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DC 134 EGS (please distribute) - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ok as everyone seems to have given a summary I might as well as well. By the way I have enjoyed reading them.

Borderlands very quickly in the game hit a complete stalemate with the Eastlands. The Eastlands weren't willing to negotiate
on any SC's
even Malden which I defintely considered mine so I negotiated with the Westlands to enter the Frey. Steve
was willing as he knew he was blocked going south by the whitecloaks.

Bringing Steve on board was the best thing I did and it meant slowly but surely we were winning the war against the
Eastlands. What made it painfully slow was the neutral ground between us which we had to take one at a time. Also all of the
Eastlands armies were arrayed against us leaving him incredibly exposed from the South. With the arrival of the aiel the
Eastlands spectaculary imploded. Jules took over the midlands and it was a new game.

Now I desperately wanted to attack Jules (a grudge from another game) but frustratingly found myself unable to do so
meaningfully while I was again slowly but surely taking the old EAStland SC's and neutral middle ground between
the midlands and Eastlands. i was saving myself for the grand attack which never came as Jules destroyed himself by not
being able to make any lasting allies. He seemed to swing from one person to the next every turn.

I continued with my alliance with Steve as I was benefiting from it and quite frankly enjoyed the strategic planning with him.

I knew I could backstab and destroy him this side of the mountain whenever I chose but there was more to gain from
keeping him there.

We had just allied with the whitecloaks and were moving south. i was hoping to pick up one or two more SC's getting me to about
ten before turninig on Steve and picking up potentially 2-3 in the middle at best. Leaving me well short of the win and
probably the enmity of the rest of the players.

Hence my relunctance to make the move, and the slow but sure strategy.

In the end even though I enjoyed the game due to work committments I wasn't able to get to my computer
every week (I travel alot to remote places) and felt after the last move that I was significantly letting down
my allies. I didn't think that was fair and hence decided to pull out.

Sorry for ending the game and hope that didn't upset too many of you.



Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 05:29:05 -0700
From: githraine(at)yahoo.com
Subject: Fw: DC 134 EGS (please distribute)
To: dc134(at)diplomaticcorp.com; fixedbythepotter(at)yahoo.com; garry.bledsoe(at)alltel.com; Julien.Crawford(at)gmail.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com; wardus2274(at)hotmail.com

.ExternalClass DIV {;}

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jorge Saralegui <jorgesaralegui(at)verizon.net>
To: githraine(at)yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 1:06:46 AM
Subject: DC 134 EGS (please distribute)

I’ve already thanked Jason for a great game, and of
course want to thank everyone who played to the end.
It took me a while to figure out what can be done with
the Sea Folk, which is actually very specific. They
need cooperation to do well, but can ruin the game of
any coastal player. I did a mediocre job of marrying
those two.

The theme of my game, however, was communications.

I allied with Steve from the start, because we
maintained excellent communications until near the
end, when our email inexplicably screwed up. I had
turned on Felix with Steve, but when Felix left, I
offered Garry and Jules a chance to form an alliance
against Trout, who as he notes, wasn’t doing much to
stay meaningfully in touch. Jules totally frustrated
me, alternately firing off anti-Steve emails, then not
responding to my replies. I pointed out to him why he
was a dead man if he didn’t do as suggested, and he
chose to do otherwise. Oh well. Garry and I were
about to cave in Trout when my lack of contact with
Steve led to his building a fleet, which led to my
allying with Trout against Steve. The game hung in
the balance with Garry… and fittingly ended that way.

Email Australia. Be part of history. Take part in Australia's first e-mail archive with


General Information - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Welcome the 2008 Diplomatic Corp Invitational. The diplomaticcorp invitiational is an invitation only diplomacy game that only the best of the best in DC are invited too. This year's invitiation line up will include:-

The winner of the 2007 DCI.
A top ranked player from the Winter Blitz
The top 6 ranked players as calculated by the DCI ranking system
The top ranked new player in DC
A player chosen to be invited by the 3 moderators.

Some rules for the DCI
1. This is a 2 game commitment. (game 2 wil start after game 1 finishes).
2. No player will attempt to contact another player in the game, until after game 1 finishes.
3. No player will make public posts about the DCI or their involvment until after game 1 finishes.

Game 1
1. a 10 player GUNBOAT game with press on the Stonehenge IV map.
2. PRESS can be submitted with moves for Spring, Fall or Winter. Press may be edited by the GM to hide player's identities.
3. The top 7 players in game 1 will be invited to game 2.
4. Country assignments will be random.

Game 2.
1. a 7 player standard game.
2. country assignments will be random, except that players from the 2007 DCI will not play a country that they played in the 2007 DCI.

The games would count towards the ranking system at DC. In addition to that, over the 2 games - a basic point system would be

1st - 7 points, 2nd - 6 points, 3rd - 5 points, 4th - 4 points, 5th - 3 points, 6th - 2 points, 7th + 8th + 9th + 10th - 1 point.
Joint position means average points eg joint 1st between two players = 6.5
point each

SOLO + 3 points.


Game Start email 1 of 2 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Welcome to the 2008 DiplomaticCorp Invitational. I am very glad that all of you were able to commit to this game. Unfortunately we lost two of the 'first' invited players due to time commitments however more than adequate players have stepped into the breach. I am going to answer a few more of your questions in this email, and then you will all receive a private email from me telling you what country you are playing.

1) I am going to have reasonable fast-ish deadlines (however given the new girlfriend in my life (Thankyou Thankyou) I've been time pressed of late...) BUT getting back to diplomacy I was thinking of a 3-4 day turnaround trying to keep the deadlines away from the American Weekend if I can. That said I am going to assume that if moves are NOT marked preliminary - i can consider them final. If you would like to submit moves but make them preliminary because you want to go over the map or something in detail, just mark them preliminary. If and when I have 10 sets of non-preliminary moves I'll announce and adjudicate 24 hours later.

2) My House Rules will be standard with the following exceptions. My House Rules can be found here.


Exceptions to the rules are

Point 6. Early Adjudication Instead of final, read NOT marked preliminary.

Point 11. Funny Orders. This stands only because I complete forget to copy the player's funny moves across. I also dont allow Ghost moves eg F London supports Russian army sweden - denmark (all negoitations like that through press).. if it's a VOID order for london, it's a void order and is marked as fleet london holds.

Point 13. NO CD in this game and NO replacement. If a player NMRs, then i will count up to 2 NMRs against them. It leaves the position open for a player to return. Frankly i expect players of this callbre to play out Smile

Point 17. On CD. Not valid in this game.

Point 18. Deadlines - My deadlines are 5pm, Australian EST.

Point 19 PRESS - all press must be emailed to me, not sent to the game forum.


NO press can be sent to the DC forum.

NO attempt can be made to contact any other players.

Attempting to discuss the game with another player, would result in dismissal from my game and would be reported to the Moderators of Dc.

In a NON-PRESS gunboat game, no ghost orders will be accepted. Eg

Fleet London supports Germany a munich - paris will be interpreted as Fleet London holds as fleet London does not border paris


Game Start email 2 of 2 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
3) Special Gunboat Press Rules for the DCI.

There is to be NO attempt to make contact with another player in the game by email, phone or any other means other than press. However you are allowed to (in press) assume and comment on who you may think is playing in the game. For example if you thought i was playing (which i am obviously not) you could write

England believes that the Egyptian Monarchy could be under the control of the Penguin given their odd moves.


England suspects that the Penguin is playing in this game - we need to be wary of him!

However, players may not confirm or deny if they are playing or not. I know this seems strange so I'll keep it in check as i go.

4) Ranking.
The ranking of the DCI stats are slightly different to the ranking on the DC website. The rank I use for the DCI takes into consideration the number of games played, gives a bonus score for the number of solos, drawn firsts and even seconds. Just out of interest, and because someone asked - the players in this game that are playing are ranked in the bracket, 1st to 82nd, out of 230 players. If you would like to know your personal ranking, just drop me an email and asked.

