(yes, it's me again)
I've already mentioned that I like the map.
Tom is right about the impotency of armies.
Here's a loose idea (not necessarily good):
The goal is to incentivise usage of the army.
Consider Army as mobile fortress.
Everything is the same except if ordered to hold it is self supporting.
That is, a HOLDing army has one support inherently.
It would take 3 attacks to dislodge.
That is probably too much power for a unit to have but it would encourage
players to keep armies at the front of their advance.
And, it would also require adjudication by hand... That might be a killer in
Thanks to GM Jerry. He did a very good job of keeping us prodded and
dealing with us and keeping things fair.
Thanks to all, I had some nice conversations and enjoyed it.
Jim (at) Narn