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dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Deadline for Spring 1844: Monday, September 15th; 2359 UTC

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1843.

Austria: Remove A Wallacia, A Loango, A Silesia.

Britain: Build F Dublin, F Edinburgh, F London.
Britain: Build F ABY - (*invalid order-not a 'home' center*).

China: Build F Yongmingcheng, F Shanghai.

France: Build F Marseilles, F Maldives, F Society Islands.

Holland: No orders received Default: Remove A Matto Grosso, Remove A
Congo, Remove F Coral Sea.

Ottoman: Remove A Hahira.

Russia: Build A Moskow, Build A Sevastopol.

Spain: Build F Monterey, A Mexico City, A Columbia, F Rio de Janeiro, F
Lisbon, F Madrid, F Zanguebar, F Phillipines, F Cuba.
Spain: Build waived.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Venice, F Adriatic Sea.

Britain: F London, F Dublin, F Edinburgh, F Quebec, F Malaysia, A Natal,
F New Guinea, A St Petersburg, A Boston, F Charleston, F Norway, F
Nubia, A Kasmir, A Madras, A Punjab, F Florida, A Montreal, F Gulf of
Maine, F Arabian Sea, F N.E.Indian Ocean.

China: A Beijing, A Chongqing, F Shanghai, F Yongmingcheng, F
Kagoshima, F Edo, A Hue, A Xining, A Yunnan, F China Sea, F Phillipene
Sea, F Izu Sea.

France: F Marseilles, F Maldives, F Society Islands, F Dutch Guiana, F
Denmark, A Kiel, F Rome(wc), A Bavaria, A Stuttgart, F Piedmont, A
Switzerland, A Biafra, A French Guiana, A Venezuela, F Helgoland Bight,
F Amazon Basin, F Gulf of Guinea, F Mozabaique Channel, F N.W.Indian
Ocean, F Java Sea, F Kuril Sea, F N.W.Pacific Ocean, F Bismark Sea.

Holland: A Solomons.
Ottoman: F Constantinople, A Egypt, A Greece, A Rumania, A Serbia, A
Afganistan, A Tehran, A Hadramaut, F Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.

Russia: A Berlin, A Budapest, A Vienna, A Moskow, A Sevastopol, A
Warsaw, F Sweden, A Galicia, A Georgia, A Xinjang, F Greenland Sea.

Spain: F Borneo, F Madrid, F Lisbon, F Cuba, A Mexico City, F
Monterey, A Columbia, F Rio de Janeiro, F Zanguebar, F Phillipines, A
New Orleans, F Salerno, F Tunisia, A Algiers, A Donga, A Kuar, F
Montevideo, A Para, F Peru, A Saskatchewan, F Gulf of Mexico, F Western
Carribean, F Celebes Sea.

USA: A Ontario, F New York City, F Republic of Texas, A Chicago, A

Deadline for Spring 1844: Monday, September 15th; 2359 UTC
I'll be away September 12-14th, so you get a little extra time.


DC201 - 20 hrs Reminder F953 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
In 20 hours Fall 953 will be adjudicated.
Waiting for orders from Burgundy, France and Slavic Nations.



dc204 ~ The Final Frontier - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well carbon units, and others - we're on again! It seems the Obsidian
Order has finally dredged up someone with the enough forehead ridges to
run the Cardassian Onion. Meanwhile, the Jem Hadar were heard to say;
"Bummer dude, hey don't bogart the White man!"

So, with trepidation, I submit Kitomakazu, or
Louis Frink, or whatever it's name is.

At any rate; this new Cardassian may be reached at:
tiger_wolf_faclon(a)yahoo.com so email him, one and all, and make him
feel wanted, needed, preyed upon; maybe he'll stick around long enough
to get a full year in before another "transporter accident" claims him
as well.

To give this new sucker, er, Cardassian a chance to get those emails and
maybe send one or two back - we will set the deadline for Stardate
2371.3 (fall) at Thursday, September 11 at 2359 UTC (1959 Q time).

Yes, the deadline set is short - but I'll be away 9/12-14th and time and
Q wait for no man, or other sentient being.

Mr Frink: You will please read my house rules if you haven't yet. You
should also subscribe to the dc204 section of the Diplomaticcorp.com forum.

I have preliminary orders from all the players, including Cardassia, but
replacement orders from any player will be accepted up to the deadline.

again: the deadline for Stardate 2371.3 (fall) is Thursday, September 11
at 2359 UTC.

Your beloved Q


dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
In the rules that I recieved from the link sent to me
it states
"There are 2 kinds of SCs in Imperial 1841; Home Centers and Not-Home-Centers. Players may build in any unoccupied home center they own, be it one they started with, or one they captured. " Surely then I can build in a captured S.C.?
Please clarrify.


Dc189 Fall 857 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc189 Fall 857

GM's Comment: First of all I apologise for the delay in adjudication. I was unable to access my latop last night which holds the files and (see below) the number of complicated draw proposals that were floating around just overwhelmed my mind. IN fact i will discuss these at length in a new draw proposal section (after adjudication) This season's press will be sent in a second email. - GM

All winter 857 adjustments and winter proposal votes are due Thursday 11th September at 5pm, Australian EST.

Spring 858 and spring draw proposals will be due Tuesday 16th at 5pm, Australian EST.