5) Confirmation. 4 players have not confirmed the last group email i sent.. can those 4 (who i will let know personally), please confirm they received the gorup email.

6) First Deadline

Wednesday 5th June, 5pm Australian EST.


DC176 - Winter 1903 - Adjudication - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
No word from our Turkish ruler, His Imperial Majesty Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire (Henry, please contact me to let me know what's happening).
A first NMR has been recorded for Turkey, and if another NMR occurs, Turkey's troops will go into Civil Disorder. See the DC176 House Rules:

3. If a player NMRs for 2 consecutive seasons, the country is placed in Civil Disorder (CD). Countries in Civil Disorder will have all their units hold. Units will disband if dislodged and no extra units will be built. The GM will remove the player from the game and may choose to seek a replacement or just leave the country in Civil Disorder.

Following orders were given for Winter 1903:

Austria: Build A Vienna
France: Build F Brest
Germany: Remove A St Petersburg
Italy: Build F Naples

Since Turkey had to disband one of its units and no orders were received, the rules will be applied for a NMR (or NDR).
As a result the Fleet in AEG will be disbanded.

Next deadline is for the Spring 1904 orders and is set for Tuesday, June 3rd, 23.00 GMT.
Let's hope Henry gets back to us to continue the game. If not, I will take a decision at the next deadline.

Your GM


DC136 Avenging Disco Godfathers - Spring 1912 - St... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well now, I get low and I get high,
And if I cant get either, I really try.
Got the wings of heaven on my shoes.
Im a dancin man and I just cant lose.

The board gets a little tighter with the Spring. Germany moves into the Armenian hills while France pays a visit to the Parthenon. Meanwhile, the empty spaces in the west get a lot less empty.

No retreats are required except for the Turkish auto-disband in Greece... Deadline for Fall 1912 will be set for Wednesday, June 4th (11:59 PM GMT). As always, please just let me know if you spot any errors.

Cheers party-lovers!

Dance-Daddy Trout

Movement results for Spring of 1912. (DC136 12 SPR)

France: F Adriatic Sea Supports A Venice - Trieste.
France: A Albania Supports A Serbia - Greece.
France: F Apulia Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
France: A Belgium Supports A Burgundy.
France: A Budapest - Serbia.
France: A Burgundy Supports A Belgium.
France: F English Channel - London.
France: F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea (*Fails*).
France: F Naples - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
France: A North Africa - Spain.
France: F North Sea Supports A Belgium.
France: F Norwegian Sea Supports F North Sea.
France: A Serbia - Greece.
France: F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea.
France: A Venice - Trieste.
France: F Western Mediterranean Convoys A North Africa - Spain.

Germany: A Berlin - Munich.
Germany: F Denmark Supports F Kiel - Helgoland Bight.
Germany: A Galicia Supports A Rumania.
Germany: A Holland Supports A Munich - Ruhr.
Germany: F Kiel - Helgoland Bight.
Germany: A Munich - Ruhr.
Germany: F Norway Supports F Skagerrak.
Germany: A Rumania Hold.
Germany: A Sevastopol - Armenia.
Germany: F Skagerrak Supports F Norway.
Germany: A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna.
Germany: A Ukraine - Sevastopol.
Germany: A Vienna Supports A Tyrolia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea Supports F Greece (*Cut*).
Turkey: A Bulgaria Hold.
Turkey: A Constantinople Supports A Bulgaria.
Turkey: F Eastern Mediterranean Supports F Aegean Sea.
Turkey: F Greece Hold (*Disbanded*).

Unit locations:

France: F Adriatic Sea, A Albania, F Apulia, A Belgium, A Burgundy, A
Greece, F Ionian Sea, F London, F Naples, F North Sea, F Norwegian
Sea, A Serbia, A Spain, A Trieste, F Tyrrhenian Sea, F Western
Germany: A Armenia, F Denmark, A Galicia, F Helgoland Bight, A Holland, A
Munich, F Norway, A Ruhr, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, F Skagerrak, A
Tyrolia, A Vienna.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople, F Eastern Mediterranean,
F Greece.

Ownership of supply centers:

France: Belgium, Brest, Budapest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Marseilles,
Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Serbia, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Moscow, Munich, Norway, Rumania,
Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna.

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 16 Supply centers, 16 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 13 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC166 (wb0821) - Winter 1910 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Armies spring up in London and Trieste, and a fleet finds Atlantic in the ports of Rome. And thus, with 1910 wrapped we move onto Spring 1911 - deadline will be set for Monday, June 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).

Let me know if I goofed. Cheers!


Adjustment orders for Winter of 1910. (DC166 10 WIN)

Austria: Build A Trieste.

England: Build A London.

Turkey: Remove F Rome.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Albania, A Apulia, A Bohemia, A Bulgaria, A Marseilles, A Moscow,
A Munich, A Rumania, A Serbia, A Sevastopol, A Silesia, A Trieste.
England: F Berlin, A Brest, A Burgundy, F English Channel, A Gascony, A Kiel,
F Livonia, A London, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Atlantic Ocean, F
Portugal, F Prussia, A Ruhr, F Spain(sc), A St Petersburg.
Turkey: A Armenia, A Constantinople, F Greece, F Gulf of Lyon, F Naples, F
North Africa, F Piedmont.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Bulgaria, Marseilles, Moscow, Munich, Rumania, Serbia,
Sevastopol, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Belgium, Berlin, Brest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel,
Liverpool, London, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Spain, St Petersburg,
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Greece, Naples, Rome, Smyrna, Tunis.

Austria: 12 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 15 Supply centers, 15 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC173 OK Computer - Winter 1903 - Exit Music (for... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Pack and get dressed
Before your father hears us
Before.. all hell.. breaks loose.

Heya guys,

Two armies spring up in Austria and a fleet is launched in Brest. Meanwhile, the two units on the Italian peninsula are folded - and we move on to Spring 1904. Deadline for Spring orders will be set for Wednesdday, June 4th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers all!


PS - Could someone please forward this to Dom. My email to him is about to bounced back...

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1903. (DC173 WIN 03)

Austria: Build A Budapest.
Austria: Build A Trieste.

France: Build F Brest.

Italy: Remove A Tuscany.
Italy: Remove A Naples.

Unit locations:

Austria: F Albania, A Budapest, A Greece, A Livonia, A Moscow, A Trieste, A
Tyrolia, A Venice.
England: F Edinburgh, F English Channel, A London, A Norway, F St
France: F Brest, A Burgundy, F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, A Picardy, F
Germany: A Belgium, F Denmark, A Holland, F Kiel, A Munich, A Ruhr, F Sweden.
Italy: F Ionian Sea, F Tyrrhenian Sea.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, A Armenia, F Bulgaria(ec), F Constantinople, F Eastern
Mediterranean, A Sevastopol.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Moscow, Serbia, Trieste, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway, St Petersburg.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Sweden.
Italy: Naples, Rome.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Rumania, Sevastopol, Smyrna.

Austria: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC 183 Fall 1902 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

Following consultation with the chaps who run the site, and some careful thought on my part, I've decided not to replace the German player, as the two supply centre position seems to me to be hopeless. Thanks for the offers from a couple of players to find replacements, but I think it's for the best that we don't replace.

The deadline for Winter 1902 builds remains the same - 2000GMT on Monday 2nd June



--- On Thu, 29/5/08, Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com> wrote:

From: Michael Thompson <psychosis(at)sky.com>
Subject: DC 183 Fall 1902
To: gadmiralthrawn(at)juno.com, jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com, verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com, hizerali(at)googlemail.com, cbconnell(at)gmail.com, zeclient(at)hotmail.com, francisbanville12(at)hotmail.com, dc183(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Cc: mike(at)southwall.com, former.trout(at)gmail.com, stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Date: Thursday, 29 May, 2008, 9:43 PM

Fall 1902 moves are in...

