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dc 388 Spring 1907 Results - fencertim   (Oct 04, 2011, 3:10 pm)
Sadly, we have another NMR. England failed
to turn in orders. Max please contact me as soon as possible and let me know
that you wish to continue.


The vote for the Italian solo failed to
pass. No new proposal has been made. So let us get to the results.




F Denmark, no move received

A Finland, no move received

F North Africa, no move received

F Norway, no move received

F Skagerrak, no move received

F Wales, no move received



A Belgium
Supports A Holland

A Brest - Paris

A Gascony

F Irish Sea - Liverpool

F Mid-Atlantic
Ocean - English

A Spain Hold



F Baltic Sea Convoys A Sweden - Kiel

A Holland
Supports A Kiel - Ruhr

A Kiel - Ruhr

A Munich
Supports A Kiel - Ruhr

A Sweden
- Kiel



F Aegean Sea - Constantinople

A Budapest
Supports A Rumania

A Constantinople - Bulgaria

F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea

F Ionian Sea - Tunis

F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea

A Rome - Venice

A Rumania Hold

A Smyrna
Supports F Aegean Sea - Constantinople

A Tyrolia Hold

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon

A Venice - Piedmont

F Western Mediterranean Supports F North
Africa - Mid-Atlantic
Ocean (*Void*)



A Sevastopol
Supports A Ukraine - Rumania

A Ukraine
- Rumania

A Warsaw - Galicia



A Ankara



There are no retreats needed so the Fall
1907 orders will be due Tuesday, October 11th at 4pm eastern US


Map and .dpy are attached, please check
for errors.







dc 388 deadline warning - fencertim   (Oct 04, 2011, 1:55 pm)
An hour to go….still need orders. I
have confirmed what I have received.


From: Timothy Crosby

Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011
10:25 AM

To: 'Timothy Crosby';
bret_pollack(at)hotmail.com; archer.smith(at)zoho.com; cbend37(at)aol.com;
catsfather(at)gmail.com; hatricvs(at)yahoo.com; justin(at)darkenedpath.com;

Cc: dc388(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Subject: dc 388 deadline warning


Spring 1907 orders are due today at 4pm
eastern US
time. Looking for several sets still.





dc 391 end of game comments italy - FlapJack   (Oct 04, 2011, 11:30 am)


DC 373: Game On - AceRimmer   (Oct 04, 2011, 11:14 am)
Of Matt "Ariovistus" O'Donnell, the history books (i.e. Caesar's Gallic Wars) inform us:

"[Caesar] then made the same demands which he had commissioned the embassadors to make, that [Ariovistus and his Germans] should not make war either upon [Rome's] allies, that he should restore the hostages; that if he could not send back to their country any part of the Germans, he should at all events suffer none of them any more to cross the Rhine."

Negotiations failed as Ariovistus' cavalry escort provoked a skirmish with Caesar's. Caesar and Ariovistus returned to their camps. After several days of repositioning...

"Thereupon the engagement was renewed, and all the enemy turned their backs, nor did they cease to flee until they arrived at the river Rhine, about fifty miles from that place. There some few, either relying on their strength, endeavored to swim over, or, finding boats, procured their safety. Among the latter was Ariovistus, who meeting with a small vessel tied to the bank, escaped in it."

So, Ariovistus departed the pages of Caesar's histories... and of DC 373... but not so the Germans! Their forces may be depleted, but they remain, and they are well-spoken as always in the arts of Diplomacy:

"[German] embassadors came to him from their state, whose speech was as follows: 'That the Germans neither make war upon the Roman people first, nor do they decline, if they are provoked, to engage with them in arms; for that this was the custom of the Germans handed down to them from their forefathers, - to resist whatsoever people make war upon them and not to avert it by entreaty'."

Enter Alex, better known as Maslow. I have both GM'd and been GM'd by Maslow. He was a participant in the legendary 10-year, entirely NMR-free DC 345. It's good to have you on board. I think you'll recognize a couple of familiar faces.

In case you haven't figure out yet, this is a Julius-Caesar-themed game. You can expect to be tortured with strange, out-of-context Caesar-related commentary.

I am resetting the deadline for Friday at 2:00 p.m. CST (Maslow lives in Alaska, and afternoon deadlines work better for him, if I recall). I can adjudicate sooner if everybody prefers.

Maslow, I'd send you a .dpy, but mine is loaded with everybody's orders, so please download the .dpy if you like from the game site by clicking on the little computer icon to the left and slightly below the game map:

Meanwhile, I am attaching the current map as a GIF.

Here is our updated email roster:
Austria ??? Jack McHugh
England ??? Dirk Knemeyer

France ??? Mark Mizak
Germany ??? Alex Maslow
Russia ??? Stephen Osellame

Gentlemen, the caution flag has been stashed away, you may return to ruling the world.


dc 391 end of game comments Britain - mjn82   (Oct 04, 2011, 11:05 am)
First, thanks all for a fun game.  I've never seen a game like this one, so always fun to experience something new and original.


Thanks to the GM for hanging in there when his real life was obviously creating challenged.  Enjoyed your editorial posts in the results especially the final one,  that was a hoot! you definitely have a talent for storytelling.


early game:  I earnestly worked to put an alliance in place in the West with France and Germany. That gave us all an early advantage which both France and I took advantage of.  I thought Germany could have been more aggressive but he concentrated on the the builds he had easily instead of hitting the eastern front.


A couple fo things concerned me with the alliance early.


-  Germany was insisting on getting half of Scandinavia and France wanted Belgium in the long run , though he graciously let me take Belgium for early growth,  I did take the Channel to get to Belgium which was a violation but we patched that up.


-  A previous alliance of BF and G, I had seen ended up with FG turning on England successfull as well


So I decided the BGF would probably end up in my demise and put out feelers to both F and G to see if one would turn on the other with my assistance.  Neither gave me much confidence that would happen so that convinced me that I would eventually be the target.


With Russia willing to work with me, Germany appeared to be the easier target so I decided to go with an RB with the possibility of still working with France and when Russia left ST Pete unoccupied as a clear signal of trust I went full in with the concept of RB.


France was worried about a Russian Turk steamroller so I leveraged that to get Germany to expose himself and like a pit bull went for the jugular. 

When France did not show any sign of reacting towards me, I took advantage of timing and took and felt as long as Russia hung in with the alliance, we were golden.


We both saw the Turkish backside exposed and I was thrilled to see R stab T.  IT further signified his commitment to RB. 