F Borders Supports F Durham - Firth of Forth
F Durham - Firth of Forth
F Kent Supports F Thames
A London Hold
A Lothians Supports A Ayr - Argyll (*Void*)
A Mercia, no move received
A Middlesex Hold
F Thames Supports F Wash
F Wash Supports F Durham - Firth of Forth

F Baie de la Seine - Straits of Dover (*Bounce*)
F Celtic Sea - Galway Bay (*Bounce*)
F Clare Supports A Kerry - Connacht
A Flanders Supports A Holland
F Golfe de St. Malo - Celtic Sea (*Fails*)
F Hoek of Holland Supports F Thames
A Holland Hold
A Kerry - Connacht
F Wight - Straits of Dover (*Bounce*)

F Dogger Bank Supports F Firth of Forth - Wash
F Drenthe Supports F Frisian Isles
F Firth of Forth - Wash (*Dislodged*)
F Frisian Isles Supports F Drenthe
F Helgoland Bight Supports F Dogger Bank
A Jutland Hold

F Louth - Armagh (*Fails*)

F Caithness Supports F Pentland Firth
F German Ocean Supports F Firth of Forth (*Ordered to Move*)
A Grampian - Aberdeen
F Hordaland Fylke Supports F German Ocean
A Ostfold Hold
F Pentland Firth Hold
F Perth Supports F Firth of Forth (*Ordered to Move*)
F Zetland Supports F Pentland Firth

F Argyll - Clyde Firth (*Fails*)
F Armagh Supports F Clyde Firth - West Irish Sea (*Cut*)
F Atlantic Ocean - Rosemary Bank
F Clyde Firth - West Irish Sea (*Disbanded*)
F Highlands Supports F Sutherland
F Minch Supports F Sutherland
F Sea of the Hebrides - Galway Bay (*Bounce*)
F Sutherland Supports F Minch

A Ayr Supports A Lothians
A Dublin Supports F Clare - Connacht (*Void*)
F East Irish Sea, no move received
F Man - Clyde Firth
F St. George Channel Supports F West Irish Sea
A Sussex Hold
F West Irish Sea Supports F Man - Clyde Firth
A Wexford Hold

Autumn 857
F Firth of Forth - Moray Firth

I have automatically made this retreat for the Danes. If the Danes wish to disband this unit, they may choose to do so as of the winter deadline. Players can submit conditional winter orders based on whether or not the Danish fleet is in Moray Firth.

Winter 857
There are some draw proposals for winter (see draw section below)

Britons: Build One

Irish: Remove Fleet Louth

Welsh: Build Two

All winter adjustments and winter proposal votes are due Thursday 11th September at 5pm, Australian EST.

Spring 858 will be due Tuesday 16th at 5pm, Australian EST.

Draw Proposals.
My house rules state
10. I reserve the right to change my house rules as necessary. I will inform all players of changes to the house rules which will then take effect from the next deadline.

I am amending point 21 to add
All successful end game proposals will take EFFECT-
a) at the beginning of a spring or fall season (no moves will be processed)
b) at the end of a winter season (winter adjustments will be processed and counted)

I am also adding for this game (and the next DCI game), the following end game proposal will be valid.

In a DCI game, a player may propose an DIAS or DRAW proposal that
a) For the purpose of the DC statistics, all players who are mentioned in a successful draw proposal will receive an equal ranking of a DRAW for their game.
b) However for the purpose of a DCI game, an amendment can be made where the DCI points are allocated based on SC count and not on an equal member of the draw basis.
EG France (12 Sc), England (10Sc) and germany (4SC) all agree to a 3 way draw.
For the purpose of DC - France, England and Germany are all credited with a draw AND For the purpose of the DCI scoring France will receive 7 points, England 6 points and Germany (assumign he was third) 5 points.

This will officially be in place for the SPRING Deadline.

Now the Draw proposals we have in this game

For our Winter Deadline (all players with remaining SC including Picts and Irish can vote for these)

Option A - DIAS between all players. As this is PRE-winter adjustments, both Picts and Irish will be granted a share of the draw on 1 SC apiece.

Option B - Draw including Angles, Danes, Britons, Welsh, Scots, Norse.
(note Picts and Irish would be credited with a survivial on 1 SC)

For our Spring Deadline (only Angles, Britons, Danes, Norse, Scots and Welsh can vote)

Option C - DIAS
For DCI scoring,each remaining player receives 4.5 points

Option D - DIAS with DCI SC scoring.
For DCI scoring
Britons and Welsh 10 SC each - score 6.5 points
Angles 9 SC - scores 5 points
Norse 8 SC - scores 4 points
Scots 7 SC - scores 3 points
Danes 6 SC - scores 2 points.

Please labell option a, b, c and d with your votes to be clear.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Play now to win prizes for you and your friends! Are you a friend magnet?


Dc189 PRESS for fall 857 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Britons speak,

To Welsh,

Sus? Also, I'll proceed to outflank Scots. Might be able to help you into Arm soon.

To Danes,

We are on par.

To Angles,

Likewise as with Danes.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comSurprisedfficeSurprisedffice" />
All: I am up for the draw.
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comSurprisedffice:smarttags" />Wales: If you're in Arg and I'm in Fir then I guess the next step is to take Per or just hold the line. If I'm not in Fir then let's call it a line at Lot-Arg for now. I'll continue to support Ayr-Arg until you take it.

Angles, please continue to order LOT S AYR-ARG for as long as it makes sense, even if I don't act on it. And speaking of repeated moves, how do you feel about a permanent bounce in WIL starting next year?

Norse, support AYR-ARG with support or a cut, and we can divide the Scots as follows: ARG and INN for Wales, SUT and ICE for you, and SKY and LEW for the Britons.

Britons, how does that sound? If you got into CON, please cut support to ARM until I take it. If you didn't go for it, I'll support you in the spring or fall of next year.


Danes to world: can we please stop this, and move on to a "normal" game?

Danes to Norse and Britons: help appreciated if this is going to be other than a stalemate with all three continental countries sitting back while the odd centre gets swopped in Ireland and Scotland.

Can we have a 6 player end game voted on please: I will vote yes.

Norse press. Draw anybody? to Danes, will support FIR all game long if you want, request anything else you need. to Britons, you need to pick a side or back the draw.
to Scots, GRA has moved back, you can support yourself all game long now, request anything else you need.

Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Enter today! Win a Hotmail Go-Kart to race at Bathurst.


DC-198 Summer Mayhem Spring 1908 Retreat Adjudicat... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I've heard from Jon, and it seems the switch to AM deadlines is causing the confusion. I hope this isn't a problem for everyone - my work schedule just isn't compatible with PM deadlines, and won't be for about another 9 or 10 weeks. Assuming this game is still alive and kicking by Thanksgiving (roughly,) I'll be switching to days and resetting the deadlines to PM. As I said, I hope you guys can manage until then.


