DC196 - A New English Hero - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Hi everyone,
My apologies for the delay in the game. Murphy's Law as usual - when things go wrong they go wrong at the worst possible time. Mike's departure combined with my three-day drive and a situation of no internet access.
But - all water under the bridge now. Please welcome Rachael, (verticallychallangedcutie(at)gmail.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)gmail.com[/email])), who has been good enough to step into the role as England. To give her a little time to meet and greet with you all, I'll reset the Spring 1902 deadline for Thursday, July 31st (11:59 PM GMT). This isn't as much time as I'd like to grant her - but I have to factor in the already extended delay that the game has gone through.
Thanks for hanging in there everyone. We're back on track and rearing to go. Cheers!
DC161 Fall 833 Adjudication - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Heya gents,
My most sincere apologies for the late adjudication. Probably shouldn't have scheduled a deadline over my trip. Here we are though, all hooked up once more and ready to rock.
We'll skip the usual flavour and move right to the results. No retreats are needed but the Scots get a build, the Anglo-Saxons a disband. We'll snap right along and set the deadline for Winter 833 for Thursday, July 31st (11:59 PM GMT).
Cheers everyone,
Movement results for Fall of 833. (DC 161 833 FALL)
Scots: F Bernicia - Firth of Forth (*Fails*).
Scots: F Cait - Moray Firth.
Scots: F Circinn Supports F Cait - Moray Firth.
Scots: A Deira - Lindsey (*Fails*).
Scots: F Fortrenn Supports F Cait - Moray Firth.
Scots: F Hebridean Sea - Arctic Ocean (*Fails*).
Scots: F Irish Sea - Leinster (*Bounce*).
Scots: F Scapa Flow - Norwegian Sea (*Fails*).
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean - Leinster (*Bounce*).
Britons: A Dyfed Supports A Gwynned.
Britons: F English Channel - Hamptonshire.
Britons: A Gwynned Hold.
Britons: F Lyme Bay - Cornwall.
Norse: F Arctic Ocean - Scapa Flow (*Fails*).
Norse: F East Anglia, no move received.
Norse: F Firth of Forth Supports F Moray Firth (*Cut*).
Norse: A Hordaland Hold.
Norse: F Moray Firth Supports F Arctic Ocean - Scapa Flow (*Disbanded*).
Norse: F Norwegian Sea Supports F Moray Firth (*Cut*).
Norse: F Rogaland Coast Supports F Moray Firth.
AngloSaxons: A Hwicce - Gwent.
AngloSaxons: A Mercia - Gwynned (*Fails*).
AngloSaxons: A Middle Anglia - Mercia (*Fails*).
AngloSaxons: A Powys Supports A Mercia - Gwynned.
Swedes: A Austrasia Hold.
Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania Convoys A Skane - Saxony.
Swedes: A Frisia Hold.
Swedes: F Kent Hold.
Swedes: A Lindsey - Middle Anglia (*Fails*).
Swedes: F North Frisian Coast - West Frisian Coast.
Swedes: F North Sea Supports F Firth of Forth.
Swedes: A Skane - Saxony.
Swedes: A Sussex Supports F English Channel - Hamptonshire.
Swedes: F The Wash - Bernicia (*Fails*).
Unit locations:
Scots: F Bernicia, F Circinn, A Deira, F Fortrenn, F Hebridean Sea, F Irish
Sea, F Moray Firth, F Scapa Flow.
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, F Cornwall, A Dyfed, A Gwynned, F Hamptonshire.
Norse: F Arctic Ocean, F East Anglia, F Firth of Forth, A Hordaland, F
Moray Firth, F Norwegian Sea, F Rogaland Coast.
AngloSaxons: A Gwent, A Mercia, A Middle Anglia, A Powys.
Swedes: A Austrasia, F Bay of Pomerania, A Frisia, F Kent, A Lindsey, F
North Sea, A Saxony, A Sussex, F The Wash, F West Frisian Coast.
Ownership of supply centers:
Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Deira, Fortrenn, Leinster, Meath,
Strathclyde, Ulster.
Britons: Brittany, Cornwall, Gwynned, Hamptonshire, Neustria.
Norse: Agder, East Anglia, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Gwent, Mercia, Powys.
Swedes: Austrasia, Frisia, Gotar, Kent, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia,
Roskilde, Skane, Svear.
Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Britons: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 3 Supply centers, 4 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.
DC176 - delayed Fall 07 adjudication - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
With the departure of Brutus/Kevin, I will have to delay adjudication until we have a replacement.
I'll let you know when this is the case.
If you happen to know anyone, please point them to me or to the DC website under Open Games.
Frank[Reply] |
Dc181 DRAW Correction - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Admendment to the awinter adjudication.
The DRAW proposal is for
Austria - Germany - Italy
Please vote with your moves when you submit for the next spring deadline.
Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 01:25:21 -0700
Subject: Player list dc181
To: douglasefresh(at)gmail.com; mike(at)southwall.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com
From: feedback(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Player list for dc181
ID : kevinokelly
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Kevin OKelly
Email : kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com
Location :
ID : bielf11
Ctry : England 0
Name : Frank Bielschowsky
Email : bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com
Location : NJ, US
ID : ecommander0
Ctry : France 0
Name : Eric Shum
Email : ecommander0(at)hotmail.com
Location : Richmond Hill, ON, CA
ID : briankingfox
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : Brian Lam
Email : briankingfox(at)hotmail.com
Location : HK
ID : waweet
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : David Kodarin
Email : david.kodarin(at)gmail.com
Location :
ID : unitedfan1389
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Matt Kremer
Email : matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu
Location :
ID : scaponig
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Steve Caponigri
Email : scaponig(at)yahoo.com
Location : Chicago, IL, US
Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):
Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):
ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
kevinokelly Austria 0 Kevin OKelly kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com
bielf11 England 0 Frank Bielschowsky bielschowsky.f(at)googlemail.com NJ, US
ecommander0 France 0 Eric Shum ecommander0(at)hotmail.com Richmond Hill, ON, CA
briankingfox Germany 0 Brian Lam briankingfox(at)hotmail.com HK
waweet Italy 0 David Kodarin david.kodarin(at)gmail.com
unitedfan1389 Russia 0 Matt Kremer matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu
scaponig Turkey 0 Steve Caponigri scaponig(at)yahoo.com Chicago, IL, US
Click here. Want to help Windows Live Messenger plant more Aussie trees?[Reply] |
Dc189 Summer 854 - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Dc189 Summer 854
GM - I should have got this out last night, but I decide to go and see George Romero's Night of the Living Dead at the Melbourne International Film Festival. It was great! and then i was tired when i got home so went to bed - GM
Next Deadline fall 854 is due Saturday 3rd August at 5pm, Australian EST. (trying to speed up to catch up on lost ground)
Pict Fleet retreats to Aberdeen.
