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DC350: Spring 1902 - Rocketship   (Jan 06, 2011, 11:12 pm)
DC350: Spring 1902
I neglected to send out the 24h reminder yesterday, as I was traveling. Please accept my apologies for that. However, as the deadline is here and I do have orders for everyone, I thought it would be best to adjudicate, rather than delay.

F Albania - Greece
A Budapest Supports A Vienna - Galicia
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Vienna - Galicia (*Bounce*)
F London Supports F Norway - North Sea
F Norway - North Sea
F Wales - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Belgium - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F English Channel Supports F North Sea (*Cut*)
A Marseilles - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
A Portugal - Spain
A Denmark Hold
A Holland - Yorkshire (*Fails*)
F Kiel - Helgoland Bight
A Munich - Burgundy (*Bounce*)
F North Sea Convoys A Holland - Yorkshire (*Dislodged*)
A Apulia - Venice
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Tunis Hold
F Rumania Hold
A Sevastopol - Ukraine (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
F Sweden Hold
A Ukraine - Galicia (*Bounce*)
A Warsaw Supports A Ukraine - Galicia
F Black Sea Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Greece Supports A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Disbanded*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople

We have one piece of anonymous press:
'And remember kids, it doesn't matter how far you go in life, you're always where you are!'

We have one retreat: the German fleet in the North Sea has been dislodged. Tim, please send your order before Sunday, January 9, 2011, at 05:00GMT. I'll adjudicate earlier if you send it earlier. Fall 1902 will be due on Friday, January 14, 2010, at 05:00GMT.


DC 338 Spring 09 Results - derekthefeared2   (Jan 06, 2011, 11:06 pm)
Here are the Spring 09 Results.  Some units shifting around this game.  The french fleet finally makes land in the south.  The English and austrian armies are organizing in russia while france and Italy are able to make some gain in NAO and Vie.


The army in Vie is disbanded with no legal retreats.  The fleet in NAO must retreat.  It can retreat to Nwg (shown) or also cly, lvp or OTB.  England please let me know if you would like a retreat other than nwg.


The French also lose an army in Alb.


At a players request we will have a decent delay between turn and the next.  The next deadline will be in 2 weeks on the 20th at 3:00 PM as usaul.


A Budapest Supports A Vienna
A Bulgaria Supports A Serbia
F Constantinople - Smyrna
A Galicia Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
A Greece - Albania
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Rumania Supports A Galicia
A Serbia Supports A Greece - Albania
A Sevastopol - Ukraine
A Smyrna - Ankara
A Vienna, no move received (*Disbanded*)

A Belgium - Picardy
F Berlin Hold
A Edinburgh - Belgium (*Bounce*)
F English Channel, no move received
F Kiel - Holland (*Bounce*)
F Liverpool - Irish Sea
F London Supports F English Channel
F North Atlantic Ocean - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Dislodged*)
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Belgium
A St Petersburg - Livonia

F Aegean Sea - Constantinople
A Albania - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Bohemia Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna
F Brest - English Channel (*Fails*)
A Burgundy - Belgium (*Bounce*)
F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
A Ruhr - Holland (*Bounce*)
A Silesia - Galicia (*Fails*)
A Tyrolia - Vienna

A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Venice Supports A Trieste


(DC 326) Gumball - Spring 1918 Retreats - Corrino   (Jan 06, 2011, 8:00 pm)
Hi Players,

French F Mid-Atlantic Ocean retreats to Irish Sea.  Map attached.


1.  2-way draw with Austria and Italy
2.  Draw including all survivors (DIAS)

NEXT DEADLINE:  Fall 1918 orders are due Wednesday, January 12, at 8:00 p.m. EST.  Please include your EGP votes with your orders.

By the way, remember a couple of weeks ago when I was lobbying for shorter game turns?  Well, now I'm no longer thinking it's such a good idea.  The Winter Blitz has started, in which I'm GM'ing and some of you are playing.  As it happens, Wednesday is the only weekday that there isn't an adjudication to be done for the Blitz.  That makes me think that leaving our game turns to fall on Wednesday is a good



DC 347, Replacement mixup? - alwayshunted   (Jan 06, 2011, 5:55 pm)
Hi folks. We are delayed again as it seems Andy may have not meant to join our little war party. Don't ask, I'm a bit perplexed myself.....


Regardless, I have no orders from him at this time and am waiting to see if he gets back to me. If he shows an interest we can carry on, otherwise we are looking for another England.


Hang in there.




DC 347, Replacement mixup? (dc347) musclecat Jan 07, 01:23 am


I did get a message
from Andy this season which makes this all a bit



-----Original Message-----
From: Warren Fleming
Sent: 06 January 2011
To: coebq(at)yahoo.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com;
bert_b1us(at)yahoo.com; jeffcole854(at)gmail.com; musclecat(at)ntlworld.com;
pjh5000(at)hotmail.com; llibertv(at)mixmail.com; dc347(at)diplomaticcorp.com;
Subject: DC 347, Replacement

Hi folks. We are delayed again as it seems Andy may
have not meant to join our little war party. Don't ask, I'm a bit perplexed
Regardless, I have no orders from him at this time
and am waiting to see if he gets back to me. If he shows an interest we
can carry on, otherwise we are looking for another England.
in there.
Fall 1901 Adjudication - TrustMe   (Jan 06, 2011, 3:37 pm)
Hello all:

I really appreciate you all bearing with me. I really confused many
of you when I tried to explain how I was going to handle the Winter
phases. I sincerely apologize. Below is the adjudication and the two
maps showing moves and current state.

For tomorrow, I need from Russia what to do with the retreat from
Sevastapol. The options are:
1) Disband -- if Russia chooses this, Russia will have 1 build.
2) Retreat to Moscow -- if Russia chooses this, Russia will not have a build.

I also need to know from Turkey what she want to do with the retreat
from Bulgaria. The options are:
1) Disband -- if Turkey does this, Turkey will have 2 builds.
2) Retreat to Constantinople -- if Turkey chooses this, Turkey will
have 1 build.

I need from everyone else your build orders. If your build order
depends upon whether Turkey or Russia decides to disband or retreat,
please tell me so:

Like this:

If Russia retreats to Moscow, then build a(n) (Army/Fleet) in (your
home center).
If Russia disbands, then build a(n) (Army/Fleet) in (your home center).

If you don't care what Turkey and Russia do then just send me your build orders:

Build a(n) (Army/Fleet) in (your home center).

For 1901, the retreats are pretty simple. Later on, someone may have
the option of retreating to one of your supply centers which would
affect your ability to build or force you to disband.

I hope this makes sense.

Results for Fall, 1901 (Movement)

General Notices:
Order resolution completed on 06-Jan-2011 at 16:00 EST

Order Results:

Austria: F alb -> gre
Austria: A ser -> bul
Austria: A vie -> tri
Bounced with tyr (1 against 1).

England: F eng Convoys A wal -> bel
England: F nth -> nwy
England: A wal -> bel
Bounced with pic (1 against 1).
Convoy path taken: wal -> eng -> bel.