We say goodbye to Austria, who shuffles off this mortal coil despite best efforts of his forces to sneak into Greece and Venice. Many thanks to Stuart for playing this through!

Unfortunately, we have a second NMR from Germany, so I'm declaring Germany in civil disorder. With only two centres and surrounded by hostile forces, I suspect getting a replacement could be difficult, but I'll try and refill the German position, per my house rules.

Elsewhere on the map, England takes full advantage by grabbing the low countries, whilst France grabs Berlin and forces her way into the Med. In the East, Russia makes advances in the north and the south, whilst Turkey finally makes it into Serbia thanks to Italian support.

With no retreats we move to Winter 1902, with the following builds needed:

Austria - remove 1 (automatic removal of fleet in Adriatic)
England - build 2
France - build 1
Germany - remove 1
Italy - build 2
Russia - build 1
Turkey - build 1

Can folk please submit their builds by 2000GMT on Monday 2nd June. Should I get a replacement German player, I'll extend this deadline as appropriate


The merry band of players:

Austria: Stuart - gadmiralthrawn(at)juno.com
England: Joao - jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com
France: Rachael - verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com
Germany: Hizer - hizerali(at)googlemail.com
Italy: Craig - cbconnell(at)gmail.com
Russia: Nick - zeclient(at)hotmail.com
Turkey: Francis - francisbanville12(at)hotmail.com ([email]francisbanville12(at)hotmail.com[/email])

F Adriatic Sea - Venice (*Bounce*)
A Serbia - Greece (*Disbanded*)

F English Channel Convoys A London - Belgium
A London - Belgium
F North Sea - Holland
F Norway Hold

A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy - Munich
A Gascony - Burgundy
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
A Munich - Berlin

F Denmark, no move received
A Kiel, no move received
A Ruhr, no move received

F Albania - Greece (*Bounce*)
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Trieste Supports A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Tyrolia - Venice (*Bounce*)

A Budapest - Serbia (*Fails*)
F Rumania - Black Sea
A Sevastopol - Armenia
F St Petersburg(nc) - Barents Sea
F Sweden - Norway (*Fails*)
A Ukraine - Rumania
A Vienna Supports A Trieste

F Ankara - Constantinople
A Bulgaria - Serbia
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna Hold

England: Belgium, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London,
France: Berlin, Brest, Marseilles, Munich, Paris, Portugal,
Germany: Denmark, Kiel.
Italy: Greece, Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg,
Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Serbia, Smyrna.

Austria: Supp 0 Unit 1 Remove 1
England: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 2
France: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Germany: Supp 2 Unit 3 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 2
Russia: Supp 8 Unit 7 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 5 Unit 4 Build 1

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Email.


DC135 Fear & Loathing - Fall 1909 - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey folks,

The game flavour spices itself up a little with the Fall 1909 orders. It proves to be too hot for our good Tsar, however, as with Turkish support the English provide the golden bullet. A bullet is received by the Brits in kind, however, as Austria strikes back in Budapest - narrowly avoiding disaster in Rumania. And tempers flare between the Western powers with a bounce in the Irish Sea...

There was one retreat resulting from all of that - due from the Russian in Sevastopol. As the unit would be disbanded in the Winter phase anyways however, I took the liberty and retreated it OTB. My gratitude to Steven for playing this tune right out to the end.

Thus we move into the Winter 1909 adjustments. One build each is due from England and Turkey. Please submit these to both myself and to Nick - I believe Mr. Mercier will be taking the reigns back with the Winter as I bow out gracefully. I'll tentatively set the deadline for Tuesday, June 3rd (11:59 PM GMT) however stay tuned for word from Nick as he might change that up a little.

Thanks everyone. Just let me know if you spot any errors. Cheers!


Movement results for Fall of 1909. (DC135 09 EW)

Austria: A Rumania - Budapest.
Austria: A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Budapest.

England: F Berlin Supports A Kiel.
England: A Budapest - Galicia (*Disbanded*).
England: A Edinburgh - Denmark.
England: A Galicia - Bohemia.
England: F Helgoland Bight Supports A Kiel.
England: A Kiel Hold.
England: F Liverpool - Irish Sea (*Bounce*).
England: A London Hold.
England: A Moscow - Sevastopol.
England: F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Denmark.
England: A Ukraine Supports A Bulgaria - Rumania.
England: A Vienna - Galicia (*Bounce*).
England: A Warsaw - Silesia (*Bounce*).

France: A Albania Supports F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Cut*).
France: A Belgium Supports A Holland.
France: F English Channel - Irish Sea (*Bounce*).
France: A Holland Hold.
France: F Ionian Sea - Greece (*Fails*).
France: A Munich - Silesia (*Bounce*).
France: F Naples Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
France: A Ruhr Supports A Holland.
France: F Spain(sc) - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
France: A Trieste Hold.
France: A Tyrolia Supports A Trieste.
France: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Fails*).
France: A Venice Supports A Trieste.

Russia: F Sevastopol Hold (*Dislodged*).

Turkey: F Adriatic Sea - Albania (*Bounce*).
Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Eastern Mediterranean.
Turkey: A Armenia Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol.
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Rumania.
Turkey: F Greece - Albania (*Bounce*).

Retreat orders for Fall of 1909. (DC135 09 EW)

Russia: disband F Sevastopol.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Budapest, A Serbia.
England: F Berlin, A Bohemia, A Denmark, F Helgoland Bight, A Kiel, F
Liverpool, A London, F North Sea, A Sevastopol, A Ukraine, A Vienna,
A Warsaw.
France: A Albania, A Belgium, F English Channel, A Holland, F Ionian Sea, F
Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Munich, F Naples, A Ruhr, A Trieste, A
Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, A Armenia, F Eastern Mediterranean, F Greece, A

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Serbia.
England: Berlin, Denmark, Edinburgh, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Moscow, Norway,
Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw.
France: Belgium, Brest, Holland, Marseilles, Munich, Naples, Paris,
Portugal, Rome, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Rumania, Smyrna.

Austria: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 13 Supply centers, 12 Units: Builds 1 unit.
France: 13 Supply centers, 13 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 6 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 1 unit.



DC141 Seven Sinners - Winter 1908 - The Facts In T... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Gents of the Seven Sinners,

Russia retreats to Gulf of Bothnia and France gets their build in early - building an army in Paris. And we flow onwards - deadline for Spring 1909 orders will be set for Friday, June 6th (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers everyone!


Retreat orders for Fall of 1908. (DC141 08 WIN)

Russia: F Sweden - Gulf of Bothnia.

Adjustment orders for Winter of 1908. (DC141 08 WIN)

France: Build A Paris.

Unit locations:

England: F Barents Sea, A Edinburgh, A Finland, A Holland, F North Sea, F
Norway, F St Petersburg(sc), F Sweden.
France: F Gulf of Lyon, A Marseilles, A Paris, A Ruhr, F Tunis, F Tyrrhenian
Sea, F Western Mediterranean.
Germany: A Berlin, A Burgundy, A Kiel.
Russia: F Baltic Sea, F Gulf of Bothnia, A Livonia, A Moscow, A Piedmont, A
Silesia, A Tyrolia.
Turkey: F Adriatic Sea, F Aegean Sea, A Ankara, F Greece, F Ionian Sea, F
Naples, A Rome, A Tuscany, A Venice.

Ownership of supply centers:

England: Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Liverpool, London, Norway, St
Petersburg, Sweden.
France: Belgium, Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Tunis.
Germany: Berlin, Kiel, Munich.
Russia: Budapest, Constantinople, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, Vienna,
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Greece, Naples, Rome, Serbia, Smyrna, Trieste,

Austria: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC172 Midsummer Nights Stab - Summer 1603 - Romeo... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Care keeps his watch in every old man's eye,
And where care lodges, sleep will never lie.

There's no star-crossed lovers in this game... Retreats are to Cornwall, Bay of Biscay, Aegean Sea and Greater Poland. I have a line on a new Frenchman and will announce the player as soon as they confirm with me.

