me so he went his own way. From there Germany NMR'd and was not replaced. At that point Russia and I decided to work together and then Italy was brought into the alliance ( or so I thought).

I soon began working my way toward England as Russia and Itay started taking out Turkey. Once it was the 4 of us left, Italy told me he would work his way North to help me where he could and Russia and I began heavily working on England. When Italy and Russia stabbed me for 4 of my centers, I knew there would be no recovering from it and my part in the game would end. After the stab I heard once from Italy and never heard from Russia again.

I congrulate Russia on a well planned game but I think Italy should have been included in a draw. If it wasn't for Italy taking my centers Russia would not have soloed as I would have gained more centers.

Rachael (France)


DC 183 : Russia's end of game statement - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I should start by thanking Michael for his work in making this game so enjoyable, and of course all the other players for their determination and the numerous communication I had with them that made the game so fun.

This is my third Diplomacy game, and I am proud to have achieved a solo win. Of course my victory would not have been possible without the help of my ally, Craig. Craig gave us a vision of what was going on in terms of goals and startegies for our alliance, so I am not going to repeat that, as I believe his summary was very explanatory.

For completeness sake I'll give some insight on what happened on my side. From 1901 I had made a solid alliance with Italy, and was communicating with other players to obtain information. My goal was to create conflict in the West between Germany, France and England, while I could concentrate on grabing the South East. Everything went to plan and Austria was quickly out of the picture, however my plans had to be modified after Germany simply stopped playing, allowing an easy invasion from France and England. I started to feel the need to construct fleets as I believed that if France and England were allies, I would be the next target of choice. England saw an opportunity to attack me thinking I was planning an attack. Following negotiations with Joao, we were able to agree for a temporary truce, which allowed me to position my fleets before launching an attack on Scandinavia.

At the same time I was communicating with France, requesting their help against England in order to test their alliance. Italy and I also started our attack on Turkey, but with Italy letting me deal the blow. The result being that all players at this stage believed me to be the greatest threat and started forming plans to bring me down. We thus saw the formation of two alliances: England-Turkey-Italy on one side, Italy-France on the other. Italy played the key role at this stage, feeding me information from all other players, including the moves that were planned. Italy also worked to discredit the England-France alliance, and was successful in making France attack England. It wasn't long before Italy supported my attacks on Turkey, which led to Turkey's downfall. Italy and I shared the spoils. France, probably sensing the balance shifting agreed to enter an alliance that included Italy and myself. Of course, for Craig and I, that was the perfect plan, to destroy both England and France.

My victories in the South allow for me to continue building fleets in the North, until I gained an edge against Joao. When France launched an attack on England, it became clear that Italy and Russia now held supremacy over the seas. Our armies moved towards the Munich line, knowing that when we would fight France, we would be strong enough to stop his powerful armies, while Italy's fleet took Iberia and South of France. We accordingly launched an attack on France, and everything went to plan.

This brings us to the final year 1906. Last week I realized that my planned 3 weeks holidays were approaching; I'm leaving to New Zealand on the 25th July, coming back on the 17th August. I personally hate going to cyber cafe, and would not have the time to really play this game effectively for that period of time. My alternative was thus to grab the win or ask for a replacement player. I felt that it would be sad to come so close to victory and forfeiting, so I decided that I would go for the solo. I therefore did the unthinkable and betrayed my one true ally, who had worked so hard to see us grow so strong. I never had any second thought when attacking other countries, but for me to attack Craig was not an easy decision. The ties we had build during the game were so strong that it did not feel right; it still doesn't. So Craig please accept my sincerest apology for this stab; under different circumstances I would not have played this way.

So to conclude this long analysis, I want to put the spotlight on Craig who played Italy perfectly, a country always thought to be the weakest. Through our alliance, we were able to defeat all others; through our wits we were able to formulate flawless strategies; and through our trust in each other, we were invincible. It is that trust that I abused in order to win the game. Thank you for all you've done, and hopefully you can forgive my stab (many would say that's how the game is played; being a bit of an idealist I believe there ought to be other ways). I'm looking forward to playing other games with you, as enemies or hopefully as allies once again. To the rest of you, thank you for a game well played, it will be a pleasure to play with you again in the future; hopefully under different circumstances.