France: A bur Supports A pic -> bel
France: F mao -> por
France: A pic -> bel

Germany: F den -> swe
Bounced with bot (1 against 1).
Germany: A kie -> hol
Germany: A ruh -> mun

Italy: A apu -> tun
Convoy path taken: apu -> ion -> tun.
Italy: F ion Convoys A apu -> tun
Italy: A tyr -> tri
Bounced with vie (1 against 1).

Russia: F bot -> swe
Bounced with den (1 against 1).
Russia: F rum Supports A ser -> bul
Russia: A sev -> arm
Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Dislodged from arm (2 against 1).
Russia: A war -> ukr

Turkey: A arm -> sev
Turkey: F bla Supports A arm -> sev
Turkey: A bul -> rum
Bounced with rum (1 against 1).
Dislodged from ser (2 against 1).


dc354 s01 results - and a competition! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 06, 2011, 3:28 pm)
Forces mobilize all across the world... but for all the action, we have but one... single... bounce... as the Barbarians and Archers sit down to politely discuss who would make a better ruler for the Kingdom of Hearts.  It is DECIDED!  A competition shall ensue.


FIRST.  The two shall face off in a battle of nimbleness... first running thru a tangled mesh of vines... then swinging from tree to tree... and last firing an arrow, mid-flight to split an apple off the other's head.


SECOND... A battle of might... where they will first trudge across a waiste-high muddy swamp... then topple the tallest tree with but a single blow... and last, hurl the heaviest boulder at the largest dragon with the hottest breath in the darkest sky...


Phew.  All tied up... One more competition... who will win?  Find out... Next Wednesday!  3pm Central / 8pm GMT.




F Llyr - Cliffs of Insanity
A Loxley - Critter Country
F Prydain - Kingdom of Hearts (*Bounce*)


A GuTanoth - Arctic Barrens
F Paras Derval - Kingdom of Hearts (*Bounce*)
A Brennin - Andarien Plain


F Anvard - Cathal
A Tumnus - Immoren
F Girssel - Owlwood


A Carpantha - Mount Nimro
A Undermountain - Hollow Earth


F Gelfling - Marshes of Morva
A Prekkendorran Hts - Sinking Shore


F Vinyaya - Land of Sweets
A Oz - Acme Acres


F Hundred Acre Wood - Drynwyn
A Khemri - Daniloth
F Newa River - Groves of Academe


F Mordor - Rivendell
A Lindon - Brandywine


A Wing Hove - Ice Reach
F Grimpen Ward - MIST MARSH


F Knockshegowna - Merrow
F Gollerus - Myrtle
A Lubrick - Fitzgibbon


A Tarsis - Cyriss


F Fantastica - RIFT CANYON
F Auryn - City of Splendors


F Horborixen - Fafhrd
A Nehwon - Ogrun
F Lankhmar - Ilthmar


F The Neverwood - PIRATE SHOALS
A Pans Labyrinth - The Neverwood


A Grimheim - Daisy Meadows
A The Silver city - Orboros


A Traal - Anhondon Plain
F Magrathea - Shining Stream
F Fjord - Magrathea


F Sorrows End - Cave of Ordeals
A Niflheim - Plains of Dust
F Kahvi - Grendel


F Skullcap - SAVAGE SEA
A Everglot Hold
F Skellington - RIVER STYX


A Faerun - Waterdeep




dc354 s01 results - and a competition! (dc354) FuzzyLogic Jan 12, 08:01 am
Hey folks, today is the big Fall 01 day!


Tho the question is... which Civ is it that's going to take the big fall of 01... Wink


Many people have sent in prelims.  Only a few have not - So please do not get in the habbit of turning nothing in till the last day!  You can always change them throughout the turn.  When revising orders, be sure to turn in a complete new set.  i.e. when you turn in a new set, I delete the old, so don't just turn in the changes or you'd be missing the rest of your orders.




Haven map change - laxrulz777   (Jan 06, 2011, 3:22 pm)
I'm playing in the newest Haven game (go Barbarians!). The Icereach to Devil's Canyon link strikes me as a really basic stalemate line. One unit holds it easily. It ends up having a weird dynamic where the Knights are trying to ally with whoever DOESN'T hold Devil's Canyon and whoever holds Devil's Canyon is trying to ally with the Barbarians/Centaurs. So it kind of encourages a 2v2 type arrangement... Not necessarily a good or bad thing but something to think about.

If you REALLY wanted to encourage that interaction, you could make Icereach and Devil's Canyon the same zone (taking it from simple stalemate line to nearly undefendable.

The other ideas are interesting, but if you do that, it's probably time to clean up the map a little. It's already a bit confusing and adding some sort of north south wrapping along with location specific links might make some peoples heads pop. I think it would be a bit more interesting if the location links were NOT SCs... creating a strategic item to fight over that isn't an SC would be an interesting dynamic.

Also, mages can double convoy (SAB->WSS->ESS-KEE). Also unlikely but technically possible (and probably slightly more likely then the mage and undead player collaborating in Y1.


Haven map change (Variants) laxrulz777 Jan 07, 10:41 am
What I see as the two changes needed (note, this is slightly from a Barbarian point of view but I think I'm being appropriately "neutral"Wink

I would make two slight tweaks to the map

1) The Barbarians biggest problem is that they are essentially FORCED to telegraph their moves. Every move out of their starting centers is unambiguous and it greatly reduces their ability to engage in diplomacy. While this may be flavorful, it is greatly exaggerated and not really in keeping with the spirit of the game. To this end, I would "massage" Eridu somewhat (possibly removing it altogether). Pendarin woods or Andarien Plains should be made to touch Gwynir (possibly both?). That gives the Barbarians some room for options and negotiations.

2) I think natural relations between the Fairies and their neighbors are too friendly. The Fairies have a very, very good chance of getting three builds (it would really take a concerted Knight/Rogue effort to keep them even to 1 build... and that's only doable if the Rogue sacrifices any hope of two builds by being willing to bounce in Gurgi and Dimmsdale). I considered the possibility of making Grimheim touch Gurgi. But this seems too god. A better choice might just be to make Daisy Meadows an SC. Something to create some friction between the two would be nice. Currently, only Dimmsdale does this but it's removed from both Fairy and Rogue home SCs so it's of limited use in that regard. The other possibility is to stretch WMO to touch Dimmsdale and switch Julianthes and Dimmsdale making Dimmsdale an Eternal Build Center. This would draw both the Dwarves and the Nomads in (This has the added benefit of making churning Rock not adjacent to two eternal build centers. This might make the Fairies TOO weak, however.
Haven map change (Variants) orathaic Jan 15, 09:50 pm
I saw a request to inform Michael sims if Haven had spread beyond dip corp, so i might present: http://www.vdiplomacy.com/variants.php?variantID=51

I'm pretty sure there's a bit of a division between web-client diplomacy players an older pbem crowd, but here is an implementation.