Austria: Daniel Sloane <eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net>
England: Andrew Cassese <landru428(at)aol.com>
France: Jon Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Drew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>
Italy: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
Russia: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
Turkey: Adam Kujawa <edisun_end(at)hotmail.com>
Observer: Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com>


A Silesia - Berlin
F Spain(sc) - Portugal

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: ELIMINATED 1903

England: (8/Cool
Armies - Kie, Lvn, Nwy, StP
Fleets - Bal, Bot, Eng, Nwg

France: (9/Cool
Armies - Ber, Bre, Mun, Par, Pie
Fleets - MAO, Mar, Por

Germany: ELIMINATED 1904

Italy: (3/3)
Armies - Ven
Fleets - NAf, Tus

Russia: (6/6)
Armies - Boh, Mos, Sil, Ukr, Vie, War

Turkey: (8/Cool
Armies - Alb, Gal, Spa, Trl
Fleets - Ion, Lyo, Tys, Wes


Fall 1908 is due Friday, 12 September at 7am EST (11am GMT.) If anyone else is having trouble with the AM deadlines, just make sure to have your orders in by Thursday evening, and you'll be fine.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


Re: dc193 ~ Manifested Destiny - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

In the rules that I recieved from the link sent to me
it states
"There are 2 kinds of SCs in Imperial 1841; Home Centers and Not-Home-Centers. Players may build in any unoccupied home center they own, be it one they started with, or one they captured. " Surely then I can build in a captured S.C.?
Please clarrify.

"There are 2 kinds of SCs in Imperial 1841; Home Centers and Not-Home-Centers. Players may build in any unoccupied [u:0c33db93ae]home center[/u:0c33db93ae] they own, be it one they started with, or one they captured."

You may build only in HOME CENTERS you own.


DC173 OK Computer - Fall 1908 - Gone Gone Gone - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Warsaw returns to German hands after the Fall moves, while England pulls the trigger on the unit-challenged French. Meanwhile, Austria and Turkey retrench with some interesting interior movements...

No retreats are needed so we'll move straight on to Winter 08. One build each is needed by England and Germany, a disband is required by Austria. Deadline will be set for Thursday, September 11th (11:59 PM GMT).



Movement results for Fall of 1908. (DC173 08 FALL)

Austria: A Bohemia - Vienna.
Austria: A Budapest Supports A Ukraine - Galicia.
Austria: A Galicia - Rumania.
Austria: F Greece Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea.
Austria: A Sevastopol Hold.
Austria: A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Venice.
Austria: A Tuscany - Rome.
Austria: A Tyrolia - Venice.
Austria: A Ukraine - Galicia.
Austria: A Venice - Apulia.

England: F English Channel Hold.
England: F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Piedmont.
England: A Livonia Supports A Warsaw.
England: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal.
England: A Piedmont Hold.
England: A St Petersburg Supports A Moscow.
England: F Tunis - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
England: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany.
England: F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*Fails*).

Germany: F Baltic Sea Supports F Gulf of Bothnia.
Germany: F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
Germany: A Burgundy Supports A Munich.
Germany: F Gulf of Bothnia Supports F Baltic Sea.
Germany: A Moscow Supports A Warsaw.
Germany: A Munich Supports A Burgundy.
Germany: A Prussia Supports A Silesia.
Germany: A Silesia Supports A Warsaw.
Germany: A Warsaw Supports A Moscow.

Turkey: A Armenia Supports A Sevastopol.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea.
Turkey: F Naples - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: F Rome - Naples.
Turkey: A Smyrna - Constantinople.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Apulia, A Budapest, A Galicia, F Greece, A Rome, A Rumania, A
Sevastopol, A Trieste, A Venice, A Vienna.
England: F English Channel, F Gulf of Lyon, A Livonia, A Piedmont, F
Portugal, A St Petersburg, F Tunis, F Tuscany, F Western
Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Burgundy, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A
Moscow, A Munich, A Prussia, A Silesia, A Warsaw.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, A Armenia, A Constantinople, F Ionian Sea, F Naples.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Sevastopol, Trieste,
Venice, Vienna.
England: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, St Petersburg, Tunis.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Paris,
Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Naples, Smyrna.

Austria: 9 Supply centers, 10 Units: Removes 1 unit.
England: 10 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 1 unit.
France: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 10 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.



dc188 - Fall 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
While of course I can promise that the game can be back on a roll, I won't since I haven't done so well so far. Work has kicked my butt as has personal life issues, none bad... but my priority wasn't on this game, and I apologize for that. Work has slowed, and I should have time to get back to adjudicating at the end of the work day again.

Fall Retreats - Thursday September 11, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT)
Winter Adjustments - Friday September 12, 2008 at 21:00GMT (5pm EDT)

A Bohemia - Silesia
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania
F Constantinople - Black Sea
A Galicia Supports A Ukraine - Warsaw
A Rumania Hold
A Tyrolia Hold
A Ukraine - Warsaw (*Fails*)

A Liverpool Hold
A Yorkshire Supports A Liverpool

A Belgium Supports A Gascony - Burgundy
A Gascony - Burgundy
F London Supports F Wales - English Channel
A Marseilles - Piedmont (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc)
F Wales - English Channel

A Berlin Supports A Ruhr - Munich
A Denmark - Sweden
A Edinburgh Hold
F North Sea Supports A Edinburgh
F Norway Supports A Denmark - Sweden
A Ruhr - Munich

F Ankara Supports F Constantinople - Black Sea
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Piedmont Hold
A Rome - Tuscany
A Smyrna Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon

F Black Sea - Rumania (*Dislodged*)
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw
F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Sevastopol Hold
F Sweden Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Warsaw Hold

A Syria - Smyrna (*Fails*)

Russian F Black Sea can retreat to Armenia or OTB.
Russian F Sweden can retreat to Finland or Gulf of Bothnia or Baltic Sea or Skagerrak or OTB.