Michael, once again, thank you very much! My win is probably symbolic for you as well; proving that you faced a strong player in DC 117, explaning why you were unable to bring me down after all your efforts! lol Smile


Nick Cherrier
Discutez gratuitement avec vos amis en vidéo ! Téléchargez Messenger, c'est gratuit !


DC 183 : Russia's end of game statement - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Me, I began the game with a solid triple alliance (Turkey, Russia and Italy) versus Austria....that's what I tought!

We succceed to beat Austria very rapidly but when we took the last country, Russia attacked me!
I tought that I can form an other alliance(England, Turkey, Italy) versus Russia and France. I was sure that it will work...but it didn't.

Italy and Russia were taking all my countries!!

At that time, I continued to hope that Itlay will attack Russia with me...but it was false impression!

After that, I proposed an other alliance(France, Turkey, England) vs Russia and Italy but it didn't work...an other time.

So, I tried to resist by myself.
I tried a lot of things to survive but finaly, Russia and Italy beat me!

To finish, I want to say that everyone did a very good game and I want to congratulate Nick for his nice solo victory. You did a very good game, Nick!
And I want to thanks Michael for making this game so fun!

Thank you for all players to have done a so interesting game!

I hope to see you in another game soon!



From: zeclient(at)hotmail.com
To: cbconnell(at)gmail.com; dc183(at)diplomaticcorp.com; francisbanville12(at)hotmail.com; gadmiralthrawn(at)juno.com; verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com; jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com; hizerali(at)googlemail.com; psychosis(at)sky.com
Subject: DC 183 : Russia's end of game statement
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 00:13:31 +0000

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} I should start by thanking Michael for his work in making this game so enjoyable, and of course all the other players for their determination and the numerous communication I had with them that made the game so fun.

This is my third Diplomacy game, and I am proud to have achieved a solo win. Of course my victory would not have been possible without the help of my ally, Craig. Craig gave us a vision of what was going on in terms of goals and startegies for our alliance, so I am not going to repeat that, as I believe his summary was very explanatory.

For completeness sake I'll give some insight on what happened on my side. From 1901 I had made a solid alliance with Italy, and was communicating with other players to obtain information. My goal was to create conflict in the West between Germany, France and England, while I could concentrate on grabing the South East. Everything went to plan and Austria was quickly out of the picture, however my plans had to be modified after Germany simply stopped playing, allowing an easy invasion from France and England. I started to feel the need to construct fleets as I believed that if France and England were allies, I would be the next target of choice. England saw an opportunity to attack me thinking I was planning an attack. Following negotiations with Joao, we were able to agree for a temporary truce, which allowed me to position my fleets before launching an attack on Scandinavia.

At the same time I was communicating with France, requesting their help against England in order to test their alliance. Italy and I also started our attack on Turkey, but with Italy letting me deal the blow. The result being that all players at this stage believed me to be the greatest threat and started forming plans to bring me down. We thus saw the formation of two alliances: England-Turkey-Italy on one side, Italy-France on the other. Italy played the key role at this stage, feeding me information from all other players, including the moves that were planned. Italy also worked to discredit the England-France alliance, and was successful in making France attack England. It wasn't long before Italy supported my attacks on Turkey, which led to Turkey's downfall. Italy and I shared the spoils. France, probably sensing the balance shifting agreed to enter an alliance that included Italy and myself. Of course, for Craig and I, that was the perfect plan, to destroy both England and France.

My victories in the South allow for me to continue building fleets in the North, until I gained an edge against Joao. When France launched an attack on England, it became clear that Italy and Russia now held supremacy over the seas. Our armies moved towards the Munich line, knowing that when we would fight France, we would be strong enough to stop his powerful armies, while Italy's fleet took Iberia and South of France. We accordingly launched an attack on France, and everything went to plan.

This brings us to the final year 1906. Last week I realized that my planned 3 weeks holidays were approaching; I'm leaving to New Zealand on the 25th July, coming back on the 17th August. I personally hate going to cyber cafe, and would not have the time to really play this game effectively for that period of time. My alternative was thus to grab the win or ask for a replacement player. I felt that it would be sad to come so close to victory and forfeiting, so I decided that I would go for the solo. I therefore did the unthinkable and betrayed my one true ally, who had worked so hard to see us grow so strong. I never had any second thought when attacking other countries, but for me to attack Craig was not an easy decision. The ties we had build during the game were so strong that it did not feel right; it still doesn't. So Craig please accept my sincerest apology for this stab; under different circumstances I would not have played this way.

