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DC161 Ni! - Winter 830 Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya Knights who say Ni!

Winter 830 Adjustments - due in 18 hours or so. Cheers!



dc177 deadline extension - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I have no moves from England. Thus Prime Minister Payne becomes the
first to use his allotted 24 hour grace period, and the deadline is
extended for all players to 9 pm eastern time today/tomorrow, Tuesday
the 27th. However, I will actually not be able to adjudicate tomorrow
night so you may have a bit more time than that, although I don't
suggest cutting it too closely.



dc177 deadline extension - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I just realized that I also do not have moves from Russia. The message
below still applies, but note that the Czar has also used his allotted


Matt Kremer wrote:

I have no moves from England. Thus Prime Minister Payne becomes the
first to use his allotted 24 hour grace period, and the deadline is
extended for all players to 9 pm eastern time today/tomorrow, Tuesday
the 27th. However, I will actually not be able to adjudicate tomorrow
night so you may have a bit more time than that, although I don't
suggest cutting it too closely.



Dc159 - 20 hour warning. - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
DC 159 Spring 1905 is due Wednesday 28th May, at 5pm Australian EST.

This is your 20 hour warning.

I have NO moves from Turkey.

Please remember there is a Russian solo proposal on the table that also requires a vote.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Email Australia. Be part of history. Take part in Australia's first e-mail archive with


DC 156, DEADLINE WARNING - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey all,

Orders are due in about 12.5 hours. Still don't have them all!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; dc156(at)diplomaticcorp.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; cwhouston(at)email.com; gbrawn(at)rogers.com; badger.lover(at)talktalk.net; busckeeper0018(at)hotmail.com; cbarnett1966(at)roadrunner.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; thanksliving(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; bielschowsky.f(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 156, Winter 1905 adjudication
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 22:27:40 -0600

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} [quote:d7c2adcbd6] [quote:d7c2adcbd6] [quote:d7c2adcbd6] [quote:d7c2adcbd6] [quote:d7c2adcbd6]Hey folks,

Well, it's turning out to be an interesting map imho. Lots could happen.

Anyhow, here are the adjustments. No word from our Brit., so he waives his build.

Spring 1906 will be due in one week. Tuesday, May 27, 21:00 MDT.

Here ya be:

Build waived

Remove A Tuscany

Build A Moscow

Build A Smyrna

As mentioned above, spring 06 is due in one week, on Tuesday the 27th.

Maps are attached.




dc167 Game over Correction - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well, it seems Christine made an error when she told me what the ending scores were. As these are what multiple people have told me, I assume this is the correct ending total, as I have no idea what the scoring is for this.

England 13.12
Germany 12.8
Turkey 13.4

Another thing of note, I found out that she never mentioned that I, her son, would be doing any adjudication as she is out of town till Thursday.

Sorry for any confusion.


Selective truth is a far better smoke screen than any lie.


dc167 Game over Correction - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry but the scores are wrong again :
These should be
England = 13.2
Germany = 12.8
Turkey = 13.4



De : Christine [mailto:dawench2(at)yahoo.com]
Envoyé : mardi 27 mai 2008 16:50
À : Christine; France; GMA2; jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com; Mikael Johansson; mickstagman(at)aol.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; speedybunny(at)orange.fr; t2; Turkey; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Stephen Lytton; o; Michael Sims
Objet : dc167 Game over Correction

Well, it seems Christine made an error when she told me what the ending scores were. As these are what multiple people have told me, I assume this is the correct ending total, as I have no idea what the scoring is for this.

England 13.12
Germany 12.8
Turkey 13.4

Another thing of note, I found out that she never mentioned that I, her son, would be doing any adjudication as she is out of town till Thursday.

Sorry for any confusion.


Selective truth is a far better smoke screen than any lie.


dc154 ~ Romping Room - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Deadline for Spring 1907: June 2, 2359 GMT

Winter 1906 Adjustments:

NBR - waived

Remove A Sha

Build A Posen

Build F Magudisco

Build F Osaka

Build A Sevastopol
Build A Omsk

Unit locations:

Austria: F Aegean Sea, A Budapest, A Bulgaria, A Serbia, A Trieste, A Vienna.

China: F Andaman Sea, F East Indian Ocean, A Kansu, A Nepal, F Saigon, A Sikang, A Sind, A Tibet, A Turkmenistan.

England: F Barents Sea, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Norway, F Off Board A, F Off Board B, F Off Board C, F Portugal.