England: Remove 1
France: Build 1
Germany: Build 1
Italy: Build 1
Russia: Remove 2 (or less, if retreat OTB)
Turkey: Remove 1


Once Within: Game End!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey Guys,

First off I want to thank Mike for creating, GMing, and putting in those long hours adjudicating this game. You're Awesome! Also Haven was a great map. I really enjoyed exploring it and discovering all the unique peoples and races that inhabited it. I can't wait to see what Mike's next fog map will look like (hint, hint). Wink


The Nomadic people of Haven were very blessed to have found the Hobbits to be a friendly people and to be included in the Map Makers Alliance. The benefit of having a World Map and five committed allies early in the game proved to be a invaluable tool while exploring the foggy lands of Haven.

The MMA wasn't the only major alliance in this game. The Nomads were also involved in the TRL Alliance (Three River Lake) with the Ogres and Elves. Unfortunately I ended up having to betray the TRL Alliance due to the expansion of the MMA (Sorry guys, nothing personal).

Along with MMA and TRL, I'm sure that there were other alliances that I wasn't aware of. If anyone know about the politics and alliances in the north I'd be very interested to hear about it since I had little to do with the north until late in the game.

I really enjoyed playing with all of you and I hope to see you all again in some future diplomatic endeavor.


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> wrote:

Once within a fog so dreary, embarked a group of 19 leery
of what they'd find behind this eerie curtain of cryptic rhymed décor.
From them grew the MMA, a group of six… we saw them lay
The premise for a brighter day – then looking back they did no more.
Allegiance proved the winning tide as all the others did subside
And grant the six their greatest pride… A brilliant end to this our war.
Congrats to all who dared explore this game that now is Haven lore.
Shall quoth this Raven, Nevermore


That's right, after 11 mysterious years, the game comes to a close with a 6-way draw of the Map Makers Alliance:
- Dwarves
- Hobbits
- Nomads
- Magicians
- Rogues
- Wizards

The other remaining players get survivals:
- Barbarians
- Centaurs
- Faeries
- Knights


End-Game-Statements are definitely encouraged, as this was a playtest in many regards… by far the largest FOW game I've attempted to run, and my personal favorite map creation. For me, the task of adjudicating the game became quite daunting toward the midgame, around years 3 to 5, since there was so much going on, and making 19 maps turned out to be a lot more work than I'd imagined. A full adjudication took about 3-4 hours during this time, and was down to about 2 hours each by the end once there were fewer players remaining.

I will certainly run another game on this map, but this time open map, and not fog, to see how it plays out any differently.

There are lots of other open games on the site…
- Seismic Diplomacy, run by Adam
- Southeast Asia, run by Vegas
- Wheel of Time, run by Jason
- The Original 1958 Diplomacy Game, run by Paolo
- and a 34-player Chaos game where each player starts with 1 sc on the standard map – by Matt

Check them out, at www.diplomaticcorp.com/recruiting


Once Within: Game End!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks!

My game was taken away from me pretty early on; Centaurs were hostile, Faeries didn't really help and Knights stabbed me for a home sc in fall 01, leaving me with no builds. Things were looking bleak. The game continued in this fashion, untill I was approached about the MMA. Since I was pretty much doomed at this point, I accepted and prayed that I could be pulled out of the fire. The rest is pretty much history, surviving was more than I could ever dream of. By all rights, I should have been taken out, but fate was with me this time. Thanks to all of the mma and to Simster for a great and enjoyable game!

/ Mikael

Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 11:42:28 -0500
From: gbimmerle(at)gmail.com
To: mike(at)southwall.com
Subject: Re: Once Within: Game End!!
CC: Githraine(at)yahoo.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cluffy123(at)googlemail.com; gkotschy(at)gmx.at; Gregory_Olson(at)brown.edu; rjroddayjr(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; davidellsworth(at)sbcglobal.net; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; clarklandry(at)gmail.com; finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com; wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; jkudlick(at)gmail.com; rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com; dc158(at)diplomaticcorp.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

Hey Guys,

First off I want to thank Mike for creating, GMing, and putting in those long hours adjudicating this game. You're Awesome! Also Haven was a great map. I really enjoyed exploring it and discovering all the unique peoples and races that inhabited it. I can't wait to see what Mike's next fog map will look like (hint, hint). Wink


The Nomadic people of Haven were very blessed to have found the Hobbits to be a friendly people and to be included in the Map Makers Alliance. The benefit of having a World Map and five committed allies early in the game proved to be a invaluable tool while exploring the foggy lands of Haven.

The MMA wasn't the only major alliance in this game. The Nomads were also involved in the TRL Alliance (Three River Lake) with the Ogres and Elves. Unfortunately I ended up having to betray the TRL Alliance due to the expansion of the MMA (Sorry guys, nothing personal).

Along with MMA and TRL, I'm sure that there were other alliances that I wasn't aware of. If anyone know about the politics and alliances in the north I'd be very interested to hear about it since I had little to do with the north until late in the game.

I really enjoyed playing with all of you and I hope to see you all again in some future diplomatic endeavor.


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> wrote:

Once within a fog so dreary, embarked a group of 19 leery
of what they'd find behind this eerie curtain of cryptic rhymed décor.
From them grew the MMA, a group of six… we saw them lay
The premise for a brighter day – then looking back they did no more.
Allegiance proved the winning tide as all the others did subside
And grant the six their greatest pride… A brilliant end to this our war.
Congrats to all who dared explore this game that now is Haven lore.
Shall quoth this Raven, Nevermore


That's right, after 11 mysterious years, the game comes to a close with a 6-way draw of the Map Makers Alliance:
- Dwarves
- Hobbits
- Nomads
- Magicians
- Rogues
- Wizards

The other remaining players get survivals:
- Barbarians
- Centaurs
- Faeries
- Knights


End-Game-Statements are definitely encouraged, as this was a playtest in many regards… by far the largest FOW game I've attempted to run, and my personal favorite map creation. For me, the task of adjudicating the game became quite daunting toward the midgame, around years 3 to 5, since there was so much going on, and making 19 maps turned out to be a lot more work than I'd imagined. A full adjudication took about 3-4 hours during this time, and was down to about 2 hours each by the end once there were fewer players remaining.