So to conclude this long analysis, I want to put the spotlight on Craig who played Italy perfectly, a country always thought to be the weakest. Through our alliance, we were able to defeat all others; through our wits we were able to formulate flawless strategies; and through our trust in each other, we were invincible. It is that trust that I abused in order to win the game. Thank you for all you've done, and hopefully you can forgive my stab (many would say that's how the game is played; being a bit of an idealist I believe there ought to be other ways). I'm looking forward to playing other games with you, as enemies or hopefully as allies once again. To the rest of you, thank you for a game well played, it will be a pleasure to play with you again in the future; hopefully under different circumstances.

Michael, once again, thank you very much! My win is probably symbolic for you as well; proving that you faced a strong player in DC 117, explaning why you were unable to bring me down after all your efforts! lol Smile


Nick Cherrier

Discutez gratuitement avec vos amis en vidéo ! Téléchargez Messenger, c'est gratuit !


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1906 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Another year gone by, and what a year!
Russia retakes then loses St Petes, Turkey is finally pushed out of a Home SC after a valiant defense, Germany retakes Munich thanks to an unexpected hold in Tyrolia, France manages to gain an SC after looking like she was giving up the ghost, and England breaks a fleet past the straits of Gibraltar.

We have 2 retreats due, Italy in Munich and Russia in St Petes. Italy can only retreat to Silesia or OTB, Russia can fall back to Moscow or Finland, or OTB
Please have your orders in by Wednesday, July 23rd so we can get the Builds in by the end of the week.


Berlin Non-Democrat Gazette: True to his word, the new Chancellor has not built random fleets to go fishing through the Baltic Sea. However, it has not escaped the notice of this reporter that the new Chancellor has not stopped the fishing expeditions of our German fleets. No doubt his comments about fresh fish should have served notice to his constituency - he obviously thinks that German people are too obese. One bier garden owner had this to say: "Clearly our new Chancellor is doing his best to put me out of business. All of this fish has a lot of Germans now eating healthy. Worse, I have seen joggers! He is killing the economy; at the rate he is going I will have to open a salad bar soon. Doesn't he realize that fighting, not fishing, is healthy."

A Edinburgh - Norway
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway
A Norway - St Petersburg
F Norwegian Sea - Barents Sea

F Gulf of Lyon Convoys A Piedmont - Tunis
A Piedmont - Tunis
F Western Mediterranean Convoys A Piedmont - Tunis

F Baltic Sea Hold
A Belgium - Ruhr
A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich
A Burgundy Supports A Kiel - Munich
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
F Holland Hold
A Kiel - Munich

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Munich Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tuscany - Piedmont
A Tyrolia Hold
A Venice Supports A Tuscany - Piedmont

F Black Sea Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Budapest - Galicia
A Galicia - Warsaw
A Sevastopol - Armenia
A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Livonia

A Ankara - Constantinople (*Bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Bounce*)


DC-184 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I am missing three sets of orders. They are due tomorrow by 2pm CST. Don't be late.

The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1906 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dammit! I knew I was missing something. That's what I get for just spending three minutes in the morning on the due date.
Screw Tunis. Europe is ours.
You haven't talked with England have you

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 7:38 PM, dc164 <dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])> wrote:

Another year gone by, and what a year!
Russia retakes then loses St Petes, Turkey is finally pushed out of a Home SC after a valiant defense, Germany retakes Munich thanks to an unexpected hold in Tyrolia, France manages to gain an SC after looking like she was giving up the ghost, and England breaks a fleet past the straits of Gibraltar.

We have 2 retreats due, Italy in Munich and Russia in St Petes. Italy can only retreat to Silesia or OTB, Russia can fall back to Moscow or Finland, or OTB
Please have your orders in by Wednesday, July 23rd so we can get the Builds in by the end of the week.


Berlin Non-Democrat Gazette: True to his word, the new Chancellor has not built random fleets to go fishing through the Baltic Sea. However, it has not escaped the notice of this reporter that the new Chancellor has not stopped the fishing expeditions of our German fleets. No doubt his comments about fresh fish should have served notice to his constituency - he obviously thinks that German people are too obese. One bier garden owner had this to say: "Clearly our new Chancellor is doing his best to put me out of business. All of this fish has a lot of Germans now eating healthy. Worse, I have seen joggers! He is killing the economy; at the rate he is going I will have to open a salad bar soon. Doesn't he realize that fighting, not fishing, is healthy."