Germany: F Baltic Sea, A Belgium, A Brest, A Denmark, A Livonia, A Munich, A Picardy, A Posen, A Silesia, F Sweden, A Warsaw.

Italy: A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, A Baghdad, F Ceylon, A Delhi, F Eastern Mediterranean Sea, F Gulf of Lyon, F Ionian Sea, F Madras, F Magudisco, A Hedzah, F Off Board I, A Piedmont, F Spain(sc), A Venice, F West Indian Ocean.

Japan: F Java, F Joharra, F North Pacific Ocean, F Off Board J, F Off Board K, F Off Board L, F Osaka, F South Pacific Ocean, F Sumatra.

Russia: A Calcutta, A Constantinople, A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Kazakhstan, A Moscow, A Outer Mongolia, A Omsk, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, A Smyrna, A St. Petersburg, A Ukraine.

Deadline for Spring 1907: June 2, 2359 GMT

Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com


DC 160 - Nightstalkers - Order call - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ok, this may be a GM error, but I can only find Spring 05 orders (and sent confirms) for 2 nations.
If you are not England or Russia, I need your Spring Orders.
If you have sent them, I am sorry. If you got a confirm from me, please let me know as well.



No Title - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The French Northern Army beats a hasty retreat courtesy of the French Navy, The Turks are pushed out of Bulgaria by the Russians with Italian help, the Austrians hold their ground and no one takes advantage of the German NMR.
No retreats necessary, so lets get Fall orders in by Friday, May 30th.

A Budapest Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Supports A Budapest (*Cut*)

F Edinburgh - Clyde
F Liverpool Supports F Edinburgh - Clyde
F North Sea - English Channel
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Yorkshire Supports F Liverpool

A Clyde - Brest
A Gascony - Marseilles
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Clyde - Brest
F North Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Clyde - Brest
A Picardy - Paris

A Belgium, no move received
A Burgundy, no move received
F Holland, no move received
F Livonia, no move received
F Prussia, no move received
A Silesia, no move received

F Greece Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Rome - Apulia
A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Venice, no move received

A Moscow - Ukraine
A Rumania - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Armenia - Smyrna
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Spring 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry, forgot the subject line!

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:44:07 PM

The French Northern Army beats a hasty retreat courtesy of the French Navy, The Turks are pushed out of Bulgaria by the Russians with Italian help, the Austrians hold their ground and no one takes advantage of the German NMR.
No retreats necessary, so lets get Fall orders in by Friday, May 30th.

A Budapest Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Supports A Budapest (*Cut*)

F Edinburgh - Clyde
F Liverpool Supports F Edinburgh - Clyde
F North Sea - English Channel
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Yorkshire Supports F Liverpool

A Clyde - Brest
A Gascony - Marseilles
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Clyde - Brest
F North Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Clyde - Brest
A Picardy - Paris

A Belgium, no move received
A Burgundy, no move received
F Holland, no move received
F Livonia, no move received
F Prussia, no move received
A Silesia, no move received

F Greece Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Rome - Apulia
A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Venice, no move received

A Moscow - Ukraine
A Rumania - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Armenia - Smyrna
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)


DC 160 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
My bad, apparently,
The e-mail and submission did not go through I guess.
I will get the Builds out in the morning and we will do the spring move for Monday


DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Winter 830 - Man Turns... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I don't know ... I don't know ... all I know is that these people are streaming north of the border at the rate of thousands every hour. If we don't act fast, Scotland will be choked with Scotsmen...

But not really... Actually, its the Norse and Swedes pumping out sailors that has things in an uproar. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Saxons disband a fleet of their own in Lyme Bay. Thems the adjustments - deadline for Spring 831 orders will be set for Monday, June 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).


Scotsman Trout

Adjustment orders for Winter of 830. (DC 161 830 WIN)

Norse: Build F Hordaland.

AngloSaxons: Remove F Lyme Bay.

Swedes: Build F Gotar.

Unit locations:

Scots: F Cait, F Circinn, F Irish Sea, F Moray Firth, F Scapa Flow, A
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, A Chester, F Cornish Sea, F Cornwall, A Gwynned, A
Norse: F Arctic Ocean, F East Anglia, F Firth of Forth, F Hordaland, F
Jelling, F Norwegian Sea, A Sogn.
AngloSaxons: A Austrasia, F Dyfed, A Gwent, A Hwicce, F Kent, A Mercia, F
Strait of Dover.
Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania, A Frisia, F Gotar, A Middle Anglia, F North Sea,
A Pomerania, A Saxony, F The Wash.