I will certainly run another game on this map, but this time open map, and not fog, to see how it plays out any differently.

There are lots of other open games on the site…
- Seismic Diplomacy, run by Adam
- Southeast Asia, run by Vegas
- Wheel of Time, run by Jason
- The Original 1958 Diplomacy Game, run by Paolo
- and a 34-player Chaos game where each player starts with 1 sc on the standard map – by Matt

Check them out, at www.diplomaticcorp.com/recruiting


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Spring 1908 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Welcome Back!
we have 3 retreats this summer as Russia is finally pushed out of Warsaw, Italy loses Rome, and France is ejected from the Piedmont.

Summer orders due 9PM Thursay, September 11th. Ohh, that was not intentional Wink

Retreats required:
A Piedmont - Marseilles (or OTB)

A Rome - Apulia or Naples (or OTB)

A Warsaw - Ukraine (or OTB)

F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg (*Ordered to Move*)
A Livonia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
F North Sea Hold
A St Petersburg - Moscow (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis

A Albania - Trieste
F Gulf of Lyon Hold
A Piedmont - Venice (*Dislodged*)
F Tuscany Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Rome

F Baltic Sea Supports A Livonia
A Berlin - Silesia (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Ruhr - Munich
F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A St Petersburg (*Ordered to Move*)
F Holland Hold
A Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
A Ruhr - Munich
A Silesia - Warsaw

F Ankara - Constantinople
A Bohemia - Silesia (*Bounce*)
F Greece - Ionian Sea
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Rome - Tuscany (*Dislodged*)
A Trieste - Serbia
A Tyrolia - Piedmont
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Piedmont

F Black Sea Hold
A Galicia Supports A Warsaw
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol Supports A Moscow
A Smyrna - Ankara
A Warsaw Supports A Moscow (*Dislodged*)


Once Within: Game End!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
A Hobbit’s Memoirs

Let me start by saying thank you to all who participated in this grand adventure. Most of all thank you to Mike, whose Haven map and rules were the focus of this game.

I would like to open a few ideas for discussion. First, I would like to talk about a hidden map game communication. Then I will explore the success of the MMA. Finally I will offer my opinions.

I may have taken advantage of the rules of this FOW game, but I am not convinced that it made a better game. I now am completely convinced that with a hidden map, should come hidden players, and here is why. At the outset I asked if we were really allowed to talk to the other players in the game even if we had yet to meet them in the world. The answer was yes. So I did. So did some others. I believe some stayed to a more “realistic” view of only talking to those they had met, which I am afraid, may have placed them at a disadvantage. I figured, since I can talk to anyone, and we are allowed to trade information, why not set up a small group of players who would pool their collective vision to see more of the world. Sure this would reduce the excitement of individual exploration, but the knowledge gained would surely be greater. Well after some exchanges of emails, I had a group of 6 to include myself eagerly awaiting our first maps. Thus the MMA knew of 18 SC at game start. We didn’t at first know our exact position in relation to the others, but by comparing boarders of unknown land and sea zones, we quickly had a pretty good idea of where we were. Through other short term alliances, we had gained enough map fragments to map the entire Haven world by May! Yes this knowledge was one major element for our success, but I think it greatly unbalanced the game as a whole.

Stemming from what I saw as an exploitable advantage in map knowledge, the Map Makers Alliance was formed. I was new to diplomaticcorp and feared entering a large game with players who would likely have played other games together. (An assumption that turned out to be a bit misguided.) So coming off an excellent first game and entering The Haven with one other player from my first game, I quickly contacted Greg (Nomads) to see if we could work together. He was very receptive to the idea, and I thought why not look for another player. I had talked with Mikeal (Rouges) just briefly at the very start of the game, as I did notice that he was a veteran of diplomaccorp, and I figured I would gauge his interest. He was interested, but cautious. So with maybe three of us, I thought I would try for maybe a quarter of the players. But how to choose? Here is the really dumb luck part. My first ally was red. I was orange. Mikeal was pink. Hmmm….what do I get if I look for races with some degree of red in their color? Well I add, Wizards and Magicians. That is five, but with a game that includes Dwarves, I like others guessed that some sort of underground tunnels would exist, so despite being red pigmentedly challenged, I contacted the Dwarves. (That may have been the MMA’s greatest stroke of luck due to Georg’s amazing mapping and his website where he updated and compiled all our maps each turn). The details of all our emails between us is somewhat lost in my memory, but I do recall having the hardest time with the darn Dwarves. Typical of their race they stubbornly tried to keep the underground secret. In an effort to create a lasting alliance I even wrote a set of “laws” that we all agreed to abide by. Sure anyone could have said screw that, but it didn’t happen! (whew!) While I am not really sure if everyone was on board by the time the game started, I would say that by the end of year 1 we were all pretty much on the way to a very successful game.

Now for my opinion on a few things. I think Haven has too much water. Just my opinion, but I like to have the differences between navies and armies a little more defined. I think the special abilities were an interesting addition, but as we were warned at the start, they may need some tweaks. Some of the abilities were great in the FOW game, but would be nearly useless in a regular game, so if Haven is to be played that way, keep that in mind. I really liked the success of the MMA, but I would offer that we shouldn’t have been allowed to contact each other. Finally I want to say I am sorry to the Pirates. They really didn’t have much of a chance with Greg and I playing him like we did. Partly it was just because it was early in the game and everyone had limited knowledge, and partly because we fed him so much misinformation, anyway, I just felt really bad. As a side note, the fact that 6 of us were not attacking each other, sometimes left us with limited choices as to who we could attack. The Pirates fell squarely between me and the Nomads.