I encouraged AH to cooperate because I felt AH would be essential to stop a Russian solo, if and when, Doug went for it. 


The whole time , the RB success was contingent on a well planned DMZ  in Scandinavia and St Pete that gave both of us time to react in the event of a stab or solo push.


Doug was a great partner, thanks very much Doug.  I look forward to France's EOG I felt he played a good game but just ended up overextended.  Italy, great job hanging in for the survival. How did you manage that?


Thanks all,


Look forward to playing again.





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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited.
Benenden School (Kent) Ltd
Registered in England No.196353 Registered Charity
Registered Office: Benenden School, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA


DC383 W12 - garry.bledsoe   (Oct 04, 2011, 10:33 am)
My bad. Forgot I owed a disband! Is Fri next?

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 19:37:53 -0700
From: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC383 W12
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
CC: dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Austria: Waited then defaulted
Remove A Warsaw

Build F London


dc 391 end of game comments turkey - alfdog   (Oct 04, 2011, 10:23 am)
Dear all

Many thanks for the game.


From turkey’s corner two things defined my game, one was that ger and fra turned their back on eng; not wise as once eng gets up to about six centres, with
ger and fra occupied elsewhere they are difficult to defeat, if not nearly impossible. My second issue was I just didn’t ever feel that comfortable with any of the proposed eastern alliances. I didn’t trust Russia, I felt him and Italy were just too close
and basically waiting for me to help nobble ah, and then would turn on me, yet I didn’t quite see how, much as I would have liked, to ally with ah, it’s just too difficult to sustain. When Italy collapsed and eng’s exponential growth, I felt able to throw
my lot in with Russia, surely he wouldn’t attack me and thus split the only credible alliance against eng, but he did, and very effectively thus bagging a two way draw very early on!


Well done to eng and Russia. I hope to play again with some of you, apologies to ah and good luck.




From: Michael Norton [mailto:mjn82(at)yahoo.com]

Sent: 03 October 2011 20:54

To: NDM; dc391(at)diplomaticcorp.com; diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; Alex Maslow; Jack McHugh; JOHN CLARKE; NICOL, Alfred (AMN)

Subject: Re: The Zombie Lords Revealed


Awesome!  I had to pull over on the road and read the whole thing it was so good. Congrats to everyone and especially Doug.  I'll send an EOG later.




From: NDM <holyyakker(at)gmail.com>

To: dc391(at)diplomaticcorp.com; diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; Alex Maslow <blueraider0(at)gmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; JOHN CLARKE <john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com>; Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>; "NICOL, Alfred (AMN)" <amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk>;

Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 11:26 AM

Subject: The Zombie Lords Revealed

Across all of Europe the zombies have rampaged, devouring the strong and the guilty as well as the weak and the innocent. Military forces have crested and ebbed again and again in massive
violence fighting both with other nations as well as the against their own former citizen's now turned into mindless monsters. Throughout the lands speculation has been wild. The public had considered the rise of the zombies as a sign of god, or a sign of
the devil, blame had been placed on medical testing to reckless disregard to the laws of church and nature. But as the conflict spread two nations seemed best equipped to defeat their enemies as well as the zombie hordes.




The fireplace burned brightly in the corner, but the rest of the lights were dimmed, causing eerie shadows to dance and twist along the walls. Two men stand over a large wooden table peering
down at documents in front of them, their shadows cast long over a map of Europe.


"Well, my friend, it appears our plans have worked."


"Yes." came the short answer from a smile curled around a slowly smoldering cigarette.


"The other nations have all but given up. Perhaps we should release the vaccine now?" The first voice a bit more nervous than the other.


"I suppose comrade. If you wish." A pair of hands, covered in black leather gloves smooth over a map of Europe, arrows and crosses showing the routes of massive armies and their victories.
"They all seem ready to cave as it is."


"Do you ever think that maybe we shouldn't have done it? All those innocents dead, your countrymen, my country men." A hint of regret fills the speaker's voice.


"No." The answer firm and direct. "What we have done has ensured the survival of our nations for the next two centuries. A few million is a small sacrifice to secure the future for the
rest of us."


"Yes... I suppose you are right."




"What do you mean, it doesn't work?" the army official angrily questioned the younger man in a lab coat.


"I didn't say it didn't work!" the technician attempted to explain, again, with frustration mounting in his voice. "It just doesn't always work!"


The commander of the research facility slammed his fist against the desk. "Damn it man, it either works or it doesn't work. Does it work?"


"Look, here is what happens. In most subjects the vaccine works fine. It will revert recent zombification victims to human status and prevent future zombification infections."


"So it works!"


"In MOST subjects!" the technician interrupted, "In very rare cases the vaccine will appear to work and continue working for months before the subject begins to... revert."


"Do they all revert?" The commander looked concerned now, as realization dawned across his face.

"We don't know, we've only be testing for a few years. It seemed to work perfectly to begin with, but we never had a chance to study the long term effects before you folks decided to unleash
it on the world! What's worse is there is evidence to suggest that even in healthy non-zombified humans the vaccine can cause the change to take place in the long term, but we haven't confirmed whether or not that can happen or how common it will be. We just
don't know."


"And we never will." The commander clasped his hands in front of his chin, deep in thought.


"What do you mean? We have to research this more, we need to find out.."


It was the commander's turn to interrupt, "Find out what?" He snapped angrily, "Whether or not we are all doomed? The vaccine has already been handed out like candy across the world. If
we go public with this information now all that will happen is the brass will see that we are silenced. No. We bury this report. We burn it, and we bury it that is the only way we stay alive."


"And... and then what?" the scientist seemed defeated and scared now, as if reality had come crashing down around him.


"Then we both go home and pray to god that you are wrong."




The sun was shining bright on the shores of Naples. A family was taking an outing, enjoying the fair weather. Life was finally returning to some semblance of normal. Along the shoreline
various buildings were still in ruins, reminders of the brutal conflict that had taken place. Several locals had taken to combing the shore for pieces of scrap metal that would still wash up from the destroyed fleets. On a good day the scavengers could bring
in a hefty load of iron and steel, on the bad days all they found were bloated half eaten corpses.


Fernando and his family were hoping they'd find neither today. The harbor wall had done a good job of keeping most of the debris off of this particular stretch of beach. "Don't go wading
in too far!" he called to his children, "Lunch will be ready soon!" He felt blessed each and every day that his family had made it through the war untouched. His brother had not been so lucky when his wife had succumb to the infection and turned on him. He
was able to fend her off, their infant had not been as fortunate. It was a wonder he hadn't killed himself in grief.


