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dc446 - Winter 1901 - Viper   (Jan 18, 2013, 7:54 pm)
The tournament is called a blitz for a reason, folks, and sometimes it ends up moving too fast. Unfortunately, it's also very unforgiving. We've got one set of builds missing for this turn. The builds we do have are certainly an interesting bunch, and I assume the game is about to get exciting.

Build A Trieste
Build A Vienna

Build F Edinburgh

Build F Brest

Build A Paris

Build F Kiel

Build A Munich

No Build Received

Build F St. Petersburg (nc)
Build A Moscow

Build F Smyrna

Next Deadline:
Spring 1902 moves are due on Monday, January 21, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT). Prelims are welcome immediately.


c444 Winter 01 builds - jerome777   (Jan 18, 2013, 5:50 pm)
Now then everyone,

Thanks for your patience with the change of GM for the autumn turn. I'm back in the saddle now, so to speak - and hopefully I should be able to take care of the rest of the game for the foreseeable future.

Here's the winter 01 builds:

Build A Vienna
Build A Trieste

Build F London

Build F Brest
Build waived

Build F Kiel
Build F Berlin
Build A Munich

Build F Naples

Build F St Petersburg(nc)
Build F Sevastopol

Build F Ankara

Just to remind you all, this is a tournament game - there will be no deadline extensions, you need to get your orders in before the deadline for them to count. Also, please ensure you cc your orders to the orders


...in case there are any disputes about the orders that you have submitted.

The deadline for Spring 02 will be Monday 21 January, 2100GMT.




c444 Winter 01 builds (Winter Blitz) jerome777 Jan 21, 03:07 pm
Hi everyone,

Here's the Spring 02 moves:

A Albania - Greece
F Greece - Aegean Sea
A Serbia Supports A Albania - Greece
A Trieste Hold
A Vienna Supports A Trieste

F London - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Supports A Norway (*Cut*)
A Norway Supports A Denmark - Sweden (*Disbanded*)
F Norwegian Sea Supports A Norway

F Brest - English Channel (*Bounce*)
A Picardy - Burgundy
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain Supports F Tunis - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*)

A Belgium Supports A Picardy (*Ordered to Move*)
Berlin - Baltic Sea
A Denmark - Sweden
F Holland - North Sea (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Helgoland Bight
A Munich Supports A Tyrolia (*Ordered to Move*)

F Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunis - Western Mediterranean
A Tyrolia - Venice
A Venice - Piedmont

A Finland Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Rumania Supports F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) Supports F Sweden - Norway
F Sweden - Norway
A Ukraine Supports F Rumania

F Ankara Supports F Black Sea
F Black Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Armenia
A Bulgaria - Greece (*Fails*)
A Constantinople - Armenia

Therefore, we have no retreats.

We also have some press:

New German Policy:
Germany sticks to his new policy of not
emails.  He is endeavouring to stay
at peace with all his neighbours so greater 
Germany is not threatened!  The Kaiser has
ordered token military units to outlying areas
dissuade neighbours from taking advantage of our peaceful international
stance.  Lets get together and settle our difference at the UN.

Next turn is Autumn 02, deadline is Thursday 24 January, 2100GMT.
dc445 winter 01 - catsfather   (Jan 18, 2013, 4:12 pm)
Status of the Adjustment orders for Winter of 1901. (dc455)

England: Build F London.
England: Build F Liverpool.

France: Build F Brest.
France: Build A Paris.

Germany: Build A Berlin.
Germany: Build A Munich.

Italy: Build F Naples.

Russia: Build A Moscow.
Russia: Build F St Petersburg(nc).

Turkey: Build F Ankara.
Turkey: Build F Smyrna.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Budapest, F Trieste, A Vienna.
England: F Belgium, F Norway, A Wales.
France: A Burgundy, A Portugal, F Spain(sc).
Germany: F Denmark, A Holland, A Kiel.
Italy: A Apulia, F Tunis, A Venice.
Russia: A Galicia, A Rumania, F Sevastopol, F Sweden.
Turkey: A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A Serbia.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Serbia, Smyrna.
Unowned: Greece.

Austria: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Germany: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Russia: 6 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 2 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.


dc445 winter 01 (Winter Blitz) ndeily Jan 19, 10:12 am
This is just to let you know I am leaving for Shanghai in a few hours. I will still be available via email, but will be answering at somewhat different times - I'm back on Thursday - please bear with me during my brief absence, which apart from the delay in response, should not be too noticeable.
Hamish - should be absolutely no disruption to my sumbission of prelims and orders, etc.
Nathan (France)

From: Hamish Williams <catsfather(at)gmail.com>
To: welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; davidknight1955(at)gmail.com; jerome777(at)ymail.com; landru428(at)aol.com; michael_farrington(at)msn.com; ndeily(at)yahoo.com; Greg.Shtraks(at)gmail.com
Cc: Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 2:12 PM
Subject: dc445 winter

Status of the Adjustment orders for Winter of 1901.  (dc455)

England: Build F London.

England: Build F Liverpool.

France: Build F Brest.

France: Build A Paris.

Germany: Build A Berlin.

Germany: Build A Munich.

Italy: Build F Naples.

Russia: Build A Moscow.

Russia: Build F St Petersburg(nc).

Turkey: Build F Ankara.

Turkey: Build F Smyrna.

Unit locations:

Austria:  A Budapest, F Trieste, A Vienna.

England:  F Belgium, F Norway, A Wales.

France:    A Burgundy, A Portugal, F Spain(sc).

Germany:  F Denmark, A Holland, A Kiel.

Italy:    A Apulia, F Tunis, A Venice.

Russia:    A Galicia, A Rumania, F Sevastopol, F Sweden.

Turkey:    A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria:  Budapest, Trieste, Vienna.

England:  Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.

France:    Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.

Germany:  Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.

Italy:    Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.

Russia:    Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.

Turkey:    Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Serbia, Smyrna.

Unowned:  Greece.

Austria:    3 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds  0 units.

England:    5 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds  2 units.

France:    5 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds  2 units.

Germany:    5 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds  2 units.

Italy:      4
Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds  1 unit.

Russia:    6 Supply centers,  4 Units:  Builds  2 units.

Turkey:    5 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds  2 units.
dc446 - Fall 1901 - Viper   (Jan 17, 2013, 4:37 pm)
F Albania - Greece
A Budapest - Trieste (*bounce*)
A Serbia Supports Albania - Greece


F Norwegian Sea - Norway
A York - Belgium (*bounce*)
F North Sea Convoys York - Belgium

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain (sc)
A Spain - Portugal

A Picardy - Burgundy

F Denmark Holds

A Ruhr - Belgium (*bounce*)
A Kiel - Holland

A Venice - Trieste (*bounce*)

A Apulia - Tunis
F Ionian Sea Convoys Apulia - Tunis

F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
F Rumania - Black Sea
A Ukraine - Rumania
A Sevastopol Supports Ukraine - Rumania

F Black Sea - Ankara
A Bulgaria - Greece (*fails*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*fails*)

Austria: 5 sc's - 3 units = 2 builds
England: 4 sc's - 3 units = 1 build

France: 5 sc's - 3 units = 2 builds
Germany: 5 sc's - 3 units = 2 builds
Italy: 4 sc's - 3 units = 1 build
Russia: 6 sc's - 4 units = 2 builds
Turkey: 4 sc's - 3 units = 1 build

Next Deadline:
Winter 1901 builds are due on Friday, January 18, at 4pm CST (10pm GMT)


dc445 fall 01 - catsfather   (Jan 17, 2013, 3:02 pm)
Oh, some devious orders.

