Don't forget folks that the deadline for first ever orders in a game of Babylon 5 Diplomacy played online are due tomorrow at 2359 UTC!
You'll note that this email is copied to: dc263(at) ([email]dc263(at)[/email]). All open emails and notices will be copied to the forum, including adjudications. You should consider subscribing to our section of the forum to receive notices of new messages. In the forum's header there's a Forum Subscriptions selection. Click that and you'll get a list of the forum's sections. Just click the box for dc263 then the
Subscribe Selected button and you're set.
The forum also has a private message feature (PM) which I check regularly when GMing. You may use the PM feature to submit orders when there may be a problem with email.
Including and using the forum promotes, attracting more players, which means more games and variety of variants and so on ad-nauseum - so use the forum! And please wash your hands after going to the loo, john, head, can, privy, etc.
Your friendly neighborhood GM.