A Edinburgh - Norway
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway
A Norway - St Petersburg
F Norwegian Sea - Barents Sea

F Gulf of Lyon Convoys A Piedmont - Tunis
A Piedmont - Tunis
F Western Mediterranean Convoys A Piedmont - Tunis

F Baltic Sea Hold
A Belgium - Ruhr
A Berlin Supports A Kiel - Munich
A Burgundy Supports A Kiel - Munich
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Norway - St Petersburg
F Holland Hold
A Kiel - Munich

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Munich Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Tuscany - Piedmont
A Tyrolia Hold
A Venice Supports A Tuscany - Piedmont

F Black Sea Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Budapest - Galicia
A Galicia - Warsaw
A Sevastopol - Armenia
A St Petersburg Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw - Livonia

A Ankara - Constantinople (*Bounce*)
F Eastern Mediterranean - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Bounce*)


DC 141 France EoG - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I would just like to start off by saying this was a great game for me to be in, I really had a lot of fun.

Now onto my ramblings: I started out this game completely sure I was going to ally with Rob the entire game. Both Germany and england wanted me to attack the other. The only reason I chose Rob was because he's an engineer and I'm studying to become one. A stupid reason to pick him as my ally? Perhaps..perhaps not. we went straight after germany, who I immediately stabbed with a straight shot into Munich. It looked like he was going to be finished off when Russia stepped into help him out. Kudos to Andres on this, without him stepping in Germany would have been destroyed very early on, that is why the stalemate line formed later on in the game, otherwise I believe Rob and I could have steamrolled through the center of the board.

Italy tried to put some pressure on me (no doubt because of the diplomacy of Germany, (and perhaps even Steve in Turkey) Austria took advantage of the free penninsula and swept in, which saved me from losing a couple of important dots. and in the end gave me a reason to enter the med in full force. Unfortunately Steven took the same initiative and it wasn't long until we were both stalled.

In my opinion this game dragged on far too long. It could have ended as early as '06, but should have ended in 1910 when germany was swiftly removed from the game, but instead it dragged on as draw proposal after draw proposal was voted down.

In the end though I was happy to play against Steve, who I believe to be a diplomacy mastermind with dozens of dozens of games under his belt (this being my 4th or so). I look forward to playing with all of you again.

Thank you and best wishes,
Alan Farrington
Be the filmmaker you always wanted to be—learn how to burn a DVD with Windows®. Make your smash hit


DC135 Fear And Loathing - One Final Loathe, No Mor... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Thanks everyone,

My first attempt at dictatorship was quite a challenge, just as I
expected it to be, but this was a good group to have that experience
with. Who would have thought a game could be this stressful? (Or long?
LOL To think we started back in November...)
In the end I think I've decided the game is not for me (though I suppose
never say never...), but I'm glad to have had the experience.
My thanks to all the other players, and especially to the Trout, and to
Nicholas whose colorful narratives of the moves really added a little
extra something to the game.

As the Russians say: "Do svidaniya!"


Aegean - s07 results! (correct) - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Missed one set of revised moves…

Y’all should be lucky to know you’re the first adjudication to get churned out after we had our little baby girl this am, at 9:40 local time!
Kaitlyn Sophia Sims, the next great diplomat to follow in the Sims tradition… just give her a few years.

NEXT: Fall 07 due Monday 9/8, 10am Pacific!



F Chalcis Hold
A Delphi - Thebes (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Argolis - Aegina
F Gulf of Corinthus - Delphi (*Fails*)
F North Euboic Gulf - South Euboic Gulf
A Thebes - Megara (*Bounce*)
F West Cyclades Hold

A Dodona Supports A Pieria - Hestiaeotis (*Cut*)
F Larissa Supports F Thermaic Gulf - Pherae (*Disbanded*)
A Orestis Supports A Pieria - Hestiaeotis
A Pella - Pieria
A Pieria - Hestiaeotis
F Thermaic Gulf - Pherae (*Fails*)
F Thracian Sea - Thermaic Gulf (*Bounce*)
A Troia - Pergamum