No retreats, so just builds.

England: 2
France: 2
Germany: 2
Italy: 1
Russia: 2
Turkey: 2

Deadline is 9pm GMT on Friday, 18 January.

Movement results for Fall of 1901. (dc455)

Austria: A Serbia - Budapest.
Austria: F Trieste Hold.
Austria: A Vienna - Budapest (*Fails*).

England: F North Sea - Belgium.
England: F Norwegian Sea - Norway.
England: A Yorkshire - Wales.

France: A Burgundy - Munich (*Bounce*).
France: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc).
France: A Spain - Portugal.

Germany: F Denmark Hold.
Germany: A Kiel - Munich (*Bounce*).
Germany: A Ruhr - Holland.

Italy: F Ionian Sea - Tunis.
Italy: A Rome - Venice.
Italy: A Venice - Apulia.

Russia: A Galicia Supports A Serbia - Budapest.
Russia: F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden.
Russia: F Sevastopol Supports A Ukraine - Rumania.
Russia: A Ukraine - Rumania.

Turkey: F Ankara - Constantinople.
Turkey: A Bulgaria - Serbia.
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Budapest, F Trieste, A Vienna.
England: F Belgium, F Norway, A Wales.
France: A Burgundy, A Portugal, F Spain(sc).
Germany: F Denmark, A Holland, A Kiel.
Italy: A Apulia, F Tunis, A Venice.
Russia: A Galicia, A Rumania, F Sevastopol, F Sweden.
Turkey: A Bulgaria, F Constantinople, A Serbia.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Norway.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain.
Germany: Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Tunis, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Rumania, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Sweden, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Serbia, Smyrna.
Unowned: Greece.

Austria: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
France: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Germany: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.
Italy: 4 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 1 unit.
Russia: 6 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 2 units.
Turkey: 5 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 2 units.

The next phase of dc455 will be Adjustments for Winter of 1901.


dc444 f01 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 17, 2013, 1:19 pm)
Everybody wins here?  Sort of... Nobody really got shorted... everyone gets to build, most ppl 2 builds, and those who only got 1 didn't really try for 2, so it would seem to an onlooker that everyone pretty much got everything they wanted.  And every neutral is cleaned up in year 1.  How nice.  Of course now w the neutrals gone, the real action starts... beginning with... some builds!  Due TOMORROW... That's Friday 1/18, at again 1pm Central US time... and they are to be sent to your usual GM, Jerome.  Then Spring rolls around quickly for Monday so it's gonna be a quick pace from here on.  Remember Jerome may put out winter results any time he has all 7 orders to maximize the time you then have for your spring turn.
NEXT:  Winter Builds, due tomorrow Friday 1/18, 1pm Central US / 18:00 GMT
Austria: Build 2
England: Build 1
France: Build 2
Germany: Build 3
Italy: Build 1
Russia: Build 2
Turkey: Build 1
Press: A triple alliance A/R/F! As everyone seems to know about it;

it is not much of a secret.  Can't believe Stuart was so careless
as to CC: Eric and no one noticed? Germany is in big trouble but
that is not news!  Wonder who was really behind this scheme and
why it was so urgent to inform Turkey.  Look forward to End Game
statements to learn truth. Germany will battle on, out numbered,
without a triple of my own, and with no one to trust!
F Albania - Greece
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Trieste - Albania
A Edinburgh - Norway
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway
F Norwegian Sea Supports A Edinburgh - Norway
A Gascony - Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal
A Picardy - Belgium (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Belgium
F Holland Supports A Burgundy - Belgium
A Kiel - Denmark
A Apulia - Venice
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Venice - Tyrolia
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
F Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Finland
A Ukraine Supports F Sevastopol - Rumania
F Ankara - Black Sea
A Bulgaria - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)


Oceania DC437\Spring/2004 Results! - hapolley   (Jan 14, 2013, 8:56 pm)
I am Back and Windows 8 works well once you accept the idea that the tiles are your start menu.
Lots of interesting Apps including a take off of Easynoter instead of Notepad.
Old notepad and Wordpad still exist on Desktop.

[OCEANIA_DC437 Fall 2004 Due Sunday 20 Jan 2013 (at)2400 hrs MT]
[YES there is a Century change from 1900 to 2000]
I did this because Diplomaticcorp.com used 2000 for game start.
No Dislodgements so we move along to Fall Turn!
    Indonesia, Japan, heading Australia's way?
    Japan takes Wak!
    New Zealand and France sphere of influence colliding!
    Japan continues to control large tracks of the Pacific.
    USoA has lost all her over-sea territories and is Off The
    Note Rule 6 violation attempted:
Please note that larger landmasses like New Zealand (wni, wel, chc, sou),
Australia (per, noa, tow, cai, bri, syd, ade), Tasmania (hob), Celebes(cel),
the island of New Guinea (jay and pmo),
the Philippines (man,ceb, dav) and Borneo (mal, sam) can't be reached
or left by 'hopping armies' from/to neighbouring island chains.
Fleets can't convoy while they occupy such a space.


DC446 - Spring 1901 - Viper   (Jan 14, 2013, 4:59 pm)
Hello, friends (or enemies... I can't tell the difference). Here we are after the spring moves and already I assume some of you will be surprised/disappointed. We'll see what happens from all this. Next moves due on Thursday.

A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Budapest

F London - North Sea
A Liverpool - York

F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Paris - Picardy
A Marseilles - Gascony

F Kiel - Denmark
A Berlin - Kiel
A Munich - Ruhr

F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice Holds

A Warsaw - Ukraine
A Moscow - Sevastopol

F Sevastopol - Rumania
F St. Petersburg - Gulf of Bothnia

F Ankara - Black Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria

A Smyrna - Constantinople

Next Deadline:
Fall 1901 moves are due at 4pm CDT (10pm GMT) on Thursday, January 17th.


dc445 spring 01 - catsfather   (Jan 14, 2013, 1:11 pm)
A bit of bouncing around Tyrolia.

Movement results for Spring of 1901. (dc455)

Austria: A Budapest - Serbia.
Austria: F Trieste - Venice (*Bounce*).
Austria: A Vienna - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).

England: F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea.
England: A Liverpool - Yorkshire.
England: F London - North Sea.

France: F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.
France: A Marseilles - Spain.
France: A Paris - Burgundy.

Germany: A Berlin - Kiel.
Germany: F Kiel - Denmark.
Germany: A Munich - Ruhr.

Italy: F Naples - Ionian Sea.
Italy: A Rome - Venice (*Bounce*).
Italy: A Venice - Tyrolia (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Moscow - Ukraine.
Russia: F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*).
Russia: F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia.
Russia: A Warsaw - Galicia.

