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Dc456 Imperium - Winter 406 - Zoterik   (Jul 15, 2013, 10:46 pm)
Gentlemen, I have naught to report to you but a proposed two-way draw for the Alamanni and Vandali.  It must be unanimously accepted by Fall 407 adjudication.  Spring 407 orders due 20 July at 23:00 GMT, but I might be high on Novocaine so we'll see about that.

FranciRemove A Tarraconensis

Remove F Scytia

Build A castra ReginaBuild F Roma


Haven hamburgers - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 15, 2013, 3:25 pm)
If you would gladly submit moves Tuesday for a deadline that was today...
All your units would hold. 


DC460 Puppetmasters Spring 1902 Adjudication - Cartesian   (Jul 15, 2013, 2:28 pm)
Just to note: if the orders for retreat and build seasons reach me with a FINAL status, I will adjudicate before the deadline if I can.
In this case Rene and Eamon especially to note this.


On 15 July 2013 20:07, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

SPRING 1902 adjudication.

WAR LOOKS CERTAIN!Austrian cruise ship gives aid to Italian Army... More conflict in the Channel... Brave Norway falls. Rumanians in revolt as the Bear and the Archduke move in.

English A Norway can retreat to Finland.
Russian A Rumania can retreat to Ukraine or Sevastopol.

Grey Press:
Zurich Puppetmasters' GazetteThe Imperial spies of Russia have uncovered a plot to overthrow the Tsar. They have also uncovered that this evil plot was masterminded by the Sultan of the now renamed Ottoman Empire and the Kaiser of Germany. This could only mean one thing, that a new war is coming real fast.

Possibly our friends are merely our enemies in disguise, eh Tsar? 

White Press:
Cartesian (your GM):  Puppeteers please note: Please send your orders in a new email, with a proper subject line or I may lose them!  Please also help your GM by specifying for each Unit either 'Fleet' or 'Army'.  If you send revised orders always repeat all the orders, don't just send the revised parts. As always, Gentlemen Puppetmasters, please note I am human and therefore fallible. If you spot an error, please let me know very quickly after the adjudication.

*** Summer 1902 Retreats Wednesday 17th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders today? You know it makes sense!

Fall 1902 will be Monday 22nd.
Orders and adjudication:

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Galicia - RumaniaA Galicia - RumaniaF Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - AlbaniaA Serbia Supports A Galicia - Rumania
F Belgium - PicardyF Liverpool - Irish SeaF London - English Channel (*Bounce*)F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel (*Cut*)A Norway Hold (*Dislodged*)

France: F Brest - English Channel (*Bounce*)A Gascony - Marseilles (*Fails*)A Spain Supports A Gascony - Marseilles
Germany: A Burgundy Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Denmark - SwedenF Holland - North Sea (*Fails*)F Kiel - Helgoland BightA Munich - Ruhr
Italy: A Marseilles - Gascony (*Fails*)A Naples - Albania
F Rome - Tyrrhenian SeaF Tunis - Western MediterraneanA Venice - Piedmont
Russia: F Black Sea Supports A RumaniaA Rumania Supports A Ukraine - Galicia (*Dislodged*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - NorwayF Sweden - NorwayA Ukraine - GaliciaA Warsaw Supports A Ukraine - Galicia
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Armenia - SmyrnaA Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - GreeceF Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean

Movement map. Orders Resolved MapRealpolitik file


DC460 Puppetmasters Spring 1902 Adjudication - Cartesian   (Jul 15, 2013, 2:07 pm)
SPRING 1902 adjudication.

WAR LOOKS CERTAIN!Austrian cruise ship gives aid to Italian Army... More conflict in the Channel... Brave Norway falls. Rumanians in revolt as the Bear and the Archduke move in.

English A Norway can retreat to Finland.
Russian A Rumania can retreat to Ukraine or Sevastopol.

Grey Press:
Zurich Puppetmasters' GazetteThe Imperial spies of Russia have uncovered a plot to overthrow the Tsar. They have also uncovered that this evil plot was masterminded by the Sultan of the now renamed Ottoman Empire and the Kaiser of Germany. This could only mean one thing, that a new war is coming real fast.

Possibly our friends are merely our enemies in disguise, eh Tsar? 

White Press:
Cartesian (your GM):  Puppeteers please note: Please send your orders in a new email, with a proper subject line or I may lose them!  Please also help your GM by specifying for each Unit either 'Fleet' or 'Army'.  If you send revised orders always repeat all the orders, don't just send the revised parts. As always, Gentlemen Puppetmasters, please note I am human and therefore fallible. If you spot an error, please let me know very quickly after the adjudication.

*** Summer 1902 Retreats Wednesday 17th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders today? You know it makes sense!

Fall 1902 will be Monday 22nd.
Orders and adjudication:

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Galicia - RumaniaA Galicia - RumaniaF Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - AlbaniaA Serbia Supports A Galicia - Rumania
F Belgium - PicardyF Liverpool - Irish SeaF London - English Channel (*Bounce*)F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel (*Cut*)A Norway Hold (*Dislodged*)

France: F Brest - English Channel (*Bounce*)A Gascony - Marseilles (*Fails*)A Spain Supports A Gascony - Marseilles
Germany: A Burgundy Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Denmark - SwedenF Holland - North Sea (*Fails*)F Kiel - Helgoland BightA Munich - Ruhr
Italy: A Marseilles - Gascony (*Fails*)A Naples - Albania
F Rome - Tyrrhenian SeaF Tunis - Western MediterraneanA Venice - Piedmont
Russia: F Black Sea Supports A RumaniaA Rumania Supports A Ukraine - Galicia (*Dislodged*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - NorwayF Sweden - NorwayA Ukraine - GaliciaA Warsaw Supports A Ukraine - Galicia
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Armenia - SmyrnaA Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - GreeceF Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean

Movement map. Orders Resolved MapRealpolitik file


DC460 Puppetmasters Spring 1902 Adjudication (dc460) Cartesian Jul 15, 02:28 pm
Just to note: if the orders for retreat and build seasons reach me with a FINAL status, I will adjudicate before the deadline if I can.
In this case Rene and Eamon especially to note this.