We have some interesting scheduling coming up due to a player trip. Long story short, please bear with me - some of our turns might be either longer or shorter than usual - all things depending. Deadline for Fall 1603, however, will be set for Friday June 6th (11:59 PM GMT).



Retreat orders for Spring of 1603. (DC172 03 SUM)

Denmark: F London - Cornwall.

France: F Navarre - Bay of Biscay.

OttomanEmpire: F Greece - Aegean Sea.

Sweden: A Warsaw - Great Poland.

Unit locations:

Denmark: F Norwegian Sea, F North Sea, F Ireland, F Cornwall, A Westphalia, A
Netherlands, A Holstein, A Scania.
England: F Scotland, A Yorkshire, F London.
France: A Savoy, F Bay of Biscay, A Paris, F Gascony, A Provence.
HabsburgEmpire: A Greece, A Illyria, A Serbia, A Slovakia, A Silisia, A Venice,
A Bavaria, A Saxony, A Warsaw, A Cracow.
OttomanEmpire: F Constantinople, F Aegean Sea.
Russia: A Anatolia, F Crimea, A Volhynia, A Ukraine, A Uralsk, A Tula, A
Novgorod, A Archangel.
Spain: F Libya, F Egypt, A Tuscany, F Flanders, F Navarre, A Castille, F
Granada, A Languedoc.
Sweden: A Hesse, A Great Poland, A Mazovia, A White Russia, A Pskov, A
Karelia, A Ingria, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Baltic Sea.

Ownership of supply centers:

Denmark: London, Netherlands, Bremen, Holstein, Jutland, Zealand, Scania,
England: Scotland, Ireland, Wales.
France: Savoy, Paris, Gascony, Burgundy, Provence.
HabsburgEmpire: Transylvania, Western Hungary, Serbia, Bohemia, Austria,
Croatia, Venice, Lorraine, Bavaria, Cracow.
OttomanEmpire: Constantinople, Greece.
Russia: Anatolia, Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Crimea, Bessarabia, Voronezj,
Moscow, Novgorod.
Spain: North Africa, Egypt, Rome, Flanders, Naples, Castille, Granada,
Sweden: Pomerania, Brandenburg, Prussia, White Russia, Warsaw, Finland,
Estonia, Stockholm, Bergslagen.

Denmark: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
HabsburgEmpire: 10 Supply centers, 10 Units: Builds 0 units.
OttomanEmpire: 2 Supply centers, 2 Units: Builds 0 units.
Poland: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Spain: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.
Sweden: 9 Supply centers, 9 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC178 Search For Spongebob - Fall 1906 - Desolatio... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The time on the high seas looks short for the East as two of their three centers are snapped up by the tides o' war. The West stays in the the mix with some ruthlessness of their own. And the south makes the circuit, gaining Morpheus' Palace and the distinction of having liberated centers from all three other powers.

Two builds due from the South, two disbands due from the East. Deadline for Winter 1906 adjustments will be set for Monday, June 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).


Three-Toed Trout the Tentative

Movement results for Fall of 1906. (DC178 06 FALL)

East: A Echo's Glade - Village Of Aeolus (*Bounce*).
East: F Narcissus' Reflection Convoys A Echo's Glade - Village Of Aeolus.
East: F Amazon Village - Sea Of Waves (*Bounce*).

North: A Centaur Forest Hold.
North: A Chiron's Cave Supports A Centaur Forest.
North: A Realm of King Midas - Village Of Aeolus (*Bounce*).
North: F Prometheus' Cliff - Sea Of Waves (*Bounce*).

South: F Western Ocean - Morpheus' Palace.
South: F Lover's Lane - Nestor's Kingdom (*Bounce*).
South: F Cupid's Cloud - Sea Of Arrows.
South: F Strife's Cave Hold.
South: A Tartarus Hold.

West: F Sea Of Arrows - Aphrodite's Beach.
West: F Sea Of Fire - Isle Of Lesbos.
West: F Forest of the Golden Hind - Nestor's Kingdom (*Bounce*).

Unit locations:

East: A Echo's Glade, F Narcissus' Reflection, F Amazon Village.
North: A Centaur Forest, A Chiron's Cave, A Realm of King Midas, F
Prometheus' Cliff.
South: F Morpheus' Palace, F Sea Of Arrows, F Lover's Lane, F Strife's
Cave, A Tartarus.
West: F Aphrodite's Beach, F Isle Of Lesbos, F Forest of the Golden Hind.

Ownership of supply centers:

East: Amazon Village.
North: Centaur Forest, Village Of Aeolus, Hercules' Respite, Prometheus'
South: Morpheus' Palace, Cupid's Cloud, Nestor's Kingdom, Strife's Cave,
Xena's Rest, Depths Of Hades, Tartarus.
West: Aphrodite's Beach, Isle Of Lesbos, Convent of the Vestal Virgins.
Unowned: Palace of Ares.

East: 1 Supply center, 3 Units: Removes 2 units.
North: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
South: 7 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 2 units.
West: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.



GGS 1264 / DC110 - Spring 1873 Corrected Adjudicat... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya folks,

Its been pointed out that I adjudicated using the incorrect set of Dutch orders. Rudi had submitted a revised set and, my apologies, I failed to take this into account when entering the moves.

Thus, please find attached the corrected Spring 1873 turn. Once again, I'm sorry for any confusion. Deadline for Summer 1873 retreats will remain tomorrow night - Monday, June 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).

Cheers all!


Movement results for Spring of 1873. (1873 SPR)

Austria: A Berlin (ber) Supports A Silesia (sil) (*Cut*).
Austria: F Black Sea (bla) - Sofia (sof)(ec) (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Bosnia (bos) - Serbia (ser).
Austria: F Constantinople (con) - Sofia (sof)(ec) (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Croatia (cro) - Budapest (bud) (*Dislodged*).
Austria: A Rumania (rum) Supports A Bosnia (bos) - Serbia (ser).
Austria: A Silesia (sil) Supports A Berlin (ber) (*Dislodged*).
Austria: A Vienna (vie) - Budapest (bud) (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Wallacia (wlc) Supports A Bosnia (bos) - Serbia (ser).

Britain: F Norway (nwy) - Sweden (swe).
Britain: F Sweden (swe) - Baltic Sea (bal).
Britain: F Toledo (tld) - Bay of Biscay (bob) (*Fails*).

China: A Bokhara (bkh) - Afganistan (afg) (*Bounce*).
China: A Burma (brm) - Mandalay (mly) (*Bounce*).
China: A Canton (can) - Tonkin (tnk) (*Bounce*).
China: F Fuchan (fuc) Supports F Hong Kong (hko) (*Ordered to Move*).
China: F Hong Kong (hko) - Fuchan (fuc) (*Fails*).
China: A Inner Mongolia (img) - Peking (pek) (*Fails*).
China: A Kashgar (ksg) - Karachi (krc).
China: A Kashmir (kas) Supports A Kashgar (ksg) - Karachi (krc).
China: A Rajputana (raj) Supports A Kashgar (ksg) - Karachi (krc).
China: F Shanghai (sha) Supports F Sea of Japan (soj) - Yellow Sea (yse)
China: A Tibet (tib) - Assam (asm) (*Bounce*).
China: A Wuhan (wuh) Supports F Shanghai (sha).
China: A Yunnan (yun) Supports A Burma (brm) - Mandalay (mly).