Well, thank you for reading my ramblings, and enjoy one last Hobbit Feast!!!



Once Within: Game End!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well, for the start, I knew this would be fun.
I quickly made a pact with the Faeries and the Gnomes, the Faeries bringing the Dwarves along (who I now see were steeling all my map work as well!)
I spent more time negotiating for map pieces then moves and had a 90% complete map sometime around April.
The Archers expanded quickly, and by Mikes clues were in the top tier for size for the first 3-4 years.
Then I ran into the Nomads. I tried to get the seemingly neutral Wizards to assist as all my allies were to far north to assist, bet he sided with the Nomads and that began the end for me.

For those who asked, the initial set in the North was the Barbarians, Knights, and Centaurs (the 3 bordering the north pole) and then the Faeries, gnomes, Archers & Dwarves with some minor support from the Rogues and Trolls.

A great game, one I would play again, anytime!

Thanks all!

----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
To: Githraine(at)yahoo.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; cluffy123(at)googlemail.com; gkotschy(at)gmx.at; Gregory_Olson(at)brown.edu; rjroddayjr(at)yahoo.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; davidellsworth(at)sbcglobal.net; jason4747(at)hotmail.com; mrh(at)panix.com; clarklandry(at)gmail.com; gbimmerle(at)gmail.com; finchleywomble(at)hotmail.com; wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; jkudlick(at)gmail.com; rolfloschek(at)yahoo.de; jmsaralegui(at)gmail.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Cc: dc158(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 8, 2008 12:14:42 PM
Subject: Once Within: Game End!!

Once within a fog so dreary, embarked a group of 19 leery
of what they’d find behind this eerie curtain of cryptic rhymed décor.
From them grew the MMA, a group of six… we saw them lay
The premise for a brighter day – then looking back they did no more.
Allegiance proved the winning tide as all the others did subside
And grant the six their greatest pride… A brilliant end to this our war.
Congrats to all who dared explore this game that now is Haven lore.
Shall quoth this Raven, Nevermore


That’s right, after 11 mysterious years, the game comes to a close with a 6-way draw of the Map Makers Alliance:
- Dwarves
- Hobbits
- Nomads
- Magicians
- Rogues
- Wizards

The other remaining players get survivals:
- Barbarians
- Centaurs
- Faeries
- Knights


End-Game-Statements are definitely encouraged, as this was a playtest in many regards… by far the largest FOW game I’ve attempted to run, and my personal favorite map creation. For me, the task of adjudicating the game became quite daunting toward the midgame, around years 3 to 5, since there was so much going on, and making 19 maps turned out to be a lot more work than I’d imagined. A full adjudication took about 3-4 hours during this time, and was down to about 2 hours each by the end once there were fewer players remaining.

I will certainly run another game on this map, but this time open map, and not fog, to see how it plays out any differently.

There are lots of other open games on the site…
- Seismic Diplomacy, run by Adam
- Southeast Asia , run by Vegas
- Wheel of Time, run by Jason
- The Original 1958 Diplomacy Game, run by Paolo
- and a 34-player Chaos game where each player starts with 1 sc on the standard map – by Matt

Check them out, at www.diplomaticcorp.com/recruiting


DC172 - Late Orders - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

We find ourselves short a couple of orders once again. The players in question have been notified. Hopefully orders will be forthcoming shortly. Please be warned, however, that beginning with next turn I will start to implement my HR's with regards to NMRs.




Once Within: Game End!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
From A Hobbit’s Memoirs …
“with a hidden map, should come hidden players”

I tossed this idea back and forth many times prior to game start. It may have made it more interesting, but ultimately my goal was to keep the game “Diplomacy” and not “Civilization”. In Diplomacy, you can do just that, and agree w 3 surrounding neighbors to pummel a poor soul between you. That happens in standard games all the time.

FOW 5, I will likely try the opposite approach for the first time. So stay tuned for even more to discover. Smile

Attached, is a bit of history of the map creation, from the early days and some initial rough drafts. At one point the world was square, and then it got rotated about 60 degrees, and wrapped around and rounded off to connect the edges.



Seismic - s08 results! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

English F Nwy is dislodged to SKA
English A Bel is dislodged to Ruh
Turk A Gal may retreat to Bud or Rum

Once I get that Turk retreat, I'll send out the Seismic results.




A Bel -> Kie (*Fails, Dislodged*)
F Nwy Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Tunis - MAO
A Spa - Tunis
A Mar - Spa (*Bounce*)
A Edi - Norway
F NWG S A Edi - Nwy
F Pic - Bel
F NTH S F Pic - Bel
A Lon - Cly
A Par - hold

A Mos S A War
A StP S A Mos
A War S A Boh-Gal
A Sil S A Boh-Gal
A Boh-Gal
A Kie-Mun (*Fails 2:3*)
A Bur S A Kie-Mun
A Hol--Kie (*Fails*)

A Gal-Boh (*Fails 1:3, Dislodged*)
A Tyr-Mun
A Vie S A Tyr-Mun
F Bla S A Tyr-Mun
F Adr C A Rom-Tyr
A Rom-Tyr
F Apu-Rom (sc)
F Ion S F Apu-Rom (sc)
A Tus-Spa (*Bounce*)
A Sev S A Ukr-Gal
A Ukr-Gal (*Fails 2:3*)
A Ank-Arm


Once Within: Game End!! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi All,

What a fun and interesting game! Thanks Mike for all your hard work and dedication to keeping this game as close to schedule as you could.

I had a few discussions with Mike concerning my opinions on the 'special powers'. Basically, I felt that any team who had powers with any of the following had a distinct advantage:
1) Being able to use their power at least once a year
2) Being able to turn invisible
3) Being able to move to (or attack) several spaces from their current position.

Looking at the powers of the final winners, I believe I was pretty on target with who had benefits and who'd be eliminated (although the Elves & Ogres surprised me with elimination, as did the Magicians and Wizards survival).