As it stands i don't think it has any special rules, just the basic (3d) geography, and eternal builds....
Haven map change - laxrulz777   (Jan 06, 2011, 3:22 pm)
I'm playing in the newest Haven game (go Barbarians!). The Icereach to Devil's Canyon link strikes me as a really basic stalemate line. One unit holds it easily. It ends up having a weird dynamic where the Knights are trying to ally with whoever DOESN'T hold Devil's Canyon and whoever holds Devil's Canyon is trying to ally with the Barbarians/Centaurs. So it kind of encourages a 2v2 type arrangement... Not necessarily a good or bad thing but something to think about.

If you REALLY wanted to encourage that interaction, you could make Icereach and Devil's Canyon the same zone (taking it from simple stalemate line to nearly undefendable.

The other ideas are interesting, but if you do that, it's probably time to clean up the map a little. It's already a bit confusing and adding some sort of north south wrapping along with location specific links might make some peoples heads pop. I think it would be a bit more interesting if the location links were NOT SCs... creating a strategic item to fight over that isn't an SC would be an interesting dynamic.

Also, mages can double convoy (SAB->WSS->ESS-KEE). Also unlikely but technically possible (and probably slightly more likely then the mage and undead player collaborating in Y1.


dc340 DCI 2010 - S06 News and Delay - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 06, 2011, 2:48 pm)
Get well, Mikael.


And no worries, I promised your last dot to Spain anyways.





From: Garry Bledsoe [mailto:kielmarch(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: Wed 1/5/2011 5:53 PM
To: Adam WB2K9 235; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; Dirk Knemeyer; jhack16(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; Michael Sims; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dci
Subject: dc340 DCI 2010 - S06 News and Delay


I certainly did not want to do this until the adjudication; however, I understand that word of it has been spread a bit so, in the interest of fairness, I am sharing with everyone and giving us a bit of extended time on this turn so that people can change orders accordingly - I want everyone on equal footing.

I regret to inform you that Mikael's health is not good and that means that he must withdraw from the game. Given his position on the board, I am not looking for a replacement. I will simply hold his unit until he is destroyed (as if in CD). Given the circumstances, I will not "abandon" him in the results but rather let him be eliminated. It is ultimately the same affect. I assure you that this is not the result of Mikael's status in the game - I have played with him since joining the site and I have watched him ride out "losses" to the very end in admirable fashion. I wish him the best. Here is a note from Mikael:

"I herby request to be dropped from the game. My life is too hectic, and as a result of working too hard for too long I've fallen ill. If I don't slow down, I will burn myself out. Thus, I'm cutting away everything that I don't have time for...which sadly means this game as well. I'm resigning across all my games right now, and I'll return when my body allows itself to function well enough again. My sincere apologies for this, I'd love to fight tooth and nail here to survive, but I can't muster enough energy to do so.

Feel free to include this when you make the announcment. Not backing down because of cowardize or the position, but because I must put my personal health first."

So that leaves us with a need to possibly change orders; however, I know that a player is away until Saturday (they informed of such in case they needed retreats) so I fear we must postpone our deadline until Sunday. Let's go with the same time 6pm.

I hate to push the game back but I feel like it is the only right thing to do so that EVERYONE understands the situation and orders/schemes accordingly.



dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Jan 05, 2011, 9:25 pm)
Deadline for Summer 1846 Retreats: Friday, January 7th (at) 2359

France NMRs

The following units were dislodged:

British A Paris will retreat to Bordeaux.

British F St Petersburg(nc) will retreat to Barents Sea.

Austrian F Tyrrhenian Sea will retreat to Piedmont.

Spanish F Phillipene Sea can retreat to Tai Won or New Guinea or
Coral Sea or Celebes Sea.

Unit locations:

Austria: A Paris, A Marseilles, A Holland, F Denmark, A Kiel, A
Rome, A Metz, A Rouen, A Switzerland, F Baltic Sea, F Tyrrhenian

Britain: A Delhi, A Paris, A Nantes, F Maldives, F Borneo, F St
Petersburg(nc), F Norway, A Ceylon, A Birmah, A French Guiana, F
North Sea, F Helgoland Bight, F Bay of Florida, F Arabian Sea, F
N.E.Indian Ocean, F N.W.Indian Ocean, F S.E.Indian Ocean, F
S.W.Indian Ocean, F Timor Sea.

China:   A Malaysia, F Guangdong, F Kagoshima, A Irkutsk, A Kasmir,
A Lucknow, A Xining, A Xinjang, A Mongolia, A Tibet, F Fujian, F
China Sea, F Phillipene Sea, F Eastern Sea, F Izu Sea.

France:  F Cape Colony, F Sierra Leone, A Guinea, F Lisbon, F
Caffrabia, A Mongearts, F Amazon Basin, F Cimbebas Coast.

Holland: F New South Wales.

Ottoman: A Zanguebar, F Greece, A Tunisia, A Hahira, A Mozambique, A
Afganistan, A Hadramaut, A Punjab, F Ionian Sea, F Horn of Africa, F
Red Sea, F Persian Gulf.

Russia:  A Moskow, A St Petersburg, A Orenburg, F Sweden, A Finland,
A Tashkent, A Georgia, A Bokhara.

Spain:   F Phillipines, F Salerno, F Algiers, F Solomons, F
Marshalls, A Amazona, F British Guiana, A Para, F Venezuela, A
Vancouver, F Western Mediterranean, F Gulf of Lyon, F Tyrrhenian
Sea, F Brazilian Bight, F S.Atlantic Ocean, F Rio de Plate, F
Mozabaique Channel, F Phillipene Sea, F W.Pacific Ocean, F Bismark
Sea, F N.E.Pacific Ocean.

USA:     F Bahama Islands, F Charleston, A Morocco, A Florida, F
Labrador Sea, F Norwegian Sea, F Irish Sea, F Bay of Biscay, F
Canaries Seaway, F N.Atlantic Ocean, F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, F Amazon
Basin, F Gulf of Guinea.

Movement results for Spring of 1846.

Austria: A Marseilles - Paris.

Austria: A Holland Hold.

Austria: F Denmark - Helgoland Bight (*Fails*).

Austria: A Kiel Supports A Holland.

Austria: A Rome - Salerno (*Fails*).

Austria: A Metz Supports A Marseilles - Paris.

Austria: A Piedmont - Marseilles.

Austria: A Rouen - Nantes (*Fails*).

Austria: A Switzerland Supports A Piedmont - Marseilles.

Austria: F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Fails*).

Austria: F Tyrrhenian Sea - Gulf of Lyon (*Dislodged*).

Britain: A Paris Supports A Nantes (*Dislodged*).

Britain: A Nantes Supports A Paris (*Cut*).

Britain: F Madagascar - N.W.Indian Ocean.

Britain: F Maldives Supports F Arabian Sea.

Britain: A Dutch Guiana - French Guiana.

Britain: F Borneo - China Sea (*Fails*).

Britain: F New Guinea - Timor Sea.

Britain: F St Petersburg(nc) - Finland (*Dislodged*).