Stephen Lytton
aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Rose)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com
Try ninemsn dating now! Meet singles near you.[Reply] |
DC-198 Summer Mayhem Winter 1903 Adjudication - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
All adjustments are in, so we're back on track for a smooth ride. Thanks, guys.
Austria: Daniel Sloane <eagles_fan_07(at)comcast.net>
England: Andrew Cassese <landru428(at)aol.com>
France: Jon Kudlick <jkudlick(at)gmail.com>
Germany: Drew Ott <drew3739o(at)yahoo.com>
Italy: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
Russia: Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>
Turkey: Adam Kujawa <edisun_end(at)hotmail.com>
Observer: Joe Hackett <jhack16(at)gmail.com>
Remove A Bohemia
Remove A Albania
Build A Paris
Remove A Kiel
Build F Naples
Build A Moscow
Build A Smyrna
Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)
Austria: ELIMINATED 1903
England: (6/6)
Armies - Den, Fin
Fleets - Bar, Nth, Nwy, Ska
France: (7/7)
Armies - Bel, Bur, Hol, Gas, Par
Fleets - MAO, Wes
Germany: (1/1)
Armies - Sil
Italy: (7/7)
Armies - Ber, Tri, Mun, Ven
Fleets - Apu, Ion, Nap
Russia: (7/7)
Armies - Bud, Lvn, Mos, Vie
Fleets - Bal, Rum, StP
Turkey: (6/6)
Armies - Bul, Ser, Smy
Fleets - Con, Eas, Gre
Spring 1904 is due Friday, 1 August at 9pm CST (2am, 2 August GMT.)
Any issues or errors, let me know.
Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!
Thanks all,
The White Wolf
I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:
http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1369632/[Reply] |
DC138 - Getting back on track - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Heya WOODers..
Apologies for the slight delay in the adjudication. I take full responsibility - my internet connection was lost while travelling and only re-established this afternoon. That being said though, there are still a couple of you who have not submitted orders and/or votes for the various DIAS proposals. Please remember that not voting is the equivalent of saying 'no'.
We'll delay till Wednesday, July 30th (11:59 PM GMT) - roughly 20.5 hours - in hopes that the missing votes/orders will find their way in.
Trout[Reply] |
DC172 - A Storm Of Circumstances - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Heya there gents,
Its a crazy set of circumstances we find ourselves in. Our vacationing player returned in the middle of my cross-country drive. I'm happy to report that they have orders in, but I still find us short one set. The player in question has been in touch and I expect the orders imminently.
That being said, we seem to be in a rut of late adjudications here. This last one was my fault, I admit, but I vow that these will cease. A DIAS has been proposed by an extremely frustrated member of our group. The deadline for the DIAS vote will be published with the adjudication, as soon as I can do so. I'd like to say, though, that if the game continues then further late orders will be met with immediate replacements. Its not a line that I like to draw, but i find that I have to here in this case.
PRELIMS are *highly* suggested from all players.
Okay - that's grumpy Trout over and done with. Let me just say that your patience has been *greatly* appreciated, I sincerely apologize for this delay and you have my word that the timeliness of this game will be turned around.
Trout[Reply] |
DC173 - Winter Adjudication Imminent - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Heya folks,
First off, my most sincere thank you to all your guys for your patience over the last couple days. I lost contact with the internet over the weekend as I was travelling and it was only re-established this afternoon. My apologies for the delay.
Secondly, I'm happy to report that Paolo is back and in contact. He has requested a three-day extension to get back into the groove of things. I'm a little loathe not to grant it to him, but I've asked him to get a build to us as soon as possible... I will adjudicate as soon as I receive it.
That's where we stand currently. Cheers everyone,
Trout[Reply] |
DC192 - The Scum on the Slop Bucket RESULTS SPRING... - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
GM Comment:
[u:72ffea6f83]Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders and potential adjustment orders with your usual orders for the next turn.[/u:72ffea6f83]
Preliminary orders are highly recommended.
Please put the game number 'DC192', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders.
The GM House Rules and information on 2-season Diplomacy and the way to order retreats and adjustments can be found on the DC192 game page at http://sforza.50webs.com/PS%20GM%20HR%20Standard%202-S.doc
These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC192 game page http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc192 and DC192 message board.
The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy (2008 5th Edition) can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf and www.diplomaticcorp.com/pdf/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf
Orders (as interpreted, no NMRs):
A Budapest Supports A Trieste
F Greece Hold
A Serbia Supports RUSSIAN A Rumania - Bulgaria
A Trieste Hold
A Vienna Supports A Trieste
F Liverpool Hold
A Brest - Gascony
A Burgundy Hold
F Irish Sea Supports GERMAN A Yorkshire - Wales
F North Africa - Tunis
F Western Mediterranean - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails [1:1]*)
A Berlin - Silesia
A Kiel - Denmark
F London - North Sea (*fails [1:1]*)
F North Sea - Norway
A Ruhr - Munich
A Sweden Supports F North Sea - Norway
A Tyrolia - Trieste (*fails [3:3]*)
A Yorkshire - Wales
F Adriatic Sea Supports GERMAN A Tyrolia - Trieste
F Ionian Sea - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails [1:1]*)
A Silesia - Prussia
A Venice Supports GERMAN A Tyrolia - Trieste
F Black Sea - Constantinople
F Edinburgh - North Sea (*fails [1:1]*)
A Galicia - Warsaw
F Norway Supports F Edinburgh - North Sea (*cut*, *dislodged [1:2]* - see retreats below)
A Rumania - Bulgaria
F Sevastopol - Armenia (*fails [1:1]*)
A Ukraine - Moscow
F Ankara - Black Sea
A Armenia - Sevastopol (*fails [1:1]*)
A Bulgaria Hold (*dislodged [1:2], *destroyed* - no retreat possible)
A Constantinople - Smyrna
Retreats (only required retreats shown):
F Norway - Skagerrak (*ordered*)
Next Deadline:
Fall 1904: 20h00 UTC/GMT, Monday, 4th August 2008
The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx
The Diplomaticcorp site player page also shows UTC based on your computer clock - if you are logged in.
Press is via player email or the DC192 Message Board
There are 3 maps (gif) for this turn:
DC192Sp04m: showing moves.
DC192Sp04r: showing retreats.
DC192SP04f: showing final positions.
A complete map history for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/
A slideshow purely showing end of turn maps can be found at:
http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/slideshow.php?game_id=dc192 (eventually this will contain all maps, but this is a retrospective process as the slideshow facility was installed on Diplomaticcorp after the game started and I haven't got around to loading up all the old maps yet).