Personally, I found my power (Rainbow to other parts of the world) very intriguing, until I learned it could only be used once every *3* years. That made it totally useless, and only applicable to help for emergency survival.

Although the powers seemed to be out of balance, the best tactic by far was to choose your friends wisely! Alliances are usually tough to break -- in this game they were downright impossible.

I didn't get a chance to play with any strong alliances, to my dismay. I began a shaky alliance with the Undead, but we never had a chance to play together. I was attacked immediately by the Elves and he was attacked by the Magicians and Dwarves.

By year 2 I knew I wouldn't survive, so I changed my goal to "be the first with the complete map". Unfortunately, I wasn't able to bounce around the board enough, and when I did, it was usually into the teeth of the enemy and my units were wiped out. I did gather 2/3 of the map, though, before I met my demise.

Congrats to the Hobbits, and the entire MMA. When I was eliminated, I had picked the Hobbits to Solo, they seemed so powerful and abundant. Well played!

I'd like to play this game again with a little balancing of powers (maybe allow a Rainbow once per year, owls to stray further, Faeries to fly longer or soar high enough on the same space to become invisible, etc...) and with the partial-gunboat rule where you can only converse with powers you've discovered. In real life, that is how Diplomacy works anyway. After all, it would be foolhardy to send an envoy off to a country that you don't even know exists.

Thanks again Mike!

Michael Hoffman


DC176 - Autumn 1910 adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Autumn 1910 retreats:
- Italian army Bulgaria goes to Constantinople
- Russian army in Berlin goes to Kiel.

Another successful year for the Austrians. Two more SCs added to its empire.
Russia, no doubt to its dismay, was entitled to a build but had nowhere left to do so.
England is hanging one with just one SC and will have to remove one of its units.
France and Italy are going steady.

Austria: Berlin, Budapest, Bulgaria, Greece, Munich, Naples, Rome, Rumania, Serbia, Trieste, Tunis, Venice, Vienna.
England: London.
France: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Italy: Ankara, Constantinople, Sevastopol, Smyrna.
Russia: Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Winter 1910 adjustments:
Austria: Supp 13 Unit 11 Build 2
England: Supp 1 Unit 2 Remove 1
France: Supp 7 Unit 7 Build 0
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Russia: Supp 9 Unit 8 Build 0

Deadline for the Winter 1910 adjustments is Thursday Sep 11 at 23:00 GMT.
Spring 1911 deadline will be set at Monday Sep 15 at 23:00 GMT.



DC172 Midsummers - A Spaniard gone AWOL - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, our Spanish leader seems to have gone astray. In hopes of gathering in his orders, we'll extend the official Spanish grace period. Orders are locked in place, and I've given Jonathan until 17:00 PM GMT tomorrow to contact me with his moves. If I don't hear from him, we'll seek out a replacement player.

Thanks for the patience everyone. Cheers!



DC190 - Winter 2004 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hello, everyone. I'm back and very happy to see everyone's adjustments in my inbox. Here they are:

North America:
Build F Quebec

Disband F Bermuda Triangle

South America:
Build F Argentina
Build F Peru

South Africa:
Disband A Yaounde
Disband F Angola

Build F Honshu

Build F Melbourne

Next Deadline:
Spring 2005 moves are due Tuesday, September 16th, at 2100GMT.


DC201 - Fall 953 adjudication "The Heat Is On... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Fall 953: Again a fire can be seen illuminating the night sky.
This time the huge flames can be seen from Smyrna to Thessaly: it's Athinai !
It was the Slaves that could not stand loosing the riches of the city to the Romans.
Centuries of history will be lost by such a foolish act of pride.

The Norse seem to have some difficulties this Fall as most of their orders fail and their fleet has to retreat from the Sea of England under pressure from the Danes. However the Norse did manage to conquer the independent city of London. The Danes have moved the borders of their empire slightly north and northwest.
The Romans see their fleet in Vladimir destroyed by the hordes of the Slaves; stuck to the flow of the river they have nowhere to flee and die a horrible death at the hands of their enemy. The Roman victory over the Slaves in Athinai comes at a price: this once so mighty city of the ancient Greeks now seems to be lost forever by huge fires consuming everything that will burn. Cornered by the angry Romans, the Slaves have nowhere to go and perish in the flames. Perhaps this charmed Mars who favored them with a victory over independent city of Jorsal and the destruction of the Slavic army in Graz of in return.
France and Burgundy continue their fighting over Auvergne and Avignon; a stand-off so it seems, except that Burgunday has now occupied the former French province of Champagne. The French could however not avoid being overwhelmed by the Arabs in Burgos and have to retreat.
And our reporter is completely confused by the strategy of the Swedes: the army in Goteborg marched to Kalmar and back again when it found that its fleet in Kalmar did not want to move. At the same time the Swedish units in Reval, Memel and Baltic Sea seem to be going in circles.

Fall 953 orders:

A Asturias Supports A Segovia - Burgos
F Berber Coast - Cordoba
A Cordoba - Sevilla
F Lisboa - Gulf of Cadiz (*Bounce*)
A Segovia - Burgos

A Avignon Supports A Savoie - Auvergne
A Catalonia - Toulouse (*Fails*)
F Dogger Bank Supports F Dorestad - Sea of England
A Frankfurt - Bavaria
F Gulf of Lyons Supports A Avignon
A Koln Supports A Zurich - Verdun
A Lombardy - St. Gallen
F Palma - Berber Coast
A Paris Supports A Verdun - Champagne
A Pisa - Lombardy
A Savoie - Auvergne (*Bounce*)
F Strait of Sicily Supports F Palma - Berber Coast
A Verdun - Champagne
A Zurich - Verdun

F Bornholmer Sea - Oerne
F Bruges Supports F Dorestad - Sea of England
F Dorestad - Sea of England
F English Channel - Hastings (*Bounce*)
A Hamburg - Hedeby
F Mecklenburg Supports A Hamburg - Hedeby
A Rouen Supports A Paris

