Heya gents,
My most sincere apologies for the late adjudication. Probably shouldn't have scheduled a deadline over my trip. Here we are though, all hooked up once more and ready to rock.
We'll skip the usual flavour and move right to the results. No retreats are needed but the Scots get a build, the Anglo-Saxons a disband. We'll snap right along and set the deadline for Winter 833 for Thursday, July 31st (11:59 PM GMT).
Cheers everyone,
Movement results for Fall of 833. (DC 161 833 FALL)
Scots: F Bernicia - Firth of Forth (*Fails*).
Scots: F Cait - Moray Firth.
Scots: F Circinn Supports F Cait - Moray Firth.
Scots: A Deira - Lindsey (*Fails*).
Scots: F Fortrenn Supports F Cait - Moray Firth.
Scots: F Hebridean Sea - Arctic Ocean (*Fails*).
Scots: F Irish Sea - Leinster (*Bounce*).
Scots: F Scapa Flow - Norwegian Sea (*Fails*).
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean - Leinster (*Bounce*).
Britons: A Dyfed Supports A Gwynned.
Britons: F English Channel - Hamptonshire.
Britons: A Gwynned Hold.
Britons: F Lyme Bay - Cornwall.
Norse: F Arctic Ocean - Scapa Flow (*Fails*).
Norse: F East Anglia, no move received.
Norse: F Firth of Forth Supports F Moray Firth (*Cut*).
Norse: A Hordaland Hold.
Norse: F Moray Firth Supports F Arctic Ocean - Scapa Flow (*Disbanded*).
Norse: F Norwegian Sea Supports F Moray Firth (*Cut*).
Norse: F Rogaland Coast Supports F Moray Firth.
AngloSaxons: A Hwicce - Gwent.
AngloSaxons: A Mercia - Gwynned (*Fails*).
AngloSaxons: A Middle Anglia - Mercia (*Fails*).
AngloSaxons: A Powys Supports A Mercia - Gwynned.
Swedes: A Austrasia Hold.
Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania Convoys A Skane - Saxony.
Swedes: A Frisia Hold.
Swedes: F Kent Hold.
Swedes: A Lindsey - Middle Anglia (*Fails*).
Swedes: F North Frisian Coast - West Frisian Coast.
Swedes: F North Sea Supports F Firth of Forth.
Swedes: A Skane - Saxony.
Swedes: A Sussex Supports F English Channel - Hamptonshire.
Swedes: F The Wash - Bernicia (*Fails*).
Unit locations:
Scots: F Bernicia, F Circinn, A Deira, F Fortrenn, F Hebridean Sea, F Irish
Sea, F Moray Firth, F Scapa Flow.
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, F Cornwall, A Dyfed, A Gwynned, F Hamptonshire.
Norse: F Arctic Ocean, F East Anglia, F Firth of Forth, A Hordaland, F
Moray Firth, F Norwegian Sea, F Rogaland Coast.
AngloSaxons: A Gwent, A Mercia, A Middle Anglia, A Powys.
Swedes: A Austrasia, F Bay of Pomerania, A Frisia, F Kent, A Lindsey, F
North Sea, A Saxony, A Sussex, F The Wash, F West Frisian Coast.
Ownership of supply centers:
Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Deira, Fortrenn, Leinster, Meath,
Strathclyde, Ulster.
Britons: Brittany, Cornwall, Gwynned, Hamptonshire, Neustria.
Norse: Agder, East Anglia, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Gwent, Mercia, Powys.
Swedes: Austrasia, Frisia, Gotar, Kent, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia,
Roskilde, Skane, Svear.
Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 9 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Britons: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 3 Supply centers, 4 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.