Paolo.[Reply] |
dc186 Fall '73 Results - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
The Dragon Throne extends an offer of protection to all Asian people. Your European oppressors have held you under their thumb for far too long. When your brethren march into your cities, welcome them with open arms. Help your cousins thrown off the yoke of colonial government once and for all!
Reference map:
Builds & Disbands are due Friday August 1st 8 AM CDST (GMT -5) 1300 GMT
Orders and Results:
A Afghanistan Supports A Tibet - Punjab (*Fails*)
A Assam - Upper Burma
A Canton - Tongking
F East China Sea - Formosa (*Fails*)
F Kyushu Hold
A Peking - Mongolia
A Punjab - Rajputana (*Fails*)
A Rajputana - Nagpur (*Disbanded*)
A Tibet - Punjab (*Fails*)
A Yunnan - Mandalay
A Bangkok - Rangoon
A Bengal Supports A Punjab - Nepal (*Void*)
A Cambodia - Bangkok (*Bounce*)
F Gulf of Siam Supports A Malaya
A Malaya Hold
F South China Sea Supports F East China Sea - Formosa (*Cut*)
F Sunda Sea - Java Sea
F Andaman Sea - Bangkok(wc) (*Bounce*)
A Cebu - Manila
F East Indian Ocean - Sumatra
F Java Sea - Java
F Luzon Strait - South China Sea (*Fails*)
F Sarawak - Sunda Sea
F Sulu Sea Supports F Sarawak - Sulu Sea (*Fails*)
A Bombay - Rajputana
A Delhi Supports A Bombay - Rajputana
F Gulf of Manaar - Ceylon
A Hyderabad - Nagpur (*Bounce*)
A Lucknow Supports A Delhi
A Singapore Hold awaiting her grim fate
F Southeast Indian Ocean - Timor Sea
F Formosa Hold
F Middle Pacific - Lower Pacific
A Armenia - Baku (*Bounce*)
F Constantinople - Black Sea (*Fails*)
F Egypt - Mediterranean Sea
F Gulf of Aden - Arabian Sea
F Mediterranean Sea - Angora
F Persian Gulf - Persia (*Bounce*)
F Red Sea - Egypt
A Tabriz - Baku (*Bounce*)
A Akita Hold
A Baku - Armenia (*Fails*)
F Black Sea Supports A Baku - Armenia (*Cut*)
A Bokhara - Persia (*Bounce*)
A Karachi Supports A Bokhara - Persia (*Fails*)
F Kyoto Supports F Okhotsk Sea - Upper Pacific
A Moscow - Baku (*Bounce*)
F Odessa - Rumania
F Okhotsk Sea - Upper Pacific
A Orenburg - Bokhara (*Fails*)
A Perm - Moscow (*Fails*)
A Persia - Tabriz (*Fails*)
F Sea of Japan - Yellow Sea
Forced Disband:
Chinese A Rajputana has no retreats, disbanded.
Builds Due:
China: 15 / 9 Build 5
Holland: 8 / 7 Build 1
Russia: 14 / 13 Build 1
Disbands Due:
France: 6 / 7 Remove 1
India: 5 / 7 Remove 2
Japan: 2 / 2
Turkey: 8 / 8
“Pleasure and pain, though directly opposite are contrived to be
constant companions.”[Reply] |
DC135 Fear & Loathing - Spring 1912 - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Heya folks,
Thanks again for the patience while I got things together on this end. England continues to loom like the death-star on the horizon but there are signs of a rebel alliance forming... One retreat is required from France - the fleet in the Mid Atlantic Ocean needs to find a new home. The deadline for Summer 1912 orders will be set for Friday, August 1st (11:59 PM GMT).
Cheers folks. Just let me know if you spot any errors.
Movement results for Spring of 1912. (DC135 12 SPR)
Austria: A Budapest Hold.
Austria: A Serbia Supports F Trieste.
England: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Denmark - Livonia.
England: A Belgium - Ruhr.
England: A Denmark - Livonia.
England: A Edinburgh - Denmark.
England: F English Channel Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
England: A Holland - Belgium.
England: F Irish Sea Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
England: F London Supports F English Channel.
England: A Munich - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).
England: F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
England: F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Denmark.
England: A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).
England: A Sevastopol Hold.
England: A Tyrolia - Vienna.
England: A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol.
England: A Vienna - Galicia.
France: F Apulia - Naples.
France: F Brest Hold.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Marseilles.
France: A Gascony - Marseilles.
France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold (*Dislodged*).
France: A Picardy Supports A Burgundy.
France: F Tunis Hold.
France: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany (*Bounce*).
France: A Venice - Tuscany (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Albania Supports F Ionian Sea.
Turkey: F Ankara - Black Sea.
Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Hold.
Turkey: A Rumania Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol.
Turkey: F Trieste Hold.
The following units were dislodged:
French F Mid-Atlantic Ocean can retreat to Western Mediterranean or North Africa or Spain(sc) or Portugal or Spain(nc) or Gascony.
Unit locations:
Austria: A Budapest, A Serbia.
England: F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Denmark, F English Channel, A Galicia, F
Irish Sea, A Livonia, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Munich, F
North Sea, A Piedmont, A Ruhr, A Sevastopol, A Ukraine, A Vienna.
France: F Brest, A Burgundy, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Naples, A
Picardy, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, F Albania, A Armenia, F Black Sea, F Ionian Sea, A
Rumania, F Trieste.
Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: Budapest, Serbia.
England: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool,
London, Moscow, Munich, Norway, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden,
Vienna, Warsaw.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Tunis,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Rumania, Smyrna, Trieste.
DC141 Seven Sinners - Spring 1912 - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
How do, everyone? Thanks for allowing that short delay while I got my act together on this end. England lands an army in Norway to check out some of the fjords, but other than that the North remains relatively locked up. The south, however, is the site of some interesting maneuvers as the French and Turkish fleets line up around the Tyrrhenian Sea...
No retreats are needed for Summer - we'll sail on into the Fall turn... Deadline for Fall 1912 will be set for Tuesday, August 5th (11:59 PM GMT)...
Cheers all,
Movement results for Spring of 1912. (DC141 12 SPR)
England: F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg.
England: F Denmark Supports F Kiel.
England: A Edinburgh Hold.
England: F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).
England: F Kiel Hold.
England: F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Norway.
England: A St Petersburg Hold.
England: A Yorkshire - Norway.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Ruhr - Munich.
France: F Gulf of Lyon - Spain(sc).
France: A Marseilles Supports F Piedmont.
France: F North Africa Supports F Tunis.
France: A Ruhr - Munich (*Fails*).