Britain: F Norway Supports F St Petersburg(nc) - Finland (*Fails*).

Britain: A Kasmir - Delhi.

Britain: A Ceylon Hold.

Britain: A Punjab - Birmah.

Britain: F North Sea - English Channel (*Bounce*).

Britain: F Helgoland Bight - North Sea (*Fails*).

Britain: F Bay of Florida - Eastern Carribean (*Bounce*).

Britain: F Arabian Sea Convoys A Punjab - Birmah.

Britain: F N.E.Indian Ocean Convoys A Punjab - Birmah.

Britain: F S.W.Indian Ocean Supports F Madagascar - N.W.Indian

Britain: F Ant-Indian Ocean - S.E.Indian Ocean.

China: A Malaysia Hold.

China: F Guangdong Supports F China Sea.

China: F Shanghai - Fujian.

China: F Kagoshima Supports F Izu Sea - Phillipene Sea.

China: A Irkutsk - Mongolia.

China: A Bengal - Lucknow.

China: A Xining Supports A Mongolia - Xinjang.

China: A Xinjang - Kasmir.

China: A Mongolia - Xinjang.

China: A Tibet Supports A Xinjang - Kasmir.

China: A Yakutsk - Irkutsk.

China: F China Sea Supports F Izu Sea - Phillipene Sea (*Cut*).

China: F Eastern Sea Supports F Izu Sea - Phillipene Sea.

China: F Kuril Sea - Izu Sea.

China: F Izu Sea - Phillipene Sea.

France: F Cape Colony, no move received.

France: F Sierra Leone, no move received.

France: A Guinea, no move received.

France: F Lisbon, no move received.

France: F Caffrabia, no move received.

France: A Mongearts, no move received.

France: F Amazon Basin, no move received (*Disbanded*).

France: F Cimbebas Coast, no move received.

Holland: F New South Wales Hold.

Ottoman: A Zanguebar - Mozambique.

Ottoman: F Greece Supports F Ionian Sea.

Ottoman: A Hahira Supports A Tripoli - Tunisia.

Ottoman: A Somolia - Zanguebar.

Ottoman: A Tripoli - Tunisia.

Ottoman: A Afganistan - Punjab.

Ottoman: A Bangalore - Afganistan.

Ottoman: A Hadramaut - Oman (*Bounce*).

Ottoman: F Ionian Sea Supports A Tripoli - Tunisia.

Ottoman: F Horn of Africa Hold.

Ottoman: F Red Sea Supports F Horn of Africa.

Ottoman: F Persian Gulf - Oman (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Moskow Supports A Perm - St Petersburg.

Russia: A Orenburg Supports A Bokhara.

Russia: F Sweden - Norway (*Fails*).

Russia: A Finland Supports A Perm - St Petersburg.

Russia: A Tashkent Supports A Bokhara.

Russia: A Omsk - Georgia.

Russia: A Bokhara Supports A Bangalore - Afganistan.

Russia: A Perm - St Petersburg.

Spain: F Society Islands - W.Pacific Ocean.

Spain: F Madrid - Western Mediterranean.

Spain: F Monterey - N.E.Pacific Ocean.

Spain: F Columbia(nc) - Venezuela.

Spain: F Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Plate.

Spain: F Phillipines Supports F Phillipene Sea.

Spain: F Salerno Supports F Sicily - Tyrrhenian Sea (*Cut*).

Spain: F Sicily - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Spain: F Algiers Supports F Madrid - Western Mediterranean.

Spain: F Solomons Supports F W.Pacific Ocean - Bismark Sea.

Spain: F Marshalls Supports F Society Islands - W.Pacific Ocean.

Spain: A Amazona Hold.

Spain: F British Guiana Supports F Antilles - Amazon Basin.

Spain: A Para Hold.

Spain: A Vancouver Hold.

Spain: F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Sicily - Tyrrhenian Sea.

Spain: F Brazilian Bight Supports F Sargasso Sea - Mid-Atlantic

Spain: F Rio de Plate - S.Atlantic Ocean.

Spain: F Mozabaique Channel - Caffrabia (*Fails*).

Spain: F Phillipene Sea Supports F W.Pacific Ocean - Bismark Sea

Spain: F W.Pacific Ocean - Bismark Sea.

USA: F Quebec - Labrador Sea.

USA: F Bahama Islands - Eastern Carribean (*Bounce*).

USA: F Antilles - Amazon Basin.

USA: F Charleston - Bay of Florida (*Fails*).

USA: A Morocco Supports F Algiers.

USA: A Florida Hold.

USA: F Norwegian Sea Supports F Norway.

USA: F Irish Sea - English Channel (*Bounce*).

USA: F Canaries Seaway Supports A Morocco.

USA: F Gulf of Maine - N.Atlantic Ocean.

USA: F The Azores - Bay of Biscay.

USA: F Sargasso Sea - Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

USA: F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Gulf of Guinea.

Deadline for Summer 1846 Retreats: Friday, January 7th (at) 2359

files:  http://mainecav.org/diplomacy


(DC 326) Gumball - Spring 1918 Results - Corrino   (Jan 05, 2011, 9:21 pm)
Hi Players,

It's Spring 1918.  The Great War is winding down "Over There".  Back home in Boston, the Red Sox are beginning another championship season.  Led by their star southpaw, George Herman Ruth, this team will soon bring yet another World Series title to Beantown.  The national press speaks of a "dynasty" and the home town fans take every opportunity to lord it over their poor cousins in New York.  Hop the trolley to Kenmore Square, one block south to Lansdowne Street and into the jewel of the Fenway.  Play ball!

Meanwhile, in our own little slice of alternate reality, the war in Europe is still going hot and heavy.  Austria and Italy push hard against France and Germany.  The A-I duo already control half the continent between
them.  Nonetheless, a proposal to concede the war to them has failed, with three votes FOR and three votes AGAINST (or ABSTAINING).

Highlights of the season are slim, unless you're wearing the red or the green:

. Austria pushes forward on the German front and has the Kaiser's armies at a clear disadvantage going into the Fall.

. In Scandinavia, the Russian court in-exile holds fast, thanks to the support of the Austrian forces now occupying St. Pete.

. Italian forces walk into the undefended French capital while also taking control of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

RETREATS:  French fleet Mid-Atlantic Ocean can retreat to North Atlantic Ocean or Irish Sea or Brest or Gascony or OTB.  Retreat is due by 8:00 p.m. EST tomorrow, Thursday, January 6.