Turkey: F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*).
Turkey: A Constantinople - Bulgaria.
Turkey: A Smyrna - Constantinople.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Serbia, F Trieste, A Vienna.
England: F North Sea, F Norwegian Sea, A Yorkshire.
France: A Burgundy, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, A Spain.
Germany: F Denmark, A Kiel, A Ruhr.
Italy: F Ionian Sea, A Rome, A Venice.
Russia: A Galicia, F Gulf of Bothnia, F Sevastopol, A Ukraine.
Turkey: F Ankara, A Bulgaria, A Constantinople.

Ownership of supply centers:

Austria: Budapest, Trieste, Vienna.
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London.
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris.
Germany: Berlin, Kiel, Munich.
Italy: Naples, Rome, Venice.
Russia: Moscow, Sevastopol, St Petersburg, Warsaw.
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Smyrna.
Unowned: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Holland, Norway, Portugal,
Rumania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Tunis.

Austria: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
England: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
France: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Germany: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Italy: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.
Russia: 4 Supply centers, 4 Units: Builds 0 units.
Turkey: 3 Supply centers, 3 Units: Builds 0 units.

The next phase of dc455 will be Movement for Fall of 1901.


dc444 Spring 01 adjudication - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 14, 2013, 1:04 pm)
Hi everyone,
Just a note that I'll run this fall turn for Jerome... so send your orders this way!  You can reply to this mail, tho I'd advise against a reply-all... Wink
We'll go with 1pm Central US time just to keep it at the same time that Jerome ran it.

From: Jerome Payne [mailto:jerome777(at)ymail.com]
Sent: Mon 1/14/2013 12:40 PM
Subject: dc444 Spring 01 adjudication

***War breaks out over Europe!***
***Some bloke called Archy Duke was hungry, so he shot an ostrich, your faithful correspondent is (perhaps not so) reliably informed!***
***GM stuck in Middle East for autumn moves; tournament director to cover for him!***
Now then everybody,
An interesting first set of moves. Here's the adjudication:
Austria (Balkan Gambit, Trieste Variation):
A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Trieste
England (Northern Opening, Churchill Variation):
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Edinburgh
F London - North Sea
France (Atlantic Opening, GasPic Variant):
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris - Picardy
Germany (Dutch Opening, Burgundy Attack Variant):
A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Burgundy
Italy (Classic Ionian):
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice Hold
Russia (Northern Squid):
A Moscow - St Petersburg
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Ukraine
Turkey (Balkan Concentration):
F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople

Ok so as you can see from the headlines, I'm not going to be able to run the moves Thursday, so I've asked one of our valient TDs, Mike, to step in and run the turn himself. Mike's email address is:
The deadline is Thursday, at a time to suit Mike - Mike, please advise the guys what time you'd like them to send in the moves by.
Stay cool,


dc444 Spring 01 adjudication - jerome777   (Jan 14, 2013, 12:40 pm)
***War breaks out over Europe!***
***Some bloke called Archy Duke was hungry, so he shot an ostrich, your faithful correspondent is (perhaps not so) reliably informed!***
***GM stuck in Middle East for autumn moves; tournament director to cover for him!***
Now then everybody,
An interesting first set of moves. Here's the adjudication:
Austria (Balkan Gambit, Trieste Variation):
A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Trieste
England (Northern Opening, Churchill Variation):
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Edinburgh
F London - North Sea
France (Atlantic Opening, GasPic Variant):
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris - Picardy
Germany (Dutch Opening, Burgundy Attack Variant):
A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Burgundy
Italy (Classic Ionian):
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice Hold
Russia (Northern Squid):
A Moscow - St Petersburg
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Ukraine
Turkey (Balkan Concentration):
F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople

Ok so as you can see from the headlines, I'm not going to be able to run the moves Thursday, so I've asked one of our valient TDs, Mike, to step in and run the turn himself. Mike's email address is:
The deadline is Thursday, at a time to suit Mike - Mike, please advise the guys what time you'd like them to send in the moves by.
Stay cool,


dc444 Spring 01 adjudication (Winter Blitz) FuzzyLogic Jan 14, 01:04 pm
Hi everyone,
Just a note that I'll run this fall turn for Jerome... so send your orders this way!  You can reply to this mail, tho I'd advise against a reply-all... Wink
We'll go with 1pm Central US time just to keep it at the same time that Jerome ran it.

From: Jerome Payne [mailto:jerome777(at)ymail.com]
Sent: Mon 1/14/2013 12:40 PM
Subject: dc444 Spring 01 adjudication

***War breaks out over Europe!***
***Some bloke called Archy Duke was hungry, so he shot an ostrich, your faithful correspondent is (perhaps not so) reliably informed!***
***GM stuck in Middle East for autumn moves; tournament director to cover for him!***
Now then everybody,
An interesting first set of moves. Here's the adjudication:
Austria (Balkan Gambit, Trieste Variation):
A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Trieste
England (Northern Opening, Churchill Variation):
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Edinburgh
F London - North Sea
France (Atlantic Opening, GasPic Variant):
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Gascony
A Paris - Picardy
Germany (Dutch Opening, Burgundy Attack Variant):
A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Burgundy
Italy (Classic Ionian):
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice Hold
Russia (Northern Squid):
A Moscow - St Petersburg
F Sevastopol - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Ukraine
Turkey (Balkan Concentration):
F Ankara - Black Sea (*Bounce*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople

Ok so as you can see from the headlines, I'm not going to be able to run the moves Thursday, so I've asked one of our valient TDs, Mike, to step in and run the turn himself. Mike's email address is:
The deadline is Thursday, at a time to suit Mike - Mike, please advise the guys what time you'd like them to send in the moves by.
Stay cool,
dc444 Spring 01 just under 24 hours away - jerome777   (Jan 13, 2013, 11:26 am)
Hi everyone,
Just a quick message to remind you all that your first deadline, Spring 01, is just under 24 hours away - 1900GMT tomorrow.


WB -- Monday! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 11, 2013, 8:21 am)
Hi everyone,
After two quick player swaps, we've got a full set of spring 01 prelims!  This is great news as we'll have a tournament start with no missing players for the first round.  Which is of course -- Monday!  At the time set by your GM.  Now that we have these, remember that there are no future roster changes.  Missed turns for any reason beyond this spring 01 turn are treated as "All units hold".  It's looking like it'll be a great tournament!  Good luck everyone... (tho technically if everyone is wished equal luck, is anyone actually better off?)  Smile

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 1/9/2013 8:09 AM
Cc: Garry Bledsoe
Subject: WB Tournament Info

Hi everyone,
Welcome to the Winter Blitz 2013!  You've all had your game starts for a couple days now, so it's time to fill in a few details that make this different from a normal Diplomacy game...
First off, hello from Garry and myself, Mike... We're your humble Tournament Directors, and moderators at Diplomaticcorp.  We're here to keep these games moving along smoothly.  If you need anything at all just ask one of us...