France: F Adriatic Sea (adr) Supports A Venice (ven).
France: F The Azores (azo) Supports F Straits of Gibraltar (sog) - Canary
France: A Bavaria (bav) Supports A Warsaw (war) - Silesia (sil).
France: F Bay of Biscay (bob) - North Atlantic (nat) (*Bounce*).
France: F Brazil Current (bcu) Supports A Recife (rec).
France: F Cape Verde Islands (vrd) Supports F Straits of Gibraltar (sog) -
Canary Seaway(cny).
France: F Coast of Argentina (cag) Supports F Brazil Current (bcu).
France: A Cochabamba (coh) Supports A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra).
France: F Falkland Islands (fal) - Drake (dra).
France: F Gibraltar (gib) Supports A Valencia (vlc) - Toledo (tld) (*Void*).
France: A Goyamas (goy) - La Paz (lpa) (*Bounce*).
France: F Grain Coast (gcs) - Middle Atlantic (mat) (*Fails*).
France: F Greece (gre) - Aegean Sea (aeg) (*Bounce*).
France: F Gulf of Guinea (gog) Supports F Grain Coast (gcs) - Middle Atlantic
(mat) (*Fails*).
France: F Helgoland Bight (hel) - North Sea (nth) (*Fails*).
France: A Holland (hol) - Rouen (rou).
France: F Ionian Sea (ion) Convoys A Tubruq (tbq) - Crete (cre).
France: F Kiel (kie)(wc) Supports A Prussia (pru) - Berlin (ber) (*Fails*).
France: A Marseilles (mar) - Piedmont (pie).
France: F Middle Atlantic (mat) - Sargasso (sar) (*Fails*).
France: F Monrovia (mnv) - Sierra Leone (sie).
France: A Morocco (mrc) Hold.
France: F Nantes (nan) - North Atlantic (nat) (*Bounce*).
France: A Oliveira (oli) Supports A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra).
France: A Paris (par) - Bordeaux (brd).
France: A Recife (rec) Supports A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra)
France: A Rio de Janeiro (rdj) - Brasilia (bra).
France: A Ruhr (ruh) - Holland (hol).
France: F Straits of Gibraltar (sog) - Canary Seaway(cny).
France: A Stuttgart (stu) Supports A Bavaria (bav).
France: F Tripoli (trp) - Tunis (tun).
France: A Tubruq (tbq) - Crete (cre).
France: F Uruguay (uru) Supports F Falkland Islands (fal) - Drake (dra).
France: A Valencia (vlc), no move received.
France: A Venice (ven) Supports A Serbia (ser) - Croatia (cro).

Holland: F Abyssinia (aby) - Red Sea (rse).
Holland: A Afganistan (afg) - Khiva (khv).
Holland: F Andaman Sea (ase) Convoys A Sumatra (sum) - Rangoon (rng).
Holland: A Angora (ang) - Constantinople (con) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Annam (ann) Supports A Siam (sia) - Tonkin (tnk) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (aat) - Antarctic Indian Ocean(ain).
Holland: F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa) Supports F Drake (dra) - Chilean Basin
Holland: F Arabian Sea(ara) - Karachi (krc) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Armenia (arm) - Angora (ang) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Baghdad (bag) - Bangalore (ban).
Holland: A Baku (bku) - Georgia (geo) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Bay of Bengal (bbe) Supports A Sumatra (sum) - Rangoon (rng)
Holland: F Bismark Sea (bis) Supports F Izu Trench (izu) - West Pacific (wpa).
Holland: A Bombay (bom) - Mandlah (mdh).
Holland: F Cairo (cai)(nc) - Eastern Mediterranean (eas).
Holland: A Ceylon (cey) - Hyderabad (hyd).
Holland: F Cyprus (cyp) Supports F Cairo (cai)(nc) - Eastern Mediterranean
Holland: A Dar Es Sallam (dar) - Aswan (asw).
Holland: F Drake (dra) - Chilean Basin (cba) (*Dislodged*).
Holland: F East China Sea (ecs) - Shanghai (sha) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Equatorial CounterCurrent (eco) - Hawaii (haw) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Fezz (fzz) Hold.
Holland: F Fiji (fij) Supports F New Zealand (nzl) - South West Pacific (swp)
Holland: F Formosa (for) - East China Sea (ecs) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Goodhope (goo) Supports F South Atlantic (sat).
Holland: F Gulf of Manaar (gum) Convoys A Ceylon (cey) - Hyderabad (hyd).
Holland: F Izu Trench (izu) - West Pacific (wpa).
Holland: F Kagoshima (kag) - Izu Trench (izu).
Holland: A Karachi (krc) - Afganistan (afg) (*Dislodged*).
Holland: A Kenya (ken) Hold.
Holland: F Malaysia (mal) - Java Sea (jse).
Holland: F Marshal Islands (mhl) Supports F Izu Trench (izu) - West Pacific
Holland: F New Zealand (nzl) - South West Pacific (swp) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Okinawa (oki) Supports F Sea of Japan (soj) - Yellow Sea (yse).
Holland: F Peking (pek) Supports F East China Sea (ecs) - Shanghai (sha)
Holland: F Persian Gulf (pgu) Supports F Arabian Sea(ara) - Karachi (krc).
Holland: F Philippine (phi) Supports F Formosa (for) - East China Sea (ecs)
Holland: A Rangoon (rng) - Assam (asm) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F Red Sea (rse) - Horn of Africa (hoa).
Holland: A Siam (sia) - Tonkin (tnk) (*Bounce*).
Holland: F South Atlantic (sat) Supports F Grain Coast (gcs) - Middle Atlantic
Holland: F South China Sea (scs) - Hong Kong (hko) (*Fails*).
Holland: F South West Pacific (swp) - South Pacific (spa) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Sumatra (sum) - Rangoon (rng) (*Fails*).
Holland: A Syria (syr) Supports A Armenia (arm) - Angora (ang) (*Fails*).
Holland: F Tasman (tas) Supports F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa).
Holland: A Tehran (teh) Supports A Afganistan (afg) - Khiva (khv).
Holland: A Tonkin (tnk) - Mandalay (mly) (*Bounce*).
Holland: A Yuthia (yut) Supports A Tonkin (tnk) - Mandalay (mly).

Japan: F Edo (edo) - Kagoshima (kag).
Japan: F Kuril (kur) - Kamchatka (kam) (*Fails*).
Japan: F Manchuria (mac) Supports F Peking (pek).
Japan: F Okhotsk (okh) Supports F Kuril (kur) - Kamchatka (kam).
Japan: F Sakhurlin (sak) Supports A Seoul (seo) - Vladivostok (vla).
Japan: A Sapporo (sap) Hold.
Japan: F Sea of Japan (soj) - Yellow Sea (yse).
Japan: A Seoul (seo) - Vladivostok (vla).

Russia: F Eastern Mediterranean (eas) - Aegean Sea (aeg) (*Dislodged*).
Russia: A Evenki (eve) - Omsk (oms).
Russia: A Georgia (geo) - Moscow (mos).
Russia: A Kasala (ksl) - Bokhara (bkh) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Livonia (lvn) - Prussia (pru) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Warsaw (war) - Silesia (sil).
Russia: A Orenburg (orn) - Khiva (khv) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Prussia (pru) - Berlin (ber) (*Fails*).
Russia: A Serbia (ser) - Croatia (cro).
Russia: F Sevastopol (sev) - Georgia (geo)(wc) (*Bounce*).