A Ankara - Trebizond
A Burta - Khazar Empire
F Cypriot Sea Supports A Palmyra - Jorsal
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea - Alexandria (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea - Athinai
A Macedonia Supports F Ionian Sea - Athinai
F Palermo Hold
A Palmyra - Jorsal
A Paristria - Thessaly
F South Black Sea - North Black Sea
A Tirol - Graz
A Venezia Supports A Tirol - Graz
F Vladimir - Rostov (*Disbanded*)

A Auvergne - Avignon (*Fails*)
F Burgos Supports A Toulouse (*Dislodged*)
A Nantes - Auvergne (*Bounce*)
A Toulouse Supports A Auvergne - Avignon (*Cut*)
A Tours Supports A Nantes - Auvergne

A Aldeigjuborg - Karelia (*Bounce*)
A Athinai DES Athinai (*Disbanded*)
A Bavaria - Tirol
A Brandenburg Supports A Praha (*Ordered to Move*)
A Graz Supports A Bavaria - Tirol (*Disbanded*)
A Kaffa Supports A Kjonugard - Burta
A Karelia - Holmgard
F Khazar Empire - Vladimir
A Kjonugard - Burta
A Praha - Buda (*Fails*)
A Przemysl - Ruthenia
A Rostov Supports F Khazar Empire - Vladimir
A Smolensk - Przemysl

A Bjarmaland - Karelia (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Cadiz - Berber Coast (*Fails*)
F Irish Sea - Mid Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Jorvik - Skegness
A Jylland - Hedeby (*Fails*)
A Maine - Noirmoutier
F Mid Atlantic Ocean - Gulf of Cadiz (*Bounce*)
F North Sea - Sea of England (*Fails*)
F Sea of England - Hastings (*Dislodged*)
F Skagerrak - North Sea (*Fails*)
A Wales Supports A Westmorland - London
A Westmorland - London

F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Finland
A Goteborg - Kalmar (*Fails*)
A Holmgard - Vitebsk
A Ingermannland Hold
F Kalmar, no move received
F Memel - Baltic Sea
A Reval - Memel
A Ruthenia - Breslau

A Alexandria Supports A Jorsal (*Cut*)
A Buda Supports A Pest (*Cut*)
A Jorsal Supports A Alexandria (*Dislodged*)
A London Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Pest Supports A Buda

Autumn 953 retreats, due by Sep 11 at 23:00 GMT.

- France: F Burgos, can retreat to Bay of Biscay, or OTB
- Norge: F Sea of England, can retreat to Essex, Jorvik, or Lindisfarne, or OTB

Lookahead at Winter 953 deadline: will be set to Saturday Sep 13 at 23:00 GMT.



DC176 - Autumn 1910 adjudication - supplemental - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
It was pointed to me - I won't mention any names - that I had misrepresented the facts when I said that Austria had gained 2 SCs and Russia 1 SC.
Both Austria and Russia had lost one unit during the year 1910, so effectively since 1909 Austria gained just a measly 1 SC (hardly worth mentioning) and Russia none.
But due to no Home SC free to build, Russia will have one unit less to command than in 1909.



dc187 fall 03 results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Are countries moving to the west? Italy tries for a French home while
Austria moves into Italy. Turkey moves into Austria while the Russian
fleet in Constantinople tries to extend its holiday in Turkey, but is
asked politely to leave. In the North, Russia's Norwegian fleet
singlehandedly holds three German units while Edinburgh looks set to
become the sole English centre ... something that people in the rest of
Scotland have long said.

Three retreats:

Russian F Constantinople can retreat to Aegean Sea or Ankara or Black Sea.
Italian A Piedmont can retreat to Venice or Tuscany.
Austrian A Trieste can retreat to Venice or Tyrolia.

The deadline will be noon on 13 September.

Movement results for Fall of 1903. (dc187)

Austria: F Adriatic Sea - Apulia.
Austria: A Trieste Supports A Vienna (*Dislodged*).
Austria: A Tyrolia - Piedmont.
Austria: A Venice - Rome.
Austria: A Vienna Supports A Trieste (*Cut*).

England: F Clyde - Liverpool (*Fails*).
England: F Yorkshire - Edinburgh.

France: F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
France: F Liverpool Supports A Wales - Yorkshire (*Fails*).
France: A London, no move received.
France: A Marseilles Supports A Tyrolia - Piedmont.
France: F Portugal - Spain(sc) (*Fails*).
France: A Wales - Yorkshire.

Germany: F Denmark - Sweden (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Holland - Kiel (*Fails*).
Germany: F Kiel - Denmark (*Fails*).
Germany: A Munich - Silesia.
Germany: F North Sea Supports A Wales - Yorkshire.

Italy: A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Dislodged*).
Italy: F Spain(sc) Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Cut*).
Italy: F Western Mediterranean Supports F Spain.

Russia: A Budapest Supports F Albania - Trieste.
Russia: F Constantinople - Smyrna (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Galicia - Vienna (*Fails*).
Russia: F Norway - Sweden (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Rumania Supports A Budapest.
Russia: A St Petersburg - Finland.

Turkey: F Albania - Trieste.
Turkey: A Bulgaria Supports F Smyrna - Constantinople.
Turkey: F Greece - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: A Serbia Supports A Albania - Trieste.
Turkey: F Smyrna - Constantinople.

The following units were dislodged:

Russian F Constantinople can retreat to Aegean Sea or Ankara or Black Sea.
Italian A Piedmont can retreat to Venice or Tuscany.
Austrian A Trieste can retreat to Venice or Tyrolia.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Apulia, A Piedmont, A Rome, A Vienna.
England: F Clyde, F Edinburgh.
France: F Liverpool, A London, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F
Portugal, A Yorkshire.
Germany: F Denmark, A Holland, F Kiel, F North Sea, A Silesia.
Italy: F Spain(sc), F Western Mediterranean.
Russia: A Budapest, A Finland, A Galicia, F Norway, A Rumania.
Turkey: A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, F Ionian Sea, A Serbia, F Trieste.


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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