On 15 July 2013 20:07, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

SPRING 1902 adjudication.

WAR LOOKS CERTAIN!Austrian cruise ship gives aid to Italian Army... More conflict in the Channel... Brave Norway falls. Rumanians in revolt as the Bear and the Archduke move in.

English A Norway can retreat to Finland.
Russian A Rumania can retreat to Ukraine or Sevastopol.

Grey Press:
Zurich Puppetmasters' GazetteThe Imperial spies of Russia have uncovered a plot to overthrow the Tsar. They have also uncovered that this evil plot was masterminded by the Sultan of the now renamed Ottoman Empire and the Kaiser of Germany. This could only mean one thing, that a new war is coming real fast.

Possibly our friends are merely our enemies in disguise, eh Tsar? 

White Press:
Cartesian (your GM):  Puppeteers please note: Please send your orders in a new email, with a proper subject line or I may lose them!  Please also help your GM by specifying for each Unit either 'Fleet' or 'Army'.  If you send revised orders always repeat all the orders, don't just send the revised parts. As always, Gentlemen Puppetmasters, please note I am human and therefore fallible. If you spot an error, please let me know very quickly after the adjudication.

*** Summer 1902 Retreats Wednesday 17th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders today? You know it makes sense!

Fall 1902 will be Monday 22nd.
Orders and adjudication:

Austria: A Budapest Supports A Galicia - RumaniaA Galicia - RumaniaF Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - AlbaniaA Serbia Supports A Galicia - Rumania
F Belgium - PicardyF Liverpool - Irish SeaF London - English Channel (*Bounce*)F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel (*Cut*)A Norway Hold (*Dislodged*)

France: F Brest - English Channel (*Bounce*)A Gascony - Marseilles (*Fails*)A Spain Supports A Gascony - Marseilles
Germany: A Burgundy Supports A Marseilles - Gascony
A Denmark - SwedenF Holland - North Sea (*Fails*)F Kiel - Helgoland BightA Munich - Ruhr
Italy: A Marseilles - Gascony (*Fails*)A Naples - Albania
F Rome - Tyrrhenian SeaF Tunis - Western MediterraneanA Venice - Piedmont
Russia: F Black Sea Supports A RumaniaA Rumania Supports A Ukraine - Galicia (*Dislodged*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - NorwayF Sweden - NorwayA Ukraine - GaliciaA Warsaw Supports A Ukraine - Galicia
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Armenia - SmyrnaA Bulgaria Supports F Aegean Sea - GreeceF Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean

Movement map. Orders Resolved MapRealpolitik file
DC460 Puppetmasters - 25 hours to go! - Cartesian   (Jul 14, 2013, 8:46 am)
*** Spring 1902 Monday 15th July 1500 GMT *** 



Dc 449: Spring 1909 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Jul 13, 2013, 5:43 pm)
Hey All,

A few more centers change hands early in the turn - proving that a stalemate has not quite been reach, which is what the consensus said as well with a down vote of the F/G draw proposal.

Next Deadline:
Fall 1909 Orders are Due Thursday July 18th at Midnight GMT (7pm EST)

A Rumania - Budapest
A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Trieste Hold (*Disbanded*)

F Brest - English Channel
A Burgundy - Belgium
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Naples - Albania
A Marseilles - Burgundy
A Naples - Albania
F North Sea Supports A Burgundy - Belgium
F Norwegian Sea Supports F North Sea
A Paris - Picardy
A Rome - Venice
F Tunis Supports F Ionian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples
A Venice - Trieste

A Berlin - Munich
A Budapest - Galicia
F Denmark Hold
F Holland Hold
F Kiel - Baltic Sea
A Moscow Supports A Warsaw
A Munich - Bohemia
F Norway Hold
A Silesia Supports A Budapest - Galicia
A St Petersburg Supports A Moscow
A Tyrolia Supports A Venice - Trieste
A Vienna Supports A Venice - Trieste (*Cut*)
A Warsaw Supports A Budapest - Galicia

F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
F Black Sea - Rumania
A Galicia - Vienna (*Disbanded*)
F Greece Hold
A Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine
A Ukraine Supports F Black Sea - Rumania


DC460 Puppetmasters deadline in just over 2 days - Cartesian   (Jul 13, 2013, 7:27 am)
*** Spring 1902 Monday 15th July 1500 GMT *** 
 - why not send your provisional orders now? I do do yet have orders from you all.



DC455 Aberration - Fall 1906 - Zoterik   (Jul 12, 2013, 5:38 pm)
Gentlemen, we have a little bit of a problem.  I'm consistently getting orders late.  Yes, some of you like life on the edge, and that's fine for you.  But the fact that I routinely need to ask for orders is concerning:  either interest is fading and deadlines should be made shorter to keep you all thinking, or interest is so great that you are so absorbed in strategies, tactics, and negotiations that you all need more time.  Frankly, I'm leaning towards the former. 

So, tell me what you think is best for the game and I'll make the necessary arrangements.  For now, only two centers changed hands, so the winter turn should go rather quickly.  I'll set a short deadline:  adjustments due 14 July at 23:00 GMT.  That's forty-eight hours and twenty-three minutes.  

F Dublin - Irish Sea (*fails*)
A Lorraine - PicardyA Ruhr - Lorraine (*fails*)
F Brussels S Pol F Heligoland Bight - Anglican Sea

 ByzantiumF Anatolia S Isr F Georgia - East Black Sea

F Anglican Sea - North Sea (*dislodged*)
F Edinburgh S F Anglican Sea - North Sea (*cut*)
F Yorkshire S F Edinburgh


F Zara - Adriatic Sea (*bounce*)
F Venezia - Adriatic Sea (*bounce*)A Tyrol - Venezia (*bounce*)
A Croatia S A Tyrol - Venezia (*fails*)A Schwyz - Piedmont (*fails*)
A Bavaria - Swabia (*fails*)A Macedonia - Athens (*bounce*)
A Serbia - Albania (*fails*)

F Georgia - East Black Sea
A Armenia - GeorgiaA Iran S A Armenia - Georgia
F West Black Sea S Sic A BulgariaF Aegean Sea S Sic F Constantinople
F Ionian Sea S Sic F Adriatic SeaA Turkestan Hold