He shook his head, trying to abandon such dark thoughts on a sunny day. It would have helped had there been a few more families out to enjoy the great weather. They seemed to have the beach
to themselves other than for the strange figure in the distance who was slowly limping down the beach. Fernando idly wondered if he'd join them for lunch, he looked like he might be a wounded soldier from the war...




"Did you bring the proof?" A hushed voice asked from behind a thick wooden door.


"Ja, it is here, let me in." The short man's eyes darted nervously up and down the street. As soon as the door was open more than a crack he pushed through into the foyer of the house in
what used to part of the German Empire.


"Here it is." he said pulling an envelope form his coat. "Documents, they prove everything."


The older man's eyes lit up and his mouth opened in a wide grin. "So we can finally prove they started the entire plague. We can prove they were the ones who caused everything."


"Yes, yes! All we need to do is go public and their hegemony will be destroyed." The shorter man smiled.


The soft report of a silenced pistol went off and the shorter man clutched at his abdomen. "I am sorry friend, but what will that do? It won't bring back the German Empire, it won't bring
back our rule. But what they will do is pay for silence, and pay handsomely, and that money, and time, can buy influence and, ultimately, revenge."


The shorter man attempted to speak but no sound would come, he could feel the blood flooding into his lungs, drowning him like so many German soldiers drowned in the northern seas.


"Don't worry my friend, we will have our vengeance, Germany will remember all you have done, but this requires a delicate touch. A better sense of... diplomacy."




End of Game Results


Russia/England Draw was voted up by everyone. I apologize for the delay, but I wanted time to give you guys a slightly more enjoyable end game email. A final map will be distributed/uploaded
as soon as I get back onto my laptop and off a work computer. I hope you all enjoyed the game and were willing to forgive the minor delays and setbacks. I hope you enjoyed my ending story lines as well. I felt I needed to give you something special after delaying
so many deadlines on my part. Feel free to give me any feedback you'd like and thanks for playing.


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Benenden School (Kent) Ltd

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DC 373: Replacement Sought - Blueraider0   (Oct 04, 2011, 9:39 am)
I'll take it, Adam!


dc 388 deadline warning - fencertim   (Oct 04, 2011, 9:25 am)
Spring 1907 orders are due today at 4pm
eastern US
time. Looking for several sets still.





dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Oct 03, 2011, 10:30 pm)
Deadline for Summer 1854 retreats: Tuesday, October 5th (at) 2359

The following units were dislodged:

British A Marseilles can retreat to Catalunia or Bordeaux.

British F Barrier Sea will retreat to South Austrailia.

American A Republic of Texas can retreat to Unorganized Terr. or
Oregon Terr. or Coahula or Chihuahua.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Berlin, F Marseilles, F Denmark, A Kiel, A Metz, A
Piedmont, A Switzerland, A Algiers, F Skagerrak, F Baltic Sea, F
Tyrrhenian Sea, F Ionian Sea.

Britain: F Madrid, A Columbia, F Norway, A Donga, A Somolia, F
Sumatra, A Amazona, F Barents Sea, F North Sea, F English Channel, F
Mozabaique Channel, F Horn of Africa, F N.E.Indian Ocean, A
Marseilles, F Barrier Sea.

China:   A Delhi, F Malaysia, A Kagoshima, A Bengal, A Hue, A
Kasmir, A Hyderabad, F Kamchatka, A Tibet, A Alaska, F Bay of
Bengal, F Gulf of Siam, F China Sea, F Eastern Sea, F Sea of Japan,
F Sea of Okhotsk.

Russia:  F Egypt(nc), A Moskow, A St Petersburg, F Sweden, A
Finland, A Livonia, A Kuar, A Tripoli, F Syria(nc), A Ade, A
Afganistan, A Madras, A Nejaaz, A Punjab, F Eastern Mediterranean, F
Persian Gulf.

Spain:   F New South Wales, F Java, F Cuba, F Mexico City, F
Phillipines, F New Orleans, A Congo, A Mongearts, A Soudan, F Perth,
F Equador, F Plauhy, F Honduras(wc), A Republic of Texas, A Iowa
Territories, A Missouri Terr., F Canaries Seaway, F The Azores, F
Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Brazilian Bight, F Roaring Forties, F
S.E.Indian Ocean, F Barrier Sea, F Ant-Pacific Ocean, F Java Sea, F
Bering Sea, F N.W.Pacific Ocean, F W.Pacific Ocean, F Bismark Sea, F
S.W.Pacific Ocean.

USA:     A Ontario, F Bahama Islands, A Paris, F Holland, A Coruna,
A Rouen, A South Africa, F Para, A Appalachia, A Chicago, F Labrador
Sea, F Western Mediterranean, F N.Atlantic Ocean, F Eastern
Carribean, F Sargasso Sea, F Amazon Basin, F S.W.Indian Ocean, A
Republic of Texas.

Movement results for Spring of 1854.

Austria: A Berlin Supports A Stuttgart - Kiel.

Austria: F Denmark Supports F Helgoland Bight - Skagerrak.

Austria: F Greece - Ionian Sea.

Austria: A Stuttgart - Kiel.

Austria: A Metz - Paris (*Fails*).

Austria: A Piedmont Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles.

Austria: A Switzerland Supports F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles.

Austria: A Tunisia - Algiers.

Austria: F Helgoland Bight - Skagerrak.

Austria: F Baltic Sea Supports F Denmark.

Austria: F Gulf of Lyon - Marseilles.

Austria: F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Greece - Ionian Sea.

Britain: F Dublin - English Channel.

Britain: A Marseilles Hold (*Dislodged*).

Britain: F Madrid - Western Mediterranean (*Fails*).

Britain: A Columbia Hold.

Britain: F Norway Supports F Skagerrak (*Cut*).

Britain: A Abyssinia - Donga.

Britain: A Somolia - Ethiopia (*Bounce*).

Britain: F Sumatra Supports F N.E.Indian Ocean.

Britain: A British Guiana - Amazona.

Britain: F Barents Sea Supports F Norway.

Britain: F North Sea Supports F Dublin - English Channel.

Britain: F Skagerrak Supports F Norway (*Disbanded*).

Britain: F Horn of Africa - Mozabaique Channel.

Britain: F Red Sea - Horn of Africa.

Britain: F N.E.Indian Ocean Supports F Sumatra.

Britain: F Barrier Sea - Ant-Indian Ocean (*Dislodged*).

China: A Delhi Supports A Kasmir.