Garry... kielmarch(at)hotmail.comMike... mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net
Many of you have played in a WB before, but there are quite a few new to the system.  These games run to a rigid schedule.  Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday... with adjudications on each of those days, always at the same time (as specified by your GM).  What this does is eliminate the variability of Dip games and make for a constant schedule that all the games follow.  It also means players should never miss a deadline due to not knowing when it is, since they're always the same, and on pretty much every day.
GMs may always put out a retreat or build phase early if they have a full set of orders.  I.e. if you know what your builds are going to be when you turn in your fall moves, it doesn't hurt to put them in right then!  It saves you having to submit again on the next day and keeps the game moving along as smooth as possible.
Prelims.  We had 4 players not get in to this tournament who are chomping at the bit to take over the spots of anyone who does not submit by today.  Wednesday.  By the time of day set by your GM.  If that time passes and you do not have orders in, your GM is going to let me know and I'll swap other players into your spot.  This is to prevent the first turn NMR's that we've seen in previous years.  Once this first turn has passed, we will be back to our game as usual, where if you're not in, your units just hold.  This is due Wednesday.  Today.
Be sure to copy orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com on any order submissions.  Because of the fast deadlines, your GM is not going to be confirming receipts of your orders all the time.  He may, but it's not required and you can't depend on this to ensure your orders got there.  The only thing you can do is copy your orders to this backup mailbox -- then if the GM says he didn't get your orders, we can look there and see if you really sent them.  It is there to protect you - if you choose not to use it, you're just giving yourself one less backup.
From time to time, your GM will notify you that one of your TDs will run a turn instead of him.  He will let you know if your orders should be sent somewhere different.  (It would only be to Garry or myself).  If that happens, and you ignore it and still send to your GM and not to where he directed, your orders will not be counted!  Be sure to pay attn.  This tournament moves along fast...  I know it doesn't sound all that fast to play a turn a day, but it really is, and it gets really hectic.
Challenges.  Remember again, this moves along fast.  If there is an error in an adjudication, you have 24 hours to challenge it.  Period, no exceptions.  Because the next turn is already almost ready to come out, there is no time to deal with changes that crop up 2-3 days after results came out.  If you are away when an adjudication comes out and you don't get to your email within that 24 hour period, there are still no exceptions.
I think that's about it!  Read up on the website for more details... www.diplomaticcorp.com/winterblitz
Happy Stabbing!


Happy New Year - pedros   (Jan 10, 2013, 4:29 am)
Have you forgotten this game?  Just thought I’d say Hello again to everybody and happy New Year – partly in the hope of getting some communication going. Pete


Diplomacy World Cup III - stendaswargames   (Jan 09, 2013, 11:53 pm)
Register now at http://aqmn.asciiking.com/register_.html to play in the Diplomacy World Cup! This is an innovative tournament, solo only! What happens when the world's best players square off against each other in a bare-knuckle dust up?



dc444 All prelims received - jerome777   (Jan 09, 2013, 1:49 pm)
Hi everyone,

I'm delighted to report that we have a full set of prelim orders for dc444. So, all seven of you have confirmed places in this game and in this year's tournament.

I'm going to be indisposed at short notice for the Spring 01 deadline, so I'm going to move the deadline forwards slightly so that I can comfortably process the adjudication. Spring 01 deadline will be 1700GMT on Monday 14 January. Following Monday's deadline, we'll be fine to revert to our usual 2100GMT slot. To help you get your timezones straight, I'm sending this message at 1949GMT.

Best of luck everyone.

Your friendly GM

--- On Mon, 7/1/13, Jerome Payne <jerome777(at)ymail.com> wrote:

From: Jerome Payne
To: ericmarr(at)gmail.com, hapolley(at)yahoo.ca, hurup(at)pc.dk, Johnston.scott(at)comcast.net, stuartandmaria(at)googlemail.com, danilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.com, untitled36(at)hotmail.com
Cc: "me here" <jerome777(at)ymail.com>, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com>, "Garry Bledsoe" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, dc444(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Monday, 7 January, 2013, 19:11

Now then everybody,

It's that time of year again, the Blitz has arrived, the Powers have been allocated, yes! We have a gamestart!

OK so here are your country allocations and contact details for your competitors:


IDCountryNameEmailLocationericjmarrItalyEric Marrericmarr(at)gmail.com
hapolleyGermanyHugh Polleyhapolley(at)yahoo.ca
hurupTurkeyPoul Huruphurup(at)pc.dk
KoensigRussiaScott JohnstonJohnston.scott(at)comcast.netFederal Way, WA, USmetalwarlordFranceStuart Winchstuartandmaria(at)googlemail.comWelwyn Garden City, HERTS, UKsirdanilotEnglandDanilo Bliekdanilobliekthebest(at)hotmail.comTerneuzen, ZL, NLuntitled36Austriajohn resideuntitled36(at)hotmail.comIL, US

The countries were allocated in a purely random manner.  

In order to ensure the tournament gets off to a flying start, the tournament organisers have instructed me to tell you that PRELIMINARY orders
for Spring 1901 MUST be submitted by Wednesday 9 January, 2100GMT. This is so that we both can
check that communications between you and your friendly GM are working
OK. Additionally, three unlucky souls were unable to play in the tournament this year as we were four short of forming a fifth board. If you fail to send preliminary orders by that first deadline, then you will be removed from the game and one of the substitutes will take your place.

Of course, these are just preliminary orders and you can change them
as many times as you like before the first deadline, which will be Spring 01, Monday 14 January, 2100GMT. To help you sort your
time zones out, as I send this message the time is roughly 1910GMT, Monday 7 January.


Main deadlines are twice weekly, every Monday and every Thursday at 2100GMT.
Therefore, the first deadline will be Spring 01 Monday 14 January, 2100GMT. Autumn 01 is Thursday 17 January, 2100GMT. Winter 01 is Friday 18 January, 2100GMT.

Summer and Winter deadlines will be Tuesday and Friday, 2100GMT. So, if we take 1902 as an example, Spring 02 is Monday 21 January, 2100GMT. Summer 02 retreats (if any) will be Tuesday 22 January, 2100GMT. Autumn 02 is Thursday 24 January, 2100GMT. Autumn 02 retreats and Winter 02 builds/disbands happen together on Friday 25 January, 2100GMT.

Please note, Autumn retreats and Winter adjustments both happen together on Fridays. It is quite acceptable to make your builds and disbands conditional upon retreats, e.g. England might say, 'if Turkish F AEG retreats to Con, then build F Edi, but if Turkish F AEG retreats to Smy, then build A Lpl'.

In terms of entering your orders, please note the following points:

i) This is a tournament game. It is very important that you copy
your orders to the orders box:


...in case there is any dispute or disagreement about the orders you have submitted.

ii) I am playing and GMing several games at once. Therefore, you MUST put the following subject as your orders:

dc444 Country Season Year version number


dc444 Russia Spring 01 v1

I will process the highest version number received from you for each season.

iii) This is a tournament game. NMRs are active, no deadline extensions will be granted. Therefore I strongly advise you to get preliminary orders in promptly so as to avoid disappointment.

iv) Look upon the relevant deadline as telling me the earliest that I am allowed to process your moves. You can enter orders as many times as you like up to the point at which I process the moves - including after the deadline but before you receive the adjudication email from me. I will process the moves
as promptly as I possibly can after the deadline.

v) I'll accept any format for the entry of orders, but it is your responsibility to make them as clear as possible. If something is ambiguous then I will do my best to contact you before the deadline, but ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure that I understand the moves you have input, any misunderstandings are your responsibility.