F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*fails*)F North Sea S F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh (*cut*)
F Heligoland Bight - Anglican SeaA Swabia - Lorraine
A Kazakhstan - Turkestan (*hold*)A Circassia - Georgia
A Donbas - TauridaA Rumania S Hun A Macedonia - Bulgaria (*void*)
A Podolia S A RumaniaA Hague Hold
A Hesse S A Hague

A Umbria - Venezia (*bounce*)
F Adriatic Sea S A Umbria - Venezia (*cut*)
A Piedmont S A Umbria - Venezia (*cut*)
F Languedoc S A PiedmontF Ligurian Sea S A Piedmont
F Albania - Athens (*bounce*)A Bulgaria Hold
F Constantinople S A BulgariaF Malta Sea, no move received


A France - LorraineA Dijon S A France - Lorraine
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English ChannelF South Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Gibraltar - South Atlantic OceanF Irish Sea Hold
F Palma Sea Hold


Irish F Anglican Sea - Wessex

AdjustmentsBurgundy: -1 (3)
Byzantium: 0 (1)Éire: 0 (3)
Hungary: -1 (7)Israel: 0 (7)
Poland: +1 (12)Spain: 0 (7)
Sicily: +1 (10)Ukraine: 0 (2)


DC456 Imperium - Fall 406 - Zoterik   (Jul 11, 2013, 7:37 pm)
It's a big year for the Vandali after that spring of little-forward-progress.  The kingdom now extends from the German Ocean to the Internal Sea, and is building a power to rival even that of Rome of old!  Growth comes at the expense of the Eastern Gothi and Western Franci, while the Saxon fiefdoms remain defended and the Alamanni states unassailed.  

It has been emerging for some time now, but unless the status quo fails, we have a Pax Geminorum!  Twin peace!  The Vandali and Alamanni have coexisted side-by-side for five years, something most Diplomats might never be able to manage.

No retreats, adjustments below.  Winter 406 adjustments due 14 July at 23:00 GMT.


F Brundisium - Mare Adriaticum
F Mare Ionium - Mare Internum (*fails*)A Scytia - Iazygi
A Hunni Quarti - Chersonesus (*fails*)A Alpes - Æmilia
A Syracusæ Hold

A Lutetia - Rotomagus (*bounce*)A Aquitania - Lutetia (*fails*)
A Flavia Cæsarensis S F LondiniumF Londinium S A Flavia Cæsarensis
F Saguntum HoldA Tarraconensis S F Saguntum

A Carthago - Macedonia
F Mare Internum C A Carthago - MacedoniaF Ægeais C A Carthago - Macedonia
F Athenium S A Carthago - MacedoniaF Byzantium - Scytia
A Thracia - DaciaA Chersonesus - Hunni Quarti (*fails*)

F Oceanus Britannicus - Rotomagus (*bounce*)
F Maxima Cæsarensis - Londinium (*fails*)
F Eburacum/ec Hold

A Roma - Carthago
F Mare Ligusticum C A Roma - Carthago
F Baleares C A Roma - CarthagoF Mare Tyrrhenicum S A Roma - Carthago
A Sequanorum - Colonia AgrippaA Massilia Hold

Alamanni: 0 (6)Franci: -1 (5)
Gothi: -1 (6)Saxones: 0 (3)
Vandali: +2 (Cool


dc458 w03 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 11, 2013, 3:39 pm)
Here we go, some happy little builds...
Austria: Build A Vienna
England: Remove A St Petersburg
France: Build A Paris
Italy: Build A Rome
Turkey: Remove A Constantinople
That's it!  NEXT is Wed 7/17, 3pm Central!


dc458 w03 builds! (dc458) FuzzyLogic Jul 16, 10:09 am
It's Tuesday... results shortly!!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Thu 7/11/2013 3:39 PM
Subject: dc458 w03 builds!

Here we go, some happy little builds...
Austria: Build A Vienna
England: Remove A St Petersburg
France: Build A Paris
Italy: Build A Rome
Turkey: Remove A Constantinople
That's it!  NEXT is Wed 7/17, 3pm Central!
dc458 w03 builds! (dc458) FuzzyLogic Jul 16, 10:09 am
Whoops... Wed... Thought it was Tues dl but Wed...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Thu 7/11/2013 3:39 PM
To: tom.s.holmes(at)gmail.com; cartesian.i(at)gmail.com; dandip2011(at)gmail.com; fhizzo(at)fibertel.com.ar; joral(at)darkenedpath.com; Maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk; pokerthief(at)gmail.com; fhizzo44(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc458
Subject: dc458 w03 builds!

Here we go, some happy little builds...
Austria: Build A Vienna
England: Remove A St Petersburg
France: Build A Paris
Italy: Build A Rome
Turkey: Remove A Constantinople
That's it!  NEXT is Wed 7/17, 3pm Central!
DC460 Puppetmasters Winter 1901 Adjustments - Cartesian   (Jul 10, 2013, 10:50 am)
WINTER 1901 adjudication

Here you are, Gentlemen Puppetmasters:

*** Spring 1902 Monday 15th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders now?

Austria: Build A Budapest
England: Build F LiverpoolBuild F London
Build F KielBuild A Munich
Italy: Build F RomeBuild A Naples
Russia: Build A WarsawBuild F St Petersburg (nc)

Turkey: Build F Smyrna

Ownership:Austria:   Budapest, Serbia, Trieste, Vienna.   4England:   Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.   5
France:    Brest, Paris, Spain.   3Germany:   Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.  5Italy:     Marseilles, Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.   5Russia:    Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, 
           Warsaw.  6Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.  4Unowned:   Greece, Portugal.

Attached:Adjustments map. Adjustments Resolved Map
Realpolitik file


dc459 Winter 03 moves and press - jerome777   (Jul 10, 2013, 5:02 am)
Catalan Chronicle, 17 December, 1903

*Armies raised in Berlin and Venice!*

*Belgian chef available for hire!*

*Leeds fans never change!*

*Reports received of aquatic ranidaphobic atrocities!*

Welcome to the seventeenth edition of your inscrutable Catalan Chronicle!

