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(1648 Playtest)


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1648 090623: Spring 1649 Moves CORRECTED - charlesf   (Jul 01, 2009, 12:26 pm)
Grüß Gott!

The very first adjucation is always something special. One has only the (written) word of one's fellow players to go on. Hopes and fears of what the future holds make for a conflicting


1648 090623: Spring 1649 Moves CORRECTED (dc264) charlesf Jul 01, 12:27 pm
Grüß Gott!

The very first adjucation is always something special. One has only the (written) word of one's fellow players to go on. Hopes and fears of what the future holds make for a conflicting
1648 090623: Spring 1649 Moves - charlesf   (Jul 01, 2009, 12:21 pm)
Grüß Gott!

The very first adjucation is always something special. One has only the (written) word of one's fellow players to go on. Hopes and fears of what the future holds make for a conflicting


1648 090623: Spring 1649 Moves (dc264) Kenshi777 Jul 01, 01:21 pm
So much for my predictions, at least some of them... hm...  this will be an interesting game to watch.
by the way, where are you from Charles?  I haven't heard Grüß Gott since I left Baye
1648 090623: Spring 1649 Moves (dc264) charlesf Jul 01, 02:33 pm

while I now live up north in Berlin, I used to live for a while in Passau, a beautiful town right on the Austrian border. I miss the hearty Southern German greeting up here. Further up no
1648 090623: Deadline has passed - charlesf   (Jul 01, 2009, 11:02 am)
The deadline has passed. No more orders will be accepted. Look out for the results shortly.


1648 090623: Deadline fast approaching! - charlesf   (Jul 01, 2009, 10:05 am)

less than an hour remains until D-Day. I'll accept any set of orders until the top of the hour.




1648 090623: The Upcoming Adjucation & Orders... - charlesf   (Jun 29, 2009, 1:53 pm)
Hi guys,

we're fast approaching the first adjucation deadline, Wednesday 1 July 6 PM CET (GMT+1). Should you have not yet sent in your (preliminary) orders, I strongly recommend you do so now since


1648 090623: The Tyrrhenian Sea - leroy43   (Jun 25, 2009, 6:01 pm)
The Gulf of Lyon was probably named after the city of Lyons. The letter y was also commonly used in both French and English in place of the letter i. For instance, my last name, Leroux, is a derivativ


1648 090623: The Tyrrhenian Sea - charlesf   (Jun 25, 2009, 5:51 pm)
Hi guys,

an attentive player has noted an embarrassing glitch on the large map. The Tyrrhenian was labeled as "Ionian Sea", which is of course nothing other than a snafu of mine. Thanks f


1648 090623: The Tyrrhenian Sea (dc264) leroy43 Jun 25, 06:01 pm
The Gulf of Lyon was probably named after the city of Lyons. The letter y was also commonly used in both French and English in place of the letter i. For instance, my last name, Leroux, is a derivativ
1648 090623: Winter 1648 Game-Start - leroy43   (Jun 25, 2009, 1:52 pm)
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be away this weekend at a conference (Friday through Sunday), so may not respond to any emails while I'm away (all depends on how much


1648 090623: The Holy Roman Empire (of the German... - charlesf   (Jun 25, 2009, 2:11 am)
Hi guys,

quite a mouthful, isn't it? Let me briefly discuss the HRE rule.

It being:

[b:df6f45fdc8]The Holy Roman Emperor may build in any SC within the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) he controls. Fo


1648 090623: Lake Lagoda - charlesf   (Jun 24, 2009, 5:34 pm)
[quote:30e14c49f1] I must confess I made this mistake as well. The little blue line in the Ingria territory seemed similar to the Kiel canal in my mind, indicating that Bothnia was linked to the (prev


1648 090623: Rules and Larger Map - Kenshi777   (Jun 24, 2009, 5:02 pm)
I must confess I made this mistake as well.  The little blue line in the Ingria territory seemed similar to the Kiel canal in my mind, indicating that Bothnia was linked to the (previously unnamed) L


1648 090623: Rules and Larger Map - charlesf   (Jun 24, 2009, 4:45 pm)
Hallo zusammen,

here are the files I meant to send earlier. The rules document is what I lifted over to dipwiki, but I thought some might perhaps like it as a word doc. As for the XL map, it's grea


1648 090623: Rules and Larger Map (dc264) Kenshi777 Jun 24, 05:02 pm
I must confess I made this mistake as well.  The little blue line in the Ingria territory seemed similar to the Kiel canal in my mind, indicating that Bothnia was linked to the (previously unnamed) L
1648 Russian message to All - m_don_j   (Jun 24, 2009, 3:09 pm)
Fellow players,

While this may be common sense to many (if not all, if so I stand corrected), but I'd like to take a few minutes of your time to make a statement.

Beeing a long-time member of di


1648 090623: Winter 1648 Game-Start - charlesf   (Jun 24, 2009, 12:52 pm)
Hallo zusammen,

welcome to the very first 1648 playtest! I hope we shall all find this a most enjoyable experience. Next to the nine players involved, we have three official observers on board, who


1648 090623: Winter 1648 Game-Start (dc264) leroy43 Jun 25, 01:52 pm
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be away this weekend at a conference (Friday through Sunday), so may not respond to any emails while I'm away (all depends on how much

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