Orders as resolved:
A Budapest - Rumania (*Bounce*)
Galicia Supports A Prussia - Silesia
A Moscow - Warsaw
A Prussia - Silesia
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Bounce*)
A St Petersburg Supports A Norway
A Trieste - Vienna
A Tyrolia Supports A Vienna - Bohemia
F Venice Hold
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Liverpool Supports A Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Yorkshire - Edinburgh

F English Channel - Mid-Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
A London - Yorkshire
A Marseilles - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc) (*Dislodged*)
F Portugal Supports F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain(sc) (*Fails*)
F Spain(sc) - Marseilles (*Fails*)

A Berlin Supports A Silesia - Munich
A Bohemia Supports A Silesia - Munich (*Disbanded*)
A Denmark - Sweden (*Fails*)
F North Sea Supports F Norwegian Sea - Norway
F Norwegian Sea - Norway (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Munich

A Armenia Hold
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Burgundy -
F Gulf of Lyon Supports F Western Mediterranean
F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F Tuscany - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Ionian Sea
F Western Mediterranean Supports F North Africa - Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A Norway Supports A Sweden (*Cut*)
A Sweden Supports A Norway (*Cut*)


dc340 DCI 2010 - S06 News and Delay - garry.bledsoe   (Jan 05, 2011, 5:53 pm)
I certainly did not want to do this until the adjudication; however, I understand that word of it has been spread a bit so, in the interest of fairness, I am sharing with everyone and giving us a bit of extended time on this turn so that people can change orders accordingly - I want everyone on equal footing.

I regret to inform you that Mikael's health is not good and that means that he must withdraw from the game. Given his position on the board, I am not looking for a replacement. I will simply hold his unit until he is destroyed (as if in CD). Given the circumstances, I will not "abandon" him in the results but rather let him be eliminated. It is ultimately the same affect. I assure you that this is not the result of Mikael's status in the game - I have played with him since joining the site and I have watched him ride out "losses" to the very end in admirable fashion. I wish him the best. Here is a note from Mikael:

"I herby request to be dropped from the game. My life is too hectic, and as a result of working too hard for too long I've fallen ill. If I don't slow down, I will burn myself out. Thus, I'm cutting away everything that I don't have time for...which sadly means this game as well. I'm resigning across all my games right now, and I'll return when my body allows itself to function well enough again. My sincere apologies for this, I'd love to fight tooth and nail here to survive, but I can't muster enough energy to do so.

Feel free to include this when you make the announcment. Not backing down because of cowardize or the position, but because I must put my personal health first."

So that leaves us with a need to possibly change orders; however, I know that a player is away until Saturday (they informed of such in case they needed retreats) so I fear we must postpone our deadline until Sunday. Let's go with the same time 6pm.

I hate to push the game back but I feel like it is the only right thing to do so that EVERYONE understands the situation and orders/schemes accordingly.


From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; dirk(at)knemeyer.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dci(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: dc340 DCI 2010 - W05 Fleets Rule
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 18:32:38 -0500

A lone army is built and two scuttled as F's seem the dominant force. We move to Spring06 on Jan 6 at 6pm.

Byz builds F Arm

Bur builds F Hag

Pol removes A Mas, A Rig

Isr builds A Cyr

Happy New Year all!

Lord of the March

From: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com
To: smegdwarf(at)yahoo.com; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; dirk(at)knemeyer.com; jhack16(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dci(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: dc340 DCI 2010 - F05 Ebbs and Flows
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 16:26:01 -0500

Is Ireland Creating Its Own Personal Stalemate Line? If there were just a F in BAY...
Spain and Poland Live On. What's the Over/Under on the First Elimination These Days? Poland in 07? Sorry Mikael.

The Noose Around Byzantium Loosens a Bit As Israel Transfers Its Affections But Sicily Remains Besieged (But Unblemished)

Several Powers Sit on 9 SCs but You Don't Really Feel Like There is A Front-Runner or Dominant Alliance Just Yet


Sorry for the delay to today. I thought I was going to get to this later last night and I had some stuff come up. Sigh. Oh well. We are back now with quite an exciting turn. Lots of interesting movement and lots of twists but little change in the end. We only have one retreat:

Ukraine F Geo can only retreat to Cir or OTB. I retreated it automatically to Cir. John can go OTB and rebuild if desired. 

With that auto-retreat, we are straight to Winter. Given the delay by your GM, let's set Winter further back than I originally anticipated. Let's go with a Winter turn of the 30th at 6pm CST and have Spring 1906 be Jan 6th at 6pm CST

Winter adjustments are as follows:

Burgundy Build 1

Israel Build 1

Poland Remove 2

Ukraine Build 1 IF AND ONLY IF F from Geo retreats OTB

Byzantium Build 1

Merry Christmas from the March.



F Bornholm Sea - Holstein

F Brussels - Hague (*Bounce*)

A France - Picardy

A Hesse - Hague (*Bounce*)

A Languedoc - Dijon

A Mark - Gdansk

A Saxony Supports A Mark - Gdansk

A Silesia Supports A Mark - Gdansk (*Cut*)


F Naples - Apulia (*Fails*)

F Palermo Supports F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)

F Portugal Hold

A Rome Supports F Naples - Apulia

A Tunisia Hold

F Tyrrhenian Sea - Naples (*Fails*)

F Valencia Supports A Estremadura - Catalonia


A Cornwall - Wessex

F Denmark Supports F Gdansk - Bornholm Sea

F English Channel - Brittany

F Gascony - Santander

F Helgoland Bight Supports F Wessex - Anglican Sea

F Irish Sea - English Channel

F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Supports F English Channel - Brittany

F Sweden Supports F Gdansk - Bornholm Sea

F Wessex - Anglican Sea


F Apulia - Naples (*Fails*)

A Budapest - Galicia (*Bounce*)

A Lemburg - Podolia (*Fails*)

A Serbia - Bulgaria (*Fails*)

A Tuscany Supports A Venezia - Umbria

A Venezia - Umbria


F Aegean Sea Supports F Thrace - Constantinople

A Armenia - Georgia

A Iran Supports A Armenia - Georgia

F Malta Sea Supports F Apulia - Naples

F Tobruk Sea Supports F Malta Sea


F Gdansk - Bornholm Sea

A Masuria - Gdansk (*Fails*)

A Riga - Livonia


A Estremadura - Catalonia


A Bulgaria Supports A Constantinople - Rumania (*Cut*)

A Constantinople - Rumania

F East Black Sea Supports F Georgia - Armenia (*Cut*)

F Georgia - Armenia (*Dislodged*)

A Novgorod, no move received

A Podolia - Galicia (*Bounce*)

A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Disbanded*)

A Warsaw - Silesia (*Fails*)

F West Black Sea Convoys A Constantinople - Rumania


A Aitolia - Smyrna

F Anatolia - East Black Sea (*Fails*)

A Pisidia Supports A Aitolia - Smyrna

F Thrace - Constantinople


dc340 DCI 2010 - S06 News and Delay (DC Invitational) FuzzyLogic Jan 06, 02:48 pm
Get well, Mikael.


And no worries, I promised your last dot to Spain anyways.





From: Garry Bledsoe [mailto:kielmarch(at)hotmail.com]
Sent: Wed 1/5/2011 5:53 PM
To: Adam WB2K9 235; camorse22(at)yahoo.com; Dirk Knemeyer; jhack16(at)gmail.com; kodiplomacy(at)gmail.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; Michael Sims; untitled36(at)hotmail.com; michael.alan.walters(at)gmail.com; dci
Subject: dc340 DCI 2010 - S06 News and Delay


I certainly did not want to do this until the adjudication; however, I understand that word of it has been spread a bit so, in the interest of fairness, I am sharing with everyone and giving us a bit of extended time on this turn so that people can change orders accordingly - I want everyone on equal footing.