Here's your builds:

Build A Berlin

Build A Venice

And we have some press from our correspondents across the Continent for you to enjoy:


LONDON-The Belgian chef of the Royal Household has been fired following
an unfortunate incident involving an improperly cooked waffle.  No
report has reached our correspondents about the precise problem at hand,
but an advert was placed in The Times later that day for a
proper dessert chef.  This then led the Leader of the Opposition to
raise the question of crêpes in Buckingham Palace.  The Prime Minister
responded curtly, saying that the Crown has a legitimate claim to
Normandy and the Seine.  Shipments of Brie de Meaux were also observed
en route to the Palace. 


From our Vienna correspondent:
Russia -- Many apologies. You are coming to my aid, and I grab a center.
Purely for survival sake, though. Expect Rum -> Ser, and you retake
Rum whenever you desire.


CASABLANCA-Reports are coming in from nightclubs throughout the city that sporadic outbursts of La Marseillaise are rapidly being drowned out by drunken fans of Leeds United singing God Save the King.
 Meanwhile, authorities are shocked, absolutely shocked, to hear that
illegal gambling is taking place within these very same nightclubs.  The
odds on an E/G/I draw are 3:1. 


garble, garble, garbleLe Marseilles with a German Accent?garble, garble, garble
Paris pronounced PARRISS by anglophiles?garble, garble, garbleA frog being boiled is reaching boiling pointgarble, garble, garble


PRAGUE-What are you looking at?  Nothing ever happens here until 1906. 


This is your formerly-roving reporter, now heavily ensconsed on the
banks of the Po. It has long been my conclusion that Italy shall be the
winner of this worldwide skirmish, and I will be spending the rest of
my days drinking fine wines and eating cannolis. Austria has bungled the
entire eastern front, Russia's pleas are falling on deaf ears. France
is focused north, where England and Germany are working nicely together,
but don't have enough expansion room before tripping over each other.

Viva Italia!


This concludes our latest edition of the Catalan Chronicle,
hope you've enjoyed reading it. Please do send in your news stories,
thoughts, dreams, ambitions, and reviews, however mendacious, for us all
to enjoy.

I'm going away for the weekend, so there will be one more press deadline on Wednesday 10 July 2000GMT before the Spring 04 moves, due 2000GMT Monday 15 July.

Jerome (Editor)


dc442 s10 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 09, 2013, 8:44 am)
Three retreats -- Ella, Pygmy, and Far Far Away...
NEXT is Monday!  7/15, 3pm Central!
For Monday, we have a draw proposal!  5-way ELKAG... That's Elves, Leprechauns, Knights, Archers, Gnomes.  There are a lot of other players yet and everyone would have to agree for it to pass.


DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1901 adjudication - Cartesian   (Jul 09, 2013, 4:12 am)
Please note: the .dpy file I sent you yesterday was inexplicably corrupt but has now been rescued and is attached here.
The shading on the maps was wrong as a consequence and I append those here. 

The adjudication itself was correct, so no problem there.
If I get all Winter Builds marked 'Final' I shall adjudicate early. Otherwise deadline as stated.

*** Winter 1901 Wednesday 10th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders now?
followed by Spring 1902 Monday 17th July 1500 GMT
*** I will adjudicate Winter 1901 earlier if all orders are marked "Final". ***


On 8 July 2013 18:09, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

FALL 1901 adjudication
Despite heroic rearguard action, Marseilles falls to Italian Army, Germany in support! Russia and Austria clash over Warsaw and Greece. Austrian Fleet "just on a pleasure cruise" says Captain von Trapp.

Zurich Puppetmasters' Gazette (Grey Press (Anonymous))
My enemy's enemy's best friend is a force to be reckoned with, so watch out!

As of this season, Turkey has now become the Ottoman Empire.  Any reference to the glorious Ottoman Empire using the squalid identifier of Turkey will be considered immediate grounds for war!

White Press:Cartesian: NB All press will be published as Grey (Anonymous) unless the writer included a dateline identifying himself (e.g. "France at War", "Paris Soir" ,"Cartesian", "Zoterik" etc)
Cartesian: As always, Gentlemen Puppetmasters, please note I am human and therefore fallible. If you spot an error, please let me know very quickly after the adjudication.

There are no retreats, so we pass quickly to Winter Builds.

*** Winter 1901 Wednesday 10th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders now?followed by Spring 1902 Monday 17th July 1500 GMT

*** I will adjudicate Winter 1901 earlier if all orders are marked "Final". ***
Austria: Builds 1 for 4 supply centres

England: Builds 2 for 5France: No change for 3Germany: Builds 2 for 5Italy: Builds 2 for 5Russia: Builds 2 for 6Turkey: Builds 1 for 4

Orders and adjudication:

Austria: A Galicia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)A Serbia - Greece (*Bounce*)F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
England: A Yorkshire - NorwayF North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Norway
F English Channel - Belgium
France: F Picardy - BrestA Spain - Marseilles (*Bounce*)A Gascony - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Piedmont - MarseillesA Kiel - DenmarkF Holland Supports F English Channel - Belgium
Italy: A Apulia - VeniceF Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Piedmont - Marseilles
Russia: F Finland - SwedenA Ukraine - Warsaw (*Bounce*)A Sevastopol - RumaniaF Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Greece (*Bounce*)F Constantinople - Aegean SeaA Ankara - Armenia

Attached:Movement map. Orders Resolved Map
Realpolitik file


dc459 Autumn 03 and press - jerome777   (Jul 08, 2013, 3:55 pm)
Catalan Chronicle, 16 September, 1903

*GM reiterates game timetable!*

*Tsar appoints Beavis and Butthead as telegraph operators in the Winter Palace!*

*Kaiser launches new cookbook onto the world!*

Welcome to the sixteenth edition of your indigestible Catalan Chronicle!

First of all thanks for your patience in waiting for this delayed adjudication. The deadline arrived for this move last week, and I was missing three sets of orders. Not good. Anyway, a couple of you were querying why I've been delaying the deadline like this given that I did make it abundantly plain to you all that this game was due to be played to tight deadlines, so I've resolved not to delay the deadline again like that unless one of you asks me for an extension. If that makes the game a bit odd to play, so be it. A second NMR from you and I will replace you in the game.