France: F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea (*Ordered to Move*).
France: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon.
France: F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon.
Russia: A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*).
Russia: A Bohemia Supports A Munich.
Russia: A Livonia - St Petersburg (*Fails*).
Russia: A Moscow Supports A Livonia - St Petersburg.
Russia: A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel (*Cut*).
Russia: F Prussia - Baltic Sea (*Bounce*).
Russia: A Silesia - Berlin (*Fails*).
Russia: A Warsaw - Silesia (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea - Ionian Sea.
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria.
Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Ionian Sea (*Ordered to Move*).
Turkey: F Ionian Sea - Naples.
Turkey: A Naples - Apulia.
Turkey: F Piedmont Supports F Tuscany.
Turkey: F Rome Supports F Ionian Sea - Naples.
Turkey: F Tuscany Supports F Piedmont.
Turkey: A Tyrolia Supports F Piedmont.
Turkey: A Venice Supports F Tuscany.
Unit locations:
England: F Barents Sea, F Denmark, A Edinburgh, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Kiel, F
North Sea, A Norway, A St Petersburg.
France: A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, F North Africa, A Ruhr, F
Spain(sc), F Tunis, F Western Mediterranean.
Russia: A Berlin, A Bohemia, A Livonia, A Moscow, A Munich, F Prussia, A
Silesia, A Warsaw.
Turkey: A Apulia, A Bulgaria, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Ionian Sea, F
Naples, F Piedmont, F Rome, F Tuscany, A Tyrolia, A Venice.
Ownership of supply centers:
England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway, St Petersburg,
France: Belgium, Brest, Holland, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.
Russia: Berlin, Budapest, Moscow, Munich, Rumania, Sevastopol, Vienna,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Serbia,
Smyrna, Trieste, Venice.
Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.
DC135 Fear & Loathing - Spring 1912 - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Heya all,
Its been pointed out to me that I once again need to go soak my head.. Please find attached the DC135 map, as previously I must have sent the DC141...
Good grief. Thanks to those who pointed this out...
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
Heya folks,
Thanks again for the patience while I got things together on this end. England continues to loom like the death-star on the horizon but there are signs of a rebel alliance forming... One retreat is required from France - the fleet in the Mid Atlantic Ocean needs to find a new home. The deadline for Summer 1912 orders will be set for Friday, August 1st (11:59 PM GMT).
Cheers folks. Just let me know if you spot any errors.
Movement results for Spring of 1912. (DC135 12 SPR)
Austria: A Budapest Hold.
Austria: A Serbia Supports F Trieste.
England: F Baltic Sea Convoys A Denmark - Livonia.
England: A Belgium - Ruhr.
England: A Denmark - Livonia.
England: A Edinburgh - Denmark.
England: F English Channel Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
England: A Holland - Belgium.
England: F Irish Sea Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
England: F London Supports F English Channel.
England: A Munich - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).
England: F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
England: F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Denmark.
England: A Piedmont - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).
England: A Sevastopol Hold.
England: A Tyrolia - Vienna.
England: A Ukraine Supports A Sevastopol.
England: A Vienna - Galicia.
France: F Apulia - Naples.
France: F Brest Hold.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Gascony - Marseilles.
France: A Gascony - Marseilles.
France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold (*Dislodged*).
France: A Picardy Supports A Burgundy.
France: F Tunis Hold.
France: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tuscany (*Bounce*).
France: A Venice - Tuscany (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Albania Supports F Ionian Sea.
Turkey: F Ankara - Black Sea.
Turkey: A Armenia - Sevastopol (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Constantinople - Aegean Sea.
Turkey: F Ionian Sea Hold.
Turkey: A Rumania Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol.
Turkey: F Trieste Hold.
The following units were dislodged:
French F Mid-Atlantic Ocean can retreat to Western Mediterranean or North Africa or Spain(sc) or Portugal or Spain(nc) or Gascony.
Unit locations:
Austria: A Budapest, A Serbia.
England: F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Denmark, F English Channel, A Galicia, F
Irish Sea, A Livonia, F London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Munich, F
North Sea, A Piedmont, A Ruhr, A Sevastopol, A Ukraine, A Vienna.
France: F Brest, A Burgundy, A Marseilles, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Naples, A
Picardy, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, F Albania, A Armenia, F Black Sea, F Ionian Sea, A
Rumania, F Trieste.
Ownership of supply centers:
Austria: Budapest, Serbia.
England: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool,
London, Moscow, Munich, Norway, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden,
Vienna, Warsaw.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Tunis,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Rumania, Smyrna, Trieste.
[Reply] |
Eternal Sunshine #19 Released - August 2008 Issue - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
I've released the August 2008 issue of Eternal Sunshine, my Diplomacy subzine. Inside you can find:
Movie Reviews
Book Reviews
By Popular Demand results
Final results for By Popular Opinion
Game Openings
A typical Whining Kent Pigs family story
Winter 1902 of "Wouldn't It Be Nice?" with classic press
and more of the usual foolishness.
You can access it in both html and pdf format at:
Incidentally, while you're there, check out the Postal Zine Archive section for scans of some very ancient Diplomacy zines, some going back more than 40 years. I've got plenty more scanning to do in the near future![Reply] |
DC-184 Deadline Reminder - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
The Fall 1903 deadline is tomorrow. I have ONE set of orders. This is somewhat disappointing, but I have recently discovered that my distaste for NMRs was terribly misplaced. I'd rather not delay this turn at all, as we'll have a player absence from 2-15 August, and we're cutting it awfully close as is.
Don't be late,
The White Wolf
I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:
http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1369632/[Reply] |
Aegean s05 results! - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
NEXT: Fall 05, in 1 week! Wednesday August 6, 10am Pacific!
There is one retreat, but Thessalian army Hes can only retreat to Pha so we’ll just move it there and skip merrily along to fall.