I regret to inform you that Mikael's health is not good and that means that he must withdraw from the game. Given his position on the board, I am not looking for a replacement. I will simply hold his unit until he is destroyed (as if in CD). Given the circumstances, I will not "abandon" him in the results but rather let him be eliminated. It is ultimately the same affect. I assure you that this is not the result of Mikael's status in the game - I have played with him since joining the site and I have watched him ride out "losses" to the very end in admirable fashion. I wish him the best. Here is a note from Mikael:

"I herby request to be dropped from the game. My life is too hectic, and as a result of working too hard for too long I've fallen ill. If I don't slow down, I will burn myself out. Thus, I'm cutting away everything that I don't have time for...which sadly means this game as well. I'm resigning across all my games right now, and I'll return when my body allows itself to function well enough again. My sincere apologies for this, I'd love to fight tooth and nail here to survive, but I can't muster enough energy to do so.

Feel free to include this when you make the announcment. Not backing down because of cowardize or the position, but because I must put my personal health first."

So that leaves us with a need to possibly change orders; however, I know that a player is away until Saturday (they informed of such in case they needed retreats) so I fear we must postpone our deadline until Sunday. Let's go with the same time 6pm.

I hate to push the game back but I feel like it is the only right thing to do so that EVERYONE understands the situation and orders/schemes accordingly.

dc339 Winter 07 Builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 05, 2011, 2:22 pm)
Well I gave it a little extra time for the holidays, but still seem to have nothing from the Macedonians... so it's onward we go!


F Treva - Scandia


disband A Genua


Remove A Treva


Build waived
Build waived


Build A Antiochia


NEXT:  Spring 08 due next Monday 1/10, 3pm Central.


With that, we have several things to vote on:


6-way DIAS

3-way CPM

2-way PM


If multiple draws pass, the one with more players takes precedence.

Any single no or abstention would result in a proposal failing.










dc339 Winter 07 Builds! (dc339) FuzzyLogic Jan 10, 08:17 am
Apparently I did not include the builds on the map.  Here they are... (still due today tho!)

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 1/5/2011 2:22 PM
Subject: dc339 Winter 07 Builds!

Well I gave it a little extra time for the holidays, but still seem to have nothing from the Macedonians... so it's onward we go!


F Treva - Scandia


disband A Genua


Remove A Treva


Build waived
Build waived


Build A Antiochia


NEXT:  Spring 08 due next Monday 1/10, 3pm Central.


With that, we have several things to vote on:


6-way DIAS

3-way CPM

2-way PM


If multiple draws pass, the one with more players takes precedence.

Any single no or abstention would result in a proposal failing.








DC 333, Deadline Extension - alwayshunted   (Jan 05, 2011, 1:41 pm)
Hi folks,


I've had a request to extend the deadline until the 11th, which is now officially done.


Fall 1908 is now due Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 17:00 MST.




DC361 NEW ITALY - vegas_iwish   (Jan 05, 2011, 10:00 am)
ID : charlesv.hapsburg
Ctry : Austria 0
Name : Tim Fuhrmeister
Email : timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com
Location : Iowa City, IA, US
ID : ConradW
Ctry : France 0
Name : Charles Welsh
Email : welsh_stroud(at)msn.com
Location : Ellicott City, MD, US
ID : FLTeacher
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : Anthony Stevens
Email : AandTStevens(at)GMail.com
Location : Groveland, FL, US
ID : jlqueiros
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Joao Queiros
Email : jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com
Location : PT
ID : Kurgan
Ctry : England 0
Name : Mark Weiskircher
Email : mrkweis1(at)aol.com
Location : Chicago, IL, US
ID : quozl
Ctry : Turkey 0
Name : Jonathan Nichol
Email : jonathan(at)deepsheep.com
Location : Vancouver, WA, US
ID : RickHunter
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Mike Brady
Email : odvaha(at)aol.com
Location : Palmyra, PA, US


DC361 WB START PROBLEM - NEED ACTION - vegas_iwish   (Jan 05, 2011, 8:57 am)

--- On Tue, 1/4/11, Dan Aronowitz <danaronowitz(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Dan Aronowitz <danaronowitz(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC361 WB START
To: "MICHAEL BOUTOT" <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011, 8:44 PM

Sorry I wont be able to play in the tournament, just got restationed out of the country.

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 4:02 PM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

charlesv.hapsburg AUSTRIA Tim Fuhrmeister timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com Iowa City, IA, US
ConradW FRANCE Charles Welsh welsh_stroud(at)msn.com Ellicott City, MD, US
eaglesdan ITALY Dan Aronowitz danaronowitz(at)gmail.com Merion, PA, US
FLTeacher GERMANY Anthony Stevens AandTStevens(at)GMail.com Groveland, FL, US
jlqueiros RUSSIA Joao Queiros jlqueiros3(at)hotmail.com PT
Kurgan ENGLAND Mark Weiskircher mrkweis1(at)aol.com Chicago, IL, US
quozl TURKEY Jonathan Nichol jonathan(at)deepsheep.com Vancouver, WA, US

I have updated the DC site with your assignments. Turn is 1/10/11 (at) 4 PM my time (US PST) which is midnight GMT. This is a no fooling tournament so must be on time. Be especially ready for the 24 hr turnaround for rets & adjs(combined phase!) from thurs to Fri each week. DC has the rules clearly posted but just a few notes. Sending partial moves when
doing changes causes confusion & is unwise. If must change - a whole new list, please. Not ccing moves to the orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com box leaves you no redress if I don't have your moves. Always have DC361 + season on your moves so can sort automatically for me & can be findable in the huge flood of orders in that other box.

I would normally go on more but this 1 set up well enuff that seems unnecessary. Fire in qs if have them.


dc364 country assignments - catsfather   (Jan 05, 2011, 12:18 am)
The game has begun.

(Sorry, I forgot to cc the earlier email to blitz(at)..., so you players
are getting this duplicate.  Hamish)

On 04/01/11 07:05, Hamish Williams wrote:

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone.  I'm Hamish, your GM for
dc364.  Be nice to me and ... well, I'll treat you just like all the
other players, but be nice to me anyway.

Country assignments:

alhabash - Italy

amenhotep - Russia

chaosonejoe - Austria

Harison_Bergeron - England

pieandmash - France

pjh5000 - Turkey

unititled36 - Germany

The deadline for first orders is Monday, 10 January at 9pm GMT, but say
hello to me before then just so I'm sure you got this email.

Remember to cc your orders to orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com. 
If I fail to
process a turn in time (by 10pm Central) then the game is taken out of
my hands and the turn processed by others using the orders that went to
that address.

Any questions, problems, etc then please do contact me.



dc364 country assignments (Winter Blitz) catsfather Jan 10, 02:31 am
Frist deadline approaching.  If you've not had a "received" message
from me in reply to your orders then I haven't got them.