With that in mind, let's try and get back onto schedule. Mondays should be spring moves, Tuesdays summer retreats, Thursdays Autumn moves, and Fridays winter adjustments. From next week, that is how we will play. So, I'm going to ask you for your Winter adjustments for 2000GMT tomorrow, Tuesday 9 July, and I will publish press for you on Wednesday 10 July 2000GMT, ready for Spring 04 which will be 2000GMT Monday 15 July. And back to our usual publishing schedule.

Here's the latest news of army and fleet movements around us:

A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Rumania

A Serbia - Rumania
A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*)

F English Channel Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Liverpool - Irish Sea (*Fails*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

F Norway Supports F Denmark - Sweden
A Picardy - Brest (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc), no move received

F Brest Hold
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A Marseilles Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean

A Paris Supports F Brest

A Berlin - Prussia
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Munich
A Ruhr - Burgundy

F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste
F Albania Supports A Venice - Trieste

F Greece Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Venice - Trieste
A Venice - Trieste

A Armenia Supports F Black Sea - Ankara
F Black Sea - Ankara
A Bulgaria - Constantinople (*Fails*)
A Galicia - Silesia

F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea

F Aegean Sea Hold
F Ankara Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople Hold

There are no retreats, so we're straight into Winter 03:

Austria:   Supp  4 Unit  3 Build  0
England:   Supp  6 Unit  6 Build  0
France:    Supp  5 Unit  5 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  6 Unit  5 Build  1
Italy:     Supp  6 Unit  5 Build  1
Russia:    Supp  5 Unit  5 Build  0

Turkey:    Supp  2 Unit  2 Build  0

And now we have some press, hot off the telegraph wires, straight from our Barcelona newsdesk!


Russia to Austria:  Sorry, Sil - Gal was supposed to help Rum.

Russia to Austria & Italy:  Seriously.  AIR.  Stop the madness!  Anyone?  GE will call the shots if we don't unite.

Russia to GE:  If my southern friends can't unite, please consider me
the third leg of your stool.  I'll finish off T and occupy the corner.
 Heh Heh... stool.


Der Kaiser smacks his lips at the menu of frog legsDer Kaiser raises an eyebrow at the monstrous notion of endgames in year 1903
Der Kaiser's Munich army plans on patting Italian soldiers on their green little headsDer
Kaiser feels that he inspires trust in his colleague by letting him
enjoy waffles in exchange for meatballs, perhaps he will trade crepes
for those waffles?

This concludes our latest edition of the Catalan Chronicle,
hope you've enjoyed reading it. Please do send in your news stories,
thoughts, dreams, ambitions, and reviews, however mendacious, for us all
to enjoy.

I'm looking for a build from each of Germany and Italy, and any press that you might want to publish in the Winter 03 adjudication, by 2000GMT tomorrow (just under 24 hours from now).

There will be one more press deadline on Wednesday 10 July 2000GMT before the Spring 04 moves, due 2000GMT Monday 15 July.

Jerome (Editor)


DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1901 adjudication - Cartesian   (Jul 08, 2013, 12:09 pm)
FALL 1901 adjudication
Despite heroic rearguard action, Marseilles falls to Italian Army, Germany in support! Russia and Austria clash over Warsaw and Greece. Austrian Fleet "just on a pleasure cruise" says Captain von Trapp.

Zurich Puppetmasters' Gazette (Grey Press (Anonymous))
My enemy's enemy's best friend is a force to be reckoned with, so watch out!

As of this season, Turkey has now become the Ottoman Empire.  Any reference to the glorious Ottoman Empire using the squalid identifier of Turkey will be considered immediate grounds for war!

White Press:Cartesian: NB All press will be published as Grey (Anonymous) unless the writer included a dateline identifying himself (e.g. "France at War", "Paris Soir" ,"Cartesian", "Zoterik" etc)
Cartesian: As always, Gentlemen Puppetmasters, please note I am human and therefore fallible. If you spot an error, please let me know very quickly after the adjudication.

There are no retreats, so we pass quickly to Winter Builds.

*** Winter 1901 Wednesday 10th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders now?followed by Spring 1902 Monday 17th July 1500 GMT

*** I will adjudicate Winter 1901 earlier if all orders are marked "Final". ***
Austria: Builds 1 for 4 supply centres

England: Builds 2 for 5France: No change for 3Germany: Builds 2 for 5Italy: Builds 2 for 5Russia: Builds 2 for 6Turkey: Builds 1 for 4

Orders and adjudication:

Austria: A Galicia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)A Serbia - Greece (*Bounce*)F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
England: A Yorkshire - NorwayF North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Norway
F English Channel - Belgium
France: F Picardy - BrestA Spain - Marseilles (*Bounce*)A Gascony - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Piedmont - MarseillesA Kiel - DenmarkF Holland Supports F English Channel - Belgium
Italy: A Apulia - VeniceF Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Piedmont - Marseilles
Russia: F Finland - SwedenA Ukraine - Warsaw (*Bounce*)A Sevastopol - RumaniaF Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Greece (*Bounce*)F Constantinople - Aegean SeaA Ankara - Armenia

Attached:Movement map. Orders Resolved Map
Realpolitik file


DC460 Puppetmasters Fall 1901 adjudication (dc460) Cartesian Jul 09, 04:12 am
Please note: the .dpy file I sent you yesterday was inexplicably corrupt but has now been rescued and is attached here.
The shading on the maps was wrong as a consequence and I append those here. 

The adjudication itself was correct, so no problem there.
If I get all Winter Builds marked 'Final' I shall adjudicate early. Otherwise deadline as stated.

*** Winter 1901 Wednesday 10th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders now?
followed by Spring 1902 Monday 17th July 1500 GMT
*** I will adjudicate Winter 1901 earlier if all orders are marked "Final". ***


On 8 July 2013 18:09, John Langley <cartesian.i(at)gmail.com> wrote:

FALL 1901 adjudication
Despite heroic rearguard action, Marseilles falls to Italian Army, Germany in support! Russia and Austria clash over Warsaw and Greece. Austrian Fleet "just on a pleasure cruise" says Captain von Trapp.