I'm aware that there is a new player in this game - WELCOME! -
I'm hoping you're really going to enjoy this game of Diplomacy. I'm
very keen to ensure that your experience of playing this game is as
positive as can be, and I'm willing to help you out as much as possible -
beyond giving you any help with your actual moves of course! Smile
If there is anything you need to know, such as checking your move
input format, checking validity of moves, asking for help understanding
the rules of the game or of the tournament, etc., then please do feel free to ask me and I'll help you as
much as I can.

OK everybody, good luck - and happy stabbing!



SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS 1 - vegas_iwish   (Jan 08, 2013, 7:21 pm)
Let's get this 1 started - been a while. Not like folks are busy playing Chinese Checkers or anything Wink


SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS 1 (Open Games) vegas_iwish Jan 20, 04:00 pm
Appears full - waiting for 1 or 2 prefs lists.
SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS # (Open Games) vegas_iwish Jan 28, 04:48 am
Game full yet more trying to enter.
chinese Checkers - vegas_iwish   (Jan 06, 2013, 10:14 am)
Done with 3 Player Chess game & next project (along with re4 here) is Chinese Checkers. 1 turn a wk (maybe less frequent depending on others) posted on Facebook or Ygroup or the like. Just will take and post sent moves to a jpeg of a board using MS Paint just like the 3 Player chess; Flying Circus (WWI air); Fighting Sail(old time ships); & others I have done in past. Lmk
Mike B


DC440: Grey Press - mmedeiros   (Dec 21, 2012, 11:14 pm)
???DUKE WILLIAM???S HEIR RULES AGAIN IN NORMANDY AT CHRISTMAS (From the ???Times of the 14th century, London) The King of all England, heir of Duke William of Normandy, returns to hold court at Christmas in his ancestral homeland.  The successful invasion to celebrate the dawning of the 14th century was greeted with joy by crowds both in Normandy and in London???


Russian Game End Statement - Slangers   (Dec 21, 2012, 1:10 pm)
DC 435 Russian Game End Statement

Well, needless to say I am thrilled at the outcome of this game. There was a point in the early stages where I felt sure that I would be the first to be eliminated, but thankfully I resisted the early attentions of Turkey along my southern border and won through.

The initial plan for me was to join forces with England and France to take out Germany early on, whilst cultivating a relationship withItaly and Turkey to bring down Austria. This was a natural approach to take as the original Germany was a newbie and wasn’t communicating at all prior to his withdrawal. This plan soon had to be abandoned as Patrick didn’t seem very committed to the cause and Garry seemed to be too effective a potential ally to just throw to the wolves. More to the point Zach caught me cold in 1901 and massed his forces on my southern border. It was John who handed me a lifeline by not taking St Petersburg when it was open and free. That stopped me collapsing completely as defences were rather stretched for the first two or three years. My gratitude was bottomless, as shown by my stab of England at the first possible opportunity to make a cheap gain.

To handle the difficult scenario in the south I worked hard to be friendly to Italy. Wesley was great and heroically put his own position at risk by sailing fleets east to distract the Turk for me. I don’t think he ever really recovered from that early and ultimately fruitless foray east. As France ploughed into England and Germany started to grow slowly and ominously as a power, I remained in fear for my survival until suddenly Turkey had a change of heart and abandoned the potentially game-winning alliance with Austria and stabbed Craig. I used this to my advantage, seizing Budapest for myself and then stabbing Turkey immediately to ensure that I took Ankara. Suddenly things were looking rosy in the south.

Now I had to make a difficult decision in the north and in a controversial move, which could ruin the family Christmas, grabbed Norway from England while he was away on his holidays. This gave impetus to Germany whothen did exactly as I had hoped and threw everything west in a massive attack on France. I kept this under control by not providing help to invade England as promised. Once Garry had strayed too far west I hit him in Berlin. This took me to 10 sc and I knew a win was possible if only I could prevent a coalition forming a stalemate line. France was critical here and I urged Patrick to fight back against the German aggression, thereby tying critical German units up-stopping a decent barrier going up against my advance. Whilst Italy and Austria made repeated errors in a last ditch but very accident-prone alliance (possibly somebody was disrupting their communications I suspect), Germany appeared to stop talking to everybody and hence an opportunity was lost to hold the line. England remarkably rejoined the Russian cause and victory was almost assured. The 4 sc gained in 1906 to take me to 16, resulting from a lot of risk taking in theAustria-Turkey theatre of war, effectively sealed the win.

Huge thanks to all of my opponents for playing the game. Special thanks to Craig for his ever-cheerful presence as Austria and to Garry for stepping in at the beginning and proving to be such a good ally, at least for a short while. Apologies to, well, everyone apart from Patrick, for being stabbed by me with such good grace. Never have I played such a dirty, underhand, aggressive, deceitful, over-bearing game and it feels very good, but in a slightly soiled way. I think my next game will be a quieter, more measured affair.

Craig (GM) did a magnificent job with this game- a virtually flawless run at a very difficult task. Thanks very much for all of the timetaken to keep the game running and to whip it along to a quick conclusion ahead of Christmas.

Having said all that and reviewed my very positive experience in this game, I think I should just revisit the accusation of some sort of collusion or “meta-gaming” that unfortunately came up before the end. Naturally I refute that suggestion completely and to have it come from one of the moderators of DC was especially offensive. I am sad to say, it makes methink hard about where I may play my Diplomacy in future. It is a real shame that Garry had to equate his complete and utter failure to organise any effective defence against my forces with some sort of underhand arrangement on my part, with a relative. This really marred what had been a very enjoyable playing experience in DC435. If Garry is watching my games closely in future as promised, I hope he enjoys the show and learns some new moves...

Merry Christmas everybody. A Russian Christmas is a special occasion- vodka will be sent to our subjects all over Europe.

Best wishes
Tsar Slangers I


Fwd: DC435 English Game End Statement - Cartesian   (Dec 21, 2012, 12:37 pm)
First of all, my congratulations to Tsar Slangers for an excellently played game throughout (both diplomatically and tactically). You thoroughly deserved this win. 
My thanks to Craig for doing a superb job as GM, keeping things moving, offering precise adjudications, supplying maps and information on time, and generally being very helpful and cheerful throughout.

Thanks too to my co-players, and my proxy (Mark - who had to tell me I'd been stabbed by one and all when I got back from holiday!). I have enjoyed the cheerful banter and good sportsmanship that is a feature of these games. Especial thanks to Patrick and Wesley for helpful ideas and good humour throughout.

My first plans were to ally with France and Russia and to move against Germany. All went well in the first year or so. Plans changed a bit because of Garry taking over Germany at the start, and my realisation that he was a strong player who would provide difficulties. Thus my ill-advised attempt at stabbing France - too early and not well-planned. Sometime in 1903 it seemed that everyone decided that I was the baddie (I think the Tsar and Kaiser decided to work together with me as target number 1) and so I suffered a 3-way attack from France, Russia and Germany that seemed to come out of the blue. I was reeling for quite a while!