On 05/01/11 06:18, Hamish Williams wrote:

The game has begun.

(Sorry, I forgot to cc the earlier email to blitz(at)..., so you players
are getting this duplicate.  Hamish)

On 04/01/11 07:05, Hamish Williams wrote:

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone.  I'm Hamish, your GM for
dc364.  Be nice to me and ... well, I'll treat you just like all the
other players, but be nice to me anyway.

Country assignments:

alhabash - Italy

amenhotep - Russia

chaosonejoe - Austria

Harison_Bergeron - England

pieandmash - France

pjh5000 - Turkey

unititled36 - Germany

The deadline for first orders is Monday, 10 January at 9pm GMT, but say
hello to me before then just so I'm sure you got this email.

Remember to cc your orders to orders(at)diplomaticcorp.com. 
I fail to
process a turn in time (by 10pm Central) then the game is taken out of
my hands and the turn processed by others using the orders that went to
that address.

Any questions, problems, etc then please do contact me.

dc342 ~ Imperial 1841 - sgttodd   (Jan 04, 2011, 11:53 pm)
Ok folks - I'm trying to get all the orders in with no NMRs this
first turn after the holidays.?? I'm going with whatever I've got by
tomorrow night 10pm my time.?? If you want to submit changes -
I'll take them.

DeadlineConfused? 10 pm EDT January 5th, 2011.


DC 338 Spring 09 Reminder - derekthefeared2   (Jan 04, 2011, 10:25 pm)
Reminder sping 09 orders are due this thursday at 3:00.  Don't forget.  Also as an FYI there will be a moderate delay after this turn at a players request.




Winter 1904 Results, Spring Orders Due Jan. 11th a... - bpynnonen   (Jan 04, 2011, 8:14 pm)
Oh yea- the maps!


Winter 1904 Results, Spring Orders Due Jan. 11th a... - bpynnonen   (Jan 04, 2011, 8:10 pm)
Russia builds:
A War

A Mos

F StP (NC)

Italy builds:

F Nap

Germany disbands:

NMR, Gascony

England builds:

F Lon

Spring 1905 Orders due Jan 11th at midnight.


Winter 1904 Results, Spring Orders Due Jan. 11th at Midnight (dc346) bpynnonen Jan 04, 08:14 pm
Oh yea- the maps!
DC327 - F15 adjudication - evapollo88   (Jan 04, 2011, 7:30 pm)
Sorry all. Holidays got me. shucks.


On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 5:32 PM, DipCorp Master <dipcorp.master(at)gmail.com> wrote:

And if you wondered about the votes: there was less consensus on the EGPs proposed than in Spring. So yes, once more each of them was rejected.

2011/1/4 DipCorp Master <dipcorp.master(at)gmail.com>

Fall 15 - NMR from Aetolia.
Greg, haven't heard from you; hope you're alright - I couldn't find any orders from you for F15. Let me know if I got it wrong.

As you had already used your 2 grace periods, this counts as your first NMR.

The army in Ilia got disbanded as a result.

One retreat required: Boeotian army in Opus.

A Corsea, no move received
A Doris, no move received
A Epictetus, no move received
A Ilia, no move received (*Disbanded*)

F Locris, no move received
F Zazynthus Sinus, no move received

A Helicon - Phocis
A Opus Supports A Helicon - Phocis (*Dislodged*)

F Delion - Marathon
A Eleusis - Delion

F Euboeius Sinus Supports A Eleusis - Delion
A Phocis - Opus
A Thebae Supports A Phocis - Opus

A Achaia Supports A Pellea - Kaphyae
A Arcania - Thermium
A Epidaurus - Mycenae
A Orchenenus - Maniana

F Patcae Supports A Achaia
A Pellea - Kaphyae
F Prian Rhium - Calydon
F Sinus Corinthiucus - Locris (*Fails*)

A Arcadia Hold
A Cyn. Supports A Tegea
F Cypurissius Sinus Supports A Protilae - Pisatis

A Dafni Supports F Pisatis - Ilia
A Elis Supports F Pisatis - Ilia
F Ira Supports F Cypurissius Sinus
F Laconicus Sinus - Messeniacus Sinus
F Mare Mediterranea Hold
F Marmora Sinus Supports F Mare Mediterranea

A Megalopolis Supports A Arcadia
F Pisatis - Ilia
A Protilae - Pisatis
A Tegea Supports A Megalopolis

F Italus Sinus Convoys A Ilia - Sicily (*Void*)

One retreat: Boeotian A Opus can retreat to Helicon; or OTB.

Deadline for Autumn retreat is Wednesday Jan 5 at 10pm.



DC327 - Autumn 15 retreat - bielf11   (Jan 04, 2011, 5:15 pm)


dc-358 game start! - raybrucea   (Jan 04, 2011, 4:42 pm)
Hello all,


Everyone should be aware that I have no weekend net access.  Once I
sign off on Friday, I will see no mail or adjudications until sometime Monday
morning EST.  Nor will I be able to write during that interval.




In a message dated 1/4/2011 5:33:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
coryfucius(at)yahoo.com writes:

Notably, all spring deadlines will occur on a Monday, fall deadlines
will be on a Thursday, and winter adjustments will occur on a Friday. 
GMs are able to choose the time when orders are due, so for this
game, I am setting all game deadlines at 3pm Central (US) / 21:00


dc-358 game start! - coryfucius   (Jan 04, 2011, 4:33 pm)
Welcome to our round 1 game of DC Winter Blitz 2011, everyone!


For those of you who don't already know me, my name is Cory Burris, and I have been a member of DC for nearly 5 years.  Most of my Diplomacy in recent years has been limited to GM duties, as the task of locating billions of dollars for a cratering state budget has taken up a fair amount of my time.  I work in the budget office of the Governor of Illinois, an unenviable task, as Illinois has been doing its best to catch up to California as the US state with the lowest bond rating.  Incidentally, given our state's growing backlog of unpaid bills, does anyone know a good way to find $13 billion fast?


Since this is a tournament game, there is a common set of rules and season deadlines that all GMs are observing.  This can be found at www.diplomaticcorp.com/tournament.php -- be sure to click the "Rules" option near the top of the main screen once you go to this page.  Notably, all spring deadlines will occur on a Monday, fall deadlines will be on a Thursday, and winter adjustments will occur on a Friday.  GMs are able to choose the time when orders are due, so for this game, I am setting all game deadlines at 3pm Central (US) / 21:00 GMT.


An important note: when submitting orders, make sure to include the game identifier "dc-358" in the subject line, and also cc: the tournament's Orders box (orders-at-diplomaticcorp.com) -- this is for your protection in case your e-mail doesn't get through to me, or if I am not available and need a moderator to run a turn.  One of my players in dc-291 sent an e-mail that didn't arrive in my inbox for a day, but fortunately did reach the Orders box, saving him from an NMR.