Zurich Puppetmasters' Gazette (Grey Press (Anonymous))
My enemy's enemy's best friend is a force to be reckoned with, so watch out!

As of this season, Turkey has now become the Ottoman Empire.  Any reference to the glorious Ottoman Empire using the squalid identifier of Turkey will be considered immediate grounds for war!

White Press:Cartesian: NB All press will be published as Grey (Anonymous) unless the writer included a dateline identifying himself (e.g. "France at War", "Paris Soir" ,"Cartesian", "Zoterik" etc)
Cartesian: As always, Gentlemen Puppetmasters, please note I am human and therefore fallible. If you spot an error, please let me know very quickly after the adjudication.

There are no retreats, so we pass quickly to Winter Builds.

*** Winter 1901 Wednesday 10th July 1500 GMT ***  - why not send your provisional orders now?followed by Spring 1902 Monday 17th July 1500 GMT

*** I will adjudicate Winter 1901 earlier if all orders are marked "Final". ***
Austria: Builds 1 for 4 supply centres

England: Builds 2 for 5France: No change for 3Germany: Builds 2 for 5Italy: Builds 2 for 5Russia: Builds 2 for 6Turkey: Builds 1 for 4

Orders and adjudication:

Austria: A Galicia - Warsaw (*Bounce*)A Serbia - Greece (*Bounce*)F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea
England: A Yorkshire - NorwayF North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Norway
F English Channel - Belgium
France: F Picardy - BrestA Spain - Marseilles (*Bounce*)A Gascony - Marseilles (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy Supports A Piedmont - MarseillesA Kiel - DenmarkF Holland Supports F English Channel - Belgium
Italy: A Apulia - VeniceF Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Piedmont - Marseilles
Russia: F Finland - SwedenA Ukraine - Warsaw (*Bounce*)A Sevastopol - RumaniaF Black Sea Supports A Sevastopol - Rumania

Turkey: A Bulgaria - Greece (*Bounce*)F Constantinople - Aegean SeaA Ankara - Armenia

Attached:Movement map. Orders Resolved Map
Realpolitik file
dc442 s10 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 08, 2013, 10:12 am)
Complicated turn here!  Lots changing hands in some pretty critical spaces.  I'm not sure who did best, as many ppl seemed to give a little, get a little.  Speaking of little tho... the Hobbits seemed to get bludgeoned from all around.  That much is clear.  NEXT:  Some retreats!  Tomorrow, Tuesday 7/9, 3pm Central:
Hobbit F Never Never Land can retreat to Far Far Away.
Gnome A Moominvalley can retreat to Pygmy.
Archer F NORTH MIRIANIC OCEAN can retreat to Ella or Gumdrop Isle.

A Vinyaya - Oz
A Duloc - Maze of Regrets
F Myth Drannor Supports F Great Glacier
F Great Glacier Supports F RAZORS EDGE - RIVER OF THE DAWN
A Parce Pass Supports F PIRATE SHOALS - Pans Labyrinth
A Daisy Meadows - Dimmsdale (*Bounce*)
A Cliffs of Insanity Supports F Myth Drannor
F Port Ghaast - CHURNING REACH (*Fails*)
A Ancient Necropolis - Twisted Tunnels (*Fails*)
A Undermountain Supports A Hollow Earth - Snow Witch (*Void*)
F NORTH MIRIANIC OCEAN, no move received (*Dislodged*)
A Hollow Earth Supports F EAST MIRIANIC OCEAN - Mount Nimro
A Ivory Tower Supports F Myth Drannor
A Spirit Pond Supports F EAST MIRIANIC OCEAN - Mount Nimro
A Garthim - Marshes of Morva
A Prekkendorran Hts - Gelfling
F Waterdeep - Candlekeep (*Fails*)
A City of Splendors - Faerun
A Devils Canyon - Snow Witch
A Krikkit Supports A Nowwhat - Two Towers
F Thirsty Desert Supports A Nowwhat - Two Towers
A Shining Stream - The Wilderland
A The Wilderland - Nowwhat
A Nowwhat - Two Towers
F Golgafrincham - BABEL BEACH
F Dragon Coast Supports F RIVER OF THE DAWN
F RIVER OF THE DAWN Supports F Dragon Coast (*Cut*)
A Troldhaugen - Cave of Ordeals
A Pygmy - Plains of Dust
A Moominvalley Supports A Pygmy - Plains of Dust (*Dislodged*)
F Abby Normal Supports F THON THALAS - HIGH SEAS
F The High Way - MERMAIDS LAGOON (*Fails*)
A Venatori Umbrarum Supports A Ancient Necropolis (*Ordered to Move*)
F Mordor Supports A Two Towers
A Rohan Supports A Two Towers (*Cut*)
A Two Towers Supports A Candlekeep (*Disbanded*)
A Candlekeep Supports A Two Towers (*Cut*)
F Never Never Land Supports F SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Dislodged*)
F Kara-Tur Supports A Candlekeep
F Yuirwood Supports A Candlekeep (*Fails*)
F SEA OF FALLEN STARS Supports F Never Never Land (*Cut*)
A Tumnus Hold
F Grissel Hold
F Grimheim Supports F BEAVERSDAM - Ashan
A The Silver city Supports F BEAVERSDAM - Ashan
A Sorrows End Supports F Abby Normal
A Niflheim Supports A Pygmy - Plains of Dust
A Telmar - Orboros
A Owlwood Hold
A Cave of Ordeals - Yggdrasil
F Land of Sweets Hold
A Carpantha Supports F EAST MIRIANIC OCEAN - Mount Nimro
F SUNLESS SEA Convoys A Telmar - Orboros
F Lindon - Rohan (*Fails*)
F Knockshegowna - BIKINI BOTTOM
A Fitzgibbon Hold
A Fjord, no move received
A Tuatha - Myrtle
F Whoville - Heresh
F Enchanted Isles - SEA OF FALLEN STARS (*Fails*)
F The Old Gristmill - ZEBOIMS DEEP
F The Julianthes Supports F Mount Nimro - CHURNING REACH
A Hoarluk Supports A Twisted Tunnels
A Allerleirauh - Powry
A Twisted Tunnels Supports A Hoarluk (*Cut*)
F WAY THE HECK Supports F HIGH SEAS - Never Never Land
F Kahvi Hold
F Grendel Supports F Kahvi
A Cyriss Supports A Plains of Dust - Moominvalley
A Plains of Dust - Moominvalley
A Lost Woods Supports A Plains of Dust - Moominvalley
A Kender - Dargaard Keep
F Walk of Clouds - Dimmsdale (*Bounce*)
F HIGH SEAS - Never Never Land
F MERMAIDS LAGOON - The High Way (*Fails*)
F PIRATE SHOALS - Pans Labyrinth