Ownership of supply centers:

Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Strathclyde, Ulster.
Britons: Cornwall, Deira, Gwynned, Leinster, Meath, Powys.
Norse: Agder, East Anglia, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Austrasia, Brittany, Gwent, Hamptonshire, Kent, Mercia, Neustria.
Swedes: Frisia, Gotar, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia, Roskilde, Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britons: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC176 - Fall 1903 - Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
"You shall not covet your neighbour's house; you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour."

And with these wise words, let's take a look at Fall 1903.

A reporter of the The Independent European Journal said that the Italian Fleet in Smyrna had been under a large scale attack by the Turkish navy; that morale under Italian troops however was still high, which he attributed to the successes Italy had in the taking of Ankara and the destruction of the Italian army in Greece. He also reported a brutal war going on in center-Europe: Munich, Bohemia, and Vienna, with victims largely under the local population while the armies seemed to suffer only minor casualties. Kiel however was witness to an invasion of Russian troops after the resistance from the German troops was broken by the aid Russia received from the French. Meanwhile English troops in Sweden took the opportunity Russia left after its departure from Denmark. And while the English withdrew to Norway, German troops in Livonia made a dash for St Petersburg. The newspaper said it seemed that in Northern Continental Europe the three Powers: Germany, England and Russia, are playing a game of tag.

The results of the Fall 1903 orders are:
F Albania - Greece
A Budapest - Vienna (*Bounce*)
A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Trieste - Vienna (*Bounce*)

F Edinburgh - Yorkshire
F Irish Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A London Hold
F North Sea Supports F Sweden - Denmark
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
F Sweden - Denmark

F Belgium - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*Bounce*)
A Picardy - Paris
A Ruhr Supports F Denmark - Kiel
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles

A Berlin - Kiel (*Fails*)
A Bohemia - Vienna (*Bounce*)
A Burgundy - Gascony
A Livonia - St Petersburg
A Munich Supports A Berlin - Kiel (*Cut*)

A Apulia Supports A Venice
A Armenia - Ankara
F Ionian Sea Supports F Albania - Greece
F Smyrna Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Venice Hold

F Denmark - Kiel
A Galicia - Bohemia (*Fails*)
A Rumania Hold
A Tyrolia - Munich (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna
A Greece Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)

With this we have arrived in Autumn 1903 with a retreat of the Italian Navy from Smyrna.
Deadline for this retreat is Wednesday, May 28, 23.00 GMT or as soon as it is received as Final.

Winter deadline I'll schedule for this Friday, 23.00 GMT so we can have our Spring 1904 orders deadline again at next Tuesday June 3.
Your GM


DC138 Winter Of Our Discontent - Early Winter 2009... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The cookie oracle for Early Winter says: You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course. Encouraging words...

Retreats are every which way this season... The scramble to reorganize from the last turn has begun. I actually have all but one set of adjustments in hand so we'll have a quick Winter deadline. I'm hoping I can have all adjustments in by Wednesday, May 28th (11:59 PM GMT). However, if this is too quick a turn-around, please just let me know.



Retreat orders for Fall of 2009. (DC138 09 EW)

BC: A New York State - Ontario.

California: A Louisiana - Dallas.
California: A Ohio - Indiana.

Florida: A Tennessee - Georgia.

Cuba: A Venezuela - Vichada.

Mexico: disband F Straits of Yucatan.

Unit locations:

BC: F Arctic Ocean, F Beauce, F Gulf of St-Lawrence, F Massachusetts
Bay, A Manitoba, F Cape May, A Michigan, F Mid Pacific Ocean, A
Ohio, A Ontario, F West Coast, A Western Ontario.
California: A Chihuahua, F Coast of Mexico, A Dallas, A Durango, F Gulf of
California, A Houston, A Indiana, A Kentucky, A Minneapolis, A
Missouri, A San Antonio, A Tennessee, A Virginia.
Florida: F Apalachee Bay, F East Coast, A Georgia, F Gulf of Campeche, A
Havana, A Louisiana, A North Carolina, F Straits of Florida, F
Straits of Yucatan, F Venezuela.
Heartland: A Washington DC.
NewYork: F Massachussets, A New York City, A New York State, A Philadelphia,
A West Pennsylvania.
Quebec: F Maine.
Cuba: F Dominican Republic, F Lesser Antilles, A Vichada.
Mexico: A Bogota, F Gulf of Mosquitos, F Gulf of Mexico, F Guerrero, A
Guatemala, A Nuevo Leon, A Potosi, F South Caribbean Sea, F
Veracruz, A Yucatan.