F Athens - West Cyclades
F Delos - West Aegean Sea
A Delphi Hold
F Euboea Supports F Delos - West Aegean Sea
F Lesbos Hold
F Megara Hold
F North Sporades Supports F Samos
F Samos Supports F Cnossos - South Sporades
A Thebes Hold
A Dolopia - Hestiaeotis
F Olynthus Supports F Thermaic Gulf
A Orestis Supports A Dolopia - Hestiaeotis
A Paeonia - Illyris
A Therma - Pieria
F Thermaic Gulf Supports A Therma - Pieria
F Thracia - Thracian Sea
F Chios - Lesbos (*Fails*)
F Dorian Sea - South Sporades (*Fails*)
A Ionia - Sardes
F Lemnos Supports F West Aegean Sea - East Aegean Sea
F Miletus Supports F Dorian Sea - South Sporades
F Rhodes Supports F Dorian Sea - South Sporades (*Disbanded*)
F West Aegean Sea - East Aegean Sea
A Aetolia Supports A Lamia - Dolopia (*Void*)
F Carpathian Sea Supports F South Sporades - Rhodes
F Cnossos - South Sporades
A Lycia - Halicarnassus
A Naupactus Supports A Aetolia
F North Cretan Sea Supports F Cnossos - South Sporades
F South Sporades - Rhodes
A Ambracia Supports A Pharsalus - Dolopia
A Dodona Supports A Pharsalus - Dolopia
A Hestiaeotis Supports A Pharsalus - Dolopia (*Dislodged*)
A Lamia Supports A Pharsalus - Dolopia
F Larissa Supports F Pherae
A Pharsalus - Dolopia
F Pherae Supports F Larissa
F Phthiotis Hold[Reply] |
Dc138 - Winter Of Our Discontent - The End Of Disc... - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Well, well, well...
My thanks to everyone for their patience as your humble GM got his act together on this end and gathered in the last stray votes/orders... And with that completed, we find ourselves confronting a bad case of PEACE breaking out across the continent. An agreement is reached on a BC/Mexican/Flordian three-way draw, and with that the weapons get put to the side... for now... =)
My congratulations to Andrew, Bruce and Lee for their successful draw and a sincere pat on the back to our minor players out there for toughing it out and somehow, despite my absolute surety that each turn would be their last, managing to still be standing at the end of things. It was a hell of a competition, folks.
As the draw vote succeeded prior to the Fall turn, the last recorded season will be the Spring of 2012. Congratulations again to all players for their efforts in what was a very exciting game to watch. Thanks guys. =)
End-of-Game (EOG) statements are, of course, HIGHLY encouraged. Cheers!
Apocalyptic Trout
Dc138 - Winter Of Our Discontent - The End Of Disc... - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
I must say that I feel a little vindicated that both my chief ally and biggest enemy were in the draw. Lee, you caught me at my most vulnerable and made a good clean stab.
Bruce, you, supposedly my friend, kicked me when I was down. You suck man!
Trout, as always, a great game.
And to the rest of you whiny verbose peeps, it was lost of fun, I'll see you all on the next board!
Jason "'Lil Castro in Exile"
----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: dc138 <DC138(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: Andrew Clarke <a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com>; Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Bruce Ray <raybrucea(at)aol.com>; Jason K <Githraine(at)yahoo.com>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Samuel Smith <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:24:57 AM
Subject: Dc138 - Winter Of Our Discontent - The End Of Discontented Snows
Well, well, well...
My thanks to everyone for their patience as your humble GM got his act together on this end and gathered in the last stray votes/orders... And with that completed, we find ourselves confronting a bad case of PEACE breaking out across the continent. An agreement is reached on a BC/Mexican/Flordian three-way draw, and with that the weapons get put to the side... for now... =)
My congratulations to Andrew, Bruce and Lee for their successful draw and a sincere pat on the back to our minor players out there for toughing it out and somehow, despite my absolute surety that each turn would be their last, managing to still be standing at the end of things. It was a hell of a competition, folks.
As the draw vote succeeded prior to the Fall turn, the last recorded season will be the Spring of 2012. Congratulations again to all players for their efforts in what was a very exciting game to watch. Thanks guys. =)
End-of-Game (EOG) statements are, of course, HIGHLY encouraged. Cheers!
Apocalyptic Trout
DC172 A Midsummer Nights Stab - Fall 1605 - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Heya folks,
My most sincere thanks for the patience as we roped in late orders and your humble GM got his act together. It doesn't happen often, but I do admit that I stumble once or twice a summer as my vacation gets onto its gears...
In the meantime, I'd say this turn was worth the wait. The blood is in the water and the sharks aren't holding back, if you know what I mean. Two eliminations to speak of result from the Fall - we say thank you to our English captain, Jerry, for holding down the fort for the Brits. And in the north, the perfect storm hits Sweden and we find ourselves bidding farewell to Mikael...
Four retreats are needed, but the ones from England and Sweden are relatively moot. Deadline for the Early Winter 1605 retreats will be set for Saturday, August 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).
In addition, we have our DIAS proposal to vote on. With our two eliminations, this would be for a Spanish/Danish/A-H/Russian/French draw. Deadline for votes on the DIAS will be with Early Winter retreats - on Saturday.
Please let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers!
Movement results for Fall of 1605. (DC172 05 FALL)
Denmark: F North Sea - London.
Denmark: F Skaggarak - Jutland.
Denmark: F Wales Hold.
Denmark: F Cornwall Supports F North Sea - London.
Denmark: A Westphalia - Bremen (*Bounce*).
Denmark: A Netherlands - Bremen (*Bounce*).
Denmark: A Pomerania Hold.
Denmark: F Sea of Bornholm - Holstein(ec) (*Bounce*).
Denmark: A Ostlandet Supports A West Gothland - Bergslagen.
Denmark: A West Gothland - Bergslagen.
England: F Helgoland Bight - Holstein(wc) (*Bounce*).
England: A London Hold (*Dislodged*).
France: A Styria - Venice (*Fails*).
France: F Bay of Biscay - English Channel.
France: F Normandy Supports F Flanders.
France: A Champagne - Burgundy.
France: A Provence - Savoy (*Dislodged*).
HabsburgEmpire: A Greece Hold.
HabsburgEmpire: A Illyria - Croatia (*Bounce*).
HabsburgEmpire: F Adriatic Sea - Naples (*Fails*).
HabsburgEmpire: A Western Hungary - Croatia (*Bounce*).
HabsburgEmpire: A Bohemia - Austria.
HabsburgEmpire: A Venice - Romagna (*Dislodged*).
HabsburgEmpire: A France Comte - Savoy (*Bounce*).
HabsburgEmpire: A Lorraine Supports A Westphalia - Flanders (*Void*).
HabsburgEmpire: A Saxony Supports A Lorraine.
HabsburgEmpire: A Brandenburg Supports A Pomerelia.
HabsburgEmpire: A Prussia Supports A Pomerelia.
HabsburgEmpire: A Pomerelia Supports A Prussia.
Russia: A Syria - Egypt.
Russia: F Constantinople - Anatolia.
Russia: F Ionian Sea Supports F Adriatic Sea - Naples (*Cut*).
Russia: A Crimea - Georgia.
Russia: A Livonia Supports A Estonia.
Russia: A Pskov - Novgorod.
Russia: A Karelia Supports F Finland.
Russia: A Lappland - Stockholm.
Russia: F Finland Supports A Lappland - Stockholm.
Russia: A Estonia Supports A Livonia.