dc458 f03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 08, 2013, 9:15 am)
Back from my trip to an inbox full of orders - how nice!  Here's some results...
Russia is dislodged from Rum, but I'm just gonna auto-retreat this to Ukr since he can't rebuild if OTB instead.
Austria: Build 1
England: Remove 1
France: Build 1
Italy: Build 1
Turkey: Remove 1
Those 5 orders due Wednesday!  3pm Central.
A Albania - Serbia
A Budapest Supports A Serbia - Rumania
A Bulgaria Supports A Ankara - Constantinople
A Galicia Supports A Serbia - Rumania
F Greece Supports A Bulgaria
A Serbia - Rumania
F London - English Channel (*Fails*)
F North Sea Supports F London - English Channel
F Norway Supports F North Sea (*Cut*)
A St Petersburg Supports F Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)
A Belgium Hold
A Brest - Wales
F English Channel Convoys A Brest - Wales
F Irish Sea Supports F English Channel
A Liverpool Supports A Brest - Wales (*Cut*)
F Spain(sc) Hold
F Helgoland Bight - Holland
A Kiel - Denmark
A Prussia - Livonia
A Silesia, no move received
F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden - Norway
A Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Supports A Galicia - Ukraine (*Void*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna
F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna
A Tunis Hold
A Tuscany Hold
F Constantinople Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Moscow Supports A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Rumania Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Ankara - Constantinople
F Black Sea - Sevastopol (*Fails*)


DC460 Puppetmasters deadline approaches! - Cartesian   (Jul 08, 2013, 7:03 am)
*** Fall 1901 Monday 8th July 1500 GMT ***

Just a few hours to send orders and PRESS!



DC450 Spring 07 Due Fri 06/28 - Joral   (Jul 07, 2013, 9:25 pm)
Once again, all end game proposals fail. We're now on to fall
adjustments / winter.
French A Burgundy can retreat to Gascony or Paris.
Austria: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
England: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
France: Supp 8 Unit 9 Remove 1
Germany: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 6 Unit 6 Build 0
Russia: Supp 17 Unit 15 Build 2
Turkey: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
I won't be able to run them before 07/12. Spring 08 won't be until August.
A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Dislodged*)
A Edinburgh, no move received
F English Channel Convoys A London - Brest
A Holland - Belgium
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A London - Brest
A Marseilles - Spain
A Picardy - Burgundy (*Fails*)
A Yorkshire - London
F Baltic Sea, no move received
A Berlin, no move received
A Kiel, no move received
F North Sea, no move received
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy
A Piedmont - Marseilles
A Ruhr - Burgundy
A Venice Hold
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Denmark Supports A Ruhr - Kiel (*Void*)
A Galicia - Bohemia
A Greece, no move received
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight Supports A Denmark
A Prussia - Berlin (*Fails*)
A Rumania - Budapest
A Serbia - Trieste (*Fails*)
F Skagerrak Supports A Denmark
A Smyrna Hold
F Sweden - Norway
A Trieste - Venice (*Fails*)
A Vienna Supports A Serbia - Trieste (*Fails*)
A Warsaw - Silesia

On 07/03/2013 08:17 AM, Justin Card wrote:
Deadline coming up, for any who want to get updated moves in.

On 06/30/2013 05:58 PM, Justin Card wrote:
> Germany:
> F Denmark - North Sea
> Italy:
> A Trieste - Venice
> And on to fall turn.
> A lot of end game proposals for this turn.
> Russian Solo is reproposed
> F / G Draw is proposed
> F / Fake I Draw is proposed (I'm not really sure I follow this one yet.)
> I was hoping to get this one sewn up. I'm on vacation starting on the
> 8th, and Simon is out when I get back on the 12th. So we have this
> week, or the game is on hiatus until August.
> Let's get this one by 00:00 on july 4.
> Justin
> On 06/29/2013 02:45 PM, Justin Card wrote:
>> Russian solo fails.
>> Retreats:
>> German F Denmark can retreat to North Sea. (I'm assuming this one, let
>> me know if you want to go OTB)
>> Italian A Trieste can retreat to Albania or Venice.
>> Likewise, you can always choose to retreat OTB.
>> I'll process retreats tonight
>> ------------
>> France:
>> A Belgium - Holland
>> F Brest - English Channel
>> A Edinburgh Supports A Liverpool - Yorkshire
>> A Gascony - Burgundy
>> F Irish Sea Supports F Brest - English Channel
>> A Liverpool - Yorkshire
>> A London Hold
>> A Marseilles, no move received
>> A Paris - Picardy
>> Germany:
>> F Baltic Sea Hold
>> A Berlin Hold
>> F Denmark Hold (*Dislodged*)
>> A Kiel Hold
>> Italy:
>> F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea
>> A Munich - Ruhr
>> A Piedmont - Marseilles (*Fails*)
>> A Trieste - Tyrolia (*Dislodged*)
>> A Tyrolia - Munich
>> F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon
>> Russia:
>> A Armenia - Smyrna
>> A Budapest - Trieste
>> F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)
>> A Greece - Bulgaria (*Bounce*)
>> A Livonia - Prussia
>> A Moscow - Warsaw
>> F North Sea - Helgoland Bight
>> F Norway - Sweden
>> A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Trieste
>> A Sevastopol - Rumania
>> F Skagerrak Supports A Sweden - Denmark
>> F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
>> A Sweden - Denmark
>> A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Bounce*)
>> A Warsaw - Galicia


Dc 449: End Game Proposal - AlanRFarrington   (Jul 07, 2013, 5:16 pm)
We have an End game proposal to go along with this Spring turn.  If it passes it will come into effect BEFORE the spring turn.