Ownership of supply centers:

BC: Anchorage, Calgary, Greenland, Hawaii, Manitoba, Michigan, Montreal,
Ohio, Ontario, Quebec City, Ungava, Vancouver, Washington.
California: Arizona, Chihuahua, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Durango, Houston,
Kansas, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Missouri, Oregon, San
Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Tennessee.
Florida: Georgia, Havana, Holquin, Jacksonville, Kingston, Louisiana, Miami,
North Carolina, Tampa, Venezuela.
Heartland: Washington DC.
NewYork: Massachussets, New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia.
Quebec: Nova Scotia.
Cuba: Dominican Republic.
Mexico: Bogota, Cali, Guadalajara, Guatemala, Lima, Mexico City, Nicaragua,
Nuevo Leon, Panama, Veracruz, Yucatan.

BC: 13 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 1 unit.
California: 17 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 3 units.
Florida: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.
Heartland: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
NewYork: 4 Supply centers, 5 Units: Removes 1 unit.
Quebec: 1 Supply center, 1 Unit: Builds 0 units.
Peru: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Texas: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Cuba: 1 Supply center, 3 Units: Removes 2 units.
Mexico: 11 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 1 unit.



DC173 OK Computer - Fall 03 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The vibe is in the air... Fall 1903 orders, due in 21.5 hours or so. Not all are in, so please doublecheck.. =)




DC178 Sponge Sponge Sponge!! - Spring 06 Deadline... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Time to send em in!! We're crusing fast and furiously... Spring 1906 orders, due in just under 21.5 hours!!


Sponge-head Trout


DC179 Blackmarch - Spring 03 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya Blackmarchers...

Just sending out the rumpus - deadline for Spring 03 is in just under 21.5 hours..




DC 156, Spring 1906 adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey everybody,

Well, rats! We have another nmr, this time from Russia. Has anyone heard from Shawn?? Okay, well you don't have to answer that.

I'm going to make our retreat due still in 24 hours, on the assumption that I'll hear from Russia. I'll play it by ear, but Nick don't assume that there will be a delay.

Here is the adjudication:


A VIE Hold

F Bre – Mao
F Iri S F Bre – Mao
F Eng S F Bre – Mao
A Par - Bre
A Gas S A Bur – Mar
A Hol Hold
F Den Hold
F Nth Hold

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean hold
F Spain s hold (at) Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Gascony

A Apulia - Venice
A Tunis Hold

no moves received

F TYS supports F Nap - ION
A Rom Holds
F Nap - ION
A Bul Supports A Smy - Gre
A Smy - Gre
F AEG convoys A Smy - Gre


F Albania - Greece (*Bounce*)
A Budapest Supports A Vienna
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Trieste Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Hold
A Warsaw - Livonia

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Denmark Hold
F English Channel Supports F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Gascony Supports A Burgundy - Marseilles (*Void*)
A Holland Hold
F Irish Sea Supports F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F North Sea Hold
A Paris - Brest

A Marseilles - Gascony (*Fails*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Spain(sc) Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Apulia - Venice
A Tunis Hold

A Bohemia, no move received
A Burgundy, no move received
A Galicia, no move received
F Kiel, no move received
A Moscow, no move received
F Rumania, no move received
F Sweden, no move received
A Tyrolia, no move received

F Aegean Sea Convoys A Smyrna - Greece
A Bulgaria Supports A Smyrna - Greece
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome Hold
A Smyrna - Greece (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea


One retreat due from France in 24 hours, Wednesday March 28 at 21:00 MDT. Lots of options, see below:

French F Mid-Atlantic Ocean can retreat to North Atlantic Ocean
or Portugal or North Africa or Western Mediterranean.

RUSSIA, please get in touch with me as soon as you can.

I'll keep you all posted if we have to hold up again.

Have fun,



DC177 Spring 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
England pulls a crafty move to disband France's fleet but Germany still
storms the North Sea, the middle of the board stays really crowded, and
Austria finds both of his centers occupied, leaving him one season to
find some supplies.

No retreats, so we move directly to Fall 1903, due next Monday, June
2nd, at 9 pm eastern time.