China: F Malaysia Supports F S.E.Indian Ocean - Sumatra (*Void*).

China: F Yongmingcheng - Kamchatka.

China: A Bengal Hold.

China: A Edo - Kagoshima.

China: A Hue Hold.

China: A Kasmir Supports A Delhi.

China: A Hyderabad Hold.

China: F Birmah - Bay of Bengal.

China: A Kamchatka - Alaska.

China: A Tibet Supports A Kasmir.

China: F Gulf of Siam Supports F Malaysia.

China: F China Sea Supports F Borneo - Java Sea.

China: F Yellow Sea - Eastern Sea.

China: F Sea of Japan, no move received.

China: F Sea of Okhotsk Supports F Yongmingcheng - Kamchatka.

Russia: A Bombay - Madras.

Russia: A Angora - Tripoli.

Russia: F Bagdad - Persian Gulf.

Russia: F Egypt(nc) Supports A Angora - Tripoli.

Russia: A Moskow - St Petersburg (*Fails*).

Russia: A St Petersburg - Norway (*Fails*).

Russia: F Sweden Supports A St Petersburg - Norway.

Russia: A Finland Supports F Sweden.

Russia: A Livonia Supports A Moskow - St Petersburg (*Fails*).

Russia: A Kuar Supports A Abyssinia - Donga.

Russia: F Syria(nc) Hold.

Russia: A Ade Hold.

Russia: A Afganistan Supports A Punjab.

Russia: A Nejaaz Supports A Ade.

Russia: A Punjab Hold.

Russia: F Eastern Mediterranean Convoys A Angora - Tripoli.

Spain: A Loango - Congo.

Spain: F New South Wales Supports F Tasman Sea - Barrier Sea.

Spain: F Borneo - Java Sea.

Spain: F Cuba - Bahama Islands (*Fails*).

Spain: F Rio de Janeiro - Plauhy.

Spain: F Phillipines Hold.

Spain: F New Orleans Supports A Nevada - Republic of Texas.

Spain: A Sene Gabaia - Mongearts.

Spain: A Soudan - Ethiopia (*Bounce*).

Spain: F Marshalls - Bismark Sea.

Spain: F Perth Supports F S.E.Indian Ocean.

Spain: F Equador - Columbia(sc) (*Fails*).

Spain: F Guatemala(ec) - Mexico City.

Spain: A Nevada - Republic of Texas.

Spain: A Iowa Territories - Chicago (*Fails*).

Spain: A Missouri Terr. Supports A Iowa Territories - Chicago

Spain: F Bay of Biscay - The Azores.

Spain: F Canaries Seaway - Bay of Biscay (*Bounce*).

Spain: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Amazon Basin (*Fails*).

Spain: F Brazilian Bight Supports F Rio de Janeiro - Plauhy.

Spain: F S.Atlantic Ocean - Roaring Forties.

Spain: F S.E.Indian Ocean Supports F Ant-Pacific Ocean - Ant-Indian

Spain: F Ant-Pacific Ocean - Ant-Indian Ocean (*Bounce*).

Spain: F Tasman Sea - Barrier Sea.

Spain: F Timor Sea - Java.

Spain: F Bering Sea Convoys A Kamchatka - Alaska.

Spain: F W.Pacific Ocean Hold.

Spain: F S.W.Pacific Ocean - Ant-Pacific Ocean (*Fails*).

Spain: F N.Pacific Ocean - N.W.Pacific Ocean.

Spain: F Gulf of California - Honduras(wc).

USA: A Ontario Supports A New York City - Chicago.

USA: F Bahama Islands Supports F Venezuela - Eastern Carribean

USA: A Paris Supports A Bordeaux (*No Such Unit*).

USA: F Holland Supports F North Sea.

USA: A Charleston - Appalachia.

USA: A New York City - Chicago.

USA: A Catalunia - Coruna.

USA: A Rouen Supports F Holland.

USA: A South Africa Hold.

USA: F Para - Plauhy (*Fails*).

USA: F Venezuela - Eastern Carribean.

USA: A Republic of Texas - Missouri Terr. (*Dislodged*).

USA: F Hudson Bay - Labrador Sea.

USA: F Western Mediterranean - Bay of Biscay (*Bounce*).

USA: F Gulf of Maine - N.Atlantic Ocean.

USA: F Bay of Florida - Sargasso Sea.

USA: F Amazon Basin - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*).

USA: F S.W.Indian Ocean Supports F Barrier Sea - Ant-Indian Ocean.

Deadline for Summer 1854 retreats: Tuesday, October 5th (at) 2359

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


DC383 W12 - vegas_iwish   (Oct 03, 2011, 9:37 pm)
Austria: Waited then defaulted
Remove A Warsaw

Build F London


DC383 W12 (dc383) garry.bledsoe Oct 04, 10:33 am
My bad. Forgot I owed a disband! Is Fri next?

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 19:37:53 -0700
From: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC383 W12
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
CC: dc383(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Austria: Waited then defaulted
Remove A Warsaw

Build F London
dc394 s03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 03, 2011, 3:57 pm)
Voted civilization least likely to survive 3 years... The Magicians!


Their last city overrun by Trolls and their great fleet in the High Seas under fire from a tightly orchestrated 3-prong multinational attack led by the slimy, ravenous, gurgling Trolls (who knew they were such tactical naval planners?)... where will they attempt to take to the shores?  Perhaps they could teleport down to Whoville where the Ogres and Samurai continue to wage their war for control of the sleepy Christmas town.  Perhaps a reread of the classic could teach our battle-be-goers that it's not what you take but what you give that counts.


Speaking of giving... every nation with any sort of proximity to the Leprechauns - obviously concerned - sends an envoy to investigate the sudden disappearance of all rainbows.  Will they find a pot of gold?  Or some very nervous Leprechauns...


Lone barbarian spotted wandering around the streets of the Kingdom of Hearts.  When a local interviewer stopped him to discuss the impact of psuedo Knightly Gnomatic traditions on the future of Barbarian cultural institutions in Brennin, he...


...was never heard from again.


RETREAT!  (There's only 4 of them... ) by Tuesday 10/4 (tomorrow), 3pm Central:


Archer F Llyr can retreat to Loxley or Endor.
Archer F Kingdom of Hearts can retreat to Andarien Plain or Drynwyn.
Magician F HIGH SEAS can retreat to GRIEF REEF or Kahvi or Ithin'Carthia(wc) or WTH.
Leprechaun F BIKINI BOTTOM can retreat to Knockshegowna or Allerleirauh or Fjord or Enchanted Isles.