The Tsar continued to sweet-talk everyone into doing his will and was making ground over in the East while I struggled pointlessly with France. Germany was not saying a word, and in fact I had no communications from him addressed directly to me from around 1902/3. It became a lonely battle for England's survival, with occasional 'hang in there' emails from Italy (thanks Wesley!). I saw no hope for Engand to get back in the game, and just played to survive. France saw the same, and we abandoned our private war to work together for survival. By this time, the Tsar was unstoppable, except if the Kasier (as the central, strongest power) organised a resistance among the remaining fragmented powers. This was not forthcoming and the Kaiser eventually succumbed to overwhelming force and better play leaving Russia the clear winner.

For me, this exciting and interesting game was a little marred by the unexpected bit of of bad temper and bad sportsmanship displayed by one player towards the end.
I think the outcome is a fine example of the importance of maintaining good diplomatic relations. 

Once again, all hail to the Tsar Slangers, 'well done' to my fellow survivors, and thank you Craig.
JohnPrime Minister Cartesian


Fwd: DC435 English Game End Statement (dc435) Cartesian Dec 21, 12:37 pm
First of all, my congratulations to Tsar Slangers for an excellently played game throughout (both diplomatically and tactically). You thoroughly deserved this win. 
My thanks to Craig for doing a superb job as GM, keeping things moving, offering precise adjudications, supplying maps and information on time, and generally being very helpful and cheerful throughout.

Thanks too to my co-players, and my proxy (Mark - who had to tell me I'd been stabbed by one and all when I got back from holiday!). I have enjoyed the cheerful banter and good sportsmanship that is a feature of these games. Especial thanks to Patrick and Wesley for helpful ideas and good humour throughout.

My first plans were to ally with France and Russia and to move against Germany. All went well in the first year or so. Plans changed a bit because of Garry taking over Germany at the start, and my realisation that he was a strong player who would provide difficulties. Thus my ill-advised attempt at stabbing France - too early and not well-planned. Sometime in 1903 it seemed that everyone decided that I was the baddie (I think the Tsar and Kaiser decided to work together with me as target number 1) and so I suffered a 3-way attack from France, Russia and Germany that seemed to come out of the blue. I was reeling for quite a while!

The Tsar continued to sweet-talk everyone into doing his will and was making ground over in the East while I struggled pointlessly with France. Germany was not saying a word, and in fact I had no communications from him addressed directly to me from around 1902/3. It became a lonely battle for England's survival, with occasional 'hang in there' emails from Italy (thanks Wesley!). I saw no hope for Engand to get back in the game, and just played to survive. France saw the same, and we abandoned our private war to work together for survival. By this time, the Tsar was unstoppable, except if the Kasier (as the central, strongest power) organised a resistance among the remaining fragmented powers. This was not forthcoming and the Kaiser eventually succumbed to overwhelming force and better play leaving Russia the clear winner.

For me, this exciting and interesting game was a little marred by the unexpected bit of of bad temper and bad sportsmanship displayed by one player towards the end.
I think the outcome is a fine example of the importance of maintaining good diplomatic relations. 

Once again, all hail to the Tsar Slangers, 'well done' to my fellow survivors, and thank you Craig.
JohnPrime Minister Cartesian
Russian Game End Statement (dc435) Slangers Dec 21, 01:10 pm
DC 435 Russian Game End Statement

Well, needless to say I am thrilled at the outcome of this game. There was a point in the early stages where I felt sure that I would be the first to be eliminated, but thankfully I resisted the early attentions of Turkey along my southern border and won through.

The initial plan for me was to join forces with England and France to take out Germany early on, whilst cultivating a relationship withItaly and Turkey to bring down Austria. This was a natural approach to take as the original Germany was a newbie and wasn’t communicating at all prior to his withdrawal. This plan soon had to be abandoned as Patrick didn’t seem very committed to the cause and Garry seemed to be too effective a potential ally to just throw to the wolves. More to the point Zach caught me cold in 1901 and massed his forces on my southern border. It was John who handed me a lifeline by not taking St Petersburg when it was open and free. That stopped me collapsing completely as defences were rather stretched for the first two or three years. My gratitude was bottomless, as shown by my stab of England at the first possible opportunity to make a cheap gain.

To handle the difficult scenario in the south I worked hard to be friendly to Italy. Wesley was great and heroically put his own position at risk by sailing fleets east to distract the Turk for me. I don’t think he ever really recovered from that early and ultimately fruitless foray east. As France ploughed into England and Germany started to grow slowly and ominously as a power, I remained in fear for my survival until suddenly Turkey had a change of heart and abandoned the potentially game-winning alliance with Austria and stabbed Craig. I used this to my advantage, seizing Budapest for myself and then stabbing Turkey immediately to ensure that I took Ankara. Suddenly things were looking rosy in the south.

Now I had to make a difficult decision in the north and in a controversial move, which could ruin the family Christmas, grabbed Norway from England while he was away on his holidays. This gave impetus to Germany whothen did exactly as I had hoped and threw everything west in a massive attack on France. I kept this under control by not providing help to invade England as promised. Once Garry had strayed too far west I hit him in Berlin. This took me to 10 sc and I knew a win was possible if only I could prevent a coalition forming a stalemate line. France was critical here and I urged Patrick to fight back against the German aggression, thereby tying critical German units up-stopping a decent barrier going up against my advance. Whilst Italy and Austria made repeated errors in a last ditch but very accident-prone alliance (possibly somebody was disrupting their communications I suspect), Germany appeared to stop talking to everybody and hence an opportunity was lost to hold the line. England remarkably rejoined the Russian cause and victory was almost assured. The 4 sc gained in 1906 to take me to 16, resulting from a lot of risk taking in theAustria-Turkey theatre of war, effectively sealed the win.

Huge thanks to all of my opponents for playing the game. Special thanks to Craig for his ever-cheerful presence as Austria and to Garry for stepping in at the beginning and proving to be such a good ally, at least for a short while. Apologies to, well, everyone apart from Patrick, for being stabbed by me with such good grace. Never have I played such a dirty, underhand, aggressive, deceitful, over-bearing game and it feels very good, but in a slightly soiled way. I think my next game will be a quieter, more measured affair.

Craig (GM) did a magnificent job with this game- a virtually flawless run at a very difficult task. Thanks very much for all of the timetaken to keep the game running and to whip it along to a quick conclusion ahead of Christmas.

Having said all that and reviewed my very positive experience in this game, I think I should just revisit the accusation of some sort of collusion or “meta-gaming” that unfortunately came up before the end. Naturally I refute that suggestion completely and to have it come from one of the moderators of DC was especially offensive. I am sad to say, it makes methink hard about where I may play my Diplomacy in future. It is a real shame that Garry had to equate his complete and utter failure to organise any effective defence against my forces with some sort of underhand arrangement on my part, with a relative. This really marred what had been a very enjoyable playing experience in DC435. If Garry is watching my games closely in future as promised, I hope he enjoys the show and learns some new moves...