F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea
A Silesia Hold

F English Channel - Irish Sea (*Bounce*)
A Liverpool - Wales
F London Supports A Liverpool - Wales

A Belgium Supports A Holland
F Brest - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Burgundy Supports A Munich
F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Wales - Irish Sea (*Disbanded*)

A Berlin Supports A Munich
F Denmark - North Sea
A Holland Hold
A Munich Supports A Berlin
F Skagerrak Supports F Denmark - North Sea
A Sweden Hold

F Ionian Sea Hold
A Trieste - Vienna (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Venice - Trieste (*Fails*)
A Vienna - Budapest (*Fails*)

A Bohemia - Vienna (*Bounce*)
A Galicia Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Norway - St Petersburg
A Rumania - Budapest
F Sevastopol - Rumania (*Disbanded*)
A Warsaw Supports A Berlin - Silesia (*Void*)

A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Greece Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Serbia - Rumania (*Bounce*)


DC177 Spring 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Didn't attach the map the first time around. Here it is.


Matt Kremer wrote:

England pulls a crafty move to disband France's fleet but Germany
still storms the North Sea, the middle of the board stays really
crowded, and Austria finds both of his centers occupied, leaving him
one season to find some supplies.

No retreats, so we move directly to Fall 1903, due next Monday, June
2nd, at 9 pm eastern time.



F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea
A Silesia Hold

F English Channel - Irish Sea (*Bounce*)
A Liverpool - Wales
F London Supports A Liverpool - Wales

A Belgium Supports A Holland
F Brest - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Burgundy Supports A Munich
F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Wales - Irish Sea (*Disbanded*)

A Berlin Supports A Munich
F Denmark - North Sea
A Holland Hold
A Munich Supports A Berlin
F Skagerrak Supports F Denmark - North Sea
A Sweden Hold

F Ionian Sea Hold
A Trieste - Vienna (*Bounce*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Venice - Trieste (*Fails*)
A Vienna - Budapest (*Fails*)

A Bohemia - Vienna (*Bounce*)
A Galicia Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Norway - St Petersburg
A Rumania - Budapest
F Sevastopol - Rumania (*Disbanded*)
A Warsaw Supports A Berlin - Silesia (*Void*)

A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Black Sea Supports A Armenia - Sevastopol
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
F Greece Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Serbia - Rumania (*Bounce*)


dc163 Winter Builds - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Here are the results for the Winter 1904 season:

Build A Brest

Remove A Albania

Build A Moscow
Build A Warsaw

Build A Constantinople

Moves for Spring 1905 will be due Monday June 2nd by 8pm EST

Good Hunting



I yam not spam! Attention Mod! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I received a bounce-back from both Stephen's (Deathblades) account as well as ecommander, one of my players, saying that they would not accept mail from my IP address. As I do most of my adjudicating at work Very Happy I need to find a solution to this...

Any suggestions?

Can players make sure they click below so they are notified when I post on here?




DC 160 - Nightstalkers - Winter 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ok, so I don't know what happened last time, but here are the build results.
Spring 1905 due Monday, June 2nd


DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Spring 831 - ANGLO SAX... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

F Dyf - Gwy
A Gwe - Pow
A Hwi S A Gwe-Pow
A Mer S F Dyf-Gwy
F Ken H
F Sod S F Ken H


----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:52:35 PM
Subject: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Winter 830 - Man Turns Into Scotsman

I don't know ... I don't know ... all I know is that these people are streaming north of the border at the rate of thousands every hour. If we don't act fast, Scotland will be choked with Scotsmen...

But not really... Actually, its the Norse and Swedes pumping out sailors that has things in an uproar. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Saxons disband a fleet of their own in Lyme Bay. Thems the adjustments - deadline for Spring 831 orders will be set for Monday, June 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).


Scotsman Trout

Adjustment orders for Winter of 830. (DC 161 830 WIN)

Norse: Build F Hordaland.

AngloSaxons: Remove F Lyme Bay.

Swedes: Build F Gotar.

Unit locations:

Scots: F Cait, F Circinn, F Irish Sea, F Moray Firth, F Scapa Flow, A
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, A Chester, F Cornish Sea, F Cornwall, A Gwynned, A
Norse: F Arctic Ocean, F East Anglia, F Firth of Forth, F Hordaland, F
Jelling, F Norwegian Sea, A Sogn.
AngloSaxons: A Austrasia, F Dyfed, A Gwent, A Hwicce, F Kent, A Mercia, F
Strait of Dover.
Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania, A Frisia, F Gotar, A Middle Anglia, F North Sea,
A Pomerania, A Saxony, F The Wash.

Ownership of supply centers:

Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Strathclyde, Ulster.
Britons: Cornwall, Deira, Gwynned, Leinster, Meath, Powys.
Norse: Agder, East Anglia, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Austrasia, Brittany, Gwent, Hamptonshire, Kent, Mercia, Neustria.
Swedes: Frisia, Gotar, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia, Roskilde, Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britons: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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