F Chios - Ionia
F Lemnos - West Aegean Sea
F Lesbos - Chios
F Samos - North Sporades
A Sardes - Caria (*Fails*)
F West Aegean Sea - Delos

A Achaia - Corinthus (*Fails*)
F Argos Supports F Zarax - Gulf of Argolis
A Caria Supports F Miletus (*Cut*)
F Cnossos - North Cretan Sea
A Corinthus - Megara (*Bounce*)
F Dorian Sea - South Sporades
F East Cyclades Supports F West Aegean Sea - Delos
F Miletus Supports F South Sporades - Samos
A Naupactus - Lamia
F South Sporades - Samos
F Zarax - Gulf of Argolis

A Ambracia - Dodona (*Fails*)
A Hestiaeotis - Larissa
F Pagasaean Gulf - Thermaic Gulf (*Bounce*)
A Pharsalus Supports A Hestiaeotis - Larissa
F Pherae Supports A Hestiaeotis - Larissa (*Cut*)


DC192 - The Scum on the Slop Bucket RESULTS SPRING... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

GM Comment:


[u:d84bc5ab0b]Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders and potential adjustment orders with your usual orders for the next turn.
Preliminary orders are highly recommended. [/u:d84bc5ab0b]
Please put the game number 'DC192', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders.
The GM House Rules and information on 2-season Diplomacy and the way to order retreats and adjustments can be found on the DC192 game page at http://sforza.50webs.com/PS%20GM%20HR%20Standard%202-S.doc
These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC192 game page http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc192 and DC192 message board.
The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy (2008 5th Edition) can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf and www.diplomaticcorp.com/pdf/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf

Orders (as interpreted, no NMRs):

F Aegean Sea - Greece (*fails [1:1]*)
A Budapest Supports A Greece - Serbia
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*fails [1:2]*, *dislodged [1:2]* - see retreats below)
A Greece - Serbia
A Rumania - Sevastopol (*fails [1:1]*)
A Trieste - Tyrolia (*fails [1:1]*)
A Vienna - Bohemia (*fails [1:1]*, *dislodged [1:2]* - see retreats below)

F Apulia Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea
A Brest - Gascony
F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
A Paris - Burgundy
A Piedmont - Tuscany
F Tuscany - Rome
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea
A Venice - Trieste (*fails [1:1]*)
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Baltic Sea, no move received
F Barents Sea Hold
A Bohemia Supports A Galicia - Vienna
A Galicia - Vienna
A Kiel - Berlin
A Livonia - Moscow
A Moscow - Ukraine
F North Sea, no move received
A Silesia - Galicia
A St Petersburg Supports A Livonia - Moscow
A Tyrolia Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*cut*)
A Warsaw Supports A Silesia - Galicia

A Albania - Greece (*fails [1:1]*)

F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*fails [1:1]*)
F Smyrna - Aegean Sea (*fails [1:1]*)

Retreats (only required retreats shown):

A Bulgaria (*destroyed* - no retreat possible)
A Vienna (*destroyed* - no retreat possible)

Next Deadline:

Fall 1907: 20h00 UTC/GMT, Saturday, 6th September 2008

The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx
The Diplomaticcorp site player page also shows UTC based on your computer clock - if you are logged in.


Press is via player email or the DC192 Message Board


There are 2 maps (gif) for this turn:

DC192Sp07m: showing moves (all dislodged units were destroyed so there is no separate retreats map)
DC192Sp07f: showing final positions.

A complete map history for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/
A slideshow purely showing end of turn maps can be found at: http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/slideshow.php?game_id=dc192 (eventually this will contain all maps, but this is a retrospective process as the slideshow facility was installed on Diplomaticcorp after the game started and I haven't got around to retrospectively loading up the old maps yet).




DC176 - Spring 1910 - Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Spring 1910:
The Austrian army in Bulgaria was cornered by Italian forces; no survivors were reported. Further Austria/Italian skirmishes were reported in Greece resulting in a stand-off;
Austrian forces in Warsaw tried to move into Livonia but was bounced by Russian troops and then found the way back to Warsaw cut. It can now either disband or move to Prussia.
Austria was more successful in Rumania where it managed to stop the invasion of the Italian troops from Sevastopol. And in Munich where the departure of the Russian army was welcomed by the Austrian troops; no casualties reported.
Burgundy also reported a stand-off; here it was Russian and French troops that had clashed. The Russians did manage however to occupy Sweden and as reported earlier to retake Warsaw.
The French entered Edinburgh due to brute force despite a brave English attempt to avoid this. As a result the English fleet is now controlling the North Sea.