F Llyr Supports F Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAY (*Dislodged*)
A Loxley - Prydain
F Kingdom of Hearts - Paras Derval (*Dislodged*)
A Spiral Castle - Strawberry Fields (*Bounce*)
F Strawberry Fields - HORNED BAY (*Bounce*)


A River Saeren - Kingdom of Hearts


A Tumnus - Calormen
A Owlwood - Tumnus
A Pendaran Wood Supports A GuTanoth - Paras Derval
F BEAVERSDAM - Ashan (*Bounce*)
F THON THALAS Supports F Immoren - HIGH SEAS


A Mount Nimro Hold
A Hollow Earth - Snow Witch
A Traal Supports A Twisted Tunnels - Devils Canyon
A Devils Canyon - Forbidden City
F Great Glacier - CHURNING REACH
A Spirit Pond - Twisted Tunnels
A Twisted Tunnels - Devils Canyon


F Garthim Supports A Valley of Lost Honor
A Gelfling - Marshes of Morva
A Prekkendorran Hts - Great Steppes
A Auryn Supports A Devils Canyon - Forbidden City (*Cut*)
A Zhentil Keep - Dragon Coast
F THREE RIVER LAKE Supports A Gelfling - Marshes of Morva


A Vinyaya - Strawberry Fields (*Bounce*)
A Oz - Acme Acres
F Dimmsdale Supports F TILVA STRAIT (*Ordered to Move*)
A Cliffs of Insanity Supports A Duloc - Llyr
F RUGGED COAST Supports A Duloc - Llyr (*Cut*)


A Brennin - Sleepy Hollow
A Hundred Acre Wood - Avalon
A Khemri - Daniloth
F Troldhaugen Hold
F Slightly Gulch - Groves of Academe
A Starkadh - Brennin
A Gwynir Supports A Brennin - Sleepy Hollow


A Mordor - Candlekeep
F Lindon - Golgafrincham
F Baldurs Gate Hold
A Krikkit Supports A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Two Towers - Thirsty Desert
A Candlekeep - Kara-Tur


A GuTanoth - Paras Derval
F Grimpen Ward - Shady Vale
A Ice Reach - Tymwyvenne
F Heavens Well - River Saeren
A Dragons Teeth Mtns Supports A River Saeren - Kingdom of Hearts

A Lubrick - Fafhrd
A Tuatha - Lubrick
F Fafhrd(wc) - Fitzgibbon
A Hoarluk Supports A Lubrick - Fafhrd
F BIKINI BOTTOM Hold (*Dislodged*)


F HIGH SEAS Hold (*Dislodged*)


A Fantastica Hold
A Corona - Kender (*Fails*)
A Duloc - Llyr
A Anhondon Plain Supports A Marshes of Morva - Auryn
A Marshes of Morva - Auryn (*Disbanded*)
F Land of Sweets - CELESTIAL DELTA (*Bounce*)
F TILVA STRAIT - Grimheim (*Fails*)
F RAZORS EDGE - Myth Drannor


F Horborixen - Sinking Shore
A Nehwon - Ogrun
F Uuno - Whoville (*Bounce*)


F Never Never Land Supports F Far Far Away - HIGH SEAS
A Neverpeak Mtn - Critter Country
F Far Far Away - HIGH SEAS (*Fails*)
F Camelittle - Riku (*Bounce*)
A Maze of Regrets Supports A Neverpeak Mtn - Critter Country
F MERMAIDS LAGOON - Riku (*Bounce*)


F Grimheim - Ashan (*Bounce*)
A Ashan - Walk of Clouds
A Orboros - Grissel
F Dargaard Keep - Palmaris
A Kender Supports A Ashan - Walk of Clouds (*Cut*)

A Magrathea Hold
F Heresh - Whoville (*Bounce*)


F Tarsis Supports F Immoren - HIGH SEAS
F Sorrows End - Abby Normal
A Niflheim Hold
F Grendel Supports F Immoren - HIGH SEAS
A Cyriss - Ergoth
F Immoren - HIGH SEAS


F Krynn Supports F Immoren - HIGH SEAS
F Skullcap - Timberlands
F Skellington - THE MAW
F Ansalon Supports F Skellington - THE MAW
F The Old Gristmill - ZEBOIMS DEEP
A Terabithia - Myrtle


A City of Splendors Supports F Thirsty Desert - Waterdeep
A Valley of Lost Honor Supports A Auryn
F Thirsty Desert - Waterdeep





dc395 Spring 02 adjudication - alwayshunted   (Oct 03, 2011, 3:15 pm)
Sober as a judge.... but dumb as a post.


Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 21:00:22 +0100
From: jerome777(at)ymail.com
Subject: dc395 Spring 02 adjudication
To: jerome777(at)ymail.com; pebbleanddrag(at)yahoo.ca; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; AandTStevens(at)GMail.com; cluffy123(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
CC: dc395(at)diplomaticcorp.com

'English army forces entry to Rumanian cooked meat exhibition - prize winning corned beef will not be denied entry!'


'Austrian admiral orders North Sea fleet to Sweden - denies drinking on duty!'


'Italian fleet enters Aegean on trail of huge sardine school!'



Hi guys,


Please find your Spring 1902 moves detailed below:


A Holland - Kiel
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa
F North Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)


A Budapest - Rumania
A Piedmont - Marseilles
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean


F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Tyrolia -


F Bulgaria(sc) Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Rumania - Galicia
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)


F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
F Sweden - Norway
A Ukraine - Moscow
A Warsaw Supports A Rumania - Galicia


A Belgium - Ruhr
A Burgundy - Munich
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea


A Bohemia Supports A Vienna
F Denmark Hold
A Vienna Supports A Bohemia

No retreats are needed.


The deadline for Autumn 1902 moves is Monday 10 October, 2000GMT.






dc395 Spring 02 adjudication - jerome777   (Oct 03, 2011, 3:00 pm)
'English army forces entry to Rumanian cooked meat exhibition - prize winning corned beef will not be denied entry!'


'Austrian admiral orders North Sea fleet to Sweden - denies drinking on duty!'


'Italian fleet enters Aegean on trail of huge sardine school!'



Hi guys,


Please find your Spring 1902 moves detailed below:


A Holland - Kiel
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa
F North Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)


A Budapest - Rumania
A Piedmont - Marseilles
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean


F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Tyrolia -


F Bulgaria(sc) Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Rumania - Galicia
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)


F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
F Sweden - Norway
A Ukraine - Moscow
A Warsaw Supports A Rumania - Galicia


A Belgium - Ruhr
A Burgundy - Munich
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea


A Bohemia Supports A Vienna
F Denmark Hold
A Vienna Supports A Bohemia

No retreats are needed.