Spain: F Western Mediterranean - North Africa.
Spain: F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Languedoc - Provence.
Spain: F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
Spain: A Romagna Supports A Tuscany - Venice.
Spain: A Tuscany - Venice.
Spain: F Flanders Hold.
Spain: F Naples Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea (*Cut*).
Spain: A Gascony - Paris.
Spain: A Languedoc - Provence.
Sweden: A Ingria - Archangel.
Sweden: F Gulf of Bothnia Supports A Stockholm - Finland.
Sweden: F Baltic Sea Supports A Pomerania.
Sweden: A Stockholm - Finland (*Dislodged*).
The following units were dislodged:
Habsburg A Venice can retreat to Tyrolia or Milan.
English A London can retreat to Yorkshire.
French A Provence can retreat to Tuscany.
Swedish A Stockholm can retreat to Smaland or Troendelag.
Unit locations:
Denmark: F Wales, F Cornwall, F London, A Westphalia, A Netherlands, A
Pomerania, F Sea of Bornholm, F Jutland, A Ostlandet, A Bergslagen.
England: F Helgoland Bight, A London.
France: A Styria, F English Channel, F Normandy, A Burgundy, A Provence.
HabsburgEmpire: A Greece, A Illyria, F Adriatic Sea, A Western Hungary, A
Austria, A Venice, A France Comte, A Lorraine, A Saxony, A
Brandenburg, A Prussia, A Pomerelia.
Russia: A Egypt, F Anatolia, F Ionian Sea, A Georgia, A Livonia, A Novgorod,
A Karelia, F Finland, A Estonia, A Stockholm.
Spain: F North Africa, F Gulf of Lyon, F Eastern Mediterranean, A Venice, A
Romagna, F Flanders, F Naples, A Paris, A Provence.
Sweden: A Archangel, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Baltic Sea, A Stockholm.
DC191 A Study In Baltic - Fall 1903 - The Blue Car... - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Hi guys. I didn't miss the Winter results, did I? I got a confirmation message from Trout Tuesday morning, but nothing in the 48 hours since.
----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: dc191 <DC191(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: C Morse <camorse22(at)yahoo.com>; Fredrik Blom <blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com>; Lee Taylor <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 1:28:55 AM
Subject: DC191 A Study In Baltic - Fall 1903 - The Blue Carbuncle
We leave our good friends Holmes and Watson on their own this turn, as they gather supplies for their foray across the Scandinavias. Meanwhile, we see the last of the neutral centers snapped up as Poland and Sweden continue to line up against each other, and Finland brings their northern fleet southwards towards the action.
Poland and Russia both gain a build for the Winter turn. We'll have a slightly longer turn than usual, however... Your humble GM is making a foray of his own over the next several days and driving across Canada - I should have internet access at the hotels, but you can never truly rely on that..
Thus, please have your Winter adjustments in to me by Monday, July 28th (11:59 PM GMT). Cheers folks, just let me know if you spot an error.
Baltic Trout
Movement results for Fall of 1903. (DC191 03 FALL)
Finland: A St Petersburg Hold.
Finland: F Saimaa Supports A St Petersburg.
Finland: A Helsingfors, no move received.
Finland: F Vasa Supports A Helsingfors.
Finland: F North Gulf of Bothnia - South Gulf of Bothnia.
Poland: F Konigsberg - Mid Baltic.
Poland: A West Dvina - St Petersburg (*Fails*).
Poland: F Malmo - Kattegat (*Bounce*).
Poland: F Skaggarak - Kattegat (*Bounce*).
Poland: F Kattegat - Copenhagen.
Poland: F South Baltic Supports F Konigsberg - Mid Baltic.
Poland: F Hano Bay - Gulf of Stockholm (*Fails*).
Russia: A Tallinn - Riga.
Russia: F North Baltic - Saaremaa Island.
Russia: F Gulf of Finland - Helsingfors (*Fails*).
Sweden: A Siljan Supports F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Bolmen(wc) Supports F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Gulf of Stockholm Supports F Bolmen(wc) (*Cut*).
Sweden: F Slite - Mid Baltic (*Fails*).
Unit locations:
Finland: A St Petersburg, F Saimaa, A Helsingfors, F Vasa, F South Gulf of
Poland: A West Dvina, F Malmo, F Copenhagen, F Skaggarak, F South Baltic, F
Hano Bay, F Mid Baltic.
Russia: A Riga, F Saaremaa Island, F Gulf of Finland.
Sweden: A Siljan, F Goteborg, F Bolmen(wc), F Gulf of Stockholm, F Slite.
Ownership of supply centers:
Finland: St Petersburg, Kuopio, Helsingfors, Vasa, Tornio.
Poland: Strulsund, Danzig, Warsaw, Brest, Konigsberg, Malmo, Copenhagen,
Russia: Minsk, Riga, Tallinn, Saaremaa Island.
Sweden: Sundsvall, Stockholm, Goteborg, Slite, Alaand Island.
Finland: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 8 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Russia: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Sweden: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
DC191 A Study In Baltic - Fall 1903 - The Blue Car... - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Thanks for checking Chris, and apologies to everyone... I'm unusually late this week owing to the drive and limited internet access / various four-year-old time consuming nephews here at the cottate.
In retrospect, I should definitely have scheduled a week-long lapse in between deadlines.
Winter adjudication is completed and will be out within the next hour. Thanks for the patience you guys - this doesn't happen to me often but your humble GM does have his stumbles...
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:34 AM, C Morse <camorse22(at)yahoo.com ([email]camorse22(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
Hi guys. I didn't miss the Winter results, did I? I got a confirmation message from Trout Tuesday morning, but nothing in the 48 hours since.
----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: dc191 <DC191(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC191(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>
Cc: C Morse <camorse22(at)yahoo.com ([email]camorse22(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Fredrik Blom <blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com ([email]blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Lee Taylor <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 1:28:55 AM
Subject: DC191 A Study In Baltic - Fall 1903 - The Blue Carbuncle
We leave our good friends Holmes and Watson on their own this turn, as they gather supplies for their foray across the Scandinavias. Meanwhile, we see the last of the neutral centers snapped up as Poland and Sweden continue to line up against each other, and Finland brings their northern fleet southwards towards the action.
Poland and Russia both gain a build for the Winter turn. We'll have a slightly longer turn than usual, however... Your humble GM is making a foray of his own over the next several days and driving across Canada - I should have internet access at the hotels, but you can never truly rely on that..
Thus, please have your Winter adjustments in to me by Monday, July 28th (11:59 PM GMT). Cheers folks, just let me know if you spot an error.