USA: A Amazon (ama) Supports A La Paz (lpa) - Brasilia (bra).
USA: A Anchorage (anc) Hold.
USA: A Barcelone (brc) Hold.
USA: F Bering Sea (bse) Supports F Kamchatka (kam).
USA: A Brasilia (bra) - Recife (rec).
USA: A Caledonia (cld) Hold.
USA: F Canary Seaway(cny) - Cape Verde Islands (vrd) (*Dislodged*).
USA: F Cayenne (cyn) Hold.
USA: F Chesapeake Approaches (che) Hold.
USA: F Chilean Basin (cba) Hold.
USA: F Counter Current (ccu) Supports F West Pacific (wpa) - Hawaii (haw).
USA: F Dublin (dub) - Edinburgh (edi).
USA: F Eastern Carribean (eca) Supports F Sargasso (sar).
USA: F Eastern Pacific (epa) Supports F Kirbati Sea (kse).
USA: F Eastern Seaboard (ese) Hold.
USA: F Edinburgh (edi) - North Sea (nth).
USA: F Hawaii (haw) - North Pacific (npa).
USA: F Kamchatka (kam) Hold.
USA: F Kirbati Sea (kse) Supports F West Pacific (wpa) - Hawaii (haw).
USA: A La Paz (lpa) - Brasilia (bra) (*Fails*).
USA: F London (lon) Supports F Edinburgh (edi) - North Sea (nth).
USA: F North Atlantic (nat) Supports F Toledo (tld) - Bay of Biscay (bob)
USA: F North East Trades (net) Supports A Brasilia (bra) - Recife (rec).
USA: F North Passage (nps) Supports F North Atlantic (nat).
USA: F North Sea (nth) - Skagerrak (ska).
USA: F Norwegian Sea (nwg) - Norway (nwy).
USA: F Nova Scotia (nsc) Supports F North Atlantic (nat).
USA: F Pacific Basin (pba) Supports F Chilean Basin (cba).
USA: A Pramaiba (pra) Supports A Brasilia (bra) - Recife (rec).
USA: A Quito (qto) - La Paz (lpa) (*Bounce*).
USA: A Richmond (ric) Hold.
USA: F San Francisco (sfo) - West Coast (wco).
USA: F Sargasso (sar) Supports F Canary Seaway(cny) - Cape Verde Islands (vrd)
USA: F Society Islands (sct) Supports F South Pacific (spa).
USA: F South Pacific (spa) Hold.
USA: F Virgin Islands (vis) Supports F Sargasso (sar).
USA: F West Pacific (wpa) - Hawaii (haw).
USA: F Westerlies (wst) Supports F West Pacific (wpa) - Hawaii (haw).

The following units were dislodged:

Union F Canary Seaway(cny) can retreat to Tiris (tir).
Austrian A Croatia (cro) can retreat to Bosnia (bos).
Dutch F Drake (dra) can retreat to Antarctic Atlantic Ocean (aat).
Russian F Eastern Mediterranean (eas) can retreat to Tubruq (tbq).
Dutch A Karachi (krc) can retreat to Gujarat (guj).
French A Recife (rec) can retreat to Rio de Janeiro (rdj).
Austrian A Silesia (sil) can retreat to Galicia (gal).

Unit locations:

Austria: A Berlin (ber), F Black Sea (bla), F Constantinople (con), A Croatia
(cro), A Rumania (rum), A Serbia (ser), A Silesia (sil), A Vienna
(vie), A Wallacia (wlc).
Britain: F Baltic Sea (bal), F Sweden (swe), F Toledo (tld).
China: A Bokhara (bkh), A Burma (brm), A Canton (can), F Fuchan (fuc), F Hong
Kong (hko), A Inner Mongolia (img), A Karachi (krc), A Kashmir (kas),
A Rajputana (raj), F Shanghai (sha), A Tibet (tib), A Wuhan (wuh), A
Yunnan (yun).
France: F Adriatic Sea (adr), F The Azores (azo), A Bavaria (bav), F Bay of
Biscay (bob), A Bordeaux (brd), A Brasilia (bra), F Brazil Current
(bcu), F Canary Seaway(cny), F Cape Verde Islands (vrd), F Coast of
Argentina (cag), A Cochabamba (coh), A Crete (cre), F Drake (dra), F
Gibraltar (gib), A Goyamas (goy), F Grain Coast (gcs), F Greece (gre),
F Gulf of Guinea (gog), F Helgoland Bight (hel), A Holland (hol), F
Ionian Sea (ion), F Kiel (kie)(wc), F Middle Atlantic (mat), A Morocco
(mrc), F Nantes (nan), A Oliveira (oli), A Piedmont (pie), A Recife
(rec), A Rouen (rou), F Sierra Leone (sie), A Stuttgart (stu), F Tunis
(tun), F Uruguay (uru), A Valencia (vlc), A Venice (ven).
Holland: F Andaman Sea (ase), A Angora (ang), F Annam (ann), F Antarctic Indian
Ocean(ain), F Antarctic Pacific Ocean(apa), F Arabian Sea(ara), A
Armenia (arm), A Aswan (asw), A Baku (bku), A Bangalore (ban), F Bay
of Bengal (bbe), F Bismark Sea (bis), F Cyprus (cyp), F Drake (dra), F
East China Sea (ecs), F Eastern Mediterranean (eas), F Equatorial
CounterCurrent (eco), A Fezz (fzz), F Fiji (fij), F Formosa (for), F
Goodhope (goo), F Gulf of Manaar (gum), F Horn of Africa (hoa), A
Hyderabad (hyd), F Izu Trench (izu), F Java Sea (jse), A Karachi
(krc), A Kenya (ken), A Khiva (khv), A Mandlah (mdh), F Marshal
Islands (mhl), F New Zealand (nzl), F Okinawa (oki), F Peking (pek), F
Persian Gulf (pgu), F Philippine (phi), A Rangoon (rng), F Red Sea
(rse), A Siam (sia), F South Atlantic (sat), F South China Sea (scs),
F South West Pacific (swp), A Sumatra (sum), A Syria (syr), F Tasman
(tas), A Tehran (teh), A Tonkin (tnk), F West Pacific (wpa), A Yuthia
Japan: F Kagoshima (kag), F Kuril (kur), F Manchuria (mac), F Okhotsk (okh),
F Sakhurlin (sak), A Sapporo (sap), A Vladivostok (vla), F Yellow Sea
Russia: A Croatia (cro), F Eastern Mediterranean (eas), A Kasala (ksl), A
Livonia (lvn), A Omsk (oms), A Orenburg (orn), A Prussia (pru), F
Sevastopol (sev), A Silesia (sil), A Moscow (mos).
USA: A Amazon (ama), A Anchorage (anc), A Barcelone (brc), F Bering Sea
(bse), A Caledonia (cld), F Canary Seaway(cny), F Cayenne (cyn), F
Chesapeake Approaches (che), F Chilean Basin (cba), F Counter Current
(ccu), F Eastern Carribean (eca), F Eastern Pacific (epa), F Eastern
Seaboard (ese), F Edinburgh (edi), F Hawaii (haw), F Kamchatka (kam),
F Kirbati Sea (kse), A La Paz (lpa), F London (lon), F North Atlantic
(nat), F North East Trades (net), F North Pacific (npa), F North
Passage (nps), F North Sea (nth), F Norway (nwy), F Nova Scotia (nsc),
F Pacific Basin (pba), A Pramaiba (pra), A Quito (qto), A Recife
(rec), A Richmond (ric), F Sargasso (sar), F Skagerrak (ska), F
Society Islands (sct), F South Pacific (spa), F Virgin Islands (vis),
F West Coast (wco), F Westerlies (wst).