The deadline for Autumn 1902 moves is Monday 10 October, 2000GMT.






dc395 Spring 02 adjudication (dc395) alwayshunted Oct 03, 03:15 pm
Sober as a judge.... but dumb as a post.


Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 21:00:22 +0100
From: jerome777(at)ymail.com
Subject: dc395 Spring 02 adjudication
To: jerome777(at)ymail.com; pebbleanddrag(at)yahoo.ca; ddz999cat23(at)yahoo.com; AandTStevens(at)GMail.com; cluffy123(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.com; isaac.zinner(at)gmail.com; alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com
CC: dc395(at)diplomaticcorp.com

'English army forces entry to Rumanian cooked meat exhibition - prize winning corned beef will not be denied entry!'


'Austrian admiral orders North Sea fleet to Sweden - denies drinking on duty!'


'Italian fleet enters Aegean on trail of huge sardine school!'



Hi guys,


Please find your Spring 1902 moves detailed below:


A Holland - Kiel
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - North Africa
F North Sea - Sweden (*Fails*)


A Budapest - Rumania
A Piedmont - Marseilles
F Western Mediterranean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean


F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania
A Tyrolia -


F Bulgaria(sc) Supports F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Rumania - Galicia
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)


F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
F Sweden - Norway
A Ukraine - Moscow
A Warsaw Supports A Rumania - Galicia


A Belgium - Ruhr
A Burgundy - Munich
F North Atlantic Ocean - Norwegian Sea


A Bohemia Supports A Vienna
F Denmark Hold
A Vienna Supports A Bohemia

No retreats are needed.


The deadline for Autumn 1902 moves is Monday 10 October, 2000GMT.




The Zombie Lords Revealed - mjn82   (Oct 03, 2011, 2:53 pm)
Awesome!  I had to pull over on the road and read the whole thing it was so good. Congrats to everyone and especially Doug.  I'll send an EOG later.



From: NDM <holyyakker(at)gmail.com>
To: dc391(at)diplomaticcorp.com; diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; Alex Maslow <blueraider0(at)gmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; JOHN CLARKE <john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com>; Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>; "NICOL, Alfred (AMN)" <amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk>; holyyakker(at)gmail.com
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 11:26 AM
Subject: The Zombie Lords

Across all of Europe the zombies have rampaged, devouring the strong and the guilty as well as the weak and the innocent. Military forces have crested and ebbed again and again in massive violence fighting both with other nations as well as the against their own former citizen's now turned into mindless monsters. Throughout the lands speculation has been wild. The public had considered the rise of the zombies as a sign of god, or a sign of the devil, blame had been placed on medical testing to reckless disregard to the laws of church and nature. But as the conflict spread two nations seemed best equipped to defeat their enemies as well as the zombie hordes.


The fireplace burned brightly in the corner, but the rest of the lights were dimmed, causing eerie shadows to dance and twist along the walls. Two men stand over a large wooden table peering down at documents in front of them, their shadows cast long over a map of Europe.

"Well, my friend, it appears our plans have worked."

"Yes." came the short answer from a smile curled around a slowly smoldering cigarette.

"The other nations have all but given up. Perhaps we should release the vaccine now?" The first voice a bit more nervous than the other.

"I suppose comrade. If you wish." A pair of hands, covered in black leather gloves smooth over a map of Europe, arrows and crosses showing the routes of massive armies and their victories. "They all seem ready to cave as it is."

"Do you ever think that maybe we shouldn't have done it? All those innocents dead, your countrymen, my country men." A hint of regret fills the speaker's voice.

"No." The answer firm and direct. "What we have done has ensured the survival of our nations for the next two centuries. A few million is a small sacrifice to secure the future for the rest of us."

"Yes... I suppose you are right."


"What do you mean, it doesn't work?" the army official angrily questioned the younger man in a lab coat.

"I didn't say it didn't work!" the technician attempted to explain, again, with frustration mounting in his voice. "It just doesn't always work!"

The commander of the research facility slammed his fist against the desk. "Damn it man, it either works or it doesn't work. Does it work?"

"Look, here is what happens. In most subjects the vaccine works fine. It will revert recent zombification victims to human status and prevent future zombification infections."

"So it works!"

"In MOST subjects!" the technician interrupted, "In very rare cases the vaccine will appear to work and continue working for months before the subject begins to... revert."

"Do they all revert?" The commander looked concerned now, as realization dawned across his face.

"We don't know, we've only be testing for a few years. It seemed to work perfectly to begin with, but we never had a chance to study the long term effects before you folks decided to unleash it on the world! What's worse is there is evidence to suggest that even in healthy non-zombified humans the vaccine can cause the change to take place in the long term, but we haven't confirmed whether or not that can happen or how common it will be. We just don't know."

"And we never will." The commander clasped his hands in front of his chin, deep in thought.

"What do you mean? We have to research this more, we need to find out.."

It was the commander's turn to interrupt, "Find out what?" He snapped angrily, "Whether or not we are all doomed? The vaccine has already been handed out like candy across the world. If we go public with this information now all that will happen is the brass will see that we are silenced. No. We bury this report. We burn it, and we bury it that is the only way we stay alive."

"And... and then what?" the scientist seemed defeated and scared now, as if reality had come crashing down around him.

"Then we both go home and pray to god that you are wrong."


The sun was shining bright on the shores of Naples. A family was taking an outing, enjoying the fair weather. Life was finally returning to some semblance of normal. Along the shoreline various buildings were still in ruins, reminders of the brutal conflict that had taken place. Several locals had taken to combing the shore for pieces of scrap metal that would still wash up from the destroyed fleets. On a good day the scavengers could bring in a hefty load of iron and steel, on the bad days all they found were bloated half eaten corpses.

Fernando and his family were hoping they'd find neither today. The harbor wall had done a good job of keeping most of the debris off of this particular stretch of beach. "Don't go wading in too far!" he called to his children, "Lunch will be ready soon!" He felt blessed each and every day that his family had made it through the war untouched. His brother had not been so lucky when his wife had succumb to the infection and turned on him. He was able to fend her off, their infant had not been as fortunate. It was a wonder he hadn't killed himself in grief.