Baltic Trout
Movement results for Fall of 1903. (DC191 03 FALL)
Finland: A St Petersburg Hold.
Finland: F Saimaa Supports A St Petersburg.
Finland: A Helsingfors, no move received.
Finland: F Vasa Supports A Helsingfors.
Finland: F North Gulf of Bothnia - South Gulf of Bothnia.
Poland: F Konigsberg - Mid Baltic.
Poland: A West Dvina - St Petersburg (*Fails*).
Poland: F Malmo - Kattegat (*Bounce*).
Poland: F Skaggarak - Kattegat (*Bounce*).
Poland: F Kattegat - Copenhagen.
Poland: F South Baltic Supports F Konigsberg - Mid Baltic.
Poland: F Hano Bay - Gulf of Stockholm (*Fails*).
Russia: A Tallinn - Riga.
Russia: F North Baltic - Saaremaa Island.
Russia: F Gulf of Finland - Helsingfors (*Fails*).
Sweden: A Siljan Supports F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Bolmen(wc) Supports F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Gulf of Stockholm Supports F Bolmen(wc) (*Cut*).
Sweden: F Slite - Mid Baltic (*Fails*).
Unit locations:
Finland: A St Petersburg, F Saimaa, A Helsingfors, F Vasa, F South Gulf of
Poland: A West Dvina, F Malmo, F Copenhagen, F Skaggarak, F South Baltic, F
Hano Bay, F Mid Baltic.
Russia: A Riga, F Saaremaa Island, F Gulf of Finland.
Sweden: A Siljan, F Goteborg, F Bolmen(wc), F Gulf of Stockholm, F Slite.
Ownership of supply centers:
Finland: St Petersburg, Kuopio, Helsingfors, Vasa, Tornio.
Poland: Strulsund, Danzig, Warsaw, Brest, Konigsberg, Malmo, Copenhagen,
Russia: Minsk, Riga, Tallinn, Saaremaa Island.
Sweden: Sundsvall, Stockholm, Goteborg, Slite, Alaand Island.
Finland: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 8 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Russia: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Sweden: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
[Reply] |
DC191 A Study In Baltic - Fall 1903 - The Blue Car... - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Thanks for checking Chris, and apologies to everyone... I'm unusually late this week owing to the drive and limited internet access / various four-year-old time consuming nephews here at the cottate.
In retrospect, I should definitely have scheduled a week-long lapse in between deadlines.
Winter adjudication is completed and will be out within the next hour. Thanks for the patience you guys - this doesn't happen to me often but your humble GM does have his stumbles...
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:34 AM, C Morse <camorse22(at)yahoo.com ([email]camorse22(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
Hi guys. I didn't miss the Winter results, did I? I got a confirmation message from Trout Tuesday morning, but nothing in the 48 hours since.
----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: dc191 <DC191(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC191(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>
Cc: C Morse <camorse22(at)yahoo.com ([email]camorse22(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Fredrik Blom <blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com ([email]blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Lee Taylor <leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]leewarrentaylor(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 1:28:55 AM
Subject: DC191 A Study In Baltic - Fall 1903 - The Blue Carbuncle
We leave our good friends Holmes and Watson on their own this turn, as they gather supplies for their foray across the Scandinavias. Meanwhile, we see the last of the neutral centers snapped up as Poland and Sweden continue to line up against each other, and Finland brings their northern fleet southwards towards the action.
Poland and Russia both gain a build for the Winter turn. We'll have a slightly longer turn than usual, however... Your humble GM is making a foray of his own over the next several days and driving across Canada - I should have internet access at the hotels, but you can never truly rely on that..
Thus, please have your Winter adjustments in to me by Monday, July 28th (11:59 PM GMT). Cheers folks, just let me know if you spot an error.
Baltic Trout
Movement results for Fall of 1903. (DC191 03 FALL)
Finland: A St Petersburg Hold.
Finland: F Saimaa Supports A St Petersburg.
Finland: A Helsingfors, no move received.
Finland: F Vasa Supports A Helsingfors.
Finland: F North Gulf of Bothnia - South Gulf of Bothnia.
Poland: F Konigsberg - Mid Baltic.
Poland: A West Dvina - St Petersburg (*Fails*).
Poland: F Malmo - Kattegat (*Bounce*).
Poland: F Skaggarak - Kattegat (*Bounce*).
Poland: F Kattegat - Copenhagen.
Poland: F South Baltic Supports F Konigsberg - Mid Baltic.
Poland: F Hano Bay - Gulf of Stockholm (*Fails*).
Russia: A Tallinn - Riga.
Russia: F North Baltic - Saaremaa Island.
Russia: F Gulf of Finland - Helsingfors (*Fails*).
Sweden: A Siljan Supports F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Bolmen(wc) Supports F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Vattern - Goteborg.
Sweden: F Gulf of Stockholm Supports F Bolmen(wc) (*Cut*).
Sweden: F Slite - Mid Baltic (*Fails*).
Unit locations:
Finland: A St Petersburg, F Saimaa, A Helsingfors, F Vasa, F South Gulf of
Poland: A West Dvina, F Malmo, F Copenhagen, F Skaggarak, F South Baltic, F
Hano Bay, F Mid Baltic.
Russia: A Riga, F Saaremaa Island, F Gulf of Finland.
Sweden: A Siljan, F Goteborg, F Bolmen(wc), F Gulf of Stockholm, F Slite.
Ownership of supply centers:
Finland: St Petersburg, Kuopio, Helsingfors, Vasa, Tornio.
Poland: Strulsund, Danzig, Warsaw, Brest, Konigsberg, Malmo, Copenhagen,
Russia: Minsk, Riga, Tallinn, Saaremaa Island.
Sweden: Sundsvall, Stockholm, Goteborg, Slite, Alaand Island.
Finland: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 8 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Russia: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Sweden: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
[Reply] |
DC191 A Study In Baltic - Winter 1903 - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Heya gang,
Once again, apologies for that slight hiccup in adjudication. Shouldn't happen again now...
In the meantime, Russia builds an army in Minsk, Poland an army in Danzig. And onwards we battle into the Spring of 1904 - deadline will be set for Wednesday, August 6th (11:59 PM GMT).
Cheers all,
Adjustment orders for Winter of 1903. (DC191 03 WIN)
Poland: Build A Danzig.
Russia: Build A Minsk.
Unit locations:
Finland: A St Petersburg, F Saimaa, A Helsingfors, F Vasa, F South Gulf of
Poland: A Danzig, A West Dvina, F Malmo, F Copenhagen, F Skaggarak, F South
Baltic, F Hano Bay, F Mid Baltic.
Russia: A Minsk, A Riga, F Saaremaa Island, F Gulf of Finland.