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Berlin (ber), Budapest (bud), Constantinople (con), Crete (cre),
Croatia (cro), Rumania (rum), Silesia (sil), Sofia (sof), Vienna (vie).
Brazil: Paraguay (prg).
Britain: Greenland (grn), Norway (nwy), Sweden (swe).
China: Bengal (ben), Burma (brm), Canton (can), Chungking (chk), Delhi (del),
Hong Kong (hko), Irkutsk (irk), Kashmir (kas), Shanghai (sha),
Sinkiang (snk), Tashkent (tsh), Vladivostok (vla), Wuhan (wuh).
France: The Azores (azo), Bavaria (bav), Cameroon (cmn), Cape Verde Islands
(vrd), Corsica (crs), Denmark (den), Falkland Islands (fal), Gibraltar
(gib), Grain Coast (gcs), Greece (gre), Holland (hol), Ivory Coast
(ivc), Kiel (kie), Marseilles (mar), Monrovia (mnv), Morocco (mrc),
Nantes (nan), Okrana (okn), Oliveira (oli), Paris (par), Piedmont
(pie), Recife (rec), Rio de Janeiro (rdj), Rome (rom), Ruhr (ruh),
Salerno (sal), Sicily (sic), Sierra Leone (sie), South Georgia Islands
(sgr), Stuttgart (stu), Tripoli (trp), Tunis (tun), Uruguay (uru),
Valencia (vlc), Venice (ven).
Holland: Abyssinia (aby), Aden (ade), Andaman Islands (amn), Angora (ang),
Baghdad (bag), Baku (bku), Bangalore (ban), Bangkok (bnk), Bombay
(bom), Borneo (brn), Botswana (bsw), Cairo (cai), Cambodia (cmb), Cape
Town (ctn), Ceylon (cey), Cochin (cch), Cyprus (cyp), Fiji (fij),
Formosa (for), Irian Java (ija), Java (jav), Kagoshima (kag), Karachi
(krc), Luzon (luz), Madagascar (mad), Madras (mds), Malaysia (mal),
Maldives (mld), Marshal Islands (mhl), Mindanao (mnd), New Guinea
(ngu), New South Wales (nsw), New Zealand (nzl), Okinawa (oki), Oman
(oma), Peking (pek), Perth (per), Queensland (qnl), Rangoon (rng),
Rhodesia (rho), Sarawak (srw), Seychelles (sey), Singapore (sin),
Sudan (sud), Sumatra (sum), Tehran (teh), Tonkin (tnk), Transvaal
(trn), Yuthia (yut).
Japan: Caroline Islands (crl), Edo (edo), Fusan (fsn), Manchuria (mac), Port
Arthur (poa), Sakhurlin (sak), Sapporo (sap), Seoul (seo).
Russia: Georgia (geo), Khiva (khv), Warsaw (war), Omsk (oms), Orenburg (orn),
Prussia (pru), Serbia (ser), Sevastopol (sev), St Petersburg (stp),
Moscow (mos).
USA: Alberta (alb), Anchorage (anc), Atlanta (atl), Austin (aus), The
Bahamas (bah), Barcelone (brc), Bogota (bgt), Brasilia (bra), Cayenne
(cyn), Chicago (chc), Cuba (cub), Detroit (det), Dublin (dub),
Edinburgh (edi), Galapagos (glp), Haiti (hai), Hawaii (haw), Honduras
(hon), Kansas (kan), La Paz (lpa), Lima (lim), London (lon), Mazatlan
(maz), Merida (mer), Mexico City (mex), Nebraska (neb), New Mexico
(nme), New Orleans (nol), New York (nyc), Nova Scotia (nsc), Oklahoma
(okl), Oregon (ore), Panama (pan), Paramaribo (pmb), Quebec (que),
Richmond (ric), San Francisco (sfo), Seattle (sea), Society Islands
(sct), Vancouver (van), Victoria (vic), Virgin Islands (vis),
Washington DC (wdc), Yukon (yuk).



DC178 - Replacement North Player - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Harken good, ye Scurvy Dogs...

Unfortunately our Northern crewmate, <IDENTITY HIDDEN>, has had to retire from the fray due to his ship being dry-docked in the lands of 'No Internet Connection'... Luckily, another salty rapscallion, <IDENTITY HIDDEN>, has volunteered to take charge of the Northern forces and play the game to its Briny end.

Run it up the mizzen. Now, ye be in the knowin. Winter deadline remains tomorrow night, Monday June 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).


Tale-Waggin Trout


dc177 deadline tomorrow - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
fall 03, 9 eastern.

have moves from: england, germany, france, turkey

need moves from: austria, italy, russia



dc154 ~ Romping Room - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Deadline for Spring 1907: June 2, 2359 GMT

That's tomorrow night gents!



DC166 - Spring 1911 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

The Blitz deadlines wait for no man... Spring 1911 orders are due in just under 19.5 hours..




DC161 Ni! - Spring 830 Deadline Reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Heya gang,

Time to saddle up once again. Deadline for Spring 830 orders is in just under 19.5 hours.

Cheers folks!



DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Spring 831 - ANGLO SAX... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)

The deadline is approaching. Any update to those orders you'd like to share?

Your pals, the Bretons

----- Original Message ----
From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 9:48:39 PM
Subject: Re: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Spring 831 - ANGLO SAXONS

All - looks like I have shown my hand this turn. I will be submitting revised orders.

----- Original Message ----
From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:37:18 AM
Subject: Re: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Spring 831 - ANGLO SAXONS


F Dyf - Gwy
A Gwe - Pow
A Hwi S A Gwe-Pow
A Mer S F Dyf-Gwy
F Ken H
F Sod S F Ken H


----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:52:35 PM
Subject: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Winter 830 - Man Turns Into Scotsman

I don't know ... I don't know ... all I know is that these people are streaming north of the border at the rate of thousands every hour. If we don't act fast, Scotland will be choked with Scotsmen...

But not really... Actually, its the Norse and Swedes pumping out sailors that has things in an uproar. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Saxons disband a fleet of their own in Lyme Bay. Thems the adjustments - deadline for Spring 831 orders will be set for Monday, June 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).


Scotsman Trout

Adjustment orders for Winter of 830. (DC 161 830 WIN)

Norse: Build F Hordaland.

AngloSaxons: Remove F Lyme Bay.

Swedes: Build F Gotar.

Unit locations:

Scots: F Cait, F Circinn, F Irish Sea, F Moray Firth, F Scapa Flow, A
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, A Chester, F Cornish Sea, F Cornwall, A Gwynned, A
Norse: F Arctic Ocean, F East Anglia, F Firth of Forth, F Hordaland, F
Jelling, F Norwegian Sea, A Sogn.
AngloSaxons: A Austrasia, F Dyfed, A Gwent, A Hwicce, F Kent, A Mercia, F
Strait of Dover.
Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania, A Frisia, F Gotar, A Middle Anglia, F North Sea,
A Pomerania, A Saxony, F The Wash.

Ownership of supply centers:

Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Strathclyde, Ulster.
Britons: Cornwall, Deira, Gwynned, Leinster, Meath, Powys.
Norse: Agder, East Anglia, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Austrasia, Brittany, Gwent, Hamptonshire, Kent, Mercia, Neustria.
Swedes: Frisia, Gotar, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia, Roskilde, Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britons: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.



Dc159 and Dc165 48 Hour warning - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Dc159 Fall 1905 is due next Wednesday 5th June at 5pm, Australian EST.

I dont have moves or votes from all players in this game.

Dc 165 Spring 1905 is due Wednesday 5th June at 5pm, Australian EST.

I dont have moves from all players in this game.

aka Deathblade_penguin (Knight of the Lion)
at www.diplomaticcorp.com

Hotmail on your mobile. Never miss another e-mail with


DC179 Blackmarch - Fall 1903 Reminder....Guess Who... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I am back and have taken the reins back from Trout. All the best to Trout for keeping us rolling while I was gone.
As of right now, I have confirmed any emails received and I am caught up. This is a reminder of the deadline forthcoming....

Wednesday, June 4th 5pm CST [which is the same as 11:59 GMT, give or take a minute!]

Please remember to send orders for this round to me. Thanks.


Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 19:55:31 -0600
From: former.trout(at)gmail.com
To: dc179(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: DC179 Blackmarch - Spring 1903 - Something A Little Fishy
CC: dipdanny1(at)gmail.com; blom.fredrik(at)gmail.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; kelly058(at)verizon.net; jehannum_raver(at)yahoo.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com; gwingfan2(at)yahoo.com; wtfleming(at)hotmail.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com

Heya folks of the March,

Spring 1903 grooves on without a hitch. Turkey and France feel the heat as the former draws fire from the Russians and Austrians while Germany shows the latter the door in Burgundy. France had the only retreat from the Spring moves - as Picardy was the only option other than OTB I took the liberty. However, if our fearless Frenchman wishes to retreat OTB instead, please just let me know and I will correct the adjudication.