He shook his head, trying to abandon such dark thoughts on a sunny day. It would have helped had there been a few more families out to enjoy the great weather. They seemed to have the beach to themselves other than for the strange figure in the distance who was slowly limping down the beach. Fernando idly wondered if he'd join them for lunch, he looked like he might be a wounded soldier from the war...


"Did you bring the proof?" A hushed voice asked from behind a thick wooden door.

"Ja, it is here, let me in." The short man's eyes darted nervously up and down the street. As soon as the door was open more than a crack he pushed through into the foyer of the house in what used to part of the German Empire.

"Here it is." he said pulling an envelope form his coat. "Documents, they prove everything."

The older man's eyes lit up and his mouth opened in a wide grin. "So we can finally prove they started the entire plague. We can prove they were the ones who caused everything."

"Yes, yes! All we need to do is go public and their hegemony will be destroyed." The shorter man smiled.

The soft report of a silenced pistol went off and the shorter man clutched at his abdomen. "I am sorry friend, but what will that do? It won't bring back the German Empire, it won't bring back our rule. But what they will do is pay for silence, and pay handsomely, and that money, and time, can buy influence and, ultimately, revenge."

The shorter man attempted to speak but no sound would come, he could feel the blood flooding into his lungs, drowning him like so many German soldiers drowned in the northern seas.

"Don't worry my friend, we will have our vengeance, Germany will remember all you have done, but this requires a delicate touch. A better sense of... diplomacy."


End of Game Results

Russia/England Draw was voted up by everyone. I apologize for the delay, but I wanted time to give you guys a slightly more enjoyable end game email. A final map will be distributed/uploaded as soon as I get back onto my laptop and off a work computer. I hope you all enjoyed the game and were willing to forgive the minor delays and setbacks. I hope you enjoyed my ending story lines as well. I felt I needed to give you something special after delaying so many deadlines on my part. Feel free to give me any feedback you'd like and thanks for playing.


The Zombie Lords Revealed - nemo_sed_mori   (Oct 03, 2011, 11:26 am)


The Zombie Lords Revealed (dc391) mjn82 Oct 03, 02:53 pm
Awesome!  I had to pull over on the road and read the whole thing it was so good. Congrats to everyone and especially Doug.  I'll send an EOG later.



From: NDM <holyyakker(at)gmail.com>
To: dc391(at)diplomaticcorp.com; diplomacyworld(at)yahoo.com; Githraine(at)yahoo.com; Alex Maslow <blueraider0(at)gmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; JOHN CLARKE <john.c1arke(at)btinternet.com>; Michael Norton <mjn82(at)yahoo.com>; "NICOL, Alfred (AMN)" <amn(at)benenden.kent.sch.uk>; holyyakker(at)gmail.com
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 11:26 AM
Subject: The Zombie Lords

Across all of Europe the zombies have rampaged, devouring the strong and the guilty as well as the weak and the innocent. Military forces have crested and ebbed again and again in massive violence fighting both with other nations as well as the against their own former citizen's now turned into mindless monsters. Throughout the lands speculation has been wild. The public had considered the rise of the zombies as a sign of god, or a sign of the devil, blame had been placed on medical testing to reckless disregard to the laws of church and nature. But as the conflict spread two nations seemed best equipped to defeat their enemies as well as the zombie hordes.


The fireplace burned brightly in the corner, but the rest of the lights were dimmed, causing eerie shadows to dance and twist along the walls. Two men stand over a large wooden table peering down at documents in front of them, their shadows cast long over a map of Europe.

"Well, my friend, it appears our plans have worked."

"Yes." came the short answer from a smile curled around a slowly smoldering cigarette.

"The other nations have all but given up. Perhaps we should release the vaccine now?" The first voice a bit more nervous than the other.

"I suppose comrade. If you wish." A pair of hands, covered in black leather gloves smooth over a map of Europe, arrows and crosses showing the routes of massive armies and their victories. "They all seem ready to cave as it is."

"Do you ever think that maybe we shouldn't have done it? All those innocents dead, your countrymen, my country men." A hint of regret fills the speaker's voice.

"No." The answer firm and direct. "What we have done has ensured the survival of our nations for the next two centuries. A few million is a small sacrifice to secure the future for the rest of us."

"Yes... I suppose you are right."


"What do you mean, it doesn't work?" the army official angrily questioned the younger man in a lab coat.

"I didn't say it didn't work!" the technician attempted to explain, again, with frustration mounting in his voice. "It just doesn't always work!"

The commander of the research facility slammed his fist against the desk. "Damn it man, it either works or it doesn't work. Does it work?"

"Look, here is what happens. In most subjects the vaccine works fine. It will revert recent zombification victims to human status and prevent future zombification infections."

"So it works!"

"In MOST subjects!" the technician interrupted, "In very rare cases the vaccine will appear to work and continue working for months before the subject begins to... revert."

"Do they all revert?" The commander looked concerned now, as realization dawned across his face.

"We don't know, we've only be testing for a few years. It seemed to work perfectly to begin with, but we never had a chance to study the long term effects before you folks decided to unleash it on the world! What's worse is there is evidence to suggest that even in healthy non-zombified humans the vaccine can cause the change to take place in the long term, but we haven't confirmed whether or not that can happen or how common it will be. We just don't know."

"And we never will." The commander clasped his hands in front of his chin, deep in thought.

"What do you mean? We have to research this more, we need to find out.."

It was the commander's turn to interrupt, "Find out what?" He snapped angrily, "Whether or not we are all doomed? The vaccine has already been handed out like candy across the world. If we go public with this information now all that will happen is the brass will see that we are silenced. No. We bury this report. We burn it, and we bury it that is the only way we stay alive."

"And... and then what?" the scientist seemed defeated and scared now, as if reality had come crashing down around him.

"Then we both go home and pray to god that you are wrong."


The sun was shining bright on the shores of Naples. A family was taking an outing, enjoying the fair weather. Life was finally returning to some semblance of normal. Along the shoreline various buildings were still in ruins, reminders of the brutal conflict that had taken place. Several locals had taken to combing the shore for pieces of scrap metal that would still wash up from the destroyed fleets. On a good day the scavengers could bring in a hefty load of iron and steel, on the bad days all they found were bloated half eaten corpses.

Fernando and his family were hoping they'd find neither today. The harbor wall had done a good job of keeping most of the debris off of this particular stretch of beach. "Don't go wading in too far!" he called to his children, "Lunch will be ready soon!" He felt blessed each and every day that his family had made it through the war untouched. His brother had not been so lucky when his wife had succumb to the infection and turned on him. He was able to fend her off, their infant had not been as fortunate. It was a wonder he hadn't killed himself in grief.