End Game:
France/Germany Two way draw (Survival Turkey and Austria)



DC455 Aberration - Summer 1906 - Zoterik   (Jul 07, 2013, 9:58 am)

Ukrainian F West Black Sea - Odessa

Fall 1906 orders due 11 July at 23:00 GMT. (no change)


DC455 Aberration - Spring 1906 - Zoterik   (Jul 06, 2013, 11:17 pm)
Sorry for a late adjudication, but I was unexpectedly without internet over the weekend, and thus could neither adjudicate nor send a reminder.  And thus why preliminary orders are so nice, but that's the last I'll say on that subject.  

My analysis of the alliances appears to be holding steady, while the minor nations pick sides in an effort to stay alive.  The Sword of Damocles hangs over some, whilst larger nations must choose between eliminating neighbors, or bargaining for better positioning.  

One unit needs a retreat; the Ukrainian order can be made public.
Summer 1906 retreat due 09 July at 23:00 GMT.
Fall 1906 orders due 11 July at 23:00 GMT.



F Anatolia S Ukr F East Black Sea - West Black Sea

 ÉireF Edinburgh - North Sea (*fails*)
F Yorkshire S F Edinburgh - North Sea
F Anglican Sea - English Channel (*bounce*)

 HungaryA Bulgaria - Macedonia
A Szeged - Serbia
A Bavaria - Swabia (*fails*)A Schwyz S Spa F Gulf of Lion - Languedoc (*void*)
F Venezia HoldA Tyrol S F Venezia
F Zara HoldA Croatia S F Zara

F East Black Sea - West Black Sea
F Georgia - East Black Sea (*bounce*)A Armenia - Georgia (*fails*)
A Iran S A Armenia - Georgia A Turkestan - Kazakhstan (*fails*)
F Pylos Sea - Ionian SeaF Aegean Sea S Sic F Constantinople


A Hesse - Hague
A Saxony - HesseA Swabia - Lorraine (*fails*)
A Warsaw - PodoliaA Kiev - Donbas
A Azerbaijan - CircassiaA Rumania S Hun A Bulgaria (*ordered to move*)
A Kazakhstan HoldF North Sea Hold
F Heligoland Bight S F North SeaF Norwegian Sea S F North Sea

F Adriatic Sea - Venezia (*fails*)
A Piedmont S F Adriatic Sea - VeneziaF Languedoc S A Piedmont
F Ligurian Sea S A PiedmontA Rome - Umbria
F Albania - Zara (*fails*)F Tunisia - Malta Sea
A Athens - BulgariaF Constantinople S Isr F East Black Sea - West Black Sea

A Brittany - France
A Dijon S A Brittany - FranceF Irish Sea - English Channel (*bounce*)
F Santander - Mid-Atlantic OceanF Morocco - South Atlantic Ocean
F Valencia - GibraltarF Gulf of Lion - Palma Sea


F West Black Sea - Constantinople (*dislodged*)

F Yalta - East Black Sea (*bounce*)

RetreatsUkrainian F West Black Sea can retreat to Odessa or Taurida.


DC456 Imperium - Spring 406 - Zoterik   (Jul 06, 2013, 4:57 pm)
I had these orders on the 3rd, but some were preliminary so I waited.  And yet they did not change.  And so, here you are:  Spring 406 comes with a collection of tactical retreats and stalemated armies.  In fact, I wouldn't feel terribly far from the mark if I said that nothing happened, but we all know that's not quite true.  Defense happened, and I revel in it.

Fall 406 orders due 11th July at 23:00 GMT.  I appreciate the punctuality; keep it up!


A Syracusæ - Macedonia (*bounce*)F Mare Ionium C A Syracusæ - Macedonia
F Brundisium S F Mare IoniumA Alpes S Vam A Massilia
A Hunni Quarti - Chersonesus (*fails*)A Scytia - Iazygi (*bounce*)

A Saguntum - Tarraconensis
F Narbonensis - SaguntumA Viennensis - Aquitania
A Colonia Agrippa - LutetiaF Londinium - Mare Germanicum (*bounce*)
A Flavia Cæsarensis - Eburacum (*fails*)

F Mare Interium - Mare Ionium (*fails*)
F Athenium - Macedonia/wc (*bounce*)A Thracia - Iazygi (*bounce*)
A Chersonesus - Hunni Quarti (*fails*)F Miletus - Ægeais
F Byzantium HoldA Carthago Hold

F Maxima Cæsarensis - Mare Germanicum (*bounce*)
F Eburacum/ec S F Maxima Cæsarensis - Mare Germanicum (*cut*)F Rotomagus - Oceanus Britannicus


F Mare Ligusticum - BalearesF Roma - Mare Ligusticum
A Capova - RomaF Rhegium - Mare Tyrrhenicum
A Massilia HoldA Sequanorum Hold


Dc 449: Winter 1908 Adjudication - AlanRFarrington   (Jul 06, 2013, 12:08 pm)
Hey Guys,

I said this wasn't due until next week but I have all the orders in so I'll give you some extra time to thin about Spring moves.  The Vote for a 4 way draw fails.  We also have to say good bye to Russia this turn.  Thanks for playing Zach, I hope you enjoyed yourself.

Next Deadline:
Spring 1909 Adjudication is due Friday, July 12th at Midnight GMT (7:00pm EST)

Remove A Apulia
Remove A Albania

Build F Brest
Build A Paris
Build A Marseilles

Build A Berlin
Build F Kiel

Remove A Livonia

Remove F Eastern Mediterranean

Ownership of Supply Centers

Austria:   Rumania, Serbia, Trieste.
France:    Belgium, Brest, Liverpool, London, Marseilles,
           Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Tunis, Venice.
Germany:   Berlin, Budapest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,
           Moscow, Munich, Norway, St Petersburg, Sweden,
           Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Sevastopol,

Alan Farrington


Page:  1 . . . 97  98  99  100  101  102  103  104  105  106  107  108  109  110  111  112  113 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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