Merry Christmas everybody. A Russian Christmas is a special occasion- vodka will be sent to our subjects all over Europe.

Best wishes
Tsar Slangers I
Fwd: DC435 English Game End Statement - Cartesian   (Dec 21, 2012, 12:37 pm)
First of all, my congratulations to Tsar Slangers for an excellently played game throughout (both diplomatically and tactically). You thoroughly deserved this win. 
My thanks to Craig for doing a superb job as GM, keeping things moving, offering precise adjudications, supplying maps and information on time, and generally being very helpful and cheerful throughout.

Thanks too to my co-players, and my proxy (Mark - who had to tell me I'd been stabbed by one and all when I got back from holiday!). I have enjoyed the cheerful banter and good sportsmanship that is a feature of these games. Especial thanks to Patrick and Wesley for helpful ideas and good humour throughout.

My first plans were to ally with France and Russia and to move against Germany. All went well in the first year or so. Plans changed a bit because of Garry taking over Germany at the start, and my realisation that he was a strong player who would provide difficulties. Thus my ill-advised attempt at stabbing France - too early and not well-planned. Sometime in 1903 it seemed that everyone decided that I was the baddie (I think the Tsar and Kaiser decided to work together with me as target number 1) and so I suffered a 3-way attack from France, Russia and Germany that seemed to come out of the blue. I was reeling for quite a while!

The Tsar continued to sweet-talk everyone into doing his will and was making ground over in the East while I struggled pointlessly with France. Germany was not saying a word, and in fact I had no communications from him addressed directly to me from around 1902/3. It became a lonely battle for England's survival, with occasional 'hang in there' emails from Italy (thanks Wesley!). I saw no hope for Engand to get back in the game, and just played to survive. France saw the same, and we abandoned our private war to work together for survival. By this time, the Tsar was unstoppable, except if the Kasier (as the central, strongest power) organised a resistance among the remaining fragmented powers. This was not forthcoming and the Kaiser eventually succumbed to overwhelming force and better play leaving Russia the clear winner.

For me, this exciting and interesting game was a little marred by the unexpected bit of of bad temper and bad sportsmanship displayed by one player towards the end.
I think the outcome is a fine example of the importance of maintaining good diplomatic relations. 

Once again, all hail to the Tsar Slangers, 'well done' to my fellow survivors, and thank you Craig.
JohnPrime Minister Cartesian


Game End Statement - Slangers   (Dec 21, 2012, 9:41 am)
DC 435 Russian Game End Statement Well, needless to say I am thrilled at the outcome of this game. There was a point in the early stages where I felt sure that I would be the first to be eliminated, but thankfully I resisted the early attentions of Turkey along my southern border and won through. The initial plan for me was to join forces with England and France to take out Germany early on, whilst cultivating a relationship withItaly and Turkey to bring down Austria. This was a natural approach to take as the original Germany was a newbie and wasn't communicating at all prior to his withdrawal. This plan soon had to be abandoned as Patrick didn't seem very committed to the cause and Garry seemed to be too effective a potential ally to just throw to the wolves. More to the point Zach caught me cold in 1901 and massed his forces on my southern border. It was John who handed me a lifeline by not taking St Petersburg when it was open and free. That stopped me collapsing completely as defences were rather stretched for the first two or three years. My gratitude was bottomless, as shown by my stab of England at the first possible opportunity to make a cheap gain. To handle the difficult scenario in the south I worked hard to be friendly to Italy. Wesley was great and heroically put his own position at risk by sailing fleets east to distract the Turk for me. I don't think he ever really recovered from that early and ultimately fruitless foray east. As France ploughed into England and Germany started to grow slowly and ominously as a power, I remained in fear for my survival until suddenly Turkey had a change of heart and abandoned the potentially game-winning alliance with Austria and stabbed Craig. I used this to my advantage, seizing Budapest for myself and then stabbing Turkey immediately to ensure that I took Ankara. Suddenly things were looking rosy in the south. Now I had to make a difficult decision in the north and in a controversial move, which could ruin the family Christmas, grabbed Norway from England while he was away on his holidays. This gave impetus to Germany whothen did exactly as I had hoped and threw everything west in a massive attack on France. I kept this under control by not providing help to invade England as promised. Once Garry had strayed too far west I hit him in Berlin. This took me to 10 sc and I knew a win was possible if only I could prevent a coalition forming a stalemate line. France was critical here and I urged Patrick to fight back against the German aggression, thereby tying critical German units up-stopping a decent barrier going up against my advance. Whilst Italy and Austria made repeated errors in a last ditch but very accident-prone alliance (possibly somebody was disrupting their communications I suspect), Germany appeared to stop talking to everybody and hence an opportunity was lost to hold the line. England remarkably rejoined the Russian cause and victory was almost assured. The 4 sc gained in 1906 to take me to 16, resulting from a lot of risk taking in theAustria-Turkey theatre of war, effectively sealed the win. Huge thanks to all of my opponents for playing the game. Special thanks to Craig for his ever-cheerful presence as Austria and to Garry for stepping in at the beginning and proving to be such a good ally, at least for a short while. Apologies to, well, everyone apart from Patrick, for being stabbed by me with such good grace. Never have I played such a dirty, underhand, aggressive, deceitful, over-bearing game and it feels very good, but in a slightly soiled way. I think my next game will be a quieter, more measured affair. Craig (GM) did a magnificent job with this game- a virtually flawless run at a very difficult task. Thanks very much for all of the timetaken to keep the game running and to whip it along to a quick conclusion ahead of Christmas. Having said all that and reviewed my very positive experience in this game, I think I should just revisit the accusation of some sort of collusion or "meta-gaming" that unfortunately came up before the end. Naturally I refute that suggestion completely and to have it come from one of the moderators of DC was especially offensive. I am sad to say, it makes methink hard about where I may play my Diplomacy in future. It is a real shame that Garry had to equate his complete and utter failure to organise any effective defence against my forces with some sort of underhand arrangement on my part, with a relative. This really marred what had been a very enjoyable playing experience in DC435. If Garry is watching my games closely in future as promised, I hope he enjoys the show and learns some new moves... Merry Christmas everybody. A Russian Christmas is a special occasion- vodka will be sent to our subjects all over Europe. Best wishesTsar Slangers I