Sweden: A Siljan, F Goteborg, F Bolmen(wc), F Gulf of Stockholm, F Slite.
Ownership of supply centers:
Finland: St Petersburg, Kuopio, Helsingfors, Vasa, Tornio.
Poland: Strulsund, Danzig, Warsaw, Brest, Konigsberg, Malmo, Copenhagen,
Russia: Minsk, Riga, Tallinn, Saaremaa Island.
Sweden: Sundsvall, Stockholm, Goteborg, Slite, Alaand Island.
Finland: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Sweden: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Dc138 - Winter Of Our Discontent - The End Of Disc... - test_gm (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am) |
Whew, what a game! Thanks Trout for GMing through these long months, and thanks to all for making it a great game, my second start on DipCorp (and third finish).
Game began awfully poorly for me - I got no response from California and had to assume the worst - that he and Sims would be pushing to eliminate me from the very start. Fortunately for me, he wasn't communicating with anyone, including the GM - and Ray kindly came in to take the reins of the Golden State.
He and I struck up a good alliance from the start, I sending a fleet south to claim Hawaii and help him against Bruce's moves north, while I pushed the remainder of my forces north and east to handle what I predicted would be a fast assault by Quebec, though Mike did his best to keep me thinking he was headed any direction but west.
And so began the Great Canadian War, ending in the reunification of that great nation (plus a little to the south). Things would have gone ill for me even with Ray's benevolent refraining from hitting my southern borders, as Andy in Heartland was (as I found out later) part of a New York/Quebec/Heartland triple. But to my great surprise, Andy did not seem to trust his erstwhile allies enough to go gallavanting to the west, and he quickly ceded Man to me in return for a welcome peace, leaving me able to deal with Quebec on my own. And to my even greater fortune, Andy was happy to join with me in hitting Quebec from two sides - a move that allowed me to move in and eventually, after a lot of rather distrustful negotiations, seize Quebec's centers for myself.
The alliance with California to my south and the wondrous discord between the northeastern triple essentially carried me through the midgame. I rapidly began to feel that New York was in a position to dominate the board - with Florida leaving him alone and Andy and Mike extremely distrustful of one another, I made it my business to turn them both against Rob, who had attacked both of them at this point. They agreed to my suggestions, and with their (mostly Andy's, until Mike was down to only two units) help I was able to keep Rob from moving into Quebec's centers and establishing a front against me. Slowly everything began to move west, Ray and Bruce cooperating to stop Lee's rapid growth in the wake of conquering Cuba while I helped Mike and Andy survive in exchange for taking on Rob.
We all know the verbose fallout of the slow retreat of New York...so I'll move on to the next critical stage - my reluctant stab of Ray, which probably caught a few people by surprise given my strong alliance with him. Thing with Ray was, he attacked Andy and helped to eliminate him when I'd asked that Andy be left alone to help me defeat Rob. That made me keep a sharp eye on him, as I thought then he was trying for a solo run, but at the time I had no way of doing anything about it, being wholly engaged with Rob. But then, he stabbed Bruce. I admit that I had been saying I'd go along with a stab if Ray wanted to pull it off, but I was fearful that he would either hit me or Bruce, and I wanted to make sure that if he did move, it'd be south. However each time he said he didn't want to stab south, and held off. But he finally did so, just after promising me that he wouldn't, and I felt I had no choice - he'd get territory from Bruce faster than I could from Rob, and be taking Lee's centers to boot. Add to that the conveniently shifting terms of our center splits, and I launched a shoestring stab accompanied by a rare bluff on my part, which barely worked.
And from there, the game was history. With Lee and Bruce happy to work against Ray, I took the brunt of his fury while they broke his southern front, anticipating that I'd be able to clean up in the north once Ray was reduced in units. Which is what happened, until he began to throw centers to me in what I believe was an attempt to make Bruce and Lee fear I was bound for a solo myself, and then get them to attack me. Fortunately I was able to convince them otherwise, and so we've ended in a draw.
I know several of you are wondering why I didn't try for a solo, and here's my answers. 1.unlike many players, who view a solo as the object of the game, I view a draw at the end of a long term alliance to be my personal goal. I view this as a game of cooperation and negotiation, and play accordingly. Not that I don't stab when I feel its in my best interest - but I play intending to secure a draw where I'll be dominant enough to prevent being stabbed myself. Reason 2. North America's geography is such that a rough stalemate line can be drawn about halfway through the US, if there are one of two powers on either side who can meet one another at the right point. I calculated that even if I rushed south and had a superiority in units, I'd max out at 25-26 centers before stalemating with Lee and Bruce - if I didn't screw up and get myself beat first.
And so, with them being wholly committed to one another, a draw it is.
Sorry for the verbosity, but you asked for an EOG, so you got it Glad to play with you all, and I'll look forward to seeing you again in one of my many games!
Andrew, Grand Pirate Overlord of the Reunited Territories of Canada, plus a little on the side.
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 8:09 AM, Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
I must say that I feel a little vindicated that both my chief ally and biggest enemy were in the draw. Lee, you caught me at my most vulnerable and made a good clean stab.
Bruce, you, supposedly my friend, kicked me when I was down. You suck man!
Trout, as always, a great game.
And to the rest of you whiny verbose peeps, it was lost of fun, I'll see you all on the next board!
Jason "'Lil Castro in Exile"
----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: dc138 <DC138(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]DC138(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>
Cc: Andrew Clarke <a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com ([email]a_c_2bcool(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com ([email]coebq(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Bruce Ray <raybrucea(at)aol.com ([email]raybrucea(at)aol.com[/email])>; Jason K <Githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]Githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Mike Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca ([email]rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca[/email])>; Samuel Smith <agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com ([email]agenbite.lee(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:24:57 AM
Subject: Dc138 - Winter Of Our Discontent - The End Of Discontented Snows
Well, well, well...
My thanks to everyone for their patience as your humble GM got his act together on this end and gathered in the last stray votes/orders... And with that completed, we find ourselves confronting a bad case of PEACE breaking out across the continent. An agreement is reached on a BC/Mexican/Flordian three-way draw, and with that the weapons get put to the side... for now... =)
My congratulations to Andrew, Bruce and Lee for their successful draw and a sincere pat on the back to our minor players out there for toughing it out and somehow, despite my absolute surety that each turn would be their last, managing to still be standing at the end of things. It was a hell of a competition, folks.
As the draw vote succeeded prior to the Fall turn, the last recorded season will be the Spring of 2012. Congratulations again to all players for their efforts in what was a very exciting game to watch. Thanks guys. =)
End-of-Game (EOG) statements are, of course, HIGHLY encouraged. Cheers!
Apocalyptic Trout
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