My thanks for everyone for the patience during this Troutish interlude... I happily return you to the hands of your regular GM. Deadline for Fall 1903 will be set for Wednesday, June 4th (11:59 PM GMT) or as later announced by Garry.

If you spot an error, please just drop me a line. Cheers everyone!

Trout of the March

Movement results for Spring of 1903. (DC 179 03 SUM)

Austria: A Albania Supports F Greece.
Austria: F Greece Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria (*Cut*).
Austria: A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria.

England: A Belgium Hold.
England: F Brest Hold.
England: F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
England: F London - English Channel.
England: F North Sea Supports F Norway.
England: F Norway Supports F North Sea.

France: A Burgundy - Gascony (*Dislodged*).
France: F Piedmont - Marseilles.
France: A Portugal - Spain.

Germany: F Denmark Hold.
Germany: F Helgoland Bight - Kiel.
Germany: A Holland Hold.
Germany: A Munich Supports A Ruhr - Burgundy.
Germany: A Paris - Gascony (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Ruhr - Burgundy.

Italy: F Naples Supports F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Italy: A Rome - Venice.
Italy: F Tunis - Tyrrhenian Sea.
Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia.
Italy: A Vienna - Bohemia.

Russia: A Budapest - Rumania.
Russia: A Moscow - Sevastopol.
Russia: A Rumania - Bulgaria.
Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea.
Russia: A St Petersburg Hold.
Russia: F Sweden Hold.
Russia: A Warsaw - Galicia.

Turkey: F Aegean Sea - Greece (*Fails*).
Turkey: F Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*).
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*).
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*).

Summer 1903 Retreats:

French A Burgundy is auto-retreated to Picardy.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Albania, F Greece, A Serbia.
England: A Belgium, F Brest, F English Channel, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North
Sea, F Norway.
France: A Picardy, F Marseilles, A Spain.
Germany: A Burgundy, F Denmark, A Holland, F Kiel, A Munich, A Paris.
Italy: A Bohemia, F Naples, A Tyrolia, F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.
Russia: F Black Sea, A Bulgaria, A Galicia, A Rumania, A Sevastopol, A St
Petersburg, F Sweden.
Turkey: F Aegean Sea, F Ankara, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Greece, Serbia, Trieste.
England: Belgium, Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Marseilles, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Paris.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice, Vienna.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna.

Austria: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 5 Supply centers, 5 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.


Make every e-mail and IM count. Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.


dc155 ~ Killing Cousins - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Someone said they didn't get this adjudication and it hasn't appeared on the forum either - so I'm resending it just-in-case...

A proposal for an Austrian/Italian win is up for vote. Please remember, no vote is a NO vote.

Deadline for your vote and Fall 1910 orders: Thursday, June 5; 2359 GMT

Spring 1910 Orders:

F Albania - Adriatic Sea
A Berlin Hold
A Finland Hold
A Kiel Supports A Berlin
A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Munich Supports A Kiel
A Norway Supports A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Silesia Supports A Berlin
A Trieste Hold
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich

F Clyde - Norwegian Sea
F Wales - London (*Bounce*)

F Baltic Sea - Denmark
F Denmark - North Sea
F English Channel - London (*Bounce*)

A Belgium Hold
A Constantinople Hold
A Holland Hold
F Liverpool Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Irish Sea
F North Atlantic Ocean Supports F Liverpool
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Picardy Hold
F Rome Hold
F Spain(sc) Hold
F Tyrrhenian Sea Hold
A Venice Hold

Unit locations:

Austria: F Adriatic Sea, A Berlin, A Finland, A Kiel, A Munich, A Norway, A Silesia, A St Petersburg, A Trieste, A Tyrolia.

England: F Norwegian Sea, F Wales.

Germany: F Denmark, F English Channel, F North Sea.

Italy: A Belgium, A Constantinople, A Holland, F Irish Sea, F Liverpool, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F North Atlantic Ocean, A Picardy, F Rome, F Spain(sc), F Tyrrhenian Sea, A Venice.

Deadline for Fall 1910 orders: Thursday, June 5; 2359 GMT

Sent through e-mol. E-mail, Anywhere, Anytime. http://www.e-mol.com


DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Spring 831 - ANGLO SAX... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I hang my head in shame about that debacle. Just plain rubbish, that was. Oh well.


----- Original Message ----
From: Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>
To: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2008 9:41:49 PM
Subject: Re: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Spring 831 - ANGLO SAXONS


The deadline is approaching. Any update to those orders you'd like to share?

Your pals, the Bretons

----- Original Message ----
From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 9:48:39 PM
Subject: Re: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Spring 831 - ANGLO SAXONS

All - looks like I have shown my hand this turn. I will be submitting revised orders.

----- Original Message ----
From: Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>
To: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:37:18 AM
Subject: Re: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Spring 831 - ANGLO SAXONS


F Dyf - Gwy
A Gwe - Pow
A Hwi S A Gwe-Pow
A Mer S F Dyf-Gwy
F Ken H
F Sod S F Ken H


----- Original Message ----
From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
To: dc161 <DC161(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: B H <screwtape777(at)gmail.com>; Bruce Quinn <coebq(at)yahoo.com>; Clark Landry <clarklandry(at)gmail.com>; Josh E. <aramis604(at)yahoo.com>; Mikael Johansson <m_don_j(at)hotmail.com>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Rob Ackerley <rob_ackerley(at)yahoo.ca>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:52:35 PM
Subject: DC161 Knights Who Say Ni! - Winter 830 - Man Turns Into Scotsman

I don't know ... I don't know ... all I know is that these people are streaming north of the border at the rate of thousands every hour. If we don't act fast, Scotland will be choked with Scotsmen...

But not really... Actually, its the Norse and Swedes pumping out sailors that has things in an uproar. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Saxons disband a fleet of their own in Lyme Bay. Thems the adjustments - deadline for Spring 831 orders will be set for Monday, June 2nd (11:59 PM GMT).


Scotsman Trout

Adjustment orders for Winter of 830. (DC 161 830 WIN)

Norse: Build F Hordaland.

AngloSaxons: Remove F Lyme Bay.

Swedes: Build F Gotar.

Unit locations:

Scots: F Cait, F Circinn, F Irish Sea, F Moray Firth, F Scapa Flow, A
Britons: F Atlantic Ocean, A Chester, F Cornish Sea, F Cornwall, A Gwynned, A
Norse: F Arctic Ocean, F East Anglia, F Firth of Forth, F Hordaland, F
Jelling, F Norwegian Sea, A Sogn.
AngloSaxons: A Austrasia, F Dyfed, A Gwent, A Hwicce, F Kent, A Mercia, F
Strait of Dover.
Swedes: F Bay of Pomerania, A Frisia, F Gotar, A Middle Anglia, F North Sea,
A Pomerania, A Saxony, F The Wash.

Ownership of supply centers:

Scots: Cait, Circinn, Dal Riada, Fortrenn, Strathclyde, Ulster.
Britons: Cornwall, Deira, Gwynned, Leinster, Meath, Powys.
Norse: Agder, East Anglia, Hordaland, Jelling, Ribe, Trondelag, Vestfold.
AngloSaxons: Austrasia, Brittany, Gwent, Hamptonshire, Kent, Mercia, Neustria.
Swedes: Frisia, Gotar, Lappland, Pomerania, Prussia, Roskilde, Skane, Svear.

Gaels: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Scots: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Britons: 6 Supply centers, 6 Units: Builds 0 units.
Norse: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
AngloSaxons: 7 Supply centers, 7 Units: Builds 0 units.
Danes: 0 Supply centers, 0 Units: Builds 0 units.
Swedes: 8 Supply centers, 8 Units: Builds 0 units.



DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Summer 1904 results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry for the long delay on this, I had a rough birthday weekend Wink

So the Austrian army retreats to Galacia, and we can move on with the Fall of 1904.
Lets call the deadline for Thursday, June5th.

Thanks All


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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