He shook his head, trying to abandon such dark thoughts on a sunny day. It would have helped had there been a few more families out to enjoy the great weather. They seemed to have the beach to themselves other than for the strange figure in the distance who was slowly limping down the beach. Fernando idly wondered if he'd join them for lunch, he looked like he might be a wounded soldier from the war...


"Did you bring the proof?" A hushed voice asked from behind a thick wooden door.

"Ja, it is here, let me in." The short man's eyes darted nervously up and down the street. As soon as the door was open more than a crack he pushed through into the foyer of the house in what used to part of the German Empire.

"Here it is." he said pulling an envelope form his coat. "Documents, they prove everything."

The older man's eyes lit up and his mouth opened in a wide grin. "So we can finally prove they started the entire plague. We can prove they were the ones who caused everything."

"Yes, yes! All we need to do is go public and their hegemony will be destroyed." The shorter man smiled.

The soft report of a silenced pistol went off and the shorter man clutched at his abdomen. "I am sorry friend, but what will that do? It won't bring back the German Empire, it won't bring back our rule. But what they will do is pay for silence, and pay handsomely, and that money, and time, can buy influence and, ultimately, revenge."

The shorter man attempted to speak but no sound would come, he could feel the blood flooding into his lungs, drowning him like so many German soldiers drowned in the northern seas.

"Don't worry my friend, we will have our vengeance, Germany will remember all you have done, but this requires a delicate touch. A better sense of... diplomacy."


End of Game Results

Russia/England Draw was voted up by everyone. I apologize for the delay, but I wanted time to give you guys a slightly more enjoyable end game email. A final map will be distributed/uploaded as soon as I get back onto my laptop and off a work computer. I hope you all enjoyed the game and were willing to forgive the minor delays and setbacks. I hope you enjoyed my ending story lines as well. I felt I needed to give you something special after delaying so many deadlines on my part. Feel free to give me any feedback you'd like and thanks for playing.
dc395 Spring 24 hour warning - jerome777   (Oct 02, 2011, 3:26 pm)
Hi guys,


This is your friendly 24 hour warning for the dc395 deadline - 2000GMT tomorrow, 3 October.


I've got moves from most of you...!




DC 373: Replacement Sought - AceRimmer   (Oct 02, 2011, 2:33 pm)
I have a 2-center Germany which is nonetheless crucially situated between the larger Austrian and English empires. I require the services of a gallant Centurion from the Light Brigade (or a gallant soldier of fortune from outside the Light Brigade) to take over the reins.

The game page is:

You can download a .dpy if you like.

If you are interested, please contact Adam: smegdwarf at the ever popular yahoo.com


DC 373: Replacement Sought (Light Brigade) Blueraider0 Oct 04, 09:39 am
I'll take it, Adam!
DC 373: Ich bin kein Berliner - AceRimmer   (Oct 02, 2011, 2:02 pm)
I have no word from Matt. There are many reasons why a player may go incommunicado, but obviously, I can't know the true reason without hearing from the player.
Regardless the cause, for the purposes of game play, we need to move on. So, I will shortly advertise a Light Brigade replacement.


Missing Game - briankingfox   (Oct 01, 2011, 11:33 pm)
DC392....we haven't received any reply from GM for more than 2 weeks. Please help...


DC 373: Krauts Still Missing - AceRimmer   (Oct 01, 2011, 3:24 pm)
Matt's orders box is still gathering dust. If I don't get word from him by tomorrow morning, it will be time to recruit a Light Brigadesman.


DC383 CROWDED F12 - vegas_iwish   (Oct 01, 2011, 5:22 am)
Draw fails. I know sc count doesn't matter in rating & I hope there are no survivors in a solo as absolutely invalidates said ratings by destroying the integrity of the game.

A Berlin Supports A Munich
A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Galicia - Warsaw
A Munich Supports A Berlin
A Piedmont Supports F Tuscany
A Prussia Supports A Berlin (*Cut*)
A Tyrolia Supports A Munich

F Baltic Sea Convoys A Kiel - Prussia
F Barents Sea Supports A St Petersburg
A Denmark Hold
A Gascony - Burgundy
F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Tuscany
A Kiel - Prussia (*Fails*)
A Marseilles - Tuscany (*Fails*)
F North Africa Hold
A Paris - Picardy
A Ruhr Supports A Gascony - Burgundy
F Spain(sc) Hold
A St Petersburg Hold
F Tunis Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports A Marseilles - Tuscany
F Western Mediterranean Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea
A Yorkshire, no move received

A Livonia Supports A Moscow
A Moscow Supports A Livonia

F Aegean Sea Supports F Ionian Sea
A Apulia Supports F Naples
A Bulgaria Hold
F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea
F Ionian Sea Supports F Naples
F Naples Supports F Rome
F Rome Supports F Tuscany
A Silesia Supports A Berlin
F Tuscany Supports A Piedmont
A Venice Supports A Piedmont


Austria:   Supp  6 Unit  7 Remove  1
England:   Supp 17 Unit 16 Build  1
France:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Germany:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Italy:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Russia:    Supp  2 Unit  2 Build  0
Turkey:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Balkan:    Supp 10 Unit 10 Build  0
Lowland:   Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Norway:    Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0
Spain:     Supp  0 Unit  0 Build  0


Colonial DC369BT\Winter/1888 - hapolley   (Sep 30, 2011, 4:21 pm)
Russia is game's superpower but plays two short, China, Japan, and France lose a unit! Were is Sak? Why is it still a neutral SC?

The Game is registered on the below web site as active game DC369

{http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/} diplomaticcorp Web Site}

You will also find results on my Web Site:
{http://www.freewebs.com/hapolley/index.html} Engineered Diplomacy}

[France is now a Rogue Country in Civil Disorder.]
Civil Disorder Move Example:
Britain orders:
A_Punjab-Tibet, A_Hyderbad S F_Ars-Bom
CD_Punjab(GOS - Ban), CD_Hyderbad(GOS - Ban)
If Britain Wins GOS Bid then GOS-Ban, A_Punjab_holds, A_Hyderbad_holds.


DC 387 and 390 delay - Blueraider0   (Sep 30, 2011, 3:35 pm)


DC 387 and 390 delay - Blueraider0   (Sep 30, 2011, 3:35 pm)


Page:  1 . . . 243  244  245  246  247  248  249  250  251  252  253  254  255  256  257  258  259 . . . 1090

Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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