Game End Statement (dc435) Slangers Dec 21, 09:41 am
DC 435 Russian Game End Statement Well, needless to say I am thrilled at the outcome of this game. There was a point in the early stages where I felt sure that I would be the first to be eliminated, but thankfully I resisted the early attentions of Turkey along my southern border and won through. The initial plan for me was to join forces with England and France to take out Germany early on, whilst cultivating a relationship withItaly and Turkey to bring down Austria. This was a natural approach to take as the original Germany was a newbie and wasn't communicating at all prior to his withdrawal. This plan soon had to be abandoned as Patrick didn't seem very committed to the cause and Garry seemed to be too effective a potential ally to just throw to the wolves. More to the point Zach caught me cold in 1901 and massed his forces on my southern border. It was John who handed me a lifeline by not taking St Petersburg when it was open and free. That stopped me collapsing completely as defences were rather stretched for the first two or three years. My gratitude was bottomless, as shown by my stab of England at the first possible opportunity to make a cheap gain. To handle the difficult scenario in the south I worked hard to be friendly to Italy. Wesley was great and heroically put his own position at risk by sailing fleets east to distract the Turk for me. I don't think he ever really recovered from that early and ultimately fruitless foray east. As France ploughed into England and Germany started to grow slowly and ominously as a power, I remained in fear for my survival until suddenly Turkey had a change of heart and abandoned the potentially game-winning alliance with Austria and stabbed Craig. I used this to my advantage, seizing Budapest for myself and then stabbing Turkey immediately to ensure that I took Ankara. Suddenly things were looking rosy in the south. Now I had to make a difficult decision in the north and in a controversial move, which could ruin the family Christmas, grabbed Norway from England while he was away on his holidays. This gave impetus to Germany whothen did exactly as I had hoped and threw everything west in a massive attack on France. I kept this under control by not providing help to invade England as promised. Once Garry had strayed too far west I hit him in Berlin. This took me to 10 sc and I knew a win was possible if only I could prevent a coalition forming a stalemate line. France was critical here and I urged Patrick to fight back against the German aggression, thereby tying critical German units up-stopping a decent barrier going up against my advance. Whilst Italy and Austria made repeated errors in a last ditch but very accident-prone alliance (possibly somebody was disrupting their communications I suspect), Germany appeared to stop talking to everybody and hence an opportunity was lost to hold the line. England remarkably rejoined the Russian cause and victory was almost assured. The 4 sc gained in 1906 to take me to 16, resulting from a lot of risk taking in theAustria-Turkey theatre of war, effectively sealed the win. Huge thanks to all of my opponents for playing the game. Special thanks to Craig for his ever-cheerful presence as Austria and to Garry for stepping in at the beginning and proving to be such a good ally, at least for a short while. Apologies to, well, everyone apart from Patrick, for being stabbed by me with such good grace. Never have I played such a dirty, underhand, aggressive, deceitful, over-bearing game and it feels very good, but in a slightly soiled way. I think my next game will be a quieter, more measured affair. Craig (GM) did a magnificent job with this game- a virtually flawless run at a very difficult task. Thanks very much for all of the timetaken to keep the game running and to whip it along to a quick conclusion ahead of Christmas. Having said all that and reviewed my very positive experience in this game, I think I should just revisit the accusation of some sort of collusion or "meta-gaming" that unfortunately came up before the end. Naturally I refute that suggestion completely and to have it come from one of the moderators of DC was especially offensive. I am sad to say, it makes methink hard about where I may play my Diplomacy in future. It is a real shame that Garry had to equate his complete and utter failure to organise any effective defence against my forces with some sort of underhand arrangement on my part, with a relative. This really marred what had been a very enjoyable playing experience in DC435. If Garry is watching my games closely in future as promised, I hope he enjoys the show and learns some new moves... Merry Christmas everybody. A Russian Christmas is a special occasion- vodka will be sent to our subjects all over Europe. Best wishesTsar Slangers I
Game End Statement - Slangers   (Dec 21, 2012, 9:41 am)
DC 435 Russian Game End Statement Well, needless to say I am thrilled at the outcome of this game. There was a point in the early stages where I felt sure that I would be the first to be eliminated, but thankfully I resisted the early attentions of Turkey along my southern border and won through. The initial plan for me was to join forces with England and France to take out Germany early on, whilst cultivating a relationship withItaly and Turkey to bring down Austria. This was a natural approach to take as the original Germany was a newbie and wasn't communicating at all prior to his withdrawal. This plan soon had to be abandoned as Patrick didn't seem very committed to the cause and Garry seemed to be too effective a potential ally to just throw to the wolves. More to the point Zach caught me cold in 1901 and massed his forces on my southern border. It was John who handed me a lifeline by not taking St Petersburg when it was open and free. That stopped me collapsing completely as defences were rather stretched for the first two or three years. My gratitude was bottomless, as shown by my stab of England at the first possible opportunity to make a cheap gain. To handle the difficult scenario in the south I worked hard to be friendly to Italy. Wesley was great and heroically put his own position at risk by sailing fleets east to distract the Turk for me. I don't think he ever really recovered from that early and ultimately fruitless foray east. As France ploughed into England and Germany started to grow slowly and ominously as a power, I remained in fear for my survival until suddenly Turkey had a change of heart and abandoned the potentially game-winning alliance with Austria and stabbed Craig. I used this to my advantage, seizing Budapest for myself and then stabbing Turkey immediately to ensure that I took Ankara. Suddenly things were looking rosy in the south. Now I had to make a difficult decision in the north and in a controversial move, which could ruin the family Christmas, grabbed Norway from England while he was away on his holidays. This gave impetus to Germany whothen did exactly as I had hoped and threw everything west in a massive attack on France. I kept this under control by not providing help to invade England as promised. Once Garry had strayed too far west I hit him in Berlin. This took me to 10 sc and I knew a win was possible if only I could prevent a coalition forming a stalemate line. France was critical here and I urged Patrick to fight back against the German aggression, thereby tying critical German units up-stopping a decent barrier going up against my advance. Whilst Italy and Austria made repeated errors in a last ditch but very accident-prone alliance (possibly somebody was disrupting their communications I suspect), Germany appeared to stop talking to everybody and hence an opportunity was lost to hold the line. England remarkably rejoined the Russian cause and victory was almost assured. The 4 sc gained in 1906 to take me to 16, resulting from a lot of risk taking in theAustria-Turkey theatre of war, effectively sealed the win. Huge thanks to all of my opponents for playing the game. Special thanks to Craig for his ever-cheerful presence as Austria and to Garry for stepping in at the beginning and proving to be such a good ally, at least for a short while. Apologies to, well, everyone apart from Patrick, for being stabbed by me with such good grace. Never have I played such a dirty, underhand, aggressive, deceitful, over-bearing game and it feels very good, but in a slightly soiled way. I think my next game will be a quieter, more measured affair. Craig (GM) did a magnificent job with this game- a virtually flawless run at a very difficult task. Thanks very much for all of the timetaken to keep the game running and to whip it along to a quick conclusion ahead of Christmas. Having said all that and reviewed my very positive experience in this game, I think I should just revisit the accusation of some sort of collusion or "meta-gaming" that unfortunately came up before the end. Naturally I refute that suggestion completely and to have it come from one of the moderators of DC was especially offensive. I am sad to say, it makes methink hard about where I may play my Diplomacy in future. It is a real shame that Garry had to equate his complete and utter failure to organise any effective defence against my forces with some sort of underhand arrangement on my part, with a relative. This really marred what had been a very enjoyable playing experience in DC435. If Garry is watching my games closely in future as promised, I hope he enjoys the show and learns some new moves... Merry Christmas everybody. A Russian Christmas is a special occasion- vodka will be sent to our subjects all over Europe. Best wishesTsar Slangers I


DC435 Fall 07 REVISED results with maps - Game Ove... - cryhavoc   (Dec 21, 2012, 8:07 am)
Drat! Not brilliant enough, I guess.


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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