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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  Winter Blitz

(4th Annual DC Winter Blitz (WB 2011))

Subject:< WB -- Monday! >
Topic:Winter Blitz >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Jan 11, 2013 at 8:21 am
Viewed:729 times

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Hi everyone,
After two quick player swaps, we've got a full set of spring 01 prelims!  This is great news as we'll have a tournament start with no missing players for the first round.  Which is of course -- Monday!  At the time set by your GM.  Now that we have these, remember that there are no future roster changes.  Missed turns for any reason beyond this spring 01 turn are treated as "All units hold".  It's looking like it'll be a great tournament!  Good luck everyone... (tho technically if everyone is wished equal luck, is anyone actually better off?)  Smile

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 1/9/2013 8:09 AM
Cc: Garry Bledsoe
Subject: WB Tournament Info

Hi everyone,
Welcome to the Winter Blitz 2013!  You've all had your game starts for a couple days now, so it's time to fill in a few details that make this different from a normal Diplomacy game...
First off, hello from Garry and myself, Mike... We're your humble Tournament Directors, and moderators at Diplomaticcorp.  We're here to keep these games moving along smoothly.  If you need anything at all just ask one of us...

Garry... kielmarch(at)hotmail.comMike... mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net
Many of you have played in a WB before, but there are quite a few new to the system.  These games run to a rigid schedule.  Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday... with adjudications on each of those days, always at the same time (as specified by your GM).  What this does is eliminate the variability of Dip games and make for a constant schedule that all the games follow.  It also means players should never miss a deadline due to not knowing when it is, since they're always the same, and on pretty much every day.
GMs may always put out a retreat or build phase early if they have a full set of orders.  I.e. if you know what your builds are going to be when you turn in your fall moves, it doesn't hurt to put them in right then!  It saves you having to submit again on the next day and keeps the game moving along as smooth as possible.
Prelims.  We had 4 players not get in to this tournament who are chomping at the bit to take over the spots of anyone who does not submit by today.  Wednesday.  By the time of day set by your GM.  If that time passes and you do not have orders in, your GM is going to let me know and I'll swap other players into your spot.  This is to prevent the first turn NMR's that we've seen in previous years.  Once this first turn has passed, we will be back to our game as usual, where if you're not in, your units just hold.  This is due Wednesday.  Today.
Be sure to copy orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com on any order submissions.  Because of the fast deadlines, your GM is not going to be confirming receipts of your orders all the time.  He may, but it's not required and you can't depend on this to ensure your orders got there.  The only thing you can do is copy your orders to this backup mailbox -- then if the GM says he didn't get your orders, we can look there and see if you really sent them.  It is there to protect you - if you choose not to use it, you're just giving yourself one less backup.
From time to time, your GM will notify you that one of your TDs will run a turn instead of him.  He will let you know if your orders should be sent somewhere different.  (It would only be to Garry or myself).  If that happens, and you ignore it and still send to your GM and not to where he directed, your orders will not be counted!  Be sure to pay attn.  This tournament moves along fast...  I know it doesn't sound all that fast to play a turn a day, but it really is, and it gets really hectic.
Challenges.  Remember again, this moves along fast.  If there is an error in an adjudication, you have 24 hours to challenge it.  Period, no exceptions.  Because the next turn is already almost ready to come out, there is no time to deal with changes that crop up 2-3 days after results came out.  If you are away when an adjudication comes out and you don't get to your email within that 24 hour period, there are still no exceptions.
I think that's about it!  Read up on the website for more details... www.diplomaticcorp.com/winterblitz
Happy Stabbing!

There is 1 Message in this Thread:

WB -- Monday! (FuzzyLogic) Jan 11, 08:21 am

There are 3710 Threads in Winter Blitz:

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dc492 Fall 1913 (catsfather)

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dc492 Spring 1913 (catsfather)

dc492 Fall 1912 (catsfather) [6 Replies]

dc492 Summer 1912 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1912 (catsfather)

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dc492 Fall 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Summer 1911 (catsfather)

dc492 Spring 1911 (catsfather)

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