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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc156

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Subject:< DC 156, DEADLINE WARNING >
Topic:< dc156 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Sep 13, 2007 at 12:00 am
Viewed:1364 times

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Hey all,

Orders are due in about 12.5 hours. Still don't have them all!


From: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
To: alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com; dc156(at)diplomaticcorp.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; cwhouston(at)email.com; gbrawn(at)rogers.com; badger.lover(at)talktalk.net; busckeeper0018(at)hotmail.com; cbarnett1966(at)roadrunner.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; thanksliving(at)hotmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; bielschowsky.f(at)gmail.com
Subject: DC 156, Winter 1905 adjudication
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 22:27:40 -0600

.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} [quote:d7c2adcbd6] [quote:d7c2adcbd6] [quote:d7c2adcbd6] [quote:d7c2adcbd6] [quote:d7c2adcbd6]Hey folks,

Well, it's turning out to be an interesting map imho. Lots could happen.

Anyhow, here are the adjustments. No word from our Brit., so he waives his build.

Spring 1906 will be due in one week. Tuesday, May 27, 21:00 MDT.

Here ya be:

Build waived

Remove A Tuscany

Build A Moscow

Build A Smyrna

As mentioned above, spring 06 is due in one week, on Tuesday the 27th.

Maps are attached.



There is 1 Message in this Thread:

DC 156, DEADLINE WARNING (test_gm) Sep 13, 12:00 am

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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