I must confess I made this mistake as well. The little blue line in the Ingria territory seemed similar to the Kiel canal in my mind, indicating that Bothnia was linked to the (previously unnamed) Lake Lagoda. Why is that blue line in the middle of Ingria there?
B., observer
Benjamin, I dare say I was taking it too much for granted that people would read the map as I do. Will add a map clarification note to the rules.
Lake Lagoda is not named. I'm just describing that "hole" in the map.
The blue line through Ingria is the Neva river. It flows from Lake Lagoda to the Gulf of Finland (i.e. GOB). Historically, it was the route viking longships and in our period war galleys took. For the sake of geographically accuracy it is drawn as it is. The idea is that it shows Ingria's canal province nature.