A Bohemia - Munich
A Budapest - Galicia
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania (*Disbanded*)
A Greece - Serbia
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Greece
A Naples - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Piedmont Supports A Vienna - Tyrolia
A Rumania Supports A Bulgaria (*Cut*)
A Silesia Supports A Bohemia - Munich
F Tunis Hold
A Vienna - Tyrolia
A Warsaw - Livonia (*Dislodged*)

F London - North Sea
A Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*Fails*)

A Brest - Picardy
F Liverpool Hold
A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
F North Sea - Edinburgh
F Norwegian Sea Supports F North Sea - Edinburgh
A Spain - Gascony

F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Bounce*)
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)

A Belgium - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
A Denmark Hold
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Warsaw
A Munich - Berlin
A Norway - Sweden
A Ruhr - Holland
A St Petersburg - Livonia (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine - Warsaw

Retreat is due for Austria: army in Warsaw can retreat to Prussia or OTB.

Deadline for Summer 1910 retreats is Tuesday Sep 2, at 23:00 GMT.
Looking ahead at Fall 1910: deadline will be set to this Friday Sep 5, at 23:00 GMT.



DC200 Summer 1903 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The retreats are in and is as follows:

A Sweden - Denmark

A Silesia - Galicia
A Vienna - Bohemia

The Fall deadline will be Sunday 7th at 10 pm GMT.

Your GM as always



dc157 Winter1908 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
England builds an Army in Edinburgh and Austria removes an Army in Greece.

Spring 1909 moves due Sunday the 7th of September at 4pm EST (2100 GMT)

The Game goes on as at least one NO vote defeated the EGP's.

No further EGP's were asked for.



dc163 Spring 1908 Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The Wars drag on as at least one NO vote defeats the EGP.

I did get a vote from Turkey, but no moves, if this is incorrect let me know ASAP.

Retreats for Russia are due in 48 hours (by 10pm EST on the 3rd of September)
A Sweden can disband or retreat to Finland.
A Piedmon can disband, retreat to Tuscany, or retreat to Tyrolia.

F Baltic Sea Supports F Skagerrak - Sweden
A Burgundy - Ruhr
F Denmark - Kiel (*Bounce*)
F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Gascony - Burgundy
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont
A London - Holland
A Marseilles - Piedmont
F North Sea Convoys A London - Holland
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Fails*)
F Skagerrak - Sweden
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea

F Tunis - Ionian Sea

A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Munich - Kiel (*Bounce*)
A Naples Hold
A Norway Supports A Sweden (*Cut*)
A Piedmont Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Prussia - Berlin
F Rumania Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Armenia
A Smyrna Supports A Sevastopol - Armenia
F St Petersburg(nc) - Barents Sea
A Sweden Supports A Norway (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Venice
A Venice - Rome
A Warsaw - Prussia

A Ankara, no move received
A Bulgaria, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople, no move received
A Greece, no move received


Roll yer own diplo - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

After a long hiatus from Diplo, I'm finally starting to stick knives into people's backs again. I'm even considering trying to GM a variant game that I've been mulling over:

Roll Yer Own Diplo alters the standard game of Diplomacy so that all players literally choose their own nation. Each player draws their own part of the map and picks their starting position, subject to some restrictions. These maps are then pasted together, and a regular Diplomacy game then plays out on the resulting global map.

Details at http://www.geocities.com/fool1901/rollyerown.htm

I'm interested in feedback from the variant folks. Anyone tried anything remotely like this before? Can anyone think of any "showstopper" maps which would make the game unplayable (discussed on the webpage)? And of course, would anyone actually play this?

-Dan Mehkeri


Unknown - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

A vaguely similiar variant is twilight zone which i tried to run a few years ago but just did not get the interest for. In twilight zone each player constricts their own map using all the places on the original map and then the game is played on all maps simultanesously (without knowledge of the maps)...

The fact i not a lot of people have time these days to make their own maps.

if you are interested in running a game at DC, please use the 'become a GM' link and drop one of the moderators a message.



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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