Press is allowed and encouraged.  For those who are unfamiliar with press, that is simply generic messages that are made public as a part of the turn's results.  Typically, press is just generic silliness that may or may not pertain to the game.  There is actually some good press in the dc-274 game, so you can read the different turns on that game to see some examples.  Please be sure to introduce yourselves to your fellow players.


Don't forget to check out the game's page on the DC web site at www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc358 -- I will update it after each adjudication.  I will also e-mail each adjudication to everyone, as well as a .dpy game file for use in the Realpolitik adjudication software.


And now your lineups!  We have a nice mix of experienced and newer members of DC for this game:
Austria:  Jeffrey Krauss  (diplomacy-at-jeffreyk.com)
England:  Kon Lederer  (konworldwide-at-gmail.com)
France:  Christian Wen  (christian.wen-atgmail.com)
Germany:  Bruce Ray  (raybrucea-at-aol.com)
Italy:  Thomas Fletcher  (tfletch33-at-yahoo.com)
Russia:  Jack Taylor  (smt125-at-hotmail.com)
Turkey:  Robert Bolin  (Robert-at-Draugnar.com)


The spring 1901 deadline will be Monday, January 10 at 3pm Central (US) / 21:00 GMT.  Preliminary orders are strongly encouraged!  Thanks for playing, everyone, and happy stabbing!




dc-358 game start! (Winter Blitz) raybrucea Jan 04, 04:42 pm
Hello all,


Everyone should be aware that I have no weekend net access.  Once I
sign off on Friday, I will see no mail or adjudications until sometime Monday
morning EST.  Nor will I be able to write during that interval.




In a message dated 1/4/2011 5:33:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
coryfucius(at)yahoo.com writes:

Notably, all spring deadlines will occur on a Monday, fall deadlines
will be on a Thursday, and winter adjustments will occur on a Friday. 
GMs are able to choose the time when orders are due, so for this
game, I am setting all game deadlines at 3pm Central (US) / 21:00
dc-358 game start! (Winter Blitz) coryfucius Jan 07, 04:34 pm
As the game's GM, I should have mentioned that I also don't have Internet access most weekends, so don't be surprised if your weekend e-mails to me aren't answered until Monday morning (US Central time).  Also, my apologies to those of you who have already sent prelims but haven't seen an acknowledgment from me.  Our state legislature is having a very busy lame duck session, as it seeks a solution to that $13 billion problem I mentioned in my welcome message, so I have been tied up in work issues.



From: "Raybrucea(at)aol.com" <Raybrucea(at)aol.com>
To: coryfucius(at)yahoo.com; kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Robert(at)Draugnar.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; diplomacy(at)jeffreyk.com; konworldwide(at)gmail.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; smt125(at)hotmail.com; christian.wen(at)gmail.com
Sent: Tue, January 4, 2011 4:42:48 PM
Subject: Re: dc-358 game start!

Hello all,


Everyone should be aware that I have no weekend net access.  Once I sign off on Friday, I will see no mail or adjudications until sometime Monday morning EST.  Nor will I be able to write during that interval.




In a message dated 1/4/2011 5:33:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, coryfucius(at)yahoo.com writes:

Notably, all spring deadlines will occur on a Monday, fall deadlines will be on a Thursday, and winter adjustments will occur on a Friday.  GMs are able to choose the time when orders are due, so for this game, I am setting all game deadlines at 3pm Central (US) / 21:00 GMT.
dc-358 game start! (Winter Blitz) garry.bledsoe Jan 09, 01:07 pm
We have a replacement Turkey for you. I realize that it is late but it is the best we could do. Please allow me to introduce...

Sun Chung! Our new Turkey.

His email is sun.chung(at)gmail.com. Please communicate as you can. Our deadline for tomorrow still stands. Cory will adjudicate accordingly.

Sun - attached is the gamestart email. Please communicate with the players as you wish.

Cory - I will do the appropriate stuff to update the players in the game.


Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 14:33:39 -0800
From: coryfucius(at)yahoo.com
Subject: dc-358 game start!
To: kielmarch(at)hotmail.com; blitz(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Robert(at)Draugnar.com; tfletch33(at)yahoo.com; diplomacy(at)jeffreyk.com; konworldwide(at)gmail.com; raybrucea(at)aol.com; mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net; smt125(at)hotmail.com; christian.wen(at)gmail.com

Welcome to our round 1 game of DC Winter Blitz 2011, everyone!


For those of you who don't already know me, my name is Cory Burris, and I have been a member of DC for nearly 5 years.  Most of my Diplomacy in recent years has been limited to GM duties, as the task of locating billions of dollars for a cratering state budget has taken up a fair amount of my time.  I work in the budget office of the Governor of Illinois, an unenviable task, as Illinois has been doing its best to catch up to California as the US state with the lowest bond rating.  Incidentally, given our state's growing backlog of unpaid bills, does anyone know a good way to find $13 billion fast?


Since this is a tournament game, there is a common set of rules and season deadlines that all GMs are observing.  This can be found at www.diplomaticcorp.com/tournament.php -- be sure to click the "Rules" option near the top of the main screen once you go to this page.  Notably, all spring deadlines will occur on a Monday, fall deadlines will be on a Thursday, and winter adjustments will occur on a Friday.  GMs are able to choose the time when orders are due, so for this game, I am setting all game deadlines at 3pm Central (US) / 21:00 GMT.


An important note: when submitting orders, make sure to include the game identifier "dc-358" in the subject line, and also cc: the tournament's Orders box (orders-at-diplomaticcorp.com) -- this is for your protection in case your e-mail doesn't get through to me, or if I am not available and need a moderator to run a turn.  One of my players in dc-291 sent an e-mail that didn't arrive in my inbox for a day, but fortunately did reach the Orders box, saving him from an NMR.


Press is allowed and encouraged.  For those who are unfamiliar with press, that is simply generic messages that are made public as a part of the turn's results.  Typically, press is just generic silliness that may or may not pertain to the game.  There is actually some good press in the dc-274 game, so you can read the different turns on that game to see some examples.  Please be sure to introduce yourselves to your fellow players.


Don't forget to check out the game's page on the DC web site at www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc358 -- I will update it after each adjudication.  I will also e-mail each adjudication to everyone, as well as a .dpy game file for use in the Realpolitik adjudication software.


And now your lineups!  We have a nice mix of experienced and newer members of DC for this game:
Austria:  Jeffrey Krauss  (diplomacy-at-jeffreyk.com)
England:  Kon Lederer  (konworldwide-at-gmail.com)
France:  Christian Wen  (christian.wen-atgmail.com)
Germany:  Bruce Ray  (raybrucea-at-aol.com)
Italy:  Thomas Fletcher  (tfletch33-at-yahoo.com)
Russia:  Jack Taylor  (smt125-at-hotmail.com)
Turkey:  Robert Bolin  (Robert-at-Draugnar.com)


The spring 1901 deadline will be Monday, January 10 at 3pm Central (US) / 21:00 GMT.  Preliminary orders are strongly encouraged!  Thanks for playing, everyone, and happy stabbing!



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Rows per page:

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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